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/srg/ - Speedrunning general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 734
Thread images: 92

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- ESA equivalent taking place in NA, May 19th - 23rd
- http://www.speedrun.com/nasa/forum
- https://twitter.com/NASAMarathon

- Cancelled

Games Done Quick:
- July 3rd - 10th
- gamesdonequick.com

reminder to sign up
Chibi is talking about mushroom penis and is sexually harassing me
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look s like autism to me m8888
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Why would Cosmo spent so much money on hormone drugs when he could of just bought some rope with all that extra money?
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the blonde girl-- what does she think about all this
>talks about autism
>in speedrunning thread
water is wet
She's probably disgruntled with herself for hooking up with someone that wants to cut their dick off.
https://www.twitch tv/gamesdonequick/v/63933148?t=42m45s
holy fugg this meme just happened
>grew up with HL2
fucking underage kids get the fuck out reeeeeeee
the absolute madman
reminder the ninja gaiden 2 tournament is a mess, but it is entertaining unlike all those other tournaments that have been done.
I don't want your runs on MY channel anymore.
just get a sfc 2bh
sgdq is using doctors without borders for their charity, right?
yeah they need some more doctors after the us bombed them all lol

how come chibi hasnt seen this level of exposure?
serves them right fucking marxists
that's kind of why i was asking. it'd be pretty offensive if they'd chosen another charity while DWB needs money most.
i've enjoyed the megaman x 100% tournament so far
*unzips hori*
could somebody else just go for a comfy "**Max**" stream by our boy slayer'slayslay'ofbabies, him answering questions about the meaningless of life right now?
i hope you get killed by 'refugee's
We are onto you if you find this new thread, great. We will ddos all of Florida, USA. You will never see us stop.
There are a bit too many tournaments going on rn tbchwyfam
because nobody cares about speedrunners
Since whenever cosmo evolved into narcissa, I always imagined how fucking epic it would have been for him to just post in this general and laugh along with the jokes. I'm confident that even if he did these days he'd be much more respected than he is right now
Lol what? Is this about that stupid hitbox stuff from the other night?
kill yourself, cosmo
imagine being this much of an edgelord
i guess all those paid kasposters left and went home?
You too faggot
[distant bird laughter heard high above it all]
>there are people who arent watching our girl chanzeux right now
but you could be watching our boi caracarnvi get fucked out of a pb at the end of a 9 hour run again
caracarn is streaming m8

I'd hit it.

Then speedrun out of there before morning.
wait when did m_ transition
>de hippie spacing
Has narcissa or chibi confirmed whether they are going to sgdq or not?
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pretty sure chibi was banned or at least should be. i doubt they'd let the mentally ill damage their event like the time they invited gamepro to give a talk on women's rights and domestic violence/suicide prevention.
where is this? holy shit cronikeys our Trump queen is still on twitch.
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tfw you made the list
It's the same people every time. they couldnt care less about the streamer, instead, only grouping up in a chat to 4chan speak publicly. There is no fucking way any of those people enjoyed that ari kid's stream or this meows shit
who is this semen demon
who is this man?*
It's cosmo btw.
ESA cuts are out apparently
ESA cuties are out apparently
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>Untitled guy is back
FUCK OFF jesus christ go enjoy your french baguettes or something you insufferable little cunt
this is fucking embarrassing
might ask cronikeys to take me off the list to disassociate myself with this place finally
Lets see em
Untitled guy please this needs to stop
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>tfw you made the list
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>tfw people post what you say in the thread
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stop this nonsense right now fags
this is the mona lisa porn
of porn*
Round 2 cuts for ESA are out
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tfw you didn't make the list
>when the janitors delete shit just to feel like they've got power

I really wonder how many reports come out of /srg/ as opposed to janitors just sitting in the thread looking for shit to delete.

Also how bout that ESA
holy hell look at all these repeated games
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don't mess with glenn man

get rdy for another hurtin
All my games got in god bless

Don't look at me bud I'm bringing two brand spanking new games and a new category to the marathon
i miss the squid clique
>round 2 cuts
>still another round of cuts to go

fucking ESA is over man. they are only doing 1 stream and can't hit deadlines anymore, they do pre marathons to raise money to afford the main marathon, they are doing stupid gimmicks like fucking tetris exhibition. ESA is clear they want to be a GDQ.

is NASA really the only hope left for speedrunning?

is it all tumbling down?
This is something I have been thinking for a while now. Its one of the reasons I didn't go last year and although I submitted something this year I might withdraw.
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>is it all tumbling down?
our boy is LIVE dont miss it!

The one stream only thing is what did me in. ESA handled two streams just fine. Why only 1 stream this time when even more people submit? I'm just not feeling it with ESA anymore. It reminds me of californithon but with euros.

Also Flicky is still organizing it. Flicky is ESA's Cool Matty.
i only speedrun at marathons
Two streams is a big strain on tech
Seriously, does anyone speedrun visual novels? Might be fun.
Check out this hot run.

