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/hbg/ - Homebrew and hacking general

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Last thread: >>135482714

/hbg/ Wiki: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com

3DS: 9.2 (10.7 downgrade - Entrypoints: Browserhax/Menuhax up to 10.5; OoT/Ninjhax up to 10.7)
Wii U: 5.4 (5.5.1 IOSU delayed indefinitely)
Vita: 3.51 (Userland)
PS4: 1.76 (Webkit)

3DS: http://pastebin.com/TQwDsWh9
DS: http://homebrew-general.wikia.com/wiki/Nintendo_DS
Vita: http://pastebin.com/zwBhCPtd

-Regionfree at startup with any CFW https://gbatemp.net/threads/419047/
-10.7 released, the downgrade still works. You DON'T need to update in order to play online. All CFWs can update properly.
-WarioWare Touched being released for My Nintendo in Japan. Most likely just a DSiWare port.
-svchax lets you downgrade from 10.7. https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki
-OoThax not patched in the Nintendo Select rerelease.

>Wii U
-Hykem allegedly arrested http://www.maxconsole.com/maxcon_forums/threads/293597
-A new Homebrew Launcher (for 5.4) will handle elf files https://github.com/dimok789/homebrew_launcher/releases

-A source code version of the BadIRET Kernel exploit for PS4 has leaked, with possible implications for 1.76 to 2.01.

Q: Is downgrading safe?
A: Yes, but you should remember a few things.
If the downgrade fails, you'll be forced to update to 10.7 and then use ninjhax or oothax. oothax requires a way to edit its save first, like an already hacked 3DS or a save dongle (you might set it up before trying, if you can).
Don't forget to use the right downgrade files or you'll brick.

Q: What are the advantages of a9lh?
A: More stable loading of CFW, plus bootrate and speed improvements. Theoretically impossible for Nintendo to fix.

Q: The browser asks me to update (9.9 to 10.6)
A: Change date to 1/1/2000 00:00 and "Reset Save Data" in browser settings. Do not press Home.
>Most likely just a DSiWare port.
it is, why is this even in the op
I want to live in Ecruteak.
Is backing up my SD card as simple as copying all the files to a folder on my computer, or should I do something fancy like using a program to man an image of the card?
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Because idiots will come asking about it for a while.

i changed the banner and icon of mega man legacy collection using 3dbannermaker and packhack but the game won't start and it gives me an black screen with an error that makes me turn off my system
did i do something wrong? all i did was replace two files, the banner and the icon
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4DS when?
>not a 1DS
copy and paste
what, a psp? disgusting
>implying there will be a non-3DS specific FAQ
>meanwhile typically undoing green arrows

Also what, the Browser fix does not pertain to 10.6.
Not currently, but we know the exploit's fixed in 10.7, so I guess it's technically correct.
10.8 when?
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I can't wait for Nintendo to fuck over a9lh users who don't have an emunand as a safety net anymore
>I don't know how a9lh works.
Why do you want that in the first place?
Secondly, a9lh users can restore their sysNANDs very easily.
best way to run snes games on n3ds?
official or injected VCs
Is hacking a PS2 easy? Wanted to get into some ps shit. Dont have so what arethe best options?
>Buy one and hack it myself
>Buy one that is already hacked
>Buy a PS3 and hack that for pirating ps2 and 3
>buy a pre hacked ps3
Whats the best option lads?
We've only covered one of the three ways A9LH can be fucked over though, which is FIRM write block. They can still refresh the 0x96 keystore with the "correct" keys or overwrite the 0x5c000 NAND sector.
I bet you're salty because you're too much of a retard to setup a9lh.
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Yes, literally it was half the last thread.
>Buy one and hack it myself
I'm thinking this option.
I was thinking this too but it seems like a bit of a hassle since it requires a bunch of extra stuff.
super easy, freemcboot & open ps2 loader is what you're gonna wanna use. Get an older model and an adapter for a HDD too.
iirc you need (almost) any ps1 game and some way to inject memory card data
also if you don't have a computer capable of emulating ps2 by this point its pretty inexcusable
Buy a magic memory card off of eBay. Done.

No anon worth their salt is going to update day one when a new update comes out.
very easy with James Bond

takes less time setting up compared to a9lh on 3ds


Regarding Step 4 of Plailect's guide:

Does it matter if you rename hs_emu.app to hs.app manually by right clicking and renaming on the pc? What about emunand.bin to emunand_original.bin? I didn't know you could change the names with right-left on the d pad. Will the files be okay to use if I just rename manually?
doesn't matter what you name or rename. doesn't matter if you do it manually
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post more smug lolis. it makes my dick diamonds.
>They can still refresh the 0x96 keystore with the "correct" keys
They can't do that because that would require them to have the OTP/OTP hash to know how to encrypt it. That area is encrypted console-unique in a way that even the system doesn't have access to after the arm9loader. There's also this:
>or overwrite the 0x5c000 NAND sector.
They can't do that because all of the code capable of performing arbitrary firmware writes comes from your CFW's firmware.bin, and we know there's no way for them to do that kind of shit remotely in any currently existing NATIVE_FIRM.
Just installed a9lh now what
choose aureinand or cakes and play some games
Play your free vidya. You DO play vidya, right?
I'm having trouble installing smash bros DLC from cia file

is this not possible with a legit copy from the eshop?
Next handheld needs to be tablet/paper-flat like the 2DS.
These hinged handhelds are trash.
Ah, I didn't know that was the case. Thanks for correcting me.
As long as its Japan's console and they continue to use their flip phones, DSs will remain as is.
also, can anyone show me where to find the DLC cia file just to double check I have the right thing?
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Yeah nah, I'm just not going though the downgrade risk again to fit in here. There's no point to it.

The point of that line is to help people with Browserhax though.
It's pretty odd how many people itt are in a huge rush to update each time.
Thanks for the tips anons. Will be attempting soon.
xD convinced me!
I downloaded Senran Kagura 2 deep crimson, but in DevMenu it's displayed in grey and doesn't let me import it. What could be the issue?
Bad .cia, find a different dump.
give me some patty's day shit /hbg/
Are modified roms like undubs already decrypted or is there no way of knowing without checking myself?

All the mega ones want me to install their shitty plugin because it's bigger than 2gb
There's no reason to re-encrypt them after modification, so they're usually decrypted.
Use megatools if you're comfortable with the command line.
Haven't been to this general in a while since I hacked my system about a month ago, is there really a downgrade process for 10.6-7 now? Can I finally tell my retard friends who upgraded to that that they can downgrade and hack their 3DS? I hacked mine at 10.3 and they all updated and then cried asking how to do it long after 10.5-10.6.

Or are their entrypoints still limited to CN and OOT? Because I tell these dumbasses they need to buy other shit now and they give up.

Basically I haven't checked on the status of 3ds homebrew in a while, what happened

Actually, i just found the issue, I didn't look at the file type.

It's a .3ds
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10.5 can use browserhax 10.6+ needs cubic or oot for now
currently sitting with 10.5 emunand and i got one problem with updating. i think it's due to me setting up the menuhax>ctr-boot the wrong way but whenever i try to run the menuhax cia the thing need to redownload payload/ropbin
on yellow8 browserhax page before showing the ctrboot menu. My question is will the later FW still let me to do that redownloading? or is it blocked along with the browserhax?
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Just finished this guide http://pastebin.com/xENC5Ys7 and I attempted to go into emu but it stayed a black screen and still is. Do I attempt to turn off and try going into emu again, or...?
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So if I've got a9lh running, and I want to transfer all my stuff to a new SD card...

...is it literally as simple as copying the files to a new SD card and then everything just works? I might get a 64gig if that's the case.
>Plailect guide

lmao. Don't do the otp and shit steps, stop after CFW emunand. Ah9l is fucking useless

>muh 10s boot and brick safety

Who cares about 15 more seconds ? And what kind of retard bricks his fully hacked 3DS ? Also, enjoy your nonworking-without-SD 3DS.
I have been out of the loop on 3ds shit for a few months and what is this a9lh shit and whats it for?
>it is
Please tell me why you would ever want to use your 3DS without the SD card in it.
I keep getting the "Could not create sysNAND.bin! Dump SysNANd to file: failed!" message every time I try to back up my sysNAND. It says my SD is not ready, and the SD storage is an unknown filesystem. I've formatted my 16GB SD card to FAT32 through Windows, and I've tried the EmuNAND SD format options. Is there something that I'm missing, or just not getting? I followed the instructions step-by-step in Plailect's guide.
Yes, assuming you're no longer using emuNAND.

If you are using emuNAND still, you need to use a disk cloning software because emuNAND sits on a hidden partition on the SD card.
Boy sure is fun have a hacked system without being able to play games since the thing that can store a lot of them for some dumb reason is not in the system
>changing format for no reason
I'm not sure what you're referring to with that other line.

