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/twg/ - Total War General

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>FAQs & General Info
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>Total War Warhammer
Mods -- http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications

Previous thread >>144287198
A few threads ago was "Q&A on Friday edition"

Well its Friday. Where's my Q&A
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Sigmar is weak.
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>tfw no khrone berzerkers in fantasy
If I started an overhead vs. underhand hoplite spear debate right now, would anyone even give a shit?
I have to admit while I hate Chaos playstyle, Archaeon does look pretty awesome.
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Q&A when?
Results of Easter Egg finder when?
It's weird

Chaos are my favourite tabletop playstyle and yet I don't like them in tw

Interested to see how the fuck they do skaven on the campaign map given all the cowardice and backstabbing
Has anybody cataloged the various magic item drops in the game so far? I've been curious to see what CA added ever since I got Skabscrath of all things as a random drop during my VC playthrough.
What's wrong with chaos? The horde mechanics?
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>beat chaos
>lose the will to continue playing more on that campaign
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What is even this funny bird's problem?
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i like empi re do you like
empi re
Did the game leak yet?
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I'm guessing you either don't like the Horde mechanics, or you just don't like how you need to constantly be sacking or you'll go bankrupt? Or perhaps the "horde infighting" thing?

Still the strongest 1vs1 lord there is.


Problably some combination of the fightiness mechanic from orcs with the offices from empire. Like generals want to be rewarded, but if you don't reward them enough they will betray you instead.


Horde mechanics aren't bad, but the campaign itself turns into a clusterfuck. The AI start sending ganksquads after you, and because of march stance they will basically never ever get caught.

For me, the chaos campaign highlights all the annoying things in TWWH.
Dem thighs tho
Leak? It has been officially released for more than a weak, anon.
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Hordes kinda lame but honestly they don't feel like chaos

The army is all about powerful but relatively low numbers infantry and it's not the case in the game, and because of the direct upgrades you don't really spend long with chaos warriors themselves who are the iconic unit of the army

Hell I don't think you could make them work in total war as larger infantry groups will always be at an advantage for being able to wrap around smaller units
>Still the strongest 1vs1 lord there is.
>he says while Soul Leech exists
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>try Empire VH
>everybody automatically hates you regardless of how much you gimp your economy through gifts, helping them in wars or otherwise being a good guy trying to use diplomacy
>have to forge a Defensive alliance with Nordland for Karl's quest
>helped them in wars
>given them multiple gifts
>used agents against their enemies
>manage to get a 96 gold/turn trade treaty by giving them 6.000 gold just to improve relations
>-46 (Detereorating)
>-60 Great Power
>all I have is Reikland and that port castle to the west of Altdorf
>Vampires fuck me from the east
>Skaelings fuck me from the north
>Ostland fuck me from the northeast
>two shitty standing armies
>600 gold in the bank
>55 gold income/turn

>fuck this fucking goddamn Great Power bullshit
>download my first cheat mod (no great power penalty)
>Game turns fucking easy, everybody wants to sit on my dick
>confederate everybody
>hold the entire Empire of Man by turn 90
>500k in the bank, 50k income/turn with ten standing armies

Well that wasn't fun either. How do you balance your perfect challenge/fun, /twg/?

It's using Denuvo.
So no.
Oh shit.
Horde mechanics are annoying and mean you pretty much have to sink all your skill points into Chaos Tribes right off the bat, but at least Archaon gets a bonus to sacking. Infighting is the worst though.
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It's turn 108... Archaon's here any minute now.

The whole world hates me, but the Empire was weak, feeble. If the living don't have the nerve or strength to push the forces of Chaos back, then by damn it'll have to be the forces of the dead.
I seriously hope they won't just do something boring like giving them massive public order problems.
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Thank fuck it's done, starting with Sigvald was pure torture
he's still a cool guy though
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its coming along quite nicely

HOWEVER, cant seem to edit banshees at all which is a shame as I was hoping to blend them with maidens.

other hiccups include similiar things with vampire girls and ghostly units in general do not enjoy unghostly things on them.

that said and done, its almost finito just gotta make the wight king the most baller then i'll upload it.

I remove all penalties from difficulty, like public order penalties and the bunch. I also got rid of great power because fuck that. You still have aversion penalty from different races.
All in all it makes the game much more fun.
The elector count of Nordland considers Marienburg to be his property, even though the people of that city have promised to put him to death if he ever enters the walls. His ass will always be pained while you hold it.
We the elected cunts demands answers.
Send Grimgor versus Kholek 1 on 1 and see what happens.
I don't really like Horde mechanics. I like having settlements and building them up. Just miss having a 'normal' economy and having to, yeah, rely entirely on sacking for it.

Just something I've always enjoyed. Heck, I do kinda miss roads but that's just because I really like the whole building/upgrading thing.

But I get roads are kind of not a thing to consider in this game.
Yeah, you already get lots of public order issues on goblins if you keep expanding with waaghs

But that makes sense because greenskins are all about the strongest ruling so I just see them as challenges to my rule

You're doing god's work, anon.
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That looks fucking sexual, anon

I hope you don't burn out making a complete faction roster

Also, can you edit the Bretonnian trebuchets to fire the Hellcannon's projectile? Like, fluff it to shooting the literal skulls of the damned at the enemy, Mordor-style. I don't know, but it feels like that'd be how the Vampire Counts would ever do artillery.
I really hope that generals often betray you and that playing Skaven means fighting Skaven 90% of the time
>fluff it to shooting the literal skulls of the damned at the enemy

Tomb Kangz already do that.
do you know somwhere i could read up on how to mod? it seems pretty cool and i have some ideas i would like to implement in the game.
I feel like infighting shouldn't be a problem. Each lord is on their own quest for the gods, with their own chosen warband, and they should have little to do with each other except in super climactic crescendos of ultraviolence.

But it doesn't really pan out like it really should because the inch-thick plate armor of chaos warriors is no harder in game than the millimeter and a half thick plate of greatswords, or the tit dress a vampire wears. If chaos really was as overpowered as it should be, they'd operate better in those outnumbered situations.
Biggest problem I see right now with Skaven, Wood elves etc. is that the map is too small right now. I really hope they will do map rework when expansion comes out but seeing some kind of underworld map for Skaven would be cool too, kinda like Age of Wonders style.
>The elector count of Nordland considers Marienburg to be his property, even though the people of that city have promised to put him to death if he ever enters the walls

How is it his property then?

It's a mechanic to make sure you don't double-tag every city and autoresolve.

And it works out in terms of lore too. Just look at 4chan, we all have our own lives and goals, and we shitpost all day erry day.
Hey that's an idea. Bring back the loyalty rating for generals.
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Mannfred's family isn't doing so well.
It would be extremely autistic
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Why the fuck can't I trade with anyone as dwarves. It's not that they won't accept, it's not even an option. I have gems, iron, and gold , along with six settlements (two major), and I can only trade with the dwarves I've started off with.
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>wonder where the bird faggot has gone
>look at the backline
>he's getting decimated by chosen great weapons
>send Kholek in there
>fucker stampedes in and sends him flying
>bird is ded

And here I thought he was going to be this big problem.
No direct land or sea trade route.
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the damned have got to rise again sometime.

I might burn out but it will be the brightest flame.
as for modifying projectiles I really have no idea, I'll have a quick look though as thats a real neat idea

well I taught myself in like 3 hours BUT.

thats closer to actual modding


thats closer to what I'm doing

and pic related is what happens when science goes too far.
You need a land or sea connection to these other people.
That's coming up really sweet
cheers buddy, do you know if its possible to create new abilities for units?
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>quest battle
>allied reinforcements come
>they bumrush the enemy and prevent them from coming into your death zone
>enemy keeps hammering you with artillery instead of them

fucking humans

this battle now takes three times as long

also, holy fuck I'm just now trying out these trollhammer guys and they absolutely shat on the enemy lord on a wyvern or someshit, one salvo killed him from 75% health
Ay Gregor, I tell ya what. Talk to Tony, he's a guard captain, you can get job with some zambambonies on the wahll.
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>Was getting on a boat part of your plan?
im starting to feel like germany in that war they had a while back
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>tfw we will actually get to play as Chaos Dwarves since the models are already in the game
What if the types of undead you recruited were based on what province you are in? For example, recruiting skeletons and zombies in Bretonian lands were give Bretonian units like this Anon is making. Recruiting in Kislev would give undead versions of the eventual Kislev roster, and so on

They could be the same stat-wise, but it would look really cool.
How prominently is Tzeentch depicted?
My first chaos campaign I was struggling a lot because I was missing some of the early nuances of their campaign style, and I happened to be at Reikland when the Lord of Change spawned. So I jumped in the river and left, and the Empire killed him for me.
>those unit sizes

Well of course they did.
He's the only god in the game with a greater daemon right now.
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I hate umgi's so god damn much
Halberd demigryphs or lance demigryphs?
>build one battering ram
>drop siege equipment the second deployment phase begins, send four chaos hounds to bite down the gates faster than the ram could batter it
>run everyone the fuck up and toss over a bunch of invisible ladders

Someone's gonna overhaul every siege mechanic, right? right?
I can't afford to sustain 2 stacks as chaos on v.hard but can't take anything with just 1 past the first 5-6 settlements because lolgiant stacks.

