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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 766
Thread images: 191

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>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)


>English Voices

>English Supports

>/feg/ Castle Addresses

>New Fates DLC

>New DLC Translations (In Progress)

Looks like Severafag got the last laugh this time
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what relationship do these characters share?
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Can we stop with this? It is very inappropriate language and a very serious slur to use so casually. From now on instead of using the dirty F-word we should refer to fans of a character as ''xdudes'' in order to not offend through the use of crude slurs.Come on guys lets start this thread off strong by not using this awful language! Also, severadude please stop
Here's your (You)
Mod is a Severafag confirmed.
Based mods
Parents of Kana
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I love Sakura!
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best kanna.png
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Best Kanna coming through.
Inb4 this thread gets deleted too
*spends a gold bar*
Severacucks need to be brought out back and shot
Its over feg is finished
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glass case of emotion.gif
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>spend 2 hours getting through chapter 20
>finally get to the upper part of the map after SEVERAL retries
>send Felicia to fight Hayato since she has tomebreaker
>Enemy Phase
>he switches to Rabbit Spirit and attacks
>he only has 30% chance to hit and even if he does Felicia still has enough HP to tank it
>he then procs Luna and does just enough damage to kill Felicia
>at 30% accuracy

I'm screaming at the top of my lungs right now. Should I restart or is Felicia necessary to keep?
Hey Feliciaanon, do you ever touch yourself while having impure thoughts about felicia?
>/feg/ was organized when it came to ignoring my threads
>yet you can't even ignore a simple Severa thread
Top lel
Severa Boobies
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>mfw upon realizing how overpowered the online mechanics are

I didn't realize any of this until my Revelations playthrough.

But this is hilariously broken.
I guess we are now Sev general
>shitveracuck will never kill himself
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You all do know that if you simply do not post in this thread you won't be feeding him, right?
Or are you all just addicts?
To be honest, I like Silasfag's shitposting. Tharjafag's just annoying but at least Silasfag's entertaining.
Non canon. She's flat as shit and the worst girl in the series.
Is there any fanart of Takumi's slippers yet?
B-but that's an incest baby!
You fucking genetic degenerate kill yourself
But that's not true because she's a
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if Silasfag does his shitty awards in this thread, we can kill it off faster
You wanna fight me anon?
I want to suck your penis
We were posting more in a thread that came 2 posts after this one.

But mods deleted it so this is what we have.
Why hasn't Severafag been banned yet? He makes early threads constantly.
When will this spic stop shitposting for good?
Both Elise and Sakura are the least interesting royals t b h fampies

Aside from Hinoka anyway
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Pls no Nohr
People call it cheating for a reason.
Until you fuckers love it.
Got some OK shit on:
Corrin, Camilla, Ryoma, Xander, Sakura,
Peri, Niles, Elise, Leo, and Mozu.

Getting too addicted to buying skills.
Why not just image dump like mad and get a new thread 250 posts in?
Kill yourself you cuck faggot
Silasfag also takes breaks. There's no break on the spic's attention whoring train. So that helps make him more likable.
why doesn't anyone respond? I need help getting through this nightmare
When was the last time severabro made an early thread? He's been waiting for 750 for the past few days.
It must be really big and smelly!
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Severa is for violent buttrape
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Femui is the epitome of purity and innocence!
severabot confirmed noew matoibot
>Makes an early thread at like 720
>Hey guise this is already up in the catalog ;)

Fuck off Severacuck
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Best Kana
Post good Sev/lenas
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oh fuck me face when.png
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>people talking about my shitty award show
>thought they weren't wanted here
Doesn't help that I got a fucking job too. I seriously can't do them today guy. I'm sorry. Ol Silasbro is a working woman now. So they're on a haitus until further notice. Really hope you aren't disappointed my dudes. With what's been going on lately I can barely keep up with /feg/ anyway. I usually wind up favoriting the thread that gets deleted and coming back to JACK SHIT.


*frolics away*
Why do you guys keep making so many threads?
The thumbnail looked a bit off, but zooming in to it, it's actually pretty good.
Kill yourself
i'm using this one
That's pretty cute.
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>marrying a golddigger
My nigger
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Shut the fuck up Seth
>Being a cuck
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No u
>see /feg/ thread at 700 posts
>close /feg/
>Silasbro is gonna become a normalfag and forget us
I'm about to play fire emblem for the first time (Conquest). Which difficulty should do I play at? My only experience with Tactical RPGs is Final Fantasy Tactics.
That would only be the case if he married Anna.
No one wants you here cuck
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This is a canon family with a canon hair color.
So does Flora betray you in Conquest and Takumi posses your father?
Is it better to capture generics in Lunatic than in any other route? Trying to make a logbook full of them for a prisoner only run, but all the ones I've gotten in Normal are awful and don't stand a chance even in that mode.
Stay mad, Annacucks
I masturbating right now thinking about you
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Cutest family
You fucking nigger, you've let me down twice.
You can start on hard and drop to normal if it's too much
Who is essential to Master Seal in Conquest? I've already Bow Knighted Niles and Troubadoured Elise.
Don't reply to cuckposters, you imbecile.
Enemies on Lunatic have more skills, so it's worth it
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Morgan Cipher Grandmaster.jpg
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I don't see Morgan with red hair here anon
Conquest enemies on Hard/Lunatic have cool skills, other modes do not.
eh, I give my Robin black hair. Severa looks better with it.

