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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 168

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>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)


>/feg/ Castle Addresses

Is there anyone that could ever possibly defeat a hector/ike/ephraim teamup?
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Dumping the Smut of the Century for anyone that missed it last thread. Enjoy it.
>Shitector OP
Fuck off.
It's just picture. Calm down.
sigurd/FE1 marth/kris in a trio
Raven shut up
Ryoma/Xander/Corrin desu
difference is that hector/ike/ephraim don't just have hella stats but also have weapon triangle and winning personalities while the OG lords dont have any personality at all
>genderbend Corrin
>pairing becomes 100% more likable

What pairing am I talking about?
Has this been uploaded to the smutbin yet?
Shittiest waifu and why is it Azura?
Samus, Madara, Saitama, any legendary Pokemon.
Sigurd has some personality and FE11 marth has one too.

Weapon triangle is covered by that team too if you wanna be technical.
Sigurd can uses lances and Kris has everything

FE1 Marth can't be hurt by direct attacks made by humans so Hector would need to Hand Axe him to death somehow.
We already held a poll on this senpai, we all agreed it was yours.
I've already done so. Don't know how it works since it's my first time doing it. Guess it would show up on the waiting list, right?
Im sorry, did you mean best waifu?
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Dori is a-dori-ble!
Mamui/Niles -> Femui/Niles desu
I like Hana
Yeah, it'd just stay there. Why'd you make it so long though?
Yeah, and that's where it'll stay, but that's fine. I see it now.
I dunno, /b/ro... even worse than Flora??? Let's not get ahead of ourselves.


none of them are human

Ephraim took over a heavily fortified castle with three men, ike is explicitly backed by goddess magic and hector can hold a comically huge axe over his shoulder with one hand like it's a small bag
Mamui/Flora > Femui/Flora?
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Cousin is C U T E!
She keeps the bench warm.
Femui/Jakob - - > Mamui/Jakob
That I can legit kill her in Birthright.
I just let it all out I guess. First half has a lot of fluff admittedly. That's pretty much why then.
It does what to your boner, Laslow?
All four selfinserts.
The Undub CIA link in the Fates FAQ has been deleted from Mega. This one from the FE14 pastebin still works though:

Does the Undub include the fan translation?
She's ugly as shit.
She's shit.
Kudos to you then. I can't write super long smuts.
I disagree
>finally beat Woolly World 100%
Time to go back to rubbing my waifu in Fates.
Undub is the English game with Japanese voices, so it has the Treehouse script, and no petting.
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What's your favorite thing about Shiro/Nina?
>manly aggressive axe man
>manly amazing tactician spear man
>manly awesome fighting skill sword man

now this is a pretty powerful team, but we need to include lyn/soren/erika support to really make it awesome
If I ever do another I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
I like how they actually go on dates in their support. It's cute.
I think you'll like this.

How did you enjoy the game? I'm glad nobody broke into your house and harmed you by the way. Did you have a rough night trying to sleep with all that drama going on?
I love water!
The date before S rank was cute and how accepting of Nina's hobby Shiro is feels genuine.
Write what you want, I'm just saying I can't write super long stuff. It's oddly difficult for me.
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It was, no lie, the first S-rank I did after marrying Flora.
i think it's funny how the supports are basically the writers saying "we don't mind that you like seeing our characters in yaois with each other"

don't really care about the pairing itself though
They probably talk shit about their dads together when they're not around.
Hey so I was catching up on the last few threads and what is this whole "they have no chemistry and dont flow well together" thing?
Yeah, I know petting hasn't been restored.

What about Swimsuit DLC? Is there a CIA that includes everything or mostly everything the Restoration group worked on?
We're not doing this. Go away.
See >>143741402
I'll make sure to read it
It was amazing, trying to 100% some levels was fucking brutal, especially trying to stay with full health. It makes me want FE to have a spin off like it, maybe not with the yarn theme, but maybe like a chibi SD spinoff. And it's crazy, one of the houses in the block that's vacant now had its trash can drug across the street and thrown near the little communal mailbox. Shit's crazy.
I'm not sure, try checking 3DSiso or something.
Good support that shows Shiro can be openminded and insightful. Pair up bonuses that compliment each other. And I think they're an aesthetically pleasing couple.
They probably roleplay as a samurai and his apprentice/boytoy behind closed doors, which, by the way, was a common practice in Ye Olde Nippon.
It's a forced meme
going to play blazing sword, units I should care and dont care and best pairing?
Which supports have a character cry during the S rank in Fates?
>tfw ninafag

ive been cucked by chad AGAIN!
Shiro is just a big dumb hunk who cares.
Yes because getting supports is ass and cuck you.

heh, what makes you think I am Laslow? I am not Laslow. stop asking questions
Shut up. You're gay for him like your dad is gay for his.
Mark is Morgoth
It's Femui!Nina though
Kaze and Femui
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Hi famalamas, how's everything on /feg/ territory?
I was on many things occupied, now I have time to cutepost again.

Soft~ Soft~
Post those NA castle cards.

I need your BP, VP, and accessories that aren't Bath Towels. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a cute Bond Unit.
Did the author mention pointy ears or something? Because I love that shit
>Kaze makes Femui cry

What a faggot. Why do people like this loser again?
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>Just before his eyes closed, Shiro could hear the sound of a door opening, and the jingling of keys.
What did you mean by this?
What if Siegbert was a girl and wanted Shiro's dragon lance in her royal chamber? What kind of political problems would that lead to?
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It's okay, he's not in too much pain. You know the saying what you do to my daughter I do to you?
MARCUS will carry you in almost everthing.
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We /big dumb hunks who cares/ hour

Post only the biggest dumbest hunkiest hunks who cares you have
Looking through the FE14 linkbins, I'm a bit confused as to what to use. I just want the english version but with the skinship in (and translated, if possible), which should I pick for that?
O-oh. Oh no.
a wedding that would lead to peace because Shiro invaded Fembert's castle with his white army.
What if IS made both Shiro and Siegbert girls?
The only version that has skinship in it is the Japanese version, so you'll need the fan translation version, which has a few skinship lines translated but are translated pretty poorly.
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>teacher pairs me up with chad thundercuck
>"hes just a big dumb hunk who cares.jpg"
>discovers porn stash
>is actually pretty chill about it
>turns out to be the sweetest dumb hunk that ever lived
>who cares? i care
Would you ever want Setsuna to mix things up and not be so soft?
The question now is if there's any man Niles would approve of for his cute fujo daughter
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I love Pieri and so do you!
Damn. I was hoping that it'd be possible to have the best of both worlds. Guess I'll wait, then.
How is Setsuna down there? Is she tight, comfy, or loose?
Forrest or Mamui. He would only approve on the grounds that he would be able to take some turns with him at request.
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Hey I just found some Rhajat art from this person a while back
Well there's also the SciresM version, which has the Treehouse script on the JP version, but the skinship lines aren't translated, and the DLC cia for it hasn't been updated in a while.
would be better without the background desu
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>Down there
Comfy of course.
Who is Setsuna for?
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never noticed it fampai
have the yuri version
I have a question regarding Olivia:
Based solely on how nervous she gets just by dancing, how long would it be before she let you see her naked, let alone make a baby? I doubt anyhting would happen on the wedding night, but how long would it take her?
How is Rhajat down there? Tight, Comfy, or loose?
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Me tbqh
Hexes herself to be tight.
There was a picture that accurately described this pairing, it was some blonde girl having a nosebleed and she said she was getting turned on by some guys muscles.
It'd be pretty fucked up if both sides had kids and sent them to the Deeprealms and inadvertently trained a bunch of child soldiers, not just the one Corrin was on.
Exact shape of my dick, lock and key style.
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Wouldn't that be painful for her? Wouldn't she prefer to be comfy so that Corrin's dragon dick could fit inside her?
None of the options imply use.
Honestly I want the kids to go with Kana into her deeprealm because they all know how lonely it was. It'd make Kana happier and we could have gotten slightly older portraits of the kids.
me on the left
I don't think human beings can comfortably take something that large without a lot of preparation.
Ugh, 3DSISO is so fucking disgusting. Adfly links everywhere, and it refuses to work with my adblocker. I had to open up the console and find the real link.
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First because she thinks she's being fired and then because she's so happy.
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Got skills for Xander, Camila, MU, Ryoma, Leo, Elise, Hinoka, Sakura, Benny, and Takumi -Includes some ""totally ligit"" skills-
I'll try and visit back as much as I can so feel free to leave whatever. NA only, sorry.
Corrin's dragon dick is his human sized one.
It's the dragon fang that's the one when he's in dragon mode.
Any good MPreg Fates art?
Why do you ask, anon? Do you want to see Corrin swollen with Niles's buttbabies?
>implying there's such a thing as good Mpreg art
Fucking mermaids, get off the internet.
Anyone who draws this or thinks it's appealing should be shot on the spot.
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no bully
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>even in a sad image Jakob is still "le angry chibi butler in le background man xD"
Is she angry at Jakob or something?
>when flora has more art with someone she can't even support with
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Outside of statutory memes, what do people earnestly think of Flora and Jakob as a couple? If you could do it in-game, would you have?
Yeah, that is why she forces him to eat mushrooms.
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Felicia is the cutest! I would do anything for her! She is the light of my life! I couldn't go on without her! She gives everything meaning! I`ll never leave or hurt her! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! My feelings for her will never fade! I love Felicia!
If the support was good sure, why not.
It's basically Ryoma + Scarlet BLUE INSTEAD OF RED version.
I made a big disclaimer at the beginning of my notes, clarifying that my suggested revisions weren't comprehensive. I like the guy, but not well enough to proofread 20 pages exhaustively. That's on him.
I would, I love pairing characters together like this. Cherche x Virion, Kagero x Saizo, Camilla x Silas etc
I wish it existed to solve the mamui problem

