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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 199

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After Hours Edition

>Summary from the latest Live Letter:
http://pastebin.com/x3petsBx (embed)

>Current Event - Summer DLC Campaign (June 14—July 4th)

>Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
http://pastebin.com/raw/p88PqskL (embed)

>Previously on /xivg/
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Godspeed is pathetic
naka bp
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particularly lonely lalafell ninja looking for levelling friend

on gilgamesh...
naka is a girl
ask sera
Reminder that all drama in this thread is between grown men being pissed off other grown men wont pretend to be catgirls and textfuck them.
She's on gilga?
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Xth for zzzzzzzzz
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yeah it sucks
more people should post handsome au ra
I lost a bet and had to dye my can green and work as a stream shill.

Watch this stream or something.
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Clipping is one hell of a drug. Like, so many awesome glamours are totally ruined 'cuz 90% of the longer hairstyles clip through everything. Makes me ultra sad.

Isn't it kind of amazing actually? It's almost so bad that it's kinda good, you feel me?

>with that hairstyle
>still manages to make something that is less than perfection

Dude, you have to step your Fanta™ game up.
summoning vjera
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>tfw you made 2 full ironworks set of gathering for your friends today
Today was pretty alright.
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I forgot my avatar.
This is why I'll never be an avatarfag, isn't it?
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>Less than perfection
Everyone tells me otherwise and never gives me opinions of changing her.
how? i don't have her on steam anymore

plus she's on balmung i think?

sleep tight puppy
Delete the character and start over because it looks like every other fucking generic cat.
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she misses you
Memes took everything from me. I'm ruined, RUINED!
It's okay, we still love you.
she's too busy playing overwatch.
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same but unironically
>caring about an alt
Bro, BRO, chill

Will do in a bit sir.
Overwatch took everything from me. I'm ruined, RUINED!
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Oh right, I should probably finish gathering the ingredients for that.

When I finish relic.

In a year.
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>495 tokens for boots/helm/glove
>450 cap
why do they do this?
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With this I am ultimate power.png
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You just need a little less than 1k Esoteric and you should be fine. The rest can be paid in the golden price.
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don't start this again...

i wish i was busy playing overwatch, it's rather lonely at this time of night for me

maybe i should go cook something

roger friend
Post pictures of you doing /mogdance please, preferably shirtless
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the queen demands that you grind

get working peasant
I want to ununironically have an e-relationship with the grown man that plays this cutie.
the huge chest just looks bad.
Perhaps you should fix your sleep schedule so you sleep when your friends are sleeping.
Does it cost extra if you wear the tincan?

go for it, you'll be in for a treat
That's how I feel about this game, that's why I started playing it myself.
shut up and go clean up some toilets
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Do you want some muffins, queenie?
Do Thordan EX DF parties succeed regularly?
Anyone on Moogle?
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>tfw I'll never have a full 8man raid of male au ra in butler suits

Why even live?
Save them up you fuckwad and you won't have this problem.

Naw, it's because muh weekly gating because Yoshi P is a hack. Reset just happened like an hour ago so if you capped this week, you can get your full tokens now.

False Flag
lmao no
stop it paks
Wow don't try to sabotage my elationship before it even starts. I have faith in him.
Anon, there will never be a time when I'm not wearing the can.
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you have a woof and a comfy maurice

pls go
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Yeah, which is why I said after relic. Cause all my esoterics are being dumped into the umbrite pit right now.

It looks so WRONG when I do it. Aside from the monkey part. It's like every part of my dumb idiot body is revolting against it with an agonised smile on my face.

I (don't) have to get rid of these allagan catalysts which means it's a night of Void Ark tonight.
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i know, i know.

i'm working on fixing it now, but sometimes it gets like this and i'm up all night alone

it's no fun really
Can usually fake it till you make it up until the clown fiesta, then everything goes to shit.
>Realizing that most of your friends are a couple years younger than you and still in that phase where they think they need a companion to survive life
>need 1000 tokens for the weapon
>495 cap
Like I know you also need 7 weeks worth of a8 but come on
yes hello grandpa
>size difference

At the very least you can run into some interesting people in late night DF.
You don't understand! Why won't you validate me anon?
Cait Sith's design in this game sort of freaks me out. Maybe because it looks more ayy lmao than cat to me.

Also am I the only one who the captcha has been weird for lately? Like it's functional, but sometimes the white background will slide away from the pictures. Doesn't happen all the time, but it's been happening frequently for the last day or two.
They might be lying. You never know. Though it doesn't really matter as long as you like your own character.

More like - you realize they aren't your friends. PANICKING!

Silly cats are best cats.
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good night xivg

take it easy
Its the same caith sith from ffxi, it actually looks better than all other caith sith, the issue is that the textures are so low res that he looks like shit.
Also try turning legacy captcha on the settings.
>primal mount farm party finder group
who the fuck joins this shit? Why? It's not like people can ninja it.
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I guess that's fair... One day I'll finish my 20/20/20/20 meme step.
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If you want, I can always make an alt over yonder for group SS purposes

Ironically enough, I liked her but no where as near as my male characters in terms of how they came out.
jeph ra a cute
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Falling in love is a big, cruel joke...
I love this fucking shitposter so much.
I'm sad their gimmick is already coming to an end though.
nooo ;_;
Who did you fall in love with?
>the shortest possible male char is like 5'3

When are we getting a real short male race ?
*heartbreak noises*
Thanks for lewds.
cute xaela gross screenshot
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relax dood it's not so bad...

eos/selene race when?
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never, hopefully
That was supposed to be a secret
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>hes a ugly guy
>plays a girl on the games

are you gay or something? also girl characters suck more
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Do you think my Lala kinda looks like your Lala in this picture? I mean, if I had lighter skin tone and longer hair...
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dumb frogposter.webm
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That looks like you'd be fairy-sized to a fairy.

Roegadyn Male . . was a mistake . .
>you're now hearing REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....................
what do handsome boys play pepe?
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your lala doesn't quite capture the levels of total despair mine is conveying

but otherwise, a little bit
Funny until you realize the frog likely died from that.
My lala is meant to be cute, but also serious. But yeah, just that one pose kinda reminds me of you. My Elezen is the one dripping with sorrow and despair. Anyways, imma go to bed, good night White Bear.
Pretty sure that's a cane toad. They're useless pests.
Who cares? It isn't mammal or avian, fuck it.
I was expecting a cool boss on level 7 of Aquapolis, but it was just some mammets
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how do you know they weren't cool boss mammets?
So I spent the last hour creating new characters to check if which servers were dead or not and besides balmung and gilgamesh only cactuar and jenova seemed to be really busy.

Are either Jenova or Cactuar servers to avoid for any reason?
I'm not usually prone to bias against servers, but I've had a lot of bad experiences with people from Jenova recently. It also happen to be the server meant for ps4 users, as it was created to accomodate the FFXIV release on PS4
koishi i miss you
come to balmung already
Pls I adore those two more than I can ever explain. They're the reason why I stay subbed ;;

I am making you a return doodle but my pc doesn't seem to like my cintiq and keeps blue screening RIP

That's up to you my dude! The more the merrier!

pls be nice he's a nice boy with a shiny butt
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depends on the fairy
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What is everyone up to tonight?
So has this new patch's charm wore off yet

Is the game back to sheer boredom of grinding dailies and EXDR for marks
Oh, that actually sounds like a positive to me, I'm playing on PS4 now instead of PC and the newer the server is the healthier the markets are right?