I would want to go red sometimes, but that isn't even an option for some dumb reason.
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Femui is for ________
>he fell for the silasfag meme

Enjoy your empty promises and blue balls my man
>this deflection
Both cuck you. Go slurp up that semen.
It's hard to give any specific advice to that chapter. I'd say restart and learn to ride with the wind.
I'm assuming you're not using Kaze? He should have no trouble with Hayato. Getting him and a few others to kill the first fliers was one of my first priorities when I played it.
>Enemies with Counter get a ! over their heads to warn you
>Enemies with Magic Counter dont give any warning
This bothers me
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Post Lucy!
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Baby Morgan's not born yet you silly goose.
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*Belka's Loudly*
Mmmm delicious TharjaAnon's cock!!!! can't wait!!!
Why is Severa wielding Sol Katti in this picture when she's a Hero? In Awakening Sol Katti was locked to Myrmidon and Swordmasters.
Don't fucking call me names dude
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Felicia is the cutest! She makes me so happy! I could never want anything else! I`m going to dedicate my entire life to making her happy as she makes me! She couldn't possibly be more perfect to me! I love Felicia!
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Most popular fire emblem waifu!
Will never ever be forgotten by millions!
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IS didn't care about balance in IK so neither should you.
See >>135876716
Why you fucks keep replying to blatantly obvious bait is beyond me
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Getting railed by all her brothers! Being turned into nothing more than a royal semen receptacle!
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Cutest mamui family
Why the fuck not
>literally Girl Marth

Her popularity shouldn't even count desu, it's all cheap piggybacking
>early thread
>no discussion of anything else

let this place die
This kills the thread
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would you put your dong in her
you cant make kana if you dont
>Just by her brothers
>not by all the men in the army
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The only route with worthwhile generics is conquest lunatic.
meme roll
do you ever touch yourself while having impure thoughts about felicia?
That means she would have to let trash like Jakob and Hayato touch her and that's disgusting.
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FYI everytime you post it should be with an image.
>anal with Cynthia
Yes please
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>this thread
Sure, this thread is shit anyways.
Filters help, but then half the thread is gone.
what in the actual fuck
Abort this thread
Anything that speeds through a Severacuck thread faster I guess
You forgot

>waifu wars
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Lucy 28.jpg
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Best Cipher coming through!
Somebody else should do the awards since Silasdude won't
Well, yes! We have to make our adorable daughter!

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why don't these two have a support?
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When did you learn to get over the memes and realize that Azura is just okay?
Hey senpai if I have someone support Sakura will they build a support whenever she heals?
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At least post the full art
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>The mods decided we will post in a thread with an OP image of a character I don't like
>Time to shitpost until bump limit under the guise of making this general a better place!
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They're too busy supporting my dick
>ctrl+f "COCKS"
>0 results

Let's fix this. You know what to do.
Felicia is the ugliest! Her very existence makes me miserable! I want literally anything but her! I'm going to work hard to make her feel as miserable as she makes me feel! She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever! I hate Felicia!
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Post pics of your dick!
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I'm gonna bust a hard double nut in my cousin's bland ASS bubble butt!
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>tripcuck samefagging himself with homo responses for attention
Won't even dignify it with a (You). Fuck off attention whoring spic.
delete this
Who will get my Femui's sweet dragonpussy
What does Azura smell like?
Anyone have a castle with decent Subaki skills?
I accidentally gimped him class-wise without realizing it.
Please Nohr husbando.
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Selena's severas
I want to sexually bully timid shota Xander.
Do not bully your canon wife.
Enjoy anal with your daughter
I have a semi decent subaki, what are you looking for, famicon?
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she probably drinks chlorine
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i can fill around 17 /feg/ threads with just pictures of guys
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I am okay with this.
Takumi lost fair and square. My Femui belongs to Foleo now.
Any class Mitama should have? Married Hazama off to Oboro.
Literally anything that isn't his base class skills will do.
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Spear Master.
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Have 2 cute boys.
Stop being me, Anon.
I also went with FemCorrin for Nohr and Vallah.
My Subaki has these Skills:
Lancefaire, Aptitude, Trample, Rend Heaven, Life and Death, Darting Blow. Choose.
Then when the fuck it will be the awards?!
Fuck it
Drop Darting Blow and leave the rest.
Thanks man.
>Nearly 200 posts
>Entire thread so far is nothing but cuteposting, waifu wars, metadrama and post rolling

Give me one good reason why this general deserves to exist
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Boy this artist is pretty lewd.
who is this and where can I waifu her
Do challenges go away when you complete a chapter, or do they stick around?
*Frolics all over your waifu*
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Here's my Castle, then.
I wish there was a way to file for divorce. Oboro was a mistake.
Gimme them trips.
I'm marrying Reina for Lunatic Birthright. What class should I turn her into?
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Why does anything deserve to exist? It's all meaningless. Fill the void with cuteposts.
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I love my dumb fox wife!
Thanks man.
Have fun with that Arena Shield.
So do I!
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He just needs some emotional healing.
They'll stick around. If you keep advancing the story, you won't get too much experience for them. If you actually want to grind, get them done as they appear
>all those Nohrian royals up to the shitty CG chopping block in just a few days
Is his left arm triple-jointed?
Unless you have some Fluffy Tails in there, not interested in anything, sorry.
Dump the r-18 stuff
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Thanks. I beat Conquest and I just started Birthright, so I wasn't sure.
I promise I'll cuddle him nicely afterward.
Are you just easily offended by the internet or something
Should i pass down Bowbreaker or Vengeance to Forrest? He's also getting Lifetaker so it would be a good combo with Vengeance but Bowbreaker is really nice overall.
Can we just kill this thread with porn?
Do it, you won't.
It's Takumi. I had hoped this artwork reflected a support where someone mentioned that Takumi used to be dressed up like a girl as a small child, but it never happened.
Prioritize defensive skills.
Then go all out on offensive.
Conquest or IK? I know in Conquest there aren't that many archers, except in Takumi's chapter.
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>this is shit
>youre not singing from the soul
>your heart's fucked
>you dont REALLY care about your child, if you did you'd be singing better

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Seems like the thread has cooled down.
I never said I would.
Just that someone should.
holy shit, he looks so feminine. Just slap a kimono on him and you have takumilla.

I really wish he was a girl, a cutie tsundere that tries her best to hate you and gives a really pretty kana
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He doesn't need to be a girl. Just make love to his sweet boypussy.
Water is a big bully to her husband!
Wait so we are actually using this thread?
I just don't want to start it.

