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/dfg/- Dwarf Fortress General

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Thread replies: 796
Thread images: 169

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New rapist can't come soon enough

NOTE: The 42.xx update has finally been released after nearly a year. Be prepared for weird shit, broken things, bugs, and crashes galore. If you find a bug, don't bitch about it here, go to http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/mantisbt and report it.

Previous thread: >>126544131

>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.42.xx

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:

>Dwarf Therapist:

>DFHack (Out of date):

>Starter Pack (Out of date):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: https://webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!
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Is the ethnic cleansing or even complete genocide of Goblins morally acceptable when they are known evil by nature?
>cat has adopted butcher
clever girl
fug my fps is 7-10
llamas vs alpacas, what's your pick
think im gonna pick llamas cos they have more meat although alpacas are cuter
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Do werealpacas exist?
The only "evil" things about goblins is the [EVIL] token.

Most of it is just culturally conditioned.
cave sheep when toady
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the same day we get cutebolds
>A medium-sized humanoid driven to cruelty by its evil nature

Any supposed assimilation into other societies is only a thin veneer over what they really are and always will be.
I've been examining the history of my world for the past few hours through Legends Viewer. Now I understand what has been eating my RAM during world gen. This is awesome.

>Elven civilization gets a threeway gangbang between Dwarfs, Goblins, and Humans and loses 75% of its settlements in five years
>is reduced to a single camp with the elven king living all alone
>goblins and humans locked in a century long war that costs the lives of thousands but does not change the borders at all
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alpacas. miniature llamas ftw.
>>goblins and humans locked in a century long war that costs the lives of thousands but does not change the borders at all
how long till we can play as race traitor in adventure mode infiltrating war camps and assassinating dorf generals and legendary warriors in their sleep
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>use bodyswap to play as the elven king
>train him to be super strong
>lay siege to the human and gobbo sites by yourself, and conquer as many as possible of them
>appoint mercenaries as local leaders
Bringing peace to the land must be the final task of the dying elf legacy.
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>you will never witness trench warfare between goblins and dwarves
>you will never witness masses of goblin slaves driven into a hail of crossbow bolts
>entire generations won't die in the mud for nothing

Not until Tode implements proper armies and large scale battles anyway.
What you describe is typical of the "industrialised" warfare. It doesn't fit into Toady's 14th century theme.

Then, so doesn't much of the books in the current version.
Camera obscuras, seriously?
When you gen a world and it says Hist Figs those are historical figures. Anyone whos killed someone, created an artifact, done something notable. there's thousands. and there's tens of thousands more who weren't notable.

There really is a whole fucking world behind the curtain. It's dangerous to look and get sucked in.
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But I like my dancers
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Damn kobolds.

The dwarfs somehow have left a dirt trail still.
But goblins have trenches.

Dark Pits are basically trenches and trenches and trenches.

Sheep have been the backbone of all western development since the neolithisation and onward. I wouldn't betray the sheep to any other critter.
how do I pit my refuse without pitting other things by accident?
>not horse
>not cattle

Sheep don't plough fields, provide transportation or produce large amounts of milk. Why do you hold wool in such high esteem?
When you use dump zones, you'll have to manually select what you want to dump. There's no way for you to pit things you don't want to.
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Whats the biggest battle that ever occurred in your world?
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>sandy bedrooms

into the trash it goes.
but let's say I have a tile on which I dump the extra rocks I get when digging tunnels and room, and then I want to dump all my refuse in a pit, how do I make sure the refuse is dumped into the pit and not among the rocks or that the rocks aren't dumped in the pit as well?
No animals were as easy and effective to domesticate as the sheep. If you combinte them with goats, you have an invincible economy and an endless supply of wool, milk, meat, grazelands fit for agriculture, et cetera.

If it weren't for the sheep, we'd probably never learn to domesticate either horses or cattle, either.
>digging bedrooms at Z-2
you asked for it.
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>Human casualty rate: 1%
>Allied Goblin casualty rate: 62%

Were they mercs or slaves that the humans used as fodder? lmao
my embark being z+9, i'm not too sure what I"ll find
There's probably a better way of doing it, but I'd make several dump zones, and only keep one of them 'active' at a time. When I'm dumping stone, I'd keep the stone dump active, and when I'm dumping rubbish, I'd keep the rubbish dump active.
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> those undead changes in the news post
Good. Brainless undead raised by necros or biome effects should be cannon fodder anyways. It's the thralls from evil clouds you should be watching out for, because they get the serious stat bonuses and retain full combat intelligence.

>Camera obscuras, seriously?
gotta have your "Urist Da Vinci" roleplay fort where you put all your effort into advancing the tech tree.
then crumble because no military to protect you.
>It's the thralls from evil clouds you should be watching out for
I always imagined the ordinary zombies being traditional undeads, and mist zombies being more like the vampiric zombies we see so much of in pop culture today.

>then crumble because no military to protect you

>implying that camera obsuras isn't a stepping stone towards inventing laser guns
Starter pack fag here
How do I get the latest version with therapist and tile sets and the search location function?
Spoon feed please, this is the best thread of /vg/
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The brave humans were fighting a demon. Shasstol Palefated inflicted massive casualties in four battles against the demon king but he was defeated each time.
latest version doesn't have therapist or dfhack yet (although someone said in the last thread that you could try it as is with some tinkering)
>Spoon feed please, this is the best thread of /vg/
are you fucking with me faggot we're literally one of the least friendly towards spoonfeeding.
>ranged combat
>melee combat
>stance strike
>grasp strike

the fuck are those skills?
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Had a Queen and a countess here because they inherited. Now there's a goblin king, curse that dragon that killed the queen.

Get everything you want directly into the space you want it without anything you don't.
Was thinking of just retiring the fort and going off and murdering that goblin... not sure if that messes with getting the king or other fort stuff.
There will definitely be repercussions if you outright kill him in fort mode. There MAY be repercussions if you set up a scenario where he tragically dies. I've had diplomats die. It happens. You could engineer a flood.
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>lost his entire army every time, yet won
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The war will go on forever.
>eagle man farmer necromancer
>Age of Myth

I swear I haven't seen a single world progress beyond the age of myth since 0.42
It's a post 0.40 thing. It probably has to do with how sites are handled, since that was the major world gen change since 0.34.
oh no

it's the end friends
I think it's to do with night creatures. All the werebeasts, random ogres and vampires count as magic, and they almost never die out completely.
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>can fly
>has eagle vision
>necromancers can reanimate what they can see

He could take over the world but would rather farm peacefully with a few zombies as farm-hands.
Those where there in 0.34 too, though, and it didn't keep 0.34 world from reaching Age of Heroes almost everytime you genned a world on default settings.
>You will never be an dorf adventurer that gets drafted into a war against the goblins
>You will never be a war hero
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So...I just butchered giant elephant, and found out, that it gives 10x more organs, bones and meat than normal one.
That means..
96, prepared giant elephant lung
283, giant elephant fat
538, giant elephant bones
And pile of hecking
1008 pieces of giant elephant meat.

I think I know where my next fortress will be.
how many hunters does it take to take down?
>96 lungs

>it didn't keep 0.34 world from reaching Age of Heroes
You sure? I think back in 0.34 it usually landed in the Nth Age of Myth, with the monster populations seesawing over the limit, and whatever kept creating new mythical beasts back then is probably still around.
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It would mean more if farmed food was scarce or difficult to grow at all.
If you live in the west, you can not only join the army and get sent into the fray in the levant, you can even pick sides.
regular elephants usually die out because they can't eat grass fast enough or so I heard.
are giant elephants even more grass-hungry?
hopefully they can supplement their grass intake with dwarven meat
I went to my draft back when I was 18
They didn't have room for anyone, unless you got really lucky/unlucky you had a ~1/2 years wait time to get in
They probably instantly destroy any grass tile they step on, making it impossible for them to eat at all.
lmao i did my conscription already not much options here
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Hopefully they eat entire trees and then also eat the elves who come to tell them to stop.
>my country's army won't have me
Still one more way to get to the battle, kek.
shit nigga I passed the psych and physical, i just drew a reserve number and because my countries army is basically already filled that's a free pass

Technically all Danish 18-year-old males are conscripts (37,897 in 2010, of whom 53% were considered suitable for duty).[13] Due to the large number of volunteers, 96-99 % of the number required in the past three years, the number of men actually called up is relatively low (4200 in 2012). There were additionally 567 female volunteers in 2010, who pass training on "conscript-like" conditions.
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Just one dorf in arena mode, will continue testing.

Giant Sperm Whale was a bit dissapointing after the elephanth.
Just---...Oh wait, that was just the bones..the fuck, I take that back.

Giant Sperm Whale...
563, Brain stuff
1163 prepared Giant Sperm Whale lung
1479 pieces of fat
+a lot of other organs
1637 bones...I wonder if the feature of "dorf uses whole bone pile into same items" is still there..
6846 pieces of meat.

I am not sure if last few embarkments ever used that much food.
Is there a faster way to check the preferences of my dwarves?
Am I the only one who was super disappointed to discover the drake I had was in fact just a male duck and not a particularly small draconid?
If a dwarf family owns a bedroom, can they all sleep in the same bed at the same time?
I'm looking at the moment and I see a mother, a child and her newborn baby all in the same bed.
I had that problem with the mastershit mod
Discovering that that cave sow was not a full-functional underground-living sow was my biggest disappointment when I started my first fortress. Well, they were too cheap to be one.
Children will prefer to have their own rooms, but they'll sleep with their parents if they don't get any.

Parents, as well as babies will sleep in the same bed, although only the parents will count as "owners" of the room.

I have no idea what happens if you place several beds in the same room.
CAVY sow, not "cave" sow, you plum. It's a neutral, non-geographical word for guinea pig.
>fuggin emus keep falling for my trapped bridge trick even though the river said bridge is built on is frozen over
I don't know how the fuck my country lost a war against these guys.
Also I'm new to breeding non-domestic birds. I assume these niggers need to be trained at least a little bit before they'll sit in a nest box?
Despite sinking hundreds of hours in.. I have no idea how often a dwarf eats. Once per season? That feels right. Maybe twice a season?
You only lost a battle, not the entire war. After the the meme part of the "Emu War", the army was mobilised again, and that time they killed thousands of emus and drove the rest off.
Yeah they will, and they'll slowly revert to untrained. Which is unfortunate but tamers will catch them and re-train them before you notice if properly staffed for the volume of animals and whatnot.

