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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 773
Thread images: 126

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Bright, Edition

>Waifu Jam (1D2Hs Left)


>Game Dev Articles

New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Helpful Links: http://alloyed.github.io/agdg-links/
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/

> Next DEMO DAY (Nine) #9

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> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: https://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: https://www.godotengine.org/
LÖVE: https://love2d.org/
UE4: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4
Unity: https://unity2d.com/

> Chats

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
Thank you for making a real thread.
Should I have a strong female character in my game for SJW points? Maybe a gay perhaps?
How many layers of paralax are typical for a background?
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>Its a feature
10 out of fucking 10
At least 30 but 60 would be preferable.
3-4 if you wanna be sane

5+ if you're an Ullillillia tier madman.
It really depends on what kind of background, how much detail you want, the style, etc, etc. There's not really an answer. The more layers you have the more 3D it will look. But I'd say 4 or 5 is best minimum.
Thanks for this thread. Can I just say something?

Sourcefam really is the worst person I've ever seen on the internet. He's not a bad person in the same way people on other boards are, like posting mutilated animals or anything. He's just rotten to the core, negative, and a bad person. He's a failure and he can't stop telling us about it all the time, and if it's wrong for us to point this out, then just ban us I guess?

It would honestly be a favor. Because lately it seems this place is an illusion where supposedly it's for gamedev but 80% of the posts belong to the same raving lunatic. It is hard to keep pouring positive energy into a place that is haunted by this person.

Anyway, that's my only input on the matter.

Fuck you, reek. You're shit and you know it. I hope something comes to you that removes you from the internet for good. I really do. You're so overdue for it.
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report and ignore

it's easy because getting banned deletes all his posts (because its only one guy)
I don't understand how to do saving/loading. So I have a level file and in the level are a bunch of enemies and stuff. The level is automatically loaded when the game starts, so if I want to set health/etc. I'd need to give every enemy an ID so I could map back to the appropriate one in the save game file? But then, what if an enemy is dead? Do I let it spawn, and then kill it immediately? That seems wrong.

It seems like what I really want is when the level spawns the first time, it generates everything, and then every subsequent time it dynamically adds everything from the save file... but then how do I use the level editor if I only want things to spawn the first time?
>stonehearth barely runs on my computer
>starbound barely runs on my computer
>cubeworld doesn't run at all

>ultra street fighter IV runs perfectly

You'd better be optimizing your fucking games.
You laugh but I can't tell you how many games I've seen spawn and then kill enemies when I load a save
I am a Creator, not a codemonkey
I run GameObject.Find("player") every frame on all my enemies. :^)
>cubeworld doesn't work
How's that even possible? I had that quirky bastard running on a 540M laptop, and these days even the integrated GPUs on Intel's laptop chips are stronger then that old thing.
Optimizing is for code monkeys and AAAs, not true artists like me.
The level file isn't a save file.
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I'm not sure what you're using to make a game, but how I handle level loading is this way:

> Save json data of all level entities
> Load level -- if it's loaded from a file instead of made new, load the entities in the json data instead of running the spawning algorithm.
>thing doesn't work
>literally comment out my whole main and paste theirs
>it still doesn't work

This is gonna be fun.
Reminder of how much can be done with 64k


I really wish I was good enough to do demoscene shit
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>rely heavily on "get all objects of class"
Is making a 2d game with 3d models in unity roughly equivalent in difficulty to a full 2d game in gamemaker, coding complexity aside?

I am enjoying learning C#, but also realising that I am not ready for a 3d game.
It's Unreal, so the problem is (given my limited knowledge) you just say something like LoadLevel() and the level has all the enemies and stuff in it already because you hand-placed them in the Level Editor. So after the level loads with all the default parameters for each enemy, then you'd apply deltas from the loaded data, I think.
My first thought was that it didn't look that great, but then I realized that was a demo. How do they fit all that shit in 64k? Are all those models and textures generated when its run?
I haven't actually done it but I suspect it's about the same as a regular 3D game. You're still using the 3D physics engine, drawing functions, etc (even though one value is always 0).
Unity dev here.

If you're making those kind of 2D platformers using 3D models it's easy as fuck. Actually even a 3D platformer isn't that hard.
I just hope that you're a good artist though because with 3D you just can't get away with shitty modeling or texturing.
Can't help you there friend, I haven't used Unreal.
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does GM not check collision through other objects if they're in the way?
Remember: practice
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One of these days, you'll post one which actually becomes good

Maybe you need to practice
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>I had that quirky bastard running on a 540M laptop
>minimum requirement Core 2 Duo E4400 2.0GHz or Intel HD Graphics 3000 Desktop Dx9 2 GB
Why are you lying?
looks like shit and also isn't even a progression of skill, it's construction of one single sprite

stop spamming

> Are all those models and textures generated when its run?
Probably. I know a lot of early "high-res" 3d generated from stuff like POV-Ray would use parametric texturing. It'd have some definitions of what marble, glass, etc. look like, and would apply it over a surface.

And the renders themselves were largely parametric, so instead of a ball having a gorillion vertices, it's just a function. Sorta like vector imagery, but in 3d.
>want to git gud at art so I can make lewd games and just lewd art in general
>almost every book/tutorial is centered on drawing dumb boring shit

I know it's necessary in order to build a foundation and all but I just wanna draw the tiddy
Q_rsqrt has nothing to do with demoscene you dummy.
Can you fuck the hell off with your garbage Full Sail shitposting, shitfam?
>implying a 540M isn't stronger then the desktop 3000
but I imagine demoscene does involve some evil floating point bit level hacking. Granted I don't know anything about demoscene. Seems really impressive though
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Teethboy (not actual name): Teeths that go all the way around. Literally made of teeth. #dentistshatehim

I shouldn't even be making characters but I have 2 more ideas that are pretty good I think and I want to see how they end up

one of them is not for my current game help
Does anyone know any good programs to create boss music like this?

what game had books that have teeth and come flying at you?
In general, a tracker, but YMDJ if you want the Genesis sound.
Good lord Android Studio takes ages to update through the SDK manager
No idea other than DOTA VR and Harry potter.
just look up whatever furshit you like and copy it until you git gud, jeez
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you have to practice bro. I copy pic relateds sprites so I too can make lewd games. you have to power through it.
I'm at a bit of a crossroads and could use some input from any ideaguys

For anyone who hasnt played my dd8 build I'm making a mini space sim with what will hopefully have fun arcadey combat

Now my problem is I'm having trouble figuring out how enemies should work. When you enter a planets orbit you enter a zone with stuff like friendly ships, outposts, and mine-able Asteroids. Enemies spawn from enemy stations but it's kind of boring atm because they just keep spawning no matter what.

Would you guys find it interesting if there was a way to eventually clear all planets of the enemy presence or would you rather have specific planet areas be a grindfest? Or should there be a continuous power struggle over planet control?
Maybe have different classes of stations, with different amounts and types of enemies in them. Blow up station, no more enemy waves spawn until the station respawns when you leave. Take the planet to stop spawning, if you're planning a mechanic for that.
In my opinion, you should be able to wipe out all enemies in the area, but they should respawn after a while (preferably after you have left). Kinda like how STALKER handles enemies, for lack of a better comparison.
>awesome sprites in shitty games
Always kills my soul. I should have been born as an artist.
I agree with this idea, have different levels of defeating an enemy.

So blow up a station to prevent spawning until you leave the area, but you can do something on the planet (form a relationship, blow up a base, not sure what works best for your game) to prevent/toggle the station from respawning when you leave
WHat's wrong with doing that?
>Have like 6-7 ideas for a game
>Can't decide which to use
>Now I'm at the point that I'm starting to combine multiple parts of different ideas into their own ideas
I get the feeling Im calling it way too often. Dont have a great understanding of whats going on under the hood, but Im fairly sure this is a fairly expensive function to be using so often.
You don't need those silly ideas anyway. Just post them here. Nothing could go wrong.
get a trip
make a poll
just like dont make game

What would you guys think about having the ability to wipe out the enemy outpost to prevent enemy respawns in that planet?

But the catch will be that the enemy may occasionally send a fleet there to establish a new oupost.
Sounds good to me. You don't wanna just wipe out the enemies forever because you want a clear enemy presence in space. Also it would make the player feel like he controls a bit too much of the game world.
That would be good. You could even put up your own outposts, but here's where it'd get a little more complicated under the hood. If you wipe out the planetary outpost, it'd stop the stations being rebuilt. Then the enemy sends a fleet to rebuild the outpost, but what if one of your outposts is already there and is sending out your stations and ships? You'd have to have something behind the scenes simulating the battles that are going on when you're elsewhere.
take the best parts of each and combine them, while throwing out the bad parts of each

its what i do
>been learning to use unity for about 3 months now
>finally getting a decent grip on it
>realise i'm not going to finish anything on my own
>considering switch to gm

please advise.
>people are born with talent

this meme needs to die
>any good programs
yeah a tracker like the other guy said but more the important things you need are:
-years of practice
-more practice
Talent is the only way anyone can be good at anything. It's true.
Keep uploading waifus to the jam please
Sunk Cost fallacy

I can't tell you which is a better engine for you, but I will say that it's not worth working in an engine that's worse for you and your game just because you already learned another engine.

Whatever time you think you've wasted in one engine will be more than made back in having a more fitting streamlined engine down the road.

tldr; if you think Unity is right for you stay. If not, there's no reason not to switch to GM
>whatever furshit you like
lol no furry is fucking god awful, catgirls are probably the closest I'd get to that.

I just wanna make good looking qts and maybe some muscle girls.[/spoiler
I have actually tried copying and tracing before though but I feel like I got no better doing it.

Someone needs to make Drawing on the Right Side of the Dick. Actually maybe scratch that cause taken literally that sounds painful.
I'd say its more like aptitude, for lack of a better word. Partly some level of basic ability, and partly the desire to actually do whatever it is you want to be good at. Like how every kid wants to be a rock star, but not many actually like playing a guitar just to get better at it. Everyone wants to make a successful game, but how many actually enjoy making game?
Oh shit I love you.
Except it's not a meme, people are better in some fields than others.
I think that agdg 1MA games are prime examples of this, no offense.
Should I switch projects if it's not working out?
A: DAW + vsts
B: Chiptune tracker
C: A modified console + MIDI keyboard
D: MML + a PC88 emulator
E: an actual PC88 - the SEGA / Yuzo Koshiro way-

those are all the ways of making genesis chiptunes that I know of
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why doesn't it like my function
Meanwhile in 1990....

Post some rockin' chiptunes. Thanks to the based keygen guys for keeping it alive.
Try to convert to string with constructor explicitly in the call to see what's wrong. Might be lack of a header.
>no RPGmaker
Because it expects a value and you've given it a pointer.

You shouldn't ever have a value of SDL_Renderer, it should always be a pointer to SDL_Renderer or maybe a reference.
>no rpgmaker2003
instantly fuckin dropped. trash poll
Save the string to a string variable, for example foo. Then use (char*) foo.c_str (). See if that works.
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====Weekly Recap===
Hello everyone, reposting to get more entries.

Do not stray from the format below or else the scraper will probably miss your response. Try not to use things like additional line breaks or quotes.

A 1.5x1 .png file works best. A .webm will probably look awful since I just use the thumbnail for those.

====Recap Format====
Game Name:
Dev Name:
Tools Used:
(+ For positive progress)
(- For negative progress)
I've been using Unity for 2 years now. Though I've had my share of ragequit, ragerant and ragehate against it, Unity is a very good engine.

What I mean by "good engine" is that it actually lets you try thing really fast, even if it's not optimal 90% of the time.
If you just want to make game, you can drop assets in it, make some very minimal code and you're done. You have a collision system, a character system, a shader system, a cloth system, literally almost all kind of systems.

