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/bdog/ - Black Desert Online general

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Thread replies: 172
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>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMO by Pearl Abyss currently in development on an English language port for western audiences, with additional changes. It is a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.

>What is the difference between the KR/JP builds and the NA/EU builds?
The NA/EU builds are using a new, Buy-to-Play model.
The KR/JP builds of the game are free to play.
The NA/EU builds also do not have the blader/plum/kunoichi/ninja classes.

>What are the details of the NA/EU buy-to-play model?
You pay upfront, 30 dollars (minimum) and there is no subscription fee. There will be a cash shop, which allows you to buy cosmetics, pets, and vouchers for things like skill resets. You also get access to the next (and possibly final) beta test (CBT2) by pre-purchasing.

>Official Website

>NA Guild meme chat

>Steam Group

>Useful Links
Wiki: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Skill Calculator: http://www.blackdeserttome.com/calculator

For those who can't wait for NA/EU or want to test the game before spending money:
>KR Installation Guide
>JP Installation Guide
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1st for cuteposting!
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Rifle class when!?!?!?
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D-Don't be such a bully, anon-kun~!
Who wants to ERP?
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Let's get it on.
>waiting for my fucking account from NEWGAMEWAY
What class is most fun to play?
What class is the easiest?
BnS get the fuck out reeeeee
All classes are just as easy as the next. Same story in every single MMO.

Least fun is archer.
b-but I like guns anon ;-;
Pick berserker/giant, bring macho madness to the korean shores
is it true

are warriors poopy
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warrior is great!
They're one of the first classes they ever designed and there's been a lot of iteration since then. The game has just changed since those days.

They're also one of the first classes to get an awakening weapon, and it's pretty good but you don't get that until level 56 and we may not even have awakening weapons on NA launch


If you want to be a warrior fucking do it though. It'll be fine.
It seems he did pull the cord or kill the process.
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plz advice on best way to format this

is 2 pictures fine per armor set? how about cropping and editing em together?
That looks fine to me, thanks for the trouble.
this game has less endgame than real life
I hear ppl talk about switching channels, is it like Guild wars 1? where u just switch to different channels but its the same zone?
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Why the fuck do I have to install all of this shit from the official BDO installer if I just have to delete it and replace it with the torrented game folder anyways?

I have all the armor sets complete except one piece to one set and it's killing me hard inside
damn, so no world pvp? just arena style?
There is world PvP, you can mark yourself as a Bandit and PK anyone.
It's just karma system fucks you for this anywhere but inside the Desert.
Also Siege PvP.
There is no arena, only world pvp.

There are several arena locations where anyone can go at any level to be flagged for pvp without penalties, it is not instanced.
i dunno but okoru is kinda kawaii
>world PvP
but eveyone is in their own channels

>mark as bandits
is this like Dark Souls where u invade ppls game?

plus, wouldn't ppl just switch channels to run away from you?
channels being "servers" on the same server that you can teleport to (eg. district 5 to district 1 to international district... except it isn't a lobby town, it's for the entire world)

nvm don't worry about it, no channels on NA.
its basically an ability you press and then you're an Outlaw that can attack people, you unlock it at a later level.
Its like how Tera does it.
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>nvm don't worry about it, no channels on NA.

don't be like that, I really like this games look and fighting. any thing to explain this further?

so if I make a character, instead of him bound to "Illidan" I can move him to different servers" riiiiight?
no, just another instance of the world on the same server
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so that other guy is right, its like GW, everything is has it own "channels" they are all instances...

I guess this make sense. the graphic is pretty high and we can't have 100v100 ppl on screen, i guess.
Uhh yeah we can actually, if you cant handle the 100 vs 100 then your PC will melt but the fight will still continue.
They have multiple channels because their world is too small for the general gameplay. They can easily handle a couple hundred players in the same area.
never a big fan of mass pvp, it always end with who has the bigger #. I know alot of ppl on here enjoys it but i'll just ignore it 75% of the time.

disappointed that its not like a server with a max cap of like 4k ppl. I might still put down the cash for some role playing. The game is very pretty
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Here's the Valkyrie appearances.
I'm missing one armor set (Barth/Dobart), and don't have boss armor.

Hercules and Hebe are identical to Luck.

I'll do the other classes eventually

This game is much more fun to play than BnS
They're completely different games though.

I could say Space Engineers is so much more fun than BDO, but... why?
Anyone else /cautious/ here?

