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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/: Brawl while you can!

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 753
Thread images: 149

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/wowg/ guilds:

<No Fun Allowed> @ Illidan (Horde)
<RIP in Peace> @ Sargeras (Alliance)


/wowg/ battletag friends list:
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)

General Resources:

Anti-Shitposting Filters To Make WoW General Great Again:

WoW Token Price:

Old Thread: >>145860023
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xth for glorious male pandaren pvp.

And Tauren resto Druids because they somehow are always the nicest people who stay to play many games
I can't tell if it's just one guy shitposting about themselves or a select community of people who have been shitposting about different people over the years
it's fucking weird man
hit it because it dares touch my fucking room, disgusting gender traitors arent allowed in my glorious homo chubby food and gaming room!

The second thing.
memerald dream guild when
it is the samefag regime, icy, gisco, nizbun, kheg, bearheart.

They have nothing to do with their lives and since they suck at this game they choose to do coordinated shitposting for attention.
atleast its not jalopy and pizzacat anymore
>Literal whos samefagging about themselves again.

Give it a rest, you will never be relevant.
They are actually even more pathetic, they samefag complimenting each other or themselves.
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how to fix World of Warcraft
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>not going to goldshire
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I keep seeing pictures of this elf posted in these threads with "SAY MY NAME"

what the fuck does this even mean?
it's just shitposters man
they've been doing this shit for literal years, its best to ignore them or filter them
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What happened to her?
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There's nothing for me there except laughter.
>using that transmog set


>he says as he posts himself in stormwind guard transmog

you must be a really good RPer
It looks neat. Something about looking chill rather than extraordinary.

I actually don't RP very much
I actually only post about the game 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time is me dropping a paultry You to some idiot pestering me about Ralph.

I'm going to work though so you keep up the good work bud
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I genuinely have no idea who is even posting this stuff, Nizbun isn't home, Gisco is moving, Khel is busy, Bear is at work/asleep or something... and I'm not. Even if we all stopped posting, it wouldn't stop. They are dank memes. They can't be stopped.
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>running out of gametime
>friend says he will give me 30 days if I show him my dick and he likes it
>go shower, clean shave and moisturize it
>take pic
>end up with this
have you had sex with ralph yet?
>I genuinely have no idea who is even posting this stuff
said the samefag.
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>worgens cant be shaman
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H-Hi. Post what you're doing now.
Hey guys. I just saw the movie earlier in the week and became really interested in the story of Warcraft.

After much reading and watching of lore videos, I wanted to try the game out.

As someone who has NEVER touched WOW before, is it still worth getting into?
>Trying to spoil the official /wowg/ fanfic
Nice try
It's worth a shot.
Try a trial and see how the game suits you. If you like it, WoW provides Battle Chests with the main game and all of the expansions (except the most current one being Legion.)

Tool around with it and see how you feel about the game.
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Leveling my fishing on my new main while binging through parks and rec on monitor 2
I can't think of a single person who was ever "relevant" in these threads

Even shitters like Icy are terrible people who are terrible at this game

We sometimes get actual skilled players in these threads but they don't shout about themselves unlike the fucking shitters that live off of attention
discord link?
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Trying to piece together a bulky leather set. What does wowg think of this?
not him but
don't bother. Just fish a lot of fish on a 600+ fisher then send them to him and do the daily. free +15 fishing a day
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Well, at least it's working.
Sounds good, I think I'll try out the starter edition. With my busy schedule I can only play on weekends probably, is this enough time to dedicate to the game?
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post you're toon doing this RIGHT NOW
Current Discord Link â–¶ https://discord.gg/010zhLLRD8R8Ha6Pf
PM me for an invite
i meant discord, not the sociopath orbiters group.
If you want bulky then it's not bad. You could definitely do worse.

To start out? Sure.
You can only get to level 20 on trial accounts, I believe.
Pretty good.
I just joined both and people are actually active and using the voice chat in icys but not the other one
cucked orbiter detected
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> About to resubscribe with friend.
> Account was compromised.
> Put in a callback ticket to Blizzard.
> They call me in two minutes.
> Account restored in 30~ minutes.
Welp, that was swift. Guess I'll spend some dollary doos to support this epic customer service experience.
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nth for player since 2005 and yet never invited to a beta
i just really wanna check out semen hunter
Blizzard CS as various tiers for issues. Stuff like account recovery is top tier and will usually get answered swiftly.

Stuff like player disputes, item recovery past the one-per-month allowance, etc will take days to get a response.

>didnt block the character names

hacking u again as we speak
Are you telling me you have never took part in coordinated shitposting for the samefag regime?

somehow i dont believe that.
Not gay, but I'd go balls deep.
Hunters, are you going BM or MM in Legion?
i'm going the ultimate hunter
My Dorf will be BM
My Human will be MM
im used to mm so ill probably stick with it, albeit i havent been on it as much lately
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What if legion is good?
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i miss her ...
>Not rolling a monk in Legion
It's pretty good.
Hell Warlords was good,

>It was content drought and forgotten promises that continually makes this game shit since wrath
You're still going to play hunter in Legion? You poor soul.
>Warlords was good
Fuck off with your shit opinion.
How do you change your camera though
Why is everyone saying Ret is going to suck in Legion?
replace "remove achievements" with "remove heirlooms" and I upvote you
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>any race besides orc, night elf, or troll can be shaman

all you need to know about the story is that arthas did nothing wrong.
brewmaster got gutted, mistweaver got casualized. i cry everytime
>tfw when people will never do this to my picture
>tfw grabbed the name "Thrall, Arthas and Uther" when the name server fucked up
>Afraid to use them

Do GMs really care? I wanna transfer one to a populated realm

literally why
>You are fine alone
>friend comes into your life and got feel better
>friend leaves from your life and you are depressed because of that
Because it's a paladin name? Are you autism?
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>apply to guild as dps balance
>get accepted
>first raid
>hey anon one of our healers is missing do you mind healing?
>no, i applied as dps...
>wow your so such an asshole
Uther is a traitor who turned his back on Arthas and on his kingdom.
>how to destroy WoW and lose 99% of subscribers in a month
do you love them?
In legion does it give you the option to sheath one handed weapons on your back?
>neo-WoWers actually believe this
>not playing along for one raid on your first night and making it clear that you applied as balance but are willing to cover it this one time

first point is keystone mythic dungeons, at least. i'm hoping DH has a fun story since they look cool. removing achievements does nothing, i have several friends that love achievement hunting. it adds stuff to do. removing flying is dumb. i like their current system of no flying until middle / end of expac.

you do not want LFD removed. you do not remember sitting in org trying to find people for Scholomance. the group finder thing is just a tedious version of LFD. LFD is only used for the basic and heroic versions of dungeons anyway, which is fine because that's trivial content. mythic and keystone mythic dungeons will still require you to put together your own group. LFR can go.

you obviously don't remember the pain of running out arrows mid raid or fight if things went longer than expected because you guys were close. or having to get the best ammo that gave the most DPS.

i see the point behind most of these changes but nah.
nice backpedaling n00b
LFD is fine for past content but I think they should remove it from max level dungeons.
>moving around like a retard on drugs
Please, go.

Warlords had OK raids and leveling was novel for the first and maybe second time. Everthing else about WoD was a fucking trainwreck.
>people still play retail
holy shit
post yfw your can still log onto your characters
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That guy is fucking Blueno!!
I'm playing a superior and more alive MMO (star wars).
What music or podcasts do you listen to while you level alts?
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>dwarf male and female shamans are ugly
>draenei male shamans are also ugly
>draenei female shamans are okay but i refuse to succumb to waifufaggotry
there's truly no way out here, wish they'd give us another alliance shaman class already
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Big Sonic Heaven podcast. Good shoegaze-Dreampop-Alternative music. check it out
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draw me
>not going dwarven marksman and go MM with the dwarf
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>playing swtor
Original WoW Intro aesthetic, bruh.
Boomstick Artifact and Bear.
>Better gameplay.
>Better graphics.
>Better story.
>Balanced classes.
>More players / active community.
>Constant stream of content.

Wake up, blizzdrone.
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Where's my D.Va transmog?
Except for the fact FF14 completely shits on it in all categories while not being tired to I Am A Huge Virgin: The Movie :^)

>tfw new dungeons and raids every 3 months
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I have a Level capped Sith Inquistor, Jugg, Jedi Guardian and Bounty Hunter.

