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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 837
Thread images: 230

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based qt edition

>Official Website

>The Oversheet

>/owg/ ID List


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>OP Pastebin

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

>Overwatch DPS Sheet
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Reminder to
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Fourth for shipping.
>Genji and Hanzo study the art of the samurai for years and were able to climb walls because of their practice
>Junkrat puts spikes on a tire

>Pharah has military grade equipment that cost millions of dollars and is state of the art
>Junkrat put a bunch of old scrap from a car together
>They both do 120 damage
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I want to _____ pharah
She can heal Bastion no problem, make of that what you will.
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I want to masturbate to overwatch lewd art. None of this sfm shit.
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Mie and Bastion are probably really good friends; it may even be a mother/son kind of relationship
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>Think it's going to be a good game with no tryhards this time
>Enemy has two Reapers

I'd like to play something other than Pharah, please.
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Not sure why, but ever since about 30 minutes ago, I've had extreme lag with the game.

It's odd since I haven't had any troubles to the game so far.
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>playing against a guy named Bloodman92
>bitches about our Bastion
>he's playing as Junkrat
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>place 57
>top 14% of all players
The secret treasure Junkrat found was a God Program that teaches him how to build superweapons out of trash.
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xth for I keep missing Reaper ign posts and my collage would probably be done by now if I was attentive
land direct hits with
>have over 63% or so of MMR
>leave during setup because solo defense equals a loss

Jesus christ fuck off game im not playing defense at high MMR, also is there a counter for good Tracers, beside a Pharah predict which is way rare
I don't trust pug Reinhardts to not just drop their shield and charge in.
You won't keep your rank anon. It will plummet and you'll rage.
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Shameless self promotion.:


btw this is a joke i actually love junkrat
>also is there a counter for good Tracers

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holy kek
So Mercy is a world-renowned doctor and surgeon, but how far does this apply to cybernetic prosthesis? Say someone gets their artificial arm damaged, no organic components to it, how much would she be able to help with that? I imagine that she would need to know her stuff, but what would the man/machine ratio need to be before she realizes that she needs to pass that to someone else?
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d va
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>you will never feel Tracer rest her face against your chest as you hug her
>pick reaper
>disregard team
>go absolutely fucking ape shit and solokill anyone 1v1, even tanks drop before they can react
>then go invulnerable and pick up a health pack and do it again
>then press q and kill 2/3 people as they spawn to get my team even more free time

woah le edgy man is bretty good
Reaper can 1 shot headshot tracer at both of their effective ranges
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>Play a soul-draining ranked game on Volskaya where we lose after playing a billion rounds
>Decide to play quick play instead
>Now arriving at Volskaya Industries

Jesus christ map blacklisting fucking when

Cyka industries is by far the worst map in the game, it isnt fun to play at any point
She just pumps people full of nano machines, they do all the work.
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>was a God Program
Ah hell, that makes way too much sense

>Junkrat has a captured God Program that he uses to help plan his heists, that's why he's so effective
You're wasting your time. Just ignore them and shoot straight forward, they always seem to run right into it. Aiming with pharah is overrated.
>That symmetra on defense that doesn't bother swapping when the enemy is on the final push of the payload
>Puts a teleporter up that saves maybe half a second if we're lucky

Why the fuck do they do this?
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Post genji memes
She's a corpse in that pic.
whats the difference?
Softly cuddle with
it's not even close to the worst map.

Anubis is god awful and Dorado starts off as a train wreck
I don't see the problem here.
>Finish placements


I guess it wasnt as bad as it could have been, but really fuck ranked 10 games in and I can already tell its going to be the same shitshow that league ranked was
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>implying that's a bad thing.

Because most enemies walk right into her webcams and she does a ton of damage without having to aim.
sfm shit is good if people don't fuckin' post futa shit
Roadhof has 600 health and zero armor
it's obviously because they're Australian
Where's the issue?
Have faith in your iron giant of Aryan fury made manifest, anon.
Also, always be scoping out cover to go to if he does drop, preferably cover that lets you advance to support him if he charges.
comfort and support
>pick winston
>press mouse 1
>follow tracer
>if she goes away just jump at her
>she can't ever fight back no matter what

But let me guess, you can't swap heroes to be useful because that's your team's job and a tank doesn't get gold medals so no way im picking that!11
>lose humiliatingly in an unquestioned stomp
>died several times after leaving spawn before even being able to deal damage
>lose a ranking level
>you close overwatch and go out to get groceries
>all your coupons expired yesterday
>somebody tries to rob the market you're in
>spend a couple hours being held hostage
>finally be free and get home, exhausted and with no food because the supermarket had to close down immediately and the police questioned you until the stores in your area are closed
>walk in, see your girlfriend being humped by a stranger, they notice and run out, both mortified and ecstatic with the adrenaline of being caught
>you don't bother chasing, you'll deal with it tomorrow
>lock the door and go upstairs to start drinking
>get nice and buzzed
>something smells like smoke
>the guy your girlfriend cheated on you with was making something to eat with your food and kitchen
>a fire breaks out and burns your house down
>you had to jump from the second story, breaking a leg in the process
>you don't have fire insurance
>sleep in a cheap motel, you have no friends close enough who will let you crash
>your now ex-girlfriend confronts you and tries to pin the blame of the relationship on you in a public place, the people around her agrees with her, and somebody tosses their soda in your face, staining the only set of clothes you have after your house burned down
>your cell is running out of batteries, but you get a call
>its a doctor
>your parents were in a car crash, and died almost immediately
>you are given the responsibility of taking care of them
>your siblings refuse to split the cost, leaving it up to you to arrange funeral plans
>a will was found, you were cut out of the inheritance and your siblings run off with all of it without looking back
>you declare bankruptcy after the funeral, people hate you for not having a better funeral and see you as an ungrateful cunt
>you die in the street, denied of financial aid from everyone you know
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Jesus fucking Christ! Am I ever going to go on a run in this fucking game? This is the second time this has happened in the span of a few games. What the hell can I do?
She's pretty much dead regardless.
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Post hetero ships.
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How often does she get Sentries? At this point they're usually destroyed around the map and we need damage or hell even a 2nd healer to deal with the onslaught.
Not sexualize the video game character known as
>a tank doesn't get gold medals so no way im picking that!

You must not play a lot of roadhog
>play a game of overwatch
>lose everything and everyone I hold dear in a tragic turn of events

nice fucking game blizz-shills
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Which characters have the best interactions?
this is like the worst ship I have ever seen

like wow
I play a lot of roadhog, but I usually get gold medals no matter what I play when it's DPS so it doesn't fucking matter anyway.

Gold medals don't even mean anything. Wow I spammed rightclick as roadhog and got 30k damage by hitting a rein shield :^)
Depends on where you put them. Any defense map but Kings Row after the first point I'm always at 6. If any get destroyed I instantly place more.
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>tfw viper got out of the hospital
>tfw he's preparing to fight THOD 1+2+3
>tfw he'll probably end up back in the hospital after the battle
Jesus christ please all the games i've lost today is because of some gay tracer main running around shooting everyone, she can literally melts tanks at her will no matter what
Mercy and Reaper

It implies that Mercy had something to do with how Reaper turned out and it makes their relationship interesting as hell.
>when you get put on a team with a 5 stack of retards against a decent 6 stack
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>Twintail Dva
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>mfw my team managed to defend for 8 minutes in a comp game.
>just rank 40 things
>it's a lets figure out what cheese setup we need to win on kings row attack in sudden death episode
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>enemy team has multiple roadhogs mei or reapers
>70% win rate
>went from 62-58 today because of disconnects on both teams every game

This is the worst matchmaking system I have ever seen.
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>not appreciating Zarya getting over her discriminative nature and finding love
Shit taste, senpai.
Tell me one hero that can absolutely shit on tracer in any way, regardless of team and range, i will main him until the end of the dawn
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>Get invited to group for matchmaking due to super display of monkey dicking
>Ching Chong Towers
>Someone picks Lucio
>He probably knows how to wallride, right?
>Fuck no, dies, doesn't contest, has a deathly allergic reaction to the point
>Get gold in Kills, Kills on Point, and Damage done
>Get silver for objective, 2:13
>We lose 3-0
>Everyone that was in the premade left
>didn't get ranked down

Guess it's exclusively solo queue for me.
>play symmetra on defense
>somebody types in caps "WELL SINCE THAT GUY PICKED SYMMETRA WE MUST BE TROLLING" and locks in symmetra too
>builds a teleporter going off the map into a kill plane so when my teleporter goes up its a 50/50 chance that if you go into the wrong one you die instantly
thanks blizzard

I really really love being forced to backfill into a lost game



it's actually my least favorite thing
>it's easy as fuck to attack unless there's a huge skill difference or one team picks good/useful things and the other has garbage
>Most games end up a draw and go to sudden death
>Attack wins most of the time there too

What's the point of this. KOTH and payload are the only non-trash modes where it's not as bad. They should just scrap this "capture the point" shit. Most of the maps are free as fuck to take the first point then the second one is absurdly hard. Terrible map design.
do teams with single-symmetra support still exist?
people know by now shes a glorified defense hero, right?
best mercy skin? can't decide between the nords and the evil/imp
I'm gonna be honest, that sounds hilarious. It's like playing dice with god.
I got put into a game last night with the overtime bar about a third down.
Who here is /team bazza/?

cant kill him without ult

he one shots her after a grab or even not grabbing
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o-oh boy!!
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i like that comic
dont play for another 25 levels
4k blizzard shekels should I just start buying epic skins?
Does anyone else just hate Watchpoint Gibraltar

Something about it is just so tedious
I swear the talent pool is lower in Competitive than Quick Play
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>Genji lewds
i need more of this ship danmit
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>be rank 51
>only play with 60+ in quick match
>It implies that Mercy had something to do with how Reaper turned out and it makes their relationship interesting as hell.
She did science magic and he wasn't dead anymore
getting through the hanger with an uncoordinated team is pure hell and the reason ive dodged the map for weeks
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i like zenyatta and he's kind of fun to play, but holy shit when will he get health buffs? he's almost unfun to play because it feels like he's made of paper.
>appreciating Zarya getting over her discriminative nature

Of course I don't fucking like that.

