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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 147

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It just works edition.

> Next Demo Day (Nine)

> Next Game Jam will be...
SPACE themed. Jam starts July 14th. You can start early.
If you want to collab read this http://pastebin.com/NEPv0pPC

Helpful Links: http://tools.aggydaggy.com/# (Still in beta)
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/

> Chats

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity3d.com/

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
Why aren't you making your engine in Rust?
Is there anything wrong with saving my game state every tick?
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Am I stardew valley yet?
Fucking retarded me posted in dead thread.
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Progress on Not Silent Hill
He already made it. You're too late now.
Keep going, you can release it in 3 years when people will be starving for another harvest moon clone
So how do most multiplayer games work? Does the game basically send and receive info from a server?
How much do they cost too? Like for example how much would it cost me to host a server for 100 people.
>How much do they cost too? Like for example how much would it cost me to host a server for 100 people.
Generally a lot.
For 100 it might not be bad, just figure out your bandwidth usage based on what data your game is sending per second.
Which way should I handle entities that are overlapping with walls already (no velocity known)?

A, B, or C?
Anything different?
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are these explosions just a couple of large, animated billboards that always point to camera?
Though I don't see why they should already be overlapping with walls, use collision detection to prevent that from happening in the first place.

Is it a platformer?
Then I'd say C.

Otherwise probably B.
The case is ambiguous

they will overlap in case a wall appeared or moved into them rather than the entities hitting the wall. My code works for static walls but not for moving ones since even an entity with 0 velocity can suddenly overlap.
Most multiplayer games are just peer2peer which means the clients communicate with each other without a server. Usually it's one player hosting a temporary server and the other(s) joining.

Only in a case of an MMO do you as the dev really need to host servers for the players.

If you're this clueless about multiplayer then making a multiplayer game is too much for you for now.
I think I'll just roll with Box2D for now to see how it works but I'm 100% certain I'll go back to the collision code I was familiar with, it just feels more right. I also feel like while Box2D might help getting things started... more quickly I guess, in the long run I can see it impending me on mechanics I'd like to add.

Right now I'm still at a point where I'm learning things and building my prototype anyway. Thanks for the opinions.

>Anything beyond "this rectangle intersects this one and goes down this slope" is definitely grounds for considering a physics engine.
Sorry I'm not sure whether you're in favor or not of Box2D for what I intend to do.
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trying to get some bloom going on, geometry wars style
>Most multiplayer games are just peer2peer
pretty sure it's the opposite
Using the smallest possible movement to resolve the penetration, i.e. C in this image. The vector describing this is easily found using a technique like GJK and for AABB-AABB will always be either horizontal or vertical (with one biased over the other in the case that they are equal).
Player-as-server is not P2P, it's still a client-server architecture. True P2P (which requires some sort of matchmaking server, although THAT could be player-hosted) doesn't privilege any one player over the others.
This seems reasonable. Thanks!
This. Usually one player is hosting the server whether they realize it or not.
What is the difference between A and B?
>billboards that always point to camera
Billboards, by definition, always point to the camera
Full GJK is overkill for AABB-AABB collisions, actually, although you'd still use the Minkowski difference in the process. Checking if a point is inside an AABB, and then finding the shortest vector from the pointer to an edge, is purely analytical (just comparisons & arithmetic, no iteration).
B's origin is from the wall's center. A's origin is from the intersection
A is overlap direction (the diagonal of the overlap rectangle and B is center-center

Yeah, I was thinking some pretty simple math to find the smallest movement required. And my boxes ARE AABB
That's all particle rendering is, in general.
Whats the appile of atomatotchi?
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progress for my spoopy space game
pls no bully
Do A and B cause different results (like B and C), or are they just different algorithms for the same result?
>Player-as-server is not P2P, it's still a client-server architecture
>Usually one player is hosting the server whether they realize it or not

From the player's eyes it's usually all the same.

The anon I responded to seemed to be under the impression he'd have to host all servers. Though more recently even FPS devs have taken to hosting all the servers themselves like DICE with Battlefront and Blizzard with Overwatch when they traditionally were all player or 3rd party hosted.
wr-wr-written in b-bloood?!!!

Got any gameplay webms?
>you have 10 seconds to give me an easy original game idea i can finish in a week
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Changed the inventory cubes to shards. Still working on the textures of them though. Going to add the magical effects for grabbing each item.
>From the player's eyes it's usually all the same.
Sure, but this is a game development thread, so the distinction is important. Client-server is more secure, but P2P has less latency and uses less bandwidth.
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Today is a good day to post progress and nutrients.

Btw, is it possible to make co-routines in GameMaker or are you stuck with state machines only? How would you approach it?
what the fuck
You should just stop using GM, to be honest. Coroutine support is non-existent, and GML is abysmal for any non-trivial state machine (i.e. anything more than a state index + switch).
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>Gpd left us
h-he's coming back right
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What are co-routines and state machines?
kek that picture
Is there any real reason to not do stuff outside of a room's boundaries in GM?
A state machine is a system whose behaviour depends on the state it's in. This behaviour includes changing states.

A coroutine is essentially a nice way to implement a system that would normally require manually implementing a state machine.
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Reminder that if it's your first game, you have to post progress.
A state machine is something that moves from one state to another. For example if you're handling player input, instead of a bunch of if statements and shit, you can have states instead. IE

if(state==jumping) do shit
if (state==running) do shit

It's a lot easier than having a bunch of booleans for like attacking, jumping, moving, etc
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ok. it's a 3d platformer

disk writes are stupid fucking slow. would not recommend even if you were on SSD.
If it doesn't slow the game down or you do it async it's fine
Well, technically, with buffered I/O, writes alone will not stall your program. They will probably lag behind a lot, and lead to a MASSIVE stall if you ever want to load something.

Same issue. It's not "fine".

node programmers, pls leave
really well done but that overkill glossiness is not realistic if that is what you are aiming at

nevertheless its excellent work
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Doing some style exploration.

What are some games with similar styles? (tech/steam/pipes included into medieval setting)

I know there is thief, but beyond that I can't really think of anything I could get inspiration from (steal from).
Every tick seems a little too much for me. I can imagine why would you need it too. is not like you would gain a lot by loading a state made exactly one tick before the load.
Pretty pleasant, anon!
Asynchronous programming is far more than just a Node thing.
>I can imagine
meant can't

only a dumb js programmer would recommend such a thing though
quick question, are you using linux?
i noticed because of the font and that tiling of windows behind
Arx Fatalis, to some extent.

Ah, you're that clueless "kys" shitposter from /dpt/.
Possibly Warhammer Fantasy, especially the Skaven machines
Thanks! I'll take a proper video when I get to my desktop computer. The cloud platforms disappear, so you have to jump off them quickly. Your character can jump and do a roll attack similar to Donkey Kong in DKC.

nice to know that people on /dpt/ hate you too.
Haha, that's clever, anon
not him but using a tiling wm changed my life
>tfw love Haskell already
>tfw xmonad
off the top of my head, wakfu does this with the sufokia setting (rural mediterranean/atlantean style fishing society + pipes everywhere)

not a lot of games include steamcraft/pipes/magitek without going full steampunk
Isn't asynchronus programming basically just event-based programming?
Legacy of Kain.
i3 here. Gave up on haskell because of cabal/stack shit but I loved it real bad. Thinking of xmonad just hurts my heart. i3 is nice though.
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Yeah it is, nice catch.

I removed the transparency from the config because of that.


This so much. I can't go back to windows because of this, its amazing that windows doesn't come with a fully featured TWM yet.
any of you linuxers rock zsh/oh-my-zsh?
Post dev music
Asynchronus programming is basically just event-based programming. [/spoiler](This is the part where you correct me with more passion and thoroughness than if I were to form that as a question)[/spoiler]
>its amazing that windows doesn't come with a fully featured TWM yet.
It barely got multi desktops on Win 10. Probably about 10 years for Windows to have TWM.
No, asynchronous programming uses a system like futures to start an asynchronous task and then immediately allow you to do other stuff before asking for the result (which blocks until the task is complete).
nice to meet a linux user
i3 was majestic experience, i dont know how floating is the norm nowadays

mah nigga

doddamnit i MISS linux!!! your setup is fantastic, extra points for pink floyd!
funny thing the distro i was using was Semplice, and its code name was (comfortably numb) lol like the album you are listening to
guise im still super sad my linked recap wasnt included with the recap monday thing =[

I feel like im not on of the cool guys :/
We just had one of these. But here you go, more 90s electronic sorta spacey jamz. Probably too distracting unless you're familiar with the album though.

Hey guys, looking for an engine recommendation.
Basically I want to make a bullet-hell game, with some heavy focus on shader effects. Think newer Touhou games, a lot of particles and chaos on the screen.