Enjoying the wait between 'chapters' there friend?
Yeah I get your dig brother, but I grew used to see dwarf hunter = alliance unit. Thought that was might cool. You're alright too, no question about that, no hate on the pick.
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>MFW there are people in this thread still playing and paying for this dead garbage game when superior MMO's are out there like Final Fantasy, Wildstar, EVE and SW.
>Better gameplay.
debatable, it follows the same tab target format while feeling arguably stiffer than WoW
>Better graphics.
not true; not only does it look massively outdated, it also runs terribly even on great setups
>Better story
can't argue with that
>Balanced classes.
haven't played in a while so that could be true
>More players / active community.
doubt it
>Constant stream of content
unless they magically changed their policy after the last expansion, the game suffers from extended content droughts just like wow
>He's not gonna main prot
Although, I am tempted to roll a Blood Elf for the MM Artifact.
It IS a Windrunner heirloom afterall.

rate my transmog plz.
Gladiator was something I had wanted since Wrath and they took it away from me. I can never play a warrior again.
And the legendary bow from sunwell?
I'm not following, what do you mean?
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What went wrong?
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What class should I level a second time? I have all the good ones maxed
What went right?
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/console actioncam full
Cut content, released content unpolished, talents and skills completely untested and imbalanced, garrisons, endless PvE grind, patch dedicated entirely to social media
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Can you get this gear in game?
Help please, how do I hide my helm and cape on the ptr.
Uh...bringing back focus onto Orcs instead of dragons and Arthas?
alliance paladin tier 9
thanks friend
It's T9 from ToC.

Tank to a TMOG NPC.
ive been hard on the grind for legion but lately ive been distracted by this smell in my room and i cant seem to find where its originating from.

it kind of smells like a mix between when you leave clothes in the washer too long, stale weed smoke, armpit and asscrack sweat, and really sweet smelling mushrooms. its been like this for weeks but its getting stronger and starting to evolve the smell into what i just described from earlier versions. come legion the "fel" will overtake me and maybe by then the smell will ferment into fuel to fight the legion as some sort of super stimulant.FOR AZEROTH
kys retarded normie
Yeah, I can see that as a plus.
But the story will probably never be brought up again unless they plan to keep Gul'dan alive to do more.
I hope they keep Gul'dan alive as a big bad.
>Dirty spic IcyShits leaves dirty drawers in his room with skidmarks on them and enjoys the smell.

subhuman beaner
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>B-but if they remove the lfd tool people will spam trade for groups nonstop and my dead realm will be even more miserable to play on
Thanks, found it.

Also seems like my shaman lost water shield? Feels weird without it.

Sorry I was not specific, I am not a hunter.
I don't think this is related to the Windrunners.
It's not explicitly stated at least.
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You can fish while sleeping
I raided in swtor for a while. Ended up quitting because of content drought worse than anything I've seen in WoW. Also, the playerbase in that game is filled with baddies, there was no one to recruit. My guild moved over to swtor and raided for a bit, we turned out to be server first in everything by a huge margin despite only being a mediocre semi-hardcore guild in WoW. The class questlines were great and Hutball was the most fun BG I've played in any MMO, but swtor was inferior to WoW in almost every other way, especially in regards to raiding.

>good ones maxed.
>hasn't maxed Hunter.

It's braindead easy to be good at hunter and I think it's fun myself, always been partial to archers.
>Also seems like my shaman lost water shield? Feels weird without it.

It's a toy in the Class Hall now iirc.
>try out Outlaw
>it's really fun
>My highest rogue is like level 29

>elixir of rapid mind
>RaF bonus
>that EXP potion that you get from timeless isle (dont die)
>being powerleveled by a LV100
>queueing with a tank or healer
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>saturday night
>hey im gonna start a new char
>gnome priest
>hey this isnt going too bad, just a few more levels until i can run dunge-

>/wowg/ has the deepest lore
what's wrong with that one
>implying dungeons are any more interesting
I'm utterly done with them
The fact blizzard has added no new leveling content just confirms they're shilling for boosts. Fuck running the same dungeon for the zillionth time, kill this trash get this quest kill this boss in 2 seconds over and over, fuck off holy shit.
>most of the /wowg/ autists come from USA, really makes you think
Seriously, prot paladins are absolutely fucking disgusting.

How the FUCK could they ruin a spec so much? No sacred shield, no word of glory, no avenger's shield procs, damage mitigation out the fucking ass

there's 8 people in the loom mount trying to kill 8 of these troll fucks each when there's like 12 spawn points total
r8 my original transmog friends
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>I'm so funny
>race can be a druid
>cant be a shaman
they are basically the same thing
>pozy tells him to be a fucking man for once in his life and he cries and disconnects

How has he honestly not killed himself yet?
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*angry chanting intensifies*
nice transmog shitter, let me know when you clear 13/13 normal mode
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I thought that with all the orangey and specialness into it, it would be the bow of one the Windrunner sisters.
should i use my legion boost on a warlock or a shaman?

odds are ill just wait for class trials anyways
Casual shitters ruined everything again
Just hop on the PTR and fuck with the premade classes to see what you like the feel of.
they really aren't
>no word of glory
light of the protector
>no avenger's shield procs
but there are
>Shamans get their power from the primal, basic elements like the earth and the air
>Druids get their power from animals around them, the beauty of nature, etc

Totally the same.
>shitty on CD heal that you don't need holy power to use

as for the avenger's shield procs, i just did a dungeon and didn't get a single one
it's a 15% proc off avoids and HoR uses, just look up grand crusader in the spell book
retard its a cd now, do you even have it bound?
>didn't get a single one

Clearly you aren't doing your rotation properly then
that's LITERALLY what i said

>you're not pressing the only four buttons prot has

lmbo good one friend
retard can't even read his spellbook

casual shitters like you and toweliee are why wow is dead
Only way that could have happened is if you were spamming crusader strike on aoe like a fuckwit.
>calls someone a casual shitter
>posts and browses on /wowg/

I bet you think prot pally is actually a good spec in Legion

I don't know. I tried another one and got a few but no where near what I'm getting on live.
what warrior race do you like the best

righteous protector talent functions the same way as WoG in that it reduces the cd of your Light after using SotR multiple times so it's functionally similar.

Dude on dungeons take fucking consecrated hammer so it has no cd spam consecration and HoR and you get a bazillion procs
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The master race
Dwarf in tier 8 is beautiful
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do goblin ears clip through most helmets in game?
>elemental spells
yeah they are retard
whats the rotation for demo lock and destruction
also whats the mandatory talents, playin the ptr at the moment and i kinda like locks and haven't made one before
healers have to do boss mechanics too
hi luc
>Totally the same.
Glad you agree with me
explain why shitters can play hunters or dks and do good damage while standing in fire
>retard thinks ghost wolf is the same as multiple form and thinks sun and moon are elements

for the benefit of humanity, please expose your genitals to a high-powered source of radiation as soon as possible
if a dk is in the fire, he can AMS for extra runic power resulting in better damage during breath and his general rotation :)
You're a fuckin idiot if you can't see how shamans and druids are very very similar
You sound like the retard.

Shamans draw their power from the elements and Druids from nature.