Now, the difficulty is when you actually want to optimize things around. At this point, you have to go deep into the engine, learn how it works, where you can optimize, what you should discard from the native systems, etc.
At this point, maybe, if you have enough experience in both game deving, coding and the engine itself then maybe you can think of switching to C++ to enter the AAA performance. But if you're here in agdg, chances are you don't need C++ performances at all. I mean, it's not like we have any complex games, just a bunch of edgy devs doing edgy games, meme devs doing meme games or anime dev doing cute girls on platformers.
this. I'm not denying some people are better at certain things than others. It would be like vegeta saying goku never trained at all
I never beat this game, damn, it was hard.
pointers are hard
super mario 64 先輩
>Been trying to do art all day
>Just can't. Just can't fucking do it.
God damnit I'm never going to move past "white square placeholder image".
No, they're not, you just have to pay attention.
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I posted a pc version of Luvvie Ducks today on itch.
There is a purchase price, but I created a free link for agdg if anyone is interested in playing.

I posted the same link in agdg earlier in the day and 5 people downloaded, I hope it provided a little entertainment.
>no Microsoft Powerpoint XP or rpgmaker PSX

Honestly my single and only fear is that I will not finish a game. I'd like to make a power stone-esque brawl/arena type game in the long run but having no experience in making full games, I have no idea how feasible that is for a beginner 1MA.

If it was a case of "pick an engine and you definitely get to finish a game in it", I wouldn't even be asking this question desu. I guess self doubt is also coming into play.
>powerpoint CYOA games
Fuck, those were the days. I was doing that when I was still too stupid to realize that no, I can't put this on Newgrounds.

>No Klik n' Play
Like switch engines, or just drop a project entirely?

I mean, you have to develop a certain degree of analysis where you can coldly make decisions that aren't emotional.

That being said it's hard to think of scenarios where a project isn't working out or is unfixable for any reason other than the creator has lost interest or encountered a problem or bug they can't fix.

So feel free to switch engines if you don't have your whole damn game already made in one.

Switching projects is just letting yourself fail, don't do that so quickly
Being mainly a coder, making a brawl/arena, code-wise, is not that hard and you can get away with things even if they're not optimized.

Your real concern would be animations for a fighting game. If you have an artist or can make all of your sprites, or 3D models, by yourself then you'll be fine but it's definitely going to be the biggest part.

In the worst case, you'll end up like me with a working prototype but no game since you don't have characters to put in and can't make them yourself.
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What do you think of my waifu?
Look up some youtube tutorials. PRactice. Gonna take more than a day to learn how to draw, fampai. You didn't learn to program a game in a day did you?

I suppose this is a problem I will face regardless of the dimensions in my game.

The artstyle I'm going for definitely has a retro feel, so I think with some practice in blender I'll get there (think jet set radio cel-shaded), so if it's doable from a coding perspective I think I am sufficiently reassured.

Thanks man.
I think the most difficult part with making a fighting game is making it appeal to people. People who play fighting games are extremely picky and dont' want to play something that is half assed.

Case in point: Street Fighter 5.
I went from not knowing how the first thing about game development to having a working pong game using C# in a day, so kind of.

I actually have some background in competitive fighting games (mainly CvS2 and KoF series), but this will definitely be more "casual" based. 4 player, hectic gameplay type deal. I think there will be some crossover but I'm not super interested in deep combo systems/cancels (at least at this point)
Pong is the gamedev equivalent of drawing a box in perspective.
Depends on your fighting gamers audience.

Street fighter has a large audience so of course you'll have people hating SFV because stupid reasons (I like it).
As a real fightan fan if I can myself like that, I've been playing all kind of games as long as the fights are fun, even if they have some mugen-quality sprites if you know what I mean.

.. though the other dev with the 3D fatass bloom effect fighter really is pushing it, I wouldn't play it.

More like Power Stone (dreamcast game) if you've played that.
>CYOA games
Oh dang, completely forgot about those. So actually my first engine was Microsoft Frontpage 95 on my dad's super old laptop he let us borrow. I would draw pictures on typing paper, color them with crayons and colored pencils, scan them into the computer, then set them up in Frontpage like a website, make each picture its own separate page, then cut it up into different links so that depending on where you clicked it took you to the next area or started dialogue with a character. I think I still have those drawings somewhere, lmao. good ol' days
I know how recap gets the pics and text but how does it create the image? What libraries are used?
>good ol' days
mfw I was on top of the world when I made my shitty color ascii mario clone in that when I was in school
Explain pointers and references to me like I'm okay in interpreted languages
how easy is to sell 8k copies at 4USD in steam today?

That's the price of a house near my anime convention, so I can stop being an useless neet and stop living with my parents.

Do you have any example of what is the expected quality to get that goal?
holy shit, do you still have it? Was that all on the calculator or did you hook it up to a PC or something for the code and stuff
A variable is a value in memory, a pointer is the location of memory. (A variable variable)

Reference means that when the function is through, modifying that value will retain its persistence outside the function scope.
A pointer is an address. You use them to refer to memory, or to objects without needing to copy them everywhere.

A reference is similar to a pointer, but typically they're guaranteed to refer to a valid object (except in shitty languages like Java and C# where anything can be null).
>Can't think of what to work on
>prototypes aren't working out too well
Ok this post number including the "No." will be the seed I use on the orteil idea generator fuck it.
Pointer = variable that points.

Literally that.

It's a variable that holds a memory address instead of some value.

So you can send a big object with gigabytes of data and simply pass it's address direction, instead of the function making another gigabyte copy or move or anything, so you don't waste your precious cycles.

Imagine like a finger pointing somewhere.

Protip = only use pass by reference, nothing else matters.
Those ghetto methods you think up as a kid that are so convoluted yet came so easily to you were the best. I remember when I was in like the third grade my mom had one of the early digital cameras with a movie function, and an ultra-quick shutter option (which I think just saved a video file as a bunch of jpegs) like a professional DSLR. Me and two of my buddies made a star wars movie with plastic swords in my backyard, and to add in force lightning I shot it with the burst shutter and then spent like two hours adding different shades of blue lines to each frame in MSPaint and putting them in for .16 of a second in movie maker one by one. Actually didn't look that retarded.
Memory is a continuous array of bytes. Like you can say "Byte number 200 contains the value 17"

A pointer is just an integer that would contain that address "200", rather than the value "17"
>Protip = only use pass by reference, nothing else matters.
LOL, no
We had so many waifu games last demo day, where'd they all go for waifu jam?
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giant robots.png
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Hrm... Ok, I guess.
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>all these summerfags showing up all of a sudden

I wouldn't really mind if they weren't mostly shitposters desu. I hope you guys actually stick with your games and stop spamming dumb memes.
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enemies can now be blasted and killed by spells.
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>Reference means that when the function is through, modifying that value will retain its persistence outside the function scope.
>Protip = only use pass by reference, nothing else matters.
>A pointer is just an integer
good shit
Does anyone have the code for Responsive Parallax Scrolling in GML? The forums aren't hosting the code anymore, so I can only see people responding to how great it is.

Link, for those wondering http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=531761
They don't call us PROgrammars for nuthin'
Anyone here use MeshBrush (Unity) ?

(...and does anyone have a download link for the most recent version? Would be greatly appreciated.)
Think about what you're making and look up a few indie games similar to it. Think about graphical style as well as gameplay. Disqualify any entries that have ridiculously high number.

I.e. Making a 2d side scrolling indie horror game I'd look at:
Claire - 40k sales
Lone Survivor - 560k sales (so not this one)
Uncanny Valley - 30k sales (agdg alumni)
Fran Bow - 100k sales

So I'd estimate somewhere around 40k sales for a decent looking 2d sidescrolling horror game.
Parallax is fucking easy. You just draw things at offsets that are proportional to the view displacement.
>Reference means that when the function is through, modifying that value will retain its persistence outside the function scope.
References are just a failed attempt at "fixing" null references. Stick to pointers.

>Protip = only use pass by reference, nothing else matters.
This guy is an idiot.

>A pointer is just an integer
It literally is.
I've coded it the hard way 100% legit, was fun as hell. I remember that colors had an innate depth, like green was always on top of orange and such, so I used that with the pixeldraw() function in the graphic screen.

Don't have it anymore since my calculator imploded somehow, it was very old.
Does anybody mind giving me feedback on my game?
they will definitely make you feel richer once you learn them
man I really need to finish a game

I'm in no financial trouble but that would be sick
Sure, post it. There's not much but shitposting around here.
(* or /) (number between 0 and 1),y)
Huh. So you just have an object that draws the background every frame, ignoring the 'backgrounds' tab in room settings?
it says it needs a data folder...
>References are just a failed attempt at "fixing" null references. Stick to pointers.
Failed how? It's extremely useful to have a type of pointers that are guaranteed to point to an object. Sure, even in C++, they can be aliased to an invalid value, invalidated, etc. but that doesn't mean they're a bad idea or somehow WORSE than pointers.

>It literally is.
Pointer arithmetic is not defined to be the same as integer arithmetic (not counting that +1 to a pointer will be +size to the address). There's such thing as segmented memory, etc. but for all intensive purposes you don't need to care for gamedev.

Yeah, or you can just set the background's offset.
Has anyone else had problems with mixamo animations in unity having skewed feet/hands? I'm sure it's some import setting I'm fucking up but there's so many I really don't know what could be wrong.
>(* or /) (number between 0 and 1)
So I got this book https://www.amazon.com/Learning-C-Programming-Unity-3D-ebook/dp/B00MMOJ31E?ie=UTF8&btkr=1&ref_=dp-kindle-redirect because i wanted to learn unity and programming c#, as i have no coding language at all.

but lots of people say to use GM if you are a complete beginner to coding and games because its much easier than unity and has better tutorials by other people.

I want to use Unity, but now I feel as if learning GM first would be better in the long run for me.

What do I do?
I need help with fleshing out some ideas, the goal is to manage your character and explore a fantasy world (like a text adventure).
The gameplay goes like this : the player navigates a map (point and click), visits towns, talks to npcs and such, hunts for food and materials, fights monsters... the problem now is how to implement the fights, i don't want to use the rpg approach, i'd like to keep numbers to minimum and have an organic feel to it, weapons, armor, skills, and items have ranks instead of numbers, there are no health points, the mc is able attack (pierce/slash/blunt), defend (shield/evade) use environment (keep distance/use terrain hazards), each monster has a certain way of defeating it (you can't just spam attack/use healing until X monster is dead), i was thinking of going heavy on text and options like each fight is a contained story, is there a better way to approach it? would people want to play something like this?

If you're going to learn unity in the long run, just start with unity.
>Pointer arithmetic is not defined to be the same as integer arithmetic
All I was pointing out that an address is nothing more than a number.
I said nothing about it's properties.
You said that a pointer was nothing more than a number.
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Woo, the shop works. That was a doozy to figure out. And if nothing else, I think my sprite artwork has gotten better, if at least a little
Unity Is piss easy.

It's just that for _2D_ it _might_ be easier with gamemaker.
Not that i know, since i have no experience with GM.
>weapons, armor, skills, and items have ranks instead of numbers
Are you fucking with me?
>but lots of people say to use GM if you are a complete beginner to coding and games because its much easier than unity and has better tutorials by other people.
because there's a lot more to coding than just writing out simple logic. you will have a hard time writing a 3d game using code only if you don't understand how to structure your code and how to make the appropriate classes that you need

something like Game Maker or Unreal's Blueprints helps a lot with this because it abstracts a lot of that stuff with visual aids
Having no experience in Unity and a decent amount in Gamemaker, I can say that GM is very easy for 2D.
Fuck I'm trying to go professional and I have no idea how to make a goddamn resume and my current one is shit. The only real suggestions I get is 'don't use google because that's what the average retard does so yours will end up looking like shit' and 'programmer resumes don't follow the same rules'.

What the fuck do I do? Anyone have any help they can lend me?
Oh man you must be so fun at parties.
ok i'll post it when it finishes compiling.
I'm correcting something wrong you just said to teach a beginner.
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onix uses bind.webm
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>most annoying enemy
>gets raped by everything
The game is now about throwing pets and winning with power of friendship.
Build a cheap NiggOculus Rift with Chinese components and a rented 3D printer. Do up a 360 degree video of rendered grafix extolling your virtues. Send it to the companies with short instructions.
so what can i do to understand how to structure my code correctly and how to make appropriate classes?
Is that the dreaded space mukade?
as someone who interviews people at work, here is what I look for:
- your interest (usually this is an Objective category at the top, "I'm looking to be a graphics programmer in computer animation")
- what tools you have experience with (C++, Maya, Qt, JQuery, etc)
- what work experience you have (where you worked, what you worked on, and what tools you used)

make all of this information easy to find and easy to parse
Dungeon Generation is way more hellish than expected, and I'm doing this shit on Python just for prototyping ideas.

