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/twg/ - Total War General

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Thread replies: 775
Thread images: 180

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Post roll charts edition.

>FAQs & General Info

>Steam Groups

>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Double click a spell (it needs to be a boostable spell and you need to have enough magic in the magic pool) to overcast the spell
There's a 50% chance that the caster damages itself though!

Select your lord (make sure he isn't garrisoned or in a stance)
Select the quest battle (on the map or through quest log)
There's a button in the bottom right of the quest battle window that you can use to teleport for 5k gold (when the battle's finished you're automatically teleported back to your original position)

Group units with ctrl + g
Select your group and right click the enemy
All your units move and automatically direct themselves to and engage enemies they get close to while maintaining formation

old thread
Dorfs are best
What are some /twg/ approved Warhammer TOTAL WAR mods

I know we all love Radious and No Aggressive Agents but I'm looking for some other quality mods
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Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general
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>Beastmen still not DESIGNATED
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post the rome 2 roll chart please.
>No Aggressive Agents
It's actually ok until the patch comes.
Radious is at least fun to laugh at

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What's to stop any other military from teaching a common language?
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What are the patch notes for the new attila update?
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Napoleon 2 Total War when?
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>Turn 25
>Rebellion in Reikland because can't catch a fucking Marienburger playing hide and seek
>Oh, it won't be too bad
>5 Greatswords, Demi-Gryph Knights, and a Steam Tank

How the fuck do I beat this at Turn 25?
Will literally never happen and we both know it anon
no aggressive agents is perfectly fine until they fix agents

Rolling for Charlemagne
the rome 2 roll chart please
I Bjuna worth on Mannfred?
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is the rome 2 roll chart really this rare
yeah haha
post tw warhammer meems please
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Who /GTX1070/ here?
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>mfw the Shogun 2 factions are literally all the fucking same
>because CA doesn't give a fuck about diplomacy that makes sense and history they lose all unique qualities
>love the setting but can't stand how bland Shogun 2 is to play, especially the campaign
>mfw Realm Divide
Shut your dirty face, peasant.
Playing Nagoka FotS, why is everyone and their mother declaring war on me?
bajuna + zombo dragon = easy unit wipe
>no Ikko Ikki
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more charts

Not yet ;_;
time to play up to realm divide again.
Aw shit nigga, fuckin 5 star post


but not for austria

seriously spent the entire Napoleonic wars doing nothing but getting shit on
haha 2008 was such a l-
>Published on 13 Feb 2015
I actually want to see the rome 2 chart aswell.
The blacksmith/forge in the Shimazu/Date provinces is infuriating, by the time you can actually make use of it for superior units your frontline is 15 turns away.
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New thread please, this one is TAINTED
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>Getting the negative baptism event in Shogun 2
>In versus
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And my last one
New patch for Attila!!!

Any changes!?
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Stack shield spearmen and autoresolve
This is not acceptable
Where the Ikko Ikki at?
ok i know this is a stupid question but how do i get ultra unit size on single player campaigns, I know its right on the main setting page for multiplayer but I can't seem to find it for single
>this is a stupid question
Yes, it really is. Look in Options at the main menu.
yep I guess I just sort of glazed over the advanced graphics options while I was looking through thanks
Roll roll roll your boat

>there's no long description of his violation of women

why even bother
so does anyone doing empire campaign still put cross bowman in their army at late game campaign? why or why not?
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>tfw political correctness will prevent CA giving Beastmen a rape-based economy

That's breddy gud mang
Depends who you are fighting, if it's savage orc stacks then you don't need black powder so crossbows are still useful. If it's Chaos Warrior / Chosen stacks then they are worthless.
>Release captives for money
>Shit on captive for leadership boost
>Impregnate captives for better replenishment
>its another "oh whoops you forgot to keep track of Grimgor, now he's level 27 at sub-100 turns and fucking your life up." episode
Who will protect him from commies on WIkipedia?
>random event where your rape-thing actually produced an unmutated human baby
>options are to shit on it then eat it, or rape it then eat it
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got your back senpai
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ahh not this again. FUCKING PONTUS

rolling for pontus
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I've always been too afraid to play WRE/ERE in Attila. I think I need to kickstart my system by doing something I'm not used to.

Any tips before I dip my dick into this chaotic shit?
One of your warherds has come across an empty and easily defensible fortification. Perhaps you should make use of it to secure your presence in the area?


Always remember the fundamentals and praise Evropa

>an unaccompanied elf is in your local shit clearing
>Spread its legs and rub your groin all over it
>Remove it's legs and rub your shit all over it
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Burn everything and move to Britain.
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here you go, familia
play extremely aggressively at the start, I beat it on legend on release and it was still doable without any of the buffs, all I had to do is be on a constant offensive against all dirty barbars around me

oh and build walls and guardhouses across the entire eastern border
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>5 factions
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hurray for anon. ROLLING
>Posting porn on a blue board

dat feel when i didnt even realise the tits were showing
rerolling i lack lugii
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Is Fall of the Eagles any good?

Any better alternatives for Atilla?
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About to start Age of Charlemagne. Any tips or things to look out for in a first campaign?

Missing Ikko Ikki and Hattori.
Is there a worse start in FotS than Tsu? Fucking Iga province man.
ERE is a joke, just rush your initial barbars in your land, then turtle and try to appease your neighbors. Then abuse the absolute fuck out of their 10% trait.
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Better version incoming.
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>not playing on Ultra unit-size
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Chaos Dorks like to think they're hot shit.
Are outriders worth getting? How about the grenade launcher variant?
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Unfortunately, Marauders remain a joke compared to just plain empire infantry with experience and buffs from the red skill tree.
What Empire Total War mod should I use if I want historical accuracy and FUN.,
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Why is he so based bros?
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Are you me?
Just had to defend against 4 Norsca stacks, with only 1 army, it was a slaughter.
Napoleon: Total War
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>>Are outriders worth getting
Yes. They are mostly a straight upgrade from pistoleers

>>How about the grenade launcher variant
In my experience the grenade launcher dudes require just a bit too much micromanagement to be anything other then a niche unit.

My guys finally getting up close and personal with the morons manning(dwarfing?) the hellcannons.
Napoleon had a shit campaign.
Grenade launchers require micro-managing more than regular outriders. Generally I just use the regular ones to eliminate shit like enemy heavy cavalry.
Gelt or Franz?

Franz for summoning the elector counts.
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Funny thing is this was a chaos stack, not a norscan one. And since this was the only stack they had left on the map, I "won" the game before the proper chaos force showed up. Does anyone know if archaon and pals still spawn if you achieve your short and long campaign goals before the second chaos event?

Smart thinking getting on that hill so quickly. It's a wonderful feeling slaughtering truckloads of dumb barbarians with fire and steel, isn't it?
the Norsca genocide must go on
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Gelt's voice acting is so damn good, I just have no choice.
Franz unless you really want Gelt. Franz is just straight up better.
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Campaign map at game end, I kinda want to continue, conquer the other human factions and keep my friendship with the dwarfs going.
Franz is one of the best Lords in the game at the moment. Gelt requires a magic rebalance mod to work properly.
>let me give attention to an attention whore to tell him I don't want him to get attention
Magic just feels underwhelming
I tried archaon and gave him magic shit and even spamming fire cloak and fire swords I felt like Kooleck would be tearing shit up faster.

Mannfred's magic is ok though.
Offensive magics is shit across the board. There's some good buffs in the Greenskin and Vampire lores though.
Most offensive magic blows outside of the wind of death.
So what were the Vikings doing when the Saxons came to power around Late Antiquity?
does anyone else have a problem with completing campaigns?

I've played total war for years, but I've only ever completed 1 campaign.

Playing TWWH, I get to about turn 60-70, then I start thinking "oh shit, maybe I should've gone this direction instead" or "maybe I should've killed this faction first" so I always just restart a campaign.

