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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #258

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 806
Thread images: 129

Placebo queen edition

>Events coming up:
Scenario event (Miscolored memories)
Balance patch
Defend order
Tales of Asteria x Granblue fantasy Soon ™

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info

>Japanese Wiki

Previous thread: >>143800104
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Do we have a bottom view for this?
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>Placebo queen edition
Die a thousand deaths
We are all friends here! Let us learn to accept one another!
I'm a Virasexual.
I'm gonna ticket Amira. H demongod skill is still affected by light summon, right?

It only give additional dark attribute, not completely change to different attribute?
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Revive a 1001 times o cute one.
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Would you?
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>idolshitbait in the op
rip another thread
Anyone have the link to the event boss/special boss music, I can't find it
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Fuck off, swordbuggy16.
This is not your hugbox.
No i hate birds.
Remember to post cute girls and cute idols.

Cute girls scare faggots like this guy away.
It's idolfags trolling now
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Djeeta would wreck her
Do you know what "trolling" even means?
Is reddit down?
Is GAF down?
Do you know what falseflag or damage control is?
Just ignore the retard that thinks he needs to let out his inner sperglord and shitpost about idols all day. The thread will be a million times better that way.
How do I get the djeeta rabbit costume?

What does the yellow +number on a summon or weapon signify?
Hey, I'm not a idol hater. The fags who claims to be hardly truly are anyway
Friendly reminder that uzuki x rin is canon in granblue
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>Djeeta rabbit costume
In order to move a +1 bonus to another item do I do a reset bonus or just upgrade an item using the +1d item.
Reset bonus
>be me, a (You) member
>great leader Teasel promotes a friendly, casual environment where we don't have to break our backs over GW
>get carried in all of my raids by the resident lightfags led by Holo "Chevalier's Right Hand Man" 13
>Sani raising guild morale with free nudes
>peace and quiet in guild chat by intentionally keeping more than half the guild filled with inactive lowbies
Why aren't you in (You) yet?
I don't know why I asked here. Since I don't even trust any answers. Sorry for wasting your time.
It's a job, anon. Sage, Tier 4 job for Bishop.
It's a long grind to get one, and if you're asking you're nowhere close to be able to.
There are some guides on how to get them though, check them.
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I am not okay with this yuri pairing.
It's not a "costume" exactly, it's the outfit for a class. Probably the hardest class to unlock. Good luck.
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Medusa is my cute tsundere princess!
Does Amira loses light attribute when she uses her third skill?
whats a reset bonus
Yes definitely.
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>try to find my own magnas
>chevs everywhere
>need to kill chev for the little balls with wings thing
>no chevs
>free nudes
where do I sign up?
Do you even play the game?
My bad. I thought it was something I had to buy like the idol costume.
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I'm going to marry uzuki!
How do you link the Tales account?
You wait for the collab.
The fags who claims to be idolfags*

Needs to fix desu neeyah
You don't until the collab happens.
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literally perfect
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TriadPrimus recruitment form. Reminder to not apply if you are an idol hating faggot or just looking to get out of (You). We will start up if we get at least 20 qualifying members, so don't leave your current guilds right away.

Thanks homie
I am more of a LL fan sorry.
Does she desuwa, ara ara, pls tell me more anon.
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>provide proof you're an idolfag
>all just SS stuff
Now I'm sad
my heart cannot take this
I didn'ttake this seriously until I saw you asking for proof of idol autism.
Memes have gone too far
LL is fine too. Just provide some proofs you are an actual idolfag.
>idol autism
I play CG not SS, can I join?
>no defence of the idols in the list
Its shit.
You can upgrade using the +1 item, or you can reset the bonus if you want to keep the item and only move the +1.
Yes, just show that you actually play/played CG. ML is welcome too.
>implying you're not a circlejerk idolfag wannabe
You're as bad as everyone else
And on that fay I realized the idol guild was just a nice fantasy that's in for failure.
My surprise ticket I bought expires June 6, does the surprise ticket banner stay for me particularly til june 6?
Proofs is a real word, SEAfag.
nerd did you even understand what he was saying
>you must be a literal trash weeaboo with idol merchandise or an autist that plays idol rhythm games to join
but why? there are plenty of people that like idols that don't like spending money on foreign merchandise or playing rhythm games.
GW bets ?
Because he's trying to keep idiots like you away from it.
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His e-penis "proofs"
>you need to suck my dick everyday
>there are plenty of people that like idols that don't like spending money on foreign merchandise or playing rhythm games
I'm sure they have some way of showing they actually participate in the culture of idolshit other than just "durr I like idols!!".
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>the culture of idolshit
By downloading every rip of the CDs and BDs? Why spend money when there are cheaper alternatives?
This Idol Guild is just a dream.
There are 17 swordbuggy for you to scare IIRC! Are you sure?
here i thought maybe i'd join a new guild but memes
Can I use my idol image folder ordered by blood type as proof?
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>culture of idolshit
>being this salty because you can't join
There are plenty of other guilds like (You) , NFC, Atelier, moe bros
Will the current idolfag guild finally have a rival?
>Atelier tossed in with the shit tier guilds
How good would fire be if they hadn't nerfed backwater? Wind/light tier, or simply better than what they are now tier?
That could also be proof too. There are rips everywhere and a bunch of poorfags afterall.
>By downloading every rip of the CDs and BDs
is 69gb supposed to be a lot
>Last edited: 3 years and 5 months and 10 days
SEAfag pls.
Yes, for music. That's a lot of fucking music.
If people are too poor to afford buying merchandise and CD's, it's safe to assume that they're too poor to afford a lot of harddrive space to dedicate to idols even though it's extremely cheap these days.
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You guys are a joke.

found the problem
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>no good headphones/speakers
sorry senpai
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not really, specially considering it's flac
Don't forget to use your betting tickets since it ends in three hours.
>Its in BR
>pokerbot doubled my chips in less than an hour
I didn't realize I was this bad...
I should have never opened that.
That better all be 120kbs. 320kbs is a waste of space, data and doesn't do anything.
LoVA characters on GBF when?
>download some shit
>we are Xfags now
I wish it was a joke, but I know it very well. I hate the faggots from /g/, and the c/a/sual kids they raised. bad memories
>posting gore on a SFW Board
Probably soon since they had a collab with gbf.
It's not br though.
It's spanish. Don't some SEAshits speak spanish? Is that what it is?
>miércoles or god know what
The Philippines are the Mexico of Asia.
So I heard you guys play GBF but i see no discussion about it whatsoever, what gives?
Wait a few hours and we'll get the rank 50s arguing about who belongs in HL.
We already past that low ranker.
>call it br
amerifats were a mistake
We're /cig/ - Casual Idolfag General now
Share the pokerbot.
Insider anon here, SWN is going to be todays winner.
stupid SEA nigger
So what are the best class choices if I wanna be a dark faggot
>tfw want to join but feel like a dick if I abandon my already struggling guild
Dark Fencer
The game isn't even about idols but they keep forcing it :^)
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This game wouldn't exist without idols.
Anon there are in-universe idols and several idol collabs.
>/gbfg/ is the little, edgy girl who does nothing but copy others
Light Wall Builder
All I've learned from this picture is I'm apparently a qt Erun girl
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Is my homotoilet HL ready?
Same. What do, senpai?
This game needs more short hair SSR waifus desu
>EOPs - cute, inquisitive girls that want to talk about the game
>/gbfg/ - bitter, anti-social autists that only know how to follow flowcharts and footsteps mindlessly while name-dropping and complaining about Discord/IRC