What do you do?
He got a video of Joey saying thanks

>619k gold

Nigga, what?
Imagine being a slayer and fucking dying in a fight against humans.
How is that not a Heroic victory?
From ranged combat, no less.
Whats the best way of farming levels for my generals? I'm considering raiding my own province just to spawn rebel stacks.

Manual battles.

You have the toughest infantry in the game, use them.
archaon spanks him all day erryday faget

inb4 storm of chaos
Not really a big deal in end game.
Is Black Coach gud or waste of unit space?

I feel like the latter.
There is no prize.

CA tracked his ip and turned him into a chaos spawn.
Maybe he was told to keep his mouth shut about the prize since he got caught reuploading the video since CA apparently watches these threads
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>mfw giving slayers a shitty death.
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>the invasion of the Empire has begun
>have to deal with Thomas the Rape Engine every single fucking time

I want this ride to end, right now.
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Normal endgame economy

Because the power balance was like 90-10 for me. Most of them died before they even reached my line since I aimed the cannons myself. 169 kills with 11 gyrobombs once the massed at a big blob.
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This literally is faster than a battering ram, and less casualties suffered.
I think auto-resolve odds determine that, not numbers. His units are mid and endgame, enemy is mostly starting unit fodder. That's not enough for heroic.
Are there any /twg/ approved unit mods?
Great weapons warriors seemed to die like paper.

Is it just a case of making a big line, wrapping round and hoping they die before their archers ruin your moral?
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why does my game look so... unfocused? How do I make it clearer?
>/twg/ is the reason Trish and Will resigned


It looks like it's running at lower than native resolution with antialiasing applied.
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Have I missed anything?

>since CA apparently watches these threads
Tell Joey she has nice tits.
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Fuck this guy. His terrible voice acting made rome 2 unplayable.
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we just need a balance patch and chaos will be the terror it should be
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this meme needs to die
Can't get over how nice the in game model for this thing looks though.
Turn off every AA option, check if your monitor is 1080p native, turn off DOF
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>mfw flanking with thunderers
It's the thighs
What's the story on this?
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As a Tomb Kings player, I wholeheartedly agree.

I've been abused and mistreated by GW and other tabletop players for goddamn years, and when I finally get the Warhammer game of my dreams where will we get actual Tomb Kings in the future, some fucking meme comes in and ruins their name.
Someone in /twg/ posted a printed out picture of wil with cum all over it.
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>mfw flanking with Outriders

underrated unit

And how the fuck does that get them fired?
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DOF already off, will try to turn off AA options
The we wuz kangz meme fits much better to Dark Elves than it does to Tomb Kings anyway.
I love them too, I don't care if normal cav does the job better, seeing enemy fall as you blast them in the back is glorious.

You really regret bringing them if you're fighting against brettonnia cav doomstack though.
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>mfw flanking with steam tanks
>quest for the ghal maraz
>defeat 5 greenskin armies
>defeated 2
>no more orcs to be seen anywhere

Does this mean I have to travel south until I find some now? It's like 6 turns away.
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>there are people in /twg now who have just arrived on the back of TW:WH
>they weren't around for gook
>they weren't around for portugal bro
>they weren't around for Antiochus french vacation
>they did not witness the great wardog cuckening
>they weren't around for the immediate post Rome 2 release shitshow

and all the other great times i can't recall right now

truly we live in sad times.
"Still not announced" is the objectively better Tomb Kings meme.
requesting skeleton brazzers image
Holy fucking shit

I decided not to mount Karl until endgame and he's fucking destroying everyone on foot

don't bother with horses for your leaders guys
>Not letting Karl mount you
the horse mounts make all the lords objectively worse

the flying mounts are a different kettle of fish however
>keep him off his mount to save money
>forget to put him back and he gets killed after an ambush
Oh, I have specific targets for them though. Armored anti-large infantry blocks. The kind of blocks you dont charge your regular infantry into.
decisive = you having the same power + you obviously winning
Heroic = weaker power + you obviously winning
Holding a spear overhand sounds fucking retarded
deathclaw fucking rapes armies though
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Yeah, that's why I said endgame

Horses just seem to lead to them getting stuck

also captcha says arse tennis, this is the best day of my life
You can always dismount lords and heroes in the character screen. I always put them on foot so they can climb walls for seiges.
don't forget to coat your supply lines with anti-bombing magic or else your dwarf concentration camps will suffer from typhus and you don't want to cause the stuntiescaust, fuckers will hold a grudge till they wipe all vampires of the map
Everyone neighbouring you is tiny and weak initially. You can get a good 3-4 provinces without any kind of serious opposition. Not sure how you fucked up there. With that and an emphasis on economy you can field several full stacks and then just stomp everything. At about this time in my game chaos invaded and suddenly everyone is appealing to me to join alliances and after defeating Chaos I could confederate most of them. After that it's just dealing with annoying Chaos vikings and cleaning up the vampires.
deathclaw is great for the terror modifier
lindybeige has already disproved the overhand spear bullshit
>the horse mounts make all the lords objectively worse
It depends. I have a Vampire that's built just to Spirit Leach enemy lords to death. Sure, flying mounts are better for kiting, but even a horse is better than doing it one foot.
How are players suppose to figure this out?
Are there any tests regarding this on youtube? I feel the same way, but it could be just confirmation bias. This would be a pretty stupid decision from CA, and yet I wouldn't even be surprised.
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What's your excuse for not having air superiority?
wight king is the only hero I can think of that gets worse with a mount
except for the low tier mounts
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for now at least
its still missing necromancers and wight kings + I can't figure how to edit ethereal units yet but the rest is pretty decent.
have fun lads, it was pretty fun learning to do all this shit today
"modding" in total war is literally just glueing models and animations together, then editing the unit stats. It is really simple, thats why there are so many retarded mods.
but is it possible to create abilities for units?
Shit that's cool. Got any pics of the Knights?
Just thought of a way to implement them mod-san
Don't know if you thought about it, but perhaps the way to get them recruited by Mousillon is create a building chain for Mousillon and have these Bretonnian undead be new units with slightly adjusted stats to reflect Bretonnia
Any sense in using the Orcish cav? I'm seriously considering just two units of the Goblin Wolf Riders to chase of Archers or lock down siege engines, both the Big Un Riders and the Savage version have pitiful weapon strength and attack values.
So "armory" buildings and buildings that produce units that require "armory" buildings don't need to be in the same settlement right? Just the same province?
that would be cool, something like haunted tournament ground
Has the anon who found CA's secret gotten back yet?
the prize was 3 turns in shaleesh's pleasure palace
Just the same province.
lighting strike is amazing
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Please post your hard parties from Warhammer

I don't have any =^(
A giant inflatable Karl Franz to put in his garden.
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check the link though, more pics

that would be a very good idea, if I knew how to I'd do it anon

anyway I sleep now, party hard twg
>CA's secret

Footjob from Joey.
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post yfw OUR GUY gets a Chaos Warriors DLC code

>anyway I sleep now

>release mod
>go to sleep
>wake up and find that there are 26 new comments
>all of them are either saying the mod isn't working, or if it works with radious
Those feet are awful.
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wew lad
Looks pretty cool
The secret is Bretonnia 10 dollar DLC.
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fuck you mariemburg, fuck you and your passive defensive style of warfare
I don't get Vampire Counts. All their units seem really underwhelming and not really like I imagined them from the tabletop. Any tips?

Also Empire is OP as fuck.
I thought it was a two-hour facesitting and heavy petting session
if you're nto fighting every map on the battle map, they are at a disadvantage

autoresolve does not account for terror
why is every quest so bloody far away from my faction?
seriously what the flying fuck i have to walk 10 turns every time at least
Yeah but that's the thing, terror doesn't seem as strong as it should be. Also Kemmler sucks ass for some reason and I don't want to play as Mannfred the whiny bitch.
who cares about whining Mannfred is a war machine
you can teleport senpai
Don't worry about it too much, they do need a healthy fixing and seem to be first on base for one. Give them some time for patching and they might be better. Some obvious changes

>general magic scaling for the entire game so Vanhel's Dance Macabre is anything better than shit
>remove some units from the crumbling rules, make it more like the tabletop where vampires do not crumble
>Blood Knights for some real end-game cavalry
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no way
someone should put "YOU CAN TELEPORT TO LEGENDARY HERO QUESTS" or something at the top of the general. it's pretty handy.
Yeah well now imagine Vlad or Abhorash as lords man, shit would be dope as fuck.
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>tfw I just used my witch hunter to fuck them up.
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You can't fight the enemy stack to stack. Give your legendary lord your best troops, and back him up with another lord that just has a whole stack of zombies if possible.