Or someone who wants to use the browser without updating, whatever strange reason they might have to want to do that. Like not being able to update to 10.7 at the moment just for it or something. I can see this happen, and simply just changing it from 10.5 to 10.6 doesn't hurt.
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>muh hard copies
>muh NAND games
>muh streetpass
>muh r4
>muh download play
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still at black screen dont want to do anything because I read before how impatience or panicking fucked over people
>will the later FW still let me to do that redownloading?
Yeah. Also I think the 10.7 one is just the 10.5 renamed.
>After downloading WarioWare: Touched!, it’ll show up in the data management settings as a DSiWare game. 214 blocks (about 27MB) of free space is needed.
Thanks. ;_;
ah thanks for answering aniki
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But I didn't ask what you COULD do without the SD card, I asked you why you would WANT to play without it.
I really have to wonder why Nintendo hasn't made DS games downloadable. Muh booting not nativley excuse is bullshit.
So could DS games be injected as DSiWare now? It would be cool if that become possible. I'm sure there's a file size limit though
if it works the same way as that advance wars game they released packaged as dsiware a few years ago, no.
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Trying to run decrypt9, but it only shows me a black screen. Copied the Decrypt9WIP folder over and made a Decrypt9 folder in root. Do i need to copy any other of those files over?
You wouldn't. Unless you're poor and you actually need it for storage or something, there's literally no reason to take it out of your 3DS. If you're going to go through the trouble of setting up homebrew in any capacity, let alone emunand and CFW, you might as well go all the way and get a9lh going. What's the point of downloading and installing several gigabytes of games if you're just going to take the SD card out? His only valid complaint is that the 3DS doesn't boot without the SD card so it prevents him from doing any of what I said if he somehow manages to lose his SD card, but if you're enough of an adult to set up A9LH you're probably beyond taking out your SD and losing it, even more so on a N3DS because that would involve unscrewing the back, or intentionally popping it off if you leave it undone. You basically have to be trying to lose the SD at that point, same way you almost have to be trying to brick.
Why did Nintendo make, well, DS and DSi games act the way they do? Why are SNES/GBA games different? It would make more sense to design the bigger sized games to be able to be installed to SD.>.

are you running a9lh?

No, I run normal Reinand.

Starting decrypt over emunand gives me a red screen.
Starting it over the bootmenu it's black
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>Starting decrypt over emunand gives me a red screen.
Have fun if your SD card ever corrupts
>not keeping backups

Even then you could just put literally any arm9loaderhax.bin on your sdcard and it'll do whatever that bin is made to do, I'm starting to think that you might not have any idea what you're talking about
I will, I'll just copy my backup to a new SD card, slap the 3DS on and call it a day.
I agree with you. Though you should avoid mentioning SNES there, as that's emulation.
If they plan to release bigger DS games, they'll need to use another method, which would possiby mean injection for us, yay!
>Even then you could just put literally any arm9loaderhax.bin on your sdcard and it'll do whatever that bin is made to do
Doesn't that bin depend on your 3DS's unique key, which is why you have to go to the trouble of getting your otp.bin first?

Well, it doesn't start either way. What am i doing wrong?
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Decrypt9 and emunand9 must be run from sysnand
No, the modified keysector installed to your 3DS is the only bit that actually needs the OTP. While you shouldn't delete it (and should in fact keep it safe), you won't need it again for a9lh unless you restore a pre-a9lh backup and want to reinstall it.
okay someone pm'ed me fix, I'm good
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Anon confirmed for not knowing shit about a9lhax.
see >>135569491 and >>135569492
Between the A9LH setup and the cryptolocker horror stories, among the more mundane problems, I make more backups than I'll ever need. SD card corruption is a monetary loss at it's worst, and not even a very steep one.

No, that's only the A9LH installer. Hopefully by the time your SD card has corrupted, you're done installing A9LH, and the Arm9 loader is already safely stored in your NAND. The binary on the SD card was never generated from your OTP, it's just the file named in as the Arm9 loader as what it should load.

Starting Homebrewlauncher directly from the ctrbootmanager is the same as being started from sysnand, right?

Like I said, it just shows 2 black screens then
Yeah, it's not 100% launch rate
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>while the arm9loaderhax installer is pretty well tested at this point, there still is a possibility of the installer bricking your system even if you've successfully used it before.
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Ah yes, worked on the third try.

Thank you
shut up lil bich boi
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>muh hard copies

Why the fuck do you have a piracy machine if you have hard copies?
Is it possible to make bootNTR save screenshots anywhere else than root?
It's literally in the guide.
It's just very bonehead of them. It's not only inconvenient for pirates, it's inconvenient for the consumer. There are many, many great DS games that should definitely have a rerelease OUTSIDE of the Wii U (because why the honest fuck would you play a game meant for portability on the big screen with that awful big ass controller?)
Like this fucking shit? What the actual fuck?
So just to make sure, I can use a Power Save to just inject the hacked save I need to OoT?
Yes, that or another homebrewed/CFW'd 3DS, or a DS/DS Lite + a hacksaw to force the OoT cart to fit + a flashcard for it.
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NX cfw when?
does it matter where/what website you download games from?
Alright then. I'd use another 3DS if I had friends ;_; but a Power Save is currently cheaper.
I really hope this doesnt turn out to be fucking real

or its just a prototype

That's a shitty skin


It's annoying to have them clutter root
Do I have to inject FBI to emunand's health and safety for a9lh? Why can't I just use the FBI I installed with cia?
My big problem is this "prototype" is missing the gamecube hand nubs.

if you already have FBI installed or some form of CIA installer you can skip that part in Plailects guide
Well this thing is supposed to fit in your pocket somehow right?
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It supposed to be portable, they never said anything about fitting in your pocket.
Hahahahaha what the fuck! If that's the real NX then RIP in fucking pieces Nintendo
>yfw it uses the same keys
nintendo isnt that stupid r-right?
that white 2DS is pretty sexy why is it EU only
Because its better looking.
I have been thinking of getting a 2ds just cause and all the good ones are non us.
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I followed this guide to unlinking my NANDs and updated emunand to the latest version and for some reason now I straight up don't have a Health and Safety app. Did I fuck something up?

Fortunately I wasn't retarded enough to end up updating sysNAND or bricking the thing so I have that going for me I guess. I'm pretty new to this whole 3DS homebrew thing. Wii homebrew was so easy and this just feels really overwhelming.

Guide I used: https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-installing-rxtools-custom-firmware-3ds-and-2ds.390867/

I followed it all the way to unlinking NANDs. I know that I have to re-setup everything but I'm wondering if it'll fuck with my system because I don't have a H&S app now, or that I fucked something up to make it disappear.
Because Nintendo makes some very, very, very, very weird localization choices.
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>tfw al9h
>tfw 100% bootrate
>tfw 8 second boot time
>tfw emunand is a thing of the past
It's fucking amazing innit?
does it show up on emunand or is it gone on both?
inb4 smug pedos shut you down with bogus reasons and shitposters ask you what cfw you're on
Threadly reminder that there hasn't been a NATIVE_FIRM update since a9lh released. Enjoy your 10.8 never ever land
>and australians ask you what cfw you're on
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I use Cakes solely so people will meme at me.
that scares me
Shit I should have checked that, sorry. Yes It does load on emunand. Does that mean I'm fine?
it's normal if it's gone on sysnand
So what's worst case scenario for A9LH users, and what are is the likelihood of it occuring?
Okay good I was worried there for a minute. Now a question. Do I have to be in sysNAND to install things now because my emuNAND is now 10.7?
10.8 writes to FIRM1 and FIRM0 anyway and you enjoy paying for games again
Good thing the only thing that can write to FIRM is never automatically updated with system updates, huh.
So say you had to flash 9.2 sysNAND without a9lh back for whatever reason, could you just flash your a9lh NAND back on without having to use the installer again?
What are you even referring to
Threadly reminder that if you update the moment the update comes out you deserve it anyway, and to ignore memers.
You can still emunand with a9lh if you really have the compulsive need to update.
You can still do that with a9lh.
Is motion blur supposed to happen while emulating GBA in N3DS?
a9lh survives system formats correct?
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>GBATemp won't load, times out
Are you emulating or using gba cia?
>start up Cave Story after a year since last time played
>remember I had a save! Hmm.
>fuck, it's right before the Sanctuary, I never beat that
>"The 290 Counter is activated."
It's been so long I don't even know what to do anymore.
Is it motion blur or a blur caused by the linear scaling effect?