How do I get Cronikeys to notice me?
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Looks like the god gamer is hanging it up lads.
>give me attention
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based post irrelevant tweets anon
>bigjon gets his games into ESA
>bigjon knows no one watches ESA so it won't further his streaming career
>bigjon will back out just like he did for NASA because he doesn't really want to go and just wanted to see if he could get the games in

when will organizers begin to acknowledge shitters like bigjon only care about viewers and when your event isn't popular they won't show?
who is this cum commander?
kamidori & sengoku rance have been tossed around
there was a nice chart of a couple games while back
>cronikeys goes on epic twitter tirade about "her" deteriorating mental health, claims "her" depression is incurable and that suicide should be an option for people like "her"
fast forward 2 months
>every tweet is about trump, has completely abandoned speedrunning

you can't explain it
*dating a tranny

Tranny because failed so hard as a man, think he'll be able to dominate womanhood somehow. The way they act like some weird stereotype of a woman, the way they try to dominate language and online conversations, how they try to get so invested in it so as to be more "authentic" than others. It's like a weird territorial reaction.
Make America Great Again
isn't he that furry autist? used to have some friends who knew the "guy"
source please?
Yes I can. Trump cured her speedrunning autism as well as her depression.

I swear there is some corellation between speedrunning and the community and a decline in mental health.
>>140759524 speaking of trannys, I've noticed something, aren't a lot of trannies into anime? is there a possible relation between watching anime and becoming a transgender? The only thing I can
think of is the physical appearance of male and female characters being very similar(dont actually watch anime so I dont know much). Anyone else notice this?
God bless Trump
>>140758361 >>140759391 no idea who she is
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Cronikeys isn't a tranny or into anime.
I've been right all along.
I like anime but I'm not a tranny freak
dude everybody is into anime lol
dedicate your life for years to an online "community" of avatars on the internet who meet up for a great week once a year. Realize that's all you have. Realize your 20s are going fast and that pretty soon it'll get weird that this is your only social outlet. Start to lose interest in running. One day you look behind your shoulder to find the void is staring back and it's time to 1) make a clean break and start building a more traditional life, 2) kill urself, or, getting more popular lately, 3) HEY I'M A WOMAN NOW
speak for yourself freak

Cosmo found something more valuable to SJWs than a woman card: a tranny card.

Compare how much whining and complaining he does now to how much he was doing under much greater stress 2 or so years ago.

He can complain all he wants because he knows that anyone who criticizes him can be brushed off as a transphobe.
Confession: I only got into speedrunning because I was all alone in my teens with no social outlet. Now I am an adult, worn out on speedrunning but have nothing else.
The cult for attention seeking ugly degenerates
me too
Confession: I only got into speedrunning because I thought it would be fun and could meet some cool people. Now I am an adult, everyone else continues to act like they're in high school
Confession: I never got into speedrunning and only shitpost in the thread and hang around in comfy streams
Same, have you been called "above it all" yet?
Confession: comfy is just a code word for boring desu
Confession: I've never speedrunned and haven't watched a speedrun in 2 years. I only come here to talk about cosmo
Confession: Diversity is just a code word for White genocide
headcrab I am just about THIS far away from beating your ass so knock it off !
Confession: *bird laughs*
i havent posted any of those what the heck
Stop making my post into a meme.
Then you were an absolute idiot for thinking that speedrunning is anything other than playing the game fast. Now as an adult you're still unable to see that. Grow a fucking brain.
Confession: I feel like a little kid, and it feels really good
Cronikeys is NOT a tranny.
Confession: I got into speedrunning to blow your system. You know what I'm sayin'?
die faggot
You are forgiven.

You are damned. Burn in hell.
I wish I had a boy or girl friend so I wouldn't have to speedrun
PLEASe tell me how to get myself a cute bf
I wish I had a 20 Beautiful White children so I wouldn't have to speedrun
blow head off with dicks then shotgun
Anime is cute. Girls like cute things. 4chan is an anime image board. Therefor it's only logical to notice a lot of trans women on 4chan watch anime.
20 beautiful elins
there is no such thing as a 'trans woman', only nutters and sane people
how is this going to get me a cute, feminine, not on chic-tacs, bf
Nutters who identify as girls.
Cronikeys does not watch anime.
Because she's a woman.
Neither do I. What's your point?
bullets to the brains of degenerate marxist trannies like cronikeys
Of course she doesn't because only degenerates watch anime
if you go lurk /lgbt/ once all you'll see it's anime reaction images and shemales talking about using heavy drugs and suicide. So yeah probably there's some fucked up correlation.
Cronikeys is not a degenerate marxist trannies.
isn't it funny how nkr hates trannies but defends cronikeys
20 good men
everyone needs a gateway in to trannies
cronikeys is nkr's gateway
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>yfw Cronikeys is actually a girl pretending to be a man pretending to be a girl
I don't defend any tranny.
(This post was made by Rob.)
"Dugongue is a blight on this once-fine community."

