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/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 794
Thread images: 107

demo day in 1 day, where is your game?


New Jam Next Month

Helpful Links: http://alloyed.github.io/agdg-links/
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg/


> Demo Days

> Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/000_using%20gamemaker/index.html
Godot: http://github.com/okamstudio/godot/wiki
Haxeflixel: http://haxeflixel.com/documentation/tutorials/
UE4: http://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?483-Community-Tutorials-for-UE4
Source: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/w/index.php
Unity: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
Last thread had literally 0 GOOD progress.

I'm dissapointed in agdg.
first for love2d 0,10,0
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3nd for actionscript
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1 day
7 hours
24 minutes
30 seconds
If I do this, taking the square root means I'm going to have to round to get an int grid position. Isn't it possible that's going to lead to blind spots based on rounding circumstances?
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i think i need help with a rolling sprite?
this looks so weird but i like the idea of him curling into a spinny ball and popping out at the end
6th for /AGDG/ was a mistake
I've written worse, in AS2.
It's fine. Your sprites always look good, Vine.
Literally Sonic.

Do you have a single innovative bone in your body vine-chan?
Thank you for making a new anime thread :)
why would a frog roll into a ball

it makes no sense
why would a two-tailed fox roll into a ball? Why would a frog wear a coat?
need to add some pink for where the tongue would obviously be flailing wildly
cuz its cute
lay off anon, I was going through puberty

I realized I did more progress as a 9th grader than I've done ever since
anyone got a favorite brand of rope?
In all levels except physical, it's sanic
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I believe in you
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Demo fucking finished.

Whenever you mine an asteroid a new one spawns, with a random size, and random resource density. Also as you mine it, the image shrinks.

Next I'll try to add a fuel mechanic, where you can only mine until you run out of fuel, then you can upgrade your ship and choose the next stage.

Shia is placeholder for the mining ship.
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>when he isn't making progress on his language
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Anyone here experienced in FL Studio/VSTs?
How can I tell if a "free" VST is free for commercial use or personal use?
It seems like none of the ones I find mention one or the other, nor do they come with license info.
Am I looking in the wrong places or are all free VSTs free for commercial use?

I'd ask this shit on /mu/ but I assume they'd just shit on me for talking about digital music-making to begin with.
>If I could get a game to sell as much as most of the games on homph list have sold I'd be able to pay my student loans off
I'm so jealous.
>Tutorial start
>Tutorial end
why would it matter? How would anyone find out what vst you're using and how would they find out you didn't pay for?
Also just look at the license if you actually for some reason care.
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>Demo fucking finished.
>you will never know this feel
>why would it matter?
Becuase I don't fool around when it comes to legal bullshit.

>Also just look at the license if you actually for some reason care.
>nor do they come with license info.
If you're really worried, contact them and ask.
then buy vsts that cost money lol,

What vsts are you wondering about? I'm genuinely trying to help.
Can you write my game for me
But anon, my demo only works on Android. So no one is gonna bother downloading.

I have no fucking clue how to sort out the UI position to look ok on windows.

Also my project is super simple. So my demo is pretty piss easy to do.
And its not fooling around, literally just think about it.
To figure out you used a vst theyd have to isolate that sound from your mix, deleting all other sounds, reverb, eq, compression etc etc (most likely mathematically impossible) then would have to prove that NO other vst ON EARTH could make that sound instead, this is literally the only way to prove you used it to make a song. Even then, how could they prove you didnt either buy it or have the sound given to you by someone who did?
>tfw you add feature after feature into your game and then slowly come to realize that with each additional feature you're building a quivering tower of cards that can fall apart at the slightest unexpected tug

I'd put an innovative bone in him if you know what I mean
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If the guide is first or second it will be done with second or first, I hope to get both out by sunday. The guide will cover introduction to algorithms and which ones you want to start with. If you have suggestions, please tell me! On a side note, I have a site I'm working on to host all the content. If anyone wants me to add anything to the site or host other things, please tell me.
vine pls put your tutorials to buy on gumroad i can't do $10 a month
Do you have any other guides?
I have done a lot of content in the past for people here but I sorta just lost it over time, I want to start fresh this time and put it up on my site. Check op's post for guides, yesdev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ0e3QUADw8 also has some really nice stuff. If there is something in particular you are looking for I can put it on the polls. Ps: Every week I will produce a guide on one of the polls items. From most votes to least.
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>Beginners guide to gamedev(covering how to start and where) is #1
Beginning to learn LibGDX.

If you were to go back and give your past self who was learning LibGDX some advice, what would it be?
what's the deal with the trip?

if you need gamepad support, go somwhere else before it's too late

other than that it's pretty good
I try to justify my pathetic existence by establishing an identity on a forum that is known for anonymity.
its what the people want, don't forget to read the comment I left in the post.
is there a game framework that lets you do everything?
but f-f-flash is dead anon.

unity is the FUTURE!
it's a 4 year old project >>127709003

all of them?
how does that work?
how long you think it'd take to reproduce this
>that long ass intro sequence
>characters running up to each other for more than a split second

god damn first person battle systems will always be superior to this shit
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baby's first base mesh
Depends on how much you already know. Not sure how hard it is to do in game maker, but using raw OpenGl you could do this easily. The hardest part would be the shadow casting but it seems it's just a rotated sprite overlayed on the floor instead of anything more complicated.
i have one tutorial and its bad
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Sup /agdg/, how's dat progress?
After working on a bunch of new tilesets, I've decided to start importing them into the game.
Here's one I touched up before adding it to the game
fucking sexy m9
nice risk of zelda clone
can any of you, recommend me some worthwhile assets to buy from the Unity Asset Store, preferably 3d models?
you don't give yourself enough credit 2bh
>Buying assets for a game you'll never finish
your character looks out of place.
always good to see you, Spooky Quest Dev

But seriously keep at it, you're awesome
>Set texture filtering to nearest neighbor
>Can reduce texture size to 1/4th
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I try hard
Yeah, gotta recolor the character sprite for this area, gonna try to remember how it worked in game before
Ty ty, haha
I've been lazy posting to /agdg/, but maybe I won't be now
try the cartoon style ones
i saw some that give you whole levels to play with, but they are 30-60 dollars each
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>No time to game dev anymore
I could probably start making a video game right now if I picked up an engine, but I want to make my own engine so I'm here learning opengl and 3D math.
>art and substracting numbers
wow, lookin neato
Good job, Anonymous!
Stay strong :)
so what if there was a game where the entire concept was about really rare drops, only each enemy had dozens of different, equally rare drops? Like, A monster can drop 64 different items, with a 1/64 chance for every one of them dropping. In theory it could make for a party that was very different each time you played.


but in all seriousness, posting less means you're working more
>demo day
Can I just like, submit my game that I've been working on and off since forever?
What if I one day decide to reimplement a fundamental data structure within my game, and the engine is closed source?
You have to plan ahead man.
yeah why not
Use LuaGL and LuaSockets. It's easy to prototype and still as low level as you want to.
same but with art, working on rolling my own photoshop atm
>i want to drive a car!
>i want to make a car!
well then your priorities are all wrong for making a game...
why the hell would you want to reimplement a fundamental data structure? You're making games, not trying to solve NP-Complete problems.
id make the colors more vibrant in general.
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game: Pigpens Playground: ???!
dev: The Gogem
tools: Macromedia Flash MX 2000, DreamWeaver
website: shotahentai.com/futamoms
progress: Watched Over 10 hours of Anime
progress: Reactivated Crunchy Roll Account xD
progress: Browsed teh Chons for a little
progress: Opened up a new Flash Document
progress: 550 x 400 24fps
I asked this once before but figure I'll try one more time. Anyone have any tips or program suggestions for sprite coordinates? Basically being able to easily move around and keep as separate entities a bunch of different sprites and get the coordinates of each based off an x by y room.

Right now I'm just using paint program and a calculator based off cursor coordinates. Doable but a pain in the ass for more complicated or multi-page setups. I really should just get off my ass and make this myself but that'd be an easy 2-3 weeks of dicking around on something that only might be helpful.
Engines are high level so you DON'T have to reimplement data structures and focus on shipping your game instead.

Are you making a game or joining carmack?
Choose wisely

Well, what if I want to make the game run on older hardware and need to optimize for a specific edge-case?
Tbh I also take live painting classes and work with oils, which means I have to prime and stretch my own canvases.
Yeah, but doesn't that also mean you're limited to features that the engine developer intended for you to use? What if you want to do something other than a generic 2D top down meme RPG?
I was tryin to make it look like night time, but I dunno I guess
>not building your own pc to develop your game to specific requirements
>not making your own image editing software to work on the sprites for your game
>not making your own digital audio workstation software to make the music for your game
>not making your own IDE to code your own game
>not making your own programming language to go with your own IDE for your game

how are you skipping all these steps before making the engine for your game?
it's like you WANT to be a NODEV
it definitely doesnt look like night
>not making your own programming language to go with your own IDE for your game
>tfw I am actually doing this
It's something to do while waiting for Vulkan, at least
>Yeah, but doesn't that also mean you're limited to features that the engine developer intended for you to use?
Yes, but not every engine is RPG Maker.
Most are flexible enough these days.
The performance of your game doesn't depend on the performance of the tools you use. Your own performance does, but not the game's.
The engine drives the game, so your game's performance depends directly from the engine.
Sorry I didn't mean ingame at all. I just meant from a design standpoint. I use gamemaker and a lot of that is built in. Just it's a lot of trial and error or math/guessing. Run the game. Move them a bit more. Run it again. Well crap it still looks like it's not quite centered where I want to squish it. Move and run it again.

Not hard, just annoying to plan out anything like a UI that's not a solid piece or more complicated menus.
Would anyone play a game where you use a fictional scripting language to try and achieve certain goals? Kind of like Papers, Please but with programming?
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What are you talking about?
I dumped 4k into my dev rig
>tfw fixed UI
Fuck the headaches.
They exist and people play them
make it, all of /g/ will buy it at the very least as long as it runs of loonux
you're thinking about RPG maker, not actual engines we use. There's a reason why RPGmaker general is another thread. If you need to optimize of an edge-case that requires changing fundamental base structures, you're better off not porting at all.
why arent you making your own graphics api?
make the colors more vibrant so that it isnt night or use a gradient based lighting system if you wanna make it look like night
where is your game?
There's a 3rd person one on steam atm that's really early access and allows you to code spells. Think I've seen a few other similar ones too that use code to do various things.

Not sure how well they're selling though.
>I dumped 4k into my dev rig
Emphasis on dump because most of that will be obsolete within years.
>spending more than 1.5k on a rig
Just a threadly reminder that if you dont devise your own counting system seperate from binary and implement an architecture using it natively you're basically stealing :^)
I'm not making my own IDE though, that would be silly as I don't like using IDEs

Because it's not even close to feasible as a single person, and it wouldn't provide any benefits
I haven't finished my language yet, dumbass
Shifting everything a little toward blue sometimes helps with night tiles.
>you're better off not porting at all.
And lose potential market share?
What if your game could theoretically run on an android device, but the gameplay mechanic relies on a data structure bottleneck that needs to be optimized for ARM CPUs, but the engine is closed source? What are you supposed to do? Curl over and die?
>and the engine is closed source?
How about, you use an open source engine instead of being dense as fuck?
>Reimplement a fundamental data structure
I'll buy an updated version when that happens, silly
there are 2 people in agdg that are making their own api, they are tired of waiting for vulkan
>calling me dumbass
>using or making a language instead of visual scripting
>having no game
It's called TIS-100
>Tfw people want to make games and they are completely oblivious to the games already on the market
There are no good open source 3D engines.