Fortunately, children of trained parents are wild but only need trained once before becoming tamed, and tame lasts forever.
Thirst, Hunger, and Drowsiness each increment by 1 during each game tick (i.e. 1200 per day, 33,600 per month, 403,200 per year), possibly more if the dwarf is a mother carrying her child. When they reach certain thresholds, the following things happen.
40000 - dwarf starts considering getting something to eat (1/120 chance per tick) if idle
45000 - dwarf decides to go get something to eat if idle
50000 - dwarf starts flashing "Hungry"
65000 - dwarf gets an unhappy thought about being Hungry, cancels current :job to get something to eat
75000 - dwarf starts flashing "Starving", begins hunting for vermin
85000 - dwarf gets an unhappy thought about being Starving
100000 - dwarf starts burning stored fat; when this is completely depleted, the dwarf dies of starvation
20000 - dwarf starts considering getting something to drink (1/120 chance per tick) if idle
22000 - dwarf decides to go get something to drink if idle
25000 - dwarf starts flashing "Thirsty"
35000 - dwarf gets an unhappy thought about being Thirsty, cancels current job to get something to drink
50000 - dwarf starts flashing "Dehydrated"
60000 - dwarf gets an unhappy thought about being Dehydrated
75000 - dwarf dies of thirst
50000 - dwarf starts considering going to bed (1/120 chance per tick) if idle
54000 - dwarf decides to go to bed if idle
57600 - dwarf starts flashing "Drowsy"
65000 - dwarf get an unhappy thought about being Tired
150000 - dwarf starts flashing "Very Drowsy"
160000 - dwarf get an unhappy thought about being Exhausted
200000 - dwarf goes insane
So yeah, a dwarf strictly needs to eat once per season but will eat more often if given the chance and RNG.
They're pretty tough little fuckers for their size. My hunter only had wooden/bone bolts and he was having a ton of trouble killing them.
Seems like they don't have the [CANOPENDOORS] tag so hopefully they won't run away too easily.
Holy shit, I have kept misreading this word for a whole year. T-thanks, anon.
Yeah, I know they are just guineas now, I googled it back then.
>dwarf starts burning stored fat; when this is completely depleted, the dwarf dies of starvation
interesting, wonder how much longer fatties can survive than anorexics
Oh this is easier someone has already broken it down.

>Dwarves require approximately 2 units of food and 5 units of drink each season. Farming can produce enough crops to satisfy part or all of these requirements. However, be aware that the more and larger your farms are, the more time and effort must be accorded to their maintenance.

So I'm going to look it up here. 14320. 14320 edibles.

If a dwarf needs 8 units of food per year, that means one giant spermwhale feeds a dwarf for 1,790 years. Or 100 dwarves for 17.9 years. That's incredible. One sperm whale would feed a dwarf fortress of 150 dwarves for eleven years.
The thing is wooden bolts are outright terrible. They should never be used outside training. While your gut may say never waste a bar of metal you don't have to, metal bolts are easily worth it since a single bar goes a long, long way and can easily be replaced with some smelted goblinite.

Bone bolts are alright. They are a significant step down from even the worse metal bolts but they are by no means as bad as wood.
Oh I know, this was at embark. My hunter is half future militia commander/half early game entertainment. It's just fun watching him pincushion shit and it's good training.
>I must withdraw!


man I wish they were more brazen.
Was kind of annoyed how I made him train several wardogs at the start in the hopes they'd follow him around and finish shit off without actually having to assign any to him. They did some chasing but mostly they just stood there and acted very unwarlike.
>100 dwarves for 17.9 years.
Woah, I think we are going to see those merperson traps in new use soon.
More Giant Elephant research done. This time with crossbow dwarfs.

Wooden bolts are useless against Giant Elephants, other than for training.

Copper bolts puts then into pain and knocks them out, but actually killing is close to imbossible. Melee dwarfs or wardogs could possibly help?

Iron bolts nearly same as copper, but knocked the target giant elephant down faster, but it is highly unlikely that the elephant will die to that alone.

If anyone tries to hunt Giant Elephans, it is better to use something else than hunter to finish the kill.
>93 posts
>page 9

feels bad man
>14320 edibles
477 tiles of food stockpile with the same number of pots/barrels to store all that meat/fat
Torches when?
>inside my fortress
over my dead body
0.42.03 saves are compatible with 0.42.04 saves? of worlds that were created in 0.42.01?
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guys, can update my df from .03 to .04 and still be save compatible?
nvm I misplaced the folder when I copied over.
Page 9 isn't bad for a relatively small general on a fast board. The "falling" also slows down on pages 9 and 10, where it can stay for several hours.
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When the game supports more than 16 colors for the display.*
When the game supports an actual item economy where candle trade and consumption for lighting can make sense.
When the game supports the notion that a candle burning on a table doesn't mean the table should burst into flames just because there's fire "on" its surface, while a candle which has been "knocked around and rolled beneath" wooden furniture SHOULD cause it to ignite eventually.
When dwarves can react semi-intelligently about fire, the spread of fire, and how to deal with fire without dying horribly.
When fire stops evaporating water that's flooding the ground.

* The game already supports true color red/green/blue color values, but only for materials; not for the actual UI display, which ends up rounding the true color to the nearest of the current 16 colors.
So basically never and we will always have to worry about cave adaptation
Yeah, lighting isn't a big deal to Toady right now.
military burrow fix when
Dorfs are the only civilised creatures able to see in the dark. While cave adaption is handled by another token, it's still logical to consider them two sides of the same coin.

You gain some, you lose some.

Cave adaption is a challenge among others(although having to keep lit torches, and thereby also having to make them as secure as possible, and possibly even have to make "evacuation plans" for the eventuality that something goes wrong, possibly even adding a "fire department" screen similar to the health and justice dittoes, also sounds like a nice challenge).
biggest issue with fire-related features is that heat calculations are super computationally intense, so i don't expect any of that to come any time soon desu.

it would be pretty funny though
Did you actually type desu? I thought the word filter had been removed(sadly).

desu senpai cuck baka
Fuck, only the most cancerous word was removed from the filter.

Brb, I'm off to cuck myself into a river.
I didn't think cuck was ever filtered?
was filtered to kek, at least on some boards
It should, but your world won't have any of the new creatures in it.
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>still no giant elephant men
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That placename tho.
suppose you decide to never completely wall-off, what's your method of defense against large necromancy-assisted undead invasions?
>still no giant elephant men

does something awful still do lets plays of DF? because i'd like to know their reaction to this news after re-reading the Boatmurdered story (which is what turned me to the game in the first place)
of course, i've not been to that site since because 1. tenbux paywall, and 2. dumbfuck admins allowed their forum to have virus ads (it was basically the only time Norton AV actually did its job at stopping the attack)
How effective are warhammers at killing gobbos?
Do they still cause chipping followed by instantly passing out?
>it's an elves won't repopulate and save their civilization world
The liaison that arrived with the autumn caravan won't leave, despite having completed their meeting.

She's just stood around in my temple not doing anything.
yeah, that's a 42.x 'feature'
They say around for a while family.
she's gonna leave eventually, after a few months of indulging in your food and booze
Freeloading bastards.
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you know what must be done
>find raiders in an hamlet
>kill them
>find their camp
>kill the guys sleeping there
>find the leader
>tell the leader that I killed everyone in his group
>he doesn't even try to attack me
>he calls me a killer but not a murderer
>he doesn't spit at me nor refuse conversation

Toady it's getting increasingly harder to immerse myself in your game.
I miss the pre 0.40 days when being ambushed by brigands their chef would introduce himself and brag
Elves didn't come this spring, any way I can check what's going on?
you sure you embarked near them?
meant for >>126716729
They've been coming for 10 years.
>melee combat
'fighter' - i'm not entirely sure what it is, but the wiki probably has answers. probably just a generic skill that boosts all melee combat
>ranged combat
'archer' - same as fighter
>stance/grasp strike
kicking and brawling
Their civ and your civ might have declared war on each other.

Does open-legends work for 0.42 yet? In that case, you can look it up.
>their chef
chef means leader in french. sorry.
au contraire. The game is getting better each version.
He didnt kill you because he felt remorse of being the leader of the gang you just killed.
You spared mercy when you killed him
We're not french here are oui?
No, we aren't, because we're in America. We're Americans.
We speak American.
>No, we aren't, because we're in America. We're Americans.
>We speak American.

But what if I'm not in America?
What if I'm just writing English?
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>At 16 dwarves
>Between 3 goblin fortress
>get besieged by 12 goblins
>Kill all my adults and leave me with 5 children.
I don't know what I expected
>call civilians to alert burrow
>flood fort with magma

the perfect set up
Old bug, was fixed in .40.
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>But what if I'm not in America?
>What if I'm just writing English?
Every country is just an American territory.
And written English is inherently American.
for what purpose
>Every country is just an American territory.

So Americans are socialists?
I mean there are multiple socialist countries out there, if they'er all American territory that means they're technically Americans right?
cause why not?
Lots of Traps
Whatever, all the laws and regulations required to actually make capitalism work basically make it socialism for the rich.
No, they are unorganized territories. Degenerate wastelands of bandits, whores, and the directionless. What happens out there is subject to no laws, and the people out there can scarcely be called people at all, especially the frenchmen.
The children of trained mothers aren't wild, they inherit the training level of the mother. For egg layers it's the training level at the time the eggs were laid.
Hunting dogs follow hunters, not war dogs.
I wonder how many haulers you need to store that much shit before it spoils ...

Where can i find giant sperm whales ??
Hunting/war animals follow their trainer by default though until you assign them to someone/something else. Just turns out they don't really do a lot when they're following said trainer.
I should be able to refuse migrants. I want to set up a checkpoint and if the wave has more than 1 kid they can fuck right off

I'm tired of getting 4 useless shits + 9 children and I don't want to just smash them
In the sea.
In one of my old forts I used to just drop useless arrivals into a spike pit.
You're cuntree is independent only because french won your revolt instead of actual americans
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>walk into newly added tavern
>you can order alcohol now
>tavern keeper is actualy walking and giving mugs of ale to visitors
>meanwhile bards are playing
It was never this comfy
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And i would love to disable that hardcoded second huge wave of migrants.

>tfw comfy 7 starting dorfs
>tfw 2 migrants arrive in the first wave, get to know them
>1 human mercenary arrives, asks for shelter
>oh cool first military man
>everything looks beautiful and comfy
>BAM motherfucking 30 dorfs arrive, 90 % of them with some useless shit like weaving or glazing
>all immersion lost, comfiness lost
>quit, delete world
>generate new one
>repeat ad nauseum

Fuck that noise...
>not dumping all new arrivals into the military
>not having 10 squads
>10 squads of untrained, unequipped retards
>massive casaulties when fighting even shitty kobolds
>tantrums, wounded fucktards everywhere

Fuck this shit nigguh
Just set the hard cap at 7. I didn't think the hardcoded first 2 waves were in since 34.x
do you not have an overproductive leather or metal industry?

the fuck are you even doing, man?
>tfw the only thing I even export anymore is old clothing
>about 30k value every caravan, with up to 60 k to the elven one because of winter
How do i prevent that my dwarves take adamantine thread for medial purposes
The needs system means that personality matters again for soldiers. Unless they get kicks from fighting and training, the army life will stress them out.
having a wound sewn shut with metal thread sounds incredibly painful

uncle sam dont care
I think you'll get it back once the wound heals.
what do you buy from the elves that costs 60k? i've only seen their new instruments get prices in the thousands.
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>when fort lacks proper forges, seed stockpile is low and brewer barely makes enough booze for everyone

Nigga plz.

No i dont.