I like Flora but not enough to waifu
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>Camilla x Silas

Nah, I'm not convinced that you love her. Not yet.
Xander would have a better support desu
That A-rank though
Memehouse fanfiction desu
Depends on how he would treat her in the support, but I'd do it if it was one of Dwyer's better eugenics options. Still, the fact that Jakob treats everyone outside of MU like shit makes me wary.
I'd do it, honestly. I live for these sorts of things. Seeing as it's already been submitted, I'll just have to bite my tongue on this one. I've actually got a fic in the works, so I may need a peer review, if anything. I'm confident I won't make too many mistakes, but I doubt I'd find all of them if I went over it myself. I'll keep you updated, I suppose.
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Is it time?
Scarlet and Ryoma really should've a support, Revelations ships them so hard it's not even funny yet ISIS couldn't be arsed to let them support.
In the end, I guess they were just trying generate drama
Flora and Scarlet had no fucking business being Corrinsexuals. Seriously, what the fuck?
I've seen people here saying IS needs to do more of this sort of thing to make the characters seem deeper
And if they weren't Corrinsexuals, the Mamui problem wouldn't be a thing either.
>Cherche x Virion
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It worked well enough for Oboro.

I think the west is more taken with Scarlet and pairing her with Ryoma, whereas Japan seems to cling Flora. Corrinsexuals are already out of place in modern FE where every unit can support every opposite sex unit and then some.
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I can't help it if I think it's cute desu
Attached earlobe or free earlobe?
Uh, I don't look at people's lower ears or judge them on it.
>Not appreciating two more matured characters in the cast building on old chemistry and putting aside their somewhat different outlooks and acknowledging their deeper feelings.
I bet you're one of those players who doesn't marry Saizo and Kagero you filthy savage.
At this point I have a hard time believing anyone actually likes Camilla x Silas, simply due to shitposters. Doesn't help that the two don't have a single interaction or even an implied relationship of any kind outside of the support, unlike the other pairings.

Cherche x Virion is great though.

I don't think Oboro's popularity is due to Takumi, at least not most of it.
So why can't Corrin recruit kids? In awakening it was Chrom + the mom, in fates it's just the dad.
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I probably have my shipping goggles on too tight, but I think Shiro resembles Scarlet in some ways. However, most of them (spiky hair, red clothing) are traits he shares with Ryouma, too. The headband is really the only thing that's shared between him and Scarlet alone.
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>I think the west is more taken with Scarlet and pairing her with Ryoma
What are you basing that on exactly? Was there some giant influx of scarlet art or something I missed?
In some cases the dad can't even do anything, they're just an annoyingly forced deployment slot.
the headband is a lancer thing, oboro has it too
I guess I really am just seeing things.
It's more Scarlet's place in popularity in the official poll + lack of fanart from Japanese artists compared to the English fan communities that often either turn out fan art of her that may or may not include Ryoma or have the regular posters in places like Serenes that lament they couldn't support.

In fact one of their forums held a few polls for favorite support pairings and included the Corrinsexuals in one. All of her poll voting "options" were Ryoma.
I'll have to look into it later, I don't see too much discussion on scarlet in general unless it involves revelation or how corrinsexuals were a mistake.
It's more the implied history and knowing each other gives a bit more backstory to Camilla than usual and is in general a better use of the use of the whole "Hey why do you love Kamui isn't it weird, here I'll maybe help you with - BUT WAIT IT WAS ALL BECAUSE I WAS JUST JELLY AND LOVED YOU ALL ALONG" story-line that is literally 99% of Camilla's romance options.
>finally just got fates
>Birthright because nippon stronk
>you can S rank your sisters

Why is this allowed? Also why does it feel like Azura is being pushed on me as a wife
Not your real sisters.
>He doesn't know.
Play Revelations, then you really get that feeling x 100 plus another pushed wife .
99%? The only other one in which that is the case is Niles.
>In fact one of their forums held a few polls for favorite support pairings and included the Corrinsexuals in one. All of her poll voting "options" were Ryoma.
Link to those? I want to know how things went for my husbando.
>plus another pushed wife

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>you can S rank your sisters

Heheheheheh............................................... nobody tell him boys, let him find out for himself...
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>not Hinoka


>find Western art of Charlotte
>it's actually good
>she has small tits
post it
Don't post or link to it or anything.
Because Azura is the only true destined wife for Corrin anon.
Maybe or maybe not post it.
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Forgot my picture.

Who cares
I believe this is what they means.

This was totally written by a woman.
Looks normal to me.

I challenge my fates!

This is the thread topic, and while the early results were all posted, they're scattered through the thread and kind of annoying to wade through. Just search OP's name for an easier time finding the results.

You can still click through the polls though.
woah lad
didn't read it desu, what makes you say that?
>Flora and Crimson are the only Kamuisexuals that get polls
Spoiler: Your not related to anyone except for Azura.
Its shit
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Why does it hurt?
It's based off of greasers.
this desu
they're incredibly similar characters
Why are japs so much better at this?
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Why is the west so afraid of tits? Also found this, it's an old image. Not sure if I should keep it
Why doesn't hoshido or nohr give a shit about their royalty marrying commoners, servants and peasants anyway
The anatomy is actually accurate and there are instances of fluffy banter (and fluff in general) that I just can't see coming from a man, male writers seem to get to the sex right away, and you know that's not bad. But this one takes its time getting there with semblances of a plot, allowing for, what I feel, much more believable coitus as far as standards for this fandom go.

I'd say the best comparison would be to dig any old smut from the smutbin and compare it to this one. The dialogue, the actions, the way it's written, it's subtle, but the difference is there.
>Why is the west so afraid of tits?
Because you only listen to 4Chan?
Tits are sexist.
He always puts Kamui first and that's the last thing she needs. It would be an awful relationship.
It focuses a lot on the sensations of Nina rather than Shiro. The writer identifies as Nina.
Maybe its just the social norm in Fatesland that they don't really care about that?
I don't really feel like reading through 20 pages of that, but is it just the vaginal anatomy? Or the fact that the orgasms aren't embellished or something?
Because the royal family almost definitely has leave to execute anyone who complains.
There's only two kingdoms and they hate each other anyways. What are they going to do, arrange a marriage between elise and Izana or something?
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Hey, Papa. You weren't planning on finishing this map without someone dying, were you?
Since you already save it might as well keep it
I've fallen for setsuna's trap
>Jakob the Corrincon
>Flora, the girl with the most powerful jealousy
>momcon Dwyer who constantly competes with Jakob
It would be a disaster.
this too
Kana, stop getting empty level ups, or you're getting sent back to your deeprealm for a few years.
This isn't really the place to discuss this, but conservatives hate tits and liberals hate tits, and moderates are quiet motherfuckers.

In any case, a lot of people in the fandom like to complain about Charlotte's tits, even going so far as to make them smaller whenever they draw her. Or fat, but that's another issue entirely.
No. Get that shitty cuck meido away from aniki.
This map.
Fuck, guess I'll read it just to see. I mean, isn't it typical that a female writing smut would focus more on the female and that the male would focus more on male sensations?
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>Camilla beat out both Corrin as best for Niles
Genuinely surprised.
Saizou/Kagerou is pretty much both their most boring support
The notion is that a female wrote smut for /feg/, which I don't think we see to much of. It's just a novelty.
>le suicidal camus man is better than le suicidal maid camus
>Selena's super competitive about everything is considered strong
>she's a shit unit
>Charlotte is the best fighterâ„¢
>she's a shit unit
>Peri is a homicidal maniac and has killed many
>she's a shit unit

why can't these girls live up to their memes
>anatomy is accurate
>like 6 consecutive ejaculations
>still hard

That said, it's a dude. FloraAnon and LawAnon helped out, that's probably what you're seeing.
I mean, Charlotte doesn't have noodle arms that's for sure.
Peri's honestly pretty solid in Conquest and Charlotte's one of the best GS bots in the game.
That map is ez pz though, try using archers and the DVs
Yes he is much better than her. Thank you for agreeing.

Peri is an okay unit, same with Selena. Charlotte sucks though.
>their love for Ryouma is so strong it brings them back together
If you marry Setsuna, would Hinoka be relieved that someone else is looking after her, or be more worried that Setsuna might do something dumb to her brother?
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why does peri's voice turn me on so much

can someone explain
>Awakening's first arc is pretty solid, if a little generic
Why did it have to go to shit so badly?
I blame the Robin cocksucking
Peri is mediocre, stop forcing this meme.
He topped her poll results as well. I'm wondering why I don't see more of it but maybe people are too used to M!Corrin/Niles to go against the grain.
You had a crush on Tommy Pickles as a child.