I bet all those XNA cucks regret not making their own engine now.
add a gay ass blue filter to the whole screen and desaturate everything
....Did people play it?
Yeah, sure thing

I'd sooner switch to Windows 10 and use D3D12 (or buy AMD and use Mantle if I couldn't already) than try to do something as stupid as that
XNA's a framework, not an engine, dummy.
If you want to run on android, pick an engine that ports to android.
>There are no good open source 3D engines.
In b4 some bullshit about java and how C++ is the only acceptable thing despite how doing that means you'll never finish shit.
theres no reason to be so rude :c
how come in blender when i extrude and scale faces on an angled surface it doesn't work the same way a flat surface?

damn i don't even think i can describe that properly
All other things being equal, Java is only more productive than C++ if you're a drooling retard
and there never will be,they are all shit
i find it hard to imagine you making something better than unity or even come close
Screencaps? Gifs/webm? I can try to help.
Yes, Zachtronics is incredibly popular among the niche of "fake science semi educational games".
Ahh, I tried to add more blue to my palette for this set, but I guess it wasn't enough
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new rakugals progress.webm
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Sound version: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71895074/new%20rakugals%20progress-sound.webm
Maybe if you eat literal shit.
Use C# if you're going to use a managed language.
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>tfw you're not an artist to take advantage of UE4 blueprints
>tfw you'll never make a game that will be considered an artistic masterpiece like journey, bastion or undertale

Should I do? Learn to become an artist? I'm 26, is it too late for me?
scaling is relative to world space probably, you'd want to scale relative to the normal
See, now you've exposed the fundamental problem with not writing your own engine.
Not all engines can port to android and of those that do, not all might have the feature set that you need.
So you're stuck choosing which engine developer you're willing to become a butt slave for, while compromising your vision at the same time.

It doesn't have to be "better" than Unity. It only has to be perfect for the game you're making. Why would someone try to one-up Unity on features that won't be used on their game?

What's better about your engine, though, is that it's yours and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
I'm gonna be honest here:

You don't have a fucking clue what you're doing. You're trying to cover every single base and that's flatline fucking retarded.
Nice art.
Gameplay looks too slow and floaty though
it looks like shit
is that what you are after?
Thank you puppers, I'm filled with determination.
>data structure bottleneck
name one example that uses current a architecture that anyone uses for anything important (read: arm or i86 like)
Being able to alter the code of your own game is the very first base that anyone non-retarded should cover.
oh yeah the classic "it's shit" shitpost

at least say why you think it's bad, retard
yeah but having an engine that supports every single type of texture map in existence is amazing,including lod's,built in materials,subdivision control and the plugins go on and on

try to insert an aaa game model to godot and it will shit itself hard
Fuck off Unity shill
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How hard would a snowboarding game similar to SSX or tony hawks be to make? There aren't many games like that right?

Pic related and has inspired me.
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just finished laying the level out, just need to polish and fill in and it's good for demo day!

it's not much, but will show the player how to move, walljump, preview of the companion system, and walldashing.
Yup. That's kinda the point of demo day, let people play the game you've been working on, get some feedback, and of course get a whole bunch of people shitting on it, that's the important part.
Have you posted progress of your game before though? If not people will call you a whodev that is just trying to shill.
Spoken like someone who has never programmed in both at length.

>Don't use Java, use this language that is a almost a copy, runs worse and makes porting a nightmare!
Thanks Bill.
you just pick the right engine for the job. Making your own 3D engine is a HUGE undertaking, if you have a serviceable one available, it's a waste of time and money.
well, its not shit. what i meant its easy to make, somehow he made that simple style look good
How much did your mom have to pay to get you those sprites?
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is this filter gay enough
Why do people keep posting my secret doto waifu here. Venge-chan gets posted so much

I genuinely like your little hero's walk cycle. That's a powerful fucking strut.

>that little shrug at the end

He's already quite the character
Actually, I have
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i click these faces, press E for extrude and then S for scaling so i can narrow the new vertices in, but for some reason it indents. this is a normal thing i do all the time in blender but it's the first i've seen this happen

selecting a face individually works fine
Can we call this guy EngineDev and make fun of him every thread because he thinks you're meant to make a separate game engine for every game and he's the biggest example of a nodev we've ever had in these threads?
tell me, what do you mean by game engine? Your definition must be different from the usual.
They probably use quite specialised physics to make things happen like you want them to, and there are loads of animations, but I guess you could try.

I agree there is definitely a gap there, the last TH was such a disaster.
The extra features don't matter if you dont use them.
If you can make your game in unity and have it run at >100 fps on every platform, why would you ever make your own engine? And if it doesnt run well its most likely not something making your own engine could solve.

The only exception is if theres an actual technology the engine doesn't have, but i highly doubt you have the skillset to implement some bleeding edge graphics technology that not even unreal 4 has into your engine (even if you did have the time)

I enjoy enginedeving, but im not deluded to think its ever a good idea if you want to make a game, unless your calling using XNA to make your simple 2d game "enginedeving"
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Finally! Two rooms running independently on the same app! I am the master of modules!
>not liking the best waifu
>the slippery slop ginger slut

i have no idea what you mean, also why you have faces on your edges
i'll ask too, is that the level of art you're after? it looks nice, and the ambience does good for it too.. but there's a lot of messed up geometry problems in there and it's not done at the level of a really experienced artist at all.
yes, become an artist. you're definitely not too late. start by learning perspective, it's one of the most important fundamentals while at the same time being one of the most rigid and understandable.
He probably won't be sticking around. Give cred to the guy tough, he's defending his point without resorting to namecalling or being rude.
maybe its because you have overlapping faces?

1 dot equals a face, why you have dots on your edges
People who use closed source, proprietary engines are just glorified modders.
In the end, the engine developer owns your game and all your work is just free advertisement for the engine.

You literally can not edit the code of your own game, how do you justify that?

The engine is the game. Anything that runs on top of the engine is a plug-in or a mod. Using closed source engines is like paying to mod someone's game.
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if it were me i'd make it super obvious... you did say "night".
Scaling operations happen regarding what you have set as scaling center. Currently you have it set to "median point" so it till take the median point between all faces and scale towards there. When all the faces are flat, the median point ends up also in the flat plane.
What you probably want to do is called "inset"
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>i have no idea what you mean, also why you have faces on your edges

Did you mean to reply to me there? I was just praising how nice the little guy's walk cycle is, and he seems to have a personality of his own already
>how do you justify that?
by saying unity is not a game therefore you make games not mods
>shitting on mod devs
im done with you
you see..
In many cases game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components. These tools are generally provided in an integrated development environment to enable simplified, rapid development of games in a data-driven manner. Game engine developers attempt to "pre-invent the wheel" by developing robust software suites which include many elements a game developer may need to build a game. Most game engine suites provide facilities that ease development, such as graphics, sound, physics and AI functions. These game engines are sometimes called "middleware" because, as with the business sense of the term, they provide a flexible and reusable software platform which provides all the core functionality needed, right out of the box, to develop a game application while reducing costs, complexities, and time-to-market — all critical factors in the highly competitive video game industry.[2] Gamebryo, JMonkey Engine and RenderWare are such widely used middleware programs.[3]

Like other middleware solutions, game engines usually provide platform abstraction, allowing the same game to be run on various platforms including game consoles and personal computers with few, if any, changes made to the game source code. Often, game engines are designed with a component-based architecture that allows specific systems in the engine to be replaced or extended with more specialized (and often more expensive) game middleware components such as Havok for physics, Miles Sound System for sound, or Bink for Video. Some game engines such as RenderWare are even designed as a series of loosely connected game middleware components that can be selectively combined to create a custom engine, instead of the more common approach of extending or customizing a flexible integrated solution. However extensibility is achieved, it remains a high priority for game engines due to the wide variety of uses for which they are applied
and then

Despite the specificity of the name, game engines are often used for other kinds of interactive applications with real-time graphical needs such as marketing demos, architectural visualizations, training simulations, and modeling environments.[4]

Some game engines only provide real-time 3D rendering capabilities instead of the wide range of functionality needed by games. These engines rely upon the game developer to implement the rest of this functionality or assemble it from other game middleware components. These types of engines are generally referred to as a "graphics engine," "rendering engine," or "3D engine" instead of the more encompassing term "game engine." This terminology is inconsistently used as many full-featured 3D game engines are referred to simply as "3D engines." A few examples of graphics engines are: Crystal Space, Genesis3D, Irrlicht, OGRE, RealmForge, Truevision3D, and Vision Engine. Modern game or graphics engines generally provide a scene graph, which is an object-oriented representation of the 3D game world which often simplifies game design and can be used for more efficient rendering of vast virtual worlds.

As technology ages, the components of an engine may become outdated or insufficient for the requirements of a given project. Since the complexity of programming an entirely new engine may result in unwanted delays (or necessitate that the project be completely restarted), a development team may elect to update their existing engine with newer functionality or components.[citation needed]
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Any Anons have Clickteam Fusion, Game Guru or Spriter Pro?

I received all 3 as gifts for Christmas but I've never used anything but Game Maker. How would you rate these?
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Who /goodprogress/ here
Because she is the best carry in the fucking game
its ok for mobiledevs
Such a framework is composed of a multitude of very different components.

Main game program
The actual game logic has of course to be implemented by some algorithms. It is distinct from any rendering, sound or input work.

Rendering engine
The rendering engine does the rendering via the chosen method (rasterization, ray-tracing or any different technique).

Instead of being programmed and compiled to be executed on the CPU or GPU directly, most often rendering engines are built upon one or multiple rendering application programming interfaces (APIs), such as Direct3D or OpenGL which provide a software abstraction of the graphics processing unit (GPU).

Low-level libraries such as DirectX, Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL), and OpenGL are also commonly used in games as they provide hardware-independent access to other computer hardware such as input devices (mouse, keyboard, and joystick), network cards, and sound cards. Before hardware-accelerated 3D graphics, software renderers had been used. Software rendering is still used in some modeling tools or for still-rendered images when visual accuracy is valued over real-time performance (frames-per-second) or when the computer hardware does not meet needs such as shader support.

With the advent of hardware accelerated physics processing, various physics APIs such as PAL and the physics extensions of COLLADA became available to provide a software abstraction of the physics processing unit of different middleware providers and console platforms.

Game engines can be written in any programming language like C++, C or Java, though each language is structurally different and may provide different levels of access to specific functions.
They do, it's that thing you scroll through without reading before hitting Accept in the start of installation.
The problem with the term "enginedev" is that it can be interpreted in many ways. I tend to think of it as programming a game in any way that requires implementing systems that aren't technically game-specific. But it can also mean "developing an SDK for making games", which really would be a momentous waste of time, and is the trap that people beginning enginedev often fall into (trying to make everything absolutely generic).
The game might not run well on all platforms simply because of the overhead of having a feature set big enough to satisfy most video game genres.

In that case, having your own engine that you can tweak and optimize however you want is the solution.

I mean, if there's a proprietary game engine that implements a dozen or so sorting (and other) algorithms that I could chose for a specific task, I'd like to hear about it.
Audio engine
The audio engine is the componentry which consists of any algorthims related to sound. It can calculate things on the CPU, or on dedicated ASIC. Abstraction APIs, such as e.g. OpenAL, SDL audio, XAudio 2, Web Audio, etc. are available.

Physics engine
Main article: Physics engine
The physics engine is responsible for giving the application a realistic sense of the laws of physics in the application.

Artificial intelligence[edit]
The AI is usually outsourced from the main game program into a special module to be designed and written by software engineers with specialist knowledge.
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Middleware is cancer.

All games that feature middleware have either been shit or suffered in one way or another.
Such as going through license hell or having support for the middleware dropped.
I posted some gifs and screenshots before, but I don't do it very frequently.

Loving this meme


i got rid of the overlaps and no change
yeah, inset is what i was trying to do. the guide i'm following used the extrude method

thanks guys
Hatred is just not very fun. It has one schtick and it gets played out pretty fast.
http://mu.ranter.net/design-theory - This 11-year old site gives you the low-down on every aspect of successful RPG design.
just finished watching that yahtzee top 5 games video, eh?
he rated undertale as #1 and had hatred on his worst games of the year
Multiple or just one companion?
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Shilling my animations some more.
Improved this one quite a bit. Made it more fun and less realistic. More "oomph."
An engine is a tool for development, you arent making an engine if you arent making the tools.

