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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 172

>Fates FAQ
(Please read before asking dumb questions)


>/feg/ Castle Addresses

>FE Mobile Announcement

>Map Pack 2 Announced

>+1 defense
is this the power... of silas?
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tfw ded mom.jpg
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I want pickles to be deleted from earth
Remember to report and ignore Etika posters trying to shill.




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Who is gonna dies next chapter?
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Gameover because of turn limit
>IP count didn't go up
Etika is going to bench Pieri
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>actually redid the entire chapter with water off-camera while pretending like the game is just as he left it from the last stream
>literally went back just for one unit

I think he's falling for the meme, boys.
he sounded mad about ending spoiling
was fates spoiled or is he talking about awakening
Felicia is the cutest! She means everything to me! She makes my life worth living! I couldn't go on without her! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! My feelings for her will never fade! My love for her is eternal! I love Felicia!
Post those castle cards.

I still need BP, VP, and accessories. Don't forget to leave feedback. Come buy a skill or something. Maybe you'll get a cute Bond Unit.
Seriously this, just report shills. What they want is attention for them and their precious e-celeb.
"Etika's style of gameplay isnt suited for Nohr 12 ;)"

t. conquestcucks
>chapter 9 lunatic
I can do well but all those reinforcements fuck me over so hard
what should I do? I wait for them to come then do the acid rain
>Wahhh why are people hating my youtube streamer fucking samefag!!
please leave shiller
You're a light shining through the horde of ettika shills, anon.

Keep the love burning.
If your waifu laid eggs, would you still love her?
Should I buy a red robin shirt?
>I don't know how post timers work
(lol shills as retarded as their precious ape god
yes etika, camilla and elise have spots on the yato
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Does it count if my waifu's part-dragon?
Why are people so volatile to black guile all of a sudden? The hate was there in the past sure but vocal haters knew to just walk away from the thread or just keep quiet and deal with it

Is it like with the Sakurafag artist where something "gains traction" and contrarians come crawling out the woodwork?
The answer is no
Nobody cares about the thread quality.

Not the shills. Not the people calling out the shills. Fucking none of them do. All they want is replies, whether from each other or others looking in on the whole mess.

This is the hole /feg/ dug for itself.
Is this a new OTP I've missed out on?
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Where does your waifu/husbando fall?
I like Hana
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>>>>>ending the stream for game of thrones
Just kill yourself Etikafag, your precious E-celeb has always been hated and with good reason.
Guess my waifu.
It's one angry white boi
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Rallyman's cute rallywife!
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>rainbow sage is the flowey of fire emblem
it's a good thing I don't go on Tumblr for anything but the occasional image
though I feel I might be missing out on porn, people tell me there's some quality porn there
Kill yourself Drill, you have always been hated and with good reason.
Me too. I wish there was more fanart of her.
>but vocal haters knew to just walk away from the thread or just keep quiet and deal with it

Then they're by definition not vocal aren't they?

inferior dress version now available
I really don't think Charlotte has any sort of gayness in her
Soleil turns her gay.
>1 hour in
>only done 1/6 a chapter


Are you sure?
I think she'd be gay for some money.
>worst girl

Nobody cares
The reinforcements only appear when you get close to haitaka. Hunker down near their spawn point and be ready to wipe them out before going after him
>all of a sudden

People have been giving him shit ever since that retarded "pay me 100$ to reset" crap from a while back.

People are probably just sick of his cancer clogging up the thread every time he does something. I don't hate him as much as some people here seem to but I do think it gets annoying sometimes.
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>Difficult enough to require a specific strategy
That's not Shitkura and that's not her overrated artist.
My guess is that anon captured a generic and used the "parallel to any class" code to make it into a female Weapon Master.

Or he's doing some sick model hacking, who knows
See you in 2 hours, /feg/ :^)
I read that convo
She can't pick up girls like Soleil can, cause she's too straight
I still love Charlotte anyways
>implying money is female
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Dude cucumber lol
Look, the stream's ending

Wooooooooooow, so fucking cancerous amirite
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BIG sister!
The best part is that it's over.
But congrats, you managed to make the most obnoxious comment during the whole ordeal.
C0 but fuck I wish it was E6
>implying money is male
Calm down drill
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delete this
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Cutest mamui family.
I imagine Soleil is somewhere between an E4 and an F3
Girl is full of lust in general. I'm surprised she's not one of the people that "Rapechase" Corrin out of the baths.
Right here, my boy. Right between my legs. Taste it.
is it sakura?
is fire emblem turning people gay?
drill, tharjacuck, silasfag, and all etika shills should commit suicide desu
>kana gets dragonic hex
anyone want to buy it?
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>stream ended for Game of Thrones
>after barely one chapter
With any luck, he either gives up out of boredom or fries his capture card again.
Good job tonight guys.
>being a cuck
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happy birthday ryouma~
I'd imagine very rough and aggressive
What's with her eyes?
>implying charlotte would cuck me
give me one solid non-meme reason she would cuck me
who are all the cuck characters
am I safe with mozu
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>no responses that imply prostitution
Sorry familia, both IS and the OFFICIAL cucked version say otherwise. Charlotte is pure and loves her husbando more than money.
he doesn't have a captcha card.
he uses the same method myself and probably at least one other person on the planet use
although it would probably just be the three of us since nobody bought a n3ds and even fewer people care about making videos from it
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I love cousin~ even if she's being so lewd
Her sidejob is being a gold digging prostitute. Cuck
Benny a cute.
Good choice.
>tfw you have no face
Charlotte is the lewdest escort
so cute
shame he doesn't have much fanart
Shittiest taste ITT
I'd definitely care about making videos from it if I had stuff to make videos of. I think most stuff in Fates has been covered. I'd record EOV when it comes out but people probably aren't all that interested in watching me play it or anything.
>ask for non-meme answer
>get meme answer
>cucks you for her farm
It's literally just Annacucks trying to drag Charlotte down with their waifu, pay them no mind.
I would
What did you expect by replying to a cuckposter? Did you expect reason? Logic? Actual evidence?
trip back on
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Delicious lips made for sucking
>canon is a meme
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>Ask for non-meme answers to a question about a meme
trip back on
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Does anyone have aptitude on Reina? I actually want her to be usable late game.
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I don't know what about liking cousin~ upsets you so much. It's not a contest. Me liking her doesn't do anything to remove credibility from your waifu. Why get angry.
What the fuck are you talking about
I just thought it was a funny pic last thread, Jesus, calm down.
>Only Belkafag can post Belka
Drill, it's time to stop being alive.
What did you actually think someone from the cluck cluck club would actually give you a legit answer? Get real.
Yeah you tell em azura/b/ro! We never bully, we just GET bullied.
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I love Pieri and so do you! What do you love the absolute most about Pieri?
>still obsessing over a guy who hasn't posted in ages
I know you're all butthurt about your tripfag boyfriend and all, but it's time to move on with life.
Why aren't female generics (besides mandatory ones like Shrine Maiden and ones that used to be female only like Troubadour and Falcon Knight) a thing if they modeled them and gave them sprites and everything? It'd be pretty cool to see more than one character design for all the enemies in a class.
I like how cute she is with her husband Laslow.
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It'd also be nice for Charlotte's passive to really do anything.
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Best cook ever.
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Am I belkafag now?

If I love her so much, why haven't I married her yet?
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This is a canon couple.
This is also the only art of said couple.
Are you french?
No one wants to make art of Effie any more
Not after what the dub did to her
Now this is a meme pairing if there ever was one.
I know there's a thread war going on right now, but I have a question. I'm playing Fates right now, and Ryoma's birthday event thing isn't triggering. Why is that?
No but I speak French.
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I want to cut off her limbs and turn Pieri into a killer cyborg.
do a mission first or something like that
So was any of the Fates DLC good?
>replaced one shitty gimmick with another shitty gimmick

Wow, they ruined her so bad.
Congratulations, you're now Belkafag. You're now required to finish every sentence with "I think".
That's cute
I wouldn't mind being cucked by Harold
Is your 3DS set to the right date?
Will do.
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whats so wrong about liking beruka
someone explain this meme to me
That's not very nice I think.
Wait, I didn't do that I think.
the grinding DLC is meh
everything else is at least enjoyable, and DLC classes are fun

Cool I think


It's because of one guy that some people don't like I think
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I still really, really want an import feature.
A long-gone tripfag liked Beruka so no one is allowed to like Beruka anymore, or even post her.
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She red pilled me about trusting servants!
She's also one of the best chefs!
But above all, she's cute and a surprisingly alright unit!
>chapter 18 nohr
>multiple bosses
but why?
how do you play awakening
or do you just not
Nothing. Drill is eternally butthurt over Berukaanon for no reason.

