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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 778
Thread images: 150

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3D and 2D video games

> Next Demo Day (Nine)

> Next Game Jam (Space)
Collab: http://pastebin.com/NEPv0pPC

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/

> Chats

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
Haxe: http://haxeflixel.com/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
Do tell
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I hope you're ready for demo day kiddo.

Your dads gonna be real proud if you are.
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Anyone interested in writing dialogue/doing portraits/other minor stuff?
>no "It's a bit like Dark Souls mixed with x" option

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(Reposting from last thread)
Can anyone point towards resources on codings games? There are so many tutorials out there that assume prior knowledge. I am *this* close to being able to start coding an entity-component system but my knowledge is peppered with gaps that are stopping me. Are there any resources that walk through the whole process so I don't have to accumulate facts from every corner of the internet in order to have a complete knowledge?
Should I Haskell?
Gay Maker
Literally FUCK OFF Blake. Nobody cares about your failed metrovania. :^)
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>tfw no dragon waifu game
TPS + Brawler + ARPG + JRPG
Why not make one? Too hot for you to handle?
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dont tell me these faggots are back again
Nice sprites
When is UE4.13 coming? They usually have a preview build within weeks of the previous release.
started to learn unreal4 yesterday

but yes. too hot for me
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>schizo dramafag is back
We can't have nice things, why do I still come here?
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So I made this tiny main menu, can anyone recommend me some pixel font that is free to use?
You could make your own.
twitter/tumblr to follow?

magnitude*cos(timerCurrent/timerDuration - PI/2)
no wait, it didn't work, fuck
multiply the fraction by PI
I can't imagine a worse hell
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In GameMaker, how do I properly check for whether an objects current x coordinate is increasing or decreasing?

I want to mirror the sprite when going left/right but I don't want to make it dependent on a button press check.
FixedSYS on windows
>It's hard to make around 70 sprites
Subtract the current position from the previous position and check the sign?
Occlusion culling does reduce draw calls.
>current position from the previous position
yeah how do I get those into a single script?
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Try this.
Right now there are other things more important to do than that, tbqh.
Thanks I'll check that.
Harder than not making any
If you want.
So much better.
didn't know this existed

thank you!
That's silly.

if(x < xprevious) image_xscale = -1;
else if(x > xprevious) image_xscale = 1;
Fuck off retards
Waifus are love waifus are life
it's theme hospital with more emphasis on the diseases and research

If I have a sword class and a mace class, and both inherit from a Weapon class, can I call the Weapon class to refer either of to them?
What ECS are you trying to do that is so difficult?

>call the...class
It's a pasta
Press Start 2P http://www.dafont.com/press-start-2p.font
m5x7 https://managore.itch.io/m5x7
You know, like calling a method from it.
Say, Weapon.Attack(), for example.
Actually, I guess yours works if you want the scale to be something other than 1 or -1 and you don't want a separate scale variable.
if the method is overridden in the subclasses, yes
You call methods of an instance, not a class. If you have a Mace instance, you can refer to it with a Weapon reference and calling the method on the reference will call the Mace's method.

Well, I guess you can call a static method of a class, but static methods don't have any interaction with subclassing.
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>his game can't be played with a controller in one hand and a mouse in the other hand
Check this site:
Some anon suggested the following a few threads ago when I've asked the same question:
For font editing:
I haven't decided yet. I have three different space-related ideas. I can't code for shit (I'm a 3d modeler) so for now my "games" are google docs and a bunch of random 3d models until I man up and go for one of the ideas and go look for a code monkey

Have you played Big Pharma? Lots of inspiration to draw from there
I forgot why I needed to know
>his game needs more than just a keyboard
remember to report
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>his game doesn't have separate bindings for menu and gameplay keys
>instead, "enter" is always mapped to "jump" and "back" to "attack", or something like that
Like it works, he just ban evades.
No one does, we just all work together in discord.
Why would you not allow rebinding of all controls? Is this a unity issue?
I don't know, but tons of games do this.
Unity not us :^)

who /kspg/ here?
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>his game doesn't have a secret button that gives you extra lifes
Learn your OOP a bit more carefully. This is all basic stuff but your confusion about the terminology suggests you never paid much attention.

>243 RPG maker games on steam
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this is just sad
what game
that's cool, I'm mostly a programmer (CS grad). Haven't played Big Pharma yet
243 seems surprisingly low
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Thank you guys!
Well it does have to get through greenlight. As easy as that is, it's still a barrier. You need an audience to get onto steam.
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I guess it's time to implement drawing depths
nice shitpost game
Well good luck anon

Do check out Big Pharma, it's a very neat game (if a little flawed in the construction gameplay loop) and it might give you a lot of great ideas as it sort of relates to your game idea
yeah I don't feel bad anymore
>This and the Pepe game are being made at the same time
Is this the golden age of meme games?

It actually looks pretty solid
dont feel sorry for him, that game is a bunch of dots
At least he made something
Fix that head, anon.
time to ~FOCUS~
It's just placeholder graphics
I would, but Germany - Italy is on in 25 minutes
Don't do this it makes mustard gas
Literally who cares about some apes running after a ball?
>watching sports
fucking normies
your potential customers
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oh boy guess who's got some progress!

I made subweapons to hopefully make combat a little more interesting.
I don't make games for retards.
e.g. nobody?
Why not just check the score after?
I'm in the zone right now.

Had a bunch of real tedious, not very fun work to do, so I quit mid-task last night. Had a migraine trigger after a few beers, and spent about 5 hours this morning pacing and puking. Got a few hours of sleep face first in the toilet, and now I'm tearing away at these stupid fucking leaves.

Watch out world, sortofdev coming through.
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Who else /makingassetsforgamesthatwillneverexist/ here?
Those grey stone tiles make me feel like I have double vision, looking good other than that though
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also a lot of minor stuff like proper loading, entry names, and sounds. mainly sounds, but you can't hear those in gifs so just make the sounds in your head for now
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I will never learn to code and I will never bother getting someone to help me just like make game out of my 3d models
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finally started to piece together the demo level

also got the stupid rim light to behave, although I still need to fix it's ramping and clamping so it only shows when extremely near an intense light source

thanks to the anons who helped me on the last thread regarding the lighting, i owe you guys a beer
Damn that rim lighting looks SWEEEEEET

I love your game and I love you for making it. Great job!
Where's Zero Quest dev been?
Looks great
You are gonna do something about being able to see your character in dark spots though, right?
Fuck that looks great
>I will never learn to code
pls have crazy mgs boss fights.
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yeah i just haven't changed the texture from that to the actual castle texture yet. Here's what it should look like
Looking good, but It's just me or it needs a bit more of color?
I am mathematically challenged
plz vote for my games lads

The only life I know anymore. I don't even remember my name.
So am I m8.
literally can't do anything over 8th grade math without extensive googling.
Have you considered posting your assets and finding a game for them?
Space Jam is getting close! How ready are you?

yeah the level's not going to be as dark as that when it's finished, there shouldn't be any blind spots when I integrate the cam system (i hope)

I'm planning to do a crazy gunfight where the boss can do all the player's abilities(diving, shootdodging and dual wielding). that's gonna be fun.
I love it, especially the tiles you're using at the edges to give the illusion of depth
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Look out /agdg/, I'm having fun figuring stuff out!
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>working on the designs and assets first
>worried that this is the inevitable outcome

Baby steps. Just gotta get one thing finished at a time. I'll get everything else ready THEN try learning to code.