Magic is mostly useless: spirit leech, Bjuna, and Raise Dead are your only good spells.

Moshpits are your best friend, as long as you aren't the one getting moshed, and having all your terror units together means a chain rout is coming sooner rather than later.
i can't wait to see what they have in story for my sexy vampire cunts
Anyone tried Will's Last Mission yet?

Anyone have the "While you were out partying/I was studying the blade" fedora image? Need to shoop Abhorash onto it

Good idea, I'll remember that the next time I make a new thread.

Seriously, the devs should put a fuckhuge marker showing that you can. I can't be the only faggot in the world who explores the UI.
>for 15 USD, we are adding a model viewer for the first time in series history! Comes free with vampire hero high-resolution model in the viewer!
>releasing mods on the Steam jewshop
What the fuck is up with ranged units in this game?

"Obstructed" my fucking asshole. All 5 of my quarrelers just sitting on their fucking asses doing nothing, even when I told them to directly attack their archers.
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extremly good mod pal, but I have 2 question

1) Could you make a version that give Mousillon that look, but doesn't touch the undead of Sylvania? Like to show there's a cultural difference

2) what's your next project ( after some sleep of course )

anyway, thanks for your effort, I hope CA will show your work next week
never modded before, but i think I'll try to create a chaos dwarf unit for chaos, would anyone even download it or would i be wasting my time?
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Holy shit.

>overcast fireball on Kemmler
>2000 damage and sends his leadership to -100
>starts disintegrating almost immediately

Archaon STRONK
Looks pretty fucking neat, makes me want to start a chaos campaign

Should I do Suneater or get that mod that gives Archaon a chaos dragon or whateverthey'recalled
I just can't imagine playing without a flying LL after playing mannfred
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I wish there was a way to export campaign lords and heroes to be used in custom battles, instead of getting the shitty default stats there.
Yes, we know, magic is broken on lower unit sizes.
>lower unit sizes

Nigger that's large. He has 60 Chosen. Ultra is 80 chosen.

Small is 25 chosen.
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Lords don't scale with unit sizes either you big smelly willy.
Is that the case? Some claim lower sizes are broken, some say higher. I can see both sides, damage spells are battle-enders on the low end, but everything but direct damage is broken on the high end. Which is the intended scaling?
>first time playing dawi
>choose very hard
>roll everything in my province
>grimgor comes out of nowhere
>should be easy
>piece of shit is impervious to my quarellers
>his black orcs tear my front line a new one
>doom divers fucking smash my hammerers with one million accuracy
>Going to win because the miners are doing ok with black orcs
>wait grimgor wtf why are you still full hp
>his entire army is routing but he's still fighting
>Thorgrim has 1/4 health and he starts running away
>Grimgor smashed through my dawi line to try to kill Thorgrim
>they do a loony toons chase for a minute whilst I try to keep my army's shit together
>I'm doing no damage to him
>I can't kill him
>he charges and proceeds to smash my hope and dreams
>Thorgrim is dead
>my whole army routes
>I lose the early game completely and can't dislodge the stupid Grimgor from my land

I literally yelled the biggest NOO in my whole life when I saw Grimgor start charging and smashed my poor dawi throne. Finally made it past the early game and it's smooth sailing now.
>continue overcasting fireball
>kill wight king in 3 shots
>banshee evaporates in a single shot

Like other guy mentioned, this is one size short of ultra.

Don't they? I thought their HP did and Kemmler just happened to be a particularly fragile species of bitch.

I think the middle ground is the way to walk for now, there are mods that claim to balance it for ultra and small sizes, but I'm gonna let CA have a pass at it first.
But that's wrong.
/r/ing lore accurate grimgor comic
Les fuckin dance chaos edgelords
nice pic senpai
force push?
Star is such a semen demon, I want to rape her

I'm pretty sure chaos sorcerers and archaon has the perma fire weakness debuff, not sure what the numbers are but I think they might be pretty ridiculous. Maybe it's stacking from archaon and the sorceror.
Luminarks of Hysh are shite at everything except sniping a lord. But its worth having one for that purpose alone.
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The thing that I hate more is that I want them to fucking fire even if I take casualties.

Captains are based
>ignoring 15% physical resistance for your battle line

The wizard drain and magic laser cannon are just perks, tbqh
>point it at any lord on foot
>you even get a passive buff for your line
last time I listen to your "cost efficiency" memes
>be karl franz
>chilling out reuniting the empire n shit
>other than that keeping to myself, repel a few raiders now and then
>dwarves to the south declare war
>sack helmgart
>ask for peace 1 turn later

Did anyone ever manage to cobble together a gift regions mod in Attila? I just want to give my WRE bros their land back.

That's real cool buddy.
Trust a stunty, get.. uhh... kicked in your cunty?
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>He didn't unite the human and dwarf empires
There are literally 3 FEMALE UNITS in this game, damsel, banshee and vamprie coutness, this fucking SEXISM and BIGOTRY needs to stop, when will I get FEMALE legendary LADIES, FEMALE ORCS, FEMALE DWARVES AND FEMALE CHAOS
they look cool, that is all

and Terror if you got no other unit that can deliver it

There is a 40+ page thread on the Steam forums about 'muh female representation'. It's cancer. Bitch just lists a bunch of dead sluts that have been dead for centuries before the end times and a bunch of others that represent factions not even in the game yet.
half the units identify as women. Can't you tell you bigot?
>not razing those southern cunts the first chance you get
literally asking for it, might as well put a giant: SACK HERE sign on your villages anon
would i be wasting my time creating a unit of chaos dwarfs?
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Why do Bretonnians wear birds on their belts?
snack for later
Probably some phony holy "relic"
how is this quest done when marienburg fucking confederates with the empire?
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>tfw you've finally destroyed vampires

Fucking finally. Those fucks were spreading the wrong kind of corruption. I don't care what they were doing to their peasants or what plans my vile masters had in plan for them, their race needed a purging.
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I'm like 80% my allies are going to war just to give me something to do

Just got done beating up dwarfs because of one of them (they never sent one fucking army at the dwarfs themselves)
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So can you destroy the Varg and Skaeling factions after WoC has been destroyed? I'm playing as Vampire Lords and they keep crashing full stacks of marauder cavalry into my cities, I can't focus on killing everyone else if I need to keep 3-4 armies to cover the northern shit
A man's got to eat anon.
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how is this quest done if marienburg Confederates with the empire?
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Same here, I really dont get it.
If traversing that mountain wasnt impossible i would just raze it entirely.
I've been working on one myself but go ahead, there's nothing wrong with multiple people working on the same thing. My life's pretty busy atm so it's not like I'm doing it fast anyhow.
For communication purposes I'm sure.

It skips that chain and goes to the next part.
the mission should be skipped if Marienburg no longer exists
>Turn 2
>Sack first settlement for money
>Turn 3
>Attack again to awaken it
>Turn 4
>Attack again to vassalize
Is this the correct order of things?
I keep forgetting that you have to slide the bar to see all the units avaliable to recuit
The resettle razed cities so fast that it will be very difficult.
Didn't happen when i ended turn, should i try to do it with the empire instead?
Also, are there any ways to increase my growth rate other than upgrading the main building?
You need to bumrush kislev faster than that. Sack, awaken and vassalize on the same turn, and build your forces to meet the kislev full stack that will beeline straight for your new ally. Once you kill kislev's army, his first castle is ripe for sacking, sack once and then raze, then immediately run back up to defend bearsonling from the varg and dwarves.
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Remember history?
>try out Skaeling
>buildings and ports give insane income

This explains so much
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I'd be all for more female lords and heroes, but only if they're extremely sexualized.

Also magical girl mod when. Mami would fit in perfectly with The Empire
Get outta here nerd. History is history. We only care about Warhammer now

I'd be all for female lords if they were hamfisted into the game and were actually present in the fluff/lore.
but a bunch of them are?

I know, that is what I meant. I'd be all for them if they are present in the lore.
Skarsnik legendary lord, when? Buff fanatics when?
>AI beats Chaos before they can even get to you
implying valkia wouldn't be good

She's more of a fucking chaos norscan than the leaders they picked and Emmanuele fights in wars about as much as Gelt
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>first turn sieging black crag
>runesmith gets assasinated
>next turn sieging black crag
>Ungrim gets assasinated
>they sally forth and destroy my whole leaderless stack
>meanwhile top knotz jumped from the fog to siege my capital
don't talk shit 'bout sigvald
Just got a metal chaos sorcerer, I guess that's good against dwarfs?
I always kind of wish some crazy mod ideas were used. Like for Rome 2 if you could mod in Nero.
metals the worst of the three unfortunately.
dwarfs don't give a fuck about magic so shit outta luck :^)
>great times

All except two of those were dreadful.
I've been around for a while, refresh my memory, who is Portugal bro?
Yeah I feel like with the magic, lords, and monsters you could do some crazy fun mods. Like what about some sort of dead celebrity/historical figure hero pack for VC? Have your army supported by an undead Micheal Jackson or Abraham Lincoln
Just download the mod that disables hostile agent actions.
i don't think michael jackson would be lore-friendly
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>Geralt of Rivia
>remember history

I'm on to you anon.
It's not about being lore friendly. It's about my own amusement
hello friend xD
wtf is up with enemy generals fleeing after i defeat them, whenever i lose i lose my entire army.

