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/krog/ - Kronos General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 416
Thread images: 97

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Kronos 2 /krog/ guild:
<Nihilum> - Alliance (8/10 MC)

K2 Website: www.kronos-wow.com

Client Download and Connection Guide:
Leveling Specs:
Vanilla WoW Head:
Kronos official DB:

Old Thread:
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WoW 2016-06-15 01-26-52-89.png
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Who /direwolf/ here?
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give us the lobster auto
f u n s e r v e r
btw, yer not a terrible healer desu
don't throw up renew or shields before a pull though, fucks shit up
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WoW 2016-06-17 01-36-25-20.png
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First day priest in 11 years pls no h8 T_T
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a cute.png
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tfw turned into a cute girl

Reminder to download a piece of history while you can.

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deepest lore
Is it ree ?
You traitor.

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>see a pack of allies bullying some tauren shaman
>see a ud ?? rogue helping the tauren shaman
>/cheer on the rogue because bullying is NOT allowed
>get shanked as well
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alliance wsg premades on suicide watch?
>wsg premades

You mean horde, no? Because Alliance have no premades.
>auto cucked us out of an ony lockout because he didn't want to do it without indi

ree when is the reset
snibedy snab
saturday or sunday
did you beat the remedy premade?
[4:56 PM] Automute: we'll just do it tomorrow in like 20 hours
[4:56 PM] Automute: that should still be before the reset im told
[4:56 PM] Automute: like 4 60s on
We can do it tomorrow before lockout
cheers m80
the lockout is in like 7 hours isnt it?
Automute is the worst GM ever, can't even give us a new tabard
Midnight ST tomorrow I think

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What's that I hear?
as enemy, colt, varg and some other dribbler can testify :^)
Auto just needs to promote someone else to GM and be an officer or some shit
he is just too timid/over his head i think, banks too hard on indi doing the heavy lifting
Fuck off Crabberson.
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We need a proven conservative leader as GM.

Someone who has a steady hand as commander in chief
who levels here without doing a single dungeons? maybe a few
grinding is so easy
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think one lose so far in the last 2 weeks while queuing as 10

t. Pox autist who doesn't play unless he's with 9 other Pox autists
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>sympathizing with dindus ever
literally a race traitor
I also support Yeb. Too bad he's a normie with a job so he hasn't the time for dicking around little girls all day.
Delete your WTF and WDB folders, it was updated to the lobster tabard like 3 days ago.
Job's only midday on weekends m8
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close but no
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Yep is what you need
you're not even a good part of the premade
Vote, good people of /krog/

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>tfw im not a mage spaming r1 frost sheep and nova
Virus don't clicked. Posting this from my Iphone. My computer make loud noise and shut down.
Yeb btfo kek

remedy should rename to <dodge&win trad-edy>
Counterspell too lad!
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Yeb surge!
0 to 33% in a matter of minutes, it's over for automutekins
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its a horde in lakeshire episode
Guild politics is quite riveting indeed!
>Yeb gets GM
>indi/auto leave and create their own guild
>we'll have two guilds at that point

sounds like a good plan
sure, not a lie but you can also mention that you have been dodging both of the premades until like yesterday then only dodged remedy
Wow that boy on the left is really cute!
>indi/auto's guild tanks because they aren't true conservatives
>dissenters come back into the fold and /vg/ is great again

doesn't it?
yeah but at least indi and them would be raiding
why would we play against premades while solo queuing?
Hey ensipid,

heard you getting cocky on 4chan

so i que'd up and took a screenshot.


all in good fun
holy shit

no recovery from this
god damn
Shit, Ycbshadow is playing on K2?

Ihealpst a shit
We just fucked you guys though.

>inb4 but half my team was lagged out
horde cucks on suicide watch
is pox average age 15
can anyone confirm
i'm horde and the truth is starting to materialize
Best place to grind 36-40? Can't find any quests worth a damn after early STV.

Pretty much, Rikh is in the guild which is all you need to know.
i've seen "gg retards" for example, like another 5 times they stressed out and sperged all over someone. they come off like 8th grade csgo players, that's the best analogy i have
Just grind 10 levels bro.
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>Problems with horde
>Team up with somebody to help
>Eventually get a pretty big group
>They start roleplaying about it

This is CUTE!
That's what I was asking for, good places to start grinding.
King's honor, friend.

