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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 886
Thread images: 199

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Butthurt Edition

>Summary from the latest Live Letter:

>Current Event - Summer DLC Campaign (June 14—27)

>Patch Notes:

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:

>Previously on /xivg/:
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god damn the fishing animation does not do these justice
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I love Ishgard's look. Post Ishgard pictures and art.
Which c@ on balmung makes the best erp pet?
First for all NEETs are cucks and should be laughed at.

>tfw have a crush on your static leader
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naka bp
>not making over $100k US per year doing something you love all day
Why aren't you a software engineer, eh anon? Do you not enjoy writing code, or are you incapable?
PostMALE Midlanders!
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whew lad
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xth for highlanders
megu bp
You already know idiot.
Best highlander!
>shana gives abe 700 dollars to fuel his neet lifestyle
>abe uses it to pretend shirou likes him as much as he liked vjera
how sad
You look like you smeared blue Kool-Aid over your lips like what they make prison bitches do.
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Ishgard is the best town.
naka bp
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Post only the {highest quality} {miqote}! (No boys allowed!)
Life is like a hurricane, here in, Cuckberg.
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good job ive never been to prison, and dont live in the USA!
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minty lips a cute
Take a wild guess my friend.
taylor bp
Well anzu isn't a cat sooooooo
I don't know. That's why I'm asking?
Who is the best femroe from /xivg/?
Server and post frequency doesn't matter.
Kirito Tia bp
>Kiki Shitdigger here
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>doing trial roulette
>get nidhogg
>autists start arguing on which add should be killed 1st
>one starts linking ex weapons and midas savage pages
>tfw on primal

So this is what it must feel to party with xvig.
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Stop this rumor. My dick is probably bigger than yours!
Not a bit.
You know who it is, stop playing. Hint: White hair
>Kiki Bussylicker here
>savage pages
>horde weapons
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These threads are majorly lacking in maidposting.
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>Unequip your shit until you're hovering around ilvl 110 or so before queueing up for trial
You can thank me for this later, anon.
shana bp
>Kiki Buttsniffer here
maids suck, let me wear the butler outfit squeenix
>Kiki Fartripper here
>Kiki Peoplehavenothingbettertodoandfeelbadaboutthemselvesirlsotheyhavetomakefunofkikitofeelbetter here
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You take that back right this instant! Butlers and maids are both nice.
theyre not
Where did the kiki ____ here meme start? Does Kiki actually say "Kiki Gutripper here" when he posts?
>Kiki Deepthroater here
oh its actually kiki,
>tfw no velvet maid
kill me now
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>Kiki noun noun here
Yes they are. Post maids.
How big is it...
It's just ultrash "bantering"
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Any excuse to post my sickly avatar in slut attire.
>Kiki Cuntlicker here
Hey there Kiki.
Can we expect any more quality posts about how Sha isn't really a woman today?
>Kiki Pointsouthowsadandpatheticyouaresoitmustbekiki here
Can I worship it?
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Anyone like miqo'te...?

I wish I was drunk!
Sha isn't a woman.

There's no proof.

>"B-But I heard her on skype!!!"

Yeah fucking right.
>Kiki Buttfumbler here
Ripper is a noun, retard.
post more tho
Oh gosh that sounds nice...
i actually thought shrek was creepy at first but now i think theyre cool
you mean adverb
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sad cat.jpg
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Why should I...
Nobody likes miqo'te...
>Kiki Buttsniffer here
>Kiki Tailsucker here
Jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with your face?
I want to insult you more and totally not pet you anywhere
Don't trigger me like this
that's not what an adverb is
>its a verb!
>no its not
>its an adverb i mean!
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It was a one shot with eso bonus, it was just the autism going on the party that was hilarious.
sha bp
Its called being a highlander, its a terrible disease.
The denial is real.
midlanders are better
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That's not true...
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I don't understand...
Don't insult me...
There's been a few in here that haven't looked bad, but that was awhile ago.
>Kiki Bongripper here
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Strong, handsome, charming

How else would you describe a catboy?
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>people are THIS jealous of Kiki having female companionship, something completely out of their grasps
theres only one thing cats understand and it involves them being collared...
I wish Awena would bully me...
You people are fucking venomous

Kill yourselves
Autistic, faggy, down syndrome, fetal alcohol.
is SMN worth maining? How fun is it? do people take it in raids at all?
>Kiki having female companionship
You know Briah has a boyfriend, right?
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Hey, how about some characters and song?
I think you're confusing me with someone else :o

Calm down Velvet
shirou made
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Are you sure?
But anon said...

I don't follow...
Can you explain...?
How's summer vacation, champ?
its like you dont even understand that your mouth isnt for talking
shiru will u b my person mad?
i pay u in domination
Kiki Kiki doo
I see you
Pretending youre riping a bong
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how do i trade this meido for a better one
P'uttel doesn't even come here anymore guys. He's got a life now, he goes to college, he's just one noooooormal guy.
how do i stop hurting everyone i like

should i just kill myself
I'm not Velvet nor do I know what he does, but you faggots are literally acting like a bunch of high school girls from a shitty american soap opera

And it's not just about Velvet, the name dropping, the constant drama, the logs, this thread is just fucking garbage

Nuke Gilgamung already
>making fun of anyones name when you probably have a weeb name
I wanna pet Kiki
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>Are you sure?
>But anon said...

Don't listen to anon....
I thought she was a lesbian.
>linking pages

lol no one cares
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Do I keep her Bikini, or go maid?
Stop spamming your avatar
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What's it for...?

But why me...
Some people think it's fun. If you're good at the game people will want to raid with you. Play the job and if you don't like it switch. If you're not sure if you're going to like something don't rush to gear it right away.
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No, she's dating a buddy of mine. He's a good kid.
epic kafkatrap friend you sure showed him
At least the moonie sluts know their place in life...
>Kiki Weebnamer here
I dont understand why roe femal are so sparse while they are the cutest
i wanna rip those ears off
Because you're cute, but I understand that it was never meant to be...
Are you new to 4chan? Contrary to what you may believe, this isn't a hugbox.
Well I like it so
The pet delay on contagion will make you want to kill yourself
And contrary to what you may believe, this isn't facebook
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to be fair: the video is fucking disgusting, and taking it wayyy too far
Post butt please. I need it for an experiment.
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>Kiki Tsunderie here
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>didn't u KNOW fellomemester? XD this is the LEGENDARY 4CHANS, it means i get to be a dick all the time for no raisins.
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Can we post butlers? Let's post some butlers.
>isn't a hugbox
>Started as a hugbox for weebs during an SA split
Where were you when younguns tried to rewrite history
Tell that to

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But... then who...?

