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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 447
Thread images: 80

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Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #241

"Student Highlight: Wankatta" edition

Last Thread: >>144669018

>Main games of discussion are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Fairy Doll and Gijin Kareshi/Animal Boyfriend but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>Games of occasional discussion are Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags, and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but you get boys for letting the thread stay dead, you know.

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (includes spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):

>English Wiki links:
MCC: http://myroid.wikia.com/wiki/Myroid_Wiki
DG: http://dream-girlfriend.wikia.com/wiki/Dream_Girlfriend_Wikia
FD: http://fairy-doll.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Doll_Wiki
AB: http://animal-boyfriend.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Boyfriend_Wiki

>JP Wiki links:
MCC: http://www56.atwiki.jp/aimi-mcc/
DG: http://www8.atwiki.jp/nizikano-2d/
FD: http://www55.atwiki.jp/fairdol/
AB: http://www38.atwiki.jp/gijin-kareshi/

>Expression/hair viewer/background viewers:
MCC: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/MCC%20Combined%20Viewer.html
DG: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/DGCreator.html
FD: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25352599/fd%20expression%20viewer.html
AB: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/mbajihnc2d2lhuq/gkab%20student%20expression%20viewer.html?dl=0

>Moe Can Change! Item Dump:

>Other Mobile Kanojos Games (Includes link to the apk downloader):
So if I keep letting the thread die we keep getting cute boys instead of ugly girls? Sounds like a good deal to me!
Event ends today. Make sure to use your tickets.
Damn, I was waiting for a myroid highlight.
More like you get a student highlight that's not randomized at all.
You could have done it yourself and pretended it was random chance for your myroid to get the highlight.
Thanks to this event I'm swimming in energy drinks.
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i missed the post a cute thing
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wasted all the meager amount of ap i earned from the free ap thing because i'm a poor jew, threw over 20 energy drinks and the few double candies i had on this event and i'm still not able to keep myself in the 1-100 rank list

someone please kill me i can't do this alone
>"you get boys for letting the thread stay dead, you know."
>implying this is a bad thing
>implying op thinks that's a bad thing
How though? I've used about the same and now I'm rank 20
Is there a way to zoom out in devices with small screens so the width of MCC fits the screen? Zoom out button from the game is not working, and it's kinda annoying to have to scroll horizontally for certain buttons and stuff.
Where are your tie-ups?
That's odd, AMB updated the game a while back to automatically scale to the exact width of your screen, I wonder why it isn't working for you.
Well the title screen does scale, but the actual game doesn't. Then again this is an old phone with a 3" screen.
Three and a half hours left. Reminder again that there's a 15 min wait in between using bathing tickets.

Post ranks, number of backgrounds gained, approximate amount of EDs gained... or used, etc.
I think I'm being literally triggered whenever that blue Kanna Appeared or You Lost text appears.
>Not giving Kanna drinks to extend the efficiency of your double candies
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Post onsen bathing dialogue.
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No pictures though.
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Also, you can access the onsen dialog at any time through browser play.
http://us-moe-app.amz-aws.jp/event/steam2016/spa/end.php?P=[session id]&b_pt=[obfuscated beginning points]&add_pt=[obfuscated points received]#
http://us-moe-app.amz-aws.jp/event/steam2016/spa/peep.php?P=[session id]#

Also this, but there's no real point.
http://us-moe-app.amz-aws.jp/event/steam2016/spa/imp_error.php?P=[session id]#
Does the candy apply to Kanna ED sacrifices?
The candy applies to every source of stamps in this event.
So if you used a bathing ticket while the double candy is active, it would count?
Yeah tickets count too.
Well, it's time then, post event stats!

Rank 420, +25 EDs, I'd like
rank 81, hanging in there
I was in the 50s yesterday but now I'm 120. No stamina lost, no drinks used, a few tie ups. Other people are scary.
Rank 6, EC and two mix gacha tieups, half a dozen double candies used and broken even on drinks.
What's the point of aiming so high?
I overshot, was aiming for about 50. With double candies up you just get so many points.