I mean, it can't be THAT bad, right?
Is it like an overhead Max Payne? Because if so I am totally on board
Not gonna like, the way it snapped back up gave me a spook.
none that I post progress to, /agdg/ is my blog atm.
more or less yeah , intense gun fights and stuff with some stealth
Spooky as hell
>/agdg/ is my blog atm
hheh you and me both dude
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That's the worst code I've seen in a while.
What's wrong with it?
almost gave me a heart attack
>Just gotta get one thing finished at a time.
That's the worst thing you can do.
You don't binge one aspect and then drop it for another binge the next.
You do all the aspects every day.
I know right

try: image_xscale = (xprevious - x) / (xprevious - x) except: image_xscale = 0

going to need some help making it better
Did you guys clone simple games, or went straight to dev your game?
why not just

if(x != xprevious)
image_xscale = sign(x-xprevious);
time for a well deserved break
I guess it should be just "except: pass" what a goof
did a breakout/pong hybrid and then went on my first game.
I made a tower defense game.
Then realized shitty games are a waste of time, so i began my mangum opus.
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Finally wiring everything up in such a way that given class of actor (and all classes that inherit from it) can perform all vital game actions in a stable, predictable and replicable way.

Damn, networking in UE4 is fun.
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Isn't it nice when you're early in the game and progress is fast, before you have to do all that nasty stuff like level design, files, menus and metasystems, and balance?
Did you publish it?
wow blueprints are fucking stupid
So you google it a few times and then you remember it. From then on it's probably all the same unless you start messing with quaternions.

How so?
At least you are going to make it to the demo day.
Not really
It's just visual representation of the code, whether you want to type it out or do it like that is only a matter of preference.
>then you remember it.
God no, I have an awful memory, why in the world I chose programming is beyond me.
If I can hack my way through, so can you.

And what was your experience with it?
>non programmer cuck
>lol playing with legos is the same as building a house
ok. keep playing big boy.
Well I dunno, having a demo requires making a a level, a win condition and respawning...
I used pong to test out every engine I considered using since it takes like 30 minutes at most
Tower Defense:

Mangum Opus:

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Do you guys believe in Balmer's peak?
I don't even use blueprints you insecure nodevs.
>178 potential games

wonder how many will actually release
Bad then good, then bad, then worse, then good again.
I think everyone should though, you think it's easy when you're implementing it in your head. But it's a lot different and there's some fundamental things especially with pong that test you when you're first starting out.
You can vote on multiple options
Beni's what? Beni is the name of the bear.
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>Blueprints sucks!

Hey they make me work faster in most cases, and in the cases it doesn't its really easy to just write some custom c++ nodes to fill the gaps! Whats your problem with that?

>Hahahah cuck! You just don't know how to program! If you think method A is sometimes the best method it means you can never ever use Method B! hahahhah pwnd!

Whew. Even AAA developers extensively use blueprints you know, but hey you as nodevs know more than them right?
first time I've ever seen a 3-axis graph
I'm having a little bit of trouble wrapping my head around it...
>6 lewd games

Why did you think it was a waste of time?
I don't even know how to read that.
I'll add the ability to land on planets, and possibly place single-floor dungeons on some of them tomorrow as luckily I already have function to generate dungeons.

Started 4 days ago, and will end this in 3 days, so, release soon.

Finding an Earth-like planet took way longer than expected.
Why are you trying to reason with them
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So this is the power of SFML, huh? Not bad.
To be continued with even more features.
What's a demo day/game jam? Is it an IRL meetup or just online?
I think it's like a graph with 2 axis except there are 3
Why make a game that no one (including me) wants to play.
Any skills i need to make a good game, i will learn in the process of making a good game.

Its not that the tower defense was a waste of time, i learned a lot from it. But any more shitty games would be a waste of time.
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Demo day is when you post a demo of the game you are working on.

Game jams are when you make a game within a short time frame based on some given theme.
There are real life game jams but most are online.
Coding is different from programming.
Blueprints are not coding, but they are programming.
They are complementary to C++, not inferior.
Everyone submits their game.
Then blogposts about how they're scared/excited for feedback.
Then when enough time has passed, a second influx of blogposting from "no one played my game" to "it's shit they all hated it" to "/agdg/ is shit for not talking about mine". And then some devs declare their separation from /agdg/ for <reason>.

But mostly everything just gets ignored and people immediately start throwing out ideas for the next jam
You don't have to chop down every tree for the planks to your house even if you know how to do it.
>They are complementary to C++,
No, actual scripting languages are, Epic.
This is a real answer >>147263649
This is a meme >>147263684
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The work a scripting language is used for is orthogonal to what blueprints are for.
Is there a way to get the key associated to a button in Unity?

ie. Tell the player to Shoot with the X key, where X is something you set up as "Shoot" button in the input manager? This way it'd be possible to give direct instructions without hardcoding them to default keys.
Looks nice
Thanks, anon!
and I see you too
kek damnit
Don't use my bunny to shitpost ok thank you
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>Even AAA developers extensively use blueprints you know
I have no stake in the argument whatsoever cause it just seems like shit-flinging for the sake of shit-flinging, but what devs do this?

I'd be curious to see.

I agree, but i must say that i'm making tetris
as my first game and i was planning to take on
another basic game, such as pong.

Is it worth it? Or i must learn deving my ideas?
alri, Epic.
post updates then!
Yeah, I think 2 different arcade games is a good test.
you mean
t. not an engine baby
Not really AAA (more like AA) but Ninja Theory's new game does.
>completely out of touch with actual productive workflows

checks out
I haven't worked much on it these last few days. I mainly went on with mapping out the song and I made some progress on this >>147248297
>blueprint to c++ conversion is now in 4.12
>the "blueprints are slower" excuse is no longer valid

sucks to be a unicuck
>actual productive workflows
Yes, enjoy that production when you have a literal spaghetti jungle to sift through.
And god help you if you have to do any kind of real debugging.
rocksteady but only their environment programmers i think
The graph shows that at around 0.125 blood alcohol concentration there is a large peak in programmer skill. However that peak is less effective if using difficult languages, and more effective when using simpler languages.
What is Blueprints?

Who the fuck cares what you use?
Make a fucking game instead
I was literally just asking a question anon, calm down.
Nodevs have a lot of spare time
>implying Java is at all safe or still simple
you better FUCKING calm down
You know gamemaker? How you can do either code or drag & drop?

Same with unreal engine 4, you can either do code or blueprints.
High kek
don't tell me what to do, nigger!
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Umm, they're not using blueprints for making their game logic, they're using it for scripting and stuff. Designer/artist work
A visual programming language that you can use in UE4 instead of C++. In certain circumstances you can seamlessly have things like delays, while in C++ you need to pass a continuation to a timer.
What do you guys think about this as an RPG village theme
Too generic?
Never made this kind of music before
>not using blueprints for making their game logic
>they're using it for scripting

Scripted events in the level, I assume that's what anon means.
Explain blueprints pls
Scripted events. Environmental triggers. Cutscenes. Buildings blowing up. Encounters.

Not the universal rules of the game.
Neat. Sounds useful.
Sounds OK if a bit repetitive
How are scripted events not game logic?
Probably should have done it the other way around. Tetris is kind of complex for a babby's first game.
How much clearer can I make this?

They're not using blueprints for "blue alien can shoot a gun, the gun can fire every 2 seconds". They're using it for "blue alien runs into a room. if the player follows, the doors shut and five other aliens start shooting. when they're all dead, the doors open."
The concrete differences would be that "scripting" is basically writing chains of "if this happens, then this happens, then this happens, etc." whereas "logic" is far more complex and has to deal with input and state.
yeah but don't tell any engine dev about it, they will cry like an anime fan on prom nigh
Oof love that gunshot and particle animation, ridiculously simple but timed so well which makes it feel so silky
I'm an enginedev and I think Blueprint is great. Not worth implementing something similar for myself or a small team, but it's very useful.