>tfw raiding Britain
>using damage spells with lore of metal
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Holy shit, Manfred just killed 800 enemies solo. When my army died tempelhof still had around 1200 units and he killed them all, alone.
>having wizard lords


melee lords are 2 stronk
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>AI gets to play with different rules like that one "special" kid in class.

Ok CA.
so in Warhammer, is Empire artillery useful? is there any good artillery worth using on ultra unit size? ive been using great cannons and volley guns but they just seem worthless and kill 5-10 men per battle
siege tanks
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Next historical title when. I don't even care where or when the setting is just give it to me.
i use them already but what about the other artillery? is there no use for them?
Total War: One (WW1)

You know it to be true.
Its that or Chaos becomes an even bigger push over
a night of debauchery with sigvald
Nah, Trench Warfare would be boring. I'm guessing Med 3 or Empire 2.

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And now he has taken Castle tempelhof all by himself
source it liar
Chaos is scary until you realize you can tell allies to target specific stacks in the diplomacy screen.
That would never work now get out.
Tell the people who use radious they're on their own for using a shitty game ruining mod
Sitting in trenches not very exciting.

Next historical TW is either:

>pike and shot
That's Sigvald in the middle if you can't tell.

He was stuck there for a good 5 minutes routed right next to the border getting stabbed by the boyz before Azhag wandered over to finish him off.
>using orc cav, ever

what are you doing m8, their stats are trash.

It would, 40k has unit formations, big single units (mosntrous creatures), guns, and most importantly, warfare isn't like modern warfare

Give me a reason why TW:40K wont work

Protip: you cant
>i hate fast flanking and high charge bonuses
*tips gobbo wolf rider*
Just look at any previous twg where someone brought it up.
you forgot victorian
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Why is Karl doing this? Why?

Has anyone tried one of the "Better AI Recruitment" mods yet? I don't want to swing too far in the other direction, but 11 artillery units is ridiculous.

Gelt's army looks normal, too. A lot of armies look normal. But Karl is hiring nothing but artillery.
Because you're a mouth breathing faggot.

They act as a form of dog tags for Bretonnians. Each soldier carves their name into the crow and they are retrieved after each battle.
Ranged battles would not work in 40k, just like diplomacy or building managment with some races

+ what would be the map?
+40k is about squad skirmishes, that's why DoW is better at making 40k games than total war
1.) It won't fucking work.
2.) Enough with the fantasy shit
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>There are people who want a 40k total war
That's right, you don't even deserve a (you)

40k isn't about squad based battles you dumb fuck its about giant METAL AS FUCK clashes between armies.

Fuck off and die senpai, 40K isn't Dawn of War 2.

You guys dont know SHIT about 40k lore
>There are people who want a WW1 or WW2 Total War
19th century Empire 2 is as far as I'm willing to go. The world wars are not going to work in TW, period.
sivgald's an exile not a norscan
thats boring
40k will be retarded just napoopen with automatic weapons.
Stop pretending dude.
Each skirmish is a tiny fraction of a planetwide conflict, often with orbiting fleets tearing each other to shred at the same time.
40k would work with total war because of 40Ks presence of melee units.

Tyranids play like vampire counts
Tau play like dwarves except shit melee
Imperial guard plays like the Empire
Chaos plays like Chaos
Orks play like Orks
Necros will play like dwarves (decent melee)
Eldar play like high elves
Space marines play like bretonnians (cavalry focus)
>people don't think playing the hitler campaign is a fun idea
It's never going to happen. It's just the truth.
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>spearmen leaping like they're fighting a boar
die you stunty fucking shits
Warhammer is METAL as FUCk and about these things mongoloid
how can you check what difficulty you're playing on in warhammer?
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I love 40k but you are so full of shit it would never work. For so many reasons.

horses make it possible to 1v1 foot heroes without taking damage, just keep cycle charging them
Kneel before Emperor von Carstein.
>40kids actually believe this
Trying this hard to bait plz stop.
40k is more of a fit to something like Supreme commander than total war
>being literally retarded.
He's a norscan, where did you get that he was an exile?
Dear god, are the AI mildly retarded?

>Glorious empire
>Have military alliances with two provinces, at war with the rest
>Dumbass ally decides to declare war on the orcs

No, no I will not you stupid fuck. We already have five people we're at war with, and you want the goddamn greenskins in on it too?
Welcome to TWW.

This game has little to no replayability once you try out all the factions.
not a single person has told me why 40K can't work aparat from "NUH UH IT WONT WORK", warhammer fantasys fantastic transition into reality shows that 40k can also be made to work very easily
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>Warhammer Fantasy tabletop is not profitable anymore so GW scrap it and replace it with Age of Sigmar
>Warhammer Fantasy IP being used for video games like never before
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>posing any kind of threat
I dunno actually, I must've confused him with someone else
>it's not replayable after you finish it 5 times
This. If you want big epic 40k battles something like Supreme Commander or Total Annihilation is what you want. Trying to somehow make it work in TW is going to please no one. Even Wargame would work better.
try =/= finish

most weren't worth finishing after unlocking elite units
So how shitty is it to live under Sylvania as a mortal?
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>Space marines (cavalry focus)
They're designed to I think

I'm constantly fighting fucking dwarfs and bretons because of my empire allies declaring war on them

that's the GW way
Don't use games for living licenses in case it stops tabletop sales

Even though it's fucking retarded logic

I have no problem with the ai chaos being able to field multiple stacks that include all the LL's on top of no nearby horde attrition penalty. I don't even mind that they can initiate diplomacy with any other faction AND that they spawn with varg and skaeling as vassals. What I do have a problem with is that when you go to play the chaos campaign you get all these stupid restrictions like attrition caused from nearby friendly hordes, only being able to intiate diplomacy with the norsca tribes so you are at perma war with the entire game. The chaos campaign just feels so unfinished and like complete shit from the troop replenishment rate to subjugating the northern tribes the whole thing feels like a mess.
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Rolling, just finished my first Empire game without building a single steam tank.
>So how shitty is it to live under Sylvania as a mortal?
Honestly pretty decent

They're shitscared all the time but it's a much safer life than living on the orc borders. And it's not even the Vamps' fault, sylvania was a shithole before vlad rolled up
T. Someone who's never touched tabletop
>Tyranids play like vampire counts

I played counts and now play Nids and this isn't fucking remotely true.
Nids don't have a direct playstyle equivalent in fantasy but they're much closer to other factions
Sounds like youre a fag desu
With Chaos finished, what's next?
>that's the GW way
>Don't use games for living licenses in case it stops tabletop sales

>Dawn of War, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade, Soulstorm, Dawn of War 2, Chaos Rising, Retribution, Dawn of War 3, Space Hulk, Eternal Crusade, Fire Warrior, Space Marine, Regicide, Armageddon, Deathwatch, Storm of Vengeance, Kill Team, etc.
>40k remains GW's best seller
good thing total war games are not about 40k lore
Stop this meme, Sylvania is shit under everyone but Vlad, who's dead

>good tomb kings meme
Oh god no, reroll
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>poor little white guy
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now that chaos has rolled in everybody loves me, every single nation in the world has a military alliance with me and i confederated with every empire province except a couple, and the whole world steamrolled chaos like it was nothing, everyone is sucking my imperial dick and paying me to get threaties, it's good to be the emperor
fanboy children will defend anything

Its fun, I enjoy the game, but it's the worst in the series.
This Tbh. My fight against the Chaos invasion became trivial when I just told all my allies to gang up on all their stacks.
>allying with orcs/undead
Is he taking a selfie?
>history fags being this buttblasted

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>implying that i would consider them as nations, let alone worthy of anything
i'm already planning the next steamroll
>worst in the series

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Gork and Mork will it, anon.
>tfw vlad was a straight up upgrade from von draken
>vlad did the evil "i will marry your daughter so i can control this land"
>she falls in love with him anyways
>she gets ill, so he shares vampirisim with her
>on vlad summons undead and keeps them out of towns so they dont harm the people
>they deal with bandits and other dangers
>people love him so much they tell him he should be the emperor
>his peasants join his undead army of their own will
>vlad offers unconditional peace if people surrender to him
>when he finally dies because jerks cheat and use sigmars omniscience his wife kills herself because she can't live without him
will Vlad ever come back?
Enjoy your shitty, rushed,15 mins sieges, magic and stripped down everything. I'll spend my time on superior titles.
Yep, Kholek's already had his turn, now the young'uns are having their way with him while Kholek rests. Even the mountain god doesn't have endless stamina.
Is it even possible to have too many mortars?
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Oh no guys, it was all a ruse!
He was pretending!
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>not playing on Ultra unit-size
it's better than R2 on launch but R@ is a better game now. It was close though but sorry its the worst and your keks dont change that.
In the first vampire war campaign pack

Or if they add Nagash
>will Vlad ever come back?

lucky bastard
History fags really are butthurt
just got Attila, which DLCs are good?
>not playing on Large unit-size
Magic is at least somewhat usable and monster are ok instead of shit
>Mannfred just sounds like a more articulate orc

So disappointing. Should've had had a more natural voice.
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How long until Bretonnian campaign?
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The one with pic related
Age of Charlemagne is GOAT!
Warhammer is better though
'bout tree fiddy
The improvements in Warhammer just show that the next history game is going to be even better.

