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/dsg/ - Souls General

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>Character Planner






i wanta souls bf
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I don't.
They stink and are fat
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ITT: Unpopular Soulsborn Opinions

I really like DS3. It's my favorite Soulsborne game.
I want to eat Gwyndolin-chan's(male) butthole
What weapon is this then? >>147278746
Great Lord Greatsword
Does Sulyvahn inflict physical damage in addition to fire/magic?
It's CE, who cares.
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I think that bloodborne has the most balanced pvp in the series.
Why the fuck are covenants broken?

Why is it taking them so long to actually FIX them?
His swords aren't made of magic and fire, they're sharp, bladed physical weapons enchanted with magic and fire.
being able to punish healing is great though
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Fairly certain the only "pure" elemental damage is spells.
Even the MLGS for whatever reason is split.
>I really like DS3. It's my favorite Soulsborne game.
>Unpopular Opinions
Maybe here faggot
I enjoy DS2:SOTFS the most in the series. It feels like a mix of Demon's and Dark Souls as well as being incredibly long.

Demon's has my favorite NPCs and story, but Seath is my all time favorite character in terms of lore in the whole series. Those last two opinions might not be unpopular though.
I can be yours.

jk, i don't want to
I want a souls bf to bully me
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This game needs a good bearded axe, the manliest of axes
post id
>no axe shaped like an electric guitar
How am I even supposed to rock?
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are we not here?

right now?

is here not where we are?
Here is not here
>WA is a sick riff that has Force properties
I miss that sword so much...firelink sword has a cool art and everything but it just doesn't feel the same
>Hey the players are complaining about lack of good faith weapons
>Miyazaki: Just give faith scaling to the ones that require faith investment
>Good idea sir! This will make the weapons stronger.
>Miyzaki: Don't be ridiculous, make sure you cut every other scaling they have because "PvE balance" *winks*.
They should really bring something like that back for DaS3. It wasn't too common to get in BB and was so fucking satisfying.
dragonslayer axe
thrall axe
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>Read about these sweet dagger critz
>It's meh af and naked+flynn would hardly make a difference
Fuck this. I'm going back to Dragon's Dogma.
I guarantee there's going to be a ton of favorite DS1 boss weapons in the DLC
Flynn adds like forty AR at best
>Dragon's Dogma
That's true if you play in gemless FCs, or you allow healing. They only thing that kind of sucks is there is no RSS equivalent in BB.
The weapon I'd really love to see back is my Curved Nil GS, silver knight weapons and great lord take the second spot
>Punished, bro
yes? have you tried infusions?
use propaned. it's basically GLGS, but prettier AND can be lit on fire. besides, GLGS had a shitty moveset
Not much point in having curved nil when pstancing is gone.
Hopefully they give is a paired ultraweapon that incorporates the Nil's unique attacks.

Speaking of which, holy fuck we desperately need more dark-based weapons.
Curved Nil was pretty sex but I doubt they'll maintain the NG+ AR bonus thing, whetherby inability to scale/balance it properly or because so few people go past NG++ at most
I know they're good, I'm just complaining because I'm otherwise dissatisfied with only having two to pick from. And they're tiny. Maybe I want some bearded greataxe+halberd combo.
I do use propaned on my main build, but I like how it looked. Cathedral knight looks similar but it's hot garbo
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holy shit what level am I supposed to be for the duke's archives

I just got one-shotted by the channeler near the elevator and I am level 45 with 25 vitality.

am I just bad at this game?
>Dark Hand everywhere in the Undead Settlement

Is this thing that viable at level 20 w/ +2 weapons? Every second friendly red/purple that gets summoned in when I invade seems to be using it.
>Powerstancing Curved Nil

Anon no...that weapon shined when 2 handed
Level 50 to 60. You should have higher, vit than that, also don't get him by channelers. Their shit is really easy to dodge. You should probably also grab the crest shield.
There was a video
people miming their ecelebs
Yes. 150 damage per hit with 0 cost to swing. Terrible for 1v1 fights though.
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>Crescent Moon Sword WA
>hits the ground 95% of the time
Why is this allowed?
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>invade some fag named 2pac as aldritch faithful
>left hand estoc, avelyn
>does nothing but run away and resummon phantoms for 30 minutes
>seed of giants, way of blue equipped
>eventually black crystal
>summoned again to world
>still doing the same thing
>boot up CE and kill Aldritch in his world
It's about as strong as a +4 weapon but is technically +0 for matchmaking purposes.
Ideal for twinking, though being a fist weapon makes it fairly easy to beat with anything longer like a straightsword. It's just great for blowing up shitters.
dude. leaf blade. i only wish we get some leaf blade shortsword/great dagger in a dlc
BKGA and DGA kind of. but DSA is pretty sexy on its own
Level eighty ish
how to cheat in ng++ rings?
Just ask someone to drop them
item swap with Ce table
git gud
I would be fine if it had an AR between Exile and Kumo. I don't use curved greatswords anymore, the range and the fact they can be parried when 2 handed burnt me out. Fume is my favorite weapon for now
So the best actual change from the new patch was Blessed Weapon looking better now, right?
I was fighting a dude who used that today. I underestimated the projectile and took like 750 damage without counter, and I have like 20-something absorption across the board. I've never seen anything hit that hard in a single hit, apart from hypermode CSS or some shit
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>gets rekt
>tries to brag about it
Mustards in a nutshell.
I'm going to make webms of it so I can help noobs git gud


It's depressing that I usually have to ask 'did someone make a video' these days, but whatever.
Little known fact, locking on to a target aims all of your attacks downwards, because your camera actually points slightly downwards when locked onto an enemy, increasingly angled the closer your target is.

Almost all weapons actually lose reach when locked on to your target, because your weapon will aim downwards based on your camera-angle, pointing them into the ground.

Most projectile WAs have a vertical deadzone so that it will normally fire parallel to the ground even if you are looking up/down slightly, but if you're locked on, it will often angle your camera so far downwards that it breaks that pushes past that deadzone into the next vertical position, which is like 45 degrees downwards.

This wasn't a problem in previous games, but it's just another bit of mechanical fine-tuning that wasn't properly polished in time for release.
someone would actually do this? just spend their free time and drop some rings for a stranger??
You probably took both the projectile and the swing. Its really fucking hard to land at point blank because of darkhand-tier WA speed, but the damage is good
At range the projectile just hits the ground due to a bug(?).
shut up troll Miyazaki dindu nuffin

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Finally got my character to sl.120.
How is my MLGS build looking?
can someone explain to me what ng++ rings and why theyre so good?
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>Maybe I want some bearded greataxe
there is one in the unused content
>sages big hat

pretty sure ive seen you ingame like 100 times already
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You can get them through normal gameplay. I'm NG+5 now and I have a couple extra
That looks nice
Bet it has garbage moveset though.

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This is cool.
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it works because im wearing the fallen knight set, that combines the qualities of a knight and a sorcerer, representing my focus on the MLGS, a melee weapon, as opposed to being a pure Spell caster
Should I drop trying to be an omnimancer and put the points I put into faith into int and go full mage? It feels like From really hates people who want to do all kinds of magic at once.
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preparing for my first NG+ run.
Doing Dried Fingers run.
Any major things I should pick up/do before NG+?
Doing SL120 pontiff duels with every weapon, this one is up next.

What should I expect? Any advice? Literally never used it before.
go full pyromancer, he has all the best spells in the game anyway
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>unironically wearing piss pants armor
It looks really dumb, actually. The worker hat looks more wizardy anyway.
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>Punishing someone for being a huge faggot
I see nothing wrong with this
2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1 2hr1
oh dude youre totally different from all those other tryhards i saw
i just leave when i see this hat now to avoid dying from cringe alone
Oh and quality build, if that wasn't obvious.
Holy fuck I mixed the old, versatile greataxe moveset so much
>completely aimable running attack with no recovery
>1HR1s that could be aimed right up until they hit the ground and turn 200 degrees throughout their animation
>2HR1s that were slashes instead of just being a clone of the 1H moveset
>2HR2s were actually useful instead of just being clones of the R1s
>rolling attack that actually dealt damage
>didn't take all your stamina to hit R1 twice
>actual rollcatch ability
>actual reach
>less recovery on everything
They really fucking murdered greataxes and ultras in general in 3
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>2-hand it
>don't get hit
That makes it even worse. Cheaters that delude themselves into think that they are justified in their BS are even worse than your average cheaters. This is why you should never get a Souls game on PC.
its the most usable dagger and actually really good
abuse the range on it's first 2h r1
yhorms is diffidently the best one due to how huge it is, you can't work around it unless your weapon is as long
>being a baby
>every achievement in the series except all sorceries and miracles on ds2

can't decide if i can be bothered getting the last few or if my autism is too much for me not to
all you have to do is just roll into/around them
>People who cheat to fuck over douchebags are worse than people who cheat to fuck over everyone
That actually reminds me of something I see in TV and movies.
>"These vigilianties killing murderers are even worse than the murderers they're killing! I don't feel safe anymore as a law abiding citizen"
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Well matey, if you introduce guns, you have to introduce gunplay options and balancing.