Not too bothered because I'm probably gonna pass out before the event ends anyway and it's now extremely unlikely I'll get knocked out of the top 100 if that happens
Approximately how many points are you at? I'm at ~600 with 25k and wonder if it's worth getting to under 400. More EDs spent = more stamps = more gacha rolls = more knitting fodder and possibly bgs or EDs.

I was just 81 >>145314983
and already down to 98. had to climb back up with candies and EDs. The ranks are falling quickly. Rank 6 now may equal much lower by the end of the event if they just sit there.
so what maintenance game will we do this time?
/f/lockdraw or BGO?
That foxgirl flash animation Zone made years ago?
You've been heavily misinformed.
Oops you're right, it was a wolfgirl not a foxgirl.
There's a newer flash by seismic. That's the one everyone's talking about.
Who is everyone? I only see one post about it
The fuck is this, a dating app? Are you that fucking desperate?
Everyone who's talking about a new liru game, I suppose.

I got messages from someone in FD who was trying to pick up little girls in some creepy way.
What's your ASL, /mkg/?
I'm a cute 8 year old shota trap from Okinawa
O-oh is that so? Where are you currently living, honey? Are your parents around?
20/m/that one desert area in us
Don't hit on me silly boys ;^)
>>145322214 #
Are you tan?
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Found it.
Great, I wish I never relied on fucking keyboard shortcuts
Who overwatch here
I only fap to it
That Bastion, man
Fuck off / fuck off / fuck off
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Who wants triple work
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14/F/Cali. The same as it's been the past 20+ years.
I'm worried at how easy the higher ranks are to breach. I used a drink and shot up 60 to 30.
Actually shot up to 19, but I was using double candy and had some tie ups, so I estimate a normal person would've jumped 20-30 points with one drink.
We ain't no welfare babies, don't need that shit
Sorry weedlord
I'll pay it back if I see you up while looking for work
i got the juice boy
1, all mix gacha tie ups, nothing else
Come on come on, fucking end already these cocksuckers are gaining on me.
BGO tonight, folks.
Ileft my girl at rank 32 two hrs ago and then forgot about her. I'm fucked, right?
For how easy those ranks were to breach, yes, yes you are.
Get in here nerds.
Now that I think about it, Disappointment complains about riaju a lot. Used to be the only comparable term was normalfags (and I think I've seen the term translated as real-lifers too, but that's terrible), but now we've got the infinitely more cancerous normies. Suddenly not looking forward to disappointment being translated.
Still, new types when, AMB?
We haven't gotten new types in a while. They started introducing a new type to our server every month or so for a while but recently they stopped on that, like they just gave up or something.
I'm assuming it's just because disappointment is just that annoying to translate. Either that or new AMB translation team died. We stopped hearing from the supposed AMB worker around the same time major updates like new types stopped happening, if I recall correctly.
I have to wonder if they stopped because the new types haven't been as popular as older ones. I can't even think of any Brash roids off the top of my head
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Woah how do I get myself a qt squirrel boy?
Level a student to 100 and let them graduate.
I wish they would focus on fixing the eye types first. Some faces are way too pixelated.
This also unlocks leopard boys IIRC
Welp guess I'll be grinding for awhile.
That too, but at least the nip side has those types and just need to be translated. HD faces would require them to make HD versions of each face first and then bring them over. Then again there's a lot of things they have that they still haven't brought over, and some things they brought over in a week after it was introduced in JPMCC so who knows how long anything'll take.
Make sure he's not lover status (heart icon) too, must be student status (clover icon) to graduate. Read the wiki for more
Alright, choose contest themes.