>i-if I repeat myself i'll convince myself its true

Late this year by what they are suggesting in this article. I'm glad they aren't rushing them out as the roster needs some work.
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>the only choices for missile visibility is fucking invisible or fucking jet engine missile trails

Ayy hol up where those mods at?
You're proving it on your own bro ;^)
all but the faction packs, those you just pick your favorites. desert kingdoms seems to be everyone's favorite. AoC is awesome but get a reskin mod to add a little faction diversity.
might try to make something, just need to learn how. I'll post here if make it
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I actually start thinking now that maybe Wood Elves are the FLC faction.
Since the free race comes so late and Bretonnia looks not far from being finished they could release it as normal faction DLC and release WE for free to get the traditional humans-elves-dwarfs-orcs thing in this game without having to pay.

If I'm wrong then hopefully soon, I wanna try Brets for free
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Does your units size/formationa actually matter in any way? Tabletop they get leadership bonuses from rank depths, but I don't know if Total Warhammer handles it different.

tl;dr any reason not to make a huge 2-rank wide wall of infantry?
what improvements?
Sieges got WAY worse, armies are smaller, and unit stats replace tactics on the battlefield. Almost everything devolves into a moshpit around your hero and you spell spam your way to victory.
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this is why autoresolving sieges is nearly cheating, the AI does not take walls into account. If I autoresolved the battle I would have lost like 200-300 hundred men top
oh and if you like vanilla the desert factions thing is breddy gud
Would be great.
I'm just glad people like you will be too dumbed down for the next historical release so you wont be able to play

Can you guys tell what happened to will?
pls tell
They've already stated that Bretonnia is not Paid DLC several times before release.

We could always get a paid DLC faction before Bretonnia that they've been hiding the development on. Likely Wood Elves or Beastmen.
>next historical release
It's easy as fuck to modify yourself. I downloaded the better ai recruitment mod but the author actually increased the number of artillery for certain races like Brets and Chaos.
there will be a next historical release, that's for sure, and you two should just shut the fuck up because this is total war general, not warhammer general so people can talk about every fucking total war
wood elves is almost 99% sure, since the Forrest where they spawn is impassable and a ideal location for a faction to spawn.
Oh come on

Empire is legitimately bad
CA has a team working on it now you mouthbreathing retard
If it's any consolation, I agree with you.
It's going to have to be significantly better if it's going to grab people's attention after Warhammer.
>bretonnia as DLC

but m8, half of the roster is already in-game for everybody
FUCK you're right. That was is so bad I usually leave it out.

Warhammer is not the worst TW game I stand Corrected. Empire was garbage.
AI is too dumb to handle it

that's it
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is there really any purpose to getting hammers in a dwarf army?

one big line of ironbreakers with some ordinance seems better than trying to wrap around with hammerers who get slaughtered as soon as they engage because dwarfs get flanked, they dont do the flanking

should i be using them differently?
>want beastmen
>want wood elves
>get kislev
>get bretonnia
>probably get norsca

>there will never be an Anvil of Doom
>2-rank wide

Did you mean 2 ranks deep by chance? A 2 rank wide wall of infantry sounds like a horrible idea.

2 ranks deep is also bad because their cavalry will blow right through your line and either kill your skirmishers and arty, or just keep cycling through while their infantry closes in on your now disorganized men.

Never go full spaghetti for an actual brawl, four ranks is a bare minimum and having a second line behind it is good unless you're running nothing but elite high leadership guys.
Yeah, the b team
Celts and Desert are worth a go

And Charlemagne
Anyone got the Attila rolling table?
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yes, it worked, getting caught WAS part of my plan, time to get my revenge on these fuckers for burning my village down

empires of sand is very good, the rest of the culture packs should only be bought if you really, badly want to play as the factions, they really aren't all that interesting otherwise, I guess celts are pretty fun, slavs are too OP to be interesting, longbeards are just germanics+, and vikings have more boring rosters than saxons that are available without the DLC and already have most of the scandi units, in fact they have some units that other scandis dont get

AoC and TLR are also really good
How do I do that? I've never made a mod ._. I just enjoy the work of others
Why would they add norscan, there's nothing special about them and they alr3ady got a roster
Why do retards think demigryphs need a nerf, that do their job and still get rekt by other anti large units, chaos and vc just need some buffs and maybe greatsword should be nerfed or have their price raised.
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So I sieged the ai with this autoresolve balance and instead of walking out and attacking me they just sat there until I starved them to death
The same thing with Chaos Warriors, but I still mostly think Bretonnia will be the FLC although Wood Elves would be more interesting
ayy why is Todbringer such a loser?
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He's Stannis
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>there will never be an Anvil of Doom
I really hope that finally every 'important' unit will be in the game. There's still enough room for units so stay positive!
Did people complain about Shogun 2s sieges on release or were they just happy after the hot garbage that was Empire's sieges?
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Isn't it missing the latest factions though?
AoC I'd better than the main game, longbeards, slavs and empires of sand are the best culture packs, celts are ok if you like their deployment gimmick, only get vikings if you really like vikings (they are better in AoC anyways).
>has no cavalry
>facing four units of knights

of course he's going to stay behind the walls, he knows what's going to happen if he fights you on the field. Plus, it's in his interest to have you sitting there while orcs, bretonnians or dwarves have a go at your land, there's always the hope you'll just leave to deal with something else.
Get the Pack File Manager http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?730823-PFM-4-0-Warhammer-support
Download the better ai recruitment mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692306546&searchtext=ai
Open the .pack file that's downloaded with the PFM
Tweak to your hearts content

It's super easy once you get a hang of it.
Shogun 2 was considered an improvement because units could attack from any angle.
Nah, I included the slavs when they were released >>144344868
the autoresolve balance is like that because they are in the city anon, it modifies it a little to reflect that, their actual units are inferior to yours in a field battle
lmao if you think that Ian > Jack you know nothing about CA
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Doing Sigvald only on Very Hard. Send tips.
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What is he thinking?
Am I the only one that finds Cairn Wraiths a pile of crap or am I just too bad to use them effectively?
It's going to be a slog, but dunno.
I slowly raped my way through the old world, Lightning Strike and the Hellcannon to force enemies to come to you was all I really needed





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Thanks a lot anon!
he got fired for a breach of contract I think
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Filthy Greenskins trespass in my lands.

This shall be amended.
They do decent armour penetrating damage but they die to anything
>"I climbed the mountain..."
>that anon who won the competition didn't post his reward
oh well, was probably nothing then I guess
I didn't know TW:W worked on mobile too
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The beasts claim the higher ground, but it is of no concern.
Yeah I mean can't be too hard with the Hellcannon and all.
Roll z
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Dude just stop, poor people who can't afford Totla War Warhammer need to get the fuck outta this thread

Jesus couldnt those autists put some effort into improving the UI?

Looks like shit that took a shit
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>playing vamps
>slow game getting vamp corruption and max tier buildings in sylvania
>get a few chaos rises announcements but see no stacks so just absorb west
>send a banshee north and it turns out all the chaos stacks were getting a smack down from Karl, Gelt, and generic lord

Seriously unexpected but Chaos/Varg have sacked a total of 3 settlements so far and all their armies are dead while waiting for Archaon to spawn

Also Dwarves hate me and control half the map so that's a thing that is gonna happen soon
>I never should of come here
I had high hopes for the fanatic version of the goblin archers but fuck me they are just so ineffective.
They are supposed to be decent versus high armour AP units like Greatsword, 2h Grave Guard, Black Orcs etc as they have no armor so don't care about AP but still get their 75% reduction. They also have AP themselves.

I think their stats are a bit low to make them really effective in that role though.
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Just had a strange bug, the enemy army was invisible unless they were right next to me, which made it really hard to tell what the fuck was going on, AND impossible to focus down their marauders axe tossers with archers, because I couldnt see them, they got a lot of kills on my big uns
Is it possible for mod to break the game even if it not activated? Some crazy shit started happening in my battles

>moving unit forward with arrow keys moves it to the side
>ranged units that are not told to shoot certain units will chase them rather than pick new unit with autoshoot
>Karl Franz takes 50% damge in 30 seconds against single swordsmen unit

These seem so fucking random.
Was probably a free high king edition or something
Yeah, that's happened to me too.
Verify your cache
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Their warriors charge, thinking they have found a vulnerable target.