Shamans are niggers that talk to rock spirits and shit while Druids were gifted their powers from Cenarius.
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>PTSD attacks from being a fury OT for twin emps in vanilla triggered.
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>mfw for some reason have PTR downloaded yet feel no desire to play it at all
I guess because it's not the "real" WoW and I have zero investment in it, I dunno.
What's the most fun class in legion?
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based retard
yeah i stopped playin a year ago and recently tried the ptr

man, no class feels fun anymore and shit just doesn't feel like it has any impact
ams doesnt give rp for standing in fire u retard, any dk standing in fire is a shitter just like backpedalling hunters are all shitters

dk and hunter are shitter class
in terms of all the classes, yes, druid and shaman are more similar than any others but there's a wealth of difference just between those two and you're a fucking idiot if you can't see it
>based retard in charge of class fantasy

nigger go play in traffic
nigger thats like saying warlocks and mages aren't similar because they get their power from different sources

they are only slightly different which is why it doesn't make sense that a race that can be one can't do the other, you fucking retard
It actually does, it's why nitro fuel-camping fire got nerfed because DK's would prepull AMS and save up runic power using it, the fact that you don't know that is the reason you're a shitter mate. I was just being cheeky, but wow you actually didn't know that?
>drawing power from two more-or-less unrelated sources is "only slightly different"
>the elements and nature aren't similar
jesus christ you are fucking dumb
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samafaf noob trying to be me mbbut there is only one real me and that's me froo tell the discoord faf to stop it or youj will not suck my jelly dick anymore froo
>never done cms with mirrored blades to reflect slag
>never played blood or unholy dk with AMS

made as fugg shitter pls go
>all these buttmaddevestated hunter and dk shitters mad that theyre class is for shitters and children

come back when you play a real class like mage or feral druid, with an actual hard rotation and skill capp
>being such a retard you simplify druids to 'nature'

literally the only Warcraft druids we've seen are those that follow the teachings of Cenarius, one of Azeroth's Wild Gods, which are the product of Titanic lifeblood, which is only present on worlds with a Titanic soul growing within them

shamans on the other hand draw from the elements which exist on every single planet
>feral druid

b8 right?
>thinking warcraft made up druids
>thinking 'nature' doesn't sum it up pretty well
>still thinking thats not similar to shamans 'elements'
how long are you going to shit post this and pretend like they aren't similar or are you actually this stupid?
I can see you're prepping to drop the "I was just pretending to be retarded"
>moving the goalposts because you got BTFO

top laff
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I haven't changed what I am saying a single bit you fucking meme brained retard, druids and shamans are similar, so it makes no sense that a race that can do one can't figure out how to do the other, holy fuck you are stupid
>i've seen bad players playing this class, that means it should be bad!
How's that grade school attitude treating you in the real world?
>entire discussion is about differences between shamans and druids IN WARCRAFT
>get schooled on origins of each
>b-b-but they existed outside of warcraft beforehand!

cry more babby, you're wrong and that'll never change
retarded baby class shitters detected
What class do I play?
>All this sperglord bullshit about shamaniggers and furfaggots
dk or hunter
>we'll never have tank mechanics more complex than "swap at x stacks of debuff y" ever again
Arms warrior shitboot.

It is a 4 button spec but before they took away all my abilities I could do some clutch shit.
>One retard trying to change the goalposts after he gets BTFO for saying dumb shit like the elements and nature are the same thing
did we ever?
Easiest tank to get PROVEN DEFENDER with?
warrior anything but TANK is also babby mode class

dumb shitter
protection pally
ebin troll reddit
Says the probable DK and or Hunter main.

Fuck you. Everything is baby mode compared to what classes used to be.
At which point were classes difficult? Is there any spec that would use 6 or more buttons regularly, not including long cooldowns
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butthurt shitter stay mad

arms warrior is babby mode class like hunter and dk

real dps is mage warlock rogue
that wasn't a measure of difficut, I mean fury warrior has that many buttons rotationally in Legion, but its by no means difficult to master, its more about artful gameplay where there is a high skill cap and opportunities within the rotation to excel and do something harder than is expected for greater results.
retard i said hunter and dk are also babby class

i play mage and rogue idiot shitter
yeah arms isn't hard, but mostly it was about saying that prot warrior isn't babby mode, when its the easiest tank in the game.
>reddit filename

I want reddit to go.
That isn't me retard.

>>145936889 is me. And yeah you are trolling with that >real dps is mage warlock rogue
it's just poor no one cares, please just stop with this, you're no longer pretending to be retarded this is just autism.
So glad lfr is gone soon. Because according to those fucks a druid tank shouldnt have agility

this is from imgur, nigger
*heroic leaps behind u*
*activates swifty macro*
you better take that back quick kid

You mean priority based rotations

>Watch alot of beta class coverage
>most classes look boring as fuck to play
>frost and unholy dks look interesting
>decide my main will be a dk for legion
>finish ring quest, change professions and farm tons of food and flasks to make legion leveling quicker
>get into ptr and realize how boring it is
>enhancement shaman and arms warrior really shine for me

Well gotta grind another ring now for my shaman
>*No Path Available*

>Your CDs wear off.
The easiest tank spec in the game is probably Blood, you retard.

Mage followed by rogue and warlock are the three hardest dps classes in the game. They are also the most skilfull because you can do top dps with perfect rotational awareness

Inb4 post your character.


There's a reason /wowg/ is bad at this game, take some advice from an actual good player for once.
>for legion main
Who cares.
I mean when is there ever not a priority based rotation in anything ever, if there'a situation x will be a priority over y to achieve z. All game logic can be distilled down to that basic level
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laughed my balls off so hard I'm Lance Armstrong now
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>He thinks PvE has meant anything since ICC
>Carried to Mythic Archi this late into the tier
>Actual good player

You're fucking delusional.

>when reddit painfully tries to troll people


Yeah, which is why I think the argument is weird and baseless
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>shitposting as me
Really anon...

holy shit this level of delusion could win bernie the primaries
Which race for monk, mtroll or mpanda?
>Posts image with 0 replies.

Okay? Dumb ass spic.
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>top dps with perfect rotational awareness
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What should I do while waiting for legion? I'm 13/13M and currently unsubbed.

Any other MMOs or games worth playing?
I play overwatch, but I only find it bearable with friends.

Should I get a job instead of playing video games?
>considering a Troll for anything
>>shitposting as me

Your dumbass was just grilled in the discord for this, everyone knows it was you.
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>Considering panda ever.

Stop posting you dumb fucking eurocuck.
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You're actually a retard aren't you? This started because I pointed out that its dumb that a druid race can't shaman too, you fuckin retard can't even follow a short chain of posts lmao
Well its more about theorycrafting, like in WoD on almost every spec its possible to play at if not extremely close to the skillcap. Where as in MoP for example you had plenty of situational abilities, so understanding the priority in a unique situation during your raid and being able to act on it represented a point of skill. Because the regular priority on icy veins never covered every potential situation, so being able to be more flexible with your rotation and your toolkit in an interaction with raid mechanics was like the next level up. The fact that the priority system is now just almost exclusively based on the amount of targets and the longevity of those targets with limited external ability means its more or less possible to easily learn everything you'll ever have to do in any situation you come across.
>Implying Zhancuck is smart enough to shitpost as someone else

It was obviously Roxy trying to get attention.
Im from the US though.
>He said warlocks are hard
Not me desu
Go back to posting furry porn in your containment redditcord, eurocuck.
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Where's icy? I want to talk to him, how do I do this? Is he in the thread?
warlocks are a false flag so when you posted it you could say "thats not me", nice try reddit
ah heck dude im gonna get SHADOWBANNED!!!
>reddit filename
>druids and shaman have different sources of power

no anon, you are the retards
Go away beta orbiter.

We are discussing the finer points of the game.

Like playing barbie with are toons cause mogging is the only aspect of this game that is still fun

Dumbass eurocuck trying to shitpost on /wowg/, take your 13/13m carry back to the leddit.
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Icy here what's up?
think i'm gonna wise up and skip out on legion

my guild transfered from bleeding hollow to emerald dream, a fucking rp server.
tried the ptr, and got to try all the classes and none of them are sticking
i just feel depressed when i play this game anymore
Craving some attention IcySpic?
PTR can still be tweaked.

Hell if anything just play DH or Surv Hunter

Both are fun. And legion looks better than WoD.
>transfer from shit realm to shit rp realm

What's the problem anon?
Not my fault that you are literally autistic and can only think in black and white terms, they are very similar, in function (hybrids) and theme (nature vs elements) if you weren't so fucking stupid this wouldn't be hard for you to comprehend
okay bye

I know all your tricks roxy, can't slip one by me, this is some advanced shitposting, only a veteran could pull off.
already explained in very simple terms how Warcraft druids aren't just 'nature' so if you want to keep blithering like a retard and ignore facts then be my guest
what the fuck are they doing to mistweaver in legion
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>druids aren't nature themed
lmao you are fucking dense
woah cute lynris
Killing it
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You got me.
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Your precious ain't so precious no more.
>reading comprehension

you niggers are just getting worse and worse
what was this
Did you forget how to link a post you fucking retard?
>reading comprehension
Yes get some.

it was this >>145939829 photo of lynris passed out naked
>No one pointed out the Runescape videos in browser or the Castelia bookmark
i just wanted to weave fists
now i'll never punch people to life
did you guys know you can ghostwalk into karazhan catacombs on ptr
imgur please
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No, fuck off, fuck this whole general I've tried to be nice but everytime I get shot down as a sociopath.