I don't think you have much of a background in computer science.
All modern architectures in use (on pcs, macs, android phones, iphones, nintendo ds, whatever) are glorified parallel random access machines, its not like androids use a turing tape whereas iphones are implemented using a set of 2 stacks and Godel encoding
algorithm are more or less the same on all of them. For the same set of data, one sorting algorithms thats faster on iPhone will also be faster on android or your PC save for some minor asymptotic differences that don't matter.
You're just making up issues that you don't understand.
I've run into a problem with analog stick movement.

The player has different max speeds in each cardinal direction.

When moving in intermediate directions, like down-left, the player should be moving at the left direction's max speed and the down direction's max speed.

Analog sticks, however, only reach about 70% when held exactly in the intermediate directions.

How would I maintain smooth movement with the analog stick while allowing it to reach the max speeds?
Are you serious? I mean, hatred isn't worth a top 5... but... That makes me sad. I like Yahtzee.
can you make animations/rig for a rabbit?
what are your fees
The payoff for making an SDK is also monumental.
You can convince suckers such as those in this thread to make plug-ins for your SDK, effectively receiving work for free and having them pay for it.

It's how blizzard almost owned DoTA
DotA, never DoTA
>Are you serious?

followed this link from reddit :)
What is

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I wanted to just like make a game (roguelike for simplicity's sake) where NPCs and monsters are the subjects to the same laws as player for quite some time, they progress, level-up, change residences, fight and die without necessary player's input (i am mesmerized by the games that treat player just like another passer-by).
And HOW for fucks sake did pic related went under my radar? HOW for the years of gaming i've never heard of that company and their games?!
Let the user resize the screen, give the user 5 or 6 resolution options, or let them have only one size and fullscreen?
More control is better than less.
For rigging and animation of an animal? Probably a decent amount more than a first person animation to be honest, not sure what budget you have.
Plus it depends on how many animations you want, and the price would increase with the number.

For your sake since I've never worked with animal animations you probably don't want me to anyway.
It's not about CPU architecture, it's about the hardware of the whole device.
Some algorithms sacrifice memory for speed, some lend well to multithreading, some don't.
It's good to have the control that lets you optimize your game for a specific type of device.
I don't even know what kind of person plays video games in window mode but apparently it's absolutely essential that you have it.
Not according to engine-slaves :^)
Multithreading is mostly determined by the user's code and the engine language's implementation of multithreading, which isnt up to you unless you're making a language.

Also why cant i just implement any algorithms I want in say, C++ in unreal?
It clearly says Hat Red, it's what A Hat In Time became after they playtested it with 12 year olds

Fuck you Insomniac
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Multiple, once I get the sprites/planning done. Thinking cat that summons orbs/affects jumps, a giant robots that fires MISSILES everywhere, and an dragon-man that let you glitch through walls. More later, still all in my head.

Old progress from when I was still on ImpactJS over a year ago. Bascially Megaman powers with a face/backstory, really.
He seems to think the engine is the entire game in a closed package, like RPG Maker.
What happened to aHiT?
Plz don't be kill
One size is terrible, don't do it. Depending on what you're using, having your assets scale is usually an easy task.

Letting the user resize the screen is fine but brings in user issues. Maybe there's a resolution that everything looks retarded at.

Look up a list of maybe 10 or more common monitor resolutions. The more options the better.
I've played Din's curse.
It had a single fatal flaw that ruined the whole game - it's an ARPG where clicking isn't fun.
It's up to you if you pick the right language for the job. Which also a choice that you're deprived of when using an engine.
Well just responding to his ultra-optimization- centric focus, I don't see how it gets better than C++.
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i think...
It feels too 'meh' like the person holding the weapon has no urgency during the reload.

The motions, and at that pace to me make it seem like there's no need to do that over complicated maneuver. Which having watched too many CQC and speed shooting/reloading videos on youtube is designed for a quicker reload than a more conventional set of motions.

6/10, (I understand that the end user can modify the speed at which the animation will play when used in game, but the motions seem too fluid, if a real human were doing those motions there would be a slight pause to feel for when the mechanical elements that reload a weapon engage, I think I'm trying to say that your animations lack weight.)
leap/eat grass/play with ear
It's not about optimization but rather about Freedom(tm) to optimize as much as you want or need, or sacrificing performance for something else. You know, control.

Also, C++ fast at the expense of being unsafe. If you write safe C++, which you should, there's languages that are on par while being safe by default.
Add me on Steam. I have to go to bed (work at 6AM and it's 10PM here) but I will talk to you about it tomorrow.
Only on par with languages that do compile time checking and computation
And those other languages don't have decades of experience and libraries

In the end, just use what you're most comfortable with to be desu sempai
Spriter pro is okay. Was prone to crashing but I was also using fuck-huge sprites like a dumbass. Also their system immediately adds transition animations to the timeline, it's a pain in the ass making adjustments afterwords. Felt like I had to do it right each step of the way and making changes later would just add lots of little animation fuckups down the line.

Otherwise it's not too bad if you are already splitting your sprites into separate pieces.
>Can't think of any fun gameplay ideas
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>that kid
i want to murder it
Multiply by square root of 2 hueh.
This is linear algebra / trigonometry 101, the reason it gives 70% is because the vectors come normalized. Some other anon passed you a link already but it would be best if you understand why things work this way.
you should rather ask yourself why did undertale succeed while hatred failed
What's your engine?
>engine choices affect gameplay ideas
Same reason furry artists and sakimichan make so much money.
what are you basing it off of?
>spend a couple hours making assets and start to think my game looks pretty good
>see a screenshot of a nice AAA game
>realize that my work looks like shit compared to professional work
Name an engine that lets you make a game about traversing hyperbolic space.
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am I doing it right?
Practically any of them, from UE4 to RPG Maker. Are you retarded?
Exaggeration engine.
First person clicker game, would it work?

You have some activity that needs to be done, and multiple stations to do different types of work that all ultimately contribute to completing or staving off that entity, which return some kind of currency which you can use to hire minions/workers/mercenaries etc. to exponentially do these things for you.

Are clicker players going to be turned off/away by the inability to let it idle, are non clicker fans going to care about the feedback loop?

hmmm, what's your take /adgd/?
let me tell you what you meant to say
>Name an engine that lets me make my game about traversing hyperbolic space natively with no knowledge of programming
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Ever heard of Roblox?
Is Undertale's art really that bad? I think it was supposed to be one of those artsy games.
Is that roll a dodge dodge?
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My own :^)
I wanted to make something that's way too complex when I first started. Now I want to simplify it, limit the scope, make something fun and replayable instead. I was thinking about making a simple roguelike where everything is based off of money -- you get permadeath when you hit 0 wealth, you need to pay a toll to go down the next floor, you get dealt 'damage' by monsters pickpocketing you in different ways, you need to buy skill improvements and isntead of a complex gear system I'd use a modular 'artifact' system that randomly generates artifacts that give you different effects and abilities -- that you can also upgrade for money.

But I dunno.
you do know that the only people who do "artsy" looking games are those who can't draw for shit, right
Can you explain this ebin meme
Exactly. Why would I learn to program when I can just get an engine that supports everything I need? That's the whole point of engines.
you mean with iframes?
i guess i could add some at the beginning
it doesn't look great, but the writing and aesthetic look okay. music is apparently good too. i haven't even played it though, but essentially yes to what you said.
Fucking beautiful, vine. Just fucking beautiful.
random art references

Vine sempai it looks good!

But why don't you just have a large hop for a dodge mechanic on a frog character? Could even translate later into a leaping smash type aoe attack which would fit the battleaxe wielder type of barbarian/berserker combat
try a 0.25 seconds buildup before you start moving
This looks really nice compared to when you first started.
It speeds up too quickly! The roll looks too fast for the momentum of the character
Journey is an art game and looks heavily stylized but good. I thought it was like that, as opposed to just poorly drawn.
nah, undertale aint that
Thanks buddy, but my original dream of making a shop simulator with roguelike dungeon diving for loot collection is way too broad a scope for me to continue. I need a solid plan on what this game is going to BE now before I make anything more.
you thought wrong, sorry
you mean like acceleration or burning out in-place?
the purpose of it was to get out of your current position quickly, but slow down and leave you somewhat helpless toward the end

that sounds pretty cool actually
i may try that out after demo day, i'm in crunch mode right now though
adding z depth to the game will probably take me a few days

>mfw you have that 'shit I need to simply this' moment

i've just been staring at code for like 4 hours now thinking of what I want to do
i beg you
give me something to make music for
you dont have to use it
i need motivation
Same here man.. I've been refactoring my ECS idly while I try and think of what direction to go. It's hard to let go! ...And to come up with new ideas.
vine adding z depth is literally just

sort all objects according to their y position (so that objects with lower y get drawn last)

draw object at x, y - z. draw shadow at x, y

so making something jump is just set z_velocity = -100 and z = z + z_velocity*dt every frame
>not actively seeking projects to be inspired by

I swear you dumb fucking musicians just need EVERYTHING HANDED TO YOU
I-I just wanted to help a dev without music out :' (
No i mean the spinning animation looks too quick for how fast the character is moving
oh yea and z = z + gravity*dt every frame too. and then if z < 0 -> z = 0 so you dont fall from the ground
You do realize that 95% of projects here never get finished right?
Try making a song for a spaghetti western with jazz elements!

Not enough jazz these days.
I don't care im just doing it for fun like most people here
make music for my mech gam
i made music for 6 games before one got released adn i wanna die soemtimes
its okay to wanna die
>spaghetti western
why is it called that?
I assume you want electronicy kinda stuff?
Ill give it a go
Got a screenshot? Idc how much is placeholder/how shit it is (minell be shit too)
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Is UE4 unable to take 2d meshes? I have this plane thing that I want to use, but it doesn't show up in EU4. I selected everything and extruded downwards to make it 3d, and it works in UE4. It feels like a waste to have to make it 3d even though only the top surface will ever be seen.

Is this the proper way to go, or am I overlooking something?
Make synthwave for my hacker fps.
Flip the normals.
Are you looking at it from the right side? i.e. are the normals facing the same side you're looking at it from?
It's literally just an Italian take on the western. From directors like Sergio Leone.
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idk do whatever, especially if your just trying to experiment? but something that sounds similar to a side scrolling shoot em up would be nice. everything is super early as far as development goes
I'm on it, already got cool ideas

I'm still learning EDM kinda stuff (you know what i mean, i include that). I am trying to learn
to make that kind of thing but fuck, its so hard especially for me being of a classical background

Alot of famous westerns (fistful of dollars) were filmed in italy with mostly italian crew/actors/directors etc
I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about it, that I don't really like. It might just be the lack of transition between standing sprite and rolling, or something with the movement.
Vague criticism a best criticism.
ill probably try it eventually, i already have a system in for gibs

>confusing lua for python

filthy enginedev
Thank you for your help! It looks like this is in fact the issue. If I look from beneath the model does show up in UE4. Frustratingly, no matter which way I flip the normals, I can only view the model from the underside. I suspect that I am not "flipping the normals" correctly. In blender, it should simply be a matter of selecting my entire mesh in edit mode, ctrl+n, checking the "inside" box, and then regenerating my uv maps, right?
>its so hard
Yeah... There's not much in the way of free music and my game requires such a specific genre. I'm probably going to have to license music for my game.
woah hello i am agdg's personal synthwave slut https://clyp.it/2sjqgzfi

I actually come from a classical background too, but the problem is that I spent so much time learning songs instead of analyzing them and when I was forced to sit down and analyze them I didn't learn anything and instead was basically a robot that played whatever anybody wanted. I didn't truly learn anything about song writing until I moved onto jazz which was short lived because I moved away from my instructor and don't have time for lessons. tldr i know this feel
I deleted my UV maps and let UE4 generate them all for me, and that seems to have fixed my problems. From what I understand, letting UE4 generate my uv maps is a bad idea though.
Well I'll do mech game today but next attempt I'll try synthwave and you'll be the first to get it. I'm here everyday and I'm just trying to get better and be more stylistically diverse so,
Normals have nothing to do with uvs. There's a literal button called "flip normals" in blender, inside/outside are not conepts that apply to a flat plane. You can toggle normal display in some side menu when you press M or N or something.
Also your exporting tool may or may not also flip normals or no export them or whatever, it depends, I'm not familiar with UE.
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I go from A to B when moving. I want C. How. Why? Setting transform.up is rotating on the new up axis. I don't know why. I want to set the rotation on the up axis to be 0 at all times, how can I do that.
>I'm on it, already got cool ideas

cool, thanks anon!
i dont have anything to listen to atm, do you have a site where all of your other stuff is at?
>woah hello i am agdg's personal synthwave slut https://clyp.it/2sjqgzfi

Neat, wanna make some synthwave for my game? I need something upbeat but still synthwave-ish. The game is meant to be fast paced, so the track should reflect that but maintain the synthwave feel.