They're all trash, they're carried by the amount of time they can spend online.
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>that gif
Nothing wrong with being a shitter mate.
What's a good place to farm silk?
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tidal abuse.webm
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banned when?

clever use of game mechanics
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Why did you delete this SS and always ignore people when they bring it up? Seems kind of weird dude.

Like why would you upload yourself getting cucked on the internet? I know your English is pretty bad but still, you should know better.
Does the Defias Messenger in westfall spawn in front of the blacksmith in Moonbrook?
Not bannable, google /target nearest enemy /cast X

can be with tidal, faerie fire, coutnerspell, blind etc

its been around since vanilla
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win vs premade when
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Friendly reminder.png
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guys stop getting outplayed. Please learn vanilla. this has been around since 2004
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step 1) preparing to cuck ff
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step 2) He did it. The absolute madman

Hacking desu.
its actually kind of funny you guys have a legit retarded Swedish guy in your guild

hes like the kid with down syndrome on the football team that you let sometimes take a play at the end of the game
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u w0t m8
Bully pls.
holy fucking kek
this player is in a wsg right now against 4 horde pubbers
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>hes like the kid with down syndrome on the football team that you let sometimes take a play at the end of the game

best part is FF knows this is exactly how he is viewed
Could it be all of you guys are big bullies from "the football team"?
"the football team" is gonna run a train on your ass
>FinalFlash is now known as the retarded kid on your football team

Fitting, explains his ailments adequately.
t. """""""""""""""""dr""""""""""""""""christie
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What did he mean by this?
holy shit habeeb stop

what is with that resolution?
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>level 22
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why do people keep inpersonating drchristie?

I have to take a new SS so cucks cant find another one on the internet with reverse image search

t. Gordok Ogre-mage

clicker kys
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The _OFFICIAL_ WoW vanilla zone power rankings
(Ratings based on atmosphere, appearance, and a general desire to level in the zone)

Western Plaguelands
Eastern Plaguelands
Elywnn Forest

Deadwind Pass

Stranglethorn Vale
Dustwallow Marsh
The Barrens
Loch Modan
Redridge Mountains
Blasted Lands
Stonetalon Mountains
Dun Morogh

Tirisfal Glades
Thousand Needles
Alterac Mountains
Silverpine Forest
Searing Gorge
Swamp of Sorrows

Hillsbrad Foothills
Un'Goro Crater
The Hinterlands
Arathi Highlands
Hey nothing wrong with being a shitter mate.
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>desire to level in the zone
This game sometimes makes me wonder if I'm retarded or something. Why am I so bad at a game that's basically just pressing two buttons?
everyone worse than you are shitters
everyone better than you are no-lifers
Is this safe for work? I don't want to get fired.
stop it comfy
stop posting your nudes in the thread again comfy
Why do you dislike Westfall? It's unique and especially beautiful at night.
t. habeeb, not comfy
What does t. mean?
god tier

Shit tier

thought I was in lolg for a second
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Hey guys t. Habeeb
What does t. stand for?
its how autist sign their posts
Mudslimes are pigs.
lol deeprun tram is desynced and only single carts travel by themselves
So are there any hot guys in this general? I'll skype anybody that asks.

t. Habeeb
stop trying to make yourself into comfy 2.0 man

forcing it just makes it weird
Look I just want some dick in my ass right now, is that too much to ask?

t. Habeeb
we call comfy a girl because he acts like a girl you retard, we are making fun of him not heaping praise on him

dude whines all day like a girl does
Well I am a girl so just hurry up and cum on my face.

t. Habeeb
im looking for attention
t. habeeb

post it

Skype: itznotmason
I'm good homie
I want to make a troll, I really do but every time I go to make one I'm reminded how shit each hair style looks.
Just make a bald troll.