Go ahead, ask in the Counterstrike general how 1deags work and what a spray pattern is.
then they swing again or better yet yhorms weapon art r2 is great for slapping rolls
what's a dried fingers run?
then you just roll again then punish them because they can't attack more than twice
I want to viewer duel iSkys at some point, he uses the lothric knight sword + caestus with a greataxe hornet riposte swap. Is this weapon worthy of gitting gud at to play around all of that bullshit?

He gotten beaten by The Silent Idol with a katana and he actually complained about running R1's and shit, I laughed so goddamn hard. Fuck streamers I want to win against straight sword caestus broken bullshit, I want to WIN. WIN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? FUCK CAESTUS FUCK STRAIGHT SWORDS FUCK INSTA-SWAPPING TO A HUGE WEAPON FOR HORNET RING RIPOSTE FUUUUCCCCCCKK
he gets invaded once per hour instead of once every two hours
I'm not an inbred faggot who gets upset so easily
actually yhorms can attack three.
Also both parts of the r2 track and have multi hits so you have to roll away not into them
literally never heard of any of these people
I was going to but then the abyss walker shit glitched out on me. There is no way I am playing back through from the start of DaS2 for that shit.

>"Cheaters" are worse than people that "play by the rules but I don't like"
Exactly. The guy may have been a douche, but he was still playing by the rules.
Don't feed the attention starved retard.
always 2H it.
1st 2HR1 is a long-range thrust, but every following R1 is a diagonal slash

The 2HR1 doesn't combo into a followup R1 unless you counterhit with it

The 2HR1 recovers extremely fast if you hold any movement direction. You can movement cancel it before you're able to rollcancel.
2HR1->movement cancel ->2HR1->movement cancel-> repeat
will allow you to loop the thrust into itself extremely quickly without wasting time with the shitty followups. You may want to practice doing this in-between fights so you get used to the timing, tap R1 too quickly and you get the shitty followup, too late and you waste time. You can use this walk cancel to repeatedly catch rolls, as one roll doesn't cover enough distance to put them out of thrust range, so you continuously catch roll->step forward->catch roll over and over. Leo ring is useful because your main source of damage is an extremely fast, moderate damage thrust.

The range of the 2HR1 extends a little beyond the tip of the weapon, and you can use it to whiff-punish anything short of a halberd/spear.

Weapon art has a significant step-forward and moves your model in such a way that many attacks will whiff past you during the animation in low-latency. It does relatively high damage and with awkward timing, but is telegraphed and parryable.

R2s are basically worthless, as is the entire 1H moveset. Note: the 1HR1 combos into a 2nd 1HR1, but the 2nd hit will have no hitstun, meaning that it will usually leave you at a frame disadvantage. Both 1H and 2H can mash R1 up close quickly enough to shut down people rollspamming into you.

Watch your stamina, because while it costs little per attack, the speed and low-recovery mean that it can be very easy to kill your stamina bar quickly while pressuring.

Also, get used to backstab fishing because 90% of your opponents will parry fish against you for the whole fight.

parrying in duels is fucking terrible

anyone who actually gets parried in a duel is bottom of the barrel trash who would lose to anything

as soon as you see a caestus you just start baiting and sprinting around nonstop till they whiff
good thing i have an offhand rapier on yhorm setup at all times
You use a dried finger so that you get pushed up higher on the invasion priority list.

But you look so hungry.
The greataxe was 1H. You only get the HA if you 2H that shit, that's why even after the first attack he couldn't HA into the 2nd attack, he got staggered in that webm.

I've honestly never lost to 2H yhorm's and I use a fucking spear not even a quick af dagger.

A lot of vs. big weapon fights or just in general in duels in DaS3 can be reduced to patience. If you're patient and roll a lot you'll win, it's just that a lot of people aren't patient. Personally I'm trying to git gud enough to beat the top PvP streamers so if I ever get to fight them, I'll have the whole day cleared. If I ever get to fight jund's bitchass (dat fightclub condition tho) I'll wait literally 24 hours to beat him if I have to, I give 0 fucks. 0 fucking fucks.

I mean I'll fucking switch to gotthards bloodring and roll away from him forever if I goddamn have to, that's how much I care. Literally, LITERALLY just to see how long it takes for him to break. How long, /dsg/? 1 hour? 2 hours? 5 hours? 10 hours? At what point does he just jump off the side of the arena?
Yhorm's is basically an ultragreat halberd.
if you roll in, they just roll out (unless they're shit).

It's a cat and mouse game where you have to constantly react to their massive range and hyperarmor, and where they can safely swing at their max range with impunity as long as they manage their stamina.

Boring as fuck, but still effective.

>one handing yhorms
>its now parryable on reaction

lmao yeah im sure you're really good
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please help i cant take it anymore
ng+ 4 kings is memeing me to death
can anyone help, i am sl 99, PC
>opponent throws firebomb
>explosion hits me from 8 feet away

is this the worst phantom range in the game????
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I'll be right there
pass will be dsg
sure let me just backstab or kick r1 all your parry attempts
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Not as bad as curved GS roll catching you from two roll lengths away
Where will you put your sign? Also, I thought there were no passwords in das1
Can't kick->R1 with a greataxe, it's too slow.
I read that as "Nameless King"
Sorry anon, I can't help you.

i dont think you understand what "on reaction" means

yhorms 1 hand is so slow you can parry when you see the swing instead of predicting

you cannot punish the parry, you are dead
on my 8th character...Pve is really starting to be a drag.

Still have to get every of those asses through NG+ and NG++ on the first and second DLC respectively.

Kill me already...
The main problem isn't even the caestus but how OP the lothric long sword is.

The caestus is just there to shut off entire classes of weapons (like spears) and entire varieties of attacks. Attacks that might likely get parried, especially if they are spammed or overused in any way shape or form. On top of straight sword shenanigans of extreme AR, range, and low stamina usage. The threat that if you ever get caught on even one attack, you instantly die, and of course we're not even talking SL120 here but SL70 so generally he can take a few hits.

From what I understand the CGK is the best knife and is so fast you basically can't parry it, plus you have quickstep. On top of being the longest knife of course and I believe having the greatest AR.

Is quickstep good at all against straight swords?
>8 characters
y tho
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and you don't understand that i have an offhand rapier i'm more than willing to use while you're trying to fish for parries in any shape or form only using yhorms for trades or roll catching
>Moon blade hitting 1k with wa
is this the new meme?
Thanks anon, saved.

Gotthards has become a bit obvious with the rolling L1 timings, I have a good feeling about the greatknife.
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>First one
>Second one
>Third one

its not "fishing" you fucking retard

as soon as you swing yhorms, i parry. there is no guessing involved. holy shit you are stupid
dark souls 2 looks better than I remember
Because most of the fun, non-qualitycancer weapons in the game require an extremely specific, specialized build to function well.

I would never waste 18 points in faith on a quality build because that cuts directly into my precious vigor and END for taking hits like a shitter and mashing R1. Yet, if I want to use the Dragonslayer Swordspear, I need a build specialized with 18 fth, but at the same time don't need more than 16 strength so I can minmax around that and end up with the weapon geared out optimally at level 80 instead of trying to shove it onto an sl120 quality build and just making the build worse for it.
CGK doesn't have quickstep, that's the only thing other daggers have over it.
quickstep is only good against slow weapons
trying to quickstep against shit like ss and rapiers is suicide because they can just spam r1 because their attacks have good tracking and if you get hit its a counterhit
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out fucking skilled

Pump a rum!
That looks like a hacker. The 3rd parry isn't even possible
After you play the game long enough, especially if you're mainly playing for the PvP, you find yourself falling into an obsession with finding out how you can continue playing PvP and still have fun. This is the result.

The worst part of fighting randoms at pontiff is the variance. Out of 10 matches you'll fight 9 people who suck and you beat easily and you fall into a pattern, and then that 1 or 2 fucks shows up that is actually good and you just get stomped. Not because you're bad, but because you're used to fighting shitty people all the time, and all of a sudden the skill level just fucking spikes. And then you're like "OKAY FUCK IM READY" and you go against another 8-9 shitty people who your skills are entirely pointless against.

We need an arena from the DLC so bad it hurts.

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ok i just want to cheat in these rings and nothing else how do
What's a good level to stop raising Vigor at? I'm at 26 currently
>finally decide to go full mage
>whip out my best spell buffing rings and 55 int
>court sorceror staff +7
>summon Hawkwood
>enter the Oceiros bossfight
>raise my manly staff to unleash the fucking fury
>300 fucking damage from crystal soul spear
>as opposed to the 700 I got from chaos bed vestiges


Those are backstabs, anon
reminds me of a certain someone
>go up against magic resistant boss
>complains magic is weak

Try going as a pyro vs ODK then.

ill drop them for you if you're on pc
CGK doesn't have quickstep, it has blindspot.

Quickstep is worthless against straightswords because they cost so little stamina to swing and can still lock down space by mashing R1. You get nothing out of spamming QS against them except maybe a laggy hit catching the vulnerable recovery of your QS and taking off half your HP.

