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/hbg/ - Homebrew and Hacking general

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Thread replies: 821
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Calm your tits edition

Last thread: >>140500048

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (10.7 downgrade - Entrypoints: Browserhax/Menuhax up to 10.5, otherwise OoT/PSMD/Ninjhax)
Wii U: 5.4 (5.5.1 IOSU delayed indefinitely)
Vita: 3.51 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Kernel)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
Downgrade+a9lh: https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
Other consoles: http://pastebin.com/pHS5LaR5

-New features for the currently relevant CFWs have been/are being added. Check their respective threads/changelogs.
-AuReiNand renamed to Luma3DS, split into Dev and non-Dev releases.
-ReiNand now supports the original 3DS and FIRM protection.
-Preview2 release of NTR 3.4 exclusively for the New 3DS. It allows streaming to PC, among other things. https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/3.4preview2
-FBI rewritten from scratch, with new features like decoding title names and removing tickets https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI/releases
-SALT released a save exploit for Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. https://smd.salthax.org/

-First game ISO dump. http://www.ps4news.com/ps4-hacks-jailbreak/driveclub-alpha-read-nfo-ps4-abstrakt-with-decrypted-rifkey-released/

-3.60 released. It only patches the Metal Gear Solid VHBL exploit. http://wololo.net/2016/04/06/playstation-vita-system-software-3-60-is-now-available/

You can use FunKeyCIA (and/or other tools) to download 3DS eShop software using keys from http://3ds.nfshost.com/
Check the Pastebin if you want to know more.
I don't know why I even read these anymore. Nothing interesting ever happens.
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Running into problems, help me out a quicky. Part 4 of the guide, prep work. It asks me to boot into rednand to check that the update actually worked (from 9.2 to 10.7), but rednand boots as a blackscreen.
Are you using RXtools?
Running Luma3DS from HB
Boot from menuhax, and do you have a config file?
Nevermind, the luma boot failed 12 times in a row, that's all. Thanks anyways.
So, I used Uncart, extracted Senran 2, made it into a .cia, put it in, patched it with the nfskeysite's DLC .cia, and everything was going well until Mission 2-01. For some reason, when I'm halfway done beating Asuka, the game somewhat freezes.

Is there anything I've done wrong?
so i just need to install the game's CIA from the health and safety (FBI) to play games? i finished the plailect guide
Can someone be a sport and link
v-s3dcc.rar including the rom and not just the cia version of sega classics- venom, i just use roms. :)

love you. :)
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Sort of in limbo right now, I have reached pt4 of the guide, but I went back a bit and noticed Plailect has started using Luma3DS instead of CakesFW, does that affect me doing the 2.1.0 downgrade or anything after pt3?
So what should my default.bin be called now in the luma folder? And my x/y.bin?
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>tfw dreamt about my little 9 year old brother doing me up the ass last night
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>-Preview2 release of NTR 3.4 exclusively for the New 3DS. It allows streaming to PC, among other things. https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/releases/tag/3.4preview2

Was it with your mother's strap-on?
Straight Shota is best genre, TBeeH.
I saw it more as yaoi.
I see it as hella fucking gay
bump before thread becomes anal aids general
But that's what yaoi means, dingbat
Naster race.
Straight shota is only good with a loli. You can't prove me wrong because I'm right.
>mostly closed-source
>b-but the launcher is open, anon
The fuck is this shit?
why doesn't x_uncart.bin or y_emu9 work? start_d9.bin loads decrypt9 fine
>someone who's reading this RIGHT NOW doesn't enjoy shota
How does this make you feel?

I agree, why haven't they made it open source yet?
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I don't think you understand: While "start_name.bin" makes more sense than def_name.bin, you are changing what you had already decided earlier in a previous release. Anyone who has the previous release now has to rename their payloads because of your decision to change it. I was a bit annoyed the first time you did it, but you've changed it at least 4 times by now.

You might think, "it's easy to change payload filenames", but imagine what happens when someone tries to update luma3DS and gets confused why it isn't working anymore because their friends set up their 3DS for them. You might even think that people aren't this stupid, but you'd be surprised how many people fuck up even the Plailect guide.

At the very least, can you either decide on solid decisions in the future or add legacy support for your previous versions? It's slowly giving me reasons to stop recommending your CFW due to the confusion it has caused/will end up causing.
tell him about it
How do I transfer the contents of a SD with RedNAND on it to another card that's clear?
But that's just straight-up CP.
I fear for your safety, anon.

But "Love is..." was a cute comic.
That's why you read the wiki, titty. :^)
I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about users like this (which happened in your own CFW thread, by the way): http://gbatemp.net/threads/luma3ds-noob-proof-3ds-custom-firmware.411110/page-534#post-6299855
It's legal in most places though
Nota bene not in the entirety of Europe because of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
Well, where is it not legal then, informed friend?
That's why I think my section of part five of "the guide" is a little over written.
Sorry, I am being too hard on you about this. I'm just asking you to continue making this the best CFW, because it's the most accessible one with useful features.

It's just frustrating each time there's a flood of people coming here or GBATemp asking why simple changes like that are breaking their setup. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.
The United States of America, Japan... and that's it.
The Plailect guide also has some issues about changing frequently, but people have to go through it only one time to get a proper setup. Luma, on the other hand, needs to be updated every now and then to get the more recent features.
I guess it isn't as bad because of the auto-generating firmware.bin updates, but updating Luma itself can still cause confusion, and your changing without legacy support gives Plailect more things to keep track of when editing the guide just so it's up-to-date.
also i didn't know the usa and japan were part of europe
bump? need.
Sorry, I misread that as "where is it legal"
Do you mean I could/should switch to Luma3DS? Or just not bother?
It's pretty damn legal in weed&whoreland I've checked loli and shota stuff for a long time without vpns and had no secret services break my house in yet.
Who cares, we can just pirate

Don't even get the need for drama over 3ds games tbvh
I actually was in the middle of the a9lh setup process on part 3 when AW decided to upload a new copy. So I had the .31 and then .40 was uploaded or some shit.
YKW EUR titlekey where
Can I play DS roms on my 3ds somehow?
Those fucking stump legs though, seriously.
Yeah, buy an R4i
Can anyone offer some advice? I'm at part 4 of the guide and everything was coming along pretty smoothly until I reached step 20 where it asks me to open the OTPHelper. Unfortunately opening it just leads to a blank black screen, however I'm still able to reboot into the home page or homebrew launcher if I want. Does it sometimes take a few tries before the OTPHelper opens properly?

I'm attempting this on N3DS if that means anything.
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>he bought a N3DS
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>he didn't wait till N3DS was released so he wouldn't have to rebuy it
>thinks we don't know he's crying on the inside because he has worse hardware-everything

literally you, the gif
is this 10.4 anon
You're the faggot raging on askfags yesterday, aren't you?
What happens if i install a japanese game cia on my usa 3ds?
You brick
How long do I have before Nintendo releases an update, to be able to go and buy a n3ds and be able to downgrade it at 10.7?
Assuming you have a CFW that supports different regions (most these days you do) you can play it just like any other game.

Nice meme.
So I had fucked up and accidentally deleted about 320 files on my SD card while using FBI yesterday. I'm trying to get into my CFW, but when loading Cakes, it says Loading config file and then it does nothing until I press A, where a bunch of text pops up and then it ends at "Failed to load AGB_FIRM."

Anyone know how to fix this?
Install luma3ds
>Assuming you have a CFW that supports different regions
i followed the plaitect guide (luma) i guess im ok? just install it like any other game?
How would that help?
Because he's >>140606404 >>140606825 obviously
You deleted files off your sd card, and luma is better
>block updates with DNS
>can't access wii u shop
Is there any way around this
So are you telling me to do the whole a9h tutorial and install luma, or does Luma not need AGB to run? I used the older method where you have emuNAND on your SD card.
>huge storm last night
>out in the front yard this morning picking up sticks that fell
>hear a large thump
>turn around
>this huge fucking tree branch is right behind me
>mfw I could have died before Zero Time Dilemma came out
Just boot the luma.dat and it is automatically patches, no firm files needed, no extra file bullshit
did you make a bundle with those sticks, anon?
I piled them up on the sidewalk in front of my house. I live in Memphis the nice side, not the ghetto side inb4 >nice side, so I can just call 311 and have city workers pick up the yard trash for free. Shit's convenient.