>import feature that modifies their growths and mods based on who fathered them
>Kill Zola
>Kill the guards keeping the Hoshidans trapped
Not very hard to figure out.
It's your fault for unleashing Tomato!Beruka on the world.
>A long-gone tripfag
He wasn't a tripfag. He wasn't even a namefag. He was just some guy who liked Beruka so much people called him that.

He has a reason. His reason is that Berukafag humiliated his buttbuddy.
Not too bad really, Kaze and Niles can rape Zola and any unit with an Armorslayer can fight off the generals. The real issue is those FUCKERS WITH THE STATUS STAVES AND THE WAVES OF PROMOTED UNITS.

Conquest 18 honestly gave me more trouble than the Ninja Rape Cave. Though I was probably overprepared for that one with three bow users.
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Belka Meter.jpg
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There was on specific Belkafag that was super autsistic. Some shitposter hates him and is also retarded so he assumes anyone who posts Belka is that Belkafag.

But hey, check this out:
Belkafag's wedding: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/110318707/#110319423
More of Belkafag's story: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/109119575/#109121532

And as a bonus, I've attached the Belka Meter
Is that what you call a rational person who can read and realize it's a mediocre support because he does everything while she doesn't care that much?
/feg/, if there were literally no restrictions to who the Royals can and can't S-support, what would be their absolute best eugenics options?
pretty easy, actually. just modify the units growths via hex editing. done.
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Everyone else is just jealous that their waifu doesn't come with an island.
S-She was supposed to be Christmas, ai didn't want a Veggie Tales edit, she was just gonna be merry...
autism overload.
It's endearing in a weird sort of way
Don't be sad, I thought it was funny.
It looks like she infiltrated the veggies' ranks to carry out her mission.
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This here is what happened
>waves of promoted units
oh fug
>ninja rape cave
i had a decent time with that defending a choke point at the west and cutting off enemies south east after half cross through
It's a cute support desu. Better than her support with you.
>Belka is ready.
It's so ominous. I wish he were here to explain EXACTLY what this means.
I'm still mad this compilation doesn't have his best burn in it
>I'd tell you to kill yourself, but a cold will do that for you when your immune system is gone.

He's explained this. I copy/pasted the explanation for it last thread.
>western art
not that big of a loss anyway
Someone got the explanation from him in the last thread:
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Welp, forgot an image.

Now this question is going to go completely overlooked.
some western art is pretty good
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Only one thing it can mean, anon.
>You will never reach perfect intimacy with your waifu
Godspeed Belkafag
the key word here is some
Wading through all the shit often isnt worth it
Exploiting choke points makes the Rape Cave a breeze. Especially with Archers protected by Knights or Xander paired up with Charlotte or Effie.
So no one liked this berukafag who hated gays?
But these aren't the same people. Why take that out on them?
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Will people ever get over their asspain towards Azura?
That didn't work. Oh well, I guess.
stfu you're making it worse for everyone who likes azura.

Never. Azura is not nice.
Another thing you could try is putting your 3DS in sleep mode for a few minutes until it downloads SpotPass stuff, so that your castle will do an auto-update.

Otherwise, looks like the lobsterman's going to be all alone for his birthday.
source please
He explained it here: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/116080154/#116091010

What I want is a progress report. Has Perfect Belka been achieved yet?
At least Azura actually shows an interest in Corrin (and other male characters that she can support with for that matter)

One-sided supports like Azura x Arthur are shit.
anyone got sol for soliel or mozu?
I'd let Pieri put scratches on my back tbqh
soleil can get it naturally
When she stops being shit. So never desu
Thanks anon.
>lobsterman's going to be all alone
Not if I have anything to say about it. I'm dedicated to one of my husbandos.
thanks senpai
Not our fault she's a terrible character.

Whatever you say watercuck.
what level? i have her on hero already
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Azura is _______
My waifu that I love.

no bully pls
>4chan is filtering f.am to senpai
fuck you 4chan

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>lovebite marks
>but that face...
walking refresher

Cute but not cute enough for me to marry.
So all you can do is use buzzwords/memes. I bet you haven't even read the supports.
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I miss when I was the only active waterposter
Corrin's canon wife.
the best waifu
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Soleil can offspring seal into a Hero and just obtain it that way

People are allowed to dislike cousin~ if they wish, but why they feel the need to attack those that do doesn't make sense.

You might like this picture too
If it makes you feel any better, you might still be the only genuine one. The rest seem to be using her for shitposting purposes.
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Now we know who the shitposter is.
So Xander has attack animations as an unmounted Paladin
I like it
No image because fuck it, but after the convo earlier today I looked at it again and how does this sound for a revised Conquest Lunatic efficiency list?

1. Camilla
2. Xander
3. Corrin (not sure about this, Corrin vs Xander? Xander has the stats but Corrin has that availability lead too)
4. Azura

5. Niles
6. Silas
7. Jakob (1st)
8. Felicia (1st)
9. Elise
10. Gunter (not sure about Gunter vs Elise either)
11. Leo

12. Selena
13. Beruka
14. Kaze
15. Effie
16. Peri
17. Arthur

18. Flora (I think she can rise to B looking at this again personally)
19. Felicia (2nd)
20. Charlotte
21. Keaton
22. Izana
23. Jakob (2nd)
24. Shura
25. Benny

26. Nyx
27. Laslow
28. Odin

29. Mozu
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I barely even waifupost nowadays cause I got bored of it, when I post it's mostly about the games

I don't know how you guys manage to keep doing it constantly
Honestly am just waiting for Azuraposting to get run into the ground and dropped like Velouriaposting
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sexually an E0 on >>140765112 and thus is possibly more aggressive in romantic pursuits than the D0 cuddledragon that is Corrin
It's new people coming and going for the most part, and lots of falseflagging mixed in
As long as you agree to not cite this list when someone comes into this general asking if a given unit is good or not since they probably don't care about efficiency, yes, sure.
It's not going to happen since Azura is so important to Fates' story and is practically the face of the game in marketing
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What happened?
Is there a better waifu than Azura?
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I feel you, anon. Azura still a shit tho.
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yeah that's what I meant when I said I missed being the only one, lots of falseflagging and waifu wars for the sake of waging waifu wars happening lately and involving her

I don't like my dumb ass tactician involved in these, or rather, I don't like these at all

But anyway, can we agree that magic doesn't suck in Fates, and it's the magic users that are bad?
All waifus are best. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Stop shitposting, this is why people get mad at azuraposters.
Leo is B-tier
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Boy, I sure bet that Etika ""shilling"" doesn't seem that bad now, huh? At least that was gameplay.
t. memezumefag
I'd lower Felicia 2 and Jakob 2 to the bottom of C since there's really no reason to use them ever; Charlotte, Keaton, and Benny have some justification if you want a glass cannon/balanced melee with a great daughter/tank in your roster, and Flora/Izana/Shura are solid backup in case your roster is scarce and you don't have many kids, but really, why would you ever add Felicia 2 or Jakob 2 to your team?
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I'm sorry anon, but the more I played, the more I liked cousin~
Plus I like posting cute art of her and Corrin.
That anon either means the exhaustive shitposting that happened a few months back or the awoo~ stuff that vanished.
Nice headcanon but she's most likely boring as fuck in bed
Literally this.
Nope, she's objectively the best waifu.
Felicia 2 can at least be a drop-in staffer, but yeah there's really never any reason I can think of to use Jakob 2 when Gunter exists
>a few months back

Or just a few weeks ago.
I agree desu, once Etika comes back the thread can get back on-topic, because nothing unites the general more than cohesive ape heckling.