I was in the middle of setting up proper "2x smelter, 2 x furnace, 2 x forge " workshop area but i really dont need 28 glazers/millers/pressers for that.
Nothing, I just offer them goods up to 60k because it's the fastest way to get rid of old clothing.
Currently elves aren't coming because my civ is at war with elves, and they brought me a gorilla, a grizzly bear and a tiger last time. Really hoped they would bring me a pair to at least one of these this year...
I never made a mass pitting system before, and I don't get what the wiki wants me to do.

So I made a small room and put hatches in channeled tiles like that. Then the wiki says "Now, wait for the stockpile above to fill and assign creatures to the pit all in one shot", what the hell does that mean? Must I link the hatches to a lever or what?

Also I don't understand the mechanic behind the whole big stockpile over few hatch covers thing, wouldn't it be more effective if you just made stockpiles over the hatches? I'm not sure how this system works.

Also for now I just want to leave the bottom of the pit an empty area.
So much misinformation.

The game counts powers, megabeasts and semimegabeasts, if they don't have those tokens, or aren't forgotten beasts/titans, then they ain't powers, and they don't contribute to the age of myth.

It's great ain't it? Until the tavern keeper starts causing people to overdose on booze and choke to death on their own vomit.
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dont bother

you cant pit anything other than animals

so you can only pit animals like badgers, not naked goblins/elves/humans for your soldiers to train on

you make an area with holes (with hatches over them) every other block, like you see in my picture, put an animal stockpile over the top, disabled empy cages and traps, so only enemies in cages are stored there

What I said, namely
wasn't misinformation.

You're free to DL 0.34 at any time and test worldgen.

The thing about sites is relevant, too: sites in 0.40 and 0.42, while more plentiful, seem to be ruined or conquered far more often, meaning that civilisation is more vulnerable than before.

>It's great ain't it?
So you're one of those snarky anons who complain about every new release.
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you then put a zone over the hatches/hole, not the excess stockpile around it, putting it to a pit/pond

now if it was actually fucking working, you go into it via [P] (not [p]) while in the zones menu, finding the shit you want to mass pit, select it and they will throw it in there, similar to pastures.

if its a goblin, make sure you disarm them first by d>b>c over them then d>b>d over them, THEN [k] over the cage you just did the dbd over, and UN DUMP the cage with d, or else they will let out the monster.

if you dont disarm them, they could attack the dorf throwing them in or attack the people blow with actual weapons

make sure you have a hatch next to every stockpile square, if they are further away, for example 2 squares of stockpile THEN the hatch, they could escape or attack your dwarf, being next to the hatch makes it very very quick.
>brewer barely makes enough booze for everyone
>seed stockpile is low
what are you doing man

don't cook until you've got enough seeds to go around and good enough planters to get good return from them. (or just plant gather everything on the surface, if in a non hostile environment)

i'm so happy when i get weavers, usually i get shearers and spinners more often from that group of professions (never tried using either as bases for my clothing industry and i seriously doubt they'd be nearly as efficient as my plant processors). i'm now even happy when i get dyers, now that i've figured out that dyes can't be placed in barrels atm.

there's lots of industries that are completely worthless in DF (BEEKEEPING, CHEESEMAKING) but clothesmaking really is pretty good, and actually gets rather essential later, on unless you're willing to buy every single clothes from merchants (more fun to just make them yourself imo).
If a forgotten beast has wings, are soldiers just not able to attack it even if there's a cavern ceiling directly above it?
It's ridiculous, this thing fucking killed half my military because it continually breathes fire at my soldiers until they die and my dwarves aren't able to counter attack when it swipes at them
What do I have to edit in the files to make unicorns tameable?
how do i update dwarf therapist for .04?
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Who said anything about cooking seeds/plants ??
Cooking seed is the first thing i disable when starting a new fort.

Did 0.40 or 0.42 make it impossible to do humanoid pitting? Also why does the wiki recommend exactly 2 spaces between hatches?

I see what you mean, the [P] zone info doesn't show any of my trogolodytes orother creatures

thanks for the help, anon
Nope, not yet
i have idea why the wiki suggests that, the .42 did break it yeh, no fix yet

my design works perfectly just need to wait till it actually has a use, no problem m8
Add the [PET] or [PET_EXOTIC] tag to it
why else would you be low on seeds? if you're not cooking and just brewing you should end up with dozens of all the important seeds soon enough
since when are unicorns not tamable?
that's lame, they used to be a rad war beast
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Im low on seeds because my brewer/farmer is working 24h a day on that 10x10 field of plump helmets so i have little "wiggle room" for feeding more migrants ...

Isn't it obvious ??

I just fucking hate when migrant wave is 2 times as big as my entire fort - thats it.
At what stress level do dwarves start throwing tantrums?
My jeweler is at 145.

its impossible to be low on seeds

make plot > put plumps down > get plump plants > brew > get even more seeds > put more down or make another plot > repeat

oh no! migrants what do i do?!

put those niggers to work in the fields

just because some shitlord doesnt have the skill in it, doesnt mean he cant do it, give him the labor

i have 15 custom professions in therapist where i just assign them auto to any new migrant

need a farmer? make some random cunt a farmer, there.
>Not picking fruit from trees
Seriously, set a fruit gathering point under trees, it will change your life.
So is there a way to deal with caged monsters in the latest versions, just to recycle the cages? Just checked and you can't assign them to pastures either.
b > j

build the cage, put it down, link it to a lever, pull the lever, there, get a free monster to kill, a bunch of mechs on the floor and a cage.
>brewer farmer
>surprised he ends up with food issues
your setup is ultra inefficient, anon. there's your problem, not the migrant waves. you've got a farmer/brewer who's either spending all his time planting (a 10x10 field? i've never needed fields that big even in 120 dwarves fortresses) which then causes you to lack seeds, or he's spending all his time brewing which causes you to lack food. Make smaller farm plots and don't keep the same dwarf doing both the brewing and the planting once you start getting more dwarves.

but anyway, if you really really want to keep at it your way, just lower the max number of dwarves in d_init to something stupidly low.
fresh artifact coming through
i just learned that you can name embarks and fortress

this pleases my autism
>not using the random name generator until you get funny ones like Apebasements
Okay so my initial setup is
2 x miner
1 x woodcutter
1 x carpenter/woodcrafter
1 x mason/stonecrafter
1 x brewer/grower
1 x misc dwarf ( sometimes metal worker, sometimes architect,mechanic,fisherdwarf etc )

So should i divide brewing and growing between misc one and "proper" brewer ??
>remade previous Adventure World
>before it was Large, now it's Small
>added more beasts for more real fights
Was this a good decision? Last time I played, I couldn't get out of an elven tree fort, and resorted to jumping off the side of it. Fell to my death, but it was a fun ride.
post your fort
is that adamantine mummy story true? can legendary dorf docs replace skins organs and shit with metal?
Pretty much. One killed my military and started multiple forrest fires while flying around cooking everything in smog and fire. It was fun.
Oh wow, I just realized this is probably what toady wants giant elephants to look like.

Can they be trained for war?
Mass pitting of sentients fixed when?
>I am currently embarked on Glazedboner.
no ragrets
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6 years in

>91 z levels down

>gone through all the cavern i can

>no monsters at all, all elk birds in the caverns

>1 siege

>1 undead siege

>no ambushes

>2 weremonsters that instantly turned back into humans

>no mega beasts

pierce the circus
too MUCH fun

will die instantly, only 20 average trained guys with okay to medium level of quality armor, i want sieges, i want war with elves, i want crazy creatures to appear
Stab a diplomat, stab a human trader.

Instant hilarity.
already killed 3 elven caravans and a diplomat who was already upset at me cutting trees

on the fence about wasting humans, they are not so bad
Mine's a little different
>1 miner/weaponsmith
>1 miner/armorsmith
>1 woodcutter/carpenter/architect
>1 mason/engraver/architect
>1 grower/herbalist/brewer
>1 noble (Manager/bookkeeper/doctor/appraiser)
>1 stonecrafter/jeweler
Works pretty well, covers all the important stuff until migrants show up.
Theyre tall abominations that exist far too close to the sky to be sane.

You should put them out of their misery.
Why do my fortresses keep imploding into civil war when I'm not looking?
The age of myth is exclusively dependent on how many powers remain alive, when they hit 75% I think it goes to legends, when there are 4 left it goes to heroes, then you get the civilization ages.

Sites has nothing to do with the myth/legends/heroes transitions.

>anons who complain
Uh, no, I actually think it is great, I love the shit out of taverns and dancing and booze, I've done little else since the update hit.
... wat?

I didnt even know this was possible
>build a cage with a troglodyte out in the open
>open it with a lever
>it goes past tons of dwarves, goes deep inside the fort to get caught in a cage trap again

what did just happen, aren't those supposed to be aggressive? At least it did show me that my fort entrance corridor is too badly defended
>Sites has nothing to do with the myth/legends/heroes transitions.
They do. Healthier sites with more powerful hist figs give the the mega- and semimegabeasts a harder time. Obviously, more strong hist figs should mean more dead beasts.
they're unhappy
I don't know. I recently had a fortress of ~190 dorfs and next thing I know there's a massive brawl in a tavern and 1/4 of my population has died. Within the next few minutes half had died and citizens continued to try to punch their way through my soldiers
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what do i do
Build spaceship.
20 z levels up steel tower with golden floors, platinium statues and silver doors.
Make an army of iron statues.
a dwarf is possessed

hes asking for stuff i have, checked his items at the workshop and hes got like 95%

hes missing fucking STONE which i have over 4000 of and leather, which im guessing he means tanned hides, which i have over 100 of, any help?
sleep tight peppers
>leather, which im guessing he means tanned hides,

I think he means raw leather. He would say tanned hides if he wanted them .
Play with scarcer minerals. Alternatively, replace all your bedroom accouterments with metal and add a grand entrance.
how can i get raw leather?
slaughter any animal..
That >>126731942
and make sure that auto tanning is off.
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I really, really wish this game had a "DO THIS JOB NOW" function that was easy to access for hauling. I don't feel like setting up a dump. I just want them to prioritize these two stones so I can get on with magma.
what the fuck hahahahaahaha
Wasn't there something exactly like that added with the job priorities release?
For workshops yeah.
>Hoppe meme on dfg
I am absolutely in love with this games fanbase
what about kittens?
All is forgiven for one reason though.

Has anyone else noticed that we no longer have to autistically place extra walls and suspend the jobs on the side you DON'T want your dwarf getting stuck on?

Man I hated micromanaging that. They loved walling themselves in. Now they figure it out on their own much better.

psure kittens only provide bones and meat. Just slaughter a cat.
Trogdolytes usually aren't all that aggressive
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caught em when he got to my stockpile this time.

Kutebolds grow bolder.


inb4 he goes insane half way through because it took so long to get started
inb4 a worthless craft.
>leather artifact boot

Leather flute pls
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they are bros
I remember elves used to bring me seeds in older version.
How can I make it so they bring me seeds?
Do I have to add a tag?
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>You've struck Mudstone!
>There is only Mudstone
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Bro status achieved
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That's pretty cool, getting an artifact of armor you couldn't normally make is a treat and.. wait

>pig tail

When the FUCK is Toady going to fix artifact shoe/glove types only having a single glove/boot instead of a pair jesus.
You better rev up that flooding chamber.
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This forts restriction will be only trading things that they want.