If you were making a joke i obviously didn't get it.
anon. bundle of sticks.
i'm not even a native speaker and i get it.
it was a joke, yes

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g-good one
I'm trying to extract the mii plaza save data using savedatafiler. Which one is it? I can't find the answer on Google.
use jksm
Google it
What advantage does that have over savedatafiler?
I heard if you use a harddrive to play PS2 games on a fat PS2, the loading times are faster. Is this true?
What do you think? Fucking google it
it displays the names of games instead of the CTR-something code

yes, not by much (unless it's a USB hard drive then they'll be much slower)
Alright, thanks.
> tfw going to import the SuFami n3DS
And I have no regrets. Anymore.
How do you even hook a drive up to the PS2 without usb?
with the network adapter
Im about to start hacking my 3DS, im a bit confused on how to, do I homebrew my 3ds first then do the Oot hack or do I do the OoT hack then do the homebrew? The guide sas if you have OoT, have that but doesnt clairfy if i need to do the OoT hack first or do the homebrew first
you need 2 3DSes for OoThax, one with homebrew to inject a hacked save on the cartridge, and the one you're going to use OoThax on to install homebrew

alternatively, you can use a Powersaves instead of another 3DS to install oothax
Even if they release an update, all of the new ones are still below 10.7 right now anyways. You could run into issues if you were buying a used one or if you messed up the downgrade somehow though, so I'd just go ahead and buy one as soon as you can. It's been a month and a half since the last update. I'm assuming it won't be too much longer before the next one.
do i need to buy Powersaves to use it or can i just download the software and use that?
But there's no way I can play a US version of Tomodachi Life on an EUR A9LH 3DS, no? It throws me an error and forces to reboot.
you need to buy it, how else are you going to transfer the save to the cartridge?
I thought both luma and cakes had region free built in now, so you should be fine if you've updated recently.
Sitting on the latest Luma with like everything enabled, tried booting the latest NTR and/or Free Multipatcher and doesn't work. Do I have to update Tomodachi to 1.1 or what?
>buying the new 3ds when the nx is around the corner
Are you sure the cia you installed was good? If none of the things you tried worked, the error probably doesn't have anything to do with the region of the game. Just try downloading a different copy and reinstalling.
Yeah hopefully, but USA Tomodachi Life has never been pre-installed so there's that. I'll check around, though.
>cakes had region free built in now
Cakes doesn't (and never will) have it natively like Luma3DS has.
Since it has a .cake for it, the 3ds_injector.cake which is also linked in the OP on GBATemp.
>what are nightly releases
So once I'm on an updated emumand and able to install cias,what can I do in term of online features like playing online,posting on miiverse,going into the eshop etc.
The most recent version of a software. Usually gets compiled on a certain time of day after changes have been made to the source.
You could have just looked that up, silly.

In all seriousness, even Cakes 169 doesn't have region-free built in.
Because that's what 3ds_injector.cake is for.
The restructuring of the .cake format is also thanks to said .cake, which is inspired by the all known yifanlu.
Former Cakesfag here. I'm trying to switch to Luma CFW and have the Luma3DS.dat file on the root of my SD, but I don't see the option to select it with CTRBootLauncher. How do I get it working?
Edit your boot.cfg.
Did you change the boot_config.ini accordingly?
forgot to do that, thanks.
I was trying to do the gba/dsiware thing, but I accidentally deleted the health and safety app. How do I get it back?
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Not sure why, but NTR doesn't boot properly with Luma.
It says "unknown FIRM, access-checks" etc...
I'm fairly sure I have the right ntr.bin, too, and it's in the luma folder.
Nobody reads that shit anyway. Be grateful you removed that awful home menu bloat
ntr.bin should be in the root. In /luma you need to have a correct firmware.bin
>inb4 where
Luma github page.
Oh wow, I feel like a massive dumbass. Thanks anon.
>3ds hacked
>still shitposting
Wtf do I do now
Yeah, that did the trick. Not sure why I screwed that up, it's not the first time I set NTR up.
> suggesting to do the unholy thing
Thou shalt burn in hell, fiend.
Can I play jp cartidges on rxTools? I wanna import Youkai Watch 3.
How do i inject DLC content into games?
Were they fucking?
What anime was she watching?
Okay, fuck it. Do you know where I can get a good cia? There was one I got from a download in one of the pastebins, but that doesn't work either.
her brother

yosuga no sora
You mean that siblings were fucking or that the girl that walked through the door was the dude's sister?

it's a good scene
Yosuga is shit, but twincest is wincest.
I found this one on 3dsiso. Not sure which downloads are good though, since I don't actually have the game. https://mega.nz/#!30gVgT4A!hC-KIhsqFtA7aFJv9ZqmCjwwIbDilFidPpOBw0NbgS4
Already downloaded that, didn't work.
I don't know if these ticket things will allow me to download OoR games, but if they do I'd like to know how
Go in the eshop, then update
why would you want it back anyway
I'm not sure if you can do it by just installing the tickets, but you should be able to get a cia of the game with FunKeyCIA and install that.
My sysnand is on 9.2, i'm not updating anything.
So I can inject fbi into it because it no longer works from the homebrew menu. I'm using this guide. http://pastebin.com/rSvR4bHd
Then you're a moron, who the fuck uses 9.2
Peasants who aren't A9LH master race.
>yfw Luma3DS patches AGB_FIRM manually
>mfw you are probably daniel
Everyone who follows the guides in the pastebin. But they all must be morons, right? What do you use then?
Where do I start? Getting the tickets and what else
Actually, there's a ticket for the EUR version on http://3ds.nfshost.com/

You shouldn't even need to use the US version.
a9lh is better, but there's nothing wrong with it.

I'm not going to look at the because I'm lazy, but
>launch cakes
>disable signature checks
>use any entrypoint to launch the HBL (no, HBL_loader doesn't work)
>launch FBI.3dsx
>install FBI.cia with it
done, no need for the health and safety
I don't have that and I'm too lazy to switch.
I want the US version, actually. The britvoices are very limited.
10.7 a9lh idiot.
I use reinand. I was also told that installing stuff to sysnand wouldn't work.
where the fuck are the gba games
you have menuhax already, right?

it's as easy as putting files on your sd card
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Is there something up with installing dsi ware games?

Riskys Revenge keeps failing to install. Haven't had any problems with regular games.
What would you install to sysnand? I'm not sure what you're referring to here.

>I use reinand
Switch to Cakes temporarily just to do that then, as as far as I know it's the only one that can. That's why the modular approach is a good idea. Too bad most people can't understand this.
are you using luma3ds
Yeah, I have that. Is it really that easy?
I have no idea what any of this is and I just follow guides.
Didn't you just say to install fbi to it?
Luma 3ds is aureunand right? I heard there was a name change recently.
But yeah that.
The US version is there too. I haven't installed anything that way before though, so I'm not sure exactly how it works. I'm not sure if CIAngel works for out of region stuff. If it doesn't, you'll have to get FunKeyCIA and use that.

Don't you have to install dsiware to nand?
i finished all steps in https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki but i messed up somewhere and i think just about all my old data is gone. friend list, activity log my mii etc. i know i made many backup files of it, how do i go about getting it back? is it a simple copy paste job or is there more to it?
I've downgraded my o3DS back in January and am catching up to the new stuff. I've already successfully gotten a9lh onto my brother's yet unhacked o3DS.

I want to do the same thing for my o3DS, but I'm worried about the AGB_FIRM I've installed and whether it will interfere somehow. In my endless stupidity I also installed a GBA game to sysnand NAND back in January.
Can I uninstall both using FBI? Or should I rather load a backup of sysNAND?

download the latest luma3ds: https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/ (don't get the -dev(eloper) version)

copy the /luma/ folder, Luma3ds.dat, and /3ds/ folders to your SD root. merge /3ds/ if you already have one

then, just launch Luma3DS from HBL on menuhax
>Didn't you just say to install fbi to it?
Oh, yes, install it where you need it. I don't know why they told you installing to sysnand doesn't work, but it's not true.
I think I found something, though I find it weird that it exists, on 3dschaos.com/ cia-format-game-downloads/217-tomodachi-life-usa-region-free-cia.html#post221
Neat, thanks!
Okay, I'll try this too.
It's either one or the other, switch to Luma3DS if you're lazy.
if I want to play GBA games do I simply copy a rom and place it on the mGBA folder?
oh sorry, here's some recommended settings

Use the A button and the D-Pad to turn on the following:
"Show current NAND in System Settings"
"Show GBA boot screen in patched AGB_FIRM" (This toggles the official "GAMEBOY" thing whenever you turn on a GBA VC rom. enable/disable to preference)
If you are using a New 3DS, you should also enable the following:
Toggle "New 3DS CPU" to "CLock+L2(x)" for improved game performance
Press Start to save and reboot
If you want to use mGBA, yes.
However, you should consider injecting roms into the VC.
I didn't realize dsi ware was a separate install
also, you can get back to this menu any time by holding select as you launch Luma3DS (or just delete config.bin inside your /luma/ folder)

it is, but Luma3DS automatically takes care of GBA/DSi FIRM patching
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Hey /hbg/, I got a problem. I'm playing through Stella Glow, redoing the final boss, and I keep getting the error on pic related during random times in battles. This never happened when I beat the game and is only happening now. The only thing I can think of that might have screwed up my 3DS is installing this NTR https://github.com/Shadowtrance/BootNTR/releases

I first installed it in my Sysnand by accident, then I installed it on my SD. I ran it and it gave me an error saying I was on a firmware that isn't supported (I'm running A9LH, Sysnand latest firmware). So I said fuck it, and installed FBI 2 and deleted both NTRs off sysnand and SD. But I also deleted something with a random titleID and I think had a black tile on it(can't remember), thinking it was NTR.