When will this cuck draw other things?
Alright I'm a newfag and I have some questions.

1. Nohr or Hoshido?
2. Is Azure a slut
3. Can you fuck her?
Shills are acting up again.
Do you think Corrin would be into getting cucked? Who would be the bull?
Azura is not a slut.
You can fuck her.
>Nice headcanon but take a look at my headcanon
Leo is definitely not an A. He's mid-B at best.
1. Nohr
2. Azura is pure and kind of boring
3. Yes
Nohr is literally better in every aspect; even if you're a beginner, Nohr prepares you for the rest of the series better
Not really but get ready for headcanon wars
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He drew Sakura, I'm sure you're well acquainted with her :^)
Leo should go down to B, he doesn't have the staying power the other A to S units do.

Don't people penalize Shura pretty hard since recruiting him means giving up the reward you get for killing him?
>number of donations Etika read in one hour
>number of units Etika killed in one hour
Guess which of these is higher.
Would it KILL any of these artists to actually draw waifus who could use some art for a change? Does Sakura really NEED another image? Think about it. Literally any other waifu could have taken her place in that image. It did not need ot be Sakura.
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We don't know how anyone is canonically in bed, so my headcanon is objectively just as potentially valid as yours.
The anon who claims she'd just deadfish is no less wrong as the anon who thinks she is into rough-play.

All waifus and husbandos are best to those who like them.

Making cuck noises at someone is rude. That said, he has drawn plenty of other stuff. Let me find his pixiv.

I prefer playing Nohr
Azura is not a slut, but she may or may not be sexually eager to her partner
Yes, and you have two kids with her.
/feg/ I just ate cereal for dinner but the milk was almost two weeks expired am I gonna die
There's literally nothing to suggest that Azura is le kinky girl in your head canons. In fact it says the opposite. I know Azura is extremely boring and you need to think of some fanfiction to spice her up, but cmon man.
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Let's post screenshots of us with our families
Underage retard pls go
There is nothing to suggest how she acts in bed at all.
Overrated family for an overrated artist. Not surprised.
I think it was just supposed to be a cute image of siblings, and Hinoka doesn't seem the "Oishii~ in my mouth~" type.
Lazward's/Laslo's girl.
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Goodnight /feg/, i hope you have a nice evening with your waifu! She loves you very much! Stay happy and healthy!
Who's the best mom for Soleil? Camilla?
Kinda want to give great lord Lel a try
That was nothing compared to what happened a few months back.
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>when your sakura folder that you just nonchalantly started building up from release is somehow bigger than your waifu's dedicated folder without even trying

How do you deal with this?
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That's Peri.
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Why isn't Kana always in your room? Why do you have time for your waifu and not her?

Feels bad bros
Who cares?
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Submit to pink imouto
The album in >>140770858 has a picture of Femui and the little sister, Mamui and the little brothers, a picture of Leo and Elise to go with the Takumi and Sakura, A solo ofFemui, a solo of Hinoka, a solo of Camilla, and an uncolored duet of Hinoka nad Camilla in the bath, with Hinoka distracted by Camilla's floating breasts.
If you like the royals, then it's a fairly good variety.
Children tend to be outside playing.
Kana-bean's a dummy. No one has time for her. if I saw her in the street I would most likely push her
Why aren't they asking her about her day?
Why does Kana have to literally BEG for her parents to take interest in their child?
I'm suspecting some neglecting...

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Well that's just me; when I saw their C support and they were shouting, I knew I had to put them together. Plus Lazward's and Azura both have interests in dancing so there's that too.
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>if you like the royals

Uh, buddy. The royals don't need more art. They have enough to last a lifetime.
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Camilla!Soleil is my plan for my next playthrough of Conquest. She was great as a Dread Fighter, I can't imagine her being bad as a Great Lord.
If I remember correctly it fixes some of her inherent squishiness whie giving her good strength mods.
It also sounds cute: Laslow's daughter dressed as the great princess and hero of his childhood
Seliph is __________.
Hot like his daddy.
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~Staff ~Staff
Best ways to pick on Kana?

I think calling her "butter butter dirty line cutter" is a good start
All I'm doing is reporting what's in the file because anon wanted something from that artist other than Sakura or Azura.
What's the sex like? You think she'd be able to take his dragon dick?
every time i see a post like this i imagine some oboro fag mad as hell since he was absolutely sure she would be popular, japan even said so, honest
but she has no art
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so that's where this came from
thank you anon that was cute
Is Dark Knight a bad class? If I Partner Seal Kanna into it (he's dating Chuuni Princess) it gives him -2 spd but +2 mov. I'd imagine he will be able to use the Levin Sword even more effectively then. He's a Nohr Noble right now.

Any reason why I shouldn't do that?
>Go into her back yard
>Raise a boombox over your head
>Wait for her to come to her window
>Play Nickelback
what the fuck do you mean "do i think" this fucking dragon dick's all she thinks about
You need to be twelve to use the internet without your parent's supervision.
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cute and heroic and kind
Cmon now. You guys are experts in this field. Any thoughts?
I like that it's more acceptable to like Sakura now, being a Sakurafag before the game's release in the West was pretty rough
Why do people get so insecure when others shit on Kana? Like she's not even your actual daughter, chill out ""papa"".
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freckle~ freckle~
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Post 3x3 favorites
m-muh dagtueru
she'd be really nervous at first, but also really curious. you would have to take the lead a lot, but she would be a quick learner. It'd take her a while to come out of her shell completely, but eventually she would be very sexually aggressive. Eventually, she would pursue your dick every night and wake you up with a blowjob/be willing to let you "relieve your stress" with her any time.
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Lots of foreplay to make it easier on her and even then very tender. You could get a bit rougher but you have to work your way up to it steadily.
In contrast it feels like it's all downhill from here if you're a waterfag
It seems about the same as it always was with Azura once we had an understanding of the game's plot to be honest
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she wants her legs wrapped tightly around Corrin's waist so she can have him fully inside her, while their hands are clasped together
I feel you.
My problem is dialogue. I just don't know how to do it despite knowing the characters pretty well.
>fuck, no one replied to my extremely obvious shitpost
>better samefag and try again
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Posts shouldn't go to waste, you know.
You know. When I said dragon dick, I meant his dragon form.
Maybe if they're not blatant shitposts or thread derail attempts.
I usually just write it top-down, which doesn't work very well. I'm trying to write the lewd bits first, and then fluff it the fuck out, but I just don't know where to begin/how to go about that.

do I just write the skeleton that is the sex bits first and only that, or do I want some fluff to go with it to make it flow better/rewrite less? I want this to be better tan my usual shit, but this is suffering
$10 says /feg/ gets back on-topic with actual gameplay discussion when Game of Thrones finishes.
>Sakurafags shitposting again

Ugghhh this is almost as bad as the Etika shit
Sounds like you shouldn't be making wasteful posts then.
So which version of Azura is best?\

I only see half an Azura there.
what's wrong? want me to write a brief description for Mrs.jii as well?
Why is she always flashing her panties?
White dress.

People only say purple dress because they want what they can't have. If it had been in the game from the start if you had went Conquest, the consensus most likely wouldn't be as one-sided (but admittedly, still in its favor).
>You'd better wake up soon, or I won't be able to stop myself from kissing you
What was the point of making Nohr!Azura if they weren't gonna make her have that outfit when you chose Conquest.
She's trying to catch Corrin's attention.
If you consider Etika gameplay discussion
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Everyone is legal in the localization.
with that line of logic, because I like GTA I like shooting people/being a criminal IRL. it's fucking stupid and so are you for trying to rationalize with it
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How else were they going to ruse people into buying Conquest?

Too bad it didnt work for the long term.
Silasbro are you here my man?We gotta get rid of these Azurashitters. They're annoying as hell now and keep shitting up the place.

What's the plan?
What the fuck are you talking about?