Get out of here pig fucker
Yeb would give us a LOBSTER
so which one of you cancer ass faggots plays the gnome lock called Horror? You just killed my escort npc you fucking faggot kill yourself thanks
last minute surge, Yeb has tied it folks
Can he do it?
Hes done it!

but can he keep it?
Yeb here -
I'l be making a press release shortly, thank you all for voting
who is you guys' favourite overwatch hero?

mine's mei
junkrats my favorite
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To my constituents:

I am deeply honored by your decision to elect me as your new GM, and will prove to be a steady, true conservative leader who will not be afraid to combat the Molten Core and show Onyxia we aren't messing around.

If the votes cast here today were extrapolated onto a general election in the United States,we would have won by a landslide, as pic related demonstrates. Thank you all!

Yeb we can!
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hey guys
since threatre of dreams died
should i move here
i like to pvp.
i didn't make that application friendo hehe

Can't wait to see you from the oval office!
god he got cucked hard
server seems pretty good, but I practically just started here
>the city of Yeb
Based Krah blowing the fuck out of ninja looter Yeb
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are the lag problems gone now? is it finally safe for me to start playing?
>this is the guy who thinks he can be in charge of another guild
>serial ninja looter who got owned by Krah, cucked by Lndi, and used by Immrsimple
Kek, btfo with just one image.
rip Yeb
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>not very confident in my english speaking skills
>don't talk in TS because of this
>start talking
Why did I join a guild with so many americans again?
how long until blizzard shuts down this server?
I've never seen someone get blown the fuck out this bad in one post
if loneliness has followed him all his life then he wasnt really alone after all
He never actually did that
>Yeb getting roasted by the savior of Azeroth

fuck that is funny
why is the website so fucking slow?
>wake up
>see this

good way to start the morning
>Try to make my account
>website is broken

Shit server famalamadingdong
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Good news!

Yeb favorables are at an all time high!
Isn't Yeb the guy who killed two guilds and ninja looted stuff? No one in their right mind would raid with him
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Where do I find this poll so that I can exercise my right to vote?

>People hate Automute so much they are willing to have Yeb, the guy who ninja looted guild banks, raid loot, mounts, and killed two /nosg/ guilds and attempted to kill the third guild as their leader

Auto on suicide watch
>attempted to kill the third guild as their leader

Also one mount and one bank (after being exiled already of course ;) )
I'm not registered to vote, thats why Yeb is higher.

It's also because of those damn super delegates swinging the vote
you begged people everyday for months in the thread to leave DiF and join normie raid guilds

face it yeb, you'll never raid with us again after what you did
For the first few days after taiwan tigers got disbanded (by Ereka) I urged people to join real guilds like what Shaynu did, who got t2 from Dagordacil in the time it took DiF to pug ony after 4 attempts in one day. Or even I who got MC/BWL gear on my own alt in the months to follow.
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I know i'm late to the party but holy fuck that is absolutely hilarious
you're shit though, you got blacklisted on your warlock because the entire server knew you were a shit player who couldn't even beat hunters in raid damage

virtually everyone who left dif initially rejoined later on just like how Lndi did when he got his t2 to come raid with us

you'll never raid with /vg/ again yeb, nor will you lead another guild
so is the account creation page is down?

>dramaqueens showing out
>no one actually gives a fuck about any of you
>why are you still posting this shit
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>Yeb "I ninja loot for a living and kill guilds in my spare time" Bush

is he the same faggot constantly shilling for GM in nihilum as well? how has he not been kicked
what an enormous faggot
As much as you guys like to tell yourselves that I wasn't really blacklisted, someone faked an app to NaCl (a literal reddit guild) but I was still getting asked to join guilds, Deja Vu for instance. But I was done with my warlock so I just raided on my mage, and did fine, the only mage who consistently outdpsed me was the GM who had his char months longer than mine.

