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Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #720: Burd Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 758
Thread images: 207

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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>143829959

>Current Events
JP: Honoka
EN: Kotori

>Get the game in English
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=klb.android.lovelive_en
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/school-idol-festival/id834030294?mt=8

>Love Live! School Idol Festival Calculator

>EN Event Ranking Tracker

>Event Tracker


>Love Live! School Idol Festival Wiki


>Next Main Aqours livestream
6/11/2016 & 6/26/2016
Bad meme.
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My bbygrl Chika
My orange leader

My dick is like a shaken soda can in her presence, ready to burst.

To quote the undisputed goat king of pop "I know she's mine"

ilu bae
Honk a shit
which raibu is more likely to strongly advocate for nuclear holocaust?
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I want to watch Mawaru Pengindrum with her.
Umi. Abe wants to wage war.
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Umi is love.
Eli since she's Russian.
Useless Slav
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Tsubasa is the best raibu.
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I want to steal her devil pillow-plushie.
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Okay so some Anime fan wrote a alternate history timeline about a Kaliningrad Oblast which separated from Russia and re-named itself Prussia.

Here's the catch, all the characters are represented by Anime characters and µ's is in this. From L to R, the cast of Singenwaldhugel

Aušra Švedaitė
Ritva Pajari
Mariyne Mugu
Maria Hayrapetyan
Tarana Irevani
Vasilka Lyobomirova Toncheva
Ludmilla Aleksandrova von Ungern-Sternberg
Leila Pääsuke
Zisel Kaufmann
Complete newfag here. Just installed the game.
How does the event work, and how can I get a cool card?
Is Kotori's hair supposed to be gray or honey-blonde?
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I love kayochin so much.
It has stayed consistently grey in every official media.
Better hope no one lets their kid fall into the hippo exhibit!
B paдиoaктивный пeпeл!

There is currently no event held. To get event cards you have to earn event points. There are three types of events. One is score match(you compete with 3 other players. Whoever scores most points on a live gets most event points). The other is medley festival(you play up to three random songs and get event points for them). The third is token event(You get tokens for playing songs and then spend rokens for an event song). There are two ways to get a card:
1) To get a specific number of points
2) To be at the top 5000 players at the end of the event.
As you've just installed the game I'd recommend you not to try getting event cards for some time. Learn how to play, get some ranks and cards first. But cards are not the only prizes, so participating in events is worth it's time: you'll get normal cards, loveca, maybe even tickets.
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I love Yohane-sama! I want to marry Yohane-sama!
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Appreciated friend.
But the OP says there's a Honoka/Kotori event.
I would like to look at 20 yo Nico who would than remeber all the stuff she did while at high school and how cringworthy it was. Same goes for Yoshiko.
posting your fanfics?
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YohanefAm <3
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Reppin' male BiBi!
That's not my fanfic mate.

If I were to write an alt history, it'd be based in Africa, Asia or Australia
JP has a Honk event, but it ends in around twelve hours. The EN event ended today and there's currently a new Kotori UR scouting going on, OP didn't make it clear it seems. The next event on EN is on Friday.
There is a Honk event on JP. There is no event currently on EN: the Nico event just ended today and the Honk event did not start yet. The EN "event" is a new set of scouting cards.
By the way, you should never do a 5 gems scouting. 50 gems guarantees that you have at least one SR. Plus it is 11 cards, not 10 like in regular scouting.
AiAi is cute and does not have a manface.
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Yohane a cute.
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hm if i wrote a history fanfic it would be where i was born in japan edo period and magic and ninjas existed and my dad was a dragon so i was half dragon half man
Hello, Yoshiko. Why aren't you practicing?
i said dragons not demons

but anyway it is concurrent with yohane's existence so our fates are crossed at some time
maybe i'm her rival or something

btw my love interest is a 15th century idol
She's a fallen angel, of course she's cute.
How does this scouting thing work?
How can I get the Kotori UR?
Oh I know this part. Then you fall in love with a girl but the Gods threaten to send a hurricane through your town because miscegenation between mythical beings and humans is not allowed. To make it worse, you are being hunted by a General who gets his kicks out of killing dragons.

Furthermore, to punish you for your crimes then then take away your dragon self forcing you to go on a journey to restore your dragonality.
Aren't we all friends?
That depends, how good is your fanfic?
yeah this happens

otherkin existence is hard

my secret technique is where my dragon is unleashed and i have to do those hand signals to activate it - dragon no oni jojitsu
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I like all the people here.
Laughs were to be had when I looked up the surnames.
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>Moment Ring

Would you buy a Burd rap album?
There are two types of scouting. In the first, you pay friend points and can get normal or rare. In the second, you pay gems and get rare, super rare or ultra rare.

Fisrt, the RNG determines a rarity of the card. Second, it determines which card you'll get. Freshly released cards are more likely to be got. Don't know about the normal scounting odds, but in gem scouting they are:
R - 90%
SR - 9%
UR - 1%

So, you need a lot of luck and money for that UR. By the way, the card is a healer type, and they tend to be less useful than perfect lock and score up ones. But a UR is still a UR and provides a large boost to your deck.
I would rather hear Umi-chan's rap.
delete this
Don't bully Mackers.
That's just how I express my love for her.
You click on "Scout" and there you can either do a regular scouting (N and R cards) or honor scouting (R, SR and UR cards). You need love gems for the latter and it is recommended to do a 10+1 scouting with 50 love gems like the other anon said. Then you just have to try out your luck with that. Keep in mind that the rarer the card, the smaller the chances to get it.
Tbh, Maki is the one more likely to participate in creating edgy music such as rap or metal. She might even sing something like Powerwolf or Moonman because HURR DURR I'M SO COUNTER-CULTURAL
I want to lick You.
But I'm fat and hairy.
She simply fucked up opening a bottle of ketchup. No bullying here.
Also, during events you should avoid those new UR scoutings because they don't have the guaranteed SR with 10+1s anymore and you could waste 50 love gems on 11 Rs.
Instead, there will be special boxes (attribute specific, school year boxes, subunit boxes) which have the guaranteed SR during events. You also have a higher chance to get your favorite with the last two box types because each year and subunit only has three girls.
I dont get it
ketchup and mayonnaise

I wonder what kind of dish was she preparing
I want a kotonicopana rap album.
Raibus with attitude.
One of them, for instance, is named after baron Ungern, who was a batshit insane Russian noble, who at some time decided to recreate Genghis Kahn's empire. He also was the first Russian weaboo, though there were no weird tentacle cartoons in the beginning of the XX century.