I don't even want to start thinking how FUN this will be to port to C++
I love seeing your game progress. There's always some neat emergent gameplay.
probably just doing coding lessons/practice problems, but I wouldn't learn how to code through making games. I'd make games after I knew how to code. I'm sure it's possible though. you'll learn a lot from every failed attempt
Out of all mixamo animations I've tried I've noticed that they're literally all fucked up most of the time. You'd better make your own animations in blender or something, assuming that you can open the model and that it's actually workable.

If we're getting all philosophically mathsy tho, a number with different arithmetic rules is still a fucking number. In addition we have a bunch of different kinds of other numbers anyways (unsigned, signed, different byte sizes so different overflows) so it's kind of okay to note that a pointer IS a number. It's also okay (and very useful in this context) to note that there's some specific shit about the TYPE of number it is. Like everything in programming, it's just about how you interpret the data.
>crystal gun girl dev makes a tumblr post asking for money exchanging sprites for it
>reply to him I'm interested
>the fucker has not replied yet
I'm waiting fucker, why do you ask for money if you don't want it?
Too bad not much of it is actually usable except from being gimmicks.
I remember this!
You said integer, not number.
Would you advice to or against using possesives such as "I" and "my"?
by that i mean instead of X weapon having X attack it'll be a rank from bad to good, it doesn't make sense to have the same sword with different attack value other than in rpgs (unless it has magic or something)
>Took the first steps to restarting my game from scratch today
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you can steal my cellular automata dungeon code if you want from 5 years ago
Listen dudes I'm all for bumping the thread, but this discussion is just getting retarded
any good c# tutorials then?

or should I probably just read thru my book
Wasn't me. An integer with different arithmetic rules is still very much an integer tho, all of the same shit applies. Not that it matters, we all seem to know what's going on.
I don't really think it matters. I don't personally have them in mine. "Collaborated with" vs "I collaborated with", ehhh, who cares. Some people write sentences and some people write bullet points - either is fine.
Thanks anon, I'll look into this and steal some ideas. By any chance do you know how can I find some articles talking about a more room-based dungeon generation? place rooms randomly and then connect them by corridors?
Are you the same guy who does the monthly recap?

Will your recaps show up over there as well? What about Sayaka? Are you the same person?

I'm asking because it looks like the recap on the website has animated gifs/webms and I wanted to post a webm of my progress but I'm not sure if it will work if you aren't using the same system/same person. (It seems like you're a different anon)
Check roguebasin, there's excellent write-ups on the algorithms used for dungeon generation.
The guy who makes Cogmind has a great article on this. Just google Cogmind procedural generation and you'll probably find it
ok it finished
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roguebasin has great stuff. I used it as inspiration for dungeon algorithms as well as I stole a field of view algorithm from it

I also wrote a "sloppy" version of it where corridors can be built through existing rooms. I never liked the version where the dungeon is nice, separate rooms.
Thank you for the advice, I will keep it in mind.
wow, two days getting it to scale properly the window under diferent resolutions.
This doesn't look like a game.
it's probably made for people like ulillilia

Gives me a 404:Not Found!
I'm the guy who put up the monthly recap.
Weekly recap guy is a separate guy who runs a scraper. Their code automatically pulls out images and posts, and you'll need a static image I'd imagine.
I had it set to private by accident.
Is there any specific way you like the tools and experience to be laid out, or could I just list them all on the same line with a header saying something like "Proficient with the following:"?
>Note that SFML won't load your system fonts automatically, i.e. font.loadFromFile("Courier New") won't work. Firstly, because SFML requires file names, not font names, and secondly because SFML doesn't have magical access to your system's font folder. If you want to load a font, you will need to include the font file with your application, just like every other resource (images, sounds, ...).

Wow, even the SFML TUTORIALS are dripping in snark. And I thought their forums were bad.
He probably got more than he needed
You won't be getting those sexy sprites
sfml is a piece of shit. Either use SDL or a real game engine.
>Wow, even the SFML TUTORIALS are dripping in snark.
This is what you get for using a french gorilla's mashup of libraries.

Just use SDL or GLFW, SFML's only selling point is being easy but you can wrap SDL or GLFW to be just as easy.
b-b-but everyone says that SDL2's opengl renderer is slow..
Here's some tips:
1. Make it look like the ship is going faster, even if it isn't
2. Make it harder to dodge the black holes, and give less energy packs
3. Polish up the design on everything
4. Add some intense music
How big is the learning curve in GM?

I can do all of my art myself but I'm still pretty new to GM and I can't help feeling anxious about my game's development. "What if I can't make the game I want? Will I just become the next Slain?". I wish I had started coding years ago.
It is. Use OpenGL, it's easy as fuck for 2D games.
Who? First I've heard.
usually you have a couple groups in a bulleted list like
Languages: C++, C#, Java
Frameworks: Qt, JQuery, Unity
Fields: Data visualization, 3D Graphics, UI Design

order these from most proficient to least proficient.

And do us all a favor in the interview - if I ask you how's your C++, don't tell me you're a 9/10. I'm like a 7 and you just graduated college.
Ah, alright thank you.
GM is easy.

And Slain! still sold 5000 copies so that's okay.
>and I can't help feeling anxious about my game's development
Chill out dude, it's just a hobby.
I'm not the aggydaggy.com anon or Sayaka. I like the weekly recaps so I wrote a scraper to assist.
I'd rather only sell 1000 and have a good rep than 5000 and being a meme.
Anyone here have any idea how to do a scroll unravelling itself in 3d like one of those in the pic? I can probably fake it with an scrolling alpha mask and texture, but is there any other trick?
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Combat ISP.png
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Game Name: Combat ISP
Dev Name: CISP dev
Tools Used: GameMaker, Photoshop, LMMS, Audacity
Website(s): http://combatisp.tumblr.com/
+ Added resource timer (+1 crystal every 2 seconds)
+ Added loot drops for some minions (Seedling and Bulb)
+ Added portals for faster deving/testing
is it possible for a complete retard to just run this without knowing anything? like save it as ok.cpp and g++ ok.cpp ?
Dude what, you just draw the paper from one end to the other.
Well not anxious but still slightly worried. And hobby or not It's important to me.
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I'm talking about animating a 3d modell of a scroll ya doofus
Ah. Okay, thanks for doing these.
Your first game, or probably your first attempt at a game will be absolute horse shit.
Just make sure you improve with your following attempts.
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You can always create a new identity for your next game
Official agdg chatroom https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/amateur_egg_dev_general
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loot drops and portals.webm
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Demonstration. Finally, a moba mechanic! Now we're making real gameplay progress!
ok I'll do that, thanks for the advice.
wouldn't that just stretch it?
How to handle screen resolutions and resizing?
You can modify the UVs based on how far out it's been rolled.
Which engine?
Oh, right.
I just tried Vampire's Bit. It's fun I like the concept, art is promising too. Could become some kind of cool game in the future perhaps.

Controls are clunky though. Also watch out for the big dude getting glitched inside the house, making the game too easy.
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I love this meme. Blame yourself for your lack of creativity and sensibility, not everyone needs to make 20 crappy games in their life in order to make one that isn't half bad.

Well here again /agdg/ is taking example on Gogem so it's understandable, eh.
Toying with an idea for easily scripting levels, more in the movie script sense. Have a function get called every arbitrary number of seconds, which reads the next line from a data table, with each column being for some event. Im thinking this would be good for stuff thats only dependent on the elapsed time, like triggering a radio message, spawning a new wave of enemies, and so on. The idea is to make something like the director in L4D, except without the part where it thinks for a bit about what event it triggers.
if your first game was any good then you probably spent a lot of time making prototypes or at the very least rewriting your game various times

you just don't have enough experience to make anything good yet
what kind of game should i make?
What are your interests and art/music/programming experiences?
The fun kind
Since I'm just getting out of school, would you care for some summaries of projects I've done to take up space on the rest of the resume? I've got no professional experience aside from school projects and home projects so I don't have enough to fill a single page if I don't.
what type of game do you imagine when listening to this song?

The kind cristian makes
kek, I'm him.

just curious to see what games do you imagine listening to popular music in my city.
Doesn't really fit games well in my mind.q
imagine a platformer set in cuba.
Not him but I share his sentiment, and you're also right. I think it's totally possible to make a good first game without having to waste time making dozens before as long as you iterate and rewrite it as your progress. Some people have a powerful drive to create something in particular and are ready to work on it for years if needed, telling them "but m8 you need to make other games before else it'll fail" is stupid.

With that said I still agree one should at least make all sorts of 2D shitgames like pong, a plateformer and so on to learn the basics. But these barely count as games to me.
I don't even know what cuba is supposed to be like.
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some kind of bullfighting game maybe.
I just watched Clear and Present Danger so Im imagining myself as a CIA snake eater on a plane flying into a South American country to eliminate a cartel.
rate my game
no, there are a couple areas you'd have to tweak. basically anything calling m_map has to be converted, as it's a member variable from the superclass.

you can email me at [email protected] if you want some feedback
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Question, using Gamemaker:

So a bullet hits an enemy.
The bullet has a switch that makes it so that it either gets destroyed on contact with said enemy, or it can pass through potentially hitting other enemies.

Now one would probably want it so that the bullet doesn't continue to do damage literally every millisecond as it passes through the enemy, thats OP as fuq.

But at the same time, you don't want to put in a timer for enemy invulnerability because in more chaotic scenarios that means they just have some time where they take no damage period.

So instead that would mean doing what, adding the ID of the bullet into storage in the enemy so that it can check against the ID, and ignore the damage if the stored Bullet is still touching.

But then if there are multiple bullets hitting the enemy at once or almost once, that would mean every step its potentially switching the stored bullet ID which means they'd keep switching and doing damage every other step because it can't store both without a structure like a list.

But then that means checking the list every time a bullet collides to see if the bullet ID is stored or something which sounds like it could result in a lot of system strain in hectic situations.

... Am I overthinking this?
>tfw no music bro to make eurobeat tracks for me
Cool, I'll send you an email in a bit.
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Are dances copyrighted? Like if one of my characters danced like this for her idle idol , could I or my future LLC get sued by Sony Records International or the idol group's legal team?
you could do something like the first frame it's overlapping, you set a boolean for isOverlapping, and the last frame you unset it. if you detect a collision while isOverlapping is already set, you ignore it
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intermediate skills, i guess. made some 2d games. familiar with basic platformer physics and vector math. can make a simple game in c/#/++/java/python/as3.
meh. can draw something decent if i spend more time on something, but can't draw animations, or a consistent style.

that narrows it down
>gringos pendejos always think latino caribbean music is spaniard

think of driver 2 havana city.
think of celia cruz.

>inb4 who is she
Do you really think anybody here knows?
oh, I didn't realize you already explained that in the second half of your post.

storing and checking an id is negligible as far as memory/cpu cycles. I feel like GameMaker has a builtin function for this but I really have no idea since I don't use it
are you making a dance competition game? because I've been ideaguying that to agdg for months

Ok, seems like you won't be hindered pursuing any game """genre""" so that's good. So when you think about yourself making a game, what is your motivation?
I'll try posting here http://notdev.tumblr.com/
But I'm not good with these things
What the fuck is wrong with these spic countries
It's all decided in courts, they can just throw money at the courts if they decide you are copying them too closely. It's not as simple and clear cut as you think it is. Just don't copy it exactly and you should be fine.

