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/nosg/ - Nostalrius General

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Thread replies: 860
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Server is shutting down.


Old meme:
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After a meeting involving most of the top-level /nosg/ posters we have decided to pick Kronos as our new server.

Please register an account @ kronos-wow.com and update your realmlist to: set realmlist login.kronos-wow.com

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tfw cant get a job because bernie is running for president.....
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>Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
>Albert Einstein


We didn't deserve these server admins. Truly beautiful people

It really sucks whenever you see awful shit happening to well-meaning people. Fucking hell I need a drink.
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Player Data isn't gone.
Somebody more willing to risk being sued may pick up the reigns.

Even if Nost takes an immediate 50% pop cut on transition, it'll still be a massively populated, vibrant server.
This shall be the last thread
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This is poster named GRIMLIC
ignore his POSTS
we are not rolling on KRONOS
I'm just playing Warcraft III again. Probably tomorrow or Friday I'll go around taking screenshots. But I just don't want to keep feeling the pain. I'm so tired of this company.
Kronos is dead, join ToD instead. Time for a new expansion
How come feenix is based on US, made tons of money through donations and never got shut down?

I bet nost admins simply ran with the donation ad chink farmer money.
This sucks

I was just about to download Nost again to play this weekend too
nost was literally all my social life
I don't have any real friend or even internet friend outside of it
I have legit suicidal thoughts
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why live
>How come feenix is based on US

Its in Poland or some shit
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i wasn't ready
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>join ToD
That's the first step, buddy.
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>people posting their 60s and all the time they wasted on this game
>all of it gone in an instant

das ruff blizz
His real name is Seth Harvey.
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come to playtbc so I can gank you there too senpai.
Weren't the Feenix servers in the Netherlands? The reason anyone trusted these European servers in the first place was because they supposedly didn't have as fucked copyright law as the US does.

If that's not actually the case then I don't know. Maybe this was too big for Blizzard to ignore and having a popular alternative to their new big expansion wasn't good business sense.
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It was fun boys and girls

Maybe when you graduate from high school, and when mommy stops paying for all of your shit, you'll see that businesses can barely afford to create new minimum wage positions right now.

Oh wait! Bernie will fix that! Not only that, he'll make college free! ...And then you get your degree and realize that there are no jobs available for you because businesses have been bled dry and can no longer afford the new minimum wage.
Press F to pay respects guys.
Goodnight, sweet prince.

it's 3 AM eu on a thursday evening though , it's an european server
Same mate
Fuck Blizzard, seriously

I was considering giving a try on Legion, now i'm not giving a cent to those retards

I'll never play retail WoW ever again
Reminder PlayTBC drops on the 14th, instant 60 1x rates, progressive release

As far as population goes its probably going to be your best bet unless you want rebranded molten shit
You nosg faggots sure are spiteful. Have fun letting the wowlust build up in you though, I'll play retail and have fun with legion while you sit here reminiscing like a gay
Let it go, my friends.
Its not the time wasted that everyone are sad about. Its the fun they were going to enjoy in the future that they cant have now
I'm rolling cuckronos, I guess. I just don't know if I'm even gonig to play anymore.
kronos player here, im really sorry to hear about what happened guys
i am also very worried about what this means for the future of private servers.






I dunno, molten has been around with 10k players across 5 servers for years and years now, they have cash shops and everything.

Nost was the second server in the history of wow pservers to ever get shut down by blizzard.

And the other one (wowscape) was hosted in US and made huge profits through the cash shop.

A non-profit server in europe getting sniped by blizzard sounds fishy is all.
WoW is dead.

And the smoking gun is being held by Blizzard.
This, bunch of top Horde guilds gonna be rolling there apparently.
If you had fun it wasn't wasted, but it is brutal knowing you won't be able to have that fun anymore.
>playing an expac that is literally WoD 2.0
ability prune 2.0
garrisions 2.0

fuck that
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Where the fuck is the population on all these other servers? I'm not expecting nost levels, in fact that was arguably too much for a single PvP server and one PvE overflow. But every one of these servers that is being suggested seems dead as fuck, what gives?
I feel like I'm losing everything
This might sound pathetic but I'm a pathetic person living a patethic life
I'll miss so many people from this server, it felt so great to know all those people
>Nost was the second server in the history of wow pservers to ever get shut down by blizzard.

are you retarded
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>still haven't been able to log on
Word, by their very nature videogames are time wasters unless you're sponsored or something. I was looking forward to dinging 60 and raiding and eventually carrying that character into TBC. Now I can't do that and there aren't any alternatives.
>just a week after FF hits 60 the servers gets shut down

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>Started playing again a couple of months ago after a year's hiatus
>Joined a raiding guild for the first time a couple of weeks ago
>Downed every boss right before server dies

Perfect timing.
>Large population
>Lots of streamers on twitch
>Lots of people posting videos on youtube
I wonder why blizzard got mad.
Molten is in le motherland
>instant 60

garbage bin
I was so hyped for AQ man.
I don't care about losing my Characters but I helped build a guild and we were gonna do great things in the next months.
Ironic this is happening before the next expansion. It's almost like they know players will sulk back to retail.
Name another one you fucking tard.

Rebirth "got shut down by blizzard" immediately after raising $4k for their "new server", so they likely ran with the money.
>>You don't want classic servers. You think you do, but you don't." -Blizzard
I'm just sitting here staring at my monitor and looking at /nosg/ every now and then. what the fuck do i with my life now?
Just roll Warmane. Better core, highest population, WotLK (The peak of retail population), progressive server, minimal to no bugs, great horde-alliance distribution, no P2W on the 1x server.
Where is playtbc based?
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Playtbc doesn't release until April 14th, should be a pretty popular server to be honest. It's unfortunate that it's gonna meet a 3:1 horde>ally ratio because of racials though~ the fate of all TBC servers
>businesses can barely afford to create new minimum wage positions right now.
Gee I wonder why.
is anyone else unable to login/disconnected from server?
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Anyone remember Moof/Curry/Tofufu? Is me. Will miss you guys. Even if I kept taking breaks.

So how many 60's did you have leveled, /nosg/? Three for me.
Even when you're not playing on retail you still get cucked by Blizz.
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Grimlic, did you enjoy the group teabagging?
>Only 4k online


Whats the point of 1x rates if you get a instant 60.
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playtbc would be 100x better if they didn't instant 60. I just want a real feel server like nost. I was gone for a few months and came back to level a druid in preparation for nost TBC once I heard about it. TBC is what I want to play the most, but letting people skip content makes me sad.
Nost literally took all of them
Nost had literally everything that other servers did not
Ironic this is happening right before the launch of PlayTBC, which shares website design with nost and has similar trash tier scripting.
They're just doing it so they don't have to get off their ass and do Legacy stuff. Nost was almost at 1 million registered and I highly doubt WoW is even over 3m atm
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Should I gank players who are 58-59 who will try to grind hard to get 60 b4 saturday?

- Said no one.
Because leveling to 60 is for Vanilla servers. There's literally no point doing it on TBC.
>tfw was about to play on Nostalrius for the first time today

Tell me about all the fun I missed /nosg/
An hero with me and we'll cuddle in hell. <3

>undead mage

literal cancer
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I think the worst part about this is not that we lost of characters n the server n shit.

Its that this proves that NO other private server will EVER be safe from blizzard.
The frenchies thought their laws protected them and the fact that the server was a non-profit server.
Nost devs did everything right in that regard, and Blizzard could still kill them.

I'm honestly never touching a private server again, because this is what they all will end up in. RIP Nost, it was an amazing run, reliving a TON old memories.
Never had this much fun with a video game in years, maybe a decade.
You're an absolute monster.

Don't let a single person hit 60
Except for draw distance, stability, low latency, and working class mechanics.
post yfw you found out
You missed China invading the server
Leveling to 60 keeps the shitter population in check. Also, as nost proved leveling 1-60 is fun in its own right.
This is the stupidest thing/worst troll I've read all month.
Exactly the same here. Knowing I'd be able to log in and chat to my mates on nost kept me going through the day. Why did blizzard have to take this away from me.
Another promising TBC experience snatched away before it had a chance to shine.


I got Banned from that server for racism, When All I did was make a black human warlock named Blackmage, and said #Blackmagicmatters in world chat a couple times.
Why can't they set up a pirate bay type shit in Sweden or wherever and be able to evade this?
Except fuck off mate, why are you here, you know why
I'm going to Warmane. Fuck.
PlayTBC is just nost admins launching their TBC server prematurely because they couldn't script AQ and Naxx.
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Some of you guys are alright. Don't come to Blizzard's hq tomorrow.
piratebay got shut down by swedish police.
now its hosted on several "secret locations"
Honestly... What's the point of jumping ship to another private server? It's inevitable that this will happen to them all. The fact that it happened to nostalrius is just proof. NON-PROFIT, located in france (should of been sweden)

But srsly... If blizzard is gonna go out if its to shut this server down, why bother investing hundreds if not thousands of hours on another server?
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>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.

>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.

>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.

>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.

>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.

>Q: Will Blizzard take this server down?
>A: No. The server is hosted in France, so Blizzard can't take the server down.
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Thanks for the laugh m8.

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Honestly, all the bad things in life have been really stacking up in the past 4 years or so. I can't even get proper sleep anymore without waking up a couple times during the night.

I fucking hate this. When is life going to turn around again? I don't know what I'm doing here anymore.
realistic is so they dont have to code 1-60 leveling

60-70 at 1x tbc is slow and awful enough on a pvp server to keep the funserver shitters away
Awful shit? Really? They aren't hurt. They just don't get to run the server they were illegally running anymore.
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I saw this coming miles away. That's why I never leveled past the 19, 29, and 49 on my twink rogue, hunter, and Shaman.

Which server, lord/deathwing/rag? (1x 5x 10x)
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Anyone else going to stay logged in on the final countdown on Nost like the beginning of Overlord and if they don't transfer into the game kill themselves?
a good amount going playtbc
>Yfw the Chinese offer to host the new Nost
>Yfw they keep everyone's characters

Will you still play even if you will be playing on a Chinese server?
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Can someone identify individuals who're directly responsible for the decision so we can all protest like SJWs, I mean, they get people to step down from positions all of the time.
wanna hug?
Nost should just give us gear vendors and turn this into a fun server for the next few days
I legit wonder if anybodys gonna kill themselves over this.
welcome to being me
>wake up
>open 4chan and start browsin threads
>don't even read what people post, just scroll up n down like a robot, picking a few words here n there
>play some game/watch tv in between

I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet.
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>I will never ever get full Bloodfang now
Lordearon, my man.
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>When is life going to turn around again?

When you make it
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You can't protest. Blizzard is within 100% of their legal right to do this. In fact, it would be stupid for them NOT to do this, especially with a major expansion on the way.