Fuck off xenophile.
>hanamura on defence
>play mercy
>doing really well keeping them away from the first point and pretty much at their spawn
>skype call incomes
>rings for 10 seconds then takes me OUT of the game and to my desktop
>frantically try to alt tab back into the game
>i died
>everyone else died
>everything went to shit in that moment of getting taken out of take
>we lose

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Sorry friend-o, no more twintails. Here's a ponytail
post R63
>match starts
Please tell me there's a program that records past gameplay. I need to save that, my sides exploded
>Cute cyborg genji
i'm so fucking surprised a tripfag would post a contrarian opinion nobody asked for. i'm just completely astounded this incredibly rare thing happened. here's your attention fag
>Using Skype

C'mon man...
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who am i going?
started to play more with Rein
he seems like a bro
No anon! Why would you do that? You're honestly better off using the mail.
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hot and cold.png
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It's probably my favorite map or tied with Dorado.
>A long range sniper who will never see the frontlines
>200 HP

>A slow support whose ult requires his team to huddle around him as he inches his way forward
>150 HP
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genji is pure and not for lewd
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>Competitive mode
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>That Mei'd driff
I hate when people draw Junkrat cute and with a full head of hair.
>40-something rank
Found your problem shitter
everythings comin up explodey!
God damn climbed to 58 and dropped to 53 after a few games. The amount of stupidity I've seen over these past few losses is amazing. Genji instant pickers, bastion on offense, people who can't play rein, afkers.
This shit is bad for my health.
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>sub-50 competitive mode
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He can snipe just as well as widowmaker and his ult makes him unkillable. What's the problem?
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>Playing Torb
>See a reinhardt jump up to shield my turret
>Just my lone turret, no one behind it
>End up ulting so much I never need to repair it because reinhardt is always shielding it
>Enemy never leaves the diner in route 66
Tracer main here, all the delicious tears in these threads give me life
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>Not even reaper has enough damage to stop the bullshit double zarya train

Who the fuck am I supposed to pick to counter this
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post more bab and dad
mom optional but encouraged
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The life of a Reinhardt main is tough my dudes. Started today at rank 57, and after three straight losses, back down to 55. Every game was the same, shield the team, team can't shoot, shield breaks, team dies instantly becausee they decide to push when shield is down. I would tank so much damage too, I would average around 40, damage blocked.
double zarya
How can you convince your teammates to push?

Have fun trying to hit that little shit.
>40, damage blocked.
dammit guys, when we said "dont shoot the shield" we meant the pink ones!
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bastion lewds when?
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me reading this post.gif
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>That bulge
I'm not gay but dear lord
Yeah. Everyone on this board is 60+
40 damage blocked on reinhardt? holy shit someone get this man a medal.
Jokes on you i was falseflagging this entire time :^)
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>getting shit on by a Torbjorn
>we have a Pharah AND a Genji
>both of them are too fucking retarded to take out ONE Torbjorn

and it's like I can't even switch and do it myself because I'm playing some essential hero like Lucio or Rein

>level 40
You are the problem.
>I would average around 40, damage blocked
That's like two shots from widows smg
>tfw constantly deranking from people disconnecting
>now below 60
>I have bronze damage as Lucio
Surely it can't get worse than this
Does anyone know where i can find that image of trans Hanzo? I can't seem to find it.
If you can convince someone to play bastion on attack, they can actually guard crush enemy Reinhardts pretty easily, and can gun down enemies behind your shield, if you're having a particularly difficult time pushing to the objective against people like Roadhog and Zarya

But for the love of god, use your mic and tell them when you're going to drop it
2 reapers ya derp.
sub-50 is literally below average
low 40s is actual literal mariana trench tier
>she calls McRee cowboy
I love that even by itself.
whats the best way to scare a torb into activating his ult?
>play a tank one round
>play a support the second round
>play a dps the third round
>end up with zero medals and thus low as fuck xp

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>people are actually playing ranked
To what avail?
Which one?
Shit fanart
shoot him or his turret
torb only uses ult for a free heal anyway
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I want her.
But he has a soul. He's literally a man inside of a cybernetic body. It's about looking past one's exterior and seeing the man inside.
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would you?
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damage his turret.
I've ulted from Dva plinking it with her pulse guns.
Scares the shit out of me
T. 35 hour Torb player
Does anyone else think your skill rating should be more dependent on your performance rather than that of the team. You always lose a good chunk of your level, if not a whole level upon losing, but if you did really well it should mitigate it to little or no loss. There are other games like MWO where you can lose, but if you do good enough, you'll suffer no skill loss or even go up in skill rating if you do really well.

As an example, I lost a sudden death match on watchpoint gibraltar tonight. It was a close game where I played well (I had 52 eliminations with 63% kill participation compared to their highest guy with 47 kills). Yet despite having a good performance, I still lost a whole rank when I feel I should have stayed at the same skill level.
The one where he has a vagina and McCree's fucking him
The "you lose more points and you win less points" is so fucking dumb, even if you have a 60% win ratio you will still keep deranking.
God dammit! Kek, I so furious that I didn't see my mistake as I was furiously typing. I meant 40,000 damage blocked
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>enemy Lucio uses sound bop
>go flying across the map at the speed of sound

>I use sound bop
>enemy movies 3 inches
do girls actually like when men open jars?
Schoolgirl Zarya is 100000x cuter than regular one
Pharah, if you can get 3 shots off from a safe range the turret dies before they activate it and they end up wasting the ult.
look slightly up and dont be jumping
if you bop someone while theyre in mid air they go flying
>tfw rank 38
>tfw it wasn't actually my fault
I had a stretch where people would constantly leave, combined with the KOTH bug
>tfw stuck in this tier and can't do anything to get out of it because everyone is a shitter, for every good group there's 3 really really bad ones.
>Do women like when men do shit for them
yeah but don't be a pussy about it
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What's with his hair? is it just always on fire?

This is acceptable on Watchpoint Gibraltar and Anubis imo
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zenyatta will be buffed in the near future
my #1 ship (mom x dad) will become canon
>Overwatch dating sim:
>'I'm sorry, you must be at least a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory ”'
t. gentlesir
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He is fire. He eat's bombs for fun, that's how he get's his passive I dunno.
Will my ex ever let me see my son again?
some girls get gratification from of being treated like ladies and having their heartthrobs casually help them out yeah. keyword is heartthrob

genji has a better time against zarya with his double jump and the low tickrate
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not always, he just likes to set it on fire to 'get in the mood'; if you know what I mean
I just went 22-0 with S76. How can people say this faggot isn't OP?
So does it only work if they ask you to do it?
Like would it work if I just opened a lot of jars near a girl?
Will I get Stonehardt some day?
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>Lucio starts playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJAOawGFxxo on loop while contesting
>Contests the whole time until we win
I don't usually like this annoying meme shit but as long as we win it's fine
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As a Zarya main, Reaper is tough to 1v1 unless you have both self-bubble and very high energy. For a ubiquitous tank counter, he sure does his job well.

Due to the limited range on M1, it's also very hard for Zarya to dissuade a harassing Pharah as well unless she wants to follow close to Pharah, thus leaving her team behind and being a bad tank.
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>Characters with literally no good sprays

I'll start.
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>tfw can't reply that because the board thinks it's spam
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>People still try in quick play

Absolutely disgusting. Stop getting so mad in quick play I just go there to practice characters and not give a fuck.
good thing dubs are disabled
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daily reminder there are tournaments played on 20 tick servers
Will I be able to fuck my healslut tomorrow?
>implying his coin spray isn't good

fuck off with your shit taste, you from india or something?
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>"In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings"
>play double zarya

It's that easy lads
Will Reaper ever stop yelling REAPERSITIONING very loudly?
If it's the same playing field is it really that bad?
Anyone around rank 60 on PS4

Sick of people who think hanzo is good in competitive

who the fuck uses snipers on king of the hill seriously, especially using thumbsticks
>play double anything
>win because stacking invalidates their weaknesses
This is like that riddle with the two demons. I'm not sure I would've been mad.
Can't kill him even WITH ult, I think. A Roadhog who can aim a hook at a Tracer is a Roadhog that will never be bothered by a Tracer.
They're in an mmr where most soldiers have <50% accuracy. It's really useful for spotting shitters though. If you think he's weak, shit or underpowered it means you're a shitter playing with shitters whereas if you think he's practically mobile mid-range area denial then you're probably playing with better than average players.
>who the fuck plays shooters using thumbsticks
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>finish placements 4-6 (2 losses because leavers on my team)

How'd I do? I feel completely average

sticking to quick play, competitive is lame as fuck
when will they ban double heroes?
Hello, I am a melanin enriched gentleman. What Overwatch girl would best appeal to my taste in women and aesthetic sensibilities?
yes it is.
I haven't touched ranked yet but I'm a pretty good lucio. Timezone?
His biotic field spray is great though and even works as a communication spray.
never because then all the genji and hanzo mains would flood their forums and support complaining that they can't pick their main because some other autist already did
custom games are 60 I believe
Mei or widow
can someone explain this tick rate meme to me?
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>Tough game but win
>Everyone on my team still upset
we won you gaggle of faggots why are you still complaining about hero picks
Do you guys think all the problems with Overwatch that completely ruin the experience like shitty matchmaking, ranked, and balance will ever get fixed or are they just gonna keep piling shit on top of shit and we're just gonna have to deal with it? I miss the first two weeks of the game before I started noticing all the flaws ;_;
Bait the hook, go for the kill but not too close, like with every hero that has a failsafe ability.
>Win 5 straight matches on comp with no disconnects
>Then lose 5 straight matches on comp with no disconnects

Legit question, why does forced 50 even exist? Like, what does Blizzard "get" out of it?
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post your face when MAXIMUM CHARGE
They will be balancing forever. New characters and new maps will fuck all balancing done previously
It's a shot in the dark because

>muh queue times

But what if they had two versions of comp and/or quickplay?

One with highlander rules, one without?

What if you could queue as a hero? Sort of like how you would queue for your role in WoW pugs.
10+ utc
True, however after creating a 60 tick server the game crashes
Why is the game shipped like this? Rushed product
It's how many times data is sent to the server
The rank almost completely depends on your personal performance, I had more losses then you and I'm 54.
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>Enemy Reinhardt walks into view
>No one shoots his shield
>Enemy Zarya walks into view
Commando 76 or Stunt Rider 76?
Easy question to answer because there's no forced 50. If your winrate is 50% that means the matchmaker is working.
what would happen if Mie deepthroated her blaster's barrel and fired?
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Futa is good

It's just that 95% of sfm is bad
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That means at least one, possibly both her shields are on cooldown, and if there are team members around there's enough distraction and/or massed firepower for me as Reaper to overwhelm and go in for the kill.