How often do you see MJ's moonwalk in games?
There's at least 1 or 2 legal advisors in /agdg/. They were spamming threads a few weeks ago warning everyone to make an LLC and patent their gameplay mechanics or they were gonna get sued and robbed of their game. I had hoped they were still around to offer some free legal advice.
Ask Riot or Blizzard since they've used a lot of popular dances for their emotes.
Bullets store the list of enemies they have hit, and remove the enemy when they're done overlapping. That will keep the list size down AND allow for bullets that do weird motions and can hit enemies multiple times, if that's what you want.
Store the enemy ID in a list on the bullet and use that during the process?
I never played that game.

Is cuban rum and cuban cigars still a thing? That's all I know about your country.

Oh, and cuban pete.
>How often do you see MJ's moonwalk in games?
Good point. Although maybe they got permission first? I know the disco zombie in Plants Vs Zombies originally wore Michael Jackson's Thriller outfit, and they had to change it to a Disco theme to avoid a lawsuit or something.

>are you making a dance competition game?
No, but one of my characters would have a section where she might do a dance competition for one of the stages.
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The problem isn't patenting and getting your game stolen, it's that by making a game without an LLC you open yourself up to having your personal assets seized in lengthy and costly patent litigation of someone else's game mechanics.
I'm not cuban, I'm colombian.
cuba is basically another comunist shithole that is another dictatorship.

they don't have internet.
maybe they got permission first. they'd have the resources to pay all the fees and get all the contracts secured.
What good booze and other stuff comes from columbia?
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>implying those are enforceable
though this assumes you have a legal budget of more than zero dollars
This is fucked up. Damnit jews
How do I make a room in LOVE2D?
... Huh, the thought of storing the list in the bullet had never occurred to me. That sounds like it could be exactly whats needed.

>and remove the enemy when they're done overlapping
Now would I do that with a for loop or something, running through the list and if collision isn't happening with a stored ID it removes it?
And also emptying the entire list if there is currently no enemy collision period or something?
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How should I display something as equipped:
So, if you finish a game, what steps would you take to actually sell it?
>no Godot option
Semi related, an insight mechanic like in Bloodborne is something I want to do.

No fucking clue how to implement it though.
>running through the list and if collision isn't happening with a stored ID it removes it?
>And also emptying the entire list if there is currently no enemy collision period or something?
That could actually be more wasteful than helpful.
can i see the houses you've made?
>wanna make trailer/intro for game
>download After Effects
>look up tutorials
>they all seem to be Call of Duty Youtubers explaining now they made their channel intros

Anyone know any decent ones? Good templates, etc. that'll make for an appealing intro?

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Its nowhere near finished, but I just started working on a Greenlight concepts video.

The process for my game will probably go something like
Concepts -> Greenlight -> Kickstarter -> Actual art -> Early Access -> Steam release
You're already doing the collision check (assuming you aren't using quadtrees or something and you're checking collision with everything possible) so just have an else if it fails, and only run that else when the list has something in it.
>thought that was a piece of pizza at first glance
What the fuck is this shit?
Are these people for real?
Won't apply for him, he's using GM and collision events.
Riiiight. I guess he can be a bit wasteful since it's just a SHMUP in gamemaker.
Alright. Thanks.

My only other concern though is that enemy damage checks are currently using collision_rectangle rather than just mask-based.

Although no enemies currently are using collision_rectangle beyond their bounding boxes, there could be enemies in the future that do, and storing the list in the bullet and having the bullet check for the collision would only ever check for mask collision, not the perimeters set by the enemy's collision_rectangle.

besides drugs, my country produces flowers, coffee, emeralds, oil, whores, carbon, panela, sugar.

soon there will be medicinal weed being produced here I hope.
Can you not change the bounding box of the sprite?
Keep in mind that these patent owners have to be the ones on the offensive. It would be too much money for them to go after everyone copying their mechanics, especially if they're amateur Indie devs who only made $20 total off their video game. If you make mega bux in the millions while 'copying' those patented mechanics then yeah, they're probably gonna come after you. It's about what gets enforced.

It's like those Comic book conventions where people resell action figures and fanart of Marvel or DC characters or Tshirt prints without explicit permission from DC or Marvel. They just happen to turn a blind eye to that stuff because it would be too much effort for the payoff. They could if they really wanted to but they don't.
Dude I can grow weed in my backyard legally here in my state, my country is a fucking asshole when it comes to importing sugar, and none of that other stuff I really care about.

But what about booze?
If you upload some footage in a .zip I'll make you a trailer
the LLC stuff is danny (also known as the guy who shitposts about source)

don't reply please
And 27 year old NEETs living with their parents and attempting to make games for little girls.
mostly beer and aguardiente.

dude, you don't understand, it will cost you 5 dollars per flower, meanwhile it cost here 5c a flower.

dude, keep lat on the hilo latino.
ahahaha blake

trying to frame me again huh? it won't work. agdg trusts me because I actually have a game
okay let us see it
Why the hell would I want flowers for? I can just grow them in my yard if I want them, but I'm not a 50 year old woman so I have no interesti.
I dunno, maybe you can get some colombian whore.
>ahahaha blake
Good news friends, I hold a patent on just such a mechanic :) Would you like to talk about licensing it?
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Patent you say?
Whores are everywhere, if I get colombian whores then there's the downside of being in colombia.
Keep it in https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/amateur_egg_dev_general

You can change the mask_index (which is sprite-based) which is what contains the bounding box information.
However I don't want that to change, for the sake of wall/floor collision checks, etc.
nice one cristian
I was talking about weed bro.

I dunno, there's nothing in my country beyond making food and natural resources.

All the electronics are made in china.

read 100 years of solitude to know everything about colombia.
Oohhh, that's cheap, though I also grow so idk how it compares.
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im honestly waiting for someone to document and archive a timeline of the literally insane source shitposter

this incessant shitposting requires some serious dedication as well as untreatable mental illness and keeping it on record might do good for humanity
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>tfw grow actual flowers
Talking about sourcefam is shitposting in and of itself

Besides, I know it was more than one person because I contributed on an almost daily basis
do it youreself
>I contributed on an almost daily basis
I'll be honest, a good gardening game could sell like hot shit.
Cus we sit in discord and laugh our asses off when other random people start falseflagging and shouting danny and saying random stupid shit
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

He probably thought it was ebin to respond to the same picture with a smug anime face over and over again.
>danny/source shitposting is literally spurred on by the discord faggots
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I agree. RF, HM, SV start to scratch the itch but I want DF levels of autistic gardening. There is so much there. I'm signing up for a Master Gardener program this fall, if I find a job and have the money.
Is it possible to append a Vector inside another Vector in C++ without too much magic? By "Append a Vector inside another Vector" I mean basically turn a vector that would look like, say, this:


Into this:

{[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]}
>friendo actually believes me

Thanks friendo. Keep in mind dannyposting isn't gamedev
Reminder that you will not be able to sell more than 10 copies of your game if you use Game Maker.
Not unless the source vector is a vector of vectors,or you do some shit like make it a vector of void pointers.
What is Risk of Rain?
what is undertale?
scamstarter bullshit
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Whimp 5-30-2016.png
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Game Name: Whimp the Bold
Dev Name: Anonymous
Tools Used: Game Maker: Studios, Graphics Gale
Website: N/A
+Put in the flower enemy
+Mocked up a parallax background
+Got hit detection for enemies and players working
-Never done larger pixel art works, so fully backgrounds and tiles are really tough/time consuming
Salty nodev
i only hate because i have made no money of my own
I-it's not? I can't see anything but a pizza there.
I signed up to 4chan 2 minutes ago specifically to reply to this, I thought that I should let you know that your game is terrible and there's nothing you could possibly do to make it better.

You think "oh i'm just gonna make my first shitty sidescroller game and put it on Steam and make a million dollars wow" - Not gonna happen kiddo.

Delete your "game" and delete this post because in about 7 years when you've graduated highschool you are going remember this while lying awake every night, thinking "Wow, I wish my parents hadn't let me use the fucking computer when I was obviously too young to understand that people are laughing at me when I post terrible MSPaint chicken scratch and expect people to want to pay me $10 for it"

I only have your best interests in mind kiddo, forget gamedev until you hit 16 years old. Join your schools baseball team or some shit and start talking to girls or else you're going to end up like me: 30 years old, locked in your mom's basement haunted by the 8-bit Megaman Zero recolor edits you posted online as a kid under your real name that will never EVER go away.
This is like irc for people who like imageboards. What is it?
it's multiplayer notepad
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I feel like there are a lot of other oldfags in this general for some reason. Maybe it's the same across 4chan.
>tfw kid me was smart enough to never use my real name and use a separate alias for every website
>tfw 2005-era /b/ saved current me by teaching past me not to be a faggot.
>Concepts -> Greenlight -> Kickstarter -> Actual art -> Early Access -> Steam release
lol -> poor soul -> *vomits uncontrollably* -> wut? -> cmon now -> lol
content creators tend to be founding members of communities
where else do we go when the community no longer wants us?
who /skipabeat/ here?
To new frontiers. Gamedev is already in early education. Of course it is, it encompasses so many fields of study and expression.
Old /b/ was the crucible in which the truly great autists were either forged or destroyed.
you just reminded me of some cool shit, some jackasses in california are giving out free programming college (dorms included) if you do good enough on the application

i'll give source if anyone asks
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After trying to compose tunes using NES limitations, thank fucking god for advancing technology
>implying you need more than four channels
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Dev Name: neetdev
Tools Used: unity3d, blender
Website(s): neetdev.tumblr.com / youtube ->neetdev
+Animated death
+Made arena shorter for more fast paced action
+Tweaked weapons and firing rate
+Made a bunch of cool character models that might not be used for this game
Yeah, who needs 7 or Add9 chords anyways?
I don't get what that example is trying to convey.
post your music
Characters who literally dindu nuffin wrong.
;^) Living up to that australian flag I see
Dont feel good enough about them to humiliate myself publicly with my NES tunes yet. Maybe in a month or two.
Look, that idiot has been shitposting his drama for almost 2 year now. 2 years, think about it. I know 4chan is an anonymous board but this is getting ridiculous at this point.

You can't be that autistic. What kind of fucked up life must you have to actually do this? This doesn't even qualify as being retarded anymore.
>Please take a moment to download the latest version of the Flash payer
>Flash payer
Every time
why there's noone here making sports games?

I wanna make a soccer one.
googum can you explain why so many faggots are trying to use greenlight, kickstarter, patreon, and the likes to try and make game? why cant people just 1ma games with 0$ budgets?
I hate sports
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Recoloring people = content + replayability
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Any of you making anything similar to Elona?
His leg got cut open
I wish I didn't double check
Nice rocket league clone
>regular people
I'm glad I'm not interested into making games for only virgo pillow huggers who don't enjoy soccer.
Wow, you got em all!
nah, where's the kiwis?
What the fuck is a kiwi?
Let's say I have an L shaped corridor. When the player is in the corridor the camera transistions into a sidescroller like camera and up reaching the the junction point of the L corridor the camera turns to face the players new the direction.
how could I accomplish this?
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22 hours left
it's a small, hairy fruit that's green and kinda sour
looks like a prickly testicle
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Explain quaternions to me as if I'm someone who understands the basics of complex numbers
Thanks, but that's too similar to frog for me to differentiate. (The shader can only do 7 colors which I have no control over)
>the perfect indie boat game has not been made
White whale
I love you and your art, too bad waifu jam is dead this year
okay so what about yellow
Complex number = 1 imaginary component = 1 axis of rotation
Quaternion = 3 imaginary components = 3 axes of rotation
Sorry it's only pale, red, brown, green, two shades of pink, and white; no idea how to change it or how it's working
what are you even using?
pretty good
Add to next OP: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/agdg
I have no experience with that, how does it do shaders?
oh, well, I'm using an image that have 4 girls posing as reference so I just need 2 more games.
Can't you just into the shader language?
It only lets your shader files be 1kb (for the whole project)
Why aren't you making a waifu game for the jam with your high artistic skill?
it's open source, grab the source and tell that litlte bit to fuck off and then recompile
thats a pretty good watercolor
What? It's open source? I got my version of godot off of the pirate bay... haha oops!
Is gamedev in early education? Talk to me about this topic.