Good image.
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So I'm like rank 42 and I'm still not sure what I'm doing. I've got Hawkeye unlocked as a job class and three SSR weapons though! And my entire party has at least one level limit break on each member, if not two!

Erica Fontaine is my waifu and none of you guys can stop me from trying to max her.
>short hair
you mean husbandos senpai
Ask the IRC. Why do you think anyone here can give you good advice about HL?
You should probably reroll
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Go play side-m then fgt
>that want to talk about the game
Begging for answers to questions that have been answered in the guides for years is not "talking about the game", anon.
Superstar until you can unlock Sage.
uh whatever nigga
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>stats on gw dagger aren't maxed
Where is your cuteboi?
I'll need to farm myself a harp first
Now that's what I'm talking about!
if I'd had enough advance notice on the sakura wars event I probably would have taken the time to do so desu.
It's more talking about the game than whatever it is /gbfg/ does.
Doesn't matter.
>I'll need to farm myself a harp first
Gee anon I wonder what would have helped you get a harp.
>Now that's what I'm talking about!
Oh so you were just shitposting the whole time. Okay.
Discussing whether a language is Spanish or Portuguese and dumping Fairy Tail chapters is much more relevant to GBF, in my honest opinion.
Complain about idols?
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>the whole game wouldn't exists without /@/
But that's wrong you fucking retaded.

I gonna let /sfg/ and the other generals know about this collabs thing!
>actually going so far as to get this hunk of shit

Idols dipshit. Not /@/.
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I imagine this is the case with a lot of people, which is why I suggested not to actually leave any guilds until I'm sure we can actually get this going.
>all idols means /@/
Swordbuggy16 fuck off for once.
Why do you keep this baiting up?
Enjoy never MVPing baha HL then.
When is this cutie going to be added in a GBF collab?
I prefer the shitposting in /gbfg/ than the thread being spoonfeeding retards who can't even read.
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Wow rude.
When will Nana voice a (playable) character?

She's guaranteed to make Cyjew even more money than they already need/have
>138 items left
I just want to sleep.
Not soon enough.
Nah I mean even if you do I'd be in a moral quandry. NoFlip is awful but the DJs accepted me when everyone else was too full and I needed to play the Slayers collab, and I feel like I should be more loyal to the idea of the neo-DJs. I dunno man, I'd just have to sort it out.
Can I join if I'm an idolfag but not yet 80? It shouldn't take too long to get to 80 and I'll ganbarimasu as hard as I can.
I'm waiting for a Hayami character personally. Both seem like a matter of time though.
I get the feeling your doubting my seriousness.
Nana will be one of the zodiac characters most likely
Is there no way to get the Ti Icniuhtli Xolotl summon now?
I'm sorry anon, but your weapon will be #137
I cannot believe I missed that. Was this before the english patch?
>Can I get Anira?

Only question I don't know the answer too on that list
Suck shit, EOP.
>there will never be a TWGOK collab with playable Haqua
Life is misery.
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>Ti Icniuhtli Xolotl
What did they mean by this?
Man, Swordbuggy13
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I blame you if this happens.

Even if it's the logical thing for them to do when it comes to using Nana's popularity to their fullest advantage for max yen gains
Yes. It's translated now though. Too bad I don't run fire or I could use Lina. I do run Water but I have so many good units to use Naga doesn't really have a place. Maybe on an SR team with Rin and Vane/Bane-chan.

Not currently. Maybe if it's rerun.

According to the story translation it means "We are Xolotl's friend!" It's actually very important.
How broken would an entriee raid of fire guitar men + idorus be
>Rerun of a event that happened like two months ago

Have fun waiting a year or two!

You can.

Once the Year of the Goat comes back again, see you in 2027.
fuck. That's two collabs I want rerun eventually.
I'm going to die from the wait anon why would you say that to spite me like this?
You faggots puke the most weird collabs.
Your own fault for not starting earlier.

The game will be dead by then
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I'm kind of in a similar situation with my current guild, but I feel like right now is a good time to move on. They have their core members without me and new promising members that are working hard and catching up quickly. I'm sure they can fill my spot more than well enough.
If you are close to the range feel more than free to apply! We will be about having fun and ganbarimasu after all.
They don't even rerun scenario events anymore
I don't need to wait, I have mine. Plan to get that Diantha CD too. Diantha is love.

Idols and what?
Its the truth though. It took them like over a year to rerun the Aliza event so come back next year or something.
Persona collab when?
I want a Izanagi +60% light summon
I must hone what I have for now, then. The Sakura Wars girls will have to do until I get better.
What guild are you in?
I would leave mine if other people leave but I don't want to be the only one who leaves.
This works too >>143840808

Buy the Diantha CD if you want playable Diantha
Magatsu Izanagi +60% dark summon?
> Izanagi summon
I-I actually want this now
And I want you to kill yourself but we don't get everything we want do we?
Well, I guess I'll slot in an application then. I'm sure they can find someone to put in my place since I'm not really critical to them as far as I know. I am also just under rank 80 at 74.
Just get some/another chat and be done with it. This time use discord, scumbag boyas.
How will we be contacted if we're chosen to be in the idol guild?
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Sorry anon, but I don't want to out myself until/if the idol guild happens. I'll just say that I'm in one that started around Slayers.
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30 is close to 80 right?
Leg fest......

I've got 12k I'm ready to drop.
I need it.
imagine being this bitter
Legfest is a meme, anon.
Was thinking about going on each person's profile to tell them personally, or put up a pastebin with qualified names, but I don't think some people would like that idea. So maybe a pastebin with parts of your in game names and id.
Legfest is a lie
I like persona, doesn't mean I want it as a collab.
Or you could be smart about it and add a CONTACT INFO field to the form.
You can just send them an invite to the guild.
You can receive invites even if you're in a guild
Everything is a meme at this point, so much so that nothing is a meme.
Even this sentence and the self-awareness are memes.

