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PlayStation 4 General #300 - /ps4g/ /ps4gen/ /momgen/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 751
Thread images: 188

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"Sooner or later, everything old is new again!" Edition

Previous thread: >>134499317


>Ratchet & Clank ‘Planet Aridia, Kerwan, and Novalis’ gameplay, screenshots

>Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus launches March 29

>Senran Kagura Estival Versus' new trailer showing Homura’s Crimson Squad

>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth added 7 new Digimon to its roster today

>Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’s new Developer Diary

>Catlateral Damage coming March 22

>The King of Fighters XIV adds Chin Gentsai, Choi Bounge, and Fatal Fury’s Tung Fu Rue

>Street Fighter V details Alex, March update



>PS+ Current Offerings
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-plus/

>PS Store Updates
(US) http://blog.us.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/
(EU) http://blog.eu.playstation.com/tag/playstation-store/

>PS Store Weekly Sale
(US) https://psprices.com/region-us/discounts?sort=date&platform=PS4
(EU) https://psprices.com/region-gb/discounts?sort=date&platform=PS4

>PSN Friends List

Message The_JAgamer on PSN if you would like to be added to the list, or if you wish to add/remove games from your list of multiplayer games.
Post your profiles, homos. Especially if you're a cute girl.
what ps4 games are you getting this month
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Really looking forward to picking up Estival Versus, DOAX3, and VENU-593.
looks pretty boring
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The Witch LE (shipped)

Bought Heavy Rain/Beyond Collection

Might get Digimon if I can find it for a good price.
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Remember Square Enix is lying about Nier Automata just like they did with Dragon Quest Heroes. Don't let them manipulate you into giving them sales.
I'm gonna buy it for my PS4
They should do it like namco and put it directly on PC so I don't have to waste money.
what are they lying about??
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Senran and DOAX3
You need to get over the notion that developers and publishers are you friends.
They are out for money, simple as, and if that means releasing the game on PC then even better.
More people get to play a pretty ded series and square make more money.

You seriously sound like a Xboner right now.
Fuck off faggot

Damn, why are all these anit-fanboy guys such cucks?
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You're In The Club And This Guy Remixes Your Girlfriend's Songs

what do?
Can we purge the weeb faggots from this general?

Stop using the PS4 to buy jap shit
Remember how DQH was PS3 first, then a PS4 version got made? Which version did people get here? Not the PS3 version. It was supposed to be PS4 exclusive in the west "to help build PS4's footing and library". 2 weeks later, 14 fucking days, the admitted also going to PC, lol! And the thing is the never intended for it to be PS4 only because when the game launched it had Playstation exclusive content, and it didn't have the only on playstation mark in the top right. They lied and denied PS3 owners the game. Square was seemingly cleaning up their act, but all their actions in the last year or so have gotten just as slimely as the time they started falling into what people hated about them in gen 7.
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Look around you faggot
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>was gonna get Alienation
>delayed by a month
>was gonna get Estival
>decided to wait until I finish Shinovi
So I guess nothing.

Oh well, gives me time to focus on Digimon and Neptunia.
>decided to wait until I finish Shinovi
The game is like what, a 20-25 hours plat?
The fact that she looks like a younger Rika Fujishita has my interest piqued
wew lad
is assassin creed 4 just the ship parts of assassin creed 3 blown into a full game?
wondering if I should get it while its on sale or pass
either estival versus or megadimension neptunia idk
Gears of War 3 or Gravity Rush?
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4 is pretty good, the ship parts are expanded and turn it into a much better game, there's a bunch of overall improvements which make it a much, much better game than 3. If you're not sick of the series yet 4 is definitely one that you should give a try.

So your choice is the 2nd worst Gear of War or a really good game with a unique gameplay mechanic, charming atmosphere and solid controls. Get Gravity Rush
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Wake up nerds-
>or a really good game with a unique gameplay mechanic
But I played it on vita already and it was mediocre.
>2nd worst Gear of War
Judgement and 2 were the worst
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That's the trouble with unique gameplay mechanics, everyone has a different opinion of them. But you still found it enjoyable right?

I thought it was Judgement and 3, I had friends who liked 2 because it was more of the same and what else could you expect but hated 3 because it was more of the same but stupider. I never really got into it though, I stopped at 2, so I'm going with 2nd hand knowledge.
I never finished it. I got to the part where you'd under the town and have to fight some whale or something. There was a hobo village full of children or something.
Please recommend me some reading material.
Something tells me this was 40 without his trip.

Probably because of this.
other than softcore porn, what is senran kagura
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It's hot mecha on girl action.
It's a musou-lite game featuring an all female cast. Gameplay is simple but fun and has a challenge to it, story wise it's great especially if you're tired of the Dynasty Warriors plot (I have no idea how many times I've stopped the Yellow Turban Rebellion, next time I'll let them win). All the elements of the game come together to make something interesting so it's a bit more than the sum of it's parts.

Also has best girl.

SK came in early!!
How many platinum trophies do you guys have?
I have 5.
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That's nice.

14 I think.
I used to have 12.
Then my account got stolen and deleted.
does it have a good amount of flat chested girls
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Anyone know if PS+ UK key is reedemable on any Euro account?
H-How does that happen?
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Only 2 of them.
What was your ID?
I bet Ryoubi has a great tasting butt.
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Don't know about the taste but at least I know that it's huge.
I've already explained it multiple times in previous threads. tl'dr version, got hacked, got banned and/or deleted, can't get account back.
I know I said 12, but one game refused to update online after I got the trophy.
How is it deleted if its right there?
I called Sony up, the guy I spoke to could not find the account on his computer or even on another person's computer. I gave him everything I could to find it. Real Name, email, the online ID, my billing information. I even gave an online help desk person the serial number to my console.
You probably talked to a novice. Did you request the sup?
If the guy was a novice I dread to think what the person I got before was, because she was all 'I don't see it, so wait for the email saying why you were banned' after I told her the to the account email was changed without my consent
I'd like to taste some of her homemade fudge if you catch my drift...
There is no way your account got deleted. Sony does not even do that, how could someone else? Obviously they are skilled in hacking and know the procedure to make it hard for Sony to figure it out, most likely changed your name and other info to be hard to track. But your ID can't change, so that is what they need to use. Get on the phone now and say you called yesterday and request to speak to a sup.
I gave the guy and online support my ID though and it did not show up for either of them.
Why are you still here then, if you got banned?
I can still play games.
Just not online, and I can't get trophies without making a new account, and repurchasing digital games
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This month? Assault Android Cactus, Senran Kagura and Nights of the Azure
Already got Witch and the Hundred Knight, now I just have to play it.
Debating about picking up Rise of the Kasai while it's on sale but I feel I should finish another game first since I tend to just hoard games and it's so easy to hoard digital.

1, I don't plat games because when I first got my PS3 my account got screwed up and I lost access to it, along with all my trophies and Wild Arms.

Plus most easy plats are hard for me
> Game of Thrones, nearly none of your decisions matter at all
> No incentive to play since whatever is going to happen will happen without any input from you
If you just showed it here to everyone, obviously they did something wrong or something. Like I said, request a sup.
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>tfw pre-ordered SK at GameStop because I had in-store credit

Thank God he didn't ask about the game.
First I need to sift through my email inbox for every single PSN purchase I made and didn't delete if worst case scenario they did delete it and I need to prove they're denying me things I have legally purchased/downloaded.
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>not using Amazon for all your purchasing needs
>risking being able to play day one
>what is release date delivery
The good thing about /ps4g/ is that they stop talking about games a week after release so I don't have to see all this weeaboo trash next week and it will die down quickly.
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> Don't really shop at Goystop
> New one opens up right across the street from work
> Wind up spending a bunch there since it's rarely busy and the manager is willing to go out of his way to get my games
> Gamestop sends me a birth month discount
> Last year it was double points
> this year it's 30% off any used game
It was a nice suprise but I don't really have anything I want right now, unless I pick up PS3 games

> That terrible feel when they finally patched the exploit that gave you the Prime new release discount after your Prime trial ended
Paying full price for Nitro+ was a shock.