Obviously don't give yourself away as being in highschool, that's bannable, but I'm just curious if gamedev is getting into early education the way I imagine it is.
because modern nerds are faggots who got into vidya only very recently, and think they're hot shit chads who can fleece everyone else
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Anyone wanna play a demo?
My friends thought it was frustrating as hell, but highly addicting
There are 9 levels, and each is designed to take about 5-30 seconds

>1) Did you complete all 9 levels? What level was the hardest?
>2) How many deaths did you have?
>3) How do you like the difficulty?
>4) Anything you hate? Anything you like?
>5) I plan on having 200~ levels and introducing new mechanics throughout the game, as well as boss levels and puzzles. Does this sound like something you would enjoy? Do you like these types of games?

>Movement: Arrow keys/wasd,
>Sprint: left-shift (it regenerates after it is spent, no GUI for it yet)
>Shoot gun: left click/space to shoot (but there are no mechanics that use it yet, so it's worthless)
College programs are pretty much the earliest in-school exposure to gamedev that's available, in the US at least.

Wouldn't be shocked if high schools had clubs and such but I don't see it being a class or anything at least not in public schools. With the way things are going it seems like programming will be, but not gamedev specifically.
This looks like it will ruin my computer
Fast shitpost, nice
It's Unity WebGL on google drive
Holy shit wow. Thanks anon.
I'm certain this is the first time anyone that isn't me has drawn one of my characters.
My high school had a club dedicated to Scratch. That was ~5 years or so ago so it was way before the indie boom.

They're probably using Unity now.
Yeah, no, seems like a meme game, I'll pass. Sorry.
I'm seeking a government grant, because I want to work full-time on the game, and not have to worry about a shitty dayjob at the supermarket getting in my way.
A successful Kickstarter could of course work towards that end too.
Why is this hard to understand?
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I bet they use Source, too, the fucking amateurs.
my highschool had a shitty course that you had take. You'd make powerpoints on the history of video games and that kind of bull. By the end of the year you know how to google a GameMaker tutorial and turn it in for a grade.
>I'm gonna make money off of video games!! it's the ONLY way to avoid becoming a.............................................. W A G I E C U C K

have you considered just getting a different job m8
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A) pic related
B) if you wanted to be NEET you would already be NEET because you dont wait around for government grants and public donations to become a NEET, you can figure it out yourself... and i personally find it kinda disgusting that you would want people and government to waste money on you becoming a NEET rather than anything worthwhile
Im in a similar boat, except Ill continue to wage cuck while and after development (even if a huge success, gives me something to do during the day)

But wht could i even do as a different job?
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It's true though. Tick Tock, wagie. You only have a few precious hours before you have to go back to slaving for mr. shecklestein. ;)
A+ post
The fuck is the government gonna give you a grant for
seexey as fuck, add a face so it wont creep me out masturbating to this
If you're looking for some secondary education, a nice french institute is opening a campus in california. Everything is free if you get in, though they only choose the top applicants (they don't give a shit about grades or scores, only skill and communication). You get free board, food, and schooling until you finish or flunk out.

Look up 42.us.org
You can't create a character and have her as your waifu, that's sick.

Oh, you meant waifu as in "girl"? Hang yourself.
nope, I'm interested in gamedev becoming the focus for early/mid education.
not to burst your bubble, but uh...
Why would that become the case

Why are indie devs always such fucking morons
Lmao nevermind, I'll stick to my name is earl reruns
That's fucking stupid, 'game dev' should not be the focus, but 'general programming and computer knowledge'.

Sorry, but game development is a 'step down' from being a programmer. You take a huge hit in your quality of life in exchange for having the glory of working on video games. General software development and engineering has MUCH more demand than game programming, as well as being much more reliable. A 'triple A' game developer only holds his position for an average of 4 years, and usually he loses it for factors that are outside of his control.
Okay :) just trying to help
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I'm scared to start my gamemaker and get stuck in the easiest engine of the market.

Wish I could make an arkanoid or some simple game to gain confidence.
hey I'm just predicting the future bro. Get in on this or decry it, makes no difference to me.

Do you think that early education isn't already utilizing gamedev?
I've only understood how great he was when I became an adult.
>glory of working on video games
lmao theres no fucking "glory" to working on video games

AAA studios and indie teams alike are some of the most abusive and toxic work environments in the western world, especially now with social media there to liferuin you over your hot opinions
What the fuck?
- make sprites
- open gamemaker
- import sprites
- if (button left) go left, if (button right) go right
- there, you have a waifu already walking around
It's not that hard, especially in gamemaker.

Just do it.
The cutting edge is always painful.

AGDG is a great/terrible place.
Is Source good for indies? I want to make a lewd waifu text adventure.
I'm not on the same page as you, but a 'game developer' is a specialization, not a field of its own.

Some people take the hit and feel that way. Being a code monkey doing busy work from 9-5 gets boring when your job is not to solve problems, but just to type basic code that any jackass who knows C can do. It only pays well because there aren't a lot of competent jackasses that know C or a similar language.
Game programming is pretty unique when it comes to constant problem solving.
>some of the most abusive and toxic work environments in the western world
It's the same way in the east, except programmers are paid very poorly. I agree with you here, that's why I said
>You take a huge hit in your quality of life
I'll try. Sounds super easy when you put it like that.
>pixel platformers and walking sims
>cutting edge

> basic code that any jackass who knows C can do
okay, if it's so easy to be a code monkey, why aren't you doing it instead of working at a grocery store, faggot?
I'm into education, especially math, I'll leave it at that. But gamedev will become more and more important as it continues to become the focus of early education.

Slow process because boards of education are retarded old people.
But I AM, and it fucking sucks and I'm sick of it. I want to make video games and also make pony plushies as a hobby to keep myself sane.

Yeah I just don't understand, but if it means I get to work with less retards (or at least they are less retarded) then I'm all for it.
haha, did shitfam get a job at a grocery store now? did he get fired from his dishwashing job? looks like my calls worked. :)
>gamedev is the focus of education at any level

the retarded shit /agdg/ spews sometimes, i swear

death to america
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Game Name: Curse of Blight
Dev Name: Blight Dev
Tools Used: Java
Website(s): (Coming Soon)
+Current animations have been implemented
+Concept for first boss is almost complete
-Landing animation code still breaks attack and crouch animations.
Idiot, it's a perfect confluence of many fields. Old world gtfo
>vidya gaems are the only thing in my life, so they must be the only thing in anyone's life!
jesus christ
gib criticism pls

Its mostly to get some Yes votes to power my dev and practice social media and marketing
You can accept or ignore that this will be an area of heavy consideration in early education. I'm fine with either.
>I have self doubt issues

Anyone know a decent pixel editor that allows you to load references images in the background for tracing?
Sorry, but general programming/software engineering is going to be the focus. Game programming/design is just going to be a specialization. j

It's like welder and underwater welder.
>vidya gaems are the only thing in my life, so they must be the only thing in anyone's life!
have you guys forgotten that there is a real world out there full of a variety of Things that need building and maintaining and using
So what flavor of source control do various /agdg/-goers use?

I'm an SVN man.
>1) Did you complete all 9 levels? What level was the hardest?
Completed everything.
>2) How many deaths did you have?
283 deaths, 200 of those on the last level alone. Though the 2 before that were no cakewalk either. Dat Boi got me a lot of times I hate to say
>3) How do you like the difficulty?
Seemed appropriate, though very unforgiving. Probably what you were going for, like a clunkier meatboy
>4) Anything you hate? Anything you like?
As frustrating as it was, it was cool. Didn't love the sounds though
>5) I plan on having 200~ levels and introducing new mechanics throughout the game, as well as boss levels and puzzles. Does this sound like something you would enjoy? Do you like these types of games?
If they're all as frustrating as the last one I will never touch it. Or maybe I would, hard to say. It was fun though
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pls be my artist. I can't into art for shit, and my motivation is in the negative when i work alone.
dropbox or none depending on how much i care about it
Risky, but I guess it keeps the epinephrine pumping.
That last level was actually harder before and was apart of another level until I broke it off
When I broke it off, it took me 45 minutes to beat it until I nerfed the size of everything.
I'll end up nerfing it slightly so that it doesn't end up being too insane
Relying on an artist to get your motivation back is bad.
It's like relying on a girlfriend to make you happy. You have to motivate and be happy yourself first.
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====Weekly Recap====
Here's the last update for tonight on the recap. I'll compile the final recap for June Week 1 some time tomorrow.
ctrl-s does it for me
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Game Name: Deeplinks
Dev Name: Vestigial
Tools Used: Unity
Website(s): vestigialdevelopment.com
+Making a video for steam greenlight concepts
+Remaking Uplink Internal Services machine in game (
-code rot
>It's still May
>June 1
Nigga wot
I've been working alone for the first time ever this last few weeks and I've actually kept motivated pretty well, I just really hate wasting time drawing everything and start stealing sprites to fill the void
literally who? I've never seen this shit posted here before. lets see your progress to be sure.
What ever happened to the game Marmoreal?

Is the dev still alive?
By the way, your game wasn't missed. You might have replied after I ran the scraper. You'll be in tomorrow. As will >>143936958.

He's posted a few times here.
dev music
I wanna make a game that is an anachronism and has guns. What would you think they were named like ye olden times?

A large caliber pistol would be a "greatpistol" for example.
If it's still being worked on, the dev stopped coming here.
m8 you already posted this once in this thread.
It's rotate

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>trusting the recaps ever again after this fiasco
>Its mostly to get some Yes votes to power my dev and practice social media and marketing
there is next to no one using greenlight and even less using concepts. to get through greenlight you have to first pay them and then advertise greenlight for them with the ultimate goal of getting on a platform that was always a technical pile of shit but is not quickly becoming a marketing pile of shit as it's been embracing apple practices.
if you can do all that marketing for them (greenlight) AND for you (post-greenlight) then you're probably better off just selling the game somewhere with lower fees (itchio) and reaping 100% of your marketing.
>Doesn't know vestigial
You're the literally who newdev kiddo. Fuck off.
large caliber pistols L I T E R A L L Y were called "hand cannons" until revolvers started coming out
I guess some guns already follow this naming convention though


So maybe my idea is retarded
Game where sailors fight in the dance hall, and where law-men beat up the wrong guy

Yeah I just realized I'm a dumbass
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every poll i did, detective game came out on top so i got this
Why do you keep posting this?:

under-rated series, shit ending.

Sounds like JoJolion to me.
Any SFML friends care to help me with fps and time stuff?
I'm a little stuck.
Bottom right corner. Do you not see that fucking shitpost that was put in the recap?
sounds like a god-awful small affair
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better than the american versions ending
Just ask the fucking question.
not /tv/
this film is a saddening bore
I've wrote it at least ten times

Besides the theme? What kind of game is it going to be? UI based strategy like WtV, or something completely different?
Detective games often end up being pixel hunts, but I know you're smarter than that.
Some kind of sunken dream
how to get plain and simple fps
time 3 = time 2 -1 is not working and I feel really stupid.


'Longsword series' or 'Dagger 9mm' sound pretty cool.
What exactly is the issue?
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here's the concepts i presented.
mostly covered in that, only big thing left out is that there will be action constrains (like a turn system basically but more tied to realistic limits of investigation) and that the ending of a case involves setting up a relationship wall type deal where you use all your suspects and evidence to present all of whodunnit/howdunnit/etc and being scored on a percentage of how perfectly you figured out what happened.
I fucking love this movie.
Isn't it just second/ftime?
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i got your progress right here, pal
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I wanna work on this shit again.
Well I was following


but when I ran it, mine got completely different results.
And as the blogpost earlier, opened up a brand new test project to test his code 1:1.But I got the same thing.