Anyone have an idea what I should do?
is there a guide for this?
dont want to screw up
>I first installed it in my Sysnand by accident
try flashing a clean SysNand.bin to your sysnand using decrypt9

hold start on boot to launch D9 assuming you did the whole plailect guide setup, and make sure you are flashing while choosing to Keep A9LH, or you'll have to re-install A9LH (which is easy if you still have your otp.bin)
Also forgot to mention I deleted the files that I didnt recognize off my SD card that I assume NTR created.
So why doesn't a9h require emuNAND anymore? I want to know how it works.
Would the backup I made right after finishing the guide suffice? I have one labeled sysNAND-A9LHAX.bin
yeah, that works. you can update to 10.7 again if you want, too. just make sure you flash with (Keep A9LH) in D9 when you do it (probably works without doing that considering you're specifically using an A9LH dump, but i'd rather you stayed safe and chose keep a9lh)
Because you are on sysNAND. emuNAND is redundant at this point since you can restore a NAND backup any time you want. Even if you bricked your console.
Finally decided to jump into the cool kids club and doing the A9LH thing.
Wish me luck
Godspeed, bucko, godspeed.
A9LH is a meme.
A good meme.
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Just get a sky3ds
Weird, it's not booting into D9. It used to work before. What do?
I managed to find the correct title to kill with FBI using http://pastebin.com/FY26KhmT

I still have my doubts about AGB_FIRM. In plai's OTP guide it says
> Remove any TWL modifications done to the device or PlaiSysUpdater will throw an error (if you have no idea what this is, don't worry about it; most users will not need to do this)

AGB_FIRM is similar to TWL afaik. Moreover my husband installed DSiWare games, but he says he didn't need to patch anything, but had to install to sysNAND for them to work.

I'll google some more, but appreciate any input.
"Repeat steps 29 through 34, this is not optional (in other words, you must TinyFormat your RedNAND twice - if you do not, your device may brick when you downgrade)"

TinyFormat keeps failing to install after the first format. Summary: Wrong argument (8). What do I need to do to fix this?
i'm assuming you are using the latest luma3ds. blame aurora

also, rename your def_Dec9.bin to start_Dec9.bin
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Fuck. I tried booting it from HBL but it's just kicking me back to the HB menu.
Obtain dlc.cia

Quick word of advice, do not use fbi 1.4
It doesnt work, use 2.0, devmenu, or bbm
I don't have def_Dec9.bin and I'm using v5.2, should I update it?
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This is my payloads folder.
please help
I just finished the Plailect guide. and currently playing through K:PRB But, how do i update things, like FBI, Decrypt9, etc.?
Did you try just copy-pasting?
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>tfw I've been trying for days to downgrade my N3DS and it never does

Please help :(
What's the problem anon?
Never mind, I renamed default.bin to def_Dec9.bin and it worked.
I installed some gba games to sysnand successfully but when i installed them to emunand they didn't appear, so i rebooted and they appeared but they replaced my cutsom system settings and mii plaza badge icons and they were black boxes without names or a banner, what do i do? the normal launchers for settings and plaza are fine
also one of the games was a pokemon romhack and it wouldn't save, how do i fix this?
I've been trying to downgrade using PlaiSysUpdater but it never works, and I don't want to format
you restore your pre a9lh nand and do it all again with the updated versions. just replace the .bin for Decrypt9 and the like, and install the new .cia for FBI and the others
if you've softbricked more than 3 times you have to format your 3DS first
Make a sysnand backup and format.
Did you by chance install to NAND instead of SD?
>and I don't want to format

Enjoy paying for games
like you can't get it to launch or soft brick? if you're softbricking you don't have another choice it's either format or don't downgrade
It doesn't softbrick, but the updater just freezes

I'm on 10.7
Ok I started to restore my Sysnand and after "Opening sysNAND.bin..." it says
>FIRM0 section2 hash mismatch
>FIRM0 is corrupt (non critical)

Am I fucked?
I have to do it all over again.. ugh, Well, do i have to update whenever a new version of something comes out?
i'm not sure, but now that you mention it i probably did. do i just reinstall them normally or do i inject the emunand backup i conveniently made earlier today?

Does this help?
If I factory reset or update sysnand after doing the a9hl, will I lose everything?
oh then try using safesysupdater instead
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>i fell for the N3DS meme


You can uninstall them manually like >>140622978, but maybe injecting the backup works as well.
I'll try
how do I pirate games?
But can you update sysNAND to the latest version? If so, how come you can't do it normally?
Well shit, I rebooted my system after the restore finished and it loaded up fine. What's going on...
you read the pastebin

if you followed the guide fully, it's safe to update your sysNAND.
No such thing.
was installing a game cia and afterward there's this random string of shit that appears on the bottom screen no matter what's loaded. Any idea how to fix this?
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>if not better
How the fuck would using superior Hardware give you a worse experience, and this is coming from an o3DSfag.
just in case you're actually dumb and not trolling: No, you don't have to do shit again, just replace the .bin you're using with the ones of the newer releases and to update FBI or any installable software just install the new .cia as they are released.
The romhack isn't on that list and the mother 3 id isn't anywhere in my list. Also there's no banners for either game on sysnand and fbi won't launch anymore. Do I inject now?
Any anon in at least (or close to) World 3 in the new Kirby?
Could you upload your save for me? I lost my save and I do not want to play the first two worlds 100% again.
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Pic related
I have OoT and know someone with a hacked 3DS.
How can I hack my 10.6 without buying powersave?
Maybe it was referring to the sysnand I was on before the restore? Anyone got an idea?
>you give them the cartridge
>they go into homebrew and use oothax installer to inject the save
>gives it back to you
>put it in your 3ds and hack starts
you could read the picture so I wonder why can't you read the OP
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looks like you fucked it up

never seen anything like that before

have you tried turning it off and on again
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>use FunKeyCIA
>do as said, cia generated successfully
>doesn't fucking work
What the fuck is going on ? ? ?
Can I just format my SD for emuNAND and then put my Nintendo 3DS folder back into it after retrieving my NNID?
Yeah, to no avail. Idk what went wrong
Call an exorcist.
Looks like screen burn in try playing this on the bottom screen https://youtu.be/39HUG7QrQi8
Try uninstalling the game .cia title ID through FBI or BBM.

>doesn't fucking working

need more to go by then just that. did you install using fbi?
Yes, I'm not supposed to or what?
Should have seen that one, welp

try using devmenu or big black men (BBM) sometimes FBI has trouble installing a few games
>a few games
Well, if you read up, I'm trying to install a US Tomodachi on EUR N3DS, don't know if that changes much else. I'll try with both other installers.
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REMINDER that Cakes-chan is the best CFWaifu http://www.strawpoll.me/10087897/

Also this needs to be put in the 3DS pastebin: http://pastebin.com/mXfrSFH7
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>not rxtools
How do I get NTR working with my 10.7 emunand?
yeah sure let's add a bunch of useless stuff to the pastebin, that'll surely help a lot of people
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>devmenu and BBM both crash the same way
AA AA A H HH ?? ? ?? ?? ??????
launch it?
maybe i have the wrong firmware.bin or something. It doesnt work
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>he uses rx-tools
>he doesn't use sky3ds


In 5 hours.
so you can play one game?
My vita is a $100 persona machine.
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It's happening
There's a ton of good vita games, nerd
name 2 then
Name five that are not P4G.
Ask something slightly possible, that's too much even for the Vita! I can't name that many games you're exaggerating.
5.5.1 WHEN
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>a ton of good vita games
>can't name five
ya it didnt work
So I hacked my n3ds last night with the plai guide. What now? How do I get ds games or snes games, etc. ? Basically what can I do beyond just downloading .Cia files of 3ds games?
How to play yt vides on bottom screen
not completely sure if burnin because it doesn't seem to appear while using FBI

title id is the ctr-u-shit right?
>can count them on one hand
Just as a follow up:
After googling quite a bit it seems that TWL modifications lead to an error/warning in sysUpdater, but it still works fine. Installed DSiWare apps are no problem. No mention of AGB_FIRM causing any problem either.

I'll go ahead with OTP tomorrow then.
flashcart for DS games and SNES install them like any other game or use an emulator
Dungeon travelers 2
Sayonara Umihara Kawase
All the Atelier games
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Gravity Rush
Tales of Hearts R
Ranganronpa 2
Corpse Party
Ar Nosurge
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Installed with Big Red Menu because BBM/devmenu just crash for no reason and guess what
It still doesn't work
What's wrong with my fucking A9LH at this point
Whats the best flashcart to play ds games with?
DS games are impossible to download currently. You'd need a flash cart. If you look in the pastebin, you'll find guides for VC Injects. You have to download the patched AGB_Firm, etc.

You can download NES, SNES, GBC, and GBA games. Most will be VC injects, or you can use an emulator. I prefer to use Gameyob for GBC games only because you can adjust the screen size and use a filter that makes the pixels look crystal clear even though the screen is enlarged. It's amazing boner fuel.
R4i gold
Who cares, they all work
>sayonara umihara kawase is on 3ds and pc
>atelier games are on ps3
>tales of hearts is on ds
>danganronpa is on psp and pc
>neptunia is on ps3 and pc
>ar nosurge is on ps3
not trying to knock the vita but the game library can't be said to be strong when most of the worthwhile games are on other platforms
Ok well I'm fucking lost at this point.
deleted the game but that did nothing.
burnout video won't even play properly, but bottom screen is fine in certain instances (homebrew menu, fbi)
text got a little bit lighter but I'm not sure how fucked I am.
how do i update my sysnand to 10.7 with a9hl setup?
So how do I backup my system settings stuff before formatting

I don't want to lose it all
Umihara runs like shit on 3ds
The Plus versions of atelier are exclusively on vita

Some people just prefer handhelds over console/pc so while a lot of games being multiplat is a valid point, it doesn't exactly apply to everyone. As far as handheld multiplats go, the vita version is always the definitive version.