What does Glamor mean? Runway models? Sounds like it would be too much a vague mix of sluts and elegant.
I believe that's what it's supposed to be.
Sorry I got distracted, I had around 26k, it wasn't worth the EDs imo.
Some of those themes are so shit
The solution is, then, to not vote for them. But you can share your thoughts on which ones to try and sway the vote.
Ok. MCC doesn't really have true /fa/ dresses, for modern clothes it's mostly a lot of casual stuff and ita frills, so I think the votes for that should be avoided.
Space doesn't have enough outfits, school uniforms and swimsuit are boring and I probably forgot some other ones.
Clusterfuck is also shit because I don't know how we are supposed to rate clusterfucks.
Scardy cats. I dare you to vote for clusterfuck, moen shop, and full slot categories.
Ha. Those were my top 3 before I saw your post.
I voted for moen shop and full slots. Clusterfucks are shit tho.
It was worth it. I went from 27k to 53k with only a minimal net loss thanks to all the ED gacha rolls
You know what has plenty of outfits? Wonderland.
Too similar to magic.
Not to mention being shit.
I doubt an item from Wonderland would fit in a Magic theme and vice-versa.
Maybe but it's still fantasy shit.
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What about water/sea/sailor theme?
Well, you should've suggested that earlier.
What's this fairy mini lottery thing in JPFD? I just enter a number once a day and hope I get picked?
AB not putting double points+rare boost for the reprint At Home gacha, that may be the first time I've seen they haven't done an ending boost, though it's a reprint.
Meant the Let's Stay In gacha
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Draw something and post it while we wait for maintenance to finish.
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>>145342663 meant for >>145341657
But you didn't draw that Hidenori.
New game?
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Might as well post something not from the JPMCC BBS.
I can't believe how long this took.
From what I can make out through Google Translate on browser play, my guess is that it's the same as Moe Mini Number in MCC. Basically, pick a random number, and everyone else who enters will choose numbers too. At the end of time limit, whoever has picked the lowest non-repeating number (that no one else has chosen) gets to win a prize. I'm not sure why there's multiple ranks, but I suppose there are a lot more FD players.

What's your account? I'm playing idly/only events but maybe we could be friends.

And Colors, are you really not playing on JP FD anymore?
Join the DG group.
Oh, oops. Missed the part about the smallest unpicked number. I used 138, no idea how it'll fare.

Account's オフライン, only fairy is ブリヴェット in case there's more than one. I'm just doing events and studying myself. Definitely logging in daily at least.
There are so many scammish companies in Tapjoy.
maintenance was supposed to have ended, grr
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It's back.
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>Bedtime Gacha
>First Time Free! label in the corner
>except it's not, pay up 200 AP
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Bonus: if you got in fast enough, the new event notice was just four Default-chans talking to each other
I want a default harem!
Are you sure you didn't just use your free roll when it was first added? I remember getting one
I saw a guy in JP with one. 6 Defaultroids named MOE-01 to MOE-06, wearing nearly identical outfits. Apparently he keeps them that way too, as I've ran into him a few times.
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AMB pls.
Do they actually have personalities unlocked to do special work, or has he grinded to Lvl 200+ with jobs like park cleaning?
So did they fuck up the bed gacha 2 or what? I don't even see it.
They've hidden the banner to the new bedtime gacha, it is not an addition to the old one which is what you may be looking at. Anyone know where it is?
They fucked up. It's nowhere to be found

Redirects to your room though.
I thought it would be obvious that we were talking about the original since he just called it "Bedtime Gacha" and not "Bedtime Gacha 2"
Can't find him right now but I think he did have different types. Not a true default harem I guess.
Hey, they have timers for how long the event will go for. That's nice of them.
Nip events have had them forever, except they note the exact end time. I think they have a countdown instead to account for different time zones.
In the same vein, they've also had notices for how many talks you have left and things like that. Nice that they're bringing over the smaller details.
Woop dee doo, they did something for the braindead western masses too lazy to check the ending time themselves in order to remind them when to squeeze out more energy drinks. Now they just need to add the missing studio sakura ribbons, new knitting gacha, display text settings, dreams off settings, eating meals, pictures with friends, and whatever else. And all of that can pretty much be done by copy and pasting the codes from jp.
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>nice of them
>adding basic user-interface functionally features that we recommended ages ago
yeah, real nice
What did you expect? AMB are never on time and always underwhelming
Now this is a daughterfu.
I don't think I quite get this event.
It's like you're running several copies of the same event in parallel, one for each myroid you have. Progress doesn't carry over between copies. Nothing special except for that.