If you join a private server you have to already know you're playing at the whims of Blizzard and accept that the server could get shut down any moment, just like what is happening here.
tod is a dead polish server
playtbc might be shit but at least its fresh and will be the biggest launch since nost
PlayTBC here. Rolling druid for the memes.
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> gm: Uhm guys, I have some really bad news
pour the time you spent on nost on IRL instead. better yourself, work out, meet new people.
is the warmane realm Lordaeron next on the chopping block? Won't they just shut that shit down next?
>tfw I didn't take my last Nemesis piece when I had the chance
I will never forget this, fuck.
Shittier population will still be left out on 70, but that's literally the only legit point against insta-60.
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>just hit level 52
>about to start farming DME
>starting to gear up for preraid BiS
damn...the feels
Where the fuck are we migrating? Where the fuck will I migrate? What's the best vanilla and tbc private server
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>mfw people go hard on playtbc and blizzard comes in to shut it down
Damnit guys. This was, oddly, one of the most enjoyable parts of my life. Between work, more work, family, and work, I could fit half an hour of nost in here, and half an hour there. By Jove they kept me sane, and going, and happy.

Loved you all /nosg/, even the faggots among you.
literally just kronos
just wait for playtbc on the 19th.
>Chobam got gear in his last raid
it's not fair
anyone else getting it would make me feel better
vanilla - nost
tbc - nost tbc
See you there friend
We're giving up...

In a heartbeat (assuming you mean an English client like how they have a Chinese client).

What would change? Gold selling/buying/spamming essentially went unpunished anyways, if it was legitimized it wouldn't impact my experience in the slightest.
>5k people
>Dumped at the same time in fucking hellfire peninsula
Isnt that molten wow? The server that got "hacked" by their own serbian owner a year ago? lol ...
Kronos or The Rebirth are both very well scripted servers. Kronos has a better population.
Fuck around on PlayTBC or Vengeance until a non-shit server comes out
Lord obviously
>any other expansion
Kill yourself.
alright lads, what should i roll on kronos?

was a tauren warrior

kronos is probably where some people are going to end up, i just don't have it in me to level another character right now
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I was running fucking Scholo for the 50th time trying to get that fucking Cadaverous chest.

It didn't drop
So, what the fuck do I do with my life, now?
shout out to lndi for at least making some sort of nosg raid a thing, was a fun month or so we had
I'm gonna play on PLAYTBC because Lndi is going there =)
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I'm sorry I couldn't bring it back boys. Shout out to everyone who was there day 1. Sorry I couldn't stick around. The 6 hour Wailing Cavern run is gonna be with me forever.

Play other video games. For the love of god just stop playing World of Warcraft.
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>cata not in the "kill yourself" segment

kill yourself

If they do, they need to not be retarded; they need to clearly outline that their decision came as the direct result of Activision-Blizzard, Mike Morhaime, Chris Mezten, Bobby Kotick, etc. shutting down Nostalrius.

See what the headline: "MAN KILLS SELF AFTER COMPANY SHUTS DOWN GAME" does for their Legion sales.

t. wowg
i'm just going to fucking EVE online or FFXIV

Just because they can doesn't mean they should. We're allowed to be vocal about our disapproval of their actions, especially since they refuse to make legacy servers. If they made a Vanilla legacy server none of this would be an issue.
I liked rated BGs enough that I can't complain personally but I didn't touch the rest of it, you're probably right
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>tfw after the news was out that Nos got canned my priv server of choice had an influx of old players logging on

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Honestly, this.

This fucking game consumed my life for the past year, I almost feel free in a strange sense..... it is time to focus on RL and I recommend others do the same.

This is very sad but nothing to get depressed or do something as drastic as suicide over like some in this thread are saying(I hope its a joke)

Not going to do any shoutouts because I dont want to forget anyone, but I'm gonna miss you all and I enjoyed the bantz and shitposting we had here.

p.s. if any of you fuckers are actually going to commit suicide, do it muslim style at blizz HQ pls and thx
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>20 players online

>Blizzard I disapprove of you doing something you had the right and the reason to do!
Do you realize how that makes you sound?

Get over it, hoss. Just stop playing WoW. That's the best thing for you anyway.
You are next.
So what's warmane wotlk like? Good scripting? Are there a lot of bugged quests? Anybody know?

Yeah major props to Lndi for holding together a bunch of autists long enough to end the "/nosg/ will never raid" meme.
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>log in to do some /comfy/ leveling
>level Fishing in Elwynn so I can catch Sagefish in Loch Modan
>it happens
What are we on kronos? Ally or horde? Do we have a guild?
>playtbc website isnt even loading

off to a good start

A couple minor bugs here and there, everything else is fine, roll on desuwing if you wanna raid NA hours, there's a guild in wpsg recruiting.
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Hello darkness, my old friend.

I'm interested as well. I'm probably going Horde regardless.

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Just disappointed senpai.

Nigger I remember rolling a new human mage about 3 months after server release and trying to do some eastvale logging camp quests and this faggot warlock kept killing Guard Thomas for hours on end.

That faggot warlock was named OGTucker.

I hated you for a full week.
yeah I would like to horde, fuck ally. I don't know how many are interested though. and if we even have a guild

What reasons did they have? They weren't losing money. Nostalrius wasn't profiting. If they have no plans to make legacy servers, why do they care if somebody else does it?
"258 accounts created in last 25 minutes" - Twinstar admin in irc
One of the first things I thought of when I heard it was shutting down was that scene. Weird.
I had fun with you and I hated what happened because of a certain someone paying me to go along with it.
>this world chat
damn bros....it was fun
Legion is about to come out. They want those subs.

get the fuck out nigger

The people playing on a private vanilla WoW server aren't going to sub to Legion, especially not after you legally nuke their server.
that's Kronos

there's a guild hordeside right now called <nost refugees> with 170 ppl online
can't remember my username to log in for a last goodbuy kek
>about to come out
playtbc server is up
You think you know, but you don't
blizzard seriously thinks legion is good and will bring everyone back
>all these fagballeronis wanting to jump ship to a new private server
>implying the same fate isn't going to befall said server if it gets popular enough

Enjoy the time you spent on Nost, this shit was as close as reliving the past as possible. But just like retail it all had to end someday.
honest question:
are there any servers with instant 60, and a pve-focused that actually raids?
it's the only reason i've been hopping on to these private servers, and every instant 60 server is just a pvp shitfest
i just want to slay a fucking dragon, is that really so much to ask?
can't make an account because their site is down so fuck that
ughhhh was trying to sell my account the past week, and then this happens
So we're playing on Kronos now? Heh, the irony is too much. Well, at least stince its located in the Czech Republican it won't get shut down like Nostalrius.
seriously this.

the groups of people on a vanilla server are

>people who are sick to death of something in retail wow but still want to play wow of some kind
these people wont play retail because legion is just WoD 2.0

>people who miss vanilla
these people obviously wont play retail

>people who are too poor to play retail
these people arent going to buy another expac and pay for sub

>pve focused vanilla

why the fuck would you want this? Vanilla rotations and raids were fucking boring. the fun was in the open world and community
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For those of you in /cuckpve/ server who i might played or helped with. Cheers friendos maybe one day our path will cross again.


>inb4 literally who?
Lol. They will sub and they will play Legion. You have no fucking idea how WoW players are if you're that delusional.

Oy vey goyim, it seems your favorite private server has shut down! What a shame. Why not pre-purchase a copy of World of Warcraft: Legion and renew your subscription or the low price of 15 dollars a month? Sign up now and receive a free ashbringer when you log in!

No its not.
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Keep the wind at your back and the sun upon your face, friends.
i meant the website, my bad

And then everyone will realize it's shit and their subscriptions will go down again. WoD failed, Legion will fail as well.
what's the point of the nost staff doing a ama on reddit tomorrow
>why the fuck would you want this? Vanilla rotations and raids were fucking boring. the fun was in the open world and community
i played from vanilla to cata, but never got to raid once. it's just something i want to do
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rib good times
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I haven't played a single second on this server and I'm sad.
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I was so close to BiS man.
Raidstats was what made me push dps hard as fuck, I atleast managed top 10 before raidstats reset.
Now what, motherfuckers?
Now what?
Never forget the memories you shared with good friends, anons. Maybe our paths will cross again.
This panic and morose atmosphere is kind of endearing, in it's own way.
All the fun I had was in leveling
Maybe I'll make a paladin finally
So, Kronus or PlayTBC?
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lmao fucking world pvp at the bottom of Hyjal crater
>PvE bis
lel, why?
The only reason to PvE is to get the PvP bis gear.
farewell Salty Dogs
farewell Gentlemens Club
farewell Convulsion
/moo robotron
Looking like Horde
>I think the worst part about this is not that we lost of characters n the server n shit.

>Today is also the day where Nostalrius will start being community-driven in the truest sense of the word, as we will be releasing the source code, and anonymized players data (encrypting personal account data), so the community as a whole will decide the form of the future of Nostalrius.

Even that isn't really lost
post death songs

>get banned last week
>pretty mad
>this happens
>pretty ok with it.
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General chat is too hectic for this but i want to ask...
What was your fondest memory for Nost?

I'm only a level 30 shitter but when i did Deadmines i met a group and we just kicked it off. I was howling with laughter from the constant banter, we were taking the dungeon slow even died once but it didnt matter I was so fucking happy. I have never had more fun in an MMO than at that point, in a fucking 10 year old game, with strangers, doing a level 18 dungeon as a holy priest.



bad quality video but the DiF boys wanted it
I hope you can all enjoy it
much love to all of you

>retail kills tirion so paladins can become the ashbringer
>see we gave you ashbringer what else do you possibly want?
>fuck it make tirion a death knight now too, we need a new set of 4 horsemen


Bravo worth 15 dollars a month easily
Why would you play vanilla for any other reason than the PvE aspect?
WoD succeeded in bringing in a bunch of subs at launch and they did up paying $40 for it. It's a success in that respect.

We'll see if that approach actually has any longevity in it though. Personally I remember everyone being extremely optimistic for WoD. The best expansion since BC they said. That same optimism hasn't been captured at all for Legion, everyone's treating it with extreme caution,
After the valkyrie fiasco, any server would be retarded to actually use a character database that's been floating around the web, getting cracked left and right.
I honestly have no fond memories of Nost.

This is because I'm a fanatical ret paladin, and beyond getting a few lucky soc crits on some faggot undead mage, I typically don't have a good time playing this game.

