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/pg/ - Persona General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 725
Thread images: 251

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Previous Thread: >>147089181

>Persona 5 will be releasing September 15th in Japan; February 14th in North America; TBA in Europe
>Caligula will be released Spring 2017
>Persona 5 stream confirmed for July 19th
>PS4 exclusive Collector's Edition for Japan and NA
>Take Your Heart and Steelbook Editions for NA up for preorders at Gamestop and Amazon
>P5A: The Day Breakers to air in September 2016
>New Dengeki Playstation Magazine to feature P5 news June 23rd
>Winter of Rebirth releases on BD August 3rd, 2016
>20th anniversary concert to take place on August 13th, 2016
>Next Persona Magazine to release Summer 2016
>20th Anniversary FES to take place at 3331 Arts Chiyoda in December 2016


>P5 Info
>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona image collection

I love Anne.
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Death comes for us all.
Where can I get the most Onyx in FES
keep up the good work
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Things that will be in Persona 5.
Unrelated pictures will be in P5?
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How will P5 get a portable port with a female protagonist if the Vita is dead and also underpowered?
It's not that dead in Japan.
>and also underpowered?
by butchering it like P3P
Don't do that. I need my Persona games to be portable but also running at 4k resolution and 120 frames per second.
they'll just put it on phones or something
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Pls no
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>first Yu left us to slay giants in not-Germany
>then to slay ghouls in Tokyo
>now he's busy danging roombas
WIll he ever return?
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>Ane Log

Is it good? Will someone with an older sister complex enjoy this?
I wish the older sister was as popular as younger sister
atarashii persona
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I feel I should be grateful we've never gotten the Persona mobile games.
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I guess.
Chie is in too.
Futaba is from Lunarvale!
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She's from the Internet
will persona ever be as good as tesagure?
Maybe one day if we're lucky.

P4 should have just been a recording of the VAs playing yuriwolf, it would have been a better murder mystery than what we got.
Persona 3 should have stayed as concept art, but then rendered in badly done 3D animation.
it would've been a more gripping mystery if nothing else

tfw the bds have two commentary tracks and shitloads of b-roll that will never ever be translated
P4 should've stayed as concept art.
Fucking Chie ruined everything again.
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what's the chance that a character from DAN show up as a cameo in p5, considering that it's chronologically the closest to the events of 5?

people seem to think that rise or teddie will have a passing appearance on the TV or something but I haven't played DAN so are any of the characters relevant enough to have an actual appearing cameo and not just "idol show on TV"?
>considering that it's chronologically the closest to the events of 5?
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It's the second furthest game along in the timeline of Persona, behind Persona 5. Unless you think P5 is going to be a prequel or some shit?
So we DON'T know where P5 is yet.
We don't know the exact year (I think it was covered up as 20XX in the trailers) but they have smartphones so it's not really possible that it's before P4.
>so it's not really possible that it's before P4.
Because it's not like retcons have happened before. Or that we have robots already before P4.
people had smartphones in 2011, inaba is just behind the times
>retconning the series most popular entry because fuck it why not
Well, Kanamin is the most popular idol in Japan as of 2012, more popular than Rise. She might have a cameo but in "idol show on TV". I don't think any of the P4D characters have a chance to appear in any other way to be honest.
Yu, Naoto and Rise all live in Tokyo, they have the biggest chance for a cameo. or Sho if they will pander to fans and make it canon that he followed Yu back to Tokyo, but still, P4D happened in Fall 2012 anything could've happened to them in that time.
It's definitely after 2014, the cutscene with Futaba shows an archive of that year.
Yosuke had a smartphone.
>>retconning the series most popular entry because fuck it why not
When did I ever say retcon P4?

P5 takes place in 2072 and all previous characters are dead except Koromaru
>except Koro
You wish you were that lucky.
It'd be Teddie in a wheelchair.
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>implying teddie ages
The one thing that negates Teddie's bad personality is the fact that he won't ever go through gay death like the rest of the fuckbois.
>people had smartphones in 2011, inaba is just behind the times
I'm pretty sure that until rather recently Japan preferred flip phones anyway. P4 was designed with a retro style anyway, but I don't think it was meant to mean that it was actually using retro technology.
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You follow his teachings don't you /pg/?
What fucking teachings?
stoppan powah
''Pop Pop Pop Watching Niggas Drop''
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>I don't think any of the P4D characters have a chance to appear in any other way to be honest.
Actually, scratch that.
Maybe this guy? He was talking about some cult and needing Kanamin's blood to protect himself from the Apathy Syndrome outbreak. That weird reporter chick might show up too.
And maybe Nanako was scouted and became an idol.
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Always carry some real stopping power. In your pants.
>I will not allow you to take away these wondrous powers
>you mean the power of GUN? All you do is shoot people.
Y-you too
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I'd let Naoto slide her long silver bullet into my well greased chamber.
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>when she sees her_ dick
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The teachings of how to be a bad villain?
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For the sake of giving credence to the rumors that Naotoposters are all closeted homosexuals, I'd just like to say that I'd like to marry Naoto and for her to wake up with a dick and me to wake up with breasts and a vagina.
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Right, because Nami was so much better
at least she's cute
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I'm not sure if that was supposed to be sarcastic, because the answer is obviously yes. I mean, it's hard to find villains worse than Strega.
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Can't disagree with that
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There are just so many other persona characters I would rather have as a futa girlfriend
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At least post the obligatory picture.
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>tfw goro will never be your cuntboy bf
You call it obligatory, but the fake version of that is just as obligatory at this point
>boxing girlfriend
no thanks, i've seen tokyo fist
>tfw Goro killed Naoto

am I the only one who thinks that the background of that talkshow was very P4-ish? That guy also kinda looked like Inoue
>he doesnt want a girl to beat him up
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If there isn't heavy otouto x nee-chan I don't care about it at all.
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I want a Persona cutie to put me in a submission maneuver.

I want each of them to consecutively use wrestling moves on me.

Like both Mitsuru and Fuuka each put my arms in a Fujiwara armbar, Akihiko puts me in a Sharpshooter, then Shinjiro comes around and puts me in the Steiner Recliner.
How many holds does Aigis know?
yeah but only a moderate amount
just kinda rough me up yknow
What are the lyrics to Persona 5 again?
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Fuuka is incapable of violence
what is this
I'm a shapeshifterrr
A bunch of people calling Persona a jojo rip-off.
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>reading a twitch chat
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sleepy /pg/
I want Phantom to be boyfriends with Goro.
Goro will be Adachi to Phantom's Yu
Don't you dare insult Goro.
Goro is the traitor
Harua and Yusuke are the traitors.
Everyone is the traitor but Goro is the traitoriest
I hope p5 has a better ending than ZTD
Goro is wearing a wire
Bye /pg/
>That P2 doujin where Ginko spreads a rumour that Maya's a major gangbanging slut

Many boners were popped, just wish it was longer
I remember seeing that one.
I wish scanners and the internet was way more prolific during the times of P1/2. I heard P1 especially had a lot of doujins.
I bet a lot of them were goodbye too, only P1 I see is that one Elly doujins from 09

I'd sacrifice my dick to a Satanic cult (/smtg/ maybe?) to get some Ayase or Maki doujins
It was good anon and it wrapped shit up.
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>to get some Ayase or Maki doujins
the Anne doujins are going to make up for it
Here you go chiefags
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You're not wrong, but it just... won't feel right
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>only other lisa doujin is totally vanilla
a shocking reversal
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Maki is not for sexual
>implying anyone wants to see her for sexual

She's the shittiest Persona 1 girls after all.
She really is. Literally a prototype Marie.
Thats not even close to true.
Go play P1
the only good thing about maki is that her coat in 2 is pretty effay
>Go play P1
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>no "Only on Playstation" on the cover

Timed exclusive confirmed.