And boy oh boy are they going to get a lot of shields next year..
>that feel when i always wanteed to play DF but dont have the patience or intelligence for it
Screw real physics.
You can do it, anon
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That's racist as heck, Anon.

Of all civilised races, goblins are probably the one most closely resembling the dwarves.

>they live below ground
>they're fairly small
>they are ruthless imperialists who hate nature
>their values forces them into war against the elves
>they are not elves

Overall, I'd call them bros. Pic related.
Honestly Goblins are at war with dwarves cause they fill the same niche and are basically competition. Plus the whole evil vs semi moral thing.
GIDF detected
How do I find volcanoes on my map?
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Next year
Depends on your tileset. No matter what, they have unique tiles and are surrounded by huge cliffs.
They are red "^"s on the map.
I don't think so. Not that I can find anyway
desu SA had the right idea of having a 'gated' community, but the people it ended up attracting were shit.
TWBT when
There was a DFHack command for cutting only a certain type of tree, anyone know what I'm talking about?
Why am I finding cave moss when I haven't breached the caverns yet?
>21 dorf fort
>someone becomes the new baronness

well fuck
>Dwarves are now smart enough to put helms over their heads and remove their caps when you put over clothing on military screen
They don't get as pissy about low-quality rooms as they used to, it's annoying but not a huge issue.
I think moss will start to grow on any rock surface(possibly only smooth rock) that is left alone for long enough. I think that would take at least a decade, though.
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After nine worlds I've found one that I'm satisfied with. The year is 830.
So it wasn't just me. It feels surprisingly smooth and user friendly for DF.

I mean, just selecting one of the default uniforms and grabbing some skilled dorfs is enough to instantly get a properly equipped militia. Think about that!
>No longer have to manually make civilian clothing for them if you want a medieval footman equivalent in terms of armour (breastplate + helm + maybe gauntlets)
feels good
It was on clay though. To my knowledge, that's only supposed to happen when the caverns are breached. I started a thread on bay12>gameplay questions, hopefully someone answers on there.
What legends viewer is this (if that is what it is)? I like the look of it.
I've been looking for a decent legends viewer that works on Linux but have so far been unsuccessful.
Seconding this question, looks pretty sick.
Sometimes if you've on a volcano or discovered a magma pipe they can go right through the caverns and expose you to the spores
I wish, but no volcano here
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I'm checking out this human civilization called the Fatal Empire. They've had a serpent man/vampire as king for 300 years. They are a brutal warmongering nation with a goblin as commander-in-chief.
The wiki recommends two spaces between each hatch because that's the minimum possible number of holes to force every cage in the stockpile to be adjacent to a hole. Just a slightly more efficient design.
Sounds pretty tight. Thanks.
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my fucking frames are almost 5

what is happening
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Embrace it
Turn off his hunting for a minute. Go down to the caverns and explore all the unexplored areas.
Or just turn him into a marksdwarf. Letting a hunter go hunting around the caverns alone isn't the best idea.
it generally happens to me when they're trying to hunt something in the cave layer and it goes into the fog of war
change their profession to something else and then back
to stop it either block off cavern or fully explore it
>Letting a hunter go hunting around the caverns a
alone isn't the best idea.

they have been hunting in my caverns for almost 2 years now, around 90% is explored

its all fucking elk birds, nothing else
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>what is happening

Cavern layers 1 and perhaps 2 are really safe to be around in. About as safe as the surface unless you count FB's.
by cavern layers do you mean? as in, several different cavern structures?

im 90ish z's down and ive found around 4-5 big caverns that are not connected between 29 and 90, nothing but elk birds

will gladly go deeper, i have a decent military, just not good enough to deal with them

dont want to go too deep, but will keep going knowing there is another cavern down there
But even cavern layer 1 often has trolls and giant cave spiders, which can easily kill lone civilians.
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>expedition leader was there from the begining
>he lead the fort trough ambushes, sieges, goblin attacks
>he commanded fort militia slaying titans and forgotten beasts
>he has friends, lovers in the fort
>gets replaced by the Urist McUselessfaggot who arrived a month ago and has zero usefull skills or abilities

Fuck that noise, how do i disable elections ??
There are only 3 cavern layers, maybe your caverns are just really, really big.
I was just about to type this. Trolls are a pain in the ass and GSCs might as well be insta-death for most civilians and even some military.
there are 3 distinct cavern layers in your world, as with every world (where not altered)
If you don't mind losing a few dorfs here and there, all of them are pretty safe. The recent updates have made most cavern critters pretty harmless. The only ones I've seen actually kill my dorfs lately are the GCSs, the creeping eyes and the hungry heads.

Hunters are permanently stealthing, themselves being one of the deadlies predators. All a dorf hunter should fear are FBs.
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>a woman
>rules a warmongering empire
>puts goblins in control of human towns and armies
>...in her own capital, these were not enemy combatants

Final boss of Dwarf Fortress right here. I will dedicate myself to creating an adventurer strong enough to defeat her and liberate humanity.
I'd fuck it
if my site is apparently inaccessible to wagons does this mean sieges can't get here either?
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Sieges should be able to get there.
Do you have a trade depot set up? If not, then that's why your site is inaccessible. Either that, or your depot doesn't have a full 3x3 path leading to it. Remember, all traps (Stone, cage, weapon, etc) block wagon paths.
>left The Boring Seals to join The Fatal Empire instead, where she punished suspicion about her with brutal laws

Hardly. The wagons just don't have a proper path to your trade depot, if you have one; go to it and press D to see where the problem is.
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if you want to piss off elves, common consensus is that just giving them wood items is the best way to go about it.
so load up those woodcrafters and next time the elves come around, drop like 1000 dwarfbucks worth of wood crafts on them as an 'apology'

it means you don't have a trade depot in a place that a trade wagon can reach
you need a 3 tile wide clear path from map edge to your trade depot, at minimum
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i have 248 invaders

>all traps (Stone, cage, weapon, etc) block wagon paths.
there's the issue then
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What year since embark?
Well, sometimes they overlap or have ramps/tubes that connect them.
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good luck anon
you'll need it
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year is spring 129, first fort on this world so what ever the gen is, i dont think i started 125 though, 4 years doesnt seem enough

another classic toady
the invader cap is 180 including animals
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SO it's not a serious siege. Just a little raid.
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Unless I have a good reason, expedition leaders become my Baron. It's a rare circumstance that I don't - and usually it's because he demands something ridiculous.

I was thinking about this earlier. It wouldn't be difficult ( just tedious ) to edit the raws so all plants/creatures show up on every cavern level. That way I could reduce caverns to 1 in worldgen and save a lot of FPS while still having open caverns.

nigga its plaintext and you don't even have to compile or anything I'm all for complaining but for this one you have no excuse. If you want bigger sieges then literally just edit one single fucking number.
It hardly hurts to have your trade caravan outside your trap line.

I want that welcome entrance.
Beak dogs and trolls arent even a threat though
Not alone, but they can easily overwhelm a dwarf in numbers.
Really wish I could watch that siege play out. Sounds like it could be epic.
I want to try my hand at a terrifying biome for the first time.

Does anyone know if there are some pre-made .txt embark profiles that I can use? The biggest hurdle for me is figuring out what I should bring along.
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the beat dogs are all mounts for the troops

i edited the raws and made goblins [sieger] so they are out on the edges of my map, waiting me out atm before they make their assault

i have my mercenary squad "the shining lights", being led by a dwarf called Venom, holding the front at the moment, 2 troll kills and a goblin one on its way
Depends on biome.
If it's only reanimating biome you can try bring normal stuff+some wood and blocks and just wall your wagon off.
It will work until ravens show upIf it's melting rain bullshit you can try making the same + putting a roof or just say fuck it, bring everything underground and wall surface off.
honestly, the Play Now option isn't the worst in the world
you can handle most things in some bad biomes with it
except undead oceans
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Can gobbos climb through this?
fortifications aren't climbable I believe.
Trolls with weapons and armor are a bit more dangerous. Still no match for a legendary whatever.
Every time I see people bring up that siegers are weak, they are wiping them with a squad of legendaries.
I've done it in adventure mode.

Well no creature can climb through a fortifications. One could climb over it though. I'd make it a little bit higher than that and make sure to use blocks to construct the walls so they are smooth.
Gonna do a fort with only one migrant wave and everything past that is gonna be babymaking only. how do I lower minimum invasion population so I don't go 20 years before I get my first siege?
Well, good luck. I was going to do the same when TheRapist comes out. I'm tired of nameless dwarves i don't care about.
I'm still on 40.24. yeah, if I do this I'm definitely going to have a lot more connection with the swarves instead of it just being a horde of workers.
They're not [sieger] by default?
Did you make the charge yet? If not, wanna [;] record it for us?
they are a sieger now, jsut means they sit outside my fort for a few months, trying to starve me out, instead of running in like mad men

i would record but im already at 12 fps because 110 citizens, 15 pets, 320 others
Oh, lame. Cool though, I haven't had a siege like that since before 34.11. Had a huge fort with an entrance hall full of serrated glass discs and stone traps. About 40 made it through where they fought with my 30-strong militia. It was one of my first forts, though, so I lost it to a tantrum spiral.
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>wow that's a really, really good shield I"m happy to get this it's perfect for blocking
>wait a fucking minute
Whats the best weapon type to kill undead animals with?
think they are on the move, its taking a while since there is like 100 goblins on 100 dogs


ive got a few artifacts work over 50k, all useless shit
Cage traps, hammers and maces. Preferably silver.
Why the fuck is nothing happening at my fort
i embarked near 4 goblin thingies have 2 towers as neighbour and 1 million wealth at 70 population but nothing happens not even artifacts
Less gamey (but still very gamey) are single silver warhammer weapon traps in a hall.

The rest takes care of itself.
well armies now actually have to travel to you rather than just magically showing up at your door
siege trigger is 80. get 10 more dwarves and stop asking the same fucking question every day
you need 80 m80
not for towers though. not sure why those haven't come, they usually come in the first year
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Are werebeasts harmless in human form?
Do they change back once threatened and rip my dwarves up or do they just swing their fists around screaming bad things?
Most importanatly, if they bite in human form, will one of my dwarves turn into a wereturtle or not during the next full moon?
is there any way of seeing a dead dwarfs kills?
They are harmless in human form.
They change back after a little while.
There's a chance (I never risk it) that once a dwarf is bitten by a werewhatever, they will turn next full moon or something.
Alright, so I'm creating my own embark profile for a terrifying biome.

is there anything that ya'll think I would forget about? I'm altering my standard embark to have blocks for building walls right at the start, wood, some liginite so I can get some weapons made very quickly and lots of logs.
>Are werebeasts harmless in human form?
Well, they're ordinary, unarmed humans. If those are usually a threat to you, they will be.

>Do they change back once threatened
They change back depending on the time of month, moon or whatever. It's a curse, not an ability.