I only played it because a friend of mine did.
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Never forget, if any of you Absolute Zero raiders from last summer are here.. whats up?
Is there any way for Blizzard to tell if you played Nost? I'd rather not be a part of the imminent ban-wave following this, as some sort of example against playing on pservers
im gonna miss u lad
thanks for the fun zg
t. glib
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how much played time do yall got? 11 days here
literally kill yourself you stupid cuck
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>can't even log in for the final countdown

They're not going to ban you. They need all the subs they can get at this point.
Legion won't fail. It will succeed like all other WoW expansions.

That's just the reality. You're fucking delusional. Blizzard will only gain subs and expansion sales by this move, and that's why they did it.
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So long, it's not like i gave a fuck about you anyway
It's the other way around.
Why would you ever play vanilla for anything other than PvP?
It had literally the best PvP of any expansion, while the PvE content is just standing around pressing your 1 spell rotation, and as long as you have 10% spellhit, you top charts.
And even if you don't top charts, you'll still get taken to raids simply because of the utility you provide.
Exactly. You could feel the anticipation for WOD. They said all the right things, the trailer was h ype as fuck. It just isnt here for legion
I thought nost was untouchable in france
>After the valkyrie fiasco, any server would be retarded to actually use a character database that's been floating around the web, getting cracked left and right.
What's the problem though? All you have to do is change the password once you get your character back.
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Ganking all day at sunrock with Finalflash and gucci, and coming on here to see everyone complaining about how they can't level and how we're ruining their experience.
DiF will continue on PlayTBC
Sorry you weren't playing BC, friend.
niggers at kronos better do some 2x xp shit

>subs have dropping since wotlk

Wow, the expansion were so successful that it must have looped back to unsuccessful.
Even if I was I still would not have had a good time because I play alliance and no seal of blood.

There's a reason that every single paladin player who has ever specced ret even once in their life regards WoTLK as best expansion.
They've dropped but WoW still brings in huge profits. I know the game is shit now but it's still prints money you fucking retard.
No one's getting banned. Not even sodapoppin got perma'd and he advertised Nost for godsake.
>12k pop in Hellfire Penisula
fucking love you bro
i hope i can lead the memes again someday
stay based

That wasn't the problem.
Problem was that a select number of people could break into inactive accounts, giving them an unlimited supply of BiS geared characters.
>"they deserved it, they were using blizzard's material"
Leveling my warrior with a priest friend, having a huge 2v5+ fight with equal level alliance near the ogre in alterac

as a rabid ret faggot, wotlk will always hold a special place in my heart because of what it did to ret. I'll never call it the best expac because of all the shit it did to the rest of the game
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>getting ganked stranglethorn vale while trying to quest
>hear it on the chat
>knew it had to be true since I heard about it shutting down in the last thread
>went to SW asap and got killed at the gates

if the in game shop is making money and the expansions aren't, then it's the in game shop that's successful, not the expansions.

Keeping the game on life support isn't being "successful".
As someone who first played WoW 2 years ago
who never played Nostalrius
and who is french

I feel pretty depressed about all that. Sad about not being able to experience vanilla with the big community nostalrius was, sad about my country's laws letting that happen, sad that Blizzard are literally kicking their oldest fans in the nuts.

Oh well
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>that video
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>spam the china channel daily and make them so mad
>/who random xiaos and tell them "goodbye china friends"
>get back sad broken english tells saying thanks, goodbye, will miss u, etc
>go onto their channel and apologize for being a shithead (their world chat channel is in just a big an uproar as ours)
>tfw they say thanks and don't hate me anymore

No its not
Oh, yeah, I can see what that would lead to.

So what's stopping Nost from just hosting this as a "new server" in Botswana with everything copied over? Like TPB does every now and then?
They weren't, though.

All the models, music, etc is in the client, which private servers don't modify or distribute.
The scripts are server-side, which are written from scratch, so not blizzard's IP.

Well, nost simply took an existing wow emulator anyway, so it doesn't matter either way.
Actually, they've been dropping more and more money on it. While I'm sure it makes shitloads of cash, they spend a lot more on marketing and development than they did 2010 and before. Server costs have likely dropped though.
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>>tfw they say thanks and don't hate me anymore
Because in vanilla PvE you felt like you were apart of something.
I can only cipher this as a social constuct the normies speak of, where you are a part of a group, succeeding in killing something together., while in PVP its solo, alone, desolate.

I had great fun with newfound friends in vanilla aswell on Nost, now we are scatttered in the winds, lookingt for a new home.

I dont enjoy the cold darkness anon, I really dont.
Expansions are making them money. Subs are making them money. Micro transactions are making them money. The whole goddamn game is making them ridiculous dosh.

You're seriously fucking delusional because your private server got shut down.

>life support
It's not anywhere close to that. No, the game isn't what it used to be, but it's still a money machine.
Help me pick what I play as I slowly spiral down the rabbithole of depression...
I'm going to FFXIV senpai, all my friends moved onto it and Gilgamesh is such a huge fucking server full of life. Much better than retail WoW.
is it possible to make a server for just yourself? So blizzard can't shut it down
this is the first post that legit hit me hard

RIP nost
PlayTBC, that's where everyone is rerolling on Horde. Except Niko who's going into the army.
it's going up and down. they're getting a lot of traffic

Escorting a level 17 through Searing Gorge, in character, telling them stories.

Happening upon a naked level 23 Night Elf standing around the entrance to Burning Steppes, asking him what he was doing there, and seeing other stripped down 20s destealth nearby. And then, escorting them to Blackrock Mountain.

Killing Rag for the first time in my life

Killing Nefarian for the first time in my life

Simply relaxing around Loch Modan and fishing for blackmouth and junk whirlpools, talking to friends and hailing down passerbys to chat and offer food

Forming level 27-31 pvp mob squads in hillsbrad foothills on alliance.

It was never planned, just one dude asking for help because he was getting ganked by 4+ horde then all of the sudden a 7 man alliance gank squad of level 27-31 players has been formed.

Quests all but forgotten, doing nothing but killing horde all day every day.

I got rank 3 in 1 day.
>while in PVP its solo, alone, desolate.
But group pvp is amazing in vanilla. Because you actually interact with the other person, help them out, etc.
While in PvE the focus is on the boss and you just do your own thing.
Just working together with people. The actual community that did something together.
Are we horde or ally on kronos?
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What now senpai?
The Nostalrius staff did NOT have the skill or means to script Naxx or AQ. They cashed in on the RMT payoffs and pulled the plug.

If the fuckers couldn't fix shaman and paladins after a full YEAR, there's no way in hell they could do those raids. None.

The Chinese got their cash and bailed too. Be sad for their sweatshop peeps I guess.
Oh god, but that server is terrible.
Everyone in closed beta said it's shit.
Why isn't this allowed anyway? If they don't make money, what's the problem? It goes against they're EULA, I assume, but shouldn't you be able to use the software as you see fit, once you've bought it? I don't know. Maybe not. I feel like you should though. I don't know.
It is not the tenth yet.
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all for this
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>52 days played

End me

>Expansions are making them money. Subs are making them money. Micro transactions are making them money. The whole goddamn game is making them ridiculous dosh.

Do you know how business works?

If the sales of your product drastically drop, you don't call it successful, you call it failing.
Holy Light coefficient was 43% from the launch to death. LOL
warmane is the lowest quality wotlk realm possible.
don't waste your time
It's looking like DRAGON IN FOREST is being continued on PlayTBC, maybe
Joining a roaming party of misfit 17s-low 30s and just starting shit in ashenvale ~2 or 3 weeks after launch.

I remember getting the whisper and thinking about saying fuck it and just stick to the grindstone but decided to go blow off some steam and kill some horde scum. Ended up fucking around with the raid for a good 2 hours before we split our ways

One of the few good memories I had before work slowly drove me away from the game
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I never forgot. ;_;
>blizzard seriously thinks legion is good and will bring everyone back

they say that for every fucking expansion.
i understand you friend, many on here will call you terrible names for >PvE but i understand, i like both to be honest
Thats one thing that irks me about retail WoW, its no longer World of Warcraft its World of Youcraft, i dont wanna be the god-chosen-predestined-commander hero, i just wanna be an adventurer with his party of friends killing shit, and they can just have lore figures kill off dungeon bosses for all i care
I guess what im trying to say is vanilla WoW feels big while your character is small, and in retail its the opposite and thats just not satisfying to me
You literally cannot be this retarded.

It is not failing if it's still profiting. It is underperforming compared to previous years.

Oh man, look at all that success.
RIP /nosg/

/tbcg/ confirmed or migrating to /wpsg/?
I was thinking about starting to play WoW again prefferably on a vanila server

is Nostralius populated and active community?
I wish I could gather all the posts about good memories on Nost and send them to the chucklefucks at Blizzard.
go on /wpsg/ and play playtbc until we establish how many of us are going over
My fondest memory was long-conning those Nightslayer Gloves
Suckers never knew what hit them
Hopefully we can keep this thread alive for a while so people can talk more
lndi made a steam group so a good amount of people from DiF and the thread joined and we can figure out where we're going from there
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why can't blizzard let us have fun
yeah nost is pretty active
It's doing worse than it was before. We've established this. It still rakes in money.

>it's totally making tons of money guys trust me
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>is Nostralius populated and active community?

Agreed, huge problem. Even bigger problem with all the automatic group finding shit that teleports you wherever you need to go and increasing amount of phased and instanced content the world has become less and less important. Now it basically serves as a hub for a variety of minigames.
Holy shit are you trolling?
It's probably even lower now but Blizzard won't reveal the numbers (guess why).

And the expansion's release date is still nowhere in sight.
Yeah, it's very populated! I think now is a better time than ever to hop on and start. There will be ZERO lag!
s-should I roll on kronos, wait for playTBC, or do nothing and hope for a miracle?
just please, don't touch the retail ones
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it sure does
>nost gets all of the players while kronos is dead as fuck, despite kronos being better scripted
>nost gets shut down due to being in a eu country, while kronos doesn't, because it's hosted in a slav shithole
This literally couldn't have gone worse.

You faggots should have rolled on kronos.
You would have still been playing, on a superior server at that.

But it's over now. Both servers are dead as fuck.


Because they're butthurt that people like older versions better.

Oh damn I didn't read OP

I remember playing with /v/ on Feenix and getting more than 120 members show up on raid nights, shame Nost is going down it looks like it would have been fun
The smart ones will wait a week or two and see where the community has migrated to.

Go play SWTOR or something.
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it was a lot of fun

not really sure what im going to do without it
We're all migrating to live WoD now. Moonguard
just wait to see if playtbc is any good

the launch is looking to be entertaining if nothing else
>unironically rollong on playtbc

I swear if that piece of shit garbo server takes off simply by cannibalizing on nostalrius, I'm gonna be mad.
just play a single player game for a while, see how it all works out after today
wotlk was shit.

Don't believe other peoples lies.

