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/rlg/ - Rougelike General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 772
Thread images: 167

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good ambush.jpg
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Crawl 0.18 "Beta": http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/0-18-release-tournament
Crawl 0.18 Tournament starts May 6: http://dobrazupa.org/tournament/0.18/

>FAQ and What to Play
FAQ: http://pastebin.com/Q7K91Q34
What to Play?: http://pastebin.com/yfUKx35f

Rogue Nexus – Cataclysm online with shared map and tons of other roguelikes in a simple online package! (USA Only)

>Individual Game Pastas

Old thread >>140646794
wow i uploaded a thumnail, im retart
rlg/ - Rougelike General - Thumbnail Edition
Great laff m8
>good ambush.jpg (3 KB, 125x101)
now, im giggling
>...of all time.jpg

ghahaha you got me giggling too
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OP's character must have been a klackon
Formicid Edition
Rev up them large shields and 3swords boys.
>Not firing your 3xbow from behind your LARGE SHIELD
I have a +6 ice dragon armour and just found a pearl one +0 for 1600 gold. Should i buy it?
>be me
>invincible Minotaur Fighter
>Elder of The Shining One
>16 skill in Long Blades
>+3 Flaming Scimitar
>10 skill in Armor, Shield
>Wrapped in plate and tower shield
>Mutated larger horns
>two-shotting hydras in lair
>get to lair 4
>pack of Death Yaks
>might, haste, divine shield
>heh. nothing personnel
>*blinks behind yak*
The Ice armour has higher AC but Pearl would be better for you.
>start new character on Cata
>it's sunny out
>go loot what I can from my shelter, and promptly set out for adventure
>starts raining almost as soon as I get out of view of the shelter I just left
EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. Is there any way to influence/adjust the weather patterns? Because I'm so fucking sick of it raining for like half the fucking game. Plus, later on once I get myself set up, the rain is basically free drinking water so I never have to worry about thirst ever again, so it might as well only exist during the beginning part of the game.
best thread
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>fighting more than 1 dyak at a time
Around yaks, watch your back.
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i was prepared
thanks to vampire convict guy
i knew
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Wait, that isn't the right one. Why do I have so many MGR filenames?
Rain isn't even that bad. The morale malus wears off really quickly, the free water is immediately accessible, and it really isn't that hard to mitigate whatever penalties rain confers just by wearing a jacket.
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How do you play as a ring? Whenever I glitter it always attracts some street urchin (with no attacks) so my only option is to suicide into a monster and hope it puts me on but they always notice that I'm cursed and kill me.
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The worst part about rain is that it ruins molotov spam
I haven't actually use molly's in the longest time. I just set whole buildings on fire to drop them on problematic zombies.
>You have been poisoned
>You have been more poisoned.
>You have been more poisoned.
>You have been more poisoned.
I fucking get it.
is there a setting to auto---more--
I went exploring in the rain once on the edge of town. As I approached one of the houses on the outskirt, a corrosive zombie popped out from around the edge of LOS. He was too close to me once I spotted him to run or hide because for whatever reason all the zombies that will kill you if you can't run away are always faster than you if you have slower than 100 move speed, so I had to stand and fight with my freshly crafted molotov cocktails. I attempted to light the molotov, but it was extinguished immediately after. Fuck. Hoping that it was just some percentage chance to extinguish while it's raining, I tried to light it again. Nope. I can light a single piece of thread on fire, in the rain, under a zombie's ass and watch him burn to death to it while tanking his blows but somehow lighting a relatively large rag soaked in a highly flammable substance is extinguished with 100% certainty after a single turn. At this point the piece of shit corrosive zombie started flinging his high damage 100% accuracy bullshit at me through some of his fellow meatshields, and the speed malus from pain started to stack quickly. Only the molotov could have saved me from the moment I spotted the fucker, but there was still hope, if only my character could keep the molotov lit for a single turn. But no. 100 speed turned to 50 speed turned to 25 speed, then gg. So fuck you and fuck your rain. Pools and water tiles in general have infinite free water too and you don't have to craft fucking funnels or wait around forever to access it. Rain is shit tier, and it's not because of the morale penalty
>this newb is going to win after his first run while vampire convict guy has never won after hundreds of attempts
You didn't have any melee? You didn't juke him and sprint away? Why are you moving so slowly? Is your dodge skill 0?
>You didn't juke him and sprint away?
what does this mean, how do you juke
Anyway I know it was my fault because I didn't take a safer approach toward the building so when he popped out from around the corner of the building he was pretty close, and I had some leg encumbrance and residual pain that slowed me down a little, so when I initially tried to run he was gaining on me. It was a ranged character but I hadn't found any guns, only bows which are kinda shit now. I just didn't notice the rain and don't remember the rain extinguishing molotovs
>are always faster than you if you have slower than 100 move speed
Did you forget to actually run and just tried to walk away or did you, for some reason, tried to rush into a zombie-infested area with no stamina?
how do you run
Isn't that in the experimental build only?
You can hit " to sprint away at the cost of stamina.

Only play experimentals. The stable is obnoxiously outdated.
which game
share dcss macros, please
Stone soup, sorry.
I'm just butthurt because I'm bad.
* -> za.
/ -> zb.
- -> o
s -> '
spellcaster o-tabbing with numpad only
weapon swap moved from ' to s
it's not even a --more-- by default, you set that in your rc file

just find the bit with force_more_message += "you are (more )?poisoned and delete it
so apparently you can sprint in version 0.C
which would trivialize a ton of encounters holy shit
tab is a lua script, does that count

leave this place and never return
I'm not sure I understand.
What's wrong with using tenkey?
>tab is a LUA script
ok I'm curious

originally it wasn't enabled by default and you had to specifically add a line to your config file to load autofight.lua
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>see this on dcss main page
>looks kinda cool
>decide to roll edgelord gargoyle of yredelemnul
>gargoyles can't even worship yredelemnul
What a load of kobold shit.
>made out of stone
>wants to worship a god that hates all unliving creatures
Worship dith for max edge.
So how did you get into RLs?
What was your first RL?
What do you like about RLs?
What is your favourite RL?
What is your least favourite RL?
What other genres do you like?
Thought Dredmor looked neat.
The choices required of the player to make short term and long term decisions based on current gear, synergy and making hedges on how to improve your build based on what you could find.
I dislike content heavy *bands and I'm not a big fan of *hacks.
CUHRAZY action games, and ARPGS like the souls games. I'm really into fire emblem as well.

What about you, bump anon?
I dreamed that in dank ninja's server you could see the conducts of a dude in the high score
And then, just when I was going to win, I saved and went to bed. The server told me that there were no free spaces left because I had used them all since every single place in the high score was mine
So it deleted my save

It was a horrible dream
I don't want to dream that anymore
I will get a 11 conduct win, I'll ho in the notable nethack players page and I'll finally be happy.
>So how did you get into RLs?
I played Azure Dreams on real Playstation console, several years later googled the wiki page, and found the genre was roguelike.

>What was your first RL?
Azure Dreams

>What do you like about RLs?
Dating sims, anime girls, perma death, replayability.

>What is your favourite RL?
Azure Dreams

>What is your least favourite RL?

>What other genres do you like?
Tactics RPG

I'll kill for open source Azure Dreams game. Imagine :
>100+ girls to date
>100+ NPC with tons of quest
>multiple towns
>multiple towers
>tons of new item
>open source

Why the fuck no one makes it yet ?
I saw ToME on sale on the steam store in a four pack for like 4 bucks and bought it for me and my friends.
I like alot about roguelike's but probably the thing i like the most is the uniqueness in runs and characters. i feel like each character is their own different character each run. its a personality depth that i really enjoy. plus the tactical gameplay.
My favorite RL bounces around some depending on what i'm playing at the time but probably ToME or Poschengband. i just love how much content they have.
least favorite that i've played... hmmm... i actually don't know that i've played one i didn't like at least a bit. I guess Sword of Stars: the pit wasn't all that interesting the couple runs i tried on it.
I like lots of genre's of games but things with tactical gameplay, good difficulty, and lots of character variety are typically the ones i go for.
glitter to get some town dork
go stand on a stair tile somewhere for safety purposes
dismount the town dork (and at your option, also unsummon him entirely) using the 'p'ets menu
glitter for something that's not a town monster
oh and imo you really need a lot of charisma, probably even slightly moreso than intelligence, so you can control your ringbearers. Watch out, unique bearers get saving throw chances 10x as frequently as nonuniques.
One-handed crawl mostly






Most underrated roguelike? Or, if you prefer, relatively unknown roguelike you think everyone should try.
This unicorn forgot its alignment! But on the bright side, eating spider corpses finally gave me poison resistance, yay!
The roguelike you love.
A little late to reply since I made some food but thanks for the advice, I've been rolling high int scores instead of cha.
Trying to make a macro for crawl that finds the nearest stairs and goes down/up it


bugs out and only enters map mode and then goes to a seemingly-random location on the map.

Any ideas to fix this?
I just found an almost entirely functional main battle tank and have decided that that I must make it into my base. The only parts that are broken are the treads. All 20 tiles of them. I need caterpillar treads to fix them and a repair skill of 7, neither of which I have. So I'm thinking I just remove them and replace them with the 20 biggest wheels I can scavenge around the city. Will it work?
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In CDDA, if that wasn't obvious.
>So how did you get into RLs?
Tabletop RPG's led to finding Nethack jokes mixed in with D&D jokes.
>What was your first RL?
>What do you like about RLs?
Replayability. Randomness. Exploration and discovery. Permadeath. How they are free and run on toasters. But mainly replayability. Most games I can't fathom playing more than once.
>What is your favourite RL?
Demon. It may still be in early development but it's very user friendly while still being brutal. Plus, making a team of mythological hybrids is just fantastic, lore and mechanics wise.
>What is your least favourite RL?
ADoM. Unfriendly UI, a bunch of nonintuitive nonsense like 'food preservation' and 'bridge building' as skills, and even when I wasn't dying to door traps and starvation, I didn't find combat of much tactical interest.

Cataclysm sucks as soon as survival got mastered and the boring wasteland of furry triviality revealed itself.

Also not really a fan of older RLs anymore. They had their time, but frankly the spoileriffic and grindan' elements killed them for me, and the general bad UI buried them.

>What other genres do you like?
Shooters can be alright, but I prefer Borderlands and Bioshock to Call of Duty- I'm there for the world and weird powers, not the PvP.

Fighting games are fun but I'm 'buttonmashing noob' tier.

Strategy wargames I like, but not in real-time. Dominions 4, not Starcraft.

Bloodborne was 10/10 for me (hell, Chalice Dungeons were almost a roguelike experience). I guess that's an action/adventure game? Actual RPGs tend to be too much cutscene, not enough game for me- I wanna do gamey things, if I wanted a movie/novel I would consume one.

Be sure to upboat and subscribe to my blog
DCSS from fuck knows what when I was like, damn, twelve or so. I played a ton of gladiators but didn't realize scrolls did shit. There was only ACSII then, and I don't think I really got what everything was or how to examine shit, either. I got my first win at fourteen, a MfSk. Good times.

I like that they're so anti-spoonfeeding, I loathe just how unstimulating many games are in comparison - a quality roguelike can usually hold my attention for hours, unlike other games. I don't know, I like the community, I like the "try again, better yourself as a player" - mentality, it's very refreshing, very uplifting.

It's a shared spot between Sil, Infra Arcana and UnrealWorld, with UrW being my top favorite and Crawl my most played.

I don't have a least favorite, really - they all have merits. The one I play the least are *bands and *hacks, but that's just from a lack of trying.

I really enjoy strategy games, and roleplaying games. Think Master of Magic, Sunless Sea, Dominions, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 or Rimworld.
I'm playing crawl. XL 21, 2 runes collected, tried first level of vaults and got wrecked, tried first 2 levels of depths and got wrecked. Did I spec so wrong it's the end? I have ~20 in polearms, fighting, armor and dodging, leveled str and dex equally, so I don't really understand why I can't even 1v1 tab fucking emperor scorpions without potions. It also kinda escape me how people get 40+ AC with 30+ EV at this point on screenshots, I only got 25 AC and 15 EV.
Well I would guess yeah since vehicle physics in that game are pretty lenient. I've never really bothered with tanks before so I wouldn't know.
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There's the girl that stole all my money! Unfortunately I'd get stomped if I were to fight her now, though.

I tried it out after ponyposter admitted they were samefagging and shitposting it whenever it came up, and it was really unique. Kinda reminded me of DoomRL i how it takes a non-roguelike concept but then pulls it off.