When loading the GBA game from the Home Menu, hold the Start button until the game boots. That should knock the screen resolution to its native size; see if that solves the problem for you.
Why is oot3d sold out fucking everywhere
You can do it, anon! It took me a lot of tries as well, but the bonus dungeons you unlock for beating it are pretty cool, Nemesis Challenge is my favorite.
Probably for the same reason you're looking for it.
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I do!
It's definitely still there, but in a smaller capacity. Tested the same games on my SP, no blur. What the hell.
amazon has plenty
Yeah for $30. Fuck that it just came out.
If you have an NDS, try playing a game there. If it's there, then it might have to do with the DS firmware itself, through which the GBA emulator is run.
$30 is cheap for Nintendo stuff.
Neat idea. I'll need to try tomorrow. Regardless, if that is the case, it's beyond my control and I should be grateful for what I have.
I just wonder if Nintendo will ever make GBA games an actual Virtual Console thing for 3DS. It's been long enough that Ambassadors probably won't care.
would you rather buy cubic for $1000 then?
I tried to update Smash to 1.15, but the loader has been stuck at around 60% for the last ten minutes or so.

Do I have to install updates with .cias from now on?
gbatemp is down tho
They already came out in Europe by the way
I would actually play them on the WiiU controller if I had a WiiU.

They said they wouldn't do that. Not that there's a point now, since we can have them.
Why won't they make these plugins for cakes?
screenshot it gbatemp isn't loading
That whole Ambassadors thing is such a pissy, cheap move now in retrospect.
Ambassador here. I'm still surprised they haven't tried to sell them yet. Who wouldn't buy Warioware again ya know? It's still the best one. Also 3 portable Mario Kart's on one system? Comeon.
Is it possible to access emunand files through sysnand? Im trying to use savedatafiler cause my emunand bricked.
It works perfectly for me.

Does Cakes use ARM11 or is it only ARM9? NTR is ARM11 only if I remember correctly
If you used a CIA to install Update 1.1.4 or earlier, then you'll need to keep using a CIA due to how CIA installers write a unique ticket to the NAND that conflicts with any official downloads.

I know, but I just wonder if it'll happen.

I've felt for some time now that Nintendo seems to be focusing less on VC for 3DS and more on VC for Wii U. I wish that they had an equal focus on both.
They're lazy shit heads as far as I'm concerned. That's the whole reason I have homebrew and cfw set up.
Cakes doesn't support ARM11 patches yet, only FIRM patches. It's got the potential to support them (see dhs for an example implementation) and as far as I know it's planned.
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I mean I'm not arguing with you here, we're both in this general. I'm partly here for straight up DLC piracy.
Me too. The Mystery Dungeon GBA/DS games getting released in EU only (???) on the fucking Wii U (??????) was a big straw.
I can't seem to load rxTools through HBL. I can get it to load just fine from http://www.reboot.ms/3ds but the homebrew app just freezes after both my screens go to black. I'm using rxTools 2.6 if it matters.
How do I play VC games that aren't actually on the eshop? (GBA, SNES, etc.)
Also, do you have to be connected to the internet to play DLC?
What does this mean
Good. Awesome. I hope midkid steps up development.
It means he can look in the memory and see which values to change for cheats n' shit.
It's a ram viewer
Think old school cheat engines for flash games. On the fly value editing.
pls respond
>How do I play VC games that aren't actually on the eshop? (GBA, SNES, etc.)
you install the .cia, that's it

>Also, do you have to be connected to the internet to play DLC?
>you install the .cia, that's it
Well fuck, I have two GBA VC games and they both don't work at all

Well fuck, I got the Fire Emblem IF DLC and it doesn't work either.
install to sd from both emunand and sysnand.
To install cia from sysnand you need minipasta or some other way to boot to sysnand with checks disabled.
DLC region might not match installed game's region.
Your VC games might not be your region either.
Be cognizant of these things.
If I'm on a9lh (N3ds), do I just install GBA cias, and they'll work?

I looked at the guide in the paste bin (http://pastebin.com/rSvR4bHd), but that's for other forms of hax.
How do you install from emunand?
Fucking same questions, every general. We need a real FAQ pastebin.
Depends on your cfw. Cakes, patch agb_firm. Aurei, afaik, works out of the box.
install modified AGB firm.cia (its on 3DSISO) and install it to NAND

then install GBA cia's

thats it
You install the cia, but make sure you are on emunand.
And also make sure to not install to sysnand.
Only sd.
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9.2 Sys, 10.7 Rei N3DS. Everything is working perfectly. Arm9. Is it worth it? Will I brick switching? What are the chances of brick out of 100? Why should I switch? How difficult is it worth switch? Please help hbg.
install gba cia
Offset selection doesn't seem to display properly on my original 3DS.
so install the AGB firm to NAND (not SD), and then install whatever GBA cias I wanna play on the SD.

Got it, thanks guys!
Yup! Have fun.
If you have to ask that many questions then yes, you will brick because you are a retard who can't think for himself.
Damn. Looks like being cautious and wanting to know information makes me an idiot. What a time to be alive.

only cool anons do it, and not everyone can be cool
how risky is it to hack Wii U now? how big the chance of it bricking?
I just did the entire 5 step walk through 2 days ago on a N3DS. Hardest part was the 9.9 to 9.2 downgrade which took a lot of tries to get sysupdater to work. The rest, including downgrading to 2.1 and getting the OTP, was by-the-numbers.

I'm still running emuNAND with A9LH however.

Question: is anyone working on an English patch for New Love Plus? I need to know. For reasons.
>is anyone working on an English patch for <game>

The answer is always no
Is the 2.1 zip file in the github guide supposed to be the same for N3ds/O3ds/2ds US? It's all the same updates for all the systems, just different for the regions?
N3DS never had 2.1 to begin with, so yeah. You're supposed to install 2.1 firmware on it for the exploit.
yes, it's older than the n3ds that's why there's a section called unbricking for n3ds
I think I saw a project for it on GBAtemp. They were working on it, but I don't know how far they got.
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I'm getting bored of the Windows XP theme. What themes are you guys using?
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My CIAs all disappeared after I accidentally deleted the "dbs" folder. It's now telling me that it's corrupted and I have to format.

I've been at it for hours, is there any solution to the missing file and restore my CIAs?

Oh nice, thanks.

> https://gbatemp.net/threads/request-help-new-love-plus-translation.395574/
> [NLPPATCH].02.02.2016(0.1%).ZIP
> 0.1%

Well, at least yes, there is someone working on it.
Replace DBS files???
is it safe to use the eshop with this ?
Windows 98
lol no, you fucked up good, shit's gone forever.
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>deleted the "dbs" folder
You can just machine translate it yourself without waiting and get the same result
>deleting shit when you clearly have zero idea what you're doing

My god, how has your system32 survived?
I just use this one.
All the time.
I've been wanting to use a theme but I don't want that shit to break menuhax

No backup, thought I would unlink my nands first. I guess I replaced the wrong dbs folder.

The files themselves are obviously not gone, just not showing up. The encrypted save file is still there, I just dont know how to access it.
themes go on emunand stupid, god I mean, just wow like, just wow

you can't
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I know.
I would fix it, but then I wouldn't be able to have the long ass song name.
>I guess I replaced the wrong dbs folder.

God damn. If there's a dbs folder in the first place, you basically don't have to replace it! You weren't by chance following TCpixel's tutorial?
Ech, is the watermark at the bottom there when you put it on your 3ds?
Recently got back from a 3 month volunteer trip to Africa and I have 9.0 software on my 3DS, any tips or general direction of what to do and where to go from here? I don't want to brick my 3DS or upgrade it to the latest software.
It won't allow a song name over 80 characters for whatever reason.
yeah man, fucking like, go use the pialect guide dude
>god I mean, just wow like, just wow
You're a cocksucker
normal white
how'd you get it over 80 in the first place?
I really don't know.
I just did somehow.
slame is the unlock code
Mario & Sonic 2016 CIA when?
it's out?
No it's not.
yes today

I went to the eShop and it's there.
oh, so make a request on one of the sites
Is there a method for recovering/restoring saves from the original backed up contents of your SD card, pre-hack?
Bruh cakes doesn't come up when I hold L when I'm turning my 3DS on, what the hell happened?
does it still boot your nand?
Nope, just goes straight to normal 3DS FW
A9lh emunand
I just set up emuNAND, copied my SD card files back, and attempted to use browserhax only to get a red screen. What did I fuck up, and what should I do?
try again
Is there a program that let's you freely screenshot anything displayed on the 3ds, or heck, capture video and audio?
Oh, something was up with menuhax. I tried installing it again but it still didn't work. Has this happened to anyone else?
shoulder button broken?
Not sure what that is
Okay well nevermind, I re-reinstalled it and it's working now. Don't really know what was up with that first time
So I'm following the new guide in the OP and just got to the part where you backup sys/emuNAND_original files, done that and now when I try to boot into CakesFW I just get a black screen.