It's also my favorite platform for indies because the d-pad is the best I've ever used, and the OLED screen is super nice.
No such thing.
Why does my NFIRM keep failing on the 2.1.0 downgrade?
Didn't have internet since tuesday. What did I miss?
if you finished the guide you would've known so read it
> Tuesday
Nothing except for some CFW drama.
I download SMT IV (EU) using CIAngel it downloaded, got installed and I played it for a bit. All went smooth. However, I thought using this method would let me update the game through the store and even redownload it again if I want, but in the e-shop it still says I have no update for any titles and it's and I can't download it again through the e-shop. What went wrong?
nothing except this >>140627797
Does SMT IV even have an update patch?
Because I don't think so.
i'm trying to delete a gba game but i don't know the id
i googled all the ids i found on the system and only one didn't turn up any results
just to be sure, does anyone know what CTR-N-AISE is?
Interesting. I'm so used to PS3/4 games having obligatory patches, I actually didn't think that a game in this day and age wouldn't have an update. What about the re-download thing though?
It means "Install FBI 2.0, it shows actual names instead of IDs".
You cannot redownload something that's already installed.
If you were to delete it, you should be able to redownload it from the eShop since the correct ticket got also installed.
Gotcha. Thanks, senpai. I thought it was like the PSN download list.
I thought this shit got turned off,f@m.
Please help!
Should I be on EmuNAND or SysNAND when I boot after the One Click Setup thing.
I'm at the part where I have to go to a website.
Anyone tried NTR preview 3 yet?
I noticed it isn't mentioned in OP and just wondered if it's safe to use.
So apparently this is because I have a 128GB card? What the fuck am I supposed to do
SysNAND, your EmuNAND is not bootable currently.
>preview 3
Where is preview3?
once the next stable release of >cakes is complete, the polished 3ds_injector.cake will be included along with agb and twl .cakes

i dont know what you mean by not native
>emunand9 was updated 11 days ago to add 64k cluster sizes to >= 16GB SDs
>I just noticed
>tfw I've been a pleb all along
>not living with 64k master race
>indie games
>i dont understand what's the point of cakes and the .cakes files so i'll call it "not native" even though it makes no sense
Is this the opposite of bloatmemeing?
I just want to play Gba roms
How do I go on with injecting them
>get .cia
lrn how 2 reed
We'll I think I'm finally totally bones /hbg/ my old system is now getting the blue screen of death.

00000000 00000000
>Both the firm0 and firm1 partitions are corrupt (failed signature checks).

There is nothing I can do right?
That is injecting, dumbass.
>not knowing the difference between injecting and installing gba games
shouldve guessed
Kirby Roboto 1-1 golden sticker where?
I see you don't know what VC is.
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i would inject konata iykwim
I have a hard mod and have tried reflashing a number of different nand backups from the system. No such luck. Really unfortunate.
What homebrew application should I use to back up my saves before I format my SD card? Also, should I use this safesysupdater on my 10.3 New 3DS or the regular sysupdater?
>not knowing how to inject gba games
step it up nigga
JK's Save Manager.
Sorry, I only have menuhax installed and am trying to downgrade my New 3DS.
>every single gba game has been injected and ported to VC
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Beat the living shit out of Whispy until it goes down.
svdt then. You can run if from HBL.
are pokemon romhacks supposed to not work? i keep getting the "please exchange the backup memory" error
and then they have the audacity to make the text speed slow by default and put in a massive unskippable intro
install it like any other .cia? the things is the game have something that reads ''This CIA has not had its Region Locking removed'' and im about to use a japanese-only DLC, will it work?
>vvvvvv entry point
Thought that was a demo boss that couldn't be killed.
Thanks anon
Curious, can I remove AR games, 3DS Camera, 3DS Music, Face Raders and Health & Safety safely?

Would updating if 10.8 ever come back bring them back?
How do I get homebrew games to show up on the friends list and on streetpass? Only bootntr does it and one of my gba games displays as pacman adventures.
only for streetpass title thing
>entrypoint on a digital-only game
for what purpose
>another secondary exploit
10.7fags BTFO
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I bought a Japanese copy of Kirby Robobo Planet but it isn't launching when I use the region free launcher. I'm making sure I'm doing in while I'm on my emunand, which is on 10.7. My CFW is rxtools.

Any tips? I can install the .cia if I need to but I want to play it physically if I can.
anything that retains 3DS home menu functionality will show up on friends list and street pass (JKSM, FBI (2+?), etc)

anything from HBL won't. HBL itself won't either because it breaks home menu functions.

I don't think GBA-VC injects will work either, even though they're "official" software, because GBA-VC was not intended to support any 3DS features
I guess it's useful if you're a moralfaggot.
i wonder why
but you need homebrew to install it
forgot to mention that anything with an icon can be set as your favorite in friends list but they won't show up as a streetpass/now playing
I have two 3ds's, with and without homebrew. Nothing I set as a favorite shows up on the other except for bootntr. Not even fbi.

I also saw a screenshot at some point of someone with mother 3 in a streetpass plaza.
>Buy a game for an entry point
>Use that entry point to inject another entry point on another game you have to buy

It's completely pointless.
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>I bought
>wanting to play physically when it makes quite literally no difference in the slightest
Is there a way to record mic audio as well as game audio with NTR viewer?
Why would you want to record the mic. Just use a PC mic, it'd be better quality
i use an aux cable and audacity
Not the mic from the 3ds. I meant from a PC mic. Because you plug in the AUX cable into the mic/line in there's no room for the PC mic. I have a splitter but I don't know how to get both to go through, only the 3ds audio goes through.
I was wondering, if I just backup the folders in the Nintendo 3DS folder, would that save all my save data and downloaded games? Because I do have the ambassador games and KI:U I got from the eshop.
As far as I know, games and saves are encrypted somehow and fucking with emuNAND -might- make them unrecognizable for your system. Save managers allow to circumvent that. Don't quote me on that, though.
Well of course there is. I can use my mic, record the 3DS audio as well as stream. But I don't know your setup.

My motherboard has 6 ports on it. I plug it in the grey one, which I forget what it's meant to be, but I just tell the computer it's a line in.
Does the NTR viewer capture at fullspeed
or is it just a little buggy?

Would like to make a new MH4U playthrough and show it
Does this work on games installed to 3ds?
Oh wait I think I figured it out, thanks.
who /can'tusentrvieweror3dscontrollerbecauseportforwardingdoesn'twork/ here?
It does work, you're just stupid
none of the ports i've opened work and i have to resort to hamachi every time i want to play something online
I suppose I should both with saving them then if they might not even work. Will I be able to at least enter the eshop and re-download games from my NNID account or will I have to make a new account?
>GBATemp tumbling down over the 5.5.1 kernel
Dropbox link is dead. Anyone have a download link for an uncensored CIA for Bravely Second?
Dumb question, but I've been playing a cartridge game through emunand, and it needs to update. Do I just go through with the update or is there a special way to do it?
What's the disconnect command for NTR? I want to stop the stream without needing to turn the device off.
>4 hours 45 minutes left to backup every file on my SD card to my pc because next step deletes everything
This is fine.
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i just finished the plailect guide and my saves and previously installed games are now gone. obviously i did something wrong during it but idk what it was. i have multiple backups of my sd card saved and i tried doing a copy paste but it didnt do anything. please i really need help here.
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Trying to install Tomodachi Life (US) on an European N3DS with A9LH/Luma3DS set up.
This is all on a 128GB Samsung Evo+ microSD card.
Downloaded the .cia via FunKeyCIA.
>Installing through FBI
"An error has occured, forcing the software to close. The system will now restart."
>Installing through Big Red Menu
"An error has occured, forcing the software to close. The system will now restart."
>Installing through NASA
"An error has occured, forcing the software to close. The system will now restart."
>Installing through SOON!2
"An error has occured, forcing the software to close. The system will now restart."

Big Blue Menu and all versions except one of DevMenu both crash the same way that Tomodachi Life does, the other version of DevMenu goes to the "The game cart has been removed" kind of error message at the bottom screen.
Yes, I know I've posted this before in this very thread, but this is just to give a better overview on things. I really want help with this as it seems this goes for all out of region games I install. NTR/FMP don't seem to help in any way, either.
On >Reinstall menuhax using browserhax and the HomeBrew Launcher (you do not need to reconfigure, just press install in menuhax_manager)

Do I need to take my SD card out and get reinstall my homebrew files after changing themes or do I just go to the webiste to activate homebrew again?
Go to the website to get to homebrew and install menuhax there.
Just spent the last 8 hours getting CFW on my new new3DS. Thank you everyone! I would not have found that lengthy GitHub guide if it wasn't for this general.

Now I can finally play Kirby.
do I use the link with auto.php or fright.php? Sorry for being so nit picky.
I did not see a fright.php link when I hacked my 3ds using the guide in the OP. I used the auto.php
The Home Menu one or the Homebrew one?
I've really been out of the loop.