But anyway if I wanted to raid with you guys I'd just use a new alias obviously, but I can't make weekend times (as of right now). Who knows! My schedule might change and I'll creep up the ranks again, I love you guys too much to stay away <333
>literally admitting you tried to sabotage and kill any chance of /nosg/ raiding

holy SHIT you are a faggot
>blacklisted across the server
>failed to prevent the third /nosg/ from raiding
>cucked out of playing with /nosg/ by Lndi and his minions
>blown out by Krah
>quitting the server out of shame when he realized he couldn't stop the <DiF> guys from raiding
>going to get cucked on this server as well

its wonderful

It's like I'm really on neogaf. Do you guys have any idea how gay you are?
this is what happens when a 16 year old kid who ninja looted/killed 4chan guilds comes into a thread, the amount of autism that gets unleashed is palpable

its funny really, while this yeb fellow made himself look like an ass and was blacklisted by /vg/ to this day the amount of asshurt he caused is glorious

dont think it was worth it though since he isn't allowed to play with us anymore though
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>dont think it was worth it though since he isn't allowed to play with us anymore though

Who would want to play with /vg/ though?

whats up r*ddit
I don't know why people think I can't just make a character not named Yeb and not tell people I'm Yeb and join the guild, it's not like it has any quality control anyway. Literally the only requirement to joining is you have to tell Automute "I'm from /krog/"
What is population like on K1 compared to K2?
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how have i never seen this before

im glad this dude won't be allowed to raid with us
>getting rejected by <Entitled> of all guilds

more embarrassing than being a member of a 4chan guild honestly
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he'll never be back
Guys I genuinely think Yeb would be a good GM. I mean he's not perfect but he's leagues better than Automute and I had fun when he was in DC and later tt. You guys seem a bit obsessive, he only took a cosmetic item from a pug and only took the guild bank after Plumptrap told him to gtfo.
lurker here

i havent really followed the whole drama but ive never really seen proof yeb did shit wrong other than keep an epic mount in the guild rather than give to some loud grrl gamer

don't even think ill be joining nihilum, seems really cancerous and angry all the time
>it ain't me literally starts playing
/vg/ guilds can be fine as long as the leadership is solid. Yeb didn't take any shit, like I remember grimlic got btfo'd under the Yebediah administration for his cancerous memery.. You should join Nihilum, give it a shot, and see how the raiding goes. I hear they're pugging MC and shit, not as good as actual raiding guilds but they're normies so idk
idk ill give it a shot maybe i just see this faggot indi posting his pictures all the time and everyone sucks his cock for good boy points, kinda shitty
I haven't seen indi post here in weeks to be fair, you realize he isn't an officer in nihilim right?
why is he important then?
He's not you're the one bringing him up out of the blue lol
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Ludacrits K1 here
K1 is dying
It wasn't dying before, but now it is.
I will be quitting the server for good within the next 2 weeks and won't be rolling on K2 or somewhere else.

I think Nostalrius was a "once in a lifetime" thing for people around my age (25-35 y-o) that experienced vanilla and wanted to relive those moments again.
The population has been shrinking a lot over the past month, at a point where finding group is becoming an issue.

And it isn't K2 stealing away K1 players, as I do have an alt there and the pop hasn't been increasing

This is it folks.
Vanilla wow was great back in 2004-2007
Nostalrius was great
Kronos isn't great.
The admins have demonstrated countless times their cluelessness and inability to properly run the server.

Do not waste time here. I got fucking 20 days of playtime and epic gears... ultimately worthless because of how bad the server is

PS: I doubt AQ will even open on K1.
The war effort hasn't been moving much and nobody seems to give a fuck at this point
no, i distinctly remember his nasty spic looking human female in like every thread with some kawaii desu shitpost and a million replies about how cute he is.

fuck off.
Good to see another supporter of the true regime.

I'm proud of my vote for him in the poll
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just trade ur epic rogue for some 50+ character on k2 and move on.
>things that never happened

Go look through the old threads and tell me how many posts you'll find, I'll wait.

Once again, obsessing about a guy who isn't an officer, barely posts here anymore, and is entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
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>i'm the one obsessing

the biggest problem with nihilum is the obsession with !yeb! and 4chan purity, despite the guild consisting of you guessed it, obsessive, incapable autists
You literally brought up a completely irrelevant guy in the guild who posts here maybe once a week because you're butthurt about him for god knows what reason.

Yeah, you're being a bit obsessive.

