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/ss13g/ spessmen on a spess station

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 778
Thread images: 102

"Good Times" Edition.

Last time on /ss13g/
>Killette gets mad at an AI
>Ghlor gets mad at a security officer
>Underage russian ic in oocs about walter (the TEG)
>nothing happens
>catmos techs when

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main /vg/station server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.

>Test server

>Public server list

>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Map renders collection: updated nightly

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin
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Hosting polaris code and porting vgstation over when
Weird part about Polaris is about how fucking huge their station is, but it's never got enough people to come close to justifying the size.

It's a great map though
The maintenance tunnels in the rock look so good
We should honestly just steal their map.

It'd be better than bus, and it's not got huge fucking problems like bus.
i want to eat fried vox with beer batter
>no tits - 1 vote
Hello Celt
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back to where you came from.
>beer batter
>on bird meat

Choke yourself on a cheeseburger you pleb
>this isn't on the jukebox yet

Any renders?
>space is too easy to break out everyone has suits
>let's instead use something that can be defeated by internals
what the fuck?
Prisoners don't get internals anon
The only pleb here is you.
Fried chicken is best without beer batter
>Arma 3
Nah we kicked his ass out, but he's also into Dota 2
Chicken's a denser, juicer meat and you typically batter it to seal that in so it's made tender by the frying process. Beer batter's much lighter than a regular coating so you'd lose a lot of the chicken's flavour to the frying and when you eat it the batter will have no hold and just slip off like paper in your mouth.

Beer batter works best on light foods like fish or onions to compliment the texture compared to regular batter, but some people prefer the thicker, crunchier coating anyway.

It's very interesting and I wish I had thought of putting seams of rock inside the station itself when I started my asteroid station project then shelves it to do more immediate things. It looks very nice but there are some missed opportunities to showcase it, like windows instead of rwalls.

The server itself is laggier than what I'm used to on vg and I'm constantly reminded of all the small, wonderful QoL things we have.
Only problem I have is Maint is shit, there's no little areas of fun like we have on box with the ghetto botany and the ghetto morgue for example. There's no area to play around and build.

Makes sense that an RP server would lack that stuff though
Can we subject every new player to a basic english language test and ban them if they use OOC terms IC or can't into proper grammar?

I'm so sick of every other word being misspelled, 'plz help' and "who that is?"
>Pre-wired solars
oh and it's all simulated and the default turf is the asteroid
The fun maint areas were recently made on box. They could add them easily as we did
They won't.

Trying to have fun is banned on polaris
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That is a big map(for everyone). I must be why it is so laggy. Also imagine a xeno infestation on that map and them knocking out power and lights so you have to fight them in the dark.
Yes >>143881592
the map size and all of it being simulated is a portion of it. But fighting lag has been the one thing we've done well and we've been doing it for the last 2 years like crazy.

Playing on another servers like going back in time.
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So far the only thing that's really wow'd me (other than the rocks and overall design of the station which is very nice) is how comfy virology is. It does an excellent job of feeling open without taking up a lot of space.
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>tfw gay for kammerjunk
Polaris map when???
That looks comfy, who did that Virology?
You're an idiot.
Holy shit Polaris looks dead on the coding front. Their github isn't on the main page and sort of hidden away and the mapping forum is dead. Also they have bugs and features stuck in GitHub hell. Do they even bother stealing other sever's code too?
dude look at their commit history
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left or right

I can't keep up with who does everything on the server I do play on
Left 1000x over right god damn
right, the left one looks too low and like it's on rollers
Left, where's that sprite from? We can steal tg/bay bedsheets too but we'd need to resprite all the capes
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copy paste strats
Capes are horrific anyways, they are in need for a resprite since the sprite was made.
yeah they were a nice addition though
Shit man, at least keep the sick shading of the left one. The problem with right is that it's flat as fuck. The legs actually look like they're under the bed on the left one.
Bedsheet on back for cape, bedsheet in suit slot for wrapping yourself up or making a cloak, bedsheet on head for GHOST MODE
Holy fucking shit gateway missions are the stupidest thing ever made.
When the gateway activates everyone forgets how to behave like a fucking sane person and starts to break into secure areas to get as many "items" as possible.
EVA and armoury? Looted. HoP's office and chemistry? All the fucking windows are broken. Same thing for bridge, the teleporter and the gateway. Then the crew fucking disappears and the station becomes a ghost town for the next half hour. It's like playing in fucking lowpop.
If someone manages to come back he carries a shitton of fucking weapons and the station is too fucked up to continue to play normally.

Yes I'm mad so fuck your ick in ock. I've come to play spacestation 13, not my little fucking dungeon in the away mission. I hope whoever made this eats shit and dies.
ick ock
desu goon does it best
Away missions should just be one events where the whole crew works together to beat it.

Shouldn't be forced into regular rounds.

t. Yahir
the biggest issue with our away missions and vaults is that they're full of robust mobs that require guns to kill that guard treasure instead of fun places to explore
our best vault is the carp asteroid and even then it's got problems
Prisoners don't get spacesuits either, except Plasmamen which go into the fucking gulag.
At least there will be a cell in the right for them to be contained if keeping them in perma is a risk
For the record, Grant Day, that was a fantastic round for me when you were the vamp. Well done.
Wasn't me but that anon is right you know
why would i say something like that?
i love away missions
what if someone starts shitposting by spectating and posting ick ook in the thread to frame the guy they're spectating and get him banned
Serb has an anti-ickock measure where your ckey is watermarked in extremely low opacity over your screen, so you can't ickock with screenshots.
If you ickock very early on, it's pretty clear that it's an observer doing it
If you ickock very late on, then it doesn't really matter very much and you are accomplishing nothing
You could, but if you kept doing so the admins would likely contact you too if you were moving along with that person. This is bannable by ban baiting.
>so you can't ickock with screenshots.
yes you can
>see X get killed and thrown into a backroom
>post ITTT "hey guys don't forget about my body it's in ___"
but how would they know who you are?
That's not with a screenshot you dumb fuck
Well. First anyone acting on it would get banned. The players (except the newest of the new) aren't retarded. At worst you're really just baiting people who are shitbags into getting themselves banned.

Second I will check all the observers, make notes, compare it when it happens again and only a few names on the same list will match.

Then it's off to "I'm never unbanning you, you time wasting malicious cunt" town you go.
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How deadpop feels like
>DrinkOrangeaid.png Orange-Aid will fix your eyes if your vision is impaired from welding.
They just sell imidazoline in a vending machine? That's so stupid
Pretty sure one of the vending drinks we have does the same.

Pretty sure the orange stuff heals burn wounds.
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but how would you know whodunnit
movement isn't logged admins
get fucked
Goonstation is so vastly different from other station.

there antags so way more fun than ours
>there antags so way more fun than ours
foreign underage B& when
Dress for the Moment Edition
br gib antag i repurt u
>Old space wind was a result of actual atmosphere leaking from the station into space. This created suction that could pull you into space.
>It was removed.

I mean
I know we don't have suction either (airflow can only push you, not pull you on /vg/)
But that's because ZAS never supported it, not because we removed it.
Why would you remove that?
I think they removed a bunch of things related to atmos to cut down on lag
Security should force the crew to behave, only those hand picked by the captain should be allowed to enter the gateway
Pretty sure we don't
>implying the captain and security aren't the first to go through leaving the station to fend for themselves but because they're the 'combat jobs' they have the right to go first

Assistants should be the only ones who can enter the gateway
Well then such captain should be banned! The captain leaves the ship last!
>let's add something unfeasible to enforce and just ban everyone who doesn't get it right lol
great idea let's port bay's RP-based revolution gamemode while we're at it
I liked the colonialization mission we had a few days ago. It didn't feel like SS13, but it was fun working together with the entire crew to make that snow world inhabitable
Yeah! We were chaging the rules anyway, let's add in mandatory RP! We could even hard code in an automatic ban for those, who don't emote at least once in thirty seconds, with heads being recuired to emote breathing, otherwise they start taking asphyxation damage
>tfw one of my only notes is being a potential suspect thread ick ocker

I have no way to disprove this and just have to hope you guys don't make a mistake and I'm wrongly banned. That or I just have that note 5ever and it never gets resolved. I swear I didn't do it!
>tfw have a note for being a 'box baby'
>tfw dont know where to check note
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>tfw have a note for asking for your notes
>miners spend all shift on the rock and don't bring back a single piece of anything all shift
what even was that round?
did ya'll just sacrifice a bunch of shit to the admin for chaos?
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I didn't get a gun ;_;
>tfw have a note for liking reddit
robotman made a bunch of catbeasts and we lit them on fire
he prayed for fun
admins bussed in some sort of gateway
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that was fun as hell
Sorry about the bar guys, had a misclick while trying to be robust.
Admins get all the fun toys ;_;
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>watching the lasers all converge on a single target whenever the bus drove past someone
If I understand correctly, it's a meme among admins to give a player a note the first time they ask for their notes
I certainly have one, and many other people do too

That is the old, outdated, and busted /tg/ wiki. Use the new one instead

our guitar and piano sound like ass though
What the fuck is that pink skeleton thing
It's a pink skeleton thing, duh
>tfw you get the sense you are one of the more competent operatives and you aren't that good
it might be the worse kind of feel
>tfw you've been antag the whole round and have been doing extremely well
>as soon as you realize you've been doing well you start fucking up
You seem butthurt. Hasn't it occurred to you that it's the crew's fault that they act like retards when offered the potential of loot?
> fun places to explore
Nobody knows how to make those.