Note that you can't QS out of stunlock like you can with a normal roll, but mashing QS will cause one to que up, preventing you from being able to roll out of a stunblock for as long as you're stunned. If you get caught by this bit of input queuing shittery, they can mash R1 until you're dead.

In general, bloodring lightrolls are better than QSing, but it still doesn't make much of a difference against straightswords.
Have you ever tried not being a tryhard?
>Fighting Oceiros with a mage
>Unironically expecting good damage
His magic resistance is crazy

I did. I fucking punked him out in like 10 black fire orbs.
Nice DaS1 pvp video you got there anon! It's full of skill!
That's already too much friend
Invest in better stats like damage
That's what I meant. Freudian slip.

Even if he mashed R1 to trigger a BS there in the 3rd one, the window would have overlapped with his stagger time. The only way that BS could have worked is via the CE script that lets you trigger backstabs just by hitting R1 in front of someone.
You're so dumb. Like so dumb. You big dumb jabroni bitch.
>abuse the current system
>get fucked by an autistic hacker

I see nothing wrong with this.


I don't even invade but it's because the invasion system is so broken. The more hackers fucking up abusive hosts the better imo. Doing God's work. (even though inevitably it won't lead to actual balance of the invasion system, but some hardcore shutdown of hackers that inevitably leads to scores of normal people being banned because LOL JAPAN, LOL MIYAZAKI, LOL DON'T LISTEN TO THE GAIJEN WHO ARE THE LARGEST MARKET FOR THE GAME WHO GIVES A FUCK LOLOLOL
>Try going as a pyro vs ODK then.
You can easily have raw ASS and Black Serpent at that point
>Added Faith Scaling to a lot of weapons
>Not to Crescent Axe, though
Damn it.
At least buff Simple and Blessed infusions.
>jump attack hits my ass
>suddenly, I'm backstabber instead
Nice, epic, I rike it
>get beaten by a guy using the wrong weapon
>invade him again
>kill his boss
>missing the point

Oh gee, then why don't you use dark magic against Oceiros?
stop replying to the resident retarded tripfag
Damn, nigga that pizza look like shit
Birds are not for sexual, anon

Because Dark Magic scales with fucking faith as well as int and I just shit canned all my faith.
Not in 3 it doesn't.
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just defeated iudex gundyr ama
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That is entirely their purpose
Side tie pantsu are so great
Here's the real test of taste
Highleg or lowleg panties?
>3v2 reds keep comboing eacher other
why are people so stupid
>None of the true everlasting dragons we encounter ever breath fire because they predate the first flame
>Seath breathed magical white crystal shit
>Kalameet breathed magical dark shit
>Sinh breathed clouds of toxic shit
>the "archdragon mirage" you conjure with the twinkling head stone breathes fire anyways
Great fucking lore, shittyzaki.

Well still what spell am I meant to use? Dark edge that has no range or damage or fucking affinity, the only ranged dark SORCERY in the fucking game?
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>You still can't infuse uniques
Lowleg is cute, highleg is sexy. I like both.
Are you acting or are you just new? Like it's cool if you're new but don't act like you know anything, spare yourself the embarrassment.
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But the first dragon form could breath fire.
Try Great Deep Soul, the other dark sorcery in the game, and the highest pve DPS and highest FP/damage ratio spell in the game.

Are you now going to tell me that dark fire orb scales only off of int too?
No I'm going to tell you there are more dark sorceries than just the two Karla sells

Sure I'll just quickly kill 10 people in the dead as fuck Aldrich covenant.
Dragon form is different, because it's just a human imitation, an offshoot like Drakes and Wyverns and the like.

None of the pre-fire dragon breath fire, for obvious reasons, except the "mirage" conjured by the twinkling headstone. Fromsoft was doing a good job with logical internal consistency until they let Miyazaki back onto the project.
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Why only go for 18 for the swordspear?
Does it not scale well with Fth?
Scales way better with Dex than faith, unless it got tweaked in the last patch.
is the normal spear the best spear? It seems to have the best weapon art
>Fromsoft was doing a good job with logical internal consistency until they let Miyazaki back onto the project
what is the ancient dragon
>Dark Edge has no range or damage
Last time I used it it was doing 400+ damage per cast with just 40 int investment and a improper catalysts.
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Has anyone else been experiencing an incredibly sharp spike in Connection Errors and being disconnected from other games since the patch went out? I was fine the night the patch dropped and all the sudden I can't last more than 45 seconds in another game before I am abruptly snapped back into my world.

I'd assume it was a connection issue on my end, but literally everything else that uses my internet is working just fine.
Mine deals up to 500-something at 40/40 with Sunless+5
It's very fun.
sooo, basically you are saying that my current dragonslayer FTH build is shit. Oh wow

I had my reasons that I played this guy last but that I am wrong about my carefully planned build is quite the shock now.

I guess I wont be able to combine a lightning FTH build and a dorkmoon assassin on the same build. sucks...
Fastest auto covenant. You can also just use deep infusion.
"I-it's because weapons like E-Eleonora and Y-Yorshka's Spear have r-really good Weapon Arts. Th-that's why they can't be i-infused." - Miyazaki
Just respec. Cannibalize a little bit of the excess Faith into Dex, keeping enough of the former to cast whatever you want with reasonable damage.
You just enjoy complaining don't you.
Same here, left sign by Armor and had 7 umable to connect in a row.
An abomination created by Aldia
Kalameet breathes his own version of black flame, Sing breathes fire+toxic bombs
of course I could respec. but I wanted to also run darkmoon buffs on the same build which would require high FTH...

So that obviously doesn't work anymore

>american pizza
What is the damage type on their breath attacks? I remember seath is magic+curse but never noticed if your character burns when they hit you.
I have 8 attunement slots to work with as a 60 int Sorcerer. What spells would you recommend using for pvp oriented build? Also does a sorcerer have anything useful vs Gotthard poke spam + Carthus Bloodring?


where the fuck are all the weapons that deal dark damage?
>actually manage to cheat in some ng++ rings

am i fucked? i did it in offline mode on steam
Guys, I need screenshots showing the SotFS bonfire travel menu highlighting Multiplayer-active areas. I looked at the one video on YT and I can't tell which ones are "highlighted" because crappy recording.
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Most of the weapons in the game do

If you choose to, of course.
Where's the NPC slider link thing?
Anyone have it?
Enjoy playing with only other cheaters
check the dark souls 3 google doc from OP
it's in the doc fuccboi
Dark Hand
That's it
>8 slots

How? Also, you don't, hardly any build can win against that, it can only lose to mistakes and good predicts.
define rekt
Tried to sunbro a bit last night and couldn't enter fog gates
"don't reply to cancerous tripfag"
That's usually because the host enters the fog too soon after summoning.
No one hates you this muh Luci
It would be so nice if you could get something like Forked Dregs by killing host's bitch boys as Aldrich defender.
I would be done with this annoying gank covenant already
Just farm them from deacons you double bitchboy
They never drop
>pve farming pvp items
40 Attunement + Darkmoon ring. Maybe I'll try parrying into SGS and see if that does something worthwhile.
I've farmed GDS on two characters in about an hour each time without coins
>in dark souls III
enjoy the MMO tier grind
>you get dregs from your supposed to be allies in defending aldritch
like pottery
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I'm trying to think up a solaire cosplay or just a faith pvp build at SL 80. Can anyone help me out?
How hard can it be? Just use mugenmonkey
post your character's face
>solaire gear
>dark sword
>BK shield
>Darkmoon blade

have fun with you RP
The only miracle Solaire uses is lightning spear
I've farmed both dregs and wolfsblood (ain't touching concords)
It's not that bad.
I'm having trouble allocating the stats and not being weak as shit
Yep. All day today

Both when being summoned and invading or when trying to summon phantoms.
Why darkmoon? You don't need more slots and attuning spells twice doesn't reduce the cost afaik. Just go Bellowing + Young + Sage+2 with Life + 3 or Favor + 2
dude sick meme
I like having a wide variety of spells. In fact I want one more slot so I can fit GFD.
You'll always have weak miracles or a weak sword at that level.
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How do I cuck gankers?
>try to have fun in DaS3
>lose to memeta weapons
>use memeta weapons
>destroy everyone in the same way every duel

You brought this upon yourselves.

My anger knows no bounds.

You lose to that 2Kat or that bloodring gotthards user who only rolls a bunch and eventually rolling L1's or maybe L2's if you parry fish?

That's me.

Welcome to hell, motherfucker. Fuck this game and all who play it, I will literally make your life a fucking hell in this game because fuck miyazaki.
its dat boi
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kirk armor + bloodring
just made a dope build, not gona share it with you tho haha.
Sprint to the boss fog and sit down in front of it then go make a sandwich.

As funny as that is, no one has that level of patience.