You don't make a seperate folder for receipts with further sub folders for vendors? I thought everyone did, my time in business has screwed my perspective.
Kloah is the best.

I've used Amazon consistently for five years and I don't think anything has even been late.
shut the fuck up retard, stop posting
We should all just act like children here and tell each other how much we hate everyone. It would make the general far better than any kind of ontopic discussion.
I'm gonna cum in your butt, anon-kun!
Hopefully Witch and the Hundred Knight since I just discovered that there's free dlc.
The only retard acting like a child is that special snowlike tripretard.
Have you not found a job yet?
It's been like a year+, you're going to be the only tripfag still here posting in your 30s
>The only retard acting like a child
>shut the fuck up retard, stop posting
>special snowlike tripretard.

I see.
Yep, you see.
I keep getting turned down due to being "unqualified". Its not my fault institutions discriminate against my Genders Study degree, it's just as valid as any other.
I'm 27. How old is Fordy?
>tfw gender studies degree
>tfw pulling in 85k a year

Y'all can eat my dick and choke on it, I am the 1 in 1000
Did they send you a notification by email?
>want to buy something from amazon
>shipping is $10
>but if you spend another $39, shipping is free
>try to pre-order games I would buy day 1
>gravity rush 2 not listed
>persona 5 not listed
Name me some games I should buy.
dark souls 3?
>season pass attached
Will wait for le GOTY edition
Odin Sphere my man
Got it on ps2
Uncharted my man
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Kloah is great.
> TFW you made a twitter account just to follow him and get his latest art hassle free

But I've had them push back my order a day or two before. Not that it really bothers me since I mostly game on the weekends anyway.

Odin Sphere
Grand Kingdom
Valkyria Chronicles remastered
You could always pick up value games for cheap as well
What are you into anon?
Personally I'm excited for:
>Dishonoured 2
>Mirrors Edge: Catalyst
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>No Mans Sky
>For Honor
>Final Fantasy XV
>Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
>Ace Combat 7
>Zero Time Dilemma
>Stranger of Sword City
>Shiren the Wanderer 5+
>Monster Hunter Generations

Gonna be a good year.
I got into the overwatch beta two weeks ago, I even forgot I signed up for it in the first place. I had watched 0 footage of the game before, and after ~10h of game I bought it, it's really good.
Give me your collection or point me to a good starting point at least.
I'm chomping at the bit to get in.

It seems like a really fun, casual shootan game that's kinda similar to TF2 and I've been wanting one of those since TF2 went to shit.
>mgs5, gta5, black ops 3, digimon, rogue galaxy/dark chronicle, yugioh

These are the only worthwhile games on ps4.
>tfw no ps4genner
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>tfw no ps4genner mom
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this hurts me the most
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>wanting a old hag
What are you saying, like you want a PS4genner who is a mom for a gf , or make a PS4genner's mom your gf?
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I also love lolis.
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>tfw no ps4genner gyaru
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>page 10
Time to wake up /momgen/
cute! CUTE!
Isn't that the slut that is craving niggerdick? She can go fuck herself.
>slutty brown loli
no thanks
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Girl of the season.

Why can't there be more games with gyaru protags?

Gravity Rush is the closest I can think of.
Next you're going to tell me that Shiki from SK is one because you're just a fucking secondary and think everyone with make up is a fucking gyaru.
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That's why I said closest.

And Kat is very into fashion.
I forgot you mentioned you have a slut fetish.
Not him, but she isn't even remotely close to a gyaru though. A gyaru doesn't mean tanned/brown skin. Not even a single facet of her personality or clothing is close to gyaru.
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She's a teenage girl that likes being trendy. As far as I know, that's the closest to a gyaru protag from anything I've played, regardless of hair and skin colour.

I specifically worded it as closest because I wouldn't call her one.
is that what you want to look like forty? except maybe browner right?
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What is this garbage?
Lillymon is pretty cute, but the 50% CAM requirement will be a bit annoying.

I think anyone would be happy to look like Galko.
The dude was probably shouting anime catch phrases in Japanese.
When are you starting a kickstarter for that then?
is the PS4 region locked?
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The only thing thats a bit annoying is building up ABI. You can build up CAM very easily and you can obtain a good amount of Friendship disks throughout the game
keep in mind that the store is still region split, so DLC and game has to be from the same region.
i.e. if you import a game, you also have to "import" the DLC.
>estival versus endless summer edition
will all early copies be that or is it preorder only
I wish weeb faggots would fuck off from this general
Are you doing this for attention?
I'm so fucking tired of this picture 40, go kill yourself
>sorting emails

Do people really do this?

6 on ps4, I have like 10 on my ps3 but it's a cfw ps3 so I can't connect my accounts
>friday night
>thread still on page 10

what the hell, are you guys out clubbing? fucking fake weebs all of you, normies in disguise
More than meets the eye
Normies in Disguise
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>15% completion
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I was fapping to a mom doujin anon.
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I've been playing a game actually.

I laughed.
Cute cute cute!
im going to buy a used ps4
What would be a fair price?
is it too late to preorder?
Depends on what it comes with
nothing, just a pad
>it's another 'psg4genner begs for friends in the thread but wont accept your thread request when you add him' episode

when will this shit end


never too late to preorder baby

>thread request

I meant friend request for fuck sake
who is begging

your mom, wanna guess for what?

>when you add him

I meant 'her' for fuck sake
for me to die?

your mom doesn't like you anon? what the hell, did you do something that upset her? were you a bad bad boy?
if shes begging you to kill me just use a gun and make it quick pls i wont struggle

you sound like you'd enjoy it
Any decent animes her lately?
>use amazon
>save $3.70 in tax
>average 10 games a year for 2 years = $74 in savings
>use best buy
>save $12 off the original game price and $0.81 in taxes
>average 10 games a year for 2 years = $256.20 - $30 membership = $226.20 in savings
That doesn't even include rewards points, or the games that give you $10 in rewards for preordering. That is why I don't use Amazon.
Works for you I suppose. I only use Amazon for the games I really want or want to support like Senran or ZE3 etc.
I save even more using Gamefly, complete a game and send it back for the next. Only $30-ish for 3 months, 2 games at a time.
Evens - Hundred Knight Revival
Odds- Ass Creed Black Fag

dodged a bullet there anon
fuck you

kys weeb cuck
>too autistic to play with people online
>Have a shitload of games to play online with

Anyone else feel like that?
>too autistic to play with people online
care to explain?
Not him but I don't enjoy playing games with people I don't know who just want to kill me. I don't understand how anyone finds it entertaining.
I'm not used to dealing with people on the mic.
What are you talking about? Theres nothing like the sort in FIFA and Rocket League
What online games can you not handle?