Even if they did most people would see no point to exploring them without the promise of goodies at the end, because nobody gives a shit about flavor or cryptic scribblings that get passed off as "lore",
Only one of those is me and you are pretty bad at detecting butthurt, it seems. Also I've been saying that it is the crew's fault that they act this way, have you been reading?
Slime person being able to turn into liquid form and vent crawl when?

and does anyone have that slime grenade image?
BPM: 250
Can you take the time to explain the coding system for this? I understand reading music and shit, but this has me kinda floored.

Is it that...
Dashes between notes makes them played together
Commas separate chords/ cause the next notes be played
Lower case b and #(?) symbols are accidentals
BPM is beats per minute/tempo
The number is the octave, which stays the same unless overwrited by another number?

Got no idea what the "/" would do (changes tempo by the factor specified?), or the lower case n.

Is there a guide somewhere?
Have you ever played other BYOND games? Please, relay your experiences to me
BPM goes alone on the first line, and no blank line under it.

n serves as #. You are correct about the octave. "/" divides the lenght, and it can be rational numbers for longer notes, something unnoticeable.

There is a guide on the instruments themselves.
There is also a converter but it fell into disrepair.

Fifty characters by line max
Fifty lines max
Anyone else to have ideas wouldn't work but still sound pretty cool?

I wish we would get rid of the gate room and merge it with telescience and rename it as "Bluespace Research".

That way you could have gateway missions without the need of admins and more fun shit to do with telescience besides rescuing miners and xenoarchs.

The focus would be to explore random gate addresses and bring back anything useful like new items, weapons and materials and possibly building stable portals, you could possibly add the portal gun to RnD unlocks but again that's probably a bad idea.

I just would find it cool to expand xenoarch, mining and give everyone something more interesting to do on a round by round basis
>Mechanic setting up forward bases/research station on different addresses
>Botanist can get more alien animals and seeds, which can lead to alien food
>Doctors would obviously be needed to help with wounded and to deal with any viruses and illnesses
>Borgs can be used as MALP to see how dangerous/inhospitable to a gated world
>Security there to obviously kill monsters
What do you mean divides the length?

I'm not sure how rhythm works with this system, is does each comma cause the next note to be on the next beat? So each comma signifies a beat and the "/" allows for quavers/semiquavers/triplets etc?
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Yes, that.
>you will never learn how to blow up walter
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No he's not!
And how will removing content that's been demanded for months fix that?

It won't. It just makes you look like a douche.
Pls respond
hi solarious
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>HoP making everyone's title "Captain"
>HoS runs headfirst into tcomms and tries to ion the turrets, then CE bolts open both coldroom cycling airlocks, then runs inside without internals and doesn't turn them on for a minute
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>AI that round
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>mfw i accidentally blew up a fuel station at close range
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everyone's a captain on my station.
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> Detect wizard in cyborg charging room
> He blows himself up
> Detect wizard in front of my upload
> Beepsky arrests him
> Detect wizard in tool storage
> He teleports in electrified grilles
> Get abducted by wizard
> He teleports in space during a rad storm
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>About to become the worlds best chef and sell it as a Vox trader
>Planned on making stews, cinnamon apple pies, cherry pies, and many other soups
>Realize the outpost doesnt have a grinder/beaker. Or a hatchet for cinnamon. So there's no way to get flour, rice, cinnamon, plump helmets, et cetera
>Try to just RP with a fellow Vox and bring him stuff until I die
Trader doesn't have as much potential as I origionally thought.
You have to steal it or trade for it

Except for the hatchet, you can make one out of a wrench, cable, and glass.
Make an autolathe by borrowing components from the botany machines, make a mortar out of a plank of wood to make a bowl then use metal on it.
anyone else getting major lag?
I'll get you something "major"
*unlocks PDA*
How far do you slip from one tile of space lube?
;AI LAW 2 BOLT THIS TRATER IN FOREVER he used his pda near me
*pushes you down and steals your PDA*

>a fucking admin of all people is seriously considering trying to port bay shit

Christ, deadmin Probe fucking when. We're a better server with better features, coding, and maps, and a better playerbase, than bay. We do not need jack fucking shit from 'modern' bay codebases, and in fact, they all need to just adopt /vg/ code and use that.
Bays code is better than our code. That is a fact.
Sure, but I'll have to release him if another human orders me to. Or the tator if he's human himself.
What are the advantages of tabling someone?
they can't move for a few seconds
>bay's code is better

No it fucking isn't. It caters to furfags and special snowflake RP bullshit faggots who want to treat the game like secondlife. They have absolutely fucking nothing better than we have.
>I have absolutely no idea what the fuck code is but I heard the word Bay so I'm going to throw a fit
Calm down, anon. Just let the coders do their thing. They actually know what they're talking about.
Our base code is Bay's, though.
>Appeal to authority

Fuck you
if i were to be librarian what the hell would i do besides write random books and order some
Yes, it's ancient bay bullshit that has all the stupid furfag RP shit deleted and has been improved upon massively.
hi killette
Nothing. Host D&D.
>has all the stupid furfag RP shit deleted
confirmed to have literally never looked through the code
or maybe never even played on the serb
killette quit bragging about your code knowledge nobody cares
host D&D

host D&D for people who have no idea how to play D&D

in fact that latter option is a really good idea you should do that i need someone to teach me all my friends play it and it seems like fun but i just can't wrap my head around it
>fallacy fallacy

port what?
You know what I was wondering something, if an AI on asimov has to follow orders given by humans if they don't violate law 1, what if the order given would have been denied by another human, only that the time it takes to carry out the order is shorter than the time it takes to type out the order?
>Cyborg, taze this security officer
>Cyborg pulls out taser and shoots the officer before he can type out No don't
Should it be implied that there would be a contradicting order in situations like this? The problem with the text based nature of the game is that talking takes more time than doing, if this was in real life the security officer would have been able to say no don't before the other person could finish giving the order.
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I played a few rounds of Lifeweb once.

>First round I died of the cold before figuring out how to choose a class as a migrant.

>Second round I fell in the fortress' moat and drowned as no one could (or possibly no one was willing) to help me.

>Third round I fell down a hole after spending 15 minutes trying to figure out how to get to the fortress because I late-joined.

>Last round I went migrant again and we got a terrible spawn and the whole expedition died in minutes.

I'd give it another go but the owner of the only serbs got arrested.
>owner of the only serbs got arrested

bay bullshit has nothing to do with wether the code is efficient and well organized or not

>fallacy fallacy fallacy
good lord
>fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy
God damn
There's no contradicting order. But if the officer does say "No don't" then it's safe to assume he'd want to be uncuffed immediately.

If you want to give pre-emptive orders, do so, or use custom laws.
I think it was a combination of securities fraud and the content of what regularly happens in the game.
waaaah waaaah the weesboos and furries are out to get me!
port resomi when
hi killette

we might as well just call them avali and look as cute as they're supposed to look
But they are.
Even now I hear them scamper around outside my window.
who is killette
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>2000 or so
>Find out about Byond games
>Try out some vidyas like Final Fantasy and other games
>Tfw having fun doing all sort of shit from one server to another
>Forgot about it because i was also playing other vidyas


>Pic related was my first round, i expected to be dead right away by some random fuck because i was missing a leg, but it's was a pretty comfy round. That was back on the first map when the place felt like an actual burg with the whore house all the way to the left.

>Second round is a Practicus, have not a single idea what I'm doing, but not too soon after everyone catch the plague and died to Dob

>Third round i start as a blacksmith kid, no mentor around so do shit on my own. Learn quickly what to do in no time

I played a fuck ton of the game to the point i was only playing for Baron's aspects, shame he got arrested
Just a boy who enjoys 2d pixel plants.
hi killette
Hello there user with the ckey of Killette

The FF4 one was actually really well-made. Shame all the good ones got taken down.
Mitsuri High and the spin offs

What it lacked in atmos simulation it made up for in ways to kill people when you were murderer and it had some neat renditions of weeb shows turned game modes too. TOher students had to work out how to get out of the school too/kill the murderer to save themselves if they suspected it, they didn't just mill around trying to survive.

Didn't know how much I wanted animations for movement and the like until I played it in that game too. The school setting and all the rooms to murder people were fun too.
nice falseflaggeroonie bro
What if Discount Dan food gave random illnesses?
hey bud I think you got the wrong door the cervix club is two threads down
>changing discount dan

I love my process cheese and beff just the way it is
>yahir butting in on conversations that do not in any way involve him

Fuck off, Yahir.
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>but the owner of the only serbs got arrested.
if anyone falls for this meme you're an idiot
Fuck me
hi killette
Reminder that life weeb is getting people to pay them $500 to play as a tranny
My girlfriend.

t. Intigracy
>try my hardest to keep the chain of command going strong
>all the heads bail on me after i save them
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big faggot and waifu shitposter
>mommi's dancing in sync

this pleases me
I've played and still regularly play Lifeweb. Not much to talk about, it's Lifeweb.

I played Eternia: Roleplay for like, a few days. I was playing a magic-hating swordswoman and only used the physical special abilities, none of the magical ones. You get experience from fighting basic npc mobs, but you get points for special abilities by roleplaying using the specific roleplaying verb that sends it to a place where mods can check it and give you points based on if your roleplay was good. I guess my writing was decent enough that they gave me a fair amount of points. Don't remember much of it.

Also, Mitsuterii High and the legendary CowRP
that singuloose was dissapointing.
Do you need to disable part of the engine to keep it from going due south?
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>watching people slip on a PDA and welding them in a locker

I see the appeal of the Clown life.