So I'm wondering if I just have a fucked installation or something.
That looks radical.
>mine got completely different results
Looks like a light disc from Tron had a baby with a Beyblade. Bretty cool looking.
Oh right.
On running, I should have a thousand+ FPS and my game should be going super quick.
But I get ~30fps and normal speed.
don't ruin your game pandering. so many games ruin themselves because they tried this.
A game where there's life on mars
>you ARE the BeyBlade

I would play the shit out of it, even if it's just PvP knock the opponent off the platform. There's definitely a market for that
I doubt that has anything to do with your programming and probably more that you're using a toaster and/or running lots of shit in the background.
I'm thinking about making a game where sailors fight in some kind of dance hall, but I'm lacking inspiration
4790k and a 980 so I doubt it.
program never uses more than SFML default CPU usage either.
I think I'm going to try a fresh install.
>as it's been embracing apple practices

If I get one yes vote a day it'll be enough. Not to mention hearing from shady/spammy """publishers""" about how awesome my project looks and they'd be super excited to be a part of it

I did a little marketing already, and got a cost per install of around $0.25, F2P sound like they have to pay many times that
>pay people to play your game
The installation shouldn't have anything to do with it.

You're not running it through a debugger or anything?
Is vsync on
You play the gamecube one?
No, didn't know about it. What's it called?
>tfw shitposting has finally gotten creative
Fine, whatever. I'm alright with this, opposed to the alternative.
I don't know whether to love or hate that movie. It's objectively Not Good, but the concept is just so goddamn batshit that I gotta give it props.
>You're not running it through a debugger
Right, I knew I should have fixed my settings.
v sync currently does fuck all for me.
A debug build doesn't necessarily mean it's going through a debugger, only that it has debugging symbols in the binaries and usually no optimization.
>a-anything i dont like is shitposting! waaah!!
No, no, Reek. It's only you who thinks this is shitposting. Continue being foreverially destroyed and brain raped by me. :)
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XCom meets Risk of Rain, in first person.
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apple practices of non-curation, race to the bottom, gaming the market, encouraging user exploitation, not giving a fuck about anything basically as long as no users complain and they keep getting their cut

>pay people to play your game
>If I get one yes vote a day it'll be enough
lol, you cant even just advertise for greenlight since greenlight only works for those who have paid a certain amount into steam. it's a subsection of a subsection of a subsection and the fact that essentially begs to be gamed is a big part of why steam is turning to shit. at this point whats the upside?
Well my settings are still fucked and currently don't have a release version properly set.

So I'm going to fix that now and see if it's any different from the debug version.
This film is a saddening bore. I've wrote it ten times or more.

Also another question if you feel like helping or anyone.

I have everything linked via global compiler options instead of individual built options because I don't use anything else and hate setting it up every time.

Should I stop being lazy and switch every thing to individual build options?
XCOM Enforcer was pretty much this, but in third person
I'm thinking about making a game about living on mars, but I don't have any inspiration.

How about Scott Walker?
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>David Bowie - Life On Mars?
>a game where you freak out in a moonage daydream
a game where you actually make games instead of ideas
Whats the alternative though? A marketplace thats rule by arbitrary, subjective standards like "quality"? Or worse, an ideological filter? For example, Paradox temporarily banning a mod that turned all humans white.

>race to the bottom
If you're saying Steam promotes this by featuring games on sale, thats hard to argue. Also the steep discounts during Steam Sales condition people to not buy anything at full price. But besides those things what else could Steam do, it seems like price drops are just something developers do to themselves. Books probably went through a similar disruption as publishing technology advanced, where you either compete on price if you're a paperback, or youre something special. I wonder if physical media will make a comeback with games as a way to justify higher prices, for example backer rewards

>not giving a fuck about anything basically
Better to have them take a hands off approach and let developers come up with their own solutions, than force us into a "our way or the highway" model
>you will never know what drugs mush is on
Simcity but on Mars. You terraform it, grow life and attract people from earth, make them visit or live there.
XCom Apocalypse meets Risk of Rain and Restricted RPS, in second person.
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>make art for your game
>as time goes by you improve
>tfw the art you make now looks nothing like the stuff you did earlier
Just call the inconsistent art a feature :^)
1) Nope, got stuck at the saw blades, specifically the double ones w/ pink blocks around them.
2) 25, at the point I gave up
3) No, but I'm a scrub also I forgot sprint existed so that probably made it harder on me
4) Having to repeat entire levels, even if they're short. Add easy/baby mode with checkpoints. Also art looks like a shitty GM tutorial/clip art, I suggest changing it. Also fuck you for having the volume so loud by default.
5) I wouldn't enjoy it, but I don't play these kinds of games (ones that are designed to be hard as opposed to actually challenging)
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A lot of Mars talks and devs without idea here. Gonna make you all a favor : check out Startopia. A lot of great ideas to steal from, and no one has played it, literally. That game is a goldmine that came out at the wrong time.
I can save/load a single value to/from a file. Now I just have to add the other several hundred values.

I could never really find a good solution on how to deal with loading a level vs loading a file. It seems like the simplest way for now is (which I was hoping to avoid) is just loading the level, deleting all the actors, then respawning them again from the save file.

I also have to figure out how I want to store separate levels. I think what I'll end up doing is store each level as an entry in an array. The array is just a binary list of bytes (equal to what's stored in the saved game file). Every time you zone out of a level, you clear its entry in the array and recompute it. When the game is saved, it just writes out the array to the file. When you enter a level, it loads it from the array. This also handles persisting levels without having to actually write to a file (since the array exists in some global class that never gets destroyed).
holy fuck I remember you! Nice going, anon!
I should skip GM and learn a bit of C++/SFML yes/no?

>Whats the alternative though?
steam previously was curated.

>A marketplace thats rule by arbitrary, subjective standards like "quality"? Or worse, an ideological filter?
Steam had that obviously when it was curated but actually still has that, they've banned things on ideological grounds repeatedly either while still in greenlight or after being released.

>If you're saying Steam promotes this by featuring games on sale
doesnt help but thats not the race to the bottom, rttb is the simple economics of having too many similar products fighting to undercut each other to get sales and as a result the entire public perception of value lowering with it.... "a rising tide lifts all boats" but in reverse. steam is actively encouraging this because it's actually a financial windfall for them since the individual drops in sales and price dont effect them, only their overall cut of sales. (great for as long as they can avoid a market crash)

>Better to have them take a hands off approach and let developers come up with their own solutions, than force us into a "our way or the highway" model
they are NOT hands off by any means, they enforce pricing structure (you are selling with a .99 in america whether you like it or not and selling at a discount in tons of countries theyve decided on unless you manually change regularly to match currency exchanges), they enforce visibility on their store (you dont actually get much better visibility simply by being on sale, you have to be part of THEIR sales that they decide on who is in), and all this developer practices enforcement is paid for with the higher fees.
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>Get urges over the couple years to try making a harvest moon/animal crossing clone
>Remember that it took the Stardew Valley dev 4 years to make his game
>Lose desire (for like 3 weeks)
2bh Steam probably makes more off the Greenlight fees than they do off of indie games' cuts, except for the big heavy hitters that probably have unique contacts.
I came across a blogpost by one of the graphics programmers describing how he programmed the shadows, it was clear he really loved what he did and cared about the project

Startopia doesn't seem to work on Windows 10 though
they put that into charity.... but it goes in there name so i dont doubt that they're claim indie greenlight money in their taxes. essentially meaning indies are subsidizing valve tax dodging.
0 - 4 try and make a video game again
5 - 9 try again in a month
Be sure to use Source. :)
>50/50 yesdev nodev
that is not correct rolling procedure in AGDG, all results must lead to dev
I'm sure all the devs who worked on that project also felt that way. You could really feel they put love into it and tried to break the standards from back then (2000-2001) where popular strategy games were things like Red Alert 2, AoE 2, SimCity or The Sims.

But that's also what backlashed against them. Game's learning curve was rather dense, and you had to put efforts into it, it's not like a Red Alert where you get flashy juicy stuff popping out in the first five minutes. I was guilty of this too - I'm praising it right now but truth be told I never really got into Startopia. It's only afterwards or today when I think back on it that I realize how interesting that game was.
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is it possible for me to learn C# and Unity during the summer if i have no programming background whatsoever?
did youtube fuck around with its ui again
probably. the console version of it changed and it's a lot worse now
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Do communities exist around niche genres?
Yes. You have to find one that's hurting / looking for something to fill a hole, though. If you just force yourself in without actually understanding the niche, it won't work out so hot either.
To make video games.
Don't ask me. It's their idea.
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I take that back, I guess it does work on W10, I had to let it install DirectPlay

pic related lel, back in the days before shaders
Don't lie to him. It's cruel.
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Made a quick horizontal scroll bar for the aircraft select screen. Just using a simple data table to populate the array.
he must learn failure
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But what if he gets scared away from our world?
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And just now I've realized its not long enough to be a scrolling menu.
Do you guys leave bugs in your game on purpose? My save game function might make it so if you save while an enemy is firing a projectile at you, when you load the game the projectile won't spawn and the enemy's turn will be over.

I kinda feel like this could be a little easter egg if you figure it out and you get reaaalllyy stuck on some part and use it to cheese a little. It's single-player so it doesn't really hurt.
>Nope, got stuck at the saw blades, specifically the double ones w/ pink blocks around them.
One of my buddies got stuck there. You gotta bait them out quickly, then pass as they retract
Nah, looks great. I've seen games that scroll like that even if it's just a few extra options. You could have it loop at the end.
this is when you should make it explicitly a feature, like how Bangai-O rewards you for literally hitting the maximum number of sprites that can rendered at once by a Nintendo DS (it combines groups of missiles into just larger ones that do more damage than the group would have done if they all hit)

so like, in your thing, maybe quickloading erases projectiles, but it could also kill your momentum, making it unusable as a trick when trying to jump over gaps when being fired at. but boss strats may rely on quicksaving and quickloading at the right time to erase projectiles and make yourself an opening to strike
>King Crimson: The Game
What font is that so I may steal it?
Have you guys shed any unneccesary code today?
why do dogs' fur smell so gud
King Crimson doesn't appear in any anime that I know of.
Yeah, I forgot to showcase the scroll on the previous picture. But other categories will have more items than the Gun section hopefully.

It's called "Squares Bold" its on dafont and should be under the public domain license.
I deleted Source SDK.
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how the fuck do I render a filled transparent box with libgdx?
ive been gone for a while, is source the hip new meme?

also did rotate ever comeback or kill himself
well I'm a big dumb retard.

Turns out Nvidia settings were fucking with everything after I thought to try disabling it and trying my integrated.

thanks for trying to help me earlier, kind anons.
Any advice for making a basic inventory system stand out?
holy shit ive missed so many memes

sign out of 4chan and never come back

Your game looks cute and I can't wait to play it. Demo w h e n
i've known for a long time that that after being open a while, the frame delivery while running game in unity editor starts fucking up and handing me random 2ms frames in between what should be an even stream of 16ms, which causes all kinds of ugly stutter and screws up my movement until i restart

i've just discovered now that if i force the editor to repaint an open editor window (in this case the heirarchy) every frame while running, that fixes itself and i get silky smooth even 16ms frame times

what the fuck

does anybody else know about this? google has nothing
>does anybody else know about this?
Sounds like a fundamental MM problem that they should have fixed years ago.

Why are people still using this POS?
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I don't even care if I didn't use my real name, my childhood forum posts are still big enough of an embarrassment that I want to kill myself.

>checked the forums some months ago
>they deleted all content from the "old forum" and started a new one
>all those embarrassing posts finally gone

Account still has "2000 posts written. Power User" as a mark of shame though.
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The forum I used to post embarassing shit on shut down years ago. Thank God.
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Thanks mate. I'm trying to finish up the first batch of enemies (there's only 4 or 5 of them and 3 are pretty fully functional), but then I'm gonna try my hand at level design. As soon as I get a good level or two I'll put something out, just to test if it's any fun.

Glad you like it!