The problems it solves are a niche in programming overall but are all of the place in games.
Didn't expect animations so smooth. Loving the vibe of your game, reminds me of L'Abbaye des Morts.

The knife throwing animation could use a swing of the character's arm though. And yeah, you should rework these stone tiles.
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am i kawaii oniichan?
This reminds me of Dark Castle
Post wires
It looks great, I want to check the eyes out
Is there any difference between using tiles or just adding the sprite to an object in game maker?
Tiles are purely for visuals and are more optimized as opposed to making an object for everything.
enginedev here, I think blueprints make a lot of sense if you have level designers who aren't experienced with coding. I don't think it's a feature I'd get much use out of myself, but I think people should use whatever best helps them get the job done.
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the eyes are separate
haven't done the mouth yet
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a-am I kawaii oniichan?
So far so good, I'm making good progress. But I can't measure my blood alcohol concentration...
That said, in place of a system like Blueprint you can use a monad instead without having to introduce a whole other language.
wait what I don't have that image
this shit's pretending to be another resolution hows it doing that
>threadly reminder
Any released free cute 2D or 3D girl yet?
might want to try that again

thanks Moot

I posted the image that yours got overridden by.
You have been given a warning by the patron god of shitposting. Cease your shitpost now or suffer the consequences.
Fucking hell guys. I post progress ONCE and whole thread derails over whether blueprints are shitty or not.

I wrote shitton of c++ code back in the day. You want to know why I use blueprint? Because it's more intuitive with it's visual representation. Because it's almost just as efficient and versatile as pure code. Because as some anon said, you can at any point take actual piece of c++ code and format it into a node, extending blueprint's range of possibilities even further. And If I'm not mistaken reverse proccess can be done. If I ever decide to move to code I can break all those nodes to code. And you know what? After years of hopeless enginedev and dropping project after project unreal with it's blueprints is the first environment that keeps me going. Because of how neat everything is I don't get lost in my own project. I'm devving for two weeks straight now. All. In. Fucking. Blueprints.

Blueprints are as capable as C++. They basically are visualised C++. Stop telling other people what their tool of preference should be. Fuckers.
reposting since last thread RIP.
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Major progress toward completing the boss fight (and thus, getting a new Demo out):

Big Jim can now die. As in, DIE die. He reports his death as a completed objective to the level, explodes, and falls apart, triggering the shift to Tier Infinite (where enemies cannot die, meaning time ceases to be recoverable, so you have to beat the piss out of them endlessly until the clock reaches zero).

Note that for this video, I use a headshot to set his HP to zero; in the actual game, his head won't take damage.

Also, his color scheme is changed slightly to reflect the fact that his chest is his weak spot (his bright red knees affect his red "topple" HP, and his bright blue chest orb affects his blue total HP).

There are still some bugs here; for one thing, the physics simulation on his explosion is broken just a smidge because a couple pieces of him are still skeletal, these will have to be switched to actual MESH parts to simulate properly (and externally attached actors like his conveyor belt shins and stuff also stick around). Also, I'm really unhappy with how he clogs up the stage when he first dies, as he's so big he really gets in the way, so he'll probably "fall" but not collide with the level, slipping right through the floor. This is actually how Grunts die, too (their parts linger for a little bit and then they just slip through the floor) so hopefully it won't look terribly weird.

Also, started working on his Stomp attack, which will be in effect when he does a "close range" melee attack but the player isn't directly under him.
Definitely a smart decision

Good luck with the mouth and n-gon fix anon, I don't know about you, but I can almost never get a model to look right if I do such heavy amendments at such a high-poly stage, so I tend to do stuff like adding the mouth when it's relatively low poly
Take my blessings anon, may smooth 3D modelling and cute waifu aesthetics come to you
dude this looks awesome post more :O
That's not how you do a rain scene
Colors are not this saturated when it's rainy.
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I'll try again
a-am I kawaii oniichan?
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NPC, quest and dialogue is now down to ~5 lines of code.
Asteroids? Looks like you're on your way to your complimentary $500,000 gamedev dollars my lord.
This is a bully-free thread.
>fixed height jumping
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I literally said it wasn't perfect for everything. But yeah sorry mate forgot a lot you haven't finished school yet, which in turn made me forget not everyone here can read properly.
I didn't even read your post, I just saw how shitty of an argument "AAA use it!" was and felt like exposing it for just that. And if you're this >>147265349 >>147265502 retard, then yeah, gg.
False Swipe.
Highest damage ones with 100% accuracy.
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>vulkan and all the vulkanposters were nothing but a gigantic meme
Shadow Ball.
um sorry bro but stardew valley already exists
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I have become zeus!
Charizards cock
>this image has been used a lot in discussions related to "spoopy"
>"spoopy" uses UE4
>he's also very opinionated about programming and has done a similar rant about OOP
No shit. There are no enginedevs left here.
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top notch modelling skills here lads

Someone needs a coder?

>What is post timing
>Who has time to do some third grade math when I haven't even finished second grade yet
It was a meme but I am going to use Vulkan for my game when I'm done with the language.

Also >>147267801, for some reason.
;^) you totally pwned them brah

nobody will ever use blueprints again thanks to you
His head hitting the ground needs a much heavier impact.
I don't know if I like the fall animation that much MLD. But I guess your last paragraph kind of nulls it.
>in the actual game, his head won't take damage.
Why not?
You should ask Spoopy to make you a proper material for those lightning-spears, they look boring right now. "Dead" if you will.
>what is playing devil's advocate
How do quads work in topology? I was under the impression that all quads are supposed to be two triangles, but you see people posting their meshes with quads instead of triangles all the time. Is it acceptable to have a final model consist of quads, or how does that add up?
The fall animation isn't actually physics simulating, it's an animation.

I can tweak it, I think it's mostly a question of slowing down some of the actual fall segments and adding some more camera shake on the final impacts.

>why not?
because I don't want the player to be able to shoot the head from the ground as it trivializes the fight, and making bullets not work on the head felt totally arbitrary. The platforms that transform into a shield provide a nice way to protect the chest orb so that's less bullshitty, and the knee topple still makes the chest plenty accessible, so it makes more sense.
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stealth rock.jpg
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I want something like this, but I'm not skilled enough, and I don't think he is either.
Hypnosis Curse Peck and Lick
according to some anon, some game engines automatically fill in the quads as triangles later
>not skilled enough
Observe it. Did you even attempt to replicate the tendrils and particles?
sorry replied myself
GPUs render triangles. Somewhere down the line, quads have to be turned into triangles so they can be rendered. Whether you just make two triangles per quad, tessellate them with a displacement map, etc. is up to the engine/artist.

You want to stick to quads for modeling as much as possible.
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Spaceship Decapitation.

I've managed to restore the original HP texture size while virtually eliminating explosion lag by batching and co-routining the floodfill algorithm I use to calculate when ships should split apart. It wasn't exactly lagtastic in the last webm so there's not much to show, but if I had used the original texture size, it would've shown a severe lag spike whenever an explosion went off. Now there's little if any lag.

Since there's not much to demonstrate there, here's all of the BSF forum ships I've made that I'm planning to adapt for the DD9 build. With any luck they'll be in two different factions that spawn from opposite sides of the map and fight each other. The player can choose to intervene and draw aggro or just watch shit go down.
>the floodfill algorithm I use to calculate when ships should split apart
Whoa, what?
that sounds extremely expensive
The colors are saturated from lampposts giving lots of night to light up the playing space as the rest of the scene is dark night.
yes and it looked like shite
you're a big O notation
hypothetically speaking, if you were to ever create a commercial game with those assets

even if you made all the prefab sprites all on your own, and assembled the ships yourself in the BSF editor, would it be possible that you'd get in trouble for using someone elses software to create assets for a commercial product?
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It's worth it I swear
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AutoTileGen is 3$

Worth it?
no, download gamemaker you fucking retard
thanks, that link pretty much explained it
It is legally iffy but not because of the software. I could've done the same kitbashing in PDN and have done just that for some of the module sprites.
Can gamemaker generate shader maps?
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Dammit anon, you're making us all look bad.
That looks like shit
It looks to me like it's just a billboard and particles, all pre-rendered animations.
I'm disappointed.
I'm making a topdown 2d unity game, should I use raycasts for every step of movement or rely on trigger enter for events/collisions?
>It's just placeholder graphics
No, because "shader maps" are not a thing.