It just doesnt make sense, how can some one not play online?
Shit ping
Are there any girls here that play games that I can add
I don't even care if you're ugly, I just want to play with one.
psnid dj_tomato

can confirm fappers is indeed a girl, was in chat with her and nyanners once
Does she sound fat?

can't say the letter 'r', so I'm gonna go with sounds retarded
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with facerig, VR and voice changing we can soon hang out as anime girls in anime world together!
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ps4gen is literally always on page 10 though
Me but I don't add randoms.
What games do they play? I need to hear the voice of a girl

it's nyanners, she posted her feet before in these threads, I like to harass her on psn sometimes
She's probably a fat uggo, don't even care desu
Fat and uggo are the best.

nyanners is pretty fucking hot though bro


she literally posted in previous generals, don't have any posts to prove it but last time she posted we were talking about that blow job webm and she started talking about how she would flip if her bf pushed his dick in her mouth while she was playing bloodborne, then she posted a pic of her feet, she's literally on psn with the name nyanners
Either you're making this up, or you got trolled.
Kek, whiteknight harder loser
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>he doesn't have nyanners in his friend list

fucking kill yourself

lmao calm down kid, because I want to fuck a hot babe I'm a whitekinght? kek

or it's both
Are you talking to yourself anon? You have Nyannerss, not Nyanners.

it's her psn name you cakeboy faggot, she added the extra s so that horny mommas boys can't find her and because it's reminiscent of the ss division, jeez some of you here are dumb as fuck
>b-b-but that is her PSN name, not her PSN name
Umm, I honestly don't know how to respond to this.
Stop advertising yourself, faggot.

whatever the fuck bro, all I know is I got some sweet feet pics after I gave her 15 euros on patreon and she played rocket league with me
the division seems to be getting good reviews but I don't want to fall for the ubisoft trap
is it actually good or not?
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Never buy Ubi games.
i'd wait until people start hitting max level and see what the end game is like
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only a few days until we potentially get the price for PSVR.

personally I think the price will be surprisingly low.
it uses one screen, where the competition uses two.
there is no headphones built in.
for tracking it uses PS camera which has been in production since 2013.
not to mention that sony is massive so they got lenses, screens and other tech in-house, infrastructure and economics of scale favor them.
also PSVR being strictly tied to PS4 means they can subsidize PSVR with software sales in a way the other two can't. the other two can't guarantee that someone who buys their headset will also use their store.

they learned their lesson from PS3 and surprised with the PS4 price, and I think they will surprise again.
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people are already hitting max level
>Bought PS4 last week
>First two games I'm buying are SK and Xtreme 3
How is my start lads
Looking good senpai
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nice work
Give me your ID Ikaruga anon.
Good job
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>tfw you realize she constantly posts pics of her feet and you've wasted the money
that's not a girl
Why is Nyanners so u g l y?

holy fuck who would want to play with, let alone befriend this fuck?

>implying you wouldn't

mate come on lets be real here

only girl on ps4g who's hotter than nyanners is yna, but she's a literal 10/10, nyanners is like a 7/10 but she's good at vidya unlike yna

also while yna only likes to talk about fashion and platinum trophies and pretends to like anime so she can get weeb followers and views nyanners is actually a bro and can talk about any random subject with expertise
Yna is some Brazilian dude

He's always online playing fucking FIFA
Hope you're right, and hopefully the bundle is still cheap because I don't have a camera nor PS Move controllers.

They better show a good demo as well. For some reason, the developers of Golem (PS VR exclusive) decided to give IGN footage of their game, which at this point in time isn't impressive.
Please just fuck off Nyanners.
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>purchase a new PS4 in time for spring break
>POS seller supposedly sent priority but tracking number hasn't even updated
>at this rate, i'll receive my games before the system

just end me /blog
Golem looked liked a rough launch game where devs don't really know what to do with the tech.
I think it's likely that the early on the most compelling games will be familiar genres with VR integration, if only because developers know how to make these games fun. Ace Combat 7, Dreams, GT sport, DOAX3, Tekken 7 are some games that will have exclusive PSVR support.

But for VR to really take off I definitely think someone has to come up with some kind of game that can only work with VR, but it might take a year or two before that game gets made.

Leaker here, PSVR will be $400 package, and a $650 bundle will be announced.
so what's in the $650 bundle?
Regular Console package+VR package.
any other details so we'll know if you're legit when the announcement comes?
>at this rate, i'll receive my games before the system
But that implies the PS4 actually has games
>no maiden in black gf
non-plats pls go
I have one plat.
You can stay, unless it's Rocket League plat.
I have 2 plats Bloodborne and Gravity rush
me too!
we should make out
I'm bored and want to buy a new (used) game, preferably under $30. Looking for something to pass the time until Ratchet and Clank and Uncharted 4. What I'm thinking so far

>Infamous SS
>Project Cars (or Driveclub? I like racers)
>Either of the metal Gears
>Arkham Knight if I can find it cheap
>Shadow of Mordor
>Killzone Shadow Fall

any other suggestions? Again, just looking for something cheap and fun to keep me occupied for a while
20 plats is the minimum YNA approved stamp here,
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what's with the dramatic increase in YNA shitposting lately?
If you have PS+, driveclub+season pass is like $20 on PSN.
lots of different cars with modeled interiors that you can race in dynamic weather and time of day. pretty good value if you like arcade racers.
EDF, Kiwami, GTAV, Bloodborne are all around $30 new nowadays.
his BF broke up with him so he is venting here.
I haven't heard great things about driveclub besides the graphics, at least from reviews project cars looked much better? I don't race online or anything if that makes a difference
I wonder if there will be a classic skin
you mean the long line of johns that take turns having their way with him, before wiping him off for the next guy?
I don't mind the upgraded fur and textures, but the proportions of his face have changed throughout the series to look more "family friendly", which I'm not a fan of. Still excited for the game
I wish that was me
I don't mind it besides his stick figure body. I think it's more of the art style changing over time. The same artists have been doing it since R&C1, and around Future is when their art started looking exaggerated.

If you look at early movie footage, you can tell they've moved away from the Nexus design and went for a more original feel.
I'm a pretty casual racing guy, I buy maybe one racing game per gen.
Supposedly driveclub was pretty bad at launch but they added a lot fixes and content over time.
But I bought it long after launch for $20 with the season pass, so I can't really compare.
In any case it lets me drive varied cars in varied locations with cockpit view, changing weather and time of day adding more variety, which is pretty much all I'm looking for.
cool, thanks. I'm actually kind of the same way, just kind of want to drive cars I can't afford in beautiful locations. I'm not as concerned about "realistic tire physics" and all that shit
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I'm very tempted, especially with amazon prime discounts
don't be such a petophile
I have 2 plats too! Can I join you guys?
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I just got a plat, can I be part of the club?
Do the funny dance first.
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No, that game sucks, it doesn't count.
What game then?
One that's not Guacamemee
Plat FFXIV: ARR in 5 months or less.
>decide to look up Metallia porn since I'm playing Hundred Knight Revival
>most of it is futa
I'm more than ok with this
>craving some souls
>already plat'd BB
>hate DaS2 and never want to touch it again
>just completed DeS a few weeks ago
>Own DaS1 on 360 but left that back in my old town, can't buy it digitally or find it in any stores

Welp, time to fire up Lords of the Fallen I suppose. Might beat that piece of shit this time.
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i want faggots to leave
>want to use remote play
>don't want to lose the features of the 3.50 software beta

Fuckk off homogen
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Where the fuck is Horizon?
Where the fuck is The Last Guardian?
Where the fuck is Persona 5?
Where the FUCK is Rime???
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fucking this

Sony is going to release everything on christmas season or what?
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>he doesn't know nyanners fucks niggers at every con
2015, sorry I mean 2016
Nyanner-chan would never do that
It's a known fact she's had a threesome with two niggers
No she didn't
I work at Play-Asia. Horizon is Sept, Last Guardian is Dec, we still didn't receive anything regarding Persona 5 release date even for JP, same with Rime.
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Is this a good deal or is there somewhere else cheaper?
Are you the guy that pissed off so many SJWs on Twitter?
>I work at Play-Asia
are you the one doing all the DOAX3 shilling in these threads anon
What do you even do in that DOAX3 game? Like I see that there are minigames but that can't be it, right? There has to be some sort of main gameplay mode.
Mini games just like in Mario Party, but lewder.
Isnt playasia just some guys sitting in their garage reselling stuff thats already been released? Why would they have privileged information?