The hardest tracks to find, even if I wanted to license music, are synthwave tracks that are fitting for boss themes.
Serious question guys, i spend so much time working that i never attempt to shill my game, how will people even know it exists? got any tips?
well that, but this wont be anything like any of that, thats just random orchestral/classical practice stuff

Luckily by classical i actually meant classical composition, im ~20 and decided to start learning from a composition major teaching me the old ways. I don't play much haha im lazy like that. I still am very beginner!

Nice synthwave btw, wanna be friends?
Is probably because you're doing things with eular when you need to do them with quaternions (Though you can use the methods that convert eular to quaternion)
They're both inferior languages, it's really not that big of a difference.
The only rotation I'm doing to it is this line:
transform.up = otherObj.transform.up;

I thought in unity this uses quaternions?
Someone help me out here. In my game you travel stairs a lot, and it finally dawned on me I need a goddamn transition of some sort.

Any ideas for a good transition?

I was thinking the character walking down stairs... but given how fast you change levels (sometimes less than 20 seconds), that would get annoying as fuck, fast.
Loading screen mini games are no longer copyrighted

Also I saw this: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/138173/cant-understand-why-object-rotates-when-setting-tr.html but I barely understand it
There is no wait time. It's instant.
Do a very short fade out/fade in with a staircase sound. Pitch subtly descending if the character is going down, ascending if the character is going up.
screen fades to black
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god fucking damn it one day? il never finish in time, whens demo day 7?
Fade seems too plain. I guess I was asking for a specific fade effect, but that shit's hard to explain / really should be up to me rather than asking you guys. Sorry about being a cunt!
dank memes enginedev
i'm balls deep in video games and uni right now, but when i make stuff for myself its usually synthwave-ish which i can send you to use whenever you want (assuming you dont need music ~*immediately*~). do you have a skype or something like that?

>from a composition major teaching me the old ways
that's pretty based. very cool. playing is pretty important imo, thats how i come up with most songs, working off a part and then writing parts after it. and yea i will follow you on sc
You can email me if you like. Rather not post my skype on agdg.
>? got any tips?
Clench your butt and start becoming a shameless shill
This includes following a bunch of randoms on twitter, posting your game with the right tags, contact news sites if you have a demo ready (trailer's a good idea too), join some forums like TIG (shill circlejerk central for indies).
watching anime is progress
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Ok, I think I got where I want to go with this game. Let me know if this is a stupid-ass idea. Apologize in advance for sounding "Idea-guy"-y.

I want to keep it simple and not make it massively huge with a billion features and different gameplay mechanics so I want to focus on doing one thing really well: dungeon diving with roguelike gameplay based on the accumulation of wealth.

You start the game with the ability to choose two or three different types of characters with different ability trees with the first ability unlocked (melee, range, magic, etc). Instead of gear and tons of equip slots, you just get your ability tree (of like 4-5 abilities) and 4 equip slots for items.

The point of the game will be to get down X number of floors (20? 25?) to the bottom floor where there's a massive-ass boss and a shit ton of loot.

As you play, progression is based on gold. Instead of finding shops, you find NPCs that want to buy items from you. You can upgrade your ability tree to unlock more abilities with money, you open the door to the next floor by inserting enough coins (money), and you upgrade your stats with money.

There is permadeath, but when you die you get to keep one of your equipped items for the next run, and you get to cash-out two of the remaining three for gold based on their value. Your save file will have a "bank" where you keep all the gold you get, and you can use it between character runs to purchase side-grades like different ability trees, different characters, different tile sets, etc.

Pretty simple. Roguelike permadeath. Get loot. Buy new stuff to roguelike with.

Am I on a good track?
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>1 day left
AGDG what do I do
Submit my game for demo day on Sunday or wait until the next one?

I heard no one plays the demo day games after the 8th
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Instead of rolling you should have him hopping to the side super quickly. That rolling shit is nonsense and looks lazy.
which memengine should I use
unity or unreal engine
Godot is the real meme engine
Unity and UE at least have games and not just mindless shilling
less headache but less graphix
Instead make a banker that randomly appears, you can give him your gold to hold onto for another run however he takes a % of it.

If you don't manage to snag it next run it's gone forever.
just submit your game. it's demo day, it's works in progress that aren't expected to be good
I'm stealing this that's a cute idea :^)
But instead of what?
Yeah, no one does, but you'll still be in the potential stream, which is probably the best feedback anyone will get unless they're a well known dev.
Didn't mean to write instead. Really enjoying your progress, I was one of the guys to suggest Circular POV to you.
That sounds good for keeping people playing longer than a single run.
I'd play it. But judging by my previous brainstorms, this isn't as fast and easy as it seems. Prepare to spend at least 3 months on this. Especially with the possibility of maintaining gold between runs (you'd have to do menus) and coming up and implementing ability trees.

I'm sure the end result will be great, but since you have said you want to keep it simple, now it's the best time to scrap unneeded features.
The goal was originally to make a recettear-like clone, where you dungeon dive for loot and build up your shop, but let's face it this is my first project ever and that's a far-off goal. Instead I want to focus on making each run start at a baseline difficulty like a roguelike should, hence the side-grades. Thanks for the feedback buddy. Gonna send good vibes your way.

Hey I really appreciate the kind words! I feel like the stuff I've dealt with so far has been the "easy stuff". Now that the basic systems are working (besides combat and saving) I gotta start actually making content. It'll be tough. Do you have any opinion on artstyle? Right now I'm just using recolored pong squares, that probably isn't going to cut it if I ever want people to actually play it, but I have no idea what direction to go in.

Well, relatively fast. I want to make a game that will force me to learn as much as possible about gamedev. If it takes 3 months, that's about what I wanted to shoot for -- my original idea could've taken over a year easily. I already anticipated doing menus, and in my engine I have a pretty good setup for maintaining different game states and having interactions between them. Hopefully I don't run into any massive foundation issues but at this point it seems like all I need to do is actually make content for the systems that I've built to work on. Graphics, AI, Menus/UI .. I have to make em all work, but the engine should have enough to work with them if I build them. I'm really nervous that I'm looking too far in the future considering I just have a basic ECS engine and dungeon generation but since my two goals are two learn as much as possible and release a free game there's nothing to lose and no reason to give up.
>Do you have any opinion on artstyle?
Generally I pick a game that's similar or one that has art I enjoy and I work from there.

Do you know how to do pixel art or you totally at a loss for it?
games that are similar are typically ascii art. I ALMOST wanted to go in the direction of what I have now, but **particle effects**, but I know that's probably tacky as shit. I suck shit at art. I don't understand color, or shading, or anything really. It's probably going to be the biggest roadblock. Especially since the genre is so devoid of art in the first place. Except like..dungeons of dredmore. Which, let's be honest, it doesn't look all that great.
>calling for more pro-anime propaganda
no pls
Well for now keep your placeholders, get the game working. When the game works and you have people really interested, contact an artist.

Yeah that ascii stuff wouldn't look as good here.

If you do keep it minimal with just random blocks, be sure to either
A.) Make it incredibly interesting and unique
B.) Have crazy effects that distract the player from the basic graphics.
I'm fine with continuing with placeholders for now. The thing I'm worried about the most with that is making UI/menus though, since I won't have a good idea on font sizes, general layout or aesthetic. But I guess it's not that big a deal.
I always liked the minimalists approach to UI's and Huds with Rouge-likes.

Keep it either top left, or bottom center.
Don't let it change with size.

Or you could do one of those floating/invisible huds where it alpha-tweens in when you stop moving.
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>Don't let it change with size.
Right now I have my game window set to a 16:9 windows screen with the ability to fullscreen it, which just scales the image. What I'll probably do is pick a few windowed resolutions or allow the game to be played in fullscreen. But if I do that I'll probably want the UI to scale too, right?

I was thinking something like this for the in-game menu. You play the game normally, but you can hit any of the menu keys to make the game menu slide-in from the right, or slide back out.
>im ~20 and decided to start learning from a composition major teaching me the old ways
3rd guy here. How is that like?
I've been thinking about studying music a lot lately
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This. Normals are separate from UVs. Once you've got faces selected, press W, there should be a Flip Normals option. On the toolbar to the right side there should be a Show Normals option (it's 3 little boxes under the Mesh Display arrow called Normals; you want the one that shows a face. It has a Size slider next to it).
make a beta uprising game
Well, it depends on what kinda music you do.
My top three favorite musicians of any genre are mostly likely bach, stravinsky, and wagner, and my favorite soundtrack bar none is the world of warcraft ost, classical is an obvious choice.

I'll say this, you will benefit from it no matter what, but theres faster routes (ie a lesser but still functional knowledge of theory) to other genres of music.
I can help you more if you tell me what you wanna make.
Honestly, a hatred clone with angry pepe reskin would bring in loads of memebux
If you guys had made these posts one week earlier I would have done this really quick for demo day. I don't think I can set it up in a day.
Guys what im planning on using zbrush and maya

can anyone point me in a good rigging tutorial? i always quit at that part :( that and mapping
There's always next demo day.
Can i register as a Microsoft developer using a debit card ? I dont want to try. Just need the info for now, and in their forums all the related post are from 2013
the hell is a microsoft developer? you gonna write the next internet explorder?
Depends on what you feel like. Either works. I personally prefer frequent, smaller posts as long as it's not stuff like "imported two models" or "changed text size".
Anything graphical really. You added a smudge on a pixel? Post it. You overhauled your entire AI system you use neural networks? Nobody gives a shit unless you make a Keymaster tier autistic post about it.

Any progress is good progress.
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redoing tiles

>inb4 pixelshit
Pixelshit desu
No but seriously put some variation in that ground the pattern isn't even good looking.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
Don't think I'll be able to make a ship editor by demo day, so I settled for presets. It's only a demo, right?
Other than that just have to make a couple adjustments and finally make a real level.
But that is pixelshit, anon. Not because it's pixel art, but because it's shit pixel art.
UI scaling and positioning for different resolutions can be tough. Scaling loses some quality unless you have fancy tiling or vector systems. Pixel perfect can end up being xbox huge on low resolutions and for ants at high resolution. The best solution is usually some combination. The way you should have it set up completely depends on what the visual design is too. UI ends up being worked on up to really late in the development process, often up to submission date while other systems are basically untouchable for the last few weeks.

Damnit son how do you make so much progress?
Also don't forget to add cute anime girls to your game.
You using carveLibrary style booleans or what's your polygonal secret?
this is the shit that gives pixel art a baaaaaad name
If you're older than 18, give up. You're already too old to learn gamedev.
I've already learned gamedev.
I've been making games since i was a fetus.
Where's your fetus game?
well theres something i slapped together between funposts
I dont ever use drums, i have to force myself to use drums, I wish i could do drums : (

I say it every time i see you post,
but you have a cool game!
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Window resize.webm
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>So much progress
I dunno anon I feel like I haven't made that much progress I just post a lot. I work 9-5 and then I come home and cook dinner and work on my stuff with this thread to talk shit with, but right now I just have a basic 2d ECS with random dungeon generation. Hopefully I'll have more soon.

