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/utg/ - Undertale general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 857
Thread images: 251

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S M I L E edition

Previous thread: >>140898407

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.

-The Game

-The Demo





-Steam Group


>Channel: Undertale



-IRC Channel:
>#undertalegeneral on Rizon
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Goat husbando
oh thank christ
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That was a scary moment. Remember that this goat deserves to be happy.
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reminder to love and take care of your goat
Don't scare is like that again.
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Why couldn't you just let us die
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homestuck trash detected

can i join you
bump because old bread died
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xth for flowey
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Nth for Omega lewdy
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The spider a cute! Cute! CUTE!!!

That shit felt like I was on the Titanic. I'm not ready to let go.
I just need to rest a bit. I've lost count how many times I've broken my limbs, how many healing items and monster foods I've eaten, how many heartbreaks I've had to endure literal and emotional. I'm not very good at this in the first place, but with determination, I'm still going to keep trying. I know this little goat child isn't my actual sibling, and that saving them is setting them free, but as my battered body shows, and the fact I can't stop hurting myself and others by causing the loop to occur over and over, I'm weak. I'm pathetic and weak, I can't let go, every moment with my friends and family, even the ones that are digital constructs, the ones that are good to me, and the ones who bring me grief and misery. Every one of those moments is precious. I can't let them go. I love everyone, and I'm just too weak to let anyone go, I just make things worse trying to fix things and save everyone and everything.

And all I can do is apologize, for the hurt I cause because of my weakness. I don't expect forgiveness, I just don't want to lose another you.
If this were the titanic, which song would we play until the end?
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Would you rather be Alphys or Undyne?
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Yo, that was close!
...Can it be MKid hours yet?
you need return to 2ch
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Greetings anon! It seems like the day is shaping up to be yet another rainy day. Looks like I will have to get out the hot coco and snuggle with you again, anon! But don't get too comfy, I'll need to exercise soon! I love you anon!
Spider a penis hungry jew.
yes you can man
except homestuck threads on /co/ are getting way more fucking stagnant after the debauchery of an ending that was act 7
Despite being built closer to Undyne, I'm more frequently compared to Alphys and Baymax.
Alphys so I can get dommed by Undyne.
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call an ambulance.png
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Precious goat child

sweet cinnamon bun
undyne i guess
>I'm more frequently compared to Alphys and Baymax.
>built closer to Undyne
Yeah, keep dreaming.
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Fresh, ish
The Sound of Silence or some shit. I dunno.
Nice try. There's no ( Y o u )'s to be given here.
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goat family
I would endure 3rd degree burns on my dick for her desu
he is pure
Perfect hips, butt and legs.
Giving the baby spider matches!
Showing the baby spider how to light it!
Telling the baby spider it will be super fun and cool to play with matches!
The baby spider burning her hand!
The baby spider's spider fuzz igniting!
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Flowey eats shit.jpg
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pure shit
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He will live on in art. And fics i guess.
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Would you rather be Frisk or Grillby?
>Bullying her by spraying her with water!
>Taking her by surprise and pushing her into a pool!
>Holding a fire extinguisher and threatening her with it while she begs for mercy
>Woshua joining you to bully her!
you have grown impossibly stale

Please keep your scat fetish out of this.
Would putting the anon between those jaws and watch that tongue wrap firmly around him before he is swallowed down hungrily with a loud squelch be lewdy?
In a dying sun, I'll become affinity
nigger was here like a few days ago, what are you on about?

angstroms really improved over time damn
I know, right?

it's really inspiring
I was with you until you said swallowed. I don't like meme fetishes.
>You will never go back and time and prevent Tiny from ever introducing ecto-genitals
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freshly found dad
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Gooooooooodddddd (almost) afternoon, /utg/!

I hope you're all having a truly great start to your day so far and that you all do your best to make sure that your week is truly wonderful

I love you all and I hope you have a good day.
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I told the spider not to play with fire!

Turning the tap on!
Holding the spider's arm in the water!
Spreading spider burn unguent on the spider's hand!
>there are now three bully posters
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Greetings /sp/ider! Is it time for favorite charecter dressup?
[/spoiler]How are you today /sp/ider?
>having nipples
shut up it's hot
>he wouldn't want to explore OF from the inside as well
It'd be an adventure!
And if the Flower God can swallow, the Flower God can also regurgitate! As long as you can convince him to do so that is...
You'd be his plaything in all sorts of ways, like it or not.
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Anon, I don't think you understand.
The great Woshing is imminent. What do we care about a few stains if the really big scrubbing is just in front of us?

One day these threads will be woshed and all the posters in it, by the great Wosher himself, Father Time.
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Pretty good anon!
- Over the age of 60
- Suffering from heart condition or abnormal blood pressure
- Pregnant
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Freshly found skelly
awful ship
so edgy
Nah, sounds dumb and it doesn't even make sense to me. I'd just prefer straight up bloody torture and gore tbqh.
You're an awful ship

USS Big Dumb Faggot, that's you

Thread Theme
this is too cute
holy fuck
As expected of home-grown faggotry
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Anon, you and I both know where these threads will end up.
The great woshing will happen and we'll be consigned to his realm of existence.
MurderRobot and Floweyblook!
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If everything is woshed then nothing is
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Eh, go too hard on that and all you have is equal to food that's so hot it masks its own inherent taste. You gotta make them desperate, gotta draw it out, slowly and surely crush all their hopes, one by one.
Riverperson is a miracle.

I wish we got more art of them.
>incoherent voidposting becomes the dominant form of posting in the future.
somehow, we'd increase in quality.
Would you rather be a ghost or a robot?
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What about skeletons?
What if he swallows you and then tortures you inside of him?
That's what the resetting is for pal. But hey, I'm not going to argue about fetishes. Its good you know what you want.
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Toby save us from this eternal hell by announcing something
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The void provides all!
Not eternal.
Just a few more months.
Toriel obsessing over her son!
the hell am I looking at
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worried tori.png
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Back from a three day ban because a mod didn't like my taste in music. Time to post skelltons.

>Expecting a guy who basically said he needed a nap after getting some sleep to do anything productive
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I don't know what I'm looking at.
this is triggering me so fucking much FUCK you
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Alphys never being able to get over it!
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There is only one correct answer.
I just love this fukken goat
That's SilvaGunner, anon
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Hey anon, I'm not sure, Muffet doesn't get too much in terms of costume swaps
I'm fine, how are you?
Alphys obsessing over her failures!

Toriel as a Joy Mutant from LISA.
Within LISA there's a drug called Joy that makes you feel happy but if you take too much you become a mutant that obsesses over one thing.
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beep beep
what ship has the worst shippers
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wow that's funny me to
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Soriel is shit.png
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>Toby finally releases an updated.
>You can save Gaster from the void
>The sprite used for Gaster doesn't look even remotely close to the sprite people assume to be him
>He's not even a skeleton
>The reason he speaks in wingdings is because his voice got fucked up by being in the void
>You can drag Sans to go meet him and they're both confused why you did so because they don't even know eachother
chara shippers in general, both with frisk and asriel, on account of being unironic pedophiles.

at least the friskriel faggots have the decency to age them up
Toby was napping all night!
Not him but sounds good to me.
You couldn't even see anything and feeling around doesn't seem like a good idea either.
There would be scary sounds left and right, maybe combined with his muffled speak or laughter booming inside your ears. You couldn't even yell back at him loud enough that he'd hear.
And no matter how much you yelled or how scary, desperate, painful or uncomfortable you'd get you're trapped inside until he willed otherwise.
The more I think about it the more I want it because it's what I deserve. I am truly trash.
Why do you keep posting this?
That's a lot of cute spiders
>Toby releases save Gaster update
>It's the complete opposite of this post
source for these?
Honestly, the same applies to Chara. A shame really, it's a neat idea.
I'm doing alright, just coping with inactivity from all the rain.
Everything alright? I'm still worrying about you.
torigore and nicepants
I don't browse tumblr so wouldn't know about sorielfags
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But there is aged-up Chara shipping art.
I think we have reached a point where there is no interesting art to be had anymore.
oh ok, make that 99% unironic pedophiles then

chasriel still a shit on account of chara being the living embodiment of hate who canonically never cared for the goats
Because I want it to be true.