I don't really care too much about raiding or endgame stuff, I just want a server with the aether dungeon queue and an economy where I can actually sell some of my crafting stuff.
Just my nightly routine of contemplating suicide. After that, I might actually play the game.
have you cleared seph ex?
have you cleared nidhogg ex?
have you cleared thordan ex?
have you gotten every job to 60 at the maximum ilvl possible?

then shut the fuck up
p sociopathic to just randomly kill things i m o

Also geese are avians so I mean flawed argument there
looking for some help. im from aus and ive played a little on pc before (jap server) i want to swap too ps4 and use the same account but ive read some shit about region lock yadayada from some older links

is ther going to be any problems with this shit or can i just buy the ps4 version, put in my account details and be good to go?
Painfully farming poetics and eso.
Sitting and waiting for Void Ark while new Super Robot Wars info and videos pour directly onto my face.
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So that's a yes on the grinding mindlessly

>yfw people seriously reply like that and mean it on OF
I'm gonna end you and take it all back!
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Some of the shit i've read there gave me cancer. I still laugh at how salty this guy is.
Wondering if I should get a new EB
yes ill be fine or yes im fucked?
You'll be fine buddy
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Bored out of my brains because everyone on my server is asleep.
I can't even tell what this guy is trying to say
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Rouse is a lot better than I remember.
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>Wake up
>See this http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/a20520cf9f5cd9cb1fa394afa119fac13051c541
>"We are pleased to announce that the issue has been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused."
>Think I'll finally be able to play
>"Connection with the server was lost"

Well shit.
Does "the issue has been addressed" means that they are working or it or that they fixed it?
They """"fixed"""" it
Basically AST > WHM
Which is laughable.
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The mail of maiming doesn't exist.
Get the crafted chest and meld it.
Its fine, nobody on primal is worth a shit anyway.
Ayy yo, I'll be your EB.
Just got my SCH to 220 with a horde codex
Gonna get some more weapons next for other alt classes
Nah, it has a big advantage compared to, let's say Aether.
They don't have to play with Balmung's degenerate.
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I'm sorry to hear such succubusminion anon.
Servers went down earlier but came back after about 20ish mins. My incidental lag through the day has since been resolved.
You kill thousands of bugs just driving. I guess we all maniacs.
a transfer is $18 away
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>do ravana ex
>I'm new XDDDD
>do you know what to do
>no XD
>Wipe 4 times in a row before even breaking the first warlord's shell
What the fuck do they expect?

I'm never gonna get those fucking weapons
Only time I got to room 7 I saw a Chimera, but it didn't even do any voice attacks.

I know they can't go nuts with stuff because it's casual content, but considering the 2nd boss in ARF, and some of the HW S Ranks, I really wish Twintania would show up somewhere and start casting twisters.
Wait a minute, a Chimera can spawn in Aquapolis? Holy shit. Best I've had is repeated instances of Arges.
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Can't make an omelette without innumerable crimes against the animal kingdom is what I always say!

Unbidden. At inappropriate and unrelated times. In the middle of conversations.

Conversations other people are having that I'm not involved in.

In the relative safety of their homes.

When I let myself in.
Is this a sneak peek at 4.0 . . ?

Is that a graphical glitch thing ?
Have a wink to cheer you on
...are you doing Ravex in PF?
Are you out of your mind?
what server are you on?
Duty Finder my man
He's actually perfectly doable if people fucking know where to stand
height hack, its harmless client side stuff, someone posted the link here some days ago
I'm vegan too.
The only fucks who use DF to do any extreme content doesn't know what to do.
At least FFXIV has one of those settings where monsters breed like crazy and them getting slaughtered by wandering adventurers is the only way the ecosystem is able to survive.
I wish I could hug this post because it made me smile more than I dared dream to.
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Or $25 in Kangaroobucks.
You two really have me tempted to make an alt at the very least.
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bored and sleepy
I was going to ask if you could get banned for that sort of thing, but then I remembered seeing people speedhacking for months in Frontlines so I guess that's a no.

Please use your powers only for good, my friend.
Balmung. You?
ravex is easy to df without wipes

But I shouldn't need to use PF for something as simple as ravex because people can't be bothered to take 5 minutes of their time to read a fucking guide
I'm terrible for wanting it but I still want a bestiary that explains the minute dietary and behavioral differences between recoloured enemies.
>20 ravana runs
>bird only dropped once
fuck this
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Excuse you, I am already petted for.
the birds are ugly as fuck anyway
at least you can get 2 weapon glamours

I still don't understand people's thought process when they go into stuff blind and then get butthurt if someone complains about their cluelessness

After something has been out for a week your window for having the blind experience is closed, after that if you don't read a guide / watch a video for something new it is 100% you that is being the asshole and not the "elitist" who is mad he has to try and carry a pack of headless chickens

Literally the worst playerbase in any mmo
More games should have bestiaries, especially games like this one since it'd be another way of adding lore.
only to take screenshots, it doesn't do anything else
no trannies to send dickpics to?
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And you just know that one guy who does all the game lore probably has it all written out already and is just waiting for them to free up the one poor bastard who has to code it in.
This looks really shady and unsafe, I don't know . .
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Finally time to try out a new tank, what is more "fun", WAR or DRK?

I don't plan on running extremely hard end game, I just want to have a good time.
Dark Arts mechanic looks fun with a high skill ceiling, while warrior in general looks easier but a hard hitting machine, what to pick?
Have you ever sent your penis to another man ?
WAR if you like OTing, DRK if you like MTing

Just don't play PLD unless you like suffering in 90% of the game's content
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goodluck with that on balmung...
Literally who.
If it'd give me something else to do in this game while I wait for my FC to get Savage-ready I'd happily fork over the transfer cost.
nice res
Anyone on Balmung wanna ERP?
It'll probably never happen because TT cards have lore entries already for mostq
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ss (2016-06-25 at 08.23.47).png
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I made dis


be my gf tho
Sure, I'll be your gf. Are you on Balmung?
That would be extremely painful.
give details
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Not nearly enough though. And not for the minutae that explains the difference between a morbol and a sterope.

I get asked for rivers so often either captcha knows I'm bad at identifying store fronts or just likes fucking with me.
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Is it mandatory for all ausfags to have shitty res?
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why am i laughing so hard at this shit
You're a big guy.
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Whatever do you mean?
Yeah we were going to get better resolutions along with improved internet but the Liberals felt it was better and cheaper to limit it to 800x600 and make us wear binoculars.
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Nope. Optional, but encouraged.
Oh wow, tanking Nidhogg was easier than I expected. Time to try healing, my main.
whos this big butted tin can
You talk like tanking is hard anywhere in this game.