What motivates you to go all the way through a campaign?
What was the Attila update?

name your guys, every single one
role play
don't worry about the optimal play, just play

circle-jerking about norse mythology and fucking goats
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>What motivates you to go all the way through a campaign?
killing Norscan scum
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Sheer unparalleled amounts of autism
Like >>145600486
These guys said, vanilla offensive magic is underpowered. Although I would add that this is probably because most of us are playing on ultra unit size.

Vanilla buffs can work okay though, especially if you stack them with buffs from lords/generals.
I've put 70+ hours in the game so far and have yet to complete a campaign for that reason exactly. Finally past turn 120 with Empire.
so is magic spells that do damage still shit when on ultra unit size?
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>tfw playing against a dwarf in MP

Leaving this here for anyone struggling to name campaign units.

Also please leave other race names, like orc bands and chaos cults and whatnot, I need names for everything
The bigger the unit size, the more shit offensive magic is. On Medium it wrecks. Past that, it quickly falls off a cliff in terms of effectiveness compared to buffs.
I just removed Marienburg from the Wasteland. Do I start confederating provinces now, or say fuck it all and go into Bretonnia?
Trying to imagien what magic was like before this supposed 'buff' they implemented. Must have been just completely moot.
did you look at some of the videos?, the buffs did like 2 and 5%
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Do you name your units?

I think Im going to start numbering units like in empire with 11th Regiment of Foot etc. Or maybe Regiment of Spear
I remember in one of the development videos, one single cast of "Foot of Gork" destroyed a steam tank from full HP
Do the Poles in Empire TW speak Spanish or what the fuck?
>one, in numbers 1, fucking spell destroying high end super units

Pretty happy about the current state of magic desu
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>Milo dzien
>tak panye!

sounds polish to me.
I'd argue that ultra unit size is a moot point as offensive magic is aoe, so either you hit more guys in the area anyway or you have more guys to buff to hit them.
Is there a mod for balancing AI recruitment, I'm playing Vampire Counts legendary now and I'm basically stalemated against Mousillon because they pump out stacks with at least 5 terrogeists/varghulfs each and then snowball where it's 3-5 stacks vs 2 of mine and they have 20 or so terrogeists etc, so all I can do is retreat and defeat them in a siege defence by which time they've raised 5 more stacks. It's just boring.

70 turns in there's always a faction that has royally pissed me off and that I see the campaign through so I can crush them

Along the war a different group pisses me off

It's a cycle of violence
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Top kek. Perfidious Hochland.
I always restart since in total war games once you have a large chunk of the world, the rest is just blobbing out with autoresolves.

Build a fodder army or two filled with spear skellies, have it tail your main army, abuse autoresolve because monsters, enjoy success.
>Confederate with an emp faction
>check diplomacy
>minus fucking forty with every other empire faction

What the fuck? So confederation is useless because it'll make all your neighbors war you?
When you get to the point you can confederate someone, you're usually on such good terms with everyone else -40 won't hurt anything. I've confederated 3 minor factions in a row now.
Just check your empire effects you imbecile.
It is only applied for 5 turns.
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Sauce on this rare Xev please
Any tips for playing as Empire?
I keep getting bullied by all my neighbours and my allies refuses to help me
Which leader has the best faction bonus?
Archaon, campaign movement > everything
Get as many treaties with the imperial factions as you can then fuck off to Bretonnia to take all of the land from the minor factions there. By the time you're wrapped up in Bretonnia, most of the Empire factions will practically be begging you to confederate.
Conquer Marienburg, no one likes those sea jews anyways

Or expand into brettonia with your superior troops, and wait for Chaos to come and the hugbox to start

And always, remove Karak Norn, they WILL backstab you, Karak Hirn are bros

Anything except shitskins

Thanks anon, I'll use it to end this campaign. But undead factions seriously need to be balanced for late game, it's incredibly dull fighting armies with an 80/20 monster composition.

More money, less problems

10% adds up to a fuckhueg amount fast
kek fucking Hochland
Can someone who isn't retarded give, me tips for Emp legendary campaign?

Letting Marienburg live so they take the brunt of the Chaos invasion seems like a good idea, so I should push south. Problem is you can only afford one army until turn 30 at least, and vampire counts warred me on turn 22 then sent 3 full stacks in. Lost the campaign there.
Fuck, rerolling
Take Reikland (or leave one Secessionist province to avoid the arbitrary great power penalization?) and expand into Brettonia
>worried about the chaos invasion

As soon as they invade shield of civilisation kicks in. Ally everyone, vassalise brettonia's nations. Send their armies to kill chaos for you.

Pretty much get your strength ranking up and stay firm till chaos comes. then the campaigns done.
become luckier. It took me 8 or so resets to get a start on empire that didn't fuck me up with bullshit.

niggas are gonna walk right past marienburg, so you might as well try and struggle to control it, since when you put walls up, you can afford to have one army run around the wasteland swatting the vikings off. honestly, it's about getting and maintaining strength until chaos actually comes and "shield of civilization" starts sucking your dick. you can confederate most of the empire provinces after that.

bretonnia will suck your dick for free, if you're lucky. they'll help you defend wasteland, mostly by coincidence, since they have nothing else to do but chase vikings.

i don't know if theres a "100% good strategy" but i just fought my way to take drakenhof before chaos got there

The safest strategy without luck is to just build a formidable turtle in a small area and let Chaos sweep everything away then expand after they peter out. Not terribly fun though.
>Wind of death blows in the exact opposite direction you want everytime
How do I control this?
Kislev really get boned hard sometimes don't they?
Don't cast winds of death.
Shield of civilization kicks in on the turn 50-60 chaos invasion, or only on the bigger one?
but I already did
the big one
How the fuck do you use ranged cav
Did anyone else have any problems downloading Darthmod for empire?

This is getting to be more trouble than its worth, will probably just increase unit sizes and camera height
>Press "Skirmish mode" button
>Point at melee unit
>Do something else
it's that easy! alternatively, flank an engaged unit and shoot it's back
Go to the TWC thread and use the MEGA link,trust me its worth it
>Using skirmish mode
That shit has never worked for me,they always start running too late or they run into the enemy

goes alot faster than my browser download for some reason

I hope it's worth it

does it add crazy unique units like Napoleon?
I'm really looking forward to playing as Kislev. Fucking building up all of my settlements and fortifying them with max garrisons.
With a buffed Chaos Invasion mod, Kislev will be a very interesting campaign

I tried but it got way too tedious and it didn't add as much flavour as I thought.
is that 8.0.1 patch worth the wait?

I just wanna create a French North Africa mane. What are some of the unique units it adds?
What are some good and fun "Unofficial Challenge Objectives" to try to achieve in Total Warhammer: War?
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>is that 8.0.1 patch worth the wait?
See in pic related if any of that you think is worth it,its just 20mb anyway
Fireball is very good and cost only like 5 points
They seriously need to sort out reinforcements entering the battlefield from entirely random locations in warhammer.
After 70 hours in co-op campaign and with multiple restarts I finally lasted long enough to get Steam Tanks while my Dwarf buddy got Gyrocopters. This time we'll be ready for Chaos.

This games pretty fun
That shit happened to me in Napoleon the other day

Was playing as the French, trying to take Portugal waiting just outside Lisbon, when the Spanish moved just outside their city and I attacked it with some horse cannons and a couple units of line infantry, and the Spanish entered the map from fucking behind the city
*teleports behind you*
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Fuck you France everyone hates you
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>giant spiders
i wonder how many solders gain arachnophobia after watching there brothers in arms get eaten.
What are you doing in the new world?