>Toby Releases save Gaster update
>Gaster is just so flabbergasted

The face on that picture gets me every time.
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I want the cotton.
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Spooky void.jpg
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>There is a good chance that Gaster will be saved before Chara and Asriel
nothing wrong with pedophilia on 4chan
'cept one of the most popular charisk artists has them aged up to the point they're married.
and have adopted kids.
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post-tp Toregore shippers, as they just use Toriel as a masturbation tool for Asgore
I wonder what he got planned for you. He could probably take on any form to inflict pain on you.
>tfw gaster will remain forever tortuously trapped in the void because toby's never going to update the game ever again
>meanwhile asriel's a cool flower and chara is frisk's stand

lmao voidfags got the short end of the stick
That's not canon. He hated humanity and that's why Asriel says that they were not a great person because even they can see that's not okay.
But considering Chara had Asriel absorb his soul it's hard to imagine they had something against the goats.
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i want everyone to be saved.
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>implying the void isn't the best option
>Chara and Asriel
>deserving anything but perdition
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>chara is frisk's stand
My sides
If Chara wants power how come they don't absorb Toriel's soul after they kill her.
>emotionally manipulated asriel into their stupid plan
>didn't care at all when they asgore got ill and laughed it off
>mercilessly killed all the goats including asriel in genocide without remorse
Fucking thank you
How come they're not smiling in the platinum ending
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The spider is always cute.
Chara's at least got a recent rise in popularity, the opposite has occurred for Muffet.
Play a game or something anon, entertain yourself.
I'll be fine.
Toriel's SOUL shattered with grief.
Because Frisk is gone
silicone ass
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Frisk is ded
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Canon story of Undertale.png
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>all these fucking secondaries
heres the actual story you dumb fucks

Toriel is shit and Chara didn't want to have anything to do with them
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Frisk, the greatest character in Undertale, selflessly sacrificed their own lives for two people who don't deserve to live again.
And then they came back with W.D. Gaster in tow.
That's just how fucking based Frisk is.
>muh pronouns!
mmmm a fish with tits

titty fish
I couldn't even skim that seriously
Frisk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everyone else > Literal Shit > Chara and Asriel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Toriel.
Anyone have the pic of Frisk wearing all weapons and armor simultaneously?
Undyne is canonically titless.
Cool headcanons.
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Daily remember that you should lift weights and get swole for your waifu/husbando.
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uh oh spaghettios.jpg
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post things that might get people mad
titty fish
>oh it's just a theory
>actually bothered to read it
What a waste of my time and life. I'm going to eat lunch before I forget to eat again.
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It's mostly Charisk, so a pure Chara image is still kinda rare.
I'll get to it soon enough, I just want to chill for a bit. Stuff happened and I need a moment.
Ok, I won't pry. Please take care of yourself anon.
There's a sprite of her topless in the game?
When she turns sideways, you can see a fishtit though.
i've seen various snippets of this but never the whole thing. is it a vore thing?
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I should do this
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tumblr filename.gif
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I got you senpai.
Did you mean aroused?
I havent even seen this despite follwing the artist, link?
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It's clearly canon.
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That's not it fuck you cancer eating sponge
>pink slippers
How to spot the fact that the artist is a secondary.
What you're saying is, you don't know either.
That's muscle
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So lost and fragmented, but a mother never forgets.
I can't read Gookonese.
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I never actually looked at this tumblr before, I've just seen some booby posted.
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>not the asriel edit
Anyone remember that anon who was going to admit to his friend that he fell in love with him?

I wonder what happened to him.
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>that stance
Wrong side but still
knight artorias

Asgore as Gywn when?
Wrong comic.
I'm gonna do it, /utg/

I'm gonna have a lewd goat dream
yeah, but still
there must be UNDERTALE somewhere
manny pardo getting vored by bratty when
I remember.

I bet he never did it and didn't want to blog about his feelings and wanted to be forgotten instead lol
alternatively, they got rejected and killed themselves
in which case
lol lol
don't fail me anon... don't fail me...
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fish smile.png
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undyne's smile is a miracle of the universe
Oh fuck that's a good idea

Why haven't we thought about this sooner? Where's the photoshop anon when you need 'em?
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There are so many things
We win in any case.
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I know the guy who did the edit
I'm gonna force him to do it
but which gote?
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It happened to me once with the boy's mother, I hope the dream you wish for is the cards.
Fuck off asgorefag
i'm not doing it, heats
She says this as Frisk is sent in for surgery due to their enlarged heart condition. A sympathetic double entendre joke to help her friend feel better.
Undyne really is the best.
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>Undyne will never take bites out of your flesh to sustain herself
>nor sup your tasty blood
i'll force you ghd
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This is great

Allow me to reciprocate with fire booby
how much money
Only into biting when it leaves marks, not when it becomes gore.
For that I would rather have her penetrate me with her spears.

Who's the artist, btw?
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I'm a fishfag tho
The guy who did it is musikalgenius
Asgore legalises child prostitution
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I should post part time as a fish, I love armor
only the largest amount of nickels i can afford
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>Having breasts that large
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The artist is a secondary who doesn't know what age Muffet is meant to be, like 90% of the artists who draw her.
The biggest problem with Undertale is that you have little incentive to go for anything other than pacifist or genocide as the neutral routes only offer a different dialogue with sans and ending phone call. For a game that prides itself on replayability, this is a glaring flaw.
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new and improved.png
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Wait, this could trigger mods
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Do not lewd the spider!
The spider is supposed to be cute!
She is old enough to fug in spider years
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I dont ship shit but Asgore and Muffet feel's right. They can both have tea.
>prides on replayability
One of the first things the game tells you is "Only do pacifist or genocide".

Also the game SPECIFICALLY does not want you to replay it.
Muffet doesn't have a canonal age.
Now you're just teasing our desire for Alphys to deepthroat ASGORE
She's not a spider.
She's a monster who looks like a Spider.
She is not for lewding, she is at most for cute romances with Frisk that involve smooches on the cheek.
Also she's a gold digger and Asgore is emotionally vulnerable.
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Best AU
You don't have canonical friends.
So Sans swaps with muffet? Does that mean he's trying to save tiny Gaster Blasters from the ruins?
She invites Frisk to bondage sessions after you spare her.
Tiny Gasters
Muffet is in Sans' position.
Sans is in Grillby's position.
Grillby is in Paps position.
Papyrus is in Muffet's position.
Great comeback.
Friends? Who needs these?