Not sure about the last question, but I don't think so. In either case, biting is probably not their preferred attack as human.
>(I never risk it)
That's heartless man, it's a condition not a death sentence
Zombie nerf
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god speed you beautiful dwarf bastards

3 vs 100
I feel bad watching one of my starting 7s (The farmer) walk around in his little 2x2 walled-in bedroom. Worst part is, he never dies of hunger or thirst. He gets thirsty, turns, turns back, not thirsty anymore.
I like to see him as my fortresses little dark secret. All the visitors walk by his room, not knowing of the immortal prisoner behind the walls.

nigga no
Get him some tools and let him build some secret rooms in your fortress, why just give him 2x2 ?
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Dwarfs : 8 dead

Mercs : 0 Dead

Invaders : between 80-120, rest routed

those three kiled around 20-30 each, reinforcements rush and routed the rest as we slaughted them as they ran

for a time, three other dwarfs were SURROUNDED BY OVER 100 GOBLINS RIDING DOGS

they went Marshall and killed around 10-15 each

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the read is what you think it is
That's what all my dwarves have. I walled him in asap just in case he turned without me noticing.
I retired the fortress, though. FPS death. Gonna make the next weredwarf more productive.
Well shit, as soon as i made some kind of milita to beat that human to death, they instead beat all my peasants and farmers nearly dead, since my walled off vampire mayor had said not to export earings. While my militia was busy beating their fellow workers ,the wereturtle ,realising it was no longer a turtle ,wandered off the map. Truly a great battle for the ages.
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>a natural legendary metalcrafter
Wow. That's rare as fuck. This is my first fortress in this world and it's 201 (worldgen ended at year 200).

Damn. That is RARE.
>There's a chance (I never risk it) that once a dwarf is bitten by a werewhatever, they will turn next full moon or something.

Pretty sure there isn't anything chance about it. If a dwarf is bitten or scratched and it breaks skin, they are going to turn.
How do I get down from a tree? I can't jump because I'm an elephant seal man and starting numerous fires in the tree has little effect.
alt h
inb4 vampire
Damn son that's kawaii as fuck
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>dreams of raising a family
you wiggidy wot m8
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give him some cats.
>3. Liar
I just realized
>rarely happy
>doesn't hold back complaints
is this dorf a raging feminist or something
Nah I've had multiple dwarves get scratched/bitten and not turn.
They can't. You have to actually discover the cavern feature and get the "you have discovered.." pop up announcement.
Have you played another fort in the same world? Once you release the spores once they're permareleased. Every subsequent fort will have cave moss grow in soil.
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>has a husband and just gave birth
yeah sure okay. guess it's gonna take me a while to get the lesbian champions that I'm trying to get
does the up-down arrows mean they're faggots?
That's gotta be it, then, thanks
how do you know it is asexual?
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are my raws fucked or something cause I swear I just threw 5 random people into a squad and it turns out there are 2 married couples in there.

grey gender sign.
how do you know they are gay
Scratches don't turn them, but you're right about bites. They infect 100% of the time as long as it draws blood.
>Walk into a human hamlet
>Behead the lord/lady upon entry
>Talk to the witnesses
>Open up convo with each guard
>Will you be my hearthsperson?
>I will lord
>Walk to a different room
>Will you be my hearthperson?
>No sorry sir can't accept dis honor
>Tell rumor: I just killed your lord
>Spits at me
>Will you be my hearthperson?
>Spits at me
>yes sir gladly
>Have to tell each guard the rumor in each room in the same way while the others spit at me
Is there even a point in claiming shit in adventure mode? This feels like a chore and I am not sure I am getting any benefit from this since the town folk don't even recognize me while knowing someone with my name rules their land.
dwarf therapist shows it
Do bites always draw blood? I just had a weremongoose attack two of my dwarves (Mostly biting, some scratching and kicking), I walled them in and watched them for two seasons, they didn't turn.
>4 kills (3 humans, 1 elf)

Got my eye on you mister.
Thanks now I know which dorfs to execute
No, they can be stopped by armor or clothing, or even just by the dwarf being exceptionally tough. Weremongoose is one of the smallest weres (werehamsters and wereshrews are smaller, haven't seen any others that I know to be smaller), so there's a good chance that its bites only bruised through the clothing, or were entirely deflected.
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same post from before

just updated with more bars
I think that means bisexual, not gay. I'm not certain, though. That's how I would interpret the sign combining both genders.
Camera obscuras have been around since the ancient Greeks, anon.
okay but youre wrong.
double male or female symbols is gay, the combination is bisexual, and if its grayed out they are asexual.
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>the ettin gives in to pain
>the ettin has been struck down
So was the steam turbine. That doesn't mean it was known in the 14th century.
Sounds like a total fukboi.
He's using the 14th century as the approximate tech cutoff, not as a contemporary tech standard. They weren't making copper weapons in the 14th century, either.
Yeah, but 14th scholars still retained the knowledge and used it.
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killed by based glenn squareglove
Just stop making bars dude. You have enough. More isn't better after an arbitrary "Lot of bars" point.

Here's what you're doing

1. Generating a fucking lot of useless hauling jobs.
2. Generating lag.
3. Generating MINIMAL wealth.

Liquidate your reserves into furniture, weapons and armor, and crafts. Then smelt more.
don't quite think you know what that word means.
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You should have these jobs on repeat so every dwarf that can make it does.
That's only 500~ bars but it's a good start.
ive got 1300 melted, and 600 gold nuggets

>digging down

>2nd cavern

>you have found a deep underground cavern!

>you have found raw adam

>you have found a magma pool!

was legit expecting the eeri message
Dwarf Therapist 34.0.0 is out.

layouts for 42.04 as well.
Shit nigga, do you even dwarf?
Thank based god
The thread was updated as well it seems, lazy bastards are lucky.
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so do i mine the adam

i can get some of it, its in a weird spot
Of course you do. What kind of dumbass question is that?
mine it. mine it ALL.
You minefuck it, with nude dorfs, and polish the candycane.
I didn't post a question, anon
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do i pierce the vein

isnt it possible its hollow and leads to hell
Stop being a pussy faggot and DO IT
its a risk you must take, anon
I'm almost 100% certain it's hollow.


if i pierce hell i am blocking that shit up, im not ready yet
Sorry. Meant for >>126761979

It's certain that it's hollow. They're all hollow at some point. Could be the very top. Could be way down. Roll the dice, anon. What have you got to lose?
Any time you find a magma pool it goes all the way down to the magma sea.
Demon chambers back when
Demon fortresses back when
Tentacle demons back when
Guilds back when
Dungeon master back when
Philosopher back when
Quests back when
I don't understand the rumor system at all. I really don't. I ask about troubles. I pick one that sounds decent. I end up going to some location and killing random people that seem like they're it but are often not hostile. I go back. No one has shit to say about what I did.

I do not get it.
>Playing adventure mode
There's your problem
can wells travel down stupid amount of z levels if there IS water under that tile that far down?
I believe so but there is travel time (I think)
Yes. Careful though, creatures can fly through it.
ah maybe not, its just a pool too, probably stagnant easily

any suggestions for a well IN my fort?
Dig a channel, place a pit/pond area over it, go to [P] options, hit [f] to fill the pond. It gets contaminated easily, though.
Your best bet is to dig down to the caverns, channel a well above it, and set up some traps before it.
reading the wiki page on digging, floodgates, pressure, pumps, levers, and river/water carefully.
If it's cavern water it isn't stagnant. Murky pools only happen on the surface.
How to get water in your fort depends entirely on your layout and where you have water. You'll need a reservoir and a way to get water to it, for starters. You should probably figure out the latter before you start the former.
route a river or aquifer into an artificial cistern, close it off with floodgates when it's full to prevent critters swimming in, and to prevent freezing.
open the floodgates again whenever it gets too low.

this is pretty much my MO for clean water, hasn't failed me yet.

you can also use a pond, but i don't really trust those.
and if you're really strapped for a solution for water, you can 'clean' murky/salt water with a screw pump.
>1,000,000+ wealth
>80 civilians
>War with elves
>War with goblins
>Tower in area
And I've only gotten a passing goblin army that left after a few seconds and a couple of goblin thieves.

wait, if i have a pool of water in the stone layer, on smooth stone, and it doesnt move or get updated for a year lets say, wont be be stagnant etc? because i can get water into a pool under my fort for wells
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if I kill off the bisexual's husbands, and then lock them in a room with a few years supply of food, will they eventually marry?
no, dorfs only marry once per life
can I just cheat and marry them or 2 other girls with DFHack?
stagnant appears to be mostly a property of the tile, not the water itself - stagnant pools are generated when you enter the map, and only change when water from them touches clean water (the clean water being turned into stagnant water, and iirc you can never un-murkify the tiles that water touches)
but otherwise, you can let water chill for as long as you like, and like i mentioned earlier, pumping stagnant water turns it back into clean water.

I have slain the tyrant.

This is my first attempt at Adventure Mode, is /dfg/ proud?
oh yeah, and i forgot one thing - a stagnant pool will refill whenever you get rain, so it can actually be pretty handy to have one pumping into a 'clean water' pool, possibly as a back-up.
just make sure it's separate from your main water supply, don't want any accidents.

although toady might have fixed salt/murky water pumping at some point and i just didn't catch the memo. hopefully not.
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Forgot pic.
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They're all fucking connected... Now the Mayor is about to become Baroness.

Aiming for the neck... That's cheating and that gets fixed next update.

>Aiming for the neck... That's cheating and that gets fixed next update.

What, does it insta-kill everybody?

Also, how come the guards didn't respond when I killed their queen?
no, its lies

Try yelling out you murdered someone in the area.
rumour needs to spread so they need to know.
>using the aim-for-the-neck exploit
I bet you use multiple z-levels in fort mode too. Can't wait until Toady removes THAT exploit.
Makes sense, I usually do kicks to necks to break them to disable people.

Least it was after the trophies fix.

>The vampire bitch loses hold of the human bone jewelry
>The vampire bitch loses hold of the human bone jewelry
>The vampire bitch loses hold of the human bone jewelry
>The vampire bitch loses hold of the human bone jewelry
>The vampire bitch loses hold of the human bone jewelry
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Need to kill all these spare guests they're causing too much lag.
>Philosopher back when
They are in now, along with a whole other array of scholars from different disciplines. This time, they actually work for a living, writing interesting books to fill your libraries with.

>Quests back when
They never left, only became more realistic. There are still missions you get from your commanders, which work like agreements. Other shit became rumours which you may choose to foollow or not follow up.
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I can't think of a more fitting name for the genesis of a dwarven settlement.