Where is that...?

Don't do that...

That's not true...
Who are you...
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I'll post butt for real next post, I just wanted an excuse to post moogles, because they're adorable and I love them and I want to hug one.
post grown men
underneath the males from /proper/ races...
the only adventures cats should have, are in the bedsheets

That image adds absolutely nothing to your post, nobody cares about what you're doing or what your ugly ass character looks like
Kill yourself
>Kiki Morytania here
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my character is pretty sexy desu
But it IS a hugbox. If you're in ultrash you get the entire linkshell defending you the second someone so much as mentions your name in a negative light.

Shit, look at last night. The second people called out Abe for forcing this kiki cucknigger shit, we get ultrash swarming the thread to defend him. Shit is basic as hell.
>Kiki Muffstuffer here
>Kiki Crowe here
>it's a run a "joke" into the ground episode
I can't argue with that. Those flying furballs are incredibly cute.
You're cuter, though.
gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay
Did I say gay?
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blow a kiss to your.jpg
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I'm no moonie...
What of sunseekers...?
>Kiki Horsefucker here
>Kiki Marette here
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Not all of them
>Kiki Vara here
>Kiki Apologysayer here
Ayase's midlander was sexier and cuter.
That's nice.
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if u have shit taste
>Kiki Pissdrinker here
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Okay for real this time.

>You're cuter, though.

I'm not so sure I'd go that far, but thank you none the less.

>tfw you are too tired to play games but too awake to sleep

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>sunsluts trying to falseflag moonies again
nth for black
Anyone? No opinions?
Nah, just 99.9%.
I don't know if I would take it that far. People may have friends who defend them. Anyone in that LS who is universally liked probably doesn't do a ton of juvenile shitposting in the thread. A good chunk of the shitposting about various ebins is done by people who purport to be their friends.
Shut up Sha
The sunseekers are just more shy about it, but theyre exactly the same... you know that
>Kiki Sun here
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Real nigga hour?
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When is this game getting a crossover event from XV? I want a Gladiolus outfit for males and a Cidney outfit for females.
It'd look like shit in XIV anyways, so why do you want it?
>calling moonies sluts
>see nothing but sunnie dancers and courtesans
Except all the really nasty shit has followed the same basic pattern that points to ultrash, specifically abe and friends.
Thanks for the great butt. I can now focus on my experiments.
Trust me, you are.
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Now you listen here

Suncats are best
>Kiki Smegscraper herr
I'm not Sha.

Sha vacates the area immediately as people start talking about her. Honestly I think she may just show up, take a massive shitpost all over the thread and then leave like nothing happened. It's a case of "I'm just going to leave this here and walk away."
>Kiki Nameposter here
this one's ok, but most are trash
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angry maid.jpg
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He said it...
I did not...

I want proof...
moonie sympathizers will hang with their meowing friends
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>meanwhile, raen are better at both of these things
>Kiki Assmuncher here
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Abe isn't even in the Ultrash inner circle he just happens to be in the LS lol

Just conducting a survey.
>one clearly buttmad kiki spammer making mean names because people called him out by putting their surname with kiki's name
Nah man. Your characters aren't horrible, but they just aren't as good as the competition.
Your midlander is not as good looking as Ayase's.
Your lala is not as good looking as Kumfi's was.
Your moonc@ is not as good looking as Seto's.
Your au ra is not as good looking as CG's.
>Kiki Fartsipper here
being sluts? yes well they ARE voidsent
>Kiki Poopsucker here
I am not going to go and grat a sunslut by the neck and force them down on my cock as they pretend to not enjoy every second of it just for you.
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Make sure they add those awesome tats too. And some barbed wire ones, or maybe like an awesome koi fish. Also studded belts, denim vests, and mirrored aviators. That would be sick, huh?
>tfw I might end up buying the plushy just to get the bonus item ingame
Wait a minute...

Those colors...
sorry i was busy doing stuff

>Kiki Buttburner here
But Kiki is a cuck. His oneitis is dating someone else.
i miss squidward...
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muh opinions etc
the only valid comparisons there are my midlander and ayase's, and maybe my mooncat and seto's
but even then it's a stretch because seto is a bluecat

ugliest made ever
Honestly I wouldn't mind just getting Noctis outfit since I don't think it would look bad on girls. I know the chances of us getting female specific FF protagonist outfits are pretty slim, and if we were too, I'd want it to be Celes' outfit. But the stuff Noctis wears is girly enough that it would look alright on a female character.
Still better than the trash we have now like the ifrit tanking chest
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angry cat.jpg
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Yeah, you won't...
Because you can't...

Please delete this...
>Kiki Assblaster here
Good boy.
Free up your weekend, I'm taking out the bondage gear.
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what did she mean by this
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What is the best server for rp outside of Balmung?
That gate is on lockdown like a jewish private school with a muslim kid in it.

Is there an rp presence on other servers? Ive only heard of one on Adamantoise.
Not that anon, but I was expecting maybe Tidus and Yunalesca attire to go along with the FF9 minions they're using this year.
>misses squid
>squid posts asap
you mother fucker..
They're not really opinions though. Everyone agreed that at least ayase's midlander and cg's au ra looked better.
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>But... then who...?

Ah, I meant to reply to this but got distracted.