Certainly not Chara.
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Muffet is Sans
Sans is Grillby
Grillby is Papyrus
Papyrus is Muffet

Undyne is Gerson
What would be Grilby's spaghetti?
Also saving tiny spaghetti from the ruins?
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Who needs friends when you have Partners.
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Asgore and Muffet can just bond over having tea together. he can made the tea and can bring the baked good
Gaster and Annoying Dog swapped places.
Annoying Void and Dogster.
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doge raid.jpg
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fuck this, raiding thread again
>make the tea and she
this is why I should have taken that nap

anyways spider goat friendship
Since Gerson is Undyne he would be tought to make... Crabapples?
that sounds really cute
The fact that it acknowledges your actions regardless if you saved and loaded as well as changing the ending based on how many runs and whether it was genocide or not is an implicit reward for replaying.
Now it's adorable.

Rin Roh
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Rainy days are my favorite kind.
Maybe we can work up a sweat by holding hands.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you have to.

She delivers the donut for his eclair
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>there are people who think Chara could beat Omega Flowey
>you will never have my forgiveness
Considering I've basically Task Manager'd on Chara, how does that work?

Also, I was a lazy bum that was putting off Genocide, until someone wanted to watch me do it.

So I did it.
not this again
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Braiding his hair.jpg
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Just friends though
>Considering I've basically Task Manager'd on Chara, how does that work?

do you mean you just closed the game when you got to them?
Muffet -> Sans
Sans -> Grillby
Grillby -> Papyrus
Papyrus -> Muffet
Snowy's Mom <--> Toriel
Snowy's Dad <--> Asgore
Snowdrake <--> Asriel
Gerson <--> Undyne.
Annoying Dog <--> Gaster
Burgerpants <--> Mettaton
Bratty and Catty <--> Alphys
Nice Cream Guy <--> Napstablook
Riverperson <--> Onion San
Frisk could, so why not Chara?

souls would probably revolt, but for a different reason???
When I got to Chara, the game usually locks you out of quitting.

However, Task Manager still works.

Without outright modifying the game, ERASE or DO NOT is the true point of no return.
Friends with royal benefits
Beating Frisk in the face!
If you're the sort of person who loves the characters enough to call them in every room, then of course you would replay the game for those endings. I'm just saying that if you're not then most of those endings are superfluous as you're not going to see them anyway.
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Benefits such as tax breaks!
I didn't think to run around and get all the extra calls so I watched a video with them in it.

I did the toriel ones though
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Please don't.
They don't deserve such things.
They can just reset to a point before I beat their face into a bloody pulp.
Beating off in Frisk's face!

Frisk enjoying it!
They will remember that, though.

Beating up a kid is a fast and easy way to give them a PTSD, depression, or some kind of anxiety.
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I just love swap AUs. Send me a source link?
Then I can make love to them afterwards to make up for it.

They like it though!
Never never happy lizard
Never happy lizard
This is so wrong that I can't even think up of a snarky remark.

If you're that kind of person, whatever. Do your thing.
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Some watery yoghurt

Tears of pain and tears of pleasure
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She's clearly happy.
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Good timing
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best ship
>Frisk with red eyes

Chara's crushing on Frisk, though.

Also, I just realized.

Are red eyes even possible???

I mean, technically albinism might make your eyes look reddish because of how it works, but...

Red eyes sound so animesque.
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The person who designed Muffet said they were very young when tweeting about it IIRC. This is also implied by her behavior in the game.
That would explain why it's so great, that dude is based
>Alphys after running all day has sore muscles that Undyne rubs
It writes itself people where are the fics
Loosened out by Asgore's trident
>this joke
80's go home
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I like to think that human eye colour in Undertale = soul colour.
So Chara and Frisk have red.
Patience has Cyan
Bravery has Orange
is Frisk having that puss puss
frisk has brown eyes in the official artwork
Bright red eyes aren't a thing because there is no red in a human iris's range of colors, red eyes are exclusively a result of a complete or almost complete lack of coloration in the Iris, allowing the blood vessels to be clearly seen which results in the reddish/pinkish coloration.
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>Alphys getting home sweaty and tired after a long day of working out with pap
>After a short shower she's warm and clean
>She lays in bed next to Undyne
>Undyne begins to slowly rub and massage her aching muscles
>Alphys literally spasming in delight as Undyne works her way up from the feet
seems more like spinneret
this is why i mentioned albinism

albinism is lack of pigments; in case of eyes it technically makes them red
Making baby spiders
secret origins of spider-man revealed.
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goat waifu
My power level is high
T-thanks for the read...
Please don't stop, Undyne.
>open link
>read "frisk and undyne"
>close tab
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tori 216.png
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Goat *wife
for a while I thought that Undyne was doing that with a burrito...


Looks like sukitax
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is it 50K?
Only goat pit
>some lawn
No problem, maybe I will write that in the future.
After the two other stories I have planned.
If Hetalia was Undertale style, who would be who?

dibs on Frisk for Poland.
Hetalia is for teh gays
Ur the best
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Everyone would be Alphys because it'd all be trash
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this is not what i expected
What does this remind me of? Like an old comic or something.
>Toriel quite possibly said Fuck at one point
>yfw it was during passionate lovemaking
>Chara in a ponytail
there needs TO BE MORE OF THIS
Hair aint long enough, senpai
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What about braids?
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Pulling down Frisk's pants
What happened? Was the thread being removed or something?
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while cosplaying as Buddy.
Kissing Frisk's tummy!
Who is your three least favorite undertale characters?
What are you saying? I don't even understand
reminder that Chara's the narrator
So Sorry
yes, and?
so sorry
You and your two favorites
Boy goats and that shit at the burger place
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main character wise
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monster kid, jerry, so sorry
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they're not evil
Can someone explain why So Sorry gets so much hate?
Even if they are the narrator, they do take over Frisk's body and kill people.
That's pretty obvious.
>he doesn't know
Go away, Samael
He's based on a furry OC whose creator paid to have him included, which was one of the Kickstarter perks. After people figured out who he is and began to publicly mock him, he blamed Toby for it.
i know a lot of it comes from the character's origin, but personally (prior to knowing of that) i just never liked anything about him; design, music, or role in the game
Show me where he blamed Toby for the backlash?
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>You will never kill this goat
feels bad
Well holy shit.

I can understand that.
French fag from last thread here.

So, Eventful afternoon for me.

I experienced a wide range of emotion because of money, which is kinda weird for me. I usually don't care so much, but stakes are relatively big.

Ended resisting an offer and I'm happy for it. No nazi gold for today, But I don't have the feeling of being played. Seems that antiquarians are by profession manipulative bastards.
I've been saved by my Autism and Friends.
Value the two for their unlimited power.

Did I miss anything here ? Is the bottomless group pit of self hate and niceness any changed ? If not, I can also share my tale.
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He didn't blame Toby for the backlash, but did also make sure to ask Toby to make sure his character is REALLY hidden away, which he is. Fight's actually pretty neat, though some people still have knee jerk reactions to furries, despite hanging around here.
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>liking Toriel more then Asriel
what shit taste
What the fuck am I reading?
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Asriel and Frisk.jpg
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But. But. Best friends
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>though some people still have knee jerk reactions to furries, despite hanging around here.
It's more that it's a fat fetish self-insert dragon oc called "butter"

Look at this fucking shit.

Furry is bad enough but this is unforgivable.
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Did you do genocide? Reset all that happiness and killed everyone? It changes you
Shitpost as much as you can, comrades!
If you kill Mettaton, everyone at the hotel says he was great. Why does he mistreat Burgerpants? Is it because he wanted to be an actor and Mettaton was punishing him for trying to be a star? It fits with his dystopian ending. Fuck Mettaton
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Well...at least there isn't any pedophilia or necrophilia.
Mettaton was a dick to napstablook in the past.
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This made me abort the genocide run.
I never killed Asriel in any timeline.
Normally would side with you but he literally made as many concessions as possible short of dropping the character entirely, letting Toby do what Toby needed to do to tone him the fuck down and fill Samael's requests to minimize impact on the game and plot and everything. So much so that without datamining and knowing ahead of time, it's insanely hard to actually know where to find him let alone actually face him.