Looks like the thread's cooling off anyways.
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Am I doing this right?
>ayo hol up
Gimme dat Kjelle and anal
Isn't Soleil's character trait being the army's worst singer?
Can't wait to see her convo with Aqua as a parent.
Already done, it was pretty boring
Let's see what I get.
Are the Awakening kids in Fates from the dimension that Chrom and Robin were actually successful in or are they from the one where everything went to shit?
What was the best GBA fire emblem game in your opinion?
the shit one
She wouldn't need to be such a bully if he could just sing right the first time every single time.

I'm sure they have crazy watery makeup sex.
They are literally the characters as they were in Awakening
Laslow/Odin supports.
How would Shiro, Siegbert, Forrest, Kiragi and Kana work as being brothers?
Anybody got an Elise with Amaterasu?
they are the ones you meet in awakening

their parents got killed and they went back to the past and saved the world and then they went back to the past again to end up in fatesland
Why did the other thread with Kamui and Aqua get deleted? It had several replies and was gone when I came back.
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Severacuck got butthurt his shitty waifu wasn't in the OP and report spammed it, nothing new really
7>8, but I haven't played 6 yet.

this is objective
which path is most feasible and theoretically interesting for an all-Onmyoji run
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Too late.
Why did they fuck with Lyn's age?
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I'd also like an Azura with Amaterasu if anyone's got it.
>Dad pawned my 3DS and Fates to buy drugs
Should I kill myself?
At least they mentioned it just once and dropped it instead of incessant LADY LYNDIS IS AN ADULT reminders.
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You could kill him instead.
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I love Peri and so do you!
I am NOT Laslow
Just sell your dads drugs for a 3ds and Fates
Actually it was made earlier than this thread.
I don't really like Peri.
Fuckin' rat him out to the coppers and BAM no more dad selling games for drugs
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>hana procs a crit for 1 damage

I mean, it's the thought that counts.

Kagero is coming clutch though.
That's something Laslow would say, Laslow

What are your personal favorite Crit quotes?
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I heard here last night that in upcoming dlc character poll winners are going to get gay romance dialogue for Corn. Is this true?
the only way that can happen is if she was forecast for 1 damage and got astra
which is somewhat likely i will admit
>Watch out, I play rough!
I get a semi every time.

Isn't the minimum crit damage 3?
Wasn't there a Hinokafag that wanted this card with higher res? Here it is
I had an Ephraim score two perfect level ups in my most recent Sacred Stones playthrough.
Is there a worse fetish?
That sounds really fake. Reaaaaly fake.
A Donkey A Donkey My Kingdom For A Donkey
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Yes you do silly!
You should learn from >>135882429 on how to anti Peripost better!
"You're going DOWN scumbag!"
It's possible for it to be 1 damage if it's within astra like the other anon said.
God damn it Selkie, you're hard to love but even harder to hate.
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That's shitty, didn't know you were even allowed to do that.
I'm sure the other thread was created first and had several replies already, that's why I was wondering.
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Well... you could be Orson.
Ephraim is stronk, best lord imo
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Went to Walmart for the first time in ages.

Both Conquest and Birthright were completely sold out.

God it feels so weird that Fire Emblem is a huge A list franchise now.

fat is pretty terrible though
This thread is a dumpster fire. Head to toe SHITPOSTING.
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Anyone have a Forrest with Sol equipped?
Selkie bros unite.
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I love Peri and the next poster will too!
Just like every feg thread.
I have both in my castle.
no bully please
>he doesn't like ovi mpreg
Get ready for more dlc whoring then ever and sjw and childish shit forced in for the localization
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rules rules.png
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you seem to love that, so have this
No, I really don't.
Her introduction was too terrible and her coif looks stupid.
Maybe she's okay in supports but I don't buy it.
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fucking pissed off.png
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about damn time
add to the pastebin please
Best girl.
Is there anyway to level up retainers in Revelations endgame? Kinda fucked up and made everything a royal fuckhouse.
What an ugly bitch
Why can't I stop loving her?
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>good level up
>"Now I'll be able to stop them!"
What did she mean by this?
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as if the thread wasn't bad enough here come the oborofags
My kokoro skips a doki whenever takumi kisses me!
What do you love most about Oboro, /feg/? Her dopey eyes? Her stupid grin?
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Who should be the mascot girl for /feg/?
The rapists
Thanks mate.
has the best quotes in the game along with takumi, hands down
Probably her droopy eyes or her voice. I married her in birthright and I regret it. She's alright but she isn't as smarmy as I wanted her to be.
It's Anna and it will always be Anna.
Does anyone happen to have a Selkie with either Swordfaire or Lancefaire? Even Aptitude would be nice.
I'm training her to be the best Great Lord ever.
Pre-Awakening Anna
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Post cum dumpsters
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Arran best mascot girl.
Would going +DEF with a Knight talent just be overkill?
What would her character be then, before Awakening?
Please don't bully my daughterfu.
Camilla hair ophelia throws me off
How to beat Revelation CH26 on lunatic?
>What did she mean by this?
In all seriousness is this some dank ass meme or are some people really this dense?
RNG Goddess
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It's kinda disappointing that attack stance becomes relatively useless the further you get in the game as lategame enemies can use it much more effectively than you. I now find myself constantly using guard stance now.
she didnt actually act like that
it was just a meem
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Well the meme was better than what IS turned her into.
No bully.
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>Nohr Invasion 3
What the fuck. I just wanted to level up the units that are close to 20 but this shit is almost impossible.
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That bitch and her noodlearms aren't useful for anything else.
Doesn't she have a 55% base strength growth?
What castle layout are you using? Making choke points or blocking off paths via indestructible buildings or the mine (for mounted units) can go a long way in making it easier.
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gotta make sure those awakening fellers feel at home.

i hate how same gender supports are fucking worthless for non-grindy eugenics shit

>no bonuses for S rank
>only a few per person so you have less flexibility
>miss out on extra chapters

Why would I ever bother outside of certain Gunter strategies?

waifu emblem was a mistake

The worst part is that said supports are better on average because it doesn't turn into abrupt romance every fucking time.
I just skipped the last two invasions, you don't really need them.
Does Sakura look at Hana naked
>Arthur sounds confident in the mess hall
>Everyone hates his food
I don't know what I expected
>Setsuna x Kaden
>Setsuna pocketing Kaden with a +4 Iron Yumi
>Get Rend Heaven on her
Holy shit. Does anyone have Luna and Sol on Setsuna? Aether, even? Can you even buy Aether?
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my wife
It fucks her up statistically but she looks good with the hair, and Camilla would be the best mom to help her realize her true potential as a semen demon.
>Multiple proc skills
That's a waste dude
Please give me 22-28!
It's so hard to hate him though.