Is there anything I should be careful of when switching my CFW from rxtools to Luma3DS?
devmenu/bbm crash when theres more than 100gb of freespace
Is it okay for it to crash?
home menu why would it be the homebrew one?
Yeah, but why do they crash when I have 96GB / 120GB free space? Literally what the fuck
I think it failed once for me. Try again. You're on version 9.2 right? Go check out part 1 again since that's basically what you're doing right now to install menuhax.
Is there any specific reason why you want to install US Tomodachi Life instead of Eur?
I am on 9.2, I've had homebrew installed for a while now on my N3DS so I just started from step 2.
I just wanted to be sure.
You need language emulation via Luma or NTR, Tomodachi Life is one of the games that checks your region and errors if it doesn't match.
>y N3DS so I just started from ste
You have to reinstall menuhax though because you formatted your SD. So HBL technically isn't on it atm.
well you're on emunand so that's just stupid
Literally for the voices. America has fucking Cling-On to the deepest and fastest satan voices ever
Then there's the European UK voices which are nothing alike, are very much more stale and with more "limited" selection in the context of how much difference the sliders allow.
I do have that enabled on Luma. I'm gonna check what the hell and check if ReiNAND + NTR works.
I have been following part 2 and I haven't formatted my SD card yet. I am back at the homebrew launcher and was about to re-install menuhax_manager v2.1
Language emulation takes additional setup. Same is true for NTR, you need to download the plugin and set it up.
Are there any uncensor patch notes for this?
Oh fucking wow
This wasn't a thing before, was it? Thanks a lot anyway
Is it a new meme to shit on Aurora, or is tranny cfw actually shit anyway?
>roughly 5 hours
Transsexuals are mentally ill and should be treated as such. Luma is a good piece of software though.
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Worked, thank you very much
Luma3ds has a lot of features shoved in, and it likes to change around configurations. It does everything, for better or for worse.

ReiNAND has way fewer features but the development is rock steady. Do it right, or don't do it.
>copying everything back to SD card
>takes forever
>for some fucking reason decides to cancel copying files
>try again
>internet goes out
>can't do shit despite reconnecting PC and 3DS to Internet and spamming try again
>will have a bunch of duplicates that would take to long to sort through
>7 hours left

Fuck this shit.
Anon, that implies we should give them preferential treatment.
>do plailect guide for third time
>cakes was changed to luma
>reinand had o3ds support by then
Literally why. When I did it for my 3ds, it was tranny ripoff or >cakes
And tranny ripoff wasn't actually good or not a ripoff yet.
I guess but then what's the point of the homebrew eshop? What kind of software is gonna be used there and not the emunand?
that's just for people without hacked 3ds' so normies
I'm not sure if I'm convinced the hours of time I poured into A9LH makes up for the time I'll be saving from booting into Emunand...
But it sure was fun, wasn't it
Seriously feel like a retard with this FunKeyCIA stuff. Is there an idiots guide to how to use it? I keep fucking it up somehow
>As if funkey is relevant

Just install the new FBI, go to the site, use the QR code to install a ticket, find the titleid in tickets and install from cdn.
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>ReiNAND has way fewer features but the development is rock steady.
>rock steady
Unlike its developer :^)
There were some heartbeat skipping moments, I'll tell ya that.
it totally does
shit's so comfy, it's unreal
Man I miss that show.
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So, I've hacked my 3DS using the guide and installed a few games and whatnot. It automatically boots into the CFW SysNAND, if I understand correctly.

Any do's or don't's I should know about now that it's all set up?
My, what a small and shit screen, while also lacking a right thumbstick you have.
here's one:
your theme is shit
DON'T play any games, just turn your 3DS on every once in a while and shitpost on here. Download cias for all these amazing games to make your menu look pretty, but don't ever even think about opening them anon
Yep, that's Nintendo for ya.

So, would you like to answer the question?
cut your nails
It's decent enough, considering I set this up just last night.

Anything else?
>someone's nails are slightly longer than a complete stub
>hurr durr cut your nails
I fucking hate this meme, enjoy never being able to open anything because your masculinity is that precious, faggot
so there's this game i like to play
i'm using an american 3ds but the game is japanese
it has eshop features for free goodies
but i can't get on the eshop because the game is japanese
is there a way to change my eshop region?
keep your backups around, don't delete random files using godmode9

chances are if you do that you literally can't fuck anything up
>tfw you can open everything just fine
explain further
Yep, they're backed up.

Considering you're the only one that said anything informative, whats' the rule with eShop? Only use the one in the homebrew launcher menu? Not the one on the homescreen?
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So I'm done with al9hax, but my SD is such a mess. What can I get rid of?
Literally scroll all the way down.
Literally says what you can keep at the end of the Plailect guide.
Alright. I was just afraid I might break something like NTR if I removed NTR.bin or something.
Wait, if you're planning to use ntr then don't remove ntr. I think that's self-explanatory???
I think I explained it pretty well.

You install FBI. Open it. The bottom option for QR codes. Do that.

Go to the site for titleid/keys. Click the QR button on the thing you want. Point your camera at the QR code.

Boom, ticket installed. Now on main FBI menu go to tickets. Find that titleid. Click. INSTALL FROM CDN.

That's the thing, I have so many files on the root, only the plainly obvious file like NTR seems important to keep.
Purple 3DS master race
well, at first glance, the dmp and app files can be removed
obviously get rid of the cias of homebrew apps (what the fuck are you doing, not putting them in their own folder) and firmware updates and cakes/rei
AureShop when?
Ah, I wasn't aware that there was an update after FBI 2.0

Will this work for games I already have a CIA of, or does the old ticket interfere with the new one in some way?
I have no idea.
with sky3ds
Friendly reminder to backup everything if you haven't already.
When it comes to files, ntr.bin and otp.bin (nice to have a backup but doesn't really have to be on your SD card) are the only things you want to keep in addition to the stuff listed in the guide. For folders, you probably want to keep your save data backups and maybe your NTR "plugin" folder, all of the other stuff not listed in the guide can go.
how do I revert ctrboot so that the HBL cia just launches HBL now? i'm on a9lh
I used FBI to try to get rid of unwanted in-built apps.

I successfully deleted them but the icons are still there. They don't launch obviously because there's nothing for them to launch. Does anyone know how to remove them?
>7 hours left
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I noticed that I have two of these menuhax files, even though I did what step 2 mentioned and changed themes to get rid of the older one. Would it be okay to just delete the earlier version of menuhax I had installed in January?
What website has QR codes for ticket downloads?
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>They added a QR button and I was too retarded to notice
after i setup a9lh what should i install?
Good job
>not playing face raiders
Wow, so study, much advanced. Have you conducted any study on this matter to tell us that?
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I appreciate the explanation, anon.
Enjoy using the easy method. Play games for the both of us, I install, never play.
7 hours until the end
Pretty sure you can use the eshop from the homescreen since you're on CFW sysNAND anyway. But it'd be great to get confirmation.
I hope they incorporate this into CIAngel, I'm childproofing an A9LH 3DS and he can have CIAngel on there but not FBI because he'll fuck things up with FBI
I haven't even tried CIAngel. But can't you just set up some parental stuff and block FBI?
Since the change from AUreinand to Luma3DS my payloads to boot decrypt9 don't seem to work anymore.
Can you block programs on a case-by-case basis?
Again, I'm not sure, I figured you might be able to. Worth a look.
Hoping for some help regarding >>140650118

And on part 3 of the github guide, why does it say to install emuNAND9 again since step 2 said to install it? Is that just for people who already had a CFW installed?
Is there any way to run WiiWare and Virtual Console games from USB? And what exactly are these SNEEK, neek2o and EmuNAND stuff?
I'd still like to know if anybody wishes to assist me.
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Is there any software for PSP that will allow me to view the current clock speed when I'm in games?

I figured out how to set custom clock rates myself (press select to get to CFW menu from home menu), but now I'm curious what the rates are when set to "default", and if the games scale up and down based on demand or if they're locked to a specific frequency.
please respond
Can someone explain me this stuff? If I understood it correctly you need to follow a certain format when releasing a dump for it to be considered a "scene dump", which makes sense. But why don't those 3dsiso faggots do it properly then? Why can't someone else fix them?
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What means ''RF''?
It's originally the US version of the game, but made region free.
if i were to switch from reinand to luma, would i need to back up anything?
thank anon, i guess that is the best option
>considers themselves mismatched with their body
>not a mental illness

What game is it? DLC (even free) can usually just be installed through CIA. Currently there's no way to do eshop-compatible regionchange.