Also what mod?
Its France's turn,im still killing slavs.
Fug It's still downloading for me and my shitty internet. Hype me up on it anon, what does it noticeably change?
at least it makes all the vorefags sign up for the army
There's no vore-appeal to being liquefied by a spider's venom
Range increase for muskets and artillery.
Buffed cav.
Stuff like farms giving more money = more armies = bigger battles
you're underestimating the fetish my friend
t. non-vore-fag
>Not wanting to be bathed in hot spider venom
If I disband a legendary lord along with his army, does he return to the pool to be recruited again later, or is he deleted from the game completely?
Are gyrocopters of any kind worth getting? It just doesn't feel right to have an army without any kind of anvil.
I'd be way into being fully delitized in the tight binding of a spider's web, foreverially. Not into being eaten inside out by fast-action necrotoxic venoms though.
>not wanting to be melted down to your essence
>he's not into digestion
What about combat sounds and shit? Unique units? Darthmod for napoleon almost completely changed the game
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>do that
>Marienburg declares war on turn 7
>already has 2 stacks

So even if you're a good player you can't do legendary on empire
You have to keep restarting til you get lucky

Epic game creative assembly
Why don't you just take steam screenshot
Steam overlay slows down the game

Guys? I am wasting 1000+ a turn on a really tight budget keeping around two lords who I don't need, but don't want to delete and lose the gained experience of.
Then why not Borderless window+print screen
day XVI
CA still no patch

Ive already gone flaccid
what are some lore-friendly army compositions for my greenskins, and how should my units be positioned?

were gobbos always stuck in the back, or were they the fodder before the boyz moved in? Did the gobbos protect their giant spiders if they had them, or did they just join the normal rank and file with the Boyz and let the spiders do their own thing?
If you disband the Lords, you can rerecruit them at a later time with their experience and skills still intact. You do have a 4-5 turn cooldown between disbanding and recruiting a lord though.
you can recruit him again after a few turns, you'll get a message when he's ready
You can rehire them if you disband.
>anon who can't take screenshots is shit at the game

go figure
Look at the stats of the battle, I almost won. 1v1 me njgger
Didn't you hear? It affected his performance.
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Daily reminder that none of you little mortals can compete with the bdoc

Shaggoths can take on 2 giants at once with micro

A unit of dragon ogres can eliminate a unit of black orcs without losing a single dragon ogre
That slows down the game as well

Fraps doesn't work because CA's shitty launcher bugs it out
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he'll come back ,you pussy ass piece of shit. be a man fuck lords

>durr hurr i take pictures of my computer and complain about the game when i'm bad

genuinely impressed by your autism-level. keep doing you, man.

>drogre shill
this place is going to hell

baka at all you'll cowards
should I be using hexwraiths or black knights with lances for my anvil & hammer?

I've had varying success with both
> Tomb Kings still not announced
sure it won't slow down your computer?
crypt horrors
Kholek is the best legendary lord, little mortal boys can't even compete

thanks lads
i forgot forevially delitized was a thing
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Daily reminder that your women can't resist virile dragon ogre bulls

How can little human boi's EVEN compete!
Ogres first
I replaced my crypt horrors with varghulfs
>he fell for the ogre meme
>2016, settling for mere ogres
>Charge Kholek and dragon ogres in
>Battle is won before my army even catches up

Chaos horsemen are just a pain desu though. It's impossible to catch them without coming at them from at least 4 directions simultaneously.
Even using my two hounds with a horse they always slip out if they even let me get in a position to try in the first place.
please tell me that pic related was ironic.
>mere Ogres
You know they would absolutely gape your shithole if you said that to their faces, righT?
Mods are asleep post hairy Chaos Spawn butts
>dwarf map movement speed

jesus just kill me now
It wasn't and i thought it was hilarious
Post more turbo autists /twg/
use underways
Underway stance m8
You can go to places in a straight line where othr people would have to use the winding roads.
Whats wrong about it?
Do you think Dwarves have knees?
>implying those half baked obese mongs could kill A MOUNTAIN GOD
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Sorry kids I'm not a NEET I have to game on a laptop since I travel
Saw it coming a mile away anon.
I know, i just felt obligated
Fucking destroyed
It's the same as everyone else. It's just that it's slow to go through moutains which is why you have the underway.

You moron.
Its good you do your duty, it still gave me a chuckle.
If I leave the Chaos stacks alone on the map, is it eventually game over?

I am at turn 103 of my first campaign as Dwarfs (normal) and it seems like Chaos and Skaeling are completely shrek'ing the Empire
they will turn to the dwarfholds anon. its only a matter of time./
>Merely have a laptop because I travel
>Merely underpayed so I can't afford a good laptop
regardless, that's completely irrelevant. my laptop that I play the game with is literal horseshit but at least i'm competent enough to take a fucking screenshot
but is it a better strategy to actively go and kill them near the center of the map or just wait in my corner?
>You will never be a virgin elf princess forced to take Kholek's dick your first time.
If only dwarfs weren't so small.

Like maybe if you took a dwarf and made him bigger... and then made the dwarf Quadra pedal for extra speed...
>ywn be qt Dark elf princess who kidnaps qts from around the world to be her sex slaves.
what you are asking is if it is it a better strategy to kill them while they are divided and scattered, possibly with ai to help you or is it better for them to 3 stack siege your holds one by one.

you be the judge anon
I'm okay with not dieing from an awfully slow and painful internal bleeding

Somebody commision sparrow on
Hf to do this
Good roll. Have fun! Remember: No survivors
yeah get mad kid
>ywn be vampire chan.
>Implying uncle nurgle wouldn't augment your body to take that dicking
>You will never be a torso with your limbs merged into Kholek's body, his dick sliding in and out of you as he moves.
>Your reproductive and digestive system merged so you receive nourishment from his seed and shit his seed back over his dick, lubricating it further.

Brehs, I told you, mortal wimmin literally CANNOT resist dragon ogre men
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>ywn see a royal elf princess become a living walking fleshlight for a shaggoth
Don't repress your desires, mortal wimmin are MADE for dragon ogre dick
Reminder that only two races measure their dicks in girth rather than length
Dwarves and Dragon Ogres
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Dragon ogre dicks would be like a horses, the shortest would still be several feet longer than usefull. Girth would the the usefull measurement in terms of what women would feel.

Dwarves are fat and hairy little cucks though.

Set up Non-Aggression pacts with everyone you can, as fast as you can.

Build up two armies super fast. One to take Reikland, the other to deal with those orc shits who rush Grunburg.

After that, you've got two options. One, shit on Bastonne. It isn't hard, Bret units are pretty shit, especially early game. In fact, it's so easy and profitable to grab Montfort that I'd almost advise you do it even if you want to do the second option. From there, it's easy to expand into Bretonnia.

Two, take Marienburg. This is a little harder since they have a 20 strong deathstack that likes to camp Marienburg and a love of agent spam. Basic rules are A) Declare war on them, then either wait in ambush stance between them and Eheilart, or B) let them take Eilhart and rush them while they're camped in it. Or C) wait for someone to declare war on them and their army to leave Marienburg, then rush the city. You only need one turn to build a ram and then you can hack the gate down with your swords and just climb up ladders (the ram is useless as shit).

1v1, your army should beat theirs handily. Just be sure to bring their mortar down fast.

After that, most people advise taking Middenland. I don't, or at least not taking the main city until the Skaeling are dealt with. Nordland and Middenland are your shield against those blue shits, and not having to play whack-a-mole for thirty turns. Direct any allies you have up there to help, and focus your attentions on the south. Wissenland are really good if you can get them to confederate. Small province, cities close together, natural barrier for a border.
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Deny It for as long as you need to, it will just make it all the freakier when you give in to your desire.
Jesus shut the fuck up nerd
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Ded to slavs
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thank you anon. make them stop.
If you ambush someone in the underway when you've got an army garrisoned in a city, does your garrison come help out?
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Get over it mortal boi, I'm suprised you even have Internet in your cuck-shed anyways

Ok I'm done

>those orc shits

I really hate them. They refuse to fight unless the odds are in their favor, and instead just camp out raiding in your province.
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doot doot
what is best TW for newfriend
Shogun 2
Shogun 2
Medieval 2 is the best total war
It has literally no flaws and every game that came after is a watered down casualfest
heres a (you)

Medieval 2 or Shogun 2.

They're both pretty good and beginner friendly.
DLC when?

We're approaching the 1 month mark.
you are all nerds lmao
I'm more excited for when the next game gets announced desu. Besides, didn't an anon find beastmen and wood elves as DLC in the game's files?

We know, teach us to be cool.
Good one
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i-is that a trail of blood in those lines of men?
Yes from the cannonball
Always side with the defender.