Though I understand some people dislike the 'squad of customized demons' instead of 'lone unstoppable badass @'
I agree, they made vaults and depths a shitshow to add challenge for already spoiled players, but it just makes it really tough with a sub-optimal build or as a new player. And my defenses always end up shit, or I have to go balls deep in armor/dodging and have ineffectual attacks. Are you playing online? Someone could help give guidance. Post a chardump on pastebin
Well, I'm going to try. I'll report back. Probably won't finish until tomorrow, scouring the city for wheels and getting them back to the tank is a lot of work. Luckily I've cleared most of the z's already, though.
>I tried it out after ponyposter admitted they were samefagging and shitposting it whenever it came up
That's mememore. Get your threadhistory right you cis scum
Wheel requirements are very easy to meet right now, despite nerfs. You only really need 4 wheels and center of mass between them.
Wha? Only 4? Is there any size requirement?
Nearly unnoticeable. Anything bigger than casters will do.
But it will be unbearably slow if they're too small.
Thanks, good to know.
Now I'm tempted to put scooter wheels on it just for the giggles.
I've just realized that dynahack has an option: "seduction" that you can turn off to add the celibate conduct! No more imperfect 11-conduct run, I can toggle that to have a perfectly rounded 12 conduct run! Of course it doesn't come out on the deathscreen, but neither does spell-less, which I enforce by sitting on an antimagic trap and not learning a spell except at the start of the game that I can use to confuse myself in case I need it.
Foocubi aren't even that useful when I get the guards rolling. At best they can give me a free level, but I can farm potions of gain level easily!
I can feel it, dream or no dream this run will be the one.
Dumb question but what game is this? Nethack? I looks like dynahack but i don't think it is.
What's determines whether you need 2 or 4 wheels minimum? Motorcycles only need 2 wheels to run.
Slash'em extended.
I'm not playing online, but if you want to read all this shit, here's a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/1myanDir
The minimum is always 2, but center of weight must be between them, meaning it's harder to do with just 2 if your vehicle is wide.
Not sure if diagonal wheels "cover" the line between them or the entire bounding box.
Thanks anon. How's it compare to dynahack? Dynahack's the *hack i've been playing. first one i've tried. i'm liking it so far
You haven't found any ego/artifact auxiliary armors yet? Definitely identify that artifact amulet (you don't need resist mut), and the invis wand. You can use the invis wand to buff yourself before a tough battle; you have 9 recharging scrolls so that wand should last you a while. It might be time to start leveling evocations now to give you some more options and make your wands, rods, and miscellaneous items like the stone of tremors or phial floods more powerful. You should be able to handle vaults I think, just try to lure enemies back to safe areas if you're having trouble.

>not using numpad

I never got the vikeys fanatics, it might make more sense on a enUS keyboard setup
but I'll stay with my glorious numpad as it is
It's a complete trainwreck, but there are a lot of playable roles and races. There's probably no adequate description for it though, so the best way to see the differences would be to try out both and compare.
> You haven't found any ego/artifact auxiliary armors yet?
I haven't found any good armor at all. Out of my 4 other randarts 2 were cursed with big negative stuff and 2 were useless for my build. I haven't even found a single helmet yet, only 3 hats. Wishing for armors on 4 scrolls gave shit all 4 times. Really pissed about that, as well.
> you don't need resist mut
Really? There are lots of ugly and very ugly things and they are radioactive.
> You can use the invis wand to buff yourself before a tough battle
I haven't realized that seeing invisible negates the negative effects of self-invisibility, good call.

Overall I think I will just continue the Vaults until I can get a storm dragon hide, and check my treasure trove as soon as that happens (I have all 3 of uprade scrolls for the hide). This is the first time I've gotten so far and I'm getting a bit nervous.
Actually now that I think about it, I started without a pet, which qualifies me for the petless conduct, also! Which makes me sit at 13 conducts.
Man, I'm ammassing a number of ragtag conducts here.

It's uh
I personally wouldn't recommend it. Too much is just too much. There's a darting butt trap though! That one's fun.
>the sexy butt farts. You're confused!
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The player can even use #monster to fart if they're polymorphed into an appropriate monster!
If you wish for a staff and you have some levels in evocations, you'll get a rod which you can use, and trog won't be mad at you.

Ugly things can't mutate you, you only really need resist mutation for slime pits and zot.

Yea if you see invis you won't get that accuracy penalty or whatever for being invisible. If the enemies see invisible, then hitting yourself with invisibility won't help you at all obviously, although if you're fighting a big group of mixed enemies it can take some of the heat off of yourself as you burst down the most dangerous things.

Anyway I'd definitely focus on getting evocation set up, and using your rod (whatever it is) or attack wands to help hurt your enemies before engaging.
You could also do a winless conduct
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Nimloth just decided to be a pair of gloves now. They also cannot be taken off even if they are uncursed.
I'm already doing that! I've never won a *hack before, so that also qualifies as winless, or "YAFAP"! Isn't this exciting? Aren't you excited because I'm so excited I've never been so excited except that time I got that +8 cloak of displacement and invisibility and clarvoyance and I was like "WOOOOOOOOOOOAH"
But I mean Really, who could top that?
Anyone know where I can find a complete level feeling listing for poschengband?
Well you better win before the 0.18 tournament because we're gonna be playing MUMO MOTHERFUCKER
> Ugly things can't mutate you
Weird, what does "glowing with mutagenic radiation" means then? Something already mutated me once (-MP so don't care but still) before dungeon:15 where I bought the resist mutation amulet.
> identify that artifact amulet
I didn't even realize it was artifact, lol. Turned out to be ward +3 str +dex rN+ -3 int, thank you for advice. Guess I have to swap for a sustainAb ring to not die of stupidity now.
>find a glaive of gondolin
>well Ill take polearm mastery
>+1,2d6 mithril longsword of gondolin with perfect weight in the next room
RNG please
OOOH MuMo is a lot of fun
I got to zot once holy shit that was tense. I was literally sweating bullets! I wouldn't recommend that kind of stress to anyone. MuMo pre-zot is the greatest amount of fun you'll ever have in dcss, I hope you have fun!
>glowing with mutagenic radiation
Pretty sure this means they're just changing colors. And yea that's a pretty good artifact. For vaults, the most important thing is probably exploring carefully. Don't use autoexplore because you'll just end up deep in unexplored territory and get yourself surrounded. Try to lure packs of enemies back to a safe, explored area if possible. And don't go into vaults:5.
>So how did you get into RLs?
Nethack and Angband in the late 90's, rekindled after ~10 year lull by DCSS 4-5 years ago

>What was your first RL?

>What do you like about RLs?
Often requires a lot of planning and strategy and player agency is great.

>What is your favorite RL?

>What is your least favorite RL?

>What other genres do you like?
Anon, Vaults is an experience piñata. It's threat to XP is so poorly balanced in favor of the player that the devteam chose to runelock it instead of doing work rebalancing.

V is far and away the easiest place to level your character that doesn't rhyme with fair.

Maybe you should post what you're having trouble with there so we can help?
> Removed items:
>Amulets of resist mutation, stasis, warding, and corrosion.
>Wands of cold, fire, frost, magic darts, invisibility, draining, and fireball.
>Rods of destruction and of the swarm.
>Ring of invisibility.
>Potions of poison.
>Needles of slowing.
>Lanterns of shadows.

Is there anything else that is going to get removed?
Ability of Fun
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> Removed items:
>Amulets of resist mutation, stasis, warding, and corrosion.
>Wands of cold, fire, frost, magic darts, invisibility, draining, and fireball.
Are they trying to make this game fucking impossible?
Your ability to shitpost. Why don't you tell us what they've added?
nothing of worth

The changelog is public so see for yourself.

are we gonna have this post in every thread now?
I actually already know what they've added/removed. I still play, and ONLY trunk. I'm just tired of "They removed X. What else are they going to remove? ONLY REMOVAL."

2pak and stand ghost are worth. Wands of acid are worth.
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i dont want to die like this.png
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Help a poor edain lads
Someone post the entirety of the changelog here pls, I can only access 4chan atm
haha woops
your memeposting hurts awoo, hurts the thread and most of all annoys everyone
just walk down the corridor until he stands on the trap square or the one above it, then pass by
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It didnt work, he wouldnt move an inch. I had to remove all my equipment with light to make it move.
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Litany againt bait .png
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One day we'll have a shitpost-free thread. Just like the good old days.
good job lad

It's way too long to post here.
Not really.
>two months without new dick
Ill give you a dick ;)
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Does the grappling hook have any actual use in DDA?
split it up into multiple posts silly

Stone Soup 0.18 (up to 0.18-a0-1788-g92de1ac)

* New god: Pakellas the Inventive.

Branches, Environment
* Killing monsters in the Abyss eventually spawns exits and down-stairs.
* Ziggurat portals no longer appear in Pan.
* After clearing multiple ziggurats, enemies found in later ziggurats will be
considerably more dangerous.
* The Orcish Mines are now two levels, and generate fewer plain orcs. Gold
generation is doubled to account for the shorter branch.
* The Elven Halls now contains elementals and dancing weapons (in addition to
the ones normally found in the Hall of Blades).
Can be used to create stairs when going down upstairs that have empty space below them.

* A new mutation: Sturdy Frame, reducing base ER by 2/4/6 and thus making
heavy armour easier to wear. Can be a demonspawn mutation.
* Formicids now have 0 Throwing aptitude (was -2).
* Taking a known shaft now has a 2/3 chance of shafting one floor and 1/3 of
two floors.
* Breath abilities are no longer mutations and are now unique to draconians
and nagas.
* Throwing speed now works like weapons do, making it somewhat slower.
* Weapon types no longer have distinct strength weights. Strength now only
gives a bonus to damage, and dexterity only gives a bonus to accuracy.
* Formicids can no longer dig while in most non-Formicid forms.
* Statue Form now gives somewhat more AC.
* Early-game attribute loss is recovered significantly more quickly.
* rElec now reduces damage by two-thirds, rather than three-quarters.

* New temple god: Pakellas the Inventive.
- Grants MP on kills and passive wand charge identification. MP gained while
full will eventually be turned into potions of magic.
- Blocks MP regeneration and hates channeling.
- Gifts wands, rods and miscellaneous evokables.
- 1*: Quick Charge: uses a portion of current MP to recharge a wand or rod.
- 3*: Device Surge: spends variable MP to apply power enhancers to your next
use of an evocable item.
- 6* capstone: Supercharge: sets a rod to +10 (18/18), or sets a wand's
capacity to 50% above normal for that wand type.
* Ashenzari now allows followers to curse items with an ability that consumes
a scroll of remove curse, instead of using prayer to create curse scrolls.
* Beogh no longer allows corpse sacrifice.
* New Beogh 6* ability: Resurrection, reviving & converting dead orcs.
* Followers of Elyvilon can pacify insects (again).
* Monsters buffed by Gozag's wrath now remain buffed as long as they live.
* Jiyva altars in Dungeon no longer appear as early.
* Okawaru's abilities now cost less piety, but don't last as long at low
Invocations skill.
* Finesse is no longer blocked by stasis.
* Piety given for a Ru sacrifice is more explicitly stated.
* Sif Muna now grants miscast protection at 2* and amnesia at 4*, rather than
the other way around.
* Xom now chaos brands more weapon gifts, and can chaos brand ranged weapons
* Yredremnul's Enslave Soul can now affect demons & holy beings.
* Abandoning Yredelemnul now destroys your zombie minions.
* Zin's Recite is now only interrupted if the player is silenced or
incapacitated (or goes berserk).
* New items:
- The amulet of dismissal, which may teleport away enemies that damage the
player, but causes a brief combat penalty when equipped.
- The amulet of reflection, which grants a few points of shielding that
act as a shield of reflection.
- The amulet of harm, which increases damage dealt to and by the wearer by
- The amulet of magic regeneration, which increases MP regeneration after a
warmup period.
- The ring of resist corrosion, replacing the amulet.
- Wands of acid, which cause significant damage and corrosion.
- Wands of iceblast, which cause a partially irresistible explosion of cold.
- A figurine of a ziggurat, which can be evoked to create a ziggurat portal.
Appears on Zig:27 of all ziggurats and in the Tomb:3 loot.
- Unrand: The +8 frozen axe "Frostbite" {freezing cloud, *Noise +Fly rC+}, an
executioner's axe that may create freezing clouds on those it strikes.
- Unrand: The +12 armour of Talos {ponderous, rF+}, a troll/ogre-sized plate
- Unrand: The +3 Warlock's Mirror {reflection}, a buckler that allows
reflection of piercing effects and enchantments, among other things.
* The Etheric Cage now multiplies gained contam, instead of generating it.
* Sniper can no longer miss, and is now +9 (formerly +15).
* The robe of vines now grants slightly less regeneration.
* The Majin-Bo now speaks occasionally.
* The captain's cutlass now causes bonus damage when disarming.
* The amulet of Cekugob is now an amulet of dismissal.
* The brooch of Shielding is now a +8 amulet of reflection with no AC or EV
* Wearing an amulet of regeneration has no effect until the next time you are
at full health.
* A new property can now generate on random artefacts: Fragile, which destroys
the item when it is removed.
* Amulets of faith now grant a 25% bonus to piety, not a 33% bonus.
* Scrolls of enchant armour & enchant weapon no longer remove curses.
Oh okay, that sounds nifty, although I've yet to come across any situation where that would be necessary. Maybe in a cave or something? Also how does it work? Is it automatic if you have the grappling hook on you when you try to go down a stairs that doesn't have an upstairs below it? Or do you have to like, activate it when standing under the spot that leads up or something?