What's the deal?
So what's supposed to be the best CFW for 3ds?
Don't listen to the memers, they all do the same thing.
aurei on a9lh
AuReiNAND is objectively the best CFW
If hbg hates it so much why bother using it as the posterboy guide in the pastebin then?
cakes is shit stop using it
this is australia time, the time of the shitposters

link to place in the guide?
easiest to set up i guess
Can't run MHX in 10.7, heard it only works on 10.3?

Customizable boot images are awesome.
I might be wrong though, it keeps showing the error wherein I have to turn off the 3ds.
it won't even load?

and NTR boot up fine?
It shows the 3ds logo after than it displays the error. Could it because my 3ds is running jp fw?
MHX is jp only though isn't it?

I suppose you could go in the eshop and try to repair it
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How is the translation going?
It's going like a machine
How do I use sysupdater on OFW 2.2? I want to get to 9.2 but no further
OoT powersave hax
I wish I could use 3ds homebrew to video-capture the screen like on a psp. Too bad the 3ds doesn't even have a usb port.

Capture units for 3ds are way to expensive.
i've got rxtools installed from last year (emunand and sysnand)

but rxtools site is 404 on 3ds browser.

what the fuck do i do?
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My dick is so hard right now at all these games that I can steal

you are a god my friend.

did i just miss this on the paste bin in OP?

i tried searching rxtools wasn't working but nothing recent came up about it
Hey, I've got a weird issue if anyone can help a brother out.

So I've got Reinand installed and today, when I booted up my system, it doesn't detect any of my installed stuff saying "SD card has been removed"

Which is odd, because if it really was, then I shouldn't be in the main menu to begin with.

What happened? And is there any way to fix this? Already tried reinstalling Reinand and that was no go.
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So after I updated to 10.6 NTR shows this. What do?
naw it was a silent update, the pastebins are old and haven't been updated rxtools 2.6 is outdated.
get 10.2 native firm
What's that mean? I can't use NTR on 10.6
> rxtools 2.6 is outdated.

what should i be using now? do you have any recommendations?
which cfw?

o3ds or n3ds?
I'm on 10.6 CFW. 9.0 SFW
cakes, reianand, rxtools?
10.6 Reinand. I was on 9.6 Reinand before.
are you using this version of NTR?

No i'm using this version, that was in the GBATemp thread
that version is incompatible with anything above 9.6, you need to switch.
oh and get 3.2 avoid 3.3
recommend me exploit/guide for 5.4 wii u please. currently looking at loadiine gx2 ver 0.2 but it's still in beta

also mega links for wii u games
Anyone have a MH4U RF link?
o3ds or n3ds?

i'm on o3ds using rxtools from last year
so either cakes or aureinand will work for you
I did a day 1 downgrade on 10.5 and still have rxtools 2.6 I think. Should I update it? How do I go about doing so?
Crisis averted!

For anyone else interested in the solution, it was because I had some programs installed that showed up as ??? and 0 blocks in my data management section.

Somehow, that was corrupting everything else and deleting it brought back everything. a very SPECIFIC issue but a issue none the less.
Kk. Do I still run it the same way? The cpu clock speed thing still works?

Also why would 3.2 over 3.3?
how the hell did that happen?

exact same way

3.3 causes a home menu crash when you want to load up a second app
for cakes, i'm assuming i have to start from scratch and completely uninstall rxtools/nands? how do i go about that?
you don't have to do remove squat

here's what you gotta do

1. make sure menuhax is installed
2. get ctrbootmanager from gbatemp
3. get cakes from gbatemp (read the directions for where to place files)
4. add an entry for cakes in boot.cfg for ctrbootmanager (you can simply replace the one for reinand with cakes)
5. change the name of the boot.3dsx already on your sd card to match the entry listed in boot.cfg (usually it's something like boot_hb.3dsx)


when the 3ds is turning on get into menuhax, probably by holding L

then select cakes, when cakes is loaded go to select patches and select emunand and sig patching

start to save and then boot cfw

if you're having trouble reading the boot.cg you can use programmers notepad or notepad++
how play DS game on 3DS?
need one of those specific flashcards?
So I was able to find a way to restore my save after resetting and reinstalling the CIA. Fuck everyone I guess.
So I fucked up and reformatted my SD card, do I have to repeat the whole process all over again even though I already had access to Browserhax and Rxtools before?

My SD card is a clean slate now, not sure if my Emunand and Sysnand is still intact.

I'm on 9.2 O3DS, downgraded months ago and only reopened it now and fucked up at updating Rxtools.

>using a dot for NULL instead a special or block character
They better have a way to toggle hex display modes like XTreeGold.
Installed ARM9loaderhax alright, everything well but after cleaning my SD files - seems the usual boot screen doesn't appear to open up the Homebrew Channel. Not sure if I deleted wrong files, I still made a backup, but when I placed the starter.zip contents into the SD again (to boot up Homebrew channel), it doesn't work, just a black screen.

I used Type 2 Trigger with L , read about that somewhere but now I'm not sure if I fucked up.
sysnand should be fine, you'll have to start over completely. Format using gateway/emunand9, unlink nands, etc.
do i need the homebrew menu to install menuhax? if so do i need anything from the smealum starter kit, and do i access the browserhax from emunand?
no you access it from sysnand never install menuhax on emunand

it was in the starter kit, if you don't have it you can just redownload it
Thanks man, I just wanted to repurchase Pokemon Bank else I lose all my Pokemon if I haven't already.
menuhax won't work on a9lh sysNAND if you're over 10.5
So do I need to install that homebrew CIA from the guide?
What's the point of the EUROPE.PNG and stuff included with BootNTR?
How the fuck do I get region free with cakes on 10.6? I tried opening BootNTR and it just said my firmware homemenu was not supported.
literally in the OP

Is there really not an easier way??
yeah you can change your cfw native firm to 10.2

oh shit i have to update my sysnand to 9.2 or something first right? i think it's at 4.5 atm.

how do i do that again?
>cryptolocker horror stories
>wanting it to be like smartphones
>not liking flip phones
>being a normie
3dsiso and use devmenu to install DLC, FBI can't into them
wdda ya wanna talk about?

3ds porn sites?
Woah... where?

pics open in 3ds browser, click picture, then longclick picture for 3d


pics open in 3ds browser, click picture


pics open on computer, save MPO files and put them on your ds card


videos, some pics open on computer, posts have a button saying "nintendo 3DS clickd here to download..." unzip the pack to sd card


videos put the files on your sd card


our main man, posts QR codes for pics and videos go follow him
what i am i doing wrong, I installed Smash.cia and it just boots back to home screen, then the VC GB/C Pokemon Y/R/B.cia just loop the 3ds loading screen. how does one fix this google didnt help
smash is probably a bad .cia, the others have be repaired in the eshop
ok, how do you repair them in the eshop or was that just a general statement about those games needing more work put in them.
those 3 games specifically, you have to go to their page in the eshop and scroll down to where it says repair.
ok thank you. will do
Is that a devkit? thats the only excuse for it looking like that, why does it offend my eyes so?
Is there any way to get the images for the official VC games to use when creating CIAs for injection? My autism demands it.
Completely new to this, I have an R4i 3DS RTS and my 3ds' firmware is 9.0.0-20e and can't find the kernel download. What do?
>Regionfree at startup with any CFW
How long until we can have NTR at startup with any CFW?
Can 3ds gba retroarch do multiplayer/ link-cable simulation? I know retroarch supports it on their PC end.
so for 3+ Hours of needed to do a9lh , is there anything else other than the faster more stable boots and no need for emunand that I can use?
doesn't it also make it nigh impossible to accidentally brick or update your sysnand?
>1. Right now is a good time to use a save manager to backup any saves you care about
Is there some way to mass backup my saves or will I have to go and back them up one by one?
yes you can update sysnand and its still ok to pirate
Any link for DevMenu / BBM / whatever ? I want to install some DLCs and I've heard FBI sucks for that. But So far I've only seen broken links from 2014/2015, but I'd like the latest version or something. Can't even find it in google.
JK was working on it, pretty sure they got a working model released.
It's a safety measure. Don't waste your time, your saves should transfer just fine.
just backup all your files on ur sd card and you'll be fine. i didnt do that part and all my saves are intact
>Format SD Without EmuNAND
is that the "Format SD & setup starter"?
So it's a "better safe than sorry" kinda deal, but it shouldn't be necessary? I'll just back up the essentials to be safe, then.

I heard a lot about that thing. Is it better than savedatafiler at this point in time?
Couldnt you just copy and paste your SD's contents?
>So it's a "better safe than sorry" kinda deal, but it shouldn't be necessary?

pretty much
In terms of user friendliness it blows several shades of shit out of sdf, sdf has the whole 'official devkit application' aspect going for it but you generally only need that when JK simply cannot handle something, which I've yet to see.
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I did step 16 properly but it still just launches the HBC

Apparently I have the wrong bootfile but the link is dead - is anyone able to help?