Not really afraid to dig in some code, I'm a computer science grad, but I don't want the development process to be *too* painfull, like going through raw OpenGL. And obviously I don't want it to be too limiting. I have some experience with Clickteam software, but it doesn't fit my needs - it's horrible performance-wise, and it lacks any scripting utilities.

Considered GameMaker and Unity already (don't have experience with either), with no strong preference between the two. Any hints/suggestions/alternatives? Main target is PC, but console exporters are a plus, definitely not going mobile with this one.
Just repost it. And make sure you followed the exact format and use a .png for the image.
What's a good book for openGL
pls no bully
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Raise a tiny little man inside of a tiny little jar.
this may interest you if you are a windows user and want tiling:

Tiles and arranges windows by "drag & drop" or hotkeys, can "snap" windows side by side like magnets. Supports multi-monitor setups
Tiles windows using caption buttons and keyboard shortcuts, optionally maximizing windows to a screen part (commercial)
Tiles windows using "drag&go" feature or keyboard shortcuts. Saves windows position and size in a snapshot and can restore up to 8 snapshots (commercial)
Tiling window manager with automatic tiling
Tiles and arranges windows on sophisticated layouts with hotkeys and multi-monitor support
Amongst other flavours is a dynamic, tiling window manager, which tries to clone the functionality of dwm
A highly customizable dynamic window manager written in C#
Tiles windows on user-defined grid by intercepting windows that are maximized or using hotkeys. Supports multi-monitor setups
Tiles windows using keyboard shortcuts
Automatically aligns windows for you while you work
Very basic tiler

also for windows ricing:
excellent ricing tutorials for windows
Can anyone recommend a book for Unity?
Thanks anon, I'll give them a try.
I prefer the more haunting melodies when it comes to space music. Ambient stuff.


I like that floaty, endless feeling.
>reading books to learn anything


you could be spending that time MAKING GAME

especially in an engine as fucking simple as god damn unity, seriously
The official tutorials are pretty good. Any reason to look for a book in particular?
That looks sweet
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take my money already lol

Thanks anons, I'm trying to finish a rough version of this within a few days
The SuperBible.
Right on. I like the idea of massively strange things awaiting just out of our current reach, or our observable universe being some kind of substrate for higher beings' observation/mating rituals


It's just a nice way to learn and it's how I've been learning everything else. I'm still using the reference site but would be good to get some insight on concepts in a more abstract way, if I am making sense.


I'm not always at my computer, and in that time I still like to learn. I think this is a silly way to look at things honestly.
>cheese and ham

guarenteed to have a stroke before 40
What does agdg think of Yandere-dev?
the beans are getting into the honey nut cheerios
how bout you eat that shit over the span of 3 meals instead of cutting out the middle man and eating breakfast lunch and dinner at the same time like a degenerate
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Reminder that if you wanna be entered into the collab system for the up coming jam on July 14th, Email me at [email protected] answering these questions: http://pastebin.com/NEPv0pPC

groups will mostly consist of groups of 3 and a few groups of 2. If you have a preference over 2 or 3, let me know in your submission.
he gives gamers what they want
kawaii(lewd) and ultra violence is cocaine to them
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My average fps was 60 before I added my lasers, now it runs at 55 (when I'm not recording).
It's gonna be a pain in the ass to improve my fps.
what engine was that game made with anyway?
im a new jew so sorry
good work
practice makes perfect and this is a good core mechanic to have down
he uses unity
some assets he bought and others are donated for him by his fans, along with art works, music.... ect

also welcome to agdg :)
I don't like him because he's a patreon whore

Also http://pastebin.com/mcAGt3w9
You can guess which one of these is him
how to make webm?
i am ashamed to ask you this
but can i use your idea to make a similar game?
if no, i respect that
webmcam is the easiest
sorry the idea is my registered trademark
Any pro Amateur Gamedevs like Googum , what kind of company/corporation did you guys set up to sell your game? Do you have one? Did you make an LLC? Or are you a Sole Proprietor?

How do you guys deal with all the fees and taxes? I don't even have enough money to upgrade my computer right now and I don't know if my game is going to flop, but I don't want to just finish my game and then upload it to Steam only for some troll to sue me for physical injuries from playing my game or some bullshit and then I end up with a huge debt/jailtime. Or maybe he/she patents my mechanics or something and then sues me for stealing their idea since I didn't patent anything yet. I've read some pretty shitty stories about Indie devs and small businesses getting screwed over by petty bullshit just because the way laws are written.

And of course, I don't have money to hire a lawyer so that's also out of the question. How did you guys do it? Are you currently getting sued for stuff and throwing your profits (if any) at the court system just to cover your ass?
Have you seen my senpai was honestly the cringiest shit i've ever been subjected to tho
otherwise i like his videos
>but can i use your idea to make a similar game?
I'd prefer you didn't
probably not him but good job
think of your own ideas nig nog or steal it and make something different enough that no one will know but possibly suspect and then never tell him you stole it
Can you go into a little on what's going on?
i dont know which one is you but okay i wont, fantastic game tho
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r8 unit sheet thing

top: name, level, race, class
left: attributes
right: items
bottom: abilities
center: unit model (not shown)

seem ok?
im stealing this idea, kiddo
>or steal it
i wouldnt ask in the first place if i had that mindset
i already stole it, patented it and sold the patent to microsoft
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post perfect dev music
Love his dev/progress videos. Seems like a hard worker too. Although he's probably a hard guy to work 'with'. Takes a lot of stuff personally, and some of that old drama has followed him around. He delivers though, I think that's what is the most important. Not everyone needs to be a super outgoing/social team-player. He found his niche and he's doing great imo. He's a yesdev.
Farcraft is a registered trademark. I own over four copies of world of warcraft you snake.

I can see right through this act >>145610404

Fuck you dannycraft
i am microsoft and we just sold the idea to xbox and windows computers so good luck now you fucking hack
Font rendering seems messed up.
Attributes area will look good if it gets filled.
The bottom area for abilities is a little strange. It's hard to judge without the model, but along the way you could try to remove the bottom division and just overlay the abilities over the model's feet.
All the icons seem like up/downscaled pixel-art
Fucking sell me my idea back you dicks. This used to be a nice community.
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do you see any (you) there? i am not him

>inb4 photoshop
its a webm
I wrote my own collision and it took something like 7 weeks, but then I also had some pretty preventable/fixable mistakes in that time period that held me back. I'd recommend you look at another collision system or two and read up on or at least think a lot about the concepts behind them before you try to make your own.
It's fine to just get a library. No one will care except you and anyone you share your code with-- unless it's buggy, of course. If the implications bother you, you can look for a library that's fast, or one that's small, or both.
>company/corporation Do you have one?
>Are you currently getting sued
>How do you guys deal with all the fees and taxes?
by paying them
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meet me out behind the dumpster and you can uhh pay me back for the rights to your game
man this was photoshopped
i saw the behind the scenes with michael bay on the special features of the DVD
go back to bollywood mikey
well, it is

everything there is just hasty place holder
Still got the sale going on for a variety of platformer and jrpg mechanics. Got some great stuff, let me know what you're looking for I'll dig through our patents. We do monthly licensing or a sales percentage, very negotiable.
At least I'm still sucking less dicks than phil fish had to, to get to the top.

hurdur I just learned aftereffects and im trying to steal a REGISTERED TRADEMARK FARCRAFT from some god-dev
>a couple of
Hardly dude. The more particles, the more nex-jen.
>I'm a computer science grad

Game Maker is good, HaxeFlixel is good if you want flash, Phaser is good if you want HTML5, Monogame/LibGDX are good if you want lowlevel frameworks. Game Maker is the only one with a full blown editor.
looks awesome dude. I don't know how no one has commented on this yet.

How is that controlled? Looks like some kind of wiimote thing.
Thanks for your input.

>7 weeks
I'm confused as why it'd take so long though, but perhaps it's because I'm still a beginner. So far I've had used a pixel detection collision system using parent masks for my sprites and it's worked well so far. Can't imagine it taking months to code. Reminder that I'm making a top down game.

Are you also talking 2D wise?
It runs at 55 when I' not recording.
I'm running it on my phone, that's why
>How do you guys deal with all the fees and taxes?
>by paying them
Are you using the profits from your game or are you paying out of pocket? I'm worried the taxes/fees for my potential LLC or corporation in my first year will cost me more than my game's entire lifetime of sales. Just starting an LLC is like $800 for the first year, which I don't have, and that's not including fees and other stuff. And it's like $800 every year from then on. It's impossible. I can't expect my game to be some massive hit. I'm already in debt as it is.

How are you protecting yourself in the case of trolls coming after your business? It's scary as shit, famicom. Makes not want to release my game until I've made at least $1,000 in personal savings. Might have to just do gamedev as a hobby since it's cheaper then trying to sell the game. wtf how does that even make sense.