* Potions of ambrosia now bypass clarity.
* The evocable teleport property +Tele is removed. Rings of teleportation now
only have the *Tele teleportitis effect.
* Potions of cure mutation are slightly more common.
* Potions of degeneration now cause 1-3 damage to every stat.
* The Damnation card has been renamed to Exile.
* Poison needles' effects scale with Throwing skill and weapon enchantment.
* Arrows, bolts and sling bullets no longer have brands.
* Removed items:
- Amulets of resist mutation, stasis, warding, and corrosion.
- Wands of cold, fire, frost, magic darts, invisibility, draining, and
- Rods of destruction and of the swarm.
- Ring of invisibility.
- Potions of poison.
- Needles of slowing.
- Lanterns of shadows.

* New monsters:
- Spark wasps, electric swarming insects appearing in Spider and Depths.
- Iron giants, with the ability to throw you towards their pack of allies.
- Doom hounds, who can howl to create a pack of dangerous creatures.
- Deep elf archers, with skill in archery and hexes.
- Deep elf elementalists, with mastery of elemental magic and the ability to
turn rock into earth elementals to dig out entrenched foes.
- Dart slugs, slow-moving, squishy gastropods with a ranged dart attack.
It asks you if you want to do it, jump down without creating upstairs or not do anything.

* Shadow Fiends are now Tzitzimimeh, made somewhat stronger and given attacks
that surround their targets in a ring of miasma clouds.
* Hellfire has been renamed to Damnation, and no longer melts ice.
* Chaos champions lose Chaotic Mirror and instead gain Call of Chaos, an
ability which applies (usually) positive status effects to nearby allies.
* Mnoleg gains Call of Chaos (as above), Random Bolt, and Dig.
* Gloorx Vloq gains Summon Executioners and Black Mark.
* Liches and Ancient Liches no longer have a long list of random spells,
and return to a new set of fixed spellbooks.
* Salamander stormcallers' chant does not need to be continuous; they now
only need to try to cast Fire Storm at their target three times for it to
* Entropy weavers' corrosion is now instant and smite-targeted, but only
applies one level of corrosion.
* Ice devils are now tier 4 demons, and are weakened slightly.
* Hellwings now have the swoop attack formerly possessed by blue devils.
* Shock serpents' discharge now only strikes whatever hit it.
* Salamander mystics lose Localised Ignite Poison.
* Deep elf high priests & sorcerers can no longer cast Summon Demon.
* Natasha, deep elf knights, and salamander stormcallers can no longer cast
Conjure Flame.
* Banishment from powerful monsters can now send you deeper into the Abyss
than Abyss:1.
* Deep elf mages are now stronger and have new spell sets, including spells
previously cast by deep elf conjurers and summoners.
* The Sap Magic effect from demonspawn warmongers now has three fixed levels of
success rate penalty, rather than scaling continuously. Each spell cast while
under the Sap effect has a fixed chance to increase the penalty level.
* Demonspawn corruptors' Corrupt Body spell is now a single-target version of
the same spell used by wretched stars. These spells both now try to apply
multiple levels of a single random temporary mutation instead of giving many
different kinds.

* Ancient champions and death knights no longer have the Haunt spell.
* Swamp worms are now amphibious and generate submerged, emerging to attack the
player and never resubmerging.
* Deep elf high priests now have an Aura of Brilliance spell that affects all
allies in their view, making them cast spells more frequently and with more
spell power.
* Hell hogs now have Fireball, replacing Sticky Flame.
* Giant eyeballs are now normal speed, but must stare thrice to paralyze.
* Maurice can now steal from the floor as well as your inventory.
* Natasha no longer becomes weaker upon revival.
* Death cobs now drain speed, rather than causing hunger.
* Monsters that drain speed can now do so even to creatures with rN.
* Corroding monsters now reduces their AC by 8, rather than halving it.
* Needles no longer strike unaware monsters more powerfully.
* Removed monsters:
- Octopode crushers.
- (Plain) spiders.
- Salamander firebrands.
- Blue devils.
- Brain worms.
- Deep elf fighters, conjurers, priests, and summoners.
- Trapdoor spiders.
- Fire drakes.

* New spell: Yara's Violent Unravelling (L5 Hexes/Transumations). Dispels
all cancellable effects on the target and, if any were dispelled, causes
a damaging explosion of mutagenic energy around the victim.
* Hydra Form now has a fixed number of heads.
* The Infusion spell has a lower power cap, scaling more quickly to the same
damage bonus as before.
* Song of Slaying now increases its slaying bonus with every kill, but caps at
+9 total.
* Tukima's Dance's power multiplier has been reduced.
* Spectral Weapon now bases the strength of the summoned weapon on spell power
instead of weapon skill.
* Alistair's Intoxication is now level 5 and gives Vertigo status instead of
confusing the player or draining Int, and can sometimes affect rPois
* Monstrous Menagerie is now level 7 (was 6).
* Shadow creatures is now level 6 (was 5).
* Passwall is now level 2 (was 3).
* Ozocubu's Armour now slows movement slightly while active.
* Removed spells: Stoneskin, Condensation Shield, Mass Confusion, and
Phase Shift.

* Earth elementalists now have their stones start on b.
* Characters starting with a primary ranged weapon now have their melee weapon
on b by default.
* New autofight_warning option, to combat accidentally holding down tab.
* An option is added to the butchering prompt to allow butchering only
(e)dible corpses.
* Auto-eat now triggers for ghouls if they are rotted.
* The religion screen now shows all god powers, with currently accessible
powers (per level of piety) being highlighted.
* Many previously hardcoded forced mores are now optional and present in the
default init.txt.
* New character dump option: skill_gains, which shows when skills were gained.
* A s(T)atus effect lookup has been added to ?/.
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Oooh sharpness nice, I think I can try to kill Morgoth with this sword. I found it in Smaug treasures.
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Please tell me I can dual wield bastard swords
I think you could pre 1.2 but it was removed.
Well this sucks, Ill get rapid attack then. I reached 950 so Im gonna stop there for today.
got Dredmor during sale
Infra Arcana/DoomRL
Fighting games, arena FPS, racing
>So how did you get into RLs?
Chocobo Dungeon through PSP (I don't count Pokémon Mystery Dungeon), then after getting Dredmore on sale I stumbled across crawl, which addressed most of the issues I had with Dredmore

>What was your first RL?
Chocobo Dungeon

>What do you like about RLs?
Permadeath combined with the turn based movement

>What is your favourite RL?

>What is your least favourite RL?
Crawl, Dredmore, ToME4

>What other genres do you like?
>So how did you get into RLs?
I honestly can't remember. I know it really started once I started visiting /rlg/ regularly, but I can't remember if I dabbled before them.

>What was your first RL?
DCSS was the first one I took "seriously," but I think I won Tome 4 before I won DCSS.

>What do you like about RLs?
I like "beating" games. Not necessarily just in the literal sense, but whenever I play a game I just want to understand how to just dominate it, mechanically (sometimes I will just stop playing games before beating it if I reach that point before then). Roguelikes offer a bunch of replayability, even for those who really understand the mecanics (alternative forms of play, self-imposed challenges, e-peen etc.)

>What is your favourite RL?
Elona is probably the roguelike I had the most fun playing. Incursion is a game I really do love, and I *want* to like it more, but development hiatus etc.

>What is your least favorite RL?
Dredmor/Sword of the Stars. The former is just... a silly game, and I really dislike how the latter encourages really tedious and unintuitive gameplay.
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So how bad of an idea is Vampire of Gozag?
he has blood banks iirc
I think you'll run out of blood very fast, so very bad even with necromancy vamp.
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Yeah, couldn't find his fucking altar so went with Chei to make myself think I'm having fun.
take it easy
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That's a novel way to #quit, I'll give you that.
Standing here
I realize
You are just like me
posting in /rlg/
But I can judge
The shit you post
When postcount's down
I think we’ll both agree

Shitpost breeds shitpost
and at page 10 the memes are going insane
I post my own wins
You post just memes
But there's a chance we might just be the same

The thread has turned
And so many have burned
But who's to blame

Yet staring across this barren wasted land
I feel new wins will be born
Beneath the shit stained posts
Beneath the shit stained posts
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>So how did you get into RLs?
Can't remember.
>What was your first RL?
I think it was ToME.
>What do you like about RLs?
The first thing that drawed me in is the fact that roguelikes are basically RPGs that you can finish in a day. I'm a sucker for sense of progression. Diversity and tactical combat helps too. Funny sentence from someone who plays a lot of DCSS.
I'd replace the second "Beneath the shit stained posts" with "And all the ascii porn" so it rhymes.
but the actual rhyme is land-sand. Hmm.
How about

Yet as I stare across this wasteland of ghosts
I feel new wins will be born
beneath the shit stained posts
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Well, answer the the question /rlg/. Game's Dynahack.
I've heard that Vorpal Jabberwocks are a good target, but I think it's a bit presumptuous to assume I'll make it far enough to worry about that when I'm rarely good enough to reach that point.

I'm a vampire wizard, if that matters.
Why not Liches?
Vanilla, Demi, or Arch? Reason I mentioned the variant is because Dynahack restricts uncursed ?genocide to killing all of that monster on the level, and blessed to functioning as uncursed ?genocide does in other variants.
Then those pesky Vorpal Jabberwocks sound like a good option.
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It's time to walk away. Its hard for a hoarder like me to do this and abandon sweet loot.
I think roguelikes just aren't for me.

I die but I don't feel like it's fair, maybe I should play something other than nethack, maybe I'm just a casual.

Everytime I start doing well I die, maybe I should just look at the spoilers since this isn't fun at all.
>gloves of speed and search and dexterity
>low boots of power
You will usually be bloodless, so you want a way to murderize things without taking damage. Stabbing probably, especially with a dagger of vamp for the hp recovery.

Yes but blood potions rot outside of the shop. So if you're low HP and need to regenerate you have to backtrack to the shop and drink 1-3 potions of blood. Or go invis and vampirestab a pack of chumps.
How am I supposed to get vitamin C and A in winter in DDA?

goddamn this nutrition update is kinda silly
Just ignore it, it only scares you with messages, it doesn't cause penalties
Just take your vitamins.
>master mind flayer in first level of mines

Is this normal?
>every time I start doing well I die
hubris is the worst enemy
But a little improbable.
Like a Gnome with a wand of desu.
Well, how do I defeat it?
Scroll of Genocide.
I don't have one.

I do have a bow though.
you beat it really hard with your ball.
But I'm a samurai.
Well then you beat it really hard with your katana.
I've been playing princessrl, and it's made me realize the importance of carefully tweaking the level-generator. The dungeons in this game are AWFUL! Horrible twisty spaghetti that's a nightmare to navigate through, large chunks of the map sectioned off behind single diagonal passages that are impossible to see without going down every goddamn path, irregular levels that sometimes have huge potions of the screen empty and sometimes take up the whole thing, etc...

It's fine for the combat, and it doesn't make the game unplayable, it's just tedious and annoying. Speaking of tedious and annoying, the only reason to play this game is the combat skills and you can't get all of them until near the end of the game!
Try beating on it then.
You've got Excalibur at least right?
What about MR and Reflection?
But isn't it better to generally avoid melee combat with a master mind flayer at level 3?
How is one meant to skill a melee character in DCSS? I seem to do well until about D:11 when it all falls apart because I didn't have enough defense or offense.
are you a man or what
No excalibur, I only have the starting gear.

I'll just go back to the dungeon, I'll try later.
put all points in STR.
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And don't forget to use the heaviest armor you can find.
What about weapon, fighting, armor?
I've been pumping my weapon of choice to 1.0 delay but after that I'm lost. Also, isn't at least a small amount of Dex necessary for to-hit and armor bonuses?
oic, giving good advice under the guise of bad advice.
Pump dex.
Use other hand to pump dick.
Double exp in weapon skill, normal exp in fighting, armour, dodge. But don't tell /rlg/, since it's not optimal way of levelling skills.
I guess what I'm really asking is what kind of milestones for fighting, armor, and dodge I should be reaching.
wait, using the heaviest armor possible is good advice? I thought the only good armor in the entire game was the ring mail
I don't know what's real anymore
There isn't really a milestone for armour and dodge.
Level weapon skill until min delay->Level weapon skill more if you find a better weapon that needs more weapon skill for min delay.
Find a spell worth using -> Level its spell schools until you can cast it -> Go back to weapon, fighting, armour and dodge.
Another note: you can stop levelling weapon skill for sometime, if your weapon delay is 1.0 and you're using something heavy like bardiche/triple sword/executioner's axe.
Finer points are harder to explain, IMO it's less important and comes down to preference.
You know what, I'll stick to 0.16

In that version using heavy armor was a valid strategy.
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Now time to try to kill Shub-Niggurath.
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...That was quicker and easier than I thought.