I wish I had a popular youtube channel for the shear fact of doing something like that and making a video compilation that people would actually watch. Throw in gotthards for extra salt.
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okay /dsg/, rate my fashion after exploring blighttown's shittier cousin

how close am i to some fucking heavy armor
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I do :^)
Are you the great commander?
do the new black knight greatsword trick
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come on man
Go on
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Fought against someone trying to do that today.
As with any gimmick, it'll work once but against someone.
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>invading as aldrich faithful
>gank squad
>gank squad
>gank squad
>fight club that sends all four members to murder you as soon as you turn up
>gank squad
>cosplaying gank squad
>faggotlord420weedmaster with i-frame hacks

you want a fucking good time

summon people at pontiffs with this

its a riot
ah...... so this....... is the........ power...... of posting...... the same...... webm...... over..... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over...... and over..... and over......
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you could drop some VIG for ATT but imo 3 casts is enough for something thats only going to catch runners.
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So recently i've noticed an increase of cheating fuckfaces with infinite HP, speedhacks and other shit.
Is it safe to make a simple cursing weapon or black crystal script? I don't want to mod anything that is stored in save file permanently, just give myself a tool of 1hko those faggots out of my world.
>play with whatever weapon I feel like that isn't outright shit
>win most of my duels
>have fun even when I lose because they usually hit me with some razzle dazzle
>taking das3 pvp seriously

Did it to yourself
just turn your infinite hp on and roleplay as walls together
isnt low equipload bad for gotthards rolling l1
Guys? Can anyone help? I need someone to point out how it works because my eyes are poor to pick things up
every day until you like it.
After invading for over 2000 hours, I find myself questioning why I invade the way I do.

Very rarely do I wait for them to attack first, and even rarer do I return their bows. A feeling of disgust and revulsion at these players being alive, embered, makes me treat them as violations to some natural law, under which they deserve to be gotthard's rollpoked, washing pole WD r1'd, and/or lathered with carthus rouge + Lloyd's talismans until death.

I get a lot of mail, not so much hate, but just asking why. Why me? What did I do? It's my job to kill them, to keep the prey under persecution in a time of empowerment, I guess. A law of averages given form and will, to kill any humans, strong or weak, many or alone.

Even in my own world, I find no peace. There are humans out there, living and breathing, and the balance needs to be restored.
Wasn't it just the orange outline around the thumbnail? I wasn't a big DaS2 player though.
This is obscenely edgy
ty bro
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You twink.
Not him, but I did. At level 35. It was painful.
So i'm trying to get the Master of Infusions Trophy.
>Got all of the coal.
>Got at least one of all the gems.
>Infused everything on the list
>Trophy doesn't pop up
>Notice Deep Gem Option isn't there
>Didn't change in NG+ either

How do i fix this?
you're a big guy
is it safe to cheat engine change character names?
Infuse a weapon with deep probably
that's just a full armor set bruh, not fashion

very close, you find the key to havel's at the end of the gutter

consider using the Craftsman Hammer along with your greatshield, the combo is really good

halberd is kinda hard to use for a first time player
Imagine if you could infuse all weapons
Imagine if poise existed
Imagine if rolling costed at least as much as a Halberd swing
Imagine if you couldn't move while chugging
Imagine if a Blue Eye orb existed
Imagine if the indictment system was back
Imagine if armor provided the defenses worth its weight
Imagine if parry recovery times were increased
Imagine if big weapons didn't consume 1/2 of your stamina bar for every swing
Imagine if there were pure Lightning, Magic, Fire, and Dark weapons

Imagine if this game was good
Gazing into the abyss, etc.
That is a pasta
As i said.
It does't give me the option.
It's not on the list, of types of infusions, i can do, at Andre's.
Doesn't make what I said untrue.
It's just an orange outline around the thumbnails in the warp select.
SHIT SHIT SHIT I need help. So basically killed Yhorm the giant first and then killed aldrich, the problem is that aldrich and i killed eachother at the exact same time. I got credit for the kill, got his souls etc etc, but when it teleported me to where i was supposed to go i was dead and i transported me back to anor londo.

My question is: how the fuck do i get back to where i teleported me to?
Supposed to be but I can't tell. Is it on the main selection or on the subselection?
Did you not even recognize the area?
Don't speak such wild dreams, anon
Are you colorblind?
>Buy DS3 from steam sale
>start as a cleric
>have a fairly good time for the most part
>eventually start to feel that the game is a weird mix of the good sides of demons souls and dark souls 1 with some of the sprinkled shit from that piece of shit dark souls 2
Pretty glad I didnt pay full price for this. Its alright, but sort of dissapointing. Atleast its not dark souls 2.
I have no idea.
Am not a novice DS player, just novice to DS2.

definitely the most different of all the souls games desu, mechanically. besides, my hally is already +5 and I really dont want to go out of the way to find something to replace it
He probably didn't even unlock the hidden area in Firelink Shrine yet.
Why did you do what you did? Who instructed you to?
Well yeah, who the fuck didn't without a guide.
That shit is a new level of cryptic
>He stays at 80 because he thinks he'll get the best summon range for invasion
>He stays at 120 because it is the meta and he thinks its best.

Why not level up to 95 or 97 to avoid meta shitters AND get the best range for invasion with a high chance to invade down in NG late areas.
i was teleported there dead and was INSTANTLY respawned in anor londo. I didnt have a chance to see where to go.

who instructed me to kill yhorm the giant first? no one, i just kinda went along doing whatever i wanted.
Which hidden area? theres the one where the crow person is that i found but thats about it. i just started playing like a week ago
Imagine if Dark Souls 3 was as good as 2 when it came to everything but the enemies and bosses
cheat engine
It's the room in Lothric with the old lady that gives you the banner, just warp to Vordt's and then run up the stairs.
No but...oh. Only now do I notice. I thought the indicator was a highlight -inside- the thumbnail.
If they are the "shitters" then why are you the ones hiding from them?
>Imagine if poise existed

You mean imagine if balancing armor and weapon choice with equip load was even more annoying than it is currently?
thank you family.
go to Emma you goof
np senpai
What weapons do pyros use mid game, before they get access to chaos and dark infusions?
Would people be less disgusted with me if my Darkmoon character used a rapier instead of an estoc?
>lost izalith 2: electric boogaloo
>mid game

nice meme, loseifer

You really think anyone would care?
Are you retarded m8
If poise existed then people would have a reason to raise vit, and 40/40 quality builds would be less prevalent.
>not being 150 and being jack of all trades instead of cookie-cutter MLGReddit builds
You don't think DaS3 Anor Londo is mid-game?
Storyteller Staff
Thrall Axe
whatever you do people will call you a faggot for it
they deserve this, all of these fucking shitters deserve this seriously fucking 3 for that boss holy shit just uninstall don't even play this game
People will be disgusted no matter what you use. Just use whatever.
I feel like a fucking weeb for saying this but the uchi parry WA is fun as fuck
I keep forgetting kats can parry and it gets me killed every time.
Is blessed weapon miracle worth it? I want to try a 40 40 quality with a big fucking buffable weapon. I was thinking zwei or the greataxe. Would any resin be better than blessed?
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I haven't even used in a pvp setting yet I'm just bullying the fuck out of some lothric Knights right now and it's fucking delightful
Spoonfeed request:

I just heard of the dark hand buff and am wondering if theres any other things worth noting in the recent patch? I haven't played for a while. I quit das3 a little after the caestus buff
>Shield of Want, Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +2, and Symbol of Avarice
>farming gold fatties in NG+++
>205335 souls every run
use profaned
use yhorms
watch dat fp cuh

Are you? Hyperarmor is the infinitely preferable system for two reasons;

1. Because it's attached to the weapons and not the armor, hyperarmor tends to get reserved for the builds that need it (generally). A big axe gets HA because it needs it to complete swings, a straight sword doesn't because it doesn't. If poise works, poise is attached to armor, and so naturally poise will start being used to protect things it shouldn't like straight swords and curved swords, just like it did in DS1.
2. Again, the builds that need poise most are the ones using heavy weapons...which are heavy already. So now you're trying to stack heavy armor with sufficient poise in with your heavy weapons and the levels of vit required become punishing, so either you lose your midroll or you don't have the poise you need. And given how damage works in this game, what you then end up with is ultra weapons that don't do enough more damage than light ones to make piling on the vit worth it.

I get that it theoretically introduces a choice between poise and mobility, but mobility always wins, so there's not really a choice, it just pushes ultra weapons out of the realm of usability.

I think it's crap and I hope poise stays exactly how it is currently for the entire run of this game. You'll rue the day you asked for poise to be turned on if it ever does get turned on.