-Garrison, world record Super Metroid runner
that's a pretty fucked up thing to pretend to be
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>Skeletonbill didn't stream so meows was the /srg/ hangout
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monkeys don't lay eggs
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I'm pretty sure they do lay eggs
you can't prove that monkeys don't lay eggs
ion this has to stop
ion? more like cry-on after he got blown the fuck out in all of his stupid irrelevant games
Anybody gonna watch the Sunday Sequence Break today?!
its 2016
is it true that he quit speedrunning after squid exposed him in all of his games
what's a good length for a first attempt at a marathon? I'm guessing no more than a weekend?
online or in person?
>he got exposed so hard he actually quit speedrunning
imagine getting exposed then being so butthurt you accuse your exposer of being a grind monkey
what a shame
reminder that moofin and ion shit talk all their "speed friends" late at night on teamspeak
NKR and Cronikeys for King and """Queen""" of /srg/
another victim of The God Gamer Stigma
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alright Squid
Can we get some more info on this scoop?

Squid and Croni was a better ship but he was too good for the tranny
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>people have gone out of their way to shittalk you in private
I feel so honored
Good for him, speedrunning is a useless degenerate hobby
>realize that you won't be able to uphold your God Gamer stigma
>i-it's j-just not f-fun anymore, g-guys!
Who is the Jotaro Kujo of speedrunning?
ion is a gossiping hen

what's more to it?
The Pro White Stigma
The Grind Monkey Stigma
Nice jam
The Loli Loving Stigma
If only more people from twitch saw the light she saw.
Give us the scoop
10 Beautiful White children
The Simplee Elin Stigma
A week of course. If Chibi can pull it off flawlessly so should you
The Bird Laugh Stigma
they criticize basically everyone, but especially meows
they just find it so funny that after he and cosmo started transitioning they changed their names
it is pretty hilarious
Meows isn't transitioning, he just had some weird addiction to japanese and wanting to name change
The Exposed Baby Stigma
Who is the Pet Shop of speedrunning?
10 Beautiful White Female Children To Have 100 Beautiful White Grandchildren With
when moofin comes through with the toilet snaps
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I started learning my first speedgame's route a while back, but schoolwork piled up and I never got around to finishing learning the route and doing runs. The semester is almost over, so I'll have plenty of free time soon, though.

Should I speedrun, or should I write epic pastebins about my speedrunning thought process and motivation?
how do i inject autism so i can become /srg/?
those and the ones of him with his gf are my favorite ones
which /srg/ bois have kept it real
wait is M_ really a tranny
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you, my man
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How do I become a popular speedrunner without being a massive faggot? I'd like to help make a non-faggot community.
consult streambig.net my friend

Looks pretty gay.
>de hippie spacing

Squid is faggot supreme.
>screenshotting snaps
>de hippie spacing
We get it readit mod aisforandis. you like to jerk it to pie. However, pie is the perfect pathway towards a faggot-like community.
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fwnoqt3.14rlloligftpmew ;^;
Tfw u get new undies
Where does the picture that says we're just boys who happen to be crazy for dicks come from
thanks for the late response!
cultural marxism
any new chibi drama?
monkeys lay eggs
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alright, ya'll asked for this
i hope somebody doesn't post that shit "walks into srg" webm
too bad current mainstream western homosexuality is not based on the greeks and roman one and it's activist would gadly support seding you to jail for pederasty.
u rite u rite
current (((mainstream))) (((western))) (((homosexuality)))
Chibi is a speedrunner
on the low low who has that stream yer boy can watch
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Join him
they're not as retarded and have the superior sexual organ
current jewish faggotry shilled by the eletric jew does that sounds red pilled enough? It doesn't change the fact the kind of gays on 4chan are shunned even by other fags for lusting over highschool boys
All homo degenerates need to be put down. It is a proven FACT that you CANNOT have WORLD RECORDS while being a faggot LOSER.
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ya'll faggots better stop
Chibiposting has been /srg/ relevant for two years.
Chibiposting started here and will stay here
Every speedboi I liked is dead, I hate almost every current speedboi.

I still like my games but not the community.
>my guy majinphil tryin to force the "gonzozone" as if he doesn't already know about the gonzone
someone call cyber
it must be fun being trihex and throwing that much money away on unnecessary computer parts


>cable management
But nkr has the medievil wr
wow, I though my cable management was bad
Wow this general is straight up cancer. Is speed running dead?
>drops a 980ti for 2 760s
for what purpose
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yes and no
speedrunning is becoming more and more popular, so a lot of the people that have been in it for a while are becoming disenchanted with the community
however, it isn't a popular enough e-sport like smash or dota so that these generals are constantly reaching bump limit
that's why we only get the real shitters here
*streams zelda randomizer*
*gets 1/20th of the viewers I used to*

How much fucking money does this annoying nigger make?
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>de hippie spacing
lol oot

Now that's what I call a spicy meme
>de hippie spacing
>dual pc streaming master race
> streams console games
also this lol
Enough to pay $100-139 per month in internet bills

I can't fathom paying that much along with rent
you are so based i love you
a sad panda????
tfw your computer that had access to exhentai died so you cant see this
ive been gone for a month give me the scoop on the latest chibi news
nudes leaked, his marathon got hijacked.
Underrated post.
This guy looks like he has a nice feminine penis.
thanks for the late response!
reminder that cosmo will consider his suicide beautiful and poetic
suicide is pretty much his only option left now
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someone post the skirt webm Tbh
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Hey guys is this stuff any good?
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So was this the result of Adrian cucking cosmo with tyrone or did she peace out because of the tyranny shit?
trihex buys all that expensive equipment to pretend to play das3 on max and he cant even get the webcam to stop lagging lmao
the hell does trihex need a pc running double gtx 960's for??