Zaryas lose their charge on death, after all.
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>no mod to replace 'ryujin no ken wo kurae' with 'RULES OF NATURE'
>Like, what does Blizzard "get" out of it?
Consistent players
Feels bad to lose, feels good to win
people might quit if they realize they suck
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Im posting this way too often

>play anything that isnt zarya
>zarya kills me because she's at full charge
>play zarya enemy team knows before I do when I'm going to shield myself or anyone on my team, my charge meter never goes above 50 all game and I do enough damage to maybe kill a sickly kitten on a good day
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>Finally level up
>A faint blossom of hope arises.

It's that shitty default filter on sfm. It just sucks for porn and I can always tell they used sfm.
Will I climb to 60?

I play a lot of lucio and it's only in the past couple of days that I've been wallrunning backwards

Not sure what's going on
Where can I find ALL the lore for Overwatch?
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Will Mcree ever be useful again?
>no mod support
blizzard plz we pc boys used to having basic stuff like that
I just came back from a "competative" game where out healer switched off of healer because he "changed his mind". It didn't help having a widow on attack on Route 66. Couldn't switch to healer because I was playing Rein. In hindsight, I should've switched since they would run away from my shield and not push the payload. I kind of wish they're was a pick and lock feature for supports on comp, you just can't switch off healer and expect someone else to switch
Long hair zarya WHERE
Play overwatch.com
There's not much, most seems to be made up as the time goes by.
I am told that the Omnic Crisis was only introduced fairly late in development
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How do I deal with genji? Nigga is impossible to shoot.
Please don't post the one with diogenes in it

It's my ign but I don't get why that shitter would pick brotier philosopher for his shitty edgelord meme rp

Nietzche would've been way more appropriate for that k/d obsessed scrub
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>shitty matchmaking

Are there any games out there that actually have good matchmaking?

Overwatch is pretty much the only game I play that has small teams with a selection of very different characters.

So far Overwatch has reinforced my ideas about why I avoid team games.
Different servers.
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Mei, always
Am I the only person in the world getting tired of being rolled by teams of retards with 1 god tier genji that carries them to victory?

This shit is ridiculous.
Sorry sorry sorry, violence is usually the answer, but no monkey business!
mei is disgusting
realistically, you can't deflect electricity with a sword
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I guess instead of trying to actually win games by picking heroes I don't care to play, I should have just picked ez stat padders
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Build a turret little nigga or play ice chink
I have 5 minutes total playtime as Genji, and they consist of using his spreadshot to ring all three bells in Dorado's spawn and then switching off
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>Weird/lack of shading everywhere but feet
I was doing some ventilation work at blizz HQ today. And I saw Jeff Kaplan, he looked very distraught and was very rude to some guy he was talking to.

Only saw him for like 20 seconds as we were leaving the building.
I have literally zero playtime as Hanzo, only time I've picked him was in the training range in order to check what his abilities and cooldowns were
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>Thick and meaty
Yeah, she's definitely appealing. Thanks man, you're both cool.
Mei is a decent idea. But Tor is just a non-starter on offense or king of the hill.

Genji is dogshit in bad hands but it seems like you get way too much out of him in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing.
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>do pretty well and place 56 in comp even with a game lost to a leaver
>decide to play some casual QP the last two days
>get my fucking ass handed to me and there's almost nothing I can fucking do about it every god damn game

Is this happening to anyone else? Every team I get matched with is legitimately awful, meanwhile the enemy all have 3 lvl2 prestige players and a pro Rein that shits all over us.

The last game I played our Lucio basically never once activated his healing and just speed boosted every time the CD was up.

Figured as much no one in my region thats semi decent. Not a great player either but not a moron at least

I'd join other regions and go as mercy because of lag
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>in match
>people just afk/ragequit then the match is 4 or less v 6
How is this fair?
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>competitive matchmaking is somehow worse than quick play matchmaking

it feels like I'm playing Dirty Bomb again jesus christ
What was the point of making a post like this? There's no thought put into it at all.
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who draws the best Mei?
Poo is god tier on point b of anubis

There's just so many super frustrating spots to drop sentries and spam m2 down the middle of the road it's ridiculous

I don't even main symmetra but if I'm playing something not immediately vital to the team I'll go poo in loo and just ruin the enemy teams day on b
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Neck yourself
I want Mei to brutally murder me.
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best ship or Zaree
Is Mei seriously a counter to Genji?

I am quite a good Mei player, I can 1v1 pretty much any other character at a similar skill level, but Genji is possibly the only one that makes me think "Oh shit" whenever he appears, except maybe Pharah.

Is it more that you can just encourage him to fuck off so he doesn't get frozen, rather than actually be a hard counter to him?
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>play as the tank
>get 3 gold medals in COMPETITIVE
Holy shit, I realized a problem with console while watching a friend play on PS4 earlier that has nothing to do with controllers.
There is no chat, and a lot of players have turned voice chat off because they don't have a mic, meaning that 80%+ of pubs players literally cannot communicate or be communicated to other than the basic communication wheel options.
How do you poor console fucks handle it?
>watch a "pro" overwatch player on twitch

why have I been paired with mouth breathers the past 3 games
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>somehow the only one on my team that is capable of killing the enemy mercy
>playing Reinhardt
Right now, everyone is playing it because it's the new toy. You'll never be completely free of shitters, but a lot of them will leave once it's not new and shiny anymore.
Is Torbjorn the easiest hero to hit that isn't tank y/n?
>Your health fucking regenerates I'm not dropping my last biotic field for you
>pro player who plays to win
>picks two of the most OP heroes
I don't see your point
>Pc players

Last I checked Pc didn't need a Torbjorn nerf of all things.
Is it mandatory to have a good mouse to do well in FPS games? My mouse is...well its not a good mouse.

So would I need to pick up an actual gaming mouse if I get this?
>have skins for every character
>but the ones I play
>still level 22 after 14 hours of play

Should I just accidentally already?
Even if you can't kill him because he's too cautious, if he is driven away and can't do what Genji does best [harassing your supports and just being a nuisance in general] just because of your presence in the area that's already him being dead weight in the greater scheme of things.

And it's not like you depend on a ability to be able to force him away like Flashbang, it's just your regular M1 that's sufficiently a threat.
Mei's body makes me want to cum deep inside her, but I also like her personality.
I think she'd make me happy if I spent time with her.
I think it's easier to hit reaper
in melee Mei shits on genji. On med to long ranke he can only throw shit at her but she can heal and out LOS him. So yes MEi counters Genji. Especially fun when he activates ultimate and wants to go on a rampage only to be frozen a split second later.

Heh, and I felt I was the only one is ammo counting the enemy team. 1-2-3-4 =Roadhog has no ammo => drop shield, charge

Mei, wait four M2. Then it's hammer time. She won't have enough blueberry juice left to freeze and kill me.

Junkrat 5 Shot - Clobbering time.
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This isn't even the craziest I've seen a girl. This is positively cozy.
>You will never take Mei to bed only for her quiet nerd persona to swap with her psycho femdom side by the time you hit the mattress.
Bitch climbs mountains for fun. She's not just some cute lab nerd
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>53% to 51%
>playing Pharah on Dorado
>concussion blast Roadhog off a cliff
>except not really
>Roadhog hooks me
>concussion blast disappears
Thanks Blizzard
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>She's a corpse in that pic.

Alright. Still warm.

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How many Matches can i leave before getting hit with the penalty in Normal? I have left 2 matches today usually leave within the first 2 minutes, once you get a feel for the team. Is the limit 3? Or is it based on time spent
Because PC players can actually aim, you try peek shooting his turret with a shitty controller. They still should have nerfed the lock on time, not the damage.
Zarya is so fucking broken when you hero stack
You should read her blog if you waifu her. It sounds like a good amount of lore.
Depending on how bad the mouse acceleration is, a cheap mouse can be okay.

The logitech g303 has one of, if not the, best sensor on the market and it's on sale for $25 at bb right now
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PC players needed a Widowmaker nerf
goddamn it. why can people just fucking play for the objective instead of chasing enemies. also stop camping at spawn when on your defense. fucking fuck fuck competitive solo q is fucking hell.
If it has side buttons it's good enough. Customizing dpi and all that stuff is neat but not mandatory.
Blizzard is too pussy to copy Tf2 that far I guess even if Valve already invented the wheel for them.
Console players never communicate, but their teamwork is great.
PC players always communicate, but their teamwork is poor.

t. a 26 year old that's played on both since I was a babby
Bastion > zenyatta> mei
best buy
Or get into the objective to extend overtime. I've seen so many players simply refuse to enter the objective because they can't seem to understand taking one for the team.
>capture the objective in KotH
>entire team except me happily leaves to go chase the enemy team in their spawn

Yes, because picking a fight with people who are five meters away from an invincibility field could in no way backfire.
Let go of the social winrate constructs and embrace your inner self. Your rage comes from knowing you are more than 50%, and you are, but the struggles hide your true potential. Do not give up, and let not rage overcome you.

Embrace tranquility, and know that whenever you put all your effort into a game, and that you did your part, than that means you truly succeeded.
>Sniper with a 1 sec charge time that deals 75% of most characters health
woah why would they nerf that
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I only play against ai
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>Acting like the console version is not completely casual already
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>just came across first double Zarya game

We didn't stand a chance
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>be pharah
>get pinned
>fly off map
>just press shift
>Reinhardt dies, go into point b and win the game
Lol this kind of accidental suicide seems unfair
I'm so fucking done with this game

>Spend half an hour on Numbani
>It's pretty much a complete stomp, kick their asses hard because the team actually listens and communicates
>Next match is Temple of Good Luck Winning This One Faggot
>Team is a bunch of mouthbreathing guttersnipes who are seemingly incapable of understanding human speech let alone the English language
>Absolutely refuse to group up, just charging in one at a time and feeding the enemy team ults
>Get completely fucking stomped on attack, our Tracer (was Widowmaker) because of course a shitter like this would have no idea how to play anything useful is the only one to even touch the point once
>They fucking roll through us on defense, I shouldn't have even bothered leaving spawn
>Lose any and all progress that I made in the previous match, and then some

When will ranking be determined by how well you actually do instead of whether or not you lose?
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>You had a chance to go double reaper
>You did not
that guy makes a good turtle
Hmm.. not showing it on the website. Its $50 there.
>Lvl 16
I'm sure those were some top-notch players you were up against there anon.
Holy fuck Genji is the most annoying little runt in the universe

get this fucking weeaboo out of my game
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>tfw went from 63.9% winrate to 64% winrate
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Why the fuck is this shit allowed? Blizzard needs to stop favoring win/loss so much when they dish out placement rankings for fuck's sake.