Post your fort's best work of art, based on content, name, or whatever.
what is the best generating for meme results? maximum monsters etc

very short or short?
Nice. Mine was called Ritan "the Beginning"
>not using advanced worldgen
Quick question, how would I go about equipping all my dwarves in metal armor?
I had set my blacksmiths to make some copper and iron armor, but shit happened and I forgot. Now I've got about a hundred sets of copper armor and no clue what to do with them.
Read the wiki, and don't make copper armor, it's pretty terrible. Stick with iron, and later, steel.
couldn't quite figure it out, so I thought I'd ask
what would be a better use for copper, in your opinion?
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This works.
Have a look at the armour page on the wiki.
Copper is bad for weapons too. I usually use copper for bolts and large serrated discs (Under trap components).
Dwarves will automatically equip armor if they're in militias. After you set up a militia, hit m, go to the equipment option with e, and make sure you hit "replace armor" with r. If you don't, they'll wear their regular clothes instead of some pieces of armor.
>Replace armor
I mean replace clothing
i gotta be honest, copper is bad but it works. it's a perfectly viable metal until you have something better.
He said he's got iron, that's why I'm telling him to make iron armor. But true, copper armor is better than no armor I guess
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size 8000k... This is insanity.
How do you get size to show up like that?
has anyone got a good template?
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Its comin real nice. Its called the mountainous ale. OSHA doesn't exist.
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not any of those anons but
>thought I embarked in a place with plenty of metals
>turns out I don't have any metals at all, and only very rare flux stone
>struggle to produce as much wealth as possible to buy everything steel/iron from dorf caravans
>fucking dorfs have banned exports of crafts, which led me to only being able to trade cut gems
>fort has like 130+ dwarves, and I only have around 30 steel bars, 20 iron bars, and like 2 pieces of iron and steel armor, and some steel picks
>not even sure what do forge with the few bars I have
>don't have any militia, and I keep wondering if I should make bone or wood armor and train a few militia dwarves to use the steel picks

just send a megabeast to finish my fort off desu senpai
the Fun in persisting through
survive on importing ores, and use goblinite
Should I wait for all the packs to get updated to the new version before attempting to learn this game again? Or would the older packs be ok?
Why does yours say the size?
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Almost kills a a legendary armorsmith, only to kill a legendary miner instead. The last dwarf to escape the ettin child's grasps was my other legendary miner... wait looks like he died... Going to have a look into that he was attack by a giant king snake never really got over the toxins.

Everyone was pretty late getting to their posts to shoot bolts, the captain of the guard is going for it.
No idea.
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Copied a save from 40.24 to 42.03 and now im getting this message, missing item definition item instrument flute.
any ideas?
Well, colonized my first terrifying biome, went pretty well.

Despite the constant rain of human blood, didn't have undead wildlife and mostly just had aggressive creatures.

I thought terrifying biomes were supposed to be crazy dangerous? I didn't lose a single dwarf in my first year, have a pretty good fort going with a military and some cavern-layer hunting going on.

Whats the next challenge? A glacier kind of seems kind of ass,but if thats the next hardest thing I'll do it.
Lots of errors copying 40.24 saves to 42.xx
hardest thing is terrifying ocean with tundra or glacier

undead giant sperm whale
>undead giant sperm whale
How does embarking on an ocean work?

Can you even dig down?

Also, do the 'rains' in terrifying biomes ever change? Because if they change I might keep playing just to see what kind of weird acid stuff happens. Cause in the terrifying biome i just tried there wasn't ever any of that gas that turns people into husks either.

Maybe I just embarked on babbys first terryfing biome?
Rains can pretty much do anything, from instant death to death 6 months later.
Its been pretty consistently raining human blood for over a year, will it ever change to anything else?
The rains do change, it's just like normal weather

and for ocean embarks you have to move it so the ocean is just on the very edge, or it won't let you embark at all
Not unless you embarked on multiple biomes. It's usually one evil rain per area.
rng was nice to you. Try again.
But really there's no such thing as a hard embark in this game if you're good.
wtf can you even do with salt water?
Anon is lying to you, evil biomes get one kind of evil weather if they get one at all. If you have human blood, you'll never get something worse.
ignore it usually. I embarked in a frozen ocean and had fun digging it out.
actually the wiki says that you can desalinate it apparently

you can use a screw pump to make the water usable
running it through a screw pump desalinates it, I believe
Is it hard to become a necromancer in adventure mode? Is it any fun?
Why go through so much trouble getting water? Can't you just use cavern water to clean your dwarves and just let them drink booze?
yeah pretty much
although sometimes the caverns will be infested with crazy shit, or won't have any water if you're lucky
Like the other guy said. You picked a fortunate location.

Keep in mind that Haunted, Sinister, and Terrifying only correlate to savagery. All that will change are the native inhabitants. Some of them can be very challenging, others not.

You can jump into a haunted biome that has evil rain that re-animates the dead and evil clouds that turn any creature, living or reanimated, into thralls. And you can take a Terrifying embark that turned out to just have some ornery ogres and elf blood raining from the sky.

It's a grab bag.

Evil embarks will be harder than normal. How much harder, and whether you will be challenged by it, isn't something predictable.

I'm not bothered by spending an hour or two punching through an aquifer, so almost all of my embarks have loads of free, clean water.

The critical function of water is for hospitals and emergencies. Booze is the choice for 99% of drinks but when someone is injured they need water to do two things. Be cleaned and drink. Both are important for recovery, cleaning even more so. A dirty dwarf is a dwarf at risk of infection and a dwarf with an infection is a dead dwarf walking.

Which you can pretty much wait till you hit the right cavern and then pump stack it up to an appropriate level, or tap a river, or tap an aquifer, or desalinate the ocean with screw pumps and so on, or just dig out all the surface water. Or if you don't have any decent ponds, dig some and let it rain and fill them up.

There's a lot of ways to going about getting water. It is essential in preventing needless deaths but it isn't essential for day to day survival.
Cool, good to know! For some reason I thought that they worked a little it more dynamically, and were relatively the same.

I'll try another one to get something harder! is there any way to tell before I embark there?
What do I prioritize when starting out?

I tried following a guide or whatever when I first tried to learn the game but by the time I got anywhere my dwarves started starving off.
food, booze, bedrooms

find metal
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Gem windows are so much better than regular windows and as an added bonus, you get rid of all those fucking gems.

Yeah it can be anything really. The savagery just effects what shows up and when a pack of blendecs or a trio of ogres shows up then things get a little more serious.

But the REAL source of difficulty in an evil biome will always be "What are the special effects?". Sometimes its just vomit rain which is annoying and effects productivity. Sometimes its clouds that make anything bleed from every orifice.

Also a farm is super important, I usually have at least one dwarf dedicated to it starting out+lots of seeds
bedrooms should be final priority, same with metal
a working, non-contaminated water supply is high priority too
seeds aren't really super important imo. being careful with them and not cooking them is.

after one season your seeds will be increased by 1x-5x assuming you don't use fertilizer, and then it peaks at 9x.
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>Evil wasteland no trees dust storms that make dust covered husks
>End goal of making an above ground fortress
>Right next to a necromancer tower and goblins

Mite b fun
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what kind of squads should be a priority? other than marksdwarves, which kind of melee squads should come first? Short sword, Spears, war hammer? Are "exotic" weapons like pickaxes worth making for your first squad?
Well yeah, I just like to have a larger supply starting out because it means a bigger farm
its not like it'll ever be a significant difference one way or another at 1 point per seed. grab em or don't
that post number jump, you can tell people spammed posts to try for >>126777777
won't a dust cloud travel through walls?
Just get whatever weapons everyone wants

Though if I'm drafting complete novices I'll try and get them an axe or spear because a novice with a hammer is pretty useless

>bruising the muscle

Whereas a novice who can get a lucky strike in with a spear or axe will cause damage
>designate fruit picking zone and leave it to do its thing
>a year later discover a desiccated corpse in a tree
but why
What are your favorite biomes to embark in /dfg/?
The truth is not really. There are a lot of acceptable choices. There are some wrong choices.

Spear, Hammer, and Mace are all specialty. Don't overload early with them. They're great when they're Great or legendary but they're not so great before that. Axes on the other hand >>126778126 can cut off limbs and shit even early on, making them much more useful at the start.

They're still just as useful later on but having a hammerdwarf and macedwarf will be much more effective against the undead, and having speardwarves and hammerdwarves will be much more effective against larger and armored targets respectively.
because multi tile trees lag
and I'll never need that much wood ever, even when using charcoal for 100% of metal industry needs
Maybe I'm just weird, but I always exclusively make hammerdwarf squads.

For some reason in my mind's eye dwarves should use warhammers.

I think I'll try some axes my next go around.

I mostly love warhammers because they end battles very quickly with people going unconscious after one solid hit. That and less bodyparts to clean up after the fact.
I used to really like glaciers, tundra and frozen biomes because building shit out of ice is rad, but in 40+ I barely get any visitors with them. No sieges, megabeasts, nothing. Just a wagon once a year and the odd forgotten beast made out of water or something dumb.
Maybe it's just the worlds I've been genning.
apparently whoever got it deleted it too
sometimes someone will take the stepladder the picker was using, leaving them trapped in the tree
100% of metal industry, 100% of pottery industry, 100% of glass industry

It shouldn't. They can flow over them but they shouldn't get into sealed rooms.
I forgot to mention that a good hammerdwarf is a one dwarf army, mainly because every hit is breaking a bone and a smack to the head will either outright kill or at the very least knock an enemy out and they pretty much ignore armor
My bigger problem is the lag than the consumption.
Well then remember to give your prisons fortifications instead of walls.
Is there a difference between short swords and battle axes? Are axes better vs armored targets?
steel battle axes are basically the best weapon dwarves have due to the way armor works (with the worse armor material almost always failing against the better weapon material) and you can't beat the limb removal, followed quickly by silver or steel warhammers for when you fear undead arriving.
Axes penetrate better

Swords do everything but nothing exceptionally
Okay so here's my plan /dfg/

Create pocket world filled over with demons, forgotten beasts and the like
Embark, dig down into hell, release the hordes and retire
Travel this damned world, righteously smiting foul beasts as the last paladin on earth, and protecting the last bastions of dwarfkind
turn all 7 starting dwarves into proficient miners and spend all remaining points on picks

strike the earth senpai
Good idea
th-thanks guys
swords can do everything but the combat AI tends to only do slashes with them, and since swords have a larger contact area the slash force is weaker than an axe.
it's better to use axes for their larger size, increased impact force, and better (smaller) contact area.

of course if the undead show up with necromancer reinforcement, axes will be your doom when one zombie becomes one rolling head and two crawling hands.
that's when you bring out the silver warhammers.
report back when you've completed the hellevator
>Embark in Terrifying biome with a corner of temperate forest for wood
>currently the only animals nearby are Giant Peach-Faced Lovebirds
Pretty much sums up my experiences today.
A good dwarf with any weapon is a one dwarf army. Legendary dwarves are damn near impossible to hit and will almost always disable any enemy that can feel pain with their first swing. One solid squad can make a fort siege-proof, whatever weapons you give them.
beware fire megabeasts though

they kill everything relentlessly
Webbers are worse

Webs are a real pain in the ass and without markdwarves you're in for serious trouble.