Can't wait to play it on PC with dual audio mod.
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Nothing stops the barreling emulation train.
It just might take another 10 years to get there
Show me a jrpg that is playststion exclusive that comes out this year anon? Also Japan doesn't only on playstation.
Because it's also available on PS3
Star Ocean 5
Cold Steel II
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>The footage shown was from a PC build of the game that is being used for its development.
Read more at http://www.siliconera.com/2016/06/14/final-fantasy-xv-details-about-its-road-trip-adventure-and-combat

>Star Ocean 5

Cold Steel is pretty obvious that is coming to PC since all the previous games are available on STEAM, it's just being held hostage with exclusivity contracts.
Late night /pg/ best /pg/
I want to fuck 舞耶姉さん
You can do better than that.
She dies.
I want to fondle Maya's hearts!
Id sacrifice P5's release date by another year if it meant we could get Cold Steel on PC, but I wouldnt get your hopes up just yet.

The old games already had PC versions in Japan, but COld Steel is PS3 and Vita only
Id rather rest my head on them while she wraps her arms around me
>Replying to the hamster poster
What a faggot.
Going to sleep, good night guys!
id rather grab ulala's web
I would be hesitant at first but a I reckon the sour scowl of a futanari Ulala could convince me to suck her cock until she webs all over my face, which she would clean up with some rough, forcefull kissing
Phantom is from Sumaru City!
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Kaguya a cute.
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I want to cuddle with her
It's such a shame that one of the best Personas is connected to the worst character in the series.
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P1 and P2 - Old trilogy
P3 and P4 - Precuels
P5 onwards - New trilogy
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>P1 and P2 are games that are good but totally overrated due to nostalgia goggles
>Persona 3 and 4 are an attempt to add more lore into the series and also try to make merchandising a big thing
>Persona 5 is a lazy rip-off from Persona 1 to get easy money
Daily reminder that Countess Cagliostro aka Josephine Balsamo will be P5 final boss in true ending. In case you don't know her, she's the Mother of Thieves and also the lover & antagonist of Arsene Lupin.


It will be Izanami & Nyx all over again unless Nyarlathotep makes an appearance

>yfw the harassed lady at the beginning of the game is Countess Cagliostro in disguise.
>yfw she secretly stole Phantom-kun's heart while he's trying to rescue her.
>Showing again

At the very best Arsene will be a Nyarly clone
I hope you get BTFO harder than Sumaru anon.
Just realized why they remove Shin Megami Tensei title in Persona 5: you probably don't have to deal with lady with Goddess-like figure anymore. But the difference that said Goddess iss a member of your party in P1 and P2 (Maki and Maya respectively), while in P3 and P4 the Goddess is your adversary (Nyx and Izanami).

Persona 5 remove the Goddess figure in both of your party member and adversary, making the new series different concept than it's predecessor.
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Akechi Goro's Persona possible candidate :
>Sherlock Holmes
>Inspector Ganimard
>Inspector Javert
>Monsieur Lecoq

I think the most fitting persona for Goro is Vidocq if you look at Vidocq's wikipedia

>Eugène François Vidocq, July 24, 1775 – May 11, 1857, was a French criminal and criminalist whose life story inspired several writers, including Victor Hugo, Edgar Allan Poe, and Honoré de Balzac. The former criminal became the founder and first director of the crime-detection Sûreté Nationale as well as the head of the first known private detective agency, Vidocq is considered to be the father of modern criminology and of the French police department.He is also regarded as the first private detective.

While Vidocq is a former criminal who later join the police force, Goro here is a police detective that eventually will join the Phantom Thieves and became a criminal, ironically.

One more thing, there's a possible of hint of Goro's heist mask : if you google Vidocq movie, the antagonist of the said movie wear's a glass mask (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/49/Vidocq2001.jpg)
I like it, it rhymes
Have the battle songs for P5 been leaked yet?
But they removed the SMT title in the West for P4G.
Only in the west. But this is the first time japan mainline series to remove the SMT title
But Persona was never SMT in Japan, I was sure. It was Megami Ibunroku.
CYOAnon here, it's been months. How have you been, friends?
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They are big girl
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>/pg/ is ded
>Nothing left to do in summer aside going full NEET
Persona 1
Persona 2
Persona the third
Persona IV
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T-time for lewds?
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I think Maya would objectively be one of the best persona girls to cuddle
EU will get Caligula before they get P5.

also how much more would it cost to import a copy anyway, like 10 gold?
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Persona was never SMT unless you count SMT if... as Persona 0.
It was Atlus USA's idea to slap SMT on the cover, JP versions never had it.
Yes. Lay on the bed with your legs open.
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L-legs open?
Get ready for cunnilingus.
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Ryoji has had a hard life.
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I'm trying to buy Persona DAN for £10 and PSN refuses to take my money, the fuck is this
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You have to prove you're not a blonde android.
Is it on sale in the UK?
Its still 49.99 Canada bucks here. It seems to rarely go on sale too
Sounds like a pricing error to me, it's never been less than $39 dollars in NA.
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I had to buy from a dodgy code site.