Also, the best strategy to get the early clear would be to go through the waiting part of each myroid's story first, since it's 2 stamina instead of three. Depending if you want Event drinks or tickets, you should just keep resetting the first or third box gachas, respectively. Resetting the first as soon as you get the event drink is best for ranking and you might get some double candies too, whereas resetting the last gacha gives you lots of gacha tickets and accessory tickets, if you're lucky.
JP Notification:
>generic event ending and maint stuff
>next event will have items compatible with bedtime outfits

Don't blow all your AP on goodnight gacha 2 when it gets fixed. Might be worth waiting for the next event first. It'll start after the next maintenance, which'll complete 6/14 at 1700 JST.
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Forgot image.
Top 30 ranking?
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Sarali is so cute, I want to tenderly love her.
If I understand correctly, official boxes do not themselves update?
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What? Box content doesn't change. Instead of being expanded, new boxes will be added. This is in the help too.
Did they remove the auto change feature?
oh wow, they did

inb4 premium option now
They forgot a ">"?
>Forgetting a >
I'm glad AMB are experimenting more with event design but man this event is mechanically boring.
I want to marry Kanna-chan!
Go ahead, Doud. No one else likes her.
Uh rude. Kanna's the best NPC, Sarali, Irara, Anna and Chie are all shit
>a shit
I'll fucking kill you
Try me faggot
>Not liking Kanna
Irara, pls.

Sarali and Irara are qts while Chie is a semen demon, you have shit taste.
>Sarali and Irara are qts while Chie is a semen demon, you have shit taste.
This nigga gets it
>liking that background-grubbing lardass
I want Chie to die in a ditch.
Sarali is a boring bitch with no personality, Irara is the same but makes creepy faces and tries to fuck Kanna sometimes
What's with the quality control this time?
Sarali is a spoiled cute little girl and Irara is a cute lesbian little girl raised by a big chuuni.
It's just shoddy all over. One of Masculine's lines for the first stage is complaining about the heat then saying she can't wait for her master to arrive so they can go somewhere warmer.
Is your girl so ugly that you have to hide her?
How do you get more coins for the casino I swear I've been stuck at 0 for like a year
Just focusing on the lines. I can crop her in if you're interested, but I don't see a point since she's not part of the translation quality.
The casino hasn't been up for a year.
You should get 30 automatically on weekends, it rests the chips at the end of the month though.
Ok thanks, it's probably because I haven't logged in on the weekends for a really long time.
Like I said, boring bitch and creeper
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You get 60 coins per weekend (30 twice if you visit early on Friday then whenever Sat/Sun). Probably a glitch but it's always worked.

Coins reset to 0 every new month.

Play the new poker game. Sitting on 3k right now with nothing left to buy. Just go for pairs.
Any DG App Pack recommendations?

I'm leaning toward the Rainbow DX pack since this event rank struggle is pretty fierce and I'm at 30% off for renewal but I'm down for some suggestions.
I suggest suicide
I'd only go for them if you want the whole package.
There aren't enough twin myroids.
Yell at mistermantastic to get to level 160 then
You first.
Why would someone make the same MyRoid twice?
no u
Don't know. It could be cute.
Twins =/= identical twins. Rikako and Mikan look quite different, for instance.
It would be cute to see, but it would limit their Master a lot.
If they're not identical what's the point? Might as well just be normal sisters
How about making a twin with another master?
How about being a twin with another master?
Yep, turned out to be 116.