Hot dogs?
>ketchup on a hotdog
>ketchup and mayonnaise
>on a hot dog
What kind of hot dogs are you eating?
>Lick Soramaru's legs
Mayo is great on hot dogs
By the way, his monument might be erected in Mongolian capital. It was proposed by Mongolian nazis. Mongolians love Ungern since he liberated them from Chinese and gave them independance.
How can love live help contain my autism?
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> Mongolian nazis.

Do they have a mongolian nazi political satire cartoon site?
the thick and veiny ones
Do they even have a site?
Those are sausages.
There is a sauce named "кeтyчнeз" in Russia. Like it's name suggests, it is a mizture of ketchup and mayonaise. Maybe she heared about it from Eli and tried to create some.
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>like the name suggests...

name three redeeming features of being russian

you can't
Moe president
Funny accent when speaking another language
Good looking
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> Tall
> Russian

> Blonde
> Russian

> Beautiful
> Russian
No gays
No "refugees"
No t*rkroaches
/pol/ please go
russian men are incredibly ugly and look like orcs
women are okay somehow, but that's probably beacuse it's illegal to take pictures of ugly girls in russia
If you're a woman odds are you'll have a pretty face.

You can squat longer than anyone.

You have a really long railroad track.

I give up there's none.
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> No "refugees"
> No t*rkroaches
Depicted on a photo: center of Moscow.
Russian women are fine when they are younger than 25 yo. After that age they also become orcs.
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Slav Time?
Since Russia has gotten all fucked up through time and men were away getting killed and shit, it left many single available women. Naturally the men who were left mostly married the pretty ones. Unfortunately the prettiness only seems to pass down women.
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Weren't they all executed right after this photo was taken?
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Nope. This guy would be very angry if someone offended one of these people. And nobody in Russia wants him to be angry.
Am I in the right thread?
i wish a special someone would execute me by kisses
Who would be Trump's favorite raibu?
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Eli. Trump loves slavs.
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For Love
For Live
For Elichika
Dumb leaders like each other.
i demand an execution by snuggling!
Hello. Is this /pol/?
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judge, jury and executioner

uwah go easy on me girls!
Rin wouldn't let me get anywhere near her rice and neither would rice.
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no, this is love execution ltd. you must have the wrong number
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your execution must be off
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No, this is /llsifg/ unable to resist new meme.
me on the left
Are we posting cutest year now?
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we always keep our customers in the "loop" ahahahaha
Now we moved on to something worse than /pol/.
carry on like this and you'll be-headed for trouble ahahahaha
> trouble
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execution by noose causes a real hang-over ahahahahahaha
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burning by the stake is a rare experience.. but seldom well done ahahahhaha
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My friend just sent me this, is it legit?
Eri, Umi and Yohane.
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our newest executioner couldn't quite get the hang of it ahahahahaha
going to play llsif and wanted to tell everybody
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Looks like it, guess they really want to push v4 on the EN server.
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Polyamory is wrong
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why are there two?
FFS I just want to relax and be a year behind. JP can have thier Aqours shit.
Guessing it's so that they can do what >>143893104 said and push v4 and get in with the Aqours hype.
Thank god. I didn't really want to tier for Rin anyway but now I'll get free SR fodder.
how much have you spent on this game?
my dignity
The sticker shop doesn't even have URs yet and yet they want to rush for v4?
Are they doing single girl for the token?
Oh look two silver seals then
But people here were promising that I wouldn't have to deal with Aqours shit until a year later. What am I supposed to do on EN now?
>The sticker shop doesn't even have URs yet
It will in 4.5 hours.
You never had any

Closing in on 1k next event.
pls help
>believing anons
Kek serves you right
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It's just Honoka for the next event.

>But people here were promising that I wouldn't have to deal with Aqours shit until a year later.
No one did.
Are they going to do it with all events? Will there also be an Umi and Burd medfes after that?
Probably around $5k.
man fuck this, the Rin is really cute and now I'll have to deal with a bunch of slavfags.
That peach looks like a butt.
how many URs do you have?
Probably around 500 €. Thinking about throwing in another 50 bucks for another magician Burd attempt tomorrow.
Ok, maybe not promises but they said EN would get Aqours in a year.
Cry more.

How? I've spent 300$ and I thought it was alot. Got everything I need and with the 3.0 update I'll have more lovecas than I know what to do with them. Removed my paypal so I wont let my moment of weakness temp me.
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This was posted in the last thread.
I meant the anons. They kept saying EN was superior because JP wasn't ahead anymore except for getting Aqours.
how many URs?

how did you get everything you need with 300
Didn't they want to add those first Aqours rares to the sticker shop already?
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>The following double SM will be UmiMaki

Time to start saving loveca.
Nothing. I'm a poorfag.
Nobody ever said EN was the better version.
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This will be a bloodbath for sure this time. Screenshot this post.
The battlefield would be drowned in their period blood.
THAT would be a bloodbath.
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>person in friend list just gained 4 URs consecutively
Nigga draining all the luck
Can you prove it?
>any event with Rin
>implying I said it for Rin
It's for masquerade Eli, one of the best event cards she has.
If Umi Maki really do get a dual event that'll be a bloodbath
Amai amaku nare?
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Why not both?
Maybe this is how JP will also look like in a few days. (You/Maki Joint event)
EN is full of Maki and Umifags so I don't see why it wouldn't be.
We might get lucky and Kiab increases the cutoffs before the double events.
Who the hell votes no?
Literally, a RED SEA

They aren't combining Muse with Aqours.
They said they will
>yfw the dual events don't let you idolize unless you T1
Yes they are.
That would change the definition of bloodbath forever.
>Events will alternate between µ's and Aqours

They aren't.
>EN full of Maki and Umi fags
It'll be a shock if it wasn't
That's a mistranslation.