As for scaling, it really is a problem I'm worried about. I haven't put any thought or effort into window options or anything, just been displaying it in 1024 x 570 something and working with it. This is what it looks like scaled right now but I don't really know how to handle it.
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>getting upset about early/placeholder shit
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>Bullets do less damage the longer they are in the air
Will this encourage the player to get close for more risk taking combat or will it be cheesed so the player will stay far away because bullets do less damage to them.

I was thinking of only penalizing the player, is that that something that would piss the player off?
Really digging this. I'll be constantly checking AGDG threads for more progress from you.
this is neat as shit anon
Yes. I'm already pissed off just from thinking about it. What the fuck are you thinking.
I don't want faggots(no offence!!!!!) hiding behind cover
Is this the "I was only pretending to be retarded" of game dev?
how do you know

Why would that encourage people to go closer to an opponent? Your opponent can now do more damage to you because YOU moved forward.

Everyone is just going to sit back and do pot shots.
Well reflect that vision in your level design, not your game mechanics!
I like it, you could make the walls a bit better defined though.
Pepe and all that beta uprising stuff all happened before I could figure it all out, so I'm not that good with it. What's the bulk of the meme that needs to be included? I've got good boy points as health, chicken tenders as the health pickup, every sound effect is "reeee". What else is there? I've seen pictures of frogs throwing rocks at children, is that important?
Luckily you can postpone deciding on any kind of native resolution for a while since you are making a tile based game. If you go 2D art you eventually have to choose a native, but if you go 3D you don't really have to except for maybe the UI. If you go 2D your game might be a good candidate for simply increasing the viewable area (not the fov, the map). Elona is a 2D graphical roguelike which does that.
so then only penalizing the player would be better if I want to encourage aggressive gameplay, you're saying, huh?

Wojak needs to be included somehow.
its the "these assets are temporary and will be replaced at a later date when the game is closer to completion" of game dev
I'm using another open-source library that does just polygon clipping.
Thanks, might be the first game I don't feel terrible about.
I could increase the viewable area now, I built that functionality into my camera. I'm just not sure about doing that because it feels like it'd be giving people with bigger resolutions an advantage.
Evening/morning fellow nondevs.

Finally going to start SERIOUSLY learning 3D modeling today. Any tips/etc? I've got Maya 2016 and the newest DigitalTutor set. After that idk what next really. I want to do character/level design. As for fundamentals, can someone give me a TLDR list?
Why doesn't /v/ understand the concept of placeholders?
>I was thinking of only penalizing the player, is that that something that would piss the player off?
It would if you try to make the weapons of the player and the enemies seem equivalent. But otherwise its not too strange. In a lot of platformers for instance the player's shots don't even reach across the screen but the enemies tend to do so. Just make sure that your shots look like they are getting weaker as they go (shrinking or slowing down for example).
I like all kinds of music, but orchestral music is something i really wanna learn how to make well. Stuff like this i really love:

I just don't see the road there. I look at a score and have no idea how to make something like that, or how to learn from it. When i look for books all i find are dry, theoretical textbooks written by dead professors that don't really teach you how to compose.

I've got a basic/intermediate understanding of music theory, but i find harmony to be very difficult. I don't really understand the idea of just placing a couple of chords in the "right" order and then connecting the dots between them as melodies. I haven't gotten past that phase yet and i don't know how. Do you know what i mean?

Reminds me of how mining in Space Engineers might be if it was 2D. It's kind of neat.


I'm not sure what you're saying.

But it's not so much that the aggressive player is being penalized for aggressive gameplay, it's that the passive player is being rewarded for being passive.
good point, thanks
it's the arikado defense
I don't give (You)s to just any post.
What do you think I am, a little slut?
>I'm just not sure about doing that because it feels like it'd be giving people with bigger resolutions an advantage.
Elona allows the player to detach the camera and look around the map like an SRPG camera. You could also have a minimap or something.

im digging it anon

No, placeholder is quite useful when devving. You retarded fucks would know this if you ever made anything.
don't be annoyed by FOVdev, i like the progress
Oh, that's a good idea. I was going to have a "zoom out" feature that lets you massively zoom out the viewable area and make each step cost a certain amount of money, but that's way better and less tedious
it's like I'm talking to arikado himself
if someone gives you trouble send 'em my way. i'll take care of them for ya, kiddo!
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Can't see shit captain. Need more contrast between your character and the tile's he will be on. Also if you want the floor to look less gridy go with diagonal tiling.
60% of players won't understand the mechanic or forget it exists, then complain.
You need to design games assuming the player is an absolute retard.
I mean, the idea is not entirely bad, but players.

make the tile darker and character brighter? cool, thanks.

what is diagonal tiling family?
Just a couple simple, classic examples relating to your two links:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r30D3SW4OVw simple, little rhythm driven piece, relates to your first piece. Percussion in your piece makes it sound kind of early and simple (as in simple way of life). You just need to listen to lots of different periods of classical to get a sense of what you can draw influence from. The more romantic "Hollywood string orchestra" sounding parts are pretty easy once you have basic harmony down.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FP7NosLxkw obviously different instrumentation etc, but the first part of this is not unlike your second video if you really listen. Very sentimental and romantic (in fact this sonata was perhaps a turning point towards the "romantic" era). later on same thing goes as the first piece, these big lush cinematic string sounds are pretty easy once you are good at 4 part writing and a bit of chromatic harmony. Just listen to Tchaikovsky etc and steal shit. Writing music (especially orchestral) is about stealing well.

Harmony when you learn it from a classical perspective makes much more sense because its taught more as a result then the goal. Voices and melodies move a certain way and create harmonies, harmonies dont dictate your melody.
Also remember, those dead professors wrote alot of beautiful music (composers who wrote books at least, Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg, rimsky korsakov etc)
Of course having a teacher helps too : p

Having a sense of harmony and melody and having them both progress naturally is just practice. Thats why you learn part writing (its alot of work though).

np msg me on soundcloud if you ever want more (time allowing). Just trying to get practice, very new to production in general. I do orchestral stuff too obviously.
reminds me of robocraft and the cancerous fanbase.

whatever choices you make, do your best to ignore the fanbases wishes and bitching and keep all weapon and movement types viable
Yeah, maybe I'll just make the bullets fade out instead of doing less damage. That's something that cant be missed
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Unless you have a specific direction or reason to use the software it can be easy to fall into "shiny object" syndrome where everytime someone shows off a neat way to use the features you give it a try because there is a lot you can do with a tool like a 3d modeling software package.

Try to learn some good practices but don't get too hung up on them at the beginning, As you do more modeling a lot of the more efficient ways to make an object will become intuitive.

Try playing around with a tool or try modeling simple objects in different ways, like making a birdhouse or sundial or flashlight but approaching it in different ways.

Most importantly, have fun! It can be frustrating when you are starting out when the tools don't seem to work the way you (intuitively )want them too, but that will come with time!

Also, there is a 3D board, but its pretty shit these days.
>Slow bullets
>They slowly come to a halt as they travel and deal less dmg as they lose speed
>You need to pick them up as they lay on the floor to shoot them again
>make the tile darker and character brighter
Start with just making the tiles darker.

>what is diagonal tiling family?
Its not a fancy term or anything, just have patterns tilted 30 degrees or so. Look at the background in the spelunky screenshot. Also just little offsets like on the bricks in it are good at making it look more organic.
to avoid frustration make simple objects first
(tvs, toasters, cell phones, swords, etc lol)

Thanks, yeah thats why I tend to stick to boards like this.

Same goes for lolreddit. They make subreddits for shit like this but everyone occupies the "main" gamedev boards, and those subreddits gets no hits/replies.
hmm, cool idea
*raises spork*
im bi if u dont like it deal w/it
Damn anon, your game seems cool and I look forward to it.

Theres a game on steam which basis its whole gameplay mechanic around the idea that you only have 'x' bullets to start and they remain after being shot and you'll have to pick them up after each shot.

game is called Heavy Bullet, just an fyi thats it's a thing out there already, but it's not like reclaimable things like arrows or thrown spears haven't been around for awhile in game design.

I think there was a point to this post but I can't figure out what it is, but I think this might be shitposting, I'm hitting Post anyways and going to bed. I wish you progress adgd
>5k tris
you brave enough to post wire frame. I garentee you can get that guy down to ~2.5k with normal maps

Why isn't your game nearly as good?
Uhh because I don't have a game

this looks like a reassembly clone
Because I'm not buying stuff off the asset store
I'm going to "hurt" Jim Sterling.
How do I create the illusion of distance in a 3d landscape?

I want to put some mountains in the background. Should I just put them really far away or are there better tricks to achieve the same sort of feel?
>silky smooth 27 fps
>Should I just put them really far away or are there better tricks to achieve the same sort of feel?
If they're really far just use an image, no need to model it out

that voice acting is horrendous

yeah its exactly the same
c r e e p y f a c e
It's the oldest trick in the book.

Load up a level of Half Life 2 while you're running away in City 17.

It was kind of neat seeing how they arranged things in the "distance" to make them appear larger than they really were.
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torch in the darkness 3.png
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darker tiles seem to improve things quite a bit.

I might have to work on a new palette tho
When are you going to add a drill?


yeah its almost 1:1
what are these tiles? 8x12?
what the hell???
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Only 2.5K tris? pls anon, this guy is gonna be like 1k tris max, the count is high because i was doing a bunch of stuff with extraneous edgeloops like in pic related with subsurface division, still gotta make the arms, a lance, and a motorcycle. then I'll bake all my maps and what not to a much lower poly guy. he's not even one piece right now.

desu I am not the best with baking maps though haha but youtube and trial and error are great resources!
Thanks man, i'll save this for later. I'm willing to put the work in to learn part writing, i'm just afraid to get stuck in the same I IV V I rut that i don't really understand. The "Hollywood string orchestra" is basically what i wanna do, aswell as choir, flute and cello stuff.
Never seen it but man, that is so much more than what I'm shooting for. At least I got my modifiable physical bodies.
np, just listen to and rip of tchaikovsky as well as old film scores
(also blow money on orchestra samples i guess)
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save the one you have now,then save it again in another file, this time retopo it when you are done bring them both to xnormal
but if you can lower everything manually its good too, he is a robot so retopo is extra work anyway


don't be a square, anon.
>lance, and a motorcycle
sweet, futuristic jousting game?
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post weeb music for dev
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I get so lost trying to learn coding, but I know I won't be able to make anything decent in GameMaker without it.

How do I make my 3d castlevania game smaller in scope?
Want help? I can explain those embarrasingly simple things well usually

Everything in that picture is happy and bright.

Son of a bitch.
how do i fix this slight bounce when running into walls? Using unity rigidbodies.
It's not usually that I have trouble understanding it, I can sit and work it out if I get confused on an actual line of code, it's that I can't for the life of me actually remember it all and put it into practice.

It's like as soon as I stop watching videos/tutorials for the day everything I've learned is flushed away until I start again.

Is this just what it's like early on, or am I stupid?
Continuous collision
look into atmospheric perspective
like this guy said: >>127742575
I've never used an outside program for baking the maps, is xnormal that much better? Or does it have better tools than the ones that come with blender?

As a first project, I'm trying my hand at a sort of rock,paper,scissors meets tic tac toe. But the decisions will manifest as a robot jousting game.

Thats my first two months of 2016 goal, the next projects I have written down are each of similar scope, but If I can re-use these assets I wouldn't mind doing a remake of Road Rash.
Doesn't work
Learning anything its hard at first to apply what you've learned.