£10 is way cheaper than I was expecting too, bury nice. Soon I will be dancing all night
>why isn't my Russian PSN code working
Yu is cute.
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groundhog day Yu has had sex with QT waifu's more times than you ever will.
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He really is
But I am Yu and Yu are I.
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I guess I caught a good time to finish Q.
>9.99 euros or 34.99 USD
>Canada not even offered a deal

what the fuck.
We're not important
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DAN is fun.
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>giant cowtits straining against a tight blouse

Enjoy the euros while it last UK
I need breasts too, Anon.
I wish to be the girl.
I want Kanamin to be in the next fighting spin off.

and Maya
and Ixquic
and P1-Yukino
and Chidori
Game 2: Subtitle
Game 2: Another Subtitle
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
If I pay for your hormone treatment, can I suck on them?
Actually, transitions aside my friend who is on HRT says it makes her nipples feel sensitive and amazing and I've always wondered if I can take just a little bit to make that happen.
Subtitle: Game
Shin Megami Tensei: Game 2: Subtitle
Shin Megami Tensei: Game 2: Another Subtitle
Shin Megami Tensei: Game 3
Shin Megami Tensei: Game 3: Subtitle
Game 4
Game 4: Subtitle
Game 5
Game V dash 2
Series title: game title, Main character versus main villain: subtitle
Vanilla P4 still had SMT and you missed one more Shin Megami Tensei: Game 3: Subtitle
wait, which Raidou has a subtitle after Main character versus main villain?
it's it "and the soulless army?"
isn't it*
It's "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army"
ah, somebody once laid it out to me as raidou versus king abbadon AND the soulless army.
Related series: If...
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>Unrelated series: If...
>Localitation changes it to Unrelated Series: Fates
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>Page 10
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>Not using catalog view

Why must our comrades make us look so inept?
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>Bleach is ending
>We will never get a Bleach x Persona game
I thought Bleach ended like 5 years ago.
Name 2 > Persona 5 > Name Surname > Name 3 > Name Surname: Subtitle

Guess the series
Bleach is hot garbage, though.
Thank god, I don't want Kubo screwing up Persona.
Megami Ibunroku Persona 5 is looking pretty good
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Furries in P5!
There's nothing right with being a furrie.
No, being a furrie is pretty bad.
Being a furry is OK though.
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Now that Hatsune Meegu is a canon part of the Persona universe, don't you think it's time we got some vocaloid personas?
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>Like Sly series
>Carmelita Fox is waifu
>I don't like any other furry-related thing
I hope Mikudayo will be a Persona
And Sonic
Yes. P6 will have fraternal twins with Rin and Len Personas.
The designs would be effay though.
Fucking finally, didn't he announce this shirt was going end like 2 or 3 years ago
Good afternoon /pg/.
Where have you been?
Yes, but Kubo's ramblings should always be taken with a grain of salt.
Still anon during the time I wanted Naruto, One Piece and Bleach to end because they had their run and was already or becoming stale.
So can someone explain to me how fans think P4 isn't dark, and that it's the least dark in the series?

It genuinely amazes me.
SMT and persona oldgaurd fags think dark is a compliment, and compliments must not be paid to persona 4 under any circumstances because it's popular and fun.
Persona 4 is generally pretty light-hearted, with moments of more maturity broken up across a few key scenes. Which is like most of Persona, and like a lot of other MT games. But it's colorful and popular, so there you go.

The real lesson to learn from this is not to listen to anyone who uses dark or light-hearted or anime or whatever to be used as a positive/insult towards a work.
I mean, I get SMT fans saying it - they're obsessed with it after all - but why old Persona fans?

Persona 1 is by far the least dark in the series, and whilst both P2's are dark, they are also very lighthearted - with more outlandish humor than P4.
There are many type of dark themes it's just that some people think P4 doesn't fit them but it does because it's like a Slice of life dark theme which people like to dislike because it isn't close to edgy dark.
Exactly. There's a lot of dark stuff in P4, but the entire game is about 'seeing through the fog' - you know, the the slice of life stuff. The characters don't focus on their issues, instead look towards the more upbeat parts of their lives, ignoring their issues. It's the entire point of the theme.
This is so depressing. We've been necrobumping these threads for two weeks. It's going to be like this until September, and then we'll be worse than dead.

Take be back in time to PV#01. I want to taste the hype again.
Really? You have the gift of time travel and you want to go back like 16 months?

You could fast forward to release or relive your entire childhood and use your foreknowledge to get that cute girl from highschool or nail a good job but no. feb 5th trailer time.
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>Series that will benefit from Persona-like gameplay (Slice of life + Dungeon Crawling)

Harry Potter is the obvious choice for a Persona clone.
Nobody dies and doesn't come back to life.
Most Slice of life anime gets gate because it start off light to dark and end light.
except for those three people in the opening cinematic, and every party member individually if you fail.

Also you WANT a game that kills the main characters?
I dodged a bullet by not getting that cute girl from highschool. She smokes pole for money to feed her cocaine habit.
I presume you're joking. Of course there's much more to being dark than "death, death, death!" though people do really seem to demand it.

Regardless, there are the three murders and Mitsuo getting executed. I suppose some discussion of other dead people throughout the game, but that would hardly count I suppose.
>Mitsuo getting executed
Is this confirmed? kinda assumed he was just carted off to a mental ward.
Actually, I think it's funny. Only P3 has a party member die and stay dead. Every other game has either every character survive or anyone who dies is instantly revived. Hell, even P3 had a near-revival.
>Is this confirmed? kinda assumed he was just carted off to a mental ward.
It was not confirmed. And given his age I'd wonder if he'd even get it or if he'd be chucked into a looney bin.
No, I just presumed he would be off to be executed, like Adachi is meant to be.

Going to the madhouse is still somewhat grim though haha. It's premature to count him as a death though, I'll admit.
>like Adachi is meant to be.

oi, that's rich. fuccboi Adachi is going to live forever and probably get out on good behavior so he can harvest fangirl spunk.
Or never show up again, except some official art at Persona's 30th anniversary when we get P7
The court hardly takes the milking of P4 into consideration desu.

All the shenanigans can't be predicted.
Why are we non-moon speaking anons hyped for this stream coming again? I mean even without the months between the release dates, what the hell are they going to show this time?
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>Persona 3 & Golden HD Remaster
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>Not a HD Remaster already
Maybe new game info, ova info etc that's why.
>When you play persona 3, you always include this character in your party
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>Full P3 remake with all Portable/FES stuff in P5's engine
MC :^)

Alternatively Aigis
Yuka-tan for the heals
I don't know why I'm hyped for more game info. It's just gonna make the wait for the western release harder.
Yukari and Icesuru
I rotate everyone.
>When you play the SEBEC route in P1, you always include this character in your party

How exactly would calling a Persona game 'anime' be an insult anyway? It IS anime. That is as absurd as fighting game fans trying to differentiate GG and BB from KoF and SF by calling GG/BB 'anime fighting games'. We get it, you are ashamed to like Japanese made games and want to look cool, but at least be honest that you're weird.

On another topic, man, I really dig Anne. She and Makoto really get into the roleplay of their code names. Gives them some personality.
The daily high school life of life aspects in 3 and 4 in particular make the games seem like adaptions of a manga or show to begin with.

That I think is what sets people off, for which ever side of the argument

You could have helped her through that then. For shame.

Wanting a relationship that requires no work is impossible.
>[Character Varies]

It still seems silly because those are common tropes, not just in anime. It more seems to be some twisted idea of what makes anime 'anime' than anything. Dank memes and all that.

It's not like the Japanese created the idea of teenagers with superpowers or high school antics.
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>/pg/ claims to hate Yukari
>everyone uses her anyway

/pg/ so tsun-tsun~
>How exactly would calling a Persona game 'anime' be an insult anyway? It IS anime.
Well, you've got two camps in that squad. The people like you note, who are ashamed to like anything Japanese, and the people who think anime only applies to bad things. Like, K-on! is anime as fuck because you don't like it but Persona X is not because you do like it. Basically it's a stupid term unless you're using it literally.
>tfw you call yourself a persona fan but you've only played p4golden
Its specific tropes and cliches seen repeatedly in the same style of shows, not just that you can use the words trope and cliche to describe it. No one thinks that

People might diss the healer, but it's a necessary job.