I dunno. Oboro's weird face makes my sword hand tingle.
It was Ryouma who broke them apart, and most of the time they never get together again
Then again it was Mikoto who shoved Kagerou at Ryouma, making the breakup happen so frankly it's all Mikoto's fault
Because you have shit taste. Her voice is one of the worst in the entire game.
Her voice is fucking garbage.
or buttercup
>Peri didn't have a harley quinn voice

missed opportunity
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Close your eyes and imagine.
Pieri's voice with her 3rd person thing is kinda cute, but Peri has a complete shit voice.
If we get into voices characters should have had we're gonna be here for almost every waifu.
Time for some killing~
I can see Hinoka feeling obligated to check in on them every single day to make sure they're both still alive or not caught in a trap.
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I have no idea if FloraAnon ever actually helped out or not. But yeah, I helped out with ideas and revisions the past few weeks. He did all the work though, and I'm very impressed with how it turned out. He did good.

But yeah, not every smut writer is a virgin; some of us actually do understand how sex works.
Oh god, no. What have you done? Now Matoifag is going to sperg out all night.
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>tfw you fuck the crazy out of peri and make her queen of Valla

haters gonna hate :^)
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Peri is B at worst. Redundant, yes, but she's far from bad at all and the issues she has are definitely not as big as the issues units below her have (Benny having piss for offense, Keaton being perma-1 range lock, etc).

If you want actual mediocrity go look at Laslow's useless ass.
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I've been busy so I didn't help, sadly. Some personal shit happened.
There wasn't a whole lot to do, to be honest. Unless you like correcting punctuation errors. Hope your shit's in order now.
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So most of that is anatomically correct? Does Shiro cum 6 times in a row or something like that one anon said? That sounds ridiculous.
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Why is Honkers so lewd?
4 hours late, but I understood and respect that reference.
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Ever notice how it's only Floracucks who are vehemently against the idea of her getting shipped with Jakob if it was possible in-game? Even when the blatant chemistry is there?

No, I'm asking who that/you are.

Then again people here think Mozu is a good unit on the same token.
desu this is big daddy Shiro we're talking about.
All right buddy, what do you want? A (You)? It's obvious you're fishing for replies here. But, I guess I can see why. You're a hungry little guy, right? Here's a reply.
It should be within the next few days/a week, yes, but I can still help if you want. I'm sorry I haven't done anything, but I do want to be much more active/contribute more.
Again, sorry.
smut writer. got a pastebin if you want to check it out.
>inb4 shilling
>mozu is bad meme
My favorite
link it and I'll check it out
I don't even think people come 6 times in a fucking row in hentai doujins. Don't be obtuse. Maybe girls if they're being mind-broken or something.
ayy, floraanon. Maybe you guys will write more stuff or something, this general needs some fresh content desu
How is Peri mediocre exactly?

She has good weapon ranks, solid enough base stats, is in an excellent class, and has some very solid offensive growths too.

She's immediately an asset with little investment past what you would give to pretty much any other unit. Sure she's not an all-star or anything like Xander or Camilla, but that's why they're top tier and Peri's mid tier.
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I didn't see any glaring errors and I don't remember anything coming up in our conversations, but yes, Shiro exhibits some astounding stamina and delivers load after load. It was really the only silly thing I remember. But it's not a deal breaker, I don't think.

And where are you getting these nice Selkies that I don't have? I must have them.
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Didn't expect so much love between Shiro and Nina but good work, anon. That's exactly the shit I like the most, just some good old love and teasing.
I felt like a mother happy for her daughter reading the whole thing.
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Mediocre is right for this guy. The only thing I found nice about him was that he had HP that I was normally used to in a Fire Emblem game. He's pretty much a GBA Fighter, which were pretty bad. He's a Dorcas.
I do want to, yes. what's the point of having a pastebin if I don't use it?
this makes me happy
e.gadd enjoying a starbeans coffee kind of happy lan and caeldori ARE both prodigies in their own right, aren't they?
I guess every smut's going to have something silly in it.
Typing in Kinu's english name on twitter got me a little bit more pieces of art. I've got like 200 images now, so I might have a few things you don't.
>Shit bases
>Shit growths
>Shitty defenses
She's a shit unit.
That looks real bad.
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>tfw just got this as my first Peri level up right as people were saying she's shit
thanks lads
>melee unit with terrible defense and HP is good meme
(lol Pericucks everyone.
What are some interesting gimmick runs you guys have done in Fates? I'd like some ideas.
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Yeah, but I'm a desperate little bastard.
where are her legs?
Thanks, I'll read them when it's not 2 am. I was expecting some flora though given the name.
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She's a cripple, obviously. Not drawn.
>I got the same level up for my first Pieri level
She's your waifu now, anon. You don't have a choice.
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I missed this but hey, no need to apologize to me. Our author friend bounced a while ago.

>tfw my pastebin still only has the one Selkie smut
I'll fill it up eventually, dammit, as soon as I get off my ass and finish Conquest.
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Pieri is a good replacement for Silas, a Cav who's prone to getting Spd-fucked. She's your only Cav who is fast and can take/dodge magic hits fairly reliably, which are two things that Xander lacks behind, though Xander's Spd problem can be alleviate by a Charlotte/Kaze pair-up. Her Skl is mediocre but still passable and her Def needs a bit patching up. Spd really fucking matters in Conquest where you fight against the faster but frailer Hoshidan enemies, except for Knights/Generals. Silas quickly becomes an obsolete as a fighting unit as Xander joins though he can still be a pair-up bot if he goes GK, which he should because oh mamamia that Spd. Pieri still has a niche as Xander can't handle several Mages at once.

Charlotte had rather severe Skl and durability issues despite being fast and strong as hell. Even as a Zerker she should only be used in very specific situations. She's more known for her incredible pair-up bonuses for a reason.

Selena is a rallybot. That's it.
>What is pemn?

I've had good Rinkha's and Owain's before.
was going to, then I decided I'd rather do something else.
Then I scrapped the one I've been working on for a while to do one, but I figured with the current... tribulation... regarding flora it would be best to avoid that mess, at least for now
Her defenses aren't really terrible. 25/10/10 out of the gate isn't Wall Aniki status or anything but she's got enough to take on the stuff like Chapter 12 Ninja or Chapter 14 Pegs/Samurai without much hassle. She gets to Gate camp in Chapter 13 too which improves her survivability substantially.

With HP/Def Tonic and Belka pairup that's 30/15 at base which does fine in Chapter 13.

Yeah, they're kind of meh for the long run. But Peri's mid tier, she's going to have some issues. I'd argue her offense is still a very strong asset, especially coupled with her mobility (if only Canto was in FE14, Peri would adore it).
I wonder if reclassing her into an archer or ninja could fix Charlotte.
I've had luck with Sniper!Charlotte. Still nothing impressive, unfortunately. You're absolutely required to invest arms scrolls in her.
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>tfw my first Peri only had 2 less strength than Effie

That was a crazy run.
>+6 hp
>+2 str
>+3 skl
>+2 lck
>+5 def
>+1 res

I'm starting to think Perifags just load her up with statboosters before taking a pic showing /feg/ how """good""" she is.
I didn't say a perfect level makes her good, you goose
Ever tried her as a Samurai? What other classes could fix her blindness?
DF/Ninja! Charlotte should be pretty decent. Raider weapons really help with coping with E-rank hell.

I only gave her Seraph Robe, hence that HP. My Pieri is pretty blessed with her level ups. She has only had 3 level ups where she only gets 2-3 stat boost, and in all of them she still gets Spd and Skl boosts.
The issue isn't her blindness once she gets those classes, it's her defenses and weapon ranks. Dodgetanking is really risky, especially when everybody blows her the fuck up.

Maybe Master of Arms would help, I'm not sure.
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At which point should I start getting the kids?

Do I have to grind the parents to lvl 20 advc classes and get the optimal skills first?
Are you still going to do the Selkie x Velouria smut?
Goddammit, don't drop more GBA nostalgia on me. Fink Rat.
Lan is probably more of a prodigy, if only to explain his incredible success that comes with being the main character. Saving the world as an elementary schooler several times over can only be explained by being a prodigy, luck, or the literal power of friendship. It's not like Caeldori has the fate of the world riding on her shoulders because she's the main character.

Depends on the kid. For most, I'd wait until chapter 21. That way, when you use the Offspring Seal, they'll start with a D rank in their secondary weapon.
Depends. On Revelation just grab them all once you recruit Ryoma and friends.
Disregarding the weapon ranks, Sniper seems like it'd be great for Charlotte. Your Snipers shouldn't be getting attacked anyways, and she gets a ton of skills to ensure a OHKO or a ORKO. Coupled with the class' skill/hit bonus and the weapon type's strong damage and hit, it seems like a great choice for her.
Furry yuris and fluffy threesome will probably be the next thing I write. But right now, I have no idea when that will be. I kind of lost my interest, but I'm trying to rekindle it.
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Charlotte is
The Queen of Nohr!
the queen of Valla!
Used to always be the Queen of Nohr, but then I decided to marry her one time, and I realized I actually liked Aniki/Luna way more, so yeah

Way too flawed for me to like her as a unit.
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I wish the DLC wasn't so pricey in Canada. I'd like to pick up some of the Wave 1 stuff and maybe the Wave 2 pack.
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SciresM or fan translation, familia?


For those with the gay hack, which version of the game do you have it on? I see a JP SE version for the hack and is wondering if any of the non-Treehouse versions of the game work with it.
>making a girl that will just abandond her husband, son and kingdom the queen
How about no
Future Queen of Ylisse
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Which girls still marry M!Kanna, anyway? I want my son to have a loving wife.
Probably my favorite Fates female desu. She's pretty funny. Please Treehouse, keep the hilarity of the Laslow/Charlotte/Soleil scramble
Funny, I got the itch to play Conquest Lunatic earlier today and have since been powering through the game. At chapter 18 now, have been using Peri for every chapter so far (except for 15 for obvious reasons).