Where are these timers? Because clearly I need them.
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>have issues where game isn't displaying to fit phone's acreen width
>it's annoying to have to scroll horizontally to read anything or access buttons
>acidentally flip phone
>resolution gets smaller after doing that
>flipping it back it now fits the screen correctly, but anytime it switches pages resolution is bigger again
>try changing page with phone flipped
>page opens in an even bigger resolution than before

Fucking technology, how does it work?
>implying anything AMB makes works
who are the newfags that are active
right under the event buttons
I wouldn't mind, but some don't even want that two /mkg/er's girls look alike.

Save your account information, clear the cache, delete the app and download it again.

Define newfag.
Anyone after Colors is a newfag.
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tofu kami, im still kicking and doing things when i can remember and when other girls are awake (they usually aren't)
Why wake your girls when you could just molest their unconscious bodies?
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Is this what happens when Canadians fap?
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Cathexis here. I wake my girls almost every day. (But I haven't been returning socs as often in MCC lately). I read the thread all the time, though.

Thank you for visiting.
Damn Tsundere's meet up lines are cute!
I want to pat her head
... if you must ...
But can I kiss her forehead after?
May I pat the red head?
feeling lucky, punk?
pat my dick instead
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It's time to post socs.
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Leon here, just the usual depression draining my energy. I still do the events most days, so I guess that's active enough.
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Steven here, since my senpai has answered I guess I count too, I'm doing some subjects before the semester starts, I should be back to my semi active state in 2-3 weeks and then back to events only in September.
Doodling. Post 1 roid, gf or boy.
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No wonder Yuria, Molly and Reiko are so messed up when their mother's slutting around like that
Damn, you're fast.
That's what Yuria said last night
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Not cool.
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>Post 1 roid, gf or boy.
Maybe next time, bean curd deity.
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That's what Hilde said after seeing how we left the living room.
I scorn you.
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>are you really not playing on JP FD anymore?
Correct, I said y'all can keep my account. I will occasionally wake up my english fairies until they are killed. Playing the other 3 games is enough, plus I'm getting a little bored of them.
I call dibs on your MCC account if you were to eventually leave.
So rather than make Bedtime Gacha 2 work, they just stealth edit the post-maintenance notice to say Bedtime Gacha 1 is ending soon

Classic AMB
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What an awful rec
I won't be giving away my other accounts, only did so for JPFD because it was for spoilers. I raised and dressed those fairies for fun and did not get attached to them.
Tell me about it. Broken nose and a tacky light up hearts headband with a bridal dress, curtains suspended from nothing over a path in the middle of a park and random giant roses for some reason. It's like they just threw whatever they had together with no thought of whether it actually fit.
Pretty much 90% of recs I get are shit from the most recent gacha and event cobbled with some blurry Studio Sakura accessories. People don't bother to scavenge and use shit from events and gachas a few months back, it's always gotta be the new stuff that everyone else is using.
I object for the roses. They go well with the roses from the dress.
They don't because they're a different color from the dress roses and they contrast heavily with the cherry blossom trees in the background.
It'd look too monochrome if they were the same color as the dress.
They're also floating in midair in a park that's otherwise full of cherry blossom trees
It's just a special effect. Doesn't fit for other reasons, but unrealistically floating around is the point of the accessory.
Think of it as a frame or a special effect put on a picture.
If it was a frame or special effect, it'd be in front, not behind everything.
It'd spoil the dress if it was in front.
So it's just an all round shit accessory then?
It all depends on how it's used.
Fairly accurate. I've never figured out any combination that uses it well, though I suppose some abstract backgrounds might work.

That gives me an idea, how about abstract backgrounds as a competition theme? You'd absolutely have to think about things looking nice compositionally instead of thinking what fits thematically with some location. Could be a sub-category or something since it seems too broad just like that.
An abstract background would actually make that outfit much better. I'd probably go for the hearts pattern from the daily quests, that'd go with the heart cheek mark and I think hearts and roses is a decent theme for a marriage outfit
your girls suck dicks for a living and they're not even good at it
>We received notifications from a number of players stating that the Auto-Change feature had disappeared as of the April 13th maintenance, and discovered the error that caused its unintended closure.
AMB, pls.
Duh, that's why I'm the money maker in the house.
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Thanks a lot, I love it.
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God damn, you sure delivered.
Breasts too small, 0/10 would not fondle
I can almost feel the freedom.
>Dominant wants me to enjoy Colors
AMB, I'm not sure she likes me like that
So she wants you to NTR her?