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>tfw you forget to turn on your viewbot
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unreal. he built that rig with the intentions of only using it to stream
imagine blowing a ton of cash on useless new parts and it doesn't end up working anyway (also no need for a "slave" pc when you have high end parts)
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dude he will have 90 instead 100 fps if he streams with the same device
trihex is the perfect example of what happens when you let a black youth have too much money. legit bought his mom a brand new truck, buys all these computer parts when he doesn't even pc game, buys $60 games for his girlfriend, goes on trips constantly, etc.

you have to think the streaming won't last forever and he is fucking himself with all that spending
chibi's has been streaming without his mom's permission...
>black youth
lmao what's up with this cuck term family?
My bad, nigger.
reminder ion still hasn't reclaimed the "free" AE2 WR, and instead partakes in reddit marathons frequently.
thanks for the late response!
i can understand paying his mom back for presumably living the neet life in her house at some point but u rite

he could save so much if he just learned how to build a computer correctly
headcrab can you please just drop dead
>got off a grind monkey trash game to play mega man and cv

only AE1 is real
The cheater Goronguy got accept to ESA. Could someone tell them about it?
Are there any speed runners worth watching? I don't want any of this drama bullshit, just someone who enjoys what they do
Goronguy has turned into a swell member of the community post-cheating
>complaining about some guy bought his mom a car and nice things for himself
I can smell the envy.
Different guy than the one you're replying to, but yeah, I'm envious.

Also he's being really nigger rich and not investing wisely, so that guy has a point when he talks about streaming not lasting forever.
>tfw didn't get through esa cuts
If your time is 10 min after wr in a 35 min game. Are you good enough?
I am a FUCKING legend.
It is criticism with a touch of envy. Most of us would like to stream video games and get a shitload of cash thrown at us, but I like to think I would be more careful with handling the money. Building two powerful rigs when you don't even game enough to get your money's worth seems a bit ridiculous.
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>speedrunning a nice comfy game no one else runs
>this guy comes up and slaps your wr's ass
what do you do?
It doesn't matter how he spends his money. As if you fellas wouldn't treat yourselves after having an influx of cash. You say you would spend wisely but we both know that isn't the truth.
He's fucking pissing it away, what could you be envious of? I'd be more jealous if he was to invest it wisely and end up retiring in his twenties. But that shit ain't happening and you should be thankful of that, not envious. Plus if he's gonna throw away the money the best thing he can do is what he did, buy shit for his parents.
Right in the FUCKING head
>As if you fellas wouldn't treat yourselves after having an influx of cash. You say you would spend wisely but we both know that isn't the truth
Nice fallacy brother. You definitely know the kind of people we are.
Yeah I'm sure smelly autistic neets are the type of people to heavily invest in their future and make long term life decisions
complain how bad my hand hurts.
What stocks are you invested in buddy?
tell him to just snip my dick off and get it over with
you mean break your dick
i like to speedrunning

kek as heck, he tried to get it back not long after it was taken and he couldnt get close, i remember the streams
Imagine investing in stocks and not in private property
Yeah, but I also remember during those streams he kept saying the record was free. Which made it even more hilarious.
You mean he went away in shame for 2 years? Not exactly what you describe.
This record is free - Guy who can't get within a minute of the record
Sounds like trikeks
>if you go lurk /lgbt/ once all you'll see it's anime reaction images and shemales talking about using heavy drugs and suicide. So yeah probably there's some fucked up correlation.
yeah, there is indeed a relationship between 4chan and people with mental illness.
will cosmo be allowed to change his twitch name back to cosmo once this fad is over?

>blah blah transphobic
But white people with money do all of those things too.
You're retarded aren't you?
>people don't use livesplit
for what purpose?
they prefer to use more accurate timers that don't hog resources.
wooferzfg is a faggot and the other timers work fine
doesn't work on mac
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Awful beginning, ok mid-game, booty ending. New Skip saves a juicy amount of time but execution still feels rusty.
congrats on WR
If we cant use the n word, he cant use the word slave. Thats OUR word.
*tips fedora*

not the same guy but of course there are white people who are bad with money, he's saying that black guys are even worse with it
wording this post so hard
well to be fair it is easy to confuse a manlet of trihex's caliber with a youthful 16 year old
friends don't let friends skip leg day
that's just sad, no amount of working out will make trihex taller or less black

also he skips leg day
i love how you take the shitty picture with the lines instead of taking it off the instagram and making a better version
ok, trihex is fit and all but my god this nigga needs to work on those fucking chicken legs
is it white supremacy hour yet?
every hour of every day
how can speedrunning become more diverse? nearly every single WR is held by a white fucking male
other genders and races need to get good
Not all of them.

There's WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Animal Crossing
and others I'm sure
good thing I said nearly
what percentage of minority record holders would make you happy?
It should be 93% to mirror the global population of minorities vs. white males.
It's really a good thing for minorities that they don't participate in something as retarded as speedrunning.
He got a white girl!