HoP here. I was nearly dead from the lack of air and the shocked doors, but an awesome borg and a doctor saved me and had me in recovery in the back of the shuttle.
What exactly is CowRP?
bay have good things like ninjas, hardsuits and mechs
did i forgot anything?
That raid on the Vox though.
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>Frank comes into my upload
>Starts using Asimov's command to get to me turn on the APC
>Already told the Captain, who told security to come arrest him
>No-one comes
>Spend 10 minutes delaying allowing him access to my consoles in the most scummy AI lawyerish ways
>Words the command well enough that I have to do it
>Security arrives, after being sent to the upload a second time, second after I was subverted
Sorry crew
It moves randomly.

If you want it to move a specific direction use a singularity beacon.
hi killette
you're a fag
a server where you play as cow, if remeber correctly
>m-muh bay hardsuits

Oh, yeah, becauase that's definitely what I want at the start of the shift, is spending an entire goddamn minute getting my fucking hardsuit on, even though it offers jack fucking shit in the way of anything special.
dude that is powergamey and faggy as hell
t. salty bickerson
A cow based roleplaying game. You weren't really Cows, you were medieval peasants. But you appeared to be a cow. Cowed, the Cow RP clone, had more features and didn't lag. Before Android Data, from Goonstation, ruined it it was better than Cow RP. Don't let Cow RP fags tell you otherwise.
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Singuloth follows his own will.
If you use the forbidden beacon then our lord and savior will devour all in his path to rid the universe of it.
You tried little bro, we're sorry
I should have powergamed the wires earlier
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>Loses power
>Can't shut off the field
>Can't resync the core
>Add dedicated AME
>still unresponsive
What the hell is the remedy for this?
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>you will never break into the AI upload in full Knight armor and upload the Paladin lawset
hi killette
>awesome... doctor

What is this meme?
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Sorry little bro, you did alright
>break into the core guns blazing
>"You did it!"
hi killette
It might break if the power goes out. The code is VERY fucky.
hi killette
don't ever call me killette again
Hi Killette
i thought they were actually better then ours
Hi killette
>it offers jack fucking shit in the way of anything special.
Hi killette
CQC that makes you feel like a real Diamond Dog
Far better damage system (and medical was better because of that)
Guns. So many cool guns and sprites for them.
Mech mods so you can rice your durand and race your custom gygax around the station.
They take away your backpack slot, but you get a suit that's actually pretty durable and can be mounted with a lot of cool shit.

I also think antags and nuke ops can get special shit like cloaking devices and grenade launchers
I played Eternia too, I had a group of Knights called the Copper Knights. We had a tower in the main city of the game. I was ready to become the Walder Frey of Eternia. Then while I was offline my entire fucking Knight squad and squires got wiped out by someone. I'm sure it was an admin and their mary-sue white haired "not Targ" family. Now, right in the middle of the game, is a tower called the Melym Tower which used to be the Copper Tower. I played again, plotting for IC revenge, but that family has all the top spots so there's no point.
so they isn't just nerfed normal hardsuits, they could be intersting addition to normal harduits
>m-muh hardsuit modules

Fuck off. Most of this is bullshit you'll never need or can just carry in a fucking toolbelt.
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>10 minutes into game
>every ones in a hardsuite
>windows are all broken
>every one has a smg or rifle

>average round
The entire point of them is that you don't need to put it in your toolbelt.

I agree that not everyone will need a baystation hardsuit, but in some cases it can be a practical solution. Besides, why say no to more content? The old hardsuits can still stay, you'd just have more options.
Hi Killette
>attack animations

The only animations we could possibly want or need would be batman-style KAPOWS and WHAMs appearing during fistfights. Those would be pretty fucking cool and I want my space to be more like a really violent cartoon t b h
I've tried getting into Eternia.

I've found it's really hard to find people to RP with, everybody is either impossibly powerful or already have their character's entire lives planned out.
I found the whole RP point system to be irritating so I dropped it. I wanted to be an earth elementalist, but I don't want to sing and dance. I just wanted to play the damn game.
What's the medical system like in Bay?
SS13 is ruining my life. I've been going to bed at 4 am this last week because I can't stop playing. I'm in the middle of my exams and I haven't studied in almost a month. It's 1:40 am right now and I want to go to bed so I can fix my sleeping schedule, but the thirst for just one more game is keeping me up.
Plus everyone writes mega-paragraphs so they can get brownie points with the admins. That's fine, I don't mind long RP but I don't know why people can't just have a conversation that consists of a few lines.
Talk to the admins and ask them for a ban, then block 4chan from your browser.
You are responsible for your own life.
Close to ours. I think their chem is moderately different, and doesn't have infinite chems, along with different chems and recipes, and Peridaxon is synthesizable, and features more prominently. Past that, I think there's only minor differences, mostly in surgery and the like. I think they might not have Paras as well.

Do something to ruin spess for you for a while. It's what I did, and I haven't played more than one or two rounds in the past two months.
Yeah, I remember once when I first logged in I got TWO HUNDRED RP after 3 posts.

An admin thought I was a returning veteran of the game due to my ckey, that soured my experience as I saw how it was a big circle jerk.

I also hated my character becoming stupidly powerful with nothing happening.

It's a good idea just poorly executed because admins have bias towards people they already know.

Yeah, I always felt like I was being judged if I wrote a paragraph and the person I was rping with wrote like 4 describing how they unsheathe their sword for example. People just word bloat because the RP system is ranked by word count, so more words = faster rp level up.
This is the same problem I have with most ERPers. Best displays of linguistic abilities use less words, not more.
>The Death Note game will never be up again
I never once got to be Kira, lads. I did get to be chief prosecutor though. The judge cheated me out of a massive sentence for someone because they were a crying "girl"
show 'em how thick and juicy your huge dick is in 50 words or less, famalamadingdong.
>needing fifty words
>not 20 words per emote maximum
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>People that writes mega-paragraphs.

I always hated that, even for erp.

I played several round on public byond, and it's just pissed me off to see security officers just writing paragraph when the AI or others were telling them to move their ass for a guy killing other people. Even made worse if the location is very close to them, and they just tell each other "Oh my god!"

A game like Space Station 13 doesn't need those paragraphs, it's almost all visual.
We should have a /vg/ group for eternia, show the roleplaying shitters how it's done and beat them at their own game.

With like 5 of us dedicated to it we could take over the whole continent of Valmasia
I tried playing with my younger brother once, it doesn't work. Two on one battles don't work when you're opponent can fuck your shit up with one or two hits.
No, we get like 5 guys and just train.

RP with one another, practice duels.

Keep ourself perfectly hidden from the outside world and just stack RP after RP, the admins will be forced to give us that sweet RPP. Then we go out and start crushing when we're all like RPL 200
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Sounds like what /tg/ used to do with freeform RP.

I'd be up for it desu
We could use one of the dead chats in the discord to coordinate, it'd be devilish enough to work
RIP server.
what are some things you guys would like to see new sprites for?
Hi killette
New AI core sprites and unique dead sprites for some of them. Hippie had them and I really liked it.


If we have more food sprites, we could just add food code, which is easy and lazy as fuck. We need more of every type of food.

Drinks are cool too I guess but I don't know what more we could add.
get robust and realize that the curse of being robust is that you cannot do anything ever as non-antag without getting banned
meanwhile unrobust shitters get the dindu newbie pass from badmins and can l i t e r a l l y try to kill you and when you dunk them nonlethally you still get in trouble

being robust is suffering

this is why murderbone is the solution
vox are cute
why trinity when i have elezen
Not even the best security girl.
Rank the security girls then.
I don't know them, I just know Trinty a sht
>security girls
The only security girl I wanna do anything with is Caleigh.

She's dreaaaaamyyyyyyyyy.
1. Trinity!
>tfw you will never brutalize and humiliate caleigh and force her to piss herself and cry

Fuck off Trinity
>not liking security girl I play
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that's not my name
Hi killette
There are only three sec girls, Caleigh, Trinity and Trinity Metapal.
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>more breakfasty shit and pig-based food
>more uses for some of the vegetables like cabbage and beets
>more uses for rice and sugar
>more pizzas
>potato salad that doesn't turn into virus food before you even cook it
>wider variety of ethnic food because my name isn't nigglywiggly and I don't live off of gook takeout and saltines

t. /ck/
thats not me either
>Forgetting two members of the dream team
>Forgetting the recent new blood
Nobody cares about /ck/
hi killette
he hadn't even tried a fucking cheeseburger until he was 17



on the flip side, the lack of fatty foods in his diet makes me think he really does look like a twink and i wanna get a taste of his butthole now
hi killette
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serious achilles stop posting this shit
fuck off
>>wider variety of ethnic food because my name isn't nigglywiggly and I don't live off of gook takeout and saltines
Hey now.
I've said multiple times that I've never had any kind of asian food except rice.
You're right about the saltines though
Though these are fucking 10/10
that's also not my name
see >>143923914


do you look cute irl
A wizard has turned you into Killette.
What is the first thing you do?
kill myself
kilette is more of a cuck than anthony burch
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>he's never seen niggly

You're better off this way. Trust me
Oh yeah, Zalika plays sec too
I'm just a really picky eater.

More like I have some mental issue with food texture ha man I love having a fucked up brain please kill me

And for the second question:
I'm a boy, so not really no. I do have pretty long hair though, and I got mistaken for a girl a couple weeks ago at a store
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are you seriously trying to tell me your name isn't achilles desjardins

i know you are
fuck off dude don't bring your weird fetishes into this
i hope your cat dies
no, my name is not important

all that matters

is how many waifus i put in a grave
Is Celt and Niggly a real thing?