Allies don't declare war on allies' allies.
unkillable goblin big boss is slaughtering my heroes
killing or sending one to the hospital each turn.

whats the best mod to lower agent actions?
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ty anons
>tfw Prussia payed me 2000 to be his ally right before doing this
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>Get Empire Campaign to lategame
>Make an army composed of nothing but Karl Franz on Deathclaw and Demigryphs
>It actually works
>Really fucking well
>Make another army of nothing steamtanks
>also works well
>My two best armies are completely uniform, and have a single team of cannon following them around to allow them to instantly siege cities

The only weird shit is that the game wants me to build a siege tower, when I have tanks.
Build Defense buildings that give your settlements walls on all your border settlements to the north and keep 2-4 armies up there as border patrol. The empire got ravaged on my vamp counts playthrough and then killed chaos for me lol.

Heavily weakened them economically and terroritorially whilst I expanded south into dwarf/orc lands.
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>on the top sellers

steam is glitching
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>romance of the three kingdoms

da fuck is this.
whats the difference between shogun 2 and fall of the samurai? should I buy both?
Shogun 2 is pure samurai and almost no gunpowder weapons.
FOTS is samurai vs disgusting gaijin sycophants wielding the devil's fire
There are gunpowder weapons in shogun 2
Well regular S2 does have cannons, fire rockets, firebomb throwers, hand mortars, the black ship, nanban ships, tercios, heavy gunners, and all the matchlock units.
>almost no gunpowder
Arma 3 Apex is up pretty high, didn't realize it was so popular
Empire Elector Count Rating List

Reiksmarshal Tier:
Helmut Feuerbach

Bro Tier:
Theoderic Gausser
Wolfram Hertwig

... Treasurer Tier:
Albericht Haupt-Anderssen

Good Show, You Filthy Traitor Tier:
Boris Todbringer
Marius Leitdorf
Emil von Korden

Shit Tier:
Eben von Liebwitz
Valmir von Raukov
Aldebrand Ludenhof
Balthasar Gelt (Patriarch gets a vote, no?)

Vampire Tier:
Mannfred von Carstein

>Marius Leitdorf
>not in his own Absolute Madman Tier
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>Attila all over again

Also, confederating is fun as shit until great power gets in the way. If you conqueor them, can you ever get their namesake lord they all seem to have post confed?
I didn't want too many tiers. Treasurer was already stretching it, but Haupt-Anderssen isn't a traitor, and he isn't shit. He's just kind of... there. "Oh no, I keep going to war with these Vampires and then nothing happens."
was just about to post--give the Averlander his due; he made his horse a lord.
I'd move Mannfred to Emperor tier
Mannfred is a sexist leader as he is innately biased towards the male aspect.
We (the socially progressive players of total war) require CA (Creative Assembly) to either:
A: add a female vampire leader of equal (Superior) power to Mannfred
B: rename Mannfred to Xhifred as to equally represent both gender aspects.
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You know you're not trolling /pol/ here, right? This is just shitposting. It is a shit post.
I'm just making satire
> Biased towards the male aspect

FYI Mannfred von Carstein identifies as The Greatest Sorcerer-kin. Maybe you should check the facts before making blind and bigoted statements like that.
I want Boris and Marius as LLs.
>add a female vampire leader of equal (Superior) power to Mannfred

B-but that wouldn't be canon!
Which chaos god would be the best dad?
>ywn get the option to give sweet, virgin girls a taste of Beastman dick after murdering her village and family

why even buy this shit game?

Obviously Nurgle, how is this even a question?

so do beastmen just reproduce by fucking girls?

because if so that's my fetish especially consensual
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have never seen this orc tribe wander up into Reikland before, especially on turn 8

>this army comp

>that blurry mess

There is Neferata, if we want to talk vampires other than the von Carsteins.
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Rape, random dudes mutating because Tzeentch farted on them, and sometimes normal parents have a bestial baby that they abandon in the woods.

The Beastmen actively seek out these kids, and actually treat them pretty well, even if they aren't very strong or beast-like, because they consider them gifts from the gods themselves.
>shit game

When playing Beastmen, this will be the main mechanic actually. It will be a game about deciding what nice things you want to take a shit on.
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buy me a new comp
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Marius for sure. He even got one of the most boss models on TT, two editions after his rules became defunct!
>people play COOP with auto-resolve on
Looking for a webm of a strategy game... I think it's a new total war... not sure.

There are a bunch of archers firing flaming arrows at seige towers manned by peasants. They get obliterated... game looked amazing.
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Why is 40K chaos so much more menacing than Warhammer fantasy chaos?
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Seriously though, your computer looks like it could barely run Mark of Chaos anon. Are you the Orky computer guy from that other thread?

>more menacing

how so?
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>yfw the glotkin become a lord
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More angry faces
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I don't know then. What's the answer?
How hard is this game to get into?

Not that hard at all, especially if you've ever played any kind of strategy and/or management game before.
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Okay, what's my next course of action?

Turn 12 legendary

Do I make an effort against Marienburg, attack the Vampire Counts before they get stronger, betray a neighbor, or push into Brettonia?
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different anon, it isn't
not at all.

In 40k its trivial to aim a plasma gun, a melta or a lascannon at a chaos space marine and vaporize him away.

In fantasy you've got to kill that chaos warrior with a spear
Go for Marienburg so you can get their uber-port.
The only strategy games I've ever played is Starcraft, WC3, and Suikoden 2... the strategy parts.

I get the feeling none of that will translate.

It won't translate perfectly, but it's not that hard.

The management aspect is pretty much a cake walk, unless you're mentally deficient or can't do basic math you won't have a problem.

The battles are the fun park and you should get a hold of them in fairly good order.
There's absolutely nothing menacing about 40k chaos. They're easily killable and extremely scarce
I don't think I'm retarded...

Any particular game considered "the best" the start with?
warhammer if you can afford it, otherwise shogun 2
Shogun 2 or Warhammer I would say. Else your favorite period of time. Actually Rome 2 wouldn't be bad now if its your first, but its so bad.
Shogun 2 is a great start.

Medieval 2 is also good, much slower paced, and has a ton of mods that keep it interesting if you get tired of the Middle Ages

>all those friendly neighbors

how long did you savescum for that? That said, Bretonnia will eventually go to battle with marienburg. They might go on the offensive and try to culturally enrich bretonnia, so you could wait for that. They have more armies than you do and even an ambush would be hard to press against them
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Is the secret to Fall of the Samurai turn burning?
How do these guys not get all killed rushing my line infantry with swords?
The guns weren't that accurate,thats why sword infantry and cavalry charges were still a thing
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Run you fools.webm
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>"Not that accurate"
>Snider-Enfield had an effective firing range of 550 meters
>Rifled Minie muskets
>Not accurate

They could slap your shit like a modern rifle.
I had the advisor pop up after killing the daemon lord, so maybe he isn't tzeentch but Malal or something (considering his white raven)
honestly wish there was a goblin adviser
If I recall, she controls her own faction, like Mousillon. She wouldn't make a lot of sense as a Vampire Counts legendary lord.
How do you build Azhag?
Get his mount and max out magic
Are there any famous imperial light wizards? I need a good name for this guy, he's been doing good things to the Bretonnians in our War of Trees. He's Kurt the Orc-Bane right now and that just isn't suitable.
Playing a co-op game and got a quest to deploy a hero in my friends lands.
Can't betray him and its in the heart of our empire no way the ai can take it.
The fuck do i do?
These stacks have got to end. Fucker sends a full stack into my shit every turn. Some of these vets will see their last fight because I can't replenish them fast enough.
its really corny
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>playing on higher difficulties
Why does Chaos warriors get an extra hero character?
Everyone else gets at least one LL more eventually
>first campaign play empire normal
>fun but a bit easy
>play other factions, decide to play empire again
>play very hard
>get absolutely butt annihilated 3 times in a row
>switch to hard
>barely harder than normal was
Egrimm van Horstmann
Or Verspasian Kant.
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so what are some strategies for Legendary as Empire?

this my current strategy:

>capture grunburg
>sit and wait for opportunity to open
>if opportunity comes up that's good go for it
>otherwise wait for turn 135 or whatever for the Shield of civilization bonus to effectively win the fucking game.

it worked so well on very hard but dear god on legendary the stacks of chaos bum rushed me.