My nigga.
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she's already doing adult things like effectively being an army medic and fighting in a war

if she's old enough for that she's old enough to love someone
So if I want white dress Azura, then I go with Brithright and have to deal with the Japshit in it?
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What was the point of this character?
lmao she doesnt even have a fucking model, not even hacker can help her
I think undertale has better music than Fates
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I'm on the verge of re-writing for the third time because at this point I just keep writing and writing. I understand your suffering fellow anon. It really does pain me to hold this back yet I have to keep going for the ship that I love so much.
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>create an extremely sexy outfit for Azura
>don't have Azura wear it throughout all of Conquest and have the option of wearing it in Revelation

Outside of save editing, is there any way to change Bond Units' designs?
She wears white in conquest.
Not sure what they're talking about.
Do not use the name of Silasbae for shitposting.
Which ship familia?
People only like Azura because she has long, flowing blue hair that reminds them of a prettier Lucina, while being somewhat endearingly stupid, being competent at singing and dancing, being a useful unit with surprising physical stats, being a main character, having a very good Japanese voice actor and a decent English one, the self-insert's cousin, mysterious and the key to winning the ultimate conflict, and being a mirror to the self-insert.

yes anon. if you play the japanese game with japanese characters made by japanese people for japanese people you have to deal with the japshit.
Chrom is married to pretty dancer lady now, which took some effort but hopefully his kid isn't gimped! And now I can marry rabbit boy once he's, you know, given birth to.
there is nothing wrong with a long smut. As long as you keep it within reason, the longer the better. Just don't go full smutguy and write 126,000 words.

I want this one to be longer and higher quality than my normal stuff, but it doesn't help that I haven't written since january
More importantly, who was that mysterious dancer?
Sounds like a lot of reasons to me bucko
Azura is literally the best character in fates though.
Part of me wants to think she was going to be playable at one point, but didn't know what to do with her so she was scraped.
>He fell for the Olivia x Chrom meme

Enjoy your shit Lucina
So then what's the black dress all about?
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Right now I'm afraid that after taking so long it would still be bad.

Having two refreshers at the same time would be pretty broken. Still mad that Xane can't dance.
Are you the Shiro/Nina smutanon?
She wears it once during a chapter.
If Azura is going to be deployed, Layla is greyed out.

If Layla is going to be deployed, Azura is greyed out.

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So how many pages is it now? You poor unfortunate soul.
Olivia has Galeforce, right? You need her to have it because that's the only way Chrom's son (Inigo) can get it, he can't learn it on his own. You can get him at any time, though, so it's not too big of a deal right now.
Glad I'm not the only one who married Yarne
What if she was like Tippitron in Super Paper Mario, where she'd join you after Azura's death?
She wear it in a cutscene, that's literally it.

Kind of disappointing (then again that goes for 99.9% of Fates' story as a whole so meh)
in a conquest cutscene she wears the black dress, then and only then

post it and let me proofread it, writer to writer(if we can even call ourselves that)
Well, that's the thing. Because Azura was your refresher, what would she do? Would she be your rally bot?
Now that I think about it, that would be nice.
Super Paper Mario has so much better writing than Fates it hurts. It was ISIS at their best.

Too bad the gameplay was sheer shit.
D-Does it make much of a difference? I just wanted to give Chrom to a pretty girl.

Yeah! That's noted, thank you. Yarne is really cute from what I've seen so far.
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I miss Xane. I love Tiki, but when is it his turn for an gratuitous cameo?
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two refreshers would be broke
Not really. Just make it so you can only use the Sing/Dance ability once per turn even if the unit gets refreshed. They already made it so replicates don't have the Sing command. It's really not hard at all.
nah b, gameplay was fine, downgrade, but fine
Literally this >>140773637 or >>140773823

ISIS has no excuse.
>can't have her wear the black dress in nohr
i know it conflicts with the plot but come on

I wouldn't mind if she was a fighting buff/debuffer. Like a sword version of Ninjas or something. Kill an enemy, adjacent ones get debuffed. Something like that.


That's a messy solution though, one I'm not a fan of.
Was that Selkie tailjob smut ever written?
>tfw want to reset my perfectionist run of Revelation to fuck Selkie instead of dogwife
>but that would mean replaying Revelation
>I find Birthright even more dull
The black dress fucking sucks, she looks much better with the white dress. Light blue hair with black is atrocious.

21 but I'm cutting stuff out because I went back and added some stuff because they were great and I went ahead and wrote them down because I didn't want to forget. I thought about doing a pazuri but then I realized she wasn't that big to do it but after deleting I tried writing again with the idea of her attempting it but messing up but Shiro thinking it's the cutest/erotic thing ever.

Give me a moment to clear it up. It's a bit cluttered now with a bunch of ideas and several places lose focus and details since I had to put some ideas down.
At least you can play TRS and pretend he's there.
keep azura as she is

>once per turn can dance to give all allies with a 1-3 tile range all stats +1
>learns a skill that raises it to +2 and at level 35 learns a skill that makes all equipped 'rally' skills apply as well




>That's a messy solution though
How is it messy at all? They just need a block of code that says "Hey, this unit can only use this command once per turn."
That's retarded. No reason to have two dancers.
It's weird that there's not bigger versions of the GBA cgs anywhere.
Don't they already do that with Rallies?
Not counting FeMU, she's like second best mom for Lucina after Sumia, but her bases mean that you need to grind and dance with her a lot right away if you want Lucina to not have a bad start on her recruitment.

Chrom's one of the best dads for Inigo in a vacuum though so it's fine.
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Cousin~'s panties are really that leotard stocking on her other leg. Basically her pants have one leg.
That and cousin's a bit lewd. She is a performer after all.

This is my favorite headcanon for conquest, that a lot of the otherwise unnecessary stuff she does is because she's trying to woo Corrin.
A disguise when singing at Garon was a good idea, but it seems like she found a dress and changed up her favorite song in an effort to do her best to seduce whatshe thoughtwas Corrin's "nohrian tastes." Dark clothes, dynamic beats and singing, plus sexy dancing. Plus she was always so near to help Corrin through his more upset moments and seemed so depressed when Corrin left for nohr
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It sure was, fampai. I stuck to my schedule pretty well. It's in the smutbin, check the waiting list. I put it in as "Playing" with Selkie, though someone threw in a duplicate a few days later.

I could also offer input although it would be on a slower schedule. I'd even be willing to give you my contact information if you wanted to just bounce ideas and fine tune that shit.
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A dancer means you essentially have two of your best unit for any given situation, having two dancers would mean three of that and that's broken as fuck, that's the main reason for why you never get two playable dancers at any given time.
>both BIIIIIG sisters are the best wives for their respective side's subhuman

Just stick a fork in me family, I'm done.
I thought Hana was better for Kaden.
Nice. I'll take a look.
That sounds remarkably broken. There would be no point to using Azura as anything else but that.
Camilla only likes Silas though.

I'm mostly talking from a logic perspective than a balance one. Why can't the other dancer dance during the same turn? What reasoning is there?
Dark Knight or Nohr Noble for better use of the Levin Sword?
This. She and Keaton canonically have a loveless marriage. I'm pretty sure Camilla's ONLY in it for Velouria.
I'll make a paste of any mistakes I find/anything I think can be made better, maybe when I finally get over my writers block you could do the same? I want this to be better than anything I've done before.
Mozu and Azura give Camilla a run for her money, in all honesty. Effie and Charlotte do as well if you're going for max strength autism Kana.

In Birthright Hinoka gives Selkie good stats but passes down a terrible class. I prefer giving Selkie Hana, Kagero, or Oboro because of this. She can also take Charlotte in Revelation and get great mods and Berserker as a result.
The only reason having more than one refresher is a problem is due to an exploit of infinite refreshing. Just just rid of the exploit, and everything is fine. Refreshers are still powerful units, though, so the game should still definitely limit the number of them (two is fine but three is starting to push it).

I'm not saying that. I'm saying each refresher could use their ability once per turn, so refreshing another refresher unit is pointless.

Dancers are invaluable tactical assets because they're essentially a joker card that can be pulled to be anything you need. Two dancers would be broken due to the sheer amount of tactical cheapness you can get out of that. Why do people always assume the reason you never get two dancers is because one can sing to the other endlessly?
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What are the banned pairings?
Freezing bosses is broken as hell
Debuffing them makes it even more broken
Offensive aura is okay
Tanky growths is broken
2 Mov, Malefic Aura, and Lifetaker seem much better than a bit of speed on a unit that will naturally be pretty fast anyway.