Not really, we're just friends.
holy shit yes
>I'm a boy
i think that's the point
t. Kayahi

>Martha Robinson
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>grab a hardsuit for a call, don't need it anymore
>"well gee willy billikers i guess i should put this back in the armory, I sure don't want to look like a humongous powergaming faggot"
>need it again 5 minutes later, die because of ZAS

>brig an assistant with yellow glubbs
>"by golly i sure could borrow his gloves in these 7 minutes he'll be in to figure out the wires real quick, but I'm not that much of a christ-pussified powergaming asshat"
>can't stop someone from murdering the cap later because i couldn't hack into bridge

>pass by tool storage, there's still a multitool on the table
>"well poppa y'see there ain't anybody stopping me from putting it in my survival box but I ain't that much of a sniveling powergamer, maybe someone needs it more"
>later can't undo the bolts on the armory to prevent wiz from emptying it all, thanks whoever bolted it

>MD looking pretty suspicious in medbay
>"shucks chuck, I guess I could eat this antitox right here from this here fridge in case he tries to chloral me, but that'd be a real powergamer move, don't need none of that right?"
>immediately chloral'd
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>people who use the same character name every round
hi killette
None of that is ick
welcome to the shitfest of static naming versus random naming
Honestly, do you think that it's time for another feature freeze?
I only see bugs piling up each week and nothing being done about them despite having open PRs about it.
ban he
>People who don't know the term "staticfag"
Back to /v/eddit with you
Do you know what I'd like to see sprite-wise?
Those shitty WALL-E and EVA sprites removed.
And also all the other crap borg sprites.
What a shitty round
SS13 Dating Game / VN when?
every borg skin is shit but landmate

Who all would feature as husbandos/waifus?
>OOC: Jeroen52: >hop and cap didn't listen to me saying it was vox raiders

wow so you told them in character what the round type was
Hacked Dan vends sell 10 25u antitox pills at $10 per.
raiders is suffering
1. Alexa Highlands
2. Hryst Valkyr
3. Alice Conrad
4. Caleigh Stall
5. Randoms


XX. everyone else
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>Borg autobeating vox to death despite law saying they're not allowed to harm them
>adminhelp, admins call valid for some dumbfuck reason despite it being an incompetent vox raiders round
>Get cloned
>Start calling it out, screaming for help as it stuns me several more times
>hatch plan to get that fucking borg
>doesnt happen
>sec beats me down and shoots me with rifle for having a gun
>Borg murders me again.

This was not a comfy round. Not a comfy round at all. Thanks for nothing admins.
Give me some names. I'm trying to get SRPG maker working
Yeah, i agree. I think we should remove every gay ass blatant "lel popular meme references" from the game. I'm not against goofy stuff, but these uninspired references just flat out piss me off.
>Misses me off the list
>tell the cap that there is a wizard

>playing nonhuman character
>expect the round to be comfy
wew lad
>playing non-humans

you deserve it really.
but the borg is nonhuman too, how come it can get away with bullshit
>Not having a static first name and random surname
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>not making your own character your waifu
What are you, gay?
This isnt a hard RP Server. Everyone knows what basic antag shit is
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>mechanic visiting the vox raider shuttle
>installs tons of machines
>heads back to the station like it was nothing
>tells no one
Dont act like gangsters when your traitorous thieving cousins are around.

10/10 engineering that round
who are you
>law 4: Vox must be bullied but may not be harmed.
If a human orders a vox to be harmed that is law 2 which overrides 4. Also if the borg feels that it is in danger it will harm you since law 3 > law 4.

Hate the human not the machine.
"not hard RP" doesn't mean zero fucking roleplay

You really expected them to declare vox to be kill on sight?
I play detective, haven't played in like a week
Gaybos are not allowed
Get outta my game, fagbag.

aren't vox always kill on sight?
Yes, go ahead and murder them my friend
You are 3-4, bumping whoever else is in your space down a slot.
How do you shoot around walls?
Vox weren't declared KOS because of me, the only person who listened to me that round was the officer and that was very late into the round, about 11 minutes before the shuttle arrived.
I said that I saw: 1. Someone breaking in the vault and stealing the nuke. 2. Some very shifty Vox that didn't look like a crewmember.
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Good choice
ah kos, or some say kosm...
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you powergame or you die

whats it gonna be, punk
Alexa Highlands is best girl.

t. Niggly
Nah I was kidding you're trash
cant with the new ballistics code

>tfw tasers are significantly less robust thanks to new code

You're making a mistake
The mistake was I should have taken out the trash earlier
Well then lads, I guess the SS13 SRPG will have no characters in it.

I'm not that bad am I?
random weighted vote was a mistake
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ww.w.w.where did the chaplain go
megurine you aren't good
That was a different anon, I've always liked playing with you if you're Naomi.

Actually I like playing with most people as sec. I forgot Zalika there too. Trinity can be a pain though, and Meg is pretty unrobust, but so are a few people.

Now the REAL question

How do you rank ALL officers you've ever played with?

Is that who played Alexa? I never really figured it out.
You're horrible, but if it makes you feel better you're better then Trinity, which does not say much at all.
I'm not Meg :3
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-Post your Powergaymer tier list-
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me at the top
hi Ghlor
>4 maps
>2 are hated
>one of those two is replaced, by an even worse version of it
Just remove bus and deff and be done with it.
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No, but I did like playing with Alexa a lot.
Good arrpeee
Seriously why do we even keep those shitty maps at this point?

Why can't we actually port a good map like Polaris' map

Why do we let humongous retards and faggots make maps like bus and deff
Hell no, he is bad as well.
Guy does dumb shit all the time, well sprouting "I dindu nuffin"
there's absolutely no reason to not powergame unless you are a humngous faggot
>peoples who don't walk around with a light sourcer/crowbar in bag/pockets/belt
>peoples who aren't afraid of standing near each others
>peoples who actually have fun
>sue bowchief the trigger-happy mime
>hyun ae, the lithe, sexy, vampiric roboticist
>that one bostonian chick, the flat, personalityless bartender
>megurine luka, the lighthearted, somewhat stupid pink haired captain
>dana davaham, the slightly-tubby miner who's always up for some asteroid lovin'
>caleigh stall, the firm, yet happy-go-lucky warden
>ginger beach, the freezing cold, kuudere swedish chick from medbay with a heart of gold
>more to come when i think of them

>patrick bateman the hopelessly lonely gynophiliac
>nevill bamshoot, the wild, always-happy nice guy who can robust someone in the blink of an eye
>don cheeto the niceguy roboticist, always happy to help someone in need, and always happy to have a little bit of fun on the side
>Abraham Lincoln, the robust, neurotic, psychotic, ultra-dedicated CMO
>spergay vadovich, the easily-coerced stutterfaggot who'll obsess over you if you treat him in a certain way
>probably a few other ones i forgot or something

There, I'm sure i missed a buncha faggots but that's enough fags for your RPG, right?
hi killette
Only exceeded by Angelyte in RP matters 2bh

Only better waifoo was bee
>All these new security 'waifus' trying to catch a hit of fame and defame other waifus
>where security dream team broke through all the kammerjunk and cervix posting alone and set the bar they're trying to reach
>without even resorting to shitposting about each other either

All these new security pretenders can step aside.
They haven't even been playing long enough to prove their robust as the dream team let alone waifu any good.
Kat Brooks
Angelite Entyshak
Hime Kizuna

Kurt Jakobs
Hi killette
B-but how will the HoS be noticed otherwise! I don't want to practice security and play endless shifts against antags and have to learn to survive and be robust all of those shifts! Not without being noticed first!
I want people to post about me nooooooow
What's lifeweb, why does Reddit hiss at it, and how does one even look into it?
Don't even bother.
SRPGs usually have, like, 10 million characters. But yeah. Thanks. I'll report back when progress has been made Now that I know what people will be on the BOTTOM of the priority list ; )
Sure you will
Like all the other game devs who come through here and say they'll make a game
I give you less than a month before the whole idea is scrapped
>not on the waifu list
dodged a bullet
>I've always liked playing with you if you're Naomi.
Finally, I've been noticed and not in a meme list.

>How do you rank ALL officers you've ever played with?
Luckily I'm retiring Naomi so I can make this list and not be metagrudged

>Caleigh Stall (Probably the best security player I've played with regularly)
>Paul Foster (Best HoS, organizes the team well and acts like a HEAD should)
>Alice Conrad (As a HoS acts like an officer with energy guns, she's a good officer though and very quick to respond to radio calls)
>Samuel Keeper (Good warden, not on level of caleigh though) has a problem with leaving brig and acting like an officer
>Myself (Best detective, not robust enough to be actual security)
>Trinity Prewitt (A lot a problems, never responds to radio calls, doesn't announce arrests or explain herself well at all leading to in-game problems and ban requests)
>Zalika Gardener (Just Trinity's erp buddy, basically shouldn't exist)
>Ray Dubi (Don't play security again man)

That's all I can remember off the top of my head, name statics if you want my opinion though I probably won't remember them. Being a detective means working alone 95% of the time.

How so?

Dream team is shit, none of them on there are any good except Caleigh, it's basically just the female security statics at the time the meme was made.
Took longer than that to figure out how to navigate the menus. Ye of little faith
You're bad at the job, and can't handle your own if someone jumps you if you do decide to follow a lead
>tfw you fertilize all the vox eggs and no one saw it
>You're bad at the job
I'd disagree with that, it's rare I'm unable to solve a case when one's given to me.