Preliminary results? All of you who say that Peri is a drag are out of your fucking minds. Like, do you have any idea how to play this game at all? Jesus Christ, I don't think Conquest is FE8-tier easy or anything but when I'm playing efficiently, with an eye solely on winning, it's definitely far from being too hard for Peri to do poorly.

As early as her RECRUITMENT CHAPTER (Chapter 12) she's already pulling her weight, ORKOing Ninjas with a Dual Attack and joining Camilla/Jakob/Silas in the charge up ahead to reach Ryoma and open Chests. Hell she even got to kill more Ninjas since Silas wasn't getting the job done by himself.

Then she gets access to Tonics for Chapter 13, which I rape in 6 turns without issue. Seriously, everything was dead by the sixth turn, while Peri got to run a train on the incoming Cavs by camping on the Village/Gate with a Beastkiller and picking off the 2-range chumps after.

Chapter 14, she is admittedly the lowest-levelled of my combat units at this point, but she still does wonders thanks to Effie's +4 Defense. She gets to help with the Pegs while Corrin runs for the boss. Like why is Keaton even here, she already does Beastkilling better!

Do I need to keep going? When does Peri magically start becoming terrible or slowing down my team exactly? Because she's made contributions to efficiently beating every chapter so far. Maybe I should start the game over and start doing retarded shit like having Kaze tank and Benny be my primary damage dealer? Maybe I should dump everything I have into Odin or Lolzu so that I can't use any resources on anyone else? Maybe I should kill off half my team? Maybe everyone needs to only use Iron Weapons?

Seriously, what does it take for a unit to not be "mediocre" to you?
Currently I'm playing the fan translation one since the newest DLC CIA actually has English revelation, even if it is (lol tier. If the fan translation ever gets finished that'll be the version I play, if not, I'll just have to wait for someone to port over the English text once all the DLC is out in America.
Selkie and Ophelia will marry m!Kana, Percy and Kiragi will marry f!Kana.
Man, how is it ISIS can make the MC the best girl two games in a row?
Hm, I guess he's marrying Selkie, then. Hinata's his dad so they might make a decent pair.
>no game will ever have a battle system as intuitive and diverse as superstar saga
>there will never be a thief as great as popple
>luigi's ventriloquism will never be mentioned again
and he can trap too, who knew?
in all seriousness, it was a great game that would've benefited from being longer
i know you'll get this one because of battle network, hopefully; the sun is in your hands
Man, Treehouse are massive pricks to the Kannas, and especially Soleil who only finds love if you marry her, and gets friendzoned by literally everyone else
I just miss the bros attacks. The items don't recreate the same magic, I absolutely loved how cooperative the bros attacks are. It's nice to see them being a close family desu
The Kanas are like 8 or something. They're really young and it's played straight like that. But yeah, they fucked up with Soleil bad enough that nobody was really happy with the end result, and then there's cases like Midori where she becomes your partner and you still impregnate her out of wedlock anyway.

They also made Elise and Midori technical adults, except Elise gets to be your wife and little sister. Midori is stuck as just a "partner". But you still fuck her anyways.
So it's the one that says (ENGLISH PATCHED) in the pastebin? I've seen a Youtuber post videos of him playing the JP Heirs of Fates DLC translated. The Festival Scramble DLC seems to be untranslated though.
Why is she still blushing then?
Selena's endings imply she leaves with her husband back to Ylisse. It could make sense that after Xander abdicates the throne to Siegbert that he leaves with her.
Man I miss the individualized endings of Awakening
Soleil at least has a bit of an awkward romantic relationship with Forrest in the localisation, so there's that.
Makes me wonder if it isn't executive meddling, inexperience, or some combination.

Literally every localization would do that because different ages of consent. But they never really specify and no one really buys that she's 18

I wouldn't say those two only for female kana. Some of hers have some romantic implications. Like pickle boy ends with them writing stories where dragons and princes get married and shit "for the rest of their lives" and that it's a happy ending. Iggy and her go on a fucking journey together for a flower that binds them together for life. Siegbert is a massive dork but he does make flowerrings for them. He'll probably realize that she was actually asking him out eventually.
>Midori is stuck as just a "partner"

This can mean the same thing. Also, generic endings mean she's pretty clearly Corrin's wife if he marries her.
Was the youtube linkmstr or whatever? Pretty sure they're on the translation team or whatever so they probably have some beta patch or whatever.
>shota just confessed love to me
>better not anger the boss and play it cool

What's female Kana's S support like? Some lolicon?
i feel bad for getting so off topic here, but the mario & luigi rpgs really show how much they care about each other and even about bowser, like damn that cake they sent him at the end of inside story really warmed my heart to be fair, this is tangentially relevant by way of christmas cavs
I meant like, some higher up at NoA fucking with shit in the localization. Wouldn't really shock me considering how fucky Nintendo in general is lately. Guess we'll never know.
>we'll never know
You know there are people who can read Japanese and read the original script, right?
Superstar was short? I remember it was reasonably long. Though I haven't played it in years. I should fix that.
I just want a game to have BN's battle system again. It's potential was plenty explored, but I still want more.
>the Boktai content was cut out of BN6
Fucking treehouse.
It was likely Nintendo telling Treehouse to avoid as much backlash as possible, and then they just attempted to be funny after they were done. It certainly feels like inexperience.
Iggy is a nice guy.
That's my fault, I should have said something more than a post when I presumed you were online. I'm sorry, I should have said so on skype. I keep forgetting that exists, damnit
I mean the reasons for any of the major differences.

Most likely.
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Goodnight /feg/, i hope you have a nice evening with your waifu! She loves you very much! Stay happy and healthy!
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Because somebody thought it was C R E E P Y and they want the mainstream audience.
Except we don't actually know the exact thought process and can only really guess.
Thank you, captain obvious. While you're here, could you tell us what color the sky is?
I've married her in my first playthrough, no regrets. She's like cordelia without the drama; what's not to love?
Blue, like the color of the sky!
Yes it's Linkmstr.

Oh so the actual latest English patch doesn't have that? What DLCs are translated in that patch then?

Can you tell me what is untranslated in the current fan translation patch? I heard all the lol) stuff was fixed right?
a shitty unit and character with an even shittier fanbase.
No, as far as I know, the only released patch is the 3.0 version which only includes a translation of Birthright, Conquest, and a (lol tier Revelation. Some castle stuff is translated, some my room stuff is translated, lots of weapons and such are translated, but no DLC is translated(as far as I know). The stuff that the translation team is working on according to the thread is
>Current Progress: All paths completed, Invisible Kingdom currently being fixed, DLC and Supports being translated. Approximately 10% of supports are publicly available.

Unfortunately they've given no progress reports so we don't really know what's been fixed specifically yet. The Heirs of Fate stuff does seem to be getting translated but who knows if the scrambles have.
Nope. Only Kiragi and Percy can get with her and that's that. Your """romantic implications""" are just ambiguous shit.
Perhaps the same could be said of all characters
>django and sabata was localized out of being part of the main series
>4.5 real operation will never come to the states and that one translation will never be finished

i might just be saying that about superstar saga because i finished it in about a week, heh
but i mean, you don't really have to grind too much and you can progress relatively quickly if you pay close attention to the story and what you're told to do quick question; when you play through a m&l rpg another time do you ever get to a point where you don't remember a story event from the last time you played?
Meh it's not worth it yet then. It's the supports that Memehouse fucked up the most in terms of translation so having only 10% of the supports translated is worthless for me. I'd like to have face petting too but the supports are more important in my opinion, since the former is a rather optional feature.
Yeah, if heh and when the fan patch gets done, then I'll consider the definitive version, but right now it's just an unfinished beta thing. You could always just open up the translated JP support pastebins and read them alongside the text in the game, since lots of them are translated online, same with the DLC scramble convos.
>It's "I play FE for muh OTP" episode

crit yourself
I can see myself doing that since the Treehouse supports really bother me.

Do you enjoy all the face petting by the way?
A week sounds right, especially if you've played it before.
Yeah, but that's just a natural part of forgetting things, no? I personally enjoy forgetting about my favorite games, because then I can replay them every couple of years and remember why I loved them so much in the first place. Goodnight, anon. Keep having good taste in GBA games.
It's pretty fun to do with various characters, but personally I just enjoy doing it most after I've S ranked someone well, one person but that's just me, some people have said it gets kind of tiring after a while and it'd be quicker to just do what the NA version does.
If you don't powerlevel your pegasus knights on the first mage boss available they will die retarded deaths later. Fact.
Is the Fates localization really this bad? I lurked here before deciding to get it or not and it seems that the common consensus is that it was completely changed and ruined in the localization and that's a bit disheartening.
I always really appreciated characters, supports and this stuff in FE games.
>STR/SKL/SPD for boon, LCK for bane. Anything else and you will be sucked.

Is there a reason for this?
Maybe you should actually bother doing some research yourself instead of listening to one website.
Because they're the best.
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But I loved Cordelia for the drama

I dunno about skill. I'd replace it with Magic.
Is it a significant enough issue if you pick Boon/Bane based on how you want to roleplay Corrin, like picking Lucky/Fragile, that it shouldn't be done?
It still seems pretty fun honestly and it is an optional part of gameplay so it doesn't hurt to have it in.