His quickplay w/l is 7% lower than mine too, so don't bring up "muh hidden mmr".
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bikini skins when?
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Thats not me, thats console. There is no excuse for being that bad at an fps game. Also 5v1 lol.
>reaper drops on zarya
>zarya feels the first meatshot
>presses lshift
>turns around and kills reaper immediately
>Your Genji
>Literally a toddler who stole his dad's controller and is playing the game entirely on accident with it in his mouth

>Their Genji
>Trained as a real life shenobi and this is just something he does in between doing real life ninja shit
Just play Winston. He's pretty cathartic when you can shit on all those little buggers and bypass several forms of bullshit with your own.
That's why you project a shield onto your teammates and only use your shield when your own shields are getting low. At the very least you give your teammates or yourself time to fuck their shit up or get away.
>65 to 56

Damn anon rough night?
>kills Reaper immediately with no charge
Yeah nah
Anyone know if they fixed the bug where your rank shows as Heroic when you're choosing a hero? Or if it was bugged at all?
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Yeah, an OP sniper never happened before.
Will summer skins come out in the next month?
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>mfw zarya gets nerfed
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>Wait for Zarya to press shift
>Click twice
>Dead Zarya
Sometimes videogames require you to actually think before you act.
>tfw no eyes to cry with
It's okay to experience hate, and it's natural to let it go from your body and vent, like a kettle
I guess I didn't make that image very clear. I'm comparing myself (bottom, placement 56) with a friend (top, placement 65), and expressing my distaste for the fact that every single one of his stats is worse than mine yet he still ranked so much higher than me because he played with premades.
>double reaper comps become the new meta
Do you think posting something from a completely different game somehow leverages your argument?
I used to get upset about people playing roadhog but then i realized no one locks tracer genji or mei with a roadhog on my team. Thanks highwayham.
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>mfw reaper gets nerfed

Reaper's too ez to play for how strong he is
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>duo que placement matches with a friend
>have a blast playing
>get ranks
>"another game?"
>"nah i just wanted to check it out"
Will I ever get consistent with Pharah?
Zarya doesn't need nerfed. Soldier 76's spread should be nerfed, and Junkrat's damage and radius should be nerfed.
Will my overwaifu marry me?
You probably rage quit so many games in quick matches before ranked came out didnt you
How did you type this?
How does matchmaking work?

I got suspicious after a bit, and after keeping track my current win/loss is basically 1/1, with each win followed by a large loss.
>There was broken stuff in other games so why can't it be here too
reaper just needs his role as a flanker established

remove his footstep noises and increase his shotgun spread and damage fall off and he'll be perfectly balanced.
Will I ever get good with D.va
how do you beat a really good tracer?
Not really, just when I was matched into in-progress matches that were seconds away from being lost.

Why, does that count against my placement or some stupid shit?
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>People who have played the game for less than an hour
>No excuse
Braille monitor.
pray for good luck
sleep tight, pupper
pla Riadhig and wait untol you get luckey
play Junkrat and spam bombs as you always dp
play Mie and slow her down
Brale and/or speech-to-text, you dumb shit.
Also I was talking about S76.
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Its going to happen, there is no doubt about that. I already knew blizzard would find a way to ruin this game...its what they do. Reddit's tears balance this game, not Blizzard.

>mfw shit players who complain about ___ actually try to play ___ and get curb stomped.
Sale must have ended then, sorry. That was a good deal too. Maybe set a camelcamelcamel alert for it on amazon, it was $25 there for a while too
>competitive rank based entirely on your win rate
>solo matchmaking always ensures you will lose
>those gold medals mean jack fucking shit and you're rewarded with sub-30 rank
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>remove his footstep noises
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Post what you listen to while playing

Give her the tiny ape dick
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>tfw you're sad that you are about to die yet happy to be loved at the same time
your friend probably saw how much of a corny joke the competitive play is and decided it's better to just have fun in quick play
What's a polite way to tell the group you're playing with that they're terrible and you'd be better off in solo queue
Am i cutest poster itt?
>went from 62 to 56 in 2 days
Why is it that this game needs to have a spread of dogshit and good players on a single team? If I get placed at 60 I should get level 60s on my team. Not terrible faggots that aren't good enough. I shouldn't have to work EVEN HARDER because I'm good enough to get up to level 62 and still have level 54s on my team. Ranked is a complete joke and not even worth the effort I put in to carry a group of 5 retarded niggers that aren't even my rank.
what is this?

a mercy killing?
Am I the cutest poster itt?
Winston but make sure your bubble is up, Mei, turrets, rocket finish off with Soldier or his ult if another squishy is nearby, Junkrat, and headshotting her after a flashbang as McCree
You're basing your anti-Widow argument on other games, anons.
Are you having a stroke, anon? Should I call an ambulance?
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Best music to play while maining Zarya? I was listening to red army choir but I want something more space laser-y
woahh there..
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>Remove footstep noises
Anon, are you drunk?
>Gets play of the game on Gibraltar as Symmetra
>Flank-lasering the shit out of a Mercy, a Soldier, a Lucio, and a Junkrat.
>Junkrat kills me with a point plank concussive mine and actually flies into my sentries behind the shipping crate above the tunnel.
>15 turret, 31 eliminations.
>Gets friend requests and group join request after from teammates.
>I didn't want to play anymore, so MFW.

Was a good way to end the night. Still, the PotG highlight intro was shit; I have both Dance and Reality, so I set it on Random and got Heroic. Bleaugh.
from a fanfic where Mercy was the talon agent that blew up Overwatch and Morrison found out
sounds like the common link here is YOU, mr shitter

git gud
>game fps gradually drops to 0
>still lose MMR
Why would anyone reconnect if you lose points anyway?
my biggest gripe in this game.

no one seems to understand the game modes they have over 100 games in
>You're basing your anti-Widow argument on other games
I don't know where I mentioned any other game, I'm talking about widow who used to double tap your body from long range and made zenyatta unplayable
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>remove footstep noises
>tfw you just bought the best skin anubis and best heroic intro barrage for your waifu pharah
activate chat and type the following:
>Two Hanzos/Widowmakers?!
>NO TANK?/Support
>ppl plz
>we're gonna get smoked
>I am taking a break guys
>proceed to solo queue and ignore any PMs

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i literally want to shove my nose up her sweaty shit hole and take long, deep inhales.
I really really need summertime themed skins
got a link for that pal
Congrats luv
I'm in the same boat.
I went from 65-59 today, and now I'm getting bronze damage as Lucio.
Every game either has disconnects, or the rest of my team is a 5 man group that refuses to listen or hop in voice.

I don't even know what I can do anymore. This matchmaking is atrocious.
>"hey guys, my friend wants to play with me"
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>I did exactly the same thing
>I realized I suck at aiming rockets so I stopped playing her

I will come back one day...
That's not mission complete, anon.
>not raptorion
>Mercy was the bad guy all along
what a huge surprise
give me a link you dipstick
I keep seeing people say this. Hast here been official word of something like that happening or is it just dreams for now?
He's not Darth Vader status. What's with this disabled meme applied to half the heroes in this game? There's official art of him putting on the lower part of his mask and his face is fine. He stole all his gear from Helix in a raid including the visor meaning he had to fight pharah tier tech with a shittier loadout and I'm pretty sure he wasn't doing it blind.
There's like 40 million people playing this game. There's NO EXCUSE for them not to put people A. The same rank or B. Not in a group on your team.
I want to arm wrestle Reinhardt so he can break my arm
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Why does this shit keep happening to me?
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>Acting like consoles are not played almost exclusively for their FPS titles
>Acts like shes a lvl 16 against lvl 1s


BTW Anon, explain this to me; If they're all the same skill level then why can't they kill her? It takes at least 2 hours, if not more, to reach rank 16. If they're that bad at the game it would take them considerably longer since they would be losing and not getting much xp. Also, have you actually taken it upon yourself to look up other footage of OW on consoles? Players of all levels are equally as trash as you saw in that video. I'm sorry that I've insulted your people, Anon, but they're holding back gaming as an industry and must be purged.
there are confirmed new skins coming this summer, but whether or not they'll actually be summer-themed is unknown
Do you kill yourself in spawn for shits and giggles?
This would have never happened if that Korean girl didn't make that video with a million and a half views of her playing Zarya
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>went 5-5 placement matches
>3 games i had people quit
>placed 54

i'll take it
I finally found a group of 7 or 8 people who are worth playing with.
I can finally rank up again, and I'm back to my season high from 48.
>Shoot enemy in fps game
>get punished for it

i've been playing this game for about a week and i gotta say the waifus are on a whole new level compared to what i'm used to (dota)

i'm literally in love with tracer.
Did anyone else improve upon getting a new skin?

I got the Gambler skin for McCree and I was popping fools left and right the first game, had a 7 kill streak and usually I ultra suck with him. Took out 2 people with a High Noon even though I usually wiff it.

Again, I am not bragging as if I am a god but I became a lot better.
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If people listened to footstep noises McCree would of never gotten rage nerfed. Hes literally the easiest hero to hear from a mile away and thus avoid.