There are the only sites you'll need, mostly.
Thanks anon
There's a guy who calls himself 'VideoGameAttorney' on reddit, he sometimes does threads to answer questions about this kind of topic. You may want to look through his old posts as he answers alot of relevant questions.
Here's one thread; https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/4fdisn/four_hour_delay_on_my_flight_time_for_a_legal_ama/
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He is.
>this fear of being sued
how about you stop making disney princess porn games?
thanks senpai I'll check this out
If you're going to ask for feedback you should perhaps mention that half of what you're showing is "placeholder."
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have this after effect lol
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what does ("placeholder") mean?
if you mean placeholder, i said all. not half
i was referring to the general layout of things
Godot Engine is pretty good and you won't ever have to pay anyone anything to use it. The documentation is sparse, but as a comp sci guy, you should be pretty good at figuring things out for yourself by now.
I'm not making a porn game. Have you noticed how many sociopaths are walking around stepping on others? Some people just don't give two shits, and they're just living the way they do for fun because they can. With how many crazies just take a gun to some place and just shoot someone in cold blood, there's even more that don't give three shits if they sue you into oblivion. You look at the wrong person the wrong way, they're gonna come after you because they can. Just being in the wrong place at the wrong time might get you fucked up. I just want to cover my ass when (not 'if') that happens. I've had two many irl close calls to not take certain things for granted.
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Ok thread, who's worse


which of these two are more dog meat than the other
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>living where the US legal system has jurisdiction
Cunt with a shit game
Decent dude with a shit game
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They're both just as unbearable as each other but at least Jonny is making games.
jon at least has technical knowledge and some interesting ideas. phil just had one gimmicky game idea and died choking from sucking his own dick so much.
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honestly cant tell which one you are talking about
its more like
psychopath vs autistic man making a game
phil's art is good
he arguably has more creative ideas, since time reversal was directly ripped from some prince of persia game in jonny bois own words
keeping in mind im in favor of corporations being bullshit...
not forming a corporation will make you harder to track down and most likely seem like youre not worth pursuing
also when sued you can just not show up (saving you money) which may result in a default win by your suer but then it's still on them to enforce it since it would be a civil case and you can just not pay them ever. they might annoy you for a while.
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i geniunely believe phil fish is psychotic
not like some contrived sociopath "im so edgy" persona that he adopts, hes just got a screw lose
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those goddamn turtles
>not forming a corporation will make you harder to track down and most likely seem like youre not worth pursuing
Oh dang, didn't even look at it that way. But wouldn't your personaly information have to be somewhere since you're selling a product? Couldn't the customer just look up your info or ask the service provider for the store you're selling on for legal purposes? Like you can't post a product to a service like itchio or Steam without also giving the financial/legal information to them too.
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is the witness out? any good? if not out, does it look good?
no one else from igtm (other than edmund) has done much with their life since then other than get rich and lazy
They're an important part of the eco-system. You did good, sea-man.
It came out a while ago. Not everyone is a fan of it, I haven't played it myself so I can't really comment (Though the NES clone was alright, but the fact it was short may have helped it avoid getting repetitive).
itchio dont really have much information to give.
steam has a ton of information but as an individual non-corporation i would sue the shit out of them for giving my personal information away so it's likely they take that into account.
you could ask them what they do in those situations unlikely you'll ever hear back from steam though.
Are these indie devs really that rich? I get Notch, his game is just super popular and he made all that money by selling it off to MS, but someone like Phil Fish or Hopoo, do these guys really make enough money to live in a mansion and do nothing the rest of their lives? I highly doubt that. At max, I guess they could live on profits for maybe 3 or 4 years, but after that they'd need a job or something. then there's taxes, legal protection, marketing fees and all that for their game so I find it hard to believe they're all living the good life now.
It gets boring after an hour or two

It's just the same puzzle with different gimmicks and the big "point" of the game is supposed to be that it's fun to discover how the different rules work instead of having them explicitly explained but at the end of the day it really isn't very special.

It has remarkably good graphics for being an indie joint but I mean, this game had a multi-million dollar budget and a 10+ people team working on it for 6 years or something, so comparing it to a normal indie game isn't really fair.
At least they are not frogs.
how do you explain negative 400 in sales for your rock paper scissors clone?
They made a couple million bucks dude, unless they're retards they should be able to live off that the rest of their life
googs is paying people to play it
mcmillen is definetely a millionaire
meat boy sold 1 million copies in a year at 15 dollars and that was like 4 years ago i think
so you do the math (ontop of isaac) fez and braid also grossed millions
>all this talk of goin' PRO and makin' it BIG in G A M E D E V
holy shit I am so glad I'm not this delusional.
Jon is better as an """"""intellectual"""""" than as a dev. His games are fun but not as deep as he thinks they are. I do admire him for pushing for games to be treated as more than entertainment.
b-but there's literally dozens of devs who have done it, it seems pretty lucrative
thats not even what were talking about
you are clearly too delusional to read the thread, dumb nigger
we're shit talking these faggoty devs
savannah brown is worse than both
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didn't know she developed games
Unreal 4 devs, is it possible to make things visible/invisible to only certain cameras?

For example, I want my first person camera to not see my character model, but other player's cameras should see the model.
You just asked who's worse. You didn't say anything about developing games.

Anyway, Phil and Jon are both great devs that AGDG can only dream of being as good as. Their personalities don't matter one iota. Overall, they've both made a positive impact in the games industry, so asking "Who is worse" is a troll ass question and I'm not going to humor it.
This thread was really good for awhile. Showed it to my g'ma and all she said was "Where's the progress?"

Come on guys, you let me down.
Most components have 'Owner No see' and 'Only Owner see' checkboxes, under the Rendering heading.
humor my troll ass question harder, daddio
yes. get reference to camera, set visible if camera true
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want to make a population sim demo/toy where families pass down genes, dominant and recessive traits

what are some good physical traits I should include besides obvious (height, skin/eye/hair color, talent, testosterone levels,high iq, good bone density,symmetrical, being born with big bones or small bones, wealthiness gene, mental illnesses, Religion and ethics, Talent, sexual promiscuity, cunny slickness, dick size, a eugenics simulator, bone structure (wide chest, narrow hips, large head, short arms, etc.), temperament (happy-go-lucky, hot-headed, kind of a downer, always seems calm, etc.))
i know it doesn't have the tech aspect but this immediately reminded me of the Fable art style.
dev/nodev gene
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here is some DANK progress i made models show up on unit ui's with some trickery
Make it Lamarkian instead of Darwinian
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I just got home from work but this was my progress yesterday
>Not just adding a canvas renderer to the mesh

lol what year is it holmes?
You realize that if you have no ambitions or if you aren't aiming high you'll never achieve anything worthwhile? Besides you can still aim big while being rational.

Now you can also choose to keep playing it normie and never release anything that'll be remembered aka like 99% of what /r/gamedev does.
We answered your question last thread, nodev
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Thoughts on starting a game with a quote? Too pretentious?
Haha that is really funny to me. Also I like it.
Your game has to be really really good for this to be acceptable.
I think it's fine for a trailer but not for your game. I'd be pretty annoyed seeing the same quote whenever I open your game.
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Will I be an immense faggot if I make a mecha game that plays similar to risk of rain
how does the game play? is it just text based?
>unity splash screen
>this quote
>followed by a pixel platformer or whatever
I'd tone it down.
It's not pretentious if you're a guy like Kojima but it is if you're a guy like Jonny
>not doing whatever you want
It might as well not be a mecha game
>stealing money from Hippo
You wouldnt be our enemy, you'd be our hero
My fucking sides
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Do it.
Instead of character classes you unlock, you could unlock mech upgrades. Completely different game
Not if you quote some anon from agdg
That's the idea. You start with a base mech and find upgrades for it.
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One day a 3d engine will allow me to play with shadow casting fresnel effects through a noise filter, until then I'll dick around in c4d.
sounds gay
No. "Pheromones" and shit is just a myth.
Phantasy star was a nice game. Especially the fourth one.
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Currently working on a space game with a friend. We decided on making a top-down space exploration RPG. We're working to find an intersting way to do combat so that it has strategic depth but at the same time doesn't slow down the gameplay too much and doesn't get repetitive.

However I came to ask if anyone has any tips on how to make quests interesting. I really want the quests to feel more natural rather than follow a dot on minimap, kill someon, return. Yet I have no idea how I would diversify quests especially in a game like this where you're just looking top-down on spacship and some planets. Any tips on something interesting we could implement?
considering we know absolutely nothing about your game (which may or may not even exist) other than some buzzwords, I don't think you'll get much helpful information
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how is it.webm
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it's something
>I really want the quests to feel more natural
Ask story-related questions about every single thing you can. Who's flying the spaceship? Is it a good spaceship? Where'd the spaceship come from? Why is it where it is? What's up with that planet over there? Does it have inhabitants? How far from home is this spaceship? What was the upbringing up the crew? Why are the crew on board? How does each crew member feel about each other crew member? Questions like that, as many as you can.
it's getting old even with hollywood movies
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How do you mirror weight paints in blender?
Capture rare aliens and trade them for money or whatever like in Space Dandy.
Make each planet like a dungeon where you have to solve puzzles with different items.
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What goals would you add to a gardening game? Something to drive the player. I can't think of anything besides being able to grow more plants.