I'd take summerfest as well.
>real contact info

Not him but that's a quick way to scare people off. Personally I would be really hard pressed to give my personal info to some dipshit on the internet.
He needs to get more **work** and replies goys!
Did you not read the shitflinging when people saw that proof of being an idolfag was requested?

If contact info, even not required, was asked for, people in the thread would flip their shit for days about it.
Summer legfest when?
I know you guys might be retarded but things like throwaway gmail addresses or making emails for internet shit exist.
I feel like a lot of people wouldn't like the idea of me having their contact info. Or they could just make emails just for this I guess.
I was thinking of this too, but wasn't sure if it worked it they were already in a guild.
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Looks fine to me senpai
Yes but that doesn't stop retards from being retards about things like that even though there are easy ways to do it.

That's the entire point. It doesn't matter if it's easy or hard to do or if there are simple ways to make it work, people in here are against everything.

>I know you guys might be retarded
Oh the irony.
NSE or NES seem likely to win. What do you guys think?
Someone please host some Bahas for the love of god.
>I want to fill this long application to get into a new guild
>But I don't want to be contacted

Do you people read the shit you post?
>you have to be a literal autist otaku tier idolfag to even have a chance to get in the guild
>the leader is hitler with other requirements
>you have to him your REAL contact information
>no fun allowed
Why is this guild allowed to exist? Fucking EOPs.
You should expect W 2nd place
Do you think I'm one of the people that refuse to post contact info? I'm saying it's retarded but that's how most of the thread functions. I'm not saying it's right.

Please learn to read.
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What's the additional effect of the ougi mean?
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>>you have to be a literal autist otaku tier idolfag
No, you don't. You just need to be a circlejerk retarded aka cancer. How new are you?
You gain Death's Grace.
>rank 80 and 10mill contrib per GW is hitler
Rank >80 shitter mad as fuck here.
let's talk about more important things like why does djeanne's sword sound like a fucking lightsaber
Why does uncapping balls and books description says that you can get those on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I played some special mission right now and got them too.
Don't you mean Rank <80 shitter? Rank >80 would mean they're higher than the minimum requirements.
I don't doubt that.

Do you how much the places changed in last six hours from previous GW?
It's a status effect that converts stuff like Poison into healing you instead, I think you can get it from the Lich summon as well. It's mostly useless since I never really come across that kind of thing often but maybe it could be useful somewhere.

It's pretty cool.
Right, right. Fucked that up didn't I?
Man, I just ticketed her and that surprised me so much. Almost made me regret my decision, but then I heard her laugh and knew I made the right choice.
Those missions are the "main" way to get them, but they can drop elsewhere and they often have better ways to get them than the dailies.
We all make mistakes.
What's wrong with having requirements?
Do people here just like to dick around and not get anywhere?
Since when has MUH ATMOSPHERE ever been better than collectively getting better as a group in any game?
>but then I heard her laugh and knew I made the right choice

Good man.
Just like how the idol guild was a mistake.
That's gay as fuck.
What's this from?
Dark Jeanne is a miracle of the universe.
Is there a guild for new players?
Thats Djeanne laugh when you use Eternal chaos
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No. The 30 member cap is really harsh for new player guilds.
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That's how I felt when I ticketed Vira.
(You) and Lum2
>Eternal Chaos

Explains why I hadn't heard it, haven't figured out a situation where I needed that yet.
It's pretty great having both on a team, it sounds like they're having so much fun.
Her lines are the best when she's on the same team as Katarina.
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Ironically enough, it's actually Chevalier's personality coming out when she's like that. Vira actually hates fighting and killing.
When vira finally beds katalina it will be epic
Idol guild. It is for the most casual players.
Thanks, swordbuggy.
Rowain has more of a chance than her
Why did Jeannu turn into Djeanne anyway?
He has no chance at all so that doesn't count.
because shekels
Post that dorky laugh she does when she's at low health.
>thinks a joke character has a shot
Vira x Kat is the end game it always was
She got possessed by the debil
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>Vira X Kat is the end game
>Not Kat X Tokage
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She got sick burn from the Church.
She got blacked by the demon from the fujo knights event and then tried to sell Lyria, Gran and Vii's soul to it but failed
Can any rank 80+ lightfags who started light post their pools and how long it took to get there?
Too soon?
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>tfw no SSR chara of your element
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kill urself
How many players will actually join this idolshit guild? Looking like the guild will have like five people at most.
A village burned down and she couldn't save it. She doubts herself and then this demon jackass comes by and says "Hey you know that heavenly voice that's been guiding you? He's a liar and a douche, now here's the 'truth'. The bluehaired girl and the lizard are gonna destroy the world, if you really want to save people you've got to bring them to me to seal away." She wakes up looking all evil and shit. Later she brings you, Lyria, and Vee to the demon and tries to turn them over thinking she's actually helping the world when the demon slips up and lets loose that he just wants their power. You fight him but he pussies out like a bitch and leaves, then Djeanne breaks down in total despair because she lost Jesus, almost killed two innocents personally, and has no idea what to do with her life now. And it literally ends right there, in the cave, with her in despair. No final words getting her to cheer up, no forgiveness, nothing. She just starts crying, the narrator says she's in despair, and it ends. I'm still upset. She just needs a hug.
Tokage is Gransexual, though. It's one big messy love triangle that will never get resolved.
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Biribiri need his 5* upgrade because his skillset is obsolete and hard to compete with the likes of Ferri and Amira.
Probably setting up for a 5* event down the line, though I can't imagine how the hell they'll go about it.
Which color has the most waifus?
>gets solved next scenario event
Buildup has to lead to this
They said that each character is going to have a "Final fate episode" that "finishes" their independent story and sort've gives them a reason to stay with Gran/DJ so they're probably waiting for that.
Jeanne had a hard life.

Protect Jeanne.
Idol guild anon here. Just wanted to say that all the ones that applied so far would qualify.

Also, to the one asking if he'd have to go full autism in Guild Wars, the answer is no. I understand that real life things like work get in the way, but as long as you do your best and get close, that is more than satisfactory. I personally usually get at least 20 million by myself, so I can pick up some slack and others likely would be able to too. Just give your all when possible. The cutoff for qualifiers isn't even 300 million anyways. Just a safety net that I would like to have if it becomes needed.
>gives them a reason to stay with Gran/DJ
Lancelot's 5* actually says he's back with the King, though, doesn't it?
In order:
t. firefag
How's that staff grinding going?
Literally the only part you got right was water.

cmon cygames give water something ;_;
I'd imagine it would be a setup for normal Jeanne's 5*. After all at a certain point they can't both exist at the same time.
They don't constantly hang out on Grancypher. They're just "on call" in most cases. Zeta/Vaza showing up in the Eustace/Skull/Beatrix event is a good example of how it works.
all you'll get are dancing potatoes
He's right about fire tho
I think I know the one you're talking about but I can't find it. Maybe someone else is able to. I think there's plenty of dorky laughs there though.
>Also, to the one asking if he'd have to go full autism in Guild Wars, the answer is no. I understand that real life things like work get in the way, but as long as you do your best and get close, that is more than satisfactory.