If youre not lying though I could easily see TLG getting bumped.
Late reply but yes.

Ordered from NISA store.
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Is PS Plus even worth it? I really hate this retarded paying for online bullshit Sony pulled this gen.
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Oh baby, now we're talking.
If you've got a PS3 and Vita as well, sure. Otherwise, not really.

Free games are pretty shit like, all the time, and don't warrant a subscription unless you get triple the games, imo.

AFAIK, you can't party with your precious nakamas without PS+, but that's okay since you probably don't have any mates.

Basically, if you want to play online, you don't have a choice. If you don't want to play online, don't get it unless you have a PS3 and Vita as well as a PS4.
Is that how you see yourself forty?
I don't play online, so it's not worth for me. The free games are trash most of the time.
I was thinking of getting an online game aswell since my PS4 is gathering an awful lot of dust. Maybe BF4 or something like that. But I can also get those games on PC. Which makes it really shit deal since I prefer to play on console with gamepad but I will end up paying way more for it. This shit was easier on PS3 when I didn't have to consider fucking subscription costs.
That's why I'm getting Overwatch on PC. Well, most of my friends will play it on PC anyway.
Isn't Overwatch crossplay?
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>you will never slide into her DMs like >>134905940

kill me now
>148 trophies
Does this bitch even play video games
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new to psn, how do I buy games from the european store? I heard it's possible but while signed in it redirects me to the US store

are you asking me do girls play videogames? lmao
Log out from your account if you're on PC. Or buy from the console EU store
>Log out from your account if you're on PC.
Then how do I buy the game
Sign in with your EU account
How do I buy the game then? I don't have a credit card from any eu country

you buy psn cards with cash on them, come on mate it's not that hard to figure out
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And where can I buy that online with a US credit card? Amazon only has it for the .uk siie and says t won't sell it to you if you aren't in the UK

>le dumb american who don't know nothin' and need everything spelled out for him

ugh, when will this meme end
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You didn't grow up with her forty, you can't enjoy her 100%
nigga just tell me where and then i'll be done
I saw her around a lot, at least.

Besides, Pokemon doesn't have any decent feminine mons besides Gardevoir. Gimme a break.

how old is forty doe?
You don't like Jinx?
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It has nothing to with age, he was a nintendo/pokemon autist baby until the PS3
3.50 when???
>he isn't in the beta
>fapping to pokemon
Get a job.
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How is Bloodborne? Is it actually good or just "muh * Souls"

Never played a souls game before, could I just hop right into Bloodborne?

unironically one of the best games ever made, best souls game too
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What about playing it before any other souls? I don't know anything about the souls lore.

it's different enough to be it's own game, much faster gameplay, no shield, I'd suggest playing Demon's and Dark Souls 1 too since they're amazing games too, but you can go in with no previous souls knowledge, skip Dark Souls 2

Lore of Bloodborne has nothing to do with Dark Souls
Noice. Thanks homie, appreciate the help.

no problem anon, if you live in the EU get the Game of the year edition of BloodBorne, it has all the DLC for free already on disc
What the fuck. Bought gravity rush a couple days ago plated it. Decided to clean up on the packs and hit a wall with Rift Plane Magma Health Race. Who thought that was great idea.
It's not that hard, you just need to know the route before hand. Also fast falling is faster than sliding so don't let the sliding parts trick you into actually sliding on them
page 10 fugg
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I wish I could play SF but my fucking disc broke.

what's a 'fucking disc' yna? is that a bone on your back? how did you break it
Don't lump me in with some homosexual.
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>disc broke.
How anon? Out of rage?

>doesn't want to be lumped in with homosexuals
>posts on ps4g

you dun goofed anon
No. I broke it when I tried pulling it out of my PS4. Don't ask but it was like 6 am and I couldn't find any 4-5 bar connections so I wanted to switch games.
Nigga do you have sausage hands? How do you not just gently put your finger in the hole and pull it out?
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lmao nerd, do you constantly have cheetos dust on your hadns or something? Who in their right mind wouldn't hold a disc like this?

>just gently put your finger in the hole and pull it out

>applying that much pressure to the disk
No wonder it's fucking cracked.
Use the hole nerd, the side of your fingers have the least amount of muscle power.
Dude, it's too late. I already send it back to amazon.
Well learn how to handle a disk more carefully.
I swear I feel like I'm one of the last people who treats a disk more gently than a baby
It was the first time in like 10 years that I broke one. I just woke up and wanted to play for a bit before having to leave for work after taking a shower.
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just picked it up lads

Also preordered Gundam
Know when the last time I broke a disc was?
Never, and I've played since PS1 era.
You hold your discs like a fucking faggot though.
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Super Mario 64.webm
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>tfw still have to wait three days
They're not broken though.
heads up, SK has an update of almost 5gigs
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You can probably thank the vita for this.
Are parts of psn down or something? Not letting me make purchases on the store.
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What are some PS4 games that let me steal another man's wife?
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Samurai Warriors 4 Empire
Anyone know if Hundred Knight Revival's US release works with Japanese saves, since the JP version has English and the lot?

Should I play SW4 or SW4-2 to learn the story and characters for empires?

does nobunaga's ambition: sphere of influence cover the same story as samurai Warriors?
Is anyone else having general issues with PSN? Like not connecting to servers or getting kicked out
4-2 isn't good
Play the vanilla SW4, SW4-2 story mode is somehow lesser and not as exploring and SW4-2 only adds one character anyway.

Yes the story is practically the same sengoku period stuffs and there are what if scenario as well
My ps4 couldnt even turn on properly

Had to pull the plug
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Was kicked out twice from online matches in SFV
Okay what the fuck is samurai warriors and how do you get into it? There's samurai warriors 4, samurai warriors 42 and samurai warriors 4 empires. Like what the fuck?

a year older than me then
Play SW 4. It got a chronicle mode were you can play your own character.
SW 4-2 just is some side story and a new characters
SW4 Empire is a strategy game using SW4 assets
i've seen tons of reviews say digimon cyber sleuths translation is iffy and not a single one mentioned the fact that crusadermon shouts "SWEAT, BEAUTIFUL SWEAT" as one of her moves.

so did they just not mention it or is that actually what she's meant to say.
You don't know Crusadermon, she's into kinky stuff
it's only good when she's preggers
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I wish the artist was better
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I couldn't find the source with the first pic but I could with this one.