Why do all the tanks seem like complete ass then? I thought there was actually something challenging for them
I have the same name on balmung if you ever do drop on by.
Y-you too.
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Just your average tin can.
Because someone made them think they're the leaders of the party. Tanking is boring and the easiest job in the game.
I don't wanna drop my name here. Can we meet somewhere? I'll be at the Ceruleum Processing Plant aetheryte.
Thats truly flattering. You have my permission to do whatever you want with it.
hahaha look im a gril im not supposed to say that im so witty and silly xD
>this mad over a vocaroo
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Is the anima grind even worth it?
If you want good gear, have lots of time to spare, hate yourself and are too shit to do any of the current tier content, yes.
I'll probably try and fail to get in next maintenance before blowing all my hardearned Kangadollars on a transfer for an alt.
You two really improved my impression of Balmung.
Isn't it easier to just get a lore weapon?
You can get a 230, but will need A7S to upgrade it further.
I did it with friends, I would've never managed it otherwise.
tfw allagan mats are too expensive right now
it's a 240 weapon with the stats you want on it

ostensibly, yes.

realistically, no.
I am now painfully made aware of that after 221 on Nidhogg being a freaking breeze. Time to bitch Rando tanks around and tell them to pick up the pace on their shitty single pulls!
wtb lav/mist house along with a hyur maid
bis koi
red why aren't you online dammit

be sure you try when the servers are going down, not when they come up.
I regret levelling my PLD so much

I should've stuck with warrior
Paladin is fine for just afking through anythibg
It's literal dead weight in dungeons
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Good luck! hope you make it without having to spend your dollarydoos.

Thanks,levi friend.
From what i've parsed, not a single tank passes the 400 dps so who the fuck cares if you're doing 300 or 400.
Underage ban pls
whats funny about that?
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Does anyone here like c@?

you still there
My sub, my game
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i knew it woudl be one of these abominations before even opening it
chicken joke here.
what the hell../tell me ingame and we'll sort this out
That's nice.
How does it feel to be a generic hyur generically cosplaying as a generic cat?
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Sorry, but I chickened out.
hey generic hyurs are cute
Sorry, but no.
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>already hit lore cap without even trying
>already got weeping gear from 1 run
>now no reason to log in other than moogle quests
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xth for stop erp
Its funny how people's personalities change after hanging out with certain people. Like they every start typing like the other people too. Its like the definition of fake.
you were never even in the ceruleum processing plant you LYING SLUT
It's called adapting.

I don't get it but sorry for taking so long

I also chickened out for a moment but eventually showed up to an empty aetheryte
that's an old pic... dam... good times....

What is your true motive tin can, why do you do this

I bet you didn't even want a gf
it's only a few months old lol
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

>neo-ebins consider this old
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Consider coming to visit Mateus sometime or even making an alt here and leveling
Oh it's just awena's shtick.
>go to sadpanda for the xiv artbook
>do the mistake of checking some of the galleries before proceeding to the artbook
>all these western abominations
>"Oh god, this is one of my friend's XIV character XD"

Fucking degenerates
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The prettiest of all princesses!
Turns out a friend of mine plays XIV without me knowing and was tricked into Mateus.
Feels good knowing he's transferring to my server soon.
ay friends
is the best way to get to 51 from 50 to do leveling roulette + 50 roulette + an easy 50 dungeon until 51? heard they put exp in the level 50 dungeons now
You should do any leftover msq you have from 2.x first. At that point, the roulettes are worth doing. I don't know the relative exp totals for all of the 50 dungeons.
Are you sure he's not my friend too? My long time friend? Might have entirely different individuals though, I'm paying for his transfer
Just 50+leveling roulette is enough, if that's not enough do a Brayflox.
what should I do with blue gather scrips if I'm not doing relic?
You forgot to post the most important part.

Do levelling + 50 + trials roulettes every day, then grind Northern Thanalan FATEs until you unlock HW dungeons.

It won't make a difference cause 2.x gives shit exp, as long as you do the roulettes you can do whatever else afterwards.
Probably not, he hasn't played in a while so I managed to talk him into transferring to my server.
Apparently he's in an FC with a few other people he's never talked to for the XP bonus if that rings a bell.
Not at all, we got different people, my friend came back and we arranged transfers for his two characters, albeit not to the same server. I probably have never met your friend which means he likely hasn't met any others from ffxivg or in the linkshells with a handful of people. Unfortunate.
A friend I have known for sometime.
Now days talking to them is like talking to an anime/manga character.
Post initials of friend
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Now that I have level up my MIN to 60, what's the best way to make money with it?
You can either grind scrips for ages to get gear and folklore nodes to gather shit to craft shit to sell, or just gather a stack of adamantite at 11am/pm and sell it
reminder that futa and traps are gay
>tfw greencat made an erp alt and is banging someone on Balmung RIGHT NOW
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>Yesterday there was a bonus on Cuprite and they would give 72 blue script
>Can't farm the shit out of them since I'm unable to log in since 11PM
Grown man x grown man is much better right
regular cuprite goes for 60 blue scrips, you don't lose much
Guffy is a massive fag
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>mfw I was farming cuprite and IA hardly ever proced so I was only getting like 2 a node
fucking everything in this game is rng shit
Isara is sooooo cute.
There's no banging going on.
That's what they want you to think.
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nigga have you seen that lewd lizard?
then why are you in a party, in a private chamber?
All c@t are chaotic?
That's some racism right there.
ah yes the Ippiki "I would never be included so I'll make them myself" special
>pickles neutral good


that pic of putt always makes me laugh though. 10/10
there isn't
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>Finally able to connect
God damn they took their time.
Calm down Bis Koi

>not chaotic neutral again

do you niggas even know me
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ippiki didnt make that one tho

source: i know who did it
What's going on then?
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Wasn't it Adelais?
you're banging a cat

and I know who
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I don't think my room's a good place to ERP in.
How is that related?
why do you have so many wedding cakes?
Cause I married someone 4 times and another person 1 time.
Watching admiralbulldog's stream in room>>147050380
How horrible.
why do people hate ASTs so much? I see PF groups where they only want a WHM.
you married the same person 4 times?

hi, sc2 :>
It was okay.

Yeah, for fun.
Is greenc@ next?
Which cat is this?
Whatd you do, keep getting divorced?
Post your fav ebin relationships

Mine is Red Rivers x Harpuia Rivers
Mine is me+a gun
haha post cute cats :)

Just some random cat

Not really, just alts marrying alts and shit. Switching between which character was married to which based on fantas and other stuff.
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You use Hasty Touch  Failure!
Which ebin is your favorite

>Au Ra
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I can't
you going xaela was a failure too
i disagree, i've been enjoying it and my new glamour with it
You need to buy the item some expensive wine and a proper dinner before you get to touch it.
But you just did!
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>tfw you make fun of everyone but realize you are autistic and have no friends and your EB left you for someone else
Who'd they leave you for?
Someone cool?
Probably, I was too busy crying to look into it.