Ganbarimasu, then.
>tfw people unironically use 'waifus' for cute girls
So how often do proto bahamut raids show up?
Way more often when it's not the last night of GW that came right after a magnafest.
>idol guild
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Well anything greater than 0 could be considered way more often.
fuck off swordbuggy
Usually around this time you'll get them every 10-15 mins. Obviously that's not the case tonight.
Exactly how long have you been checking?
Do you know what time it is in Japan?
Are you using tweetdeck?
Merci mon amie
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Water has nice girls, it can't be last
Wind doesn't deserve to be on the list.
>Silva and Soshie element
>not the best
I just became 50, I wanted to just know in general.
It's currently 3:40pm in Japan, obiously japs would still be away from home.
I have no fucking clue what that is, though I assume it's something to do with twitter, in which case I definitely have no clue.
List was about quantity, not quality or viability.
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He has criminally low stats too.
His kit is basic as fuck but works good enough, I don't know what would his 5* do for him but I still want it anyway because he's best boy.
>which has most waifus?
>Kat, Silva, Socie
>not last
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Well, they did say quantity, not quality.
I want to marry Sochie!
>dirt so low
>when it has old man
>not using tweetdeck
No wonder you're not seeing any. It's the best way of finding raids.
fuck off
Tweetdeck is cheating, anon.
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Anon, please.
>gotten 2 dupes for her so far
Fucking why?
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lmao 2sochie
2 sochie!
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>tfw her fluffy bags are canon
nice headcanon
Am I missing something. I think i set it to update live but the only way to actually update it by refreshing the page itself.
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Cows make the best waifus
Dirt has the highest quantity of cows
QED, Dirt is the waifu element
Might be an issue with your browser? I've never heard of a problem like that before.
Hmmm, it seemed to have updated when I came back so it's probably just some sort of lag issue
Flip the switch the other way. Trust me, it's stupid, but blue is not "on", grey is.
What tag are you using?
Okay, Eureka.
Rank 95 which is partially bloated from being a coop host slave. Started in February. Sakura Taisen was not kind to me with the drops. Also have an LB1 Chev sword in inventory.
What add-on is that?
Errr, I just typed in "Battle ID"

But no, it seems to be working all fine now. Just a bit weird at first was all.
Blue is definitely on, I had delays with grey.
How do I become swordbuggy17?
Anon please read the guide.
It was the updated version of the Aster-chan addon but the author took it down from the store for tweaking or some shit so I have no idea where else to get it.

Okay then faggot, I was just trying to help. I had the same issue because I thought blue was on and it was on blue by default. I wondered why it wouldn't go by itself and then changed it to grey and it worked for me.

Eh? When I set it to blue the whole thing freezes up. I have never had it run automatically on blue, so help me god.
Archive your copy and up it to pomf.cat
You get taste and standards
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Try specifying what magna you want, the general
参加者募集 didn't work well for me.
I am sorry I angered you friend. I merely thought you were trying to ruse me.
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Play CG.
Using the general one went fine once it started updating itself. I do have problems running two columns though, I tried making one for just Grande and the whole thing shat itself and stopped moving.

There's enough of that shit already in my opinion. Though in fairness, even if that was my intent what would you lose by trying it? 30 seconds of your time?
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Why don't these nips use fucking commas?
Why didn't you?
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>last day of sup tix tommorrow
I can survive this. No ticketing even for cute girls!
Not even trying, really.
How long until new event?
a day after GW ends
fukkin nerds
Lmao lol
Any rule of thumb when placing bets?
Make sure you have betting tickets. Everyone who's made successful bets has had to do this so you know something's gotta be up.
Bet on your gut instinct and don't overthink things.
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- N up 4.2mil
- E up 4.28 mil
- W up 3.8 mil
- S up 3.96

Too close
Assume you're going to get fucked when the rigged teams completely flip positions. It happens every time, and day 5 is absolutely the best time to do this.
You only bet day one.
>not going 5-0
Finally, someone posts the best parfait lover.
Do /gbfg/ guilds use discord? Seriously?
Thanks for the update, Azusa
>has a slow
>in light
He does fine in HL raids.
Oh, dark actually refers to her crispy color?
>settling for mediocrity because "it's hard ;_;"

Glad I'll never be in a guild with any of you fags.
It's free.
Discord is pretty widespread now and while people will refuse to admit that GAF and Xiei's guilds are "/gbfg/", both groups browse and have posted here for a long time.

So yes. Unfortunately.
Which girls have the highest chance of appearing in real life and having sex with me?
What's in the update? More Korwa adjustments?
Why are you trying so hard to force outsider guilds as "/gbfg/"?

Just stop, no one gives a fuck.
Skype's free too. You think /gbfg/ guilds should start using it?
Skype is fucking garbage though. That's like saying "Internet Explorer is free, why are you using any other browser?"
Not a news, but It's like we aren't even on 4chan anymore.
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Discord is fucking garbage too. But let me guess, "it's better than Skype!". How about Raidcall then? Or IRC?

But no, of course not. IRC doesn't have avatars :^)
Objectively better than IRC.
>outsider guilds
Anon are you retarded?
>Discord is fucking garbage too.

Oh, you're memeing. I shouldn't have responded.
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Raidcall died years ago and IRC is meme'd about enough in the threads.

It's almost as if you're not actually from here.
Not him but here's something that isn't a meme: Discord is loved by the facebook fat asian-esques and kids as a whole.
So is oxygen. You gonna stop breathing any time soon? When all the big bad normies decide being alive is the hip new thing you going to kill yourself?
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Oh boy.
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Beatrix will fuck anything.
I would fuck this dog
Oh boy, more doujins. They know exactly what they're doing with her.
Discord is totally out of the place. You would think the same if you wean't a damn FUCKING [2013] newfag.
The first anon was the one that said that he was obsolete, I just said that his kit is pretty basic and his stats are incredibly low (and they are)
Even if he DAs all the time his attack shouldn't be THAT low, at least make him like Six.
I just wish he was better.
Dumb fag.
Primarily use /gbfg/ 4chan thread as main shitpost location. Mainly use IRC for game-specific purpose, especially for raid & GW coordination. Also often stalk lots of places such as Discord, 2chan, etc for shitposting materials.
Use /granblue_en subleddit. Coordination is done usually by Discord or LINE, depending on what their specific guild use.
Use Discord both for coordination and common discussion.
Neofag's GBF thread as main discussion place, and Discord for game coordination.
Beatrix skin confirmed i hope
Slayers and Tales of
>Primarily use /gbfg/ 4chan thread as main shitpost location. Mainly use IRC for shitpost coordination. Also often stalk lots of places such as Discord, 2chan, etc for shitposting materials.
>Bitch skin

bullying never stops
So, because other people, who you don't like, use it, you refuse to touch it even though it serves perfectly fine as an alternative resource to the in-game chat and is the most accessible to everyone?