The bitch move was Samael did a shitton of commissions afterwards of fat fetish furries as Undertale boss fights.
This entire general is one big shitpost
Pretty much everything but the actual furry aspect
Mr. Goatfucker~ Whatzzup?
did you quit when he was saying please don't kill me?

if not you killed him

The character in the game is fine enough from what I've seen and it's kind of shitty that he gets as much shit as he does.

It's just that the original character is garbage.
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I ran to the store, my bad for going silent.
You seem fond of charisk though no? I'm not really the shipping type though I do like nicepants after starting this fic What's wrong?
Yes, the first hat he shows up in doesn't help either. It's like a weight is lifted when he wears the jester's cap or the... I think the third one's a dunce cap? I beat him on my second attempt. Fun, if not really, really hectic fight, guy gets way more shit than he deserves and I don't even like the guy.
Which character would you kill
>implying wanting to fuck cartoon monster, talking, feeling and thinking, has anything to do with a fetish to have your partner being literally dead
baka senpai
We don't know. Your guess is as good as mine.

Although I'm inclined to believe Burgerpants did something to deserve it. He's pessimistic and crude, maybe he said something out of line but didn't think much of it.

Apparently I don't have those comics about this on my phone, dammit
>t.necrophiliac skeleton fucker
Didn't he do a rant on twitter about feeling betrayed by Toby?
And make her into fishcakes.
Yeah. He expected Toby to stand up for him and take all the blame for it or some shit
>people already forgetting that samael had a bitchfit and made toby publicly apologize for not protecting samael enough
god damn it
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fucking triggered
>captcha: select all food
Alphys, she's so easily victimizable
What kind of evil antiquarian did you stumble upon?

The problem isn't furries but furfags
You seriously make me want to write a fic where Anon fucks skeleton dust to show you the difference.
I wanna be that pillow
Protect him from what and how? He was supposed to say don't bully that guy?
Why would you kill that which doesn't want to live
could be because of that time he tried to steal burgers
If I were to guess, considering how he misconstrues a lot of situations he ends up in, MTT is probably pretty strict and sees through bullshit. That said, MTT generally comes across as that one really bad friend, the one who tries really hard to be a good friend but keeps fucking it up by unconsciously making selfish decisions, like buying chips for the whole party but that one flavor no one but them likes, or trying to give advice of "Just fucking get over it!" not really realizing how unhelpful that tends to be.
Still waiting on source
>called "butter"
No, the OC's name is "Sammy".
Butter Dragon is the species he made up for it.
Don't ask how I know this.
How new are you? It was all over the fucking thread for a month.
Check either Toby's tumblr or Samael's twitter.
How can you hate so sorry and defend Temmie at the same time?
how do you know this
>people defend Temmie
Toby did say "Don't attack the backers" on twitter after people figured out who So Sorry was suppoused to be, but that wasn't enough, apparently.
Not that I hate either, but it's hating a homeless person acting silly in hopes of getting tips vs. someone who is an actual fucking clown.
Because Temmie is a joke in a comedic way and not a disgusting fetish OC.
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because temmie is cute and not a fetish wagon
>I have no evidence go find it yourself
I think you're full of shit.
Undyne rubbing Alphys's back!
Undyne telling Alphys to take off her shirt so she can massage it directly!
Alphys at first saying no, but Undyne telling her that it's fine, because she knows already!
Alphys taking off her shirt to show the claw marks around her body!
Because she does now, she loves Undyne so much she probably has a little grey soul, that you will never shatter while Undyne is out buying groceries or whatever. Alphys will never cry and kick and beg as you slice at her, Undyne never being lost searching for vengeance though you left no clue
Go suck a fat fucking cock, you new peice of shit.
Literally the first goddamn post.

Will post Samael's twitter bitching once I go through his fucking massive twitter history and find it.
Stop being lazy, asshat. https://twitter.com/samael101
just go through it until you find him whining.
>defending temmie
What? When did anyone defend her? I'm one of the ones that listed her on my three hated character list.
Reminder that Toby cucked So Sorry more then any other character and its especially obvious when you compare him to Muffet who was also a backer character but for less money and was given a story related boss fight, unique soul mode and an awesome theme song.

On top of this Muffet is often included in group fanart and has her own fan base and characterfags meanwhile SoSorry is nothing more then a joke that most people don't even know about. Is it any wonder that So Sorry's creator is bitter as fuck?
there is no character worth killing
Nobody got cucked more than Glyde who nobody even cares enough about to make drama about him.
Here's the first tweet of it. The rest of it is in subsequent tweets I can't be assed to find and on tumblr posts I can't be assed to find, which can be found here.

Now fuck off and stop being new.
Yes, and found it quite boring.
Not the story, the gameplay. I don't really like fighting gameplay, and HATE farming. Saved me more than once from an mmorpg no-life life. Even on normal, I did kinda run away from most non important fight. so I ended up finding a save on the web to jump to the important parts. I admit I was less into it than on the other run. My true save is still here.

And... how to put it....
My first playthrought was a no kill ( but neutral ) run.
Before, I finished the "Wolfenstein,the new order" (where you kill without the slightest remorse nazis in drooves in a manner so easy and guilt free that I found it disturbing ).
Then Metro last light where you are judged by the game for what you are doing, in a manner semblable to undertale, but while it make it easier and funnier to be the chara of the day. Also, motherfucking Iji.

There was absolutely no way that I would do it "for real". Because i'm a motherfucking paladin on rpg.
Else than that, I found the idea... quite weakened. by the game itself. (cont)

The normal type of antiquarian, that live to prey on the weak.
Was Glyde also a payed OC?
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Do not
Yeah, the $500 tier. I forgot who made him, though. I saw the guy who designed him post an HD version of the sprite on tumblr.
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Gas the goats.png
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Don't remember the creator, but they have a tumblr too
Huh. How much was Muffet?
probably the same kind of person who jerks off to the kraft mac and chee dinosaur
Reminder that this thread has enabled a shit tier contentfag to have a fursona
Fontcesters are the worst when it comes to fetishes and batshit OOC.
fwugradiation more like fug gaydiation am I right?
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tori 175.png
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I'm sure we can get along if you try
>Frisk will never "interrogate" you.
Muffet was the $500 tier as well, but also a good friend of Toby's and a design that Toby realized he could tie in with the spider bakery at the start of the game.
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As someone who has cranked it more than once to porn of that dinosaur, I can say that Samael's OC disgusts me.
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>and HATE farming
Where do you need to farm... don't tell me you tried to farm for money?
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Genocide papryus.png
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What do you guys think of this genocide Papyrus?
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> soundtrack from steam: only mp3
> soundtrack from official site: flac + mp3
Toby "Jewdiation" Fox
Toby "Eat your honey for your money" Fox
Toby "Don't touch my shekels" Fox
Toby "Will save your goat for expensive donat" Fox
Toby "toby honest" Fox
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>stroll through the underground
>see this
>wat do
That picture makes me imagine Sans saying "Tee hee" Like a little girl.
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Hey, it's cool man. I'm still here.
Ships are cute and all, but ships have a nasty habit of trivializing the charecter for the romance, if you know what I mean.
And nothing... bad. Just, wierd, is all.
toby "i cucked andrew hussie and had a successful kickstarter" fix
reassure the precious bby
I wonder why Asriel has curves... Then hug him. :3
Worship ass
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good question, is my english even more shitty than usual ?

nah, mobs.
having every random encounter possible, forcing them to kill everyone.... meh.

meant to quote you on

The story is, I helped a friend, a jew, and he gave me this thing, because "I'm the guy who like sword and stuff" ( i'm as enthusiast for them than udyne for spear ).