No problem, enjoy Donkey Kong Country 3D
daigasso band bros p
i want tomatoes but i can only get them through the japanese eshop, not cias
unless there's a save data editor somewhere
Turn off your computer.
have you renamed the payloads to <button>_<payloadname>.bin ?
Yeah, figured it out shortly after posting
You must quote your post and reply with:
"NVM, I figured it out."
You can't just figure it out and leave the request/question there!
Why does FBI stop working when I select the QR code option?
Where can I find go.bat? I have go and go.sh but not go.bat, doing pt.4 step 14 btw
if you have file extensions hidden it might show up as just "go" since .bat is a regular windows file type
Just realized its a Batch file, I feel pretty stupid now but thanks for your help
>¡¡¡xDDD Ill JuSt HiDe Le Fi<<Le>> ExTeNSiOnS . Who Cares About Them Anyway!!! x°°°°°D
Why is Windows so stupid?
Anyone have any advice for my issue here >>140650118 ?
Where's the idiots guide to playing Gba games ?
Want to replay Mother 3
Please use the search bar before asking questions!
[this topic has been locked]
whats the problem?
depending on your settings, *nixes will hide
anything if they start with a .
Because those are hidden files. If you name it like that it's because you want it to be hidden.
in the pastebin
In the same place all of the guides are stored, of course.
Just find the secret link we hid in an important 3DS homebrew software I'm not allowed to name hint: the developer is rei and get the password and IRC server and channel you need to join by resolving the test. Make sure you use a client that supports receiving files because that's how the guide file is distributed.
You're not allowed to post it anywhere else. Particularly don't post it in the OP if you happen to create a new thread. Remember that joining the IRC channel gives us all of the information we need to reach you and take the necessary measures.
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Hey guys. I'm at the step in the github guide where it says to launch Luma after putting all your stuff back on the sd card.

When I open Luma it gives me this error. Using the CTRX Explorer I checked my Luma folder and in the payloads folder nothing was there.

What is this launcher, and where should the .dat file be on my sd?
/ means the root
So does the launcher need to be next to the .dat file?

Where is the launcher anyways
the .dat is the launcher, I think
>but now I'm curious what the rates are when set to "default"
Default is 222 if I remember right. It only scales up if the game calls for it which games very rarely did. I think the GTAs did it, maybe Type-0 and BBS as well. If you throw it to 333 you'll usually notice a bump up in speed and loading times so there's no real reason to leave it default.
i want to add luma3ds.dat to my cold boot screen but it's not letting me, what do?
Ok. So that must mean the dat file isn't in my root.
Ignore it.

Srsly, how many times a day do you even restart your 3ds?
every time i put in a cia or do a backup or something that takes too long with micro sd management or if something freezes
>aw changed the payload name AGAIN

fucking epic. what a retard.
>not installing cias remotely
Is there an easy way to fix NES VC Resolution?
I've followed the guide and now have CFW SysNAND.

Is it safe to update Majora's Mask?
Yes, you're fine. Just don't update your actual firmware from a game cart, that might pose a problem. You can do anything you want regarding updates from the eShop no problem, and if you're paranoid about an NNID ban that will most likely never happen if you didn't use the ticket stuff then you can just use a .cia you grabbed for it.
Is there any way to put another emuNAND on an SD card so I don't have to reinstall everything on it? I want to use the SD card from my 3DS on my 3DSXL.
If I want to update emunand, do I just go into emunand and do a system update? New3ds Reinand here.
Read OP
yeah, use an emulator that allows you to change the screen resolution
Specifically go into System Settings and do it. Assuming you know for a fact your NANDs are unlinked.
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Updated the Stella Glow pastebin with better links (RF&FS CIAs, ROMFs for undub, NG+ with no gold imported from previous save) and more info. Please change it to this when you can:


Also, can you change "Stella Glow Undub:" to just "Stella Glow:" cause I also made it for people wanting to play the dub as well.

Please and thanks!
That means my NNID is on my emunand and not my sysnand, correct? And I remember formatting my sysnand, so it's unlinked, right?
if you formatted one or the other then they are unlinked
you can put you NNID on your emunand if you want it takes like 5 minutes
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Hey guys, it's been a very long time since I once did homebrew on my PSP (back in 08), just wanted to know what emus are available for the VITA nowadays? Has the N64 emulator been perfected yet? I'm going to buy a cheap used VITA soon, almost never touched the seller says.
What do you mean by update actual firmware from a game cart?

While in-game, some games will try to update it?
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If you're on the latest it's no problem. If your SysNAND is like 9.2 after the upgrade(Though with A9LH) and you decide to stick in a cart like Triforce Heroes and it told you you had to update to play the game(Not a game update which takes you to the eShop) then it might cause problems if you choose to accept.
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Actually I woke up just 10 minutes ago from a dream where the Vita had all kinds of emulator support. Sadly it was stolen by some shitskin (of course I couldnt do anything about it in the dream). Are you saying the Vita isn't as easy to emulate on as the PSP? Problem with my PSP is that the spring mechanism in my card port is botched and needs to be fixed.
Ah, alright. Thanks for the info.
There isn't shit on the Vita except for eCFW, which limits you to only PSP emulators - many of which have issues on eCFW.

You're better off buying another PSP desu.
alright, thanks senpai.
Welcome, lad.
I installed the newest version of FBI and when I click on "QR code install" it freezes every time. Anyone have this problem?
as nice as that is, why aren't you on 6.60 pro c?
It means you formatted your sysNAND. NNID isn't directly relevant, but sure, that means you did everything right.

Has nothing to do with anything.
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>wake up
>SO5 is up

Aww yiss.
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HELP, please. When I install a .cia file, can I delete the cia file after installation is done and keep the game so I can have more space? Or will deleting the via delete the game too?
yep cia is only for installing, you can delete it afterwards
Why would you have cia's on your SD to begin with
Alright thanks.

Because I need them on mySD to install them through BlueBox? Or is there some new updated high tech way to get 3ds games without putting CIAs on my SD? Last time I was on a home brew thread was months ago
Newest version of FBI
just restore a nand backup
Use socketpunch
Is v 2.1.0 the latest update for Tri-force heroes? Also, anyone who hasn't played the game before wanna play together?
Yeah that's the latest one, at least from what I was told.

I haven't started the game yet but I'll only play with you if you let me pound your delicious boypussi
>not boipussy
Anon please
S-sure. FC is 2637-9811-0553.

We need one more person that hasn't played the game yet.
Doesn't sound like the idiot's guide to me
pls i need wings.json
If I use my memory card, will everything get deleted? Do I have to reformatted first?
Did you press x ?
Is it safe to update a CIA through the home menu? Like when you start the game and it asks to update. I'm on A9LH latest sysnand.
yes you can update it through the eshop or by using the update cia
Hey guys, I just launched homebrew for the first time on my 9.5 3DS.
What's the next step? I want to get the new Kirby game
Quick question: If I install a .cia of a game I own physically, will it use the same save file?

Also is there a way I can just rip my physical carts?
You kill yourself for not looking at the op
anon pls... read the pastebins in the op
you wanna downgrade to 9.2 and create your emunand. Then you can use a cfw to install and play .cia files.

If you know what you are doing you can also go for a9lh
>What's the next step?
reading the OP
where do i input that
If I download updates from a physical cart and then install the normal .cia of the game, what happens
dont do it it makes mustard gas
You need to press x to Jason
You brick your game
So I'm trying to do browserhax on 10.5. I seem to get it going, it gets past the Yellow>Gray>Orange>White screens, see a lot text pop up for a split second and then the bottom screen goes to red seems to crash, what am I doing wrong exactly?
did you extract the starter kit to the root of your sd card?
I did that wrong apparently, I got it now.
I just downgraded, what should I use to play my Kirby cia?
are you finished hacking it or just only downgraded? if you're done then just install it with FBI
Just downgraded. What do I do to get FBI?
Any games on 3DS like Sayonara Umihara Kawase in terms of design? You know that sort of surreal dream-like design? Hard to explain but hopefully someone gets what I mean.



nothing now since your 3DS isn't even hacked yet, start from step 17 here https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Part-2-(Downgrading)
you can stop after finishing part 3 if you want
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in 5 hours
>not 5.5 hours
y u lying?
Shameless request for answers
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Got a couple of retarded questions if someone is up for them

i unlinked the nands on my 3ds and made sure they were seperate,from now on am i supposed to use the system settings in order update the emunand each time nintendo issues a new firmware right
is there any con to not immidiately upgrade to the newest fw or any measures i should take before doing it each time?

also i downloaded some ps3 dlc from psn (rap files) and wish to make it into a .pkg file so i can share it with other people and for ease of use,is there an automated process for that kind of stuff?
how do I format my sd card for emunand?
I just want to know what can I still do on an updated emunand? Can I still go on the eshop and download stuff? Can I still post on memeverse and can I still play games online?
Context on OPs pic? Seems like a bunch of edgelards being edgy to someone but no clue what's going on
anon pls

yes you can go online
yes you can play online
yes you can go to the eshop
yes you can meme on miiverse
yes you can!!
let emunand9 format it
what should I do with all of the data on my SD card?
back it up
What I mean is, will it be erased?
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backup to computer
Just on my computer, right? If I put it back on my SD card, it'll be restored, right?
yes and you should obviously always wait before updating
Copy/paste everything to a folder on your computer. Format. Copy/paste back into SD.
That's good news then. All this time I thought hacking my 3ds meant losing the ability to use online features
How many gigs? Because my 32 gig class 10 + terracopy works quick. Like 16 mb per second and takes like 1 or 2 mins to transfer 2 gigs or so
I followed the 3DS guide, I noticed while downloading the required stuff that every component gets updated from time to time.