Nice tantrum, grow up
Discord is not that bad, I do use it to play with my normalfags acquaintances. I was expecting something like Skype but it's closer to vent and the like. You can also set some messages only channels.
It's a doggy dog world
Scenario event with Dog Beatrix and Double Dog Eustace when?
Uh, what does the ticket thing you get from Unite and fight/ Old battle field do? I can't find anything on the faq, is that for the weapons? Don't seems like it.
>making a dog out of the soildog
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I want to lick the skin at the edges of that leotard
Too bad they all browse this thread and add to the shitposting discussion.
who this?
The Onyx Crusader
>draw a man
>call it a woman
why is this allowed
My mates mum
Good thing we have /gbfg/ channels where people acting like total redditors or just being super annoying get permanently banned. Shame about them shitting up the thread though.
I want Korwa to bully me.
The Dark Paladin
He said having sex with, not raping a child.
I want to kill Vira and fuck Katalina on the grave
How do you get white scales?

I tried six dragon trials and it's fucking nothing.
El luchador negro
I support you anon.
keep trying on hard?
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So how is that last day going for you /gbfg/?
De Zwarte Ridder
It was hard mode.
Can't wait for it to end already since we didn't qualify.
if your above rank 50 do the extreme trials for that element
I want to cuck Vira and fuck Katalina on her bed.
Do promo buncles have lower % on their actives, or just lower stats?
Now that I think about it, is Rackam the only outright bad story SSR?
Apollonia is a qt 3.14

Eugen did a good job by abandoning her and her mom, quality parenting
Six dragon trials is a scam. Either leech the relevant magna until it drops or wait until Friday in japan when the Very Hard version is available.
Io is sub-unit warmer status
Never do the monday mats quests, they're not worth it.
Lower %s too, but supposedly it caps out at 30%, which is all you need them for.
So basically Beato is mad that he's never nice to her so she dresses like a dog but because of her pride she settles for no less than leader of the pack. This makes Eustace jealous so he chases Beato away and takes over as alpha dog the next day.
It wasn't always like that and you know it. Besides, the public ch isn't used as the main channel anymore, of course you'll not see shit there.
No, fuck you.
As much as I like Io he's right.
Her passive alone makes her better than le duration man.
It was always like that though. And the public channel is still the main channel.

Only difference is that every guild has their own channel now for guild stuff and memes.
Levi raid any minute now
I just had a stunning moment of clarity and realized that there's an auto-attack button.
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Pretty much.
Pls soon, this BP is burning a hole in my pocket.
Which is sadly absent in raids.
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Will we be able to recruit her later?
Imagine those titties squeezing each other.
I self insert as dad-Vaz's armor.
You can draw her from gacha during legfest
Her passive works when she's a backline even for other elements? Ferri's support skill doesn't seem to work when I don't place her in front.
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Just pay the entry fee.
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm right. She was available during the last legfest
>Checking out classes
>See Sword Master
>"Calls forth the main weapon's hidden power"
>"Effects vary based on main weapon"
>Look it up in three guides
>Look it up in Japanese wiki, translate each section individually for clarity

What. What does it do?
Calls for the main weapon's hidden powr.
Depends on each sword, but the class isn't really worth it without whale swords.
He's not lying >>143850309
>not leotard version
eh, not worth it
My cute daughteru is good and viable even in front line, stop saying bad things about her.
Tales banner was added lads.
What are you guys betting on?
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Imagine getting squeezed by them.
Anon there's a guide for it.
Can you not find the right one by using common sense?
How do they even explain her joining memefarers?
Fuck, time to play Asteria.
Is it going to run at the same time as the story event? RIP my pots.
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What fee?
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Oh boy
Are you 30 lvl yet, lads?
How do I bet? I'm rank 25.
Wait a minute, why does this one actually look high resolution unlike the ones posted before?
It's not in the FAQ, the Idiot's Guide or the Ultimate Guide, so my sense at least is failing me.

I'm starting to think "read the guide" is just bullshit to distract newbies for half an hour these days, I got directed to them awhile ago trying to figure out where to farm individual limit break items outside of dailies and ended up with nothing after two-hours.
I am. 5 hours of autopiloting while playing poker.
Orchis' shit got taken care of so she can help out from time to time like any other gacha SSR who isn't part of the full time crew
Surely you just happened to forget to read the guide that actually talks about the Extra classes, right?
I don't see it.
I want to fuck this JK
Here is a tip, guides exist outside of the ultimate guide on the how to play section
>tfw she's a primal and the men she loves will always slip through her fingers and die before her while passing her up for some other girl
>Old hag
No water unit?
>yfw this time requirement to get Milla is completely different
Play the game please.

Then shame on me.

I may be stupid, it didn't even click to me that the ultimate guide was part of a larger forum. Though this "read the guide" thing is seeming less and less practical with how much there is to filter through to find answers.
Me too
Reminder that you need to buy all 12 volumes for an original Gran/DJ skin (a Vee kigurumi).
>Play the game
Alright, gotta get on Asteria
Do I just download it through Bluestacks or use my phone?

First GW where we qualified, went 1-4 in the end. Next time we'll aim to qualify lower so we don't get whaled.
I can't wait to get Yuri.
You're a faggot.
Does the skill level on Bahamut weapons reset after upgrading from SR to SSR?
So are you.
this art is giving me gas
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So celestial for sure since these two events will over lap right guys? Guys?? ;_;
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Plenty of water units from other collabs. Probably getting water, wind and dirt tales this time.
Yes definitely.
Seriously question, where was that link from? I want to know where I missed it for future reference.
If you read the guides you would know.
Are they even strong?
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I did.
You could always read the SR Tier list and look at their JP wiki pages if you are in doubt.
i want to massage her back
I doubt it. It's gonna be scenario > collab > GW again, with break days inbetween
>that resolution is already .orig
Fugg, higher resolution when? Also not for lewd.
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I don't want to live. I just finish my light team with her.
so wait, how does this event work? Do I need to set up bluestacks again or something?
I need that fucking ticket before the light rate up ends
Since Garuda is getting 4th star next month, does that mean they will forever abondon Anat due to her being free? Will we see cygames wind bias again, and see a first 80%atk/40%hp summon?
>promotes casino botting
Are they ready for it?
Insider info here. all-in on S N E
Yes, get to 30 in the Asteria game. They have a double exp and 1/2 ap event going on now
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Few hours until it ends.
Your entire guild is getting fucked so hard, I'm surprised you aren't aheagoing
What are they trying to achieve by getting that much?
That was fast

Howaito piggu go homu.
Intimidating other opponents.