Dominant confirmed for cuck.
With 46 survivors.
I want to give Molly a younger sibling.
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New hairstyles
Oh good, I wanted more Shadow the Hedgehog hair.
This event has way more typos than usual.
If you had to marry someone from this general who would it be?

And why don't you want to admit it would be Ragtag, Laggen?
kill yourself
Why is Chie so cute?
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Next event's here in JP MCC.
It's called May Sickness or something. Plot's something like someone unleashed a virus on the world and now your myroids are sick from it. You have to nurse her back to health.

Functionally, I think it resembles the NEET rehab event since there's something about tickle punishments, but I've never played it and I'm not far enough in this one to say for sure.

The tie up gacha is called Sky Pirates of the Blue Sky (roughly), and is steampunk themed. I'll do something for it another day.
can you really say that you know someone well enough from this general to marry them?
I see blahaj
Yet again they couldn't resist the animemes. Well, I'd want one in real life myself if I could get one.

Just checked the latest notification. Aside from the event opening things, looks like wig gachas 1 & 2 are coming back as well. Nothing else of interest.
Good shit man
Fuck your thread
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This will be a perfect opportunity to release Disappointment along with this event on our version, but I just know they won't do it.
Looking at current AMB's translating and proofreading skills, do you really want them bringing over a new type now anyway?
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you mean her peach buns
Why is Chie so fat?
She eats too many event backgrounds.
Reminder that Kanna is not even a Navi girl.
>Implying that even matters.
Kanna a cute. CUTE!
Look at it this way, maybe the translator that isn't shit was assigned to translate a new personality, so he couldn't proof-read his kohai's event translations.
Bless your pure heart and optimism. I wish I could think like that
I want to have a cute kouhai that's bad at his job, I'd support him with a vain hope that he becomes better.
Take any of your /mkg/ kouhai with unimpressive girls and start giving cute and fitting recs to their girls.
There are no cute mkgers though
Mysterious type. Including myroid for that one autist.
I like girls with a big appetite
Thanks for the work, weedlord
You fuggin what
Which autist? We have a lot of those.
q:^L ur welcome buddy
Thanks, screencaps look nicer with the girls included.
Last chance to vote on themes.


The entry period will be about a week and will start soon afterwards.
Doesn't matter my girls are winning
Please tell me clusterfuck isn't winning.
I like your vim.

No promises.
Knowing this general, the most boring theme will win and every entry will be the same generic uncreative shit anyway
Does anyone know how to change the font for MCC on firefox browserplay?
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>If you promise to serve me for live!
>not serving her for die
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The last update broke Moe Mini Number, come on AMB, apply yourself.
Why are your girls so tall? Are you even taller than them?
i don't know, anime girls taller than guys is just so freakishly adorable, and no, I suppose I'm what /fit/ calls a manlet, being only like 5'9" or so.
>one roid
>can activate harem mode anyway
I don't get it. What's the point?
Get your second one and lef's see if you can make her story too and if you must re-do harem mode afterwards.
Nice idea. I've been keeping at one roid for a while even though I can make a second one already, so I can test it anytime. I want to get to at least the second stage first though.
If it does reset harem mode, you can kind of cheat with points by getting through the first stage, getting a new roid, and going through the first stage two more times for maximum points.
What is harem mode
Marry all your roids and you get to do the event all over again except with all of them at once, like normal events.
Hm interesting
Not really, it's just a way to pad out an already lackluster event.
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explain yourself crybaby type
She wasn't brought up well.
It's not a s if getting MyRoids was that easy.
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There aren't enough myroids with ahoge and not a big enough selection of ahoges as well.
My girls brush their hair.
I like that the NEETroid is back as the ranking outfit preview.
Those bits of hair sticking out make hat wearing more selective, even when it's not an ahoge
This will be the most expensive bag of ships in history.
Just change the bangs when that happens. This reminds me that people don't play with hairstyles enough.
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I can't not bump you can i
Where do you get the transparent items?
tell that whore to bring that ass here
Where do you get the tears thingy?
Old event
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Fuck oldfags. I hope they'll keep bringing back old events
You can always ask us to recommend it.
They're paying for repentance since most players wear new things and never wear them again, however the transparent items aren't too old, must be less than several months.
It's not like I particularly need it. It's just that it's the kind of item that's always nice to have.
>was gonna say that event was just a few months ago
>checks wiki and realizes it's been one year