You get points for spirit but I wanted lore characters
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If thats darthmod than shit like that is to be expected, for some reason every overhaul mod considers it their duty to bloat the economy, so late game is nothing but infinite stacks on all sides
It's for one fucking turn, he'll survive.
Vlad and Isabella as LLs when?

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>ron jeremy's final moments

Because noise marines will literally fuck you to death with a boombox playing dancing queen.
In lore, perhaps. I like the idea of Chaos Space Marines being this elite, rare nemesis that commands legions of veteran warriors with superior equipment (more dark age remnants), daemons, and warp-backed powers. I'd like Chaos armies to be composed more of traitor guardsmen lead by a few aspiring champions with a couple of elite CSM squads for specialised roles. Sorcerors in particular have underutilised potential - it's either magic blast this or hexes and curses to that.
Don't even have the option to deploy
Am I supposed to?
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This Dwarf keeps attacking my garrison over and over again.

He's never killed a single person.

I razed all of his settlements whilst this was happening.

I think he's upset.

Dont be a pussy, just get the mod that only allows 1 type of each agent.
>mod that only allows 1 type of each agent
There is one? Perfect, using the 'no aggressive agent actions' mod feels like cheating well, it actually is imho
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Had a good game going on legendary Emp. Got lucky and capped Marienburg while their armies were away, then they came back and I fought an amazing battle.

I had to vassalize them however because if I capped another settlement I'd have more Great Power penalty.

Right after I finished with Marienburg, Reikland rebels, and some Brettonian faction declares war.

Marienburg secedes like 5 turns into being a vassal and sends their stack after me.

So I've got 3 stacks bearing down ON reikland. End of campaign.

Is there any strategy I can use so this stuff doesn't happen? I'm surrounded by too many fucking potential enemies; I can't upgrade my buildings, field a full stack army and constantly upkeep relations with bribes at the same time.

It feels like they didn't even play test legendary empire. Diplomatic penalties ruin the campaign
>making vassals
>upkeep relations with bribes
don't be a cuck
>Grimgor sieges Karak Kadrin
>have a full stack of high tier units defending it + a full health militia
>game still says i would get my shit kicked with autoresolve so I fight it myself
>Grimgor kicks down the gates and kung fu fights through 3 stacks of slayers

He still lost the battle but damn that orc is really killy.

grimgor posters inc
>3 stacks of slayers
Slayers are literally worse than dwarf warriors
balthasar gelt could kill 300 slayers with his golden dong
So I should just perpetually be at war then? Cause that's what happens on legendary if you don't bribe other factions

I couldn't occupy or I'd take another -10 to every other faction, which would lead to war. It was either vassalize or destroy

get a strog military, then they wont pick on you
You mean more than one stack?
I can't afford that

If your army consists of anything other than longsword and crossbowmen Pre- turn 60 then you're doing stuff wrong
You can if you don't spend money on bribes
Is there a difference between very hard and legendary? Even tho elector cunts hated me on VH, they didn't actually attack me
>3 stacks of slayers
Slayers are garbage tier.
>Is there any strategy I can use so this stuff doesn't happen?
if you play on legendary just try to spread your ass cheeks for the CA cock because you're gonna get fucked


Wait for war
Wait for them to bring a stack to your city
Kill their stack
take their town
peace treaty
rinse repeat
>game allows you to name almost every unit
>box for names has pitiful character limit

What the fuck is this?
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>"Helmut Feuerbach, good to see you alive and well, raise an army and head east to Sylvania to help me, Karl Franz, reclaim the lands from the Vampire Counts."
>"Your Grace, my name is Thomas Autlermann, Helmut Feuerbach died fighting Mannfre-"
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The War of Trees goes well, we're at the gates of their high king and his knights are trapped inside. Our trees will be proven superior, our shitty forests will blanket their lands.

There's an empire I'm supposedly in charge of being invaded by vampires somewhere over to the east, should I just charge in and force a bloody victory? Or get comfy and build a few towers?
Always blitzkrieg vampires.
flag at half mast
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Have you WAAAAAGH!!!!'d today?
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Which damage spells are good except spirit leech and accusation?

Which ones are fucking shit?

I seem to get quite variable results, sometimes spells seem really effective but then I use it on something else and it does no damage. Magic damage isn't blocked by armor, right? Cast chain lightning on some armored knights and it did fucking nothing. Cast the same thing on some skeletons and a single unit of them lost like 1500 health, and it went through several of them.
People say winds of death is good, but I don't have much success with it.

The only other one off the top of my head that's actually great, is Fate of Bjuna. It's great at taking out niche groups of units, like it'll completely destroy a group of fell bats with one cast.
Foot of Gork once shaved 50% off my crossbowmen without killing a single one
I was testing out some ironbreakers against a bunch of zombies, and they also had a necromancer. Cast winds of death on one of my squads, did 2k damage. Didn't kill any of them, but they lost about 3x more guys than the other squad.

I never actually got around to getting a shaman or anything in my Greenskins campaign, maybe I should get back to that. Foot of Gork seems like such a fun spell.
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Fate of Bjuna is crazy strong even on ultra unit sizes, flaming skull and fireball are ok as well.
Wasn't sold on big waagh shamans until I cast headbutt into a chaos warrior battle. I usually set my battle line nice and neat so I had great targets that got absolutely clobbered by it. The damage was alright, but I think the big thing is that units aren't defending themselves or attacking and stunning your units when their asses are on the floor. That's a lot of free hits.
Fireballs saved my ass a couple times in clutch battles.

Let Archaeon actually snipe out the warlock in his quest battle without a death mage, or any points invested in magic, and at high range.
Is it worth getting Total War Warhammer?

I'm a big Warhammer fan but I found Total War games to be shallow and boring.
Is there a mod to make the Chaos Warriors armor black? I hate their current color
Probably not. This one is a bit more shallow than usual TW titles. That said, it's still fun and provides some nice cinematic fight sequences, even if the combat is a little bit faster than usual, as well.
If you don't like total war, don't get this. It's still a total war game at heart, with all the problems of the series that will never be addressed.
Thanks, saved me money m8s
The fuck is this? A pool?
a reservoir, if you build one on the campaign map it shows up in the settlement battle map too
Not sure about normal soldiers, but I never noticed lords attacking other lords that were knocked down until they got up
The worst part is when they start running away and your lord turns, starts attacking, turns again a bit further, starts attacking again and then they're already out of range
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>mortars become smart bombs at 5 chevrons

jesus christ, I thought these things would be bad for sieges, but for anyone not yet in the know...

bring your mortars to bretonnia.

I think we've all felt that extreme disappointment as our flying lord tries futilely to deal 108 damage to a fleeing lord and fails miserably.
I was about to attack Brettonia and take their shit for the Empire, but I'll hold off for now to get a bunch of mortars from Nuln. 8 should be enough, I think.
Calm down there, AI-Franz
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I think Chaos severely overestimates their capabilities sometimes. I guess only fighting battles they have a chance of winning is too orderly for them.

Chaos is retarded.

>Chasing Skaeling fucking shits around Middenland and The Wasteland
>Getting real tired of this shit
>Disband a few units of swordsmen
>They instantly go suicidal and attack me despite my army still being better by an order of magnitude
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>no artillery
This never fails to amuse me.
>14 years old
>looks like he's been in hellish war for 40
the sad thing is that the AI just REALLY doesn't want to leave those walls unattended, and they keep throwing their peasants up there to eat shit and die. But those peasants are responsible for 90% of any casualties you take in a bretonnian siege battle.
he has
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>using artillery

>i thought we were getting triplets, wife-san
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>there are people here right now who don't support the Oda clan
I kept meaning to capture Nuln so I could build my artillery there but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Shit keeps coming up. Despite the fact that I have greatswords and demigryph knights now. The starting mortar for Balthasar Gelt has been doing fine though, that boy has seen some shit.
Caesar Augustus private swimming pool, no plebs allowed.

are you playing on a toaster
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>being an idiot
i miss when things actually showed on the map
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>marauder horsemen with cloaking shields
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Hojo is my second favorite clan after Oda. Though Hojo sucks hard in Darthmod, to the point where I don't even like Darthmod anymore.