Not going to preorder shit because DAUM ruined this game. I'll wait and see if they can fix it for NA/EU release, because the game was actually really good before DAUM got their greedy asiojewish hands on it.
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Missed something or witch has one fewer unique appearance

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aren't they both mmo with great fighting mechanics?
>a genre

Seriously though, Do I really have to wait for this to install 23gb of data just to delete it and replace it with the torrented game?
Whatever you first downloaded from Daum is some 100mb game installation that sets up general files and folders and shouldn't be the full game.
Fucking shit! My download was at 78% and then my stupid windows decide to make a fucking restart and I didn't realized it because fucking anime. Geez I'm mad. FUCK YOU BILL GATES WAITING FOR LIKE 6 FUCKING HOURS!!!
The launcher/downloader should restart from where it left off, you didn't lose all your progress. It may look like it when it's downloading the first file but don't stress.
>he didn't use filemail downloader or another download manager to start where it left off
The process I went through was download the launcher from the website, let it start the download so it makes the install folders, then deleted everything in there and copied over the torrent files. Then just start the launcher back up and it'll try and redownload any missed files/patch you up to the latest version.
it'll just pick up from where it left off
unfortunately no. At 4% now. Guess I will go to bed now. Damn it.
>there is no arena
>there are several arenas
ummm anon?
Both Korean MMOs which are getting hyped lately. Besides, I can say I like chocolate cake more than I like steak.

There's no rule that things need to be identical or even similar for them to be compared. I wasn't giving a review or some critical analysis, just saying out of these two "hot topic" games, I prefer this one.
It will be 4% of the remaining download.
Arena as in world of warcraft arena pvp that you queue into


an area that has open flagging and looks like a colusseum
aka an actual arena
you clearly have not played this game much, there is shit to do after the initial grind, as with all sandbox games, if your not playing this game mainly as a waifu simulator your going to be sorely let down.
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>all he does is grind mobs
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Kek. I find it more fun to decorate my house and go fishing than the theme park quests from BnS and then all there is to do is PvP.

m80, this is the best shit to happen to waifu and life sim RPGs since Skyrim loaded with mods.
I agree.
doesn't change the fact that this game is void of endgame content anyone who tries to defend that is in denial and comparing bdo to bns is retarded they are totally different games.
How about you try to find a guild and play this game with friends and comrades. Of course grinding solo is going to get boring. It always does, in every single game.
implying any mmo launches with end game content

>i want to be fed end game content rather then explore and create my own



for my response
>implying comparing two mmos is retarded
That's because the game is still fresh. They're adding a fuckton of content with every major update, and only 1/2 of the full map has been revealed. The engine is flexible so they can always improve upon the game's mechanics.
never played WoW but sounds interesting
sandbox mmo's aren't supposed to have endgame content, they let the players "create their own"
BDO isn't much of a sandbox. Maybe in a couple years they will flesh out that aspect of the game.
Yeah, but when you can't create your own what the fuck do you do?

Farming mobs, items, etc., playing preset house, playing limited guild wars..., is a very limited form of sandbox. It'll get dull after 2-3 months.
Explain, sempai.
>thats the point

by then you will have wasted 200$ on cash shop and move on
That's not even 20% of all there is to this game, anon. Maybe your problem is that you haven't even explored it.
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beautiful white woman sorcerer etc.

What are the alternatives?

GW2 with WvW, crappy new questlines, arena PvP?

BnS, again with monotonous PvP?

Keep playing/go back to WoW?

Eve online? Kek.
Eve is the only sandbox MMO on the market unfortunately.
English release without gender locks on classes when?
kill you'reself
Have the Plum?
I could. Was sticking to NA classes, but since I gotta wait 24 hours for character deletion... might as well.
Thanks again Anon.
And it's awful for solo/small groups.

Boring combat.

Takes forever to achieve anything (in BDO at least you can get a run-down looking house within your first hour of play.

Not to mention no waifu sim unless you count the character you create which you rarely if ever see after creation.

I mean, I guess there's also Perpetuum (mech based Eve clone), the Repopulation (no idea, since it's not out yet, but most indie MMOs fail) and Lord British's Shroud of the Avatar which looks like a game from 2002.
The Repopulation is doomed. There is a very slim chance it will see the light of day despite being amazing and 99% complete.
Yep. Reading the latest blog update you can tell that they're running out of money.
Money isn't the problem for Above & Beyond, the studio making The Repopulation. The problem is the company running Hero Cloud ran out of money and The Repopulation, unfortunately, has a contract with them.
Does it matter who is the one who ran out of money? If either party runs out of cash, the project stalls and eventually dies.
Fair point. Just sad to see it end when it was so close to being complete.
I prefer fantasy worlds, but it did show a lot of promise.
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>Near unlimited character creation
>Can't make a unique female face that doesn't look like shit or like the default look

Just keep practicing m8, you'll find something good.

Also try mixing base hair colour with different hair ends. You can get some nice colours that aren't on the palette that way.
>default look
change your textures
>he can't make a somewhat unique character that looks pretty decent
learn to sliderfu my good man
you gotta get good senpai
it's annoying but
it's possible
vote newkoreafags

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shouldn't have included it in the poll
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I want to sex Lolly.
Man, have you seen the treehouse lolis? Those fucking body proportions, my cock man. Too bad about the sameface AND potatoface, but sleepy tavern loli had a cute one.
pics pls
How do you defeat Same Face? Toughest boss in the game so far
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Where are the people from KR guild coming from?
Mostly NA or EU?
I want to say it's split.

But then all the talky mateys are online at 1pm PST ready to roll and it's kinda dead at American prime.

Probably split.
Like half of them are from the NA discord community
Well does that mean that you plan on creating a guild on both EU/NA BDO as well?