I want him to be good but he sucks so much.
Cum on Effie.
I have only Sol on my Setsuna.
Does that work for you?
My castle is
Just give me a couple of minutes, I'm in the middle of something.
She's a slut!
I'm going to bend over for Saizo!
he's awesome earlygame no matter what and can be a pairup bot later on because zerker boosts
She needs to be bullied nice and hard by someone until she knows her place.
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>feel bad about clearing Chapter 13 Revelations because it's the last if not only good Revelations chapter
Only 2 more chapters and literally my whole current army is going to become useless as well, horay.
Ophelia is a pure maiden!
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come on husbando
Nice. I'm playing Rhajat's prologue right now so I'm in the middle of something as well. Thanks anon!

If I can get Luna I'm definitely replacing Rend Heaven. I'd rather get Aether though.
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The biggest slut!
Here's a video with the quotes from the Amiibo. I haven't seen one for the main cast.

I mean you have to assume Elise would have some good titty genes once she fills out
Ah well, thanks anyway anon
Lobster man.
Looks threatening and retarded from the outside, looks weak and retarded from the inside.
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How do I get people to visit my castle? Is it possible at all if you don't have a ton of skills?
Other way around senpai
okay that's not my husbando but he's okay
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0-5 marry takumi
6-9 Do Not
>Ike's voice
I'm using the venice-like castle. This invasion is really fucking ridiculous, they actually expect me to handle a million Paladins and more reinforcements with just a few units but I NEED that exp for my remaining units.
What the fuck is up with Ike?
I'm tired of your lies! She's my wife and she's pure! PURE!
my condolences
But Elise is already 18 years old. She just has that disease that makes you look like a child.
That doesn't even make sense.
Why do you want someone who is 'pure?'
They're going to be boring as fuck.
Which is better, Dragon Fang or Rend Heaven?

Fake as shit.

But lesbian Camilla and/or Soleil for Femui would make sense.
All right, I managed to get Swordfaire on Selkie. Does anyone have a Selkie with Aptitude? I'd really appreciate that.
Which is better for growths, Nohr Prince or Samurai?
Who is Ike supposed to sound like ?
Is Oboro the most false-flagged waifu?
>married Ryouma because he's hot as all fuck
>see Shiro for the first time
>I wanna fuck my own son as well

is their doujins of this
Indecent things aren't the only things you can do with the people you love!
>Charlotte's crying face

Mine is
Not just sex, anon.
'pure' people tend to just be uptight and no fun.
I love her
All of nipland and this place are filled with faggots that (subconsciously?) only want pure virgin maidens chosen by a unicorn that don't know what a dick is, and if she has ever fucked or looked at a man before it's a cum gargling slut and you're an ultra giga megacuck
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*sings and gives u another turn and earns a little EXP*

Whenever an Oborocuck is shitposting, it probably is an actual Oborocuck, so no
Sons aren't for sexual!
no, incest is wrong
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All I meant by her being pure is that she doesn't partake in lewd activities?
Have you seen Ophelia? She'd be fun as hell to hang out with.
ophelia is just a glorified hooker
You can narrow the bottom end using two indestructible buildings and then place a pillar between the two and have a unit camp out there. The mine can block the bridges from cavalry and slow down foot troops. Try to have the dark dragon reasonably hard to get to, the longer it's active to easier it becomes as the enemy's health get low.
Which buildings are indestructible?
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*frolics behind u*
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just for you, qt.
>just finished chapter 18 conquest
>capture both boss generals with wary fighter/warding blow
>wipe my castle to rework the layout
Just noticed now if you remove the prison it deletes the prisoners
Who is best dad?
Yooo, Anon, thanks you so much!
Why are the crits in this game so fucking hype?

Those character portrait cut ins are fucking great.
Anon, do you really think someone who is a prude is going to be any fun to hang with?
They're the sort to get in a huff if you make an off-color joke.
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Gay sex with your best friend is holy and pure!
In Mitama's paralogue her village can get taken without her being unable to be recruited right?
None of them.
>le deeprealms face
>no Azura dance cutscene on Revelation

Sorta disappointed desu fampai
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>can gay marry Camilla/Leo
>but you don't get Kana or Forrest
>and it wastes Camilla's god-genes
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I don't mean 100% against anything lewd. I just don't appreciate it when people call her a slut or cumdumpster. That's understandable, right?
from what i've seen, yes you still get her if the village is destroyed. It would be infuriating otherwise considering azama has to talk to her 3 times to get her.
too bad it doesnt work that way for shiro
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>>>>>frolics behind u
>not frolics in front of u
>so now the tail is behind her and not visible to her contradicting the point of your post

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow bravo professor of theatrics remind me to never roleplay with dumb foxes

*turns 360 degrees and walks away*
none of the parents are good because of deeprealms.
No one.
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>Go to arena
>Scarlet shows up
>No one there to support her
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what relationship does this character have with the main character of fire emblem fates?
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She's just a dumpster for your cum, anon. People think slut is a pejorative, but it just means she loves to fuck.
You can satisfy her needs, can't you?
the gays
The plot's stupid enough without IS trying to come up with the justification for yet another pointless dance CG
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She only supports Azura as her child, so I guess a mother/Daughter one.
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She is a wife!