Now quit pulling shit out of your ass
Pretty sure they just fucked up the translation here. Adding two cards per event is the better money making idea anyway.
That's were it says they give 2 instead of 1 card. Nothing to do with mixing them

Show me the correct one then
>being this EOP
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I called this months ago and everyone laughed at me.
This thread is majority shitpost. I don't think anyone actually believes EN is better unless they're from plebbit.
i tier for rin!!

1499 lp here we go!!!!!!!
>he actually fell for the falseflagging
next post decides what the title of my next clickbait youtube video i make £300 off will be called
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"10 things the government hides about porte basse" it is then
don't forget to click!
At what time does the bird event end?
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cute boy reacts to pictures of cute rins
warning: if you're under 15 you -need- to see this now
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18 scouting tickets + 50 gems
Didn't get a Burd but I'm surprised and happy of how many SRs I've gotten!
Two guys, one honk
Sorry for the Nicos.
Sorry for the Nicos, had the same fate as you a while ago.
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Nico is every old man's favorite
Cute Nicos.
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And I still haven't gotten a UR from these useless blue tickets but at least I can now idolize this Eli.
Because she looks like she is underage.
What did you get?
Trump dates old ass women.
nice rin!!
i mean it this time, that's a nice card!
even perfect lock! the best skill!
i want to be part of rin's magic show!!!!
my aim in this game is to have a team of perfect locks so i can full combo all the songs!
i mean i'm good enough to do that anyway but with the help of my idols i can't fail!!
magic however is not pure! magic, as jahova says, is what satan likes!! satan is not pure!!!!
nontheless congrats on your rin!
>reading recent story on EN
>never knew how much I want Eli to be my big sis until now
It hurts ;_;
This >>143874872
jpcucks everybody
>shit taste
Why do you hate Nico?
I don't hate her, I don't like her.
But he also wants to bang his daughter.
>Too stupid to realize it says EN
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Somehow I miss this.
Why do you not like Nico?
>encucks in charge of reading comprehension
I don't like meme jailbait, chipmunk, bitchy loli grandmas.
Is it possible to get 1 UR and 10 Rs from 10+1?
why wouldnt it?
>you will never study with your big sis Eli
>you will never ask your dependable, smart big sis questions about your homework and any parts you're having trouble with
>you will never have your headpatted by your big sis as she tells you what a good girl you are
>you will never have a cool older sister to rely on
I want to be Arisa so bad ;_;
>I want to be Arisa so bad
I get the feeling that this anon really wants Yukiho.
>implying he didn't do that already
He's that based.
So muse x aqour cards? does that mean new art too from muse?
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Today is a good day
Arent jailbaits mean underage girls who look sexually mature? By US standard most of the raibus are jailbaits.
Sorry for the Nico.
wow dude that's such a nice rin i can't believe your luck!!
rin gods smile upon you tonight!
you must have pleased them somehow!!
how did you do it? tell me!!!
anyway good luck with your rin, treat her well and she will score high for you!!
Two dumb cats, I'm sorry.
She's the only one that exploits it.
Rinfags are mentally and emotionally challenged. There must be something fundamentally wrong with straight men who like women that look like a retarded boy
but rin is cute
>retarded raibu
>retarded fags
Makes sense
They're called gays. Don't have to be so offensive to them, they might call their sjw friends to raid your mail telling you you're a douchebag.
Do continue your behavior though, I like the fact that people gets triggered by it.
No way. We would already somehow know if that was true.
Arisa is a slav too so be careful what you wish for
rin is my top 3 raibu. i love rin
Look at how they interact with each other.
He doesn't even stutter when he has to say how hot his daughter is, and she doesn't even care.
Based Trump will save us.
How do I make/know my recovery/back up code to transfer my LL stuff from a phone to another?
Other > Settings > Issue
Is it possible to have rare cards without being a buyfag who spends a lot of money?
How much difficult will fit be?
Takes time and luck
You will have a hard time getting specific UR cards
Do you not understand how probability works?
Incest will become fully legal in the US?
to get a relatively strong team? Yes its possible. Just dont try so hard to get some cards you really want because its a slippery slopes to be a pay4win fag.

Also reroll
It shouldn't be illegal though, it has no factual basis to be, not even characters of an illegal behaviour, just inmoral, but morality is bullshit.