I do notice a fair amount of "~" in the fan translation though. What's up with that?
Story script is okay. Some characters are fucking murdered. Niles is fairly different in the original version, and he and Rhajat had unique supports based on gender that were removed, for example.
>implying Forrest wants anything to do with her romantically
Did you not see how he bribed her to leave him alone with that shampoo bottle the moment she hinted she kinda wants his feminine dick?
Niles was always the same for both genders though.
Niles is a first gen so the supports were the same for both genders even in the original.
Depends on the difficulty.

Like if you're doing Birthright Normal or something it doesn't matter because >Birthright, but it can hurt on higher difficulties.

The thing is that Yato is obscenely good and it makes Corrin one of the best damage dealers in the game, so gearing Corrin towards that always results in being better.

Like the Omega Yato has 20 effective Mt with it's stat boosts which absolutely dwarfs anything else you can get in a normal playthrough barring some of the S-rank weapons (which all have nasty drawbacks that the Yato doesn't).

Str is IMO the best just because Corrin has good Speed anyways.
I gotta wonder how Silas felt at how his daughter just threw away his last chance of being a part of Corrin's family
Oh, was it just Rhajat?
He had a unique MaMui S rank I'm pretty sure, but the C-A were the same.

And this is why I'm amazed people actually listen to 4chan and only 4chan. The amount of people here that are just straight wrong is insane.

It was always the same, like every 1st gen convo.
Even his S rank with MaMui was the same? I could have sworn the original had some "must be weird to have a dude say he loves you" type shit in it.
I'm planning to play Birthright first on Hard and Classic.

But huh, that makes things interesting. Maybe I'll start several games after I get far enough.
No, you're right in that the original had Niles pointing out the oddity in their relationship
The only thing that can really hurt you is an hp or a defense bane on Lunatic - and even then all it does it make the first few chapters a bit harder assuming you get NO early DEF growths.

Corrin is so good that there's basically no way to fuck him/her up unless you go out of your way to choose something stupid like a MAG bane Mage build or something equally stupid.
Luck as bane is easily fixable since the stat booster gives +4 instead of +2. You get a good number of them as well. Luck will also slightly affect the growth rate for Str and Mag but choosing Skl or Str as boon cancels it out as well as Kamui having good Str growth and his weapon is very good. Kamui has decent speed and will double a good number of enemies, Choosing Spd boon pretty much ensures doubling everything.
Best boon and bane for Ninja MU? Also anyone had any luck with a Magic Ninja MU?
+Str/-Luk. You can dump all magic spirits on Kamui and use a flame shuriken but the magic growth isn't good as a ninja.
What about +Mag Ninja. Someone on leldit said it ends up pretty well since they have about 27 Str and 31 Mag as a Master Ninja. Does a +Mag Ninja MU have 50% growth rate for both Str and Mag?
Magic is limited in use cause Flame Shuriken is good, but isn't great, especially when you consider the rest of the hidden weapons.

Pretty all the min-max players I have met go STR or SPD boon. STR for general gameplay cause Ninja has mad speed gains anyway and SPD for grind-heavy play-throughs as if you ever plan to WiFi battle you gottagofast.

Bane again tends to differ depending on your ultimate goal.

Just looking for a regular playthrough no fuss? LCK is a fine bane because it's not that bad a loss to offense stats and gives you a strong early game.

Going for ultimate be-all end-all play-through? DEF bane. It leaves you with MAX offensive stats and because Kana's Statue stat boost is based off of Corrin's BANE, so getting an army-wide DEF boost is much more beneficial than a LCK one. This is of course presuming you're going to grind out statues and go for maximum completion etc.
You would have 50% on Str and 45% on Mag provided your bane is Luk
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So I want to commission something with Oboro and Kana doing something really cute. Any ideas?
Plebbit scrubs just like being contrarian and try to make non-optimal builds sound ok by using banana logic.

Look if you're gonna go Ninja you might as well pump STR because Ninja and Master Ninja have no innate MAG growth and only have a slight STR growth so you need all the damage you can get.

There's also the fact that while everyone likes to meme-build with Flame Shuriken it's kind of shitty on any character that can actually use physical-based hidden weapons without being and as such can safely be disregarded as a crutch weapon for the MAG favoring characters who have no choice.
I cheated on my waifu last night.

I must commit seppuku, it is the only way to restore my lost honor.

Please forgive me, aniki.
What about -Res?
-RES has a MAG and SPD decrease - don't do it.

You can argue that Ninja's base speed more than makes up for the loss but what's the point - you're going a Ninja to go fast and working against your own stat caps / growths is never a good idea.
Res would reduce your Mag as well. Mag ninja isn't really worth it.


Try using that for growths
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Have you worshipped your Goddess today, /feg/?
Killing some Nohrian scum.
Playing as a loli was a mistake.
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Should I Heart Seal my Corrin as soon as he hits 10 with Nohr Prince?
Yes, especially if your secondary class is something that starts at E-rank weapon.
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How broken would Camilla be if she has a personal weapon like the Royal anikis and otoutos?
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Tell me, /feg/, what would Oboro do when Kana is sad?
What makes you say that
Do internal and cumulative levels still work the same way in Fates that they did in Awakening?
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Good night /feg/
Cheer her up like the nice aunt she is.
Finger her.
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>mfw faggots still care about growth rates

Fuck off with your shitty fanfiction
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>Plowing BIG sister every night as loli Femui with my humbly-sized futa dragon cock.

Playing as a loli is the only way to go unless you want a first-come Felicia.
No, since seals don't change your level anymore.

Gunter and Felicia/Jakob have their internal level at 11 or 1 despite starting in promoted classes, though. Of course, they also have a level cap of 30/40.
Conquest or Birthright for 1st playthrough?
So let's say I'm at level 5 in a promoted class, if I use the heart seal to go back to a base class does it go to level 5 base?

If instead I'm at level 20 in a promoted class the only way to go back to level 1 for more stat grinding is to Heart Seal to a level 20 base class and then master seal to a promoted class?
Conquest. It's the only game worth playing. Going through all three will probably burn you out anyways.
If you use a heart seal at level 5 promoted, you'll stay level 5 promoted. You can't change back to a base class.
Read the in-game guide about reclassing.
>not raping fallen soldiers to destroy enemy morale
thats the one I was leaning towards anyways ty.
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Would you love your waifu, even if she miscarried?

The loss would be too overwhelming.
I would abandon that cunt and find a REAL woman instead.

I'd rather avoid trying multiple times and end up with a premature down syndrome kid just because it might hurt some dumb cunt's feelings.
So there is no way to reduce levels at all once promoted then, and if you leveled all the way to 20 after promotion then there is no longer a way to get skills from any other promoted class because there are no more levels to gain skills in?
You can't go back to a base class once you are promoted, if you are level 5 promoted you can only reclass to other promoted classes. If you are level 20 promoted the only way to get more levels is to buy an Eternal Seal that raises your level cap by 5 and you can grind indefinitely as long as you can afford to buy more Eternal Seals.
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Nah I'd rather have comfy sex with my voluptuous yandere adopted sister instead.
I just like the thought of a cute girl sodomizing fully grown men.
Yes. We'll just mourn over it for a while then get back to passionate bedroom time to produce a new one.
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Someone actually wrote a fanfic about my waifu having a miscarriage for some reason. I wonder what made them think this was a good idea.
Nothing of value was lost if the baby she miscarried was Severa.
who was it?
that's not what I asked
I would ask her why she was pregnant in the first place because we're both girls.
oh shit
you need to have a serious conversation with your waifu
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Kaze on A rank with Felicia and Azura in Hoshido, who shoud he bone?

Also is it possible to pass Locktouch directly to Shigure and/or Midori?
Azura. And yes it's possible.
Azura and yeah, just make sure it's the last skill he has equipped when you recruit them.
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And I like the idea of a half-dragon loli cumming balls deep inside her busty nee-san.
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rate my bond unit
named after the mother because I can't think of good names
alternate classes are Samurai and Nohr Princess
And I like to imagine musclebound men getting their stomachs filled with loli semen.
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Cool m8
enjoy your ban
blue board
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Thanks little bitch, but the mods are my bitches.

They wouldn't dare make a move against me.
>Not being a futa and impregnating her yourself
There's no reason to impregnate her.

Kana is shitty enough as it is, I don't need him coming out as a hermaphrodite.
Best theme right here
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Who should Oboro fug? I want to pass down Seal Defense and make a killing machine
>that face

there goes my boner
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>that face
jesus christ, how did I even manage to make a Kanna with her?
okai den
Is this drawn by that artist who also drew Elise getting fucked by Arthur?
With Lethality as a personal, I'd say she's pretty good as a Samurai. Get Hoshidan Unity to boost the proc rate a bit further.
Any of you nubs got setsuna with apt? Promise to visit for a week
>Takumi with Pass and walk on water jesus power

And yet he still can't defeat Nohrian scum.
so I just bought Awakening.

What should I make my toon look like? What gender, advantage, and disadvantage should I give my toon?
Toon Link is not in Awakening
I hate this
Robin is the most broken unit in the whole series, you can make him anything and he'll be good
Well that is proper English. Habla usted Inglés?