We need more pure tsun healers. I love fluffy healers, but the role needs more respect.

Yukari grew on me with Persona Q. Too bad all that character development was mindwiped away by canon. Also, bring Rei back Atlus.
If Yukari's so good, how come she always misses?
>If you want to try a JRPG you should try Persona 4! I dont like JRPGs either, but Persona 4 isnt like the others, its got a really unique vibe and setting, and the characters aren't just cliches!

Like I get that the main draw for a lot of people is that the cast are regular people, and not fantasy world princesses wearing 7 different belts around their limbs, but calling P4 this bespoke gem is such a stretch.
Especially worse if they add something about how they hate anime because its all childish cliches, but P4 doesnt stoop that low or something.

>We need more pure tsun healers
I didnt know I wanted more of this so bad until now.
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She sucks too much dicks instead of training her archery skills. fucking slut
This. I also still can't believe there are people playing FF:XV for their first FF game and KH3 for the first game in the series and the same with P5. Why do people do this?
Akihiko and Mitsuru
Nanjo and Hidehiko
New is better.
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I dont know about KH, but FF and Persona are very separate stories. Theres really no reason you have to play them in order.

I played 4 first, then 3, 2, 1.
Its fine
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Are you ready for the hourly "Hey guys I've never played a Persona game, can I start at 5?" posts in February?
That'd fine but I'm saying like. Oh new game in a new installment let me just play the one that is about to come out instead of trying the game for that because it might get me a feel for the game? Also this >>147360298 gets annoying after a while.
The only people left here in February are people who want to spoil the game, and people who dont care about spoilers.

If someone asks if they should play P5 there just going to get a bunch of "Goro betrays Potter!" followed by someone giving a real answer, and then someone telling them to play FES instead
That and P4 cast was better anyway.
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>P4 cast
>anything but shit
Just give them

Maya dies
You and Shinji die
Adachi is the killer
X is the mole!
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Im glad Persona 1 is too far respected to spoil for others.
Anon idk if you could tell it was part of joke and what people will truly say when that scenario happens.
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get some new images, marieshitter
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Reminder that Yu's drag costume was 1000x more creative and well executed than Teddie's bullshit Alice thing. And Yosuke is a total eyesore.
Teddie and Yu were the only good looking ones, but their too shitty as characters to care.

I want Kou as Risette, or Jun in Lisa's uniform
teddie had better stage presence
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>he fell for the blue haired fuckboi meme
They are clones

Teddie got votes from questioning horny teenagers because they didn't recognize him from class and didn't picture him in regular boy clothes. His "stage presence" was trash and Yu did much better at the serious runway fashion model look.
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>Plot of P5 is some mob with a evil master plan trying to cause a mass hysteria incident, also involving immortal beings.
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>runway look
>at a joke highschool pagent
what a tryhard
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Yu provides excellence in all of his activities. Don't feel bad because your favorite character isn't cute in 2 different genders.
Now give me Arena Ken in Yukari's school uniform, with the pink cardigan and everything
Huh, didn't notice they were all different
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>Phantom - Red - Fire
>Ryuji - Yellow - Zio
>Anne - Pink - Healer
>Yusuke - Blue - Bufu
>Makoto - White - Physical
>Futaba - Black & Green - Hacker
>Haru - Purple - Psi
>Goro - Black - Mudo
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close enough
More like

Phantom - Cherry
Ryuji - Banana
Ann - Strawberry Lemonade
Yusuke - Blue Raspberry
Makoto - MYSTERY
Futaba - Watermelon
Haru - Grape
Goro - Latex for feeling your entire body down and gently caressing all the right parts of your genitals and backside
Except that Anne is fire and Goro is obviously light
Yukiko was also fire and had the healer role

>Goro is obviously light
Why? We don't even know his Persona yet.
Phantom is Mudo you dummy
ehhh, fine.
>Playable party members have Power Ranger's colors

White ranger best ranger

Isn't Makoto Nuclear?

I was almost disappointed there were no meltdown jokes.

I mean c'mon, pv04 had all that stuff about "recalling her rage" and everything?
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>not blue
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>Nips joking about nukes

Is this bait?
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>expecting a dude called Akechi to not be the party traitor

boy are you in for an inevitable surprise
>Neo Featherman
I'd like some Kamen Rider parody in Persona 5.
My uncle is named Akechi and he's the best uncle you could ever ask you fucking faggot TAKE IT BACK

I think he meant more people thinking the series was shit until something magically makes them try this new one all of a sudden. Like they'll say XV will cure their hatred for the cliche of jrpgs or something.

I mean, I literally only have seen the Persona 4 anime, and have never played one before, saw a let's play for Q, and that's it. But I am interested in the story for 5 and might play it if I have the money after getting a PS4 for FFXV. But I'll be honest about being a newbie and might try the older games once I finish with P5. So I wouldn't be like the ones who would buy it to "prove" something.

But hey, I am just a dude who likes games.
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>Prime minister is the final boss
>X is the mole
Fuck you. X is innocent and also mai waifu
How could you watch something as awful as the P4 anime, and come away interested for more?
why would you post in the general for a series you've never played
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>saw a let's play
Devil boy was so based.
>Why? We don't even know his Persona yet.
Phantom is darkness.Add that to the obvious rivalry that the two of them are gonna have
I was saying that and just people who will shit on a new entry of a game and playing any of the other ones because fuck it I don't have to.
>Why? We don't even know his Persona yet.

Because all the other elements have been accounted for. Light is the only one missing.
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>his element is Light
You mean Light Turner, right?
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I'll take those quads
and check them!
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thank you. i worked very hard for them.
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I'll take a Teddie-cakes
and fuck it!
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Please don't sexualize the bear.
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Of course I won't sexualize the bear
Only the gayboy inside :3.
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teddie is for sexual
If Mitsuru is so rich then why she didn't just paid Nyx to fuck off?
She's a cheap bastard. She has you run an organization for her but doesn't even fund your weapons or armor.
what would a godly being do with japanese currency
buy godly stuff?
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but plastic butts
I can't wait to get them this September.