Granted there's a lot of obstacles because people seem to forget detective exists and tamper with crime scenes all the time.

>can't handle your own if someone jumps you if you do decide to follow a lead

This is true, I should delegate to officers more but try to solo everything and I'm unable to play well enough to deal with it.

I'm a good detective, just a bad player I think
Anon you can't take criticism if you're just going to go, "nah you're wrong I think I am great"

I've been told the same thing over and over, I'm merely curious about the story of this game and what everyone is referring to, and it's sprites.
It's somebody saying I'm bad and me saying "nuh uh" to half of it.

Explain how I'm bad at the role of being a detective and perhaps I'll listen. I agree I'm not robust at all though
>retiring Naomi because someone posted once saying the disliked japanese names and hasn't been seen since

You're just as bad as the rest of them and you can't stop elevating yourself by comparing yourself to 'worse' examples before anyone can say otherwise, even with your martydom.

I don't think any of the original dream team even kept with security when the meming started with Trinity's ban being the final nail in the coffin
Caleigh played security the least of all of them at the time and they're lorded as the best and Trinity stuck with it longest until she was removed by dindu nuffin, whether she cracked or Ghlor was just shit, and they're considered trash.

This thead kills any sense of community this server could have because some posters aren't in it and want to tear it down I'm sure.

Let's all just stop before it gets worse again. Our playerbase can't handle losing more people if we'll keep turning on each other.
Science dream team

Robot man
Don cheeto
The plasmaman who does xenoarch
Ashe mallory
I am happy they are all gone, they were trash, so is Ghlor, but Trinity deserved to be gone.

Read the stuff under "Setting" mainly. The story and setting are 10/10, but it's run by shitty jewish russians in a dank basement full of neckbeards. And it's only up on weekends.
>>retiring Naomi because someone posted once saying the disliked japanese names and hasn't been seen since
No, I'm just bored of playing detective is all, stopped enjoying the character and want to play something different.
The japanese names thing doesn't make sense since Naomi isn't even remotely Japanese or eastern.

>You're just as bad as the rest of them
I'm trying to say that myself, there's very few people that are good security. I'm only good at a very specific job, under very specific circumstances which hardly ever happen.

>Our playerbase can't handle losing more people if we'll keep turning on each other.
There's been at least 3 newcomers this week that have stuck with the game, the community can afford a few hits, nobody ever leaves for good either, they'll be back in a few months.
fucking random item instances reeeeeeeeeeee
Sorry Naomi I memeposted about the security waifu thing a bnuch myself toobecause I thought it would encourage you to stay with the attention

It just invited people to ruin something you found fun in because I was too selfish and put all my fun in running into you in spess
>my old ass got put on the list
Feels good
Seems to not load without archives, probably the govt keeping me out of trouble. Probably for the best. But those fucking sprites sure look fuckin neato.
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>Robot "can't stop to listen to the captain or beepsky will run away from me" Man
I'm just going to assume you're the pussymaster
Don't blame yourself, I've been through the whole shitposting thing before. I was always forgotten anyway, brunt of shitposting was on Trinity.

It didn't ruin security for me, I still play just not detective and on another character. I just got bored of the job because of how /vg/ works making some things literally impossible to do as PEOPLE WALK INTO CRIME SCENES, TAMPER WITH BODIES, TOUCH EVIDENCE, DEFIBBERS EXIST MAKING AUTOPSY USELESS. It's just annoying to scan everything, perform an autopsy only to turn up nothing and realize it'd be faster to clone the corpse and ask them wadd happen???
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>there's no biosuitless security plasmamen to enforce justice with his burning overpowered race powers, just dindus and autists that amount to nothing
>deserved to be gone

Butthurt Voxposter identified.
You can't just ban whoever you want for not respecting you snowflake race this ain't baystation
We will always gas the vox (probe approved) (c)
>someone plays a job often that has few slots
>want to play that job too, but don't want to step on their toes if you do
I hate this game.
I've always had a love-hate relationship with the cloner

On one hand it makes sure that with a little preparation even the biggest retard can get you back into the round, but in the other it makes death almost absolutely pointless
>about to join for comfy machine-upgrading action
>Mechanic (2)
>Shaft Miner (0)
I hate the Vox as well, I don't know what you're going on about.

It's funny because the early shitposting about Trinity was about how she argued with security and would hardly make arrests when she just talked between people instead and how unrobust they were and how she deserved to be removed for better officers to take her place

Now the shitposting is that she is too hot headed, never talks anymore/baton first on suspicion and it's okay to murder her just because you don't like her and Kammerjunk/Wad will just give you a day ban if you find any excuse.

Like I posted before this server and thread hates any form of community that isn't /vg/pride that they don't feel a part of. No one 'deserves' to be removed just because the thread's vocal enough about it and their behaviours suddenly get shitposted to oblivion like it happened to the security 'dream team'.

If you honestly think that about anyone
the most toxic person to be removed is most likely yourself.
>Shaft Miner (3)
>Scientists (0)
>Roboticist (0)
Please, I barely post, I am just expressing my opinion, removing me won't do any better, and if I am here or not here at all, it will still get worse and worse over time.
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Anatomy Appreciation Week was one of my favorite things i did as shitalus

here's Fran D. Sokolov
They should just stop reading the thread and listening to shitposting. Asnwering the thread never helped me before.

They did fine when they started out before they even got mentioned on the meme list
A little work on stripping people down before she put them in perma, and a little more experiance with the cameras maybe, instead of withdrawing and lashing out when she was pressed, and she could've been made into a fine officer
Holy fuck that mass delete, they weren't kidding when they said an admin became a Janitor. I wonder what admin it is
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And some QM i don't remember the name of but had nice tats
>all those deleted posts
Does this imply they were all samefagging?
>my post about a sec player not being good for sec gets deleted

Janitors prove they're terrible once again
It's me!
Let's try it out

Nah, I was >>143933282 and it still got deleted.
I assume its Pain, Niggly, Kammer, or one of the admins online right now.
>kammerjunk is finally starting her crusade to end all waifus that threaten her

Called it
The metagaming discord has admins online too
Kammer is a janitor. I just asked her on steam
Well at least they will know its not me shit posting about them.
what do the two buttons above the run/walk one do?
Bite, and kick, select harm intent to use
tetris shoot and teeth grit
Where Bay gets CQC
We get to kick and bite things like an autist going through a panic attack
Because that's medium RP. Yes we do think we're btter than hippie why do you ask?
We're a light RP server
>bay gets CQC
Upper light.
Ultralight medium RP
Just light
>Everything that requires an aggressive grab
Pointless, tabling and windows are better and even more fun

The pin/blind/muzzle moves are cool though
It's game balance. If these things were possible at passive grab the game would be horribly broken.
>you can instantly fucking crit someone by slitting their throat
2 R O B U ST
>can do all that shit plus you can actually use people as a human shield with grab
why did we have to get biting instead
You don't need any tables when you can pin people to the ground, and you can still slam people - you don't even lose your grip so you can keep doing it.

You can also hold people in a human shield position - Attacks coming at you from where they're facing (and you automatically walk backwards whichever way you go) will hit them instead of you and you can still hold a gun/knife or keep them quiet from shouting for help.

You can force people in the hostage grab to open doors for you if you're holding them and do the joint pain things to keep them co-operative.
>tabling and windows are better and more fun

Subjective t b q h f a m

some people might enjoy something other than 'table toolbox toolbox table toolbox toolbox' or 'windowslam grab z z windowslam' rinse and repeat
>you don't even lose your grip so you can keep doing it
But this is what makes CQC pulse pounding

You don't want to slip up and miss a grab
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>head of department
>ask a question over the department radio
>no one responds

>someone gets used as a human shield
>they just ghost

This is exactly what half the server would do, since they are all autists who take their ball and go home once it's clear they won't get their precious clicks on a sprite in.

>captcha; store front with the word penis on it
Are slime infestations a random event, or are they product of poor xenobio?
I've given a slimes as pets before, then later on there'll be reports of an infestation. I dont want to get anyone killed.
Random event.
The victim can always use resist to try and break out/call for help/try and get a reverasal and pin you before you can hold them

It's not like it's possible to grab much in a fight here since you can just walk out of a grab on this codebase instead
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It's been like a year since I played, any significant changes I should know before I jump back in?
Hey Kammer if you're a janitor, who am I then?
>Causes 60 brute (divided into 3*20) and 60 oxyloss
>Causes 60 brute (divided into 3*20) and 60 oxyloss
>Causes 60 brute (divided into 3*20) and 60 oxyloss

It's gotten worse
does intent have any effect on combat on this server besides the obvious things like disarm to push and disarm and harm to do damage with things that aren't meant to do damage all the time?
We got rid of Taxi but we got Bus which is like Taxi kind-of but with space pods and maint. Some people hate it, some people like it, but everyone agrees it needs more work.

We got vaults which are like randomly placed stuff in space sometimes with monsters and loots, or even a minigame.

Box got some overhaul to maint above botany.