Depends if you want her to take hits or not. Honker!Selkie can survive for a little bit with a beastrune at minimal cost to her other growths and a shitty sky knight class
>I'm mostly talking from a logic perspective than a balance one
Sorry, misread that. Ignore my last post.


Though this applies to you.
>Why do people always assume the reason you never get two dancers is because one can sing to the other endlessly?
There is nothing BIIIIIG about Hinoka
elise x anyone

cinnamon bun defense force reporting in

Not even a penis?
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You forgot her sensitive side. her nice but quiet personality, and her ability to make excellent judgmental stares.
That said, that's a lot of reasons to like cousin~ and I can't say any of them are wrong, though I don't care too much for the semi-final point. She doesn't have to be "The key" for me to like her. I just want to untangle her bed hair every morning.
It's not over? Fuck and here I thought we'd seen the last of him for today
He took a break to watch GoT? That seems to be what I heard
I'd like that. As for keeping contact what would be good?
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>There are people who push Camilla into a loveless marriage with some other guy when it's clear that she'd only ever be happily married to Corrin
>Freezing bosses is broken as hell

Most bosses don't move until you approach them, anyway. And they have 1-2 range weapons to thwart any funny business.
>she'd only ever be happily married to Silas*

But would she be a good mom? I don't think you've ever approached this.
>decent chance that big sister kills herself after birthright
I'm never playing br again
Hinoka doesn't have a big penis, but her fans do.

Which actually is an interesting contrast to the babydicks that Camillafags have.
I assume that because IS has a track record of being lazy as fuck. It really wouldn't surprise me if they said the limit to one refresher because of an exploit they didn't feel like programming around. Really, having a second refresher wouldn't be too overpowered. If being able to refresh the same unit twice is the issue, they could easily code their way around that, too. There's no excuse for this outside of laziness.
Does anyone have that picture of the main girls feet and the black guy sweating profusely?
God damn it, not this again.
Oh great the shills are back.

Fuck off already.
Pretty sure freezing them would make it so they can't attack
It's for Kanna. If he's dating Ophelia this pair up should boost her mag stats too right?

I don't really use the Dragonstones anyways. Partner Sealing him into Dark Knight give him boosts all around except -2 spd. His spd will grow eventually I guess. Plus he's not one of my front line units so extra mobility to provide support is probably better.
Do not respond to Hinokafag shitposters.
I am really starting to regret having that conversation here
my pastebin is /u/floraAnon. If you have a way for us to contact beyond that, that would be lovely. the only other thing I can think of is email, in which case I have a 3 year-old throwaway.
>You guys only like Azura because of this, this, this, this, this, this, and this.

I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

Freeze just reduces movement to zero, they can still attack adjacent units and defend themselves.
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we can all just move on, friend
i put her with silas!
The excuse has been said and it's because it's too powerful of a tactical tool. You think they haven't tried it after so many games? Look at FE6, FE7 and FE10, all had more than one refresher, but they never were playable more than once even though they could have done so otherwise.

They also have done checks for things like rallies, canto and Galeforce, you seriously think the issue at hand is a simple check that they have done in other similar conditions?
>Hinokafags vs Camillafags

Just fucking kill this thread already mods. Do to us what you did to /jrpg/
Oh, you meant freeze like the staff. I thought it as a hypothetical reverse refresh. That wouldn't be too bad.
What is there to regret? It's not like it's your fault that Camillafags have small cocks. It actually does explain why they're attracted to a woman who is completely obsessed with their self-insert regardless of their flaws.
Don't forget smutfags and cosplayfags.
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>tfw when you want to write and have no doubt in your own ability; you're just lazy af
Etika is gameplay related and he gives us the most tactical strategies
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I paired her with Effie. They will be happy forever.
fuck off shill
Parenting isn't really at it's best in Fates, but I assume she'd do reasonably well. She seems to be very supportive of her children's hobbies and interests, such as Shigure's painting and art in general.
She is very considerate and tries to help even if it causes her trouble and pain, and probably even more so if it's her child.
Though she needs to work on working with kids. Takumi's B-rank with her shows that much.
I can never write because I'm so tied to this place I have the innate urge to check it at least twice every ten minutes, I can never sit down and really get on this shit like I used to.
By that logic Tharjacuck is gameplay too.

Kill yourselves shills, your precious e-celeb is cancer.
will LawAnon ever grace us with his presence again?
>tfw small dick
Thanks genetics.
I have a small dick and I don't find Camilla attractive at all. I like Mozume more desu
>74 posters
>400 posts.
Dropping it is really all I want, especially since I bought Conquest for Camilla and started liking Hinoka later.
And I'm more of a cousin~ poster than anything.
And Elise's C-Rank.

Azura's a really nice person and considerate, like you said. She's just not very charismatic. She'd be a milder version of Benny if she was naturally intimidating instead of just distant.
>you can only comment once

please fuck off

Speaking of that, I want to kill whoever thought of Inevitable End. At least it's near the end of the game but holy shit debuffs are already extremely good and then you do something that disgusting.
Half are me
>that one guy who keeps screaming shill at anyone """advertising""" a youtube video
Im just waiting for it to be run into the ground so we can start talking about him again. Funny how the opposition just started today when people have been discussing him for months.
>that one shill who gets asspained at anyone who insults his precious ape god
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That's on average 5 posts a poster. There are probably some anons that are a lot more active than that though.
I've read your stuff before and I even had it bookmarked some time ago.

>have to pay to send private messages
Ah that's welcome isn't it.

I'll just unclutter what I've got an upload it form there. I hope I can reply to messages for free since it won't let me innate them.
>Randomly start posting about how huge your dick is and that condoms that fit you are literally banned from the United States for some reason
>Don't expect shitposting to follow

Either you did this on purpose with the intent of setting up an ebin new Camilla hatememe (which I honestly suspect) or you're actually as retarded as Azura.
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>trying to level charolette
>every attack either misses or the enemy dies when an ally crits trying to weaken them
>There's a paralell universe out there where Morgan was one of the most popular awakening children and we got her as a unit in Fates
>We don't live in that universe
Azura would not shitpost her lovely big sister.
That's not even the real jerk of that chapter, it's the Automatons with Lunge. Get in the range of one, and you're chain lunged all the way to Saizo if the unit didn't die in the path. I believe it's literally impossible to survive that chain, you need to break it somehow with Entrap staves on the automatons or kill one of them and rescue the unit out of there.

Good thing you can loot the chest without having to deal with all the bullshit on Saizo's side if you have Pass. Seriously, fuck the left side of that map.
>that one anon who would rather cuckpost and talk about his shitty waifu instead of watching watching something FE related
>e-celeb cancer is okay when Etika does it
Go sit on a nigger cock already.
>you seriously think the issue at hand is a simple check that they have done in other similar conditions?
Potentially, yes. Otherwise, it's pure laziness of them not wanting to design a game around the player having two refresher units even with certain conditions needing to be met for refreshing. Is it really such a bad thing to turn refreshing into a more complex game mechanic to make it more valuable to the game's design?
Azurafags have always shitposted Camilla
I want big sister to pat me on the head
>Morgan with a canon gender or hair color
And I thought the arguments over Odin and Selena were bad
No bullying muh genitals, I hate that shit.
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I'm a proud Herofag.
Stop deflecting Honkerfag, you know what this is really about.
>that one shill who thinks that anyone who calls out your shilling is some other shitposter
found him
It's fairly obvious that Hinokafags have gotten in on that Camilla shitposting too, but they kind of deserve to get a little payback given all the shit Camillafags used to give them before the localization blew them the fuck out with the Silas shitposting meme fuel.
I don't have premium either LOL
Like I said, I have that throwaway account. Unlike that other guy, I'm a bit more conservative with skype(never used it). talking with randoms over a game is one thing, but talking with someone over smut is a tad out of reach for me right now.
But why? One refresher is enough to give you tons of tactical flexibility, two would be just overkill.

They wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have Defense Seal and Inevitable End as well.
Morgan already has a canon hair color. But still, even if Morgan was the most popular she'd be skipped over to avoid shitposting.
Just make her hair white like canon Robin's hair. A small price to pay for having the best unit in the game in Fates.
>that one shitposter that will get so bootybothered by this that he will reply with greentext
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>not character charts

Go back to /a/ nerds.
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what's the best thing about fire emblem now?
found him
>there was a parallel universe where Nah was the most popular
>where Tiki got a beach scramble picture
>where Tharja failed and Tharjafag never infested these generals
Truly the worst timeline
Well, the fact that the AI is competent enough to wait for the ninjas to poison touch and debuff you further before continuing the lunge chain is impressive, to say the least. And I do miss that, I just finished Conquest and I'm now playing Revelation and it's a snore fest, it's all the gimmicks but zero the fun or the tactical insight. AI is back to attacking you even if they deal zero damage and die in one hit in return. On Lunatic.
>A small price to pay for having the best unit in the game in Fates.
>Morgan becomes a shit unit like the other 3 if she's put in Fates
>also made to look incompetent due to the DLC
No thank you.
>We'll never see the parallel universe where BASED Brady is the most popular
Is it easy?
>that one shill who was bootyblasted enough to begin the chain in the first place
I'm not really arguing that. I already admitted a game would have to balanced around the idea of two refreshers. And yes, the idea of a refresher is to give you flexibility, but that's why I'm suggesting major limitations like no refreshing other refresher and only being able to refresh a particular unit once per turn.
Did the nigga already stream?

Post the template then, hothead.
That, I definitely agree with. Cousin~ is just not a people person. Probably because of her time in Nohr more than Valla's "mysterious~ness~"

That conversation started because I asked which waifu had a looser, but still tight womanhood because said girthy dick is a pain for smaller and tighter girls. I f I recall, someone said Orochi was probably "comfy"
Then me and another anon started talking about it and I posted a picture of Hinoka because I had just been looking for pictures of her and wanted to stay "on-topic"
Then someone decided to take advantage of the discussion and add shitposting to the mix.
I wouldn't want a new Camilla hate meme, I like both the nee-sans too much for that.

To be honest It might actually be the second one. I'm terrible at predicting people some times and should have known better. Thankfully this one seems even less effective than cuckposting currently is.
Is Renair an anti-hero mary sue or has mine been blessed by the rng gods?
>as of now, there is the potential for 3 smutanons to begin collaborating
is this a sign?
Game of thrones my boy
Well she was the 2nd most popular female child if you remove Lucina from the equation.
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Why not give her one instead?
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There's a few, I like this one minus the "Overall Favorite" which I usually just replace with favorite game.
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>Treehouse didn't fix Nina´s critical portrait
He did it, he absolute madman
Considering how his chimps are still shilling, not yet.
It is pretty suspicious that the "little dick camillafags" memeing only seems to crop up whenever you're in the thread.
Thank god discussion here is shit anyways so it doesn't matter
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You can add me if you want then, name is ryoxsis. Just add a proper greeting so I know who you are.

Psh, you call yourself a writer? Where's your passion? Your lust for sharing your craft? Nah it's cool. I'm not a people person either, just good at faking it. Don't mind helping strangers, or else I'd be in the wrong field.

He's done that before, and yet here we are, months later.
Here you go, the most up to date. I know because I'm the one who made them.
Why remove Lucina? Saying she's the third most popular female child is still good. Plus she was like 11th place overall or something which is also good. You can say something like Rhajat is the 2nd most popular Hoshido female 2nd gen but she still placed 24th which is pretty bad.
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>shitposters in overdrive
Post cute things, preferably of characters that trigger the largest hatebases.
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>post bad azura art
Who's ready for the tumblr dump?
fuck off already
>le "Camilla will only be happy if she marries Corrin" meme
It's funny how a Camillafag is the only one that spouts this nonsense. Either that, or you're falseflagging

>anon waifu cute

Well, of course she's cute.
See, I knew about this one but I just don't like it because both Male and Weapon are wasted slots for me. A weapon's a weapon and FE weapons aren't that amazing anyways and Male is usually just a double up of one of my characters elsewhere on the list.
>Kana has blonde hair despite Selkie having (presumably) Setsuna's hair color
Someone with paint skills should color over this image to fix it.
>cuck Kana

Something looks very off with this art.
>best Etika

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>Kana's hair isn't blue
Because IS removed her from consideration as well - Lucina didn't get to return to Fates as an actual unit, either because of being a main character or being cast aside as an amiibo.
Hey guys could you PM me the fix's for this game?
Thanks in advance

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Literally all me
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>finally get off work
>Etika and his retarded shills are in the thread

Great, I didn't want this night to go better anyways
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nothing can fix azura being a shit character
>tfw never save any images
time to spend 4 days on google
I'm always in the thread. I only ever reveal it was me when it starts coming up because I want it to stop and put out as much information as I can to stop it from being a Camillafan vs Whoever session. They're not fun or comfy, which was why I admitted it in the first place.
I just wanted some jokes about the vaginas of the waifu's of Fates, not shitposting.
Going into shilling overdrive now I see?
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Not now, Hana.

>just a double up
Those slots exist so you don't double anything. You pic your overall favorite. So for, example, if my favorite girl is Palla, I'm not going to put her in Girl and Pegasus Knight slot, in which case I put my second favorite Pegasus there.

But personally, my favorite template is still the classes only one. It's simple, does its job and there's no such thing as doubles unless you want to get into technical details of reclassing.
bankin on yo boy gettin fucked up
How is this relevant to FE?
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It's time.
Lucina didn't get to return most likely because of her position as a main character or because they were already planning amiibo implementation(most likely the latter). Morgan couldn't be considered because I guess confirming her as being a girl would be bad or something. Or maybe they just decided the cut off to be three, and they decided two guys/1 girl for the Nohr side and 2 girls/1 guy for the Hoshido side. Who knows what any of the decisions were based off, but either way, I'm not too disappointed she isn't in the game.
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Well it is from that lewd doujin with her having monster tits anon
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Corrin and Sakura are a wonderful pairing drawn a lot by a great artist
I just got into this thread you fucking mong, go fuck yourself.
>anyone who dislikes my ape god is a shitposter

>my castle shit will take an HOUR my boy!

Ape's not good with time management is he?
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Well if you've been here you should know that shitposters will use literally anything they can, especially in regards to Camilla or Azura.
There is always not using the talking part of it and just typing but I understand. I'm almost done cleaning up and should be putting on pastebin in maybe ten minutes or so.
Anything interesting happen, is he still using Effie?
Yeah, I'm a fan of the classes-only one too, but favorite game and waifu are always important. As for not doubling up, all that means is that I'm throwing someone in a slot for a class that wouldn't make it into my chart normally just because they're the 2nd up.
I wish this person drew actual pictures and not shitty sketches.

Fuck off. You say that Nosferatu is your favorite weapon and yet you can't remember its effect of leeching life?

Also putting the self insert in the couple slots. Pure cancer. AND putting the same character FIVE times in the list.
He pretended to start his stream from where he left off in the last stream (bookmark) but people exposed him because he wasnt using Azura at all last stream, and she was with him when he started this stream.

He restarted off-camera to deploy Azura and got all the way to where he ended the stream. Pretty sneaky.
So how long are the shills going to be at it you figure.
I'm down for text-only! I didn't know skype had that. Like I said, I've never actually used it, and something IRC-esque would be better than e-mail. I'll definately look into it
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"OH THIS CHAPTER'S GONNA BE BAD ETIKA YOU GON GET FUCKED UP uh lol no its the opposite my boy"

He's literally calling mapfags out, holy shit.
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>out of stock
is that all up on pixiv?
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>seriously extremely on-topic
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Etika's chimp squad tends to go for a while
>made both of your nohrian sisters extremely depressed and then dead
>your maid is dead (only the evil one tho), the other traumatized

So this is what """justice""" is.
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I think they look decent for being obviously unfinished, but yes it is a shame since he's done mamui x second gen pairings which are otherwise pretty rare
compared to your retard strawmans about advertisement
kill yourself already shill
>they made her soon duh ray just so they could have a soon duh ray

This is probably the worst list I've ever seen holy shit
>shills don't even know what a strawman is
lmao and you wonder why everyone thinks your e-celeb husbando is cancer
>flame shuriken several levels before you're suppose to get it
>guard naginata, which you're not suppose to fucking get at all in Conquest
>pumped corrin up with stat items

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It's not a strawman if it's true.
Drill's samefagging again...
no it's correct, you pretend that anyone who lieks the person you're jealous of is advertising
fucking retard
>Bootyruka in chat

Get the fuck out of there Berukaquck.
Holy shit Kisaragi's paralogue is annoying
The characters in #FE don't really count towards the classes seen here
Really the whole thing is like an original IP with FE mixed in
Just dropped by to ask why Larry the Cucumber is your OP image?