More like I'd-Shag-Thatturath am I right or am I right?
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what the fuck is this game
its the only roguelike where you can triplewield (or even potentially hexawield) shields
It's got all you need for all your anime girlfriend fantasies.
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Go for it, champ.
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found the entrance lads
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its one of my favorite builds to run, tentacle fortress

you usually just grab like the heaviest armor and shields to the point where you can barely do jack shit and then you get a ton of pets and learn magic and just spray that shit all around while things attempt to harm your walls
>Find Cloak of Jack of Shadows
>Find out that I also accidentally have thrown away a good amulet with Reflection.

Man, I really want to switch to Jack of Shadows so I can also switch to a better helmet, but I really like reflection.
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Yulf, collector of Maces
>Go around 555 wilderness
>Find special kennels with Carcharoth

Thanks friendly Ipsissimus.
because hammers were bloat :^)
You can infiniwield shields in df adventure mode. The only limit is how many shields you can find and how slowly you're willing to walk.
>early morning
>chance upon a bunch of bandits
>some cunt is firing an M1911 at me
>unload a burst of .308 at her
>get the fuck outta there

aww shit like this is what I love about DDA

they should make extremely rare parties of NPCS generate randomly when you're exploring terrain, I think these had a hideout inna woods
I don't mean to be rude, but is Cataclysm at this point even a roguelike?

wheres muh fucking +3 wood stick of gas and zombies with special effects such as boomers that explode into a fireball after death instead of regular old gas
what about when the vitamins run out?
Interesting, thanks for the heads up.
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I am become The World, death of Destroyers.
you get a debuff that does
(like most things in DCSS)
Dorf Fortress
Dorf Fortress adventure mod
The aesthetic, the combat, watching numbers go up, also some of stimulate my imagination
no idea, desu
Nethack. played it too much and it basically frustrates me
I have no genre preference in particular
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>I am become The World
this shit makes me so sad. they keep cutting the fun shit outa crawl.
wait fuck I meant C:DDA god damnit /rlg/ stop corrupting me
What race are you?
vampire convict
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Finally I understand how ships feel.
Lucky tonberry ninja.
Do you remember where their hideout is? You should wait for a clear night and come back with a bag full of molotovs.
How were hammers NOT bloat?
>So how did you get into RLs?
Someone dared me.
>What was your first RL?
>What do you like about RLs?
The sense that the progression is happening on my end, not the games.
>What is your favourite RL?
Still Crawl, despite everything
>What is your least favorite RL?
Hack,Slash,Loot fuck that game
>What other genres do you like?
Strategy games.
How hard would it be to hack together a bunch of old code with the new in a fork?
I want to bring back Death Knight, Healer, and a few other things.
inb4 >just play old ver
I also like some of the newer changes
Absolute madman
DDA has human NPCs now?
why was hammers being bloat bad?
what's wrong with weapon variety?

I have an automatic grenade launcher on my RV along with a bunch of 40mm frags but that feels cheezy
Hammers served no point though

Maces are there for the early game until you find a Morningstar, eventually being traded for an Eveningstar for endgame.

Alternatively Whips and Demon Whips offer an alternate FAST

Hammers did what exactly? Be the same as a mace except worse?
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Rest in piss Nodens, you massive asshole. Summoning fucking Master Tonberry, Uriel and Huan at same time is an asshole-move.

At least he's out of the pool now.
I just saw Loki, probed him and found out he's an unique summoner too. Jesus, I thought it was supposed to be Serpent's trump card.
Why does crawl remove content? It feels like it's been headed in the direction of streamers/speedrunners

inb4 muh balans
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>Summoning fucking Master Tonberry, Uriel and Huan at same time
FR delete clubs, they're maces but worse :^(
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Oh fuck it is time
not that hard i think? I believe they did it before with Mountin dwarfs as a april fools thing? i never touched code before in my life so i wouldn't know details.
just delete maces/flails entirely, they're swords but worse.
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Oops, accidentally destructed it away.
At least I found Sauron.
I looked through the source and the races and jobs themselves would be very easy to re-implement.Spells and items would be extremely tedious, however.

It really helps that it's all on github, there's revision history, and all the builds are timestamped
well then, what are you waiting for sir?
to finish this delicious curry
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I need some tip on reforging, since I haven't done it this end-game.
Does only score matter, or are there some internal things I should be aware of? Are there particularly good items to use for reforging?
shit forgot about clubs when I wrote that
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Remember to splat your best today!
I actually advanced a bit further in IA today, so it's all good
Actually, Maces&Flails or Long Blades is an interesting decision. Maces&Flails offers lots of almost-guaranteed enchanted weapons(in the form of Edmund and Yiuf) and their top-tier weapon (greatmace) is very common, requires less skill than Long Blades, and isn't too shabby, damagewise. Maces&Flails also don't chop hydra heads off.

All in all, Maces&Flails offers an easier earlygame in exchange for a weaker mid-lategame.

In comparison, Long Blades is weaker early on, and only gets better by D13-15/Depths.
Only score. Lights and jewelry targets get reduced power, since they used to be too good. The total power level of the result will fall in a range that is something like 50-150% the destroyed item power (I don't think those are the exact %s). This also means that more powerful reforging targets gain less strength from the reforge since they started with more power before trying to reach the approximarion of the meltdown item power.
You could also save your money for gambling on potions for the final fight instead of on reforge disappointment likelihood
this is more confusing than I thought it would be, a lot more files to be changed than initially thought and referenced with old code.

I almost feel like it would be easier to just take some liberties, reference the badwiki, and recreate the races / classes

gonna sleep on it.
I might just be too lazy
>there will never be a fusion of daggerfall and Nethack
I wish roguelikes were more influential in game design. Any game that isn't a roguelike feels empty and railroaded, like it's holding my hand constantly. On the other hand roguelikes feel repetitive and sometimes I get the itch to play something else even if I don't have as much fun.

The ONLY other games I can imagine entertaining me as much as roguelikes are the Souls games but my PC can't run them
shit forgot to clear name from shitposting in agdq
pls ignore
How far are you? Favorite class?
delete swords, they're M&F but worse
*shit vs hydras
*uncommon in the early game
*by the time you find a 3sword you are probably already past all the dangerous parts of a 3rune game except Z5, so it doesn't matter
(unless you worship Oka/Trog)
*2 more base damage, so possibly hitting for an average of 2-3 more damage at max skills

meanwhile, for maces:
*they don't make the hardest enemy in lair even *harder*
*they're more common generally, so it's easier to find a good ego by midgame
*you're almost guaranteed a Gmace by the end of V:1, and you'll probably find an ego Gmace sooner or later as well

Maces are better with almost all gods. Oka/trog acquirement lets you ignore the rarity of 3swords, so they're better there. Maybe gozag too, I don't play him much.
So i gave SLASH'EM Extended a try after playing dynahack some and seeing some posts about it last night. it umm... it seems to have alot. but not like poschengband has alot, where it kinda still fits together. Its just like crazy wonky. I honestly have no idea if i liked it or not. i only played for an hour or two. i can definitely say the character creation is massive option overload in a bad way the first few times you look at it.
I've splatted on floor 7-8 I think, was cultist. Having lots of fun so far, getting half xp just for seeing enemies is neat. My favorite class is rogue, cultist's least favorite because bad hp bad start.
I wish I could enjoy this game

fucking nice, those are great ones to have out of the way

is this your first time to the poschengband endgame?
I've been consistently splatting on d3 as a cultist, d5 as a war veteran/ghoul, and d8 as a rogue. After getting over the initial darkbolt hype the occultist just sucks ass. Maybe things turn around later with more spells and enemies that are immune to physical damage, but int he early;game the only enemy that occultists are better at fighting are crypt-ghosts, and they're too fucking weak to even open the tombs so there's no point in fighting them!

Have you discovered the wonderful magic of stomping and kicking your way through everything? I haven't yet found a reason to use a melee weapon
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Yeah. I am trying to take things carefully. I have been trying to kill off worst offenders while preserving the sort of trash uniques - I kinda did it wrong mid/end. There are still plenty bad ones ( Kronos, Talos, Typhos, Raphael ), but those have to wait until I can get a good jump on them. Not Talos though, his defenses are absurd - how are you supposed to kill him, just mana him to death?

I still think I could improve my items - particularly my weapons. I've been trying to reforge weapons, but nothing beats the one falcon sword I reforged from Stormbringer and Silver Chariot.
>save file last modified March 25th

>tfw level 50 pcb character
oh jeebus that's a horrifying summon. Glad it worked out.

8 monsters get the Summon Uniques spell. 2 get Summon Lords of Amber. Blood curses can also summon uniques. Uniques can also answer the call of an ordinary summon spell if they're the right type (or if it's an untyped spell), such as from summon aid, summon ancient dragons, summon greater undead, etc.

I thought Morgoth had Summon Ringwraiths, but maybe it's just summon greater undead? I might have been mixing up Vanilla and PCB.

damn looking good. Ninjas really want The Dragon Fang of Ancalagon at some point, so I hope you find that. It's pretty rare as a regular drop (though not like, The Eternal Blade rare), and Ancalagon himself only has like a 5% chance to drop it himself. It's the best standart dagger in the game.
Talos is pretty hard to kill and has some nice spells but he also only has +5 speed.
doesn't dagger do better damage on sneak attacks? I'm still new to the game.
my brother from another mother
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In poschengband as a ninja should i be dual wielding daggers? never tried one before. I'm liking them quite a bit more than i expected to
Yes generally. You can also use a few other categories of weapons like Tantos and Dragon Fangs. But if you try to bash things with a battleaxe you'll lose most of your ninja bonuses and do way less damage.
yeah ninjas feel great
Daggers are great for sneak-attacks, but only rogues will ever get them, and if you can't do >90% damage with one there's no point. I find that enemies are either too harmless to actually bother killing, or so dangerous you have to bust out the tommygun and dynamite. Kicking has knockback, stunning, doesn't take up a weapon or inventory slot, and has high accuracy. Occultists are also bad at kicking due to their weak noodley legs.
I know that feel. It's a draining game, definitely need some real breaks from it before getting sucked back in to the loothole.
So i can't help but notice as i'm playing my ninja that occassionally i get a yellow "stealth" at the bottom of my screen. does that mean i'm hidden? i've played a few rouges before but never seen that. have i never actually been in stealth before?
kicking also doesn't work in a corridor with enemies behind it

I think I stopped playing that character after I got bored with mashing the psi-storm macro for hours to slowly kill all the Olympians.
it's like I'm playing Dark Messiah again. And now urge to do a stealth playthrough with daggers only intensifies. Who am I kidding, I'll just use staves again
yes you're hidden and enemies won't notice you. and you can hit for HUEGDMG against enemies that don't see you yet

it happens in darkness, and conveniently enough you get a "create darkness" ability at level 1
>kicking also doesn't work in a corridor with enemies behind it
Neither does meleeing, fighting a conga-line is a quick trip to the dead-zone. Better to blow everyone up or use piercing weapons.
I mean, I like the game, but stuff like opening a door and getting oneshot by a cultist with shotgun prevents me from dedicating any substantial amount of time to it.
yeah ninjas want to do an in-and-out pattern when fighting. Basically, you move in darkness to get *STEALTH* buff, then you attack, then you move in darkness, then attack, etc.

When you cleanly massacre a pack of orcs from the shadows it feels like you're some horror movie thing in the night slowly eating the campers
the ninja *STEALTH* buff is different from (and adds to) the regular stealth skill that all characters (especially rogues, which get a ton of it) have. Rogues are still super good at stealth and not being noticed, but ninjas are even better at assassinating than rogues are.
It's just not the same.
What's a "splat"?
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So it turns out that what made me stop playing SLASHTHEM wasn't the imbalance, unfairness, or the many, many options for chargen, but the unchangeable movement keys.

Honest question here, on what style of keyboard is this a good idea?

it's not really a roguelike, but neither is UnrealWorld or Dwarf Fortress or anything else in that vein. it's close enough for government work and it doesnt really have anywhere else to go .
getting your character killed
It's a special ninja thing. You get chances to do high damage attacks and monsters don't know your exact location (I think it even hides you from aggravation?). For anyone else, stealth level only determines the chances of monsters waking up.