Probably neither?
Are you a good coder?
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Is fog for making your dark shadows in your toony games a good idea? Many of you have commented on how you dislike black shadows in toony games and colored fog does add color to the shadows.
oh my god I've been making a space game
i am so ready
>what is ambient lighting
Here's a reference for you 3D modelers. Make sure you model the bulge.
I like it. However maybe there's a little bit too much instruments in it. The violins and the bass is loud, I think.

Really it doesnt look like much of fog but more like some color correction thing. I like it both.
Ambient lighting doesn't add color to your shadows in unity. You can already see the ambient lighting turned up and blue here in that gif and fog is whats doing that.
What the hell is BSF?
>Ambient lighting doesn't add color to your shadows in unity.
What the fuck?
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2MB, 1900x1016px

Took me two straight days, but I finished some mean muh fuckin mean ass leaves yall.

>colored spec map with a second alpha for SSS transparency
>when light shines through the leaves, you can make out the branches in between the leaves

Not perfect, but probably the best I've managed so far.
Big smelly feet
Footfag devs I swear
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by shadermaps I mean this
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Like more like vines or woody underbrush with glow material desu, also, lightning shouldn't have bullet drop (at least noticeable drop).

As a vine/brush stick it would look great, perhaps as a precursor to your other spear there.

For lightning it should be thinner, roughly your spear thickness in the center and tapered down to a point on either end, very bright, and use sprites or billboard textures to do the tendril bits sparking off the main bolt.

if you'd like the model to look like lightning see pic related, lightning isn't so smooth when it changes direction along its path you can be a little more jaggy with it.
Well, I dunno, anon very kindly offered spurdo sprites and was up for making more. But the rest is certainly just thrown together, and really needs the palette thought out some time
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I don't know what the fuck is going on.
There isn't a standalone tool for this?
what is this program ?
Counting how many objects of type "b" are in a's inventory?
What happened to plokdev btw?

Its a cool tool, but it would honestly take less than a minute to make such a simple normal map and bake it yourself. Could even do the whole set in one go and save more time. Not to mention more control over the accuracy.


Fog is much better for coloring shadows than ambient lighting in unity.
He's here and there.
That is the tool. It can import those depth maps and shit into gamemaker with a free plugin

I'm wondering if it is worth $3


>>147270051 again, thinking about the lightning reminded me to check how disney did it in Hercules, which you may way look at.

@1:55 https://youtu.be/vBv0kYm65SQ?t=1m54s
How the fuck is it possible to have ambient light that can't "colour shadows"?
Before jumping into the action, we should take a moment to plan out our game. It's all too easy to sit down to start working on an idea and then later find that you have lost focus and that the game is not what you actually intended it to be! This in turn leads to an abandoned project and a sensation of having wasted your time, which is obviously not something you want to happen. Therefore, we should make a very simple design document which outlines all the important things we want in our game. Once the game has been completed following this document, we can go back and revise and change things.
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Unity, uhhhh.... finds a way.
This reminds me of fraxy. I'm liking this a lot.
It definitely would work. But yeah, its a bit muddy because of all the instruments. Try to make the song work with as few instruments as possible. Polyphonic instruments like the harp, guitar and piano are your friends!
BattleShips Forever
it does but its not as noticeable as fog.
You know what I like about you AGDG? Its that you actually give feedback. That alone makes you 10 times better than any other community.
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Sucker Punch
Hyper Voice

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Whelp I tried at least. Had to make my own shitty mesh and everything. First draft

Anyone with Unity want to test this and see how it works?
>R0G0B255 ambient light
>R255G255B0 direct light
The shadow should be pure blue while lit objects aren't coloured.
>Worth $3

If you're a buyfag, sure.

>that pic
fuck you
Hey he didn't even want one. I could probably do alot more if I had a proper mesh but I'm to sick to even think straight right now.

I just do the shitty shaders as training.
No, it really doesn't look like you tried. That hardly resembles even a simplified version of the DS3 spear.

I tried to model this after his original model to just make em "look more alive" mate, had already begun when he mentioned ds3, To make that one it'd be even simpler though. Its literally just the spear and 3/4 planes rotating around the axis with flipbook textures on em.

You meenie
try 'd < (array_length_1D(a.inventory) - 1)'

If there are four items in the array, length = 4.
But, the array starts counting at 0, so you only
need to check until 3 if you start at zero.
Oh, I mixed you up with the original guy.
Whoops, also shouldn't it be <= (array_length_1D(a.inventory) - 1)
So you check all the way to the end of the array?
How the fuck do I know which functions can I use in Unity's shaders? Can't find anything in the docs.
It's just Cg.
Is there any 'official' API doc?
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exhaust2 - it still looks bad.webm
1MB, 296x241px
what would make it look better?

Fuck that looks good. Should I go for it? 150 bucks but it looks like the tool to choose. My 3d skillset is stuck in the 00s and I really need to up my texturing and rendering game
AAA fidelity
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How do I make a good game, /agdg/? I'm using the PS1 version of RPG Maker because I like working with a controller instead of a keyboard/mouse. Do people worry more about combat or story for an RPG?
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Chill dude.

Fuck now I kinda wished I had a more toony look, you can make some really fun shaders in this style,
I would work on the gameplay
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until now i've just been making shit up as i go along
but now i actually have to plan stuff out
wish me luck /agdg/
Not a spray of shit

There are no exhaust products in space, the only visible exhaust is light near the nozzle, where the exhaust gas is still thick enough to reflect
I always check the archives to see what posts have been deleted.
Sitting back and thinking long and hard about code architecture is one of lifes greatest pleasures
I like it, keep trying.
My basic engine is pretty much done already, from now on I just need to work on filling the game up, with bosses, enemies, levels, etc.
time to make another engine then
but thats supposed to be the fun part
but it's too hard
only THIS time it'll be done right [...]
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>tfw you remember when you used to think agdg was a community
You can get feedback in /v/ too. AGDG is 1,500 posts a day of chatroom bants. It's not a community it's a /vg/ general.
helo cato
There were never any real enginedevs here. The ones who were most eager to be known as enginedevs were always just faking it.
Thanks for contributing with another meaningless post then
or you can get both the community and feedback
in steamchat
AS WELL as immediately become superior to the 4chan agdg scum
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progress vs memes.png
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>you actually give feedback
kek, naw
>After years of hopeless enginedev and dropping project after project unreal with it's blueprints is the first environment that keeps me going.
It's not blueprints that saved you it was using a real engine and giving up the enginedev meme. You would be doing just as well with Gamemaker or Unity.
That doesn't look like progress, it's an incomprehensible, out-of-context image that could potentially be from a game.
Ah, another honest days work and absolutely nothing accomplished
Excuse u but the cyberpunk FPS and the pink and white checkerboard FPS are both enginedevs
I wish rpgmg became part of agdg
If you made the sprites for the purple dots, switch them out for longer thin ovals, give them a shorter lifespan, and make them out of a transparent material and have the color be multiplied when two or more particles are on top of one another.
There's a reason it's separate. RPGMaker is more like modding than gamedev.
Hotline Miami's mixels make me nauseous and angry.
The latter is a bit pathetic at this point.
Why? Do you hate them that much?
unity update broke my shit again
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Looks like I was beat to it. Had to fix my video capture program.