Alternatively, if it was a mechanic in a game like Oblivion, how would you make it something the player would actually want to use?
Keeps me motivated and puts me in the right state of mind for my project.

HAHAHAHA You can't just magically transfer weights to other bones and expect Blender to know what the fuck is going on
Community garden competition
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>What goals would you add to a gardening game?

Something like Harvest Moon where you're trying to recover the family farm (florist) for a certain period of time, based on your sales and your ability to befriend the villagers. HM usually does 2 years or 3 years with time passage. It factors in nicely because you can link time to sales
showing off your prized pumpkin at the fare and getting a trophy
You joking right?
You heard of Lustmord?
If I remember right, if you set it up so your rig is a mirror, you should be able to turn on weight pant mirroring
>something to drive the player
That doesn't sound comfy at all.
Something kind of like Dark Cloud. You need to meet certain requirements like "have 8 sunflowers planted around a fountain", and you unlock something when you reach the goal.
Think of any "comfy" game ever, they all had something to drive the player
I'd say go a little silly. There's too much of this "Farming is the serious way, such comfy" stuff right now.

>>145621815 Something like this. Or you just start a backyard garden, and after a point, your neighbor starts comparing their garden to yours, and it kind of irritates your character (oh noes, not giving the player choice-- deal with it) so they either fail to make a better garden than their neighbor (and essentially repeat this phase until they do) or they make a better garden than their neighbor, and get recognized in a broader scope, like the neighborhood association who wants to shut it down for having too "rugged" of a backyard. But you grow it big enough and the local community garden steps in and supports you.

I think shit like that, neighborhood association politics, sounds more entertaining than "Farm is my true calling determined-anime-face.jpg"
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Ready to steal hippo's dosh
>risk of rain sprites with overwatch palette
yeah it never really clicked for me. Zoviet France and Rapoon hits a good point between droning/ambience and activity. Especially for deving.
Just gotta add thunder force iv's soundtrack and I'm ready to release
>inb4 stolen
>But you grow it big enough and the local community garden steps in and supports you.
Or you find some other way of undermining Fussy Francis of the Parkvale Neighborhood Association, like giving your produce to urban youth and getting press
I'll try that out,thanks .
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I know that you get loads of these questions but I'm at a loss. I want to make a game, and have enough experience to do almost everything I need to do, it's just the platform that's bothering me. I'm trying to make a roguelike of sorts but with some real graphical elements (IE splash art pieces) that can't be replicated or moved well with ascii or grid-based art. Essentially, I need something low-level enough to be able to code lots of complex shit in, while also providing an easy was to do GUIs (I'm weak on code-based GUIs). I can't use something like RPGmaker or Gamemaker because the complexity would make things difficult to implement, also GM is shit for anything turn-based.

Any ideas? I'd like to just code it in python or something, but like I said, GUI trouble. I could learn if I put my mind to it but I'm sure there has to be an easier way.
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Gardening game is a go.
so like ToME, Dungeons of Dredmor, etc.?
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Along with the GameMaker course from Heartbeast, (i own it already)

are these the three best entry-level tutorials on the game engines? they're highly rated and many reviews say the content is very organized and the instructors make it easy to follow-along
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Got started on the space-flight portions in between the 2D planet exploration segments. Going for an arcade-y, Star Fox kinda thing. Just doing this in GM took me a couple hours. The 3D stuff is pretty new to me.
How many engines are you trying to learn nigger?
What do you guys use as an ID to access resources?
Hashed strings of filenames?
Something akin to that, though I haven't actually played those. The shop screens as such will have splash art, there may also be moving splash art in some battle situations (such as, you get a crit and something cool comes on screen, etc).
>Hashed strings of filenames?

nice work my friend! I am sow proud of you! I believe you pump-can squash any problem that gets in your whey
The only Roguelike thing I know of for Python would be libtcod, but that's ASCII.

If you're going pure roguelike you could use T-Engine 4, which is the engine used for TOME4, http://te4.org/te4
It uses Lua as a scripting language, but it supports graphics and is built specifically for roguelike development.
Just one. I bought the GM one on impulse since it was on sale for $20, but I haven't got into it yet.
you can use any framework or engine
Looks sweet anon. Juice it up a bit more, though!
What if you make a typo somewhere?
The ship's tilting should be reversed. tilt up when moving up and tilt down when moving down.
Right now it looks like a toy ship being pushed through some thick goop
check that the file exists before you hash the string numb nuts
hahaha nice, dude
I'm not sure how "pure" of a roguelike it is but this looks like it has potential, thanks.

Excellent post, very helpful.
Go back and fix it.
Fair enough
Oh right, that would be reversed haha. I need to play some space games to get the feel for how the ship should move through space. This is a 100% new genre for me so I've got alot of tweaking to do.

Thanks. This is literally just me figuring out "how do I draw a simple model and rotate it" so i've got a looooong ways to go.
>get idea
>that's good, I'll do it later in the week
>forget what it was
I should write this stuff down. Every time I go to code I have to remember all the different stuff I need to do
how do compilers work
Oh man. Can't wait for /agdg/ to attempt to explain this to you.
Do the crime, do the time
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i hope someone remembers me.
i resumed my devving and i made walking a lot smoother and added a jumping and idle animation
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by using various algorithms and data structures to turn programming code into computer code
That doesn't tell me anything you goof!
I can't program but I want to make a game

I've used Unreal's blueprints to make some shit

I've also played around in Unity with playmaker, plygame, and ork framework

Are any of these worth pursuing in of themselves to make a game with?
what are you making?
Yes, blueprints
no, if you can't code you should use GameMaker
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>tfw no risk of rain mech sprite to copy

Would you play risk of mechs
well what's the game about
Now that's a mother fucking walk cycle

Yes. Yes, I would.
You make videogames by desigining game logic, right? And you need to enter that logic into a computer, right? And what is the language that a computer can understand??

Quit being lazy and trying to avoid what you have to learn.
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>updating/refactor save/load logic
I just want to do fun stuff
This is the first time I've seen your game but I look forward to seeing more progress from you from now on.
Actually explaining how a compiler works would require about an hour a day, 3 days a week for 3 months.
Please have 90's hip hop music
a compiler performs parsing of an input string to create an abstract syntax tree which is a hierarchical tree structure that indicates the relationships between the various symbols found in the input string. once the AST exists it can be semantically analyzed to discern the exact meaning of each relationship and generate pseudo-machine language set of instructions. from there the code is generated to low level binary instructions depending on the platform
You can just say you don't know, you're anonymous here
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That walk cycle reminds me of this video:
What is it about bunny costumes that instantly make girls 100% more fertile?
neat, thanks
why is she covered in lacerations?
Someone buys me GM:S pro and I'll make some of your art.
Bunnies are sex machines and symbols of fertility.
she cuts herself to know she's still alive
thats deep
Why do you even want this? If you say something like "rewinding" I swear to god I'll slap the fuck out of you, this is the most retarded way of doing it.
a game about getting stoned, jacking off and watching star trek (tng)
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AI is still making stupid decisions. Got particles tied to one or two skills now. Mostly going to fix bugs at this point.
Breath of the Wild is the game I wanted to make, now I don't have to make games anymore.
>Nov 20 04:50:38 <EvaXephon> If there is no gratification for what I've done, then it's literally wasted work.

Do people really dev for other peoples satisfaction instead of their own?
What a miserable life.
>tfw new zelda is subtitled "best of the worst"
is that yanderedev? isnt he rich and famous now?


i kind of have an idea now

one problem I found with blueprints was the documentation and tutorials kept quickly getting outdated

is that still the case?
Why not make it but better?
There is a link to a creacked version on the archive.
Tried to find it for you but couldn't so you'll have to take some time to look for it.
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Can we talk about Fonts in games?
>Make your own or use a licensed one
>How do you choose what to use
>Different fonts for different parts of the game, or one font with different sizes / effects
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I uploaded my model I previously showed in the previous thread to sketchfab and some recording to youtube if anyone is interested:

>I was going to make a 3D open world adventure game with crafting by myself as a beginner dev

Anon, just move on to something else. Let huge companies like Nintendo make those games.
Fuck, 3D is so confusing

Should I just give up and go back to 2D? But making a 2D game in 2016... ugh..
It's easier to make your own rather than search the internet for five years trying to match really specific things.
Think about what you need and what it might look like in your head for each thing.
depends on the game.
Typically you could just use 3:
1. MM/options
2. UI/etc
3. text
yes and no

some things change a bit every version, but if you're not capable of translating a 4.8 tutorial to 4.12, you won't be able to make a game. it's not very hard
>But making a 2D game in 2016... ugh..
The only thing wrong with 2d games in 2016 is doing the same shit everyone else does.