As much as I like KR, the lags are killing it for me.
How many of those playing KR/JP/RU are going to switch to the English release?

>you plan on creating a guild
not me personally
I hope so. I understand if people get attached to their characters and all the time they spent on the other versions, but it's so much easier to invite friends to play when they don't have to use patches and deal with lag (as much).
Why do you hope so? There will be THOUSANDS of 4chinners playing NA to flood the ranks with old and fresh memes.
I plan to manage the guild for NA and I believe someone in the steam group is going to run a guild on EU. Wherever you're based, there will probably be people.
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>needing friends in a single player mmo
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>not going fishing with friends
why would anyone play this game over blade & soul? aside from the fact that it seems to have better character appearance customization
Blade and Soul sucks ass imo, the corridor areas alone made want to puke.
>Player housing & crafting is awesome, BnS railroads you into lame PvP end game.

>Waifus with top notch graphics instead of 2008 DX9.

BnS is for people who want the regular old Korean grindfest

BDO is for the people who modded Skyrim to be a waifu sim + fantasy life sim.

alright thanks

B&S has shit graphics, no sandbox, no good pve like exploration, trading, crafting, etc, no world pvp as far as I know, and if I wanted to 1v1 someone I would do it in a good game like street fighter v, not in an mmo.
Yo BDO faggots, I know there are no healers in the game, but is it possible to become tanky as fuck?

Are Warrior and Valk tanky?
Do I actually need a VPN to start and play the game? Or can I change back?
RU VPN to login
JP VPN 5ever
KR no VPN but you will need to verify some info if you dont use a VPN
Wizard/witch is a healer

Shield classes are tanky
what's the point of being tanky when you can just dodge everything?
You'll run out of stamina eventually, and you better have a long ass range dodge to get out of that meteor
guys please, i cant find a good fishing spot. Can you share yours? i only know the one near Veila
Well I would like to be that one guy in sieges that tanks 3 guys alone surviving with my blocks, dodges and heals.

I kinda think valk would be able to do that, but not sure.

I mean is there equip that makes you tanky in exchange for dmg?
Will I need a new rig for this game? My comp is from 2011
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what a retarded question

why don't you just post your specs
specs are important anon, not when your pc was made.
Okay, I got a 6870 1gb, so 20fps? Not playable.

Other stuff is a i5 2500k, 16gb ddr3 1600mhz, an ssd for os, and an ssd for games. I am probably building a new rig soon, maybe in autumn.
keep in mind that picture is for absolute highest settings with 1920x1080

the game is optimized really well so if you just turned down the settings it should be playable
Oh and I got a fancy 144hz 1440p monitor (funny thing is, my grafix card actually only supports 120hz). So that will make things more difficult in my case. But yeah if I'm tolerating grisly texture quality I'll probably be able to play it.
what the fuck is that rig even
2 ssds but an ancient video card?
I don't play any games that are graphically demanding really, I never play shooters, I play some roguelikes, strategy/management games, some roleplaying games, and such. So there's rarely a reason for me to consider upgrading the gpu...

I got the first ssd as system disk back then when I built the rig, it's only 80gb (12k hours and no problems, fuck yeah Intel quality). Then I got a second 960gb ssd on black friday sale because it was just 200 usd. Cheap as fuck.
Thank you. Finally got it working. This game is gorgeous.
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Does anyone know how to get this Tamer costume? I can't seem to find anything in the pearl store and outside of it. Mind you i'm not in KR.
Lol that graph is bullshit, I have an average of 50fps on High with a GTX 980 or is it maybe related to my i5 2500k processor?
Do be specific i'm in Russia
This graph is pretty off I was getting 55-60 fps on a x4 phenom 955 BE with a r9 280x 1080p with everything maxed. Just upgraded to a 4690k should be even better.
What channel does /vg/ play on in the KR version?
the topmost
the 4th most
Top for where most of the guild is, 4th down the list for smoother ping.
i like how you can run to places and just generally waste time and look at things
also is everything supposed to be grainy?
not bad at all
exploration is amazing. you can vault onto all kinds of things
Is there a site where I can check items all items and shit?
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I agree.
>want to check out that maid pantsu
>suddenly my valk has that fucking smile on her face for some reason
i miss my tamer rei
forgot pic
damn shes cute, gj anon.
anyone has a clue when the next beta test and release are?
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Jesus Christ
god damn this game looks comfy as well
Are there any beast races in this game?
Why does NA have to pay for 4 less classes? Shouldn't that be the other way around?
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Fuck off C@fags
because they want to

You're the first anon I've seen in these generals with a character that looks cute and unique. Congrats.
he just made rei ffs
Those eyes are pretty fucked up, specifically the pupils.
graph is bullshit as fuck. not to mention there is a vast difference between open area fps and city fps
i was a elf in archeage

Not him btw.
Definitely not unique but she does look Cute as fuck, more expression on that Face than Rei could ever manage.

Unique as in severely different from the preset.
there are armor set pieces and bonuses as well as other gear that you can use to stack DP (defense points)
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