This is a pretty effective way to do it with one simple mat, but for a real bolt, you'll need probably a texture or two.
>Unicucks will defend this by simply saying you're never supposed to update software in the middle of a project anyways
>he fell for the software update meme
I seriously hope you've learned your lesson

I'm still on Unity 5.2x which is from like last year
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Hmm, should probably add down-jumping from ladders, can't remember how it's done in... other games
Just looking at it, it looks a bit more chill than here.
I don't think they would mix well.
They do have a podcast though.
>ideaguying about code instead of just making a game
>haven't even made enemies yet
wew enginelads you should have just used a premade engine so you could come to the realization that you can't make games sooner
hold down and press jump
Nice pikachu bolt
I'm extremely angry about and invested in the tools that other people choose to use.
>never supposed to update software in the middle of a project anyways
I mean regardless of engine or software that's usually good practice unless there's some feature or bugfix in the newer update that you desperately need.

Still doesn't excuse Unity fucking up as much as they do of course.
Enginedevs would literally bully them to death.
They're chill because they are a collective using the same engine and don't have the same kind of wild arrogance and opinionated bullshit that agdg does. If agdg were all using the same engine to make the same kind of genre games it'd be chill too.
If Unity is so bad then why are these so many successful games that use it?
>these posts always happen whenever enginefags are being made fun of
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okay, this is what I got now. But how do I get a decent animation?
Honestly I have yet to see an enginedev act actually condescending.
Good software doesn't make breaking changes except on major revisions (e.g. 2.x.y to 3.0.0).
I'm pretty sure the Dark Souls bolt is a bunch of animated textures, it's not procedural.
It's "free" and multiplatform and not as bad as people are making it out to be.
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If candy crush is so bad then why is it so successful?
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>and then this splash screen came up and it was like "made in unity 5 personal edition"
Not yet.
Yeah, I mean, pressing down+jump on a ladder dropping you down instead of jumping upwards. Easy in itself to implement, but then you need to worry about the fact that you'll re-enter the ladder right after jumping because you're still holding down...

Is there anything wrong with this SDL ray caster? It's not a wolfenstein 3d raycasting thing which is all that comes up when I google ray cast. It's just a simple "extend a line until it hits something" thing.

However, my ray caster seems wrong. It seems really dodgy. In order for it to work, I have to multiply normalize_x and normalize_y by some value, otherwise it crashes. Also, the higher the value I multiply it, the more accurate the ray becomes. So if I multiply it by 2, the ray would only move in some directions. But if I multiply it by 1000, it acts fine.

Another thing is that to move the ray I have to take away the normalized vector instead of adding it, which is weird.

Basically, this works, but I don't think I've done it correctly. Can somebody have a look?
Hey now, that looks way better!

How did you make it? That will determine how you're gonna animate it, like if the shape of the bits is from a texture displacing the vertices then animate the textures location along an axis (whichever one goes in the same direction as the bolt from end to end).
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I've been devving for 18 hours straight.
I will be.
>what is anonymous shitposting
But Candy Crush is not bad.
It's not original but it has high production values and just werks.
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Prove that it's enginedevs.
Because it's objectively good.
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I created 3 planes with a two sided material and used this texture as mask.
At least he made a game.
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Remember when that one Unity dev started dressing like a girl because they couldn't make a game?

Oh wait.
Can you attach to ladders in mario by pressing down while in the air?
>implying a girl would know what a splash screen is
>This is the game with more progress in the entire general
And then your game came up. Pic related is your game.
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Gotta make up on the weekends what I don't have time for during the week
I'd play Doot IV.
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I don't see your problem yet. Is it what I'm supposed to get as a result?
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editor3 - different modules.webm
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its progress
For like 2 progress posts and then dropped that "game" too. Topkek.
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You should change your cursor to make it look better in the game.
It's objectively shit, Doot 2 was the last good entry.
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trees aren't blue you lying fuck


All jokes aside they look nice, good work.
like your artstyle, but tone down the gloss map please.
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Terraria already existed, Minecraft already existed.

It's understandable, but there's lot about the intricate design of a game that makes it a cut above a strict replication; and that genre is marked by mostly story/visual variation.
It's 2016.
Pretty. However, I think you need to either make the shadows on those trees lighter or the shadows in the rest of the world darker. It's just a small contrast, and I'm picky.

Good so far, though.
Yep, but I feel like I've went around it the wrong way.

I don't understand why it works, but it does.
Is Brutal Doot actually good or is it just a meme?
how big, in tiles, should a shuttle be if the thrusters are 2 tiles
use morph targets or vertex shaders to have the shape deform

like a nasa space shuttle? what thrusters?, a spaceship has a million of them in various sizes
Exactly 6.12213891 tiles.
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>I use my dev time wisely
anon pls stop
I can't right now.
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I thought there was a giant dick in the thumbnail
I'm slightly disappointed

basically it goes down to planets to get resources and brings them up to your ship and transfers crew around to ports and stuff (or atleast that's the plan)
sorry, there is a place and time for giant dicks, but this was not the time
this is way too thick shes a loli you madman
did you make this art
There is literally nothing wrong with Unity.
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>said noone ever
yeah, I didn't really want to sexualize a loli though

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>being gay
>current year
breddy gud
Just check the "Recent Submissions" page of Steam Greenlight and you'll change your mind.
>I didn't really want to sexualize a loli though
But anon, lewd lolis are the light.
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images (17).jpg
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SSTOs are usually depicted with smaller thrusters, I assume that it's because they use the wings for lift instead of brute forcing it like traditional rockets flying vertically.
>only gay people like dicks
Not them, but not everyone wants to jack it to a little girl, anon.
heterosexual females like dicks too that's correct
How is VR a genre?
i like it
Not them but I'm pretty sure Anon just wants to follow them on tumblr
Also lewd lolis are love
sorry, it has some furshit and I haven't updated in a while

it's dev time now
> can draw extremely high quality
> doesn't give tumblr

j-just promise to make more fanart please
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>extremely high quality
Static floating guns shooting whackamoles is its own genre.
>same shitposting image he's been using every thread
>greentexting incorrectly
About what should be expected of one who shitposts about Unity.
It is extremly high quality
Yeah those games would have been great if they were made in something else.

Interesting, to say the least. I don't see what the error could be. As I understand, you go like this:
- Set a line between the center of the screen and mouse pointer.
- Until you reach the pointer, you go step by step on the line, right? So +y +x (or -y -x now).
- At each step towards the line, you check if you had reached the box.

If it works, then good, however I would rather use angles. My math went something like this:
- I know where my hero was facing. This was angle Alpha.
- I draw a line from that angle.
- Like you did, I made that line longer and longer, and checked each time if it was a hit or not.

However you find a way to tell the slope to the mouse pointer? So for one step how much X and how much Y needed?

Have you read Permadi's or Lodev's guide on the subject?
Those games wouldn't be any worse if they were made in a different engine.
Why'd U do this to your own fictional flesh and blood
It's literally SMB3.
I can't write a single line of code and I could produce a similar result within the next week.
>if you showed us your tumblr would you die
>it would be extremely high quality
>you're a good artist
>for you
Now this is fappable!
>shitters panicking
Don't worry you can always rely on someone like Jim Sterling to reaffirm your meme beliefs about Unity.

Oh wait.