Listen to the people you love, and the people who love you...
>one piece swimsuit with a cape
Celes is cool but her outfit is shit
Nobody is forcing you to wear that, plenty of glamour options for DoW.
Whoops, 10, my bad.
The only thing sluttier for dick than a suncat female, is suncat boys.
Your entire race only exists because the fems whore themselves out to every cock they can find, because their own men are twice as slutty as you girls.
somewhat also on Gilgamesh. Been in some LS for it myself and I know a person who could probably give me a few names.
I know, meme server, but it's true.
>the people who love you
that's a lot of people, considering she's a sunslut
>people wanting to purge moonies and keep sunsluts
>literally purging the aryan race while niggers run around spreading aids

We need a motherfucking trump up on these threads.
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that was a coincidence
but now i'm going to post squids anyway

not rly
Boy that's just crazy.
What a stupid response. No shit, but my point is that the gear they are churning out is lowering in quality each patch.
I want to purge miqo'te as a whole.
Then I want to kidnap a female midlander and make her my slave.
being the ugliest made will always be preferable to being the ugliest character on xiv

stop lol
But suncats are literally the ones with the fair skin, while mooncats have the dulled/dark colors.
Your analogy is backwards.
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mad cat.jpg
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That's not true...

I don't know...

I will try...

There's not many...
Because I'm not...
Does anyone want to marry me?
yeah i know it should really be *handlebars noises*
Best looking character of every race?

Hard mode: do male and female for each
Nightmare mode: do Lala as well

>Au Ra
What do you think handlebars noises sound like?

Kirito Tia
>>Au Ra
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia


Kirito Tia
>>Au Ra
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
Kirito Tia
let me think about it
The only reason you're kept around is because you're always in heat.
Admit it.
It's like pokemon, "Handle.....han, han, handlebar...."
They all look the same.
>>Au Ra
Males are all edgelords, females are hyur with scales and horns
All of them.
*slurp slurp slurp slurp*
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Please do.
How do we get the movie announcer guy to post more vocaroos?
Funny, always thought it would be more of an excited squeaking noise...
Post pic of character and server!
Talk about your vocaroos and how you miss them while pretending to be anon, just like you ask about your own femroe

>post selfie

kys faggot
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long hair kat.jpg
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What the heck...
That's not true!
>Shyvana follows Megu around like a stray dog
>Megu gives the buss up to Nori whenever he logs out





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squid chan is the best au ra ever created

handlebars sounds like the biggest fuccboi like ever
so handlebars noises would probably be the sound of taking cock
They all look the same.

>Au Ra
They all look the same.

They all look the same.

They all look the same.

They all look the same.

They all look the same.

A-Am I cool yet gais???
give him a prompt worth doing
I still love gott for doing this

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its all me
Be my pet and I will
If you accept that you're a slutty kitty who wants people to run their fingers through you fur and pet you, heavily, you might find someone who tolerates your existence.
I disagree with this. Handlebars didn't sound nearly as gay as I thought he would.
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Just when i thought axes couldn't get much bigger.
leave velvet alone!
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There's already a lot that do....

I think you have me confused with someone else?
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i'm nobody's pet.
i'm a free man... a real boy
It's a male au ra so tell me if you're still interested before I post my character...
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lalafell orgy.jpg
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feels good to be a unique lalafell
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>cat flushed down the space toilet
Nope. Its /almost/ a shame. You could be cute if you accepted your place in the world..
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I've been away for a while, what's going on here exactly lol
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And where's that...

Don't be mean...
>tfw you realize /minion exists
Time to edit those job switching macros.
chained to a bed where the only things you can fuck up, are the things you're meant to fuck
Things like what...
I've heard of XIV guilds kicking members for 24 hours for not logging in a day or other bullshit like that. Was that all made up or is the guild community really this bad?
>Au Ra
Cute Girl
That milf elezen
I've never heard of that.
Not even the most hardcore raiding FC's do that.
>act assertive in game, always be the one to take charge in most things I do, generally well respected and liked

>secretly a huge sub and slut for cock but don't wanna ERP because if people found out they'd lose all respect for me

What do I do, xivg?
>Au Ra female
Big strong adventurers who need a lowbred whore, to take out their stresses on after hard days of slaying monsters almost as degenerate as your race...
That's not true...

You've no proof....
Maybe you should make an EU alt and beg for cock on there.
I can't decide if this is awesome or terrible bait
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I dont need proof, everyone knows it already~
>hey look, another catgirl subslut, ring a bell, watch her come begging for cock
That's not fair...

All retainer's are like that...
catsluts ENJOY the submission to anothers will though.
Freedom is a lie.
All shirous are born to be pets.
I'm getting really frustrated I'm sorry...

No they don't...
I'm a cat and I don't enjoy that...
I got these codes but I don't play the game, enjoy.

Original Fat Chocobo Mount

Maid Attire

Butler Attire

Crag Mask

Inferno Mask
FANU DBVZ 35NR 9C54 9T79

99x Magicked Prism (Wings)
shirou is mine
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In celebration of the upcoming Dungeon of the Deep and Palace of the Dead, post dead.
Yes, that's what I've been saying. Shirou is mine.
yet more proof that 90% of any catsluts brain is taken up thinking about dicks to service
Only part of what you just said is true.
protip, its not the first bit, or the last bit
not yours. mine.
All of it is true...
I don't!!
Thanks for the mount.
yes, everything i said is true.
You're learning!
my friendship with Kay Kaku
No... Everything I said is true...
Don't be dumb...
Never thought I would wish for the return of that asinine AST argument from the past couple threads
Are there any good glamours for a semi-armored DRG? Should I just stick to the AF1?
Dyed DRG AF1 is the best DRG set in my opinion.

The original Allagan set both dyed and undyed are good too though.
Missed them, but thanks for posting them.
>AF 1
>Bone white
Best DRG
Yknow, chocobo stable were an accident by the coding team.
It was supposed to be a catgirl stable, where they can be trained, dyed, and prepped for riding.
Miqo'tes aren't big enough to ride like a chocobo... Now you're just being silly...
I like the darklight shit
The best DRG glamour in the game is my landsknecht glamour, which I don't have any pics of on my phone. Mercenary set + felt beret (the one with the brown band of fabric) + normal looking spear (I like the champion's lance). There's a way to properly dye it, but I'll let you figure that out.
I guess no one wanted the wing prisms. Thanks!
PLD is the true tanking class.
Smelly WARs get out
Why do you want him?
They certainly dont try and throw their riders off though...
I would...
because he's fun and nice and cool
AF1, i115, i133, i145 are all great
Mind if I post pic once I get it done to see if I get it right?
I forgot that existed, but farming Bray HM makes me hesitate.
If all else fails. I'll probably try something like royal blue or metalic blue.
Dont lie to me, and yourself.
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Whats the best way to make a trapcat?