Time flies.
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>Study EXP x2 Campaign
They always do the work campaigns right after the study ones, so it's something good.
By sister does she mean her Master or her Master's other girl?
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Nice desu ne
are these still useful for anything
I think for certain events?
With Moe Power of Friendship dead, these are the only things we could use to recover one of the points on the events that now use EDs to recover all bonus points.
damn, i was only 1k off from getting the EC
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Thank you, based Doud.
Okay, not sure if I'm just stupid, but how do you add clothing to DF's viewer? I tried looking through the pastebins but they don't seem to say anything, and I tried just writing item names but got nothing.
Meant DG* not DF
>not neglecting your dwarves' clothes until they rot off

You need the clothes ID
Thanks. Now my dumb follow up: Where do you get that?
You'll need access to browser play. It's all normally hidden from players. I suppose you could guess some numbers, but they follow patterns that I'm not sure of. Guessing right just gets you random results anyway, so you're better off asking the browser players in the thread for IDs or setting up browser play yourself.
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>tfw you only got one rare and missed the one super rare you wanted
AB maintenance in 20 minutes. How many Hearts of __ were you able to receive?

I ended up getting two each of Justice and Competition, yet I was unlucky with the rest. This event setup is fun but it doesn't give you that many stamps to spend. Luckily the outfits aren't that great.
Damn, just how much did you spend?
You don't wanna know anon. ;_;
Just Service. I'm glad I didn't particularly want anything from the event since it gave me fuck all
I stopped caring a few days into the event and dropped it after getting my two free tickets. It's neat, but it drags on way too long.
At least you got the tan boy. I got the morning background as my one point prize and both the rare outfits, but no tan boy when that was the main thing I wanted
Missed two of the hearts ugh. I'm rank 200~ or so but all I want is the rendezvous item.
The winner of the poll and therefore the theme for the next fashion contest will be:

>Moen-shop only

The official rules for entry and prizes will be posted later. The main contest, as usual, will be for MCC; you can only use items that can be bought in the moen section of Studio Sakura or in the Moen Gacha.

As for AB and DG, which will have contests running concurrently with their own prizes, use the nearest equivalent, with these criteria: they can only include items that are permanently available and use the standard in-game currency. For example, in DG, you can only use items from the Free Gacha, the permanent selection in the Limited Shop that can be bought with shells, and the Box Gacha.
What about moen items from Kanna's shop?
Not permanently available. I assume that the intent behind the suggestion was to demonstrate creativity arranging items that theoretically anyone could have access to.
>standard in-game currency

So there's no need to use the builder. That's quite the challenge, in a good way.

Does this assume permanent items are still permissible, i.e. animal ears, hair extensions, beauty marks, AB tattoos, etc.? For example, Ashton's Suzume constantly has that Shiny Crown accessory; is that still allowed?
Excellent question. I would say that if that's a recognized part of an entrant's permanent look, yeah, go ahead. Just be reasonable.
Gj picking the shittiest theme mkg I could count on you
Can we have a revote of the top 3?
buyfags pls
While it is possible to do instant runoffs with this vote, just looking at it tells me it would not make a difference if I did; that theme won by a good margin. The second and third most popular themes were 10-items and clusterfucks, by the way.
Could you make them public? I want to see how bad did my top 3 do.
Yeah, with these, sure