The pound of make up can't hide the acne, but hey--white girl!
i don't know what i'm supposed to do about that. WRs are earned, not distributed
Obamacare WR's when
all of animal crossings wrs right now are held by white men (adrians 100% wr got beat by a white guy by not sleeping)
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put the knife down dogge you have too much to live for!!
Employing people for my Stream Team

leave your resumé's below
They are not earned in a system of oppression, where women, trans* and PoC are held back. We need affirmative action until 93% of WRs are held by non-whites/non-males.
>constantly complaining
>offering no solution to the problem
you're doing it right
that run anxiety tho
here's a solution:
your time gets reduced by
15% if you are black
5% if you are Asian
10% if you are other non-white
10% if you are a cisgender woman
20% if you are trans
10% if you are disabled, 20% if it affects your gaming ability
1% for each 10kg over your "optimal BMI"
5% if you are gay
10% if you are lesbian
2% if you are bisexual
12% if you are asexual
15% for all other non-straight identifications
1% for each year above 70 or below 15 (ageism)
*chops off penis*

i am so brave
I am an 100 year old fat disabled black lesbian transwoman. My disability is called morality and it prevents me from playing JP version of games.

All my times are 0:00. Any% is dead
>gf missed her period
looks like the fun's over
white male privilege is real and we earned it.
Trihex has got stacks he's not struggling right now. He built and earned all that.
Why has there been no speedrunning discussion in over an hour? There is so much more to talk about.
*plugs in ess adapter*

dude nice free wr
How is the saturn version of tomb raider so much shittier than the playstation version when it was designed from the ground up to run on the saturn?
i need a new fast game help me
do you shave your b-hole plum?
I just realized, how can someone say they are "born gay/trans" when there are twins who had one member be gay/trans?

That clearly shows it is a mental illness problem, perhaps even from environment factors early on
If Narcissa isn't speedrunning, why the fuck do you guys care?
it's an amusing trainwreck
There's no answer yet.

The important part is that being gay really isn't a downside, and neither is being trans if people just leave you alone. So even if you are different, it's not debilitating so everything's okay.
>isn't a downside
>if people just leave you alone
>it's not debilitating
>everything's okay

Genetics play a heavy role in mental illness, so if one twin can be mentally ill, why couldn't one twin be gay/trans?
Ooh the times, they are a changin.

People will stop giving a shit about your gender identity or sexual orientation as time goes on.
identical twins are the same from the genetic point of view, same egg after all. So both should always be gay/trans if it was a genetic problem
Identical twins have identical genetics. If a mental disease is genetic, then both twins must have it. But really, who WOULDN'T speedrun their own twin's boipussy?
There is strong evidence that mental illness is genetic.

You're saying trans is a mental illness. Therefore, if one twin is trans, and the other is not, then trans cannot be a mental illness.
Again, it's not fully understood. I wouldn't make assumptions like that until there is more research on the topic.
So you are saying fags/trans is a choice?

Glad we established fag/trans can never be "born" that way and it is something that is picked up through life.
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>tfw u rip a sick cloud and feel ur nips up for hours

best choice i ever made Tbh
muh brit cigs
You all get enjoyment playing games fast. What the fuck do you people know about genetics and psychology?
Snag the republican nomination
identical twins are essentially clones, and there have been identical twins where one of them turned out gay/trans

so clearly people can never be born gay/trans and thus it isn't genetic. This suggest it is a subconscious choice/choice that developed later in life.
genetics loads the gun
environment pulls the trigger
this is such a croni post
>So you are saying fags/trans is a choice?
Your argument was that because there are twins where one is gay/trans and the other isn't, being gay/trans must be a mental illness.

But if mental illness is caused by genetics, and being gay/trans is a mental illness, then being gay/trans is caused by genetics. If being gay/trans is not caused by genetics, then it's not a mental illness.

I don't believe this, I'm just pointing out dimensions you may have not considered in your train of logic.
Yes, but I imagine LGBT don't want to think the problem came from the environment during their upbringing or a choice for whatever reason. It's easier for them to think they were born that way.
p sure pvtcb is majoring in this shit
Either way it doesn't matter since you can't be born LGBT, which concludes it is an upbringing problem.
>you can't be born LGBT
citation pls
see >>140820834
Genetics play a role in cancer too, yet sometimes one twin gets cancer and the other doesn't.

Same with diabetes.