To shitlords who have 0 map awareness: Stop listening to your shitty Lincoln Park mixtape and pay the fuck attention.
What's your season high?
Anyone think mercy's ult should be nerfed? I mean you can counter, or stop anyones ult, (except zenyatta but he really needs it since you can look in his directionand he'll die) but you can't counter a suicide g mercy who revives her entire team on the point, and they all have their ults and kill you while you have a couple team matest down. I feel like she should be alive in order for the ult to work, so that there isn't those dive bombing mercy's 5 man reviving
What should I play for the next 8 hours?
That happens when you shoot explosives near yourself too.
So I had a game where the entire opposing team quit except for this one Reinhardt. Did he just think he really could do it all by himself or what? He did hold longer than I thought he could.
Who is best girl, and why is it Bastion?
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>Punch character in fighting game
>Get punished for it
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I think if she gets killed mid-ult it should cut off the people's health that she rezzed at the point they were at in the animation

If she were killed, say, halfway through the whole thing, they'd all have half health. I think that at the very least that would make the ult not just an instant win and make Mercy players not just kamikaze the nearest pile of souls
If you keep playing you fuck over the guy who quit. He can't queue until the game is over.
You're bitching a sniper rifle is OP. You're basing this off the fact that in other games they aren't two-shot kills. Down some bleach.
Reinhardt fights till the last breath. It's his thing.
That said, Reinhardt players are already used to not having the rest of the team do anything particularly useful so it was probably not much of a difference.
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>Mercy players not just kamikaze the nearest pile of souls
>implying it wouldn't still happen
zayra nerf when?
roadhog nerf when?
soldier 76 nerf when?
tracer nerf when?
winston buff when?
dva buff when?
mccree buff when?
more than two healers in the game when?
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>Q to swap weapons ingrained in my brain from previous games
>thoughtlessly press it to swap weapons and end up activating ult
>switch weapon swapping to Q
>ult is now Mouse 3
>i somehow manage to press Q to ult instead of Mouse 3 sometimes

What the fuck is wrong with me
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>Acting like consoles are not played almost exclusively for their FPS titles
By casuals maybe.

>Acts like shes a lvl 16 against lvl 1s
They will all be around the same level anon, that's you saying shit I didn't. At that level they're not going to be at the same level as a Korean Zarya "main".

>If they're all the same skill level then why can't they kill her?
Hanzo is obvious. As for the Roadhog not using his hook, Zen not using his discord until half way through the webm, and Genji not using his spread despite being right up in her face, they are simply just plain shit. Acting like PC users can't be shit too is just forming more and more cracks.

>I'm sorry that I've insulted your people
I'm sorry you are so eager in attempts to insult, but this is /vg/ and not reddit so I can understand the smugness.

>they're holding back gaming as an industry and must be purged.
And this is a near decade old meme which will never happen. It's just easier to let it go at this point anon, truly. Enjoy vidya for what it is instead of being bitter and trying to poke all the little holes in everything, there is more to life nigga.
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This is my first FPS game I have ever played.
I know widow is overpowered because a sniper shouldn't just spam shots at your body and one shot kill multiple characters in the game when they are already in such a safe position.
Go be retarded somewhere else.
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>know I'm having a bad day
>slogging through the losses since I refuse to end on a bad note

what is fun
>in other games
So you DO have brain damage
There was literally nothing said about other games until YOU brought it up
Don't be so upset that you lost an argument that didn't even need to happen.
Are you actually reaper?
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>Caring about wins/losses when forced 50 exists
Nigga, just get that sweet sweet EXP and be happy.
>Teammates are rezzed with like 10 health
>They die
>They shit all over them for ruining their K/D and being a shit Mercy
>Mercy player commits suicide
>more than two healers in the game when?
next character will be a fucking sniper and I am going to hang myself in a fit of rage because the last thing we need is another useless fucking sniper for downsyndrome faggots to mass pick on attack
i would wear a casual dr. mercy skin
>autistic slapfight hour
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sry fellow SolCy bros, I can't find it in my history

have more SolCy instead
>enemy team has a Bastion
>instead of deploying like a tard and dying they're moving around and mainly using the Recon Mode gun
>somehow the dumpster teammates I'm with let the giant clanking robot sneak up on our flank, deploy, kill 2 people, undeploy, walk away, heal up, and repeat
>teammates keep chasing the Bastion aroind corners where he set up and was waiting and getting mulched
>game ends
>Bastion card- Recon Eliminations: 18 kills
>35 elims
I didn't know Recon Kills was even a card.
>just hit level 25
>still feel shitty at the game
>have less than five minutes played as half the heroes
I shouldn't go into competitive yet, right?
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It hurts being a Reinhardt main. In one game, I blocked 50,000 damage, 3-5 man ult, and have the longest cap time, but my team mates refused to push up with me or push when the shield was up
>that retarded pigeon toe
>mfw 29 hours on pharah, 25 hours each on mercy and lucio, 22 hours on mcree

I can't remember the last game I got so mad at but played so much.
No you retard keep practicing
>three Yanks
>two Swedes
if you had to change someone for more variety; who would it be and to what?
Roadhog and Junkrat are off the hook since they're partners and are actually involved with each other
>No casual Dr. Ziegler skin with wings coming out the back of her coat

Why even live?
>People complaining that mcree isn't good anymore
>Still two taps anyone with 200 HP
>Still has a useful as fuck ult for shutting down revives
>Still has the flashbang FTH combo for shutting down fast moving targets like Genji and Tracer

Are people retarded
That'll do anon, that'll do.
I'll get looking myself all the same.
When's the cod4 remake coming out?
>two Swedes

I thought it was just Torbjorn?
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>someone in the game making constant comparisons to TF2
What the fuck happens in like the 4th panel? Is he being eaten by those Humanity things from that Dark Souls expansion?
>two Swedes
Whoever you think is Swedish aside from Tobjorn
>Still has the flashbang FTH combo for shutting down fast moving targets like Genji and Tracer

FTH is literally useless and doesn't kill anyone when their stunned unless they have <100 hp
Mercy's Swedish; not German.
Not that guy, and I don't know much about CS:GO, but from what I do know, if you die with an AWP, you're not getting it back. If you die as Widow, you just respawn.
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>5 players dead
>Mercy doesn't suicide rez
>shit on mercy for not doing anything
Both scenarios would happen cause playing Mercy is suffering.
What's the basis for your argument that Widow was OP, then?
Fuck off
mercy is swiss
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Mercy is swiss, you numpty
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Holy shit
Swiss is not Swedish.
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>By casuals maybe.
By definition and skill level, console players are casual.
>They will all be around the same level anon, that's you saying shit I didn't. At that level they're not going to be at the same level as a Korean Zarya "main".
Again, consoles are mostly played for FPS games. No one is that bad, not even my 5 year old daughter.
>I'm sorry you are so eager in attempts to insult, but this is /vg/ and not reddit so I can understand the smugness.
You literally just called FPS players casuals in your first comment back to me. How is this neither smug nor an insult? Perhaps you have these words confused with something else?
>And this is a near decade old meme which will never happen. It's just easier to let it go at this point anon, truly. Enjoy vidya for what it is instead of being bitter and trying to poke all the little holes in everything, there is more to life nigga.\
I bet you tell yourself that you can't tell the difference between 30 and 120 fps too. Keep lieing those sweet little lies to yourself Anon.

>Console peasant exposed
>Console peasant destroyed

My job is done here.
She's Swiss, anon. From Switzerland where they speak German, French, or Italian.
i literally had a dream where i shoved my nose up tracer's shit hole and took seriously deep sniffs

it smelled so strong and sweet, family
Swiss, not Swede you dork.
The only Swede is Torbjorn
The only Yank is Tracer

Are you fucking high?

>Thinking "Swiss" means the same as "Swede"

Then you deserve to be there. Same thing happened to me. Climbed from 40 to 52 in two nights.
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>everything about that image
Rank 40 is too toxic. i hate this level. from 41-44-35-41 now going back down. holy shit I cant get out of this shit hole
I'm a goddamn idiot, aren't I
>people still think Sombra is a sniper based on a model Blizzard showed in a video, even though they later confirmed that model was just a placeholder

Simply ebin
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>The only Yank is Tracer

Are you sure you know what a yank is?
is mercy 76 the best ship
You're beyond help.
Here's a (You) for the road, bud
>people keep falling back on this 'forced 50' crutch

Why can't people cope with just being average? It takes quite a bit to an exceptional player.

I'm sure you like to think that you're a special outlier, but you have to understand that lots of people think this way, you could NEVER be part of the reason you lost right?

It's time to stop blaming everything but yourself and start improving as a player.
Yank means American, not British
tricked lol fuckin idiots
>The only Yank is Tracer
Yank as in Yankee
Yankee as in American
American as in 76, Mcree, and Reaper
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it's absolutely astounding, i can't play him any more
>have shield up
>enemy roadhog pacing back and forth not sure what to do
>our zenyatta starts shooting him
>then walks past my shield
>roadhog hooks and kills him instantly
why? what was the purpose? do these mouthbreathers just tunnel vision that hard they just keep holding down W+M1?
Yankees are American, not Brits.
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How do you guys feel about Torbjorn
K. You can go back to /v/ now. Maybe you can learn to argue there.
The best ship is on Ilios.
If you get hit on the torso or the head with an AWP you die.
If you get hit in the arm or leg you have 1-5hp left.
It also penetrates through targets indefinitely except environments i think.
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Is this normal? I'm rank 51 and keep getting into games with rank competitive 60 guys
>double tap 200 HP
Reaper does the same thing at comparable range, but better

>useful ult to shut down revives
In what way does it shuts down revives considering revived characters have the ability to move around while still having invencibility active for a few seconds?

>flashbang FTH combo
Flashbang is useful, true, but Fan the Hammer isn't worth much anymore, especially not against thin-framed heroes like Tracer. And against heavier ones headshots are better.
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>solo queue
futa is shit

people make non-futa sfm threads always have people posting futa shit, too
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>My job is done here.
Shit, anon. You outplayed me. Guess I better go back to playing all my competitive FPS' on my PS4 before is crashes and burns after the PC market runs it into the ground.