Eventually you get a charge attack, so most dangerous fights end up going hit -> step back to restealth -> charge -> repeat.
that chart is fucked up yo. N is supposed to be SE noe E, L is supposed to be E.
the vi-keys layout is based on the vi text editor

it was developed for qwerty keyboards, although its intention is more focused on being easy to touch-type than on being intuitive
You can't use shields at all so yeah, start dual wielding as soon as you get a second usable weapon.
Bad idea? I could make a killhole with wand, assuming Trog won't get mad if I do.
what isn't?
Yuif with maces instead of hammers. And yes, that probably is a bad idea even with a killhole.
but F R E E X P
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how about now?
please don't tempt me I have poor impulse control
>reading magickal scrolls

anon, be careful

you probably only have 1 or 2 more before trog gets pissed off and excommunicates you
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You're right, my bad.
intuitive-ness>"ease of use"
But thanks for answering my question.
>playing roguelikes
>"i have to learn things?? thats to hard :("
go back to playing mibe
why do you lie?
fug u, SLASHTHEM isn't worth the investment
dynahack is better anyways, it's fun and doesn't force the use of an outdated, unintuitive system
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>no mace
what do
Go back up and take a different staircase down.
go up stair

go down other stair into same level

if you have to fight hydra you use BiA
Use another stairs or tp him somewhere
But when you use Brothers in Arms you have to hope that Trog doesn't troll you
Use brother in arms. He will kill hydra for you.
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>only other way down
guess it's time to see what I'm made of.
Thanks anons. You guys are definitely right. Playing a ninja is tons of fun. I'm liking the serial killer elements to it. What stats should I focus on? I figure dex is probably important because it would be for a dnd rouge/ninja but i'm not sure.
ninjas use dex way more than str for melee
(plus str matters less because their weapons are super low-weight)

eventually you should think about con as well because hitpoints are always good
I am made of cowardice
Iron Troll, on the other hand, is 100% certified badass
>monster troll claws don't sever hydra heads
>even though player trolls do

what the fuck is this crawldevs
It does. Look how much damage that iron troll took even with berserk on.
Trog gifted me with a +4 Antimagic Greatsword shortly after the troll went back to the shadow realm.

nope, weird.
Fat lot of bullshit that is.
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Can't even make a dent to that unicorn...
Any tips? It just keeps breathing disintegration and removing my bunshin/passwall/speed.

It would be bullshit if serpent summoned it...
>How is one meant to skill a melee character in DCSS? I seem to do well until about D:11 when it all falls apart because I didn't have enough defense or offense.

Quoth the ancient scrolls of aralgee, chapter four, verse 27:

"And yea, thereupon the meleedude shall skill first the weapon to mindelay. Then the fighting to no less than eight and no more than twelve. Finally, investment in dodging shall commence until the player feels more damage is needed."
>It would be bullshit if serpent summoned it...

You mean will and when, right?
Destroy it.

Is this one of you?
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>bashing a dude with a potion of paralysis doesn't break the bottle
I guess the devteam doesn't actually think of everything.
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A board like that actually exists?
And someone browses it?
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It was a good run while it lasted.
Too fucking much damage in such span. But oh well, next time, perhaps.
Is it not worth picking up dodge or armor before then? Just weapon skill until midelay is an awful long time to go with shit defenses, especially if you have mediocre aptitudes.
is this the run
Rip anon.
How much damage did you take that turn?
>-16 AC
>can't even grab a scroll of enchant armor
>no RF
>no light
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I couldn't resist
Against big bad touch-to-drain-charges monsters, store your devices that use charges somewhere else so that they can't heal from draining them during your fight.

But yeah The Unicorn is super hard to fight of course.

Also, mostly unrelated tip, make sure to bring plenty of elvish waybread to your Serpent fight. It always fully restores nutrition, and the big J drains nutrition. Feels awful to die by passing out to starvation right in front of the Serpent of Chaos.
oh fuuug, GG anon and well played getting so far this time. I really enjoyed following your character.

"Next time you'll kill the Serpent for sure"
Never understood why they kept that flavour text when spears are shitter than the already shit halberds
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From 800 to -135 or so.
I would have needed to escape anyway - instead I decided to heal and perhaps figure if I could banish or genocide whatever came out. Sloppy death. But still, couldn't have won anyway - I think my damage might have been lacking. At least I stabbed lots of tough uniques on my way out.

Probably not gonna make another run in good while. The endgame is drudging through - at least next time I know to save up lot of easy uniques for end-game.

Well, I keep that in mind.

You should be able to dual wield main gauches, sabres, maybe cutlasses, daggers, tantos, ninjatos.

Basically you can wield anything that doesn't give you a "you feel uncomfortable wielding this weapon" malus.
Fuck, I am retarded. It wasn't as I described, obviously.
I had healed up to relatively safe amount of tried to stab the serpent. And hence died.

But still, retarded decisions overall.
Optimal play is slightly more nuanced than that old advice; it's just been given for a long time because it's close enough to work.

An optimal roadmap for earlygame skilling is something closer to this:
>weaponskill to 1.0 delay
>fighting to ~6
>dodging to ~6
>fighting to ~8
>weaponskill to 1h mindelay

At this point what you skill next should depend on the items you've found; if you have good to-hit you can pump dodging for great earlygame survivability, or if you've found some EV or dex items but your offense is lagging behind you can choose to lay off a little bit on dodging for more fighting.

>Just weapon skill until midelay is an awful long time to go with shit defenses, especially if you have mediocre aptitudes.
The thing about this part is that during earlygame, offense is much more valuable than defense. You flatly *need* your weapon to be no higher than 1.0 delay as soon as possible to avoid taking surprise chunk damage from doubleturns, and past that you flatly *need* some fighting to mitigate against bad to-hit rolls against fastmove EV mobs of the adder/bee type category.

Dodging's value only comes into play slightly later, when you have enough offense online. Level too much dodging too early and you turn fights into a needless battle of attrition from which you aren't equipped at that point of the game to come out ahead, relatively speaking to a more offensively skilled character.
>being pelted by yaktaur and cyclops
>too far from stairs to make it out alive
>no blinking or teleport scrolls/wands
I was doing so well too
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>make a MiBe
>First thing I run into is a +6 Ring of Protection and a Ring of Stealth

is this the real life?
>Not two +6 rings of Slaying
are fog scrolls still a thing?
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>random magic marker in one eyed sam bumps my AC to -25
I love these fucking things.
I'll have to find something to replace that helmet of aggravation, I was mainly using it for the AC. I could probably grab a helm of telepathy or something.
In the unlikely event that I don't find a chromatic scale mail (since there's only three dragons and I don't have a wand of undead turning), I think I could deal.
They are, but I didn't have any of those either. Once I went into low HP I just accepted my fate. D:15, L:7 cleared, was about to leave D:15 and enter Swamp, had just got a flaming 3sword from Trog

I learned a lot from this run though, I'll get there next time.
what's this from? The hobbit?
A Song of Ice and Fire, looks to me.
Should have done mines before D15
Oh, and regarding:
You typically don't want to level Armour on most characters until mid-Lair *at the earliest*. Some races never reach the point where it's worth leveling Armour inside of a 3 rune game.

Armour skill just isn't valuable earlygame. For it to be worth leveling Armour on a given character, a few things all need to be true:
>high Armour skill aptitude
>high Str
>low Dex
>already wearing plate or heavy DA
>you want most (preferably all) of your aux slots to be filled
>your Armour skill level relative to its aptitude needs to be at a place where your AC will increase at at lower cost than your EV would if you put the XP in Dodging instead

You'll notice that many of these criteria automatically exclude low level characters, with a few possible exceptions (like a MiFi that finds D:1 plate).

Armour skill just doesn't reach parity with other potential XP sinks for many characters until midgame. Even then, its value is often low enough compared with Dodging or Shields that you don't want to level it much.

tl;dr: Dodging is better.
I never saw it, but then again I'm retarded.
If you finish clearing D:12 and haven't found it, Ctrl-F and search for "mines."
ah, good tip. Thanks anon
>fucking runescape
>not hawkeye gough
Alternatively, Ctrl-O and it'll tell you which floor the entrance is, assuming you've discovered it.
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truth be told i haven't messed around with these ... things much, though i'm told they can wield triple swords with shields? I foresee poison killing me long before I find anything better then a long sword though.
What font are you using?
are you playing a version where Formicids are still poison-vulnerable?

How old is your dcss install?
game of thrones tv adaptation, looks like s04e09
more GroSS
not him, but at least .14
that inventory screams trunk, though. That's when they made the background the same color.
Not that anon but I'm playing 0.18 and Fo are indeed poison-vulnerable.
For that matter, Poison Res 1 doesn't do that much.
what they chaged that? shit, guess they did.

i'm on some old trunk version of .18 and apparently i'm rather obvious to what has and hasn't changed.
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they aren't for me? i'm on some trunk version so maybe that's the difference.

ps. i went Chei because why the fuck not.
not vulnerable as in "not a gargoyle"

when they were created they had rPois-, so they took double damage from poison
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can't even blame anything for this splat, inno i guess i just wasn't having fun.
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But that's forbidden love!
Are you sure?

there is a space between the words girl and friend.
It doesn't matter now, I got her killed on the way

also if it wasn't her girlfriend wouldn't she just call it her friend
That sucks. I heard escort jobs in Elona are awful because of the AI.

In my area a lot of women still use "girl friend" as "female friend". Which was commonly used like that by women in the 90s IIRC.
that's only because the women in your area are all secretly lesbian sluts

there's a gigantic weekly gay lady orgy
Yup I keep getting my little girl killed, but daam this is a fun game
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Jesus Christ. Phase cannons are no joke. But fuck, a full chem cell per shot.
>not getting both armour and dodging to 5 for max efficiency
So what is the meta for the crawl tournament, is it still statue form chei?
MuMo or bust anon
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If i had an axe maybe i would just kill them, but nah. fuck this.
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am i lucky or what? use another stair an end up in the same place.
this wouldn't happen in .18

if you see both ends of a staircase you automatically know that they're connected, even without using them
There's no * over the other staircase so he's on 0.18. Next time, examine the down stairs before you take them.
??? how do i examine and know where it leads? isnt it random?
no each down stair is connected to exactly one upstair

the brown hatches also dump you onto a specific place on the previous level, but you can't know where without trying them

the staircase with an asterisk in the corner is the one you haven't seen the other end of yet
oh. well i didnt know that. thanks for the help
I know that ring mail is the most balanced armour but is it viable to go with the largest GDR/AC armour and just train armour as Minotaur? I mean they have +2 aptitude so it should be relatively easy to get high AC.
only in 15 runes
If you go with the highest AC and train 0 dodging you will get fucked in the ass by liches casting Crystal Spear for 120 damage (but because of your armor it's only 100! much more reasonable!). See also: juggernauts.
If you want to do that play a formicid

In any case, you don't need anything more than scale until you're a bit into Lair even as a heavy armor dude. It's better to get the appropiate training first so that you don't nuke your EV which is far more important
Is going max dex still optimal after the str/dex change in crawl?
From my understanding it now depends quite a bit on your build
both armor and dodging scale like ass after 10.0 so whatever
why Formicid?
SH as EV substitute
fuck-huge stranth

also if you want to be a tanky motherfucker they get large-race shield penalties (which is good) and the ability to use shield + 2h weapon (which is also good), plus they have medium-sized bodies so no EV penalty or armour restriction like with Tr/Og
just found this thing on my teFE. already invested in fire magic fairly heavily, would it be worth to dump a few levels into polarms though?
How strong is pakellas compared to the mid tier gods?
yes you should always have a melee skill

if you have to use fireballs to kill rats then you don't have any mana to kill the death yaks behind them
but i am wielding a Large shield right now. Although i will think about using heavier armour later in game.
And if i splat i'll try them. Sounds fun.
Stop id'ing non build stuff, it only leads to sadness
Who are the mid tier gods?
Everything below Trog/Oka/TSO/Chei/Vehumet and above Fedhas
using a large shield as a non-Ce/Na/Fo/Og/Tr is a trap unless it's super lategame and you have nowhere else to spend XP

it takes 25 skill for normal races to remove the penalty, you'd probably be better off just investing in EV

but those 5 I mentioned only need 15 skill to remove large shield penalties or 7 skill for med shields
I'd say early game, weaker than choko/trog. Mid game, much MUCH stronger than either. Late game, relegated to utility and summons rather than wand of death and acid. Definitely very high tier if you work for it.
even with -3 apt Ce takes less xp than the +2 apt Minotaur to remove large shield penalties

(although he'll have less SH)
getting mixed signals here....

but I live for the pain and sadness of finding god tier randarts on characters that can't use them
So are skills over 15 other than spellschools and weapons a trap in general
you wouldn't ID a randart halberd if you already had a different melee skill
depends on what point of the game you're in i guess.
welp. i was at 12 skill already and had a amulet of reflection. Should i just drop the shield then?
get to 15 and use a medium shield
in general getting one skill super high is worse than getting multiples moderately high
My Minotaur had 17 skill and I swear the dodge + med. shield was the only thing keeping him alive until I was retarded in D:15
Fight/Dodging/Evocations all want to be really high. Stealth too, if you aren't getting to 5 pips and stopping.
Stable 0.18 release when?
before may 6th, which is when tournament starts
How high do you want UC before branching out
>How high do you want UC
22 with oka
Early game, 8. Later 12, and you can stop at 16-18. Obviously, max it out once you have the experience for that sweet .5 delay.
>Is going max dex still optimal after the str/dex change in crawl?
Probably not.