A kanpeki wife!
Arena, lottery, and smithy, they tell you this when you put a cursor over them or in the upgrade menu.
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>Scarlet and Pegasus Milf can only support with MC
I A ranked her and then married someone Oboro with her S rank available.
I regret it.
I mean, if she wants... but that's not all she's for!
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>regretting marrying obased

mamma mia
She's my daughter.
Doesn't exist.
>Have story related deaths
>Kana doesnt really react if any of the characters that die are related to them, not even in a Support.

Come on IS. Did I grind Supports with Kaze for nothing
Better question: Who is the worst father?
what is the MY NAME IS CLEVELAND BROWN of fire emblem?
Either Leo or Hayato.
Just look at how their fucking kids ended up.
Soon to be daughter between Tsubaki and my imouto
I just got Soleil for the first time and seriously, how come she doesn't have a lesbian romance option with at least one of the gen 2 girls?
Probably Azama but he acts hilarious anyway.
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Who's wife is this?
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You posted her.
Because she's straight.
All of them.
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>Just now I notice the watermark
Wait this image is from Kozaki himself? Is he telling us that Aqua/Azura, despite having the hips of a pencil, actually has a nice ass?
Meh, what is in that thread is a bit old and an indirect way of getting them

I'm still waiting for someone to actually find the flag that triggers the Hero Battles.
She's just kind of disappointing man. I thought she'd be more smug and condescending. But she's actually just kind of boring.
She's a killer unit but if I could un-S rank her I probably would.
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Well I made her Brady's wife in Awakening, but I guess she went to another dimension or some shit after we saved the world.

I guess my son will just be lonely for the rest of his life.
None of the gen 2 girls are gay and Soleil is pretty much straight with a shit gimmick stapled to her forehead.
Anyone got a Shigure with Pass?
subaki x hana
hinata x sakura


subaki x sakura
hana x hinata

it has to be one of these two
Is this the new Hinoka thighs meme?
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King Corrin of Valla's.
Inigo does say "My daughter has great taste for both women and men - Do you have a problem with that?" or something along those lines. Sure, she's straight but IS could have easily made her bi.
What lance/naginata is this anyways? I haven't seen it in-game as an actual weapon
The former.
Should have married Azura desu senpai at least her character doesnt try to deceive you about her boringness
>Corrin/Velouria Nohrian Trust combo
>Rallybot Elise with Replicate
>Damage-boosting skills on Niles for easy capturing
>Damage-boosting skills on Leo to bully Takumi
>Renewal and other good skills on popular Conquest units
>All units on Hold and unequipped for easy seize

Come buy some skills or grind out your supports. I also appreciate random visits and battles just for the points.
Pretty sure Luna in If is from a timeline where they never made it to Ylisse
Blessed Lance
Joker obviously

Literally Male Tharja
blessed lance. pretty much only available on conquest or revelations
>nice ass
Look well, she's just bent over she doesn't has an ass, it's all bone. Who DOES has a nice ass, though?

Good question, actually. We never did saw that weapon.
>Letting pickle kid exist

It's a shame since Hinata is kind of cool.
Best mom for rhajat in revelations?
>No Azura/Kaden smut
blessed lance.
>Brave weapons halve your strength until you attack again
If I attack again with the brave weapon, will it reapply or stack the debuff? Or will it still count as ending the effect?
Hayato's hand.
Ironically, Rhajat turned out to be a great mom for Kana.
It'll end the effect.
Nyx probably. But Nyx is better elsewhere, you can just give Rhajat Orochi's fat ass genes since she's a subpar Mage anyway.

hana is kind of sassy, i like it
Yep, giving her a nice ass is one more way for them to try and get us to fall for the water meme

The difference is that Hinoka has mediocre thighs in official art whereas Azura is one of the few girls where we even have official art of their ass and it does look nice in spite of hatememes
How uncomfortable do you think Beruka is when Camilla pressures her into a threesome with her and Selena?
Where does he say that my lad
Wheres nyx better? With Leo?
>Not liking Hisame
He says that to Silas after completing Soleil's paralogue
But looks just as mediocre as Hinoka's thighs. She's just sticking it out.
>Who DOES has a nice ass, though?
>Look well, she's just bent over she doesn't has an ass, it's all bone.

You're trying too hard to find reasons to hate on her senpai

If you want to see an actual bony ass, check out Nina's DLC CG
Leo is a good dad to Shigure or Kana at least. It's Aunt Elise's fault that other one's a degenerate.
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>implying it's not the other retainer around
Extremely uncomfortable but eventually gives in like the slut she is.
Nice meme
Ignatius's chapter on hard is a fucking nightmare at chapter 19.
I mean unless your whole damn army is mounted you basically need one unit who can tank a legion of enemies.

Thank god my MU is an MoA with speed boon who can dodge tank everything. Even then, sometimes you get unlucky and 4 23% attacks land in a row
That ass is flat and shapeless
Don't forget that Silas is immediately okay with it afterward. Like, why even fucking ask then?
Nina or Leo, yeah. It's really more like mages in general are not that great and that Rhajat is a subpar unit in the end anyway. She's really blind.
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Fucking y i k e s

I think I can see something sticking out.
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Doing paralogue 2 super early in revelations before I have Orochi or Niles. Can I summon the berserker twins from my logbook and have them be identical to me capturing them or is there a noticeable difference?
It's almost like not being a fucking degenerate will earn you your father's love.

Imagine that.
>implying Selena needs to be pressured
Bitch has a huge lady boner for Camilla.
>fucking nightmare at chapter 19.