Fuck japan even more by deflationing it
Hire a metric ton of hookers
My uncle works por Atlus USA translating the script of Persona 5, so I'll post LEGIT spoilers

>Arsene is a demon possesing Phantom, instead of his actual Persona
>Phantom's true Persona is revealed on the rehabiitation ending, and it's Robin Hood
>Igor plays a bigger role than in other Persona games, and his Arcana is Justice (Which ranks up automatically after every heist, as Igor appears to talk you about morality and self-control while the lolis play the clueless cop, ad cop routine on you)
>Futaba's mother died mysteriously not long ago, and that forced her become a NEET and learn hacking so she could investigate the case on her own. Basically Dojima's S.Link but reversed
>Her father knows that her death was due to messing with the rich elite of Tokyo, so he tries to make Phantom be friends with Sakura so she can stop playing cops and go back to have a normal life.
>Sakura discovers the Phantom Thieves identities, and she tries to reveal them, but Phantom stops her and secretly falls in love with him
>Her S.Link is basically a light-hearted version of "Welcome to the NHK", in which you help her to become a normal student again
>It's implied Ryuji have cosumed drugs prior events of the game.
>Anne gets roofied by her weirdo teacher.
>Sae's and Makoto's relationship as siblings mirrors Tatsuya's and Katsuya's one on Innocent Sin, with their parents killed by the mob and Sae joining the police to investigate the crime. Sae and Makoto have anger issues due to all of this.
>Goro is the new detective prince after Naoto announced her being a woman and left her job to join the Shadow Ops, as he was her main rival.
>Even if he is popular with women due to being a gentleman, Goro truly has sadistic tendencies and likes to beat up criminals.
>He becomes obsessed with the Phantom Thieves and its leader, due to the status of urban legend they eventually get.
>Later he join sides with Phantom to "punish" the mob and obtain the power of stealing hearts
>>>Arsene is a demon possesing Phantom, instead of his actual Persona
At least keep your shitpost consistent with what we already know.
Tell your uncle to get a real job.
>what we already know.
But PV2 pretty much shows Arsene possesing Phantom and making a pact with him.
Since when did we know anything different, anon
Shinto gods apparently love the hell out of yen seeing as they demand it at their shrines on religious holidays or pretty much any time a Jap wants to pray to them.
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>Shinto gods apparently love the hell out of yen

It was a decent show, so I became interested. Read some of the manga too.

At least you can say you've got some decent anime, FF was severely lacking in that department to the point Brotherhood is better, and it's only 14 minute shorts.

But yes, I do plan to seriously play the other titles, plus from what I saw, the lore intrigues me.
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>the lore intrigues me.

Everything on the lore gets either retconned or never talked about it again. Or even talked about on spin-offs that contradict the main games.
You now remember the existence of Metis.

But you will forget about her again in 10 minutes.
watch trinity soul
Are you talking about the Metis touch anon?
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What about Maya?
She is the most forgettable girl on this series.
Well, she has her own game, and those heart tits are pretty stunning, she's more memorable than your average party member.

I did, it was pretty meh.

That was before I was familiar with Persona.
but she's a noncharacter in her own game
>and those heart tits are pretty stunning
They're okay-ish.
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>Bullying Maya
>/pg/ so dead I have to samefag to keep the thread alive
I didn't ask for this
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Dead /pg/ best /pg/
I'm thinking about playing Persona 2. Should I emulate it on PC or buy it for Vita Is there any real advantage either way?
Emulate P2:ISP on PPSSPP.
Emulate P2:EP on ePSXe.
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Maya is love
Maya is life
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>No cute Persona waifu with social anxiety
That poor girl has it tough
How is that fan translation for EP PSP coming along
's ded
deder than /pg/
The extra story is translated on some Tumblr, and the rest it's exactly the same.
I'm ready, /pg/.
Bring me P5.
tell your uncle to give us dual audio
I'll screencap it and add it to my folder of p5 spoilers.
I don't get it at all. Why is she half-nude in the pic? Why is she surronded by dudes if she has social anxiety? These guys know of the half nude pic?
ok check your mailbox, I sent it.
sent ;)
Why is it taking so long? They said they were basically just taking the PS1 script and changing names to make it consistent with P1P and that's it. All that they really have to translate from scratch is the Tatsuya scenario.
Honestly, will all the throwbacks to previous games we have seen so far, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of what he said ended up being true. P-Team isn't exactly subtle and they already showed that they don't mind rehashing certain things.
She's one of those dumb attention whores who thinks mental illnesses are "cool"
Will P5 have jiggle effects?
P4D has them so I don't see why P5 wouldn't
Why wouldn't it?
It's crazy Japan is going full blown jiggle now almost every game from 2015 til now has them.
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I always felt like Jin was just a good long hug away from being a cool guy for the good team. More brains and common sense than Takaya and Chidori combined, his participation in the retardedness of Strega made no sense.
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Why is Makoto so edgy?
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hello /pg/ I am back from my france/turkey vacation

how are you
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I miss her so much
When you played your deck so straight to the rules that you were elected student president you'd get off a little in your pantaloons on being delinquent-y for once in your life.
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I too have difficulties aiming my ejaculate.

Just remove accuracy from the equation and beary your dick in one of her holes, she's not picky.
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she'll always be in our hearts, anon

what an angel
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That sounds hot, but I want to be her.

Wow MC had a nosebleed for three weeks!
MC confirmed for being as strong as 21 Atillas.
I see you didn't get bomb anon that's good try to stay alive til you get p5 please?
You can start by being a girl.
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I would too, if I saw the sexy female version of myself naked.
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>You can start by being a girl.
I already failed this part.
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yeah my flight from istanbul was today so I managed to miss getting blown up

they didn't even increase security at the airport after the attack, seriously what the fuck
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I will always wonder how big my tits would have been as a grill.
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Just look at your family boob's size.
>Big boobs in both sides of the family
>Born a man
It's ok anon. We all did.
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My family from both sides have some pretty average to slightly big boobs but my sister turned out flat. Are you sure that's a good indicator?
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We did, but at least we're alive at the same time as Persona.

I don't know. It's the indicator I know.

Maybe she's adopted.
like anything its a combination of genetics and environmental factors. always a chance to kick a recessive landmine
/pg/ - boobs and genes general
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fine with me.
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I'm pretty sure the only thing that kept him there was his loyalty to Takaya for 'saving him'.
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They wouldent sell me persona hentai today at AX because of my id.
Well back to the free shit
Could be Boobs and Eugenics general.
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You have something against boobs?
They sell porn there?
>not even having a state id
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Who outside of her family does Nanako love the most in canon?
>outside of her family
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My big sister is a perfection translation of myself into the female form. We look so much alike that our parents can't even tell our baby pictures apart until ages 2 or 3 when the sex distinctive characteristics start to show. And let me tell you, girl me is cute as fuck. She has a gorgeous rich husband and all of the handsome boys are always flirting with her.

Why was I the one born with a penis, /pg/?
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>My big sister is a perfection translation of myself into the female form.
>And let me tell you, girl me is cute as fuck.

I'm going to ignore the fact that you just called your sister cute to ask you a favor.
In the 6 years I've known I was bisexual, I've been waiting for this moment. Can you, your sister and I have a hot threesome, please?
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Halp me.jpg
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Why does this series attract so many degenerates?
Mods for Persona games when?
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>69th IP

Degenerate into something, fool!
Because that's exactly what they were going for.

Why does this series attract so many faggots like you is the real question.
They already exist, m8.