Pros and cons:

1) Str is actually good now,
1a) due to the changes to Str -> damage and
1b) due to the changes to Str affecting Armour encumbrance rating.

2) But EV is still the best layer of defense.

3) Since the changes to the Dex -> EV stepdown, ultrahigh Dex makes less sense than it did before.
3a) However, ultrahigh *EV* is still just as strong as it was before. It's just that to get there now, you probably want to take a path of mid-high Dex coupled with EV rings.

All things considered, the optimal statgain approach in 0.18+ is probably to try to target something like ~25 Dex and 15+ Str. How you get there depends on character race, but I think many races will be better off with at least 2-3 levelup choices going to Str.

Source: Thread e-celeb.
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So once I charge this do I double up on Wis gain? I certainly doubled up on Wis loss.
>Source: Thread e-celeb.
stopped reading right there
after reading this word i stopped reading your post
This was funnier than it should have been.
In poschengband, I'm playing a half-titan warrior.

What should I be dumping my points into, stat wise? Should I only have two active abilities? Is there a list of level feelings and what they actually mean?
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Game is Dynahack, I'm a wizard, wand isn't blessed, my luck is positive, I have no magic marker, and the only artifact that has thus far been generated is Magicbane.

Considering getting the Platinum Yendorian Express card for infinite charging, especially since I have that ring of huge Wis.
str and dex for to do the hitting of the dudes real good

later you'll start wanting con when you're dealing with crazy high-level shit that breathes for 600 damage

Ah. I'm like level 25 and I took I think...3 STR and 2 con. Something like that.

Should I start looking into dex now? I kinda just ogred my way through it and assumed str was all I'd really want.
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Do you guys like to play normal NetHack or the unofficial versions like SLASH'EM?
You need str and dex for blows/round. basically Dex determines the possible window (at 3 dex it's from 0-2, and at 18/220 it's 4-6) and strength plus weapon weight plus a factor based on your cless determines where exactly you are in that 2.00-blow range. So with max strength and no dex you'll still only have 2 blows.

That makes sense. Thanks for the help.

Is it worth re-visiting dungeons for loot? I cleared the orc area, the first 20 odd levels of angband, and the first dungeon but I've no idea where to go next. Camelot, maybe?

Last time my character got there I got rekt by blindness in a fight with four named knights.
grinding is often a part of the game but probably not at that low level.

You can cure blindness with potions of Cure Critical Wounds, are you making sure to carry around a big stack of those?

Yep! I just didn't expect it when I first walked in there, then it kept being reapplied. I found some +speed this run that might help in tandem with some potions of speed, though.

What can I do about acid damaging my items? I've got like 50% acid fire etc resists but they still often get destroyed.
Yeah gotta watch out for those Camelot knights.

I sometimes revisit areas, but only if I have to on a character too weak or low-stockpile to play in a more dangerous zone.

After Stronghold, Orc, some Angband quest depths, you have a bunch of decent options. Forest is an option, though not usually part of my own route. I like Labyrinth as soon as I can, for the Rod of Recall, a bit of the Telmora Arena for some of the early rewards. Play around in Camelot if I still don't have levitation, then go open Lonely Mountain and dive down to the second to last floor (unless I am ready for Smaug of course) and play there for a while.
eventually you'll get some pBlind or telepathy equipment or device to change the power level of blind against you.
Give me a random Crawl combo, /rlg/.
Kobold fighter.
Take Pakellas
Okay. Thanks anons.
I expect to see your win screen soon.

this but assassin
>So how did you get into RLs?
I never really did, I only play Crawl nowadays
>What was your first RL?
ADoM and Rogue, tried both at about the same time.
>What do you like about RLs?
Uniqueness of each attempt, possiblity of playing on almost anything any time anywhere, a bit but not too much strategy involved.
>What is your favourite RL?
>What is your least favourite RL?
Nethack maybe? I only played 6 RLs or so though.
>What other genres do you like?
I used to like first person shooters about 10 years ago.
>FoMo doesn't have 4 unarmed attacks
this doesn't sound random at all
>fo doesn't have 4 ring slots

>human doesn't have 10
1 ring to a hand has always triggered my autism so hard.
Playing on berotato, I'll post win if no splat.
Play slashem extended, not slashthem - the first has the remappable keys patch applied, which allows you to set your movement keys to whatever you want! Or just set the number_pad option to 2, then you can use the number pad instead of vi keys.
Oh, and I forgot, slex has an active development team that is open to adding new ideas and interface improvements, while slashthem development is pretty much dead and had its last update in July 2015.
use vikeys like a man or fuck off to >>>/vg/lite
I thought Amy was the only developer
Now would you look at this.
still doesn't measure up to SLEX's "Curved woman"
Sorry, not sure anymore. I decided to delete & update the game after the splat.

Probably Lucida Console, bolded.
>all this time I lost actually exploring the level
>instead of just digging holes and levelporting with confused scrolls of teleport
I should read the wiki more often.

You'll have to come back up the hard way anyways, since the amulet of yendor blocks levelports.
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Dude, you shouldn't have set up your shop here. I'm gonna rob you blind and there's nothing you can do about that.
Yeah I read up on that one. I was thinking of grabbing a helmet of Tele, but it's in sokoban and I'm in the valley right now, so I'd have had to slog through 20something levels to get it. Also I realized that when I'm in the dragon caves I can just zap a wand for a hole and then teleport next to the chromatic dragons and kill them. No more summoners summoning summoners!

>Rod of Recall

Seems like Rod of Recall is more common now in 4.0.1 because I had one drop and I have yet to do Labyrinth...
Omg it had gray dragon scales, a pair of atsuzoko boots and a shirt! And I got them for free!
they can drop randomly just as easily as any other rod
the labyrinth boss is just *guaranteed* to drop one.

see also: rod of detection vs vapour quest
I prefer SLASHEM or Dynahack.
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>playing some DDA
>exploring the town I spawned in
>cutting down a stream of zombie children that spawned in a park
>suddenly a huge explosion in the distance
>stop and take a look around to see if I can spot the source
>oh it's a minefield
>right next to the park...
>see several zombies in the middle of the minefield
>more are running towards it
Zombies are hilarious sometimes. On a couple previous characters I saw a horde of zombies chasing after a dog. Those stupid ass zombies, I dunno what they think they're doing.
we need to stop letting retards in charge of making the OP
Zombies are hilarious in Cata. its one of my favorite things about the game. On one start where i tried the student start i came upon a room with like a dozen zombie kids standing in a circle around a fire made from textbooks in the room. even dead the kids hated school that much. they also burned down the whole damn school with that fire.
>Start a magic eater.
>By level 12 have found ego-items with Dragon's Flame and Heroic Speed.
What a foreboding start.
>i came upon a room with like a dozen zombie kids standing in a circle around a fire made from textbooks in the room.
probably a NPC, but the mental image is hilarious.
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I heard this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlNfEnYj5Kk and now I wanna roll a vampire bard in PCB. It's too bad they suck
How do i get slashem extended to look good? I cant really seem to get the window size to be a reasonable one and the font is pretty tiny.
>How do i get slashem extended to look good?
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>engaging lerny in melee with 123 mhp
Bahaha. Amazing.

As an update, predictably the collective group of retarded zombies has thinned out, due to triggering at least 6 or more mines. On a couple streets to the north of that minefield I heard another explosion, and watched a group of zombies(a brute among them) storm a boarded up house. I have no idea what's in there or what could have caused the explosion, but I watched from the shadows inside a pawn shop as they ran to pound the windows in. Will check it out later if I survive.
standard way to make any ascii game good is to use a terminal, the way they were intended and they were created.
By the way someone tell amy that her slex on dank ninja is severely outdated.
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Messing around with the real life character generation in PCB. This can only end well.
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Hey /rlg/.
If anyone wants to join a no-pressure, take-it-easy clan for the upcoming tourny, just add the line
# TEAMCAPTAIN nikheizen
to the top of your rc file and respond to this post with your crawl username.
No level of skill or dedication to play required.
Team name coming shortly.
crazy question but why does everyone like crawl so much
Lot of people have fond memories of their first.
that's a funny ass image

Real life chargen is actually really really strong, you can reroll it easily by doubletapping and unlike pointbuy chargen, all the stats are usually very high on average. I used to reroll yeeks on real life to get mad results.
I just got killed instantly by a death sword. I guess I should've looked to see what it was, but I didn't expect a death sword on d4
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Funny story. The reason /rlg/ was made on /vg/ was to discuss crawl, but before that we used to be on /tg/, back in 2012. At one point the mods said that we needed to get the hell out of there and we moved.

It's kinda hard to stop talking about the game that brought life to the whole general and was mainly discussed for its creation, you know? Besides, it was a very different game back then.
Until sometime last year, crawl was the main source of discussion in the thread, if not the only one in some cases.
It's sad to know that all the archives are dead now.
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Oh the RNG smiles on this hador. Im going for a heavy protection build, being super tanky is fun
>Lucky Archon Magic-Eater
>Weapon with Dragon's Flame, ring with heroic speed, robe of permanence
>Go do Logrus Master quest bit too early.

Damn. Seems like a fun class, which probably gets a major boost once it gets to 555.
Please someone tell you that slashthem is not the same as slex and is made by a different devteam which seems to be dead. Play slashem extended instead. SLEX server: em.slashem.me
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>tfw cant even kill the weakest of balrogs
At least I can kill some humans
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Hm nice shield. I already have the shield of the swans but fire resist is always welcome.
Bob the second shall prevail! Hopefully.
Maybe he might even clear Stronghold.
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Not enough light level, got trapped by those green horrors that corrode your shit, RIP little edain
Afflicted with the curse again, whoops.
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Finally, after killing so many killer bees and yellow jackets, my ride has grown up! :smiley-with-wings:
>-3 AC by DoD:18
How are you still alive?
Whoops! Didn't notice that at all. Somehow, no single enchant armor scroll has turned up yet, but I accumulated 5 enchant weapon which I don't need... Anyway, +4 polearm at expert skill, hasted steed and a couple of spears for throwing is keeping me alive so far.
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Don't tell me I'm a weremimic! Sure, my helmet of polymorph control saved me here, but still, being infected with lycanthropy sucks.
who the fuck is Shena and why does everybody love her ass?
You could bounce a quarter off of Shena's ass.
Maybe because she has a sexy farting butt that she can set up as a trap?
I see. Now, why am I teleporting randomly? I've dropped cursed gold bar, is it the tutorial bow?
>why am I teleporting randomly

Cursed item.
>not putting Makh in high tier
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Thanks for that /rlg/, fun game.
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Well done.
Did you make Sigmund your sex slave since you're using Pikel's sprite?
Wait what changed about Str and Dex in Crawl?
And how do I skill a transmuter?
And rMut was removed?
Str adds a lot of melee damage now.

Dex has worse diminishing returns to EV than before.
Transmute until spiderform is at 30%
UC until 6-8
Fighting until 4 + transmute until iceform or bladehands is at 30%
>rougelike general

Jesus christ

Anyway, if you kill people in the wilderness in unreal world does the civilization that they come from know for some reason?
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>Dex has worse diminishing returns to EV than before.
When was that changed
How are you supposed to play non caster nagas
They just feel insanely squishy thanks to no ac at all in early D:
And the breath misses 80% of the time and deals like 1dmg 20% of the time
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So here's something interesting for 0.18: They extended the line item listings for actions taken in the morgues.

Kind of neat to see some of these breakdowns.
What even counts as an armor action
Sometime after 0.15 and before 0.18. Sorry I can't be more specific, newcrawl is foreign.
No, this is bullshit.
The ideal number for dex has been 24 for ages. The stepdown formula was not changed.
I don't know who made it up but this is straight up misinformation.
Getting hit while wearing it maybe? Only thing that makes sense offhand, the numbers don't align with just steps taken in it for instance.
In what file is the stepdown formula located
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>putting a bag of tricks in a bag of holding destroys both
You're damn right my eyes are watering.
>90% of crawl players play melee
>devs think the solution to this is nerfing the shit out of ranged
after playing ss13 I learned to never put bags in bags
New PosChengband video.
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>20+ games in a row of elven priest with mostly bad weapons
>play 3 games of vampire wizard and suddenly find a priest's wet dream
thanks tung
Holy jamole!
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Why did I put a wand of cancellation into a bag of holding
Why does my brain stop working sometimes
Why /rlg/
It happens to everyone.
I recently dropped all my potions while levitating.
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That's a lie and you know it.
Between this and making a 28% paralysis chance on one of my ghosts I'm feeling pretty lucky so far this game.
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Oh hey, I found you, convict dude.
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This anon is a liar. He goes to /lite/
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I just go there to post that image sometimes to remind them.
>Android device master, level 22.
>No good wands yet, but found good vampiric polearm
>Hey no worries I can handle it
>Die at hill giant.