Let's be embarrassed together.
>kid me was stupid enough to use my real name
>now I can never use my real name in fear of people finding out how big of a faggot I was
that art looks familiar
>10k subscriber youtube channel from years ago
>don't want to use it to shill my game because i was a hardcore christfag who got into arguments in the comments
Yes. However I would also pick up the book 'The Art of Computer Programming' by Donald Knuth. Most 'Learn XY Computer Language' tutorials often misses the point to teach actual algorithmic thinking. If you get that, you'll get comfy with any language in a few days.
Oh, guys, it's so good to be here again. Haven't lurked here or made any progress in a month. What have I missed?
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The style is called "anime".
tumblr is compromised
What's the point in creating art if you're not gonna show it? Show no fear m8
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I think I've got a good thing going on with rigging the guns now. Just need to animate and test it. . . . and pray it's not shit!
As I watched you dream
>He doesn't pass his ints byref
baka desu senpai
ba da dadada
im looking for tht one list of many simple games a begginer gamedev could try creating
You were far away, with your secret bliss.

like an acid stream.
I will say it again. Holy shit I love you.
Do it and I will have your babies.
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Aw yiss.

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Made a clusterfuck of icons. Currently working on em for weapons.
I made a stupid method work after days of struggling.

Now i will made slight changes and execute it again for 30 minutes just to celebrate.
Space Invaders
Some random platformer

I don't there's an official list by /agdg/, by the way. However I, personally, just usually get an idea for a game and a mechanic, and I learn and experiment as long as I get it right.
Looks rad. What game?
I had coconut cookies last night for dinner last night and now i feel like puking my fucking guts out. Is that normal?
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This one. I'm integrating the RPG side of the game into the action side and it's just gui gui gui all damn day.
Best ways to teach myself pixel art? I suck at drawing but I don't want to make my girlfriend create everything for our game

Should I find default resources and practice remaking them myself?
If you don't make it glow red for a brief second when it hits another beyblade I will personally write you a very long e-mail saying bad things about your family.
Fuck off normalfag
The knights look adorable, yet somehow they feel too tall, or their head is just smaller than it should be. It's good to see a turn based RPG in a non RPG Maker environment. Or is it a tactics game like FFT or Fire Emblem? If you are at the graphical part of the GUI, does that mean that all the core mechanics are done?
That's because they don't use soviet-educated coders
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>our game
>don't want to make my girlfriend create everything
go to pixelijoint, they have forums with lots of guides
Anyone? Please? I feel like shit
make it into a game
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I wanted them to be that size. Two tiles tall, because I implemented height as shown. As for gameplay, it's actually an action RPG. The core mechanics aren't finished, other than movement, because I'm studying netcode and it's not quite the time to move forward with that. That and I want this damn rpg side of the game finally implemented in a way where I can mess with stuff without recompiling shit. I'm only going to do the menu options related to straight gameplay and then by that time my studies should be alright and I can continue into the gameplay further. I'm not exactly making something super unique, so I don't need a specific prototype for it.
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Stop eating coconut cookies

Maybe you shouldn't try connecting two different events. It's more likely that you just got sick from the stomach flu or another infection.

nice blog btw, get well soon
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Howdy, I'm working on a pretty rad mod, doing textures and maps and the such. It plays alot like Killing Floor. Here's a screenie of a thing in my map.

I fucking love your art style... Are you going to draw all the waifus submitted to the jam?

>mfw Blake is worst girl even in agdg
Keep it up, senpai!
Holy shit, family got replaced with senpai. When was this implemented?
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D-did I mention Tales of is a major inspiration?(combat is like graces) That means couch multiplayer.

Forever ago.

Looks a bit like Lego. I fucking love Lego
Does anyone remember this free software where you can make your own music on a computer? You had to download different instruments and shit and it was basically a free version of a different software that you had to pay for. I've tried looking for it but for the life of me I cannot find it again.
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Game Name: Zero Quest
Dev Name: Anonymous
Tools Used: GM:S
Website(s): http://zeroquest.tumblr.com
+ Improved the damage/stat-change text pop-up things
+ Added level-up animation
+ Improved UI a lot
+ Worked on the intro a bit more and cutscene support
- Need to rework combat to be more interesting and less boring minigamey
Fruity Loops, maybe? That costs money, tho.
That wasn't it. It was a bit simpler than that. I remember they had a website for people to post their own music too since everything was free.
Nevermind, I found it. It was LMMS.
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>more cute concept than cute gameplay
I have a bad feeling about this.
RPGs have grindy combat, that's just how it goes. Some people even like it.
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sourcefam has been shitposting on /tg/

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bug or feature?
>RPGs have grindy combat, that's just how it goes

>Some people even like it.
fuck em
Text-based games welcome here?
Is it bad to not want to post in the recap until you're in the content phase of your game? That's how I feel right now.
Bug. Looks super easy to fix.

The main benefit is being able to look back and see how far your game has come.
all up to you
I'd probably allow it since your game is procgen and it's easier to have a mapgen that allows for infinite vertical movement

That said, you'd probably go further (both here and in the wild) if your text game still had music/graphics/fun fonts to spice it up.
Yes it's bad.

Always participate in the recap. All progress is sacred.

Have you ever looked at the old recaps? There's like twice as many games compared to now.

/agdg/ has gotten lazy, and is suffering for it.
Well it actually could have some good applications, like if the floor of a boss room or something gets flooded with lava you can cling to a vertical wall to avoid it.
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Well, last time I was in on a recap, I was working on a different game. Would you be kind enough to give me a rundown on how it works now?
I like mercurial best out of what I've tried (svn, git, hg). But it doesn't matter much unless you're collabing.

Tons of recaps have games that are along the lines of "just started, I don't know what I'm doing" that never show up again. At least there's some consistency in recaps now.

It'd be interesting to figure out what the average life of a aggydaggers projects is, and much more interesting: what caused it to be abandoned.
Amazing. That shoud be in the OP.
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Is there any inherent advantage in making a diagonal movement cost more than vertical or horizontal one? In a square grid?

Because my Dijsktra's implementation favors diagonal movements and I'm wondering if players would prefer units to move in zig-zag or straight lines instead.

Plz no A* bullying, the grid is very small (10x10 or 15x15) and doesn't have degrees of weight, only "occupied" or "unoccupied" so I wouldn't benefit from A*'s complexity.
LMMS is garbage. At least do yourself a favor and use Ardour if you're going to torture yourself.
diagonals should not cost more. if you want to do that, then you should use hexes instead
I don't want to pay for it.
What do you mean by inherent advantage? it's all up to the kind of gameplay you want.
A* is barely any more difficult than Dijsktra you dongus. And it's not going to be the most difficult thing you have to implement by a long shot, learn it.

>is there any inherent advantage in making a diagonal movement cost more than vertical or horizontal one
Yes it's unintuitive if diagonal movement (which geometrically are longer) cost the same as orthogonal movement. So it'd seem weird if you can move further for less cost if you go diagonally.

Doesn't matter if there's no sense of 'cost' presented to the player I guess (fuel or whatevs)
Ardour is free if you're not retarded.
Building it yourself? Why bother when there's already a bunch of other programs that does the exact same thing?
One little thing that Ardour has isn't worth it.
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This is taking a lot longer than I expected but I can save enemy positions now. I still have to save the rest of the state of the enemy, and then I have to save all the other dynamic objects in the world, and then I have to save all the player character information. Theoretically the rest should be easier once I have enemies figured out.

Took me like an hour to figure out how to get the AI to work again after loading the game.
>>Building it yourself? Why bother when there's already a bunch of other programs that does the exact same thing?
The only comparable free DAW is LMMS, and LMMS is complete dog shit.
Whatever you say kid, LMMS is fine.
I mean, it's not. LMMS and Ardour are actually both garbage, it's just that Ardour is less garbage.
Whatever makes you sleep at night, dear.
Him using it doesn't mean you're going to have to.
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>A* is barely any more difficult than Dijsktra you dongus. And it's not going to be the most difficult thing you have to implement by a long shot, learn it.

By complexity I meant calculation complexity, I've already implemented it once before.
And yes I'm aware the difference is nearly unnoticeable but it just brings no real advantage so why even bother doing it? I just knew I was gonna get posts like yours in response.

Also technically speaking it does "cost" more, but it's still cheaper if the target tile is diagonally placed to the current tile. What I meant is forcing it to cost even more to limit it to movements like the second and third grids from here. >>143960048

By advantage I meant something like "what the player expects to happen" vs "what actually happens" kind of thing. Want the movements to be intuitive.

You're right I'll go with it as it is.
>By advantage I meant something like "what the player expects to happen" vs "what actually happens" kind of thing. Want the movements to be intuitive.
I'm not sure of a situation where the player would not expect diagonal movement. Can you explain what kind of game yours is? In roguelike or RTS kind of game I'd expect diagonal pathfinding. The only game I'd expect orthogonal movement is one where the player could only move in four directions.
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So I've been working on a cutscene system and playing around with intro/story ideas. Specifically what happens after <platformer dude> gets pulled out of his game.

Originally he was meant to meet up with the other 4 characters, then bump into <antagonist>, who steals a <precious item> from each character. You'd then you spend the rest of the game retrieving <precious items> until the eventual confrontation with <antagonist> and the climax where the <server world> shuts down.

Now I'm wondering if it'd be better to have some sort of NPC character who guides/interacts with you throughout the game. So I was thinking of adding a "boss" character... that's your boss. He's the giant floating skull in this webm. The plot would be that he's pulling characters out of their games for <reason> and one day pulled <antagonist> out of his game. <Antagonist> then kicked his butt and stole his treasure. So now he's pulled <the "heroes"> out of their games and sent them on a quest to get his treasure back (or else). The floppy character would be his underling who handles helping you save, resurrecting you when <boss> melts you with his laser eyes, etc.

Anyway, this webm is just a dumb test of the cutscene system I'm working on.
ok hold the fuck up hwo ddid you steal the FOV?
>calculation complexity
I have no idea how retarded a heuristic you'd need to write for A* to take longer than Dijsktra

The second and third graphs would only happen is one diagonal movement costs MORE than 2 orthogonal ones which is also not true geometrically.
can anyone help me with goal oriented planning in AI? where should I add a check if I need to override a goal with a new (higher priority) goal?
I implemented http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Mutual_Visibility_Field_Of_View and used the provided source code as a base as a helper
>Is there any inherent advantage in making a diagonal movement cost more than vertical or horizontal one? In a square grid?
idk about "inherent advantage" but there's a mathematical accuracy in diagonals costing more because in a square grid, diagonal movement is about 1.4 units of distance for each unit moved.
I guess it's closest to a Tactics RPG.
It's pretty terrifying with those placeholder robots. What will the actual setting be?

Sounds cool and looks cool, however I think that the protagonist would need more motivation. Like if he can get this job done the Skull will never call him on a mission again, or it will resurrect his girlfriend, turn him into a real boy etc. Just give him (and the rest of the cast) some reason why they are working for this Skull so the player can make a connection with them. If they are just simply the slaves of this higher entity, then after the job is done, they should be given the chance to break free.
I had a bayblade once. It ripped my pinky finger apart, left a very long scar. This is just bringing bad memories.
Sounds good. Move the spooky skull's text box a bit to the side though so it doesn't obscure him. If you're going with coloured floating text do you really need the box anyway?

You usually do it with two phases, one 'broad phase' that decides what the goal is that is triggered on environmental or player changes, basically whenever the AI gets new information to make decisions off.

Then you have lower level "how to accomplish goal" stuff.

So basically you want your AI to have triggers for when the gamestate as it knows it changes in a way that may affect what decisions it makes.