This. Wich can be avoiding by having some interesting gameplay mechanics, and good looking art.
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nice minecraft clone
Just created and destroyed a Vulkan instance from Rust.
literally what? Are you just spouting memes?
where can I subscribe to your blog
lurk more
That sword is kind of gross though.
just created and destroyed a triangle in opengl
I will always take helpful criticism
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Is there a reason why the W key is missing?
I commissioned a guy for 100$ to make my dream font
Terranigma style font in monospace with extended latin and cyrillic support
Its sexy as hell and I love using it in my editor
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>Can literally create the perfect map
>can not create 3d models to save my life
So this is the part where I rage and give up and find a new thing to make a hobby right?
linux is best, so best, but visual studio
this is the part where you listen to the advice any navy SEAL would give you
Never, EVER give up
Show us a pic?

If you are in space your don't need a w key, you can spell "space", "moon" and "astronaut " perfectly fine without a w key.

I will fix it tomorrow
Don't forget about the best site out there for fonts:

Whoever makes the next thread should put font websites in the OP
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Here is a sample of the cyrillic
not bad)
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I can save buildings now. I rewrote how static world objects (chests and buildings) are saved, so now instead of destroying/recreating them on load, it just uses the ones that are already there. I want to do this for dynamic objects at some point, but it's a little trickier if I ever want to have dynamically-spawning enemies or something like that, so I held off on it for now.
Agree with this. Mixamo should go there too as a resource for animations, even better if they instead put the mega link with all the animations.
я люблю pyccкий язик
I also bought a commercial use license for it, so I can do whatever with it
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Pick an engine like Unity or Unreal, and honestly, just create a little bit at a time. It'll be annoying at first because just doing simple things will mean digging into a shit load of documentation and making a lot of mistakes. But in gamedev, I've come to realize that just like any other skill it's learn by doing.
Wouldn't commissioning it make it yours anyway?
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sweet game
Thanks NPC. Goodbye.
Well, the font was based on something he did before and released under a non commercial, personal use licence. I paid him for a commercial license and to add extra character support and change the spacing
original font: http://www.caveras.net/
ah, that's understandable then.
I was learning Russian for awhile, but such cases
>/got/ memes in AGDG
i took an intensive language course last summer (shoved a year's worth into eight weeks)
it was a great decision
don't be a little bitch, only genitive can be really difficult
Looks like a Gaggem original.
So you're making an asset flip
Well, I am slowly learning russian at a snails because my Fiancé is Ukrainian
and saving up for a wedding while trying to do school and spend time with her is eating all my dev time
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I just said it for the joke that meme has its roots in Vonnegut's "so it goes", for any meme historians. I didn't have much of a problem with the cases actually. The language itself had a lot of exceptions in general which annoyed me, but the real problem is I just stopped, and forgot it all. Thanks for listening diary.
i recommend this book
which is supposed to be used with this free resource
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Trying to decide if I want to abandon this or not
Haven't been in the mood to gamedev at all for the past few weeks and now I feel like tackling something different
Are you fucking serious? This is one of the few games here that I actually thought looked fun as heck.

Take it back right now you filthy shit.
Oчeнь cпacибa мoя дpyг
slavs out

Make a new project on the side to keep the inspiration and game dev going.
Ivan Ivanavich is drunk again
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the fuck??
y тeбя гдe гaмe?
Я вcтpeтил кpoкoдилa . Oн cкaзaл,
"Tы дypaк."
And to answer your question:
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you're drunk Vlad
create an spin off in the same universe so one day you might return to it
I already have a cracked version but I'm not using it because I'm scared Yoyo flags my account with it since GM:S is connected to internet as you start it. I'd like to own a real version for when I release my game.
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Added another model to the game.
Still need to texture everything still, I should do that now but wanted to see how it appears in game.

Now I have to figure out a way for the boss to attack like you would expect a boss too.

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you're getting closer atleast.
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I believe that if I draw enough girls, one day they will magically spawn a game
Why is it locked at 30fps.
Этo "Гдe вaшa игpa?" you stupid nodev
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>Pidor, where is your gamé
I actually could read it despite having forgotten my russian for many years! this is making me want to review

Where is your game?
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Reminder to non-artists that NASA images are generally royalty free and non-copy-righted. You can probably make some pretty textures for your terrain using Mars photos in your space-collab game. Or perhaps use their high-res night sky photos to create a skybox.

Just make sure to read the guidelines and understand them first:
point-n-click of the execution of the Romanovs when
Thats the entity counter.
The FPS is above it.


I think my other ultimate problem is that I'm too fucking lazy to do anything that isn't sidescrolling right now.
I don't wanna do 4-8 directional sprites and stuff uuuuugh, but I also don't want to do a platformer.

When you have a game running with uncapped FPS, does that mean it's using 100% CPU? I was never sure how that worked.
Sorry that was an older link. This one is current:

Basically the same but updated.
The Romanov will return!

on an unrelated note
>Hardkiss did not win Eurovision
Fucking bullshit, if they are going to throw the victory at ukraine, at least pick a band that deserves it
Not entirely sure, Padre.
I'm using GM which I'm pretty sure softcaps at around 2000 fps or so.
My game currently only uses about 2.1% CPU.
Free idea: dating sim where u date anime planets, galaxies, etc
So the Futurama movie: The Game
pretty cool
What SIMD libraries are the C++ devs here using? Or are you using just GLM?
why do you need a library for that? isnt it just like put, store, load

doesnt seem complicated
>are you using just GLM?
I'm using GML. (GameMaker Language)

It's a pretty powerful scripting language. Great toolset imo.
Hello Texas Instruments
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Posting some progress before I sleep.
only sprite I hate is the cryo tube, but i'm bad at art so fuck it.
I saw Hellboy, and really loved the space-elder-god stuff happening in it.

Too bad the cultist-dev is making a damn fucking lemmings game. His art is so good, what a waste.
when's the last time he's even posted?
This or last thread, where I similarly expressed my disappointment with his choices.
Tell me what you don't like about 2D metroid, /agdg/.
Just 2D metroid.
GM measures time to generate one frame (game logic, graphics and physics) and calculates maximum framerate based on it, but internally the framerate is equal to room speed
source: have low-end hardware and got 1200 fps on empty room with 3% cpu usage
The bosses are almost all bad or mediocre.
I get lost, in a bad way. There are good ways to get lost but navigating in 2D metroid is just a hassle from what I remember.
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Even Nightmare senpai?
>I get lost, in a bad wa
Was it Super?
finally got saves working and it feels really good
Never played Super. I'm just going off of what I remember as a kid, so maybe I'd feel differently now. Remembering which of the near-identical alcoves to enter was not a fun kind of challenging.
Then it was probably Zero Mission since it's the in-between in terms of linearity.
Understandable as a kid I guess.
Tell us the story, anon
question for unitybros, what's the best practice for gui's, should I do a separate scene for the UI and separate scene from the actual game?
I got that code for my obj_view

x += (obj_player.x - x) * .1;
y += (obj_player.y - y) * .1;

but I'm not even sure I'm understanding how that works. I kinda get it but I kinda don't either.
Then change the numbers until you do.
Good idea.
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Reminder to Just Like Make Games Great Again
Nightmare is one of the worst bosses in the series.

He is WAY better in Other M.
m8 pls, this isn't a metroid thread, don't do this.
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psst. rate this logo
good logo, bad name
Ludicard or Ludicord?
Paint-brush needs fixed.
Star is a little childish looking.
you think you're right, but really, you aren't
What? I love the Metroid series, but the bosses in the 2D games are known to be basic and occasionally very cheap.
It would actually be so the person playing could quit any time and the game would be in the exact same spot when loaded. It would also stop cheating as a bonus
The only remarkably bad fight is Omega Metroid in Fusion. But that's because of the SAX relationship which I thought was really good for Metroid.
This isn't your idea of a "good" boss design is it?
It's not the most exciting, but not bad.
You can make any boss fight look shitty by playing it wrong.
You're supposed to use your screw attack and wall jumps over ridley. That's why they made it vertical and him poking down.
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> tfw losing motivation
Well you just motivated me brother! Thanks. It looks like it's headed somewhere really cool, looking forward to seeing more.
>making an RTS with motivation instead of devotion
>relying on motivation at all

>tfw never even had motivation
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How many of these games aren't dead?
Get this disgusting word out of here, it's poison.