It was a trash heap that killed pvp and piled a bunch of poop all over Ulduar.
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rip in peace, 4chin guilds.

May the phoenix rise again.
Exactly, the LFG isnt an inherently bad system, it solved the age ol' "LF2M Need Healer DPS for Uldaman" shit that gets spammed in trade chat. It did however break up the world; you no longer needed to run to a dungeon, or know where it was. You no longer needed to talk to anyone to get into a dungeon. You no longer needed to go to zones your levels or meet other people your level, hell you didnt even need to do quests other than the ones the dungeons handed out.
So LFG was a good idea, but the consequences that came with it led to the game of Garrison of Phasecraft that we have now
I want to play Vanilla so I'll probably be going to Kronos, I'll wait a week to see what happens though.
is MG still full of autists like that landwhale priest and that nigger who cried on vent when someone called him a nigger

´• ل͜ •`
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I tried to warn you nosg. I saw the end coming with the flooding of the chinks. I tried to tell you... Kronos is the promised land.

But you ignored me, you cast me out and mocked me. But it's too late now. Enjoy leveling at 1x again if you decide to roll there. Luckily I made a 60 during the 7x event.

t. Grimlic
It doesn't have to end here guys.

We're playing on Kronos.
Kronos suck dick
not rerolling
fucking this, I rolled nost to play fucking vanilla, I'm not going to a TBC or WoTLK server
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Thanks senpaitachi for a good time!
Cata briefly introduced a system where you needed to discover a dungeon's entrance to be able to queue for it, but like a lot of the good stuff in Cata, it was promptly patched out.

Go Kronos by the way, PlayTBC devs are scummy pieces of shit.

Over 10k signatures. We might not save Nostalrius but maybe we can convince Blizzard to make Legacy servers.
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Dankest congaline ever
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You guys all realize kronos is going to suffer the same fate as Nostalrius. Don't waste your breath.
Are you guys going to play any other MMO besides WoW now?

Some people I know went back to Runescape and others went to FF14.
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>mfw itll be QUALITY 2.0 where people can cheat engine everything.
>flyhacking over bosses and plinking them to death because they cant hit you
>warping around the entire world to get a ton of exp
>deathbugging and warping to chest spawns to collect mad dosh

playtbc will be a trainwreck and ill be more than happy to suffer it with you faggots
god damn you lad kronos is on their radar too
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i cant find the source of this song

i love this shit pls help
I thought one of the big reasons we were on this private server was because it was free?
Entitled will be on playtbc, see you there.
I tried playing OSRS back in the fall. The tedium isn't worth it anymore. WoW is just so much more entertaining.
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i might play through ffxi


If you're a poor it is. And that's a respectable reason, the noble poor needs entertainment too.

But most of us could afford a sub to any given MMO, just none of them are like vanilla wow. The chinese and slavs probably are playing this game because it's free though.
So now that Nost is dead what server do I roll on? Tod? Atlantiss? Excalibur? Kronos?

Where are you guys going?
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I made a 60 on kronos a while back so I'll be playing there I guess.
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>you didn't take any screenshots
Blizzard will not, under no circumstances, make legacy servers.

It requires too much manpower for too little gain. They aren't selling expansions with legacy servers. They wouldn't sell microtransactions on legacy servers. They would have to commit to fixing all the bugs that still existed on legacy servers. It's a really stupid move for them to make legacy servers.

The only people that actually played legacy servers were the Chinese and the BRs. The rest of the population never committed to them long term. Only a fraction of the overall population of legacy servers actually get to and actively play at endgame.
If you want to play a vanilla like MMO, try Wildstar. It's pretty fun.
>all the literal cucks on the official forums arguing against making legacy servers
how can you be this brain dead?
>Vanilla likke

wtf m8
cried for the first time in years today, fuck the 80 days /played, i'll miss all the people bar the chinks. twas a good'one
I'll probably roll on ToD just because there's a /wpsg/ guild there but we'll see.
This time lets stick to one faction instead of making multiple guilds on both sides *cough* salty dogs *cough*
There's a split between playtbc ( A TBC which is coming out on the 16th), and Kronos, mostly.

Most of the best nost guilds are going playtbc, but most pf the people who just want a vanilla experience are going kronos.

Just wait a week to see where people go, but if you want a vanilla server Kronos is undeniably better than the rest. 2K population is better than 500 population, and I can see the population rising with Nost gone.
Any news on FF? Did he commit suicide???
playTBC is bug-ridden garbage, if you thought nost was bad you're in for a treat
I am the kind of slow and completionist player, you know? Always play stuff on the release order, dont rush stuff, spend several hours just seeing the games unfold.

After a long time, i finished almost everything Warcraft related and decided to start WoW, which is supposed to have a shitload of content and take a long time to complete. Of course, if im playing in the right order, im starting from vanilla, then TBC, and so on, and Nost seemed the best.

So 3 weeks ago i started Nost, and i had a lot of fun with my warrior, lvl 22 now, 53 hours in that character. Questing everything i see, including quests from other starting areas that give me no exp what so ever, and exploring all i see.

And now that...

Im not mad about the 53hours i put into the character, im sad about the cheer amount of content i will never get to see first hand, all the quests i wont complete, dungeons i wont do, raids and advetures i will not have.
Everyone is just shilling their shit right now

it was fun boys
is the /wpsg/ guild there any good? i remember asscobra from the early days of the server and thought he was pretty cool. but i don't want to join a bad guild just because i liked someone.
It really is. The raid structure is pretty much the same, the questing is similar, the crafting is similar. If you dont mind better graphics and active combat, it really is Vanilla WoW.
Ey famalams, what are the prospects for TBC servers?
>too much manpower for so little gain
>800,000 registered users

If they charged $5/month for access they would immediately get $4 million. Probably more because that's only from people who registered on Nostalrius. I bet they could easily get 1 million people to sign up for legacy servers.
You can try other vanilla private servers.
>but like a lot of the good stuff in Cata, it was promptly patched out.

See also difficulty and fun,
Gummycraft sometime in summer.
playtbc is garbage, avoid.
It's confusing. What a weird and rabid devotion to a company. Even if you didn't like vanilla wow there is obviously a lot of people who do. Why do you care if they get legacy servers?

baka senpai

See you, space cowboy.
Im in the same boat, but theres no time to start like the present. All your pictures will have that "end of the world" feel to them ya know
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nostalgia cucks eternally BTFO
You saved my image :)
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Conga lines getting intense

lmao no

ask most of the people playing here, they would be more than happy to sub for an official server again (including myself)

it was never about the money, it was about the experience that retail no longer offers
it was on reddit
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Things are gettting sick in here
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>met some guy while doing an escort in loch modan about a year ago
>still friends to this day
>that chance of us meeting was based on many small decisions that made our paths cross
>the server had many people who could have been good friends but I never met them, simply because of chance and the decisions we made
>The chance of me meeting them is now gone
>all that fucking time spent going is going to be erased

fuck this gay earth and everything on it
>boot up retail
>almost every server is low

no it's not

the combat is shit, the story is shit, the artstyle is shit

people who say wildstar is just like vanilla are clinically retarded
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they "increased server capacity in preparation for Legion"
server is hosted in US have fun being shut down instantly

Progressing through BWL with my guild and actually trying different strategies instead of just reading WoWHead

Fighting chinks for BL in burning steppes

Also countercancering in Redridge

Playing vanilla.
Combat is great. Even healing is fun.

Story is pretty good and is pretty similar to Vanilla with "titans" and ect.

Artstyle is great. Look much better than WoW in my opinion.
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>Server shutdown got me like
the artstyle and environment alone were enough to make me want to stop playing

Just head over to Kronos for more vanilla.
do i roll in the /wpsg/ guild or not /nosg/? havent played wrath in forever
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>hosted in the same country as the ravenous kikeroaches at Blizzard
>buggy as shit
>devs insist all bug reports are false rumors
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I've been there for the death of scriptcraft, scriptcraft 2, quality, etc.
This is hardly unexpected.
Just something you gotta deal with in the private server world.
The shilling and shitposting is absurd. All other servers were shit. Stop posting for Kronos. Pay2win on a private server and 7x xp weekends are absolutely fucking retarded.

Give me the skinny on Kronos. What's it like over there?

Population is a issue. My greatest fear it that after such blow, no server will actually pick up to Nost population. If im going to wait 3 hours for another 2 players show up in duskwood so i can complete a elite quest, i might as well not play.

People say Nost is crowded, that in vanilla you would have between half and a third of those players in a server... Well, i have played enough other mmos, including private servers, to say that at least in the early part of the game, the amount of players was perfect.
Kronos shills in Full Force
I havent seen it this bad since May
>the fucking bloodbath we can participate in
>hfp and zangar are fucking warzones
>halla gets renamed to allah because of the constant bombings happening
>terokkar is gorilla_warfare.exe
>thinking it wouldnt be amazing

id be high warlord at the end of the day if ranks werent removed

More votes.

Fuck blizzard we're going to play anyway.
Better scripted, less population.

War effort in progress, I think.
what makes gummy better?
Blizzard is sinister. They waited for over a year. They waited for us all to get comfortable and think Nostalrius was untouchable. They waited for most of us to get to 60 and feel like we accomplished something.

Then they kick us in the balls and swiped the rug out from under us. The could have done this last year when Nostalrius was new.
A fucking fraction of the population of Nos. Except less than a thousand people on at all times.
I'm thinking about rolling but from the sound of it they have 2 25 man raid groups so idk if I'd even get a spot.
>Subs dropping so low they stop reporting them
>Several servers are fucking ghost towns
Not buying it.
I recruited an irl friend to play on nostalrius and I sent him a message on steam to let him know the situation. he didn't respond though I know he was online and at his computer. just a moment ago my police scanner went off about a suicidal male at his address. I would go over there to try and help but I'm high as fuck and reek like weed. I can't be around police in my current state.
Christ no wonder they shut it down. It looks more active than the official servers.
Kronos has 1500 people online right now and its the fucking dead hours for private servers. Even more people will be playing tomorrow.

I highly recommend starting to level your character before the Chinks get smart and arrive. Get a headstart dude.
That's the skinny. >>137891286
it's almost like the best private server is closing genius
It's not going to be amazing, but gummy can at least script a bit.
Whereas playtbc is stock trinity core.
>All those things I never got to do

I wanted to do AQ again

I've never killed Cthun

I wanted more

The great migration.
warmane is still up
It IS more active. If they didn't have cross server everything and LFGshit WoW would be one of the most DEAD mmos.