He had a vague idea that it was ww2 related, and I had no info on it. but was sure he didn't wanted that on his flat.
>find his dad
>become his new mom
Why is he Revolver Ocelot?
Ask where their sibling is
Your english is like a house where the roof was build before the foundation. You know it's a house but are not sure how to enter it.

Also man, that sword looks fake.
Pat him on the head and keep walking
I have adult things to do
He's my OC. And his name is Pistol Bobcat.
Papyrus would be Italy or America because they're literally the only characters I know about it.
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nice girl hands lmao
And where the fuck is the soundtrack with only Papyrus' Cool Song on it?
She claw herself?
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Cuddle the goat!
Oh this is funnier than it should be
Crawling in my scales
B-back that ass up.
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utg roster.png
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Hey guys, /vg/ league anon swinging by to let more people know that we have an active roster poll.

our current team is rather out of date so we're asking you who you would like to see on the team.

>what the fuck are you talking about
The /vg/ league is a tournament played in Pro Evolution soccer that is teams made up of the generals on /vg/ competing against each other for fun.


Roster Poll is here
FLAC is a meme format.
These scratches they won't be healed
>tfw I've seen so much fucked up shit wading through the skeleton tags that stuff like this barely fazes me anymore
I'd rather this than deaged baby Sans who falls for his rapist plus subsequent pregnancy shit. It's grotesque looking but the latter is who I'm more scared of seeing reproduce.
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I'm french, so it's totally normal.
I'm french, so it's totally normal.


The thing is, i'm a fucking 4chan tier autist, and when I want to dig something I can go far.
found a correspondance with the symbol with thule society, same symbol, focus on sword, but nope.
Whose more of a meme artist; Linkin park or Smashmouth?
Linkin Park

Smashmouth just has that one meme song. LP has several.
Mike Oldfield
we're onto you, mutilator.
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When is the last time you got a haircut, /utg/?
In 2015
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My favorite Undertale playing as my favorite DA character. Top shelf
Maybe it channels Vril energy
Manny Pardo has to be in there somewhere
*ditch is still used when people post Jerry
I'd vote Asvore over Epic Divorce Man for the Asgore meme since its more relevant
Something about Gaster killing Flowey?
some undesawp pedo papryus joke
something about fannon Sans
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It's both on his twitter and his blog.
Fetish apologist pls go.
Already suggested Manny Pardo. You should suggest him in the poll too.

Alright, this was the creator of Glyde.
Last month. My hair grows out quite quickly so I pretty much have to go every month or else it looks more like the behind of a bird of prey.

It's funny too because I used to have long hair back in 2007 and I know I had short hair in 2004 but I have zero recollection on what my hair looked like in between. There's nothing. No photos or anything exist of that period. It's like I erased that part of my memory somehow.
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Why did he do it?
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>not blowing alphys's brains out right in front of undyne
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I don't even know what that means, I just like the pic.
Yeah I did
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That last thread's ending was fucking crazy. How is everyone in here today?
That's not the goat I love!
A bit, but my shitty russian sword made from recycled T34 channel stalinium way better. So not any use for me.

In fact it was a Luftwaffe officier sword.
I guess that the symbol is twisted to represent the rotating hélice of a plane

So I looked for absolutely everything in term of information about it, in the same way that I usually do on a game ( like UT as i'm here.) The thing is, I can't really sell it on the web, and the law is kinda tricky on it, as the buttblast from the war is still here. There is a pool of people ready to buy it for a good price, but it's also shameful and kinda forbidden. So... yea, tricky.

But I'm positively sure that it's not a fake. and the antiquarians too.
But I love him in that form more than others
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I know I know, I'm not really the shipping type.
Weird about?
Headin home
>tfw my favorite undertale character could never cross over with my favorite Baldurs Gate Character
feels bad
Cool. Yes it could be symbolizing a plane propeller. However the round swastika was also an alternative form of the more common square swastika, as both represent a turning wheel or the sun. That's why the Black Sun symbol exists.
It took me a while to process that this word doesn't actually mean "shot with a desert eagle" in this context.
Last week.

It's nice to not have to deal with a mop of hair for a while.
How the hell do you have a Luftwaffe officer sword and why are you talking about it in a thread about an indie game on 4chan.
Is it Asrielle?
Not spending 320kbps using dated format on portables is nice though. Converting to anything from lossy audio gives terrible results.
post 'it'
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It's just kinda exasperating for a charecter to just exist to make the relationship look cute rather than use the relationship to explore the charecter. It seems like such a common thing and I can get annoyed by it sometimes.
Well, uh, it was my friend. To explain this, I should mention we have had sexual relations in the past. She was at my house, hanging out. I had gotten into a melancholic mood over the weather, so she was trying to cheer me up. Well, words didn't work, so she knocked me over and sat on top on me and tickled me. Long story short, it ended up getting pretty close to being sexual, and my head is spinning over it.
Context: The artist did Undertale characters as the cast for Dragon Age: Inquisition. Morrigan was your occult advisor in the game and was a prominent party member in the first DA game, Dragon Age: Origins.

They are nice pictures on their own ofc, too
No, Asriel is just a faggot.
post cute gote?
Why aren't any of you heeding this reminder
All of my close intimate encounters got started through tickling.
It just works the best when trying to get body contact in an innocent way that can spiral out of control
4 years ago
>You will never parry and brutally murder Undyne with your superior STR-only build
Faith scum go into ground where they belong
Toby? Temmie?
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I'm doing okay anon, how're you?
That's understandable and not uncommon at all to be fair.
Oh well uh, that can indeed be weird.
I don't know what to say.
7 weeks ago, need it cut this week.
Three weeks ago or so. Still looks good.
Like September
Because Frick was always a retard who is best ignored.
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Me too anon me too
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I can't say the same, but I understand what you are trying to get across. Tickling is dangerous.
You don't have to say anything, I just needed to really think about what is going on, and posting it helps in a wierd way. Brings it all into perspective. Sorry if I overshared a bit.
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Help me write this 10-page final for tomorrow /utg/.
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What's it on?
I could suck you off while you write. would that help?
Maybe it's time to start save cute goat pics?
I'm already missed one, where giant Asriel holding Frisk with claws on his legs.
"Information Technology Regarding Business"
Okay, I will start with a letter.

Has Toby added anything to the game or is this general on life support?
God hates fags.
College level or High School level, and what format?
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I wish
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What I always did when I needed to write a paper was go to the computer lab (I lived at the universality) and just sit down and write the whole paper in one go no matter how long it took that way I couldn't fuck around by wondering on to 4chan or YouTube or whatever
Qcrawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
There was an update like 2-3 months ago or something that added in some shit.
What happened?
The posts at the start of the thread look panicked.
Utg nearly died.
And I love cock.
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We just took it to almost 800 before a new thread happened.
We were too close to freedom.
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> it's a "artist draws monsters bleeding" episode
College, don't really know what you mean by a format. I just have to answer/talk about a dozen or so questions.