Although its boring, start by just doing a couple simple programs. If you only have access your programming language through your game engine use:

Just look up "programming excersices" or something on google and try to go for the less math oriented ones.
Get your feet wet and apply what you're learning in a less difficult setting than a whole video game engine.
I will try

>(also blow money on orchestra samples i guess)
it's okay i'll just pirate them
from what i heard xnormal is the best baking program that is out there, you can bake 256,512 maps in seconds and it never crashes

blender is good for baking greyscale/displacement to normal,that's the only thing im using it for
been really loving Sophie lately
God i just fapped to the lewd ads on this site. Why are you doing this?
>most successful devs from these threads all used game maker

But I'm using physics, the engine is supposed to be able to handle that. I just need to know what good settings are and google doesn't help much.
Ur fucked buddy
Er ya, i blew money, but I had my reasons, pirate whatever you can (VSL the one i use doesnt have everything i wanted cracked).
I don't think so. This seems like a problem with unity itself. I can't be the only one to notice such a glaring problem so there must be a good solution out there.
dev with lights on or off?
lol but how do you play?
deving with the lights off is bad for your eyes senpai
i meant to vote off
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But having dim lights is supposed to boost creativity.
>This seems like a problem with unity itself.


Have you considered that maybe your collision code is executing the the same frame that the object is colliding, resulting in a correction the next frame that creates a visual "jump" as the object corrects it's position? And that maybe YOU are the one who erroneously put together code that causes such behavior?

Maybe try checking for a collision at the location that the velocity would place you at in the next frame, in order to better predict when you will collide with an object. This can be done a variety of ways, one of which includes raycasting.

Feel free to read this after you submit your "bug report."
>Just look up "programming excersices" or something on google
I guess I'll give that a try, it didn't occur to me to try any kind of exercizes, but I'm really only focusing on GameMaker. I already made that decision long ago based on games that have been made with it, so I'm not going to fuck around with a bunch of different languages.

Where in my post did you read anything even remotely similar to that sentence?
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Here are the settings. Still looking for a solution
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Where is your movement code? Are you using forces to move the rigidbody or are you just jamming it into position and Hoping the engine can solve it for you?
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My physics timestep is faster than the framerate so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm just looking for a solution here so adjust your attitude please.
Working as a freelance 3D artist, is the pay any good?
>rb.AddForce (transform.forward * (basewalkspeed * rvMag) * Time.fixedDeltaTime , ForceMode.Force);
You call THAT progress? Hahaha you're a riot
Kinda this, you are not supposed to access the transform values of a rigidbody. Also could be the case of the detection happening once the collider intersected another collider, and then the engine made sure that they aren't stuck inside each other.
Depends on how good and versatile you are at what you do. Having a big and impressive portfolio works the best, not even necessary a portfolio of clients, just impressive work in general, even if you've only worked on your own projects.
If you're any good, maybe
There was nothing before, now there is something.
The coding is done, just filling in the placeholders now.

Wheres your game anon? :^)
What kind of game is this? Reminds me of castlevania. Good job on fading the rocks down thats a neat touch.
Not that guy, but you're telling me it's better to add force then to update the exaxt position over time? Why is that?
Because rigidbodies calculate their position. If you want to update it's position manually then don't use a rigidbody. It's right there in the goddamn documentation.
That looks like the correct way.
Try continuous dynamic mode.
Because you are basically teleporting the object every frame rather than moving it.
>my code is so spaghetti-like that modifying a value or changing a behavior requires a 15-20 minute treasure hunt
This is not a good feel
Does your game have characters in it? Who are they? What is their story?
It's an RPG mixed with Party Game Elements.
This segment is like Mario Party, Blue Squares are safe Red trigger Battles.
The battles are a little unorthodox, they combine platforming, rhythm-mini-game attacks, and puzzles.

Unfortunately it's a little too similar to Undertale right now and I've gotten a lot of shit for it (Rightfully so)
So I've decided to fix it up and make the game I want to make.
Alright I'll try this, but what is the best thing to do with a hit? Should I reduce the speed by half when it detects, or use the distance value to determine the % speed reduction?
Early on yeah it's like this, but you always retain something. Then you watch a new video or do a new tutorial and you recognize things.
Eventually you'll come up with a simple idea that you know how to do, then the ball just starts rolling from there. And you should really try to do this.
It's clearly HOTROD
Undertale fans are retarded and the game itself didn't do anything new. Your idea sounds cool anon I'd stick with it, don't give in to the comblrtale mob.
Don't both, your movement code is correct for a rigidbody (i think that the delta time in the calculation is a mistake but it would not cause this problem, just add some framerate dependance in this case if I am reading the docs for AddForce correctly). First try continuous dynamic collision mode. I think the problem is its using the less accurate checks against the static collision.
Don't you dare reply to me ever again you piece of shit
depends, someone on /3/ made a good point about it as im stuck in the same situation
connections,advertisement,shilling>skill is the bottom line.
when 3D was relatively new it was an amazing job, its getting saturated just like everything else and skill requirements going up and up.
if we are talking about movies/games industry there is alot of work to be done, even consider investing in programs and tutorials and if its too big on you just quit and work something else
a good way to start is to work locally because you have communication advantage,other than that companies can simply call up to some offshore studio for their game/movie
Nothing does anything "new".

What Undertale did was blend a bunch of concepts together in a new way, with a unique cast and style.

Pretty much everything has been done, any given thing is only as original as the style of who's making it.

Yeah, I'm a ways off from doing any projects/work for anyone, letalone myself, I'm just getting started learning this stuff.

Modeling is one thing, but then I assume you have to model totally differently if you plan to animate/rig/etc.
Broke my finger today after a a bunch of great ideas came to me in my sleep. Hows your day /agdg/?
>tfw stopped posting progress for a long time but still lurk the threads
>tfw nobody says they "miss" your game
the character sprite should be on top senpai
wat game
all i can advise you is if you reconize yourself as a fast learner take a year on the side to close all the corners, but don't overburden yourself with rigging/animation, take one thing you can do good and roll with it even if its just rendering
Overhead light off
Wall lamp on
>github doesn't use west coast timezone to track commit date
>caused my streak to end
This inspires me for some reason.
Agreed, which is why complaining that a game is too similar to Undertale is a moot point especially since it copies games like Earthbound.
only problem i have is with people saying its GOTY
>tfw even when nobody even care about your game to begin with
I know that feel
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Setting up a gamma slider for a horror game got me thinking. What if I snuck a jumpscare into it? Like it says "Adjust until you can see the ghost" but no ghost is visible for about 10 seconds. Then once they've fiddled around with it, a ghost appears along with a music sting.
Ooh that would be nice.
No one would have the correct gamma setting
That would be a pretty sweet little easter egg.
How do people cleanly handle UI in Unity (code-wise)?
A class with a dictionary containing the elements so you can just call "UIManager.SetText("score", score);" or "UIManager.SetVisibility("scorepanel", false);"?
Is there a better way?
>which is why complaining that a game is too similar to Undertale is a moot point
Except Undertale is a massive success and there's nothing you can do to stop it's huge fanbase from deriding your game as a ripoff if it's too similar.

Of course nerds in a game dev thread on 4chan will understand that Undertale isn't super original, but it's fanbase largely won't realize that. Undertale has overtaken the things that inspired it, and if you try to release anything similar, the masses of Undertale fans will pretty much ruin your chances of success.
The ghost would still remain in the image after appearing. The person playing would just have to change their pants then adjust gamma.
Do i count as a successful enginedev if i made a custom engine for a ludum dare game and almost got top 100?
prey to the enginegod and he shall answer
I AM the enginedev god
It wouldnt be a jump scare if 50% of players have the incorrect gamma settings and cannot see the ghost when it pops up
this high school student makes production level animu models drawings

>implying talent isn't real
>high school students cant have practiced enough to make to make anime models
now thats what i call nodev material
Once again prooving that animedev is the one true path
How about the ghost pops up brightly colored, then quickly fades to the proper gamma value?
You'd make people believe their gamma settings are correct, when they are, in fact, incorrect
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It's okay anon, our time will come. One day...
why the fuck cant i edit multiple objects UV maps at the same time in blender
is there any way to do this
Are you really gonna be "that guy"

It was an idea off the top of my head. I'll figure something out.
you are probably doing something wrong
hello my fellow /m/ nigga
Of course talent is real, only the blind and naive will tell you otherwise.
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Should I bother with C# if I'm already familiar with C++?
like what?
Have a new idea, terdboy
What are you talking about? Hard work is all you need to succeed in life, just be yourself man.
just use c89, f.am
You can break your back working hard and someone with talent will achieve the same with little to no effort.

It's not a matter if you can or cannot.
like making 4 uv maps for 1 character
C# is like C++ on easy mode, if you can handle C++ you can handle C#. Unless your engine/project requires you work with it, don't bother. If you think you may need to use it in future though there's no harm in familiarizing yourself with the languages additional features (While you can code in C# like C++, if you're on a team with an experienced C# programmer they'll be annoyed).
no i have multiple objects and each has its own set of UV coordinates but i want them to share the same texture but i cant find a way to edit them all at the same time
join objects and make a new uv map
I don't miss your game
I miss you
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low poly on the left
If I make a base model for a character and rig/animate it, how do I make it so equipment and clothes I model over it will be rigged/animated together with the base model?
amazing, like 6-7k polys
Me on the right
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get it together
What headphones do you wear while in the devzone?
pls no bully
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Me on the bottom. I'm blue.
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Jesus Christ bruh, round your translation floats.
Life at the bottom is so much better than the top
so much better
Whats that thing on the bottom what does it do? I see it alot.
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sorry about this
Huh, it's blue pacman. He obviously overdosed on pills so he's depressed.
I believe it is a normal map
It gives an illusion of higher detail with less polygons
why is it so comfy to listen to muslim music while deving
Remember kids , if its done in RPGMaker its not progress
Vine stop stealing
you're a kleptomaniac!
please be insanely witty sarcastic comment
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back to doing this shit. there is few things to fix but it is basically there, maybe.

don't even do this shit. just use a library and hack it to what you want.

nice jellies f.am
Have seen your game a bunch, have always had zero clue what the fuck was supposed to be going on at all.
Collision detection and response?
Yeah I remember when I tried coding that. It was very tricky.
Definitely use Box2D or something instead.
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>TFW can't into sci-fi art
>TFW never going to make awesome mech game
Ah, oh, yeah. the webms are about collision detection things. sorry.

i need more motivation to spend time on this so i can get somewhere with it. looking at my svn log is depressing
Are you sure you want to tackle such a tricky problem? You're only reinventing the wheel.
I promise you it continues to be tricky, even when you think you've got it just right.
use reference. copy copy copy. stop complain about non-issue
Why the hell would you put a seam into the UV?
it is pretty much done, I think. need a solution to small steps so you don't get caught on them, some broad phase and collision filters.

it was totally not worth it. definitely just use Box2D
always the worst advice

fuck you're a cancer, wish I could donate to AGDQ right now to prevent YOU
Copy so that you get better and then after you get better you can stop copying.
But googs your "art"style is just as uninspired as it is terrible.
Stupid question, how do I get like, a flat square/rectangle when modeling off a circular surface? I'm trying to practice modeling by making Shinnoks Amulet

I get the outer circle done, but how do I get the other stuff done? I've got a lot to learn apparently.
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Here is some late night progress.