>implying I don't have TW: WH
>implying I can't enjoy thing you don't
I'm about to cry /TWG/

Someone stole my high king™ Total War: Warhammer® edition Drinking horn, AND when I got back to my room my Book of Grudges™ was also missing.

Later in the day I saw some football chads at my uni drinking out of my Thorgrim Grudgebearerâ„¢ drinking horn.

Why am I such a beta?

pls no horde
That would be enough? Oh well, already started reinstalling.
Haha epic post bro, so funny xd
Based metal jews
If you're using radious cancer I hope you can't get it to work.
Why are dwarves retarded?
Is this a new meme?
inbreeding i think
write their names down in your book of ... oh
Because they're literally angry manlets
Because they looked at your ugly ass face and it made them retarded.

Because they don't really understand that they lost already.
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My warriors circle their flanks. The mongrels still hope for victory.
stuntie detected

Do you think dwarf women cuck dawi with tall human men?
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autoresolve gone full retard

why are you still posting that shitty mod when we already have TWWH?
It's the slayer life for you from now on. Though I don't believe many people will be delighted to see you naked.
Chaos dragon is pretty awful though - even in Campaign.

Rest work well unless you are chasing stuff down - especially Gryphons and Wyverns.
Between getting cucked by skaven and elves I don't think theres room
Why don't you post some of your Tomb Kings screenshots from TWWH?
Nigga you gay. Chaos Dragons are amazing. I charge them in and immediately follow with my infantry. It destroys everything.
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Vlad a good boi he dindu nuffin!
>they weren't around for gook

I got a goblin with choppa envy that gave him a -15 malus.
The charge is the only good thing about them. 40 base armor is really awful and their in-combat animations are very clunky. Especially the wing based one that doesn't seem to hit anything.
Tomb KANGZ are vampire coutns
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A final blow will finish it.
Lol no
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There's no way I'll actually lose to Todbringer... right?
So what happened to the bloke who was supposed to get that email? Anything happen?
Don't listen to those faggots, post all you want. TW:WH is a shit game anyway.
he's all talk and all mortars.
I'm friends with him on steam, apparently he got the new faction DLC
Seems legit
Agreed, battles are battles, and battles beat memes and "lel I was merely pretending to be reterded" arguments.
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What the fuck does this mean. Unlock what action. I can't find anything.
W-what is it? Is he allowed to say anything? Or has CA put a kill switch on him
tfw CA and GW just had a HUGE fight over the expacs

Not looking good guys,ask questions and I'll try to answer
It's a skill. You need to level up your wizard first to unlock it.
Is it fun playing pretend?
>tfw CA and GW just had a HUGE fight over the expacs
actually? how do you know?
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They are finished. I will ride the swine down, and trample them into the dust, it is just.

thanks, I'll most more, but only the better-looking ones. I have many enemies, and no ability to recruit diplomats ~yet~
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The TRUE Empire grows. Soon the Prince of Whores in Reikland will bow before Emperor von Carstein.

Theres nothing of the sort in the skill tree. I'm trying to deploy here.
Lets say I'm a low level employee who browses these threads

As it stands it looks like the Freelc might continue for 6 months, but CA and GW are very close to terminating their agreement
It has to start before it continues.

do you know what's actually planned?
whats the squareroot of 256?
>poor people who can't afford Totla War Warhammer
>implying you can't enjoy both
I don't like mod shill either but come the fuck on. posting campaign screen shots is perfectly fine.

shut up
I was told this place gets triggered on Spanish Tercios.
What is wrong with them in Total War?
>not playing Return of Reckoning
>very close to terminating their agreement
why? what happened?
>do you know what's actually planned?

The conflict has always been over modding, and CA doesn't want to back down.GW is being particularly anal about this
Are you sure? The bottom tree of the agent skills would probably unlock it. I haven't played Empire yet so I can't confirm it for you. Sorry.
Hammerers are there to tie up the enemies elite-infantry and obliterate them.
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Do you know ETA for some of the new content?
Are you that guy who took a pic of their CA ID card with a timestamp and posted it here a year ago?
Why don't you state what you know with a censored picture of your ID pass instead of being a huge faggot clamoring for attention with cryptic rubbish.

Plus a low level employee wouldn't get involved in contract talks and wouldn't be informed about shit like this unless the decision was already made.
if they cancel their agreement what happens? are they just not allowed to release anything more?
Will there be a mod that slows down combat any time soon? Sieges lasting 15 mins hurts me inside.
He could be a janitor who 'overheard' a conference.


Stop trying to get the attention you crave and wasn't given by your parents when you were a kid and post proof instead of playing pretend, you fucking faggot.
Hey guys Joey here, AMA on anything TW:WH related :)
will you be my gf
Will you be my gf

I want to protect your smile
can I see your armpit?
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Finally time to give something back to Skaeling
I made the mistake of thinking I could settle for peace with them early in the game, and they turned out to be my biggest nuisance. Now, at turn 100-something (the lord of change has appeared a dozen turns ago), I could finally afford an extra army, and the resources to build it up

This is my first battle with Kholek, do I just send him face first into everything?
Just beat a long victory VH Dwarf campaign along with all the Dwarf achievements. Do I want to start another one? I was thinking Legendary Greenskins. I kind of want to wait for a patch but I haven't had any technical issues and most of the balance stuff hasn't bothered me so far, except for the gyrocopters being terrible. Irondrakes still did okay.
Because in most games pikes dont even work.
make sure he doesn't get surrounded, but he should be able to put in some work
Is there any way to cheat via console on legendary?

I want the achievements but not the bullshit
How do I into Empire army comp/battle tactics?
Just get a bunch of mods if you are going to cheat.
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Can VC one-turn-siege like anyone else? You need to build siege weapons or have some for that and it seems they have none. Why can't I just climb walls with my dudes? Its my risk after all.
For some reason I almost never get around to doing most of the LL quests until they're almost level 30. My armies are always busy doing stuff. Does this happen to anyone else?
Proper combat mod. It does other minor balancing too but the slower combat is the biggest feature.

Didn't like it too much desu. Shit like black orcs become unkillable unless you have AP units.

Knock down gates with monsters.
yup, ain't got time to do quest while defeating chaos+ the enemy of your faction
actually how do you check your difficulty setting for any total war game?
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Events need to happen between 2502 and 2522 anon
/twg/ never change

Do not use him recklessly, surgical strikes until he has his ward saves and ward save items.

After that you can pretty much let the entire enemy army ball around him while your 19 other units take their sweet time surrounding them.
Of course I batter the door down with my trusty giant batdogpigchicken.
I mean stuff like being able to fight/autoresolve right after attacking a walled settlement, not having to build any towers/rams.

You can do that if you have 1 dinky artillerypiece in your stack that you don't even use.
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Wow, no kidding, 135 kills and ~70% damage done to enemy lord
I have a 20% damage reduction ability that I simply triggered before help arrived
Who said that?
lucky you.
I have a buddy who's failing easy mode, while constantly bugging me with stupid questions, I've even started to go offline on steam to avoid him.
>tfw me and my friend is playing legendary head to head
Want to be buddies?
well the game starts with Karl being Emperor ( so 2502 ) and ends with the End Times ( 2522 )

What part of self contained campaigns dont you understand
Why is that cat so fucking perfect

Dem eyes
Lads.. after playing VC I googled "danse macabre"




The warhammer lore is epic
I'm not even sure if you're being sarcastic or not. but if you want to play some battle with me, that would be cool.
Is there a mod that actually makes the AI attack me in siege battles? The closest I've ever gotten to a playing a siege defense is when a chaos stack besieged one of my castles to attack another army I had next to the town so they wouldn't get reinforcements.

I'm really starting to miss town maps from Attila. Atleast they felt like mini city maps rather than just boring grassland with hills.
Sure man, what's your steam ID
What's the state of modding? Heard there are no mod tools yet?
Bored as fuck, anyone want to do a co-op campaign or some shit? Preferably not Warhammer but I'm pretty flexible.
Is there a /twg/ steam group?
yeah but its dead as fuck
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but yes it is pretty good.

I feel like Mannfred uses it wrong in his dialogue though.
actually ignore that i think im getting confused with the /dsg/ steam group
is that spelled right?

can't find anyone with that name
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Do anyone of you wonderful people know if this works when a hero is embedded with an army?
Yah, it works all the time, no matter where the agent is or what they're doing.
try it without the numbers, i've got a picture of clint eastwood if it helps.
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Since people were talking about Spartacus Blood and Sand yesterday.

Is Marco Polo good? I want to watch some series that is history-related.
But anon, that just means Warhammer is killed at the end by another Total War title.
that title looks gay as fuck
Is it just me or does the ai get more backstabby on harder difficulties?
There are mods.
if you still can't find it, you could post your name
Then just use Steam Achievement Manager.
Problem is Attila is a much, much, much better Total War game. Anyone who says otherwise is playing WH as their first in the series or is a delusional fantasyfag.
Such is the way of the world. Game will be replaced by game, shitpost by shitpost, Radious version by Radious version.
Just slap a Total War title over his face and he'll be good.