They buffed pyromancy again
They buffed Wolnir's and Greatsword of Judgement
They killed leftstoc
They buffed Bug Pellets
Blessed Weapon is better than quick apply resins but worse than Pale Pine (blessed adds magic damage I believe) if you only have the 10 faith requirement and not any faith to scale off of

Literally go to the DaS3 hub and the patch notes are right there you nigger
>Raw ASS
Didn't that just get super nerfed?
Fuck you, make a strength build if you want to use either of those weapons.
Are you roleplaying the knightress? If not then you don't even need to use thrusting swords.
That's the first I heard of it. It was Anri's that got the nerfstick

I rely on you guys more desu. The patch 'notes' don't tell me shit
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>Invade Irithyll
>Host is fighting the first 3 enemies with a phantom
>One shot him
>Phantom claps
>It was Anri's that got the nerfstick
Maybe that is the one I was thinking of.
1.08 to 1.09 scaling comparisons

Wolnir's Holy Sword
21% STR, 45% DEX

>Wolnir's Holy Sword
>37% STR, 10% DEX, 37% FAI

Lothric Holy Sword
36% STR, 45% DEX

>Lothric Holy Sword
>33% STR, 45% DEX, 13% FAI

Morne's Great Hammer
62% STR

>Morne's Great Hammer
>47% STR, 22% FAI

Heysel Pick
31% STR, 10% DEX, 71% INT

>Heysel Pick
>31% STR, 10% DEX, 86% INT

Greatsword of Judgment
36% STR, 35% DEX, 46% INT

>Greatsword of Judgment
>36% STR, 35% DEX, 56% INT

Anri's Straight Sword
21% STR, 20% DEX, 11% FAI, unknown luck

>Anri's Straight Sword
>15% STR, 14% DEX, 8% FAI, unknown luck

Crescent Moon Sword
6% STR, 79% DEX

>Crescent Moon Sword
>0% STR, 55% DEX, 31% INT
Blessed adds physical damage by 7.5%
Get ti to +10, nerd
Pray tell where are you getting this chart from? I've looked on reddit but I'm a downy when it comes to their ui
Hmm. So basically, every other int/faith wep out there got the same treatment as the moonlight greatsword.

Could throw it for days
I checked myself before and after the patch with cheat engine.

You can verify the scaling yourself if you don't believe me.
>Blessed Weapon is better than quick apply resins but worse than Pale Pine (blessed adds magic damage I believe) if you only have the 10 faith requirement and not any faith to scale off of
Blatant misinformation, why even answer a question if you don't know what you're talking about.

It's not very worthwhile on a quality build.
Blessed Weapon increases your weapon's physical AR by 7.5% and adds HP regen per second. It lasts 45 seconds, the shortest of any castable weapon buff.

The damage bonus is universal and does not scale with faith, meaning you can use the priestess ring to cast it with only 10fth and incur no penalty. It's always 7.5%
Being %-based means it's a more noticeable effect on weapons that already have high AR. On naturally low AR weapons, like a dagger or something, the AR boost is negligible. However, being only 45 seconds means it's not idea on slow weapons that aren't suited towards aggressive play. You run the risk of your opponent simply waiting out your buff by paying passively.

The HP regen scales with faith, granting +1HP/s for every 50 spellbuff the casting tool you use to cast it has. This means that it's base is normally +2HP/s for a negligible ~90 HP heal over its full duration, but can go up to 5HP/s at 60fth with a high-scaling chime like Yorshka's.

Note that most greataxes have a built-in weapon buff that doesn't stack with Blessed Weapon and adds similar damage, so there's no reason to bother with it for a greataxe.
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gods work and etc
How do I hit people with magic? Do I just assume they've got no roll button on their controller and go from there?
pray the lag gets them
Oh don't worry, I do. I see no reason for you to lie about this. Thanks for posting this whenever someone asks
Can you check other weapons to see if they didn't stealthily nerf/buff anything?
>get Flamberge early
>make it raw
>200 AR with no upgrades

No wonder this shit has a low droprate.
lothric is a gay boy
I want to fuck the crows!
Flamberge is the Ast. SS of Greatswords

Wonder if there's an UGS that has uber raw scaling.
t. r1 spammer

HA and Poise can both exist moron
Is it that thing where you can hit people behind you?
where FC
What kind of magic are you using?
Greatswords and Halberds don't deserve hyperarmor.
Demon Bridge FC again?

On PC pls
Lol they'd be fucking useless
If you land a 2HR1 at close range, you can immediately do an R2 while turning around backwards.
The R2 has a really quick backswing behind it that is fast enough to combo after the R1 to keep them stunned, and then you can turn back around for the actual golfswing. Whole combo is over a thousand damage if it all lands, but requires that you hit them in very close range with a 2HR1
never ever
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Are you a gurl or at least a trap/twink?
instead of spamming spells like a retard when they're already strafing try attacking them when they're in a vanurable state, try baiting them to do something dumb.
>guy named darklurker at pontiffs
>full fallen knight and washing pole
>casts 4 (four) buffs on himself before the fight
>after buffing, does legion etiquette
>kill him with bloodring gotthards

i pray to god that was satire
>land a 2HR1 at close range
So never then
they have less range than fucking straight swords and comparable AR while being twice as slow and use twice the stamina
they would have nothing left
>and Halberds
I agree, they already have range
Not only that, you can't HA trade that 2HR1 because it lets them recover right away
LKUGS has highest AR raw at 501, with the Dragonslayer coming behind at 397, followed by the CKUGS at 372.

Interestingly enough, the armadyl godsword has the worst scaling out of all of them when raw. Guess the unparriable rolling attack makes up for it.
you first
Those were all I tested before, unfortunately.
However, Rapier did get an unmentioned Critical increase from 110 to 130.
In a bit
>armadyl godsword
I'll buy it for 25m
>Only 6 Dregs left for the suffering to be over
>Ganksquad with seed
>Ganksquad with seed
>Ganksquad with seed and obscure rings
>Ganksquad with seed, obscure rings and thornrollers
There's a Dragonslayer UGS?
>take damage from nowhere during an invasion
>host of embers is attacking the air 30 foot away from me

I am actually fucking seething right now. They've had 5 games to get this right and they fucking can't.
>Guess the unparriable rolling attack makes up for it.
If you are talking about the Astora UGS, that was patched.
Yeah, it's called the Lothric Knight Greatsword.

No, he meant the Raw Dragonslayer Axe.
>armadyl godsword
Isn't it the rolling smash fixed now? As in, not thrusting and is parryable.
get them at a range where you can punish them for attacking or rolling. I try to mixup great soul arrow and CSS but its still really hard to hit most people

Most sorcery builds honestly require a good melee weapon like a straight sword or immolation tinder/MLGS because you need to be unpredictable. Hard casting is too easy to beat and is usually better for finishing off people trying to run away or trying to close gaps. Using the sword magics are also good at catching rolls or getting people to run past what they think is a CSS

But magic is honestly too weak and requires you to be too high of a level to use it properly in PvP, so good luck
no fuccboi
So you invaded someone who has bad internet or possible lives on the other side of the world

Turn off cross-matchmaking in the options to help avoid this, I've only had 1-2 invasions that are super laggy and I just think they had trash internet or torrents running.
why so much time in dota
imagine if the hornet ring wasn't in that game...
because i am 6k and lost control of my life
>less than 1k hours in all games

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some of you guys are alright, don't come to pontiffs tommorrow
>roll spam build
>no chloranthy
rofl its shit
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>Finger myself in Dickstab Forest 2.0
>Get out numbered by wolfbros
>Make a mad dash to the ladder of retard checking
>Most die by killing themselves
>If they don't I whip out my thrall axe and quickstep my way into the frogs
>When they get deep in I pop my seed and watch my statue collection grow

This never gets old
I'm fucking dying holy shit.
Just finished DaS3, personally I think it was a bit disappointing compared to DaS1. Plot too linear, questlines too cryptic, immersion lacking. It feels like playing Super Mario.

>he thinks chloranthy does anything

holy shit lol
Is heysel's pick any good now?
Just the thrust portion of it. ROlling attack is still unparriable.
n-no bully
I posted my friend's id
post your own then faggot
>what is berserk

what are you doing here you filthy non-weeb, dont you know this is a korean children's cartoons imageboard?
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>level 10
>full kirk set
>+0 weapons
>bloodring and milkring
>just rolling people to death
oh god i'm literally crying
Wait does it really not do anything ?
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Infusing a +3 Dagger on my lvl 20 twink, should I go for Dark or Fire? I feel like Sharp with 70+48 might be a bit weaker even though the other is split.
Mine's just as bad.
Is it only for backstabs/ripostes?
Those don't get a split damage penalty so higher AR is always better.
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Let me sing you the song of my people

chloranthy ring is a must-have for any highly aggressive or highly defensive playstyles playstyles

It isn't based on a percentage like it is in DaS1, but it does make a very large difference when using something like the GS of Glory, or when lugging around a fume or greatsword ugs
How do the demo fists match up to the caestus? Fist weapons are far far ahead as my absolute favourite type of weapon so I'm finally going to do DaS3 with them.
We've all got those sorts. I can't bring myself to delete them, feels mean.

Do it. Does your friend post here?

Bet yours isn't much better.
Yeah I use a Dragonslayer's Axe primarily, thanks I wasn't aware of that.
>2 patches in
>darksword and carthus memed sword still broken
How do you have a profile like this

Mine is literally just a couple of showcases and a few songs I like in the bio

What compels you to be this way
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>trying out on-hit CE effects
>apparently they patched all possibilities of inflicting a simple black crystal or homeward effect to get rid of cheating invaders
>meanwhile all harmful shit is still working
people usually have less dark resistance so try deep?
No, my profile is shit
I also play with him every day

Autism is a beautiful thing, my friend. You'll become like one of us one day.
I just got parried
While objectively I think 3 fits in the middle of the five, on a subjective level for me I have to put it at the bottom.
Honest question, I can get most of why people do those, but why steam levels?
Why is the Consumed King such a punk?