These are never worth it tbqh.
I fucking right there with you
>40 - 43 - 37 - 39
It's fucking impossible, especially with the amount of people who leave
>Playing Mercy
>Reaper comes up and tries to kill me
>Pull out pistol and fire a few at his head killing him
>Get called a cheater and reported
Are you the Paks from /xivg/? If so, ZR is a shithole, please save me
I'm sorry I haven't slept in days famalams
I was thinking about the three "british" characters like tracer, junkrat, roadfag
>mercy is necessary for decent team comp on most maps
>she's bland as fuck and usually nobody wants to play her
excellent game design
Should I jack off to mercy before I go to bad?
>junkrat, roadfag
get some sleep.
>junkrat and roadhog
>comparing Widow to the AWP
>AWP costs almost $5000
>Is a liability if you die with it
>Bolt action

>Widow can be picked from the start
>has a built in SMG
>can double tap after the first charged shot for retarded total damage

Gee I wonder why everyone thinks you're autistic with this comparison
What are some autistic things you do, /owg/?
>alone in a skirmish server
>go soldier 76
>pretend i'm scouting out the area for my overseers to see if it is a suitable location to take control of
>carefully check corners
>dramatically sprint in open pathways
>"report" terrorist activity once i see the enemy ship
It's fun
I think people just underestimate her pistol because they've never touched a support character themselves and don't know headshots do a fair bit with it.
Should I buy Witcher 3 + Expansion? Or Dark Souls 3?
>used to playing tf2
>have to deal with retards, but in general community is ok
>play overwatch
>LoL babies everywhere
>whingey fucks who blame comp for them being so low ranked because im the best on my team its everyone else thats the problem
>dont even want to play comp because im stuck with these fucks
I fucking hope she gets nerfed so I can continue playing her like I was before all the autists swarmed to her looking for an easy game
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Well for one thing I can tell you that it definitely WASN'T forced 50.
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>Most Mercys are trash that take 6 years to even notice you're asking for heals when you're at 10 health as a Reinhardt and 3 feet away

I was under the assumption that Roadhog was a New Zealander or some shit. Where the hell is he from?
"British" as in commonwealthy
Is tracer good for competitive or am I just wasting slot?
Witcher 3 + Expansions
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Is my family member pulling my leg on this?
how do you counter tracer?
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Fuck, I could have told you that.
Depends. Be honest, are you one of the 1% that's actually really good with her?
>Game with 40-70 players
>2 level <10 instant lock hanzos on our team
I don't know who to reply to in that whole stupid comment chain, and I know 76 is supposed to be Metzen's ebin Captain America deconstruction, but I feel like McCree is the actual American representative. They should've made the super soldier program international so Reaper could be an actual Mexican or something. His nationality seems incidental though.
On the subject of nationalities I would like another hero from Brazil or latin america but female so I masturbate to thickness
Get average with winston and you'll enjoy Genji God's tears.
If 5 of your teammates are dead at the same time, it's probably because
They weren't watching they're flanks for that offense hero
Caught out, pushing too far, or got picked off one by one by not working with each other
>or C
Bunched up when you know that they have a Zarya, Reinhardt, Phara, or refused to split up after hearing a Junkrat ult
?How to balance Mercy
No invulnerability period for resurrected heroes.
wew lad I can't even save myself
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>why are you torturing the globe trotting mass murdering terrorist you big bully :(
This comic makes no sense
>got overwatch for console because my computer is just a $300 laptop i bought 2 years ago
>would be fully willing to buy overwatch again for pc because i plan to get a better computer but i would have to start from scratch
>cant transfer or use same account despite having it linked to my bnet
>no cross platform play
and i dont think i could ever play widowmaker without the noire skin
I'd feel pretty bad if I wasn't above average in videogames, being a NEET. I got way more time to improve myself than other people and I spend it on videogames so in theory I should be above average. Rank 61 doesn't feel that bad.
>twintail d.va
ewew lad never thought my boner could hit the ceiling until now
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I accept it when I play like shit during a match anon, clear as day if I don't have a single gold medal and we lose odds are it was my fault. But when the matches suddenly start takingm uch longer to join, only to put me with a team half my level/rank, against a team double my level/rank, RIGHT after I've gone on a fair few decent victories, then denying that shit's existence is just pointless. Getting defensive when people shittalk Blizzard's matchmaking won't change that
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Does anyone know how to manage rage? Sometimes after seeing a Reinhard charge into a group of 5 enemies or see my team's Bastion focus fire a bubbled Zarya for the 10th time in a row I get really angry and call them shitters among other names and ragequit. I pretty much have leaver penalty on 24/7. It wasn't this way before, but when the competitive patch hit Blizzard altered their matchmaking and made it worse.
>the ability becomes useless
Great idea champ
I pretend I sleep with my waifu every night. Sometimes I extend the fantasy to other hours as well
Well im not MLG Pro, but I can get behind enemy line and kill their healer
If Sombra isn't Pharah's mom she's bound to be this. She's featured in Dorado's plotline and Reaper has a soundbite asking where she is when you need her. I hope she's not evil though. We already have an evil talon sniper grill.
>got called out for being a moron
>i.. i was.. just.. pretending

nice try, shit head.
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>tfw have Sigrun, Bva and Night Ops 76 and a bunch of other skins
>still no Tracer skin
>not even the classics

Should i /owg/? I really don't want to spend the overbux since delicious summer skins are coming.
>two players lock in Reaper at the same time
>both change hero at the same time
>5 seconds pass
>both of them lock in Reaper at the same time again
>both unsure if they should change or keep

I could not stop laughing at this, it was like the equivalent of watching two people trying to pass each other on a street but they keep stepping in the same direction
The shock is supposed to be Mercy being willing to torture a patient.
VERY fast torb running at incredbile hihg scrap
>playing drunk
>have gone from rank 61 to rank 55

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The choices are:
>Pharah: Mechaqueen or Raptorion
>Reinhardt: Lionhardt or Stonehardt
>Torbjorn: Chopper or Deadlock
Can only get 2
they still get resurrected after a wipe. how is that useless champ?
>wanting cross platform on an fps
You're actually retarded.
Given what Widowmaker is it seems pointless to torture her.
I played dota 2 the past 6 years so rage management in comparison to an FPS where games last at max 10mins is minimal.
Raptorion and Lionhardt
Or save your Snowstorm Florins for the new summer skins

Torbjorn's skins are shit.
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Patience anon. At least see what's on the table come summer before you make a decision you'll regret.
uh... play in short intervals?

You need to maintain the perspective that it's literally just a game - at its core it's intended for you to unwind and have fun win or lose

Team-based games that require coordination with complete strangers (so shit like MOBAs and arena shooters, not stuff like Halo or COD) are best taken in small doses. If you want to actually enjoy 8hr marathon sessions you're better off playing something singleplayer, or be grouped up
It's a well known psychological effect that one easy win then one fast easy loss is more fun and rewarding than two close tense games, where you lose one and win another.

The first gives you a high and a low, and trains you to keep playing for that high. The second is just frustrating and difficult to obtain.
>they get resurrected after a wipe
>immediately get shot and die again because they can be damaged while they're stuck in the golden revival animation without the ability to scramble for cover, like a Reaper who just teleported in

That's why you need the invincibility period, where they can't fire but can at least move
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What an amazing series of counterpoints. I'd love to stay and chat with you a little longer, but you seem to have resorted to insulting me instead of actually coming up with something of value to say in your defense.

Good look hitting your targets tomorrow though, I don't know how you stand having 10% accuracy even with the console's aim assist. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and actually hit something :D
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accept the following things
1. this game is designed for casual players to feel pro
2. you cannot carry hard like other games
3. forced 50 doesn't exist, 95% of the players are just bad

focus on self improvement and don't worry too much about the specific game you're in
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Deadlock is god tier
>That jacket
>Glowing tattoos when you ult
>Tire iron
>That helmet
>Perfectly goes with refreshing
I don't know, from what I understood, it's mostly emotions she's lacking. Pain should still come through loud and clear.
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>Our team gets steamrolled
>Obligatory gg faggot
>Say "No that wasn't a good game, it was a steamroll"
>Get told that I didn't deserve the "gg" and that I'm a "salt lord"
Is it so wrong to only want "gg" spam when it actually is a good match? Am I just being a salty faggot?
seriously though how do you counter tracer
I manage my disappointment with a game going badly by rationalizing that if I were a better player, it wouldn't be this bad.

That Lucio who just released his ult and led his team to a very succesful push? If I had killed him before he could do it, it wouldn't have happened. That Mercy who ressurrected everyone? I could have intercepted her. And so on and so forth.

I can't blame my team mates for making poor plays if the only reason the enemy team is winning is because I'm simply not good enough to stop them.

Unless I'm support. In which case I can complain all I want because my job is keeping those bitches alive
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Same time tomorrow nigga.
Behind the sheds. I'll be waiting. ;)
Does that mean you can still break her with orgasm denial and forced orgams?
I feel like any game where you can join a fight and instantly die due to a surprise attack, or where your entire team can constantly walk up to the objective and die instantly is fundamentally problematic.
With Tracer. Most of them are crap, so git gud and you'll outshoot them.
She's been physically altered too though. Like the whole bloodflow thing and being able to not even feel winded by the cold in Volskaya (she has a voiceline about this). Not to mention being totally reprogrammed into a loyal Talon agent.
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>two letters trigger you into a response
anon how do you live being such a thin skinned faggot
I mean when Winston shocks her she sounds like she's hurting pretty bad
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The hook.
posh is her best skin and only costs 250, my family. if you're buying one, that's the winner. ultraviolet is a strong, albeit more expensive, second.

raptorion and stonehardt

alternative: raptorion, paragon (reinhardt epic) and woodclad/cathode (torbjorn epics) and save 500 overbucks.
saying gg is just a formality, you salty faggot
Learn2aim, then pick McCree. Alternatively go Symmetra and just place turrets evenly around the objective/spawn and pray she doesn't have her ulti.
Burst damage so they can't react fast enough to press E.
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You can't even make this shit up anymore
In a literal pro-gamer setting, there is a job dedicated to camping mercy and killing her. That is how strong she is.
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>basically have to win 4 in a row to gain a rank
>lose one game and go down one rank

....the fuck is this shit?
MC Ride for next Hero when
Where's my weakauras? Or at least stopwatch macros.
Hanzo shitter detected
Good point. But if they can reprogram her into killing her own husband and working for them they can probably reprogram her to never fess up under torture or death threats.
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>game goes well over two minutes Overtime into 99/99 on a third round
>"easy game"

We need some sort of ruling body to decide at which point you can no longer declare easy game.
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It's mostly a taunt, not a declaration.
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shota genji skin when Blizzard?
It would change his hitbox so never.
How do i get invitwd to the /owg/ stack
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>Reminder that "pros" blatantly use hacks and Blizzard does not care

who'se the OTP of Overwatch /owg/??
You don't think a very skilled doctor would be unable to undo enough of that to cause pain?
Hopefully never.
Doesn't the underdog system fuck my enemies? I only lose a sliver and the enemy team only gets a tiny bit for the win?