I don't know how you say down in pesoland, but up here we speak English.
>Arena now lets you risk your life just to bet pretty rocks

I liked it fine when it was the hyperbolic time chamber. I'd send Matthew in and either he'd be a stain on the ground or an assassin god by the time he came out.
Make a female avatar so that you can marry Chrom (who's in love with you regardless of your gender) and give birth to two OP children.
But I don't like Chrom
How would Camilla feel if Femui grew a cock in front of her?
Oboro's voice is the cutest
>Mine's bigger
Now they can compare boob and dick sizes
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>Serenes has a Rena Strober appreciation thread stickied

And what I went there for but can't find: what are the weapon exp calculations for Fates? Do you gain more with higher ranked weapons?
every use nets you 1 XP
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>use the logbook trick on Gazak
>give him a Great Club
Wish I could do the same with the amiibo characters, but they lose their personal weapons.
>Camilla gets Pugi
>Hinoka gets PoR Wishblade
>Elise gets Dime Thunder
>Sakura gets renamed Rolf's Bow
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>>Camilla gets Pugi
>Camilla grants Mag/Res+5
>Hinoka grants Skill/Spd+5
>Elise gets Luck+10 and natural Pavis
>Sakura gets All stats+2
>tfw Priam can't even Äther.
What a shitty descendat. At leat, he has Ragnell

I'm actually wondering. Did anyone here took him as his husbando???
>sakura gets fucked hard
>camilla gets a useless weapon
>hinoka gets a broken one
>elise will never miss/get crit
Only fags use toon desu
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I would have nothing left.
>fucking a corpse
You should pass down Rend Heaven instead.
>proper english
>slang being proper english
>slang that's used for a few genres only
>proper english
fuck off back to WoW/D3 and keep your festering shithole of a community that literally complains about everything(at least D3) to itself.
T. D3fag
You get skills you've "missed" on your next levelup. If you reclass somebody to a level 10 Swordmaster, they'll get Duelist's Blow at 11, Vantage at 12, and Astra at 13.
Out of curiosity, which Noble class is more appropriate for MU in Revelations?
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Hoshido Hard chapter 12 in the opera house is fucking me up badly. That cunt Xander and his slut Pieri hunt down my squad and they can barely put a dent in him
Oh my. Git Gud
Literally just fly away
>What is grinding?
Just take your MC towards the exit and use your other units to obtain the goods and eventually get some EXP.
Read the objective silly
nigger just use fliers to get the loot and then fly out
it's easy as fuck
When you buy amiibo characters from the logbook they get their weapon.
I managed to stay alive after one Xander hit with Oboro's huge defence. I created a choke point by not freezing the water so only Xander could attack me, and I've got Sakura with a bloom festal outside of Xander's range to heal Oboro.
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What time is it?
I was looking up the logbook trick and I found this
>I sort of wish there was a New Game +. I want to redo my marriages without making a new avatar. A little off-topic but still.
I could actually get behind this idea. I'd love to just marry whoever in game 1, and then steamroll game 2 with eugenics families.
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Maid time
burn this slugabed
She'd love it because now she can have Femui's children. They go at it like rabbits every night.

Plus Femui would have a cute, humbly-sized penis. Camilla finds it adorable and teases her lots during the day to get her hard in embarrassing situations (footjob under the meeting table, etc.)
Time to wake that slugabed!
>want to make a cute waifu
>but also want to fuck waifus

Starting a new Fire Emblem has never been this difficult before for me
This meme has to stop

I'm trying to avoid grinding as much as possible, I want to play Nohr eventually and don't want to depend on it as a crutch.


Yeah I know, but I had Hinoka take Corrin up there and there was a Knight that could fuck them both up in 2 turns
It's a 1-2 range Tomahawk that never breaks and can double.
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This is a Vallite Queen.

Ah ok. So a NoGrind-Run?
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Small update, Chapter 8 laid out. Lilina's squad doesn't spawn until turn 4, the area above her and the area next to the throne are reinforce points. On turn 15-20 the map ends in a game over when Bern's army arrives.

Instead of having it auto-trigger I may just disable the Seize event and force the player to fight to the death.
Just get the gay hack familia.


Which waifu do you want to trib by the way?
Not THE Vallite Queen?
How many women did Corrin marry?
>1-2 range tomahawk
>gives mag
>if mag based, not capitalizing on her str
Never get the Faggot hack.
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Been playing the fan translation only for a while now, and it could be a bit better. There's a lot of unneeded ellipses or ????s that are just in without any dialogue, and there's quite a few formatting and text errors like when the text sometimes repeats itself, ?or it looks like this,? the entire phrase doesn't show up because they put too much in one line, or in the worst case scenario had (lol
Can't be assed to switch to the Treehouse version, don't really care if it's better or not since the plot's kinda bad anyway.
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This is the Queen of Valla, silly anon.
>Wheres Lilina's prison. I hope you scaled up her Speed growth a bit.


I also don't grind, except Mozu shenenigangs
It has added straight supports too.
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But she can't be the queen, the canon kanpeki daughter needs to exist
>chapter 10 Conquest
>Haitaka keeps dying
>game never say anything about it so I always get the impression I did everything right

Also I love his animations, he cant die
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Sev is just many in a long line of royalty before her.
Lilina doesn't start in a prison, she arrives as reinforcements with Barth, Astohl and Ogier, which is a traditional party (minus healer) of Magician, Tank, Thief, DPS/Warrior
Isn't there also an excess of "~" at the end of sentences said by people like Felicia or Tsubaki?
There are other places to get that without supporting complete faggotry. I don't support shitty fan writing.
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>not giving her the stats to make her ultimate kanpeki
I thought prisoners don't die, you just have to pay to get them to rejoin you when they get defeated
Ah ok.
And her speed growth ?
>Not liking yuri
What are you, a faggot?
HP: 60
Str: 25 (On Promotion rises to 40)
Mag: 75
Skill: 30
Speed: 35
Luck: 50
Def: 30
Res: 45
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It's time for cucktales. (Woo-ooh!)
The mag is by ownership not by equipment. She can use that to hit Res with the Bolt Axe and also gets Res to take magical hits that much better.

She's a Revenant Knight and I believe ISIS should've capitalized on that class's strengths rather than making her a Wyvern Lord
Caeldori has worse growths than Oboro if Oboro ia her mother

And Oboring has rather mediocre growths
>still 35% speed.
Ahhhhh. This fact makes me always use lugh instead of Lillina.
What is her Promotion, if the str is increasing?

Also you forgot to namefag
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35% is nice in the gba era.
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I noticed, apologies.

Well she's a lord so ya know.

Duchess I think we call it.

She doesn't really compete with Lugh anymore.
>To masturbate
Fuckin kek
What a cute Hector.
Really? But they lose their level ups right?
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Yadda yadda we used FE7 as a testing ground for the animations.
that's one hell of an iron axe
>Tfw my Lillina always got rng screwed, so I alwas used lugh and saul

Lord? Sounds cool.
Hector would be proud.

What about supports? Lilinna x Hector(if he don't die in your Hack of course) confirmed?
Yes, Lilina supports with Hector (if you saved his life), Roy supports with Eliwood, Guinevere supports with Lyn.
How big is Camilla's dick?
Do you use a special program or something for hacking?
I can't believe we've gotten to the point where 30% is the lowest of a stat, 50% growth is considered "lukewarm" and there are assholes with up to 80% of growth in a single stat.
We use FEditor (modified to not break the rom), Event Assembler, Tiled, Nightmare, GBAGE, and uh... I think maybe some other outlier programs.
Who should be the king of Valla? Playing as FeMU so (You) is out of the question

No royals because that would be boring.

What man would be a good King?
Not too long, it exists to pound the prostate of Corn after all.
I know , you can play her when you played the x-times,but here you can play her so? Let me guess. She's a Sage and when can you recruit her?

Also i hope for you, that my sweet Nomad girl is still recruitable(I mean Sue).

Also... wasn't Fe6 one of the Fes, where you couldn't promote your thief?
Did you fixed that?
Definitely bigger than Leo and Takumi.
Help guys, I can't be assed to grind S level supports for the fucking useless males (practically all the male non-royals) in my army (Birthright) but I don't want to miss out on the extra paralogues and shit.

Tell me child units are worth it (but no worthy skill inheritance from the father's side). Tell me they are vibrant and interesting characters that will liven up my playthrough. Tell me ANYTHING that might make me interested in hooking up the male non-royals.

I think the true reason I can't be assed is that even after Birthright, there's still Conquest and Revelations to play. And Revelations is the one to play for 100% completion anyway.
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No. She isn't.

You know I've been doing this for 6 years, but yes thieves promote.
Cry me a river oldfag
So... which class is Guinerve?
I missed some of your strems. And u can't find anything on you Hitbox site. I only find strems where you do Boeing Hack stuff for 3 hours or Yu-gi-oh stuff.

And..... Sue?
You can fucking have 30 in defense and still get outdamaged.
>random battles are level scaled by story progress
>Boo Camp DLC is level scaled by story progress
so how the fuck am I supposed to grind my benchwarmer lowbies to catch up then?
She's a third lord.

I have a thread on feuniverse.us to.

Sue is fine, I didn't remove anyone.
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snuggle with your waifu
Can you grind in Revelations?
Camilla doesn't have a dick, silly. She has a soft and comfy vagina that is always ready for some dragon dicking. How else would she contain Kamui's fertile seed and give birth to her 11 kids with them if she doesn't have one?

Though if she does have one it's probably the biggest dick out of all the royal siblings.
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>it's an "Oboro wrecks the entire enemy army on her own" episode
Cry more pls.
Looks like a win!
Yes. It's pretty much mandatory for people that aren't nobles because they join at pathetic levels.
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Which Fates crit quotes do you like?
Can I capture Reina, Scarlet or Orochi in Chapter 13 of Conquest? Planning to do this chapter without Niles
No, the only bosses you can capture in Conquest are Haitaka and Kumagera.
Oh, and the Paralogue bosses.
So a lanceusing-lord?
>inb4 Ephraim.png

Ahh ok. I will look on there then.