The big whale guilds have solo player who are aiming for the top 3k individual rankings for 25 medals.
Based bonerman, just as fast as when Alicia appared.
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Thanks, Se7enSword
>that feel when you qualify and go on to lose every round anyway
Oh thank god you can auto everything in Asteria. I love me some Tales but this game is so bad.
not me
gbfg BTFO
Excuse me I just remembered that I have a Sophia doujin on the backlog.
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You already said that you were in (You) a few threads ago and that you couldn't wait to leave.

Keep posting pictures of my wife and I from our wedding night.
Who's applying to idol guild?
A lot of lumi1 members are.
Nah, our 20 members that actually do stuff don't mind the rest leeching
do these niggers really think they are better than us when they have been playing for 3 months
Which /gbfg/ guilds didn't qualify this month?
I have no idea what I'm doing. I put on the auto button and I'm just hoping it'll carry me to 30
Agni's cancer does nothing with it.
>meme gaf and reddit here for fun knowing there are people there that lurk here
>constantly funpost saying that they qualified and /gbfg/ guilds didn't
>mfw lurkers from there actually believed my funposting

Atelier, Moebros, NFC.

Lum1, Lum2, Little Girl, Falz Flag and Haruna qualified.

I don't count (You) and Foxhound get a pass.
Why the leader looks like shit and needs to be carried. And a guild has to be releveled.
Not everyone receives the Tony treatment and gets good source images. But yeah the cover page was the only colored image that was of okay quality.
Whos the leader?
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GAF has a lot of oldfags who post here like Azusa, Yaari, Uthred, Rixa, Saprol, Se7enSword, Kenji, and Kiryogi.
It's somebody from (You). Go back about 3-4 days in the archives, whenever the guy came up with the idea and the guy says something along the lines of "I can't wait to leave (You)"
> Only two of them are actual good players
> Only three of them are able to do HL
> Calling the rest <80 oldfags
Well that killed all interest I had in an idolfag guild.
Do people even want to join the guild? It already generated shitpost before it's even formed.
Anything posted here is going to be shitposted about.
> Implying someone that can do HL is in (You)
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>LL is fine too
>Allowing redditors into the guild
I was considering applying but I guess not.
Blurry as fuck senpai
Free reign costume when? I want to use that warlock costume on a class other than mages.
Wait, really... I was going to apply but maybe not now then.
There's nothing wrong with liking multiple idol franchises.
>blurry as fuck
>not a phone camera picture
>not shaky and in terrible lighting

Giving it a 3/10.
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Love livers are professional leeches.
>a fucking bikini
>not even a slutty breastplate

>22 days from class four
It's a blowup of the twitter picture most likely.
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>he doesn't have Sorn already
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I'm not in (You)

Nice try though :^)
Fuck, I was hoping to get more heavily armoured.
Did I get memed on... I'm sorry for doubting you. ;_;
Guys, would it be better if I should set up one element of weapons even if its just SR rank so I could farm for the SSR's next? My weapon pool is terribly random right now.
Why are you trying to hide your identity? It's gonna have to come out sooner or later when you actually make the guild.
Yep, sticking with the Sentinel skin until end of time.

10/10 they are adding another shop (G-point Shop). Wonder what this one will be about.
Post ID, I don't want to join a guild run by a shitter.
You would know the answer if you read the guide, anon. That and used your brain as to how weapons work which is also explained in another guide.
Tear shop when?
Just use auto, it accounts for all the background bonuses and should mostly give you a good pool.
Is there an easier way to use Rosetta outside of Assault time? Her buffs take too long to setup, then there's the RNG. The bosses would have ougi'd by then.
what are your actual stats, are you HL worthy or am I just looking at some guy who grinded ranks with exp rooms? Post pools please.
Well, at least the bikini isn't all white like I thought it was going to be.

Still, it looks shit. DJ in a bikini, plus arm and leg armour is boring, tired and lazy.
There's a difference between liking good idol franchises like Aikatsu! and liking the idol equivalent to Naruto.
My brother.

What, a difference between a good and an even better franchise?
Gran is actually wearing too much for a spartan immersion ruined
For getting multiple Class IV jobs: do I need to awaken multiple weapons? Just one > quest for them > done?

Sorry for the newfag question, am rank 99, sitting on an MLB Nirvana. I have the itch for Gaogao but I might end up sitting on it for Warlock.
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Who /ready/ here?
Did you read this http://gbf-english.proboards.com/thread/857/guide-classiv-extra-class-weapons
I'm about to download it
I just started. Game is trash. Thank god for double xp or I wouldn't sit through it. What's the best way to ear free rolls so I can get units to carry me? Story grind?
What's the longest wait time between Surprise Ticket availability? Like, a few months?
When does GW end this time around? Is it really June 4th, or is that just for the gacha
Check your mail.
only the gacha if you got spare tokens, gw ends today
So, wehn is the ban wave?
Why 40?
Right before Tales collab
Tales collab when?
So even if you get the Star gacha, you still only have a 50% of getting a dark on your guaranteed SSR.

I don't have any decent dark characters, but there's a 60% chance I get some bullshit, and only 1% chance that I get bahamut.
Right after the ban wave.
Thanks. Just got Yuri and powerleveled him with the books I got. This should make things nice and smooth. The gacha in this game is possibly worse than GBF's.

>getting heaps of dupes with less than 20 rolls
Cuckroll time.
The last event gave Milla for 40, but if this one is anything like the last time a CG event needed a rank for a character it went up by a further 10. You needed Producer rank 30 for Mika and 40 for Kanako iirc? Can't really remember.
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>none of my sticks mlb yet
>almost done lb'ing 6 guns
Why is this allowed
Don't. Wait for 6%
Milla for 30 I mean. Shit.
>The last event gave Milla for 40
wasn't it 30?
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A-at least I got Vira.
>trying to get last bow before end
>gooks are literally going to make me clear the fucking thing before it appears
GW minigacha is one of the worst in many mobage I've played, so much fucking trash to sift through.
And here I am, resisting the urge to pull when Vira's the one I want the most. Fuck you anon.
>2 carbuncles and a SSR
how does it feel to be retarded
Before you do anything stupid dont fuse the two Dark buncles. Leave them separate and grind Casino Summon stones for the both of them.
>2 dark carbuncles
That's actually a really good rate and Vira + 2 Buncle is a fantastic pull. I don't think most people understand exactly how piss poor Gatcha rates are even during events.
It's actually pretty fun. You just shouldn't have waited until the last day.
>not new
inb4 he has 3 of them already.
Don't listen to this anon, he is lying to you. MLB one with the other.
How does it feel being a horrible person?
It's even worse if it's an element you play actively and therefore already have a bunch of characters for. I have 5 dark SSR chars, which means I have a 1/4 chance of just getting a gold moon.