I'm really not sure where I went wrong.
So is a9lh worth it yet?

Can you update back with no game carts?
For anyone wondering about SD card on a9lh sysNAND, I just tested booting on the fresh card, it works just fine if you restore the final structure for your CFW from the guide. If you don't mind to lose your installed games, you can start without Nintendo 3DS directory, in case you don't have much free space for its backup.

you just flash your 9.2 sysNAND backup with otphelper

What can I do with it that I can't do without it?
I think, they suggest to backup saves for the case of somehow completely losing your emunand during the process. Restoring sd card files on different nand wouldn't work.
you're missing slotkeys and seeddb.bin for decrypt9 so that it can make decrypted xorpads from your uncart dumps
use CFW on sysNAND
better battery life because you're using sysNAND
very quick boots
decrypt9 without going into the OS, so restore bricked a9lh NANDs
unpatchable hopefully

Just make sure to tick "Block FIRM partition updates" in CakeFW or a system update will fuck everything up.

You don't have to worry about that with aurei though.
O3DS XL! Which CFW? AuReinand or Cakes? Which is more worth objectively?
>tfw copy of OoT 3D is now 4 days late
I meant benefits to gaming.
Why would you do that?
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Wow. Thanks for the detailed answer.
To feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.
So apparently I have to access the homebrew manager while inside the emunand to use custom themes.
How do I do that? I installed the .cia but it doesn't work
AuRei for a9hl only but if u dont use it just use cakes or rxtools
Welp time to do a9hl then and aureinand thanks!
But why the fuck do you want to drop RXTOOL if it works? And for Cakes out of all things? Also keep in mind that Cakes has no Region Free unless you Boot NTR every time
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b-b-but all games should be region free patched anyway!
Can't progress in the guide because eshop giving me errors like 005-4222.
I wish i ca agree but for some stupid reason, some people keeps uploading games without being RF. And worst, without letting people know if js RF or not and since we cant post on 3dsiso unless you've been there since the beginning, we cant ask.

And tge underage faggots who are fully registered don't ask if it is RF or not and just suck on the uploaders dick.
How can i install theme on the emuNAND, when i install a theme with CHMM2 on the Homebrew it install on my sysNAND but not on my emuNAND, help please

I don't have gamecarts or anything like that, surely there is an easier software method?

How do I upgrade on OFW 2.2? I want to get to 9.2 but no further using software. Is sysupdater only the way?
Thats seems to be either bad connection or Nintendo is on maintenance. Check the website to see if they are offline
Can't access any of Wii sports club's sports, compatibility note say you need to use ssbU disc mode. tried that and its boot me to miimaker instead. any idea whats wrong?

and can someone explain what exactly need to be in the SD card game folder, the youtube guide i use say i only need .rpx, .rpl (if there is any), and the content folder, is that all?
Everything that isn't the system folders belongs inside the folder "game_name [ID]".
The loadiine gx thread is very clear on all this, it's a pretty great thread.
if there is no metadata folder one will be providied with the update files you can pull from the nus, for the latest version leave the version section blank.
Even then it might not work, fuck it.
Is FBI best loader for gamez ?

>Install failed!
>a gayme.cia
>Module: MODULE_NN_AM (0x20)
>Status: LEVEL_STATUS (0x19)
>Description: <unknown> (0x1)

And, on DevMenu, it just says
>File Type Invalid cia

This happens on a 2DS with rxTools and also on Cakes.

What do.
Installer. And no, is BBM OR DevMenu
>he doesn't know
>we pretend we know cuz ebin mimis xD
>he still doesn't know

Can you tell us please ?
No chance of brick.
It works though.

I get mine from private trackers.
There's nothing. His a shitty memer
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Good morning, /hbg/.
Not that guy, but BBM is a mod of DevMenu, iirc.
I just wanna pirate games, how important are step 4&5 in the guide ?
You can skip it.

BBM is an outdated mod of devmenu

[spoilers] dev menu 11.4 > BBM [\spoiler]
been away a little while, how come my 3ds can still play games online 10.5 when. I haven't updated, have they finally chilled out with this force updating?
They haven't actually updated anything significant for a while now, it's just potshots at exploits and friends module.
I don't know why they even bother, these updates aren't free to make, waste of money.
guys, I think I've been having and asking about this shit for more than a month now, someone anwser me.
Also, yes, I do have the title and import .db and reparied them.

Actually, it's a friend's 2DS, but I have a n3ds and this never happened to me.
If DevMenu says something about the cia, then it might be that the cia itself wasn't transferred correctly.
I just installed that .cia on my n3ds, also, it says the same on all the other .cia, thought I could install other games before
Are any 3DS multiplayer games riskier than others?
We just finished bringing in all the old scripts, figured out img.bin and what it holds, started doing graphical editing, but we're having trouble repacking img.bin for a new hans patch to test it, also looking for a full time translator, worst comes to worst all the text will be translated and we'll just put out small menu guides, it's all pretty self explanatory anyway
Maybe hacking isn't for you, friend!
try this again on your back up 3ds
Has anyone tested if the RF home menu patch works for dlc? Like for example, FE: If that needs NTR to make the dlc work?
I think, an anon here tested it out and it wrote that it works.
Guess I'll be the 2nd anon to test it. Gonna backup my emunand just in case
I only have the one 3ds.
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You don't have enough brain cells to proceed
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What's your GTK theme? Lookin real good
I installed Alpha Sapphire, but then I remembered it was shit. I suppose it's time to give Y a go then
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Does AuReinand work alright as a traditional emunand cfw? It's going to take me a while to build up to the a9lh journey
It's a screenshot from https://github.com/Plailect/Guide/wiki/Part-5-%28arm9loaderhax-&-AuReiNAND%29
I installed Smash Bros, but get a "An error has occured, system shutting down" type message every time I try to play it. I tried installing it with FBI at first and then unistalled and reinstalled it with BigBlueMenu. Every other game works. Did I fuck up somehow, is it a problem with Smash in general or is it a problem with the particular cia I downloaded?
If you are on an o3DS and using Cakes, you might want to turn on the cake for surviving reboots.
Oh shit, thanks! That did it.
How do I get a GBA CIA working?
Each one crashes
install them at your sysnand using minipasta.
is there an undub for smash 4 out yet or do I just get the japanese cia
>flashed emuNAND to sysNAND using arm9loaderhax.3dsx
>installation went fine
>saves are from an older point
I tried restoring newer saves using JKSM but it still uses the older saves, am I fucked?
if I inject an Emunand on top of a freshly cloned EmuNAND from SysNAND do I still need to format sysnand again?
No its only compatible with a9lh

Help pls
Yes it does, but I can't think of any reason to use it over Cakes or ReiNand for standard cfw.

So I downgraded my N3DS from 10.7 to 9.2 and installed EmuNAND following the Plailect guide in the OP. My next step should be Arm9loaderhax but I'm a pussy and don't want to increase my chances of bricking the console any further, and from my understanding, I can already pirate games.

What should be my next step to installing something that allows me to install .cia files on Cakes?

inb4 >cakes
Ello Ello Pls Respond Thank you kindly :)
>>135609879 (You)
Thanks Memer Friend!
The problem with Cakes is that you wont EVER get actual help and you will be shitposted to death.

Also eithrt FBI, DevMenu or BBM to install .cia. JKsavemanager for save backup and inject + coin setter, NTR 3.2 for Region free and use out of region DLC to its corresponded game's region and that's it. I think
Inject FBI https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-inject-any-app-into-health-safety-o3ds-n3ds-cfw-only.402236/
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>he still uses emunand
I would Like a Response
>he needed emunand at any point of time
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>tfw the SALT team was right
>tfw 2016 was death to emunand
No one knows what you are asking about.
Basically do I need to fucking format SysNAND to unlink my shits if I've injected an EmuNAND?
do they use the same folder in "Nintendo 3DS"? if yes, they're linked, if not, they're unlinked.
pls respond
Alright, thanks. I guess that makes sense. An EmuNAND that is from pre-format will work fine with the same post-format SysNAND, even if it is injected again.
Why would he not want to release the source though?
just keep in mind that patch can interfere with a few other things, like gba vc and some other stuff
>not being paranoid
install the patched agb_firm on both nands
install the game on both nands
turn survive reboots off if you're using cakes
your best bet would be networking updating to 10.7 and then using oot3dhax to downgrade

i can't guarantee anything else will work, someone else might know more
i help people with cakes all the time, so do a few other people

if you already set up emunand and don't have fbi on it (meaning you followed a shitty guide), then you need to inject it

use decrypt9 and universal inject generator to create a modified h&s that you can inject over the old one
Is it bad if Pokemon Picross shows up in my 9.2 sysnand?
No it's ok
it means you have spotpass software downloads on
you can tap the icon and then click cancel to delete it, then go into internet options in settings and turn spotpass automatic software downloads off
Thanks guys, disabled
>he trusted a random jackoff on the internet
>his NATIVE_FIRM will get updated