Going with male cat, or making a flatchested femcat?
theyre both only good for dick anyway
Then we have a conundrum. I am certainly not giving my precious shirou to you just because you asked.
male cat
I'm not lying....
ok, don't give him away. i'll take him
Sure. It may look a little foppish on a male character, and the beret doesn't go so well with certain female hairstyles. The armor is from Amdapor Keep normal and that series of dungeons if you need to get it. The color is hard to get exactly right imo, that set dyes a little weird. There's one that works very well, at least with my characters hair and skin tones.
>sex repulsed asexual
I'll stop trying to make you realise where you should be.
K6I1 9RI2 T8O0 T121 I8A0

Maid code I don't need.
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The drg chest from the new dungeon is pretty nice. Also comes with a sick cape.

>Au Ra
Never seen a lizard ebin I like




Gott Faust
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thanks for maid outfit! glad I put off buying this for two days
Meria is the cutest midlander
Post cute maid pics
>it's a dps so bad i have enough time to place goring blade every mob of the pull (~10) twice
How much SkS is too much or too little for DRG?
All of those are men.
Every time, man.
I don't belong anywhere.... I'll prove it.....
Nigga who are you.
Prove it then~
>Play PLD and complain to others about not bringing DPS
That aqueous booty, tho.
I... I don't know how to..
because you cant prove youre not a slut who belongs with your head between my legs?
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I can't hear you over my rampart and awareness NIGGA
Is there a good leveling guide?
>amdapor keep
Fug. I'll look into that later then. Thanks for the help though.
Oh shit, the i133 looks pretty cool. Unsure if I want the AF1 or this instead.
>i145 is a coat and not a plain top
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i am bad at this
Level roulette, higest duengons, fates, eat food that's it senpai
Rule of thumb; if HEaler or DPS, spam dungeons. If DPS, Do fates in your level range while queueing for dungeons. Additionally, a leve in Camp Tranquill, Adamantoise Tears, takes no time at all and gives shitloads of exp. Do it if you can.
If healer or tank, god I'm dumb.
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Wat. Literally do your story quest and when you can't que for dungeons and while you're in que do fates. That's it. That's all.
I-I can.... I just don't know how...
You could prove you're not a slutty cocksucking whore, by giving a /really/ bad blowjob.
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Glad you like it.
meria after she's beaten to death irl
>Play MNK
>Tam Tara
>Ripping the aggro off of some cuck PLD wearing full ilv 240
>Pop featherfoot and face tank shit while using second wind
>He says if I want to tank so bad hell let me
>Make single ass pulls and manage to hold hate off the healer
>Tanked the whole duengon
Lol salty cuck
I... Is that the only way...
>tam tara
and we both know you couldnt manage that.
I miss Marsy
I could too... Why wouldn't I ....
I like to have cover when healers fuck up shit that will get them killed.
God dammit I wish I could be like Awena.
too much practice... your mouth stinks of cum already
>Want to play game with /xivg/
>Experience with /xivg/ tells me they're all disgusting erping avatarfagging niggers
>Experience with disgusting erping avatarfagging niggers tells me they're shit at the game and can't be trusted.
Cover only works on physical. What are your healers getting killed by that is physical besides a cleave?
And bullied, and used, etc.
no one wants to play with you anyway sadcuck
fuck off
Min losing aggro because cover is learned before sheild oath :3
i'm amazing though
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>still posting this 6 months later

damn, at this rate it'll still be around for next christmas

I'm a girl in game and irl though, someone skyped me and can confirm
Fat Wet Roegadyn Tits.
>free shanabutt
is this christmas
No it doesn't... Wtf...
That's mostly Balmung.

Plenty of people here play on other servers.
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Those are nice, but have you considered Fat Wet Roedagyn Asses?
>besides a cleave
on snowcloak you can cover the retard that doesn't hide behind the pillar for example.
which roe female has the biggest dick
So its just your fur?
There's no butt there. There's no butts anywhere in FFXIV.
Awena is gay?!
Looks like my dick has found a new target
xth for waiting for marsy to come back
people that post here that aren't disgusting erping backstabbers
red rivers
rio zaruba

you bring bad experiences on yourself by playing with people like paks abe rylai etc
>being a nigger
>being a gay
>being a gay nigger
Anyone have a good DRG rotation guide?
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Can anyone post some gear/melds that would allow me to do 3star Culinarian crafting?

Pic related is where I'm at right now (Notice with the FC buff)
Its just full red script stuff, no augmented anything
All these maid outfits make me want to go to Lalafell

>Using hard Rs


Also I like girls.

Tall, sexy, Roe girls.
>tall sexy roe girls that can ruin my asshole
>being this mad
Why can't boys wear maid outfits?

Also, my server is dead. I want to play on a new server, what is the least dead ones, that aren't full?
I'm pretty sure all characters have butts, anon.
>roe girls
>he's mad, thats why he's calling me a gay nigger for liking """"girls""""

no, you closeted darkskin idiot.
>Why can't boys wear maid outfits?
Because Yoshi isn't a degenerate.
>what is the least dead ones, that aren't full?
Excalibur and Leviathan.
If you pay up to transfer you can go anywhere. Consider places like balmung / gilgamesh / excal / sarg
Queues might not be too quick, but if you've got a tank or a healer you should be able to get some pops. People have to run those to unlock level 50 roulette as well as people who want to do a 2.X relic. And people doing level 50 roulette of course.

nothing is free in this world, post butt
petite miqo'te fell cleaving a huge dragon
>he thinks I'm the same guy
just please send help
If you use Seafood Stew then I think you'll only be short like 5 Control. If you can't meld that much into any of your gear, then you can grab one or two pieces of Carbonweave gear (head/hands/legs/feet slots) and meld a couple Control IVs into the guaranteed slots.
D-do I have to
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Don't worry. Lalafell girls are also in my strike zone.
No my hair is clean..