That requires me to go to the library, I haven't left my room since wednesday.
If you ignore cancer it will spread and kill you
I need to get all of Caribun's lewds one day.
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Formatting like MLA, which is the most common. Times New Roman, font size 12, ect.
And I can't say I know much about the field aside from very basic stuff, but I can be moral support.
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alf gets edgy.jpg
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>That requires me to go to the library, I haven't left my room since wednesday.
Well I always found the library to be the best place to study since I couldn't get distracted by stuff. I'm just saying if that's your issue I would give it a try.
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listen here shithead.jpg
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Well, that's good.

Kind of decent. Got back from the hospital for things I'd rather not talk about.
>Knife laying in pile
I laughed
Oh yea, mla, 12, etc.

It's supposed to be times new roman but everything defaults to calibri nowadays and that takes up more page space anyway. The teacher's accepted all the stuff before in calibri
mspaintguy isn't a fursona
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Oh god.png
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Oh, well I do hope you get it together even if it is a bit odd.
You're fine, I don't mind.
Turn on a long playlist of music, close everything else but that and Word/whatever equivalent you use.
Get typing
Ah, the personal issues from earlier? I'm glad you're doing well at least.
I want that pillow.

Then what are you waiting for? Suck my cock you degenerate whore!
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will sleep the devil's sleep
just to keep him satisfied.
Ok, the first step is to make a outline of what you will talk about. These are WIP ideas, so don't be afraid to make modifications as you go. You need an intro hook, intro body, several paragraph bodies, and a conclusion paragraph. Personally, 8 paragraphs I'd usually 10 pages for me, but plan for your writing style.
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> artist understands how monsters are made of magic and turn to dust when they die
> still draws them bleeding
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Gas the humans
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>Tfw we didnt die last thread
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So i spent the last few months working on a short video sequel to Undertale, it's called Undertale REDETERMINATION and i wanna hear what you guys think!
I don't see why their body shouldn't have magical blood or something. They can sweat and have probably other bodily juices.
Yea I've never done well with planning papers out. If it's a "serious" paper I usually just start writing and then go over it later to make it flow.

I hated middle/high school because it was a requirement to talk about your formatting beforehand.

Thanks for the tips, though.
>blood AND dust
>glasses and knife stay but labcoat doesn't
That's just slime.
>Vomit enducing breathy voice
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I will, I just have to collect myself and talk to her about it. I know she still thinks about me in "that way". I dunno. I think we just need a long talk about it.
what the fuck
we are dead
what did i just watch
Normally cancer is killed on its own. Your body is full of agents to combat it and destroy it.
Keep feeding it like this and it will not though. Why do you think /v/ has been on chemo for years but is just getting worse?
You don't give attention seekers attention if you don't like them. Especially not when you're too touchy like that.
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> that bulge
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Would you take it from her
The others turned to dust with their clothes too.
I would take it, and her.
If monsters don't piss then how and why does Monster Kid talk about humans wetting their pants
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This isn't real
Fuck off
>yurishit """"taste""""
because humans do piss?
he's talking about Woshua Anon
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>just girls
>implying Sans doesn't fuck every character in undertale male and female
Alphys sleeping with her Undyne pillow after becoming queen so she can pretend things are better just enough for her to sleep!
Alphys, in her weakest moments, straddling her Undyne pillow!
Alphys locking herself in the bathroom for hours afterwards out of sheer disgust at herself!
Sans having to take care of Alphys's self-made injuries so as to not worry the public!
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It's too late, we can only beg now.
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Yeah but the plant guy doesn't know jack shit about bathrooms
Already suggested "Them's the breaks" and "Babybones" as a player.
Damn I should have done those
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Fuck you
Please, fuck you
I wish you the best of luck then because that sounds horribly awkward in all honesty.
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these memes are old, use better ones such as pic related
Fuck, I should have suggested BLUH
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Shouldn't it just be TERMINATION
Making the spider a healthy and delicious lunch!
The last link has a place where you can vote on new names, I went with Asvore, Padro and Canon Sans because I couldn't think of anything else. Maybe I should have done bully anon or something
Lacing the lunch with a lot of hot sauce!
The baby spider burning her tongue!
Don't play coy with me you bitch. You asked for it!
there have been bullies here for a long time, that's nothing new
This sounds an awful lot like a shitposting cabal discord IRC member trying to false flag

You just want Frick to keep going and the general to enable him
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Do they lurk here, is that fucking artist in here sharing our may mays! KILL!
>Hot sauce
>Burning your tongue
bitch detected
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That would be wonderful
Why isn't there any muffet penetrative femdom on male reader smut?
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The spider training Frisk to be proper and dainty and wearing pretty clothes!
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Talking about it and doing it are two different things I'm awkward and nervous
It kind of looks like a short horsecock
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>tfw you can identify posters by their images at this point

It's a crime, one I hope to fix but don't really count on it.
Doing lewd things to Frisk's nimble body when they arejustof age of consent
The second bully stealing the spider's lunch!
The second bully burning his tongue instead!
Both bullies getting into an argument because they had already agreed who would be bullying the spider today!
The second bully thinking the first one did it on purpose!
The bullies beating each other up!
The spider peacefully and quietly walking away!
Why isn't there any shopkeep/innkeep wincest

In fact why aren't there any innkeep lewds at all
Do it nerd.
Give me three examples
Please make it happen.
Here's a gimme
>The third bully waiting silently outside the lunch room for the baby spider!
>The third bully waiting until she walks out the door looking happy!
>the third bully throwing a bucket of cows blood all over the baby spider!
>you will never embarass this anon by pressing them against a wall and unzipping your pants
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who am I
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Reposting my spicy mom.
Normally I have +4000 images to post so you won't spot me through that as I continuously shuffle what I post. It's easy to spot when I post from mobile though.
Keep in mind the file names have to match for it to be the same poster, often I see a lot of stuff I post get reposted soon after my initial post.
Haven't seen this in a while.
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I used to rename files to find them easier, but I stopped because I was worried people would identify me by the filenames.

I want this for me.

Oh gosh oh GOSH I so want that but I know I'd freak out in real life
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Yes, but its way less mainstream knowledge here, especially when the law make it forbidden to show or draw it.


All antiquarian I have met played with that feeling.

It's kinda special, I don't know the law around it, it's half price without scabbard, I have no historical record around it, can't sell it on the web, I'm wasting their time and mine, he is generous now, but I refuse this offer and come back later they will be well less, ect.
The probing me for any weakness or doubt was narcissistic pervert tier. They probed into every element I did not possess to make it a great problem that was lessened it's value.

The thing is that I had been nerding on the subject as it was undertale2 like the goddam autist I am. So it was a even fight.
But still... they used psychological tricks to push me to sell it now. A bit of money now rather than hypothetical later is still damn tempting, especially if they made you doubt they could be a later or if this was even legal.

With the "now or less later" threat, I had to make a choice I wasn't really ready, and couldn't get more info, so I called a friend for doublecheking what the antiquarian was saying, and he just told me something that I haven't noticed : " if you are arguing with him for more than a hour, he must be fucking interested".

And all the shits he was giving me with became moot, because of that fucking thing. I didn't understand how much he was pressuring me until now, and merde, being freed from it was a good feel.

I left immediately and now, I know that this crap is really worth something, that it is not a fake, that antiquarians are assholes, and that friends can really save your ass.