And now you guys fuck with people I care about? I'm done with this bullshit I'm out.

Hope you're happy assholes
see you later friend
>newfaf doesn't know how to deny (You)s

feel free to point out where I said druids had nothing to do with nature

oh wait you can't because I didn't
It's right there retard >>145939829
so you post an image calling yourself out, delete it instantly then reply to it and say you're leaving wowg?

meta samefag dude
Looking to start this game up again, suggestion on the best place to go? US servers.
>when someone saves your reaction image

good feel
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literally autistic
steve-o laughing is top quality reaction image
>has no real argument so he resorts to insults

top heh
sorry you will always be so autistic that you can't understand how druids and shamans are similar lmao fucking chris chan right here
this is beyond pretending to be retarded.

how am i trolling you complete moron? this filename is literally from imgur, not reddit.

i don't think you can even upload stuff on reddit.
It's Roxy samefagging for attention. Stop taking the bait.
I'm about done for the night anyway
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all me
>reddit filename
>not from reddit
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>druids and shaman are similar

never said they weren't
original retard was claiming they were exactly the same which isn't remotely true
ite scooter
Lads, so I haven't played WoW since Cata. Thinking about resubbing.

My sister plays and told me that warriors have Gladiator Stance, allowing them to DPS in prot spec. This sounds pretty bad ass, since I mained a Warrior tank when I used to play. What other changes have taken place in WoW since Cata that are cool or worth resubbing for?
Delete your life and mog

Especially your mog
Glad is shit and dead in two months
Your sister is a shitter, they removed Gladiator Stance.

Tell your sister to stop being shit at World of Warcraft and to come suck my big fat American cock.
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Does anyone else fly out to southshore to reminisce about better days... Looking sadly at the piles of goo and ruin that used to be happy people in their town?
no but I'm going to fly out to Sotuhshore and laugh at all the dead Ally plebs that got rekt by the glorious Forsaken
>glorious Forsaken
Scourge lite is anything but glorious.

A pack of sheep.
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edgy teenager plays forsaken

what a suprise
Ello /wowg/ im back from the movies
ohayou senpai
Cute gnome
>resub because im excited for Legion
>pick my main at the start of 6.2
>actually having fun with HFC and gathering tons of transmog, doing old quests, doing achievements
>artifact looks cool as fuck
>alpha testers start coming out with news that my spec isn't great but i don't get worried because i told myself i wouldn't switch and play no matter what
>watch more alpha videos and they're all saying the spec is lackluster
>still not worried and continue progressing my character
>finally ptr is released and i'm really excited to get the feel for the spec
>hop on
>realize they've removed some of the better spells that made the spec fluid while setting up action bars
>still not worried
>fly to training dummy
>my heart sinks as i start attacking and I have nothing to do
>brush it off because it's just a training dummy and queue for a dungeon
>get into a dungeon and we start pulling
>find myself doing fuck all and bored to tears
>everything that made the spec fun in wod and previous expansions are gone
>spec is completely destroyed and the fun has been completely sucked away
>currently rethinking about switching to my main alt and hating myself because i spent so much time into my main

I didn't ask for this feel. Someone hold me. prot paladin is dead
woah cute gnome!!

i want to fuck it!!!!!!!
>lfr is gone soon

wait what
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>I don't like having fun
You should say hi to them
anon is a fag
>make friend
>talk to them
>they seem distant and depressed
>want to help them
>the one time i have the opportunity too i become really busy
>they stop coming online

I'm sorry..
>memeregime is at it again
350 posts, 87 samefags.

Why do you meme regime faggots insist on doing this every thread?
Pandas if you like animations. Troll if you will be doing the sit animation a lot
>"""ironic""" degeneracy
this is not ironic i want the cute gnome to sit on my face
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post mansluts
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Pandas BTFO

someone repost this everytime ralph replies
Those don't look real and it's not gruesome
Despite being a male belf, your mog is pretty good.
>fishing artifact quest
>Khadgar gives you a pat on the head

top lel
screenshot please
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>beta quest marked(optional)
>optional is just how you wish to travel between objectives
was this necessary?
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Stay on my dead realm or reroll on a high pop for legion?
>prot paladin is dead
just pvp bro
700k crits on a 1.1m health pool? okay

if it isn't high pop 24/7 it's shit
>illidan chinese server
>moonguard rp faggotry server
>sargeras reddit hugbox server
>wrymrest accord more rp faggotry server

just play on tichondrius faggot
Tich is for niggers fuck you.
I'm not that guy, I was pointing out that we don't have high pop 24/7 anymore.

Tich sucks too btw. Only realm I like is Illidan
>legion fury wants to spend as much time as possible taking 30% increased damage
what the fuck is blizzard smoking
yeah illidan was always good to me

went there in vanilla but never got too into raiding since i was the number 924235 undead rogue

i might go back but finding chill guilds is like a job interview

>There's only 1 high pop realm in the US

I thought you guys said EU servers are dead
well i mean depends on the time of day and how late into wod is

people are going to come back but expect it to go back to the way it is after about 2-3 months

still not sold on it. only classes i haven't touched were lock and druid.

ptr demo lock is spam demons while having an upkeep of doom +shadow bolt spamming right? destruction not any better.
Guild apps have never really sat well with me, feels so autistic but you should if you're interested in PvE stuff
EU just has more variety and people staying up late in their time zones because they have more welfare. It's 12:21 PST in US so on East coast it's 3:21 AM
Destro is actually super boring right now, especially with a low crit rate. Demo's sorta interesting.

More welfare? It's fucking saturday mate
People work on Saturdays you know

That's true

I'd wager less people work saturdays than weekdays though you faggot
Yes. That wager would be quite sound since that is statistically proven to be accurate, chap.
only reason it queued my interest was chaos bolt

but i'm guessin it was a lot more fun before

the most autistic versions are ones asking for raid experiences and askin your system specs. that was never fun and i avoid those kind of guilds

and gettin antiquated with the cliques is another thing. theres always that tight knit group in the guild who dont really accept you and you're just the random guild member taht they taught shit about

my last guild was chill, had no filter, but were obsessed with board drama. mainly pvp until we capped on conquest n shit then tried highmaul but being a maintank made it feel like a job
Yeah I know what you mean. That's why I've always recruited and made my own guild based on my group of friends but all my friends quit so game over
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I better get a fucking beta key I'm currently in two contests.
What's degenerate about calling somebody's character cute?
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>two faggots gank and kill me
>wait for them to be apart
>kill one, mount up and spit on other
yeah thats the most depressing part is having you buddies quit and you're left with an empty husk of a game that isn't as social as it used to be.

and i dont think joinin a 4chan guild is going to make it any better. cant imagine the guild/vent/teamspeak chat
>wanting to be in this mess
Id rather level my legion main 1-110 when legion drops then level it 1-100 right now.

Fuck no motivation.

You don't need to be motivated, just bored. I'm leveling alts just so I can jump ship if I don't like certain classes/specs.
i was thinkin of this too. even if i get the preorder level boost it would just kill the drive. doing dungeons until max level doesn't sound like fun at all

but if you're plannin on tryin out a new class it easily lets you ease into learning instead of bombarding you with a shit ton of spells and talents
i redownloaded the game after ~2 of being innactive, and i have WoD now? wut?
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jesus christ I posted that like a year ago

I can't believe someone has the webm I made where I jacked off onto a picture printed from an old ass printer that wasn't even meant for pictures.
Rainbox 6 starter edition

sectrets of grindea

or just lay down and play 3ds.pokemon/OoT

Where do you think you are?
siege is pretty fun man

heard the grinder edition is a bit lame
I understand because I see a lot of my greentext stories get reposted.

Part of me wants to remake that webm for the sake of quality. More penis and better printer for the picture.
grindea is pretty fun

have they added anything new past the seasons dungeon?
speaking of

anyone have the greentext shitposting pastebin? Preferably current stuff

You should do that

And then someone can play the webm on an ipad or something and cum on that and make a webm of that
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cute gnome please sit on my face next
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>People tell me felsteel longblade is a rip off for 20k gold a pop.
>MFW people still pay for them at 25k
Is the Legion shit on the PTR now? Is that why everyone is talking about it?