You guys should try taking a break for a month or two to see if anything new pops out of the ashes instead of immediately rolling somewhere else
It might play out this way in your head, but you're forgetting the slew of other costs involved and, not to mention, the fact they've probably already dug into the idea of legacy servers more than a few times and likely came out with the same answer, which is the one they've been giving every single time: it's just NOT a sustainable model. They have a hard enough time keeping people subbed on live. The sub count would be drastically lower as private servers have much, much lower levels of commitment from players as most of them just play for the sake of nostalgia before quitting after a few weeks.

You're also forgetting your estimate of players on those private servers are from entire countries of players that only play because they are taking advantage of the free to play aspect of the private servers: eg. chinks and BRs. Take those out and your player count goes way down.

it's guaranteed to be shut down by blizzard. nost wasn't even taking donations. twinstar is selling accounts for money AND they accept donations.
it all returns to nothing
Are there an vanilla servers with playable naxx content?
>farm HoJ for 2 months
>37th run
>it drops and I finally get it
>I get motherfucking Hand of motherfucking Justice
>wake up next day, server is ded
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Are there people online right now playing as if nothing happened? Holding on to shred of hope that their server isn't being shutdown? "No, it's not true" as their facial expression is paralyzed and eyes glazed over, continuing their herbalism in Hinterlands
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So. What non WoW MMO are you hyped for?
I bought Black Desert, but it's mostly a single player RPG, and a pretty okay one, but I want a trinity style MMO. Tried to go back to Dofus since I'm 6 month a year in a inuit village. It's cheap as dirt to play at least.

But if you want a "Final Fantasy Tactics" MMO, it's pretty good.

Lost Ark Online seems pretty good for a MMOARPG.
There is no p2w on Kronos or 7x weekends. You're a pathetic retard that has to spread false shit instead of debating on the merits.


What? Are you suggesting rolling on some opportunistic stock Mangos vanilla server that has been developed for approximately 2 seconds? Just go Kronos. It has been proven to have good scripting and has been around for years.
>guild still wants to raid tomorrow like nothing happend
Better scripted, way less players. Kronos will probably be the place most people go if they want vanilla.
Kronos peaks at 3000.

There's people still grinding for salty scorpid shit in the shimmering flats.
I think they did it so that no one feels comfortable on a private server ever again. Most of us we're planning years down the line on Nost and no private server has ever been bigger or more beloved.

It would be nefarious enough if they decided now was the time to roll out legacy servers as a super stable alternative but expecting everyone to flock to Legion is just cold.
thats ironic coming from a frogposter
Pantheon looks cool
Anyone else wondering how many chinks will commit suicide?
I wasn't in world and I hadn't visited this general all day I had no idea it was ending. I was grinding in tanaris when I realized that I wasn't in world chat.
>nost wasn't taking donations

They didn't have to, they made bank off of monopolizing the gold selling market on their own server.
If they would just merge servers like they did in the past at least there'd be active realms, albeit a lot less of them. But the hubris of Blizzard is so vast that they'd rather do absurd phasing shit and automate all forms of leveling and content since it makes the game appear slightly less unhealthy than merging servers would.

This is the same company that spent years claiming they didn't have the technology to add more than 9 deck slots to Hearthstone and then just added a scroll bar in a patch.
Same, we tried C'thun for a few weeks and but then Naxx came out so we focused on that. I kinda also wanted to clear Naxx some day
I will eat my phone if that one comes out.
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>April 10th
>Server shut down in 10...
>Server shut down in 9...
>Server shut down in 8...
>Server shut down in 7...
>Server shut down in 6...
>Server shut down in 5...
>Server shut down in 4...
>Server shut down in 3...
>Server shut down in 2...
>Server shut down in 1...
>everyone's face when server never comes back up
93 days 14 hours on my 3 60s
>There's people still grinding for salty scorpid shit in the shimmering flats.

Praise their souls. I was lucky when I did that quest, I got the six with only killing forty of them
>There's people still grinding for salty scorpid shit in the shimmering flats.
>"I will finish this quest no matter what!"

They're probably at it since release and will still be 5/6 the very moment the server shuts down.

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>Kronos devs face right now with the massive influx of new players and direct threat of Blizzard shutting them down
Can we work with the Chinks to blow out Blizz servers for a few days
I got first got WoW a month before TBC was released, i didnt even get a chance to raid in vanilla or TBC as I was 13 and garbage. Here I was hoping I would be able to live the life I never got...
I just pray Blizzard wakes up from their Emerald Nightmare and gives Vanilla/TBC/Cata servers or at the very least a progression server
I would fully subscribe to replay that
Warmane kind of sucks man.

The people who run it are fuckheads/sketchy Eastern Europeans who throw anything and everything on their cash shop while lying about the server population.

They want you to donate so you can skip the "ques".
If Blizzard announced they were opening official legacy servers and then the next day Nost announced they were shutting down I wouldn't be angry at them at all. I'd miss my Nost characters and memories, but I'd be on the official vanilla ones day 1.

Now I'm going to have nothing.
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>"Nos staff will surely keep the server data backed up and eventually we'll be able to return to our characters again"

I'm still banned for racism... It's been months now.

I wonder if its a perma ban.
>tens of thousands of chinks are asleep right now, oblivious to the news
>They have a hard enough time keeping people subbed on live.
Now with legacy servers a sub gives you effectively two or more games for the same price, assuming they don't go full kike mode.

You'd be a complete fool to pretend that making a sub more worthwhile won't have any effect on people playing the current expansion whatsoever when runescape has had incredible player growth since they added their 'legacy' server.
It is 10 am there, they are just finding out.
Blizzard won't touch Kronos. They would go after Molten before anything now.

Nost's combination of shady operating staff, gold/account selling out the ass, and an extremely prominent presence in everything from twitch to youtube is what killed them.

60 gnome lock here, it sucks, but it was hardly unexpected.
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>tfw just sold my account 2 weeks ago for 100$
>tfw played bloodcraft before it got merged into truewow and still playing truewow even though max player count is 500-700 and during the US evening its around 200

Atleast theres no donation gear niggery I guess
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It was a wonderful time, you guys.

No matter how big you are.
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What kind of MMO is it?
prove it
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Just Ordered a sandwich In memory of my Tauren warrior
Pic related

I will miss you guys...
>all the cash4gold sites are now freaking the fuck out
>there are chinks literally being executed and assassinated for this
I've decided to play wotlk on warmane since some of my friends play there

what are the chances of it being shut down like nost?
Seeing as heavily they monetize everything it will be Blizzards next big target
anyone else just get banned?
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Oh my bad it was over an entire month of 7x xp you dumb cunt. Kronos always will be shit. Don't forget their account selling website they support.
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not everyone got back up
Look like a Elder Scroll Online style mmo.
I'm not spamming like a faggot, so no.
This is why we can't have nice things.
you people going to kronos realize blizzard will shut that down too right?
> they monetize everything

can you elaborate? I thought it was blizzlike


lost ark because it looks like a fancier diablo 3 clone

not really interested on it because it an mmo
but more on the loot aspect of it, like any other action rpgs with rng loot
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>he thinks kronis is safe

All the ship-jumpers are gonna lead Blizzard right to their new home
I was there for that, I got up.
It's made by absolute madman Brad McQuaid was the one of the lead designers of Everquest and Vanguard.

Basically he wants to recreate the hardcore PVE social MMO that was the shit in his heyday.
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Can you still create an account on Nost? It's been a long time since I've played so I don't remember my account's informations and I'd like to experience the shitstorm in-game.
To anyone in Ycb's raid, where are the summons?
Good, I think I'll buy an account without the risk of getting scammed by a chink.
Just take one look at their cash shop and you'll know what I'm talking about.
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Fuckin piece of shit liar.
This shit again

Calling it now, because this happened on EVERY SINGLE server we ever played on: Horde wins the poll, then the same autists like everytime are chosing to ignore the poll and go alliance anyways.

Because this happens EVERY TIME
trying to login but my password isn't working now

did they already delete the database? is it even possible to contact the admins to reset it for the last few days?
A Kronos staffer let slip on the IRC that they've been seeing a steady influx of account creation of about 12-15 per minute.

Twinstar will give any US litigation the middle finger. Czech gives zero fucks about Blizzard.
Man fuck.

Why did this of all things make me want to play again?
Sure, but Vanilla WoW is casual. Old Everquest is actually rough. Like, losing XP when you die and 7 hours dungeons at level 18 rough.

Like actually 24 hours long bosses rough.

Why would you want this?
I didn't get to know you much, but one thing for sure: you could spin very fast.
You will be missed.
Regards, Vedun.
I don't think he's going THAT extreme. But the game will probably never come out anyway.

Mourn with us brothers
The old website you need to make an account on is gone, so no
inb4 source code gets released and the player base splinters onto 5 clone servers killing the vibe

That shit sucked and died because in MMOs the definition of "hardcore" is "boring".
Oh well.

Hoping the best for you guys
>>I think they did it so that no one feels comfortable on a private server ever again.
Pretty much this.
I really hope some chink hosts a chinese only server and they all end up being contained there.
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bye bye.png
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I only got to level 15 but seeing this shit and all these level 60s going nuts makes me mad
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>mfw nos gets broken into 5 realms of a battlegroup server with cross server-bgs and the servers aren't packed like a syrian liferaft
so what happens now? the 13,000 people who need a home move to kronos, and they get sued a year down the line too, ruining all the work I put in?

No thanks, it was fun while it lasted guys, but let your delusions go.
Chinese fucks were always fun in normal wow.

That and random half-portugese pugs on an american server that cleared raids better than 90% of real guilds.
We all play retail, legion is out soon and it's going to be great

Thanks Blizzard, for once again shitting on your fans with your unethical jew greed.
Hope Legion and Overwatch bomb and you all commit suicide. Hope Duncan Jones rips your asses in-half after Warcraft bombs.

Absolute worthless human beings.
>/nosg/ inter-server shitposting over who is the best and which server is better
you no rike a chinee?
Why would you want nos source code?
Just go to trinity core website and download it, they're the same.

yer a fucking legend gamer
>those fat hands
>double beef
>played a tauren
A cow playing a cow.
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Have fun suing a server hosting in the Czech republic.

Nostalrius was dumb enough to be hosted in France aka America's cuckboy.
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Come home, Serbian man
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My screenshot has never been more relevant
>Server is shutting down.

It's time to move on and let it go, I never had time to raid, leveling was fun, but being crit for 3k by BWL equipped rogues/mages/warriors wasn't tb h.

Thanks for the laughs and drama.
>there are probably blizzard shills in this very thread
>trying to demoralize us and convince us to play retail

Don't fall for it guys. We have a future on Kronos.