/owg/ player x shitter team
Are there any xbone groups running competitive atm? Is that even a thing in this general?
>tfw went from 64-54 today
I think I'm done until matchmaking gets fixed desu.
Every game I was either with a 5 man group who was fucking around, or someone on either team disconnected.
Then the games that I was winning, the enemy team would ragequit so I would get 5% of a bar.

I'm now getting damage medals as Lucio and Mercy, and playing with people who think Reinhardt is bad, and that Reaper counters Pharah.
Console competitive doesn't even exist
>enemy team starts losing
>start complaining about loser buff and how unfair it is that blizzard punishes winning teams with damage debuffs
this is a whole new level of shitposting
Too lazy to resize for 4mb: http://i.imgur.com/EEZlDU1.gif
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Tracer can play around all of her counters besides McCree with perfect aim. It's shit but whatever, you can mitigate/pressure her with the others so use the magical thing known as teamwork to work around it until Blizz makes it easier to deal with her.

>my stupid teammates
Stop playing with randoms and complaining when they do random things. You don't need a 6 stack, one to two others will get the job done against randoms.
/owg/ is very progressive and LGBT friendly

therefore, we have previously decided that our official OTP is tracer and widowmaker :^)
It is also implied Junkrat built his own prosthetics, somehow.
>50% win rate in pubs
>40% win rate in ranked
broken game desu
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>got drunk 1 night and dumped all my overbux coins on blackhardt skin

not even a bad decision, the axe just feels better than the hammer
it's me or since a patch or two ago the game loads super fast when opening it now
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masturbating isn't a ship anon....
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>I'm now getting damage medals as Lucio and Mercy

Got gold damage as Symmetra my last competitive game and that was just from the first checkpoint at Hollywood. I switched over to Bastion and got three more gold medals and a silver in healing.

Competitive is so fucked right now.
Why is Reaper so much easier to play well than any other offense hero? Much less effort for better outcomes.
Why the fuck am I getting matched up against pro fucking streamer 6 man groups

I am fucking solo queuing stop this shit
I actually came across a Narutoboi(number) battletag this week.

find group
get close
press Q
ez triple kill+

I have less than one hour with Reaper and it disgusting how easy it is to rack up kills with him.
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I do this after like 95% of losses just to bait people into replying.

It seems like the only 2 phrases the community in this game knows are "gg" and "salt"
The point is to see if your skill has gone up, the enemy is mostly a test.
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otherkin isn't included in LGBT anon,

windowmaker is clearly a spider-kin
>Competitive is so fucked right now.
Matchmaking honestly feels like RNG.
I don't see a point in playing unless you have a 6 man group.
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Have you maxed out your waifu?
Rein x Soldier76
Only missing cute on Widow
i dont think ive ever played this game and come away feeling good afterwards
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dumb frogposter
>Oh no I fucked up and got caught out even though I have retarded mobility
>Lemme just press my 12s cd undo button that full heals my mistake
I wish I could hate tracer to death.
She's not even overpowered or anything, she's just a cunt.
why cant she even look like this in game?

I love her kit but holy fucking dogshit she looks like a man-dyke.
And the accent just makes me cringe.
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Just how bad at video games is this guy if the rank 50s I've seen are atrocious enough
fuck sudden death holy shit blizzard fix your fucking game
I though playing ranked meant getting teams that dont constantly lose to bastion
She actually has a pretty cute face in game all things considered. Her hair though, it's pretty bad. Even Josuke would call her out on it.
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>Remove his footstep noises

Calm down Satan
That rank 16 posted on /owg/ last night. He was a battle mercy. If anyone has the pictures, please post
His technique really isn't that bad if you've watched the rest of his videos, he makes some blunders on this one though, but still better than your average normalfag.

Now fuck off with the redditfrog.
this desu
During Quick Play I had some good games with pro players, but now that competitive is out, they're with their 6 mans and are all 75+.
I have had 0 good games since competitive came out, and it's really hard to keep playing when you have pub Roadhogs that lose 1v1 to a Winston and disconnects every game that slowly derank you.
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Battle mercy is a thing?
>And the accent just makes me cringe.
>le cringe xd
how's it feel being the most limpwristed waste of space in this thread?
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phara tips
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Just short three legendaries and a gold gun.
I bait players into swearing at me then report them.

Saying EEZZZ game then having them call you a retarded faggot is great for harassment reports.
That's... rather underwhelming, isn't it?
>rank 62 is 3% percentile
What? Does that mean I'm literally in the top 2000?
>one game away from 55
Do you believe in me /owg/?
Practice mobility and leading your shots
There's only so much you can do for mobility, though, because of Blizzard's shitty servers
Anything between 30 and 75 is just RNG at this point tbqhwy.
went 2-24 two nights ago
went 5-11 yesterday
going on 2-15 tonight

forced 50 please
>Be diamond 2 on LoL trying to rank to d1 for 2 weeks now to get a boosting account
>2 much frustration makes me take a break
>ow rankeds are out
>oh maybe I can chill stomping shitters here
>play 4 rankeds in a premade group of 3
>my friends are as good as me on boh ow and lol
>they tilt ultra hard after the second game and go silent mode or mute their mics
Well nope It might be infuriating as fuck to play league but atleast im accomplishing something by ranking up there, this game has no competitive future and the matchmaking buzzard made is just an RNG spin every single time.
I Will however thank you, all of you cancerous shitters who suck so hard and think you aren't the problem for leaving my precious league and now rotting in this garbage tf2 clone.
Thanks for cleansing the league community a little bit buzzard, I appreciate the gesture.
I believe in you Anon. You will make me proud.
>Hanzo shitter literally every game
>Toblerones and Symmetras place their sentries at random locations around the map
>Rack up gold/silver damage and elim medals in 10% of matches, heal the other 90% because no one else will
>Guy who constantly trickles in and dies won't stop shitting on our Rein, who is the only one besides me even attempting to work together

Solo queuing in comp is literally worse than QP.

Lionhardt and Mecha
how the fuck surefour so fucking good
>It's a "Mercy pockets a zarya and your team is too stupid to kill them" episode
>level 33 and 40 on my team
It's not looking good senpai
>get mad at my team in competitive
>we end up winning
>realise I was the shitter on the team
Realising is the first step
>be Mercy
>game hasn't even started yet
>'I need a healer" in thick Asutralian accent
>why, you little fuck?
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>skill ceiling

shoot into chokepoint and receive dopamine
He has third-party assistance :^)
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how many comp bux you got /owg/?
dude gg is just good sportsmanship, no matter if you win or lose

the only people who it's etiquette not to say gg is the winning team if the losing team had an unfair disadvantage (like malicious mei or leaver), then it's sorry opposing team instead of gg

gg wp is what you say when it was a good match
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It isn't over yet.
is there a way to make a webm with 2 different clips? I shadowplayed but then something else happened right after, want to make it one webm
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and she is absolutely terrible at the game but can carry because it's Zarya.
Yeah next step is to fix tick rate, hitbox sizes, projectile hit radius, and the RNG matchmaking, but thank god you realize you suck at the game haha.



What feelings does this conjure up?
>winning 2-1 on Nepal
>4 round
>worthless Reinhardt refuses to switch
>last round
>EVERYBODY tells him to go Winston
>he chooses Widow-fucking-Maker
>we lose, of course
>his excuse was that he couldn't tank with a Pharah on the other team
>our Reinhardt-who shouldn't have been Rein in the first place--was complaining about Pharah
>he didn't have enough common sense to know that Winston can combat Pharah

Every fucking time I think I am making progress, I get retards on my team who ruin matches. Either that, or somebody disconnects while I am winning.
He said Double Zarya.
>korean file name
>Japanese letters
We have a double symmetra duo queue and already lost the first round. I hate this game.
>Solo queuing in comp is literally worse than QP.
Yeah, it's really fucking bad.
I hover around 60, but gain or lose 10 ranks at a time because matchmaking is so fucking random if you go solo.
And whether I win or lose, the quality of games are awful.
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>tfw lost 4 ranks today.
>no matter how many medals I get we still loose
>only games I've won I've played like shit and gotten almost no rank back

don't know what to do anymore lads
You pass through Narita on the way to Busan.
>went from rank 40 to 55 today

I feel like a god
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Alright, so I guess it might be over.
It's alright Anon, you'll show them next time.
Most of the accents sound pretty bad to someone in their native tongue.
Zarya and Genji just get me though.
They could of done much better.

Meh. Probably feel better than you do.
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`??? I don't understand
torture to get information relies on psychological tricks that pretty much disappear when you're aware of them. things like positive and negative reinforcement to get answers that you want.

it's possible that Widowmaker might be susceptible by these psychological tricks even moreso than usual because she was made to be a sleeper agent. however, it would definitely raise questions to me that Talon wouldn't have given her such training to resist torture.
>tried this """"""competitive '''''''''''' meme yesterday
>my team: me (118) and 5 random solo players <50
>enemy team: random someone+5 man level 100+ premade

Almost 120 hours playtime and I wasn't memed THIS hard till this point.
>tfw slowly deranked because of people disconnecting on either team
>went from 63 to 54
>play a few more games
>got silver damage as Lucio 3 games in a row

Just give up like I did until Blizzard fixes their system.
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yeah it's pretty bullshit
blizzard seems to care way more about short queue times than actual good matches, I wouldn't mind having to wait 5 minutes for a match if it meant I didn't have to play with cancer premades
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>Pharah main with Zarya 2nd
Playing as Mercy, is it better to stand near the payload to push it, or stay back safely?
wait till you wait 5 mins. then you'll be on the other bus again.
no I fucking wont
I can just minimize the game and shitpost while I wait
Sometimes strange life circumstances occur and taking Japanese classes lands you in a Korean university instead.
>QP teammates having trouble with a Bastion that's been in the same spot for a minute
>never used either weeb bro but what the hell let's go for some deflect kills
>double jumping around like a spaz and throwing stars at everything is the most fun I've had in this game and I want to do it again
I'm sorry, /owg/...
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>tfw won 6/7 placements

am i gonna make it brahs
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>It's a "Reinhardt drops shield to fireball snipe and you die instantly" episode
If everyone else has moved past it or you need topping off stand on it, otherwise look for cover.
>We're getting our shit pushed in by the enemy genji, and he's the only good player on the enemy team
>Go zenyatta and discord him forever
>Reinhardt is there next to me to punch him in the dick if he tries to engage on me
>We have the comeback of a lifetime

Sometimes zen is really fun to play
careful blizz might ban you for saying ez

nevermind she is dogshit
>Rank 50 babys crying all day long
>Rank 60 master race
>Quo up with rando's that are unranked I find online
>Carry them to victory and get a shit ton of points
>Been climbing non stop.