Now, more on topic.
If you were in the same universe as raibus, which mom would you fug?
Imagine giving the raibus little brothers that will grow up and fuck their one-chans.
Friendly reminder that Aquarium will be removed from B-sides when the event closes down
Friendly reminder that HONOKA DOESN'T LIKE PEPPERS
I don't have shit taste.
You jerk that's supposed to be a secret
>not big brothers
Fuck off
What does she like?
Awesome sauce
This is after the raibus are born because our sperm isn't what made them.
Is that like men sauce?
In her vagina?
older women x younger men a shit
Get some taste you fag.
I'm trying to keep the scenario realistic.
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She's not. Some people just love overexaggerating, don't they? Her latest story didn't even mention a word of Ruby.
>the raibu's mom have already gone through menopause
Yeah sure
This pic doesn't even make any sense
Quit forcing your shitty meme kiddo
They look pretty young to me.
Which blue ticket roll is worse: An event SR you already tiered for or an initial SR?
Initial. You can at least use the event SR to level skills.
She likes it in the stomach
You can't do a woman through her stomach.
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meme hahhahaah got emm
Who made this?
take a wild guess
>jpcucks playing cuck version

>actually searching
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i literally cannot contain my sides right now omfg haha so funny lol oh wow hahaha oh my dayz just lol
Someone here?
>get slut Umi
pretty repetitive, isn't it?
EN is also getting Aqours soon too.
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you didn't ask for this?! well me either lol
here ya go it's on the house
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I wish Umi was my dad
Why would she hug Eli?
I wish Burd was my mom
I wish Nico was my granny
I wish to fuck your granny.
Honoka please
I want to lick this butt.
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Should I roll for magic Nico or should I save for ninja Nico?
Do you have the webm of Kussun and Nanjo doing this?
Save for Ninja and disappointment.
Hot damn, look at Eli's bazoongas
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Do attribute scouting if you want stronger teams
Has Sunshine chapter 3 been posted yet?
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It seems that most of the people have a meido Rin UR. I understand that the card may be popular, but how is it so common? Almost half of the URs I see in scoutings, score matches etc. are meido Rins.
because kiab know rin is the best idol
It's the new initial Nozomi.
A shit girl replacing a shit girl
Kiab wants to shove Rin into everywhere because no one would intentionally waste loveca on him.
At least I don't have that card yet, thankfully.
they know not to mess with me anymore
A haiku should be made out of it. Someone should call Umi, since she's the one who's into all that traditional Japanese stuff.
Smile Scorer UR. More likely to be happy with having pulled it.
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Nico why?
>expecting mods to do something properly for free
Nope. Thanks.
Eli supporting A-RISE would be more accurate.
can you still get the animal hoodies they were selling at the thanksgiving event?
Are you a cute idoru? You can't buy one if you're not.
i am though
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Here you go.
Keeping an eye on Mandarake and Yahoo Auctions is probably your best bet.
What is this comic about? Who are those?
My dream girl don't exist.

delete this. now.
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But her seiyuu does but there is a really go chance that she already married and she hiding it.
I'm excited, but I'm scared as fuck that'll look like shit.
I can sell you one for $150.
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>just 3 prize figures and a shirt
I'm not sure what I was expecting.
>Samurai Buyer

I'm sure that idubbbz reviews their stuff ironically. Have you seen their packaging?

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A-anon, that's very scary. Are you an esper or something?
There is also a chance of her being a lesbian.

Picture is unrelated. Just wanted to post Honoka, desu
is there any guro porn of maki or the girl who looks like cinderella
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>or the girl who looks like cinderella
She's taking about Eli.
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A few gold stickers left to go a bit later, but otherwise ready.

The only notification spam left will be when I pull the support cards.
I think support cards, like promo cards, don't show on notifications.
It's been worse. She started getting better recently, so I'm not that annoyed anymore

>Worst case scenario
What did they mean by this?
They didn't before 3.0, but they do now.
Glad the blood bath is finally over!
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The seiyuu are either cute or hot and I find really hard to believed that they are single.
Tumblr meets anime: the picture. Because Japan is a culturally diverse place.
There's at least two more confirmed bloodbaths in the near future.
this is my wife
More likely that they are single because agency contracts restrict them to have private live and romantic relationships.
That's not what I meant.
I know what you're thinking
you want to respond to that post
But please just let it go and move one
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>posting hags

At least post the new hotness
my dream girl is anything that would agree to have sex with me at this point
Do we have any good torrents for the anime songs?
Thank you. I really needed your words.
>so I'm not that annoyed anymore
If you can't accept a raibu's flaws, then maybe she's not the girl for you.

Nyaa, bakabt
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I'm glad I made you feel better.
You are awesome, anon!
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What is wrong with this child?
>posting literal nobodies
She's shit
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She looks like Pepe.
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she wears a clover in her hair implying she's lucky

i don't what's so 'lucky' about her..

anyone care to explain?
it's a 4chan reference
She is always finding dicks in the most unexpected places.
Nico nigger. Niccer.
List of events:

Token event - Honoka
Score Match Round 19 - Eli and Rin
Medley Festival Round 4 - Umi and Kotori
Token event - Nozomi and Hanayo
Score Match Round 20 - Maki and Umi
Medley Festival Round 5 - Eli and Honoka
Token event - Nico and Rin
Score Match Round 21 - Nozomi and Umi
Medley Festival Round 6 - Kotori and Nico
Challenge Festival Round 1 - Maki and Rin
Token event - Eli and Hanayo
Medley Festival Round 7 - Honoka and ?

This assumes that they won't include aqours events. It also assumes that it's possible to make joint token events with 2 event songs.
Why is she so fucking ugly? Aqours has the ugliest anime leader in existence.
Is this confirmed or just a prediction?
I'll accept and love every part of her but I hope some of them improve
Tfw Maki will never say "B-betsuni" to You.
>This assumes
This alone should make it clear that it's a prediction.
First Aqours event is on the 5th so don't bother with his list
It should be obvious that I'm talking about EN.
This looks like 3 or 4 bloodbaths.
EN isn't getting multiple girls as event cards
Best to just ignore it, I'm pretty sure the dude just abandoned that part.
Thank you for responding
If you haven't been here all day, you should just say so, silly.
see >>143893104
There is no actual source. If you want to believe photoshop images go ahead ENcuck.
>trying this hard to start version wars
>EOPs willingly playing japcuck version