Fire, unless you get incredibly lucky then any melee that is sent will die. WILL die.
So, how long until we need top of the line computers to run a world 50 years in due to the game keeping track of literally thousands of people, dozens of armies, and the rise and fall of civilizations while your fort is going?
Is there any difference between pig tails and cotton? The wiki is extremely short on the details about value here.
look at raws, bottom of the wiki page
thread value is 2 in both cases
I never realized that was there, thank you anon.
>give a dwarf a burrow and add them
>they don't go
I hate this.
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Oh good.
Burrows do not restrict a dwarf's movements.
Does it hurt your FPS if you make a fort in a world you retired a few forts in?
Yeah, and deadly dust, deadly blood and poisonous vapors. They're all anti-melee abilities that can make the best training and equipment completely inconsequential.
Anyone ever tried digging a switchback road into a steep mountainside? I'm planning one out and it's surprisingly hard.
good tileset to use?
Phoebus is the best
whatever you like, anon. Some here swear by CLA or vanilla, personally I like Ironhand.
It depends on your tastes. Do you like the text look and are just looking for a smoother looking tileset? or a graphical overhaul?
I like using phoebus but I want to try a more traditional tileset.
I want text look that's a little more easy on the eyes. Probably bigger than default too.
inb4 nurglings in your fort
>nearly perfect embark
>abandoned because of a werebeast

I got fucked. The blacksmith didn't have any combat logs! I didn't think he was bitten. And he turned. And then it happened again. People without combat logs bitten, turn, and kill more.
I have a huge resolution, and a small monitor, so I have a 32x32 tileset that works for me, if that's what you mean by bigger.
you can zoom in and just change the colors to be more earthy rather than install a whole tileset
uhm, what? Are we playing the same game? I always use burrows to get all my dwarfs inside when a siege happens, 'restricting their movement' literally

you're full of shit, stop spreading bullshit
Those are burrows + alerts. I was complaining that dwarves don't stick to their assigned burrows regardless.
He was saying that assigning individual civilians to a burrow doesn't restrict their movements. Putting on a civ alert does.
He's right.
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>offer 4k profits
>doesn't like it
>offer trader 6k profits
>makes this counter offer

And here I thought human merchants were kikes
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Will a wagon be able to pass through this tunnel?
The wiki doesn't talk about how they handle diagonals.
If you had offered 6k in the first place he probably would've accepted. Everytime they refuse a trade they become less willing to deal. Even really good traders will usually fail offering ~30% profit.
Alright, so in a terrifying biome, how can I avoid cave adaption of my military?

Can I make a glass roof above their heads to protect them from the rains and stuff? Or do they have to do some hard core training while being constantly drizzled in human blood?
check depot access with shift+d from the home menu
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>Apprentice Thikut: "Master Tomeorgan, I've been your apprentice for five years and would like to write a book about you. So please tell me already what the fuck you are supposed to be."
>Master Tomeorgan: "Nope."
Can't. The depot loses access 16z further down the slope. That's part of the reason I'm digging a road up the mountain. Or down the mountain.
Nope, glass constructions aren't transparent.
The less you try to buy at once the cheaper it will be. If you JUST bought enough for one of your cheese pots it'd be a fair shake. When you trade a lot, they expect to gain a lot.

Anyway its not like one or two more food pots makes the slightest difference to you.
Then clear whatever's down below so you can see the access, dummy
You don't even need it to be glass. Consider doing so anyway because its less cheap.

If a tile is ever opened to the surface it becomes an outside tile forever. If it has a roof over it nothing can get in. So you could just channel it out and put logs or whatever over.
You would think that having a book written ABOUT you would warrant becoming a hist fig but not for this man.

What's down below is wagon-impassable slopes. It's why I'm digging a road. I'm cutting away a huge slice of the mountain to do this, so it has to be done from the top to avoid cave ins.
Dwarves are randomly just letting all of my crops wither without harvesting.

They're just trying to plant new seeds as opposed to getting the old ones.
What can I do? Losing a whole harvest of cave wheat right now
>once a dwarf hits master level in a skill they can take on a child as an apprentice
>they gain 1/4th of the skill points their master does

might be cool

it won't fit
have enough room in your food stockpile? Plants forbidden?
No, it becomes light forever, which doesn't decrement the cave adaptation counter. Putting a roof over it makes it inside light, which only stops the cave adaptation counter from incrementing.
>1/4th of the skill points their master
Would result in 7-9 year old weaponlords. Not necessarily a bad idea, but maybe a bit overpowered. Maybe up to 1/4th, depending on the child's student/concentration skills, and focus/memory attributes.

>it won't fit
Playing on 42.03 and i have this dumb military bug where my hired mercenaries say that they have equipped the armor that i tell them to put on, but never put it on. If i tell them to replace clothes with armor then they go around completely naked, this works for general armor as well as specific pieces of armor.
Interesting point, you're right.
>have to wait twelve-fucking-years for this little shit to become a member of society
>mastering a skill is too much compensation

considering it takes 1-5 years for adults, this is not a stretch to me.

I had a weaponsmith go from 0 to legendary in 1.5 years in my last fort because I noticed he had really strong attributes for the role.

Children take 12 years to be workers.

1.5 vs 12.
Does anyone actually bury their pets in coffins?

I mean fuck I usually use them as alert animals.
I would pay money to exclude deserts and oceans from evil/good selection jesus christ its always a fucking evil ocean or desert or somewhere I"ll never enjoy.
considered setting "desired good/evil squares in large areas" to 0 and increasing the number for medium areas?
That's what I'm talkin bout. I do disable large areas, but shitty biomes will get smacked with evil/good and I'll have to re-roll the world a few times.
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it took a long time because I to get past a 3-level aquifer utilizing 3 logs
>utilizing 3 logs
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>it took a long time because I to get past a 3-level aquifer utilizing 3 logs
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Got a good re-roll now.

I like this world. It's only genned 100 years, I wanted something younger than usual, but I like this world. Its got a good feel to it. Dwarves up top, goblins down at the bottom, Dark Fortress in the middle of an Evil Ass Hell Hill Zone.
>haven't checked dwarf fortress blog in a while
>see this
>New Stuff
>Giant and person versions of many of the older creatures, including the elephant
>Elephant people
>Giant elephants

Have we found the next great dwarven scourge?
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I hope you guys don't mind I'm making a couple of adamantine armaments so they can at least go down in a blaze of glory
I would be more bothered if you didn't.
no, because they'll be pussies just like every other fucking creature now

the only things worth fighting are husks/thralls and demons
That's got Berserk written all over it.
Jelly ?
>A zombie nerf has arrived. The animated critters no longer block, dodge, parry, wrestle or sprint, and they do charging attacks whenever possible. Zombies no longer receive positive defense adjustments for body part types, and they don't seek or prevent combat opportunities. Their strength bonus has been reduced. Severing all non-smashed heads on a zombie kills it (smashing already worked), and severing or smashing any working grasp on a headless zombie kills it. Zombies can still be reanimated if they have a working grasp.

>dumb and strong

fair nerf desu

>In an arena test, my competent sword+shield human was able to defeat ten zombies at once, receiving only minor injuries. It took some judicious selections, and some dodging to other squares, but it isn't hard if you stay away from multiple opponents. I also set six sword humans against twenty zombies, and they won without any losing anybody. On the other hand, I set ten unarmed unskilled humans against ten zombies, and the zombies won without losses.

This seems fine, though zombies might need to come in greater numbers with necromancers to be a threat now.
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the 3 logs from the wagon?
Now that giant elephants are in, the best way to find them would to explore in adventure mode and then embark where/if you find them right?
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That is one way, yes.
That's one of the best ways to find an embark to give a shit about. Elephants aside.

You find a cool area. It's got trouble. You build a fort there and know you're helping. Or you pick some random spot for the shallow metals deep metals and never get attacked because you're like 8 leagues from anyone
You can get giant elephants easily enough if you just embark in a biome they spawn in.
Normal elephants were, what, tropical forest I think?
> because they'll be pussies just like every other fucking creature now

What are you talking about?
any tropical forest/tropical shrublands, so says the wiki. so find a savage onna those
Ahh savage areas are required for "giant" animals?
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Can you tell me what these three creatures are dfg?
my fleshlight on the right
Urist likes voracious cave crawlers for their scary mouths.
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stage 1 complete
yours is the arrow that will pierce the hells, anon
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I just remembered pitting war dogs in a small room with children so they fight constantly and develop scars/combat skills

Also, is there even a way to fulfill the "wishes to rule the world" want?
Not yet, but I'll have my little dwarven hitler when Toady implements armies and war.
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weirdest fuckin aquifer.

its one z level higher on the west/north/east portions, then uniform on the layer below it, then clear. so its a partial 2 layer, and a partial 1 layer.

weirdest shit to deal with.
I have a bunch of goods stuck in a workshop. How do I move them out?
giant beak dog on the left.
crundle in the center.
dunno what's on the right.
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I embarked on a mountain peak that was somehow right next to savanna. The highest point on the embark site is at 269/285, while the "ground level" is at 149. The deepest underground level is 9.

Unfortunately, the base of the mountain looks hideous. Not sure if want.
Eh, looks pretty defensible with so much flat ground. You could probably set up a nice castle/keep with marksdwarves to patrol the walls. If you're into that kinda thing...
>elves bring me a gorilla, grizzly bear and a tiger
>all I need is for them to bring me a mate for what I already have
>my civ goes at war with them
>still they never siege me and now I can't get a breeding pair for war trainable animals
Everything is so boring right now.
Who cares about the surface? You a pansy elf? All that matters is, is there easy access to magma and good metals in the ground.
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crundle got joked on. I broke through the cavern which was relatively high up and it was right there and came right at my dwarf.
Is anyone else still getting huge FPS drops in dark fortresses? Also where are all the goblins, other than on the towers?
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It's just the lack of realism that annoys me. Perfectly square mountains don't look very nice. However, it's much smoother higher up and there's also a nice formation that I could turn into a Minas Tirith-esque plateau for pitting nobles and goblins. The mountain is also extremely rich in ores, it almost feels like cheating. There's at least hematite, galena, tetrahedrite and native gold.
Solution: Sculpt your own mountain.
it annoys me more then it should that in df you dont grab things with your hands/mouths/grasping things but just arbitrarily turn limbs into legos
So quick question /dfg/

Regions or Islands for advanced world gen?
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I agree and feel the same way but this is how I reconcile the weirdness. I imagine it to look like this.
Oh, there's also native aluminium. I get the feeling that megabeasts will come very soon...
There's no appreciable difference. The mountains will be in the center with island and on the edge with region.
I like islands for adventure mode because its easier to 'complete' a section, but prefer region for fort mode
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Interesting. I didn't look at the migrants beyond seeing that 3 arrived.

I noticed one was an engraver by trade and thought that was convenient since I didn't have to set that up. Later i noticed several rooms were already smoothed and checked.

All 3 migrants are Masters at something (useless mostly)
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There is literally nothing wrong with microcline.
Not him but I like microline. Makes my walls and shops look a nice blue.
is silver the best metal for bolts?
are we back online my niggas
Any chance you'll share the save? I'd love that embark

>Captcha 4 hours ago when I tried to post this was pictures of mountains
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why are my dwwarfves spamming alerts since the new version
this didnt happen before
it drops my fort to 2fps
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Jesus christ I missed you dorf niggas.
you can go into orders i think and change the announcements
ok the marksdwarf drowned now and everything is fine
but still really fucking dumb
Steel is probably best in terms of trade-offs between weight, weight and hardness. I'm not sure where silver would stand amongst iron, bronze and copper but considering weight affects projectiles they're probably a fine alternative if you have a ton of it.
thats not true
silver is the best according to the iwki
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>create an adventurer and slay hundreds of people in one session
>drown myself in the ocean
>right as I finish the Dwarf Fortress crashes
>my adventurer never existed

Also, I'm thinking of pretending to be a historian and traveling around the world to write a history of each civilization. Can I find anything in game that isn't found in Legends?