>sorry, it has some furshit and I haven't updated in a while
I don't care give it anon
I want to see more of your art, it's really nice
was getting lewds part of your plan?
just need to extract the eigenvectors from the covariance matrix and I'll have the principle components of this point cloud, here goes
Unlimited point cloud data
Why does this fucknut feel qualified to discuss a game engine's quality? I must have missed all the games Jim stirling has been releasing recently.
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It's called "Effort" sirs or ma'ams.
Dump em
I'm making my first Pong clone in GM following some tutorials. Planning to do some sort of sidescroller next. Or maybe a breakout clone first to become more accustomed to this thing.
How do I into 3d modeling?
damn this looks good,
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editor4 - ctrl + z.webm
2MB, 565x481px
It's still too small. One day, when there are more pictures.
>good devs can use a tool to make good games

wow who would have thought
Right in the fucking nostalgia, I love this dude.
I hope you're the same guy that used to post a game like this a long time ago
Nice, if you just animate the textures X position or offset on the plane it should look great. Maybe do one texture moving in the opposite direction of the others very quickly.

If nothing else, it looks far better than the original in terms of lightning bolt-ness!
Unity is just a tool,
like a gun,
only you can make something good out of that tool.
unlike a gun.
it is tho
noiz. Its like the low resolution lowers expectations, and then the animation blending is way over the top awesome
A game where you have to backup your data on rapidly decaying storage media and deal with natural disasters.
The kinds of storage medias have different upkeep prices, lifespans, disaster resistances, etc and the amount of data you need to backup steadily increases so you have to constantly update your backups.
You can pick different locations for your HDs, each place has its own upkeep costs and disasters.

HD - Medium lifespan, medium size, cheap, very weak to earthquakes. Good for general upkeep but slow transfer rates means it's very slow to start up, making it bad in emergencies.
SSD - Short lifespan, small size, expensive, very resistant to disasters and extremely fast. Good for the late game since it's very resistant and transfer rate is very fast, allowing for rapid proliferation of data in case of major disasters.

etc etc
ls there any game engine out there that uses python?
Anyone else stop reading a post once they see the words "a game where"?
it's a pretty bare bones engine though
Only the bad engines
>SSD - Short lifespan
Since fucking when
same, I thought the low res was an excuse to get away with low production values (not saying this like it's a bad thing) but it really does look pretty great
I want to use the flipbook function in UE4s material editor, but it seems to only work if you have square textures, not rectangular.
Early SSDs were pretty short, they are better nowadays but it needs drawbacks in a game.
Blender game engine

No. I stopped reading yours around that part though.

panda 3d
a game where is yours
You first
>I stopped reading your post after the last two words.
Sick burn.
Too late
Are there any recommended pose references for action games? I'm working on a 2d action platforming game where beating a boss gives you their entire combat playstyle, but I'm having a hard time coming up with stances and to a lesser extent, attack animations.
I suppose you could make a group of four or more square textured sections per lightning javelin and flipbook it, or possibly this is what I was referring to https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/44534/how-do-i-use-the-rotatorpanner-texture-options.html

I've never used UE4 so I'm working off speculation here, but a lightning effect has to have been created in almost every popular engine so far.
I enjoyed your post
is there anyway in Aesprite to load a palette without changing the current sprite's colors?
Gonna start working on some networking libraries for my game

Give me a name to call the library
hi guyz im lookin for team members for my game
my game is survival online fps
i have no developer or money
please join my team
i u for join
we make 1 billion dollar wendy game sell
i share 1%
i have story
comment your name and address to join
age req is 21

game be minecraft hd 2.0 360 no scope
you can play online
it will have creeper
pink creeper
killing system
you can play online
u and friend can play
build house
you can play online
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What's your favorite game idea?
since the invention of flash storage?
hey guys haven't been here in ages
is the drama gone?
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>unity devs when

Do you mean like this
>Sprite -> Color mode -> RGB Color
>Load your palette
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It looks like the original game used multiple sprite sizes. Different sizes/shapes means different collision boxes and sprite positioning. Some animations have different frame dimensions too.

Whats the "best" way to deal with this problem?
yeah pretty much
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should mankind have energy weapons or just artillery
Alternatively, pluggot.
She looks like she came here to laugh at us
resize the bottom area
go back to /g/ pajeeet
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Thanks anon. I was getting annoyed.

Here's a complimentary picture I did for a request.
I don't get it
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Depending on how you step it up you might be able to get away with a collision box based on the smallest sprite. Enemies might go slightly through your feet or head but remember players will forgive something like that in their favour. Don't do the opposite.
nice trap
>procedural generation is impossible in unity
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But what is it called?
>Something possible in Unity
What's the easiest genre of games to develop if you have (A) Little to no coding experience but want to make a good game (B) Can easily sell well on Steam if it's decent enough (C) is a respectable genre and not FOTW cashgrab (RPG Maker Earthbound-clone)
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Shelved it for now because it wouldn't be ready by Demo Day, started work on another game, shelved it because I'm too lazy to figure out how to do the per-pixel collision detection it would require, played a bunch of Kirby instead.


Just make two hitboxes, one for the crouched waifu and one for when she's standing. People usually hate it when you make hitboxes too precise.
Roguelike, platformer, puzzle.
Those are really overdone and stale exactly because they are easy tho.
My game.
Nice lighting
Walking simulator
Whoops, forgot to add that next to RPG Maker Earthbound-clone as FOTW cashgrab
I actually just figured out all of my problems.

When I didn't multiply my normal'd vectors, they would be converted to 0, so the ray would never actually move, causing an infinite loop and a crash. I fixed it by rounding it.

This also showed that the other problem with "jitteriness" was because the values would always be rounded to 1, -1 or 0, so they could only ever travel in 1 of 8 directions. That's why multiplying the value by larger and larger numbers improved the accuracy, since it could travel in more directions.

I don't have a problem anymore, I understand now.

An orbit-based Agar.io

For now. Those were some bad times.
Someone should've told me. I've been generating procedural stuff in unity since a while now... If only I knew.
If they were made in a different engine, the developers would have had to put some actual work into them, instead of just slapping some stuff together in a few hours.
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this is as good as it gets without using particles
I liked the other one better, those effects don't seem to wrap very well around the bolt.
it's shit and your grass is still too dense for your artstyle
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Why is it so hard to find a gradius style spaceship sprite!?!
>Unity is useless!
>GameMaker is shit!
>UE4 is a bloated mess!
What the fuck do I use then?
Accidentally turned frost into nico
lol its trying to get away but its tied up
Nothing, you be a nodev like them
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Your own engine.
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Yeah me to, just messing around with what could be done proceduraly like that shitty grass I did yesterday.

I have some suggestions:
- Either pan the textures or have them flipbook, as of now they just look glitchy, too much high intensity noise.
- You are doing the vertex displacement way too much since you don't have any part of the bolt being "solid". Either have a solid "core" like I did or tune the vertex displacement down.
- You are also doing the vertex displacement in such a way that there are disconnects, which can be avoided by panning the displacement through world space rather than texture space.
Tbh I proffered your original ones more
Why is the dog laughing?
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I'm sorry you don't like the grass, here are some more senpai
Don't fall by the enginedev ruse, they want you to spend 8 years of your life making your own engine and then start with your game, Just use whatever you want.
Buy my engine.
Don't listen to this guy, it looks good. But it also looks like a framerate-killer.How does it perform on large scale?
making an endless runner for my first project in gamemaker

how do i make it so that the sprite changes when it picks up an item and then changes back to it's original sprite after the pick up animation finishes
Authentic Japanese Shibe Doge
I tried the flipbook, didn't work out that great.
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You should try and add different heights of grass, see what that looks like.
Is Spriter Pro worth my dosh?
I will only use patches and not cover the entire level.