Yeb ninja looted, stole a guild bank, killed two /vg/ guilds and attempted to kill the third guild (his own admission), he is just a toxic player who wont be raiding with us, simple as that.
>Shitty DPS.
>Stuck in a guild that struggles to clear MC.
>Can't get into better guild.
>Server is the problem.
>anime poster

I hope both your parents get brutally raped then beat to death right in front of your eyes dipshit.
K1/K2, ally/horde... it's a shit server and that's the bottonline
>I'm a nostbaby
>he gave a cosmetic mount to someone other than himself, rather than a loud, obnoxious girl gamer randy
>took 400 from guild bank after being completely lied about and impersonated

that's literally all he did, aside from that he made it the most successful 4chan guild we've had, in fact the ONLY successful one.


jesus christ, i wouldnt even want to if i was him
Indi is a much bigger attention whore than Yeb, and has his own autistic faults, but everyone obsessively sucks his dick for some reason or another. Cult of personality I guess. Yeb got tired of being GM, and stole a cosmetic item + 400g (oh no) worth of shit after he was told to fuck off and was never allowed in any /nosg/ guild ever again.
I'm top dps in the guild and dps isn't an issue, tactics is.
We got fucking assholes trying to top the dps meters and never run out to heal themselves. I am the #1 melee on healing on every single encounter
post your character's theme tune

Shouldn't you be in bed Indi?
this reminds me a lot about the election. everyone is just so livid and mad about trump but they barely even know why, and the few reasons they come up with are just stupid as fuck.
The guild wasn't shit though, it was 3/10 MC and like 4/whatever ZG.

It wasn't until Lndi took over in <DiF> that shit got done, Yeb couldn't even clear to Golemag and ended up nuking not one, but two guilds due to his incompetence.

Stealing a guild bank, ninja looting, getting himself blacklisted from raid guilds, and trying to prevent /nosg/ from raiding were all disgustingly autistic things Yeb did.

Like Yeb didn't even raid lead or organize everything, it was all Lndi and his weaponized autism that carried us through content.

Yeb would have been allowed on the ride if he wasn't such a retard, but that clearly didn't happen.

tldr Yeb didn't do shit, Lndi and <DiF> was the most successful guild by far. I mean shit, they at least killed Hakkar and Rag on a weekly basis.
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>tfw EVERYONE in the thread got memed
Automute here, I'm fine with Yeb raiding with us ;)
>destory two guilds and tell everyone not to join the third guild

gee I wonder why retard, maybe being a guild killer and server wide reknown ninja looter had something to do with it
i have a lot of ammunition to attack your arguments, believe me, my friend, but the tl;dr, uppity attitude and

means you have outed yourself as a redditor. goodbye.
Except that's wrong, you fucking retard. Yeb's group got to golemagg, "nuked" one guild in the sense that everyone just hopped over, so it was basically a name change, and then resigned as GM and then the new GM nuked the guild, not Yeb. How is that related to incompetence you fucking sheep?

What guilds was he blacklisted from? Fucking Entitled? Because some chucklefuck made a fake application?
if you completely vilify someone, lie about them, impersonate them (see collage meme), why would they feel any binding loyalty to such a shit community? y'all have done much worse to him anyways, the obsession is ridicuous
brb gquiting nihilum
Yeah because apparently your 3/10 MC pug guild is the best vg guild we've seen to date Yeb, wasn't like Lndi did everything for you to bring us out of wiping on Garr for hours on end because you didn't know how to raid lead and relied on a literal 15 year old mrsimple to try and raid lead kek
Guys I don't see why we have to fight. Yeb was fine and the worst part about all of this was the idiots overreacting to shit, not the actual decisions Yeb made.

Let's just let him raid with us, he can maybe take the reins of officer or something and we can see how it goes. If he's a bad boy we just relegate him to normal raidcuck, who cares?
Yebs a fag lol he sucks on balls

t. automute
We did Garr on our first attempt with Immrsimple, before Lndi even was around. Are you even fucking AWARE of anything at all? Lndi made promises to host a Damage Control pug in the 2nd week in January and showed up 3 weeks later going "Oh I forgot lolol" when Immrsimple and Yeb stepped up and did shit.

Get your facts straight
Yeb didn't get to Golemagg, Lndi did you idiot. We were stuck on Garr and wipe out on him our first MC, it wasn't until Lndi took over and ran things that we got to Rag.