things you literally can't make up
I really want to play the VDV theme song on LLSIF, with Eli in the middle.
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>page 9
>eating popsicle on couches, armchairs and beds of any kind
Worst girl
I wish Burd would hug and headpat me all day.
errr is this a thing to be mad at?
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Too bad she does that with me already.
What would Bird's top 3 favorite music genres be?
i got a second hand chair but it's the material that absorbs smells and now i've been sitting on it for a few hours i can really smell fat girl essence
I'm jealous of you for that, Honoka.
Avant-garde Jazz
Musique Concrete
A devil Princess needs a rest too.
Stains. Fucking stains everywhere.
Kotori does that to Umi too, even Patting head.
>burd will never headpat me
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Because I want to head pat Burd.
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Who do you think will be the first Aqours UR Pair?
Chika/Riko or You
i like you
Very likely this.
So how do we even get SSRs?
We don't know.
Wait until the update to find out.
They might make them promos (based on them using official art so far), event drops, or just put them in the box. Or some combo.
With luck.
They will replace SRs as event rewards.
How Japanese is Eli?
Events and scouting, like any other card besides promos.
japanese poeple are 100% impossible to be blonde
Sometimes I get the impression Bird is American arts/literature college student from '60s/'70s California. I like to imagine her under the shadow of a tree, in a grassland, wearing a long white dress, and a stylish hat with a light green ribbon arround it, the sound of an acoustic guitar, flute and chirping songbirds in the background. She is beautiful, I think.
So if I got this right. JP will get 1aqours event and 1 muse event every month?
And screaming about 'nam and getting high with a grizzly, fat, old hippie named Augustine.

What's "nam"?
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Just wanted to dig something out of my old project folder.
>muffled propeller sounds and "it aint me!" on the horizon
>sounds gets louder and louder, silhouettes of several hueys coming closer and closer to you
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when u gotta napalm the gooks cuz ur president say so
>when you gotta give up and take in the gooks cuz ur president say so
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Creedence Clearwater Revival's stage of choice.
>forgot to get my daily loveca
I'll die in the next bloodbath.
Also, do you guys think they'll raise the cutoffs for the double score matches?
75% Japanese, 25% Slav, 100% Useless
Don't know what's worse: Rin or that stupid forced maymay.
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when u gotta succ a dick for crack cuz obama capped ur welfare even tho u a homeless vet
No. Prepare for endless bloodbaths.
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>when you think the gooks are celebrating a gook holiday, but show up and shoot the shit out of you and your mates
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>when I am a gook
Have you bought your tickets to the Anime Expo Love Live Sunshine event yet?
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>100% Useless
That's the only wait I love my Eli.
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>hard working
>gets shit done
>beautiful cowtits
>roundy butt
>A+ thighs
>among best voices of muse
>became kind and soft hearted after S1
>personal friends with poklonskaya and putin
Wow, you all have shit taste.
If Eli is not in your top 3 muse you are just.
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> Fan: I have a proposal to Rikyako. It’s not yet decided on how to call Yohane and Riko-chan pairing, whether “YohaRiko” or “YoshiRiko”. So I want Aikyan and Rikyako to decide on an official name for them!
Rikyako: If it’s “YoshiRiko”, then Yocchan will be mad..so I guess “YohaRiko” is better…

So Riko is the bottom.
when the tunnel rats get feces tipped tiger traps in their gut and it's a sweet release from the malaria slowly killing you
I only like her for her sex appeal.
Yes on JP, eventually on EN.
Looks like that ship is fully confirmed.
Both are shit
Eli's tied for second with Rin.
Bullies are gonna have a field day with me.
Thought you were talking about Umi before you put "tallest"
Haven't been here in a while. Is this place DED yet?
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Now I want to know how much of the story they have already recorded to know the answer.
when u commission to come home but it's too late and the hepatitis already consumed half ur liver
Confirmed that Riko is loyal to Yocchan.
If it wasn't for their appearances Eli would be a rip off of umi
What's the deal with this? Those two haven't even interacted yet
Elichika a cute.
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>anime not even aired
how is this pairing even a thing
the realest shit you'll ever see is the effects of agent orange on todays children. don't go to nam lads
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Chuuni x shy girl is hot.
Lies and slander
> month ago noone gave a fuck about Rin
WTF happened? How did suddenly rinposters and rinhaters appeared?
YohaRiko best ship.
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this doesnt look very shy to me, anon
Agent Orange.
There's atleast two of them. Watch for their typing, broken capslock Rinposter is my favorite.
> rinpoter
Smoke weed every day. Rin confirmed for a stoner.
Kill yourself the anime isn't even out yet, and watch they won't even interact. You guys already the cancerous aqours
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It going to be dead for the next month, then sunshine will start and we are going to have so many newfags.
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Stay mad, anon.
Very sexy Yoshiko. Would rape
Can't wait till the anime destroys your little shit dreams
Its all part of Nozotoddlers false flag operation.
>You guys already the cancerous aqours
Shipping YohaRiko makes you a cute 2D aidoru? Guess I should start shipping them too then.
Why is Maki so edgy? If a female would visit /pol/, it would be Maki.
This. Nozotoddlers are behind 90% of shitposting in this general.
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Look at this damn pose, this chuuni is slutty as fuck.
Nozomifans are jews of these threads.
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that isn't funny at all.
>If a female would visit /pol/
They don't? I always assumed it would be filled with feminazis.
I want to thrust my hand against her neck, grab it and hold her against a wall. I want to whisper in her ears, as she desparately tries to breathe: "do you want a taste of my chuuni?"
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>cry over an anime
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Go back to tumblr
Crackshippers confirmed for cancer
I hope they ship Riko and Chika in the anime so I can see all the Yoshitko tears
/pol/ is filled with alt-right
> cuck cuck cuck gas jews cuck cuck cuck muh white race cuck cuck
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people are finally realising how good rin is

other idols - boo!
rin - yay!
Chances are Riko won't even have significant interactions with Yoshitko or any at all since they're different years.
> that underwear colour
Does she ever change it? It must stink.
Like Nico and Maki?
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My man
Except Nico and Maki interact all the time
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just how i like it
Are A-RISE in third or second year?
Except nicomaki pandering has always been there. These two is mu-muh matching schedules and seiyuu pandering
Do you have any friends that play LL! IRL?
That was the point baka sempai.
>matching schedules
They don't even have matching schedules all it said is they hangout for 1hour
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mfw we will get aqour vita games