Also, last thread some anon linked a site talking about how Chara was a manipulative asshole to Asriel and describing the usual manipulative behavior. I'm... happy that I've read it, and that by going outside I succeeded my own little adventure against my Chara of the day.
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please identify me
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Asgore (23).png
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I'll give you an easy one
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I'll repost a spicier mom
You usually don't save a filename though.
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do it nigger.png
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say it then
Nichijou face.
You can just tell which animes certain artists like a bit too much. Like that one who keeps giving Asriel a Chaika face.
oh in that case let's be as slow and gentle as you want

The spider giving the 3rd bully a big 6-armed hug!
The spider getting cows blood all over the 3rd bully!
>take a nap
>wake up
>same thread

it's like I didn't miss anything!
>The third bully blushing at the spiders hug!
>The third bully really having a crush on the spider!
>the third bully freaking out and running away!
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No, I mean I uploaded a .rar in a thread containing my dummy folder.
They have my filenames.
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spice is nice.
Thank you but I hope I can work myself up into getting rougher for you
She gets a statue, but Sans' personal attention?
>both last replies to me
Looks like I will have to lewd you now.
why is toriel about to use her sharingan
Would you still love your fave Undertale if they were 10 and kept doing dangerous stuff and hurting themself as a cry for help but it looked like they just wanted attention
Never trust Jews or Spiders.
Why was I not aware.
So that's why I've been seeing the same ones over and over.
Tumblr filenames are one thing, but puush seemed bit too recognizable and I started wondering why are you on at so many random hours like me, who just keeps breaking my sleep schedule.
Oh jeez okay I guess you do have to
I'm so happy
Undertale no-jutsu, believe it
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Teaching feeling get out I don't want these feels again
Frisk's juicy thigh gap

I have had it with these bullies. I will just go up to them and shoot them in the face.
Are you sure you're not mixing up the Mettaton and Alphys endings, anon
You did take it to 800. The thread was archived with 801 posts.
Is being unable to tell to your family and/or other members ignoring the fact that you're depressed a cultural thing in America?
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>ever letting my ten year old undietaw out of my sight
Actually, the puush filenames are me, usually.
I use puush to crop new art quickly.
>Teaching feeling
Do you want to teach me in the art of sex, Anon? I would love that! I'll be the best student I can, and obey every order you give~
>that moment when you woudl actually lewd this anon in rl if you had the chance
Where did it all go wrong?
You guys must be really fucking lonely.
Japanese snow bunnies are the cutest.
Parents are so high on drugs they forget children still have emotions
Well, and his brother IS fucked by everyone.
When you didn't accept the cat dick
It all went wrong when we failed to meet up and actually do these things.

I'm frequently alone but I don't feel lonely.
I'm happy if I can look into your eyes anon
Last for worship this gote.
>Grillby/Papyrus is a thing now
Good, I liked Sansby at first but goddamn it went went to shit fast.
I would bash in my head on a wall if my neighbours wouldn't be able to hear it.
what the fuck is that neck
He mistook my post referring to a Hgame for something else
That being said, you're right
good post

questionable goat

would still feel those pecs though
Pretty sure it just looks weird because of the ears.
True. But I doubt any of the people here live close to me so no chance of actually doing it.
I wish I could show you, but I'm too shy.

It took me so long to realise that was his chest. I thought it was two big, poofy sleeves and stared at this trying to figure out how his arm was showing if he had them like that.
Pretty sure no, it's ridiculously long.
Alphys likes it hot, but Undyne likes it cold? What an odd couple
Yeah maybe
Are you on the zeemap? If so, you're right that you're not near me, because no one on it is near enough to me.

Thanks for letting me understand,
You deserve a headpat, anon
>It took me so long to realise that was his chest. I thought it was two big, poofy sleeves and stared at this trying to figure out how his arm was showing if he had them like that.

I had the same thought initially.
Sounds like prime material for a hit sitcom

One likes it cool the other does not
One will be eaten by an ocelot
It's okay anon. I'll wait.
no that's one of the few things that went right

the /soc/ shit is bad enough already
You're my best friend!
I thought undyne didn't like cold stuff which is why alphys made her the hot fridge
>tfw there's an anon literally willing to marry you
>they're on the other side of the planet
Oh right, that's a thing, let me check
>STILL no anon near enough to meet
I am but nobody would be able to contact me, I didn't even post a name or anything.
>there are /soc/ faggots to kill
>they're on the other side of the planet
I agree, but sometimes I can't help myself.
Which Undertale has the hottest and the best tummy?
kinda cute
kinda gay
kinda full of cancer

Find somebody near you, Charafag
>Hottest Undyne
>Best tummy Undyne
So did I. I thought the filename was trying to say that his neck was too short.


I want to watch her literally use them as a washboard
>there's a /v/ edgelord posting
>you don't know which school they go to to capture them on their way there

where is da fresh bread guys?
>At least you got the /soc/ faggot mad. Maybe his mother will take his computer away because he's throwing a tantrum again. It's the little victories that count right now.
Oh yeah! I was just thinking of frozen fish
>I don't know what a bump limit is.
franckly, it's nice/socposting or character spaming here. What do you expect, else than that ?

At least the niceposting are following the main theme of the game.
My name is not important.
Oh she becomes a better person, like all badass
i like nicecream
i like spiders
I like trains
Honestly, Catty
Remember when we still liked this game?
are you sure he's the one throwing a tantrum?

this coming from someone who hates the /soc/posting
There is a game?
What is important is what I'm going to do.
You really need to practice this shitposting meme, two posts in and no one can tell what it says anymore.
I feel like today we became shameless.
The decay was visible for weeks, but it's like today we crossed some border.
Today is just a really boring day.
are you kidding me, I've seen way worse than this
>He's pulling the meme card now. You can almost smell his desperate damage control attempts.
This thread has been really comfy in my opinion.
We didn't have anything interesting or special happen today. Pretty sure it's just you being a bit slow.
>you will never round up all the characterfags and set them on fire
Petting Catty's belly! Rubbing, rolling it around, running your fingers through her long underfur and sniffing her bellybutton!
are we going to be free?
I just fuckin hate this world.
I love you anon. You know who you are!
We didn't get to be free last time, why would this thread be any different?
Still can't tell if ironic or serious but it's funny either way.
Last (you) though, we need quality control.


If ya stuffit!
No. We live here now.

I know it's not me
>tfw it isn't me
>yuche 105
>posting on a dying general despite not being a characterfag
How mad do you have to be to reference an almost year old game nobody cared about lmao
You're welcome, you're welcome
Thanks shnookums! ~*Chu*~
I feel responsible for this thread going to shit. I'm sorry, anons LET ME SMOOCH YOU oh no sorry again.
I just keep
letting me down
letting me down
letting me down
And the human worms feasting on its corpse.
Didn't I tell you to stay off my property?! Get out of here! GET!
Our shitposting used to be Undertale related, though.
It's "carcass". Try again.
My life is just cold bitter hatred.
Hah! HAHA!

Anon... This is nothing. Nothing at all (and that's the problem right now. There's nothing really going on). You should've seen all the terrible shit with Toriel scat and stuff in the beginning. Today is just a bit boring.
It's "My WHOLE life". Try again.
Why don't you put those lips on my cock!
...and I always wanted to die violently.
Oh boy, bump limit is hit, maybe I can get some validation from strangers on the internet
I use it for fap fuel.
Die well, bad thread.
That's also a pretty worthy goal, I can respect that
[spoilers] I knew you were a dirty whore[/spoilers]
Kneeling down in front of anon and pleasuring them with your mouth
I hate you. Kill yourself.
Anon, please! I'm not a whore, I'm a slut! Whores ask for money, but all I want it your hot cock and tasty semen!