Also, can Priests solo decently while leveling and at higher levels? Particularly healing specs. Killing shit in Tanaan as Disc sucks dick and I don't really like current Shadow. Looking forward to Legion Shadow a lot.
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they're talking a lot about how healer specs will have much better soloing capacity in Legion, dunno if that's specific to 100-110 or in general
who in the right mind would play a survival hunter or an outlaw rogue
i was so excited for survival hunter until i played it

why would you be excited for that? just curious

i was hopin outlaw rogue would still be combat but man, no fuckin poisons or bleeding abilities?
from what i saw originally it looked like a cool rotation

then by the time i got to play it months later it had been changed to "mongoose bite and pray for procs"
i never played a hunter passed level 20 and it has to be the most boring class to play. fuck id rather play a frost mage
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>RNG loot offers variety and allows players to expirence the game in a rewarding way without grinding

>except its RNG loot
>that comes from bosses that you have to grind repetitively every day

When is this guy going to get the Axe? I want Tigole Bitties back.
Disc is actually super good at soloing right now. Holy leveling is pretty much pure ass, same for all other healers.
Icy and Lynric had a gangbang?

Ok faggot. Go play frost mage.
Enjoy not being able to cast on the move.
>frost mage

That's even more boring than a hunter. The only caster more boring is affliction lolock.
>implying ice floes and instant casts aren't all the mobility you need
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I am torn between boosting a Mage (not sure what spec) or Bear Tank Druid.

What would you guys recommend?
>icy flossr

Lel. I bet you take Ice Barrier too.
those are literally the 2 faggot classes

but if you have to go with 1, do bear tank
You're talking to Roxy. The retard browses Icy Veins and uses the default cookie cutter talents on every fight.

you only evanesce to cheese shit like cavitation, ice floes is default and blazing speed is for minigames, also I'm not roxy.
Every other class is pure shit. You want anon to be meme of the week with demon hunter? At least bear tank doesn't die. Everything else sucks.
Go mage, obviously.
yeah you're right, instead of picking a dps gain talent that lets you cast on the move, you should pick an ice block replacement for no reason just so you're not using a cookie cutter build. The only time you use another talent in pve is if you're doing soaking or something.
>destro doesn't have backdraft, shadowburn, or demonic circle as baseline
>gosac now removes your demon utility and replaces it with Literally Nothing, gosup mostly does too
>there's no way to apply immolate to groups besides a 1min cd
should i just go mage?
best advice is to download test center and see what each class can do.

I will tell you right now Arcane Mage lights up the numbers more then anything else.
I mean FnB immolate wouldn't be viable with the new shard system, like right now you use cata on any group of mobs during dungeons and you get infinite shards for the duration of those adds because of immolate. Which is one of the many reasons the shard system is stupid, because it hampers good gameplay.
guys i cant decide who to main in legion its between ele/enh shaman / fire mage / BM monk

i was a lock main since bc but they look so horrible in legion. I cry every time
Shamus is actually neato, both dps specs are good in Legion.
legion boosts are a lot better, cause of class trials and shit


check this shit out
Retard here

Would it be possible to RP a paladin similar to the Vigilants of Stendarr from Elder Scrolls

I like the idea of a no-nonsense taking paladin that smites evil left and right

you mean those guys that got utterly BTFO by a bunch of low-tier vampires?
whats wrong with locks
>retard here
>elder scrolls

jesus christ you dont say
>tfw one of the brawler's bosses is still locked behind shitty halfhill farming

Gee I sure hope I hit the once a day chance to get the quest item before legion hits or I just don't get the shirt.
you do know that it's not being permanently removed, right
Yes but I don't want to have to do it all again in legion if they're just going to bring it back with the same content again, and I've only needed this one boss for the shirt for a long time.
Archimond moose for 30k - deal or no deal? Looks too expensive to me for just a hc kill.

That's the typical price. I'd go for it. Never found anyone cheaper and some were trying to get me to pay 45k.
yeah, i paid 20k yesterday for the mount.

And there have been quite a few carries at that time that also sold it for 20k
Depends on the server honestly.

I paid 20k for mine on Sargeras
if they don't revamp it then there's pretty much no reason for them to reset progress other than being cunts

they probably are going to revamp it, which is why they're taking it out in 7.0, if they were just going to scale the numbers to 110 then they would be doing exactly that
20k was on illidan horde here :3
I'm on eu-silvermoon. That was the only guy selling it in chat for gold, others want 10 euro or something.
if you get really desperate you can destroy your crops and keep replanting them hoping for bursting crops which are instantly harvestable
How bad are Rogues in Legion?
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>sha'tari defence rep grind

man this is horrible

although i did originally like the idea of some reputations being a pure rep grind, i hope that they revert back to dailies in legion
and the cool elelphant is locked behind it too
>Draenor dungeon event
>farm trash in relevant dungeons

I think Legion reps are mostly to do with world quests, the Nightfallen one might be partly through the Suramar quest chain
they should have dailies until revered and then let you use rep tabards tbqh
>you can unlock weapon enchant transmogs with crafted scrolls from enchanting
>the scrolls need enchanting mats from the expansion the enchantment came from

sweet dude
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Wow-64 2016-06-19 06-12-14-50.png
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>Get the urge to kill myself.
>Don't know how.
It was so nice in MoP with the sacrificial dagger.

This is the only way I could rough it in LFR. Open up, dagger, and netflix.

Is there any replacement item like this for WoD? I noticed they replaced the de-mounting item in Tanaan.
Your mog looks like ass kill yourself my dude
yeah im waiting for the next event to finish it off. shattrath is giving me aids atm
Hi Xindie!
I'm trying to put a group together for Grimrail challenge mode. The guides all talk about reflecting the second boss's fire AoE back at him with a grounding totem, but we don't have a shaman. Does anyone know if a warrior's mass spell reflect would work instead? The guide says it might, but I can't find anyone who has actually tried it.
Thanks, I might actually do that.
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troll or tauren druid
Shit looks pretty neat
Are you a cool guy that stays and plays for many arenas even after a few losses?

Then male tauren resto druid :3

Else be a faggot troll
this triggers the banda
mage for maximum comfy class quarters.
nah, i just always found male tauren cute, and the people who play them in lfg are usually nice compared to all the other races that play rdruid :P
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Thinking about killing time with WoW in summer and apparently you can buy game time with gold now, how exactly does that work?
I can buy 30 days with 85k now, does it change and how easy/hard is it to make enough gold to sustain game time? My only professions at a relevant level are LW and skinning
Does the Legion standard box contain anything worthwhile to justify waiting for it instead of buying the pre-launch box, which only includes the activation key?
At least you can grind it in Shattrath, which is fucking stocked with mobs.

Laughing Skull, the Horde equivalent, is fucking terrible. You can only grind it in The Pit area of Gorgrond or the entrance to Everbloom.
>does it change
Varies by demand.
>how easy/hard is it to make enough gold to sustain game time
If you have a few level 100s with a decent garrison it's not that hard but the babysitting is annoying.
>My only professions at a relevant level are LW and skinning
Doesn't really matter. The basic crafting materials are oversupplied.
>I can buy 30 days with 85k now, does it change and how easy/hard is it to make enough gold to sustain game time?
the most consistent way is to have a lot of alts to farm cata raids which give a decent amount of gold and of course garrison, although i doubt you can get the followers necessary on all of your alts if you havent already till prepatch.
Just buy a game time normal way and spend gold on more useful things like mounts, boosts, cosmetcis. Don't fall for gold farming meme if you are not a chink or third-world unemployed poorfag.
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>male tauren resto druid
Completely unrelated but I miss that show.
>Varies by demand
as in demand of the whole playerbase? How much does it vary, is waiting for the price to drop worth it

I like farming gold though and I already have around 150k in the bank iirc, plus some discontinued tradable shit