Day one buy because I'm a faggot
I know, the shippers just take that as matching and run with it.
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just looking at these.. hmmfff...
they just make me.. want to..hmm..
ahhh.. hmmmm.. ahhhh........
oh yeahh~~
Except pile hates Nico.
Not IRL. But I dragged a guy I know from the Internet into the raibu-tapping hell.c
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Which should I get anon?
that's just you forcing your shit meme
>muh matching schedules
>muh nicknames
That's both delusional and retarded
And? I was talking about Aikyan and Rikako when it came to seiyuu pandering.
Yeah. I saw some girls playing it in class and I approached them.
Don't forget Children's day interaction.
That's enough bait for the Yoshitko and Riko shippers
None since it's a waste of seals, they'll be released on regular scouting box. I repent getting all of them thinking that they would disappear.
> chuuni
> xenopatriot
The only one left is Kanan.
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I don't have friends and I don't have a "real life".
>trying this hard to force a shit meme

You must be new. Pile and Soramaru ships their characters.
no, but when I took a calligraphy class there were a couple kids who would play it before the class started. I don't talk to people so I never approached them.
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when u happy shopping in ho chi minh but some agent orange victim begs u for money
It'd be understandable if there was anything else, but that's it. It's too big considering there isn't shit out yet. Supposing Sunrise will roll with such delusions of course
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Check out this meme I made
wow it's kinda fresh u get some real reposts if u take it to /g/
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I'll be your friend anon.
Let the great debate begin!

Crackshippers will latch on anything they can get their hands on. If Sunrise decided to go with ChikaRiko and every once in a while throw a bone to the YoshiRiko they'll claim it wouldn't be cracked because of throwaway moments
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Which one is comfier?
probably this one desu
This one.
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i think this one is comfier but you should crop the hair better and straighten the chin and clean it up
Would you get comfy with mackers?
thats one comfy mackers
Why? The 60s/70s are the shittiest decades of America.
What is more likely, ending it with an MC set or with one that has a more popular girl in it?
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Someone mention that they are going to remove one of Nozomi UR, so NozoHono is next.
Is this a trick question?
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he was talking about the 1760s when your babby country didn't even exist
those were the days only us non-americucks remember
Whatever you say Muhammad.
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They've already made RikoChika in every Sunshine appearance. PV's, manga, and even the official art. It helps that they're in the same year together. YoshiRiko is a dead ship already.
ermm i post during pray hours, so i'm not a mohammad?
Nozomi, Pana and Kotori a pure.
Maki, Eli and Umi are cool.
Nico, Rin and Honka are smile. Because idiots tend not to realize that the world is FUBAR. Thus, one can say their ignorance is a gift: they are constantly happy.
Speaking of which, next week is the release of Guilty Kiss.
About 35 hours until lantis uploads the b-side preview.
> what is difference between timezones?
i've never heard this before. how old are you anon? are you a real 'nam veteran?
Were you in that /g/ thread where someone requested this edit?
how the hell have you never heard fubar?
fuck hang on it's 4am gotta go pray to papa allah
You know, it really doesn't matter if it ends ChikaRiko.

Some people ships ot3, yoharikochika is fine.
It is going to end up ChikaRiko. Quit being delusional already. And if they're pairing ot3 they'd ship YouChikaRiko, not some dumbshit crack pair.
Because he is FUBAR.
like i use foobar as my music player if that counts,
but the saying of fubar? never ever. it's rare and old
> a war veteran hears that video games are like drugs
> thinks maybe they will help him to cope with his memories
> for some reason he chooses LLSIF
> starts playing
> soldier game

>not yoshirikochikayou
> camo Maki
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Maki is for _____?
Fuck! For real!? I thought they would add a different set or something, I already have 4 of them. Fuck.
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ayy lmao
God what an ugly model
Is this that Maki rape game?
actually i still have that teatime game installed
maybe i'll make rin tomorrow
How dare they ruin Maki's beauty like that
No. The Maki rape game has good graphics, unlike those vita games.
Thankfully, she is dead. Now my man Yuta-kun has his chance to shine
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Shitty Vita game that can't even render all 9 girls.
but she's for Honoka
A classic case of gay oppression. I'm triggered.
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I bought them because the LE are really cheap and I'm a fucking sucker for them.

Plus figures.
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Like this?
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Let's say the next UR pair is UmiNico.
What type of theme would you like to see?
This artist is good.
Got more?
Preferably UmiEli.
Pretty good.
Rpg classes
Did everyone in JP die? The cutoff is barely moving and the event is almost over.
It's a Honk event
Healer should be Maki or Nico. Because healers are always short-tempered. Go to any MMO and find a calm and reserved healer in above noob-tier content.
I was a relaxed healer in FFXIV because I know people suck at MMOs
Never seen a calm one actually, the closet I've seen was a passive-aggressive one
What classes do you think will suit the others?
Glee Forever will die tomorrow. I want to die too.
Shouldn't they have gotten a lot harder?
There is a reason, actually. I tried healing once, and a year was enough for me. I quickly became sick of people standing in fire or tanks leaving enemies for damage dealers or healers to handle.
Leave your SIF account here so it can live forever.
But it's already dead, UR Rachel anon.
Never forget.
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Art has already been made you plebs
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Pile cut her hair.
>only 5000 points from the current JP cutoff with a nearly full bar
>almost ranking up
>can still get at least 3 Loveca from point rewards
I GUESS I'll t2...
Anon's Rachel UR will be in my prayers.
>fan art
>talking about the theme for sif and what the game would choose
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I will miss her.
And this is why a lot of healers I've encountered are short tempered or passive aggressive
Rin is a rogue. Nozomi is a mage. Umi is an archer. Honk is a warrior and a group's tank.
Honk isn't popular, her events are mostly one of the least fought for ones.
I thought the entirety of the fanbase would show support for Emitsun by grinding hard in her event.
When will llsif get crazy attribute?
EN most likely, don't think Jp cares that much
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Speaking of does anyone here play mh4u?
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i'm starting to get into chinese music
They're grinding hard to her JAVs.
Umi is shit m8
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Probably never.
>yfw GLEE FOREVER was literally a quick cash and grab
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>this will never be your wife
How does it feel, betas?
China Dress a best.
idols are giving me a collar bone fetish
thank god
>I will never be criticized daily