Someone needs to dox their live servers. Send those fat kikes a message.
You take down our server we'll take down yours.
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posting only sceenie
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Can you even log-in right now? I want to go spew shit in major cities but get auto-disconnect at login screen
I ran around whispering people their /played
First, a warrior with Thunderfury. "85 DAYS"
Then another warrior with Thunderfury, "54 days.."
I'm sad, but also kind of relieved since my level 30 shaman only had like 3 days played.
Bonus: rogue in /s : 150 days ingame, all for nothing
>We have a future on Kronos.
Until it gets shut down too. :^)
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>roll a character on Kronos
>click to enter the game
>been stuck on the loading screen for 5 minutes
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here you go m8, I doxxed them for you.
>all for nothing
Just as it should be.
>blizzard thinking they can piss off 10-20k people and get away with it, now that they are more vulnerable than ever

I'm eagerly looking forward to the camels back being broken by a straw.
>150 days ingame, all for nothing

Mate I probably have a year+ on my retail account. Never going to play it again but it wasn't for nothing.
That would be too good to be true.
> log for ZG tomorrow boys
> GM clearly crying and trying to hide it
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It is real blood
https://kikebook /seth.harvey.16
He's still up.

When is corecraft coming?
does Kronos have an instant 60? fuck doing 1x again

gonna wait for playtbc I guess
Woa, that is gay
blood from your butthole stretchmarks

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Kronos supports gold buying/selling, account buying/selling, and had 7x xp rates until March 28th. Fuck that place.
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anyone else recording the sad train to UC or should I make a little video and upload it to youtube?

Im tihnking of titling it "you think you do but you dont" to the sound of silence in the background
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this was my only SS, I have an autistic fascination with that smudge
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>mfw playing on atlnatis and having a blast
dont go there you meme faggots
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>roll a character on Kronos
>fucking everybody is rolling a character on Kronos
>gold buying, character selling

What the fuck is the point, when will people realize this shit happening on the server is where the issues start? I'm sure it's less likely in Kronos' case but why even do it?

>I want the vanilla experience without the vanilla experience
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the people who make these petitions are retarded, 15k is literally nothing
until they shutdown kronos

That's a pretty good summary of this whole situation.
Here's a picture of me and my brothers character he just made.
My brother is in the military so i don't see him much anymore. He's going to be deployed soon, so I wont be able to play with him for a long time.... After 10 years he finally wanted to play WoW with me. He always loved MMOs but never enjoyed the lack of World pvp in most modern MMOs and never played WoW. After sharing a bunch of nost and vanilla pvp videos with a friend who was in the same chat with my brother he decided to join us because of how fun pvp looked. I was so excited to play with him. After 10 years of never getting to play my favorite game with him, jumping from MMO to MMO over the coarse of years trying to find a fun one, I was so excited. I farmed a bunch of mats and items for him to help level him quickly because he doesn't have a lot of time.

This crushed my dreams
This might have been discussed before but whats the best Burning Crusade server? Looking for high population.

I was on Nostalrius but its shutting down
cyanei giving out free blowjobs all day tomorrow
lol fag
>Blizzard making something where you don't have to buy overpriced expansions every other year
This, there is just no way I am willing to put the time back into Vanilla, especially one that is already more than halfway through its content.

I'd MAYBE play on a Vanilla server if it was starting back on patch 1.4 and we progressed all over again, but sadly this isn't the case.

TBC is probably the only thing I'd be willing to reroll on.
I hope he steps on an IED
Kronos a shit. >>137894946
Is it time again?

>implying she doesn't do it any other day of the week
She's such a village bicycle, some people have been able to ride her as far as fucking AQ
>gold buying/selling, account buying/selling
I still don't see what the problem is with this. If I want to pay money to be able to play the game the way I want to without having to deal with all the other shit I should be able to.
My DK alone has 176 days, and a bunch of alts that make up 200 more days, but to put in 150 days in time into a +decade year old WoW private server that hasn't been online for as long as retail has, it makes me feel so desolate to just think about it...
Reminder: You didn't want nos anyway.


Reminder: You didn't want nos anyway.
thank you anon, you've made this sad virgin laugh again
I can at least take solace in the knowledge that retail WoW is also dying.

>everyone is the chosen one who wields a legendary weapon

what the fuck
Upload it, but with a less reddit title

They very likely WERE making money from it in some way and that's why it shut down.

There's simply no legal precedent for shutting the server down if there wasn't monetary gain involved.
Are we moving to Kronos now, or what?
>There's simply no legal precedent for shutting the server down if there wasn't monetary gain involved.

Except you know, that isn't how Intellectual Property law works, lol.
Well, personally, im going to wait it out, im finally going to play other games and if Blizzard releases legacy servers, i'll play the ever-loving fuck outta those.
I just want to know why someone would want to play vanilla without actually playing it. The entire appeal to this is the stark difference in gameplay. I had fun on Nost because I started when it started, I built up as other players built up. I'm sure there were plenty of people buying chink gold or buying accounts on Nost, but it wasn't legitimized so who knows how rampant it was or how many people just got ripped off.

I'm not the guy you were responding to, but the reason i'd never touch a server that was like this is more about the fact that it's already established. I assume if we had listened to the Kronos shills (who were apparently right) we'd have all been safe.
yup, we get to enjoy 7x exp weekends :^)
Looks like it.
Godspeed to ur bro
Kronos google doc.
Fill out forms:
See results:
>All these shills and retards not waiting for Nost source code to be released

Yall dumbasses are gonna regret it when someone takes your characters on Nost 2.0
Being jealous about this is why they shut it down
>You don't want vanilla
>You want the upcoming expansion which has no community at all and a plot involving time traveling to an alternate dimension.

yeah if you want to waste your time

because Kronos is going the way of the Nostalrius
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>Nost 2.0
I really dont see why they couldnt. Runescape did it.
They could even offer realms transferts between Vanilla, BC, WOTLK and ect so that you can raid and all that, and when you are done, just transfert.

They can, and might.
Nost source code is literally stock trinity core.
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>blizzard thinks cucking 13,000+ people will cause them to come crawling back to legion

Suck my dick kikes, you'd have to pay me $15 a month to play that disaster.
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I just want a geared level 60 to gank lowbies with. PvP is the only part of the game worth playing.
is kronos a pvp server?
>Today is also the day where Nostalrius will start being community-driven in the truest sense of the word, as we will be releasing the source code, and anonymized players data (encrypting personal account data), so the community as a whole will decide the form of the future of Nostalrius. We will still be there in the background if you want us to, but will no longer take the lead.

I can see those tears of yours in that picture. You know you already lost your characters for being stupid.
its not really that reddit, just a quote from that blizz dev at blizzcon in regards to people wanting legacy servers. I cant really think of another name.

Also will I get banned for uploading it?
agreed. instant 60 = instant drop

The problem are the chinks. If in nost where it was forbiden they were a rampant problem, in a server where it is allowed, thousands of sweatshop chinks will roll characters, grind all the quest mobs nonstop, wait arround the mineral and herb spawn points, and make playing the game as inneficient for them as for us.
All of their current games either make me mad or depressed while playing except D3. Its honestly so abysmal its impressive.
Just made a horde rogue on Kronos, who wants to carry me to 60?

Yes they'll ban your twitter account, b.net account, steam account, and google account.
how easy would it be to ban chinese IPs?
>I just want a instalevel PvP funserver

Right, that's my point. You don't actually want a Vanilla server.
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i quit nos months ago and am only here to experience the end of it all
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Reminder that /wowg/ wins again :)
It's amazing how far they've fallen. Every single on of their IPs is in disrepair except for Warcraft, and only because of hearthstone.

Overwatch will probably make a shit ton of money though so maybe that's the future of blizzard. Warcraft will just be some forgotten cash cow.

>make playing the game as inneficient for them as for us.
WHAAAAAA I might actually have to put some thought into actually doing something instead of having it right there for me gather/kill on demand.
What did we do to deserve this fate?

Why have Blizzard forsaken us?

How much must we endure
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I love how this graph tells the a story
>Everything was new and exciting.
>The number of players started to rise from the thousand marks to the tens/hundreds of thousands and into the million mark.
>As new content was released, more and more people streamed into the game, filling it up more and more.
>The population never stopped increasing in size.
>Population continued to rise steadily, with no end in sight.
>People really loved it.
>Population spiked when WotLK was announced at the end.
>A minority of the absolute no-life grinders quit and a minority of those who dislike the more casual features follow suit.
>However, population rises once more at the release of Ulduar and announcement of ICC and TOC in the middle of the expansion.
>At the end of Wotlk, with ICC out and guild's trying their best to down the infamous Lich King, WoW is experiencing the highest amount of subs that it will ever have.
>12 million players.
>The game retains its population for a short while into Cata until people start to realize how shitty the zones are and just how casual the game is.
>Subs starts to drop out drastically over time.
>It takes its biggest fall during Firelands.
>The shitty Dragon Soul raid doesn't surprise anyone.
>At the announcement of MoP, some Subs return to get ready for what looks to be a promising expansion.
>The population starts to decline once more, to even lower numbers than Cata.
>The only time there's a good amount of players returning is at the announcement of WoD.
>The subs continue to return in waves after waves at the promise of better graphics, models, a whole new superior zone, return of re-hashed TBC content at level 100.
>Subs reach the same numbers as back at the peak of TBC.
>But of course, the subs take a fucking nose-dive when Blizzard fucks up their release and it continues to take
>There will never be a WoW-Killer.
>WoW is an heroing, slowly but surely.
The big problem for blizzard is they refuse to go back as that would be admitting that they did something wrong design-wise. They also cite the fact that its too expensive to run two versions of WoW.
If a bunch of frogs can do it for free, im sure THE Blizzard Entertainment can charge $15 monthly and have 10 slave interns set up and maintain a fucking 10 year old game
I mean shit, i would pay that $15 dollars a month to play a better, no-crash, nost
I would hope they set server cap at 10k or 8k instead of the measly 2.5k or whatever is current server cap
Nost really felt alive no matter where you went there was always someone and if blizzard cant even handle creating legacy servers i doubt they can handle making servers larger

Why would they ban the chinese if they ALLOW AND ENDORSE their behavior?
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No you don't ;)
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>It won't get shut down, they're in France!

What the fuck made you think they would be protected because they weren't located in the US?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA all that wasted time!
hey FAILKEKS what's it like to get pwned and owned by blizz???
LMFAO owned and pwned
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just heard the news, goodbye lads, was fun while it lasted.

Never really played much, but helped a load of low levels with gear and mounts.

Thanks for the laughs and drama ITT.

Fuck this shit man, I was really enjoying just doing shit without looking behind my shoulder constantly on the PvE server. Just doing a few dungeons, chitcatting with people and all that. Friendly shit, no bully.

There's no other server that provides this. If there will be, it'll get jew'D by blizz.