What is this meme and why does it keep happening
cheer up abe
its okay mittens, i still think you're alright
It's alright me, you're still a good girl
thats ok godspeed

just be the better man
who they banging?
poor kiki
You'll be alright guffy.
fuck, getting to i220 just to try nidhogg ex is a pain since i can't get a weapon above i210 without waiting weeks
So I just caught up with most the new 3.3 stuff since resubbing a couple of days ago. I'm a little disappointed that the new Warring Triad sidequest lacked an actual fight with one of the Warring Triad. I mean I know they're assuredly saving Goddess and Demon for 3.4 and 3.5, but this quest almost felt necessary.
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wtf u say
what is sephiroth
wont tell, but just know that I know
I'm just doing it because I like the axe model.
You can do it in one week, even without Sephirot. Get one drop from Weeping City, and buy one Lore accessory. Done.
should I blacklist any lala i see with glamour like this
Blacklist every lala period
I forgot about that quest, do I get it off that white boi?
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>tfw it's actually ALL me
know that if you say who it is in a reply to this post, it'll be kept secret
>there are people so shit at this game that they didn't even manage to farm sephirot
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>when IA never procs then you miss when you have 96% chance to hit
What is the optimal gathering route, not including folklore shit?

I've just been going greens -> adamantite -> red quartz -> cuprite
What ilvl do I need to do Antitower?
so you changed your skintone shitc@
I think 180 anon
it was pretty easy to figure out.

theyre in the same fc
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but this is the exact same skintone I had on my sunc@ since I made my character on day 1 of playing…

Eat shit nerd I have no friends to do anything outside of ex roulette with and PF learning parties fucking blow and make me want to shoot myself
his many gigs is your screenshot folder?
>double Discerning Eye PROc
>You obtain nothing.
>You obtain nothing.
>no Discerning Eye PROc
>You obtain nothing.
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I've just made this
>those ugly ass pencil tool arrows
apply yourself
fucking terrible, learn to use Photoshop
well, I though making it a bit crappy was charming
>being this fucking shit
>It's Draw ready?

>there isn't even one arrow that goes from the healing tree over to the card tree
>only one arrow that goes from the card tree TO the healing tree
>but since you start at the healing tree, going by your chart, you'd never use a card

there's a big difference between "so bad ironically that its good" and just straight up making it look ugly
I like how people are mentioning how it looks when the actual information is garbage too
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>you'll never casually go inside any of these buildings
>Coerthas housing might not look like Ishgardian architecture

You should make the arrows thicker.
You mean the kid in the mask? Yeah, same as before.
[root@lenalee:/mnt/windows/Users/Shana/Documents/My Games/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/screenshots]# du -sh .
9.7G .

3691 images
I guess that's about 20 screenshots a day but there are many days where I take none and some where I take 300+ just when spamming screenshot button when taking pics with someone or whatever
that's since end of January though, I have a shitton on my PS4 from before then
most are unusable anyway

okay I'll fix it
although i have no drawing tablet

come on, you are not supposed to take these seriously
post the best pic you have
Do you think we'll ever see Nero and the Phoenix again in main story related things? Seeing how they were in CT/BCOB
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Best under what criteria?

I'm busy and can't spend next 3 hours trying to decide then never be happy with my choice…
Nero, sure. Phoenix, absolutely not.
>people taking ffxiv seriously
>feeling superior over others for trying harder at a 2.5gcd catgirl mmo you can play with a controller on ps3
>getting insecure over damage numbers in a controller mmo

I'm lolling
Phoenix is pretty much the primal of humanity and we were told explicitly to keep him a secret. Unless someone royally fucks up he isn't coming back
Ada~ ((Hello))
for gathering gear, should I just ignore the scrip equipment other than tools? Seems like just buying some green carbonwear would be better
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Made the lines thicker
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Didn't the Archon give his powers to his grandkids incase they needed it?
>bf has a big dick
>yours is barely 4 and a half inches
>you're the dom

I don't know how i should feel about this.
Why would you use mp regen when you are out of mp and not when you will get 100% of mana regen from it?
>100% of mana regen
I'm not sure what are you talking about, but in any case its not meant to be taken seriously
what's up anon
>24 man Shatter
bwahahaha fucking stupid
>burning ewer aka more ruin 3
>burning the spear aka more aetherflow aka more mana and more Dreadwrymtrance aka more ruin 3
Stop spreading bad information!
i am interested in asking you something
You're doing it wrong. The guide is meant to be correct while being over-the-top humourous, not wrong while being un-funny.
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saaave mee.gif
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>ruin 3
>spear more mana
have you tried thinking before you post?

you clearly mixed AST with SCH
Seems accurate. It's missing things like what Synastry, Time Dilation, Collective Unconscious and Celestial Opposition is for though.
are you a fucking idiot?
not evne that guy, but learn some reading comprehension

try reading his post again from the perspective of a summoner that has an AST in his party
>tfw do this but only because I want to make the people I'm around feel comfortable and to fit in so maybe we can bond
>Ruin 3
Holy shit lmao
what do you think Of elk? Does he sux? Do you know where I am from?
How do I explain this
Let's say you have no passive mp regen and you are at 50% mp and you pop LA

Your mp regen gets you(for example) 70% mp under it's duration

Under the duration of your mp regen you use 20% of your mp and you end up at 100% mp at the end of your mp regen skill

Is that clear enough?
okay noponis
Healers need Ewer more than the SMN unless the SMN is really bad to the point they spammed Ruin III too much.
>Using spear
Throw up a folder on mega
you being in a bad mood does not make things unfunny

ah fuck, I forgot
I'll try to add them
although I always forget I have celestial opposition in game and I thus I forget to use it

>spear on SMN
eh, I wa told to use it always on melee DPSs, never though of that

regardless, not sure how much of a good tactic that is, considering the spear reduces cooldown for skills that are used after the effect is put, not working on skills already on cd, and considering Aetherflow is always used as soon as it pops chances are aetherflow will already be on cooldown when spear pops

ah I see
Change it to "running out of MP"?
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How did you know....
this doesn't make any sense
Any extra mana is more ruin 3
unless you can replace every ruin 1 with ruin 3 in a fight, you can never have too much
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Do you have any of your cat in a swimsuit?
Will never talk to you again. UGLY
I like elk. I can be a memester sometimes but he's generally pretty alright talking 1 on 1. NO reason not to just roll up and start conversation, specially since he's a depressive self depreciator. I have no idea where you are/who you are
Change it to "You will get the full mp refresh from LA"
too long
he can* whoops i can too but to a much lesser extent
>although I always forget I have celestial opposition in game and I thus I forget to use it
I can't blame you. It's a really underwhelming skill to get at level 60. It's pretty but it's not impressive gameplay-wise.
Make a new flowchart with a cd usage portion
It extends buffs by 5 seconds which is pretty good
well it certainly is great we had this conversation, i too like him in general, anything else to add on?
>Make a new flowchart with a cd usage portion

I just made this as a joke, and catering to the demands of people to make it better looking only goes so far

"Running out of MP" will do
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Some screenshots have UI in it with chat &c. in it so no, sorry.

Do you mean my c@ or the c@ in that post
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Advice advice.jpg
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Hey /xivg/, I think I'm in need of advices.
so I went 60 fairly recently and got all the blue script gear I could take.

My question is this:
Should I save up my Red Script to buy the off-hand miner weapon (26 red scripts tho...3 whole weeks ;_;) or should I use my 450 redscript to buy more blue script to get quickly the Regional books?

To be honest I'm not sure what those books even do but from what I understood I can make a lot of money with them...?
Not really I guess, Elk is decent enough to be friends with.
>Astrologian has Haste, Slow and Stop as new skills
How would it work? Would it make it more viable at least?
is this what you see when you look in the mirror?
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so you wouldn't take it to the next step is what you're saying
I already have Sayora anon, if you want to go for it.
i don't quite own the game yet
Good luck friend
do you not wonder as to what i am doing here
I'm gonna kill myself later today I think
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I really wish the game had less invisible walls and more accessible areas. Seriously, inaccessible areas that you can see from afar really throws me off.