Sure thing~
If you call that clean though you must bathe in...
>being a gay nigger paedophile
Google "ffxiv dragoon per second," assuming that's still valid it will be the first result
>being 13 years old
you're disgusting
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>not adding me
Halp /xivg/, what dps job in your opinion is the best combination of fun/interesting to play (and won't get boring after having played it for a while) and a good lore background?
>taking me off the list
Cat boys are disgusting pieces of shit.
Yep, just like their women.
Good at slobbin knob though
>lists multiple people who don't even play the game
>goes on to list someone with an A8S clear as someone to avoid, "erping backstabber"
Are you daft
You asked the same question before.
No.... I can prove that easily.....
Don't be afraid I promise I won't be too rough for our first time
>tfw Yoshi visits Excalibur

Best server
Reminder that ippiki erp'd with THIS
every time you say you can offer proof, you fail.
I guess you're a perfect cat arent you?
I like Black Mage the best but its quests are stupid. Dragoon is pretty cool, Ninja is also cool but also has stupid job quests (rogue class quests are good though). People love the pugilist quests, but I haven't leveled that beyond 15 so I couldn't tell you anything else about it or monk.
I don't get why people who browse /xivg/ ask this. . . The answer is always and always should be Balmung. Here's your (You) attention seeking baiting whore.
I was wondering why Idleshire was so crowded.
Flat asses don't count as them.
Out of curiosity, are any of you weirdos on Gilgamesh?
Will that bring me to a point where I can HQ the stuff?
The worst of us are, avoid the Limsa tree
>erping with someone without a single level 50
what was he thinking?
I'd fuck that cat seven ways till Sunday
Arie WHY aren't you on my dick yet?
No one cares about Ippiki anymore
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I honestly though the worst of you were on the containment server Balmung. Also, limsa tree?
Nobody ever cared about him, though.
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Worst shitposters, Balmung has the erping shitters
The one tree next to the Aetheryte

wow that's some good taste qt, show front
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>don't even play the game
all of these people play daily. just because they don't do savage you can't say they don't play. treasure hunting, gathering, crafting, leveling, running dungeons for glamour and old content for fun is still part of the game.
Who are you....

No.... My bath is full of water....
although i will not deny shitposting
calling me or anyone who posts from that tree the worst is a bit much...
Pity that you never get into it alone though
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because I want to get a horde sword
also I don't even know who you are
You'll just BL me...
t-there's not much to show there...

They're talking about Balmung you dumb shit stupid fuck
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post it
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*smashes through the shitpost barrier*
sorry i just dont give a shit
also dont forget to add me on steam xD
Guess you won't be posting again until next thread then?
I do too.... That's what its for....

I won't...
People here just like to use the "have you cleared the savage raid?" meme when not even half of the people here, or half of the playerbase of XIV has cleared it. Don't mind them.
This gives raiders the thought that they're hot shit, though.
i think you should try re-reading that conversation, friend!
are you sure its not just where you take more customers?
I would be surprised if more than a tenth of the people here have an A8S clear. Same for A4S (while it was still on lockout). Clears of any savage fight at all would be a much higher number.
The only thing I backstab is tight butt tbqh famalam
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I only started though...
>[3:10 p.m.]>> Eee Yoshida: Do You Like Lalafell...?
did aether just die
Anyone else felt it just now?
It did for me.
b o o b i e s

im lagging like fuck at least
but i'm flat and not pretty at all...


>not pretty

I'll be the judge of that. Post ittttttt
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Oh good I thought it was just me

Do not sexualize!
I don't have customers...

I promise...
getting MASSIVE lag spikes and people dropping like flies on my server on Primal too.
Did Yoshida just make love?
balmung Dead!!! balmung dead all character data lost
So you do it for free?
What should I choose
late, late xth for concerned potatoes

you look super related to Elliot
Ika is so cute omg
biased vote, Femroe
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don't say I didn't warn you
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crafting cats~
Now take it off.
I'm kinda scared it will be my first time...
Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with names around here yet.
Whoa is there something stinky in that alembic or is it just you‽‽
Naka bp
I don't do it at all...

First time for what...
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now up your graphics and change that hair
*wink wink* eh?
Never taken someone slyly behind the bar to pay your dirty catgirl debts...
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guys, like how funny is the kirito tia meme? i think it's great and funny, and shows a lot of wit for whoever is behind it.

the midlander guy with the semi similar hair

also you manage to make the low level stuff look cute, keep it up
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> 3.4MB
Please save jpgs. some of us are on mobile
I'd never do something like that....
Hey what's naka bp like?
So, you just dont resist when people drag you off to their private quarters?
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>not paying for ``unlimited'' data on 4/3G

how can you live without every detail of kitty panties
Like most Balmung ERPers he makes you do all the work and setup the scene.
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i've been in these threads long enough to know where this is headed.
sorry for the jaggies. if there was a way to save graphics settings as a preset i would max them when taking pictures. i actually had the same hair as you do but I changed it 5 minutes ago...
you're really cute too btw
Post qt pics of Moni!
>being a ban evader
Are you saying that yours is better?
Too many people think being a bottom means being lazy and laying there.
Not to be rude but Velvet is prettier than Meria.
No.... Of course I'd resist....
And stuff...
Haven't been here for a while

Any new drama? Why the fuck is Aaron posting again?
>Velvet about to show Yoshi her cash shop
fuck waiting for fates...
legacy of allag?
Legacy of boredom...
You wouldnt even get your little kitty claws out.
>implying Naka is a dead fish

The hardest part about slaying the bussy is he's hardly in the mood anymore

>ywn ERP Naka 3 days in a row again
Post the Cabaret video
I got a six month subscription. :>

You can't stop the butt.
can someone OOK with ME on SKYPE PLEASE?
Fisting the bussy into a tube sock gets boring. I don't blame him. ERP sucks.
>Someone hates another person who did nothing wrong to them so much they spent hours on a video making fun of them
The Mhach Fending set more than makes up for it senpai, that might be my single fav DoW set yet
what the fuck?
velvet deserves to be ridiculed, insulted, shat on, and purged
guys ;)
can't stop the butt ;)
btw i drink piss ;)
sorry tofu ;)
moonies are for casual breeding!
are you the same person who shitposts about meria?
What things...