I camped the AH for 6 hours a day while doing coursework and made enough reselling people's shit to buy a year of game time. Farming is for suckers.
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>more useful things
>like mounts, boosts, cosmetics
>buying boosts
Where's the fun in doing that?
>as in demand of the whole playerbase? How much does it vary, is waiting for the price to drop worth it
Blizzard sez: "The gold value of a token will be determined dynamically based on supply and demand."
What the algorithm and the numbers are, I don't know.
isnt he playing a repulsive female night elf?
>still posting this image
Who are you?
what is wrong with that image? other than the hair looking fucking pleb
H-help /wowg/ convince me not to resub!
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since i was doing it for the toys, i just noticed that by equipping the sha'tari toy, i dont get credit for the horde equivalent

fucking JUST
I'm not sure what they were thinking with the Defense and Laughing Skull reputations.
Don't do it.
There's nothing to do. The PTR doesn't require a sub, I think.
>they didn't like the extreme daily grind from Pandaria
>so let's put an extreme mob grind
No thanks, I'm not a gigantic faggot
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fuck me grind on mmorpg's amirite guys
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but i like to grind
>not being a gigantic panda pvp faggot
What is wrong with you D: !
d e d
d e d
So a friend and I leveled 1-100 in a few days last fall and I stopped playing almost instantly after, since I was coming from another MMO. Now I'm thinking of coming back for Legion and I want to level another character by my self as last time we went solely for effective leveling rather than exploring and "getting the experience". What is a good and fun class for soloing? My level 100 is a Rogue, and I was thinking next character should be DK? I con't really care for melee/ranged, but I don't like casters either. It doesn't have to be full-on easy mode, but preferably something with self heals/survivability.
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>exploring and "getting the experience"
Enhancement shaman is breddy gud
Try a shaman, they have a nice aesthetic, cool abilities, and are looking very fun in legion.
What's the state of retri in Legion?
I'm trying to decide between maining paladin vs lock, which is in a better position?
ret is kill

and retbabbies were the ones that killed it
Good, it a stupid cuck class after all.
Just try em all on PTR right now, it's free, but will require PTR client download. You can create a level 100 toon of any class and test skills and gameplay.
>tfw STILL no wings in WoW instead of those ugly and obsolete cloaks from the late 90's
Blizz cloak design is most be the worst in the industry.
SV is basically ret with DOTs.
As the others are saying, shaman is cool, and you can change to caster or healer if you have a change of heart.
I'd also recommend warrior, since it's great for surviving literally anything and has a nice simple aesthetic for exploring and questing.
I think I'm going to do it, I'm going to cave in and get a subscription again.
I played till about a week into cata and I wasn't max level.
Has much changed fundamentally since then?
I used to play a holy priest, are they still viable in dungeons or is disco the way to go?
Thanks. Will probably try it out at some time, but Shaman sounds good.
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Hey guys! I'm a new player from the movie that would like to keep playing the game. How do i make enough money to buy tokens? I'm on EU by the way so they're expensive.
garrison till legion
lvl up profesions and keep making shit for ah
do old raids for getting first bit of money so you can buy mats
You move to US
So I've been stuck on connecting when I try to join a realm, it causes the game to not respond.
Anyone had this happen before ?
Deleting my cache and shit apparently does nothing and I already had to edit the config to skip the intro, otherwise it wouldn't even launch at all.
What professions are the most profitable? I'm a troll hunter btw.
Also is there a code I can get from someone when i buy new game time to get us both a reward or is that just on initial sign-up?
How is it in any way similar?
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Lock it is
Since you weren't maxed out, I wouldn't say anything has fundamentally changed, just head into it.
Disc is generally the way to go, but in lower levels it doesn't matter, plus they're neutering disc and making holy better in Legion.

Only for new accounts.
It's high ping anon.
Thanks a lot, i'll try it all out.
>recommending garrisons when prepatch is less than two months away

top retard
i dont really know im rolling with blacksmithing and engineering im just making everything you can do with those daily cooldown bars
Ion looks like he's seen some shit. Like he can peer into the future and see how huge his gaping asshole is going to be once we get done tearing his shitty expansion to ribbons when we find out Blizzard broke their promises again for the last time.
Coming back after about a years hiatus.

Any EU servers that's preffered?
Also thinking of going healer for the first time in legion, which of them is looking to be fun?
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Green fire was totally worth getting
Are there any other neat class quests like this in the game?

Hey, I'm >>145960607
Wanna blunder into this together?
fresh blood on us side
we gonna have good harvest this autumn
Enchanting's always pretty reliable gold, right? Even in Legion?
Are there any ground mounts except rams, which are suited for dwarves in terms of their lore? I don't really like rams, kind of weird model imo.
what's up with touch of the grave dealing damage. i dont remember this. did it happen in WoD? looks pretty strong. is it?
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At 710 iLvl, what kind of single target DPS should I be pulling as a Ret paladin?

I'm asking the people who actually raid and shit. Not the idiots who google noxxic DPS rankings because those are inaccurate as fuck and are total lies.
Pretty much any post-BC legendary, I suppose.
And class order hall stuff in Legion.
im also thinking of ressubing after a ~2 year hiatus.

let's do this fgts
That belly looks weird. Did they mindbreak-impregnate her!? :^(
i already saw that. seems kinda op on papper, with 20% proc and all. is it?
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It happened in MoP.
It was weak overall but in some cases with luck it could add up to like 5% extra damage on a boss fight.
I want to fuck this goat!!!!!!
>beta servers go into the shiter again

Ever since they opened the PTR it's been a non-stop shitshow.

I want PTR to LEAVE.
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HAHA! >:3
If you are EU too then sure.
you are so pretty you deserve anything you want!!

what do you want miss sexy!!
Kill yourself.
You're fucking retarded and don't deserve life.
Instead of wanting Blizzard to increase their server capacity, you want to shut out millions of people from being able to access the PTR.

You're an idiot.

Nothing about you is intelligent.
>found blade of wizardy
>using staff
im EU tho i haven't resubbe'd yet. i probably will tommorow or one of these days.

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>millions of people
>WoW 2016
you do know you don't have to be subbed to access the PTR, right
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Where the male pandaren D: ??

pvp trinket has been op since vanilla
>using the PTR for f2p WoW

Jesus christ how pathetic.
night elf duh
Not before they've nerfed it on the arena, lol.
Undead because they were classified as undead instead of humanoid, so they were immune to a bunch of CC.
Undead, since will of the forsaken used to be op shit.
Will of the Forsaken I guess
Only undead had DK class in vanilla.
Even his clock is asking for help
all correct. but none of you got the reason for them being the pvper race correct. for bonus points, why did they gain their reputation as the hardcore pvper race?

Because the race itself is hardcore, bad*ss, nihilistic and has a wicked sense of humor, just like me.
t. Zhancuck
Do people even make PvP videos anymore?
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>Not knowing Nizbun, the Sultan of Samefag
>Not knowing Khelgin, the Maestro of Minigames
>Not knowing Icycrits, the Minister of Memes
>Not knowing Gisco, the Heir to Avataring
>Not knowing Bearheart, the Prince of Pandas
I haven't played for 18 months. I'm getting the itch all of a sudden.

I don't know any of those people

but I know your mum
why should we care about shitters?

None of them even have a notable achievement other than being autistic.
do stream vods count?
Literal whos?
tell me more about this bearheart ,':^y
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>playing PTR
>everything is so massively untuned
>mfw one use of barrage does enough damage to kill both enemy players in the arena
probably just going to stop using this now
>casual samefag regime shitter playing the casual shit fps game
i like how you just prove to be brainless blizzdrones by eating up all their shit.
/wowg/ not /owg/ lad
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my dwarf.jpg
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i have no idea who that is, anon. not everyone you dislike is a part of our group of friends

i dont even know who is meme regime posting
fuck off khelgin, you are as worthless as your 'friends'.

That is why you will never achieve anything in game or in life.
>meme regime shitters desperate for attention again

why do they keep repeating this episode?
>samefag regime time
God bless filters.
here's your (You) lmao
you really seem to want my attention
because as soon as you tear aside the veil of anonymity on 4chan, people turn vain and develop a rampant hunger for any attention they can get
Khelgin likes balls? Why is 4chan full of faggots?
Same here man. But every time I think of resubbing I read something or remember something that makes me not.
All of my friends have quit anyways so if I did come back I would be alone. I don't know man. Feels bad .
>he doesn't know the satisfaction of turreting meatballs in full pvp gear

get on that, friend. it's very fun
When will the samefag regime's parents kick them out so we no longer have to suffer their shitposting?
Hey, i like meatballs too :3

Especially crispy fried once that are soft inside and have some tiny oregano flavor :3

Damn i hate how long it takes to make these >.>
could you project any harder? holy shit
i'm talking about attention whores and you're coming in and bringing some life-experience bullshit about how you rose above the sheep

fuck off
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What are you looking forward to in Legion?
What aren't you looking forward to in Legion?
Replying to him is just another win for the samefag regime anon, just filter his dumb faggot ass.
Well the very reason attention whores exist is because you get triggered enough by them to get mad and post about it thus doing exactly what they want.