What do I need to do to update my stuff now that I'm done with the guide?
that's pretty fucking stupid
So EmuNAND is ready, but it still says that it isn't available when I try to dump Health. What do I do?
>download newest release from github
>if it's a homebrew app, update the /3ds/ folder
>if it's your CFW, overwrite the appropriate files on your SD
I formatted my SD for Emunand, so do I go to Complete EmuNAND Setup now?
How do I export a digital game as a CIA? I don't want to go through the effort of redownloading it through the eShop.
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Sorry for being ignorant but up to which firmware can i currently update my emunand safely so my cfw can still work after it?
honestly i dont care about online or fancy things but apparently i need to maintain a high fw so the latest games can work
10.7 is the latest
>i need to maintain a high fw so the latest games can work
there's firmware spoofing for cias so in case you don't want to use eShop/online you're fine not updating
talking about the update: in order to find an answer yourself feel free to read the OP
Does installing cias from the title key database make them appear as valid cia? So nintendo can't tell?
I think I'm fucked here. I was downgrading from 10.5 to 9.2 using https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Part-2-%28Downgrading%29
It seemed to have worked all the way and was rebooting automatically like it should, upon rebooting I got this error message and restarting each time gives me the same message. (Heads up, this isn't my picture since I lack a camera, but it's the same message.) I doubt there is but is there anyway out of this?
Did you try booting in recovery mode?
safe mode

you gotten update to 10.7
I was not aware of recover/safey mode, I'll try that right now.
i keep getting "ctrbootmanager couldn't create configuration file'

anyone knwo how to fix?
Did you remove the SD card like it says
I'm trying to inject FBI into H&S but it's not working. No matter what I do, I don't see a banner at all.
Do you already have FBI installed somewhere else?
I had the FBI cia installed on my EmuNAND; injecting into H&S worked, but it didn't show up. After TinyFormat though it reappeared.
hope you have cubic ninja or oot
No, the injection worked, but it's still the same logo.
How do I use TinyFormat and where do I get it?
Ok that worked, now on 10.7 though sadly. Thanks mentioning safe mode.
I didn't get that far, this was right after the downgrading completed and it automatically rebooted.
I have OOT3D.
that's weird, if you followed the guide that would mean you got menuhax so you would've gotten a black screen first and then that error when the SD card was out
Anyone have a good step by step guide for the WiiU?

Digging through stickies and wikis, but the info is a bit scattered. Managed to find one s till on 5.1.2 and I want to make sure I don't fuck it up since this one is well under the 5.5 cut off.
Where do I install FBI?
There is no setup really. you just prep the card properly for loadiine by obeying the folder structure and use the web browser for the exploit twice, once for the kernel syscall patch and again to install loadiine over miimaker for the duration of the consoles uptime.
The loadiinegx thread has just about everything you need.
As for updating the wiiu to an exploitable version, game discs only. 5.3.2 or 5.4, prefer 3.2 since it can do pygecko shit really easily.
5.1.2 might even be supported, i forget.

All you really need to do immediately is put tubehax on your dns settings so it doesn't do something stupid like update itself.
meant for you. hand slipped and i wiped the quote, derp.
I've got a question about tickets: I don't always have access to a computer but to internet, is there a program to work with with titlekey database bins?
Do you think big N will ban people for injecting Tickets?
See >>140648639
Nobody can tell you that. We don't know how well they are keeping track of consoles with tickets who actually paid money for it. Then there's also the question if they would just straight out ban everyone who doesn't seem to have purchased the game, things like that could lead to a huge pr backlash. They'll probably just drop all 3ds development after pokemon sun and moon and focus on the next gen.

Well that works too, thanks!
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I'm glad I can finally bump from page 10 again.
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As the guide says, I activated "Show NAND in System Settings" and I pressed start. Nothing has happened yet. Do I need to wait a while?
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Jesus fuck.

You should've activated more than that. Can you do anything in the menu or is it frozen?
Crap. I've kept the guide page open for a few days. They must have updated it.

I don't think it's frozen but I'm [spoilers]going to church[/spoilers] so I can't check until later. I'll reply when I get home.
Either way, you should be able to reboot fine. That's just a config menu.
If it doesn't pop up on itself after the reboot, hold Select on boot.
Successfully installed a9lh. Hurray!
thanks, fampai
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So I followed Plailects A9LH guide roughly a month ago, but now my 3DS has a faulty screen.

What steps do I need to take to revert back to stock so I can get my 3DS replaced?
restore nand backup from before you attempted modding
what >>140705875 said except also don't be an idiot and keep your files (including the emunand partition if you still have one) on your sd card if you send that out too
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>he fell for the a9lh meme
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>still forcing this meta-meme
When you make it
Is there any way with CFW on 3ds to extract and import saves on nds carts? I know with flashcarts you can, but is there any other way to do it?
TuxSH has a tool for it
Yes, there is.
Can I use OotHax to mess with an Animal Crossing: New Leaf file? I have JK's Save Manager and have already messed with my Alpha Sapphire game successfully. If so, what kinda stuff can I do with it? Can I edit villagers?
Okay, so I'm looking at this, and I'm not entirely sure what's going on as far as installing the save manager. What exactly do I need to do to install it?
>They must have updated it.
It's been like that for 2 months
5 hours

>Download TWLSaveTool.cia
>Install TWLSaveTool.cia
Is it normal for the "Emu" to disappear from in front of your firmware version after closing out of System Settings and then opening it back up? I'm on part 27 of part 3 of Plailect's guide and noticed that it disappeared. Am I cool to still go ahead and update the RedNAND? I'm a bit paranoid.
No, you retard

Closing system settings reboots the system.
New 3DS: regular or XL?
XL for good looking 1:1 DS games
Alright, how do I get back into homebrew without rebooting?
If you want to actually carry it in your pocket or if you have girly hands get the regular size.
use browserhax
no screw that, if you're on part 27 part 3, a reboot into menuhax should work just fine (unless you're on n3ds, then browserhax is easy to use anyway)
>I have JK's Save Manager

So..... why do you need OoThax for anything then?
>not letting them NEVER GIVE UP
Alright, I just re-did the last two steps. If I just don't click on System Settings but know for sure that the Emu is there, THEN can I just go into homebrew and safely update shit?
No, you actually use System Settings to update. As long as you see Emu in it and don't exit it, you should be safe.
Okay, thanks.
But how do I get out of System Settings without clicking close? I can't get onto the Internet for Browserhax, or back onto my original exploit game for homebrew without somehow closing it.
Once you're in system settings and you update it'll close itself
You're meant to update FROM System Settings? I thought you were meant to do it via homebrew or something. I'm retarded. Thanks, Anon.
Hold menuhax button on exit you retard
I don't have Menuhax, just OoTHax.
Then you don't. How do you expect to get into it if you don't have menuhax? You can't just reboot into a cart
Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.
Brewing in the name of.
Help /hbg/, I think I killed my emuNAND and I don't know much of how this works. I was getting error messages and I ended up installing a .cia file on the NAND from the FBI, which probably fucked up everything.
FBI still works and I can launch titles from there, but they don't appear in the main menu as before.
Will I EVER be able to play pirated games on my 5.5+ wii u? I'm patient and can wait another 5+ years to play the wii u collection for free but only if it will actually ever happen
What's there to play?
If you don't have any backup of your clean emuNAND, you can make a fresh emuNAND from scratch whenever you want (as long as your sysnand is on 9.2), don't worry.
the zelda remakes, tropical freeze, 3d marios, star fox, mario kart, bayonetta 2, other games I forget worth playing but not paying $40+ for
>star fox
literally starfox 64, with a shit controlling scheme.
sounds like a fun play for free
But how? It's not even letting me get into RxTools.
Also, will I lose all my saves?
Hey I'm back. I just tried opening luma from browserhax and it brings me back to the home menu. What do?
Can SocketPunch be used to install updates?
is it possible to get DS games as cias to play on my 2ds?
Really? I've been told just to get a flashcard
Where can I find these?
In Brick Society & Co.
aka he's lying
>Friend's o3DS is 10.7 E
>Can't use browserhax
So it's impossible to hack his 3ds freely now? He needs to buy some shits like Cubic ninja?
First rule of Brick Society.
Please help, if I can access FBI but RxTools isn't launching and my games are gone from the menu, but I can access them from FBI, what can be the damage?
2938 6930 3260
Is there anyone playing bravely second? need friends.
I have it installed, does it have multiplayer?
is it possible to decrypt 3ds roms without owning a 3ds
Friend function like the first one.
No, not unless you get someone with a 3DS to give you the xorpads (in which case they might as well just throw you a decrypted ROM).
Never played the first one
There's a 5.5 kernel exploit, but it's private. If Nintendo releases an update and fixes that exploit, they'll supposedly release it. Loadiine already works on the private exploit, so if/when they release it, you'll be able to. Still no progress on IOSU or emunand though as far as I know.
OoT is pretty cheap, if your 3DS is already setup then you can inject the save without having to also buy powersaves.
The term homebrew as to video games was interesting enough that I stopped at this thread.