Or is he just really weak to bleed builds?
So you unlock more showcases. You get one every 10 levels.
>70 hrs in DS1
>100 hrs in DS2
>1(one)(uno)(ein)(oдин) hrs in III
>Whopping 1700 hrs in Hat Fortress 2
What the fuck are you even doing
>brazilian kids with autism
>use the most retarded strength build that's broken as fuck in the game
>complain about the ease of things
You can bleed Soul of Cinder, which doesn't even have flesh. I can think of maybe one boss that doesn't bleed and it's fucking Not-Not-Ornstein
He's super weak to bleed, but also kinda easy regardless.
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>Get killed by ganksquad
>They all point down
>Invade that ganksquad again
>Kill the host
>Throw shit on all of them and toss a thank you carving
My computer can't run DS3, that's why I have only one hour.
DS2 is amazing, I enjoy invading nerds all day.
do not
>he thinks it doesn't

20% increase in stam regen
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Guys, I'm scared.
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>guy keeps trying to parry me
>backstab him everytime
>leaves hatemail calling me a bs fisher
maybe you should play the parry lottery less
>Being poor
Oh come on, it's (current year)!
>can't see other people's statues in your world anymore
I miss it.
>invade as aldrich
>put on obscuring ring and hide in gwyn tomb
>do something productive in your life
>come back later and collect dreg
>1k+ hours in TF2 and DOTA2
>less than 200 hours of playtime on the entire trilogy of dankest souls
>137 games with a shit ton you've never played and far too many with not even 1 hour played
>le post irony groups
>285 hours in jewday 2
>these friends
I'd fucking take the baby fetish dude over people like this
I don't want to buy a new graphics card to run a single game.
>tfw more FP than HP

I don't understand why they thought making pyromancy scale with faith and int was a good idea.

And then requiring a third stat to be able to use half of it.
On Dark Souls III?
I saw a bunch of statues by the basilisks in farron keep.
From made that decision without twitch imposed meta levels in mind.
I got a 970 and it runs fine. It should be cheaper now that 10xx released
>havel's except for painting guardian shoes
you'll be fine but I'm upset looking at you
Yeah, they took that out in 3.
>Kellog's Curved Sword

You should be.
Seu twink de merda. Não tem vergonha de postar seu profile aqui?
Being a caster in general is suffering until you get close to the damage caps. You still end up being squishy as hell, but at least something can die in 2 hits...
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How much of those are unironic? I mean, are you diagnosed?

At least he has legs.
>dying to curse
How is this even possible?
My first playthrough guys, don't hate me. I'm trying my best to not fatroll. ;_;
Turn off SSAO in dsfix.ini
It's ugly and really hurts your performance
Whenever I attack with a weapon my thrust defense goes down. Is this suppose to happen?
In Dark Souls 2, the actual scaling on spells was negligible and they had no requirements. The int/fth scaling was just to give fire-based weapons something to scale off of, since soft humanity wasn't a thing anymore.

But then Miyazaki didn't get the memo and now pyromancies have int/fth requirements and require huge stat investments for damage, incurring all of the same design flaws that hexes had.
I have a 460


>turn in 30 medals for greater lightning spear
>50 faith, +8 canvas, both rings
>turns out it isnt all that great
>barely have the hp needed to tank hyper armor trades or settle for tickling spears at range

Guess its back to good ol 40 40 refined
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Will do, thanks for the advice
gib symbol of avarice

Difference being that hexes, at least great resonant soul, would blow people up for 1000 damage a hit and weren't impossible to land.
>angry moth noises
This just keeps getting funnier.
>strict Lothric Knight cosplay
>full armour set, straightsword, shield
How do I beat Oceiros?
You hit him with your straightsword
How is this even a question, there is nothing more braindead in this game than using a straightsword. Nigga just hit R1.

Carthus meme sword. Cosplaying is for faggots, just use the most OP weapons you can find.
get a 970 bitch
Please answer because this implies thrusting weapons+leo ring is more broken than I previously thought
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>offensive miracles are designed for point-blank trading hits
>unfaltering prayer grants zero (0) damage absorption
>meanwhile, greatshield bash, perseverance, straight sword / greatsword stance r2s, and even the katana parry provide 50% absorption


apply lightning resin and mash r1

block when necessary
That moth girl doujin is actually quite good.
dodge and press r1
Have you tried repeatedly pressing R1?
well just level up to 120-130 like all sane casters then
Make me.
His attacks are well telegraphed and I don't even know why you're making it sound like using a straightsword is hard.

Git gud
This coming from a connoisseur of japanese bestiality porn, I'm sure.
tfw people complain aboul leveling steam account to 25 while i leveled it to 50
tfw i have like 5 times the amount of game that guy has
tfw i have like 100 friends and barely get 3-4 likes on a screenshot post
>+6 weapon/SL60 aldrich faithful
>invade players with obviously maxed weapons/passworded phantoms who 2shots me
thanks yui "the mechanic god" tanimura
Who cares about steam level tho
at the end of any attack and certain buffs / weapon arts you lose 30% thrust absorption
leo ring adds 15% more damage after that

humanoid, upright, sentient, basically a fluffy human, not beast, anon
>Demon souls bosses

Honestly can't remember the last time I died to one

Currently on 4-2, only have Valley of Defilement left before I take on False King.

Are there any decent bosses that aren't stupid gimmicks left?
Beat every boss in 1 attempt except C.Gundyr and NK. NK is understandable but C.Gundyr was such a pain in the ass, the only way I beat him is through cheese.
>even the fastest-casting offensive miracle is so slow a greatsword can walk up on reaction to your casting, hit you and roll away scott-free.
I love how they thought it would be a good idea to speed up half of the game to Bloodborne speeds, and then slow down the other half to dark souls 2 speeds and do no numerical balancing whatsoever to handle the massive disparity.
I got an 920 twinkzinho
Too bad I don't have ds2 or 3 on steam
So I was thinking of doing a DarkWraith build but I see that the Dark sword got touched? How bad?
Does ring finger have unique dialogue options? I just went to grab the key from him and I swear he said something different than I've ever heard before
Literally who are you
nice blog pham, post more
Dark sword is still good but if it's a cosplay gimmick why do you care?
Pretty much nothing changed.
Don't you want a souls bf?
where fc
Well if I'm invading I wanna do some dmg
Its fuckazakis last souls game. He clearly doesnt give a shit anymore and just served up a mish-mash of bloodborne and dark/demon souls. The fact that things like having blacksmith andre in the game inexplicably should tell you hes run out of ideas or fucks and is just milking the fanservice teat
lost izalith
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Anyone have cute Firekeeper art?
Wolnir's boss arena
I thought you were one of my friends making fun of me
>playing on console
Wasted opportunity
But Miyazaki helmed DaS3
is she stroking the light?
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If only
sure why not
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that's not blini
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what's a good dex weapon with range that isn't a washing pole
i've been trying to use the pontiff knight curved sword in duels but if i get outranged i'm pretty fucked unless it's an UGS
dumbfuck cat kneading baked bread
What about that profile then?
Is everyone fine with Demon Ruins FC?
Is there any password in bloodborne that people use when they need help for bosses? I only need 2 more vermin and I can't find anyone.
Man the hit detection in this game is shit
>fight some passive shitter
>walking towards him while he's perpetually backpedalling
>every other step he stutters backwards a bit like the game can't keep up with his movement
>time an attack to hit him right before his little jitter
>sword thrusts through his torso
>he stutters back
>doesn't roll
>doesn't guard
>but still takes no damage
>this continues for the rest of the fight
How do you even deal with this shit? I took out a spear afterwards and it was the same shit, hits would only register if we traded because the game's hit detection apparently didn't care if I hit him as long as he was moving backwards.
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how rare are hollow gem drops from the storyteller corvians?
farmed them for about an hour now without a single gem, gotten about 8 staves though
Fine with me
See for yourself, the artist at least felt justified enough to make sequels.

>run out of ideas or fucks and is just milking the fanservice teat

That's my biggest problem with this game; it leans so heavily on going back to DS1 like a crutch that its original content just feels like its suffering for it.
Pontiff Knight has amazing reach for a curved sword and the same bullshit 2HR1 that makes cardcaptor unfuckingstoppable.

You don't lack reach, you just can't into spacing. Git gud.
Is co op dead on BB? I missing helping people through chalice dungeons with infinite magic wizard.
Porn of Alsanna when? Seriously, her attire alone invites lewds yet I see none.
git gud
Add me?
It could just be the places I'm looking. I was mainly around ludwig and kos since I just beat the DLC.
>Are there any decent bosses that aren't stupid gimmicks left?
No, unless you haven't killed Penetrator yet.
>swap hornet ring
>Plug out ethernet cable
>Plug ethernet back fast
>Clap gesture
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come to think of it, i might go for the dragonslayer spear; hadn't though about it because my previous runs were all strength-centric
feels shorter than the carthus curved sword so i feel like i'm gimping myself
then again i'm pretty much only doing low level invasions after buying it from greirat, so that might be affecting my opinion of the weapon
>not just having a software to toggle
I want to popularize calling the Mail Breaker as the Letter Opener. It's a shame I came up with it so late and it's not even that common.
Spears are solid, but prepare for deep sea parry fishing
You are free to post one that works.
Just go into NG+, it's not worth it.