I wish the cities felt like actual cities, too. I don't feel like they're really big ever since they're split into two zones and even reduced parts of it that existed in the vanilla version.
me too
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>not being a superior archeage c@
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Yes that's me in game and irl, I'd appreciate it if you didn't make that sound like a bad thing I'm already sensitive about my chest size
They decided to never summon him because that's not what he would want. At least that's what I read on the wiki.
I really wish AA wasn't so fucking corrupted and broken.

The cat girls are so fuckable.
>The guide is meant to be correct
>John fucking madden
i am not the brightest, so not really
They literally fixed all the broken, p2w, and corruption bits back on the 9th.
nobody cares
stop falseflagging
Can we erp
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can i have a hint
Honest opinion. Would you say its worth playing in its current state at a casual level?
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yes you can have a hint
No. Never. Especially Phoenix?
>Reusing assets from one of the best storylines of FFXIV
These story-writing hacks should think of a better way to write a story that would exceed 1.0 + COB's story.
Not unless you're my cute c@fu, sorry

delete this holy fuck
what a stupid collection of posts
fuck off and never come back
elk is too good for you, creep
thats hot

got more of this shana lady
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I still don't get it
Depends on what you want to do.

The PvE is still meh, but you really can't expect it to compete with this game in that regard given the different focuses.

For PvP, trading, gathering, fishing, and everything else it offers though: yes.

Lewd! Saved!

Nice foreskin cutie!
what is the pld rotation?

seems im always clipping more goring blade at baout 5-6 seconds left
get what

look at how rude this guy is being >>147056891
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>that phimosis
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Anyone? please?
cute tummy.
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eh, I tried
post c@pits
Are those balls... removed?
fuck that guy tho

you'll need both anyway, personally i skip reds because i fucking hate timed nodes but i'd also get anything blue out of the way first because you can farm them relatively easy. I don't know folklore tomes so you're on your own there
I'll give it a shot then. Thanks for the info and your time, friend.
dont speak on my behalf ever again
Send me a tell, name's Aika Tsunderie
>won't upload lewds to avoid leaking ERP logs
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the fucking typo
No problem.
O-oh ok...

You don't have any without logs? :(
he is clearly upset, if he says i don't deserve elk then he may be right
Welp; thank you anyway ;_;
Decide for yourself my nigga
Nobody cares stop posting
That's a cute chest desu.
i want to make an ass out of myself.

i'm not black
Who are you.

not even but there is some expectation of privacy if you're talking with someone in non-public channels

Any what? Screenshots? Tons. But there are some screens with logs in between so I can't just mass upload
look up the image i gave as a hint
>The Burden of the Son
>Black Mage, White Mage, Monk are new
>doesn't stop the Astrologian from being a catboy shitter
>but not as shit as the new people who keep making the same mistakes wipe after wipe
>Black Mage keeps eating Mega Beam after activating Ley Lines
>Monk dies occasionally but clearly learning
>White Mage is worst offender by constantly dying to EVERYTHING
>catboy keeps reviving them despite the tax on MP
>all the DPS die because he's fucking busy reviving the White Mage who has to have 90% Weakness by now
>they can't be ask to Limit Break BEFORE BOTH their MP is drained to shit
>ask White Mage what they're having trouble with
>can't put what they see on the screen into words
>Motion to abandon duty rejected.
>takes a fourth wipe for Ninja to leave because they have to be somewhere
>Alexander - The Burden of the Son has ended.
>You have entered a sanctuary.
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>Playing the jobs are stupidly easy
>But for some reason giving us 30 skills is necessary
It's annoying to pay attention with all these buttons sometimes.
What does this have to do with anything. Explain it.
Folklore is lucrative, get them first then work toward off-hand.
I would rather accept elezen tits/feet payment in the future.
What's the point of a flowchart when spending 10 minutes reading each tooltip will map out everything for you and help you remember it. That's like only reading the online study guide instead of going to class to prepare for an exam.
Can I have some more pictures of your blonde friend, preferable some from behind.
See >>147057903 ? He doesn't even recognize you. Nobody cared. You can stop, now.
please tell me you aren't really trying to take the flowchart seriously
>Tfw no smart grandpa in ARR...

Also I was mistaken, what I meant was. Will Alphinaud and his sister ever use his powers.
Alphinaud's power is bp
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ss (2016-04-04 at 05.19.00).jpg
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She wakes up about this time, but I'm probably gonna sleep soon, check back tonight
I didn't look at it, but every single one is still a waste of time, epic memes or not.
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Looking for cute and pure chococat to lovingly EB and protect on Balmung..
And that is why you always queue Burden of the Son as a healer, anon.
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>Warrior is main tank instead of Dark Knight
>Brute Justice is almost dead
>just stands there and wipes since everyone else is dead
>doesn't even change from Defiance or activate Holmgang
>healers constantly letting the Black Mage die
>nearly everyone being hit by phantombots
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Thank you anon!
dont do this
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fine but what about Koush beor and Mayaka
nothing, I'll go now
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smug anime girl.gif
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>everyone is a waste of time
you don't fucking say
gb2 sft
your hobbies include playing a chinese online catgirl simulator and shitposting on a mongolian internet woodprint, time isn't your biggest concern
I don't know. I don't think they're ready for that just yet, or they're even worthy of it.
Alisaie, the likeable one, needs more character development outside of COB at least.
I am now convinced that "we got this" is the biggest red flag for "I'm a shitter".
Hello lalafriends.

I'm thinking about coming back to XIV, probably just comfy casually, but I quit the game before Heavensward came out.

Can you tell me what I'd be missing out on if I come back without owning it? I think there's a new player race or something? Is there anything else I'm locked out of, especially stuff thats relevant to stuff before the expanded level cap?

Also are there any neat returner deals for me to get back in and/or to get Heavensward with some gametime or something?

Sorry to interrupt your catgirl/ERP discussions.
fuck off to reddit you passive aggressive cunt

Nope, fuck off, go away.
There's nothing new in the game to come back for. It's still the same stuff you've seen in 2.0 but in a new bottle.
AFK in limsa while in dps queue and get sproutlings checking out my character
i feel accomplished
>this upset nobody cares you spent 30 minutes in ms paint
That's fine, I just want to casually pass some comfy time.

Can you give any input on my questions at all?
>being a faggot
I don't even know what's going on, but this post sounds like a faggot typed it.
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vv mog dance with mog outfit.webm
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Do you think there's moogles to hug when you die
post hip shake in your normal outfit please
>people who glamor over their savage drops
Why do people do this? Are you trying to be passive or something? I make it a point to afk with my dyed midan gear on in front of shitter congregations such as the quicksand
You should test it for us and report back.
what hip shake
I hope I can hug you when I die!
during the bit where they do the monkey, turn the camera to the side so you get a frontal (or backside) view
tfw lonely
If you don't own Heavensward just yet then you're pretty much missing out on a lot of the relevant level 51-60 stuff, changes from crafting, gathering, jobs to current end game content.
Although if you haven't finished the ARR MSQ up to 2.55 then you better do it first before you buy the expansion so you access ALL Heavensward content right after (aside from the new race). The expansion is locked from it.
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>Can you tell me what I'd be missing out on if I come back without owning it?
Practically more content like what you played in ARR

Some of these content is very good.