Not too sure that there is anything in it though.
So I have Menuhax now. How do I go about updating now that Emu is in front of my firmware in System Settings? I'm on 9.2, by the way.
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what 3ds games have a waifu mechanic but it isn't the entire game?
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Kirby: Planet Robobot has a mechanic waifu.
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i meant what games let me interact with a waifu
You interact with her by fighting her.
Thank you. Seemed simple compared to what I remember doing for the Wii and PS2. Actually hadn't seen anything about tubehax, honestly I'm considering just never connecting it., but a failsafe is good.
toushin toshi
love plus
I'm on 10.7 A9LH

Is there any way to safely get rid of the NNID associated with my 3ds while not nuking my account and losing everything also linked too my Wii U or am I fucked?
I used BigBlueMenu back in January when all this shit exploded. Is that still the best CIA installer?
Try 女の子と密室にいたら○○しちゃうかもしれない。
>using Big Black Male™
It was never the best CIA installer. FBI 2.0 is the best as far as features go, but the most stable and consistently working one is DevMenu
Looks good but where the fuck am I gonna find a cia for that? I doubt the "site" has it
what the fuck this exists?
what's the fucking point

how can you have a waifu if you can't read anything they're saying
>tfw no .cia

>Hasn't learned his waifu's language yet
That's pretty sad anon
this reminded me to backup het latest streams, cheers
learning nip just to read what his fictional girlfriend says
>not learning nip to connect with the love of your laifu
>guy goes to the effort of learning an entire language
>you think he exclusively uses it for a single video game/anime/whatever

you're a moron anon
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You are a fucking god among men, anon.

You deserve an intense blowjob from any waifu of your choice
dnt b gay dood
Hey anons, I want to make certain of something. I just downgraded my RedNAND to 2.1.0, and I want to make absolute certain that it is properly downgraded. The downgrading process seemed to work flawlessly, and reboot my system when it was finished. Is there any other confirmation I can do to double check that it's properly done? It doesn't mention anything in the guide.
It wasn't gay, do you even read? I wasn't offering him a blowjob unless I'm the waifu of his choice but even in that case it still isn't gay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
there's a downgrade checker somewhere but I don't really know where to find it, sorry. Look through the OP pastebin, it should be in there somewhere
i said dnt be gay dood

Formatting will remove the NNID from your 3DS, but you still won't be able to register the NNID with another 3DS until you system transfer.
Alright, when I first followed Plialect's guide for a9lh, I used cakes, but now AuReinand got a ton of updates and a name change, so it's time to go to Luma. Some spring cleaning of files left from my menuhax days would be a good idea too.

What's the simplest method of switching from cakes to Luma? I read the guide, and it tells me to "Just follow Prepatory Steps", but it clearly has way more than necessary for just switching, and I installed the cakes setup with a much older version of the guide.
Just here to help, my friend
But if I format I'll lose all my games and need to reinstall
I want to leave this NNID floating around but use a brand new NNID on this system instead so formatting would remove my current NNID and I can create a new one on the 3ds then?

Would I have to re-mod it again ( don't care about games since I can just back them up)
stop it, you're making me smile
Thanks anon, I think it's just somewhere in OTPhelper.
>This guide will provide you with two options for using Custom Firmware on SysNAND via arm9loaderhax, Luma3DS and CakesFW.

>Luma3DS is a more feature rich CFW in addition to being more noob friendly, and is recommended for beginners, while CakesFW is a more complex CFW that is recommended only for advanced users. Otherwise, they perform a similar function and you can use either according to personal preferences.

>Currently, Luma3DS supports Region Free patches, which enable users to install games from any region without any extra modification or steps, and AGB_FIRM/TWL_FIRM patches, which enable users to use installed GBA games and DSi homebrew without manually patching files.

>If you currently have Updated SysNAND and want to switch to a different CFW, each link contains instructions for switching to it from the other.

I swear to Christ a week or so ago when I modded it said Cakes was the noob friendly one not the advanced user recommended CFW.
cakes was always referred to as the "advanced" one
Oi shit I must have been dyslexic when I picked cakes
probably were
not like it's actually all that "advanced" to begin with though
Why the fuck wasn't I born in glorious fucking nippon.
A9LH stays after a format, you won't have to re-do anything at all unless you've restored Health & Safety back to normal (in which case you'd need to re-inject FBI, not that much work).

Even formatting will still keep your NNID semi-linked to your 3DS. You won't be able to log in to it on another 3DS even though it's no longer in active use. You can make a new one, but if Nintendo eventually goes down the route of banning NNIDs based on device activity, nobody can tell you whether they'll ban your old one too.
Can we inject games into 3D classics? Like Toejam and Earl? Mario 3?

Who am I kidding, if it worked, it'd be popular.
Cakes was always the "advanced" choice in that guide, though that's not really true. In any case, if you instaleld cakes and it works correctly there's probably no reason to switch, though if you reaaaally want to switch, I think it's quite easy. I'd worry more about your reading skills than about which CFW you're using.
First off, no, but why the fuck? It's not like it'll come out in 3D or anything. If you thought that, you're legitimately retarded. The 3D classics games are actually individually made to work in 3D by devs. It's a lot of fucking work.

Are you also the kind of guy who puts playstation 3 discs in Xbox 360s just to see if they work?
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I have CakesCFW 138 installed.

Is it safe for me to update to latest firmware so I can access the eshop?
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Welp. Guess this piece of shit is dead to me now.
Yes, don't listen to the shitposter.
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>bought MicroSD card for $20
>loaded up literally everything I wanted on it
>35% full

I feel as if I wasted $8 not getting the smaller card because I will never use this much space.
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I already threw it in the fucking trash!
8 dollars is hardly anything so don't worry
Anyone know how many pixels it is between screens on the N3DSXL for making themes?
you think that at first until you start game hoarding, especially with new games that come out and cool ones you never even knew existed.
just do steps 9 through 18
there's a guide in the pastebin that also has a size template
Is there a GBA emulator with a screen that's larger than 2 inches yet?
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I was installing ACNL with FBI and this happened. It whas been like this for like 10 mins now, should I wait more or should I reboot? Did I fuck up?
Only thing about themes in the pastebin links to the GBAtemp guides for both editors. Neither has the amount of pixels between the screens
I still wasted money that is now gone forever
I did just as >>140648639 said, tried first with F-Zero GBA and everything went perfectly. Don't know why this happened with ACNL.

Also: I'm on 10.7 rei

Any help?
new thread when
But I like this thread.
Reboot and tell us what happens
It's coming in 5 hours.

Ok, rebooted. I did turn on and load reinand. Supposedly I can re-install it from the eshop now since I have the ticket or whatever, right?
Supposedly, I haven't tried redownloading from the actual store
Uh hello there's a new thread take your chat over there
No you
>using the new thread
>thread wars
shut up
Please listen to me. Make 4chan™ a better place and don't bump dead threads. I don't like making this post but people don't listen.

Native port of 7 GRAND DAD when.
Please please PLEASE go to the new thread or at least sage when you reply so other threads have a chance of getting attention.
It says Welcome to RXTools 3.0, but how do I get the actual tools? All I can do is choose to launch between the three modes?
You're breaking my heart please go to the new thread
Yes? It's already been done. Maybe you should look around a little before asking questions.
you're right when you say it takes a lot of work but the underlying core is an O3DS Genesis emulator so you're the one who is legitimately retarded
>how do I get the actual tools?
Delete rxTools 3.0 and launch Decrypt9
By using Decrypt9 instead of rxTools. The project is literally dead, they cut the tools out like a week before it died for good.
Please excuse my rudeness but
Why would we? This thread is fine.
fuck off newfag
This thread died for your sins.
Look at the number of posts. See that its almost at the bump limit? Yeah. That's why you should go to the new thread where there's more freedom to post.
The above applies to you too. Drill that into your brain.
We're over the bump limit.
We're 40 posts over. Shitposting in here doesn't matter anymore. If you're sorting /vg/ by last reply instead of bump order or creation date, that's your problem.
The thread is still here you have no idea what you are saying.
Please stop

Here I'll link the new thread since its so hard to do
itt butthurt other OP faggot

Let's ride into the sunset men.
Learn what a bump limit is
I didn't make the new thread I just want to make 4chan™ a better place for hiroshima-kun
Stop posting please. Give my fingers a break
It was a pleasure shitposting with you gentlemen.
I wont stop. Use your fingers better: go play videogames
Hiro couldn't care less about you.
fuck off to the new thread then, faggot
Pleasure?! You're enjoying this??? *sigh*
Videogames are ew. Don't say mean things like that Hiroshima-kun loves me
I did on another tab meanie

Please go to new thread friends.
>Hiroshima-kun loves me
Prove it.
I don't think you understand 4chan
I can't disclose that its part of NDA.
I understand. You people are being bullies is what you don't understand
Damn is it summer already?
Let's get to 1000 posts!
good for you. I'll see this thread to it's dying breath and you can't stop me
Its spring actually. Summer starts in June.
That is impossible hiroshima-kun will not allow that
I know I can't but I'll try
Go to new thread pleeeease
Almost halfway there!
>being not underage
>That is impossible hiroshima-kun will not allow that
It happened once.
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Uh no half of 1000 is 500.
Are you implying that I'm underage? I'm not pic related is me
Prove it. Oh wait
And it will happen again.
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Got my auto posts queued up.

However, we're actually dead since there's only two more threads before us.
>prove it
It's in the archive. Probably January of this year.

Come on.... This wouldn't happen if I was mod
Farewell cruel 4chan
And it will happen NOW!
Which rule are we breaking?

You should know I don't need to spoonfeed
If you knew how 4chan works you would have already stopped us without being a mod.
Thread posts: 821
Thread images: 78

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