Time to fap.
Beggars can't be choosers when it comes to pregnant milfs.
Especially since 90% of the time they're those fucking fish lipped whales
>worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on Friday, September 30.
isn't supposed to be released first on PS4?
You probably think of FF7R
oh you are right forgot that one
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I hope this doesn't turn out another MGSV. They seem to have gone through similar development hells due to open-world setting.
yep It feels like after they picked up the game are rushing it but they cant afford to take more time
I'm still going to get it but I'm cautious about it. I think Japanese devs should be wary of going open-world. Western devs can afford it because they don't care about gameplay as much as Jap devs do. So people end up eating their shit anyways. Whereas Japs spend a lot of time getting the gameplay right, which is a hellish task in open-world environment.
Where to get a ps4genner? Seems to me like everytime party chat 2 ps4genners playing always. I want a ps4genner too.
Anybody else randomly get $10 from Sony? What is this?
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how is dark souls 3 looking?
basically BB2
i think i'm going to wait it out, see if reviews are showing it's not a disappointment like DS2, but i'm glad to hear this

like more DaS 2, average as fuck, doesn't look visually impressive as BloodBorne, bosses look samey and bland, also it rapes the lore and adds le ebin references to DaS 1

I'd say wait for reviews, or for the GOTY edition down the line
I haven't been keeping up because I didn't want any spoilers, but the samey and bland bosses and raping the lore with epin DaS1 references doesn't sound very good. I think this is more reason to wait and see reactions and reviews. Thanks.
>bosses look samey and bland
Another Bloodborne? Think I might pass. At this rate there'll only be 1 actually good Souls game.

but BloodBorne is the best souls game
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne?
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>At this rate there'll only be 1 actually good Souls game.
Yeah? Which one did he mean? The 3 are usually held very highly from critics and consumers, so which one is that actually good one?
>demon's souls
Stuck on the PS3 with bad performance and worse than Dark Souls

Worse gameplay than Dark Souls, worse lore, worse level design, samey bosses, 30 fps, less weapons

Everything but Dark Souls has just been a disappointment.

>demon's souls
>Stuck on the PS3 with bad performance
>stuck on the ps3
>bad performance

literally what
>samey bosses
lol wut
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dude what?

>Worse gameplay

wrong, faster game, much tighter gameplay, best in the series by far

>worse lore

this is subjective as fuck, but BB is the best HP Lovecraft game ever created, the story in DaS is good too, the way in which both are told is much more important, and that's done in the same way, BB is even deeper so it's better imo

>worse level design


>samey bosses

lol no, you just copied what >>134981340 said about DaS 3

>less weapons

wrong, you obviously never played BB
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top tier /v/ bait to trick ps4genners my friend
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>it's another 'pcuck gets lost and starts spewing his mouth diarrhea in ps4g for some reason'

enjoy those sour grapes my cuck friend
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>>Everything but Dark Souls has just been a disappointment.
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>PCfags still salty about DeS
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Here. I brought you a mom, now stop fighting.
i want to make you a mom
Fuck off faggot.
Are you going to play PSO2 on the ps4 when it comes out next month? Sure it's in japanese, but it's free.
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you can make me a mom any day anon
Probably not, DS3 and Ratchet and Clank are coming out next month
Not really a fan of those games. I don't get why everyone gets the panties all bunched up for souls games.
You dont have to get it my man
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im going all in on GB3
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>tfw I grab PS4 discs by the edge instead of the hole because my couch is just barely too far away for me to lean and reach the hole and I generally can't be fucked to get up to take out the disc
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Same for me, but replace the instances of "PS4 "disc" with "YNA"
reminder: YNA is a Brazilian. He plays FIFA all day
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this, can confirm, worst of all he doesn't even play FIFA 16, he plays FIFA 14, the broke bitch heh
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>yna will never suck your dick for a plat trophy

fuck me for not living in brazil, at least I can't get the fucking zika virus
>her honkers will never belong to a less babyish face
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>YNA has 72 plats
>that's potential 72 dicks sucked

wew lad, that's a lot of dick
wait until DOA6, she'll be older by then
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>wake up
>still no Tuesday
any short and fun ps+ game?
try that hardware car thing or world of tanks
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>ps+ games
Gravity Rush, Wipeout, Transistor, Rocket League and Guacamelee were fun
But PS4 doesn't have Wipeout
>cherry-picking the 0.01%
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so the new Hitman is pretty top tier
seems people think it's ok gameplay wise but the business model have turned many off.
wonder how it will work out for SE in the end.

it's basically early access, shit part is that the full game will be on disc in January 2017, but whatever, I'll wait it out
from the beginning of this gen SE has taken a sort of scattergun approach to business models.
trying all kinds of different things with episodes, preorders etc.

I guess whichever we see them sticking with in 2017-18 is the one that they found worked best.

I feel like every major publisher is doing the same, trying to figure out what kind of shit they can pull and get away with, EA with Battlefront with no singleplayer and a 50$ season pass, WB with game of year editions, broken pc releases and 50$ season passes, Ubi with their broken ass games, everyone is feeling out the market
Square Enix lying about exclusivity.
>SE is aimless since Sony had to sell their stock
JUST buy it back
It was a dumb as fuck move, Sony owned stock and yet they keep porting a lot of good shit to the DS AND 3DS
To be fair, at that time Sony was struggling and SE was at an all time low
dont forget activision with their cod points

also i dont really have a problem with goty edition, why is that a particular problem with wb

eh, most publishers do GOTY editions anyway, Ubi and EA are notable examples of publishers who don't, but mostly everyone else does
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it's this guy again, lmao
Has this made rounds on /v/?
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>People like this exist

Pretty sad desu

that's pretty much everyone who hates on bloodborne too, people who can't afford a ps4 and a 60$ game
Let me take you out on a date
>let me
>not just taking her by force and doing what you please
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>tfw no friends
Buying multiplayer games is a mistake.
and it's one I keep on making.
>gonna have to wait a long time for SO5
Just add randoms
how can you have a waifu if you're gay?
I don't know him. Is he nice?
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made me chuckle
Just over 2 weeks to goooooooo.

Planning on taking the 31st off from work so I can get into it right away.
3 had the best multiplayer. 1&2 had the best campaign and dark tone. judgment was shit
Anyone pick up the new Hitman desu?
Not me, gonna wait for a physical
Why do you have a trip?
I've decided to take more actove role in the /ps4g/ community.
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It's kind of weird to see someone posting as me, but I guess another tripfag will bring in more replies.
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I know The_JAgamer, you my friend, are no JAgamer.
When did the PS3 adopt the PS4's Store?
Back in 2012, so really, it was the PS4 that adopted the PS3's redesign.
I don't remember it having icons for every game like the PS4 does. I remember PS4 having a few subtle differences, but now I can't see any.
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Who hype for MGSV update here??
what's in it?
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it's an MGO update, new mode, three new maps, playable Quiet, and a bunch of balance changes

konami dot jp / mgs5 / tpp / en / online / notes dot php5
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>it's an MGO update
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wow stop joosting anytime.png
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Just accept the queen of /ps4g/ already, you cucks
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>queen of /ps4g/
>actress in multiplat game
>next to no dialogue anyway
>not a mom
Fucking idiot.
But I'm the queen.
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>not a mom

Not yet
Please stop posting that ugly piece of trash.
Just leave. Go to /v/ or /mgg/ or something, just take it the fuck out of here.
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She isn't the queen of anything. She's just another occasionally cute 6/10.
wow, it's like my score of her gets lower the more the camera pans up
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>/v/ or /mgg/

But they have actual discussion anon, I'm blessing you weebs with a sweet 3D goddess that's directly video game related
Get some taste in women retard.
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Posting some eye bleach.
Best headset that's ps4 compatible?
thanks anon
PlayStation Pulse
What a fucking slut
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Literally perfect.
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Is the audio quality anything close to real headphones? Or is the price just bullshit?
You want to game with this headphone not listen to flac, the audio quality doesn't matter. If you want something with good audio get Sony MDR-1 or Beyer 770 or something else
Which is what I have for my pc but I need something with a mic that doesn't trade down too far for the sound quality
Eh it's okay, the audio is all the same. At least it's more durable than those third party turtlebeach and the likes, and it looks better than the gold ones.
That's what I'm looking for, anything that's not turtle beach garbage

Thanks for the tips
I hate you all almost as much as I hate mysefl.
Well I love you anon
Same here except I hate you more than myself.
>tfw born to the wrong family
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>tfw a upper middle class mid twenties white male
going to bed night ps4gen
any ps4genners want to join me?
Do ya suck dick?
>tfw just sold my ps4 for the second time
What a piece of shit console.
How can you sell the same ps4 two times? Are you black and stole it right back the day you sold it?
I won one from taco bell when it was released, and sold it 6 months later because I literally never played any game aside from resogun for more than a couple hours.