You shitheads forgot the entire point of emunand.
Medarot Girl's Mission
if that really happens, i'll laugh so hard
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>filtered sprites
Is there any ACTUAL kickass homebrew? Doom? Duke 3d? Wolfenstein? I mean, with music and all. n3ds only is OK.
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followed some stupid ass tutorial and my sd looks like shit
I don't even need half of it do I
>.bin and .dat for everything
>unzipping entire zips into your sd card

are you retarded
The first two exist
Any way to make this shit? Preferably out of 2D art
is it safe to download in standby mode on emuNAND?
I'm scared nintendo will sneak 10.7 on my sysNAND while I'm asleep and arrest me
compiling useful info about SNES injections:

how to inject them: http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=45583

how to make custom banners and icons so you can stare at them on the home menu and not play them: http://wololo.net/talk/viewtopic.php?f=80&t=45593

how to change their IDs so you can install as many as you want (scroll down, it'll show you what values you need to edit in a hex editor, just change a few of the numbers at random to make a new ID): https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-how-to-decrypt-extract-rebuild-3ds-roms.383055/

also a note from personal experience, if you're on a japanese N3DS you need to use the NTR language program to run them at first if they're injected this way for some reason. there's a popup about giving gameplay info to nintendo you have to get through. after that though you can run it as normal.

now go out and inject
for 2 part cias do i just extract both parts to my sd and then install or am i doin it wrong,?

>no music

Why is this scene so fucking bad?

the original DS had opentyrian and fucking QUAKE fully playable for fuck sake.
very few people in the 3ds "homebrew" scene actually care about homebrew
Is it possible to put DS games on 3DS?
yes, you have to update sysnand to 10.7 first though
Frankly it's shameful that these open source classics weren't immediately ported over. I love pirating games as much as anybody else, I'd be lying if I said that isn't why I wanted to hack my 3ds in the first place, but it'd be really dope to have these classic PC titles on my 3ds. (with fucking music.)
Close your 3DS
Place it on a flat surface
Take a DS cartridge
Put it on your 3DS and wa-la!
guess i'm not gonna get spoonfed
you're not gonna get shit my lad
It isn't.
Buy a DS flashcard and stop posting.
If you have to ask
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tfw I use my n3ds only as a gbc emulator
The 3ds library is good though. Its the best console out of all the 8th gen consoles desu
Don't know why every other response is retarded, and hopefully you see this.

If you get a fat PS2 all you need is a HDD+adapter (which you'll want anyway) and a way to connect the HDD to your computer (IDE -> USB).

All you'll need to do from that point is flash a premade HDD image that includes FHDB and uLaunchELF and you're fucking done.

No memory card required, no disc swapping, and you'll be literally good to go with the HDD.
Haven't been paying much attention to 3DS hacking lately. What's this a9h do and does anyone have a link to the gbatemp thread for it?
How do I make my custom theme stop fucking with menuhax?
Convert to a9lh.
Its in the OP
Use A9LH
you need 3.0
Question. I bought Photo Dojo before hacking, and formated sysNAND so my NANDs were unlinked. Now, I believe Photo Dojo is installed to the NAND, and so is its save data. Is there some way to transfer the save data from EmuNAND's NAND to SysNAND's NAND?
I don't see a link to it in OP.

After opening the HBloader.cia it took me to Download Play
What the fuck?
Does anyone have the new smash update .cia? I've been looking all around in 3DSISO and shit and I can't find it anywhere
this should be it i tested it and confirmed it was since corrins Up Air did 9% instead of 10%
Could anyone upload Battletoads NES .cia please I cannot find it
sure, it's right here >>>/b/
if you can't find it there, try >>>/r/4chan
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I keep getting a file link not found error, thanks for trying to help though
You didn't copy the whole link,
I know that /b/ is less of a shithole than this general but let's see if they actually help and aren't faggots like yourself
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>helped you set up your cfw
>probably helped you more than we should have
>cranky because someone made a joke instead of spoonfeeding you on something they probably don't have
but yeah good luck with /b/

Going to try to hack someone's 3DS for some dosh. Their firmware is Could I use browserhax, or do I have to use Ninjhax?

also read the op guides
Any reason not to import a japanese n3ds now that they're cheap as fuck?
>helped you set up your cfw
greentext all you want but I wasn't fucking idiot like most people in here and just used one of the millions of guides
>probably helped you more than we should have
implying that anyone helps here anyone

you must be new to this general
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i spend all day helping people and have for the past three months, keep bitching
>can play all these free games
>play Terraria which I actually paid for instead
>if you ain't tryin to cop some insurance put a nigga down
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I'm just waiting for Pokemon and Dragon Quest games at this point.
Was that actually on the e-shop?
the new defense gets really old when you come across as having been here for a whole week
Is it bad? Deciding if I should nab it
Saving takes a long-ass time. Other than that, it's solid.
2D minecraft sounds appealing to you? If so go ahead
Nothing like that, ass clown...
>The Best Gamers
humans were not created to have eternal power
having cfw is too much for us to handle

yes and it still is
they even talked about a retail version but I don't think it's coming anytime soon

it's still very buggy and we won't see all 1.3 features for sure but it's hella fun
I have ~200hours of gameplay and I really like grinding so having it on the go is great
next to that 505 actually puts some work into it and releases updates every now and then
Hold Y when it launches
>tfw no one has injected Earthbound into a SNES VC yet
wtf is wrong with this community
I have a 3DS Xl on firmware version 10.6.0-31E, can I downgrade this. If so, which firmware should I downgrade to and how can I do it in order to install CFW. Also, which CFW is recommended.
Let's all point and laugh at this hopeless idiot who can't find the dozens of copies of it online.
Because its easily emulated

Even O3DS can run it perfectly
Anyone know where I can get MH4U USA + RF?
>he doesn't know
So? VC > emulation of any kind
It was already posted dumbass
Stop pretending you know how this even works
whoops is this better http://www.3dsiso.com/cia-format-dlc-s-themes-and-updates/273288-super-smash-bros-3ds-version-1-1-5-update-usa.html
Its already available as VC too retard
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Show me your Miis
weird, I can't find one
It'll be possible for 10.6 to be downgraded strictly through software(browsehax and menuhax) in the future, right?
It's literally on the first page bold on the correct sub on 3dsiso
>no results on archive
are you bullying
I'm not. Some anon bought it and dumped like 1-2 threads back

Ctrl+F and look for a mega link
>humans were not created to have eternal power
>having cfw is too much for us to handle

that actually explains alot and should be in the next OP. Honestly...
whoa shit
no trojan
Other people posted proof that it works

It isn't a virus of any kind
Guys i have a 2ds with 10.6 Firmware.
What do i have to do to hack it? The link in the OP is just confusing me.
I am a technologically-illiterate moron that can't understand the technobabble that is the OOThax github.

The process of putting the hacked savefile on my 3ds is understandable, but how do I create the savefile in the first place?
Click on Releases and download the one where it says "Latest release".
Is there anyway to get into the rxTools menu without holding down L? (line 167 from the retards guide)
What's the best cfw to use? I'm currently using rxTools, but a handful of my games keep crashing to the home menu.
recompile it to want R instead.
You could in theory attempt to hex edit the bin and swapout the values, you can find them in ctrulibs files.
Done with the guide now. Is it fine if I setup my NNID, Mii and Streetpass?
It's actually true somehow. I hacked both my o3DS and n3DS so I'm packed with all kinds of games.
But everytime my emuNAND boots and all these games flash up I feel so small and lonely.
There are just way too many options.
I cannot take it and have to put down my console to reflect my life and think about the choices I'v made.
1. Is it possible to bypass the AP check on emunand?
2. Is it possible to bypass the firmware requirement to run games on older firmwares?
1. what
2. if you're on emuNAND you should just update
so here's a thing I discovered

If you're launching a game for the first time and get red wavy lines and nothing else, just visit the games store page in she eshop, then exit.

Game will load fine afterwards, doesn't apply to R/B/Y obviously as those have to be repaired but for other games it works perfectly.
Im trying to run a sky3ds rom but its AP checked. I do have CFW but its naturally still blocked in my emunand and if I try running it on my native sysnand, it tells me it needs to update the firmware to 10.3.

I need one of these two bypassed if its possible
Th-thanks for the tip
It's clearly WIP. If you don't like the filtering, go PM the dev and help him fix it.