What's the next feature? Game looks cool
possibly pugdev
halo dev
possibly frost
Innkeeper but he rarely posts here anymore.
colorfall was finished more or less
sdl dogfighting
I counted 10, but I haven't been here for awhile
Motivation is the gateway to dedication
Battle Network
had progress posted recently
reminder to commit your changes
i'm outside your window looking in and jerking off while wearing my ski mask in the bushes
>tfw my flashdrive is my github
Real secure bradley
Should satisfaction come from the act of work, or from the finished product? I wonder what prolific creators say about the roles of motivation and discipline.
>updating placeholders
Don't use single pixels for repeating textures, though.
Also, desaturate the ground.
Also, also, it's usually a good idea to not use completely black blacks (add some vague purple tint or something).
Let's see some motion, bb
These are my final assets.
Still kinda noisy.

Also, you should avoid 1 pixel details, in general.
The whole adventure, senpai
Whats the game about?

Not him but those are HTC Vive controllers.
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>These are my final assets.
So this is a personal project then?
You guys are too kind I feel bad shitposting now.
i've been tricked

You can get enjoyment from all the finished parts along the way, and also the learning process and just generally moving ahead with each task. I get a lot of enjoyment out of just thinking about design problems, consider it to be something comparable to solving an elaborate puzzle. I also enjoy just thinking about the world of my game and its lore.
it's hard for me to accept how cozy /agdg/ has become. I don't mind one bit.
you have been coaxed into a snafu
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did danny finally kill himself?
nah he still shitposts me on the regular
is this from your ero game lineup?
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I think all the dramafags and dogposters went away to fuck around in "Team Rocket" for a while.
They'll be back with their valuable content and feedback soon enough.
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If you can't into art, don't loose hope! If your game looks fun, artists will want to rev share with you!

1) Make fun game demo with blocks for sprites/models
2) Get artist to team up with
3) Your game is now fun and beautiful!

DO NOT get halfway towards a demo and question why artists don't want to work with you.
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morphemon duelists ep2
1-3 Code
4-6 Art
7-9 Coffee Break
0 Fap
I'm busy making a game you faggot
sad that you can't say the same
Well, I see Gogem is back to shit up the thread.
See you later, Aggies.
Don't associate team rocket with that mean-spirited shenanigans, that was a legit attempt to transient collab. but I did it badly and it was probably doomed anyhow
To be honest, making the tripcode public knowing the amount of shitposters we have doomed the attempt from the start.
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I've just wanted to ask for my daily dose of motivation, then you've came. Thank you, anon!
Let's do this.
Yes, it was kind of an experiment. I still think there must be a way to collab without relying on someone setting teams up. Anon collab is a tough nut to crack though.
god damn it anon
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Remember to work hard these next few weeks so you can have something playable for Demo Day 9!
>I still think there must be a way to collab without relying on someone setting teams up.
Make AGDG friends. I met a majority of my gamedev contacts through shitposting. There are 5 or so AGDG chatrooms floating around, as well as this thread so you have no reason to not find people.

>tfw can't collab with my aggy friends because they either don't use the same engine as me or the skill disparity is too high
Nice doom clone
Same shitposter on all of my posts, eh?

Where's your game?
y-your game looks nice
When can I punch slimes?
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Demo Day
I mean even more anonymous than that. No shaking hands and agreeing to work on a project together. Just contributing to the completion of a game.

Maybe simply github is the answer. And if someone has a direction they'd rather take a project, they're free to fork it. I never see people say "here's the github for my game, PR if you want."
Who made a pixel rotate avatar?
Does a game like Bomberman have an actual invisible grid that's used for bomb collision etc or are they simply snapped to a coordinates and collisions are done with a regular collision detection system (overlapping AABBs, raycasts to find how far a bomb explosion should go, etc)?

I'm thinking the latter would be easier if the player characters dont snap to the grid (like in many bomberman games).
And if people did this, some day we could clean up the OP (especially since most of the info is in the website) and have lists to agdg githubs of people interested in collabing, so people could collab without disgusting personal socializing
They just snap to grid. I imagine it was at first just easier to code, but it also makes the game a lot more playable. Randomly barely knicking walls and having your bomb go nowhere would be lame.
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I did (Theonian). That is an edit by an anonymous poster, though.
I'm happy to hear that, anon. You sound like a winner and I look forward to making fanart of your game.
Lewd fanart >:^)
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I think you need to drum up a lot of interest if you want a project like that, especially if it's from scratch.
It's unfeasible to do what you want if you don't already have a solid base that people can add units/enemies/levels to. If you really want to live the antisocial collab experience, I'd suggest working on a project on github that's either already being worked on or abandoned.

Yeah it's got an invisible grid. All the players have grid coordinates and then additional coordinates within the individual tile they're standing on.
For example, when a player gets to position (0,17) within a tile, they'll move one tile down on the larger grid and be on position (0, 1) on the tile immediately below it.
Disclaimer: I don't actually know if this is what bomberman does. This is just what pacman did so I'm assuming bomberman does the same.
I forgot to add how explosion collision worked. If a player is on the same tile as an explosion (sub-tile position doesn't matter), they'll be considered in the explosion.
disclaimer: I dunno how bomberman did it, this is just how pacman did collisions with pellets and ghosts
>I mean even more anonymous than that. No shaking hands and agreeing to work on a project together. Just contributing to the completion of a game.
Easiest way I can imagine that would work would be having a predefined idea and theme.
Code guy makes a small simple game with placeholders and post webms when finished.
Artist makes the assests for the game, and when finished posts them.
Music guy makes music and sound effects based on what he has seen about the gameplay and the graphic assests and posts them.
Code guy puts everything together and uploads the finished game.
That's the esiest way I can think of limiting to interaction to posting their finished stuff. Maybe we could try to make it work someday, as an experiment too "Collab: Autism edition"
I like it and I don't think it would be too autistic, I think it has some interesting merit. For instance, an /agdg/ game under active development, but with original devs long gone. Forks of old group games. A nice starting point for new devs who want to jump into something. Lots of interesting things I think. But also yes, ease of contributing without going to chatrooms or being setup on a team.
Yeah, of course we should start with a really small and simple game, but if it works then we could go for a more ambitious one and get more people working on it too.
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I aint ded.




its more of a pikmin game than a lemmings game :^)
I think you guys are all neglecting the million dollar question. What engine?
that pink guy is ok! :)
Another weird thing we could get from this would be having more than one art/music guy making stuff for the same game.
You could get two totally different looking and sounding games with exactly the same gameplay.
We could have a couple starter games. Like "/agdg/ pong" for newdevs to fork.

Indeed! I suppose whoever decides to start this will get their pick, huh? It would be nice to have a couple projects going for the exact reason that choice of tools/engines varies. And it would be nice to hold a branch at an early but stable version, so a new person could jump in at that point and clone/fork.
That's pretty fun. Also since these are such open projects, we could end up with some really mutant shit like pong that turns into arkanoid with completely different art styles because why not.
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How much will it piss off players if you have to type in your characters name to load the file?
I can't figure out a way to make it more efficient lmfao
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All this talk of open source collabs reminds me of my friends' project.

Since I'm always helping him bugfix and assist him when he's having trouble with a feature, he gives me write access to his repo. Whenever I'm feeling bored and devilish, I'll create and commit some """OC units""" like webm related
>rounds of pong interrupted by a short text-adventure minigame that influences aspects of gameplay for the next round
I'm in
>tfw zero progress today
Reposting my PROGRESS video: still editing the new video edition

a lot.
it's a dumb idea unless you're doing a very specific gimmick game.
Sure if players legitimately need fucktons of saves.

Realistically though many people are going to have one, most ~3, and then some real weirdos will appreciate the ability for "infinite" saves.
May I ask what is the problem you are facing and why this is the best you could have implemented so far?
I don't know how to search for files with certain extensions. Pretty new to this stuff, but I think I know what I'll do.

Alright, I'll work on it later
dropdown box, fill it with saves, done
Yeah, I'll probably do this

Eh, trying to avoid limiting myself like this. I'd like to give the player the option to have 1 save or 100
If you have a lot of saves and you have to come up with different names for them, and then remember where you saved on what name it will be awful.
If you can write your name once and get a list of your saves it would be ok. I mean people have to type their passwords all the time when they play online games.
How/where do I find someone to help me write a script for my project? I have most of the technical stuff sorted out, but I'm not much of a writer. I'd like to just get on with making assets, maps and whatever.

It's a point-and-click game by the way.
A game where the characters have to indirectly interact with each other through your game saves
>Nov 20 05:15:41 <EvaXephon> When a person says "You did it wrong" you want to know what you did wrong. When a person says "You did it wrong, idiot" it's difficult to ignore the "idiot" part.