Actually it's not a big deal, this scene has 24 meshes, each mesh is less than 100 tris.
I can easily fill a level without any perfomace problem.
>2400 tris for a tiny patch of grass
How big will your levels be?
You should definitely stress test this just to be sure
nah my da works at a shop and i axed him he said ye boy that what it is son
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no problem mate
Гoлoвoлoмкa эпoхи
"age puzzle"
lol what

>it's too easy to make games in unity so people are easily making shit games with it

>has no game
>demonstrating FPS in a png
i think unity is cool
i think ue4 is hot
eh makes game and doesnt afraid of anything
An evolution simulation game where you must rate randomly generated girls by hotness.
Hottest girls then breed and you must rate the generations until you reach the perfect waifu.
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Pic related is how I'd accomplish it. Basically a heavily deformed cylinder with cylindrical uvs and a panner node in UE4. (plus a transparent lightning bolt tiling texture)

This is my attempt thrown together in 10 min but I'm 100% sure you could get some great results from it. Especially if you make it a splien mesh that can arc from point to point like real lightning.
Somebody give me a good GUI library for C, I am going to make a ancient version of Aurora 4x.
Why in the actual fuck are you doing 100 tris grass mesh? It should be 2 tris AT THE MOST
UE4-tan when?
Unity already has that skinny slut.
We need a thick, powerful and beautiful mascot for UE4.
>single-digit tris
It's 2016 gramps, you can have millions of tris ezpz.
Particles, physics and post-process are the big FPS eaters.
graphics will never be truly life-like until 3D models are made atom by atom
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I know you're shitposting so here you go.

you have no idea what you are talking about.
>Using an unnecessary amount of triangles
>Any year
nodevs I swear to christ
These are the same people that love Java and 20MB hello worlds
i agree, also the atom models wont be realistic until they are made of god particles
I'm not expert in frames per second but that looks like fucking slideshow.
>I have never in my life understood how graphics processing works the post

You do realise that increased tris SLOWS DOWN all those other processes right?
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>that webm
No, he doesn't realise that
Not him but
>it's either a few or a million
>probably 30fps too
fucking hell, anon.
Sure, tris aren't free, nothing is.
All games should feature textureless squares (no cubes because 3d is expensive). Anything else is just unnecessary.
>shitting on someone just now learning
OK genius, let's apply your logic to every other model in the game

>Let's not remove hidden faces from first person models
>Let's not optimize models
aaaand you can kiss goodbye to your post-processing, physics and particles
kill yourselves

speedrunning is for brain damaged autists
>I'm not expert in frames per second but

It does look nice though. Reminds me of Stalker CoP when you're around the old ship that is the first base, and its surrounded by a swampy marsh and theres monsters running around in the reeds
there is literally nothing wrong with using gms to make your first clone
although he really should get in the habit of changing room speeds to 60
not shitting on his learning, i'm shitting on his decisions.
gamemaker is limited as fuck and his knowledge won't carry on to other better engines as much
pong won't teach him anything but the very very basics and he'll probably HAVE to follow a tutorial
I wonder if this is shitposting or a very meta joke
>you can kiss goodbye to
anon, its
>you can kiss your [x] goodbye
>say goodbye to your [x]

dumb foreigners
>gamemaker is limited as fuck
And yet there are tons of successful games made with it.

It has it's limits, but there's pretty much nothing you can't do with it as long as it's 2D.
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Whew i'm actually getting mad. Fun stuff. Good work sir.

Having a character with one million tris on screen moving and deforming? Might work.
Having 10 of them? Probably not.

Having partly transparent grass with a 100 triss? Not a problem
Having 1000+ of halfy transparent meshes on screen at the same that? It will definitively cost a more than a noticeable amount,

Having grass being 100 tris is literal insanity and if his game ever become larger than that tiny island he will have to make the grass less taxing, not sure why that triggers you. Even the kite demo has less tris ffs.
Kiss goodbye to also works

How many languages do you speak fuckface?
Its what anon?
Finish your sentence.
look up "prettacy" for The Sims
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idea stolen
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Since I implemented stats and a mockup character sheet today the only thing i can show today is a picture of an old build.
A spooky game where you crash into a tree while driving at night. You get out and start walking to the next town, but the scenery and wildlife becomes more bizarre as you walk. Images around you during the walk indicate that you're actually comatose following the car crash, and the environment becomes Hellish as your vision narrows and darkens to nothing. A previously continuous heartbeat sound slows and stops. The final image is of the player character skinned and crucified upside-down, accompanied by the text "If thy hand scandalize thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life, maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into unquenchable fire."
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the "but successful games have been made with it!" argument is weak.
compare making a game in gm to making a game in unity/ue4. you have to jump through many more hoops and do silly workarounds for many things. i'm not saying it's impossible to do it, but there are alternatives that are better in almost every single aspect.

i would honestly and unironically suggest he use godot over gm at this point. if you want to make 2D only stuff, godot is pretty good, though slightly lacking in the documentation department.

and i've used gm for years. i actually have released games on steam that i made with it. ive only started using another engine two years ago
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I should remind you that I'm on a gtx 750Ti
Are you a fin or a german?
How to metroidvania?
Joke's on you, I was just playing devil's avocado to get some dev insight.
triangles are free, vertices are not
rendering the whole thing twice for shadows is not

extreme alpha overdraw such as with grass is the least free thing possible

the cuck country
Google Selena
"Kiss goodbye to" does not work.

Please don't be stubborn.
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>33.42 fps with a gtx 750 ti
a gtx 750 shouldn't struggle with an empty field
To what extent, if any, do the Monster Hunter games feature elements that involve cooking and eating monsters? I haven't played any of the games so I'm not too familiar with them
I mean Serena
Ah, well for future reference, you generally don't fuck with idioms. It'll sound odd and trigger most native speakers.
this looks like something the burrito galaxy devs would post on line
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Get on retro spoopys grass level
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Eh...whatever. These are the stats.
Implemented a model that let's me alter all of this in a proper way.

Just wish it would be easier to separate data model and logic in blueprints.
At the moment I'm building nested blueprints, which requires me to create an actor from the model blueprint class in the character controller. That's kinda gay.

Anyone got a better idea?
silky smooth cinematic 33fps
Its pretty minimal. Kill a monster, carve out a piece of meat, cook it on a spit and time your button press to pull it out.

Depending on when you pressed, the meat will be undercooked, well-done or burnt. Each boosts or reduces stamina by a different amount. Meat doesn't vary by monster.
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Here, look at this you stupid fuck

This is pretty basic 3D shit. For my rocket engine model, I have a bunch of pipes. OK, you might say, looking at it from up close that 16 sides is the obvious choice. But consider the perspective and distance the model will be viewed from and you quickly realise that using twice as many triangles (64 vs 32) is unnecessary. Multiply that number by a bunch of pipes, and then multiply that number further by however many of the object you have in your scene and you will quickly realise that you're wasting tens of thousands of triangles FOR ABSOLUTELY NO GAIN
How do I compete with this? You realize this is the AMATEUR game dev thread, right?
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What the actual fuck, I have no blog no nothing and almost no friends how the fuck did you piece that together? That was like a year ago why the fuck did you save it??

Are the old gods actually coming for me is that it??
Oh, that makes me feel better

I had an idea for an RPG-style game that I'm calling "Dragon Steak", entirely about hunting down monsters for cooking purposes. It's a pretty bare-bones concept, but I think it has potential and I might make it my main focus
gm is fine for absolute beginners
the dragondrop system introduces people to the structure of code in an easy and appealing way
the different object types introduce people to object based design
gm script is an easy stepping stone from the clunky dnd to scripting

It's far from something like UE or even Unity, but it's great for absolute beginners
>empty field
here your (you)

and amber waves of grain
why is everything having a seizure?
aaaaaaaaa save me unity
Stale meme
How the fuck is GM only good for beginners and simple clones if the majority of successful 2D games use GM? Even /agdg/ favorites like RoR and Hyper Light Drifter.
Please stop.You're wrong. Ask /lit/ and they'll tell you you're wrong. Ask any dedicated English language forum and they'll tell you it's wrong. The page you linked doesn't include an actual example of "kiss goodbye to" in a sentence because it's wrong and it sounds wrong.
Can you fuck off with the irrational GM hate?