Then a bought another one a couple months ago and it still doesn't have any games worth playing, so I sold it.
Does anyone think the PS2 may have cannibalized PS3 sales?
PS2 sold like 50 million more consoles after the new gen started which is pretty remarkable.
And it got extremely cheap, especially next to PS3, so I guess it's possible.

If you look at transition this gen console manufacturers haven't cut prices as much on their old gen stuff. I doubt PS3 and WiiU will see another official price cut, one thing is that their tech is kinda difficult to make cheap but also that they'd rather you save up and buy their new stuff instead.
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Price is so crucial.
If they can't get install base up to a number where it has plenty 3rd party support then it will die quickly.
Sony won't carry a device on their own, that's just not their strategy.
Nintendo makes hardware specifically to sell their own software, having their own hardware lets them get iron grip control over everything which they like so much.
Nintendo typically has 40-50% market share on their hardware, pic only covers million sellers so their actual market share is even higher, while Sony aims to have no more than 20%.
Selling other peoples stuff and getting a cut is their strategy.
>sold das2 shortly after launch because it sucked
>give it another chance a few day ago in anticipation of 3
>it all comes back
>soul memory
>terrible level design and enemy encounters
>combat the slowest in the series

I should have known better. Also the online is completely dead aside for pvp so you can't even have fun cop along the very long and boring path to making a pvp build.
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>posting 3DPD on /ps4g/ and shilling pig as official girl
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
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No thanks
shut up and get in the car
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Sorry anon but I don't think your gonna be gentle with me
m8 let's be honest with each other here, when's the last time a guy was gentle with you lmao
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I thought you guys broke up. Is this someone new?
I know this general is for PS4 but I don't really know where else to ask this.

Anyone know what might be causing buttons on my DS3 to randomly press?

don't do it bro, you're actually a cool dude

don't become a demon


dust and grease in the controller obviously, clean with alcohol and a q-tip, if you're capable open it up and clean from the inside, maybe you dropped it and the buttons got shifted and now they hit the body of the controller randomly, check if that's the case, or just buy a new controller, get that sweet 20 anniversary PS1 edition

yeah I noticed you were getting all those multiplayer trophies for SFV YNA, been sucking dick again for help with plats?
I wish they'd finally put a fucking vita emulator on the PS4 so I don't have to hook up my fucking vita TV everytime I want to play something.
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I'm actually decent at the game, in fact I need 400 more points to reach the gold league SFV is a huge grind though, so I don't see myself getting the plat any time soon, probably in 5 or 6 years.

The vita is ded bro let it go
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DaS 2 really is utter shit
what am I looking at
das2 might not have been as good as the previous ones, but it was still miles ahead as a title thn most other games on the markter

+ i spent alot of time on the pvp, and the dlc was god tier
is it shit because you can jump
Is there a way to delete the 0% games from my trophy list, or otherwise clean out games I don't play after the first try.
>Is there a way to delete the 0% games from my trophy list
You can hide anything above 0% from everyone else but can't delete it.

quality level design
what are the little lights he drops on the ground
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can't wait for more quality level design from DaS 3, based B team delivers

those little shiny stone gems, you used them in DaS 1 also to get across the invisible bridge in the crystal cave
Are these supposed to be good or bad?

I think this one is supposed to be bad. >>135053910
>tower is to the left
>runs through straight cave
>tower is to the right
Deets, gurl.

I get that people get confused by the first one, but the second one is pretty obvious, the level design is fucked


both are negative
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Anyone here got to play the ps4 port of Smite? Is it good/playable? I didn't want to get an xbo just to try to the console port, but I might get a ps4 for this + other titles.
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Fuck hirez never getting anything from them
What is that MOBA that's coming out soon with crossplay? Paragon? That one will probably be better on PS4 since it's designed for consoles rather than just ported.
overwatch is kind of similar too
Uh... Anon, tribes was revived months ago, it got two big updates, people are playing it and it's having little tournamens too.

Paragon has a lot of flaws that the devs are refusing to fix, I wouldn't held my hopes up if I were you.

Saying that overwatch is similar to two mobas is like saying that warcraft 3 and tank dating simulator are the same thing because they are both on pc.
Need an upgrade for my PS4 hard drive.

Any recs?
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all the third person shooters look the same to me same with the fps
don't waste your money on a SSD, ps4 can;t benefit enough to make them cost effective. unless a ssd is cheaper than the same size regular hdd @ 7200rpm.
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I pre ordered estival versus in order to masturbate to it, but is senran kagura also fun games?
its pretty good, not as good as any Musou

I am playing EV right now
One of the first characters you see in the game is literally the dead sister from the backstory of the 2 girls you'll be playing as.
Is Broforce glitchy with anyone else?
After starting a new map, after about 10 seconds there's a pause where the game doesn't read my inputs. Plus sometimes the music will drop out completely and there's a bit of slowdown when there's too many explosion on the screen.

I've shut down my PS4, redownloaded Broforce and restarted it hoping that would help but I still get the glitches.
Is it that shoddy of a port?
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>playing indieshit
and you think we are joking when we call out the shitty ps+ games

>10 seconds there's a pause where the game doesn't read my inputs

this keeps happening in my version too, it's obviously fucked
I'm burnt out of SFV for the time being, I just wanted to play something fast and fun for a bit and I figured it's about time I finally played one of my Free PS+ games. Instead of just leaving it to rot on my HD.
Well that's just super, it's not like it's a graphically demanding game to port.
How demanding the graphics are rarely directly relates to how difficult something is to port.

In fact you're more likely to run into hard-to-port games from indie devs because it's common for them to use cheaper or smaller engines that are less likely to have native or well supported compilers for console.
why didn't you vote for Assault Cactus?
I did. :(
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make sure that height is right
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Digimon or Disgaea V?

Also,how long til Golden Week sales?
Disgaea 5. Digimon isn't really good.
Did Hope get some of that older sister lovin'?
>Uncharted 4
>Ratchet and Clank
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>E3 around the corner

what a time to be alive lads
Digimon. Dont fall for the disgaea meme, its very boring.
I bought the cheapest 2TB external - Seagate Expansion or smth
Quick question, has anyone bought an avatar on the store, only to actually set it and it looks different than what it did on the store?

never happened to me
I bought 2 and they look better when they are set up like the store shows a low res one
It looked bad
I did
I bought one once that was set wrong. I think it was the Disgaea ones. Bought a Desco one and it was Flonne if you actually went to change it afterwards. They fixed it a week later and I had access to the Desco one, which I've used since.
How does Broforce get more disappointing the farther you get into it?
Because you think something new might happen and then it doesn't
Whats that website where you post what game you wanna play and when you wanna play it and other people confirm that they wanna play with you? It's linked to a trophy website.