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>umi will never be your father
>kotori will never be your mom

>Honoka will never be your sister who suck your dick while Kotori and Umi isn't looking
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If the grey seats are really all taken that's a lot more people than I expected to care about Aqours.
post weight fatty
How the fuck are they not all sold out yet?
love live is pretty big in the west
>Burd will never headpat you and gently say "yoshi yoshi, ii ko ii ko"
hell yeah man
it's a great game, one of the only reasons i bought a 3ds

i should start playing again!
I expected them to be sold out by now
pretty sure the LL staff did too
Under rated post.
Posts like these are a great contribution to the discussion, but unfortunately are left ignored by the plebeian masses. Posts like these are a masterpiece. It sadens me to see that it has no replies. It really does. It is astounding how people could have let this post slip past all the others in this thread, like a coin of gold amongst a pile of trash, lost, forever, and ignored, unheard of, lonely, and destined to see eternity flow in front of its eyes isolated from the outside world, as if it did not belong to this realm. The truth is that such brilliant post will feel sad for being lonely, but this very post is mistaken, because it is not inferior, it is superior. It is ignored because anyone else who sees it trembles in fear, and immediatly bows to the anon who made this post, because he is a mastermind. From the moment I read your filename, guzheng, from the moment I saw that picture, the moment I read "i'm starting to get into chinese music", I knew I had found my place in this world. I now have a reason to smile, a reason to live on. Posts with many replies like >>143938891 or >>143933079 are on inferior levels of existence. Their posters get many (You)s, but (You)s are temporary - one day they will 404 - however, posts like this, very under rated, yet phenomenal posts worth of being as praised as a religious deity or prophet, they live on forever in our hearts. I will tell everyone I know about Chinese traditional music, I will spread guzhengs across the country, I will start my campaing for world domination tomorrow, just so I, as the world's absolute ruler, can say: "from this day on, all Earthlings are to learn Chinese as their first language, so they can understand Chinese traditional music". I would also burn all books, libraries, and specially, all music, and replace it all with Chinese traditional music, because this world can't leave room for idolshit crap when you can hear the beautiful sound of guzhengs in your ears.
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my old room mate used to play one of these, he was really good! but kinda shy so never used to play often when i was around haha

the sound grew on me after a while. it has that brilliant chinese sound for sure
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Nico chan is the cutest
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Want to play together sometime?
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Kayochin is sex
Speaking of underrated posts, I think I remembered seeing a bird pasta posted in this general a year ago (or maybe more than that) that didn't get much attention. Were you the same guy who made that?

Wow she's really cute even though she's one of the worst aqours
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You have 10 seconds to bully the chuuni
it's been a while since i played, but next time you're around say something in here and i'll play
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This is what they get for ending u's too early. Call me hagfag all you want, they barely did anything with u's beyond audio for 5 years. Your casual fan just sees the new group as "wow what the fuck is this shit"

Literally no one asked for Aqours. You will never here "Nico-Nico-niiiii!" again, because some corporate jackoffs decided for you.
>You will never here "Nico-Nico-niiiii!" again, because some corporate jackoffs decided for you.
I can literally load up an episode with it any time I want
>You will never here "Nico-Nico-niiiii!" again
Thank fucking God, it was annoying as fuck every single time.
I remind her she has no special powers by slapping her in the face and then saying she's a 15 year old brat who wastes her parents hard earned money by playing the witch in a private school. Guaranteed depression for at least 2 months.
>never hear Nico-Nico-niii again
Thank the fucking lord
They're still keeping Muse on the sidelines in case Aqours keeps doing worse. Again, Muse VA's are popular as fuck and have to focus on their own careers. Ucchi is actually doing a live at Budokon.
Demons do not exist if you aren't one already.
>no pigtails nico

jesus christ i hate aqourds
they have officially ruined my life i just hate you all fucking shitposters
why don't you go outside and get some fresh air if your mom allows it you basement dwelling fuck sticks
why can't you just post like normal real live human beings instead of spasticated hyenas giggling at your own jokes
'coelecanth coelecanth lol!' what's so good about a stupid fish??? it's retarded fishes are dumb as hell what the heck would you do with a coelecanth
at least alpacas are cute but colelecanth fuck off!
and the main girl of aqours is just an ugly little tard with special needs no doubt. must have some real radiation poisoning from horishima to get hair that discoloured the little spastic
She's more hot than cute, tho.
I wish there would be some proper anti-Aqours pasta. This one looks too much like it's written by the Rintard.
> You will never here "Nico-Nico-niiiii!" again
Thank goodness. Also no annoying meowing at the end of each sentence. I bet chuuni demon shit won't be that intence.
Hide it.
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i'll hide you, you fucking australian bastard
You'll get yosoro, zura and SHINY instead.
This is not how you make a copypasta.
Do you think this is how you make a copypasta?
You are thinking wrong, because this is not how you make a copypasta.
Writing a copypasta requires work and dedication.
Each copypasta gives its poster great power, and each copypasta is the soul of a shitposter. A copypasta is bound by a strict code. You must smith the copypasta in the correct furnance for 3 days. And leave it resting in olive oil for an entire month. Folding it with ceramic and nipponese steel burns away all impurity. Learning to tune between gramatical accuracy and memetic content, only to fold and refold the copypasta again as though it was a katana, bringing beauty and strenght to its samurai, ergo, shitposter. A poster must know how to temper the pasta. And when you hit the post button, all might be lost. A copypasta is a blade that cuts the air in flight, but if you make copy pastas like these, the blade will shutter, and your deepest dreams and desires will collapse within the screen of an imageboard.
Not even this can be called a good copypasta.
>capable of firing at a rate of over 200 rounds a minute
Yoshiko doesn't have the annoying voice, though.