Avatarfags, trolls and b8 will always exist.

The only hope for humanity is that stupid people wont exist to fall for them ;^)

Just like you proven to be by getting all baby and telling me to "fuck off" as if that will achieve anything.
How are DPS Death Knights looking in legion?
I usually play ranged DPS and I'm looking for a melee class to use as an alt or possibly my main if it's fun enough.
Unholy looks really fun with their artifact weapon.
Haven't tried Frost or Blood yet.
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>What are you looking forward to in Legion?
>What aren't you looking forward to in Legion?
>looking forward to
being a glorious golden Titanic champion

>not looking forward to
le ebin debts man's continued existence

dune coons will probably solve that one though
Another expansion that will prove how shit IcySpic the sociopathic beaner and his meme regime are at this game.
It's mediocre. You will never see Undead pulling more DPS than half the other races.
That's cool. I can respect that.

Illidan seems played out, I agree.
what about the other half?
>respecting a dumb af hater
My new main, shaman, being great.
Story progression, new animations and action camera

Not looking forward to more "you are the greatest hero ever alive" and "well, except for Illidan, of course"
Kinda not looking forward to tanks being dumbed down since I've started to like tanking now.
anyone else love the meme regime?

my favourite poster is Icy, she is so cute :3
i cant believe wowg has such classical sensibilities, bravo, next time it wont be so easy that was warm up question
Icy complimenting himself again.

Wonder when he will suicide, it must be close.
I've started maining mage because my previous main, hunter, is boring. Now both mage and hunter are shitty 1 button spam with 2 procs. So now I don't know wtf to do.
If he's not hype about Legion, he doesn't have to be. It's okay.

Oh I am looking forward to the new Enhancment Shaman, as well as pretty much all of those things you listed.

I'm not down with Illidan being The Champion of Light instead of Anduin but hey. It won't be so bad.
Was checking my old guild out of curiosity which was probably a bad idea when trying to stay away from the game.
They were trying to get serious about raid content back then and had me to thank for the majority of their success.
Glad to see they failed after I fell out with the GM which was 90% of the reason I quit, didn't feel like building up all the relationships etc again only to be let down by people who don't respect that contribution. Now their top members haven't even finished the latest content on normal.

what's action camera?
PTR servers down for anyone else?
I still need to Level my Hunter before 7.0
Hunter leveling is a joke. You just run around and spam multishot with misdirect macro on to your pet.
>he doesn't have to be. It's okay.
>retarded behavior is ok
hello redddit, hope you enjoy your muslims now that you let retarded religious shitholes remain retarded religious shitholes.
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I've just been slacking, leveling other alts.

He's not ruining my gaming experience with his disinterest.
Try again, bud.
im not icy

i dont know why you guys dont like her anyway, shes really sweet once you get to know them
>le ebin /v/ contrarian maymay

not too fussed about the sekrit saviour of the cosmos thing but the sekrit Illidari strikeforce x2 combo is fucking retarded
We sure believe you icy. ;^)
Are you talking about the Demon Hunters?
If I had to pick another Hero Class, It'd either be Archmage (Guardian?) Or maybe Battle Mage. But Demon Hunters are fine
>trust someone who is called the betrayer
wew those lads
>A principality of humans that were only turned into furries recently and had no previous interest in shamanism
>wondering why they can't be shamans
>It'd either be Archmage (Guardian?)
Already happening with the class order.

With the Demon Hunter setup, I'd honestly like it if they had more hero classes in the same vein, where only one race of each faction can be them.
Imagine, tinker class for goblins and gnomes, blademaster/mountain king for orcs/dwarves and my list ends there
aren't worgen closely tied in with lo'gosh or something
Blademaster Orcs and Explosive Specialist Dwarves
>BC lore
>a whole FIVE recruits given by Kael to Illidan, 3 die, one goes insane and only one is an actual success

>Legion lore

I get that they wanted to have an Alliance and Horde race and that blood elf had SOME justification instead of literally none for any of the others but why in the fuck should the Illidari care about Azerothian faction alignments, they're only around in Legion because they're super good at killing demons and they're probably going to get imprisoned again once the threat is dealt with

though I fully expect the expansion after Legion to be Azerothians going cosmic and taking the fight to the bigger bads and I doubt we'll fully wipe out the Legion in 7.x even if we do get an Argus raid so they'll still be hanging around like a demonic fart

were Blizzard just too lazy to make DHs a wholly neutral NE only class with some weird fuckery like pandas arbitrarily picking sides
>but muh languages
who the fuck even uses those lmao
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stat squish when? i hate seeing stupid high numbers, it makes it feel like a shitty korean game

>Blizz STILL can't into number balance
I don't get it, why they did a stat squish and then fucked it up straight away? It's literally the same as in MoP right now.
Draenei players seem to like Vindicator stuff so maybe some unique paladin esque class for them and something like legit voodoo like for trolls that follow that silly god thing from Panda land? I know little of lore so that's just really guesses.
there were worgen shaman npcs in an early alpha of cataclysm, at burning steppes near blackrock mountain. they hadn't implemented any quests yet but they were talking about the cataclysm and how blackrock mountain could've erupted. maybe they were thinking about it at some point

You're fucked and better off just paying the sub fee or playing on NA servers (the ping difference really doesn't matter all that much especially in WoW of all games)

There are ways to make a lot of gold but a new player isn't going to have the time or the energy to not only learn the 100000000 different ways let alone attempt them.

At least on US I could just give you the typical "lol do cata raids" which technically could get you close to 40k for a token, but on EU you're just fucked unless you sit there are actively spend time farming for gold and doing boring shit.
City of Heroes/Villains did their last expansion on neutral factions and switching sides. I'd love to see something implemented where you could go on a series of quests to change your faction alignment or something like that.

But, it would fuck up Race change purchases and PVP would be the most broken thing imaginable.

I agree, though. A faction neutral class sounds like it could be entertaining.
>Get flying
>STILL can't get to rares in Tanaan before they die.
They always spawn when I'm across the god damn zone, or in combat unable to instantly mount.

This whole fucking zone is just shit.
go realm jumping
tanks had 40k hp fully buffed in an early build, testers complained it felt too much like a nerf. these are the retards who tested the rest of the game btw.
how many alliance towns got lost in cata anyway?

It's way more than horde. all horde lost was tauren town or whatever its name was in south barrens
Stop bitching about random legendaries


its an RPG not an arena pvp game faggots.
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>ctrl+f legendaries
>2 found

This sounds like a post from someone who has no idea how they will actually work in Legion and is just assuming "haha they sound epic!!" and/or is just a massive casual.
Solid advice.
Shouldn't have to realmhop to get rares though.
Changes nothing, the zone is absolute shit.

We should get some kind of warning before the rares spawn... so we can haul our asses over there in preparation. Having them just pop up instantly (and get ganked even quicker) is simply bad design.
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>Miss playing WoW
>want to play again
>game isn't too fun for me anymore
>don't have too much time to commit
>don't want to give blizzard my money
Such is life I guess.

Who else not playing wow? How do keep yourself away from wow?
wahh muh world pvp wahh

its fun to have random shit like this on a low drop rate it brings back cool gear
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by playing other games like wow :^(
are we counting stuff that gets blown up during questlines or not?

also Horde lost their pre-Cata bases in Badlands and Felwood as well as Taurajo
Shit. The problem there is that other MMO comes close to WoW.
I played XIV for a year hit cap and then got bored.

I even bought ESO it was okay, but not even close.
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Earth mother why.jpg
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>Camp Taurajo
Rip Camp Comfy.
One was too many. ;-;
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"yarr" post pirates "mate-ees"
the entirety of Darkshore getting JUST'ed is way worse than anything else that happened in cata
turning combo rogues into pirates is stupid.
class themes in general are stupid.
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male Tauren players are always one of the most fun or lewd ones :o
What happened to Darkshore?
>getting JUST'ed
And keep your meme faggot speak out of it.
Anyone have a movie key i can use to get the game?
Male Tuaren players are NOT fun or lewd delete that
I dunno man, most of the male tauren players are usually nice, funny and sometimes lewd.