Anon, that's not even that bad, try endgame or after 21
You can get rid of the debuff by:
>being the support partner in dual attacks
>attacking again, even with the same weapon
It won't apply the debuff if:
>You are the support partner when dual attacking
>You can't attack back (iffy on this one, I think it's right though)

I'm trying to do this at endgame.
It's a goddamn nightmare.
I have to use 3 fliers and a bunch of paired up units and I still have problems just surviving, especially because Lunatic puts 2 freeze staff maids near his village
>Kozaki gives official art of Azura's ass
>It's bony and otherwise unremarkable and further proves Azura has no body

You would have thought this would have made Azurafags be more humble but they've somehow convinced themselves it's something to write home about
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>has a really cute support with Kana that has no reference to hexing her
>scramble convo with her is her wanting to see her daughter smile
Don't forget about the two right feet, and her actual right foot being larger despite being further from the camera.

Whoever IS got to do these DLC images needed to be fired.
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>water isn't allowed to have nice things!
And here are the original lines, instead of going YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT CIS SCUM they just go oh ok
They'll have whatever stats they did if you leveled them up at all but no basically the same thing.
You're a slut, Xander.
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Does anyone know what exactly determines which side Velouria spawns on her paralogue
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Girl's a straight-up virgin, talks big, but get her in a lewd scenario and she immediately becomes paralyzed.
Why don't I just fucking kill myself. I mean apparently you hate me enough to suggest this.
Keaton's position decides. Keep him on the top half to make her spawn up, or the bottom half to make her spawn down.
>Velouria doesn't always spawn on the enemy side

Azurafags have NEVER been humble.
This is a thing?
I've never fucking noticed, but that's probably because I've always benched Keaton by that point.
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post yfw you're waifu hasn't gotten official art that curses her with a bony ass like Azura and Nina's official art does
Thanks I was worried I'd have to wait to do the paralogue
Thanks senpai
F-full pic?
Aren't you that guy who talked about being a Lucina cuckold the other day?

I don't think you have room to talk.
What is Odin referring to?
I'd like to give Hisame a spanking.
I like him, but he's also somewhat insufferable.
My waifu isn't popular so I never have to worry.
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I don't hate her, I married her even on a revelations run, I like her. But what gets me hard about her is the idea of ravishing her petite, small body., at least if they want to give her ASSets, give her proper ones.
Pretty sure that is the full pic.
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>Aren't you that guy who talked about being a Lucina cuckold the other day?

Shiro, too. Treehouse can't get him out of this one
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>tfw he has
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Post girls who have a better ass than water.
>after weeks finally beat hoshido
>start nohr for a brief bit
>go back to hoshido for a moment to actually upload my castle for the first time
>Can't stop visiting castles and handing out accesories and skill hunting

Fuck this is surprisingly fun. Wish I would have started sooner.
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>has a perfectly plump rump
aw yiss
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Good thing Severa has a better body than Azura Sev/b/ros!
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You first senpai
>people should get nice things for no reason
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>water finally gets shitposted on /feg/

I always knew the day would come eventually
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Big sister's big butt!
She's a decent unit but other than that she really doesn't have anything going for her

Posting art of her flat ass and then saying it's a nice ass does not count
she's been shitposted for ages. no one actually likes azura.
You up to your old tricks again buddy?
That day had come long before anon.
How do I 2-turn Nohr endgame?
I swear if another severa thread is made....i will make a hunger game
I meant actual waifu wars stuff, not story shitposting
>Using card game art
>Using the CG art where she's sticking it out like Azura does in the one image to make it seem more shapely
>Using the cutscene that shows off how flat it actually is

Nice examples there Camillacuck. She has a great set of tits but she has no ass to speak of.
This only confuses me further. She should have a yuri option.
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Reminder to report Severa threads.
Cipher art is no less canon than some sketch Kozaki throws up on his personal twitter desu
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>i-it's bony!
>i-it's flat!

Come on guys, can you be any less subtle? I mean at least "I-IT'S JUST THE DRESS!!" for Mitama's THICK hips had some foundation to work with
Rescue Staves and speedy units
That's pretty much it
With what theme? Lords? OP units per game? UP units per game?
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Id be willing to try to write some smutt of azura with niles. I could consider another guy but Niles fit the bill.
Should I?
She's been embroiled in the waifu wars since Fates was announced anon.
conquest 8 is kicking my ass

i shouldn't have fallen for the mozumeme
I married Weedman to Oboro. What class should Mitama be?
They decided to have just one homofag S rank per gender in the game, nothing you can do about that. I'm more concerned with SJWhouse injecting their shit into everything, I mean look up Alison Rapp holy shit
Which waifu and husbando gets the most shitposting here?
no. write something on azura and another azura.
I regret drawing these.
I dunno how to explain it I feel like my fellow azurafriends were pretty neutral till now like me but now they are coming all out


bubble butt
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I want to fuck water jr.
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oborofriends will never ever stop being mad about water's bubble butt
Send 1 staff user down with rescue and have them rescue Aqua. Send your next staff user down and have them rescue Kamui. Have Aqua dance one of the staffbots and have them move all the way down again and rescue Kamui. You should be in range of the boss, and if strong enough can ORKO him.
Where did this idea that Camilla and her retainers are a /u/ squadron come from?
They'll have to take me to jail first because she's mine
No theme, i might do what i did previously. With everyone putting in their candidates
Sure, waterfaggot
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Not really, Cipher art is outsourced to various artists and wildly inconsistent; there can be no comparison to official artwork from the man himself
Was Midori this serious in the Japanese version? She fucking destroys Ophelia in their supports.
Why are you bringing up a superior girl that nobody was talking about, do you feel insecure or somethi-- wait are you that one guy that always rags on Oboro every thread? Ahahahahaha holy fuck
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>two lewds & a tool
>all got great bods
>all are real chummy
It was bound to happen.
b-but oboropals told me that the wildly inconsistent outsourced guest art on the poll page was as canon as can be!
>superior girl
lets not get hasty now
I fucking knew it
Why don't you just fucking fap to whatever damn
Flora and Kaze

Oh okay then, Lute.
How do i do Ignatius's paralogue? If i don't rescue him he dies before i get there and if i do they destroy the village.
Both of them are shit desu
Her scramble convos seem to imply it.
She takes after her dad, at least a bit.