Why don't you come find out how fast the claws come out....
Is that really all you can do? Bad words?
Fuck man, you're impotent as fuck.
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Why couldn't /xivg/ be full of cute girls instead of gorillas and weirdos
Who would want those?
Its ultrash being ultrash
There is at least one cute girl, anon.
Are you so desperate to be beaten and taken advantage of?
Yeah, its just sunsluts and roes, which we all know are men. Least their race isnt just whores though
Pick 1 and only 1
I'm also a lesbian.
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Things you wish your job had but never will?
>thunder as a bolt of lightning rather than a purple orb
>aoe thunder IV
>fucking weapon magic like FFIX or that Papalymo/Yda heroic sacrifice cutscene
>classic black mage face

>egis removed and replaced with primal trances

>all classes
>more pointy hats
>more glamour options in general
>cross-class glamours
That doesn't change anything, degenerate.
No... I don't want that...
For a better Balmung experience, put these people on your Blacklist:
Sorroto Fearscream
Gothic Dolly
Selzh Denn
Max Viddion
Lillith Star
They're kinda funny
Who has the softest, most ticklish feet on Balmung?
I need them for masturbation purposes!
But I like Selzh's creepy Proci posts.
>Person I know is a dutch boy and only surrounds himself with lesbians to girlfriend as rebounds
What does tribbing feel like?
Sunsluts come in two breeds.
The ones who want to be raped, and the ones who need to be shown that they want to be raped.
I guess youre the second type~
Probably a cat.
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She's been offline for a month now.
Who has the softest and most ticklish catpits?!
You should go offline for the rest of the universe irl
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What about moonies?
Things that will make me blush...
There there anon, she's getting the dick from someone else in another MMO.
this desu
>People talking about ERP, futas and doms in Ul'dah shout
This is why Yoshi never visits us, you animals.
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Me, you weirdo
B'nhaka Vhis.

Noriko Makoto.
Yoshi visited once at like 4 am NA time. I thought he was a bot lol.
>go to fish thunderbolt eel
>weather goes cloudy
>nothing but pipira pira fish
Fucking kill me.
My condolences. I understand how you must feel.
Hey... you're not me! Moni, I would never use them for such a thing! I just enjoy the way your kitty looks!
moonies are equally degenerate, but all of them know it
An especially hard kick in the balls now that they aren't worth shit.
I'm not either type...
I'm a pure mooncat
me too desu
So youre a liar?
See above~
you cats are all the same
>Pure mooncat
The posters here tan that myth to the ground. Moonies are sluts
Pure white dyed moon cat you mean. That's the only pure I can think of for any cat.
who has cummed inside the most c@sluts
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I got white warpaint on, does that count?

Doesn't count for me!

I never lie!
You are incapable of making a character that looks appealing.
Noriko Makoto.
which c@slut has gotten the most cum on their feet
>the moonslut calls the semen smeared across her face warpaint

>war paint
Is that what you degenerates call it now?
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You, if you don't stop shitposting.
>find a person doing same quest as you
>offer to party
>theyve done the parts in reverse order
>youre on stage 1, they did stage 2 first
>they say theyll wait for you
>turn in after doing stage 2
>btw ive done stage 4+4 now already
We all know what the whiteness is, and its from making love, not war

It's classified as face paint!!!


Half her face is covered.


I don't see you posting yours!!
Shut the fuck up Seto.
Would cum in pits.
I wish the people who posted these questions hanged themselves. I mean, your life has to get pretty close to that point to start posting shit like this.
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>thread invaded by tweens
sure it is, semen demon


>Cum is classified as face paint!
>probably only has anal to try to loophole rivaling the impurity of the void itself
I'm not a liar... I'll prove it...
>sunsluts trying to shame talk moonc@s again

Come all, gather around i'll tell you a story.
Once upon a time /xvig/ was filled with sunsluts and tan was considered vanity. Till to one day one or 2 mooncat started to post around and they all got bathed in praise and (you)s for it was a fresh new wind to the old shitty threads these were. Even brown nosed mooncats got their place regardless being called shitnose in the past.

That's when the sunsluts started getting shunned and how moonc@s were ok to talk with as they weren't after your cocks. With sunsluts losing the (you)s they so craved they all started using fantasia potions and all went moonc@ and acting all whorish like they used as they sun counterpart. Thanks to this the crowds started hating not just the sunsluts but also this new breed of moonsluts generalizing c@s in general.

Don't fall for the ruse, there are no slut moonc@, if they're after your cock, then it's sure to be a sunslut.
LF cutie on Balmung to be my healing slut.
Stop THIS!
moonc@s are literally all bandits and cavedwellers
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Hey guys is this accurate?
Can't stop the truth
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Do you like miqo'te...
Youve still proven nothing other than the fact that you're almost as desperate to hide your lust for cock, as you are hungry to be fucked.
stop getting your face covered in man batter
Yes. Do you like being used like a fucktoy in front of dungeons groups?
Whats with shield swipe being shown?
Post c@pits.
But anon..
All cats are sluts.
All lies.

What if it was girl batter? It isn't.
Those are duskwight
No, but if it was necessary I wouldn't resist...
We both know it wouldnt matter.
Im not even sure its all from one guy
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>Shield Swipe
Nice try
darker, and post butt
Do I hafta be 60...?
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hey wait i need one of those go away this is my turf
I'm going to take a purity test...
Wildwoods and suncats stand true!
Guardians of light!
A prayer in every fight!
Rest assured anon as nobody said moonc@s were pure, however cleaner than sunc@s they sure are.
What does that involve?
Protip, the test is you getting used and thown aside like the dirty furry whore you are, the results always come back the same.
How do I construct a gloryhole in my private chambers?
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What's the point of catboys?
back to your shed
>valiant defenders and classy as fuck
>brume fodder to keep the lower masses busy
but i dont want it darker...
>Awena getting lewd
To breed other catgirls, and not be tickled by other catboys
to be fucked by men, the same as catgirls.

to enforce stereotypes
Remember, no matter how bad it gets and how dark the world seems, you can always look at yourself and say

"Well at least I'm not in the Meme Teme"
To be incredibly creepy and clingy fuckers that won't fuck off.
Also ugly.
But my hair isn't red anon, nor is my skin pale.
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Ok serious question this time.