>I think there's a new player race or something?
Yeah, they're some cute lizards.

>Is there anything else I'm locked out of, especially stuff thats relevant to stuff before the expanded level cap?
Not much, besides the content from the expansion.

>Also are there any neat returner deals for me to get back in and/or to get Heavensward with some gametime or something?
Steam has a sale on the expansion, but I can't confirm you can buy the expansion from Steam to upgrade your non-Steam edition.
Post drama
There is a ls for this
So the Palace of Dread is just one part of the "Deep Dungeon" thing? Can I use it to level/get gear at all, or is it just side content things?
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>where they do the monkey
I don't want to be backstabbed.
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chat me up anon
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Do these suit me? I'm trying to find something to wear on my face that doesn't look silly
Whole lotta cuckin going on
thats what the dance is called

no offense intended, i forgot about the shitposting
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I stubbed my toe this morning, it hurt very much
You wont get stabbed if you're in it
Wait, so can you make a lizard right away if you own Heavensward or no? Also if it changes crafting/gathering/jobs doesn't that matter before the level cap? Are there any expansion locked classes?

As far as quest... I think I quit a bit after Garuda EX and CT came out?
balmung ?
Is there really? Outside the whole megu shyv drakn circles?
Kirito Tia broke cucked Kirito Nuhn
Is this accurate?

Palace of a Dead is a type of Deep Dungeon.
You can level up from it but not really get any gear aside from the weapons they provide you with when doing it.
holy shit. isnt this like 3 years old
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>So the Palace of Dread is just one part of the "Deep Dungeon" thing?

Probably, maybe we get a different Deep Dungeon for 4.0, because Yoshi has already stated that future patches will increase the amount of floors on Palace of Dead

>Can I use it to level/get gear at all, or is it just side content things?
Is a side content, the gear and level you get there is only for Deep Dungeon.

BUT, the final reward of Deep Dungeon is to let you use the weapon from Deep Dungeon to other (normal) FFXIV content.

>Wait, so can you make a lizard right away if you own Heavensward or no?
Yes, you get Heavensward, and you can create your Au Ra.

>Are there any expansion locked classes?
Only 3: Machinist, Dark Knight, Astrologian

You will need to finish all the ARR additional Main Story Quest before reaching Heavensward.
>Wait, so can you make a lizard right away if you own Heavensward or no?
>Also if it changes crafting/gathering/jobs doesn't that matter before the level cap?
Doesn't really matter when your level cap is still level 50.
>Are there any expansion locked classes?
Yes. All of the three new ones are.
>As far as quest... I think I quit a bit after Garuda EX and CT came out?
Oh, god. You have a long way ahead of you.
>talk to rocklizard
>says he's done shitposting
>ask if he's ok
>he says he woke up from the dream
>ask what he means
>he says he woke up
>tells me he's picturing a different ending altogether
>"a clearer vision of the true ending"
>logs off from everything I have him added on
>haven't seen him since
What did he mean by this...?
>the original meme team
Do they even still play
Alright, and the new classes are also available straight from lvl 1 and you could just create a new char going for them right? They're not something you only reach the instructors for past the main story in heavensward town or something?
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>Glasses tank
Cute, but impractical.
I think you'd look better without wearing anything though.
I only say it if I'm in a party of shitters and I want to keep their spirits up so they don't withdraw because they know they fucked up.
>You will need to finish all the ARR additional Main Story Quest before reaching Heavensward.
I really hope to god they get rid of that shit for the next expansion, or yet again, more people won't feel the need to bother coming back.

You need to reach level 50 with any other combat claass. You also need to finish the ARR content to reach the Heavensward main town
They start at level 30, since they're technically jobs. Also no, you can't create a new character starting from it.
they are, it was in one of the patch notes, 3.1 I think
>Is a side content, the gear and level you get there is only for Deep Dungeon.
So you can't gain EXP from it at all? What's the point then asides scaling it for cosmetic shit?
Yeah I'm fine with that, I mean if they're jobs that branch of the basics that's just normal. But >>147061183 contradicts what you've said.

Just make a small note above swiftcast that you should only use it there if you won't need to move in the next 60 seconds
>join DRAKN
>ask if anyone wants to run roulettes
>megu tells me to stfu and join them in erping
>Kiss Dissem logs in
>complete and utter silence, the game seems to mute itself
>[16:00][FC]<Kiss Dissem> do you ever wish you were dutch
>FC chat explodes
>[16:01][FC]<Jei Olivier> omg kiss how do you cum up with your zany questions xD
>[16:01][FC]<Giga Beam> dude i am seriously considering moving to the netherlands now
>[16:01][FC]<Tomo Mikazuru> i want to learn dutch with diss kisem!!!
>You leave the free company.
Inside Deep Dungeon you have an independent level, but YoshiP said you will also gain exp for your class level (the "normal" one)

He mentioned that by the time you reach the 40th floor your character should be level 60 outside
What counts as Additional Main Quests? Would that be all the EX Primals and CT and Turns 1-5 or something? Still returnfag here.
Calm down harp
They did mention that 4.0 will not require 2.0 and 3.0 content done to access (most of the) content.
Still, they do need to redo the 2.0 story and remove the fluff quests so newer players would have a better time reaching end game.
Also you shouldn't save firestarter procs to go back into astral

You should use your tc procs if they are going to expire before you go into umbral
>being this insecure that harp wears midas gear in front of your erp house
that's usually what I do, I might just wear em when I'm not in combat
>Tfw Dutch
>Ask why he constantly says that
>He doesn't fully know why he mentions the Dutch
Nah, these jobs don't branch from classes at all.
He's saying that you need at least have one job that's level 50 and access to Ishgard to ever access these 3 new jobs.
Additional Main Quests just means it's the MSQ after 2.0. 2.1-2.55 story quests.
Sugiura is now with Sue Noiredame
>Tfw Dutch
stopped reading there.
Go neck yourself along with rock lizard.
>"check out my new glam"
>it's dyed midan
How hilarious and original.
I'm just memeing though, people can wear whatever they want, I just thought it was funny
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this is not TRUE i do not erp
>this level of insecurity
You could get midan too if you actually did something besides le epic erp pixxx with paks
But dank kush 420 xD
Oh yeah, I have a 50 and obviously made it to Ishgard as part of the main story, or at least what was called Ishgard at the time. You go there at like 42+ I believe? Snowy place with an observatory?
>Feeling obligated to wear gear you might not like the appearance of just because you think of it as a status symbol
I wanted to, but no one is going to take a 0 experience whm this late. Besides dyed allagan looks better
>caring what others think in a world that's not real
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That's Coerthas, the region. Ishgard is the city state that you could see in the zone.
You can't really access it until you've finished the 2.55 story and have Heavensward.
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Crouching Tiger, Hidden C@
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That's not a c@...
wanna play hide the hotdog
>not sausage
>not redwood
uhh ok

do you wanna play? its pretty challenging
Nah just keep them on unless it's inappropriate..
Toggling them on/off all the time seems like a hassle.
Anyone willing to part with glamour ideas for crafters? I am using the holy rainbow set as my glamour, was thinking of using the maid set with bunny tights and pumps, but I am unsure.
no tank headgear looks good until 50+
i hope this is satire
I know, it's a friggin struggle. I'm making my way towards the expansion content in hopes for nice looking head pieces
How do I get better at playing Machinist?
I like the Artisan Apron, it's like you're actually working to make something for a customer. Then put on some casual stuff, like bracelets, tights, and heeled boots.
Cute c@
You reminded me of the wench waitress glamour I used to have. I might try that now
It's not. Does it bother you?
Why can't characters have more than one face paint?
PS3 limitations
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they can, ill show you how ;)

That headpiece can't protect sheeeeeeeiiiiiiit
Responding to yourself only makes it worse for you, Franklin.
Your cum isn't facepaint
Silly cat
who the fuck cares
Drowning wench*
it can be!
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Would you play a not-broken version of 1.0 if it ever happened, /xivg/?