Hope you have good fliers
>oborocuck was behind it all along
Is there any fanbase awful enough to throw out false samefag shitposts as much as Oborofags do? >>135891606
Dont get hasty there pal. Im not doing it now. But i Might in the future.
Azurafag on suicide watch
>Beruka and Shitlena
>Good bod
I was going to say Tharja, but looking at this thread, Oboro for girls. Probably Ryoma for guys.
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This'll aaaaaall blow over by the next thread. maybe
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Reminder that Azura can't be canon with all of the kids confirmed to exist

>but muh random villagers

Spare me your headcanon tomfoolery please.
You realize that post directly countered yours right Oborocuck?
I think anyone with a functioning brain knows that you try this every time anyone mentions Oboro slightly negatively
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>all got great bods
Is there any other fanbase that clings to headcanons quite this fucking hard?

Camilla has cow tits and a flat ass and the other two are completely covered by shapeless clothing, get the fuck over it already and quit lying to yourself.
Hey /feg/s.

I started with Awakening and I'm currently at Chapter 17 in Birthright. Hardly ever did grinding and I've gotten decently far on normal/casual. How much of a fisting will hard/classic Conquest give me?
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Look at this pretty girl.
Look at her.
>people are actually falling for this falseflagging
Don't worry Kozaki will draw lots of fat Oboro ass and won't draw her as a ugly mutt or anything like that.
>confirmed to exist
In the confirmed bad ends.

And why do you think they were written as bad ends?
nice thread
Rhajat, Oboro, Selena, Azura and maybe Camilla, though Selena deserves it.
If you mean the guy that says things like ''Oborocucks are X'' with ebin reaction images like clockwork then yes

You'd have to be an actual cuckold with an obsession with NTR to use a word like that with such regularity in the first place
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There wouldn't be bad ends for kids that aren't canon in the first place
Would be a shame if something happened to it
Yeah despite referring to herself in the third person she usually acts like a proper adult.
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>there are people that don't make Midori guard the jail
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tbqh even if she got awful Forrest-level shitty art in the scramble combined with this it still wouldn't be enough karma for the shitposting oborocucks do every single day
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Should I redo the stage for the experience, or will Xander attack me anyway from the get go and still die?
I think you're mad someone put 2+2 together and realized that whenever Azura is shat on in some form, Oboro shit posting goes up 600%.
Literally proving my point >>135891316
Where's Rallyman when you need him?
I don't know if I'm more upset about Ike's voice being unfittingly rancid shit or ithat they went with Robin's shit-tier voice again instead of Based Voice 3.
Very. I mean the stat and extra skill bonuses (like certain bosses gaining the skill vengence or ogre strike) given to enemies and bosses are quite significant.
I'm doing a generic only Birthright run. What's a good end class for Orochi?
How do I get visit and battle points? No one has visited my castle since I got the game.
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Lucina and Owain 2.0
He left us.
She was always really practical and down-to-earth, even though she can still be childish and zany (that was the joke with her using third person speak in Nihongo). She tries so hard to be self-reliant and responsible she alienates herself from her dad before they sort things out in their supports.
It's not surprising that Azurafags have to false flag to try and deflect hate.
*makes poopy on thread* x3
dark flier if you have access to it

or onmoyiji (i don't know how to spell it) is good too
It's the International Day of Happiness /feg/
Be nice today
Depends on if you want to solo the final chapter/endgame or not. If you want to solo it with Ryoma/Corrin then don't bother.
no, this one
who contsantly says anything negative about oboro or her fans could only be from one person

please pay attention
>Azurafriends would stoop so low as to falseflag notorious falseflaggers

Yeah sure kid.
Us water/b/ros are always humble right?


Gonna go Onmyoji then, thanks.
I'm sorry that you got caught Oborocuck

but you have to control your emotions just because Azura canonly has the thing you headcanoned your waifu to have. when you get mad, it gives you away.
>velouriafag meetup
>keatonfag meetup
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I'm always here for you, anon!
Is it bad that I like Camilla x Ryoma, the idea of those two together is really cute and kind of hot.
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>commonly used reaction images instantly denote if you have affiliation towards a particular faction

How to make edgelord takumi your bitch:
>get astra, hoshidan unity, quixotic, swordfaire and life/death
>get a brave sword and max skill
>proc astra 3/4 hits
I love how oborocuck tries this any time he gets caught shitposting
>Starting shit with Camillafags
>Now starting shit with Oborofags
What could their goal be?
Thanks for showing us your falseflag shitposting

I'll be sure to tune your future posts out when I see those images/filenames.
Oborofags literally can't do anything wrong, any time one of them gets exposed it wasn't actually one of them!
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Oh god, I feel bad for laughing.
Thats where her boyfriend is!
Just to make sure, I go through the walls in Chapter 9 instead of facing the Spear Fighters head on, correct?
I see what you're trying to do here buddy, but everyone knows it's you every time simply from the moronic way you talk.
>showing us posts you made

mamma mia
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Gentlemen, I come to you today because these falseflaggers sure are on one hell of a high horse.

Someone should do something.
the fuck
Watch out for the Takumifags.
it's recommended that you go to basara for rend heaven and quixotic then you can switch back
Oborofags didn't start shit with Oborofags
It is because they are obviously unhappy together and only married because you kept pushing them to. At least Camilla would prefer a dog to a lobster, and said lobster doesn't want no Nohrian scum.
This. He could at least try to type differently, this is just hilarious. Why does he do it
the post is
>how to make edgelord takumi your bitch
>how to make edgelord takumi your bitch without buying skills
exact same thing, only make sure you have someone else to finish the job
Leave it to an oborocuck to try and pretend to speak for everyone, especially with such typically retarded logic as "moronic way"
You can do either, it doesn't really matter. The Spear Fighters won't do shit. If you want to go straight through the entrance, highlight their ranges and notice where you can drag the Archers out.
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When do you ever do anything? You just make empty threats.
*frolics in the poopy* ;;3c
the irony is that Oborocuck says this every single time
and then agrees with himself

and thinks nobody can notice
Because he's trying to be as simultaneously idiotic and scathing as possible because it guarantees him replies.