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>could model swap for any of the cool and interesting characters from Persona 3 that would have been funny or neat to play as
>chose Fuuka
>fuuka providing support to fuuka
Why is P3 so shit?
m8 if you look so much like your sister and she's ostensibly a cutie why haven't you gone out and landed a sugar momma or something
Everyday is shit at your /pee gee/
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Everyday shit life /pg/ friends
Welcome back Houstonbro.
I'm a gigantic social retard.

I totally would, but she's extremely faithful to her husband. She's a really good girl.
>she's extremely faithful to her husband
He can join us. I don't mind. It's a "devil's foursome."
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Battle support.png
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>implying Fuuka isn't cool
Fuuka a qt, which is cool in its on way, but not the same
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I think Fuuka surviving tartarus was pretty cool.
That and those headphones she made were awesome.
Fuuka is definitely a character I want to be friends with, but not is a sexy social link way.

I want to help her bake cookies while talking about her smelling music thing, or about how cool Mitsuru and Yukari are
I would probably kick Fuuka under the dinner table over and over knowing she wouldn't have the nerve to speak up and say something.
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>Fuuka is definitely a character I want to be friends with
Fair enough
More for me

Wow r00d and wrong.
Is rise Katherine's daughter in this?
fuuka is just too ripe for bullying, not even the kindhearted can resist
>hurting Fuuka
Seek mental help
Where the guy that is couldn't fuck the person cosplayer because he didn't feel like it would be right?
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>FeMC ending

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I was going to buy a used PS4 to play P5, but I might just get cheaper PS3 instead so I can try Ultimax.

I dont play fighting games but i want to jump around and beat things up as Rise
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Is she even good. I'm not that good at fighting games.
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Shes my favourite, and thats far more important.
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In her original game, she didn't fight and was a support character. Of course she's good.
do people talk about Persona 1 & 2 here? Or is that more of a /smtg/ thing?
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Even though I suck at the game Chie is my main. The punch move she does is my favorite to do.
this is important. If I start posting Yukino artwork will other anons join in?
Not God's Hand, that quarter, circle back one.
They will call you a faggot for dumping images.
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Dont dump images, even if its someone as cool as Yukino
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I'm pretty sure Persona started at 3, bud.
but Risefag dumps images and you guys don't shit on him
The world already shits on them for picking such a slut.
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dual audio
People who really life Chie overrate her.
People that shit on Chie underrate her.
>shorts under skirt
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Chie is my favorite, but I don't think she's the absolute best.
I hate every single character in the Persona universe except Kanji

And it's all your fault, /pg/
They're spats you dummy
they looked like mini cargo shorts at first
I have yet to see fanart of vidyafu's in spats that I havent wanted to bury my face in
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Old and busted
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At least she's not a big, fat phony.
Rise told me Kanamin's tits were fake.
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Shes like the only girl so far that didnt get pushed into Yu's harem, so Japan probably doesnt care about her.
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Rise is better anyways.
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Post more Biker-chan
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I want Kanji to cuddle with me until I fall asleep while stroking my hair
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What's his name again?
Andy Capp
Frosty the Snowman
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I hope that the Ultimax stage play will be good
kill me
this will never happen but we can dream, yeah?
hurry up /pg/ im waiting
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Stop blogging like a stupid bitch and do it yourself already
More of an EO fan, bought PQ and enjoying it for the most part. Am I going to fuck up Persona Fusion going in blind or am I pretty safe to just do whatever. I have min/max autism and I get really scared whenever I need to feed something
It's still a Persona game, so no. It's easy and you're not going to fuck up.
Do you need specific combinations to end up with good fusions or is there nothing like that
No. As I said, it's still Persona. Try to pass on high level or useful skills and you're pretty much set. Plus everyone already has a starter Persona, so they have a set already.

And people complain that there's more characters than Persona slots, but you only need 5 Personas at a time.
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Post velvet twins.
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I already hate every single fucking character in p5 because of you people and your goddamned memes.
I'll give you a secret tip.
Don't ever listen to us. Including this.
you must have a shit life
if you think the cast has been memed now, you're gonna really have a fit once the game is out.
Don't you fucking tell me what to do you asspie.
Let's get our bets on. We're going to need at least one crackpot theory that a character is half-something. Ryuuji is half-Mongolian.
I will, and I'm telling you not to listen to me.
>This Persona villain did nothing wrong
Kirito Gun Gale
Weren't people saying Anne was a Finn for some reason
Yeah, because her last name is supposed to be common in Finland or something, but not so common in Japan.

Though to be fair, do we even know where her family actually comes from? I know she lived in America, but that tells us fuck all about her family history.
>is supposed to be common in Finland or something, but not so common in Japan.
It was more retarded actually.
Takamaki is a common last name in Japan, but if you change one letter, it becomes a common finnish last name.
don't forget to say happy birthday to maya
Oh I agree. All Americans look like Anne, after all. Except the blacks, but that's a little rarer in your Japanese animes unless you're a westaboo like Kojima or Rei Hiroe

Yeah she's just going to be 1/4 white girl from America (and somehow 100% white looking). If they feel the need to go into any more detail they'll say she's from California.
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How do Personas work in terms of fighting?
I mean, the anime had the "Damage to the Persona gets transfered to the user".
Do the games talk about this or they did just copied some shitty fanfic?
>How do Personas work in terms of fighting?
It hasn't come up as a plot point yet, so the answer is "whatever Atlus feels like at the moment."
>How do Personas work in terms of fighting?
>I mean, the anime had the "Damage to the Persona gets transfered to the user".

I mean, it's an turn based RPG. You can't do that.
ARPG Persona when?
I'd rather just have an action game.
No mushitous either.
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>just found out Elizabeth's dialogue changes when you visit the Velvet Room with Mara equipped

Oh my god I can't believe I didn't know this until now.
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>Not wanting a Musou with Mitsuru in lewd outfits
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There is and it's called Raidou
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Okey, let's ask for XCOM: Persona Enemy then...
Every time.
I never want Persona to reach Senran Kagura levels. Granted I don't think that's likely, but still.
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Persona is already about how the greatest adversary is that which comes from within.
I mean, in the anime that is the case, when Izanagi gets hit Narukami gets thrown around into walls and clutches his chest and shit.

But judging souly from the fact that Ken didn't turn into a sack of broken calcium at the smallest of encounters I'm going to say that in the games you use your persona as a physical shield from injury, 1hp is the point at which you can no longer block an attack and being "down" is more like no longer having a persona to block the ouchies with.
Why are you guys using the anime as a base and not the game which you can attack personas in
Because Arena takes more than a few liberties, and fighting game mechanics often depart from the norm.