Sigh, all that fame and loot, piss in the wind...
As soon as you can kill dragons, go to 555 and alternate between murderizing dragons and collecting loot. You'll pick up some wands of rocket eventually, and then you're set for life.
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here we go
Someone squished your @, bro
i'm on a diet
>Play slashem extended instead.
then why the heck is amy in the dank.ninja IRC
Good luck.
Where is your Magic Resistance though?
Good boy Implo.

now it just needs the "can someone please post the entirety of the changelog I cannot browse anything but 4chan" one
in dyanhack you just need to have possession of your quest artifact to have magic resistance, this makes a lot of quest artifacts, like the monk's, a lot more useful
That's gonna be good to spot the tourney's filthy mumo cheaters for those of us that don't wanna watch 20 hours of ttyrec.
That doesn't sound wise. If it were another class' quest artifact, sure, but if Rodney steals it from you at the wrong time, it could be really bad.
One of the reasons I removed bones levels from the options is also because once I found a single bones level with four of my bones in them.
That was fun.
> From 20:00 UTC Friday 6 May ... will count for the tournament
> 0.18 will be officially released a few days before the start of the tournament
> Local beta binaries should also be available in the immediate future
So, is 0.18 offline installer released already? If no, when wil it be? It's already "a few days before the tournament" from what I can understand.
that's another change, your quest artifact can't be stolen, it's mostly irrelevant though as i typically zap the wizman with a wand of death the moment appears
i will most likely win, but i am kind of rushing things and my AC isn't very good, i'm just too lazy to buy more protection or polypile
Accidentally equiped an Amulet of Faith lategame, is it worth the piety to unequip it at this point or should I just keep it on? I'm a Qaz worshipper and the only decent amulet I have is regen
Why the fuck do people consider Chei high tier
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Where the hell is the rune located at here
in the purple shit
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I am probably blind but I can't see it anywhere
Autoexplore the entire level? If you already did, check your runes with } or %, autoexplore picks them up automatically, you might have missed that.
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I am done exploring this level already, Maybe I should try burning some tress with my fireball wand?
Oh shit, I had no idea.
That's good to know.
walk on the ring mail
other than that ctrl+f rune
Does the autoexplore say "Done exploring" or "Partially explored, can't reach some areas"? If the first, I'm out of ideas, if the second, doublecheck under the flaming clouds and start burning the forest, although I don't think they can spawn there. Also, try cntr+F "rune" if you haven't already.
I assume it was a Broken Death Sword and not an actual Death Sword monster, though either is technically possible

Yeah magic eaters get a very strong. Very good for 555 abuse too if that's what you want to do.

RIP your stuffs Pretty sure oldfags will guess those ones because similar stuff is in a lot of tabletop /tg/ types of games w.r.t. extradimensional storage items.

oooh watchy
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Goddammit, shouldn't have watched it.
Really liking the videos though.
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Ayy lmao it was on the fucking ringmail. Wasn't there swamp:5 though?
> Wasn't there swamp:5 though?
Not in 0.17.

Swamp:5 was bloat, and was thus removed.
I'm out of the loop, what is this 555 thing everyone keeps referencing?
It wasn't bloat though, the devs are just fucktarded
Especially with pan still being pure rng bloat
>Dungeons of Dredmor, then found this general
>Dungeons of Dredmor
>MMORPG, Open world RPG.
No, it was an actual death sword. First time I've seen one so early in the game too.
PCB has two dungeons, Heaven and Hell, that only open after you have won the game. They are level 555 and 666 zones respectively. The wilderness surface areas near where the entrance is hidden (even before winning the game) are still 555 and 666 level areas, so they generate really good items.
please don't give them the idea to remove more fun shit, kthx
On a scale of 1 to ASSGUTTER how fucked am I attempting to do Snake without rElec? Other branch is Shoals, no sources of rElec generated at this point.
> how fucked am I attempting to do Snake without rElec
You don't need it as long as you remember you don't have it.
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well, my first encounter with Cthulhu left me with amnesia. this will make the climb a bit more interesting
what the heck hits with elec in snake?
>So how did you get into RLs?
Dunno, I think some roguelikes were mentioned in a gaming magazine back in the day.
>What was your first RL?
Rogue or Nethack, can't remember which I tried first
>What do you like about RLs?
Learning the ins and outs of the game, the cool subtle game mechanics.
>What is your favourite RL?
>What is your least favourite RL?
>What other genres do you like?
Dungeon crawlers. Old FPS games. Shmups once in a while. I speedrun some action rpgs.
Shock serpents.
pick 1
Shock serpents and electric eels. As I said, you don't have to have rElec there, but it still helps a bit.
Well, been doing that now after failing Logrus Master quest as well.
So deceptively weak - I should have gotten here earlier.
>wearing a +5 helm of brilliance
>only 12 Int
Literally how? I thought you couldn't get less than an 8 on chargen.
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Are you playing dynahack or unnethack
because the interface looks like dyna but I thought it didn't have him
i think i actually started with 7 int

just don't replicate my mistakes, i didn't know about him at all so his immortality caught me by surprise, this amnesia is extremely crippling
oh fuck

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>tfw Anhur puts out on the first sacrifice
Best slut.

Dynahack does indeed have Cthulhu!
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Xom best god
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cut my life into pieces
this is my last hit point
>you hear the howling of the Cŵn Annwn
remember to #pray, anon!

i believe in you
Does he straight-up replace the high priest of moloch?
How do you get him off your ass?
Do you just zap death at him and then moonwalk away?
> it's an ecumenal temple entrance spawns inside a stone wall with glass windows instead of doors episode
I'm not even gonna bother and find wands of disentegration. Converting to Lugonu and coming to corrupt these assholes 15 levels later.
Did the level generation change in Crawl?
pretty sure it can't spawn as totally inaccessible.

maybe you need to take an upstair from below?
Is it possible to win a roguelike if you have a short attention span?
yeah, as long as you just stop playing when your brain starts doing no-attention-span ADD shit instead of mashing O and Tab as fast as ou can
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Android magic-eater can get peculiar with 555 scumming.
you can win a 7dRL.

Yes, but you need to take breaks.

An overwhelming majority of what kills you once you are good enough is simply getting impatient, or being careless.
i'm not sure, i killed him the first time with a wand of death, but then he revived, teleported in front of me, and sucked out my brains, all before i had a chance to respond
i was able to get off the level before he revived again though, the amnesia is making ascension waaaay more difficult
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Funnily enough, it was a gnome blasting a Horn of Frost which reflected on that wall and killed him. I got out okay and have the things now.
No, he carries the amulet and hangs out in the High Priest's chamber. You zap death and fucking run because he respawns and stinking clouds when he dies and is covetous. Not to mention he is also a master mind flayer on top of that.
I guess this is orcus town?
I don't know. I've never been here before.

Also, filename.
Wearing opposite alignment removes any protection iirc so don't do that.
Also altars in gehennom are not really useful since you can't pray.
>removes any protection
never had one. I forgot to get crowned before starting the guard trick.
>not buying protection
Aren't you murdering shopkeepers regularly?
yeah but all my money goes to the black market. I needed those ?EA too bad.
Also my alignment record is in the -tens of thousands right now.
Hail to the king, baby.
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wrong altar
just need to find the neutral altar and i shall become a demigod
How does /rlg/ feel about NetHack 3.6? (Compared to 3.4.3 that is.)
's good.

Go anon go!
>no shield of reflection

do you even have reflection anon

are vampires death-ray resistant
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Too bad my stealth is [Bad].
>do you even have reflection anon
I don't know, let's ask the magic ball!

Chromatic dragon scales give almost every resistance conceivable, which makes up for my lack of every single resistance since I can't eat. The bad thing is that you can only find the caves near the botton of gehennom.
And yes, being undead the death rays don't do nothing. Being convicts sickness doesn't do anything, either. So I'm safe against death and pestilence.
you picked sexy?
oh shit chromatic scales give reflection too?
the only thing they don't give is MR, which coupled with the fact the iron ball of liberation gives MR, makes me pretty damn smug.
What's with the suffixes and plusses on the wands and rods? This might make me pick up my magic eater that's been collecting dust for close to 8 months now.
No, I guess it is from the excessive lights I got.
I am lucky.

You know Rodney steals your quest artifact, right?
that's just PCB 4.0, devices do that for all classes
oh shit dynahack is weird
I think that's a unnethack change
One of the most annoying things in nethack's endgame were rodney stealing your quest artifact, the invisible force and geh's mazes.
Dyna fixes that
except the invisible force, which works in a different way from unnethack, but I still don't know what it does
>that's just PCB 4.0, devices do that for all classes
I haven't played since 3.5, and devices being more interesting would certainly affect a device focused class more I'd think.
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i have ascended
i am now above you mere mortals
bow to me
no conducts
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on the other hand the devices also recharge for all classes (and don't stack), which means magic-eaters are sort of worse than they were before.
Good get.
dynahack is really fun, so many good changes and the late game was made much more interesting and challenging
hopefully it finds a new owner and keeps getting updated
If you like it, consider trying Un. The endgame stuff is even more interesting. There's a whole other branch.
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pick my species/job /rlg/
Tengu Hunter
Felid Arcane Archer.
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I haven't tried Tengu yet actually

next time
Not the same anon but I had no idea about this. where can i find these zones at on the world map? and is it safe to hunt through these areas for any character as long as careful? Or will i be splatter on a level 29~ ninja?
Crawl players can't even do trivial equipment selection, so that kind of navigation is too hard for them.
555 is upper right corner.
If trouble, just read tele.
Get staves of summoning and wands of clone monster for the cheesiest dick cheese.
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Here you go.
>letting people decide for you means you can't do it
>is 0.18 offline installer released already?
The "official" download packages on CDO appear to still be 0.17.1.

However, all of the branches (including 0.18!) are always available to download through git.

All you have to do is make sure you have git and a compiler toolchain (gcc) on your system (there are tons of different packages for download to do this on windows, cygwin is probably the most well known) , and then type this into a shell:

git clone https://github.com/crawl/crawl.git crawl-local
cd crawl-local
git submodule update --init
git checkout stone_soup-0.18
cd crawl-ref/source
make TILES=y PCH=y -j4

It can be daunting if you have no experience compiling from source, but literally the hardest part about it is waiting for the git repository to download.
Theres a buggy ivan version which you can beat in under 10, 15 mins
Don't use cygwin.
Just use mingw.
Or install linux on a VM.
Just don't use cygwin.
What you will encounter there:
>Mature White Dragons
>Caaws ( completely immobile, best sources of xp in the game - but don't get close. Just use wands of disintegration ).
>Ancient White/Black/Green Dragons
>Packs of hounds, variety of multi-colored, vibration and gravity.
>Greater Cyber Wyrm Angel Daemon Lich. Just run.

And on note of "interesting places". Try to keep away, since while they would usually contain novice rogues / etc, thanks to the bloated depth, they contain usually amberites and other high-end uniques ( Draugluin and Cerberus is the worst I've seen so far )
Wait, actually, level-wise Carcharoth has been the worst unique I've seen there.
...But he was trapped in a zoo, so I could just passwall-stab him to death without any danger.
So, its been a few weeks since i started NEthack and i'm on a pretty good run.
Since my pet mysteriusly dissapeared in minetown i tamed a random puppy and tried out my wand of poly on it, until eventually i settled with a baby blue dragon.
Thing is, he kepts morphying. Again and again and again. Wich makes for an interesting experience but, why is it happening?. Maybe the dog had a poly ring and it keeps acting up? Could the wand beeing cursed affect it in anyway?
seconding mingw
cygwin is hot garbage
but my characters ;_;
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First dynahack win in /rlg/! Go anon!
I shall toast to you with a potion of futa mare dick juice.
>first dynahack win in /rlg/!
What, someone else won it before?
If he has, it was lost in the archives.
The new devices can be fun, though the fact that their often slightly different is hell for the lack of stacking for inventory space. Magic eaters no longer get an infinitely large belly for storing magic...instead they get a golf bag which increases in size as they gain levels, but is never infinitely large. The class is still very strong lategame like they were before.

ooh congrats!
Someone post the serial ascender
I don't remember anyone else ever ascending dynahack, anon
The 3rd entry on the ndn dynahack score list is mine.
Also the 7th, but we don't talk about that.
And I'm pretty sure others have won it before myself.
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How do I make this stupid poison go away?
How bad is Abyss for Qaz worshippers?
HOGl and I've gotten Swamp, Snake and Silver; should I do Slime Pits then ditch Qaz for TSO, max peity in Crypts then Abyss?
To be safe you need decent speed and a source of teleport. Sometimes you will find a pack of multiple ancient dragons or or nexus hounds or something and you wanna be able to teleport away before taking a dozen breaths on the chin. Ninja seems like a great option because of stealth and infinite teleports.