>Nov 20 05:16:07 <wippler-wrokn> EvaXephon: then I will call you an idiot forever even with praise because you need a thicker skin

I wish Mike posted here.
True, I'll figure it out
how much is too much?
You did it right, idiot.
A standard deviation away from "just right".
A game which randomly swaps your savefile with another player across Steam every hour.
you're doing it ass backwards
save it only when the players actually leaves the game and work on your anti-cheat measures
keep in mind the player could also just edit the savestate too
>everyone waits for one person to finish it
how much is just right?
if everyone waits, it won't get finished
A game that finishes when you open it
You know what I mean, nerd.
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>not modeling your save/restore system by the Dihedral group D3
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When you can't help but do this.
How do I step from knowing how to program to being a gamedev?
A game that plays itself when it's closed and pauses when opened
people who wait get their save files swapped with other people who wait.
people who make progress get swapped with other people who make progress
Who here C++/SFML?

Got good references to read?
Hello, nodev.
Come up with a fun idea, forget it, make porn or shitty mobile games. Give up, go back to wageslave.
A game that is a virtual pet that does stuff even when the application is closed.

joke's on you, senpai
A game where you play a savefile trying to find the game it's from.

>tfw it's actually an amazing idea and someone is going to steal it
One of the fictional /agdg/ open collabs on github is C++/SFML

Hopefully someone makes it soon
That's called "my My Documents folder is fucked because I kicked my hard drive and all the names got corrupted."
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>tfw you have more respect for people making porn games on patreon than wageslaves
A quirky, random RPG with furry and genderqueer NPCs.
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>tfw being a successful gamedev is your only chance at escaping wageslavery
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I cut because my game is a failure
Game idea:

a completed game by a yesdev
>genderqueer NPCs
like futanari?

A quirky, porn RPG with futanari NPCs that rape you
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I'm cut*

>fixed your post for you buddy
What about people who did a Java degree at a shit-tier college, can't find a job, are in thousands' worth of debt and have to scrape a living doing porn drawing commissions but dream every night of being 5 years younger and living in Japan?
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>want to add overworld exploration segments
>can't think of a reason for player to do that besides "look at this shit"
do I just add a bunch of resources and have the player collect them if they want? Game's basically a platformer with gutted RPG mechanics.
Or maybe I shouldn't add it at all.
Don't please. You're still young.
>kills himself after only losing 2 years of progress

you're weak.
what kind of backup services automatically deletes all your stuff
no you didn't

here's the (You) you wanted though, congrats
we depression posting?
>here's the (You) you wanted though, congrats
I'm too addicted, sorry.
> your game will never be completely wiped so you never have to work on it again
You're finally free, anon.
Well, looks like the US is waking up, time to go.

Good progress to all of you!
I hope one day I can make my OC a reality.
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>a java degree
>instead of a whole comp sci degree

what? that's like if someone got a linear algebra degree instead of a math degree
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my unity project just got corrupted again
another for your troubles, sir
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Progress Not really
Only finished her head, and still have some stuff to fix on it before starting with the body. I'm gonna want to kill myself so many times when I get to the dress details.
Also I got my sister interested on doing some voice acting, so this little vampire may get cuter sounds in game at some point.
It was a compsci degree but it was basically compsci without the math.
h-game when
>doesn't understand what overworlds are for
nigga do you even play videogames?
But you won't be able to fap to your character anymore if your sister voices her?

Or is it the opposite?
Maybe someday.
I'm kinda surprised nobody has done rule34 fanart of her yet.
>deleted all of it by mistake
Then you start over again. What's the problem?

It's like debt. You're in the hole, some bad shit happens, then you're even deeper in the hole, but all you need to do is keep trying to climb back out. I mean it's not like you got anything else to do? If you don't feel like redoing it, then just make a new game. Shit happens. That's life. You learn, you grow, you move on. That's how you become an adult, fampai. You don't become an adult by giving up on yourself.
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Will be putting this in the title cards of Hitler RPG
People that play viodeo games don't make good video games
well we are on 4chan after all
Dear god.

I hope you at least know what a graph is.
>People that play video games don't make good video games
Anything to back up this claim?
Why do you think he decided to make a loli in the first place?
Oh man, good to see you still working on this! Every since you've started that picture I scroll trough every single thread just to see if you've posted anything. Keep it up!
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Will you be putting a reference to agdg in your game?
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no, i dont wan't to be associated with this awful place
>tfw you will never have a fan of your game like this
Thanks man, I'm kinda slow with this because I totally forgot how time consuming drawing something big and detailed can be, but I keep doing a little almost everyday. Glad to know you are still around here.

puberty magic

I know, I feel really happy and lucky about it.

Did people ever get to an agreement about if having an agdg logo somewhere was good or bad luck?
Just make a waifubait game?
It doesn't even have to have any gameplay.
Just look at the waifu bartender shit.
>Did people ever get to an agreement about if having an agdg logo somewhere was good or bad luck?
Has anyone who has ever included the agdg logo ever finished a game? That might answer your question, fampai.
t.salty nodev
Good point, desu.
No, I'm serious. It's the easiest and secure way of hoarding retarded fans.
Reminder to go exercise, a healthy dev is a good dev.
I forget what I used to post
I'm just as serious.
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stay hydrated?

also progwebm
probably source engine shitposts
>Still no names

The most successful game from here, RoR did, yeah
I'm pretty sure Minecraft has an agdg reference in it somewhere too, doesn't it? The flavor text in the title
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>its another flash GUI game

Have you even made a 3d game? Why do you use Unity?
>can turn anything into evidence
>99.99% of that is completely useless
bullying is overrated tbqh. this is what causes all those shootings you hear about in the news. it's ok to be nice once in a while. yes, even to googum.
>yes, even to googum.
alch yourself.
RoR has an agdg logo on the title screen.
Could find AGDG on minecraft's flavor text file.
Maybe you saw it on a custom texture/resource pack.
> tfw googum got bullied so hard but didn't have access to guns so he made a game to live out his fantasies
not that you need to make 3D things in unity but yeah i made whip the vote which had 3D and this game when it leaves prototyping is going to have 3D.

knowing what to ask is an important detective skill.
Something wrong with your drive? Check event logs just incase.
Anyway, what file/s is/are actually corrupt? Maybe you can just move the assets to new project.
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>fuckers didn't put Space Jam page into the OP
Gonna restart and make a new game but scaled down this time. I can't decide whether to make an isometric terraria/minecraft-esque (I can't think of the term right now) game or an rpg but I'm leaning towards terraria/minecraft-esque because there's less need for a lot of art assets.
You don't really learn an engine/framework. Read the documentation, if you can't work with that: learn game development/programming.

Game programming gems, etc.
I wasn't excited about the detective game before but I am now. That's a really interesting system you have. Like it isn't just giving you all the clues then asking you to solve the puzzle.
hi googs
Just because you find anything interesting in the game, doesn't mean I don't.
okay googs
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Some work on the inventory to not be cubes, but shards with UI attached.
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Nah dude, you're just justifying crap. Ridley is an absolutely bonkers design in Super. His movements are full of wtf and often the only way to avoid his attacks is to know what he's going to do well before hand. He also frequently will ram you etc. from off screen. The only reason why he's manageable is the fact that by the time you get to him you have 10+ health bars.
is that you jon blow



i want to fly through the sky with my arms outstretched

Someone already has you covered senpai.
yeah ive been trying to explain this to these plebs round here but they dont seem to get the whole infinite evidence concept.or they somehow think that infinite evidence means you cant lose which makes absolutely no sense since it's infinite capacity to fail that makes it interesting. you have to actually figure out what's going on instead of just exploring all the branches mindlessly.
>awkwardly pointing the controllers around instead of THROWING YOUR FISTS FORWARD
>travelling at dead snails pace

no anon, it's not enough
Anybody else here got brainwashed by law of attraction? I need to recover my sanity now.
Infinite capacity to get bored because the structure isn't fun to figure out just because it's randomized.
I liked the cubes though. Could you do semi-transparent cubes with the icons floating in them or some such?
I think those icons are a bit disjointed from the shards. I think it'd be better if the icons were inside some sorta transparent boxes, cubes or other shapes instead.
Look here you little snarf, don't you go takin my thinks and tryin to pass em off as yer own.
My bad, sport.
You said losing is relative to a score you set though.
that's shit.
I'm trying to code a map; recording areas the player has visited. I'm currently using a 2d bit array, is there a better way? The map will be randomized, as well.

Googs, how's your new game?
2d bit arrays are fine, unless you're concerned about performance. The Zelda games on Gameboy used 1D arrays, but that's just to make it easier on the hardware.