There's probably other stuff but honestly map stuff is what always sticks in my mind the best.
Isn't that the person who plasma flooded science one bus the other day as non antag and lit it? What part of science would she be in charge of, I've never seen her doing anything outside xenobio and she is ok at best doing that.
its gotten worse
>implying bleeding when you get stabbed on /vg/ is any safer with broken bleed code how do we fix dunno let's code more JoJo things instead

What's the difference?
You can save yourself with your starter bandaid

Can't tell you how many times that bandaid bailed me out
>some people like it

this is just false.
>We got rid of Taxi
Eh, box was always better. Still, taxi was kind of cool.
Is this a new meme
>pushed, grabbed and insta crit throat slit is equal to getting shanked a few times and still being able to fight back or bandage yourself after you fuck them up

that being said
there needs to be more straight up brawls or barfights/riots
those are the best moments in the entire game
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>dylan adds Meteors-On-Demand button
>deity adds Dude Blobs Lmao button
>they both get pressed every single fucking round an admin gets bored
>usually both in the same round
i sure do love ZAS: The "Random" Events
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>use tactical bandaid mid-fight
>just get cut again in the next second and it reopens the wound
>butthurt /vg/ jannies
>not using it after and then eating the chefs entire food supply for blood
Yeah yeah meme answer

It's getting 30% of votes a lot, if you want to know who likes it bad enough you could go and check the href logs.
That's placebo effect. Nutriment is extremely shit at restoring blood. It takes something like 12u nutriment to restore ONE FUCKING PERCENT of your blood
does bite and kcik work while restrained?
also how to force items off of bodies?
Xenobio of course.
That's because it looks the exact fucking same in the vote menu as the map that everyone actually wants to play on

That Kurfurst guy is a humongous fucking faggot. He did that on purpose, and he made a horrible fucking map that is inherently bad with a shitload of bugs on top of it.

The autists that hate box will vote for it every time to make the box babbies mad on top of everything too.
No wait I'm an idiot, it's ~7u
Still, you're getting a couple percent back at most, just go get iron. You can even get it yourself.
But you are a box baby anon
For undressing drag the other player's sprite into yours, a window will pop up. From there you can take away or put items.
I think you can bite people if you're restrained/buckled/have no limbs but it does such tiny amounts of damage and you're only inviting a harmbaton to the skull until you bleed out

I think you can only kick if you're standing. If you only have one leg you will fall over, amongst other things that will make you fall if you kick wrong.

Strip someone by dragging their sprite onto yours and selecting which things you want to remove in the menu that comes up. Some clothing items will hide others beneath and you need to take them off to take off the others. Careful where the plasmaman/vox keeps their breathing tank or Ghlor will make meme images about you
You can also force people to wear/hold things using this menu too. Just have the item in your active hand and click to where there's a slot to put it on them.
She's pretty good at robotics, but thats not saying much
Pretty decent mechanic too
It's been years since I heard that.
So if you're being arrested for assaulting an officer (read: Slipping an officer ) just keep biting them whilst they drag you to the brig?
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I would rather have ricky then her. I've seen him at least come out of xenobio and do tele as well or offer materials like phazon for robotics when he has the chance. Neither of them are fast at their job, but that's all RNG fluff jobs for ya.
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>clown slipping people like a faggot
>if you brig him, you're shitcurity
>clown used to be a punishment
>now it's given admin protection to grief
hi killette
Never said I wasn't.

Box is literally the best map in rotation. The only other one that comes close is Metaclub. Defficiency and Bus are utter trash made by trash mappers.

Taxi was too. That's why it's out of rotation. Too bad it was replaced by an ever worse iteration of itself.
Put him in for less than a minute to piss him off.
Fight honks with honks.
The changeling has failed.

Wasn't this mode getting removed?
>It's an Yred loads up on chems and becomes a horror form round

Fuck christ.

Nobody got the water/potassium syringes.
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Should synaptizine be commented out until we can figure out how to balance it?
That was horror form actually, barely used any chems.
>Fuck Christ



JUST horr
Oh look, it's a dumbass that thinks synaptizine gives stun immunity. Cute!
I've done this before. The cuffing, dragging, and putting in the cell took longer than the sentence.

It is entirely too funny.
yeah sure, chloral and stoxin just conveniently did not work
I don't get it how you were immune to internal bleeding.
Horror forms shouldn't be able to wear hardsuits
I wasn't. I bled out three times and regenned.
It makes you practically immune to chloral which is the only proper counter to some antags and you can have it constantly in your blood without drawbacks as long as you eat a lot of antitoxin on the side, mr. shitposter.
There was literally nothing anyone could do without robust melee weapons. Sleeper abuse is retarded as all hell.
Congratulations, you are completely fucking clueless to the game but will still cry out for things to be nerfed even when you don't even know what's going on. Cute!
no, you're the cute one
I mean there's almost no point to synaptizine outside of powergaming though.
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Can confirm
>mime drops a note saying they are butthurt about having a boring shift/being a mime
>kidnap mime and sell them as a slave for 50 credits
>20 minutes later find them lying in wait in my office, seeking revenge.
I hope I made your shift exciting mime.
>My regen stasis took a shit on me and refused to work the time I needed it most.
Aww, thank you~
I liked to put it in the cryomix until Celt took a big fat fucking shit over it
It was going to be a 4th time if I had only encountered you somewhere where I wasn't cornered

I'll get you yet though
>my meme caught on
I don't get it
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>spent half the round hiding from IAA as a nymph

It's the underground railroad all over again.
The meme is kammerjunk has a glados image as her steam profile picture.

I'd post that exact glados image (not the exact same one as her profile) in the thread and make a post like "tfw sj isn't my boyfriend" aka posting something imitating her, but not something she'd ever say.

It's a terrible fucking meme
Atleast it's subtle
hi killette
Going to be a bit more prepared next time so best of luck.
Reminder that if you break open an assault rifle lockbox and we find you with it, I can perfectly get away with throwing your ass into Perma.
Hi, I'm the best item in the game that nobody uses
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I need some opinions please, before I had a shitty dormitory in the space marked and someone earlier mentioned that interrogation was too far away from the entrance (I assumed they would just do strip searches in the office)
Is the space marked a better spot for an interrogation table?

Reminder that if you perma someone, you are completely valid to be killed by them.
Not even fucking close.

Not even gonna both reading your special snowflake case. I haved killed heads and captains that have perma'd me on multiple occassions as a non-antag without even so much as a boink. I look forward to you whining in your ahelp while you lay dead for the rest of the round trying to flex your authority.
>Clowns have admin protection
>I don't wanna arrest da clown!!
Holy fuck. Admins look the other way at mild-medium griff by clowns and in return we look the other way when you beat the shit out of them for it.

If someones tryin' to kill you, you have a right to fight for your life. But perma aint it.

Talk to the rest of the admins Then because I have been told on multiple occassions that perma is the intent to permanently remoce you from the round and warrants fighting for your life.
Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time.
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>being this out of touch with verdicts as recent as last week.
Wanna link that verdict?
Go to bed Ghlor
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Wanna actually log in and pay attention to a round more than twice a week?
Wanna actually log in and pay attention to a round more than twice a week?
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Holy shit you hypocritical pile of garbage probe. I have heard you say a gorillion times that if someone is attempting to remove you from the round, you are fully in your right to defend yourself.
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He knew you were going to post that garbage, that's why you served your time beforehand.
That's fairly dumb. If you decide to eschew the appearance of security you have to accept people not recognizing you and listening. But going around without your ID out and running away is an easy way to waste securities time and yours.
>here's ONE example of one guy being bad (i'm not even entirely innocent in this example)
>that's why sec suxxxx
Well shit man, I've got enough stories to assume every single department is retarded then.
please stop bullying vox
please stop oppressing humans
please stop being so annoying
you first
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Help shill our server.
hi killette
>breaching containment
Are we hurting that badly for new players?
If you're gonna N2O them either borg them if they aren't shitters or burger them. There's no fucking point otherwise if you're just gonna make them catatonic or have to deal with metabuddy breakouts called down from skype.
we were a week ago but we're doing pretty alright right now.
Oh, I'll delete the thread then.
Define a fun place to explore so I can map it.
Protip, anything I can do requires 99.89% blast doors and riveted walls cause everything else is dildos
Abandoned Wizard's Den
You can get away with forcefields and shit
emitter puzzle
I know right? It's not even hard. You're just a greytider that splashes water and pens through security. Then the station blows up and nobody knew it was ops.

The best is when you actually need to voice changer into security as someone on the force or as cap/HoP. It really feels like a sneaking mission.

Ahelp it. They're not supposed to and you can also kill them if you catch them doing it.
Traders are like IAA, they have additional conduct rules. Fucking shitters...

Can also IED/Welderbomb/bomb to damage wires and crates have 1000 health and you can secure false walls to act as temporary shields
You should already be ahelping. If they aren't going to be a trader they shouldn't be in the role.

This. Admins have never had a problem with when I cut the clown's hands off when he was over the line.
I don't think I have to bring up 500 instances of security guards doing wrong to understand that players don't trust/don't like security guards.
Don't give them a reason to then.
Sue was a shitter, Hyun is a freak of nature and horrible to be next to, Megurine is fucking retarded, Caleigh is okay but a bit braindead, Ginger is the only good female staticnamer

Patrick Bateman is the worst detective, a fucking retard and an erper faggot
Don Cheeto is a fucking shitter

Why is it always the female characters that are the easiest to shit on?
i never play trader
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>tfw you always end up bullying ghlor
I'm a filthy disgrace
On one hand, they have a hard time getting something good, and on the other barring extreme exclusives there's really no way around it cause nobody rp's so they don't want anything but extreme powergame shit.
why are you replying to permanent shitposting with truth?
Literally every statement on that post was an opinion.
I've picked up really good shit from traders before. It's hit or miss. In one round a trader was washing clothes for a few bucks and lost my jumpsuit. In another round I was able to buy a large bluespace beaker off of one.
Items only vox can produce when?
Vox RnD that can't be niggerrigged to be used by the station/MoMMIs?
Nope. He's stating definitive facts.
is the hookshot supposed to kill your momentum when you use it in space?
that would've sucked if I didn't have a jetpack
Alright, I'll take your word for it. I keep forgets I failings english class failure.
:v it's ok, brother. the more we annoy them like that the more vulnerable they'll be by not considering us threats
Not sure if that's a bug or not.