There's a reason it's called a scam gacha.
This is pretty fucking good
>I don't think most people understand exactly how piss poor Gatcha rates are even during events.
3%*30=90% to get SSR on average
the character one was actually magnificent for new players who had 1 or 2 SSRs.
May I ask how you feed him these books. I know I can't read moon runes but god damn does this UI feel awful compared to similar games. Took me forever to find out how to add the 5 star guy into the party because the location it was in looked like a help or options menu.
Can I get fire buncles outside of gacha?
Just put your wind carbuncle on fire
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I fucking wish it worked like that.
Anyone can get free buncles for their main element simply by switching their main element to wind.
Merge a water and wind buncle together.
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Is this what irony tastes like?
What are the chances of you using it at it's fullest potential?
do you not know what irony means, anon?
Oh no, never mind, I got it.
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Oh so that's how a cross fate unlocks.
Time to give anon the Clarice-Cag cross fate I promised.
I mean, it's perfectly possible to build a GWW pool for him. Maybe I'll do exactly that.
I've been waiting for this. Fuck you.
>no dark buncle after rolling all my crystals
So am I just supposed to accept not being able to do Baha HL and wait a month for another chance?
Zeus is one of the easiest to assemble because we have this monthly event that puked out light weapons for his comp.
Just paralyze/fear him
I'm rusty on math but I think the actual odds comes out to something like 66% on 30 rolls at 3%. The possibility of "not getting an SSR" doesn't shrink on an individual roll no matter how many times you roll, so the cumulative impact on each roll gets smaller and smaller.

Google could explain things better than I do, but basically, the chances you'll roll well... ever, are way poorer than most people think. I wouldn't ever recommend paying for rolls when surprise tickets are available.
>like Vira because she's pretty
>don't like that she's a psychotic lesbian

What a shame.
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Just become a madman.
I hate it so much that they wasted Imai's voice on her.
>he doesn't appreciate the irony in obsessing over an obsessive CPL
do you also believe doing 4 pulls mean you have a higher than 1200% chance of getting a SSR, which means atleast one?
>Like Vira because she's pretty
>Also like Vira because she's a psychotic lesbian
Perhaps I am a cuck, but I will not be that one delusional anon.
Where's the moronic statistic guy when we need him?
It's 60%. Compared to 84% during Legfest, for thirty rolls. I think most people roll just for the thrill of rolling, with how common tickets are now it's just not a very good idea to pay for rolls.
So if you're just going for summon elements and you don't want to spend a shitload of rupee; If you LB the summon once you'll get 40 elements, MLB you'll get 80 etc
I like her because she's a psycho lesbian voiced by Imai.
Oh boy do we go full retard stats again.
Next hour will be Rank <50 HL discussion.
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And this, right here, ladies and gentlecucks, is why you NEVER listen to /gbfg/ about HL.

You want to end up on the nip's shitlist and get doxxed and publicly humiliated? Go ahead and "just paralyze Baha HL" and see how much they like that.
good thing there's another million pretty waifus that are completely straight, right?
no need to be a fucking retard like some people over here and obsess over her.
>lika vira because she's pretty
>like vira because she's a psychotic lesbian

i admire her and support her goals
It has begun.
I wouldn't mind if only Vira had decent taste at least. Katalina is literally shit tier.
>like Vira because she's pretty
>like that she's a psychotic lesbian
I like a good variance of characters and it's good to hear Imai in a role other than subdued and lonely or tsundere. Vira is one of the true standout characters of GBF.
So, do I just auto the story in tales of Asteria? I have Yuri and everthing.
>can't find the "Imai-san, you're so cute." image

Fuck life.
She's my first dark SSR char after free 70 rolls, and I always rolled all my gems on dark rate up. So yeah.
the breaking cost increases if you star them.
>hes so shit he cant even paralyze HL Baha
i want to fuck Vira from behind while she feasts on Katalina vag
What are the benefits of being virasexual
thank you for letting me know
Holy shit is there a better guide on linking Granblue to Tales?

It says "go to the missions page and hit the first button" but what the fuck where is that I don't speak weeb
Having a cuck fetish
>get Yuri
>feed him the fuckloads of exp books you get
>auto the story
Yeah it's pretty easy.

>he's a rank <80 shitter who doesn't realize the point of the post he's replying to
Big boost to cuckoldry allies' ATK.
you can paralyze only 3 times total, 4 if you're extremely lucky, and it will last like 2 turns, and you want to use them below 25% health when he'll start fucking your ass with every ougi.
>he doesn't paralyze Bahamut before the correct time and fuck over the entire raid

Eat shit, Japs. This is for Pearl Harbor.
more like 50%. 25% is easy as fuck.
Why fetishize Katalina?
She's generic as shit
>being edgy on the internet
I need more or less 4 EX run in order to reach my 7 million target, anyone want to help me since no one else is joining?

>hating on Kyatarina-sama
Go away, ssu.
>this is what counts as "edgy" in 2016
>not secretly bringing Sachiko and Zoi into the raid and aggroing up Baha and laughing as he wipes the raid with increased attacks.
Above average doujin count. You join an exclusive circlejerk which counter-intuitively is mostly maintained by the people that hate her.
What is the "better than bluestacks" android emulator that one anon was talking about?
>not helping the raid out by clearing with dank sarunan
Will we ever see Vaseraga take off his helmet?
>dark sarunan
you monster
As that one anon, MEmu.
Do you wait for para to clear?
>pure knight, best kind of person to corrupt
>story character that is actually useful
Vira has best taste.
Just zoi baha, literally non-stop para.
Will he die if he take it off?
It means that majority gets 1 SSR, while minority gets 2+ and another minority gets nothing.
People feel obligated to pretend to like anything voiced by muhyuki, no matter how boring the character is.
>dank sarunan
Fuck you

It would be extremely painful
No, if it was 120% it would mean everyone would get one in 4 pulls, no ifs or buts.

It isn't 120%.
>japanese people getting upset because you fucked over their raid and wasted their paralyze
2 nukes weren't enough.
>Implying Vira would want to corrupt Kat
She will love her just the way she is.