And a whole bunch of shit.
>But if mental illness is caused by genetics
Not all mental illnesses are caused by genetics, you freaking retard.
>I don't believe this, I'm just pointing out dimensions you may have not considered in your train of logic.
More like you are a delusional cultural marxist and trying to spread this degeneracy on others.
If you believe in dubious "research" of a pedo, you will certainly believe both gender confusion being a genetics problem and only one of the twins being gender-confused at the same time.
Cancer is not a mental illness.
>Not all mental illnesses are caused by genetics, you freaking retard.
The vast majority of people with severe mental illness have a genetic predisposition, in particular mental illnesses that cause psychosis or delusional thinking. There is strong evidence to support this.
Nobody said it was?
- Cancer is a disease
- some diseases require both genetic and environment (like some types of cancer)

As studies have also shown, gut flora play a major role in disease development.
Predisposition ≠ causation.
If you have a gaping asshole syndrome doesn't mean it will always be full of dicks.
You clumped cancer and diabetes along with gender dysphoria to begin with. Which was supposed to prove your point somehow. But you are basing your beliefs off questionable practices of a pedo, so that's why you are grasping at straws.
Since you people have nothing better to do all day I'll ask here

Why was Narci crying on stream?
because his hugbox and the marijuana was making him feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside
high doses estrogen
"it feels good to cry" - narcissmo the tranny
>Why was Narci crying on stream?
Cultural marxism.
>and neither is being trans
yes because being crazy enough to believe you were 'born in the wrong body' and pay a shitload of money to mutilate it sure has no downsides, trannies are the biggest joke in the medical community the reason doctors enable 'sex change treatments' is to use them as human research subjects.
>it's not debilitating
Yeah it's not like trans people have the highest suicide rate or anything...
did people forgive Cosmo for ruining /srg/
or that 60% of trans also have an underlying mental illness

I may be mixing correlation with causality there, but the take-home message is that trannies are generally fucked in the head.
>no one is streaming
>tune into TMR
>he's having another fucking talk about NES Mania and trying to rationalize not playing the games blind anymore

this stream would be kind of amazing if it were comfy and not constant whining and shilling :(
reminder that you cant spell statistics without cis??
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reminder that he hates nesmania and just wants to be done with asap
>TFW FiFi got NTR'D by that dirty Indian Talon2461

They used to be best friends too, what an asshole
firedragon is a huge fucking faggot
Girls peak between age 7 and 14. Prove me wrong you cant. Its genetics.

>tfw no hebe speedrunner

She could rake in the donations desu
m1 no
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to move to japan to be with the girl he's known for a few weeks?
M1 is based for being honest and a true protector his heritage
m1 is jewish
9 is as low as it goes. Anything younger than that is hideous, regardless of gender desu.
Jews have the highest iqs. M1 is just another example
Pick one
Why isn't he importing her? Japan is gonna be fucked over by earthquakes and shit
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fw u wake up
she probably said "no" because this is just fun and games for her.
I don't even care that Cosmo is a non-speedrunning woman now. But christ is his new "fan"base awful. Almost all of his twitter comments are by trans/gay CIS hating weebos.
Soe stream a cute game
Fleeing the cultural marxism of the west
he's not a woman, he's a tranny. get it right, shitlord!
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>thinking I give a fuck
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>being this cucked
jesus i thought the initial "let's all go to japan to try to fuck sumi" crew was bad. this is a new level of cuckery.
this sub is dead
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oiiii retrooo
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yashi age 35.jpg
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>6 days
>no new srd
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>tfw no duke stream
who are you? I might stream for you
do you guys think nkr and squid are going to yiff when they meet up? they only run furry games
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do i look furry to you
your not duke, your post doesnt have spoilers and isnt punctuated correctly
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thehe i'm so lewwwd - t. virgin cuck
faggots out
These cucks are so deep in the friendzone it hurts.
Why do betas rush into """"""""relationships""""""" like this? He is going to regret this soon.
Braggin' about how you had all the world records well, what's up now when your shit is
*streams when i'm the hot topic*
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public sympathy is the best currency to have
>pic related
they pressured him into what?
taking titty skittles?
waoum waoum waoum _wununu waoum waoum waoum _wununu
fw no comfy srg streams rn
someone good please stream, i'm so thirsty i feel like i just walked through the mojave desert for 2 days without a drop of water
I don't read these threads.
I was gonna stream if my headset arrived today
forgot it was a bank holiday
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will VR be good for speedrunning?
*pretends to not bird laugh*
>watching the trump rally in hopes of spotting croni
they never show the audience you stupid fuck
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Watching old Cosmo videos makes me so sad

It's almost like Cosmo is actually dead but they reanimated his corpse as a girl. So you watch him and it's like yeah, it's sort of Cosmo but it's not "really" Cosmo anymore.

It must be what it's like when your parents get alzheimers
>Cosmo is actually dead

i highly suggest just pretending this is what happened
because the media is so dishonest. croni already provided proof it's a packed house.

I'd buy my mom stuff considering I've been living with her as a NEET for about five years now. She has a pretty new car, but I'd definitely buy stuff she needed or wanted.
wish croni would provide proof of that bubbly boi booty...
i actually cannot word this post hard enough
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Are Trihex and his acne queen furries?
>bullying someone because they have acne
you're a cool guy

Better question is how it took him 3 days to set up a single computer and OS. It took me about two hours to do everything last time I built a PC, and 90% of that was waiting for the OS to install and update.
At least he built it himself. I know too many people who buy prebuilt Intel and Alienware shit.