>No simple outfits like in Bravely Default
Seriously, ever since 2.1-3.x, their gear designs were mostly shit.
>Would you play a not-broken version of 1.0 if it ever happened, /xivg/?
I would even play the shitty broken 1.23 version if it was still available and there were enough players to do things with.
I wish they made one server for it, and fix it at least. As an experiment to see if people would want that kind of game again for XIV.
1.23 had potential to be the best version of XIV, even better than 2.0 imo, although it's broken.
shooooow meeeee
poopnose kitts
Aw yuh gurl
It feels so good around my dick gurl
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>be subpar Monk
>if I were doing terrible someone would say something so fine with my performance
>Stone, Sea, Sky released
>be i179
>fail to complete i170 dummy
>picture related
why are you playing this game, anon?

You mean, without bugs? Because even without that the game was pretty messy, monotonous, and slow.
>would you play 1.2x with the ARR engine

You mean what we were led to believe 2.0 would be? Yes, yes I would.
>shameless bragging
but there's nothing worth bragging about in this picture
>You mean, without bugs?
Not only that, but how slow it was is mostly optimization problems and using a modified single-player game engine.
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Green highlander bitches when
>tfw green femroe
>this is the only scenario that I get with elezen men
kill me

Is it actually possible to turn a Mhachi Penny into four Mhachi Farthings like the item description implies or am I going to have to suffer if I really want to collect all of the augmented Heavensward AF sets?
How did your female cat get her penis?
Just how big is an elf dick?
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Green roes are cool enough . . .
black market fantasia
>mom interrupts your ERP session with mcdonalds

fucking bitch
you can start preparing for suffering
>adult males pretending to be sluts in a video game

Reconsider your lives.
Post cute soft cats enough of this other stuff. New images encouraged
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Whats with all the pseudo-hardcore shitters who play this game? Do they think it's actually hard outside of getting world-firsts?

It's literally designed for retards with controllers, 2.5 second GCD? Fucking LMAO, it's an absolute joke and the only difficulty is comprehension/memorization of basic boss mechanics

Please stop acting like anyone outside of the top 0.01% is demonstrating any actual working skill at playing video games

You are playing a casual MMO for shitters, just accept it
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how come u dont even have clears in a casual mmo for shitters then
Did you use your GBP's for some tendies?
>no room for any expansion or class depth
>all job roles are analogous in design and only differ in aesthetics and "play style"
>every xpac will just be more big zones, bigger numbers, and bigger mounts.

I give XIV 2 years until it's on life support with WoW, and that's being generous really.
What will you do if your wrong?
>When samurai is launched, it won't have a blunt stance or slashing stance with different effects/debuffs to have synergy with multiple party comps
>Will just be a carbon copy DRG with a watered down bushido gimmick
post butt
If his wrong what?
They damn well better rethink zones. Then need them to be more condensed, less emphasis on flying and more on events and monuments on the ground. Making almost every zone in the sky was a mistake because even on the islands most of it is just unused empty space. They need to look at Rift for dynamic events or at least GW2.
I hate being stuck on Balmung where people are too busy erping to do fucking anything. I don't even care if they are bad, they just never want to do anything besides sit in their gay ass house touching cat and lizard vaginas
Big enuf 4 u green bitch
Balmung Alex Savage static LF monk. Must have at least a8s CLEARED
Well, outside of Japan, about 96% of the playerbase raids, so they think they're special.
God, I might quit if 4.0 doesn't get any better. Yoshi literally ruined XIV with this themepark, vertical progression, copying WoW route in the long run. It doesn't help that the "new" content is just what we've seen ever since 2.0, and he's not even planning on changing that. This game has a lot of bad designs.
>Thinking he's wrong with the incompetent dev team XIV has right now
Time for you to make a new character on a different server! :D bye!
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>the average tank

>i enjoy PLD because its easy to play and i can safely tank if im new to the fight
>i enjoy DRK because mp management is fun and there are more things to juggle compared to other tanks

Why are Warriors so insufferable?
So what you want them to turn XIV into a sandbox overnight without giving and input about what that might entail?
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Oh shit my time so shi-
Reminder everything that Yoshi put in 1.0 was already planned by Tanaka. But SE rushed out the game to compete with Cataclysm.
Yoshi then removed everything that made 1.0 unique and interesting to make the game into a WoW clone. ARR was fun at the beginning, but he's just been repeating content since then. Heavensward added absolutely no new systems except for collectibles.
This is also the same faggot that took out interesting gear like elemental damage and haste and other unique qualities because he didn't want to confuse people who were new to MMOs.
its ok proci, you'll clear one day
They don't need to make them condensed, they need them to make it massive but well designed so that it wouldn't feel so dull.
2.0 already has condensed zones and in the end it's a clusterfuck of different things left and right. The zones didn't feel like a wilderness to me at all and they were just uncomfortably small.

They need to make the open world zones much, much more relevant than it barely is now if they're going to that, or add more. Seriously, FATEs are shit, not engaging and not fun. They should remove it altogether.
Look, it's either you post cats right now or I get upset.
But please no stinkyc@, or any of the other cats we see all the time.

It's time for fresh cats.
But I posted a cat
No entirely a sandbox. 1.23 was a good direction to what XIV could have been in 2.0. Yoshi even promised to improve that direction in 2.0 but he lied and make a WoW clone, which made success but also bit them in the ass after a while.
I still don't know why they opted for FATEs over leveling camps. Did they not consider the long term when zones aren't full of people trying to level? FATEs should only exist for the first several months of an xpac.
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I found my long lost sister! But she's ignoring me.
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>Bitching on here instead of on the forums where feedback is read
>B-but they would just ban us if I spoke up

Maybe if you typed in 4chan speak there instead of constructively.
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You've got the wrong guy.
Could 2 healers on aether please queue for Nidhogg normal in progress?
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>want to join a xiv fc to make friends
>not sure what to put in application message
is there a secret code
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I got you.
Woops disregard the image. I was gonna reply to the guy asking for more cute cats. I have lots. This c@ is not affiliated with the post.
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What happened to Y'shtola's hands?
People would get triggered too much if I posted my cat.