Oh no you don't.
>loving kat
that's just a ruse, she wants to eat her alive
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No, it doesn't. You just have Common Core education, that's all.
>get all excited when I see the rainbow crystal
>it's Dark Sarunan
God fuck my life.
He's a big guy
Did he really follow through? I remember holding the button down and moving away wouldn't activate the skill.
Congrats anon! You are now HL ready. Feel proud.
you mean eat her out
>believing what yanderes say
She tried to murder the whole crew last time you did that.
Like every Imai ever, doomed to no love life.
Joke's on you nigga.
Forgot about her. Fair.

Tsubaki is a loser.
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Can somebody tl;dr this shit for me?
I got you, sorry it's shit quality though
Oh I didn't she voiced her.
>dark rate up
>get fire

rate up is a lie
You don't really need to care about parts 8-12 for a while.

It could have been ironic if he had rolled specifically on Dark Up day to avoid pulling Zeus.
You're a good person.
>get fire
which one?
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Delete this
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>rolled during Light rate up
>got Grand Order when I wanted any member of my planned HL team

I have the worst good luck.

It's just comparison between summon setup at an autistic level, just use magna+elemental as soon as your magna attack up is at least 52% and you will be fine
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If it help I have this edit too
I got a dupe which made me sad.
>roll 100 times
>ghanda, dark saru, vas
>no dark buncle
Looks like I have to wait until I can do Baha HL.
This is also very useful. Thanks.

I want one for Jeanne. Dark Jeanne on the other side.
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pls sir can i have some more
Cog a cute.
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If you're a poorfag or simply not a blue whale stick to magna+80/120 summon, regular pool is 6 magnas:2 bahas:2 unknowns, you can swap the att/hp baha for a GW weapon, worry about advanced builds after you get to 101+.
I wish Sugita would marry Imai. I'm worried about the declining Japanese population.

I need the Cag one so bad
A 100% chance of something is a guarantee of something happening - there is no way for you to roll and not succeed if your chance is 100% (higher technically doesn't exist, though can be shorthand for 100% chance of one/20% chance of two, or matter because of additive/subtractive chance modifiers).

How probability actually works is that each roll is its own individual event, with a 97% chance of no SSR and a 3% chance of an SSR. The probability of at least one SSR in x rolls is 1 (100%) - (0.97)^x. (0.97)^x is the chance of no SSRs, at 3% SSR rate, so the probability of at least one SSR is in less mathematical terms 100% minus the likelihood of no SSRs.

Roll once? 97% of the time you get no SSR, 3% of the time you get one SSR, the chance is (1 - 0.97) or 3%. Roll again, and this roll is once more a 97%/3% roll, and your total chance is (1-0.97^2), 5.91%. Roll 30 times, and it's 59.9%. Roll 300 times and it's 99.989%. There is no non-infinite number of rolls where your chance of rolling at least one SSR is 100%, so there exists the possibility of someone rolling a thousand times and getting not a single SSR.

By your interpretation of probability, a man that flips a coin twice is guaranteed to flip heads then tails or vice versa, because the chance of each in two 50% flips is 100%. This is not how reality works.
>tfw she carried my shit earth team when I started
It sucks that I have to use Ygg now for damage.
>new lightfag
>saving rolls for legfest
>waste it all on light up anyway to atleast have a decent light team
>get one SSR healer and a bunch of characterless SR weapons and repeated R
Ranga collab never ever
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Japan would blow up from all the bullying Sugita does to Imai, I wish someone would start translating bururaji, they work so well together in the few translated ones I have seen
extreme +, free honours and mvp
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Oh she gets plenty of love life.
Now that I watched his fate episode I feel a bit bad for Sarunan
Can he get his shit unfucked before he dies?
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>all this people talking about Vira and Katarina
DJ is the best anyway, no need for other girls in your life
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>implying that Sugita won't marry Nakamura or Kaki
>declining population
>1/3rd of the USA's population with 1/30th of the land
The only problem they have is old people.
I'm gay for Gran thanks.
>doesn't understand what declining population means
Please tell me this is eroge with imai
Blame the Arsys cops
nigga i'm not reading all that shit
>short hair
automatically low tier, sorry.
The US is a vast and empty country anyway, it's like comparing population densities to Australia and concluding every country is overpopulated.
I don't want to be that guy but is this available on nyaa?
And that's why you have no idea how the fuck basic maths works.
this nigga gets it
Forever lost since Arcsys brought down most of the bururaji subbed episodes
I want the cag one so I can cog it.

It is.
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I'm not sure if that was actually translated or if it was just one moon-speaking anon putting subs on a pic, but there's this
And a few on youtube
>enter lvl 20 coop
>3 lvl 20 players
>coop starts
>boss die in two rounds

This should be pastebin-ed to stop the stupid underage/uneducated Mexicans and Tardos who are unable to understand basic math from shitting up the thread with their stupid questions regarding rolls.
Is BluRajiQ translated?
Thank you, I haven't been able to follow seiyuu radios lately since real life.
>Has the hottest girl in the game nursing him back to health
He shall be fine. Hopefully
yodafags needs to be purged
Not that anon but they were being translated awhile back. I actually still have the link, but the videos were all taken down and the channel just has GG and BB story videos now.
That only works when you do multiple rolls at once. If you do single roll, the chance is always 3%.
Please tell me that I've fallen for an elaborate bait.
>bashing the boss
>gaining points
>suddenly 4th place gets 11k points instantly
Every time. Every fucking time.
Dark rate up is a lie.
When I'm confident in my damage I try to save my burst to last hit, that's probably what 4th is doing.

This is how I coop, I am yoda scum.
That works when you did not roll. Once you rolled cat either dead or alive.
>each roll is its own individual event, with a 97% chance of no SSR and a 3% chance of an SSR

You're correct, I said as much.

I assume you're not making the incredibly retarded assumption that there's a difference between a set of multiple rolls and a set of multiple rolls just because one set is done individually.
Weird, I got Vira during fire rate up and had to ticket fluffy tail.
No, anon. The thing is already dead.
>check their team after it happens
>Yoda on first spot everytime
if only you were right.
>tfw I ougi with Yoda when he has 0 stacks in co-op
NEW THREAD >>143859783
NEW THREAD >>143859783
>complaining about a yoda player who isn't being scum and waits for people to get enough points for max contribution

literally worse then the yoda player whose just trying to be a nice guy
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Never trust rate ups.
Holy fuck. I'm going to sleep. I can't believe how stupid this is.
Nope, there are two cats. The question is which one you will see once the box is open.
>I don't know what phrases mean
>implying he waited
Use assasins skill to boost hostility on her.
Which makes it hard to keep her alive.
Damage cut the first ougi, break by the second.
crap I only got 3/4 GW harps. Next month's will be annoying. What are you supposed to do with excess GW drops? I'm almost certain Ill get at least 2 next time around.
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