You should probably get a book for this. http://www.cs.uni.edu/~schafer/4620/readings/Ai%20Techniques%20For%20Game%20Programming.pdf is pretty good.
This book is my Bible on the subject:
Standard medieval fantasy. I'm always trying to think about how I can do a lovecraftian setting for my games, with cultists, old New England towns, deep dungeons with crazier and crazier stuff as you dive, etc. But I'm not an artist and fantasy is gonna be my best bet at finding stuff.
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Game Name: Ancient Saga
Dev Name: Plessy
Tools Used: XNA
Website(s): teamessell.tumblr.com
+Coded GUI system.
+Coded main screen.
+Coded select character screen.
+Made icons for status effects.
+Made icons for equipment types.
+Made icons for every single button on PS3 gamepad, 360 gamepad, and keyboard.
+Loads of misc fixes.
-GUI sux

guys thanks, really appreciate the help!
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>I guess it's closest to a Tactics RPG.
i cant exactly remember what the costs were but i read a solution for making movement costs result in circular movement areas by having a diagonal cost that goes something like 2-1-2-1 (i think)
Did you not actually play M&M? Keep the robots
gotta save that for the last 5% of the game
Can I subscribe to Unity Pro for a month and publish my game for basically 75 bucks intead of 1500 bucks? Is that legal? lel
>3d/2d mix
I believe you no longer have the right to sell your software if you sell it under the pro license and then let your subscription expire (which you're required to purchase for a minimum of 12 months)
So whatcha doing right now, /agdg/?
Pertaining to your game of course.
you can publish your game for free with the free license, so yeah i dont think they would mind.
My bet, he just doesn't want to implement autotiling in proc gen
Working on some long overdue things like resizing the game window and volume adjustment. However there are only like 3 sound effects in the game currently so the volume adjustment is kind of silly but at least it will be there. One of the sound effects is me hitting a glass with a spoon and doing minor adjustments in audacity to humor myself. It's pretty bad.
>every fetish game is dedicated to furry porn
I feel like I got the short straw with my damsel in distress fetish
Well that's the point of waigu jam I guess, is more focused on "make something cute" than "make something good" kinda a good way to disctract yourself a little from your main project by working on something you take less seriously.
>resizing the game window
I should really get that done as well.
But that's actually how most SFX are done.
Lot's of basic things slightly modified.
Snapping celery for broken bones is still used today.
You'd actually be surprised how much SFX are done with food alone.
I kinda had the idea that's how a couple are made, but I don't know how to go about editing it to make it sound cool, I guess? Like how do they make sound effects that are similar to Vergil's sword attack were it goes like "bwooom" with the color inverted circle mess?
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Weapon type icons. Good load some of these came out bad.
I haven't played DMC in ages, gimme a link and I'll give you my best guess.
18 people have dowloaded my game. I feel happy and scared at the same time.
You need a palette, m8.
Ok here we go. Forgot the name, it was Judgement Cut.
These draws are so cute
Undertale has no grind, except for forced grind as a requirement for a special ending
Oh that's easy.
Sounds like the guy literally just "hmm"d, pitch'd it down, added some delayed low frequencies for "oomph" and of course some light reverb for added depth.
the most common way of solving this is to make diagonal movements cost 1.5. meaning 50% more than a vertical/horizontal movement.

this can be troublesome to implement, and depends entierly on what your end goal is. if this is for the sake of AI, a quick and dirty fix would be to artificialy make the AI believe they "cost" more.
how the fuck is it possible for old games that used 65536 or so colors to reduce them to even as low as 32 and it still looks amazing
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Working on my saving/loading of my game
I can now record the total deaths in the game, total per level before and after you complete the level, your fastest time, how many collectibles you've collected per level, if you've completed a level, and the source of what killed you

The source of what killed you is really important because I'm going to harass the player with "Tips" when they die too much, and tailor them based off what's killing them.
the little floppy disk better be like a save point character that lets you save the game when you talk to him, and gives you useful tips here and there. towards the end it turns out hes a huge dick, can have him be the true mastermind behind the boss for reasons such as tired of storing everyone's shit etc., or have him turn on the boss half way trough a cutscene after boss sees the error of his ways after you kick his ass. i think im autistic.

>Skull will never call him on a mission again, or it will resurrect his girlfriend, turn him into a real boy etc.

not the creator but i love this idea. for the contra guy you have him say that he'll make sure that spread-shot powerups never spawn again. topkek
How about Portal's approach, some walls can be "grappled" and other can't?
because the perceived color is relative to the surounding colors 32*combinations
not him, but you should google "Dawnbringer 16" and 32. and now im gonna stop spamming the board.

because when youre ACTUALLY limited by hardware you're gonna be willing to do/try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to make your game look better than the competition. limited by colors? ill just invent dihtering and make my game SEEM like it has more colors. System cant render 3D? ill just make 3D models and make sprites based on/from them to give the ILLUSION of 3D.

i respect the fuck out of early days devs. those were the tough times.
He's a frog in a video game, it's fine.
Just add spikes or something to avoid grappling over everything.
From the webm I thought the skull sacrificed/drained the other characters to power up protagonist.

Looks good anyway.
I googled that dawnbringer stuff, but how even am I supposed to use it? I don't understand any of that charting really. The only idea I'd have would be to just color pick from it.
>I spent four minutes looking into it and I don't get it
>spoonfeed me more please
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You really don't need to look at the charts. You can download the pallete files and import them into photoshop/aseprite or whatever you're using. Start using it and you'll get the hang of what works well with what automatically, trough experience. But it doesn't hurt to look at them every once in a while.

Just adding spikes could lead to bad level design. You probably need at least these 3 basic block types:

Normal: can grapple / can touch
"Wet": can't grapple / can touch
Spike: can't grapple / hurt when touched


Jelly: bounces tounge / bounces on touch
Lava/Pit: can't grapple / insta death.
Actually I've been staring at this the whole time and I still don't really get it. Reading the post doesn't really make sense. I'm not exactly an artist, so I'm trying my best here.

Palette files? I don't see anything like that, but I don't use either photoshop or asesprite. I'm using graphicsgale at the moment. Would I be fine just picking a color from the wheels, or would I be missing something with that?
>guy didn't ask for help
>some guy makes a suggestion
>guy doesn't get it and asks to elaborate
>"lol fukken baby asking to be spoonfed amirite? "

This is why the real devs leave this place.
>real devs leave this place.
>implying all devs here aren't real devs
the bullying is real
real devs dont need to be spoonfed. You're just a fakedev. you're BTFO, now GTFO.
>I'm trying my best here.
I appreciate that, but don't you think your purposes might be better served by doing more comprehensive research on the subject rather than attempting to get shortcuts on a Taiwanese Bird Call imageboard?

They leave so they can dev. If you need advice about howto maek game from aggers the dagg you're a rookie who'd learn more faster elsewhere.
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Working on this game again. I've been refactoring a lot of my code and I think I should redo menus. Are there any RPG games with menus that particularly stand out?
I'm thinking of copying the tried and true method that Oblivion and WoW use, where you can just open up a window for inventory, spells, equipment, etc. but I'm very open to suggestions at this stage. What I don't want to do is copy traditional roguelikes where you have to navigate a ton of menus to get anything done (my old GUI was an example of that).
jesus dude. top left there's a bunch of colored squares. there's all the colors. that's all you need. everything else is just to give you the basic idea of what works with what.

never worked with graphicsgale, but idealy you'd follow something like this http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=70711
and figure out how to limit your color picker to just the pallete provided by dawnbringer

the reasons why youd want to do this vs. just picking the colors from the image via pippete tool or whatever are too numerous to list, but lets just say itll save you a lot of headaches in the long run.
ToME has a pretty good UI I think
I'm doing that at the moment, but I'm not an artist. My googlefu is pretty weak when it comes to the realm of art.

For some reason, it didn't click that it as 16 colors. I thought it was 16 BITS for some reason. It is 5AM and I am a foolish man. Also there's very few colors in that palette. Can I really do a whole game at SNES-ish resolution on just that one palette?

Also yeah, I found that palette thing and it seems neat. Definitely gonna go at it.
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Nope, you can keep selling.
i liked morrowind's the best. google "morrowind UI". every element is scalabe and dragable, and mousing over spells/items/skills gives you detailed info.
but depending on how deep™ your game is, it might not work for it.

>Can I really do a whole game at SNES-ish resolution on just that one palette?

Thats the very idea for why these exist nowadays in the first place.
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The actual palette is literally the small rectangle of colours next to the name in the top left.

If you're just an amateur, yes you can simply colour-pick from it.

The charts and stuff just show you how you can mix the colours to create effects (e.g. suppose you want a low saturation green, like slightly greened metal, since you only have two "green" colours in your palette you need to mix it with some of the greys, as shown in the "low saturation" charts).
>voronoi diagrams
muh dick
Oh yeah, silly me. I didn't mean Oblivion, I meant to say morrowind. Oblivion was just fixed menus. Morrowind was what I was considering.
I guess that just means I'd need to git gud at dithering then, huh? I'm considering going for the 32 though. Is there any other major considerations for 16 versus 32 colors other than dithering?

Seems good to me. Thanks for the help. I'm a total scrub who's winging it.
>You're just a fakedev.

You know nothing about me (or my game) though.

I just called you out on your retarded statement.
>If you need advice about howto maek game from aggers the dagg you're a rookie who'd learn more faster elsewhere.

>amateur game dev general

Are you from some shitskin country and don't realize that rookie is synonymous with amateur?
Just make sure you ONLY use colours in the palette. When I said "mix greens and greys" I mean literally use both colours at once in your sprites, don't actually mix the colours together in the colour picker.
You can be an amateur but be skilled. You can be professional and only just starting out.

You are and idiot
>He only knows one definition of amateur.
Right, that's understandable. I guess let's try applying the 32.
did a new
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how DARE you confuse the two.

dihtering, shadows/lighting, everything. it'll be tough, but locking yourself onto a pallete like this will help you develop as an artist. keeping the palate & resolution low can help better your art-creation pipeline aswell.

the difference is the amount of detail you can squeeze into a small space. alltough working with the 32 color pallete CAN produce far better results keep in mind that it also might end up showing potential flaws you have as an artist.

also what he said >>143968128
the idea is that this is all the colors that exist. there IS no other color. there IS no mixing.
>there IS no other color. there IS no mixing.
/pol/ pls
Right, I understand that when I work with a palette. Gotta admit my heart is wavering back between the 16 and 32. I guess I should make some mockups of my knight guy and see how it goes. Thanks a lot for the assistance, man.
np dude. im just procrastening here anyway.

considering if i should go make game or not
>but be skilled.

And a rookie isn't skilled

Keep backpedaling
That's his fucking point.
>backpedalling is the point of your posts
we all realize that
Look dude.
If you can be an amateur, but be skilled then rookie can't be synonymous with amateur.
Are you from some shitskin country where they don't teach English?
We're not talking about the word rookie, you fucking mongoloid. No one's denying the fact that rookie means someone new. The point here is rookie and amateur are not synonymous in every context.
Honestly, are you fucking retarded? How are you this confused by such a basic discussion?
immunity cat > shitty junkie dog
how far can those goalposts go?
Lad, the goalposts have never moved, you just don't understand the rules of the game you're playing.

Unless its "I'm only pretending to be retarded" in which case you're a world champion
What's with the out of context buzzwords? Did someone wreck you over on /v/ and now, even though you don't understand them, you have to sprout all the memes you read in a desperate attempt to make it look like you've been here longer than a week?

Do you actually not understand the conversation? Because I can break it down into a few simple points to help you better understand.
>ad hominems
just admit you lost
>the goal posts never moved i was just pretending
Why are you linking to wikipedia pages instead of dictionary pages?
On the rookie page. Amateur appears a total of one time, in a book title. And on the amateur page, rookie appears no times.
How do these posts help your point?

I'll take that as a yes to both.
So here's how the conversation went.
1. He said people who are game dev rookies are better of somewhere else.
2. You said the thread is called amateur game development general, putting forward the incorrect notion that rookie and amateur are synonymous.
3. He stated that rookie and amateur were not the same thing.
4. You got caught up on the word rookie
5. I called you retarded.
6. You still haven't gotten past the rookie thing even though it is not a point of discussion.
immolate yourself
>'The Art of Computer Programming' by Donald Knuth.

dont you need to know some programming for that already?
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651KB, 1281x720px
Game Name: Ctesiphon
Dev Name: Stomy
Tools Used: Java, LibGDX, GtkRadiant, Blender
Website(s): stomygame.tumblr.com
+ Got keybinds displaying differently to eliminate overflow
+ Blocked out level 1 interiors
+ Found NetRadiant for mapping on Linux, it's amazing too
+ Movement now allows going up and down stairs.
+ Applied landing viewshake to gun as well as camera.
+ First texture pass over Outskirts level.
Thread posts: 773
Thread images: 126

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