Also never actually move onto the 555 tile on the world map, you might be installed by an Amberite ambush or something. You need to walk over from the adjacent map tiles.
>I've gotten Swamp, Snake and Silver
You could just go win.
I thought if it wasn't deep red it wouldn't kill you

Try resistance?
Turn into a tree.
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Tree works.
you sure sure
'cause I maybe remember just one dude and that's a stretch
But I want to stupidly splat in extended and hate myself again
> Default God gifts you a +11 handaxe { Chop rPois sInv Clarity }
Freest midgame of my life, holy hell.
Resistance/vuln doesn't affect the status effect damage, it only changes how much poison buildup you get. So you have to use your rPois BEFORE you get poisoned

Once you're already poisoned the only way to avoid the damage is becoming immune (with e.g. staff of olgreb or statue form)
It's not exactly a hard game, there are many good players here, and dyna's existence has been known for a long time. It's foolish to assume there hasn't been a win.

Also yes, I'm sure that I won Dynahack.
>It's foolish to assume there hasn't been a win.
Anon I just haven't *seen* one posted in /rlg/ as of yet
and I can assure you I have the memory of an elephant about these things
You've been playing this game for hundreds of hours and you still haven't even figured out that staircases are connected.
>Did the level generation change in Crawl?
Just off the top of my head, they have added more encompass vaults in recent and semi-recent versions compared to oldcrawl.

I'm pretty sure they also added some new floor generators sometime after 0.16 or so, but you'd have to check the commits.
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I DID IT /rlg/!
ntg is >>>/vg/lite now
Shit, my bad.
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>mfw reaching level 9 in ToME
I take back everything I've said about consumables clutter in Elona, all that cd shit is infinitely worse, made me remember those WoW interface screenshots. On the bright side, I've made up my mind and decided to drop this ugly shit for good.
Well nigga, pay attention.
It's a shame that the archives died isn't it
who do you think I am?
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Leashed Vampire Lord.png
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Well he finally settled for a Vampire Lord after three more dungeon levels and morphying every 5 steps. I guess the higher Magic Resistance blocks the poly, whatever it's source may be.
I have to admit that leading around a vampire lord is giving me a confusing boner.
Not really.
The fact that 4chan supports even a temporary archive is honestly kind of weird since part of the design of the site was that everything was anonymous and temporary.
Though I guess I'm posting in a general in the first place so what do I know.
> Crawl is all about antigrinding
> at level 20 I'm allowed to infinitely grind exp and piety in the Abyss with no risk whatsoever
> it's actually the best choice because Vaults and Slime are rapefests if attempted immediately after 2 runes
Nice game, crawlbabs.
Crawl is a 20 year project to turn a nethacklike into Brogue.
It's pointless to even talk shit about it, just fuck off.
last I checked fireden is still alive
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
archives were originally just for that, archival of the above-average posts
the downfall of the archives was people thinking every shitpost was exceptional
how far does it go?
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Is this the hot new meme?
couldn't say, but probably not that far. It cropped up around the time foolz died. There's also Waruso
All me.
It also has framework for browsing old Foolz-archives.
congrats anon
I don't think that's something you should publicly admit, anon
I think otherwise, but that's not why I'm still a virgin.
How did you win the game without coming across at least one 3-trait piece of armor?

Punished Dracula seems to get ~2 2-trait pieces of armor and 1+ 3-trait in every game.
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Shouldn't there be a magical portal to rodeny's tower here?
I mean, free stash is great but I remember it differently. Maybe it's at the bottom?
There is a fake tower.
idk man, the speed boots and helm of brilliance i wished for, i started with that robe, didn't find any good items on this character
i even had to polymorph a pile of rings before the end because no rings of levitation generated in my dungeon, got submurged in lava at one point
i did start with 3 tins of spinach though, so that's cool
It gehennom :50 the top bottom?
Wait, I found the square. So, now I should tackle the wizard, go down down down, do the ritual with the candelabrum, the bell and the book of the dead, then I can get to moloch's santum. Then I have to kill Cthulu for the amulet of yendor, run the hell off, and I'll probably look what else I should do in the wiki before I get something wrong on the ascension.
The depth of the sanctum in nethack is random, but in Dyna I think it's between 47 and 54.
make sure you have a ring of levitation for the elemental planes and as many wands of teleportation as you can get to just move losers out of your way
don't get amnesia, and pay attention to the weapons enemies are wielding, you can still get beheaded
>Crawl is all about antigrinding
>has so many levels of the same shit that it feels like grinding anyway
>the typical ascension will go through over 50 giant levels

Grinding abyss is still bad, though.
Is level 30 the maximum level in dynahack? I remember reading that its the max level in nethack and that slashem extended it's the "max" level but you can continue to improve beyond that.
>the typical ascension will go through over 50 giant levels
So, it's ~14 hours run for a 3-rune crawl ascension. How long does it usually take in other games?
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>claw 2d12 for artifact stealing
I hope that's not my quest artifact
I really hope that

yeah. If you drink a potion of gain level after level 30, you get mana and health as if you had leveled up but that's it.
It varies widely depending on the game, but in general the more time it takes the more popular the game is. These games are judged on the basis of how much time they're able to waste.
>so much HP that one !full healing is legitimately not enough
You've come a long way, anon.
I'm trying my best not to die this time
I died with 500 HP to a vorpy last time though, so that's still not enough
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Congrats on correctly performing the ritual!
Sure is summoners summoning summoners in here.
Just put =Conflict back on you goof.
>~14 hours run for a 3-rune crawl ascension.
Dayyum anon

I know we told you to take it easy, but you might be going overboard
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>skeleton warrior with a trident of distortion
>second hit teleports me into the middle of crypt:3 endvault
>4 ?tele in a row bring me to different places in the same room

Should've quaffed !agi and !haste way earlier, but I thought i would get out once the TP went off...

Also I should've blown more qaz piety on mr. distort instead of upheaval twice and then trying to tab off the remaining quarter of his hp
You're in the skull vault right?

Never fuck around with the skull vault.

In fact, it's usually a good idea to just stay out of crypt and elf so you give yourself fewer opportunities to fault.
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>he thinks Cthulhu can die
I really shouldn't have been there at all, my only rN+ was a single !Resistance and I was getting dangerously low from fighting solo curse skulls.

Also spent way too much XP trying to use the book of the clouds on a 13-int orc because of dat Qaz synergy.
>So, it's ~14 hours run for a 3-rune crawl ascension
Maybe when you're starting out. I've 15 runed in significantly less than that.
every time I see that face it just looks like someone taking a dick all the way to the balls, confirming that whoever uses it is an utter faggot.
Is it worth to buy a manual at 1.5k gold? i'm playing DCSS 0.18.
Is it for a skill you use?
I'm MiBe and it's a dodging one.
You buy it and use it.
14 hours is typical for a player who takes breaks for bathroom and meals, and who reads the messages in the game under the mistaken belief that they're relevant.
I think if you automatically see that it actually means you're a faggot

I mean, I see a cat face, you see a cock and balls entering an orifice

which one of those is more like the thoughts of a gay person
I really find it difficult to believe that even inexperienced players could manage to make a 3 rune game take that long. I've seen estimates on the tavern of 6-8 hours being "typical", but really a better way to do it would be to check the bots for average game time.
Should the game say this even if I'm carrying the amulet?
Because there's a chance I might have fucked up
well does it add time if you just idle? if it does then turn count would be a better measurement, no?
And when you use it you make sure to only train that skill so you don't waste XP
Time spent thinking of your next move is still play time though
I tried levelporting and I was prevented, so I *think* that's the real amulet.
It's be really embarassing to literally walk up without the amulet.
you can tell if it's real by zapping yourself with a wand of death, it will identify all your items
The vorpal blade goes snicker-snack!
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Anhur fucking sucks at secret santa.
The worst would actually be getting strangly dangled on the plane of water.
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>13 conducts
I thought it was 11. Are you including some of the fake conducts like sokoban shortcuts?
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Got the STUFF.
Now to not die to something FUCKING STUPID.
Grats man.
Fuck off savescummer!
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Congrats dude
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Technically 11+2, yes. I'm also counting never using a pet.
Next is gonna be a Zen weaponless convict, probably. But that's gonna be months from now.
>breaking illiterate conduct
>breaking atheist conduct
>breaking zen conduct

quick, someone else beat dynahack before the next thread, we can get a streak going
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My love is wasted.png
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Never broke the illiterate conduct
Never broke the atheist conduct
Never broke the Zen conduct
you get specific messages if you do, it's very fun.
Actually illiterate makes you unable to read so you can't actually break it! Not even engraving
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Ah did it pa, higher than anyone.png
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I've been validated as the highest count ever on the official nethack scoreboard, so no.

Holy shit I never actually thought they'd track the spell-less conduct by themselves, but they do.

The highest number of conducts ever achieved in a *hack game, between all the servers in the world, in the last twenty years
I've fucking did it.
It's fucking beautiful and I'm gonna go to sleep have a good one /rlg/
Don't die before we make a new one
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Everyone on the tavern is a welfare case who plays Crawl all day every day. Of course they do it in 6 hours, because they've mastered the game and are playing it by rote.
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>use hatch
>receive Yiuf stab
>he fell for the statue form cheinaga meme
it was working pretty well, I think I was gonna get my 15 runes under 40k turns. I had 11 runes at 33k, only had to to get the hell runes then dive zot for the orb. But instead I get double shattered in 1 turn. I didn't know monsters could ever do 191 damage in a single turn in a single spell to a player.
Jesus christ, how horrifying.
Silver Stars used to be worse, if you can believe it.
Crawl itself is easymode.
good taste
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Post hiscores. If it's so easy you should have 15 runes win.
Congrats anon!

>/msg Sequell !lg * win urune=3 x=avg(dur)
><Sequell> 19440 games for * (win urune=3): avg(dur)=8:16:20

You could just try using the bots like was suggested instead of whatever it is you're doing complaining about nothing and being a loser.
it's not about taste, it's about you being a complete and utter faggot
Actually though, median game duration would be more accurate here. A few players idling could really skew the mean upward.

>!lg * win urune=3 x=median(dur)
><Sequell> 19440 games for * (win urune=3): median(dur)=7:04:39
And to get a more interesting breakdown:

not-good players (less than 10 wins):
>!lg !goodplayers win urune=3 x=median(dur)
><Sequell> 5080 games for goodplayers (win urune=3): median(dur)=8:38:32

goodplayers (10+ wins):
>!lg goodplayers win urune=3 x=median(dur)
><Sequell> 14360 games for goodplayers (win urune=3): median(dur)=6:40:59

greatplayers (won all races):
>!lg greatplayers win urune=3 x=median(dur)
><Sequell> 8800 games for greatplayers (win urune=3): median(dur)=6:19:54

greaterplayers (won all races and jobs):
>!lg greaterplayers win urune=3 x=median(dur)
><Sequell> 7704 games for greaterplayers (win urune=3): median(dur)=6:16:17
>being good is about sheer playtime and nothing else
Page 10, someone slap the two hackers in the OP
You have it backwards.

it's pretty clear that the critera for being greater players is that they have more wins, have won with all the races, and have won with all the jobs. What that correlates to is that they, on average, shave 2 hours off their win time because they're efficient.
The worst player in the world could win all jobs and races if they put in enough time. It doesn't correlate with how good they are at all.
>!lg * win race=Mummy class=Monk urune>=6 god= x=avg(dur)
>2 games for * (win race=Mummy class=Monk urune>=6 god=): avg(dur)=1d+1:51:26

You're right anon, this result is much more informative.
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idling doesn't skew the stats upwards very much. the servers have an idle detection algorithm and don't count time spent idling
No the worst player in the world picks mibe, holds down tab forever, and then makes angry posts on the forum asking how to reload his save because he died and doesn't this game have autosave and where is the difficulty slider because this is obviously too hard and how come he can't unequip this cursed -3 blowgun
This sounds more like a meme than a player.

But yeah, even someone like that could win everything given enough time.
>Valkyrie dude finds frost brand on D1
>can't find the secret door
>doesn't pray
>dies to a dog
I'm mad
There are a lot of people who have never won Crawl, and consider it to be a genuinely hard game, and who think of themselves as highly intelligent once they eke out a slim victory on an easy combo.

this guy posted on the tavern about the game being too hard

his recent games on CAO included a TrHu dying to a solo speed-10 gnoll with no other enemies in sight and 3 large rocks in inventory
also wielding the --Hu shortsword instead of just using trollclaws

the fun part? he has 9 wins
The ~1h30 discrepancy between avg() and median() points to a minority of games dragging up the mean, though, no?

What I'd like to see is the !lg results for each winning player's first 3-rune game duration, but my listgame wizardry skill isn't high enough to properly format that query.
that would be pretty close to the ungoodplayers search, since that one was for players with <10 wins
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