Aigis didn't have ammunition limitations in P3 and suddenly she does in arena, I wouldn't use that as proof that she always did.
So you will use the Anime instead. And also assume Aegis has the infinite ammo bandanna.
You might want to read the second part of the first post you responded to, because I based my final conclusion off of the actual games.
I don't think I want too, considering Aegis has infinite ammo now. I guess those caches in her room were there for nothing.
Naoto had unlimited ammo and was pretty good Jin could conjure an infinite supply of grenades and Yukari borrowed Lagolas' quiver.
The real answer is everything works because fucking Jungian-style magic. And if it ever works differently it's because an even bigger wizard changed shit.
itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte
roughly translates to "end game spoilers in the opening cinematic"
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are you guys still attached to your p3/p4 waifu/husbando?

I still love Adachi.
>tfw I have to buy a PSTV for persona 4

man that shit is like 40 bucks
>I still love Adachi.
No, you don't, faker.
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you're not me!.png
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of course.

Tsubasa X Kiria doujin's WHEN

40 PSTV 20 P4G still equals less than the price of a full game these days. and the PSTV can play Dancing All Night so you're planning for the future. It can also emulate P3P if you want to be a QT.
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I love him!!

he appeal to my fetish of cute dorky guys that can dom
Leave again, and let your presence never be felt. Again.
I don't believe you. Adachifags are all either /r9k/ angry morons or crazed self-loathing fujoshi.
You have incredibly shit taste.

Takamäki is a common Finnish surname, and I presume people took the "everyone always drops the umlaut from Finnish names, just look how Kimi Räikkönen becomes Raikkonen" and rolled with it.
It was Neni's fault, as always
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well, I fell in love with the dorky detective pre-reveal and stuck on even with the twist, so I might be self-loathing. but fujotrash tho

You think he'll better if he wasn't the killer?

you better not be chiefag trash
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don't die thread
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Told you we should go lewder
whoa now

too lewd
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Come now, I haven't even started yet
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Show some spirit!
How lewd can we go?
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What did Atlus mean by this?
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>huge visible nipples

what did they mean by this?
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>Battling with heels and ultra tight latex suit
The texture isn't far removed from rubber but the material protects against a wide range of toxic substances...
Like what? Does it protect her against cum?
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Sneaking missions are called Wetworks for a reason.
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can I interest you /pg/ in some gendersuap
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>implying I could love anyone but Fuuka

How silly of you, anon.
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Fuuka is a pure and innocent girl, stop this instant.
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I think my favorite 4chan post ever was:

Fap to this song
If you don't cum before the song ends you will die.
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We're not talking about Rise here.
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Who wants to talk about her anyway?
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Does this work?
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Yu looks dashing, as usual.

The others are there too as well, I suppose.
They fucking suck

They are fucking adorable
Eh, yes, yes, hell no.
Piercy looks pretty bland
St. Hermelin uniform is ugly in general, there is too much gray on it already so adding Yu's grayness only makes it worse.
why does no one in p5 look... moe?
Futaba is moe
Morgana is moe
Goro is moe
Moe like you :3
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Damn, the Seven Sisters uniform is still the best of the bunch. Also, why is Yu limp-wristing it?
Hey, fire emblem here. After a misunderstanding with /smt/, I have found my way here to tell you to fuck off. You're ruining our game with your cancer. Thanks.
He's holding his TV glasses.
>Ruining our game with your cancer.
Your game was already ruin once it became a waifu simulator.
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>he thinks there was anything of worth to ruin in FE
>he got rused by /smtg/
less than intelligent amphibious poster
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We are, huh?
Ilya Kuvshinov hasn't done any Fluffy Haru art.

Why :(
Can't fit the entire forehead in one image. Filesize too big.
Baofu was cool as fuck desu.
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You've been Qkiko'd!
Looks like a princess.
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>It's Maya's birthday

T-Thank you for the explanation, at least now I know.
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nobody cares
I care, she's my waifu
The FUCK did you just say?
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coolest maya.jpg
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Best girl.
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You think you care but you don't, really.
why does she have hearts on her tits
Because she's a lovely girl.
That she's my cutie girlfriend.
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She's too pale. She needs a good tanned.
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>not fucking a porcelain doll with flawless skin and silky hair.
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Would it be selfcest?
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>You will never put you cum on Fuuka's dildo, so when she uses it she will accidentally get pregnant

Feels bad man
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you realize sperm lives for all of 15 minutes outside of the human body, right
Just gotta time it right
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That just means you need to act fast
Also if it touches any kind of light it dies.
>Put cum on the freezer
>Interrupt her while she uses her dildo
>Find dildo
>Put frozen cum on it
During the dark hour
>>Interrupt her while she uses her dildo
>>Find dildo

Whoa man, I don't think it's so deep in as to warrant a search party.

As it is it's more efficient to just cum into a freezer-mold shaped like a dildo and 3d print an ice dildo with your dick over the course of a few weeks. Of course it'll be cold so even if you replace her regular dildo she won't want to put it in. having to force it in her basically just creates a rape scenario where you're having no fun.
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>Bully Fuuka during recess
>Put a dildo in her vagoo
>Use a remote controller to activate it on random times when she's in public

I like it
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I think the the rapist and molester anons must all be Fuukaposters...
Fuuka needs to assert herself and become the rapist, or she can send me lewds to buy things like not-rape.
Futaba isn't moe
Morgana isn't moe
Goro.... possible.
>you'll never go back in time and save adachi from throwing people into tvs
>you'll never fix his self-esteem and make him a good boy

fucked up
There's a timeline where he didn't do that.
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>There's a timeline where Persona 5 came out on 2014 and all /pg/ lives happy lives
>all /pg/ lives happy lives
That is physically impossible.
And we'de now waiting for P6.
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I fixed Fire Emblem for you.

Is it one of the MT timelines where the Apocalypse already happened?
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>No Jenna Fisher to play Persona 5 with
Pam was a perfect casting, she was cute initially but by the time she got over her dumb with her shitty boyfriend she was a gross librarian and was replaced by another cute girl and a needlessly extended romance plot line.
>no girly dick bf to play P5 with
Is this #FE?
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erin laugh.jpg
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I wish
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No, this is.
>SMTfags hate #FE
>FEfags hate #FE
>Personafags don't give a shit about #FE or don't have a WiiU

Man talk about fundamentally missing the point. It's a little saccharin even by Persona standards, I'd play it just to stare at Tsubasa's tits for 50 hours but I wouldn't buy a WiiU for it.
NoA decided that her tits are haram so you don't even get that.
I've played #FE. There are still plenty of tits. Unless Tsubasa was originally wearing a string bikini.
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Stalker party member when?
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We've had plenty
Who is the girliest Persona girl?
Rise no contest
Which Persona character is Michael Scott?
Mai waifu
Did you just discover The Office?

marginalized by his peers, insensitive to minorities, somehow calling the shots for the group even though literally everyone else is more qualified.
>P3 was Blue.
>P4 was Yellow.
>P5 is going to be Red.