>win the battle without even taking a step forward with fire mangonels just setting everything ablaze and ruining the morale for the defenders, causing them to rout in 2 ashigaru volleys after that.
>no "fortunate son" starts playing


one job anon, one job
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>finally build a huge as armys and purge the fuck out of the vang.
>they start begging for pace were there was only one settlement left
>my face

into the history books you go assholes. you fucking next skellige.
I'm playing on a toaster at an infinite amount of frames per second. It's like my computer is running nothing at all.
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Calm down Gelt.
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an army as slow as the dwarves ran up to the enemy line and crushed it, and the artillery couldn't deal any damage at all
is that a multyplayer battle?
what the hell is wrong with that imperial player?
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>is that a multyplayer battle?
>what the hell is wrong with that imperial player?
he is a tard
>he is a tard
well i noticed
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>playing Napoopan as anything other than the french
disgusting desu

>fire mangonels being worth shit
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I get why the Hellcannons themselves are unbreakable, having literal sentient daemons in them and all, but I don't get why the Chaos Dwarfs are.
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we really need a music mod to put this kind of music for the empire
>mfw marching the imperial army with this playing


Literally only worth using on Hojo, because their abysmal accuracy is only slightly fixed. But you don't use them for accurate shit, you use them to light everything ablaze.


Doing a Greenskin run. Giants and Trolls or giant spiders?
Trolls for AP and spiders
Put trolls between your infantry units, don't try flanking with them or these shits will run away
Seems expensive, unless you just mean spider riders.

Also, I'm debating if it's worth keeping these Night Goblin Fanatics around. Are the poison arrows OP like they are in Attila?
By the way, trolls can kill steam tanks 1v1, just make sure to cover their asses
Giants are way too slow, spider is faster, has some goblin archers and poison to debuff his enemies
They basically should have made hellcannons like Steam Tanks that can ram the enemy. Would have been nice to have more than one in a unit or at least a much bigger projectile spread. They are like a shit mortar which is a gross underestimate of their strength in TT.
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>you will never march into battle with this playing
By the time you can field Arachnarok, you should be able to afford it. I got three as soon as I could and still had +5k per turn
Poison is pretty good and is basically the only ranged unit worth using as Greenskins, not counting Doom Divers
why aren't you playing a Total War game right now anon?
So ditch the archers, get more black orcs?
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>playing video games in 2016
because i'm bored with warhammer
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>want to finish my Oda campaign
>mfw realm divide soon
work ;_;
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>be oda
>concur japan with a full army of ashigaru and ninjas

it felt so fucking good.

I'm trying to make Shadowplay stop being retarded with this fucking game. I don't know why it's being so anal. Not even DxTory can recognize the game.
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It's amazing how the Empire can instantly cut down all of Brettonia's forests and replace them with their own, shittier ones. Humans are apparently really fucking petty about their trees.
Same. Though thats not exclusive of other total war games, I usually burn out after one campaign and some multiplayer. Partly why I'm looking forward to the finished product, getting a long victory when the entire old world and 16 tough races are added should be the best campaign experience to date.
it's to get rid of the elves
it should, yeah
probably going to take a few years to calculate turns
The "spiders turn you into liquid then slurp you up" is a meme.

What a spider does is inject you with toxins that breaks down the innards of it's victim, and then with tiny scissor-like pincers it grabs, shreds, and ingests the sloppy remains.
probably by turn 100 yeah, though the more legendary lords there are the more rapidly the smaller factions will get eliminated.
>doomdivers dropping down on the enemy
>"Oi'm not Da Git" starts playing
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>pyrrhic victory as VC, zombie stack + support vs 3 stack of tilea
>mfw I move 3 steps back into my territory with rampant corruption and max replenishment vampire deployed has everyone full health in one turn
cant win against the legion of bones nerds
VC are fun as fuck once you learn how to abuse agents.
I once lost my entire army apart from a wight and a vampire. Even manfred died.
Pyrrhic victory, i didn't lose any units since 10 or so in each unit ressed themselves after the battle and manfred ressed to half health. back to full health next turn, vamps are the best.
Pyrrhic victories are the pinnacle of pleasure as a Vampire Count
>Franz and Gelt pushing into Stirland after I captured and corrupted it
>have only one shitty stack to spare so I'm losing the battles
>they're getting worn down by attrition and battles while I just raise a new army with stronger troops after each defeat
They haven't even made it to The Moot, and what used to be two 20/20 stacks is now 8/20 stacks. It's fun to win by losing.
>and then a cannonball separates his legs from his torso
I am not french, I am just wondering why you wouldn't play as the good guys
the guy who made that model plays at my store
What's a decent army comp for the Empire?
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>the waagh comes
8 steam tanks and 11 demigryphs.
19 witch hunters
true although some spiders 'white tails etc' cause necrosis which literally causes your flesh to turn into pus and slough away from the bone.
14 hellfire rocket batteries, Gelt, cannon and 2 spearmen (no shields)
>have only one shitty stack to spare so I'm losing the battles

Where's the rest of your army?
Do steam tanks suffer noticeably on ultra from lack of monster scaling? Or am I still good to dump 8 of them in my army
Kicking the shit out of manlets.
only if you don't like fun
You know... you're right anon.

We'll just keep it at a nice, respectable six steam tanks. Six steam tanks per army.
gosh anon, I bet you play on very hard too
good for you
canonically only 8 steam tanks existed
8 steamtanks are good enough for legendary
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>play Prussia in Empire
>Line Infantry isn't called Linieninfanterie
>Death Head Hussars aren't called Totenkopf - Husaren

Muh immersion.
Oh it's you. Fuck off soldat.
when you could have GRENADIERE!!!

Are there any other "cool new" units you can only get in certain area like the wildorcs?
>"there will be"
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No soldaten. Only feels.

I just like a bit of immersion.
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It crashed, burned out and everyone inside died.

Game over, back to Shogun 2

unless they finally announce something for fucks sake

>negros have no achievements of their own that they take credit for great civilizations long ago
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>grimgor finally waaaghs me turn 97
>check diplomacy
>dwarves have 2 settlements
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Wood Elves WHEN???
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One step ahead of you.
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Rape train when?
Any good magic rebalance mod that actually balances it? I want magic to be viable but not OP
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>not playing best faction
>not wanting Nobunaga as Shogun
Why even play Shogun 2 then?
What in the fuck is going on here?!
only shitty "empires" that didn't really matter
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Yes, the first patch
Meh, they mattered in the local region

Is it out? I cast some metal wizard aoe spell overcharged and it killed 0
Wait, what? What are these wildorcs you speak of?
Oh yeah I remember that guy.
>Central African (((Republic)))
We got us an african Ceasar over here
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i want to confederate with dat ass
i want my dick ass rats so i can find out i dont like them as much as in mordheim
Savage Orcs
My samurai spirit will write the true shogun into history. In this moment I am enlightened, not by your petty long-yari ashigaru, but by my chokosabe bow samurai.

Savage orcs can only be recruited in the very south badlands from a province exclusive building chain.
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Never noticed that there is an exclusive building there. Are they any good?

They basically have armor penetration without mentioning it.
Savage Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns >>>>> all other boar boyz except for Black Boar Boyz :^)

Well, Numadians were niggers, and they were the most devastating and terrifying cavalry of the ancient age.
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Attila the Everchosen mod when?
they were really good, not devastating and terrifying, those were the parthians, also numidians were berbers, not niggas

Numidians were literally niggers. They came from Africa.

And yeah, they were devastating and terrifying - to the point when Rome got their hands on them and Hannibal lost the Numidians on his side, that was the death-stroke of his campaign and any campaign to be - because no other cavalry in the known world could match them - that they could ally with at least.
Do we actually know if numidians were berbers or blacks?