Sue is one of my fav units in Fe6. I always use her.

Lets talk about Gameplay & balance stuff.
You maybe know the Rutger-or-Fir thing.
Rutger outclasses Fir in anything. Did you fixed sth there for a btter balance?
Nope, they all die.
'Specially Scarlet.
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Yes. It was a focus that each unit would have a use and purpose. you probably also want the skill list

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I love Flora's lingerie in this. Mkre artists should draw cuddle art with the waifus in fancy lingerie like this.
A shame, I would have banged Reina if I could.
>You're just a STAIN.

No seriously, why is Fiora being embraecd by Aizen?
>Anthony betrays you even though it was obvious he was going to
What a little shit, glad he got turned into a Faceless.
For Fates, emulated fan translation or official?
So Scarlet was gangraped, right?
Your units are expected to cap fucking speed and you'll still have a hard time doubling enemies.
>Every Bow Klain uses, is automatically a Longbow
Damn, that sounds Op.

>Shin can complete movement after attacking.
This sounds also Op.
Go in, kill someone, flee

Pretty cool Skills dude.
I can't find Oujay on that list.
Wait until the fan translation is finished being properly edited.
>What was your exit strategy?



And also all Crit qoutes of Odin.
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His name is Ogier.

Opening Slash When enemy HP is full, +4 Damage and -4 Damage recieved
His is one of my favourite english dub voices, it fits him really well.
Lilina's a Lord now? What about her magic?
Ah ok.
Why the name change?
Oujay is pretty dank and cool
Too bad he's one of the units you barely even get to use.
But I really like his voice and the strategist archetype is my favorite.
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She starts with Magic. She promoted into Anima/Axe

Because Ogier is actually a correct translation and a reference to the Song of Roland.
>you can only get him near the end of Birthright
>can't get him at all in Revelation even though there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to
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So I've read that you shouldn't promote units until level 20. I'm at chapter 13 on Hoshido hard, trying not to grind, and the enemy has more and more promoted units.

Is it terrible to promote units around level 15? Getting more skills would be handy
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I don't even remember his voice because I never use him and he has like 2 lines
>Hoshido Hard
Just use Corrin and Ougiman.
I'm considering doing a Lunatic Conquest playthrough and I would like to ask those who did one already, how was it? Any advice? I might be fucking up
I just can't enjoy Lobster crits anymore after Birthright burned them in my memory.
Every map after he joins nothing but a marathon of
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I played through Hoshido hard because I'm a fucking casual and honestly didn't struggle that much.
Hmm. That's pitty. I prefer Oujay, but it's your Hack, so go ahead. It's just a name after all.

I hope Lyn has her Mani Kati and a Bow.
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She has the Vali Katti. since Zephiel kind of broke the Mani Katti.
Well, i like the last one at least.

He shares it with Saizo and Kagero
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I like Sakura crits in general just because she's so nervous and insecure while everyone else gives badass boasts
Why are Camillacucks so embarrassing and cringy?
Lyn got really fucked up. How soon do we recruit her?
This is why you don't keep try to kill your kid for 15 years.
It breeds some issues on the guy.

Thanks but that doesn't answer the question
Holy Fuck. What happened to her face?
It looks fucked up.
There doesn't exist a weapon called "Vali Kati". Just give her "Sol Kati"
Because most of them are autistic 13 year olds who just married her because dude boobs lmao
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Chapter 1 Boss.png
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Ilia, she's been in the mountains, forging a new blade, training and murdering bears.

Zephiel happened.

Not likely. the Vali Katti is her own creation. Hint. It's named after the Norse god of Revenge, it's kind of a thematic name.
What does your team look like?
>Removing her red hair Accessoir
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Because we know it pisses off shitters like you.
You mean... her hair band?
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Find a flaw.
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What's wrong, anons? Are you intimidated because she has a bigger dick than you do?
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>like girls with big boobies who are sluts
>calls others shitters

All non-promoted units that I use are level 12-16 right now. MVPs are Corrin, Kaze, Takumi, Oboro and Hinoka
It's best not to promote early in Fates because there is a definite level cap that can't be extended without a costly item. So If you promote at 15, you're missing out on 5 levels of stat gains.

My advice would be to plan better. Check enemy ranges, especially those with weapons you're weak to (they take the trouble to highlight them also). When faced with a ton of units and you're at a choke point, having a partner in guard stance is extremely important if not you're going to be eating free dual attacks. When progressing across the map into a fuckton of units, set your designated tank unit one square into the purple box and wait for their counter attack. You might also want to use various buffing skills like Azura's speed boost from her song or planting people like Sakura near your tank to reduce damage taken. Tank units in Hoshido are usually Oboro/Hinoka with guard naginatas, or Corrin with Felicia support (because of her personal skill) and Dragonstone early to mid game only unless you build Corrin tank.
Why is it always bears?
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How do I get through chapter 12? Playing on normal classic in Conquest.

>try to push through the middle
>ninjas tear into my team and I lose someone

>try to push through the middle
>kill ninja and get dragon vein
>get slaughtered by archers and center room
>lose someone or can't make it through in time

>try to push right
>mostly harmless but team gets bugged down in slug fest
>Corrin and paired up unit teleport but get stuck trying to push through to exit
>didnt activate vein so can't run past Ryouma.
>draw aggro and get gang banged in center hall
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>spend all day shitposting about some character in a video game
>not being a shitter
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Remember to marry who you love!
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>not liking sluts
I can't give her support bonuses?
Generic supports when? They need the boosts.
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How is Camilla as a Maid, combat-wise? She and Elise look good in the outfit all right.
>Having trouble with normal
It took me like 2 weeks but I did it on hard, casul
Oedipus complex.
I'm a complete beginner to Fire Emblem unfortunately. Just getting the grips with the game mechanics.
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>shitposters all have tiny cocks
>they spend all day shitposting to try and make the pain go away
>but it never does, so they just stay angry and keep shitposting
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you fucked up
I'm a masochist at heart. I also heard while the plot is worse than Hoshidos game, the characters are a lot better. So far I am happy with that choice on that premise alone.
Conquest Hard Chapter 14, what buildings should I build or upgrsde? Which are priorities?
Wait what?
Lyn is now a blacksmith as her side-job?
Sounds cool.

>tfw Canas wouldn't appear in any FE6-Hack, because MUH snowstorm
I want to give this sholar a happy end
It's ok, just wait.
A few promoted enemies isn't an issue. If you promote early all those unpromoted enemies will give 1 exp while, if you wait to promote, all those promoted enemies will give lots of experience instead.
He killed a snowstorm then fucked his wife until both died of exhaustion.
That sounds like a happy end to me.
Weapon shop upgrade, then staff shop upgrade.
Is Smithy important? What about Hot Springs? Food? Arena?
Nice headcanon.
We both know the real ending
Cafeteria is essentially the ability to put an essentially free tonic on your units, its good.

Hot Springs is functionally useless
Arena is also useless since you can get more materials more easily just by visiting castles.
There is ironically a lot less needless deaths in Conquest, at least for named characters. Birthright has moments where it just yanks on your heartstrings like it was The Champ, and that's one of the reasons I'm never going to play it.
With an Effie on steroids (Str and Def meals/tonics) on PP, she can OHKO Saizou before he switches to the Flame Shuriken and Azura can give her an extra turn to kill Kagerou before she equips the Sting Shuriken. Let your stronger/faster units take care of the Ninjas.

Activate the DV and try to get rid of the Spear Fighters and some of the Apothcaries without crossing the line. After clearing out the bow users, or at least when there's enough room for the fliers to fight without being in the range of bows, march onwards.

Kill the two Samurai before Ryouma without getting in his range. Get the chests by killing only the Ninja/Samurai and Shrine Maidens, leaving the paired ones on the other room untouched.

Dual Club Camilla will soften up Ryouma enough for MU to take the kill, or you can just sing for her to finish him herself.
You cannot make me change it.
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Smithy let's you forge two like weapons together.
Iron Sword+Iron Sword=Iron Sword +1
So lel

So cute!
>tfw you die needlessly in the canon route

>Mikoto gets a touching moment with the hoshidan siblings
>Sumeragi gets an emotional moment with Corrin even though corrin knows nothing about him
>Garon only gets an "oh no, dad!"
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>Play through conquest or revelations
>try to marry someone else
>Anon and Camilla have reached S rank!

does anyone else have this problem? not necessarily with just camilla but unable to S-rank other girls than the one you chose first?
>the only dignified end Garon gets is in Birthright which you'll play first so you won't even know what the fuck he's talking about
I have this problem only with Mozume.
Stupid sexy peasant.
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Mozu loves Donnel, cuck
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boy do i
it's optimal too since it's the only way to pass her classes and skills, and allows for 100% paralogues
i guess i don't mind
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I want to eat out Felicia.

I want to make her feel good.