Which color P6 is going to be? Green?
>MC is an Irish exchange student.
by logical progression it should be infrared.
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Only the last one was me, and no. Started it years ago. What's wrong with discussing it in a general that has nothing to do with it?
i need valley girl anne in my life
I wish Fuuka has a happy and fulfiling life full of peace and smiles.
I've done nothing but masturbate, eat, and browse 4chan all day

jesus christ how long can I go on like this
I don't care
I just found it curious
Fuck off deviant
a long time, speaking from personal experience
I mean I don't frequent /pg/ every day but I feel like a lot of the same things are discussed so I wanted to switch it up a little.
Doesn't help that I absolutely love The Office.
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Cabbage lakes.jpg
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I will pay you one hot-off-the-presses office/persona meme to never discuss it again.
I have to break this routine, anon

gotta get a gym membership or something
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I can't help it, every time I think of Fuuka waking up every day with a smile on her face and enjoying her life I feel my heart beat really fast and my face blush
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Sounds like you got a waifu, anon.
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I'm hoping for teen mother and future Waffle House waitress Alabama Anne.
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also a high quality anne flavor
>implying I haven't known this for a year and a half
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Waifus are fickle.
Husbandos are forever.
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Nothing is better than the feeling of a big guy or big girl holding you in their arms. Just for me it happens to be a big guy.
What about my post made you think I was a girl?
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feels sad.jpg
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>Wake up
>Check /pg/ on Clover
>Post on /pg/ while I play my backlog
>Have lunch
>Keep samefagging here to bump the thread
>Go back to posting on /pg/
>Get drunk on orange juice
My waifu is not fickle, you corpse loving faggot
What about my post made you think I was straight?
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Cause the London meme is about girls on 4chan but also uwu hi anon~
I'm the very same, but replace eating, playing videogames, and fapping with drinking cheap shitty vodka.

And I guess I'm not so much asleep at the end of the day as unconscious.
oh nice an alcoholic

do you go to the threads on /ck/
really at its core its more about thirsty niggas than the girls

I wouldn't expect to find another co/ck/ here
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Which one's the Janetty?
You two can north-south position later. For now though, who's the REAL mole?
>north-south position

excuse me
It's an MMA think I think.
He's implying that you're fellating each other.
well you learn new things everyday
should I rewatch FMA brotherhood /pg/

I'm so lonely
Only in Japanese so you can imagine Naoto sealing Rise into a suit of armor.
No, you should go out and make some friends you dweeb.
>in Japanese

absolutely not
Is this legit or am I being memed on? I've never heard about this before and I have no idea why two random GameFAQs posters would make the same lie.
You're being meme'd upon my friend. It's the equivalent of beating the first disk without healing to resurrect Aeris.
Memes jack
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Tatsuya chrismast.png
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>You have been kidnapped, but your waifu is trying to rescue you

How fucked are you, /pg/?

>mfw Maya
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>How fucked are you, /pg/?

Everyone would be fucked. Your waifu doesn't care about you, only your self insert.
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>dubfags in my /pg/

Absolutely not.

look for anime clubs or hobby shops in whatever city you're closest to. they're surprisingly common. everyone is an awkward dork so it's possible to make friends even if you are an awkward dork yourself. and if you don't want awkward dork friends you don't deserve them or the hobby d.e.s.u
>anime clubs
They are the worst it's like someone spilled radioactive material on /a/ and it born an anime club.
Why don't you go to /soc/ where other lonely people are?
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tomoko loners.png
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Not him, but
>anime clubs
So you want losers to meet other losers?
Isn't /r9k/ the new /soc/ for trannies and other scum?
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I'm not about to argue against the efficacy of GUN and plot convenience hyper-intelligence.
>So you want losers to meet other losers?

Depends on the club. Group of me and my friends of ten years now did everything together as part of a club we made, helped the other clubs with presentations and making an online forum for all clubs.

Best years of my college life, we'd drive around and head down to this pancake house and chill till about 3 AM every other Friday after club just shooting the shit.

But then I left and the majority of the people left just watch abridged vids on youtube, never watching any shows.
>My country's schools and colleges have no clubs
this sounds exactly like me and the friends I had before I dropped out of Uni. It was the beginning of the end for our club
Maybe I have never went to /r9k/ before but /soc/ can really help this guy there are many "lonly" people on there and want to to talk or meet people.
If you have literally no social interaction outside of your family you don't get to be picky about the friends you make. And if you think you're too good for the obnoxious and sweaty people who go to anime clubs that's probably part of the reason you don't have any friends.

So yes. Make friends with other losers. Play Tales games and watch anime together and get into dumb arguments about the best girl. It is so much better than being alone. You might even get over yourself and start to enjoy it.
>Picture limit reached

Oh god why?
>Thinking normies who watch popular entry-level anime can be enjoyable to talk with

No. I'm on a Telegram anime group with people from my college and they are just /b/ but with anime stickers
This. Why did anything related to anime become popular in 2012 literally the SAO and SNK era?
What if I've had friends in the past and just don't like dealing with the stress of relationships with people outside of my family?
>550 mm (21.7 in) stock collapsed
i was gonna make a joke about that oversized mp5 but honestly given how tiny naoto is it's not that far off scale
SAO is shit but I liked a good portion of the first season of AoT
>Irl friends on childhood
>Move to another city and transfer schools
>Lose friends and new middleschool mates bully me
>Women backstab the hell out of me or just avoid me like plague

I know that feel anon
>SAO is shit
No you don't understand, his sisters tits are SO BIG. and she totally wants to fuck him even though he got married and a adopted a random NPC who calls him father. which is handy because he's probably stressed from being a secret agent.


Remember that denkeki bunko character who slept with her brother? no not that one... no, not THAT one.
Is it possible a no SL run on Persona 3/4?
nope. you always get death judgement and fool in 3 and star judgement and fool in 4.

It'd make for a pretty perfunctory "you hear voices calling in the distance" scene but you could do it.
desu all i know about sao is two years worth of semen
I don't count automatic SLs obviously.
It would be nice for Persona 6 to focus on bullying and make you start with a few reversed arcanas to show that.
Where can I find Atlus HQ's address to send them my ideas for Persona 5 Ultimax?
why are you ticking?
I want to send them a few ideas for P5A and also a job application
yeah but why are there red wires poking out of your trenchcoat?
It's just a clock
Can we mail Atlus USA something?
How about a nice thank you note for giving us the series that lead us to our misery on this general?
We should mail them a letter in Japanese, it'll take them five months to hire someone to read it out loud and then burn the original.
Can we mail them Hardin's nudes?
>tfw got Atlus USA's phone number
>Is your localization department up and running?
>Number is public on Google Maps
>I could Hardin RIGHT NOW
Ask if Yusuke is gonna be voiced by Ashly Burch
Can we make a new thread already?
nyet, the arbitrary guidelines have yet to be fulfilled.
Fuck the thead police
Fuck it, go
>two years worth of semen

holy shit. I just looked that up. that's the most garbage thing I've ever read.
>anime clubs
I'd rather die desu

> hobby shops
literally the only hobby I'm interested in is Flames of War, and that takes money to get into
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