>Healer doesn't DPS all run
>Expects pets and tummy rubs
post your cutest cat
Abe can you please post cute new pics in the red halter or southern seas dress!
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"hey, I saw your FC and I am interested to join"

But honestly just find a member of that FC and talk to them, they can invite you or contact you to an officer.
>gott faust still shilling dead p2w kmmo

Unless you're joining a top endgame FC, or maybe a roleplaying FC, you don't need to do anything special with the application. Most guilds are just happy to have more members.
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I mean, FATEs seemed good on paper but they executed it poorly. They offer no challenge at all. The difficulty scale (that just makes the fight last longer) and chasing FATEs all over the entire zone is such a hassle that I'd rather do levequest even though in 2.0 they're so underwhelming.

I wish they went with leveling camps instead, or at least just make mobs in the open world actually challening to defeat and gave good amounts of exp. They did it in 1.0, why didn't they do it here?
Soft =/= haggard
You have the Wrong tanc@
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This is my favorite from one of the topcats.
>that new guy in the FC who constantly says hello to anyone that logs in

fuck off tryhard
I was making a joke that they all look the same. Just i still prefer Abes somehow.
Go away Raim and take your 8GB folder of saved cats with you.
paging squidders, come in squidders
>SE rushed out the game to compete with Cataclysm.
What's even more funny is that Cataclysm was a shit expansion so their rush was for nothing.
>They did it in 1.0, why didn't they do it here?
That's just it. Yoshi declared everything from 1.0 unsalvageable except for major things like jobs and playable races.
>Healer pet didn't hit 1000 dps average on this ex roulette run
>Expects to be fucked in the ass anyway

N-no its not me I dont save cats. Pfft. I hate cats. I dont need em. Who needs em? Not me.
Who is this handsome husbando
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Alright. I'm just used to TERA I guess, they had a strict no normie rule and an application like that would be declined.
xivg is desperate you lala fuck
Old, used up goods.
>tank spewing healer slut memes when they are the one getting pounded the entire dungeon while everyone watches

l m f a o
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>that new guy in the fc who you feel bad for because he wants to make friends, but you already have an established clique and his playtime doesn't line up well with the rest of your crew to bring him along for stuff
sorry, dude...
>Warriors always revere storms path as one reason they are the best tank
>they never actually use it ever because muh dps
This is how every FC is, yet people don't realize it and have meltdowns about cliques. Do people not realize I dont have time in a day to do roulettes with 3 separate groups of people?
I used it because I assume that by having less damage done to be the healer has slightly more time to DPS thus making up for the personal DPS loss. Either way its negligible since I dont savage raid.
can i get some of those cats
This game needs dog girls
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>4.0 will be based around retaking the holy land of Ala Mhigo from the filthy turk invaders(garleans)

Cleric/Templar confirmed.
Could be Elliot, not sure.
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btw should i fanta into this
to be used up id need to get used in the first place
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>ywn bring justice to the dirty hippies and degenerates of eorzea as a glorious garlean templar

Don't worry about it!
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>Diablo shit

Real Templar coming through.
Though Mace weapon would be a best option. Game needs another Blunt type dmg weapon
I want a class with giant hammers.
Or dual swords.
Or a tower shield and a spear.
Or just the ability to equip multiple weapon types as a class that give different bonuses based on the scenario.
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Some sort of DPS class with a giant fucking mace would be amazing.

Personally I just want a caster that isn't dots or a fire mage. I'd actually kill for a Holy/Light Magic DPS class but that will never happen.
Shouldn't you be sleeping >:c
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>the elemental damage meme
>Ala Mhigo
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No, flails with shields are cooler. Or hammers
>no weapon master prestige job exclusive to grandmasters of war
I am I'm sleep posting
>they will never add another blunt weapon because it will make monk too versatile
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No don't do it Highlander man

Flail based DPS

So I'm just coming back and my highest job is Paladin at 30. I bought Heavensward but I know I can't do any of the new jobs until I'm done the main story.

Any recommendations for fun classes to play that are still needed in endgame?

Right now I have most of the jobs around 15 with Rogue at almost 28.
>Aron Hanson and wife
How? It can't be more versatile than NIN right now.
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all jobs are viable

except ast lmao
Stay PLD
Love PLD
Too skinny to be Suzy.
Fun is subjective. For example, I think PLD is fun when most will say it's boring. It is, but it's also a comfy tank.
I'm sure a mace class would include hammers for glamours.

Hopefully one of their weapons could just be a bigger version of Yagrush. I fucking love that thing.
Is that one PLD sword that gives off a Golden glow and is ready detailed something zeta. Is that a new or old relic?
How hard is it to get?
Can it be done in 3 neet days?

I was enjoying PLD, I just hated how slow I killed everything during quests at my level. I was also kinda bummed that a lot of the stuff to fix the kit seemed like it wasn't earned until Heavensward.


>loved PLD
>wtf does everything take forever to kill even when I'm doing my rotation right?
>let's try something else
not very
no, it'd be a few weeks of extreme focus but just make it a side project
if you're really focused, have money and/or friends and/or crafters, definitely possible since its the old relic.

thats my biggest issue with pld now, it cant really do much until you have the full kit
You could get an attack chocobo to speed quest along
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They actually relaxed the requirements on it. Shit, back when it was first available, I think Rin and I NEETed it out in a little over a week (including books and everything), nowadays it could probably go a LOT faster.
How long does it take to get your zeta nowadays?
DRK is similar to PLD, and does more dps, especially in aoe situations. It's a lot of button mashing though and you'd have to wait until HW like you already mentioned.
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I'll make this easier then

Feels too weird.


How do I get the chocobo companions? I just have the mount atm.


I was looking into DRK actually, it looked good just the requirements to unlock it are a bit off. Is the button mashing worst than most melee classes somehow? So far all of them haven't been overly interactive tbqh.
Post Butler cheat code.
In your GC post its a quest given by your current commander
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You're right, the skin's too pale.
Can't post that here, gomen. I can share in private, though.
level 50 weaver only chest
Most of the button mashing for melee are in their openers, where as DRK is consistently button mashing due to the way their job gimmick works. They have a decent amount of off gcd weaving and procs they have to watch for.
>Fem roes don't look like this

You had one job, Yoshi.
I want to FUCK this ogre!
cg stop i didn't know i needed this and now i have to live without it
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u talking shit like I wouldnt find out
I want this cat to step on me and say URUSAI BAKA
move ;-)
you made your first post 5 hours 50 minutes ago, can you get banned, leave, and let people talk about the game without your presence? have a break, play the game
As a tank how often do you dc or leave a dungeon
>j-j-just filter him!

Master hypocrite strikes again
How do I save my hotbars/gearsets so I can use them on a different account/server?
If it's Solm Al, AV, neverfun, ARF immediately
>exactly 90 sec later

calm down there buddy
Can someone link me levekit guides for ALC,BSM,GSM,ARM, and LTW?
>but you already have an established clique

Literally cancer, this is not an excuse. What are you, a bunch of high school kids? Anyone can be included, but it requires an conscious effort from both parties. It requires the new person wanting to befriend people, and it requires the established group of friends being willing to include that person and invite/accept them.

Cliques are cancer and should be purged.
>Finish dungeon
>Connection to the server has been lost
>World is currently full

Thread posts: 759
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