This is probably all on realmplayers still, but yeah, Yeb never got to Golemagg without Lndi doing all the raid leading/organization.
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Can we kick yeb and re-invite Finalfurrashu?
Lndi literally joined us on our second ever MC though and proceeded to carry us for the rest of Nost, Yeb never got to Golemagg without him and you know this.
>Yeb is unqualified to be GM now only because he is not the raid leader as well.

Most guilds have a GM, who organizes it, something he did really well, and a raid leader.

if that's all you have youre clearly running outta shit buddo

not yeb btw dum dum, i think it's like 3am where he lives
Yeb LITERALLY got Mana Igniting Cord from Golemagg.

We didn't wipe on Garr, we 1 shot him with 30 people.
Yeah he got it in the run LNDI led you retard hahahaha
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Gee, golly gosh oh man, isn't this just nuts?
I just want Yeb back guys ;_;

Yeb got the belt in 2016-02-07, which was two weeks after Lndi joined us for Molten Core, which means that Golemagg kill was under Lndi, not Yeb.
i dont even care about him, i just dont want beta cuck automute and lndi being our guys
>when Immrsimple and Yeb stepped up and did shit.

yeah ninja looting a tiger making us reform the guild twice and then not ever clearing rag was a big accomplishment by those two cucks

How about that "Golemagg" kill without Lndi, ey bud?

Might want to remember Realmplayers exist before you bullshit again.
>which was two weeks after Lndi joined us for Molten Core


It was two weeks after Lndi was SUPPOSED to join us. He said he was going to join the 2nd weekend in January but it was several weeks out when he finally came back
>DiF stack on Garr
>Nihilum clears 8/10 first go (would have gone 10/10 if not for lack of quintessences)

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Look you fuckwits

Lndi didn't start raiding until March

Here's your beloved realmplayers data
Lndi's first raid with us was on the 23rd dude, the 7th meant he was with us for two lockouts by the time that belt dropped.

There are literally screenshots of his character in <Damage Control> floating around even which means he was in the guild before <taiwan tigers> was made (which was made before the 7th of February).
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good luck guys im rerolling horde.
Realmplayers got wiped, that is why, go look at anyones characters theres no raid data before then.

That belt that Yeb got though was 100% from a Lndi led raid though if it was in February, he came back to us at the end of January for our second MC attempt.
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hey boys, next MC will be today

t. your boi lndi
I found Yeb's alt's page.

He never even raided kek, I'm glad he got blackl-

oh wait
Yeb on suicide watch kek
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its like 5am isnt it in NA? I really doubt yeb or lndi is in this thread anymore
it's the same guy with a different haircut
we didnt have FR capped tanks i dont think, we would have gotten 9/10 for sure though
rip yeb (again)
now that yeb is kill, who is going to be the new GM?

i nominate grud
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>ywn have a qt3.14 kgf
why live
asians are gross anon
ayy lmao
does she play on nostalrius i mean kronos
Just started playing, the regen is way faster than it needs to be. Will I ever need to eat or drink until 60?
Yeah it will even out after level 10 or so
i nominate Crow
whos crow
K I'm voting u for gm
remember, vote qlurf for gm

he always keeps an eye out for the little man
c-can you please vote for me as your GM?
thank you
Qlurf is a pretty cool guy.
Too bad he's occupied with his honor farm, otherwise I bet he'd be trying to help as much people as possible.
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who here /waiting for ff to make a come back/ ?
no one
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Soon senpai
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Hey guys Glaston(Garthax(Grud)) here
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all in one spot
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i dare you to come to raynewood retreat
i double dare you
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>Tirion was married to a nigress
How does that make you feel?
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>alliance premades
Do horde druids even que for wsg
Like what the fuck

check horde druid pop vs ally on k2
But their kid is whiter than either of them. What does this mean?
Does anyone know the command to lock xp. I want to lock xp for a bit.
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Morning War Effort cucks, got another day ahead of you fighting and farming for your Alliance overlords? I'll be tinkering in my precious gnomish refugee center all day.
is server doown?
can't login
berkay du hurensohn, welche Fraktion spielst du
gnome mage
name = apesultan
cant login XD
>be out of combat
>kill a pack of mobs
>none of them survive
>stuck in combat but

>alt/f4 and the login server is down

Kronos is made to make money
Nost was a passion project made by fans for free

There is the difference, and 'Im with you.