Yeah, but THREE DAYS to build it himself or some shit. It's good that he did it, but really, really sad that it took him that long. That's pretty much incompetence right there.
>white knighting on srg
>pic related
myyyyyyy sides. great post bro!
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dude this place fuckin sucks
It's shallow to nitpick on someone's acne they can't control
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wash your face before bed, change your pillowcase frequently, don't be a lazy piece of shit, ez
it's more to do with diet
it can stop overnight if you take the right supplements

and of course some people are more susceptible to it than others

t.crater face
zfg please stream
He's black

race mixing is fucking disgusting

misogyny is so cool huh
unlikely, probably just pandering
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let's play: where's our girl
easy to say that when you don't suffer from it. i put a ton of effort into it with two different prescriptions from the dermatologist and it's still bad
is it genetics or is it that you eat shit food and don't wash yourself and your sheets often enough, as well as don't live a healthy lifestyle
genetics, whole family suffers (or suffered) from it. i autistically wash all my sheets and pillowcases every two days, flipping the pillowcase over on the second day, drink lots of water, etc. doing everything i can without going on accutane because that fucks up your gastrointestinal tract and gives you permanently dry skin.
Is Arcus the most autistic speedrunner? Streams 40 hours a week grinding the same 11 minute hold right and jump game with no visible emotional involvement, most likely spends additional hours daily on practice offstream.
skater is a god
gods don't have lisps
gods don't have slow wiis
his breathing is disgusting sounding
he's a disgusting smoker. almost died on stream two years ago with chest pain
he heard you
Torje is on FUCKING FIRE rn
dam thanks anon i owe u one
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>referring to finding glitches in a video game as science
fuck you nigger
>referring to social "science" as science
psychologists are a cancer
is it true that croni has a thicc butt?
Name a speedgame comfier than TWW. I'll wait.
diddy kong racing
mega man 5
I said, I don't read these threads.
rayman origins
the zoo race
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
FInal Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
chocobo racing
Whos the person who keeps trying to force FF as legitimate speedgames?
I want to get into speedgaming and I am pretty interested in running JRPGs, what are some good babby's first JRPG speedgames?
Pokemon is literally baby's first JRPG
paper mario
Animal crossing
Based fucking hexade
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Final Fantasy X
memeless answer: Learn Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. I remember learning it ages and ages ago and it was a lot of fun. Plus, you don't ever game over, you get a "Try Again?" button on deaths. There's a ton of new fun glitches in the route to make the game significantly shorter
hey speedbois what speedgame should i learn if i want to die but am too big of a pussy to actually do it?
Anything Slayer runs.
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She is a tranny tho senpai.
Well, /srg/? Don't tell me some /v/ poster has better times than you in the greatest speedseries of all time.
any comfy stream right now
fw sick :(
just got word jumpyluff got deported from the UK
>speedrunning unironically
>when u make a fire speedrun related tweet and it only gets 2 likes
The Milky Medi
delete it now now now
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When u hittin it from the back and she moan "n64 zeldas are overrated"
i wish zfg would nut on my back
I wish every homo tranny freak FUCKER would DIE DIE DIE
word word WORD
Chibi is live on twitch! I repeat, chibi is live on twitch
zfg has no clout
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What did DSP mean by this?
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that's obviously fake

it would be one thing if his dick was on cam too

and no one throws their head back like that when they cum
bene this really has to stop
>he hasn't seen the video
I wish it was fake

>"I was scratching my knee!"
keep denying it bud, le exposed
It still looks fake to me and I have seen the video
He's playing it off quite well
is this fake?
You missed the point. I don't put it past an attention whore to fake masturbating for relevancy. All the motions look wildly exaggerated and he loses nothing because his baby dick wasn't even shown on stream.
I'm in this video at 1:50 in http://wishtv.com/2016/05/02/protesters-supporters-try-to-sway-voters-outside-trump-rally/

>the title
so dishonest
Yes and no

It's a real account, it's not John Numbers
zfg called out (people like) Squid on stream who don't put all their times on leaderboards, or let other people do it for you. He said if times are not put on the leaderboards it defeats the purpose of having a leaderboard. Thoughts?

Squid exposed again?
thank g*d i got worried for a moment there
so ya went and did the nose eh?
no not yet - you can only tell it's crooked looking at me face on. i broke it 10 years ago
*posts the waving little White girl emote from twitch*
who is this? his hands look pretty feminine
for once i have to agree with ZFG. basically, if your time is not on the centralized leaderboard, your time will not be compared to the others, and if that centralized leaderboard is used to see who has the record, then you will never have the record.
>being a cuck and letting fags put your shit times on the leaderboard instead of being in complete control
I know buddy
squid its ok we know you dont have a good sm64 time
no one is going to judge you for it
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sorry for triggering you fag.
Ape Escape 1
Kirby Super Star

Squid has times for these 3 games and is too embarrassed to submit these times because they aren't even the Top 3. :^)
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hey guys Kappa /
>log into /srg/
>not a single picture of zfg is present
dead general
Not everyone has a fat fetish, you homosexual degenerate.
there's been several posts of him as usual anyway faggot
Yashi does not have a fat, homosexual fetish.
Imagine being so insecure about a speedrun you want to be disassociated with it
yeah but i need visual confirmation of my beautiful baby boy
i'm sure you can just snap him yashi
dr pavel im zfg
dr medievil im cultural marxism
based saboom blowing the fuck out of the competition
Damn thats worse than nkr could EVER do to squid
saboom is a grind monkey, probably why squid is embarrassed about his times, the skill is not there LMAO

he got out grind monkeyed
>dickoak twitter deleted
>bene saying he sent her multiple unsolicited dick pics
woah wait hold the fuck up, is there more to this?
talk about E X P O S E D
he has a different twitter handle now
there are multiple videos of dickoak's dick that have been posted in this thread
girl here. pro tip: there is no such thing as a solicited dick pic.
you aren't a girl
fuck off cosmo
you want to see a picture of my dick you lying whore
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squid grown up.jpg
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pykn stream wow, cfb is being gay and actually speedrunning
Running ff9 now!