Current in-dev GM /agdg/ games: Clarent, Source Robe, Pantsu Harvest, both of the Knight games, God's Gift, (+ more I'm forgetting).

Successful GM indie games: Risk of Rain, Hotline Miami, Hyperlight Drifter, Spelunky, Undertale, Nuclear Throne.

And you're telling some fresh dev that might have 0 programming experience to not use GM? Because it's too limiting?

Fuck off.
>Dragon's Dogma meets Cooking Mama
Might be cool, anon. There's some manga that's all about an RPG-ish party cooking and eating the monsters they kill, you should check it out.
I think you should calm down.
>You can say goodbye to your £10. Tom never repays his debts.
>kiss/say/wave goodbye to something
>You can kiss/say/wave goodbye to your £10. Tom never repays his debts.
If you don't know Dungeon Meshi you'll have a blast reading it
Since there is no progress on /agdg/, where do you keep your ideas? Computer, notebook, on the walls written in blood?
Spelunky remake is c++
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>Using a proprietary engine for a game you want to market
Google Docs and Keep fampai

I'll make a game one day I s-swear
in the game design document of my mind
but a lot is forgotten so development is very ad hoc
I write my ideas in the mold in my toilet.
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is enterbrain's ig maker or game maker the better engine for 2d platformers?
Used to use Workflowy but it's too barebones so I switched to Trello.
Dungeon Meshi and Recettear were my direct inspiration

But I'm trying to think of how to make it a game because the idea can't stand by itself without more content

Physical notebooks are my go-to method, typically
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>Using a proprietary engine
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I don't usually. If an idea is good it should keep coming back to me.
Anything that can be sold is a competition.
>You can say goodbye to your £10. Tom never repays his debts.
That's all it says. That's the only example.
It gives no example of "kiss goodbye to" in a sentence, like I said.

You're wrong. I'm not replying anymore. If you really think you're right, check elsewhere. If you're trolling, well done. You got me.
>implying using UE4 doesn't market your game for you
>that guy that thinks he's "1MA" while using sounds he didn't make
>keybindings change between free/pro versions of VS
I have a word document where I keep at least a dozen of my multi-million dollar ideas
You can sell nothing therefore nothing is a competition
Did you fail reading comprehension?

It says kiss/say/wave goodbye to something

Meaning any of those three words (say, kiss, wave) work as part of that idiom

It's pretty simple really
Is this some Maeshima Ryou?
remind me why I use eclipse for java and monodevelop for C# and vi for python
They're saying, if 'wave goodbye to' works, and 'say goodbye to' works, why doesn't 'kiss goodbye to' work?

Im saying kiss goodbye to works, but I can see why someone would think it SHOULD work, and maybe it even works technically, but using it that way clearly shows that the person is not a native english speaker
>Amateur means bad
You can't sell nothing itself, only that which is perceived as nothingness. Nothing is not a concept of an existing thing like all other concepts, rather it's the anti-concept.
Fuck you, I try my best.
Correct, OL - Office Lolita. I'm not the dev btw.
Young, just graduated chef determined to be the best in the world. On his journeys, he'll make good friends and learn new styles of cooking.

First act or just tutorial is his graduation project and the player has to go out and hunt some monster that's been terrorizing a nearby village, with his childhood friend. Once he kills the monster, he finds some long lost cook book that belonged to a revered chef who disappeared long ago.

Each page/recipe is for some super high skilled monster gradually leading up to final boss of the game.

However, the cook book seems to be missing pages or it has references to other cook books a lot, so you must find other cook books and they teach you different ways to fight monsters.

Say if you kill a monster with magic, it tastes one way but it you kill it with a sword, it tastes a different way.

That'll be $500
*I'm not saying kiss goodbye to works

Sorry I like intellisense, and intellitrace sounds badass once I can figure out how to get into it
>Fuck you, I try my best.
That's great. You should stop comparing yourself to others ASAP. It's not healthy.
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>they're still arguing about this
It's more wondering about why we write each language in a separate editor.
You can sell non existing things see pre orders
or the early access section on steam
Why would a monster cook book teach you how to kill a monster? My cook books do not teach me how to hunt fowl
It's a decent, if generic, foundation. At the very least I can use this as a springboard

Save it for when I release, you can hunt me down then
teach me how to just like make gaem please
It's a snow globe.
How did you get that vertex jitter? I've tried so many times to get it in Unity but there's always something that fucks up and breaks it.
Where's the vote for "I don't have a game"?
just use unity
no because it's not multiplayer so I can just pirate it
Get better cook books?

More like best ways to kill a monster to prepare it best?

Like killing a deer, if you shoot it with a gun, you have to make sure you get the bullet out or whatever. Killing it with a bow and arrow or a knife, means you don't.

I don't know

But I'd expect magic to have a different affect on meat than swords and physical means. Especially if there's like elemental magic or whatever
Anyone want to use my shitty game idea for their own? It's a sort of schmup. The player is Mad Jack Churchill running and shooting Germans. I guess it's more like Metal Slug. The power up is only one thing and you have to literally yell "COMMANDO" for it to activate and it kills everything on the screen.

Download gamemaker.
Make game using the proprietary Drag and Drop® interface.
Hey grammar nazis from earlier in the thread, look at this guy
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>he doesn't know enough to participate
Nothing wrong with selling nothing, the real problem are with the people buying it.
This thread is too fast pls slow down
Shush you
Thread so fast no one will notice I'm a nodev Kappa
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reduced the grass mesh to 30 tris
>30 tries
That's still fucking retarded
that grass is too low poly
Now try to record it and check if it still remains in 60 fps.
This looks neato as fuck
Keep working!
Would play
Thats pretty amazing anon, like holy shit. How long did the trees take?
Ilikeit.thor, also >>147270959
not like your game needs to do anything but render grass
I would.

Only because devs these days forgot how to make fun;
and I want to develop games like the ones I liked playing all those years back.
wire frame mode please
Programming is way too confusing
I would probably wait for a sale and get it really cheap.
Drawing is way too confusing
it wouldn't be greenlit in it's current state
Is posting actual progress so hard?
Composing is way too confusing
whats hopoos next project
Writing design documents isn't confusing at all
Should I use Ue4 or Unity?


Shitposting from his office

Is the gamemaker drag n drop legitimate or a gimmick?
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and here's 12 tris per mesh.

huge difference in density
I find it hard to do but not confusing at all, unless you mean using the music software because those are as confusing as it gets.
just make the ground green
Both, energy brings down shields faster, conventional weapons work best for armour.
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le rustle face.png
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normie keep moving.png
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what the fuck am I doing wrong? ;_;
needs to be half as dense again to fit your artstyle
So your game is grass simulator 2 now?
I'm sad for you. I really am.
You're suffering through these fucking ellipses for so fucking long and still I have no fucking idea what you are doing at all.
I can only wish you good luck.
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Touched my random map generation up a bit. It now feels much more "cave-y".
Youre posting in the wrong thread, for one
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Hermit in game idle animation. Now to make it attack and I think that iwll be enough enemies for a demo area.
That looks really cute.
oh shit it actually was you

crab looks super nice
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Just don't pause mid animation or he starts to look weird.
>Procedurally generated grass
>Handcrafted grass
Thread posts: 778
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