Just working on Movement.
>wah I can't [do thing]
>why don't you practice [doing thing]?
>wow you're cancer I hope you die
Keep being a faggot.
the absolute fucking worse
don't project so much, it makes you look mad and stupid
So now that the oculus has officially announced it will be dead on release what are we going to do about our waifus
It's like a 2D exo suit. That's cool.
>the absolute fucking worse
Typing like this makes you look stupid.

sorry you failed to back the kickstarter.
Ss how do you think you'll get better in doing something?
In before a very particular brand of stupid comment.
The hearth
i put a seam and then unwrapped it so my normal map would go on it properly. how else do you do it?
There are bend modifiers you could use, or just manually make curve. Also I hope you already are but, you can just model 1 quarter of that the mirror it twice (you'll need to clean up verts though).
using references to improve at art is the stupidest fucking thing

you need to UNDERSTAND what you're trying to draw, not copy

and yes, people who can draw can use fucking references to help themselves, but that is not how fucking amateurs use references at all

and that's the fucking problem with advising every tom dick and harry to "start using references" when they'll just end up using those crutches forever-fucking-more just like every other fucking artist on the internet
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you mad i make 20k a month with this on patreon?
agdg don't understand that technique goes into art like anything else, they think its magic powers
So, again, how will you get better without using references?
Oh my god, you are being serious, aren't you?

FYI you are completely wrong and if you want to learn to draw start drawing from reference _exclusively_.
You realize that you're replying to a different person than >>127750817 right?

What's with this general and people thinking that all who reply to them are the same person?
I have a character that only rotates instead of moving anymore. Could I get a hand with this?

Thats right up the alley of one of the namedevs here actually, cant remember which one though.
>dat pristine look

I want to live there.
just for the road
You appear to have forgotten to call Move().
You never call Move, just Rotate
I know, that's why all you can do is swear at the fucking idiots when it gets too much


the key is learning to draw without any sort of reference at all, because when you can do that, when you can visualize things then put them to paper without needing a frame of reference, it means you UNDERSTAND what it is to draw instead of copying shit like every other attention whore on the internet
What is right up the alley? The link? This my first time posting a hastebin anything.
This general is only googs posting back and forth to himself on 2 computers.
>the key is learning to draw without any sort of reference at all
And how are you going to do that? Like this?
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>agdg don't understand that technique goes into art like anything else, they think its magic powers
>MFW I'm an artist who didn't understand that technique went into game dev and thought it was all magic powers
He's just really good with rotation issues.
I'd just do a planar unwrap and then scale the circles of edges outward a bit so that they wouldn't be distorted.
yeah actually you fucking twat

a decade or two of fucking that

but nooooooooooo every fucker on the internet wants THAT ONE SECRET THAT MAKES YOU POPULAR instead, while the people who can fucking draw just shake their head all the wasted time and effort
lets do this.

open krita/gimp right now and draw a human eye, just a shitty 2d eye
Practice is the one seccret that makes you popular, but i understand that some people just can't into art.. or math, because it just goes against your cumulative experience and predisposition towards things. For some mild ADD people it's really hard to learn something they're completely uninterested in, but in that case it just means that 1ma gamedev is not for you.
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Guess how far apart are the drawings on the left from the ones on the right?
the one on the left looks disorted to you? the one on the right is all fucked up because it has sub division mod on it when i broke it apart from the square

dont think blender has a thing called planar unwrap either but thanks for responding with feedback
Maybe like 55 pixels?
It's simply bad practice to put seams where they aren't needed, because it makes texturing and seamless effects difficult. Planar unwrapping is just creating UVs from an ortographic view, it's part of every 3d package, i'm willing to bet it's part of blender as well, otherwise it's unusable trash.
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Hey that might not be a bad idea. Some daily programming/drawing/music/whatever challenges to get people to keep working at shit that they're currently shit at.
>want to draw dog
>don't know how
>draw dog from memory
>looks like shit
>repeat for 20 years
>still looks like shit because I never used referece
Even worse
>still looks like shit
>spent so much time drawing the same way I start to think it actually looks right
>keep drawing the same way
That's what autists on deviantart do.
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Not him but this irks me, no amount of practice lets me improve, my eyes are always meh as are my nose/lips. It's the shading fucking me over I think. I'm passed that "symbol drawing" bullshit, and I've got loomis/etc.
i remember when i was little i'd get so upset at not being able to draw because my older brother was naturally good at it. i'd ask him how he did it and he'd just tell me he see's it in his head.

for years i just said fuck it i can't draw at all. it wasn't until i took some classes as an adult and dug into some fundamental books that things started to click. i'm much better now.

i still don't know how some little kids are able to pick up drawing just like that, it must be something in the brain that just lets them see the world as it is
if you think copying shit and doing portraits is anything besides rote muscle training, you're fucked when it comes to art

I'd say a year at most, any decent fucking teacher can teach any slob off the street how to measure shit
>tfw programmer/musicbro
>tfw no daily challenge today
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Is this from drawing on the right side of the brain?

Please anon, my memory is perfect. And my masterful hands are capable of responding exactly the way I want them to.

Practice is for babies.
probably just a different name then because there is something like cube projection which sounds similar. from youtube tutorials people always use seems to unwrap things but i just started getting back into this from after a couple months

how do i know when i should be using seems and when to use planar unwrap or whatever the blender version is
About a week.
And the lesson is to draw what you SEE not what you THINK you see.

Even with measuring tools and shit, for whatever reason my drawings end up smaller than they appear/angles are always off/etc. What the hell can I do besides practice? I use the pencil/thumb/locked elbow trick.

Thank you both. The character is rotating but now moving forward or backwards make her go straight. But pressing Left or Right makes her go backwards.

I have alot of work to do. Im trying to make is so the characters move in relation to the camera angle in the end.
(broken english alert)

Vine you are a one of the better devs but honestly your older placeholder character was better.
I've been cringing pretty hard at your new character ever since you implemented it.

I know you have to make some choices down the line but this one is just not the right one.
Make something we can relate too also make it consistent.

He's a frog with a wintercoat in the desert
He is a frog but instead of hopping he rolls into a ball.

And please don't reply with poor excuses.
Other anons sometimes give you genuine advice and you just dismiss it by some witty comment saying ''hurr I meant to make it look like that''.

I know this place is pretty harsh sometimes and you have to take that into account but that could also help you achieve greatness.

I encourage you to pursuit gamedevving to the fullest extend and you'll do good.

But accept that your ''product'' will never be perfect right away.
Sometimes theres just things that you can't from your current perspective.

TL:DR: learn how to apply some of the advice the non shitposters give you
You forgot to mention that a loli protagonist would be the best.
you probably need to switch the axis you're using inside Move()
my nigga
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>tfw you just found out you can rip 3D models from games playing on emulators and bring them into a modelling program to study
Stop bullying the frog.

>He's a frog with a wintercoat in the desert
>He is a frog but instead of hopping he rolls into a ball.
>implying these aren't awesome

I don't know much about vine but you sound like a fun-hating nerd.
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what game plays on an emulator has good detailed modeling? its all old square shit with textures on them

Explain this, IMMEDIATELY
>you will never have youtubers dedicated entirely to your game


If PS3s were emulatable (which is probably decades off). I would shit myself.

But alas :(

put more effort next time and use circle tool to make the lens
m8 you can rip models from ordinary PC games while they are running
Dosnt Modelers resource do that for you?
I always get discouraged and stop working on stuff when it starts to get messy and is not perfect. It happens every time because I'm not good enough
dunno, i just plan on looking at ones i like

i just found out about it but it looks promising
Cube unwrap doesnt sound right either.
If there is an option to use the view camera than that may be planar, just make sure you use a top-down ortographic view.
Unwrapping has a lot of arbitrary knacks to it, but in maya it shows you how distorted a poly is in the unwrap compared to it's real size, so i'm sort of able to tell if a unwrap is bad.
Regular modeling and modeling for animation/rigging are totally diff ballgames are they not?
>not jerking it to models ripped from street fighter that you animated yourself
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is gamedev art now
yes, modeling for games is the hardest way to model
Is he ahegao'ing?
project from view then. ill try that next time so thanks for response
Depends, if you are modeling a human or something it's definitely more diffuclt. Basically you want to model with symmetri on, so that you can mirror your bone weights and skeleton. You also want to use mostly equally sized quads.
do you see any tears?
it has a very small selection 2bh
this has some pretty nice resources
UV's takes a long fucking time to learn, honestly just generate a checker texture and try to distribute everything evenly until you get it

Yeah I'm just starting out, learning my way around Maya atm. Need to learn the fundamentals. Is there a specific resource I should hit to learn what I need since I'm starting out (yeah ik theres google but theres a ton of resources and not all give the necessary stuff).
what the actual fuck is going on
it usually goes camera controls/UI/basic modeling/advanced modeling

try to hunt a channel that have lessons for each stage
I mean, just googlign tutorials, firstly you need to know what it is you need. For that you need to know what you don't know, which sounds a bit silly but there are a bunch of things that may make your job easier, you just don't know what they are.
So my suggestion is to look up a complete workflow for something, ie "how to model scifi" or "how to sculpt rocks" etc.
The combination that works best for me is maya + zbrush + xnormal + meshlab + photoshop.
If you really run out resources you can always subscribe on digitaltutors for a month and then binge some tutorials.
How do I scale everything up so I can make a decent pixel arty game in SFML?
Isn't publishing your game in demo day actually hurtful if you don't have like at least 70% of it done?
Because if it's pre prealpha demo everyone will remember your game as "wow that demo was garbage" even though it had to be since almost nothing was finished yet and pretty much give up on your game based on that fact, yet if you haven't published a demo they would stay interested
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I can not be bothered with this. This type of game is shit, it's no fun at all.
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Anyone else put on a movie they've seen a million times while devving?
Something like copying data from VRAM
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i like doing such things
i should have done a harder angle

Works for me. I think I've got the camera controls/basic UI stuff down, I'm going to follow this digital tutor tutorial for maya 2016 i grabbed, 88 vids or so that have you model something.

Yeah, my main goal is to do level design, and characters/outfits. I've heard of zbrush and photoshop obv, but what are the other 2? I've got a ways to go.

And yeah as I've said I've got a digitaltutors vid set for 2016 thanks to a torrent, hopefully it covers a lot, it has you making a spaceship so probably.
If you use reference pictures while modeling you're a hack who needs to learn how to draw.
an eye is always a good test
its made out of few circles and few lines, your obviously have perceptive and styling,where have you been fellow artist
That is a real issue but probably not in this small community.

Where it becomes an issue are two majorly different areas; early access and public betas.

Early access is now considered your full release for a game. Early access release week is usually the most profits a game will gain during it's lifetime, probably more so than on it's non-early access release months or years down the line, so it should be treated as such. If it's a shitty glitchy game then that's how people will remember it, even though it's called early access/alpha.

On the other hand there have been games which were pretty much complete gameplay-wise, but not content wise, and they had public access to them for like a weekend or even a week in some cases. (evolve, overwatch, titanfall) and in some cases people got bored of the game during that time and the sales suffered, because the game was pouring from ever media source (streams, youtube) for days or weeks, so everyone pretty much had their fill of it.

AGDG shouldn't have these issues though, since it's a tiny community compared to steam.

Or you just want to get it done before your deadline and have it look as good as possible.
meshlab is a free program where you can run different processes on a mesh, like polygon reduction, reconstruction etc. There's like 50 different algorithms bundled into it.
xnormal is used for baking different maps, i love it because it provides very good controls and it's very well optimized in the sense that it doesn't display your mesh, you just export your meshes into it from maya/3ds/blender/zbrush and it'll work with them. It's the best tool for map baking pretty much.
I use it because when i sculpt something in zbrush it may be higher than 20m polycount, that's guaranteed to crash your hard surface modeling programs like blender, maya, 3ds in most cases, so i unwrap in maya based on a medium resolution zbrush sculpt, then export it to xnormal and bake using the high poly file from zbrush.
Just render the sprites desu
reference pictures make things so easier but i only know how to use them for very simple objects. how am i suppose to make a good toilet from a reference?
Looks like I have a lot of learning to do, that sounds like a lot to take in right now. lol
It just sucks that I learned anatomy and can make good models on my own but these fucks come along and do the same thing by tracing.
good anatomy knowledge will help you a lot more, especially if you do 3d.
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Well it's obvious that if you don't want to fail you need to start the kickstarter etc when you game is 90% finished.
You can have only 10% of maps done, but the gameplay must be pretty much finished.
Demo day may seem benign but look at hopoo, he released is pre alpha of dead bolt on the demo day thinking only like 20 people from ehre would play it and it ended up with tens of thousands of downloads INCLUDING massive lets memes like pewdiepie etc. I imagine hippo was not very happy about that
Yeah, that's kinda how i feel as well. You need to have most of your gameplay, but only do a single level or something, even if you have more don't let people experience it.
Even AAA games do similar stuff, they make a level specifically to best showcases the game's variety of experience.
Hopoo's is a special case, i don't feel like other people should be worried at all unless they've made a game that sold 100k+ copies.
Daily reminder to post "hahahahahaha" every day
Daily reminder to post this image every day
Daily reminder to post "I give up every day"
Daily reminder to do it literally every day for years
>When your game is 90% finished

Counting with the ninety-ninety rule?
Using refrence pictures is fine I'm more talking about the people who trace anatomy refs from better artists.
*"I give up" every day
I dont get what you mean.