There's that word again

Try getting a new defence, shill
Don't worry guys, soon Etika shills will go away and we can go back to the quality posts that /feg/ is known for
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he spends so fucking long on supports
Is he one of the kids you can control without needing to talk to them, at least?

>the evil one
I dunno, I think Felicia is more likely to be the 'evil' one. I mean she just happens to be loved by everyone despite being a colossal fuckup and just happens to make her sister a manic depressive.
Read the last thread
then I'll definitely make a skype account, that would be so much better than e-mail
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Well, /feg/?
Sorry that you got exposed. But that's not going to stop people from telling the truth while you kick and scream over people talking about a game playthrough
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Mods need to ban all Etikaposters, Cuckposters, and any other kind of shitposter already.
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>duplicate image detected
fucking where
I really should have and I'm glad that nobody really takes it's bait. It flared up and died ignored.
Though the one other thing I'm grateful for is that they latched onto Hinoka instead of cousin~ even though I posted her first.
Someone thought it would be funny to use a guy's Christmas edit of Beruka in this sense
In his defense, the colors looked like a tomato
That sure sounds like a lot of work can't you just tell me?
Yeah, but it doesnt help much when he's surrounded by fliers
The map's just such a pain in the dick to move through while the enemy just flies over everything
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Sure buddy
Somehow veggie tales got brought up in the last thread and someone made that image.

>panne is your favorite laguz
Even if you include subhumans in that category Jesus fucking christ
At this point, the people upset at Etika are more entertaining than Etika himself
Exposed? You've been outing yourself as a shill the entire evening and are now desparately trying to project how others feel to save face

Pathetic really, just like the nigger you worship
dont let odin put his flame on ya my boy

you might get burnt
That's hot.
False, you've just been kicking and screaming and have been exposed as a shitposter who hates fire emblem.

Nobody will fall for what you've been shitposting with.
Etika is never entertaining so that's not exactly a high bar.

You have to be literally 5 years old to find anything he does entertaining.
Somebody posted the edit of the character on the left in "christmas colors", it was pointed out that she looked like a tomato, then the OP pic was posted
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>saving the cropped version
I want to tickle Elise's cunny!
Nobody falls for your shilling anymore either.

Keep crying about how that "dastardly vocal minority is disrupting my precious e-cele-- I mean Fire Emblem discussion" though, that's more entertaining than anything Etika's ever done.
Yep, but he's in the middle of damage brigade for like three turns if you are not planning on wasting a warp on him.
You're better off not knowing.
His retardation is pretty funny to me.

it's always fucking shitposting
I dunno, I feel like Kaze might barge down my door any second for that. Now if it were one of the nee-chans on the other hand...
Shrrsch is my fav fire emblem character
Etika's pretty right here.

Awakening supports had most units were already well-acquainted with each other.

Fates supports has the majority meeting for the first time and dishing sick burns.
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an example of desperately projecting is

consider yourself lucky that the hotpockets are worthless
>Discussing Fire Emblem gameplay is shitposting
Only if we're doing it naked.
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>is that all up on pixiv?
No. Also, you can buy them here if you want.


Can't post the links here because they think its spam

That's just that that one mad anti-etika fag has been trying to force, screaming and crying "shill" over a youtube video nonstop, while the rest of the thread talks about the stream
Actually that's an example of your desperate projection in >>140778418, not mine

>consider yourself lucky that the hotpockets are worthless

Yeah, you might be banned for blatant advertising if they were
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you can click the underlied "here" and it will take you to said image

ALSO, I suck at editing stuff like this so I gave kana a strip like selkie.
He just flip-flopped from calling her a bitch to wanting to tongue her grey waves
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I don't think repeating whatever fahnny joek Etika says is gameplay discussion
Shilling an eceleb isn't gameplay, fuck off already.
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> tfw you need to hack to make shit like this happen

Life is suffering.
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I swear I'm the only one who thinks that Sumia and Morgan resemble each other beyond the hair color.
>Disrobing Gale

We got ourselves a prankster, boys.
Rhajat's not a Dark Mage.

ryouma belongs with me and only me so it's okay
Can moms normally recruit kids?
Can you add female generics?
Okay I got this

1. Camilla
2. Xander
3. Corrin (not sure about this, Corrin vs Xander? Xander has the stats but Corrin has that availability lead too)
4. Azura

5. Niles
6. Silas
7. Jakob (1st)
8. Felicia (1st)
9. Elise
10. Gunter

11. Selena
12. Leo
13. Beruka
14. Kaze
15. Effie
16. Peri
17. Arthur

18. Flora
19. Felicia (2nd)
20. Charlotte
21. Keaton
22. Izana
23. Shura
24. Benny
25. Jakob (2nd)

26. Nyx
27. Laslow
28. Odin

29. Mozu
All 4 glasses accessories look so good. Especially the plastic looking tinted glasses, it just looks so ridiculous.

Still kinda wish there were some more "serious" accessories like the head armor some generic enemies wear, buy goofy ones like the jester cap, both sunglasses and girly headgear on men make things fun, at least.
Eh, she's just a even more generic tharja, so yeah she is
>I'd even take Mozu at this point!

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No, they can't.
Hey, it's better than a blatantly wrong hair color. Thanks anon!
>no generic dark knight, berserker, or malig knight helms

There's the Tinted Glasses from the shop, the two Tinted Glassews from the DLC... what's the fourth?
Quick question, is it possible to give generics supports or not?
I'm not surprised that you don't know what projection is, little retard. Probably the same reason you incorrectly "identified" advertisement, if you know what I mean.

Who am I kidding, you've proven your mental disability, you don't know what I mean. You'll probably get mad at this post and make some worthless "no u" shitpost since you're mad at people talking about FE, and it won't be worth making fun of you or blowing you out again thanks to diminishing returns.

Still, you're lucky the hotpockets are worthless and won't do anything about your offtopic bitching and shitposting, especially after you got exposed.
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Gotta say I really like the wolfskin design.
Repeating whatever epic nigger quip Etika just said isn't gameplay.
>we get the Basara Tengu Mask
>but not these guys
>doom Nohr to have a walking sjw mouthpiece as eventual king
Peace will not last.
You should do Flora recruiting Dwyer next
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I like Cynthia as a daughteru but the idea of her being the older sister to Morgan is just odd. Same with anyone but her being the younger sibling to Lucina.
But her class isn't dark mage, she's an anima mage.
Round Glasses
Yukimura wears them by default
you would need to make them an official unit first
Shills aside I'm looking forward to seeing how he handles ch12
Oh yeah, forgot about those. Doesn't help that I found Yukimura pretty forgettable (and he only shows up optionally in Birthright).

Those do look nice too though, and yeah, I also wish we got some enemy accessories. Some of the helmets look really cool.
Only two changes I gotta suggest.
Selena is more useful than Gunter. Gunter is a prepromo with mediocre stats, when he joins, and his growths are garbage.
Keaton is B-rank at LEAST, might even be an A-rank. He's a very reliable boss killer. The weapon restriction is a pain, but he more than makes up for it with beast bane and grisly.
that's a beautiful image of Noire and her daughter anon
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I like Cynthia as both a daugheru and a waifu. I also like headcanon'ing that Morgan and Cynthia are twins, with Cynthia being born a few minutes earlier so she can be the "big" sister.
I still think 2nd Felicia could drop, I mean I find Charlotte is more worth deploying just for those amazing GS boosts on Xander.
niggas dont do practice
So remove that blue shield they have? That seems easy enough.
>he invites units that he wont get support points yet

Mamma mia..?
He's going to fucking demolish it to the autistic chagrin of our resident nohrmies
Keaton has 5 movement and 1 range lock in a time where you already have Camilla, his use as a combat unit is incredibly mediocre for that reason.
>we get the Basara Tengu Mask
Do we? I'm pretty sure it's the Oni Savage/Rinkah mask. Not the basara one. The basara mask isn't anywhere near as cool.