Otherwise stfu.
Is it possible to use the Gateway after having set up A9LH?
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>He has a Sky3DS
you have two options:
one, start installing as .cia
two, use HANS to run from cartridge
bypassing minimum firmware requirements won't get around the AP check, either
in fact you're out of option #2 because apparently HANS can't bypass sky3ds AP
I already have it installed as a cia but i cant install the same game twice which is what I need, so i wanted a .3ds rom along with my cia
I didn't know they even bothered implementing AP checks this generation, cfw does not give a shit about them, they are stopping like 10 people tops from playing games, money well spent paying the codemonkeys on that one me thinks.
Why do you need that?
Im trying to troubleshoot my uncensored bravely second but for that I need a clean version and the modded version.
AP check? Anti-piracy check? If that's the definition, then no, every generation will have anti-piracy checks and it will get stronger each generation.
I need some help guys. I own a N3DS LL and after downgrading it to 9.1.0-20J (with 9.2 files for some reasons), I can't launch emuNAND9 successfully. Everytime I ran it the screen flashes red 2 times then it return to the homebrew launcher menu. What's the problem here? Maybe my downgrade was actually a failure despite menu setting said I have 9.1 firmware? If that's the case then how do I re-downgrade again?
Is it normal to get stuck ten times when using browserhax?
japan, you dumb cunt
Japanese XL
What weebs call the XL
>he hasn't even hit 100

Okay whatever you say, thanks, sorry I don't know what shitty imported hardware you got
>What's the problem here?
You got BRICKED.
It's literally the XL.
These Picross games are stealing my fucking soul.
did you remove the one file everyone keeps telling everyone not to use when downgrading a JP 3ds
Do I download the Homebrew Starter Kit before changing my OOT save?
Make a second emunand
Bricked would imply my 3DS is basically a paperweight, am I wrong? My device is still functioning normally as a 3DS 9.2, I just can't load emuNAND9 for some reason. For the record I followed this guide up to part 2 step 20
Apparently not. I don't even know what that file is.
You dumb cunt.
So smash updated to 1.1.5, I tried deleting the title of the game/DLC/1.1.4 and reinstalling everything to 1.1.5 but I keep getting an error when the 1.1.5 install finishes in FBI. I believe it was invalid signature? Any suggestions?
Shit nigga, the pastebin guide is incredibly clear that you need to delete it or it will brick

Im not even trolling here, you've made a grave mistake
Is it the newest version or did you grab it out of a guide?
You don't even know how fucked you are...
Best settings for searching on 3dsiso?
S-Shit, what's that file?
you're on a partial downgrade, you need to run the downgrade again
fug :DDDDd
The files no longer included in that firmware package and 9.1 is correct for the 9.2 jp fw

It was probably just a bad transfer, put it on your sd again
I'm sure this is just bricked as in SOFT bricked right? Not hard one that irreversible?
Just run it again? With the same sysupdate?
as >>135627886 said, make sure you have the right downgrade files and nothing's corrupted and run another downgrade
Check the jap 9.2 update folder for the 000400102002CA00.cia file, if its not there you are fine. Plailect probably just deleted it already in the version he uploaded.
Question about 3ds cfw.

I will be able to play online in games with it right? Like if I downloaded smash for instance, I could go online and play it without issue?

And does anyone know what version of firmware the pokemon blast from the past regular n3ds, as well as the legend of Zelda gold logo n3dsXL come with?

10.2 or 10.3
None, so basically I'm fine. That was quite a heart attack.
Good stuff, thanks friend. Off to FUCKING GAMESTOP I go.
Yeah, his guide is pretty solid so I highly doubt he would have missed something so important.
>downloading cias
>using 3dsiso
The best settings for you, punk-ass bitch, would be permanently ending it
Quick and easy question boys: my N3DS is already hacked and on emuNAND coldbooting with menuhax, CFWed. Is there any reason I should switch over to a9lh other than faster boot? And is there any reason to do it now, or would I be able to do it later if I change my mind? Thanks.
So put emunand9 on your sd card again, it was probably just a bad transfer.
Im just going to uninstall my censored version and then reinstall the clean, take some screenshots of the models and then compare them
I've finished the guide and was wondering. If I launched a RF game (Using Jp 3ds) and updated it, would it still work? Would I still be able to play online with it?
>Pokken comes out today
>no copies of it anywhere

Someone please upload it.
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>100% bootrate vs 80-95% via other methods
>Boot speed is similar to turning on an unhacked 3ds whereas normal cfw takes 3-4x times longer to boot
>Expanded protection against bricking your system
>Supposedly superior compatibility with VC games(didn't personally notice better performance but haven't extensively tested
>1-2GBs of additional storage on your sd card if you choose to go the "Updated Sysnand" route
>Theoretically impossible for Nintendo to ever remove

You can do it whenever you want
Please respond.
same here senpai... same here

However I end playing Pokemon Shuffle in the end. Legitimately even.. and that makes it even worse
give it a day, the first releases will likely be .wud 24gb monstrosities.
Guess you're right.
Thanks, I'm just excited as I got loadiine to finally fucking work.
>Theoretically impossible for Nintendo to ever remove
try booting without your sd card and see what happens senpai :^)
>Accidentally deleted my 120h save
So this is what misery feels like
>can't play online with randoms/friends with loadiine

What's the point
Not that guy but I was on the fence too. Going to stick to regular emunand for now. This does seem promising though.
My wii u is currently at 5.5.1 am I fucked? Should I just update it at this point?
I have two wiius, one on 5.3.2 and one on 5.4.0.
I wanted to see if LAN worked.
In what way does your post invalidate the one thing you quoted?
So, uh... how many times did browserhax fail for you guys?
What happens? Failed to boot?
Why would you ever take the SD card out you need it to play pirated games. Its the same situation as emunand. The SD card always has to be in

You can restore a a9lh backup you made to another SD card

You can remove it whenever you feel like

It blocks FIRM0/FIRM1. Nintendo can't touch it
5.5.1 when
>when you need to shitpost but you don't know jack shit
It doesn't load similar to how your emunand won't load if you don't have the SD card in

Its a dumb rebuttal
Nope, didn't work. I even tried re-download it.
Now I'm working on a re-downgrade but it just go to blank black screen most of the time I select sysupdate, there are instances when the downgrade option shown up but it's mostly freeze after that or failed to get CID info. Do I need a sysupdate zip file for 9.1? Because I'm still using the one for 9.3.0 - 10.3.0
I think the bigger problem is the wiiu has no fucking games, I've had mine a week and I've almost sucked the life out of the entire library.
Only things remaining I lack a large enough sd card to accomodate at the moment and can't be fucked to remedy the situation to play xenoblade 2 tit-sliderless boogaloo and expand dong U.
Can't Ninty detect whether or not these FIRM things have been updated? What happens if a future update requires it to be updated?
That's vaguely reassuring.
78. 79th went right through.
Yeah, that is true.
To make matters worse, I own most of the games worth playing but haven't opened them because months and months ago when Ryu came out for Smash, I stopped updating and at the time I played a fuck load of Smash.

I've beat a few wiiu games but nothing is jumping out at me and saying "play me!".

The trill is getting it to the point of being able to do what I want with the system. Once I've achieved that, I'm back looking for the next console, device, etc to hack.
You give it a few days for CFW devs to update the patches and get a new firmware.bin.
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You don't know if it truly blocks or not because there's been no FIRM update since release. I can't wait for a9tards to be on 10.8 never ever land

A9lh was never special to begin with. You've always been able to 100% bootrate sysnand with signature patches, the guides just told the illiterates not to.
Wasn't the tubehax dns supposed to block updates. It seemed to work for a while but now my wii u is at 5.5.1
You must have fucked something up or already had the partial system update downloaded. The system can update any time the wiiu is on standby if you did download the partial update.

Tubehax dns works for me. Blocked updates and I just hacked my wiiu last night.
Except, you know, all the people updating from 9.0 sys to 10.6/10.7? Which has a bunch of FIRM updates in between?
Retarded le smug cartoon grill xD poster
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So you're saying it's great for idiots that would update sys to begin with. Got it.
So did WarioWare get confirmed to be just a repackage and not a DS rom?
DS injection still never ever for a multitude of reasons
Can you please stop using avatars in every post?
I set it up months ago and my download management had been showing failed downloads and it's currently showing a failed download right now. I just disabled standby functions, would having it enabled have caused it?
You don't know what you're talking about. Also, "image.jpg" and the use of anime girl faces is obvious shitposting.
I have a problem. I tried to install the DLC for the SMT IV undub on RXtools. When i went to install it, it said game not found. The next time I restarted the system all my icons were gone. It still said they were installed they just werent showing up. Any idea what happened?
You have to go back to 10.3 and then go back down to 9.1
Your turn.
Sorry but is someone have a good guide for hack the PS3? thanks
Gonna throw this up there.
Do I need a jap 10.3 firmware specifically for the new 3DS? What about sysupdater?
Home menu failure is a glitch with rxtools, reboot it again and see if they come back.