I've been saying it for years, people always say ' THIS NEW MMO IS THE WOW KILLER'

The only WoW killer, anon, is WoW itsself
I don't play Nostralius

I just wanted to visit this thread to fucking laugh at you cucks
>it'll get jew'D by blizz
It's not waste time because I enjoyed it. I really love leveling in Vanilla. Exploring, meeting new people, actually having to put in effort to get things in return, everything comes together to make Vanilla and awesome experience. This is coming from someone who never raided at all in nos and I have 2 60s. The world of azeroth is just so nice to exist in that I have no regrets spending 30+ days in game.
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Just preordered Legion senpai, what do I boost to level 100?
Nice strawman but paying for retail is wasted money.
welp off to Kronos I guess
Uninstall Wizard
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The only time we stop fighting is the server is shutting down
Does somebody actually still play retail?
Nothing pisses off ACTIVISION-Blizzard like seeing people enjoy wow..
>owned and pwned
>cant afford sub meme
It feels like I've gone back in time for real now
Panda mage.
A Warrior, Paladin or Monk. Go Tank, family. Make a Demon Hunter when it's out.
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>there are actual blizzard shills in the thread

Just had to rub salt in the wound huh?
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no one wants to play the "real" game because it's dogshit. If anything these private servers are the only form of "real" WoW left
Why don't you guys just go to Blizzard HQ and shoot up the place? I'm sure a few dozen of you can irreparably damage the company by killing off lead developers, leading to them not trying to mess with future private servers.
I wish I had rolled on Lordaeron or started on another MMO or even gotten good in CS or some MOBA filth.

Fuck my life.
>Activision meme
Chinks are probably planning an attack as we speak.

There's really only one US case I can find and it was quite specific as to why Blizzard won.

The WoW client is distributed for free by Blizzard themselves, and that's where the key protection lies. Everything else built on top of it--the server, the login, the accounts, the characters, the mobs, everything--is done by the devs, NOTHING is taken from Blizzard.

It's Blizzard v. bnetd, and it widely held that CD keys are a copyright protection device because the bnetd client had Starcraft and Diablo included, which need unique CD keys (thus bnetd had essentially pirated them). On the reverse of this, anyone can download a fully functional WoW client without a unique CD key at any time, so it's just wrong to say the ruling definitely applies.

It's a very gray area; the bigger problem is that the Nost devs probably couldn't afford to get into a legal battle with Activision, so they did the only thing they reasonably could.
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fixed for sufficient dread.
It wasn't illegal you fucking mongoloid.
<Nost Refugees> on Kronos is GOING STRONG BOYS

258 ONLINE and counting.
sounds like its too hard for you failtard
whats the matter the only boss mechanics you can handle are the ones with 2 abilities???? LMAO
OWNED????????? CHECK!!!!!!!!!
sounds 3 normie 5 me
I'm honestly surprised why nobody has done this yet. I mean shit, school shootings happen for pennies in America but things like Blizz fucking over literally millions of people and nobody takes a glock and uses it for the greater good?

PlayTBC has gotten universally bad reviews by the ones involved in their beta

it really doesn't look promising at all
>implying they can afford going to america with their $0.10 daily wages
Does anyone have that legion edit where there are about 50 Demon hunters in a town all called iilliidaan, or something XkillX
you're right, hard pushing of casual elements to make the game easier to pick up and play is certainly not the work of the same MASTERMINDS to bring you the yearly installment of CoD.

If blizzard offered throwback servers as a service I'd pay for them, and likely many others would too.

They're too busy thinking WoD was a success that every
>WoD announced
>at the end of ground zero, first patch, the only orc chiefs left alive are kilrogg, grom and gul'dan
>most are killed in quests and 5 mans
>kargath bladefist got promoted from one of the hardest 5 man heroic bosses to the first raid boss of the expansion and was braindead easy even on mythic
>uh its uh, nothing interesting, we opened BRF though :^)
>also the next patch is the last of the expansion
>its literally demon recolors/models.exe
>its also literally BUY LEGION.mov
>major raiding guilds that have been around since vanilla are quitting because of various, albeit poorly disguised, reasons such as "uh we cant raid 20 hours a week anymore all of a sudden" or "our guildmates have moved on" even though the guilds mowed down mythic content in a week on release
>every promise blizzard made for WoD was a miserable failure
>WoD was clearly a filler expansion so they could make legion as "epic and awesome as possible XDDD"
>even though legion is literally the 'press button incase of < 3000000000 cash money a year' expansion
>every plot thread ever and an entire series of lorebooks to cover all the stuff players cared about in a vain attempt to bring them back
>a fucking shitty vanilla private server has likely broken 1/3 of wow's subs because it was back when blizzard made a game for the people and not for their pockets

I mean but seriously, you can buy game time with ingame currency on retail for literally no investment (lol garrisons).
Its not like anyone isn't playing retail because they can't afford it, which might have been true way back when if you were thirteen and couldn't get your parents to pay your sub, but thats not the case. People just don't want to play retail because its terrible.
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good satire, well memed friend
Why would anyone still play Vanilla WoW, do they not realise there are other games to play?

Stockholm syndrome?

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>post yfw everyone moves to Kronos and it gets shut down by blizzard within a year
The forums are down atm but just check them whenever the Israeli fuck running the server brings it back up

Its bad though, really bad
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later boys, it was fun
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thinking about taking a sign to blizz hq and recording it. what should the sign say?

If they actually were I would join up with the yellow hordes in a heartbeat.

In the meantime i'm learning how to make mailable anthrax.
If they could they would have already done it. It's just as old as nost.
i gotchu senpai
>60 ganking lowbies is PvP

Glad I won't be seeing you if I ever choose another private server. Because you have no skill and don't want to put any effort into the game.
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Fuck off Canitnerd.

No one wants you here.
make some pipe bombs, load up on guns and ammo, kill em all, leave no survivors >:D
I never played Vanilla WoW before it was fun I was excited for the opening of Ahn Qiraj
They go after the mot popular servers, once everyone floods Kronos, it's gonna go under.


it should just be the WoW population graph over time
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Pardo died for your sins
Edge aside, that would probably fix their devs instead of damaging them.
You think you do but you don't with a pic of IF
because it was the last time the game was fun. Much like the black Album, TBC was good, but it also brought in all the suck that would render the product garbage for anyone who loved MMOs.
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Koragon you are the most autistic person on 4chan pls sit the fuck down before me and my boy tumtum bully you into an institution again



I'm rolling on Kronos.
Sometimes the bad guy wins
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So eh...how's that working for you, guys? :^)
hey SHITFIRE, STFU?!?!?!?!?!???????
remember when u used to pretend u were a girl on /wowg/ LMAO fkn failcuck
Watch this exact thing happen again in a year. Cya then.
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Don't reply to him you stupid fucking monkey
Reminder that we're rolling on Kronos.

Fill out this form:
See results here:
yeah i got a lot of (you)'s for that

too late the (you) is mine
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Nostalgiafags BTFO


In the past the frogs collaborated with the Ottomans's, then the Nazi's, and so on. It's no different today.
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Post them boys
where are kronos servers locateD? are ppl retarded enoguh to play on non russian servers until blizzard takes them down again
too bad i netted 2 unique user's (yous) while you've only netted 1
u have been pwned and owned YET again LMAO
Stop spamming the thread Grimlic holy fuck, no one is rerolling on Kronos

Its open season for Blizz atm, they take down private servers in waves, places like Warmane and Kronos are the next to get hit
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I don't care.

I would rather have another year of fun then no fun at all.

I will play just to spite blizzard and fuel my hate boner.
is playtbc actually an american server?
The industry has a supply issue with developers. Some of the developers at Blizzard have been working there for decades. Eliminating many of them would cause massive issues with unreleased games. Overwatch might be delayed, and the quality of their content would noticeably drop.
Odds Warrior
Evens Mage
0-1 Priest
o fuck m8 u got me good here take another (you)

I used to sit in there and sell ERP at a very modest price.

832 -420 -6344

>buying the "blizzard is suing us" claim
reminder it's nost staff running off with donation money
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>mfw they host Nost 2.0 in Burguerland
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>tfw will never yiff koragon
>th-they can't shut down my pirate server r-right? its in yoorope
Instead of a year it will take 5 minutes for it to get shut down.
>using copyrighted material without the creator's authorization
That looks pretty illegal to me, Mr. Mongoloid.
New guild on kronos should be <Nostalrius Refugees>
Whens PlayTBC
>gets shut down in Europe where Blizzard isn't even located
>lets host it in the country where Blizzard is located

based retard bro
Whens a good tbc server
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You mean they weren't just hosting a big server for 10k+ players for free out of the kindness of their hearts?!

Let's say corecraft finally gets released

How long will it take for something that popular to get shut down?
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It needs to be rich people to run the server if an American one is ever made. The courts have never ruled on the legality of a server like Nostalrius, and the people running private servers never have the money to actually take on Blizzard in court in the first place.
Are there /vg/ guilds on Kronos? Names?
no there aren't grimlic now fuck off. the only /vg/ guild is now on /wpsg/ and it's wrath so idk if i want to roll there.
i dont think anyones actually rerolled there other than Grimlic, have fun being in a guild with that guy
>shit that will never happen: the post
Why not have both horde AND alliance guilds? No reason to divide the community.

Try 3-4 months of their lives.
That's even funnier.
>mfw i didnt level a char on kronos during the event because i thought nost is here to stay





How does that make them "retarded"? Also, an MMO is about the journey, not the destination.

I told you nerds. It literally took like 2 days of /played time.

Now you gotta level up on 1x.

>PvP Balance changes such as resilience/12 second CC only
>fix useless talents in talent trees
>Add a few QoL improvements such as dual spec

Blizz should make a vanilla/TBC server, with some better aspects of the later expansions involved
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holy shit i've missed shtiloads of stuff, havent been paying attention to the wow scene in half a year

what the fuck happened with nost, can someone please tl'dr me ?
um, i just called that and some fat-breathing woman answered. is that his mom?
Vanilla ranking is totally not about journey. It's a horrifying grind, some of the people who go through it become so crippled they end up never doing a battleground again
Is Orc or Undead better for tanking as a warrior?

I literally have not played classic in a coons age.
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CORECRAFT, in development from 2012 till 2016 so far!
>still have vanilla tier rotations and raid mechanics

>tfw i got kripp to mention nostalrius
Blizzard detected fun.
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Reminder we have a steamgroup up for once these threads finally die

Everyone join!

Doesn't really matter.

Play what you want to.
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>mfw people in full tier 2
Undead for greater mitigation.

It's small but it's there.