What's wrong with me?
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>in-game background information paints Garon as a loving father who couldn't abandon anyone he banged, and that's why he grew so bitter
>writers could've painted him in a sympathetic light and had Corrin open up his heart to kindness once again in Conquest & Revelation
>instead he was a crazy spooky slime monster that laughs at his kids dying
The most hurtful part is knowing Kibayashi drafted that bit up too. I can never read Kindaichi the same ever again.
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Excellent taste
Felicia is stinky stinky, she needs a bath first.
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Nothing wrong with that
Donnel gets dragon pussy.
Mozume gets dragon dick.
They're kindred spirits, the dragon-laying peasants.
whoa hey now
concept art for slime garon had these notes see
and in these notes it's said that soldiers attack him when he reveals his true form
so the draft may have had something different about it and gooron is just the fucks at IS screwed up executing
My problem is I can never decide who to S-rank. My menu always has that stupid exclamation point by it.
What if slimetime actually got revealed by Aqua in the opera house, and that split the kingdom into these that actually saw slimetime and fight by your side to kill him and those that didn't see it first hand and just think that you are a filthy traitor trying to usurp the throne?
I just got Azama's first support with Male Corrin. Holy shit, that was hilarious. Are all of his supports this good?
Azama's pretty great
>it's optimal too since it's the only way to pass her classes and skills
The paralogues part I knew about, and I was planning on marrying her, but what's this?
>Not giving Nowi to Gregor
>What's wrong with me?
Azama is best boy
What I did for Saizo/Kagero was much more simple. I paired Kaze and Peri to the side behind the pots and Kagero just targeted him and neither died. This left the chokepoint open. Then I broke the pots with the DV and we firmly exised those ninjas from existence.

On my first playthough I had Arthr tank that shit. He was fucked up but Alive

B-but Galeforce!
>Opera house appears heavily in trailers
>The events there accomplish absolutely nothing in either route
>Nothing similar even occurs in Revelation
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He's alright I guess.
I was talking about FemRobin.
>gimp cripple Morgan
I don't care, sue me.
>time to take out the trash
Why is this always good banter?
>Azura ia advertised to have different outfits depending on the route
>nope it's just for one of the stupidest cutscenes in the game
>Whats wrong with me?
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>opera house could have been the perfect smash stage
>its not
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On one hand, I'd still be pissed because it's lazy writing for a character who has a lot of potential to be more than some Saturday morning cartoon villain.
On the other hand, Iago would probably go "I've been working for that guy?" and defect, and then I'd make him a Wyvern Rider.
The only thing that can cripple Morgan is marrying yourself to Anna
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Happy Memorial Day burgers

Let us remember the fallen desu. Which units have fallen in your runs recently and why?
>tfw no tiny cock boyfriend to make fun of while parading around my superior cock
Why even live?
>can't S-rank Hans, Iago or Zola
All this wasted potential. And Zola being a traitor in BR would have been a little less obvious if he actually joined you properly, with supports and all
I did first Awakeing(Extreme difficult) with only one GALEFORCE, which was Maribelle(reclassed her to dark flier)
I didn't want to touch the pots near Saizou and Kagerou because most of the units aren't ready for that shit yet so Effie had to THWACK those two before they can fuck her up. The Belka pair-up gives her that extra Str and Def boost too, in addition to taxing her up to that chokepoint.

Kek poor Arthur. At least he has WTA over them. Does he get doubled by them?
Robin is just connected with Grima. He isn't rly a dragon. He's just a key to unlock Grima's full power(compare normal grima with DLC Grima)
For me it was Morgan and she clearly outclassed everyone once she got it.
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I wasn't watching what was I was dong and let Arthur get sniped by an Archer.

I didnt give two shits about him though so like a madman I just kept on playing.
I've got a +skl Corrin with a Barb Shuriken built around maximizing Hoshidan Trust/Nohrian Unity.

I fucking hate the voice I chose. He doesn't even sound young.
Sigrun or whatever the green headed peg knight in tellius is called. Left her at spawn because she was weak as fuck but could at least shuttle some characters around if they needed it since it was a desert chapter. Some fucking wyvern riders spawned next to her and killed her since she couldn't get away in time.
All the pots around the dragon vein are actually good.

Not unless he had the hand axe which he did. He took like 2x18 and he had like 40hp giving 0 fucks keeping his shit eating grin all the way through. Then his waifu Effie sealed the deal.
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No bully cam he tried his hardest with the shit voice director
Hana got failed to dodge a 20% hit and promptly ate that 1% crit. If a Myrm kicks the bucket like that near the end of the map he deserves to die.
>DLC that allows you to recruit these three
I'd pay for Garon alone. That axe is tits.
Etika, when's the stream?
Cam is worst Corrin voice.

Unironically Lowenthal has the most fitting Corrin voice.
I wish Cam Clarke was casted for Xander and used his Kratos Aution voice on him
Scarlet because the plot doesn't allow me to do anything during cutscenes.
It's soul-crushingly brutal. I started "cheating" around the Wind Tribe chapter. It's fun if you have s lot of free time, but between work and social obligations, I was getting maybe one attempt at a map a day. It would have taken me a year to beat it without using castle stuff.
Does anyone have Rinkah with Death Blow? Too lazy to early promote her so she can get Death Blow sooner.
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Have a nice day.
Funny how initial impressions had us believing just that

Even late into Smash DLC release people still thought that was the case, that he was just pulling double duty for Corrin/Xander

nope it was just le literal who youve never heard :^) in literal who's defense he has good vocal range for the characters he did triple duty for
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>You married Scarlet in revelations
Lowenthal only fits Bigmui. It's all contextual my dude.
He's too deep and monotone.


Did he even know he was doing the young voice?
Well, he did two of the three voices, so..
I still don't get it. I heard the director did Bayonetta and Metal Gear games. Hell she apparently did Legacy of Kain. What the hell happened?
From what that one interview with Azura's VA gave us they just gave the VAs a picture of the characters, if anything at all, and just told them to say the lines without any context. You know to avoid spoilers.
Why is the majority of Felicia lewds posted here bad western art.
It would have had walkoffs most likely. Nothing of value was lost.
Didn't she later say that she mispoke and that this wasn't true?
They're the biggest, toughest non-Asian/African animal.
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Ahahaha, yes, ""misspoke"". I'm sure that was the case.
That just sounds like backpedalling.
Felicia seems to be more popular in the West.
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>I just kept on playing.
You're crazy!
Knowing I let a unit die would drive me nuts
t r e e h o u s e
Hold on, so the first and third voices are Cam and the second is Yuri?
>anti-localization shitposting again
ugh...see you guys tomorrow...
My Morgan was a Anna!Morgan.

I reclassed her to Sorcerrer. She took care of the right half of Priam's Army with 4 Nosferatu tomes in her pocket only with Inigo as her husbando.
That was pretty cool.
On one hand it makes sense for plenty of characters, but on the other it doesn't make much sense with others. I mean how the fuck would you look at Effie and think she needed a man voice?
She was just called out. If you see the interview she was being very casual and anecdotative about it, she wasn't lying.

At around that time too NoJ took down the My Castle feature video that highlighted facerubbing.
Strober a shit. Can't expect much from a drama queen desu
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anyone still playing awakening?

It's my first FE game and I'm enjoying it. Which fates should I get?
>sjw cuck
If the localization didn't change so much shit it would be fine.
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Effie shares a VA with Oboro, and Oboro's voice is pretty comfy according to most, so I can imagine the VA did a initial impression for Effie's voice according to what she thought the character would be like, but the director didn't like it because their localization notes said she had to be a stronk hulk, so they stepped in to "correct" the VA.
Flora supports Felicia for an A+ rank, but she already has the class Felicia gives her, which is Mercenary. You have to marry her to pass her new skills, like how Jakob in Conquest needs his wife to pass him new skills because his A+ options give him a secondary he already has, Cavalier.
Birthright, if you want more Awakening, Conquest if you want a good game.
>enemy pulls off some bullshit like hitting at <20% or something
>Oboro counters with a crit and says this
It's like she read my mind.
Yup. THAT is the worst Morgan you can get. Now if only Kana had good growths...
What makes conquest better?
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>Partner Seals offer alternative classes in the case of potential loopholes for getting classes a unit already has
>Friendship Seals dont
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Sorry not sorry.
Oh, that's cool. I already thought my Kagero would be bad since I picked Ninja and I'm going to marry her.
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>Serenes has a sticky thread devoted to her

Then that sort of means the director or whoever did tell them something, at least enough to make them bad. A voice as bad as that or Camilla's doesn't happen by accident.
Does anyone have a list of the amiibo I need for fates?
Lucina is the only good one.
Robin is slow and frumpy, Ike is slow and a big dumb hunk, Marth is barf.
>Flora gives Felicia Sorceror
>Felicia gives Flora literally nothing
pretty poetic imho
>Anyone but Robin are good
FTFY senpai
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Superior map design
Ike is the best one. Lucina only gits gud at level 35, and until then marth is much better.
Birthright first, then wash the taste of it out of your mouth with Conquest.
Revelation is unsalvagable garbage, but if you really want to play it, go ahead. Just don't be surprised if you start downloading a shitload of fan-patches to add to the enjoyment.

heads up
Jesus Christ, this is a whole new level of retarded.
Lucina and Robin are the only ones I use for battle/weapons. Ike and Marth for cute accessories.
Roy can stay eternally cucked.
Marry her for that

The worst?
Nigga, she cleared half of Priam's Army and also killed Priam. Lmao
Oh, its the only way to pass skills TO her. I was reading it like she had some unique classes and skills that you wanted to pass.
I still think Marth is better because of the Falchion and its stupid mt.
Children in awakening are just op in general. A "shit" morgan is still very powerful, just not as powerful as something that's been min maxed.

It's only like 2 mt stronger(compared to lucina's falchion) from what I remember, the really difference between them is the innate bonuses Lodestar offers.
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