I'm quitting kronos and only coming back for Nostalrius Continues or official legacy realms
whats the go?
>still sucking nost/blizz cock

talk about being a cuckold
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what is this fucking lagfest REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>ff premade getting absolutely shat on
>has to resort to ddossing the server
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reminder that /krog/ will never feel like /nosg/
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Smug Nonon.png
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>gets cucked by frogs
>wants to get cucked AGAIN by blizzjews
kill la kill youreself
we all know that once legacy servers are a thing, all of you will start paying money to blizzard
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>send two bags to a lowlevel paladin to inspire him to level and join in on the fun
>hasnt been online for 2 days
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reminder nost was fucking garbage and never came close to what real vanilla was
>be farming a mob
>one specific spawn of that mob consistently combat bugs me whenever I kill it

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Stop pretending to be me please, thank you.
Also how did you resist like all of my roots? Does it get diminishing returns even if, gets resisted or something???
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bls help me
i play wow since 2005
now started new on this server kronos 2 XD

gnome mage
name = apesultan
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>escape artist not bound
its alt+1
i was messing with addon setings and keybinds got fuked sory :D
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>tfw finalflash dodges your premade in wsg
fuck me, combat bug is so bad on this server
I haven't experienced it once in 50 levels

are you retards sure you aren't just aggroing any critters with aoe who then run off?
it's gotten really really bad since I hit wpl
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>you will never level in plaguelands ever again
Do I roll on Kronos 2 Horde?
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why not? i said i would never ever play wow, that was years ago
No. Alliance is where we at.

We need rogues
some addon keeps saying my new critical fireballs and shit
wich one is it i mtired of that sound
Send me those bags.

t. Bokunosudoku
ally for memes and fourchan
horde for raiding
>combat bugged
>can't logout
what is this shit?
anyone got good ui setups? need some inspiration
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14KB, 587x58px
haha nice one :D +1
I'm done with this server

no fix in sight
>yurofags all lagged to hell while us superior americans have no issues

enjoy having to fill up the raid with 25 randoms every time
SHIT server

do NOT level here, it's not worth it
GMs are creepy
Same here

Really wanted to raid with you guys again but I just can't take this anymore. I can play for 1 hour each day before the lag starts, that's 50% of a level if I'm lucky.
Should revise for my exams anyway.
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tfw got level 40 last night and still missing 17g for mount
you can have mine

what's your name
is yours cool looking? 150 is a lot for a not cool looking mount
this gold will rot away then
can I have your gold? i'm 150 away from an epic mount
>Tfw you will never erp with Finalflash
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>wanting to erp with an autistic swede whos on welfare
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>be resto druid
>do 1k non crit ferocious bites
>tfw twisted muhfukka

cuz i'm not a degenerate neckbeard

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You look like you could grow a neckbeard desu
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nice buttchin
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Hey, I'm a sexy nelf who had her tight butt ravaged by an orc. Want to help me raise the kid he gave me? ;)
dont join nihilum
everyone is just angry all the time, a bunch of /pol/ kids constantly arguing about politics

its fucking cancer
In <tt> our best run we made it to shazz
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can u guys help me wit bags and some train gold bls :DD

t. apesultan
gonna be long time player
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this has gotten out of control
>Yeb is shit because he disbanded <tt>
>Ereka is actually the one who disbanded <tt>
>Let's make him GM
NA /krog/ guild when
t. Roknar
t. know it all faggot Trigglypuff
>atmosphere, appearance, and a general desire to level in the zone
>Elywnn Forest

Hahaha, no.
never rolling alliance again... having to face broken fucking shamans is aids
sup Comfy :D
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Nah bro, im Roknar.

Nihilum is the best alliance guild.

but the server is fucking shit, i will wait for Legacy servers.