Racials are better as well.
yeah, but why exactly?it was fine for almsot a year?
ive read something about that nost fianlly started making money and that made blizz stop?is that true?
>official forums full of nostfags
why did you make a group when theres been a group for a year
Imo r10 has always been as far as the grind is worth. Gear is totally competitive with the epic set, raid weaps quickly become nearly as good as R14, and eventually r12-13 gear can be replaced

This is where you belong now
Legion is about to come out, and they've stopped reporting sub numbers, but the last count as under 3 million.
Nostalrius was boasting nearly 1 million.
It's making them look bad right before their what looks to be the last WoW expac and cash grab.
i did the 7x thing on kronos but quit.
i have a paladin in his 40s that i dont even give a fuck about, no gold, no gear.
i will seriously suck dick for kronos gold at this point so i can gear up someone in greens and level.
i hate all of you.

Rebirther here. Accept this offering.
Blizzard waited until people invested a lot of time into the game before striking the server down. They want to psychologically break us.
No one even knew that one existed so we made this one, its mostly the DC/DiF core it looks like
>No one even knew that one existed
theres 3x more people
If you think grinding in MMOs is "horrifying" then you probably shouldn't be playing them. That's what they're all about. And by your logic, no MMO content would ever be worth playing since it always becomes obsolete when new content comes out.
They want to make sure no one plays on a private server again. Now none of them are safe.
Goodbye friends!





Rebirth would be cool if it wasnt for the constant DDOS attacks.
you made it buddy ;_;7
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Someone make another nosg thread, fuck Grimlic
mods deleting the threads
this is the last ever nostalrius general guys
its been fun
Fucking retarded mods


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>"It was our absolute please. You guys, all of you, are the true heroes."
Thread theme, now and always.



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I had so much fun with this server guys, all those memories, all the people I met, all the crazy shit that happened out in the world, this is too much for me to handle.
And to think it was those money grubbing soulless FUCKS over at actiblizzion who I have watched rape my favorite game through these years.
Why does this mod keep deleting the nost thread? Kronos isnt fucking Nost and Nost is still alive for the time being

What the fuck is wrong with this guy


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Even in death nosg still has enough pride to ignore your thread Grimlic, get fucked faggot.

Take solace in the fact that you will never have as much fun as we did in DiF without you, you will never raid with nosg like we did, stay cucked my friend.

You, Yeb, and Plumptrap got cucked harder than anyone in these threads.
The mods have betrayed us.
i would 100% play blizzard progressive servers on the key condition that they dont fuck with them. I would pay large sums of money monthly, but the second they implement some kind of group finder or other related bullshit into vanilla/tbc is the second i go back to private servers
REMOVE BLIZZARD remove blizzard
you are worst dev. you are the dev idiot you are the dev smell. return to activoision. to our activision cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,cataclysm we will never forgeve you. loktar rascal FUck but fuck asshole dev stink cataclysm sqhipere shqipare..dev genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead dev..ahahahahahCATACLYSM WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget wotlk .northrend we kill the king , northrend return to your precious ulduar….hahahahaha idiot dev and cata smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE BLIZZARD FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. cata+mop+wod+legion=kill wow…you will third war/ windsor alive in nostalrius, windsor making album of stormwind . fast kill windsor stormwind. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of windsor… you are ppoor stink dev… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

windsor alive numbr one #1 in stormwind ….fuck the activision ,..FUCKk ashol devs no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur logo and compny. winds0r aliv and real strong warrior kill all the dev farm aminal with quest magic now we the nos rule .ape of the zoo king varian wrynn fukc the great deathwing and lay egg this egg hatch and cataclysm wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. nostalrius greattst servr
Why the fuck are they deleting new Nost generals?
Same Rebirther. Accept this next tribute.

I wouldn't even mind class balance from later in the game, but they need to force community to it and keep the world and story as they were before Kosak shit on it.
I don't know man, some retard mod keeps doing it.

Someone make another nosg thread.
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Yup, hell as far as class balance i feel that BC and parts of WOTLK got it BETTER than vanilla. But I would never ever played on any kind of progressive server that had the matchmaking, community killing features that retail now has
He wrote the Flinlocke webcomic and shit on the story from Cata going forward with his boner for Sylvanus, PvP, and WC1&2.
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T-thanks Blizzard.
Its over
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hey mod since you're monitoring this thread apparently can you do the world a favor and hang yourself
WoD existed to make us realize how much we should have appreciated MoP while we had it
<Salty Dogs> and <DiF> group photo when?
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Yeah. Its sad that mop looks decent when compared to WOD, cause its still shit compared to everything prior to 2009
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We took one already.
several hours ago
what's a good addon for replacement casting bar?
Are you still salty?
>tfw you weren't there for the picture

eCastingBar or the one in Luna Unit Frames.
tfw i couldn't make any of this or the last 2 weeks of raiding due to sugury :^(
Everyone report the Kronos general so we can get a real thread up
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>crag boar
warms my heart for some reason
REEE I wasn't in it
No matter what happens, it will happen again in a year or so.

At least the Nost owners are going to realease all their data (scripts and bugfixes) + all characters info (encrypted), so someone can literally hosts nost 2.0 in another country for a year or so, then change again and so on.

Now the question is if there is someone willing to do so. Also stuff kinda loses users when the name change. (e.g. Megaupload and MEGA)
Terrible news.. I literally feel sad. I played so much WoW back in the day that it lost all appeal to me and I never leveled any class beyond 35 on nost but it felt good knowing the experience was still there for others to absorb.. what the fuck blizzard.. Im not going to kronos where you can buy your levels and shit.. I mean I don't really have time for WoW but this is really saddening. I hope something better comes along.. host in sweden or something, like TPB? I hope something emerges from the rubble of nost. Good luck guys, peace and love. This game pretty much defined my life from the ages of 13 until like 17. I'm 20 now. I remember my first times going through tirisfal.. it felt so gritty and real.. setting mobs on fire as a warlock with immolate was so gratifying.. everything was! It was a great experience.
does luna have an xp bar?
You can't do that retard, that's illegal.

The C&D prevents all further actions that involve the project altogether, if someone even leaks it, they will get fucked.
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUFWXpYJKaI

Was good while it lasted, bros.
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His smile and optimism: gone
At this point I'd also say it may be time to find a new RPG. I remember someone was developing, using the WoW engine as a sandbox somehow, a totally different RPG. I'm hoping I live long enough to play Dark Souls 3 later this month but that's not got the same "connectedness" feeling an MMORPG has. We need some bad motherfuckers to create a badassed new MMORPG. None of that shiny, pretty female-character-paladin-with-spear type of crap.. something hardcore.
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Nost came around during one of the hardest moments of my life. 6 months unemployed, no money for new games. It brought me so much joy and an escpae from my depression and constant suicidal thoughts.

I'm better now, but to think that there are many people in my situation back then, with no cash for next-gen consoles and top PCs, and turned to nost to remember a kinder, simpler moment of their lives and to escape their shitty situation...
Your thread got pruned bro
server is still up for 3 days, why are the new threads getting killed?
The C&D was sent to their hosting company.

They can still release any copies they have.
Its time for Kronos.

Just let go. Nost will be nothing more than a bad memory soon enough.

Lardass of a mod is either a Kronosfag or takes blizzard dick more than blizzard takes cuck money.
What is there even to play, anon? With a modern PC? Besides FPS games? MMORPGS started as a bright, vibrant flame but fizzled out it seems.
Some retard janitor keeps deleting them
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time well spent.jpg
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Well, I've had more fun than I thought even possible in this game.

See you, space cowboy.

Good Goy Mod needs his Blizz shekkels, /vg/ mods are known for being Turbo-Autists
No they can't.


Blizzard doesn't even fucking want them to leak the files, so while it would be legal if they did, they won't do it because they'll get fucked if they do.

The only salvation is a different reverse engineered project.
I'm not in it :(
Are you guys retarded.
Just go to the trinitycore website to get the nostalrius scripts.

Yeah. Everything is on your nameplate, so if you put your nameplate on one side of your character, and your target on the other, everything is balanced and readable. It's definitely a preference thing, though.
new thread when?
Nost isn't even trinity core retard lmao, its mangos
Private WoW servers aren't reverse engineered.
Wow, they should've used stock trinity, it's way better than stock mangos.
>It brought me so much joy and an escpae from my depression and constant suicidal thoughts.
>I'm better now,
Yeah, well, I'm not. This is literally all I had.
You're fucking stupid
New thread is here
I don't care about kronos

Someone PLEASE make a new nosg thread
You could try /v/scape the runescape private server.. Get dark souls 3 when it comes out.. sit tight and wait for the next great mmorpg.
They are though, all scripts are server-side.
>salty nostalrius retards think theyre gonna revive the server
I see many say this but can't tell people why, funny
>inb4 muh pandas
Sorry boys but mods are deleting all new /nosg/ threads.

Looks like this general is dead, not unlike the server.
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498KB, 255x235px
>mfw turbo-NEETs like <NOPE> who've been playing all day every day since release
Give me the source code and db dump and I will set this shit up on a 128gb RAM octa core Xeon in North Korea. The dream must be kept alive.
They're still not reverse-engineered. They try to emulate the official servers' behavior, not replicate their code.
Otherwise every calculator out there would be a "reverse engineering" of the first calculator.
is that enough? can you really do it? Id say go for it man, that would be real cool. if you really can do it, dont let anyone talk you out of it.. do it.. i dont even play nost but its shitty that its going down. start the 2.0 my man and be the people's champion
great thanks I'll give it a shot. I've been using xperl
Daily reminder to join the steam group nosgeneral
New Thread here:


New thread. The servers are still running, so there is NO REASON for the thread be deleted or reported.

Lets discuss the future of our characters that will be released as code and data by the nost devs.
I don't give a shit about those. This is the only thing I was happy with in the entire last decade of my fucking life.
>completely inflated numbers for fucking everything
>LFG/LFR queue simulator
>only the latest patch is relevant
>Totally-not-GW2 islands
>no incentive to communicate with anyone
>vanilla Azeroth is still gone
>setting is shit, not just pandas but holy shit EVERYTHING is fucking CHINESE, I'm not playing WoW for this shit
dude i hope it lives on. i kind of hope somebody from the 30000 nost people can make a new, better rpg desu. i wouldve been a nost nerd if life wasnt calling me so loudly. i hope this ends well, really. ihave a deep emotional tie to WoW since I basically grew up on it.. though I could hardly stand to play the game sober nowadays. i hope it lives on for others.
>LFG/LFR existed
>4 raid modes
>shit talent system
>bring hte player not the class in full effect
>flying everywhere
>i kind of hope somebody from the 30000 nost people can make a new, better rpg desu.
You may make a better game, but you will never replicate the setting.
you could take the same setting, or design one inspired by it.. just change the pvp mechanics and GCDS and gear and stats and classes, have something totally fresh yet still highly reminiscent of the old thing
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