If not switch to a different cfw, something happened to the sigpatching
Well yeah dude you always need the correct region, it's the same sysupdater.

Make sure you delete the update folder you have o their first befor putting on the one for 10.3
>using japanese imported unit
>calling it "jap" instead of "jp"
You are one conflicted anon.
>tfw on 10.6
I downgraded a 10.6 3ds yesterday whats the problem.
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>a9lh on 10.7
You had to buy OOT + Powersaves or Cubic Ninja.
Or you had a Sky3DS.
I'm a weeb but ometimes I call jap, jp, nip, Japan etc anyway just because.
In the first place I'm not American, the LL is cheaper over here by almost 50 dollars so I don't see any reasons to take the XL, not like I'll use the 3DS for anything aside from playing games anyway.
is there a new way to access the homebrew menu without oot or ninja game?
if not then thats my problem
When updating games, do I need only the latest update cia or do I need to install all of them in sequence?
just install the latest one
Just the latest.
>calling it "jap" instead of "jp"
Cool. I was just wondering what the equivalent of "eng" was for Japanese. I thought jap was considered offensive. Thanks anon.
Region-wise, it's usually US, JP, EU.
Couple of questions:
1. Has anyone tried applying custom theme on CFW Sysnand?

2. If I update a RF .cia on a would it mess up the game? (US/RF on a JP 3DS).
Isn't en the equivalent of jp while jap is the equivalent of eng?
>can only shuffle TEN themes
Suffering. Is there a better shuffling theme manager?
So is there any sort of power discrepancy between 2ds and o3ds like there is o3ds and n3ds? I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and getting a 2ds. I've waited and waited but n3ds never goes on sale.
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So is Aureinand 3.9 working out fine for anyone who installed/upgraded?
I'm trying to clone a japanese pc game for homebrew systems, and I want both languages to be included.

US isn't a language. I personally like Eng better, but En and Jp might be a better choice.
OOT is 20 dollars now. You can put the save on it via an old ds + flash cart now. No need to buy a powersave dongle.
AuReiNand has been confirmed for reddit-tier bloatware, sorry
what if i dont care about the save
They're identical.
Oh? What's this about the flash cart thing? Would R4 work? I think I have it on my old DS.
En Jp works fine, yeah.
US isn't a language, it's a region.
You need to inject a special save.
Then hopefully the new pokemon games don't have some bullshit n3ds feature or benefits like hyrule warriors.
then id have to buy the game plus the flash cart or powersave

No memes please
Hey guys I'm having a really weird time with cia DLC installation. This is the first time I've attempted installing pirated DLC for a game

So I have a legit copy of Smash from the eshop. I erased all update and extra data from my card, installed 1.1.5 and a DLC pack via cia files, found on 3DSiso.

When I boot up my game, I get notifications that the DLC outfits are found and ready for use. Things like the chocobo hat, I can now use in my custom characters. But none of the DLC fighters show up or get unlocked. It's really weird that only a small portion of the DLC ends up working here.

Any suggestions?
Your mom is reddit-tier bloatware.
just need dssavemanager and you have to cut the little nub off the side of the cart so it fits. Just have to boot up the r4, launch dssm, swap carts, and inject the save. There should be a thread on gbatemp about it.
>doesnt move

Yo i must be retarded or something but CHMM2 is a laggy clusterfuck and somehow it managed to fuck my menuhax
I'm not using the most recent version (mine is 2.1)
How do i install themes, do i need to go on the homebrew launcher on boot or after getting on the CFW ?
I tried both and everytime after i leave CHMM2 and boot up the CFW it freezes, then when i reboot nothing has changed
What happens if you update a region free cia file?
Thanks man, I had no idea.
It is as it sounds. It's almost the sole cfw of choice for Reddit, so much that they think it's competitor is Menuhax + rxtools.

Bloat-wise, it carries too many features it shouldn't be, and it's difficult and pointless to customize. A splash screen you see for a split second on a9lh? "Flag files", as opposed to an in-software options menu? It's coded bizarrely, too. On top of that, it's trying to be the top layer of software by managing other softwares.

And, no plug-in support. If a user wants to change or develop it, they need to submit a request/work with the dev, or fork it.
Try using the 2.2 version from rinnegantamante.
Some newer versions fuck with menuhax and other stuff.
Here is the guide for it. Make sure if its a new copy of OOT that you at least boot it once and wipe out any saves that are still on the cartridge. I had trouble injecting the save and it was because the cart had never had the save area initialized (because it was brand new).

people use it for the epic animes
Will do
if ARN is considered bloatware I wonder what rxtools is considered
Isn't it easier/safer to use?
The splash screen is only there when you use the splash.bin, there's only 3 flag files and there's no options menu to not delay startup.
And how is it "difficult and pointless" to customize? It's the easiest of all cfw to use.
Or RetroArch
(which if you look at the thread...https://gbatemp.net/threads/retroarch-emulation-thread-nightly-builds-included.400913/ it's an utter, total complete mess)
Anyone know where I can find the update file for daigyakuten saiban? Is it even significant?
Why have the splash.bin?
Why have 3 flag files?
Why not have a "press key to open options menu on startup"?
These are lazy decisions. Easiest does not equal good.
bumping for anyone's hel
>All that red

christ I understand its supposed to get your attention but that is just fucking horrid
if you're an utter failure at life any cfw is "unsafe"
mo' shit to do but it's certainly drag and drop
Holy shit. I've been getting stuck on the red screen right before Homebrew launches for almost three hours now. Tell me it's worth it guys.
>wah wah why is not like CakesFW

because is fucking shit

get a9lh senpai
you're right aureinand is fucking shit!
It's literally in the fucking OP

cakesfags lmao

you wonder why you're the laughing stock of all CFW
wait I'm confused how is cakes bad
>inb4 "It just is! Fag!"

Reddit on damage control
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I'm confused why aurei is supposed to be bad.
They're both good, I think I am about to get tricked by professional shiposters.
Does anyone have a guide on hacking a regular Wii?
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its bloatware and the fucking dev bricked his own console using it

never touch cakes

cakesfags always on suicide watch kek
Different strokes for different folks. Both are literally the same with INCREDIBLY minute differences. One could say aurei is more ambitious while cakes is more focused, but that literally doesn't matter at the moment or the future because they both do the same exact thing.

People are just bored imo
Are you back to shitting up the threads again? Go play with your brick.
So I'm looking through https://gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-transferring-working-emunand-to-a-new-sd-card.411342/ and before I even start.

What's the point of booting into minipasta?
Can i do anything with my 4.78 OFW CECH304 PS3 or should i sell it ?
You had a legit copy? Why the fuck are you updating with a cia?
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but you and mid-kid already are lmao

me at all cakes users when they hard brick with no way back since cakes literally shorts out your circuits
Oh my god, JC, a brick!
It's not needed at all. Read the replies.
reminder to ignore and report the shitposter
Thanks for this anon.
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on a star.jpg
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JC and Paul Denton uses AuReiNand.
Adam Jensen uses CakesFW.
Adam Jensen is a major fag.
Make the right choice.
was just one of the things I tried while following any guides I could find
Ah, I see
How are you supposed to download a smea? I have my root in the homebrew launcher setup, but I can't manage to launch the downloader. I already have Python.
Is there porn of this character? I need to know
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and no one know where you are.png
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AuReiNand is the safe, right, smart, correct choice for any 4chan user.
cakes users on suicide watch
If I went out and bought a pstv right now what would I need to get it hacked and could it run pirated games?
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>being so autistic you're complaining about people's choice in CFW for a9lh instead of playing all the games now.

That's what this general's devolved into. At least we know we're still on 4chan.
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no problem
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>not using cakes with a9lh because you're virtually brick-proof anyway
>AuroraWright puts her nudes in splash.bin on next release of ARN
Can't wait! Cakes users have to put up with Mid "dle of the penis size spectrum" Kid!
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>CakesFW users so butthurt about /v/ rxTards shitting on their CFW that they themselves decided to shit on another CFW in turn
This place is a putrid fucking disaster
It's two people at best.
>false flagging
>this all started from someone explaining why aureinand is bad
>aureinand users got so mad they started throwing a tantrum

Oh, the humanity.
New thread
Is there any software that allows me to copy my save from a cartridge to the sd card?
JK Save Manager or svdt
Any time I try to go into Rxtools from the browser I get "an error has occured etc"

what's up?
Is there a guide for going from Menuhax/RXTools/emuNAND to the new a9lh method?

Is it worth it?
a little bit of a risk and a lot of steps to follow in exchange for far faster loading speeds, inherent region free, and improved battery life
you be the judge
check plailect's guide for instructions
So I would basically do the steps on part 4 and 5, yeah?
pretty much, yup
tell me how it works out for you, i plan to do it one of these days myself
Wii U's best games are online focused so of course you won't be having much fun
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