Yoshiko would've repeat again and again that her name is Yohane.
lol olive oil :p
Fall of the Samurai was a good DLC.
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I love Dia!

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Woah woah.webm
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Sasotchaunda Wow wo! Akuariumu de
I fucking hate this CG, is so fucking ugly.
No, I play MHX
Muh Obama clan
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Wow wo
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definitely umi.png
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I play as the Tsu or Aizu.
Sometimes as Satsuma because muh takamori.
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Who will Mari end up being paired with?
Aqwhores are so ugly. Smh
Her and Kanan have an island to themselves.
you dont even know
What does Umi's ass smell like?
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Don't mind me.
Just posting Riko-chan!
Like Black Sea.
Did samurais actually charge like lambs to the slaughter?
not sure if this is a shitty doujin hentai or just im@s
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But Dia likes dressing her up in cute outfits and stuff.
same as mimorin
It's one of the best hentai this year. Go watch it now.
Stop farting, Riko-chan. Change your diet
>focusing on Yoshiko.

So perfect.
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pana - alchemy shop assistant and student
eli - dragoon from elven kingdom
nozomi - traveling entertainer in a group of like minded weirdos
nico - first born daughter to a cult of summoner witches
honk - normal joe with a sword and shield and courage
umi - inexperienced ranger in the city army
rin - devote monk to the clergy of cats
maki - noble fencer from high born aristocrats
kotori - pyon cleric and childhood friend of honk
Yes, but in most cases it was only to die in an honourable way, in a battle they couldn't die.
Otherwise, cavalry was mostly used as means to flank enemy units.
The samurai also used a LOT of gunpowder.
Foot samurai like archers provided cover for shogunal infantry. They had shittier guns, artillery and equipment, less trained line infantry, etc, but they did use a lot of gunpowder.
Google and saucenao give nothing
shit list
I didn't know how to pick my seats so I let the site choose the best seats for me. They kept getting reserved by others and I ended up further back than I would've liked.
rude i try really hard on this
*battle they couldn't win
She's too useless to be anything worthwhile
Too bad, it's shit.
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moe samurai.jpg
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Manga Face 02.jpg
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Next set is a Samurai set with Nico being the princess and Umi being her right hand Samurai you heard it here first!
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i'm the dm, kid, not you
now roll your d20 and get stats
Ok. I knew they fought to the death for honor but I didn't think they were as dumb as the trailer. Good trailer though.
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Is Kotori more waifu or daughteru material?
Neither she is slut materail.
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Now fap to not! Umi to your heart content.
Depends on your own age range, she'd make a great mother aswell.
>playing that kind of shit
Guess it was true that Rinfags were autistic retards.
More like fap material.
Why not both? I'd prefer her as a mother/wife though
doujin material
I'm not suggesting anything but medieval nobility used to have father-daughter marriages to preserve family bloodlines. Just saying.
i wish i had friend who did this kind of stuff
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and thus modern france was created
haha got em
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Back Alley Maid Cafe Whore Material

The best wife materials are always the ones you raise yourself.
>you'll never spend a night with Minalinsky
Why live?
If you keep bullying Kotori, I won't share this meme I'm making right now!!!
And nothing of value was lost
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Kotori bullies herself if you know what I mean
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Good. It's shit anyways fag.
Kill yourself.
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guys s t o p immediately we need this meme
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Your welcome lads.
What kind of meme?
Oh no we lost a possible shit meme, what to do now?
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You will have to wait and see.

Thanks Rinfriend, you are alright sometimes.

Please see >>143944097
Looks like nest bred will be an anti-bully zone again!
i love a good meme from my friends over at llsifgeneral
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can we back to bullying burd again?
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>bullying burd
Only part of her I want to bully is her womb
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What position would you do burd in?
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Hello, this is the anti bully ranger. Please cease this bullying immediately .
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down on one knee because you must marry before mating. haram.
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Does it even matter?
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Burd bullying is old news. Ruby bullying is where it's at!
Cuddling poisition
Spooning position
"""""""""""""""gamer""""""""""""""" postion
Reverse piledriver
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make me
I thought Yoshiko is for bullying and ruby is for no.1 idol?
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Yes it does

shit taste

This is top tier taste
How long until Honk ends? I can't into timezone
Legendary whore maid
Missionary obviously, and kissing her a lot.
gibe kotori plos huehuehue
br br?
hue hue hue hue
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>ask people to not bully Honoka last thread
>everyone is okay with it
>ask people to not bully Kotori this thread
>everyone isn't okay with it
Correlation? Or is it perhaps a....... CAUSATION?????
The one that pushes her off a clif
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This is truly based taste
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>yes it does matter
In that case, I'd choose Cowgirl!
Girls and traps surely love to cosplay kotori.
New Thread
Watch out for traps, they hid themselves really well
Honktards have to make up the bullying they put up with so they shit on the next girl that isn't Honoka.
Reading some of these posts made me realised some of you guys have serious mental problem.
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one last bully before the thread dies
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Honkfag"""s""" always have mental problems.
It's retribution for liking the worst raibu
Thread posts: 758
Thread images: 207

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