He was exiled by his father from his tribe for being a sloot and a cannibal.
>makes outrageous claims
>provides zero evidence

you wont find any likes or upvotes here friendo
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at least there are more than 5 factions
high armor low number targets
banshees are fucking invincible
Lets count the atilla factions. The one with swordsmen, the one with archers... hm thats it. The rest are reskins.
What's the spell you use to resurrect cairn wraiths?
>Is there a mod that actually makes the AI attack me in siege battles?
they actually do attack eventually, they are likely just building siege equipment anon
>norse / vikings
>germanic barbys
>gothic barbys
>desert factions

And each have unique units. Attila is objectively more diverse, even if that is the only thing I really like more about it.

Sieges somehow got worse too. CA needs to get their shit together.
How do you get good at combat?

I've always relied on pikes and phalanxes, I don't know how to win in total war without based unkillable spearmen.
it's more the northern tribes that are a bother
it's hell to raze every single of their hideouts
I don't think any of the Total Wars since Shogun 2 have console commands. You just have to get cheat mods, there's a number of them already.
True understanding is a long journey, that begins in a little city on a hill in Latium. Master the ways of the Roman general, learn to see the world from his eyes, and you will conquer a thousand worlds in a thousand universes.
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>norse / vikings
>germanic barbys
>gothic barbys
>desert factions

cool i was right
I've got Gelt and a Patriach plus a fully upgraded mages college so I can hire mages that start at level 11.
Which of the 3 types would be the best way to go for an embeded mage?

And it doesn't matter which one i choose if I built a campaign map mage yes?
Always fire, the rest doesnt even come close.
You try to maximize your faction strengths. If you don't have good spears, your faction surely has good cavalry or archers, right? Try changing up your tactics. The AI isn't that hard to beat even on VH.
half of those were added as dlc. If we are counting dlc TWW will be far more diverse.
Well when you boil down every faction to such a simplistic form.
This git here, this git understands. Could use one more ballista and one less velite though

>no checkerboard

it's shit anon, stop posting this picture

>attila is objectively more diverse

Different flavors of swordsmen/spearmen isnt diversity
>crossover mod is released
>Rome gets unique Orc auxiliaries
>Eqvites Orcarii
hey look you didnt play the game
i want this more than i actually understand
so i had my first Pyrrhic victory on VH as chaos yesterday vs 3 empire stacks, where i finally killed bathazar gelt, i saved the replay to show my buddy later on.

went to show him the replay and it def has me losing the battle as a close defeat? wtf is the deal with this?

in the actual battle one of their armys was reinforcing behind me so i set up and killed that as soon as they walked in, in the recording nothing spawned in front off my line and spawned on the opposite side of the map, im so fucking confused, i thought it was a recording of my battle.
>Fire squigs

Was there literally any historical basis for those pigs in the first game?
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>skip advisor speech
>dont get the first karl mission
Just finished my Orc campaign, really underwhelming troop choices. Don't get the hype around Black Orcs, Empire Greatswords, Chaos Warriors with GW (nevermind Chosen) or Dwarf Ironbreakers seem to perform much better.

All of their archers are next to useless and they don't have a ranged armor piercer.

Cav has really weak stats and while the Goblin Wolf is really fast, their charges are not powerful enough to break even weak units and they will lose the melee against Marauder skirmish cav or Quarrelers.

The Giant and the Spider are certainly powerful, so is Grimgor. But you can't very well have an army only using these units.
Its a shame this kind of formation isnt actually effective
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>tfw conquering the Old World in the name of the Imperatorc
I can only imagine how the dialogue will go

I think Rome tried to burn pigs to scare elephants one time and CA made it into an actual unit

How does miscast chance work? If you use the stronger version are you just always praying to RNGesus to not waste mana and time? I know Gelt has his -100% miscast chance ability, is he the only one who can do superspells without RNG involved?
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>Roman Orcs
>Greek Dwarves
>Skaven Carthage
>Chaos Pontus

I thought that sappers burned pigs in sieges because the pigs fat was a good source of fuel for their fires?

Miscasts still happen, just makes your guy lose health
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Oh alright, so it's usually always worth doing tier 2 spells then I assume, unless it's serious self damage?
>hey fuckers this is Legendoftotalwar and in this chaos campaign im building nothing but chaos warriors with halberds because i cant read tooltips and dont understand the game after 100 hours
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Upgraded isnt always even worth it, like spirit leech which just gives it more range
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If it works it works. CA should have evened out the Chaos roster.

His autism powers make him a better player than most of us. I've seen him do a legendary WRE pre-patch.

I hate his voice though.

Pixellated apollo has the most autistic voice out of everyone
yeah sure but he could build chaos warriors with great weapons and it would actually make sense. idk why is he building nothing but anti large when most of his enemies will be infantry.
Is there any point to playing Brettonia? Empire has even if not better cav and the rest of the bret roster is garbage in comparison.
i like watching prince of macedonia
That's the problem with making the game too easy. You can just throw tactics out the window and rush with your toughest guys.

Its why multiplayer is garbage for this game.
considering how they're not even finished and you need a mod to play them? no, not right now.
Never fantasyfags got their game. Now leave my history games alone.
my replay shows me getting a close defeat

i actually got a Pyrrhic victory, i dont understand
What can they add to even it out? Shinier knights with magic powers? I feel like they're limited a lot by their own lore.
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>not wanting crossovers
>not wanting fun
>week and half after release
>zero patches

classic CA.
>Heroes and Legendary Lords can be rehired after 4 turns
>Not other Lords
Rest in peace level 20 Wight King.

Mod when?
Can you replace Generals somehow? Or is the Horde growth for chaos tied to that specific person?
Would make hiring the other LL kind of a pain.
Dorf players and understanders of strategy, how do I deal with arrer boyz/ wolf rider archer spam?

Do quarrelers outshoot them? I only have four in my stack.
can this kangz meme die please
Quarrelers are the best crossbows, Orc missiles are absolute trash.
Quarrelers are really good. You should have more per stack and they should outshoot anything the greenskins have.
i had like 10 quarrelers and 5 artillery in my dwarf armies, never had a problem with anything
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It's weird how this game looks so cartoony when zoomed out but really nice when zoomed in (even without cinematic mode)
Can we ban this meme? I don't like this meme, and thus no one should ever see them.
Can we arrest people who use this meme?
Can we execute people who use this meme?
Or perhaps put them in a camp, where they work producing better memes?
I suspect you are a feminist, so logic does not matter to you.
So I wont bother.
Haven't watched the video he's referencing but at first glance building chaos with halberds seems to make more sense. Both have similar stats and armor piercing but the halberds are also prepared for cavalry and monsters.
the orc archers can't do shit to your armor
ca we do those thing to people who play fantasy/history?
I don't know what everyone is flipping out over. I think it's pretty cute desu
The memes of the racist boards are just really low quality forced shit

Like it has to be funny guys not just endlessly repeated
t. bernout
Historyfags fundamentally don't want fun

Fun is for casuals
Why tho?
But niggers and their desperate attempts at historical revisionism in order to feel better about themselves is funny

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But it is funny.
Can someone explain th e difference between

-Normal Orcs
-Savage Orcs
-Orc Big Uns
-Savage Orc Big Uns
-Black Orcs

From a mechanic/stat perspective
So did you not have fun with any of the previous TW games? If so you are the cancer my friend.
Is there any way to unbug the dwarf campaign if to finish it I only miss one last grudge that is impossible/won't complete ?
I did but the changes made for warhammer fundamentally improved the experience

A lot of the complexities weren't interesting mechanics, more clicking or more management isn't good unless it adds to the experience.

>normal orcs
tribal orcs, physical resistance
>big uns
get anti large
>savage big un
see combination of two above
>black orcs
heavy infantry
So other than the general tips for tw games in the op are there any good guides for starting players for the warhammer game?
>a pagan religion
Normal Orcs are shit
Savage orcs do more damage and are usually better, both big uns and regular ones
Big uns are very decent infantry and what you want, usually. They're antilarge as well, which is useful.
Black orcs are the elite orcs, very heavy armour, AP weapons and high leadership.
Which changes? the ones where they made battles way too short. sieges too rushed, field battles end up being mosh pits around your lords, and spell spamming? What about the maps being too small in field battles, removing features like food, sanitation, etc, limiting diplomacy.