Yes yes YES
>they put a collar on you so they can tie you wherever they want in their house
Being rough with anon and making them earn it
I would put a collar around you and make it as tight as possible.
And you get to wear a short skirt so I can see your tiny butt when you bend over
Don't need to tell me twice

tfw no anon to do this to me
I would love if anon made me gag
Do I get a cute top too so I can look more girly? What about panties, or do I get nothing to hide myself from your lustful advances?
Why did the thread turn into spoilers?
Hell, Anon, I've shitposted worse. But it was Undertale related, not patting each other's hands and self-help forums.
Post bump lewd hours
Because post-thread time is lewd time
I think people do it as a sort of pseudo privacy thing, like whispering in text.

But I guess we can talk about how much I want to be locked in a room filled with horny anons wanting to all molest and fuck my body out loud.
You get a cute top, sure
No panties, only socks
More out of courtesy for people who don't want to read it.
Whatever you think is best, Master! I'll do everything you demand of me~

I was thinking that too but forgot to mention it.
Which anon do you guys want to lewd the most?
Jizzing into Anon's awaiting mouth
the cute one

you know who i'm talking about
Nice, never had somebody call me master before.

I think I would rather be the one who's jizzed in.
Pick me, pick me
Swirling it around in your mouthj to savour the taste, then swallowing it, then opening your mouth to show what a good job you did swallowing it all

Get used to it because it's what I call my loving owners, Master~
>Swirling it around in your mouthj to savour the taste, then swallowing it, then opening your mouth to show what a good job you did swallowing it all
oh no
a boner
Jesus, you are filthy
And I would love to be your master. I would feed you every night.
No I don't
yeah you do
The chara anon?
spideranon desu
I can take care of that!

You're right, Master. I'm a filthy, filthy slut with a perverted mind who can't stop thinking about sucking cock! I'm so glad you're willing to be my master even with all the pervertedness I have, and offering me your tasty treats!
I want to be the one taking care of boners though
Staring into the eyes of bukkaked anon
Seeing the love and satisfaction in their eyes as their body is taken advantage of

I'd do more. I would like to find out how long you can keep something "in", for example a cute little tail that you have to wear the whole day
Sharing is caring!

>feeling the spunk of several hunky anons on your face, so warm and gooey, before opening your mouth and slurping it up

I've never used toys before, but I'd like to see too! What kind of tail? Does it vibrate, or will it not give me any more extra pleasure than I deserve?
Nah, the vibration is for a later point. Just enough that you have to try to keep it inside of you. I would be very disappointed would you lose it.
Guys stop this is gay
I would be disappointed if I lost it too, Master. Wh-what would my punishment be if I did?

But just think of how many people are stroking their dicks to this! I love thinking about it, personally.
That's gay anon, stop.
No homo

Jesus, you are almost too lewd for me.
I guess you would need to be spanked and you wouldn't be allowed to make a sound. If you did I would have to draw your punishment out.

And no, I'm not stroking it, surprisingly enough.
I am!
Please don't do that.
No man it's super gay stop
Just imagine one of them is a girl.
It is too late. It's not like I can unstroke my dick at this point I'm so close.
Don't masturbate to me!
You can't stop me from thinking about sucking your cock.

Thank you, that makes me feel real nice
Oh no, I wouldn't want that! I would hate it if you started slapping my tender bottom, over and over, as I try not to squeak or moan, for who knows how long until my poor butt is too sore to sit down on!

Thank you for sharing!

I do that, sometimes.
That's still gay anon
>tfw former crossdresser and used to do cam shows and did a bunch of nasty shit to get off.
>Tfw this thread is making me want to start again
I fucking hate you people
Anon's who can't keep quiet will have to wear a gag. And I would make you earn it to come off because I need your mouth afterall.
You were literally asking for it you dirty little slut! This is what you deserve!

oh fuck
H-how was it? Was it fun or degrading?

Damn, this conservation is getting too hot for me to handle
Put on a show for us Anon what's the harm.
Got any saved you can post for us?

If my master thinks I need a gag, then I'll have to wear one. I only hope I can earn its removal so I can taste your cock again! How could I earn the right, Master?
Real talk, are you often like this or just for this thread?
I guess if you don't have your mouth you need to make use of your hands. Plus I would like to wind down at the end of the day with a bath and a massage. You need to provide all of that for me.
I'm like this whenever the opportunity arises.
My hands? You mean jack you off? But the semen will be wasted! It has nowhere to go! Are you not even going to remove my tailplug so you can fuck my ass shoot your semen there? Am I not allowed to have your cum anywhere in me during this punishment? That's so cruel, but if Master demands it, then it must be...
Ooh, I could draw you a bath! A nice warm one with nice-smelling soap, to relax you after your hard day. If you want, I can even join you to make sure you're extra clean. A massage sounds so nice and intimate, too! I could rub good massage oil all over and into you, relaxing your muscles. And if you'd like, I can rub the oil all over myself and use my whole body to massage you~
There's a lot of harm.
I'd get back into it
Post for you?
Jesus fuck, anon.
You are a good boy and I'm not even usually into domination but I would totally take you in.
No, you get nothing of my fluids unless you learn to properly stay quiet during your punishment. And your ass only gets rewarded if you are exceptionally well behaving. But a bath like that really does sound relaxing. Maybe I will allow you to sleep in my bed for the night even.
Going balls deep and cumming in Anon's tight ass!
Later, after the rest of the body has been used.

That makes me feel so good
Oh, Master is so cruel! But it's for the best. You're right, I need to learn to take my punishment and be more well behaved in the future.
Oh goodness. Your bed? I would LOVE that! The chance to sleep with my master, to feel your strong embrace as I drift off to sleep knowing you will be right there for me when I open my eyes again! P-please, it's too much, tell me you're going to take the gag off for the morning! Because I am planning to wrap my body around you and lightly hump you so you get the worst case of morning wood ever!
You are one thirsty anon
The gag comes off of course, I don't want to risk you choking over the night. Plus I like to kiss you good night.
No humping though. You only do what I tell you and if I already allow you to sleep besides me I expect you to behave yourself. This is why I need to punish you so often.

Too bad I don't have a way to continue this after the thread
It always makes me really sad when this happens because this shit usually doesn't happen irl.

Like your best bet would be trying shit on craigslist and even then that's sketchy at best
You don't want to meet the kind of people who use Craigslist.

And yeah, this stuff never happens.
Or at least not as often as people wished.
I could understand doms not finding subs, but it still baffles me how hard it is to get a person to make you their fuck toy.
I know. It's almost as if I were destined to be a slut~
Oh, thank you! And a kiss goodnight sounds so nice and romantic!
But I don't know if I could stop myself! My soft, tender body against your hot, sexy one for so long... when I sleep it would be an unconscious humping! B-but I'll do my best for you to restrain my unruly urges, Master!

I know, but sometimes it's better to have a spontaneous, short-lived thing than a constant thing, I think.

I know. I don't know if I could ever do any of this with someone IRL.
Just wait until the next one hits the bump limit.
uh.. wow
last for flowey
Last for Flowey's bitch.
what?? no
last for flowey
last for flowey
I wouldn't even be mad at you, you are just too cute when you beg for the permission to suck me off. I would stroke through your hair while you do it and kiss you on the forehead afterwards. And then we can take a morning shower together.
Maybe I will. Goodbye, I doubt I will be around for the end of the next thread. But I will think about this when going to bed.

Last for Flowey again. I helped you out on this yesterday.
oh gee, thanks

last for flowey
You are such a cute little slutty anon
Do you normally do this I've never bothered to hang around in dead threads before.
last for flowey
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