Is this one accurate? It is slightly different from what I do.
Not at all. You don't even need to wear armor. Just keep yourself pretty and let me do the work.
i have this too though

but it's a female character
Post cat
Being in Meme Teme is a high honor
>no arguement though
>applying dots before all 3 GC stacks and B4B
>using facture.
How delicious do you guys think Shana's bp is. I just want to put it inside.
This >>145693658
I wish I had an A6S clear.
Not really. I'm not that great at warrior, but for DPS it should be
>HS, Brutal Swing, Maim, Eye, HS, SS, BB, HS, Berserk, Fell Cleave, Infuriate, Fell Cleave, Maim, Vengeance, Eye, Raw Int, Fracture, HS, Maim, Fell Cleave
Not sure when Pacify hits because it's just muscle memory to me. The tank opener is similar-ish but you'd want to infuriate, unchained near the end of the duration, then pull while unchained is still up and make sure it's at least up for BB. Then you'd do something similar and go into berserk/deliv, but infuriate would be pushed back towards the end as it'd be on CD.
I think shield swipe is there because shield swipe pacifies, so that point is when you get pacified from berserk.
>constant DCs from servers
canadian internet infrastructure lol
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I'm not CREEPY.
Maybe if you post some booty we can negotiate.
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For cute
>Using Berserk that late
>No pot
>Missing on Battle Litany and Trick attack
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180 broomslide
Cleric-y looking caster/healer gear.
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The ultimate slut queen.
character creator booty is not true booty

hi putt
I don't play MNK, but aren't you supposed to open with demolish?
Catboys are for petting.
Use south shroud lighting...
DoT's snap shot at your current damage, you want to apply them when your at your max damage output.
Can't you make an alt on a random server and show off a bit?
Does anyone actually play the game?
I am playing the game right now senpai
Gee I wonder what you want
No, I just sit in the duty finder til I give up and log off.
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Shut the fuck up mintylips.
I'm at work though ;~;
I love running duengons with people though and need a hand crafter to polish my armor and mend my wounds
Post them.
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is this a start?
You're my favorite Au Ra, mintylips!
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Ew no that's a slut test... I'm NOT taking that...
post butt
That tan
I like you lil sunbun
Can't believe I forgot to filter ellipses
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You don't? Then what do you do in this general asides trying to hook up with each other?
>the erp discussion is still going strong in ul'dah balmung
my sides
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i said I do...
I try to make other people feel bad about themselves and sometimes I answer newbie questions. Want to queue for weeping city when I get home from work in an hour?
You are since itll do more damage than a snap punch by the time you buff up and reapply it.
You definitely don't play the game.
you'll take anything and everything...
I just said I was at work ;~;
At home I spam duengons for fun amd get 50 in everything for that sweet sweet crown but at work I shitpost erratically.
That's what I thought.
Trying to catch up to crafting with moogles and ixals and doing dailies for esos for the next anima step.
Sometimes I pop by here to see whether any discussion is happening but it's literally always about ebins.
that's a very nice butt

can you post butt with /bow
Your red fur looks good, show off your burnt tummy with some natural lighting.
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>how the fuck did i get this stuff then huh?
I won't take anything....
who are you quoting?
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im in a party atm, gimme a lil time
no wait i got one
you know youre a slut, admit it!
Gates inbetween erp sessions. The dye is probably from your sugar daddy in exchange for that toothpaste boipus.
I see! Purrhaps I'll do it! :3
very nice

feel free to take new pics and post them when you're not busy
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Sure thing
I bought the dye myself!
ANd nuh, not done any erp.
im not some sunslut cat!
Post butt PLEASE
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cat butlers
But I'm a midlander, there's nothing there but sorrow
Why don't you make me...
>playing the game
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im not good at pics, so sorry
What would that require?
its content!
And im doing stuff right now!
some blue cross quest for crystals and shit

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How is it that I'm level 27 already and still don't have a jump skill as Dragoon. I thought this was Final Fantasy???
>Futa hour in Ul'dah /sh

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The only butt you get is buttwings
The true display of power and style
You are a lancer at level 27, not a
Dragoon. You will get Jump in 3 levels when you get your job crystal.
But you can't be a dragoon at 27?
You get jump the second you become a dragoon, but for now you're a lowly lancer with puny leg muscles
Dragoons jump, not lancers.
you are literally not dragoon
because the class is boring until you get to level 60
Because you're not a dragoon; you're a lancer.



Good luck~
Lv. 30 job quest reward. You get it once you become a dragoon.
do you like dicks
I see you're new here
Got the wings thx
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Its hilarious how triggered some people are by the very idea of futa.

I like to imagine most of them play male characters that got turned down for ERP by female characters that preferred other females and futas.
I want to fuck your tits.
>being that asshole who makes the whole group wait 45 seconds for the best war opener
Best warrior opener is fine when raiding but everything else is just being a try hard. Especially in DF.
No, that's hypocrisy.
Cause cats literally are a whore race. Duh, its cannon. Fish and dicks is all that matters to them, its a simple life.
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>get ramuh bow
>lightning string is static (lol) and doesn't move when you draw it
>smells funny for some reason

Yoshi, you hack
Beating me in a contest of your choosing...
You cant prove that...
Half the reason I don't even bother with erp. Worse than internet dating.
Lightning always travels the shortest path you stupid fuck.
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Nth for qt pure midlander girls and big grumpy male au ra cutest interracial pairing
>tfw will never have a tiny midlander sitting in my lap
which hairstyle is the most MILFy
Pretty sure the cat in the red skirt isn't part of the same group.
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I don't think you understand
Hesitation is a dead give away slut.

Take your pick cum dumb
She's probably the boss, the best is the random hyur trying to get some action.
>vanilla midlander women so desperate for attention after being overshadowed by catgirls and femra for so long that they turn to prostitution
thanks for the crag mask. would have taken butler attire but I'm not a dudecharacter so i left it
>Degerate genes so stong that anything that graces a cats genetals will bear or make a cat
>Most dancers or courtesans are cats 9/10
cats are sluts
>ticked into giving yous
Well played
Alright everyone, remember your training.
No problem, anon. I already have best primal's so i figured someone else would want titan
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Looking to come back to XIV for the first time since right after Alexander was first added, which servers tend to have the most people to play with and such?