I am literally black and this guy is giving me a headache. WHY are you guys enjoying this? Are you enjoying this or is it just an act?
Ranks between the tiers themselves is pretty shitty, there's no such need. It leads to needless arguing, all you need to know is where the power gaps are.
bit more complicated

after they are an official unit, you have to add them to the support roster, and give them supports
kill yourselves shills
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Oh you.
>I like Cynthia as both a daugheru and a waifu
Ok then. And I guess that's a good explanation. I like headcanon'ing that Noire was born around the same time Lucina was and Morgan was after the war ended and Robin came back.
We get Rinkah's mask and the Tengu Mask, used by generic Basaras
Time for POTS
His turtling Guard Naginata Effie """"strategy"""" won't work on this map son
What lance is Severa wielding? Looks like one of the Regalia
Nope, because these conversations have to be individually coded in and are character specific, meaning you'd need one for every possible mother, even if it were the same, you'd still need to code a separate event for each.

That's possible, but their portraits literally don't exist at all, so that's a big problem.

Kinda? You'd need to remove a few flags from their character block, the same has to be done for amiibos such as removing their amiibo flag, and then they can support.

The sad part is, I'm not even sure if Flora would actually be nice to him or if she'd just be anal to him like Jakob,
A level 20/15 skill isn't a sound argument to put an unit in A rank unless they can get it early like your servants.
I don't get it either. The guy's a complete manchild and gets his hand held constantly by his autistic chat.

I'm not going to cry "SHILL" or anything but still.
>Keaton has 5 movement
That's why you pair him with someone.
I had him with Selena and he absolutely shredded shit.
Camilla doesn't get a passive hp regen or anywhere near his stats. Late game, she definitely isn't going to be tanking anything up front. Keaton is a much better wall.
Thank you anon

No clue.
>The sad part is, I'm not even sure if Flora would actually be nice to him or if she'd just be anal to him like Jakob,

probably a mix of "my son are you alright? I was so worried" and "you dumbass what have you done"
Is /feg/ the only general Etika is shilled in?
I don't think he was even shilled in /utg/ back when he was streaming Undertale
Pretty sure it's Gradivus
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You couldn't just use the generic portrait?
Spending a mounted unit's actions just so Keaton can keep up is never worth it when he's not even as good a combat unit as them.

Camilla's defenses hold up fine for the entire game too and any defense-heavy unit is pointless when Xander shits on them, especially Keaton who has mobility problems.

His stats don't matter because other units already have amazing stats while not having his movement problems.
>thank goodness i thought he was gonna force me to kill again


come on

come on corrin
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>When an enemy dodges two 90%+ shots in a row

I know, I know, "anything less than 100 is fair game." But I'm still gnawing my teeth over here.
He was sometimes in /ssbg/ but was always told to fuck off.
She seemed to be a great mom to Kana based on the scramble dialogue so I'd assume the same there. Honestly, though, I wonder if she'd yell at Jakob for being an ass towards their progeny.
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1% is 1%
Watching a shitter play perma death on hard mode is strangely fun
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Looks like it
Camilla doesn't need HP regen and her stats already absolutely shit on 99% of units' for most of the game

Keaton is too slow movement-wise, needs to be fed, and the payoff isn't even that good when lategame Conquest has so much 1-2 range in terms of enemies
>Nothing personal

Aren't his pair up boosts pretty good? That's really the only reason I can imagine Charlotte is higher considering people use her as the pair up slut to one of the best units in the game.
psh, nuthin personnel, Joshua.
Why does this nignog have to read every word out loud?

Also he's not going to lose on this chapter. Literally everyone thought he would get destroyed on Chapter 10 but since he cheated he was fine. It won't be different here.
Also, Nah is cute! I wish she had more art with Robin beyond that one lewd on pixiv.
Can't you still miss a crit?
People use him to GS whore Camilla sometimes, he and Charlotte tend to rank somewhat similarly for that reason.

Difference is that you can't turtle in 12 due to the turn limit, but it's not that bad.
New thread!
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final happy birthday to ryouma
I think GBA rolled for hit first.
It wasn't personal, but Joshua just had to make it so.
You can't miss crits outside of FE1 and FE2. Crits get rolled after the hit.
If you don't mind staring at Maid portraits vs literally almost every female enemy, then sure.

Imagine the Enemy Fighter, with Charlotte's body and a generic meido sprite, as she crits you and tears you a new asshole.

IIRC literally only Maids and Shrine Maidens have portraits, I'll poke around the game files to confirm but I'm sure this is the case.
I guess I just assumed you could since you can miss skill procs.


I guess that makes sense. Charlotte is around slightly longer, even if it's not much. I can't think of any other reason to put her above considering her combat ability is abysmal starting out.
Laslow. Calling it.
Yeah, I don't understand the appeal of the subhumans as units at all. The foxes are too glassy and the wolves are slow as fuck. They are hugely overrated.
my nigga kaze is gonna die
Well I mean she can Hammer Knights in her join chapter

That's something I guess
>when you remember that Etika has already killed off Percy
Can't things like Severa rolling a crit with her personal still miss?

A lot of archers and apothecaries are in 12 so I'm guessing he'll fuck up and lose Camilla/Beruka like he fucked up with Effie.
The only reason Charlotte is ever considered is because she's the best pair up partner for Xander. She patches up his Spd issues and give him even more Str. A partner that gives Xander more Def is ill advised because the AI actually ignores enemies with too high defenses.
Off the top of my head
maid, shrine maiden, all three pegasusu, troubrador, promoted miko, and killager
Then there's a few randoms, like the female non-unit villagers
I get the feeling that both Marx's retainers are going to die. Don't let Pieri die
>vandalized OP
Fuck off already holy shit
>etika has a gf

its not fair
File: little fucker.png (74KB, 320x240px)
little fucker.png
74KB, 320x240px
Eh, in the end I had to waste a warp because he died every fucking time, I hope he's useful
It's not vandalized. Just move on over now.

New thread
File: image.gif (2KB, 96x78px) Image search: [Google]
2KB, 96x78px

Pssh...you're just a stepping stone...
>it's not vandalized
>castle drive: not found!
What do you mean by vandalized?
File: misc_001.jpg (45KB, 285x353px) Image search: [Google]
45KB, 285x353px
>being this pushy
Oh, and strategists
>not vandalized
>linkbin broken
>castle drive broken
Some of the OP links are broken. These faggots keep doing this. Report and ignore.
People literally mess up with links so they're broken and lead nowhere.
It's just a meme for when people don't like threads.

We just hit the bump limit now. New thread:
Broken links. Ebin shitposting bait.
Holy Bowman
You've been down too long in the midnight sea
Oh what's becoming of me
>wasting Oboro on Kisaragi

Not especially. He's alright overall but with her as his mom he's better off in Spear Fighter.
But those are the same links in this thread.
Fuck off already.
>Scrolling through the full portrait dump
>Come across yukimura
>His blush overlay
I meant last thread and what the fuck is your problem? Go suck a dick little babby.
Again, fuck off little shitposter.
>pressed optimize on kaze
>he gets visitation seal
Again, little babby gets mad.
16 years is too young to be on this site you edgy prepubescent shit head.
Interesting side note, if you reclass a generic into the opposite gender, their head will change to match. Generic female swordmasters are megaqt.
In a little bit, gotta start up ntr, start up f8s, then take screenies
I'm on Conquest 12 (on hard)
Do I break the pots or not? Breaking the pots would probably let me move faster but I don't like the idea of all those enemies being able to get to me right away. (especially the archers against Camilla)
You're dead Etika
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