Does anyone on here have nom nom galaxy and wanna let me join your world so I can ship soup and get my second to last trophy?
More like
> Think something new will happen
> It does, there's a new glitch that either makes you invulnerable or kills you instantly
Do these people not know what QA testing is?
Not a PS4 game, but you guys might know...
Where is the recap for previous Yakuza games in Yauza 5?
There are no recaps in 5
PSNProfiles, "Gaming Sessions" section
Well butter my arse.

Alright, YouTube it is.
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Is that one of the Sprouse twins?
I just bought the "1000 lives" avatar, and it looks a lot different then it does on the store. The one shown on the store has a white background, while the actual avatar has a very transparent background
>no news
>no new games

can it be Tuesday already?
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Renka 2.webm
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Wake up assholes.
I'd wake up YNA's asshole.

memes aside how do you guys play games like this? the visuals are garbage, the story is shit, the gameplay is repetitive and tedious and looks outright bad, it has 0 production value, no cgi cutscenes, no top tier voice acting

what the fuck seriously, yeah you get some vidya tits and ass and maybe a drawing like in that witch game, but is it all worth it, you can just find this lewd shit online, am I missing something here?
First of all, don't call me a shill. I don't care if you buy it or not. I don't think the game is worth full price, ergo I don't think you should buy it at release. Senran games are worth about $30 imo. Anyway, here's your (You).

>the visuals are garbage
I mean yeah they're not the best (because it's also a Vita game), but they aren't horrible.

>story is shit
Senran stories definitely aren't the greatest stories of our time, but they're cute and sometimes funny.

Isn't as good as a traditional musou, but it's more fun than your average western AAA game (which I'm assuming you play a lot of). You are right about it being repetitive though. I can only do 5-10 missions and then I'm bored or I have to fap.

>0 production value
Decent enough production value. Again, it's a Vita multiplat so it's not going to look amazing. Music is decent/good.

>no cutscenes
Who really cares?

>no top tier voice acting
Who really cares?
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Any news on if/when we're going to have SO2 for PS4. I heard Japan got theirs already. It's my favorite game in the series and that should be a placeholder for the time being for SO5
Why is everything a meme nowadays? It can't be "Group of people with similar interest like similar things", no it's always a meme like people are genuinely faking an interest in something you don't care for.

Instead of going "I don't like this because A,B and C don't appeal to me is there anything else" you just kinda shitpost and use solely hyperbole.
I just finished Broforce and I'm having an argument with my friend, that's basically this entire conversation. I say I don't like it because it's a poorly coded piece of crap that looks like it should run on an iPhone no problem but is instead slowing down my PS4 whenever it pulls the camera back and the bosses can be cheesed like no tomorrow. He insists that I'm not giving it a chance and I've just fallen for the Broforce Hate meme.
So even he thinks it's not possible for me to form my own opinion on a subject after playing/reading/experiencing it, but instead I must be a blind sheep letting my decisions be made by a hivemind.

Where does that end?
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>Dishonoured 2
>Mirrors Edge: Catalyst
>Yooka Laylee
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>No Mans Sky
>For Honor
>NieR: Automata
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Final Fantasy XV
>Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
>Ace Combat 7
>Danganronpa V3
>Steins;Gate 0
>Zero Time Dilemma
>Stranger of Sword City
>Trails of Cold Steel 2
>Va-11 Hall-a
>Shiren the Wanderer 5+
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Ace Attorney 6

Gonna be a fucking AMAZING year.
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>I've just fallen for the Broforce Hate meme

...really? I think it's somewhat fun, but even I can acknowledge that it's a bad game.
>not just getting 4chan culture
Memes aside, that's pretty reddit, senpai.
>every other word out of someone's mouth being the word "meme" is 4chan culture

Fuck off back to /v/.
this "not everything is a meme" meme HAS to stop
it's not funny

I wasn't saying it in that way, it's was more like 'joking aside' I wanted a serious answer, I don't think people liking a certain type of games is a meme, but I do think the games people here like have major flaws, and I'm not willing to put up with those flaws


>I mean yeah they're not the best
>Senran stories definitely aren't the greatest stories
>Isn't as good as a traditional musou
>You are right about it being repetitive
>it's a Vita multiplat so it's not going to look amazing

so basically everything I said stands, you just have no better option or hobby to spend time on so you kill time with games that are subpar

>your average western AAA game (which I'm assuming you play a lot of)

this isn't 'us vs them' type of thing, I own a wii u and a 3ds, I play tons of western but also a ton of eastern games, I'm willing to try anything out, but I just fucking can't get in to any of the games that get praised here and on vitagen, sure I can see some good elements but the flaws are so jarring that they just discourage me from continuing on with playing the games
Half of these will get delayed
How about you just learn to ignore what you don't like, you self-centered babby?
yna will you be my gf

I want to understand you anon

Maybe a handful will, but 4/5 games on that list have firm release windows
>tfw want to complete mgs, digimon and dark chronicle before dark souls hits

>tfw afraid that im rushing good games so once i play dark souls 3 it will be like bloodborne, good for 1 playtrough but after that pretty meh
I'm burnt out on digimon, one month in and I done everything there is in it.
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get CoD Black Ops 3
Fuck that, the last cods I played were mw2/3 and blops, never again will I fall for the normalfag trap.
Which ps4genner is this?
im a neet and im enjoying black ops 3, master prestige, around 8 days playtime and 95 percent solo.

If you enjoy fast paced shooters you should buy it. Its te best shooter this gen, but that doesnt say much since all of them are bad.
Well, MGS is a fun ride but once you hit Chapter 2 you might as well just rush it since the final mission just gets thrown at you randomly anyhow.
Digimon can probably be safely "rushed" on normal difficulty, but rushing hard seems like it would be, well, hard.
Don't rush Dark Cloud.
I'm not feeling those movie cutscenes in the new R&C game.

forty is getting the fuck out of germany since AfD won in the election and he's a gay black man, it's not safe for him there anymore

me too, the gameplay looks better than the bloody cutscenes
I'm a NEET too but I realized it was the same game every year and you had to buy the new one if you wanting to stay relevant, I was even good at it too, every game I had an overall KDR over 2.30. Even if you say Black ops 3 is the best out of all of them, I still won't give anymore neetbux to them.
he wishes
my bad I confused Forty with YNA
>big breasts
>blonde hair
>big tits
o i am laffin
>pretending ps4genners are girls
why did this become a thing?
I dont really care, im just saying that if you want to play a shooter you should buy it. I didnt play the last 3 cods so yeah.

if it has a boypussy it's a girl, simple math
Nah, I'll just stick with the free battlefront I got. It' shit and half a game but at least I didn't pay for it.
yna is inaba
The only time this place isn't dead is because people talking about non game shit
I thought we were all cute girls here?
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Homogen what are you doing here?

don't do it bro, don't go down that path, drop the trip you're better than this
Don't be a dip drop the trip
Don't be a chode drop the tripcode
What's wrong with wanting credit for my contributions to the general?