Note that the above is inaccurate, since I didn't ask you to rank everything; options that were higher up tend to look like they did well because of that. What you should do is choose to Export to CSV, which is a spreadsheet of each vote, and look at the first five options in each person's list. That can also be accessed here:

Quick tip for exchanging stamps for outfits in the previous AB event: if you want at least one variation of everything, it'll take
>31 stamps of each color if you go for either the first or second variation, or
>24 stamps of each color if you go for the third variation (15 stamp outfits + 5 stamp accs + Basketball Player+Headband, which are fixed amounts)
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Go bump your crotches together already jesus
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bump the thread instead
you can be a big pig too
what do they talk about in the bath together
The embarrassing size of Ragtag's micropenis
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Why ain't there any moes?
Because moe can't change
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Why haven't you proposed yet, mkg?
Because polygamy is still illegal, I'm not marrying any of them until I can marry all of them
Is it ok to fug myroids if they're ded?
Because everyone and their mother is doing a marriage theme. My girls deserve better than to wear the same outfits every random's girl wear.
They're robots, think of them as onaholes.
That just makes it weirder, I mean I'd fuck a bro's ex but using a bro's second hand onahole is just fucked
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Running out of these.
Draw some more
You could change the integrated onahole and either reactivate her or just have some fun with her "sleeping" body ala Dr. Lamp during maintenances.
Anyone have tips for the AB event? The event items are really nice but matching the cards seem hard.
Take screenshots of everything's positions so you don't have to remember it
It's never ok to fuck myroids
Says who? In my headcanon I've fucked all my MyRoids, some NPCs and some of other Master's.
>and some of other Master's.
MCC isn't a lewd game.
But myroids are lewd girls
Post myroids being lewd.
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my #1 girl
Nice, I like a shaved girl
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More hairstyles when?
There's already 60 different bangs and 59 hairs to choose from, not counting wigs, what more do you want?
More ponytails.
There's still like eight of those and the majority are moen
more poofy as fuck hair, preferably long ones too
To this day I don't know what the fuck Benji is thinking.
What do you mean?
Their fashion sense.
remember scorchy? thats my boy right there
10-slot outfits.
This please. Long, wavy, soft, fluffy hair is the absolute best.
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Can't be typical Scorchy, there's nothing about which MyRoid's waiting for him to nut inside of them or anything.
I think that's one of his daughters though and he doesn't fuck them, they just try to fuck him
People can fill all slots and have it still look good. For the newfags; we've gossiped about Benji's shit coords before. He uses accessories and outfits in mismatch settings a lot.
>MyRoid's waiting for him to nut inside of them

We could do with a dozen more Scorchys to off set all of these faggoty "boy" myroid trash.
>Implying you can't nut in a boyroid's tight ass
It's Master and Moe-01, not Master and Joe-01, faggot.
>People can fill all slots and have it still look good.
Yes but doing so without using duplicate or invisible items is harder, I think.
>inb4 cables, cables everywhere
Boys can be moe too.
Do event energy drinks carry over or do they disappear after the event ends?
They disappear, they pretty much made them just so you couldn't save up drinks.
They disappear, better use them while you still can.
typical AMB
Is there only one stamp sheet challenge?
Yeah, another one of AMB's ideas that didn't go anywhere.
Wow AMB really just ran out of fucks to give with the married life stages didn't they? At least the earlier stages had 2 or even 3 lines per type, married life is literally just one line repeated over and over.
Still better than DG.
Thanks for the dank Moen, weedlord.
They increased the subtype lines appearing a bit. Might be they were banking on that to make things less monotonous. Really though, running out of fucks is basically the other theme of this event though.

No screenshots but here're some more typos.
>Why are you so nervous?
>I don't think what important conversation you want to have, but you don't have to be so stiff.
>I don't decide between this one or that one...
>Tell me, which one do you think I should get?
Games close down once the company stops giving a fuck, we should complain in their facebook or using the in game support so they know their new translators are shit.
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