Or were they a mix?
>I lose half of the unit when my siege tower gets destroyed
>AI loses one fourth at best
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being african doesn't mean being "literally niggers", and the parthians would mop the floor with them
>I lose half of the unit when my siege tower gets destroyed

>AI loses one fourth at best
I think I never lost more than that maybe it changes with difficulty, I always autoresolve sieges on anything >hard
they were berbers, but likely had some blacks around
>I always autoresolve when....
I want this meme to die. Who plays TW like that? Auto resolve is for battles that are a no contest
So sandniggers then ...who cares ?
people who have an interest in history care about how things really used to be maybe?
>Who plays TW like that?
I do and I guess others do that too
Sieges suck, they always sucked in every total war except for shogun 2
I only auto resolve if it will be a completely one sided slaughter.

That being said I sometimes bother to play it out if I have units that get fucked by the auto-system monsters, giants etc.
Go play Paradox games man

You're doing it right
>who cares ?
Cleopatra and Hannibal were african. They must've been black. Who cares amIrite? XD
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Wew lads.
You guys take things too seriously. That guy was pulling your leg.
>Go play Paradox games man
Nah, I like the battles but sieges aren't fun.
I want to be assaulted by that big round soft perfect butt
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>Offer: carbine technology
>Demand: St Petersburg
use the carbine technology to take st petersburg back
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What's the most reddit faction /twg/?

My vote goes for "DA ORCS"

you're the most "reddit faction", stop posting this in every thread
Empire, easily.
Fuck, I miss selling technology for easy early game cash. I also wish they would bring back province trading, though it might have to be player initiated only to avoid the silly stuff the AI did with it.
I kinda like him, he's like the >TOMB KINGS STILL NOT ANNOUNCED
Why are you taking so many vassals? They're just going to betray in Realm divide
He's playing it the way it should be played but isn't feasible because CA sucks at making games

They weren't berbers. They were literally precursors to Algerians - whose population is primarily black/very dark egyptian-like bronze.
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Army buffs or Franz buffs?
If you play Dwarfs, Empire will want to buy gunpowder technology from you. Several times during one campaign because they have Alzheimer's it would seem.
You have enough for a little bit of both. Extra charge bonusa and melee atk. isn't really that useful, so I'd skip those so you have points for army buffs. Honest steel and hold the line is useful, and the Ward Save for Demis and tanks is really fucking good.
Franz buffs, not even a competition.
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Thanks senpai.

>Shogun 2 goes from max comfy to SHAMFUR DISPRAY, SENGOKU NOW in an instant

Fucking realm divide.

Franz to begin with. He is literally unbeatable if you get him high level with a lot of character points. He whips the shit out of Grimgor, and he is considered to be one of the strongest fighters in the game.
install puush or dont post images at all

jesus christ it's not 2008.
They began as a sub-saharan peoples who settled in Northern Africa after droughts pushed the fertile crescent further north (hence they are darker) whilst Egyptians migrated into Africa from early middle eastern farming cultures.
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>either not disabling realm divide with a mod
>or get a mod that makes it so vassals don't rise up against you at the very least

Anon, stop. For your own sake. Realm Divide is a shit mechanic, the least you can do is make it a tiny bit less shit.
>our guy got the main spotlight in the mods of the week vid

Nice one Creme :)
casual detected
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>disabling realm divide with a mod
Moussilon bro, your mod is in the mod spotlight this week, congrats.

braise dengri :DDD

>90% of mods are just stat changes
>Moussilon bro actually put some work into his

Based Moussilon bro.
Well congratulations you got yourself featured!
Now what's the next part of your master plan?
I bet you also want your mom to cut off the ledges on your sandwich?

>literally nobody likes a mechanic
>but you're a casual if you disable said bad mechanic to make the game more enjoyable as a whole



The edges are the best bits though. Much like how the crust on pizza is the best part of a pizza.
>Girlfriend doesn't like Total War? Rape her.

Redditfags are the worst.
The game is too easy without.
And yea you get it, the hardest part is the best part.
There are easy ways to beat the Realm divide, I can teach you if you want.
hello tumblr

Reddit and 4chan are united now
When is the first big patch to be expected?

I don't like realm divide but it does stop me steam rolling and turns my campaign map into a clusterfuck.

next year
Tumblr is just full of historyshit and porn from my experience. Never understood where that stereotype came from.
>I can teach you if you want.
not him but please do teach me, I suck at this game
>just stat changes

tumblr had a lot of safe spaces that /b/ros triggered during 2014
>literally nobody likes a mechanic
What the fuck are you basing that on, I never had a problem with it. Without some sort of mechanic to provide a challenge late-game, Total War games become a snoozefest as you become the most powerful faction and just start rolling over everyone. If you own literally half of Japan, the other half doesn't stand a chance against you if they're not united. Even just owning a third of it gives you a lot of power to start blitzing through everything that's left.

nice meme
Sure whats your steam?
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>VC campaign
>marienburg emerges as the northern power and puts franz in the dumpster
for once, the jews are actually to blame
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>for once
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Because the common, more plebeian players can not appreciate the masterpiece that is Radious.
>Where are the free dlc and dx12, and patch??... there is more than a thousand mod but still no freedlc and update

>It's been 3 weeks, we're working on it :)

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>Vassalizing the Ikko Ikki
for what purpose? do you like religion wars?
> :)

Orcs? No no no. Empire.
There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in total war modding, such as the strikingly realistic classic Europa Barbarorum or its medieval counterpart Stainless Steel. Radious mod will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground – treasured by the most avant-garde among intellectuals for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundaments of human morality. Philistines and self-proclaimed critics alike will shun Radious mod, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion. Sed domi maneas paresque nobis novem continuas fututiones.

Superficially, Radious mod appears to be a mod which caters to the most proletarian among men; aloof critics dismiss it as such often without a second thought. As complacent as these self-proclaimed "understanders of strategy" are, they fail to realize that Radious mod is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. Radious mod pries into to the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts.
Do you also complain about final bosses being harder than mooks in action games?


They died out at the start. I had hoped that restarting the fire would take some pressure off me.
As brilliantly put by Cattalus, "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo"; to describe the artistic qualia of Radious mod would be to describe music to the deaf, color to the blind or beauty to the philistine. The painting speaks for itself, and it is up to the player to fully absorb its depth. Its sublimity will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of Total War modding for centuries to come.
>It's been 3 weeks, we're working on it :)

>strawmanning this hard
>not answering

t. Mounted Coldstream Republican Guard Partisan (air rifles)
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when are dwarfs going to be playable? They are currently, by far, the worst race in the game for MP
lmfao. No that's Chaos. Dwarfs are fucking amazing. I've never lost with them since launch.

As long as they lack a unit with any amount of speed, never.
Hopefully the first patch will include a Gyrocopter buff among other things.
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Why are the second choices for LL so utter shit ?
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>kemmler doesn't even get a mount
Racism, the patriarchy or something like that
Dwarf artillery needs to be buffed and ironbreakers need to be made cheaper
Is that a comet emoji? Wuz they Sigmar and shiiiet as well?
Never rolled before. Is it just the last two numbers at the end of my post number that determine my roll?
Ungrim is stronger than Thorgrim, and has better quests.

Because the secondary choices are usually the magic focused choice, and magic sucks balls.

Install Molay's magic mod and they all become perfectly fine and fun to use.


Why doesn't his cloak let him fly like it does in the tabletop god damn it, a Lord that can fly under his own power would be awesome.
>Krell mount DLC soon
yeah but he has shit effects, who uses slayers anyway ?
Could say the same about Throgrim and his Hammerers.
>Ungrim is stronger than Thorgrim
Nigger what
Throgrim is immune to knockback
Thanks bro

Ungrim is unbreakable which is far more relevant in single player

Getting cycle-charged for infinite knockdown only happens in multiplayer
>immune to knockback
>his hero model can't actually attack annything past his thronebearers

epic, simply epic

They're also by far the easiest campaign, given that all their potential rivals are almost incapable of hurting their basic units.
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>stick wall defense wight king in all my major chokepoint keeps to hold walls and extend siege timers
>tfw you don't want to sally forth but want to bathe your cursed bulwarks in the blood of fithy orcs
>AI sits and sieges for 15 turns

>tfw Grimgor brings 10 Goblin rock lobbers

The Dwarfs only weakness.
If your LL is about to break he's probably dead anyway
Not in singleplayer

>muh artificial leadership debuff
The leadership debuff is incredibly stupid. Certain units are pretty much unuseable.