Baffles me we can't RSS at bosses yet. Usung arenas from things like Dragonslayer (with breakable parts) would be great.
Like I'd share my code with you
I want to popularize that you're a faggot. Oh wait, it's already popular
Because fuck fun stuff
i'm somewhat used to parry fishing since almost 70% of all of my opponents in low-level invasions are so fucking obsessed with parrying

i don't know if they're new players who saw a ton of videos of people getting rekt by ripostes or twinks, but either way it sure is fucking annoying
you're a faggot
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Is there anyone on PS3 DS2 that'll help me with Freja and then stick around to do it again after I burn an ascetic? I keep getting close and I'm kind of underleveled for taking the area on twice, but I'm really just interested in rushing MLGS. My SM is 278,000.
Only 2 for FC so far?
A-are you saying I'm popular?
>don't announce it
>surprised no one is coming
It's often the first instinct of a pve-er to fish for parries because that's how they learned to kill humanoid opponents like NPC invaders and the swordmaster. They just default to it because they think it'll be as effective against a real invader, or because they don't immediately realize they've been invaded by a real person and not an NPC.
Yeah, like I thought.
u r cute n poplar

The Luc one?
AMIGA 4000 fc at High Wall
pw dsg
But FC anon was already checking for people earlier.
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Count me in
who here /erpwithgesturesandsteamchat/
Please don't mind that negro profile
While on the subject of PKCS; does the weapon art actually cause frostbite?
Fine Mr.AMIGA, how many for PC FC at Demon Ruins?
It applies some buildup, but not much. Not enough to ever have a real chance of triggering the effect
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It does. You'll never proc it anyway
>he hasn't been RPing in deviantart chatrooms since 2008
I mean I don't really care. I can usually tell they're going to so I just spin slash or backstab if I don't have a non parriable WA

Worst case scenario jumping r2s exist
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Why is it even there then?
Come to think of it, why isn't there any kind of resin or more gear that's frostbite-centric when it could very well work as a build in pvp?
Frostbite builds made viable when?
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>its another "host spam rolling for 20 minutes with endless barage of phantoms and dorkmoons" episode
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Where is it
it's beside the point
fuck off pepe
That's what you sign up for when you press "yes" on the red orb confirmation box.
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lothric is sleeping
>mfw I put on obscuring ring and hide near anor londo when the host is a fag
Thanks for the free dregs
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Only thrust weapons can do counter hits, which is when you get hit during an attack or action.
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Is the highwall FC a thing? Cause I don't see shit.
Why is even when rolling away only straightswords seem to always damage with the second R1. Its like fucking guaranteed hit every time.
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Is this some kind of estus booze?

What does it taste like?
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>it's another "Hold NPC questline hostage until all the phantoms are dead" episode
>invading and expecting its not going to be shit
FROM didn't want invasions to be fun. Its your fault if you invade into that shit
don't roll, parry
How is sword of judgment compare to moonlight greatsword now?
This is major cute, but who's handmaiden comforting?
Also, >no yoel
Who is Sirris fighting with?

Lenny, obviously
Better overall, but requires a hybrid melee/caster investment over moonlight's pure int.
If estus probably tasks like fire, I'd imagine that would taste like a campfire

fc w h e r e

If you're looking for just anyone, a password will only hurt you. It's not like there's a secret club of co-op.
Go Host.
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>Invade carthus
>See ganksquad
>Run towards Anri
>mfw they agro her
>+10 refined dark sword
>458 ar
>+10 refined broadsword
>471 ar
>damage reflects this
Bravo From
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>Not making a literal switch
>Not holding it with one foot and using that to control your timing precisely
>Not shouting "ZA WARUDO" each time you do it

That is disheartening to hear now that I'm in NG+.
try and see if you can get anything out of the Souls thread on /aco/.
Yeah, let's not do that ok
It's like craft beer, probably still with bits of yeast in it.

I bet it's pretty fucking good, considering the alternatives for undead.
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Who can stop this Dio?!
Most hosts you'll encounter are being carried through the game on the backs of multiple buddies. You're supposed to throw a wrench into that shit as best you can, meaning literally everything is fair game to you.

NPC aggro is something I pull out if they've really been a bad boy.
Something anti-gay
I usually get one about every 100 kills.
That's with 435 item discovery.

I've noticed that gems seem to never, ever drop unless you have a fuckload of item discovery. I hate that you can't buy gold coins for better farming.
How viable are quality builds in this? Also is bleed still good or did get nerfed?
>nothing but dedicated gankgroups
>die in seconds nearly every time
>get invaded while solo
>kill invader with nearly no damage taken nearly every time
This is such a rollercoaster of gud.
Quality is the best, bleed is good
so how much damage did lightning do pre-nerf inna ds2?
Thanks. If you can help me with one more, what weapons make the best quality weapons, assuming they should also be infused with refined gems?
ref straight swords
Hollow quality reigns supreme
He's dead.
We can't hold your hand through everything

Quality is idiot proof just check the infusions and do the math
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psh...nothin personnel...saracen...
Being a low level mage really blows ass. It is either be a mediocre glass cannon, or be a melee character
hope they'll bring dark bead/dark hail back in the DLCs
dark sorceries desperately need a shotgun spell
Enough to make DSP have almost no trouble with it.
You were lookin' at about 1200 damage per GLS and you had 8 casts per slot, up to 3 slots per NG cycle.

Sunlight Spear always had extremely few casts, but the damage was apocalyptic.

My nightmares are sometimes filled with ganksquad trios of megamuled 838 japs blowing through NG+ iron keep by hurling endless walls of lightning at every enemy to come within reach. You couldn't attack because if you stopped spamming roll for even 1 second, you at Zeus' shit. You could hide behind mobs because no mob could even get close to them before being buried under the raging sky of greek epics. And of course, each and ervery one of them was wearing havel's armour and the hexer's hood and glowing with the magical bubbles of GMB stacked with sacred oath.
What's mediocre about a perma invisible death cannon who also has a ridiculous defense against bosses as well?
Dark Sorceries just need more support in general. Right now they basically have one or two of each "type" of spell and that's it.
>Great/Deep Soul and Gnaw
>Lifehunt and Dark Edge
>Implying anyone uses Dead again or Vow of Silence
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I'm finally free from this nightmare.
Okay, to further specify, not a twink, with no mule.
What bothers me is that all of the dark spells are so fucking slow
Gnaw takes longer to cast than fucking sunlight spear despite doing a tenth of the damage.

What the hell is dark's niche supposed to be? It feels like none of the dark spells have any purpose beyond being downgrades to existing spells that deal dark damage instead of magic/lightning.
>tfw no cute boys to play dark souls and other games with
>beat DS3 and usurp the throne

Going Magic my first play through really made the final fights a bit easier. I was still stuck in a melee mentality and tried to hit shit when I realized I could just do what I built my character for and nuke em.
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w-where can I sign up?
So what's the intended path for DaS2?

A lot of the enemies I've run into are "weird". It's like there's a huge mix of extremely powerful enemies and extremely weak enemies in every zone.

Literally ADHD enemy/level design. whats the point in so much disparity?
I agree completely. I understand from a lore perspective that dark magic is derivative of existing sorceries and miracles if memory serves, but for the sake of gameplay they end up both boring and less effective than their regular counteparts.
DS2 dark magic when.
There really is no intended path, for the most part when you're seeking the 4 souls
So you can't just breeze through the game, and have to find ways to get through through challenges.
Kaathe told me that lifedrain can "preserve my humanity while undead"

What does this mean?
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>tfw i don't even have friends that play games
fight club
Kaathe's a lying faggot don't listen to him
Means you need to suck to live
Now start sucking bitch
What level are people usually when taking on Dragonslayer Armour?
60-70 typically
You can still get summoned frequently in the 120 range if you're worried
I was hoping there was a way I could use it keep liquid humanity after dying, since dark souls webm/videos always seem to have 99 humanity
>keep getting instant summons for Oceiros
>only one that consistently shows up in my world is a pisspants knight set wearing, dark sword and crest shield wielding character named "***ger w**re"
I can't tell if it's ironic or not.
Are there any other weapons besides Dagger/Handmaid's Dagger that have unique offhand swings?

Also, why the fuck is the Rapier a better Parrying Dagger than the Parrying Dagger
Then go host one
I am thinking about buying DS3 but am on the fence, I really really liked DS1, but I only somewhat liked 2. I don't know if it was the combat, or the world itself, but something felt weird about it and didn't quiet compel me to finish the game like the first one did, and I still haven't finished it. I can't quiet put my finger on why I didn't like it as much, but the main hub area really wasn't to my liking, and I always ended up quitting right around when I would kill the 3 big iron princes, and get to that Hunters Folly or whatever it was called.