I give up every day
Of course.
No juice = no sales.
90 90 rule is retarded, if your your last 10% is 90% then you have 50% done period. Don't fall for sjw tier game dev meme terminology
get some sunlight
It's raining in my office ;_;
Yep, juice over content for showcasing.
Damn man. That water damage is going to cost a fortune.
get a life
Remember when that happened to the NoMansSky Devs and they lost a majority of their game files. Insurance didn't cover it and it added over 2 years of extra development.
When did this happen?
Has anyone here had problems with krita? I got it to work once and it was exactly what I needed but now it just uses 80% of my memory then crashes when I open it.
>Look at the post count
> >700
>It seems like minutes ago it was at 100
this is my life now
My boss's problem. Still, I've got a copy of everything in a safe place, just in case (if there's a problem, they'll probably expect me to fix it).

All the HDD I had stopped working at some point. Learned the hard way to keep a backup of everything important.
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>So… our office flooded late on Christmas Eve. It was just one of those unlucky things, but it wiped out pretty much everything in there. There were exceptional storms which meant a large part of Guildford flooded one way or other. For us, an underground car park next door filled with water, then burst, so it all happened real sudden.

>We lost all our PCs, laptops, equipment, furniture, dev-kits, work in the blink of an eye, and our insurer (and those of those around us) seem like we won’t be covered, or at least responsibility is unclear. I don’t want to say out loud the value of what we lost, it’s horrible. It would probably fund a small game :(
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why, i've been here, the whole time. where have you been?

it's too much fun, i can't stop now...
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Never heard of it, wtf is it
What? That really happened to them? I know it happened to project zomboid, but how the shit does a team like no mans sky not have a off-site repo or two?
Like, how do you even work on multiple stations without having a copy of the full source on each goddamn station? Did they have ONE station where all of the game was "assembled" at the end of the day? that sounds fucking stupid.
>also mfw they'll release the game and it'll be as shallow as expected from a small team who claims they made an infinite universe and some fans are gonna blame it on the HDD loss
Just wait until the last 90%
At least you are not one of those anime artists who can't get eyes right despite making 1000 lewds.
Oh and those jap artists who place the pussy on the abdomen.
posted the info here
What's your game anon?
well i do hope one day to make really high quality lewd art
Please give me a break, it's hard to learn human anatomy when you can't stand the sight of 3dpd.
just use your own beautiful body as a model hun
my "big project" was known as the placeholder pusher.
but i had reached a big horrible roadblock and now feel that i need to rework the design completely. hopefully i'll continue with that soon because i regrettably haven't worked on it in a long time.
Then they're too small senpai ;=;
Render 'em bigger

I'd like to do some collaboration with late night agdg
I'd like to sleep but you hooligans are too dang loud
Find the biggest the screen can get 1:1 scaling the sprites before it hits one of the edges. Draw everything to that scale, and then draw more gamescreen to fill up the rest of the screen.

Alternately, though people will cry, you can just leave it after scaling up 1:1 and have black bars for the rest.
Oh right, another alternative is to do like Shovel Knight and find a resolution that is the least ugly when skewed, and then just fucking scale+skew to the monitor's resolution.

( http://www.fortressofdoors.com/doing-an-hd-remake-the-right-way/ describes what exactly's going on)
Who's making a silly as shit or weird as fuck game. I've been making a lot of weird music lately.

Here's a demo
I'm making a game where Angels are one of the enemies and I've just remembered I played a big game before where Angels and Demons weren't stereotypically the good and bad guys. Think it was a 3D beat em up. Anyone know which one I'm talking about? Might be nice to steal ideas.
I really like your work.
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Another one
>not mine, just thought you'd enjoy it
Is this major league wobs's doing?
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Nah, it's not that, but when looking for Bayonetta stuff I came across Darksiders 2 and that's the answer.
im gone
I fucking love frank
So this kind of relevant for demo day. How so you guys like your game overs? Currently I see 3 options for my game:
- Your deded: All you achieved in the current crawl is lost.
- Super casual version: Time skips to the next day, you get to keep your stuff. All that happened is that your current crawl was aborted.
- Sounds grindy version: You get to keep your progress but time skips ahead several days possibly destroying the currently possessed bodies of your party members.
I kind of like permadeath but at the same time I hate RNG in dungeon crawlers.
I hate getting game overs in the first place, so if you could make it so I can't lose at all, that would be great.
how do you even get floods that high in the uk? Don't they have infrastructure to combat that since they know rain is with them all the tiem?
is your game ready for VR reddit?
I don't think top down 2D action games are the right fit for VR
Sometimes I write mean things in response to other peoples progress because it looks like they didn't put any effort into it (used an engine, assets other people made, memepoly etc.) and yet they got tons of replies for it. Fuck the progress they post doesn't even look visual bad most of the time. I'm jaded because I usually get no replies at all, even tho I spend days and weeks trying my hardest on my progress and get nobody to even shitpost it.
Where's your game?
I know anon, sometimes the work people do although they worked just as hard doesnt get as much attention just cause it isnt eye candy or juicy or as far along.

Just remember even if people dont reply everyone in the thread sees it, and are here to see progress just like it (and to fun-post). I for one enjoy every progress post even if its just some stupid little beginner thing or artless gameplay demonstration. Just keep up the good work.
Is that you, cash_out dev? Don't be spiteful like this, you're a pure soul and it'll all be okay, I promise
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do you wanna feed this guy?
When did it become acceptable to wear a jacket with a fucking graphic t-shirt?

Also to add, lately it has been even worse since I feel bad for calling people out. I know they also do progress and that's all that matters in the end, I know it's my own fault for not being able to juice it and for not using an engine, so sometimes I reply to myself and pretend i'm another person who's defending the dev so the person wouldn't feel so bad.
We should just rename this place to Amateur Game Design General.

Think about it. Development sounds like you're actively developing the game, like you're in the middle of the process of actually working on it. But it's one of those things where it sounds like you need to do everything, rather than focus on one part of it. Indies don't develop games. The game isn't by itself. You have to design and implement all these different systems one at a time until the entire project is finished. Game development is too simplified and too exclusive.

So instead, let's use 'design'. Designing systems to implement into your game is part of the development process. Designing art and 2D animations or 3D models is also

Fuck it. In my head it sounded like a pretty good shitpost, but I'm just too tired right now and I'm not making any sense as I'm typing this. I was gonna go for the 'inclusive' angle with the word 'design' instead of 'exclusive' 'development' and summon the 'go back to tumblr' replies, but I can't even focus because I'm falling asleep as I'm typing this. I'll just end it with "post progress, yesdesigners." Good night agdg.
Goodnight anon.
I'm about to drop the hottest progress post of 2016
you are barely one week into 2016
don't fail nofap so early, anon
>i fucking hate these people with their fool's gold while i'm here sitting on a real pile of gold
Dont worry my brother
Just keep progressing
We love you
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How autistic are you?

n = (1 + o - d + e) * v

n = autism score
o = number of engine features you implemented
d = number of those features that were required for gameplay
e = number of features you implemented that are part of a popular game engine
v = number of games you STARTED working on (not released on steam)
Well, where is it?
so textures should be to the power of 2 right?
but can they also be 2^k x 2^n too?

there >>127760253
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what do you mean by 'feature'?
how granular?
>e = number of features you implemented that are part of a popular game engine

Oh no, my engine has vector2s, vector3s and vector4s!!!!
You said there would be progress.
>not having vectorNs
>in fact, not just having arbitrary vector spaces
I guess something that isn't considered common gameplay logic, like this (custom) collision detection, particle system, rendering method etc.
Fucking around with Earthbound soundfont
that sounds like something a haskelltard would do desu

lets add homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space while we're at it
v = ~15
o = 7 (?)
d = 5(?)
e = 7
n = (1 + 7 - 5 + 7)*15 = 150
did I do right?
Way to restrictive. Are you maybe discriminative against more creative mathematical stuctures? Just implement a logical system so you just have to add axioms formulated in some logic (Second Order Logic pls) to describe any logically finitely axiomatizable structure.

If I were a Haskell tard I would also support infinitely axiomatizable structures
How do i implement gimbal lock for quaternions? I can use it fine with vector3, but i can't figure out how to achieve it with quaternions
The joke is that you cant gimbal lock with quats.
The thread is dying guys
File: memebux.png (563KB, 993x793px) Image search: [Google]
563KB, 993x793px
holy fuck
this is genius
think of all the memebux

you know that phrase by Mike Acton - "Engineer by engineering"?
"creative mathematical structures" is not engineering, it's circlejerking

use euler angles instead of quats?
What sounds more fun in a game about playing overwatch/guardian angel to a soldier-y type: controlling a little EOD bot kinda thing very directly as pretty much a gimmicky First Person Shooter, or giving more vague commands to a human NPC with its own decision-making and tactical skills?

The meat of the gameplay is supposed to be dealing with giving orders to a unit from a distance and dealing with communications lag/breakdown from having to actually cross-reference all your intel against what little you can see.

>tfw used quats a bunch in GMod and still don't really understand them

I even busted out my old college calculus textbook and just could not get it

I have another book called "math for the non-mathematician" but it doesnt even cover quats or anything complex
You tell me. We would need rotatedev and hopoo to get the 2 extremes.
The good thing is that you dont need to understand quats to work with them. But the basic short explanation is its just a richer form of complex numbers.
Ive never "why didnt think of this"ed so hard in my life
No one understands quats, that's the point. God forbid you have to use them in conjunction with vector3
It's fucking genius and all of us were too late. Someone thought it up and he's going to be swimming in memebux.
he's gonna make a few bucks but it looks like a too-simplistic game to have any longevity
File: eyea.png (1KB, 93x164px) Image search: [Google]
1KB, 93x164px
So like googum with the school shooting game. He had his 5 minutes of semi-fame with it, he hasn't done anything edgy since then and like <5 people played his games.
Do you need a registered business, fill tax forms, all that, to go on greenlight/sell your shit on steam, if you are a one-man nobody? Or is it a say.. honor system with a bank account attached? Starting a company in my country is the shittiest of processes(and expensive).

>God forbid you have to use them in conjunction with vector3
struct quat
{ Vector3 vec; float w; };

maybe you meant euler angles or angle/axis notations
and it's simple to convert between

>he's gonna make a few bucks
well there you go
new thread
new thread
It all depends on your country's laws. In my country you can just say you're a single person business at any time and it just works, no paper work, no phone calls, no nothing. I doubt every country is like that though.
that is fucking hilarious
Help me come up with a waifu-exploitation pixelshit scheme for a game
You play as a chubby girl trying to get /fit/ who has a heart of gold or a bitch pudding type deal on the road to hotness and see the world change as her body changes.
Her social anxieties fade and the artstyle gets brighter the more you play, but there's a not so subtle element of social justice and thin privilege so you'll actually get some traction from the fat lardies at tumblr.
what does that have to do with waifus
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