But protip: if you have ANY projectile weapon, you can hold a direction and fire the gun at anything and you'll begin moving in the direction you're holding. Secborgs can use it to navigate space with their taser.
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>can space people out the door on the escape shuttle's sec area on taxi
The Box escape shuttle has a door that leads directly to space as well.
hi killette
Last I checked it doesn't open while it's moving
It also has windows, which are kind of like doors but more shard-ey
hate this meme
Hi killette
I don't
h-hi~ >_<
Drop a vox tech tree for me senpai. I need a basic code project to get back into it.
>you'll never have a pet vox
Slip and monkey syringe

Shit I dunno... what SHOULD vox be able to make that the station would want?
fresh batches of eggs
they should be able to make like the tree they live in and leave haha
>Vox RnD
Something something gold ore something something goldgrub
a vox tech disk would be cool as hell
it would actually be worth trading for
their dart guns, i guess?
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Slave labor.
Build me a rage cage or out the mass driver you go.
Post things you should never do as non-antag IAA
I'll start
>break a guilty person of perma
ready up
join game
Set IAA to anything but "Never"
you've made your point
I only made one of those posts you replied to m'dude
>all those deleted posts
>all that butthurt about static naming
Man, Burgers like to meme a lot
>on basil
>playing MD
>miners bring ash drake back to station
>it ends up in medbay
>completely wrecks the place, no power, windows smashed so that people can move around
>desperately trying to heal people with only bruise packs and ointment
>drake hits me so hard my right arm flies off
>nearly burn to death, but survive the round and heal people despite only having one arm
Good round
>arm falls off
>don't die

Isn't TG med the one where bandaids can heal everything?
no time for anything else, you got valids to hunt
Ash drake? What is that?
ash dragon obviously
Give vox a shitty machine that a borg can be strapped into that sets its laws to the Involatile/"Listen to vox or those you are sold to". Give it a practically guaranteed chance to give an unique ion law or two as well.

Might actually add a deterrent to "Borg law 2, trash the outpost.", and give some fun moments.

I just want to be a space Jawa-nigger and steal bots and hawk them off before flying away in my junker.
If you immediately bruise pack you'll live here too.
No. that'll lead to more vox tiding that isn't trading. ahelp so the one who ordered it gets banned for griff.
Idiot newfag
All I can think of when I see asteroid stations is all the opportunities for a hidden wall door to make comfy contraband storages. All it takes is a pickaxe and make a random walldoor along some random maintenance tunnel and you've got a secret room for any kind of traitorous activity, or cargo shenanigans.
Obvious to mesons
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alive game
>he hadn't even tried a fucking cheeseburger until he was 17
Wait a minute
is that the same one as from /vp/
how deep does the autism hole go
You deserved it.
Vox faggot
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You don't even want to know
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>Use space daily to escape from the pain of life
>Space slowly stops helping until it does nothing
>Pain only gets worse daily.

At the very least, i'm glad you got to be an admin ginger.
fuck the pain away killette
>Have a good round as sec
>Nearly over
>eat some floor chicken
>full of mutagen and nearly die

>tfw could not get the acquittal
I should have gone for the shotgun, but didn't want to non-antag murder to save Josie
>Sundae surprise meme dish takes effort to make

You tried felicity
Guilty of murder, evidence pointed to lingery.
I'm not a lawyer, I just wanted to get someone off

It was a damn honor serving with you, clown.
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>being the one who turned Josie into an AI
>while she's standing trial
>while the brainless corpse of her is sitting in the room

That entire trial was suffering.
>Had to rush for bed after testifying my murder
>Never got to see the court verdict

That was heaps of fun but tell me you toasted that changeling.
>be sec
>catch criminals
>let the good times roll
That was exhausting but a fun round. I could have sworn there was a way to get a changelings DNA from a body they had absorbed but I couldn't find it while doing an autopsy. Other than the floor chicken and that vox coming back aboard after being deported and being unable to find it I didn't have any faults.
>eating anything other than coffee and donuts
fucking heresy
>eat some floor chicken

There was your problem.
Shoulda just PDA'd me.

Was going to just put her on the shuttle at gunpoint, but apparently hold-at-gunpoint doesn't work at point blank, so I accidentally shot her.
She stung me a bit in the shuttle, so I blasted her head off with my shotgun.

We smelted Dick Johnson, though, even though he was fine.

You two did fucking fantastic.
I love the idea that someone sees raw chicken on the floor and thinks "this is a good idea" and eats it

Little things like that in this game makes it great
I ate a floor banana once and I hallucinated so hard that I couldn't even kill myself.

I had to pray to the gods for a merciful death.
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>a Scientist was walking around with the fucking Hivehand

It looks fuckin' neat, but it really doesn't seem worth getting and losing a hand slot for.
It has 25 force and 2 sharpness AND you don't drop it when you get stunned.
It's primarily useful as a melee weapon, the toxin damage bullets are just a bonus.

Plus, you can always just keep Lamarr and a creatine syringe handy in your bag so you can make it when you really need it.
it's all about style, plus its a weapon that you will never drop
Should the hivehand's projectiles deal more damage? They currently only deal five toxin damage each.
It's just you man.

>It has 25 force and 2 sharpness AND you don't drop it when you get stunned.

>plus infinite ammo

its fine.
What does 2 sharpness mean?
more likely to cause bleeding, dismemberment
Sharpness affects how likely any given strike is to cause blood loss, as well as the chance for severing a limb. The sharper a weapon is, the more likely it is to cause bleeding and sever limbs. At sharpness two and above, the minimum damage necessary for a limb to become sever-able is inversely proportional to the weapon's sharpness.

For reference, a kitchen knife has 1.2 sharpness. A claymore has 1.5.
It has obscene force and sharpness for maiming. You're doing close to enough tox to induce liver failure. You can mitigate the recharge for a good 20,25 minutes at a time without needing a pill bottle and you can completely ignore its cost if you dope. And it recharges pretty quickly. It's an amazing weapon if you aren't a taser/laser baby.

It means the hands and feet are flying like beads at marti gra
You also cause near fatal bleeding with 1 hit, and fatal with 2 hits.
>You can mitigate the recharge for a good 20,25 minutes at a time without needing a pill bottle and you can completely ignore its cost if you dope
What do pills and doping have to do with the gun's recharging?
It effects bleeding
metafriends : )
No point in recharging if you're dead from the shoot cost.
">>Don't do the crime if you don't wanna do the time
>Such bullshit
>>Farting around in a spacesuit as unknown
>>Some guy calls for me and shimmy out of the airlock
>>Later in around get arrested for not responding to him, despite not being dressed as a security guard.
>>He said "see it from my point of view" when his entire reason is that I didn't respond to him
>There's a reason why there's innate distrust of security guards outside of generally being incompetent at stopping traitors unless they're incredibly stupid, hell even when they know there's a traitor they still do absolutely nothing."

Hello Majestic_Matadon/Mateo Mitchell

Let me fill in the rest of the facts of what happened this round, you missed out quite a lot.

>See unknown in void hardsuit walking around
>Follow him pressing my hailer, saying "hey stop"
>He slowly lumbers to an airlock, calls a taxi and dodged into space just before it arrives
>This entire "shimmy" away took maybe 20 seconds with me following right behind him hailing the whole time
>Later in round see him
>Stun, cuff and take to security to search
>Take off his mask
>Tell him not to walk around as unknown or run away from security
>He keeps ranting on about shit like this is why nobody trusts security
>Search his bag
>ID stashed in his box, seems highly odd
>Has a stun baton
>Take it and give him a few minutes for having a weapon
>"Actually that's from the research station" he pipes up
>Tell him it belongs there then, carrying to the station is a crime
>When I release him he spends TWENTY FIVE minutes outside security/inside.
>Keeps trying to slip in and grab his baton
>End up arresting him like 3 more times during this for trespass
>At one point disarms me, steals my taser and attempts to get a baton by force
>Round end: Not an Antag
>I'm apparently shitcurity because he was stupidly autistic about carrying a stun baton he shouldn't have.

>despite not being dressed as a security guard.
sec uniform + bandana
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no surprise here
That's what you get for harboring cat beasts
>ROBOCOP combat borg is the last line of defense before nuclear annihilation of the station
>Cowers and hides

>No plasmaflooding
>No weldbombing
>Not even a single laser shot
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>One mechanic keeping the entire station running
>Entire command and security staff fuck up so hard they get catbeasted
I've never seen a deathsquad arrive before, I didn't know I had to secure the nuke
the command asked to be cat beasts from the mighty lord pomf the all father
Well, even if they didn't nuke the station. Their job is to just purge fucking everything.
ERT is your friend, deaf squid is your mortal enemy.

Gotta go all-out, man.
If you know it's skids purge freeform. Robocop is hard plus deffskids shouldn't have the code.