Do you think I would enjoy DS3 enough to warrant buying it right now? I am aching for a melee combat game that has some form of competitive PVP while still retaining leveling and gear/customization.
Generally most areas have elite enemies supported by very weak enemies, as well as a couple curveballs meant to just throw you off.

There's no real intended path. Any of the 4 greatsoul paths can be followed in any order. The game nudges you towards Lost Bastille as the first main road, and also the easiest, but every other path is balanced to be approached at the same time.

The huge open-endedness is one of the positive sides of 2. There's 5 paths available to you pretty much immediately, and 2 of the 3 dlc areas can be challenged before the equivalent of anor londo.
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Should I do it dsg?
That build is suffering
sure :^)
It means that the power to control and manipulate dark freely also makes you immune to the negative side-effects of hollowing, like losing your mind.
My nigga
BN5 was my jam
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You're not the only one.

I entertain myself with my thoughts.
>warping between bonfires right out the gate
What the FUCK
Backtracking is LOVE
Backtracking is LIFE
Yo nigga, missing the Lothric Holy sword/twin princes.
Is there any reason to wear the dusk crown after you level magic pas a certain point? Or is it very crucial?
It's like 10% increase.
Good if you're going full glass cannon
>tfw I don't even have friends, period
I love suffering! It's mostly just for fun & trolling
Trying simulate "muh arm cannon"
What's a good helmet to wear with the Dancer's armor lads? I want to look like a badass paladin or some shit.
>I was hoping there was a way I could use it keep liquid humanity after dying
there is a way, ring of sacrifice
>since dark souls webm/videos always seem to have 99 humanity
they're dedicated invaders, very easy to rack up 99 humanities
I have a friend that plays with me but I keep wanting to be by myself.
It's missing Black Serpent for the Shockwave battle chips.
Plus it's original MM based
Is the Dark Sword still a viable weapon after the nerf?
Yeah I'm having trouble not naming it just Rock because I like the comedic value of .exe, but I wanted it to be MM1 material...
I bought 3 yesterday. Never played 2.

I must say there's something extremly charming about the first game that 3 dosen't really recreate, at least not yet. I don't know what it is. Maybe it was the worldbuilding. I'm not sure. I probably sound like a prick.

I just blew 45 bucks on this thing though, pretty much have to play it
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post your boys
I dunno m8 that -9 AR might cost you a win. I wouldn't chance it.
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I should of clarified.

If the Dark Sword still viable for PvE?

Also, what made it broken for PvP?
it's 9 ar fuckwit, use your brain
It's perfectly viable for PvE, almost everything is.
What makes it good in PvP is that it has the longest range out of the straight swords, has good fucking damage, and fast R1's with relatively low stamina cost.
If lets you R1 the world to death.
the fuck is 9 AR?

whelp, time to stat up into it
It's like the 3rd longest reach.
Gotthards and Lothric's holy sword are longer, and the lothric knight sword has almost the same range.
I am not seeing an AR in the stat menu
AR is the total numeric damage values of a weapon, the base damage plus your scaled damage from Str/Dex, calculated before any resists or defenses.
The last balance patched "nerfed" the Dark Sword's AR by 9.
>I'm retarded and can't look up what AR means
You are several ARs of retard
It's even more need since the candlestick got nerfed by 12.5%
Thats the exact feeling I had going from 1 to 2, there was some sort of weird charm/draw to the world that made me want to get further into it every time. 2 did not have that same draw, despite being a very well made game. Maybe I will wait for a larger sale.
so the Dark Sword lost 9 points of damage after final calculations?
Yes. And since it has ~450 AR, I'm sure you can infer that the nerf is basically insignificant.
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>I'm a literal subhuman and I can't do my own google search

You're fucking stupid and I hate you. Enjoy your Dark sword, nigger.
How do you calculate AR when everyone's builds are different? What's the basis for Str/Dex?
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40/40 Refined, if it can be infused.
You always assume they're using the optimal build, 40/40.
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What's the best place/route for farming up Hollow gems?
nice 20 fps game
You're trolling, there's no way you're actually this dense.

I get it, somebody calls you out and you keep the act up to get more (you's).

On the other hand though. please go back to whatever rock you crawled out of.
Halfway Fortress bonfire, run back and kill the staff-wielding Corvian on the hill, loot him, and then run back to the bonfire and repeat
It feels so weird having to spend points on dex unironically, being a dexfag was worse than having aids just a few years ago
so refinement is the way to go on all weapons?
It's more efficient to kill both of the corvians and then homeward bone back.
Not all, but a lot of them since Refined is so poorly balanced it's good on almost everything. It's certainly the case for the Dark Cock.
anyone got some advice for these weird holeface monsters in the black gulch basement?

cant even fucking block em what the fuck reee
On 90% of the weapons, except some katanas and curved swords.
It's a long walk to the 2nd corvian, and the loadingscreen is longer than the runback.
well, fuck. I used the one I found on the Pryomancer starter weapon
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Is it possible to make my character look like this in dark souls 3?
If you're a pyromancer trying to also go quality then you're going to have a bad fucking time.
>playing white

disgusting desu
I only started as a pyro for early access to fire magic since who knew how long it would be until I found a pyromancer (because it took some time in 1 and a long time in 2)
Dork Sword still viable after nerf?
I havent seen a singe one in the last couple of days
It's 9 AR. Use your fucking head.
I play Taxes/hatebears in all formats except standard.
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No way....jpg
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Okay now I believe my good will is being abused. Either that or I'm experiencing some serious deja vu
Post>>147305084 someone else. I asked the initial questions at >>147303327
Why is dying in this game so heartbreaking sometimes?

I can't believe I just got spanked by someone copying an Oroboro Abysswatcher build. He killed the white phantom, then me a blue. And it's just like fuck... how could that happen? The fucking camera didn't help, but I can't really blame that, since everyone else deals with the same shit camera.

It should have been so easy. He wasn't good at the game or anything, he just kept spamming the spin to win. Fuck, man.
>Why is...
it isnt youre just a faggot
I feel you. Most of the fights I lose are because I don't carry a parrying shield or caestus on me, ever, even when it would easily counter a bloodring gotthards faggot who only rolling l1s ever.
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Double Backstab.webm
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How often does this happen? This is the first time I've seen it.
>putting down my summon sign at Dragonslayer Armour
>every single host summons three phantoms
>every single host dies horribly because they can't bloody read the tells
We can't carry you through this if you keep standing in the way of that bloomin' axe, you twits.
>dying to the farron greatsword

i think if you actually manage this you were either A: dealing with a literal parry god or B: not sober

literally one of the worst weapons in the game
fc please
in das1 it just requires a simultaneous input

in das2 it's rarer due to varying backstab confirm speeds

in das3 it's impossible, one person gets it randomly

you better be careful with those posts

the farron gs autist could be lurking
People usually don't even mix up the l1 combos. It's such a unique weapon but it's so shitty
I'm just not good at PVP in general. I feel like I'm getting better, but my nerves always get shot, and I get clumsy on the sticks. I don't know how people managed to stay so composed. If I could figure out how to do that, then perhaps I wouldn't suck so much.

I've been trying to get more into PVP though, because I like helping people. I can't help people if I'm shit at fighting.
>in das3 it's impossible, one person gets it randomly
Not so, I had it happen before while blue-ing.
Also had it happen where I backstabed someone after they'd been parried, at the same second the other invader riposted them. Both of our crits did damage and we crossed swords to instantkill the poor guy.
>Black Serpent turns almost 90 degress upon hitting the first target
This thing is hilarious for groups of people. It helps that it's so cheap to cast so you can apply pressure on people.
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Either magic is bad or I'm just bad.
Actually, it's probably both.
Either way, i have far more PvP success with my Faith character.
What am i doing wrong here?
Is the Dark Sword still viable after the nerf?

Why would you use the L1 combos? The L1 is just better than the R1 and the third L1 is backstab bait.
Should've had this as r2s instead of the stupid useless vertical smash.
Scholar ring
invest in dex & sages ring for that slightly faster cast time & git gud at free aim. Also, crystal homing soul mass gimmick

It just takes firsthand practice. Learning pvp in every game as takes a while since the meta is always different. To be honest, people shit on e-celebs all the time here but there are some that are very in-depth in their analysis and commentary of their pvp sessions. I'd recommend checking a few videos out as well as joining the infrequent dsg fc to get some experience in the field.
Just don't tell anyone you watch e-celebs.
Mixing up timings. R1 to l1 immediately triggers the second spin instead of the plunge
If you're using the Scholar ring, you should have 55 base Int. You don't get much benefit beyond 60 Int.
Waste of 10 levels and a ring slot.
Pillar rings are 5 points.
It's still a couple seconds faster, at least on the pc.
I already ditched that ring but Im not sure whats worth replacing it with. I tried to the red tearstone and I can bump my AR up to 800 with that but i rarely get low enough hp to activate the effect without getting killed
Elaborate? Why 10 levels? I shouldnt have done past 55?
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