I really hope we're in for something good!
what does it mean ?
How long until it goes live? Next steam update maybe?
Why is attila updating?
>Slayers get +1 speed
>Demigryphs have -1 speed
Can someone post beastmen music again? now that we no about Fear of the Forrest, I want to get hyped
They kinda just have to make them expensive as fuck.
Let's kill some Chaos Warriors.
The Slayer king
Demis that is.

Slayers need to be fundamentally changed in some way, I don't think they would be worth using over Dwarf Warriors even if their price got reduced to the same level.
>waaah why can't I spam my specialist unit and win every game, it's useless
Specialist in seeking doom at battle, that's the only thing they seem to be able to do
A specialist unit that isn't even good at their supposed specialty isn't very useful.

>"Specialist" unit that is overly expensive, not particularly good at their one job and will die in droves every time you try to auto-resolve

No Anon.

They're shit.

They're not good for anything.
Yeah their speciality is being useless and dying.
They need to be 3500 gold units then

They kill knights and shaggoths without losing a single gryphon

I'm not that guy but what other unit will kill a giant faster and easier? In quest battle they did very well vs giants and trolls
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yeah I agree, slayers are OP
Buff monstrous units and make non-specialists super ineffective against them. Monsters become a means to smash through a line and get at Dwarfen artillery, Slayers consequently become a means to plug that gap.

That's what Quarrelers are for you dum-dum.

Quarreler spam is one of the strongest aspects of Dwarfs as a whole and they shit all over every monster except 'Piders, and that's why you also bring one or two Thunderers.
Quarrellers, cannons.
Monsters do not need a buff, they are strong enoughalready.

Monsters are mostly pretty bad, especially trolls and giants.

Trolls rout to a threatening puff of wind and regeneration is basically a non-factor, having giants in your army basically prevents you from EVER using Auto-resolve and they hardly ever earn their keep in terms of kills.

>max out magic

why? spirit leech is the only good one

Fate of Bjuna is just as good though.
use the mod that fixes magic

The game is much more fun with it
I saw a girl at my uni watching a total war warhammer video, I swear I heard "youtube what the crap is going on" through her headphones

what do??
You stop telling lies on the internet

10-20 US
21-30 UK
31-40 3rd Reich
41-50 Italy
51-60 USSR
61-70 France
71-80 Japan
81-90 Poland
91-99 Finland
I found Chaos Giants pretty useful at least. Terror is useful as fuck, and they smash up shit pretty good. They didn't get the most kills, but that's because they're too slow to catch routing enemies.
>summon the erector cunts
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perkele :DDD
>I heard [...] through her headphones
Fucking creep
Greater Austria get
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o fug :DDD
Enjoy TWW, but already a bit bored of the fact I can only start in 5 different places, or 1 place per race.

You know she COULD just have been using open-back head-phones

Seems like a more reasonable explanation than assuming he was creeping on her.
What the fuck was that
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2MB, 3120x4208px
>be in library
>see post
>look around for grills doing the same
>see this
Not that guy, but some people have the volume unbelievably loud on their headphones in public. Probably because they've damaged their hearing with said volume.

Then download the mod that changes that?

I will never understand complaints like these, it's like complaining that you're thirsty because no one has put a glass of water right in front of you.

Go to the tap and get a glass yourself you lazy fuck.

Fixing the "issue" you're having would literally take less than a minute.
Better run!
muhammad bomb islam sharia isis jihad
I think I recognize the guy on the right, does his name start with S?
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Do you know everyone in the library? I just go there to bum the free wifi

Why don't you have internet in your house?
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I love the 50% ammo mastery, especially when the enemy only has a single unity of Bow Samurai
He looks distinctly unimpressed with what is going on around him
What mod?
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Legendary Lord Unique Starting Position or Faction Unlocker.
Chosen (Halberds) vs Demigryphs ends up with mutual destruction, even though they cost 100 more and are considered hardcounter. What the fuck CA.
time to vote LEAVE
Their schtick is manipulating people and infiltrating society though, not war.
It would be the Himyar campaign times a million

>yes bloodbag, declare war on your masters, your people have a right to self-governance :)
>too bad that means there's no one to protect you~
>btw all your leaders are vampires now
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Hargrim "Many Layers of Slayers" Halfhand
little Chaos bois can't handle big burly Demigryphs, duh
It's building towers.
That's implying we couldn't get wars with dorfs, greenskins, tomb kings, filthy Manfred, and anyone else that our diplomatic powers don't work on.

That entire shtick is what would make them interesting in a total war game.


Also the idea
15 turns of tower building? Just how many do they need?
Everywhere has safe spaces.
>Play VampirCunts for the 1st time
>dick around with the locals and then try to do those lord quests that demand you slog through orc/dorf country in raiding stance to not melt in the sun.
>turn 80 decided to check the victory objectives
>notice the empire and bretonnia are greyed out, sent banshee to check
>massive mousillon undead empire stretching from bretonnia to Nordland

First time I ever see those guys live for more than 10 turns before getting Peasante'd, also the assholes hated me for some reason.
The opening moves of the Himyar campaign are the best in Total War history tbqhaftmm. It's all perfectly tuned politicking until you get your first three provinces and the war between the Sassies and ERE flares up.
but /pol/ actually thinks they will change the world with meme magic.
Is there blood? IS THAT BLOOD?
Is it a mod?
/pol/ are retarded.
You do know you can teleport to quests right? It's even in the OP now.
Gotta make sure this is in every twg from now on
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6 dwarf Warriors + 3 Longbeards. that's all the Meele Core a Dwarf Army needs
>every damn turn these chaos fucking shits
>even in our sacred underways

oh shit didn't know that, makes the unlife much easier.
You mean 8 Ironbreakers.
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>send a necromancer to blightwater
>send a necromancer to carcassonne
The AI strongly disagrees with you
a dwarf has to settle his grudge
It doesn't actually take that long. You do have spare agents that otherwise are sitting around making you more money right?
Shamefur display! you bring much dishonor to our clan
Ironbreakers are literally cheating
I'm in the mid of a hoi 3 campaign already but let's roll
That guy is right about the vassal part though, Realm Divide is stupid when it comes to that. Luckily CA realised this for FotS where your Vassals (which have the same allegiance as you) will support you.

Don't see the problem with having this for Shogun 2 aswell.
Why are you using Yari Samurai and not even No-Dachi as the Date? Might aswell not bother with the faction then.

Which is understandable given their stupid starting province.
You still get a bonus to charge for everyone IIRC so there's that
Just started a Moussey campaign last night.

All those skeltals marching in unison with those Bretonnian tower shields, unf.

I guess you could say it gave me a boner
Question, is their a Moussey campaign that isn't OC donut steel?
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>Turn Akendorf into a major defense point
>Grimgor keeps failing to assault it
>Ends up stacking six armies in blood river valley and watches from the other side of the river with low fightiness
new ded thread where
I don't understand your question.
>lategame vamps/empire campaign

This is the most tedious thing CA has ever created

I hate chaos and norscan fucking shits
What the hell is the 18% defence it won't fucking go away.
Is there a mod for Mousillon that doesn't have Vincent Mercier and dark grail knights?
Probably the -8% enemy agent success character trait then some kind of retinue bonus. Or maybe a -10% from difficulty.
Because Manfred a shit.
Difficulty makes it harder to assassinate heroes? If so, fuck that. I'll be going back down to normal. they're bad enough as it is.
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Holy sigmarite giants when?
>Critical Failure

I'm fucking doing it. I'm going to watch a YOUTUBE WHAT campaign.
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