I just realized I lost my house and all the contents in it while I was gone.
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I'm pretty good at pretending to be retarded. Except I'm not pretending :3
Well thats fine, cats are basically made to be beaten, one way or another...
If you go to your Resident Caretaker they will have all the furniture you could have picked up I think.
I want to fuck your thighs.

Thought I read that it only keeps it for a few months after the house was taken, and then it's removed or replaced with Gil or some such.
Well... What is it going to be...
So you cats use fishing to distract your minds from needing a dick.

>hawkleige hauntlets
Stop appropriating my culture and looks.
>enemy abilities can be used in deep dungeon

Balmung and Gilgamesh are the two biggest with the most people from the thread on them, but you're likely to only get onto them by paying for a transfer. Other NA servers that people play on include, but are not limited to: Excalibur, Leviathan, maybe Behemoth also.
Itd probably leave you cleaner than you started... dirty catwhore
>tfw hasn't received ingame mail in months
when was the last time you got mail from another player xivg? what was in it?
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No you don't they're all sweaty and gross.
Today, I received a bunch of flowers.
About 20 days ago
My now ex boyfriend saying he loves me
>when your Au Ra maid gets pregnant and threatens to tell your EB if you don't give them a large cut of Gil
Guys help
I'll beat you at anything...
Wedding invitation

What exactly do you want that's interesting? Only Harp sent cool things
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>Balmung and Gilgamesh

Really looking to just do some dungeons and other small party based bits with people. Never really got into raiding all too much due to the time dedication for it, so just trying to figure out which server to head to that has people to actually play with and such.
To be fair i'm pretty sure i got the idea from you in the first place
>Literally said ''I told him about that and he got sup
>Assuming he means super upset
That's not going to deter me. If anything, it's making me harder.
>catgirl admitting they can win at getting dirty, sweaty and body/body contact
Guess how surprised I am by this sweetie.
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I mean I could beat you at anything... Not just that specifically...
Balmung is a social/RP server not a raiding one. If you just want a quieter one (that's not completely dead) try Excal
How about a race?
Bet I can make you finish faster than me, breeder~

hang yourselves

shut the fuck up
>when her last name is Nunh
I dont know why but this made me laugh
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yo, pervert
whenever the new thread is made, can ada stay in this one? id like to talk about the game. thanks
Let me hang on something else there stud~
>catgirls+their players arent just public use cumdumpsters that get off on being shown their place in front of everyone
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the end2.gif
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no new thread

this is the last one.
What kind of race...

Let's start which crown do you think in your personal opinion is the hardest to obtain and why?
Any, except Mi'qote. That's clearly an inferior race.
Member of my static sent me 15 HQ Steamed Staves.

you just want mine?
An eb bracelet...
My EB mailed me a map.
Who the fuck steams a staff
Who the fuck eats a staff
well past due for a new thread chaps
On going to CUM on Awena
On the LIPS
Some grade 1 mind dissolvents. I'm usually the one sending mail though, because I like crafting various things for people.
liking cute butts doesn't make me a pervert

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>your weekly B rank is in the Sea of Clouds/Azys Lla
fuck it. fuck the cancer that has taken over the thread. the only thing that will set us right at least for a little bit is a purge.
get nude mod
post titties and bare butt
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Tongue wrestling?
>do i look like a slutty suncat who is only here for your sexual pleasure?
Didnt think so
Can try excal. We have a bit of people that we randomly do maps, older coil runs to get people glamour, crafting sessions where just randomly talk about crafting and help eachother with such.
It isn't perfect but its pretty neat.
new bred when
How do you win at that...

If you insist
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>95% of this place hates her
>small minority actually likes her enough to request nudes
unsure how to feel about this
where are the f@ c@ t@s and sm@@th c@ p@s
wow what an epic response. you must be pretty popular and cool. can I have your in game name so I can friend you and talk about your posts with you live?
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Alrighty, I'll probably do that then. Who should I contact when I get there and such?
Not turning into a quivering hot mess and begging to be fucked would be one way.
Really the only thing bad is the hair.
New thread soon or were gonna meltdown..
That's what I fucking thought you fucking turboshitter
Can contact me, Jeph irving, or Garris
we're online for quite a bit.
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Colour or style?
I've had complaints about the skin colour, the clothes colour, the freckles, the highlights, the hair style, the race...
I'm a fan of the short stuff though, and redheads are my thing.
Last minute avatarfagging
I could do that easy,..
Are you on balmung...
Feel free to hit me up if you want, I'm Mira Kagiyama.
I think the blue lipstick is the best part because it fits your skintone
I'm a euro actually...
I've thought about getting a balmung alt, but not yet unfortunately...
New thread

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Last chance to get some extra krispy bucket meals at 50% discount! Use coupon code HANDLEBARS to get a 12 piece bucket meal for only $14.99!

also last minute /pet
How can I beat you then... What the heck...
Color mainly.
Sorry anon, guess you're stuck being a lowclass furslut with no way of proving otherwise~!
but gingers a sexy...
You should get the patch that removes the bikini from that top for female characters.
What server are you on..
Can you fuck off? Code switching isn't convincing anyone.
I'll roll an alt there later and beat you...
Sure thing~
If you want to lose a competition and your virginity... oh wait, youre a cat, thats going to be long gone already~
Where are we gonna meet~?
>becoming one with the birds

first the bunny outfit now this? you're getting more and more indecent as time goes on

i like it
Uldah of course... The bench....
How long will you be on...
a couple of hours if the company is good~
I do have work in the morning though...
Oh I won't be home for another four hours...
timezones a bitch...
I can continue bullying you for being a slut though because you wont get a chance to beat me~
I'll be home around this time tomorrow.... If you want to get beaten then...
Sure thing~
winner takes all, right~?
Takes all of what...
All of the loser~
Catgirls are meant to be cute little slaves for better adventurers If(when) you lose, you surrender yourself to my whims~
And if you lose...?
I suppose I'd have to admit catgirls are /slightly/ less slutty than I thought, and may have a purpose outside of being lapwarmers...
What are the rules of this contest...
I get to engage you in rough, brutal foreplay, and if you manage to keep composed enough to say no at the end of it, then I'll agree that suncats arent just sex-craving animals.
For how long...?
That'll come down to how fun it is to tease you~
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