Compared to most other races just being quiet or boring :P
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>What are you looking forward to in Legion?
>new transmog system
>new animations
>monk and dk class changes
>new profession system which will probably suck

>What aren't you looking forward to in Legion?
>being the savior of the galaxy
>artifact weapons
>another new island instead of creating new content in current zones
>having to level alts through 10 year old, outdated content
>knowing that blizzard will never expand the scaling system to older content so we have a choice where we want to level our alts
>numbers beyond 10m
>more blizzard greed
I assume he means the cataclysm hitting it pretty hard, ruining the pretty trees and whatnot.
Also the unearthing of Soggoth might be something he doesn't like.
>>being the savior of the galaxy
that's Illidan though

>>new content in current zones
literally the order hall campaign

>>knowing that blizzard will never expand the scaling system to older content so we have a choice where we want to level our alts
Legion is the test run and if it gets enough support then they'll probably expand it to previous content
ie go on the forums and shill it if you want more of it
>they'll probably expand it to previous content
Yeah and after that we get the dance studio.
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oh baby, these new animations holy shit
Overall I think it's been hit way harder by the cataclysm than any other zone.

The only other zone that got it anywhere close to that bad is badlands
Thousands Needles is shit. I wish they'd undo the mess.
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that little boat is pretty schwayy though
The new melee Forsaken animations make me rock fucking hard.
>tfw missed out on old Thousand Needles and those amazing speedy racer goggles
Was it really as amazing as they say?
thousand needles was always shit, turning it into a swimming pool was the best idea they ever had
Azshara went from the shittiest zone no one ever goes, to one of the best questing zones.
They still giving away the expansions if you resub? If not I won't bother, just curious.
Fact: goblins are the most powerful race on Azeroth
i bet the chinese see you as a regular customer
Azshara is cool and all, but I feel like it's a bad choice for "babby's second leveling zone" since it's so widespread and all over the place.

You get everything up to WoD.
isnt this feature creep though? that's dangerous, after it happens too many times the item tiers become meaningless.
Wish there were a way to not use them.
I like the current animations. Ugh.

New animations for new spells like final verdict are cool, but they don't need to go changing shit.
It took you over 12 hours but you got him, way to go!
>Over a year without content
>First update in like 4 months is to remove content

You LITERALLY CANNOT make this shit up. Why the fuck are you supporting these cunts?
Up to as in including?
Who are you quoting?
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Pic related.
A legendary item should not be something you find while grinding boars. The word "legendary" completely loses its meaning.
Every expansion except Legion.
to piss you off ;^)
Might go ahead then. Cheers.
Are goblin shamans the dumbest race class combo in the game?

It's like they just went "well they look like orcs they have to be shamans!" and made them shamans
What content is being removed?

See OP image.
>Legendary items can come from world quests, dungeon bosses, raid bosses, and PvP strongboxes.

yeah man all those boar dungeon bosses and raid bosses that you're grinding every week, oh man that totally takes the legendary out of it
If you try really hard, it makes kinda sense.
They've lived with trolls since the shattering, and are good negotiators, so they can convince the elements to make a deal.
Still dumb, yeah but that won't stop me from maining it. :^)
>I'm too much of a retard to understand the word 'vacation'

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>it's no content removal when you call it vacation
see >>145973041
If you came here to shitpost then you'll fit right in fit the fatties, attention whores and other loonies.
>temporarily disabling something is the same as removing it outright

and stay there you drooling inbred retard
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>""""people"""" in this thread STILL give blizzard $15/$20 PER MONTH plus the FULL expansion price

lmao you cant make this shit up haha
>Go to the General Forums
>Realize everything I'm reading is awful
>Remember I haven't logged in and done anything fun in 3 weeks
>Still have 4 months on my sub
I won't stop you I just think it's dumb.

And judging by most of the goblin shaman NPCs I find, goblin shamans seem to pretty much just be based around using shaman magic to exploit elements for financial gain, which has historically been something that the elements are not particularly fond of.
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Yeah, archi moose totally worth it.
If I were playing US I'd also buy tokens with gold, but fuck it with almost 100k/month.
Nope, that's the Forsaken.
In the goblins' defense, I'd blame that on whoever was in charge of writing everything during Cataclysm with the philosophy of "more memes = more money"
A lot of goblin-related stuff isn't properly expanded upon because "lol dae le money xd"
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Please don't tell me you're going to use the boost moose.
That ain't how you spell dwarf.
Goblin shaman force elementals to do their bidding. They're like Kor'kron dark shaman and Twilight Hammer cultists in that sense, but not as extreme as them.

The most retarded combo is night elf mages.
moose looks like garbage

but people in this game will pretend to like anything as long as it's rare
Does Gallywix even exist in the game after the starting area?
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NOT garrisons 2.0.png
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>Blizzard please shit in my mouth again!
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With the wardrobe in Legion, if I have shirts unlocked from Brawler's guild, will those shirts transfer to all characters or will I have had to unlock them on other characters?
The Forsaken are an organization, not a race

meme moose isn't even rare, it's just being removed

that's a nope
>he doesnt like slowly leveling a nice team of followers to max level and be happy once everyone finally is at max gear
shitter, i love garrisons.

Not everyone can be a neet
>the only thing that garrisons did was provide table missions

ebin meme fellow /v/tard

everything in wardrobe is account-wide
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>Hey you know those Garrison missions everyone hated
>Well we're bringing them, except this time we're gating content behind them
>You think you don't like them, but you do
Oh, yeah, I will :^) Fells good to own something that took sweaty fat faggots months to accomplish.
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>not giving them more money for boosts
Poorfag ;^)
>caring this much about levelling "story" content

apex autism
nobody's fond of being exploited for gain but it happens all the time anyway. if anything goblin shaman is the most realistic gritty down to earth metaphor there is in terms of race + class combinations
He's in the MoP ending cinematic, and the Kalimdor loading screen.
Two (2) whole appearances!
He makes an appearance in the intro to Legion, very briefly
>He's still playing this garbage game.
>he's still posting in the thread of a game he doesn't play

prime autism
he also chills in azshara in his villa
With Mekkatorque and Genn getting model updates, I'm really hoping Gallywix finally gets his proper model.

Is he actually there? I remember he wasn't there before, just a bunch of servants.
What the FUCK, why does reddit not let me put paragraphs and spaces to make long posts more readable instead of looking like an incomprehensible wall of text.
>fat faggots
What are you talking about? It took me 20k to get it :o
encourages you to keep posts concise, most of what long posts say could be said in 2-3 sentences

to encourage you to hang yourself
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What do you think of me?
>Thinking the story doesn't matter

Are you a kid? You must be.
sorry, i am autistic and can only write walls of text of above 500 words
Pre patch when?
>Blizzard "Retcon" Entertainment
Blood of sargeras BoP
can only be farmed by herbs or ore

What if you just have tailoring/alchemy? are you fucked?
You are
damn son how slow are you, they've already said it'll drop from dungeon bosses and there's also the perk from the fishing artifact
So throw immolate application on RoF and make cataclysm a pure nuke.
Are there any streamers to see pvp from the latest beta? Interested in watching shadow priest and mage pvp that isnt from older builds.
14597 "Faggot" 6943
i used to farm him in mop he dropped like a 100g or so maybe he was just dead
or they removed him
>tfw two gathering professions

Am I fucked?
Last I remember they buffed him to raid boss levels of health and damage to stop the farming
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made as fugg lmbo
im gay
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>remove achievements
Kill yourself
There are other ways to get it. World quests, dungeon drops (like the orbs in previous expansions), as well as fishing with the artifact rod, though that requires spending artifact power on it.
Fishing artifact has its own separate pool of artifact power
I miss her...

stop posting her stuff nigger
>giving a fek about fishing

lel fek of casual scum
Are Fel Imps still going to be a thing in Legion?
Am I going to be able to have my Richard Horvitz voiced buddy by my side?
nah u made. LMAOing @ ur LIFE
>For example, someone running a Normal dungeon has a .00001% chance to have that item be Mythic quality.

>no u

triple mad trifecta
I would like a Spellbreaker class, but that would entail making high elves playable for Alliance.
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