10/10 contribution to the general, keep it up

here's the digital foundry video on broforce, it basically runs like shit on the ps4, we talked about this in the general earlier but this basically confirms it

fucking indie devs
Niggers where are the moms?
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rabu raibus moms shouldn't be legal, they're almost too perfect
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Why are PC-cucks so deluded?
They need to make a global rule that forbids not posting source.
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How would these two even get in conversation.
He's one of my mates, we met on vitagen but he's a massive pc-cuck and xboneshitter

shit mate you've got there mate, also

>actually befriending anyone from 4chan

is this a millennial thing? cringworthy as fuck
>DBZ Xenoverse
Not exclusive
Ok, but niche as fuck game
>Gravity rush
Not exclusive (or you want to get semantic with me and "yeah but REMASTER", even if it's just an HD uplifiting)
Nice meme
>Last of us
Meme game
>Omega quintet
Even as someone who play "weeb" games, I'm ashamed you play this trash
See above
>The order
Nice movie
Boring dudebro games
Not exclusive. At all. Like playable on WiiU/PC/PS4/XB1 not exclusive.

4/10, at least you tried.
You're a millennial too you buzzword using fuck unless you were born in the 70s then you should just kill yourself
I don't get why you would spend time with someone like that.
>using "meme" and "dudebro" to describe a game
>implying your opinion has any credibility

my best friend is a guy I met on 4chan, and we talk about videogames over viber all the time, hahah we ever argue about pc vs ps4, it's just like I'm on /v/

-nigga born after 1995
You make me physically angry because my life is shit at the moment and you are just the cherry on top of all the crap i'm getting today.

Should I buy Onechanbara?

le ebin greentext, implying meme, man you're such a fucking faggot
>started dating a woman with a few years over me
>mom usually pretty okay with my decisions
>tell her how old she is
>she freaks out and says I have to end things
>don't understand why she's acting like this
i'd give you the full page so you can find it yourself but i'd get a 3 day :(
She want to fuck you
Don't take it personally.
i want to play with ps4genners but i'm afraid it'll be as weird when we're playing together as it is in the general
She is an older woman so know whats up

she's jealous
How many GTA $ do I need to buy a Rhino?

fuck off faggot, go write some more to your viber boyfriend
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Is that a hint of jealousy I'm detecting?

of course it's gonna be weird and cringeworthy, have you seen our ps4 group? shit is all le funnyman epic one-liners because we're oh so witty and posts that are basically DUDE PLATS AND ANIME LMAO, it's a fucking disaster, any interaction between people who post here and people that identify themselves as '4channers' is doomed from the get go

of course it fucking is, you sound like a bottom and you're getting disrespected by that pc faggot while you could be loved and respected by a ps4genner like you truly deserve

basically what I'm saying is add me on viber baby
>used to play with a ps4genner daily
>now we never play together anymore
>don't know what happened
I've had other girlfriends before, I don't know why she'd freak out just because this one is older.
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wow gay lmao, i'm not even him
calm down dude
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>thread #300
>culmination of everything this general has been known for

it's not gay if we both pretend you're a girl
Did no one play the game at all? They were handing hundreds of keys last week.
We're too good to play moba trash.
>Leaker leans Wild ARMS for PS4
>Job listing shows up for SCEJ x Media Vision that asks for 3D Character modeler in a sci-fi WILD WEST setting

You dumb fuckers doubted him and shood him away!!!
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>repost neofag post
FUCK. when is it aviailable?

pls tell me that isn't a giraffe dick on top of that shishkebab
no one cares dude
there is only dragons on that world
Where's the delicate flowers, bullying, and neetbashing?
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bomb ice.webm
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>play PS4 with Hotaru
>her controller is sticky afterwards
Tuesday you dumb motherfucker
I meant the update. like 12 pm midnight or when psn usuually updates.
>nice mat
Anon, you got blown the fuck out.
>sold FFXIV gil and made $170

What should I buy?
not one of the best moms ive seen in a while tbqh
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No memes: delete this.
If your % of Japanese games is less than 80%, please, do not post in this thread.
wew breh
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>can't decide whether to buy Estival Versus or not
do it
You have altered the image, pray that I do not alter it further.
I'm the Queen of this thread.
>not having only japanese games
lol casual
Post your profile and we'll see who's the casual here.
>you will never make a deal with her
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>286 games played
>1 ultra rare
0% here, what are you going to do about it?
>bought Estival Versus in Japanese
>can't bring myself to play it anymore cause lack of English
>can't sell on Amazon
>can't buy English copy till Japanese copy sells
Why do all the moonrune players have to already own the game?
Godamn faggots, at least have the source in the filenames
>not having EV pre-ordered already
↓↓ faggot ↓↓ ↙faggot
>>135129447 ← faggot
↑↑ faggot ↑↑ ↖faggot
find it yourself lmao
Why are her hair croissants ?
>not having arrows on the left side
8/10 go for the extra marks.
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I don't know, she just rolls them like that.
What an interesting general.
Looks like we could use a kick back in the right direction. Survey time!

What is your
>most recently played game
>last PS4 purchase
>next PS4 purchase
>platinum you're currently working towards
A reminder that that guy isn't me.
>most recently played game
Currently in the middle of playing GTA Vice City.

>last PS4 purchase
Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival is in the mail as we speak.

>next PS4 purchase
Dark Souls 3 if I don't end up buying Estival Versus in English first.

>platinum you're currently working towards
Vice City. 42% complete, and currently working on buying/completing all purchasable businesses. I'm on the Print Works mission now.

And for extra;
>most anticipated PS4 game
NieR Automata if it can live up to the story and the music of the first game. Drakengard 3 felt like a letdown on both parts.
fuck off we don't need more tripfag cancer
>neetengie isn't on the friends list anymore
i'll miss you
Sorry but I had to remove myself from the list since nobody wanted to erp with me
you bullied him until he was gone, why are you still doing it
>most recently played game
Deadly Premonition

>last PS4 purchase
Senran Kagura

>next PS4 purchase
Day of the Tentacle

>platinum you're currently working toward
Nothing right now, maybe Deadly Premonition if it's easy.
I don't know what you're talking about
>that expression

Jesus, my dick.
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why didn't you include the one directly above it?
it was a nice flow
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You aren't The_JAgamer, I'm The_JAgamer. Quit cucking my identity.
Fuck off Keanu
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Post ID
>tfw my old profile is still on there
>long after I deleted it in order to get you faggots to stop adding me
I want to put my jooce into the Joost
File: tumblr_no7judBjX11qazlsco3_540.jpg (85KB, 540x810px) Image search: [Google]
85KB, 540x810px
I know that feeling
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1MB, 1000x750px
Someone is hiring 3D character modeler for a PS4 RPG that blends Sci-Fi with the Wild West. New Wild Arms?
File: bored umaru.png (786KB, 857x746px) Image search: [Google]
bored umaru.png
786KB, 857x746px

Last game you played?
Give a one sentence review of the last game you played and give it a number rating out of 10.
File: Cammy Jak II.jpg (363KB, 907x1200px) Image search: [Google]
Cammy Jak II.jpg
363KB, 907x1200px
Street Fighter V

Pretty fun if you're good at it, pretty bad if you're not

File: himouto piss.jpg (129KB, 600x848px) Image search: [Google]
himouto piss.jpg
129KB, 600x848px
It's still Dying Light you worthless hamster poster!

Haven't played too much yet, so I don't want to speak prematurely.
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929KB, 270x200px
Checking my PSNProfile, that's really cute.
Tales of Zestiria

I might actually finish this game since it's good but fuck plats though
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1MB, 1438x822px
Uncharted 2 looks pretty remarkable when you compare early, to final, to remastered.

Will PS4 have a huge leap like early to late PS3 did or have they already reached the limits of the hardware?
Thread posts: 751
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