I'm genuinely curious as to which parts of this game you think are an improvement.
What's the explanation for chaos armies not supposed to being next to each (other than making the constant three Varg/Skaeling stacks on your ass extremely difficult to deal with)
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>features like food
>removing features like food, sanitation,

improvements desu

>spell spamming
literally who the fuck uses spells lmao
Seeing that they made it all the way there, yes they are a threat
>Literally spamming farms somewhat doesn't make you a casual

>there are retards that actually play TW for the empire management instead of the battles
Not him (I think fantasy and history both have a place) but the unit variety fantasy allows is the main selling point. Battle ai slightly improved and I didn't find food or public order complexities particularly fun. Would like to have unit formations back though and somewhat more strategic depth but in a different way than food/sanitation so I don't particularly miss building toilets.
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Empire is objectively the worst faction/race to fight against. Everything they have is so blatantly more versatile and strong than every other race/faction that it becomes a chore of just hoping your Lord kills their Lord to make them rout, or hope they got shit units.

Sure, I might be bad at the game - but Greatswords are just a hassle to deal with - even with Black Orks, and the Tank is just bullshit.
Fantasy and history both have a place I just hate how the fantasy title turned out. I was looking forward to it for so long and it feels like it was aimed at 12 year olds.

>I was looking forward to it for so long

sure bro :^)
Just kill them before they get their top units since they suck for most of the game.
Are there any Total War mods which are set in original settings do not steal?

I know there's lots of adaptations of existing settings, but it occurred to me that it might be fun to explore a new world in Total War.
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Thera, Planet War (or something like that), and probably a few more. Only for Med 2.
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four hours late but I found it
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Which is the best wizard lore for Empire and why?
Hexwraiths are growing on me.
High AP, Fear, Terror, and Ethereal. Somewhat fragile, but not really bad as far as VC cavalry goes.
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>be shitty peasant living shitty life in Nordland
>eat shitty meals, pray to Sigmar, work shitty job at the stables every day shoveling literal shit
>no shitty peasant gf
>10/10 hottie finds you at the tavern one day nursing your big ole mug of beer
>she's clearly interested, despite spaghetti flowing out of your pants in a steady stream
>invites you upstairs for some fun
>sex get, wild night under the sheets in the tightest and wettest cunny you've ever had
>invites you to her club the next day for even more fun
>follow the directions there after another shitty day of shoveling shit
>it's one of those orgy societies you've only heard the barest rumors about
>nubile young hotties with pale skin, freckles and firecrotches just walking around naked everywhere, waiting to be taken
>spend months of evenings at your new favorite spot, forgetting the stresses of being a shitty peasant in a shitty world
>introduced to even greater pleasures than you ever imagined, do drugs you never knew existed
>stamina, sensitivity, and sex drive constantly on the rise
>girls with dicks
>girls with tentacles
>girls with dicks and tentacles
>eventually start growing some shit of your own but they feel fucking good
>stop caring what it is you're fucking
>insatiable thirst to touch, feel, love and fuck anything, anything at all

By Sigmar's left nut, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!
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patch when
to show off there peckers
this isn't /manga&anime/
>tfw a girl will never do this to you

>This faggot cuck never provided proof

I know this is old already but I'm mocking you like the fucboi you are
>Beat Empire campaign
>wew, that was fun! who should I play next?
>try literally every faction, they're all great and unique
>but can't be assed to get very far
>play empire on legendary

How do I not be such a boring person?
Yeah bretty good not Rome tier

I would recommend you try out Borgia: Faith and Fear before Marco and Tudors before that.


Magic sucks save for two spells from death lore
work at it every day and work at it a little longer every day
Why does the Burning Head seem to perform better than the Vortex or Bombardment spells?
warhammer crack when?
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Harad going for that second round
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Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ooooooooooooooooooooooooooff
Fear effect... but the skull veers straight for your own units, every fucking time.
allo lads

time fuh sum fun
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witch wunnuh yew gits wants it first
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best boys.png
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So Mannfred is the best LL, right?
Is this Men of the Empire mod?
Of coursh!
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Yes just the reskin.
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Why the fuck is this dogshit so popular, its nothing but reiksguard everywhere

Why does this fanbase have such shit taste
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>Not using a Kemmler + 19 Zombie army exclusively

I bet you play on easy
Are you just going to post pics or will you be captioning things and giving us an explanation?
Remove the reiksguard and it probably wouldn't be a bad mod.
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Just going to post pics
2bh the mannfred/varghulf bromance is the only way to get a decent start on legendary vc
It adds units that will probably be DLC at some point, besides all the dismounted x shit
Stupid nordland wont give me military alliance. Can I just wipe them out?

Yes. It will advance the quest to deploy a hero.
What's the most reddit faction?

Some of those units seem interesting and may even be added into future dlc's. My biggest problems with these kinds of mods is when they just focus on one faction specifically. The empire already has the best artillery, cav and great ranged and melee they don't need to be the best in everything in the game along with 20 different cav options.
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They literally put a troll face in your town when sacking it
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Why you running, boy?
The implications of all this without gore is that he just sucked on him a bit.

Sucked him to death.
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>tfw no skeleton gf
>no blood or gore
>Every spell that at level 2 upgrades for 15% cooldown

Is there even any point? Magic reserves and not cooldown are what typically dictates spell usage. Am I missing something?

Thank god they at least changed the giants facial structure and didnt just give him an horn for the chaos version

Then they forgot to remove the neclace.
if your other spells are shit and you just use 2-3 spells it becoems worth it
>wanting to bone a skeleton
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Foot Reiksguard.png
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Well infantry Reiksgaurd did exist, but the mods really blow it out of proportion.

I didn't know this was a vore thread.
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If he just has a bunch of shirtless pirates and spearmen you're fine.
he should peel those before eating them :^)
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Come on dirty pirates
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>tfw realized there are no flagellants
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Pictured: GOBBOS
>skeletons don't give him a boner
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>Come and fight you lazy fucks!
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Just started my first campaign as The Empire.

What should my immediate goals be? Where should I expand?
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>Playing as greenskins
>Manage to conquer all of the other tribes and erase the dwarves faction in just over 100 turns
>Declare war on the other stunties to the west
>Chaos spawns two armies on boats and start razing everything in the south while my armies are occupied in the west

Jesus fucking christ Skaeling are annoying

They're not even trying to fight me, just running around raiding with four armies, so unless you get a total wipe they just keep raiding

And the ai blatantly cheats with ambush stance, they either ignore it or run right at it
Take the Scandinavian dick from Sweden for money
Make Makedonia great again.

Not sure who to take out next, Rome is getting pretty pissy and the Seleucids need to go eventually.
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What's the most 4chan faction?
Make a new army?
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Tomb Kings still not announced.gif
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> Tomb Kings still not announced
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boris you dumb fuck, look at the background? is that middenheim?

at least you pillaged a village haha dumbass
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>mounted pitchfork men at arms
Did Radious do these
>chaos arrives
>provinces ignore chaos razing their towns to carry on fighting each other
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boris you dumb fuck

remember, you miss every 20% assassination you don't make.
So it's true to the lore?
I forgot about the blood in this mod.

A little too much if you ask me, I can't hardly tell what my carpets are made out of when they're stained deep red.
Not really for chaos, sure it totally happens for orcs but they tend to fight off chaos and then infight
New thread?
It's like Mount and Blade

Although that works because you play an hour long siege and then come out covered
Jesus christ, Sliverslash quest battle is insane. Are Forsaken actually THAT good?
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Forsaken are the only cost efficient dudes in chaos. They have high armour, and they deal fairly high damage as well. Mind you, in campaign, chosen are still better, they just cost fucking double.

Forsaken are the only decent melee unit for chaos, the rest is pure trash
Whats the best way to use Dwarven organ guns? I have never in any Total war game been able to effectively use this type of arty.

Organ guns suck, stick to grudge throqers
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>Although that works because you play an hour long siege and then come out covered

it was probably like that IRL

washing all that blood off you

maybe you're bleeding out and don't even notice

god bless the digital age
Quite a few people don't think the Organ gun is that good. I haven't played too much dwarves, but from what I can tell it's not horrible. You need to sort of engage the enemy diagonally with your melee line, and have the organ be somewhat difficult to get to. It's quite awkward to explain, but cost efficiency-wise you're probably better off with grudge throwers.
>page 10

Rip twg
I already have them and about to do a big fight tho.
>god bless the digital age

A-fucking-men, being able to crush someone's skull in with a halberd, get shot up by arrows, die, then get up from your chair and go have a snack is awesome.

remember always that someone out there is doing it for real, suffering and fighting in the worst places in the world

LOL fuck no, vast majority of casualties were post battles, battles were a lot of banging at each others shield and helmet
is there a way for me to pick which army/units i can take into battle when i have a stack, or increase the limit for units

ai chaos attacks a 3 stack i have and i can easily fuck them up but the one that gets dragged first and clogs up my army is a bunch of damaged piece of shit units that get crushed by their hell cannon/giant/cavalry spam, then after theyre done raping my recovering army it finally begins letting my other units in (archers and artillery first too usually) 1 at a time with no support which is really fucking cool because by that time they're already surrounded by cavalry and boss units and in range of the hell cannon fire
Bullshit this would have been decided before the game was released not talked about now.

The game is selling as well as they could have hoped so their most hopeful plans should be underway already because of the great reception.
>For a samurai to be brave they must have a bit of black blood.
Kekked desu
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