Of course, if you're working on a 3d game then there are other ways you can approach the situation.
Are you the same guy that bullied spoopy yesterday?
sweet crowpost
>when you have a good game idea and can code it, hopefully, but will certainly need to pay someone for the art and music/sound, and probably someone to clean my code up since im a scrub

shouldn't i also make an LLC if i wanted to launch a game?
>You said losing is relative to a score
no, it's relative to the facts. that isn't shit, that's detective.
>shouldn't i also make an LLC if i wanted to launch a game?
consult catmouth island on that.
I never get the "Do 1D arrays instead of 2D, because lol speed". It's the same thing in the implementation and you're only exposing yourself to inconvenient and error prone access methods.
Not if its dynamically allocated :^)
>error prone
i see its a game but im not sure
Shit, didn't think of cache friendly design. Thanks.
Is it worth it learning unity if I only plan to work with 2D, or am I better off using something else?
Confusion with it's analogous index. 'Thinking you're accessing [1,0] with [2], when it really points to [0,1].
It's not exactly hard to just code proper access methods, but again, it's only if you're concerned about performance. Personally, I'd probably split the 2D array into two 1D arrays.

For my own purposes, I'm using a 2D array, but I'm splitting it into chunks to keep things more manageable, as well as allow bigger "gaps" if there are any. Saves space because the stage only uses the chunks it needs at any turn.
answers to this plz
Gamemaker dev here, going to spend the summer learning unity now that I have free time since exams are over.
Is there advice or tutorial I should watch? I assume there's some sort of tutorial for people who can already program, like I already know textures + meshes are the equivalent to sprites and prefabs are equivalent to objects and scenes are equivalent to rooms, etc.
You're not me.
Whatever works for you is fine.
Why would you access the array directly when you can just write a function to do that in a human readable way?
yes i am fuck you
That's the thing, I don't know much about Unity yet, is it viable for 2D or is it overkill?
no such thing as overkill
south park is made in maya
You mean the TV series or the games?
It may be an overkill for something like a simple Mario title, but nothing is stopping you from using it for such.

Just lock things not to use one of the axes and have a go at it.

To be fair, doing paper cut out animation by hand would be too time consuming for the work progress that goes into current South Park episodes.
South Park use Krita though.
TV series

Krita has animations?
Unity2d is fine, just not necessarily using it's default physics.

If you already know programming, read the docs. Otherwise, you'd be better off with language agnostic sources.
Google shit.

That's just an abstraction of direct access, though. With a consistent data type, you're banking on some consistent indicators to return a "it's not here". That said, it shouldn't happen if you manage it fairly well.
As I know they only did the pilots and the first episode with actual paper cut out animation.
Yep, that'd be correct.

They're developing it, it has some pretty rough animation tools implemented.
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goog stream when?
>South Park use Krita though.
It does.
They show their artists in 6 days to air.
so much progress in this thread
this is not the agdg i know
>this is not the agdg i know
It's the one I'm used to.
I recorded progress, accidentally messed with the colors on youtube and realised it actually looked better, so now I'm changing the scene to match the video.
It's the one we deserve.
I hope you have an IPS monitor to do colors on.
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3MB, 960x540px
I need your help guys.
Post games with good beams for inspiration.

show us
>South Park use Krita though.
>They're developing it, it has some pretty rough animation tools implemented.
Whelp, time to start learning Krita. I've had it installed for months but haven't touched it.
comfy background
>>South Park use Krita though.
6 days to air documentary.
Unless they've changed in four years.
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Templar is mostly done, other than animations and juice. But I'm not sure anymore about the robot's moveset.

This is perfect, thank you very much.

I actually was looking at cyclops from xmen mutant academy 2 right now.
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Okay, maybe I'm just retarded, but I can't figure out how to do this coordinate conversion. Surely there's a simple solution to this, right?
what are you trying to do
looks like you've already sorted it out
I'm trying to convert any given set of x,y coordinates (A) to their isometric-ish counterparts (B).
I know what the results should be, but I can't figure out how to calculate it for some reason.
In file included from tmp.cpp:3:0:
/usr/include/boost/xint/integer.hpp: In instantiation of ‘boost::xint::integer_t<A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>::integer_t(Type, typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<Functor> >::type*) [with Type = int; A0 = boost::parameter::void_; A1 = boost::parameter::void_; A2 = boost::parameter::void_; A3 = boost::parameter::void_; A4 = boost::parameter::void_; A5 = boost::parameter::void_; typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_integral<Functor> >::type = void]’:
tmp.cpp:11:30: required from here
/usr/include/boost/xint/integer.hpp:479:47: error: no type named ‘_fix_negative_unsigned’ in ‘class boost::xint::detail::unsigned_negative_functions<(boost::xint::detail::negative_policy)0u, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_>’
if (!Signed && data.negative) _fix_negative_unsigned();
/usr/include/boost/xint/integer.hpp:487:43: error: no type named ‘_fix_negative_unsigned’ in ‘class boost::xint::detail::unsigned_negative_functions<(boost::xint::detail::negative_policy)0u, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_, boost::parameter::void_>’
if (!Signed && data.negative) _fix_negative_unsig
Am i wrong or are dialogue trees gonna be a bitch to make
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They are always a bit finicky depending on how you set up your dialogue system. Mostly it's just keeping track of your flags and making the presentation clean so you don't lose one.
>got 3 different ded games
>none of them get mentioned or remembered
Kind of a feel.
well keep in mind that square A is a square with 4 coordinates (x1, x2, y1, y2) and square B is a primitive made up of eight coordinates. Your maths is right so I'm not sure what your problem is. You just can't make it a regular rotated square unless you want to use some trig.
what should i major in? computer science is like the only major game dev related thing, but those shitters mostly do boring math
Honestly if you wanna be a successful game dev I think marketing might be the best idea, it's really the only game dev skill you can't learn too well on your own.
Comp sci or telecomms or something unless you're a female or have pink hair. Gamedev isn't hiring straight white males
Well, they probably didn't get mentioned because they're dead, and the guy specifically asked about alive ones...
But maths are fun, anon
prove it.
Multiply the coordinate in the first with a transformation matrix that rotates 45 degrees
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I think you are mistaken because
And pic has screencaps from the documentary which seem to back her up
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It missed.jpg
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Im starting to think I dont want to make a actual video game
I kinda just want to tell a interactive story, with Waifu romance
I agree with him. Maths are fun. And drawing is not fun.
prove that and enjoy instant trillions
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i did it mom

I need to work more on my texturing but I'm happy enough with it for now
then make a VN, my dude
lovin the dogpost btw
Finally someone gets it.
oh right.
why are you talking to yourself?
Nice samefag faggot
Got it:
nx = w*(x/w) + w*(y/h)
ny = (h/2) + h*(y/h) - h*(x/w)
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>Cyberpunk Bartender Action comes out the same day as MM9
I wounder if I could sell my backers key for Cyberpunk
Anyone know where I can find some really stupid kids with money?
>comes out the same day as MM9
They actually have a release date after the pizza party?
> he wants to play MN9
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They cant spot a samefag.png
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This is why we need IPs
Because someone posts a dog people think your samefaggin
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That's irrelevant to the problem at hand.

Anyone dogposting is a fucking retard and just needs to fuck off.
Anyone know where the unwrapping is hard/boring meme came from?
>LLC and dogposting starting to creep back
It was a good few weeks on AGDG.
People who cry because they open up their program and don't immediately have a finished model waiting for them.
Maybe ask someone from quests?
Ironically organic unwrapping is the easiest kind.

Fuck unwrapping a robot
For me it came from trying to wrap a model for using with low res textures. Gotta keep them pixels aligned and consisently sized
Cyberpunk Bartender Action
So this is the power of waifus...
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Doing that right now, not hard at all i'd say
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What? You got a problem against cute girls?
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There are robots, and there are robots.
No, now I'm seriously considering adding waifus into my non-waifu non-cute non-anime game
now post model with checkerboard texture
>that cable management.
enjoy getting called out for pandering.
A waifu for the sake of pandering is generally unappealing.
You'd get like a 70% more of a chance of me buying your game then
But I buy more games from here anyway
I still havent even launched Risk of Rain
>Picture says WIP
>If the checkerboard looks bad all textures on it will automaticly look bad

Shieze you do know people unwrap with future textures in mind?
Isn't that 99% of waifus though
I hope they give away some keys here at the release day
I'm essentially learning spriting just to add waifus to my game, since it's very like the Atelier series I know waifus are my main hope for an audience.

Plus, fanart of characters I get to design.
>senran kagura
Pandering is where the money's at.
Might Number 9 still hasn't released yet?
God damn, I thought it was already out like a year or two ago.
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nice tumblr meme
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Dead Or Alive
Fire Emblem once it got down to real Waifu-ism
Waifus are strong
>Pandering is where the money's at.

new! updated! thread! new!
new thread
>all these implications
>all this defensive
ok buddy
reminds me of Eufloria
Do what Doom (also ZDoom, GZDoom, etc) did
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Eat that fucking burger
Yeah you little slut
Doesn't look anywhere near being done, desu
What are some 3d genres that are realistic for a 1MA

I've made breakout, pong, roll a ball, survival shooter, and basically all of the unity projects.
A railshooter, perhaps?
see >>145663324
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>dialogue trees
it's like it's the 1980's and computers are just being invented
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