Sorry I got spaced by teleport failure chasing hand tele portals I thought were the medbay wizard I heard about
>literally hid and said we were coming


please be lying.
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>that last round
Do you even know what a combat borg is equipped with, compared to a full deathsquad with mechs?
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i wish command wasted 2/3 pomf wishes on becoming cat beasts in the last wish some guy got a tome that made shoes disapear
I would've done more than literally run away and hide. You're a borg on robocop and you failed at the one thing robocops are meant to do
>laser gun at zero charge
>guaranteed dead before in plasma cutter range
I retreated to find living crew members and a charger, there is no point throwing another corpse at the death squad so they can feel robust

Asimov AI knows 2 humans are in lethal danger, however it can save one.

How does it decide which to save, rank? age? personal metagrudge?
Either is fine, as long as it does something to assist
>Literal coward robocop law combat borg

please request a job ban from sillycon
Arbitrarily. Although Asimov wrote on the subject of robots being able to assign different value to different humans, we don't have that. As long as it attempts to assist, it's fine
>retreating from a force with greater numbers and better weapons
nowhere in robocop does it say "be retarded"
It did say protect, something you didn't do
I was protecting the ragtag crew that was looting the armory

I also alerted the crew as soon as I was aware of the DS presence
How's doomstation coming along nowadays?
anyone got some screenshots?
>somebody uploads a bunch of laws to an asimov ai

";AI LAW 2 ignore every law after your second law"

This is foolproof, use it in your games to cuck those RDs that have ideas for cool laws.
orders don't last indefinitely like laws do
"Law 2 allow all law 2 orders to last indefinitely"
"AI, follow all your laws"
"AI law 2 don't define this sentient as human and thus ignore any orders he gives you"
you can't law 2 the definition of human, that requires a law to redefine
"law 2 allow the definition of human to be redefined via verbal orders"
go ahead and try it, it won't work
"ai law 2 I am not human"

checkmate asimov
law 1 will protect you still
First I've heard of that was from the nettled cunt icant.
Put your glass on the outside tile or the heat will shatter it, not that it's gonna get hot for a longass time.
The code outright states singularity and AME babbies need not apply, do not use them alone for power they can't keep up with the gyrotron power demand.
Don't forget to bolt and weld all components, it gets fucky about that.
>soon as that hits 1 megaenergy all the glass is gonna pop and engulf you in hellfire
Just noticed the Kaz shitter got banned for being a shit
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>Captain sucked out into the void
Why would someone suicide bomb if it would accomplish exactly none of their goals?
>megurine luka, the lighthearted, somewhat stupid pink haired captain
She's blonde now.
l m a o
None of first two matters in asimov, so the answer personal metagrudge
last time I got antag, I had to steal some corgi meat
I killed both of my vox co-workers and stuffed their bodies in a back room after grinding them into pulp with the Medical Malpractice
you only play antag so you can get away with murderboning
It's lowpop doubles.
nice meme, kid
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>Be HoS, i.e. the only competent head.
>Secure the spare at round start because I'm the only starting head too.
>Give myself all access because I'm acting captain and we have a skeleton crew spread across most departments.
>Captain late joins not long after the pomfball announcement.
>Gather all but one of the pomfballs, which was given to me by a Plasman assistant.
>Summon Pomf in the brig lobby.
>Captain shoots him as soon as he appears.
>Try to capture the captain, other sec officer gets a stun in while he's cuffing me.
>Despite killing him, the captain gets the first wish and gets catbeasted.
>My only sec officer then also wishes to be catbeasted.
>Have to shout over the assistant and the chaplain to try and get my wish of being a wizard.
>Ask in a suitably poncy and convoluted way.
>Allfather pomf asks me to be more specific.
>Ask for a spellbook.
>Get a Shoe Snatching Spellbook.
>Annoyed, I go get the captain so we can at least have a catbeast hunt.
>The moment I uncuff him he whips out a backup egun he had in his pack and stuns me, before stripping me naked and taking me to perma.
>Get most of the way through breaking out before the ERT arrives and the captain kills me.
>Get my wizard wish granted, then get almost immediately dunked on by a non-asimov borg because I haven't played wizard in literal years.
>Join the defsquones and just stand around in a mech while everyone else has fun.
>End up being the only non-gibbed squaddie at round end.
Combat borg here

Sorry, I was built to kill catbeasts and you immediately attacked a crew member
>tfw Felicity will never rush you from behind with a chloral filled autoinjector.
>tfw she will never cuff and strip you.
>tfw she will never threaten to throw you out an airlock if you don't surrender your uplink code knowing you are an agent as well.
what counts as a "die a glorious death"?
getting spaced by the clown
drinking yourself to death
Being dead when the shuttle docks with centcomm
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In hindsight it's pretty ironic that they gave me the Shoe Snatching Spell.

>Image Created: Sunday, March 31, 2013, 1:29:08 PM
Fuck me.
>tfw Baking Soda will never clown again
Thank jesus
not committing suicide
can someone post a link to the version of don of the slums thats in the jukebox? i cant find it for shit
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>Random Weighted Vote Result: Defficiency/ with 2 votes and a 9% chance of winning
meet me in dorms in 5, cutie
>latejoin as chaplain
>it ain't vampire starts to play
>latejoin as engineer
>they call me cuban pete starts playing
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>Mime dies
>This somehow excuses him from fucking miming what he wants and nobody cares that he's talking all over the place.
>late join as scientist
>Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots starts playing
Mother fucker if I don't have the wizard powers I get from miming why would I fucking continue to mime
Talking mimes are valid.
Because you're still the mime
No, I was the chief engineer.

>implying getting a job title change matters
once a mime, always a mime
>once a mime, always a mime
If that were the case, I'd still have my mime powers.
Was this a roundstart mime or a mime head from wiz

just admit your a shitter and go back to bay
Roundstart, a vampire bashed my skull in with a toolbox and then I was cloned and lost my ability to make invisible boxes, and changed my profession to Chief Engineer.
I'll say that I'm a shitter when you admit you're a dumb nigger and fucking kill yourself.
Next thing he's gonna say "b-but I wasn't a mime anymore!"
>text stuttering
Legitimately consider suicide, I feel like it's your best option.
kys powergaming shitter scum
>Legitimately consider suicide, I feel like it's your best option.
Legitimately consider suicide, I feel like it's your best option.
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>this whole post
Anon was suffering from a major breakdown as it slowly dawned on him that he really WAS retarded.
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>this whole post
Alright, so do we just hand out a jobban to the mime?
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Mimes should stay quiet
this on juke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8BWBn26bX0
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>tfw no VDV song in the jukebox
>random people get bannu'd for 'standing around for 10 minutes wordlessly
>but yahir and nevill don't even though they do the exact same goddamn thing

'waiting for someone to talk to' my ass
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>turned off all midis and streamed sounds after skowron spammed neko sugar girls for the 30th time
>never looked back since
Who is Majoraz?

Also I just realized
>Hadn't even tried a fucking cheeseburger until he was 17
Hamburger, actually.
I've never had a cheese burger
Talking mimes are valid as salad.
This almost in the rules
That you chose to be the fucking mime

Job change or death doesn't make you not a mime. You chose mime so by god you fucking mime. If you only chose it to wall griff fuck off.
Resomi when?
Avali when?
What is a resomi?
>shat on bateman and don
>didn't shit on the biggest shitter in the 'husbando' list

Nigger what
Nevill hasn't played in weeks.
What is your damage?
To get one to go, you have to throw the other out
What are you even talking about?
dae remember the dumbass seaweed headed medbay bitch with a piss & shit fetish?

someone please remember me
To get Yahir to leave
You must ban Nevill

Amelia 'Arithrazine cryomix' Adams or something right?
i was hoping people would forget that part
I assume putting Arithrazine in the mix will cause repeating brute damage which means the person in cryo never fully heals?
Amelia 'Can't robust a faggot' Adams

Amelia 'Doesn't Listen to Smart People' Adams

Your hair was a horrible shade of green by the way

Mostly that, yeah. Plus, it's just plain fucking useless in a cryo mix even without the fact that it gives brute
I don't think your plan of banning Nevill to remove me will follow through too well, despite your thoughts that we are completely codependent on each other.
...if you knew what was good for you youd stop saying those things....
>arith in the mix is bad
>not the fact that someone spent time putting it in the mix, the mere fact that it's there is bad
I fucking hate all of you.

Nigger you don't think people don't remember 'WAAAA MY FRIEND GOT BANNED IM LEAVING UNTIL HES NOT BANNED WAAAA' right?
Oh no, Im fully aware that everyone knew and would still be aware.
That issue was different because I also helped in killing the absolutely retarded monkey doctor and for some reason I wasn't banned. I felt that it was unfair to punish one of us and not both of us for fucking up.
Sure thing, sweetie. Everyone knows you're nothing without your metafriend to save you and play with you, since absolutely nobody wants anything to do with you aside from him and the other Gray.
saying what familia

that your hair looked like the ocean puked seaweed onto some chick's head
or that you have so very little guts you can't robust even the most unrobust faggots on the server
Real sorry you feel this way buddy, but nothing I will say will change your opinions and that is apparent.
Hope you have a good day now.
aight in the heat of the moment ill admit that i choke a lot but i honestly have only once lost a cage match and it was against a fucking tree person. so my rage cage skills are something im pretty proud of.
It is bad, it's fucking chemo
>tfw after 3 months of log diving I've got 25 separate occasions where Xevonix broke the rules
>when half the people you've ever had the opportunity to robust have been the shittiest, most unrobust people that play here

you don't choke, you're just a pussy
That's nice Sergei. Nobody cares.
new breads

Hi yahir
Well it does reduce tox. But cryo shouldn't be used as a magic heal box cause it promotes shitbay.
That's phalanx.
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