>no timer
not speedrunning :/
yo can someone say or tell me about something epic?

need a pick-me-up
as epic as it gets
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Chibi is finally live time to order him some dinner.
you've been at this for a few days now
is that really the most sinister thing you can think of doing to someone?
ordering them a fucking pizza?
someone call chibi's mom and tell her that chibi is streaming without her permission
youre so fuckin epic dude!!!..................

Thanks, now THAT is EPIC, my man
>de hippie spacing
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he had to delete his tweets for work
he had to delete his medievil for neetievil
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*monkey resets*
Is it just me or chibi looking damn good these days?
just u senpai
>Chibi has three job interviews lined up
Nigga got more going for him than me
is grav a grind monkey?
almost as much of one as squid
90 seconds
ooh ooh ah ah ah!
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mfw clintstevens went from 2000-4000 viewers to 200-400 viewers after quitting zelda
diaperboy detected
He would be fine if he kept pandering to the autistic Nintendo fanbase. PC gaming won't appeal to any of them because they don't know how to assemble one.
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mfw clintstevens went from 2000-4000 viewers after quitting viewbotting

no joke tho I definitely stopped watching when he quit zelda. Why the fuck would I watch that autist for any reason other than he's the only tolerable guy live at 5am
What is the shitter playing these days`?
The Culling

early access battle royale shit
at least he is streaming overwatch instead of being so embarrassed about how good they are and not streaming it like iateyourpie is.
wow.. He couldn't have picked a shittier game if he tried
who gave you permission to speak, anime slut?
he is playing overwatch now and that is wildly popular, but there is too much streaming competition

im sure pie has wrote about that in a streambig article
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Excuse me? Ranko is a pure anime maiden.
dang... guess this is what happens when you try to expose sig......

you become variety streamer lmao....
what animal will squid be exposed as next?
Why does the viewer count on Twitch always show way less than how many viewers are actually watching?
dungbeetle cause he eat shit lmfao
are you meaning like with ps4 or are you counting viewer list
ps4 has hiccups and also people could be watching thru sys
list people can easily be ircers/bookmarkers not watching
does cosmos still have a dick? I heard some ppl turn their dicks into vaginas
I mean the viewer count on the site but that makes sense
the procedure is pretty fucking expensive, and last we heard the twitchbux haven't exactly been rolling in for cosme
so it's safe to say """no"""
cant find the link but there was a long rambling pastebin, after hundreds of lines he says something like "i think im keepn mhy dick"
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German suplex.gif
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That's not a german suplex, it's a package piledriver
This is a german suplex
>I heard some ppl turn their dicks into vaginas
Not possible with current tech

They just cut his dick and balls, make a hole and call it a day

Fucking a tranny's "vagina" is no different from shooting someone and fucking the hole
once they lose the dick, they are no longer a trap to me.
marxists out
>mirrored is in the chat
Mirrored has been in Darbian's chat for months now. I think he sees Darbian as Cosmo 2.0.
at least the hole from the shot would get wet and might actually feel good
yeah there is you just don't know any men who want you
i just popped in and was a bit surprised
what year is Medievil set in?
1386 according to the wikipedia
what's the hot gossip for GDQ
any drama stirring up in this cold early May?
1488 according to the metapedia
get help already rob
enough fucking spamming
this thread sucks
fw ur boi is finally gettin laid
no it doesn't
proud of ya :)
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i like to speedrunning
Who? When?
I am so above reading these threads.
what's wrong with the birds foot in the bottom left? crappy shop
who's a better speedrunner, cosmo or birdxmonkey?
I don't know a speedrunner with either of those names =\
correct. cosmo is retired and grinding isn't speedrunning so grindxmonkey isn't a speedrunner either.
shut up ian
if Mr. Trump was a speedrunner, what game would he play?
You know the answer to this
no i don't, what is it? some game with a wall?
speedjams go


>Gaming talk shows
More like, let's talk about girl cock and other non gaming shit
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based randy
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How do i speedrun and not be a total faggot?
wanda looks kinda hot... until he opens the mouth
you are gay
not just gay, but also blind
everyone is, we're just on different ends of the spectrum
Pie will never do another launch stream after the Xenoblade Chronicles X fiasco and the poor performance of Dark Souls 3
thanks for the late response!
Thanks for the early response!
can we report this shit for explicit content
is Oats gonna get 41 this time


>de hippie spacing
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