Never solo though, the shit you see is fucking insane. Level 70 genji/tracer is no joke.
Tfw you rely on your shield too much, and when you try to be offensive you get fucking nailed

Being a good rein is a challenge
Blizz stated they refuse to ban people for typing 'GGEZ' and anything similar.
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so many people saying "blizz said this" but never post source
>LoL players are actually whining about that

Holy shit
>some games are literally determined by coinflip
LMAO blizzcucks defend this
Why is Mercy trying to strangle Korra?
>Someone calls me a faggot
>tell blizzard I'm very triggered and my feelings are hurt for being called gay
>they get a chat ban

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>play volskaya on attack
>win in 1:49
>tfw this beats my old record of 2:05 on hanamura while attacking
We are on 2016 you mongoloid dumbfuck, It's fucking called RNG xDDD
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In my experience it's less this and more he drops it to run sideways. Right when I'm trying to use his shield as a barrier to pump rockets into that distant Bastion.
What reticle do the neet pros use?
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>played Hanamura 4-4
>lose coinflip
Fuck my life
>comp hanamura, playing defense as toblerone
>first point, place sentry so it shoots out windows
>lose it, fall back to second and hold out
>gold eliminations, objective elimations, damage
>hanzo on the other team says the mei carried me
>3 golds

i ended up playing reinhardt on attack. gosh do i suck with rein, anyone got tips?
It's on reddit
They talk about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4o9uac/saying_ggez_not_a_bannable_offense_confirmed_by_gm/

everyone knows I play pokemon like a manchild now
Problem is Rein shields can't actually last very long against a Bastion, especially if the rest of their team is also shooting it. You're better off not relying on the shield to kill a Bastion, just corner peek.

Surprisingly even the hopeless drones have a hard time defending this. It's like Blizzard implemented this as a joke.
what's your favorite pokemon
>healing a shield up rein
why are mercy mains such pathetic shitters?
playing him today i wish they'd get rid of his heal and beef him up offensively. hes never gonna compete with the other healers anyway.
>banning people for saying ez
>D. Va literally has a voice line that's gg ez paraphrased
Somehow I doubt they still ban people
>we win by a landslide
>"gg" from pretty much everyone
>Some guy goes balistic saying that "gg" is toxic when said by the winners
I bet he actually reported us
At close distance, sure, but far away, Bastion's damage dropoff means it can stay up long enough to shoot through.
>Deranked to 61 because of genji mains and awful gains

For battling: Aegislash
Other than that: Umbreon
I played 25 matches at that rank yesterday and I lost every second game
absolute 50% meme rollercoaster
I had 2 or 3 gold in every game that I lost
it's physically impossible for me to carry any harder than that with zarya and 76
gonna try queuing with people later today
Doesn't Hanzo have a voice line that's literally "2ez" too?
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>that feel when you lose your last two placement games with 3-4 gold medals and 60 + eliminations
>get put into scrub brackets with 60 skill rating
life is hell
>not gging is bm
>gging is toxic
If everyone else is staying behind the shield and at full HP or just too far away for me to get to then I switch to the rein because in my experience there's ALWAYS someone that sneaks behind and unloads into the Rein making him turn around and get mowed down. Otherwise I focus on literally anyone else.

is this incorrect

Edgy shit taste. I bet you main Reaper and wear a fedora.
Not every Reinhardt with a shield up is at 500/500 health. Sometimes they've taken a hit from behind or the side and Mercy wants to build some ult.
Dot or circle with an ugly unignorable color. Dot is exactly where your shots land. Circle with bloom accounts for spread a bit more but the dot within the circle is still where you should be aiming at.
Cause you decided to pay 40 dlls to a mediocre company for a mediocre game, stop complaining and keep playing like the blizzcuck drone you are.
Nice, Espeon is mine
dot circle or short cross hairs
I got it for free.
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at least call it troll pokemon because of the the Gen IV era.
Forgot about that
Yeah he does
The only circumstance when you need to be glued to Rein's ass is when you're pushing a savage defensive choke, if you're pushing a defensive choke and there are no team mates pushing with you to boost then it's going to be a failed boost either way. If you aren't pushing into a rape-fest choke point then you should be boosting priority DPS targets and triaging incidental damage to generate ult, you can always fly back to Rein if you're being hunted by a flanker or if he's under fire.

Most pub Mercy shitters are either way too passive (and never have their fucking ult up when they need it as a result), or position way too aggressively and die early in each skirmish meaning they never get an opportunity to spend their ult.
Invalid argument someone paid for it for you to have it friend.
solid dot all day every game.
No words.
Thanks anon. I'll keep that in mind.
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Is everyone pretending to be in 60 rank the new dank meme?
Wouldn't that obscure where your shot is actually going by a little bit?

60 skill rating is hardly a scrub bracket right now. It's top 4000 and bretty gud for solo queuers.
Espeon a qt.

>tfw ranked 63
>tfw i thought that means i was pretty shit and only slightly above average.

Where's the started in the 40's and slowly climbing club?
>Deranked to 60 because of quitters

>got ranked 48
>now 55
I'm going to make it anon
Most pro players are at 65-80 so I would say that's pretty good.
You are directly postind on said club, welcome to the family!
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She's trying out a new fetish she picked up.
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>tfw killing turrets and bopping squishes all day

It's like as soon as I know none of my team is behind me, I drop that shield instantly. Even though I cant see my team behind me, I can FEEL when they've strafed out of cover of my shield and then I know I've done all I can to protect them so it's okay to hurl the flames of crushing defeat
you were going to lose anyway

quitters just quit because they were losing
How is it that furries make the best non-furry stuff
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Another for the album
There should be a vote to surrender

I don't want to suffer for 12 minutes because I'm the only person pulling their weight

Furry's have talent but they use it for evil
>placed 47
>fell to 44
>up to 53
>currently 52

It'd be kinda fun and relaxing if only we had more teammates with perspective and good team spirit instead of the usual sarcasm and rage when things go south.
They deal with a shitton of different anatomy I'm guessing
The start in high 50s but now high 40s club is where it is at anon
wake me up inside
>playing ranked
>moving forward
>suddenly move backwards
>try moving forward
>just rubberband right back into place
>try moving in any direction
>same thing happens
>lost connection to servers
great game blizzard
Who /started in the mid 40s and drowning in the high 30s/ here
>if only we had more teammates with perspective and good team spirit
I try anon. I try really hard but the retards around rank 50 make it impossible.
I thank you.
>>lost connection to servers

Run the launcher as admin. It seems to be the cause of most people's problems.
>owg helped save my game
> 2 76's attack
>genji says we don't need 2 76s
>we stomp because 76s behind a Reinhardt wreck shit
76 really is the master race. High skill ceiling though
I know his schtick is just being the standard rifle guy but I can't help but like him more and more from a lore and gameplay standpoint. I probably wouldn't like the latter if it weren't for the fact that his opponents had more interesting gimmicks though.
>2 76's on defense with a mercy pocket
>they don't even make it past the first point
Felt good man
>840 games played
>1050 gold medals

well at least i have that
>level 26
>like to play genji
Should I go fuck up a bunch of people's placement matches? :^)
I thought 95th percentile meant I was better than 95% of people at rank 40 lmfao
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Has anyone ever made an edit of this with "SAME ARM"?

Like at least 5 people have a right arm in this game
You should consider suicide if you want my honest opinion

>mfw ACDC's TNT comes on pandora when I'm playing Junkrat

This shit's too perfect.

Anyone else found a perfect song for a character?

a ROBOT right arm

don't know how I missed that
hes got a solid kit and a good heal man.
He's probably one of the best picks in general.
>listening to pandora
>listening to ACDC
>listening to dadrock radio
>being this big of a pleb

>Australian band playing a song about explosions
>Playing an australian character who loves explosions

Well DUH
Big Iron by Marty Robbins feels good to listen to while playing McCree
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league is dying, even our normal que times are around 5-10 minutes it's a kinda sad.
That's pretty good.

Killer Queen and Another One Bites The Dust are also acceptable

Lots of dad rock songs fit trash rodent though
Isn't Torbjorn's actually his left arm?
>sundown by Gordon lightfoot for McCree
>League and dota shitters are flooding into the game
explains all the retards
should I just play Genji for 10 hours straight
>win 5 games
>lose 1
>lose all 5 games of progress



new, move you lazy bastards
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making a reaper gameplay vid soon ;)
Pharah isn't an amputee just so you know. Symmetra as well it's just cartoony anatomy and she can use hard light tech to fabricate entire buildings, it should be really easy to make a construct around one's own hand to be ridiculously form fitting.
I don't think I ever knew ACDC was australian.
Nah, just go emulate Shinobido or something if you want to the ye olde fantastic ninja man
Get fucked
How do I get good with Hanzo like Seagull?
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you can see the mechanized joints in her fingers

seagull isnt good, he gets carried hardcore by his team like most streamers do.
Junkrat is the only actual legit amputee.
Pharah isn't, Symmetra just has a glove, Lucio stole the robotic exoskeleton and sound technology.
Not sure about McCree's gauntlet though.
Symmetra is missing an arm, hence her obsession with symmetry. Pharah just has an armor, confirmed by Blizz.
he is good though
>unironically using a term like dad rock

You must be 18+ to post on 4chan kiddo.
Wasn't it Road 66 with the train wreck?
Never had a game w/o someone leaving. Fortunately sometimes they reconnected.
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This has happened to me
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>it's a 2 junk rats on comp koth who never sit on the point then blame everyone else for losing episode
Solo queue is difficult below 50 because 70% of them are mouth breathers who tell you to fuck off when you suggest 2 junk rats are a waste of time.

I hate junk rat only because is class is so fucking lazy and only encourages asshats to ignore objectives and spam LMB for kills. I hope this class gets nerfed to hell.
Playing on console is the same as playing on a smart phone tbqh
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>will adjust hero
>team has no tank and you haven't changed
Keep on playing ranked. The more you play, the harder the enemies will get. The placement matches felt really easy for me, too.
Reminder that spectator mode isn't an accurate portrayal to how the players actually aim.
thanks anon!!
Will I commit suicide on novermber 31?
Will my penis grow 3x bigger?
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