>Un'Goro Crater
>shit tier

not a bad list but this is just incorrect

also anywhere with a "forsaken being evil and killing humans" questline is GOAT
guild chat could be good without faggots like Urist and so on
Ironforge is the comfiest city though.

fucking shamans and their bullshit meme class frostshock should have a 30second CD if not 45

also windfury needs to be REMOVED from the game
and purge
>Hunter's Mark bound on 1/2
What the fuck?

thunder bluff is more comfy
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WoW 2016-06-17 19-08-06-83.png
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Some comfy fishing :3
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Kronos for tryhards and addicts, but i know the feel i been there but no more.

hf and gl, Roknar out.
>implying anyone here cares about a 1360x768 clicking hunter

where did you get this ui ?
what addons ?

u mad bro ??
>for tryhards and addicts
welcome to vanilla
Jaime you will always suck cocks.

>not playing on your TV.

>triggered by the tryhard

HF and GL with your "most advance adventure" im not even mad.

Nihilum is the best guild on alliance side, but the server is shit and my autism is not as strong you guys.

i rather spend my free time on something els, because i can, you know friends and stuff and you can't, hf and gl on your shit server :^)
blis /ginvite apesultan
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nothing is wrong with 1360x768
especially when playing 30 year old game
Don't worry, it's not even running entirely server-side. If you observe people getting on you will notice that same of them use different trams that are not visible to you. This is also the case with elevators and sometimes even boats.
>having to "brag" about having free time and friends

the signs of an insecure beta
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I support this message
World of Warcraft is crack and Nostalrius was a cool dude that sold top-quality crack-cocaine to the masses.
Everyone loved him
Unfortunately, he got busted and thrown in jail after a year, which made most crack users quit their addictions altogether.

However, another dealer stepped up to sell drugs for the people that were still craving for a fix
His name is Kronos and his crack-cocaine is of lesser quality, laced with dogshit and saw dust.
He has said numerous times he will improve his product, he was nowhere to be seen for 10 days, sometimes he's just not there. And the product never improves, it's always the same garbage.

Man fuck Kronos, this is not worth it
I see people who look suspiciously like bots in this starting zone.
Kronos 2 was the mistake that killed vanilla

Massive burnout from expecting people to level characters for the 3rd time in a year (or less time for most people, I doubt most Nost players started the first month of release), coming out just 2 weeks after people were settling into Kronos 1. Now K2 is in even worse shape than K1 was during its massive influx of refugees
>people still sucking nost cock


I had been burnt out on Vanilla from playing on Emerald Dream. I had a 57 Paladin and a 32 Rogue on Nost, but at no point could I bring myself to hit 60 there. Nost got shut down right as I was getting back into it.

It seems I'm out of sync or it's well and truely time to give up
What forced people to migrate from 1 to 2?
Nobody was forced obviously but the pressure to start on the fresh realm with everybody else was real. Population drop on K1 followed by K2 has made both unsatisfactory
Hype train probably.
Alot of people didnt want to play a 1yo server with a shitton of full t2 60s ganking lowbies and an economy fucked up by the x7 event.
spamming that non-sense again in such dark times?
>k1 fag still mad everyone left his funserver
Is it even worth leveling a warrior? It's slow and hard as fuck, but the server seems to consist entirely of about 70% warriors on both factions. Pretty sure by now everyone knows that warriors turn into gods at 60...

Although, how many actually reach 60?
id worry about getting gear at 60 first buddy
is there in-depth census data for K2

the google doc doesn't really tell you much
>implying the meme server known as K2 isn't dying as well
The problem is they all left and didn't go to K2 judging by the population
if you get a good weapon, for example cookie's strongfucker hammer from dm or corpsemaker from rfk the leveling becomes fun, and you somewhat wreck people in pvp too
i mean mr. smite's
>it's an "alliance questing group is 3 rogues and 1 other guy" episode
If you have an account on feenix they gave you enough reputation points to get 1 chracter to level 60 for free on the new warsong. Why are you still playing on this shit ass server when you could be level 60 and gearing up on feenix?
is the lag gone now
they did go to K2, and then about 10 days into K2 it started lagging horribly. When the slavs promised new hardware and didn't deliver for 2 months, most people eventually left
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