If you want it to quit, don't give him replies.
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Two days until that hot CG.

Can you believe this is supposed to be considered the calm before the storm?
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Ryoma's electric sword.jpg
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>and said lobster doesn't want no Nohrian scum.
They don't seem like they could ever really love each other on a non-physical, more-than-polite level, but it's not weird to think two very attractive people could have hot sex. I just can't imagine them ever feeling very romantically close, or really wanting to spend their downtime together.
>entire half of thread is waifu wars
>legitimate question gets drowned out

well okay then
dumb frogposter
So how can I tell if a unit can't normally get certain skills? Just look everything up?
Someone post the Sailor Moon meme pic, please
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Do you fucks ever do anything other than having waifu wars or arguing about metashit?
>he immediately agrees with himself a second time
I rest my case.
It's pretty alright here when Oborofags aren't shitposting
welcome to /vg/
You should learn some proper English, it's a description of the way you post which is very recognizable. I see you doing this every thread lad.
I guess otomeshits and fujoshits were right. You waifufags are complete shitters.
Elise doesn't' count since she is still too young enough to be tainted by Nohr.

>but its early!
Do you really want to stay in this thread any longer than you have to at this point? Severabros don't advocate Oborobro's actions but we do sympathize with him.
Just like his waifu, Azurafag is only capable of spewing retarded shit after when things get heated.
Reminder that there's another thread active on the catalog right now and if you use another early Severa thread you're admitting you enjoy shitposts.
>don't give him replies.
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Reminder we have a perfectly good thread up. Please don't clog the place up with multiple new threads.


This has been a /feg/ public service announcement.

I blame everyone. Including myself.
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If I were to unleash my true power, it would be extremely painful.

For you.

Ignore and report.
At least try with your false flagging
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I think I was the first one to post this picture in this general so I feel happy.
I reject the notion that I'm even genetically compatible with Oboro fans
They're a less evolved species by a long shot and don't count
Werewolf is boys..... naked
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LITERALLY all of this is a ploy by arthurcucks desu

they're still mad about etika
I know you can't recruit shield units but can I learn skills from them? Is it possible to grab a random Master of Arms and teach it the rallying ways?
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I'm tempted to make a new thread, but this is actual cause to move.
Maybe I'll hold off. Just this once.
>trying to crash a thread with porn because you were exposed
This has never happened before
It's just Oborocucks shitting everything up as usual
[x]fuck your daughter
Okay now I know for sure this is fucking drill again
But what about his best friend Xander.
Elise isn't scum.
Aptitude, Beastskills, and Noble skills are the big ones.
the post timer is 90 seconds newfag
thanks for reminding me that oborocucks come from tumblr

also >no argument
pretty pathetic desu
He's not sticking his dick in Xander. Ignore fujos.
Kaze or Silas for this Conquest run?
Did +Str -Luck Femui with (I think) Samurai, I was kinda drunk when I started it.
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It's what she wants
I know you're autistic, typical of an Oboro fag, and like to make up stories in your head

but it actually hasn't.
It's definitely Hinokafag falseflagging literally everything with multiple proxies to avoid post timer. Every [character]poster is the Hinokafag's sock puppet except tharjafuck.
Open your eyes. /feg/ is populated with wonderful people that would never shitpost.
He's not scum. Completely fuckable.
Damn. How tight do you think Morgan's pussy is? Grima must be in pure ecstasy
>People say Azura has no ass, people start to agree
>Suddenly, all attention is deflected onto Oborofags as if to distract from the subject or something
He can't keep getting away with it
You fucking moron, are you literally retarded?

come on now.
Can I just say that Xfags are the worst fanbase and they'll never be as good Yfags, and especially the Zfags who have the most patrician of taste
I love how "im a slut" is in the related videos
Other generals just make a new thread, how is it so hard to do.
750 convenience repost:
No, but Azura is
I remember someone, probably (You), posted a picture of Felicia giving head while making a somewhat passive aggressive comment about Oborofags, exactly as you did there.
Reminder that we're using this thread. Let the Severa and Midori threads die.
Oborofriends would never shitpost, I'm tired of seeing them bullied for no reason. It's not Azura's fault that she has no ass, there's also nothing wrong with petite, non-feminine bodies.
>Azura canonly has fat ass
>Oborocuck gets mad and jelly
>tries to force the meme that it's not real, just an optical illusion
>gets mad when it doesn't work
Is there's one type of person in /feg/ who is trustworthy, it's an oboro fan
Nobody was talking about Oboro until she was brought up. It was just Azurafags with their Oboro boogeyman again. It isn't even surprising at this point
sorry that you're so transparent, especially with your jealousy in denying canon

next time I won't expose you, how does that sound? then you don't have to get so angry and upset
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It's just a normal day in the northern fortress. Your family is visiting, everyone is having a good time, when suddenly elise walks into the room and proclaims that she is pregnant!

Everyone tells her she doesn't know what she's saying, but she says it's true. Camilla asks her why she thinks she's pregnant, when she says she talked with someone about how you get pregnant and says kamui put the baby in her when they played that "fun game" 3 weeks ago.

Of course, you have no recollection of the event. You would never do something like that with your little sister! The maids and guards are another story, however. And there was that new guard that wouldn't take her helmet off for the life of her a few weeks ago, one he hasn't seen since....

But you can't think on it, the other royals are looking at you in shock, anger and disgust. You have to defend yourself; what do you do/say?
She's a technical adult, it's no big deal.
oh shit
>Siegbert having to grow up with big brother Shiro
Birth of a super villain.
has anyone gotten S weapon ranks without grinding?

I went through all 3 routes and only 2 people got even close, Mozu and Ryoma.
Where the fuck are the kids? I already did the kadens kid mission. What do?
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How did you celebrate Elise's birthday?
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