>Also, I'm thinking of pretending to be a historian and traveling around the world to write a history of each civilization. Can I find anything in game that isn't found in Legends?

I mean stuff that is relevant to the history of each civilization. I don't care if my adventurer interviews Albus McFeebled the Farmer and finds out that he likes plump helmets.
Alright, I was going off memory and wiki is down for me. Both it and 4chan have been down for ages today, what the fuck.
Left to right:
Jabberer, rutherer, voracious cave crawler.

Just tell them to fistfight a cave crocodile naked
If the wiki still says that silver is the best for bolts then its outdated. That was true in 34.11, when all ammo that wasn't adamantine was deadly regardless of material, and weight was the only thing that made a difference to how deadly it was. It was changed in .40, and the effectiveness of ammo now follows max edge linearly. Adamantine is best for bolts now.
>minotaur arrives, first threat of any kind
>have medium squad of good marksdorfs set up but no metal ammo
>trap lane is a WIP and basically a free ticket into my fort because bridges aren't set up
>send squad out anyway to see if bone bolts geta lucky hit
>he flings a couple elite marksdorfs out of the way like paper
>one of my original miners (who's also my broker) who happens to be at the gate repeatedly bashes the fucker in the head with his copper pick and kills him so quickly it takes me a second to even realize what happened
I know it was only a minotaur but I'm building this nigga a house. Also my elite marksdorf who got gored has a fractured heart and just walked away. Dunno if he'll make it though, I hope he does.
Did they fuck up the military system again? My dwarves are being retarded as fuck when it comes to armor choice and they refuse to use burrows.
7 hours late, but most animals are really skittish around dwarves and will run away in fear unless cornered
Man that wiki is really well done.
If you're playing the latest update, then no, it working correctly. Or at least it's working as designed. Aside from them not sparring, which is fixed next update.
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oh boy here we go
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>Drop goblins from 25 Z levels
>They sometimes live
>Carpenter gets pushed off a cliff by a crocodile and falls 8 z levels
>torso explodes
Can you upgrade from 03 to 04 with a save from 03?
They refuse to wear boot armour even though I have a heckton of it and when I assign marksdwarves to a burrow they just ignore it and wig out.
but sparring doesnt work in 04 i would reconsider upgrading
Wanderlust + Fields color
Set your uniform to replace clothing.
On duty military ignore burrow restrictions.
Same as it ever was.
Is sparring even that important to training? I've had soldiers who reached top tier from just practicing alone. And they demonstrate shit to each other enough so that armor and shield also increase
Before I could set marksdwarves to defend a burrow and they'd stay inside it guarding, I used to make guard towers all over the map with this.
It didn't work in .03 either. It hasn't work since the update to .42.
a far as i rememebr greaves count as boot+ leg wear but im not sure about htis
Sparring is usually faster. It has all the benefits of live training with none of the risk unless they're training wrestling.

I had a wrestler throw his sparring partner into his pet cavy once, instantly killing it.
>Wants a family
Maybe if they actually talked to each other instead of fucking around doing jack all in their free time. My 8 year old fort, none of the 7 starters have improved any relationship other than 1-2 "friendly terms" with random visitors.
Back in the days, these faggots were like rabbits, getting relationships within the first year and becomming buddy buddy with migrants.
it worked in 0,3 im 100% sure
he just removed it in the new patch accidentally he said it in his last blog post
my dwarves train since 2 years and are only talented without sparring
Does upgrading to ddr4 significantly increase my fps?
>he just removed it in the new patch accidentally
How the fuck does he even do that? He had no need to touch upon anything related to training at all!
I fixed sparring as well. The cautiousness personality check got flipped around with the new facets, which wouldn't normally be a problem (just a strike frequency shift), but the new drunken dwarves were 100 percent not-cautious (which made them all 100 percent cautious in the flipped check). The roll failed every time for them, so drunken sparring partners just sat there without throwing shots. That's normally reserved for super rare pathologically deliberate dwarves absolutely on one end of the curve, and that's not even much of an issue if their partner isn't the same way.
i dont know
read it yourself http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/
Assigning a dwarf to a burrow and ordering them to defend burrows are not the same thing. http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Scheduling
It wasn't. You're misunderstanding what he wrote. Read the bug report and then reread his post.
Yeah, that's what I meant.
Is their squad active? What are they doing?
As soon as I change the schedule to defend the burrow they all just turn to civvies and go to the tavern.
Strange. I never use defend burrows orders so I wouldn't have noticed if it was bugged. It hasn't been reported, though. Are you certain you set up the order properly? Applied it to the current month?
I second this
Where does one find one of those erotic DF mods? My curiosity must be sated.
why does CLA fuck up text?
How do you mean?
the black boxes
Oh. It's an old truetype bug. It's not specific to
CLA. Double tap f12 or resize your window to fix it temporarily.
thanks desu senpai
Spacefox master race reporting in.
i just got threatened by elves for chopping down trees.

I wish spacefox didn't succumb to the tileset creator disappearing syndrome. The dwarf sprites are cute.
The hell is up with my fps during adventure mode? It's a small world and this is a decent computer.
If you just started, and are still in your starting town/fortress chances are that the high population is the cause. fps will come back when you put some distance between you and the town.
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It's this fortress that's killing it. The fps was okay in the lower floors but coming back to the top kills my computer. I can't kill the monster that's in the fortress if it's going to be like this.
It's most likely coming from the Trade Depot/Tavern/Library/etc at the surface then.
That's what happens when male and autism heavy community finds out that you're a girl.
How do I write books in adventure mod? I have the skill, a quire and a scroll but nothing show up under the X writing menu
fuck man

im in the middle of being seiged by elves when THIS SHIT happens
you need to hold the quire in your hand.
>tfw you weren't born a girl
So it will kill those besieging you and you can just finish the wounded chinchilla...

So whats the problem ?

Spacefox make was a girl ??
That explains why is it so god damn cute tileset <3
the elves killed it
>Build fort
>Create library
>Retire fort
>Play as adventurer
>Kill beasts, save towns
>Become writer
>Write about it
>Fill fort library with amazing books

Good idea?
Thanks m8

Wrote 4 manual books now trying to write something useful and got all 4 to describe the secrets of life and death while not actually giving the reader the secrets of life and death..
I failed to notice that a werezebra bit 2 of my military dwarves.
Suffice to say, I have more bedrooms available for taking.
I love how the only macedwarf to get bit was the only one who wasnt a recruit.
My first 5 or so fortresses have all been in forests, how difficult is it to embark in a desert?
you get wood easily from the caverns anyway, not much of an issue
Holy shit it's this guy except female.

Too bad you didn't destroy her with a 2-handed sword + crossbow.
>and got all 4 to describe the secrets of life and death while not actually giving the reader the secrets of life and death..

Like all those Undertale reviews where the reviewer tries to not spoil the game while insisting that everything great about the game is in those spoilers.
>Can I find anything in game that isn't found in Legends?
Unless you unticked "reveal all history" in worldgen, no.
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If i kill every noble that comes in and continue to reelect my default expedition leader to be "head dwarf" will he eventually become duke or king ??
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>tfw entire fort has ptsd
Which values does my adventurer need to stop fucking crying?
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bretty cool. doesn't look like he's petitioning to join, which is too bad, but maybe he'll be back next year
This just happened to me
>seven migrants arrive
>one of the children transforms into a werehyena
>fucks up a couple of them, but dogs and hunters manage to kill it
>7 gobbos invade immediately after this mess
>all the migrants I suspected of having become infected are chilling outside either because I ordered them to or due to wounds they received (was planning on quantum smashing them kek)
>once again my army of dogs and two hunters manage to kill all the gobbos
>all migrants and a good dozen dogs dead
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Dont think there will be a next year...
Really? Please tell me that some bay12 turboautist begged her to be his egirlfriend until she fled the community in disgust.
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Damn i wish my DF experience were like that ...

What was you embark site parameters ??
>migraines turning into werebeasts
Why do people keep teeling stories with this element? It has NEVER happened to me, even though I've played since 2010, and it should, considering how the metagame around werebeasts work: anyone who turns in world-gen is outlawed by their civ and can only return during their brief attacks on certain sites, like your fort. There is only one way for a world gen werebeast to arrive to your fort, namely already transformed and with their own message.

The only two ways for an already identified creature(like the child you mentioned) to transform is if it either was infected after it migrated to your fort or if it migrated from one of your earlier forts(where it was infected in-game).
Dwarves are more dense
goblins are more springy thanks to their airy bones
Anyone seen a kobold since 42.xx?
I havent seen an announcement of a snatcher/theif yet....
But i during an attack by a werebeast I saw a kobold theif sneaking his way away out of my open drawbridge.
Did they get sneakier?
Share your worlds /dfg , i want to find something cool to play my next fort in.

Not the guy you responding to but i had one of my migrants transform into werechinchilla waaay back when i had no idea how to play this game.
What pop cap is a good number to use?

I've had it tell me every time
They didn't like your outlandish layout.

Stick to rectangles, three tile wide corridors and 3x3 staircases next time.
Dat looks like an old tape camera.
Anyone else having issues with parents abandoning their babies?

They just leave them on the floor where they crawl around and beg for water.

I was trying to get a painting framed yesterday and this little gook baby was crawling around the store. He was fast, too, I would turn around and he would be right there chewing on my shoe laces. He didn't seem to belong to anybody, if he got in the way the employees would push him into the corner with their feet. Definitely wasn't a customer's baby, I was the only one there.
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>if he got in the way the employees would push him into the corner with their feet

parents/babysitters of the year right here.
Announcement log doesn't have much more on the matter, but I'll save now and look it up in legends viewer to further proof my story.
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forgot pic
I think 4chan has destroyed my morality because instead of feeling bad for the baby or being mad at the parents I'm just laughing my ass off.
Don't worry, it's gook baby
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>dat population

talk about living on the powderkeg...

It could be a sitcom.
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And finally, I present the ultimate proof. Ok, she wasn't part of the migrants, but she appeared at nearly the same moment and when I looked at the happening she was already having fun with the others, so I jumped to conclusions.
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>nine year old
That's very moe.
I set a jeweler's workshop that receives from two stockpiles, finished goods and gems but the jeweler keeps encrusting gems to the same item over and over, is there a way to fix this? Is it because I have the task on repeat? Also, it's not possible to encrust armor and weapons with gems, right?
Plump helmet.
avoid queuing more than one gem on a workshop. Try Encrust / Cut Gem / Cut Gem all on repeat.

that'll give your haulers time to take it away from him. It's rather abysmal and something you have to carefully watch to make sure it functions well. But hey. Hey. At least he hasn't encrusted the same pig tail bag 400 times.
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pls no
Do foreign citizens throw tantrums? Are they just as affected by the death of a dwarf as another dwarf?
>Slain by silver bolt
Silver is not actually more effective against cursed creatures, are they? Is silver even a good bolt material?
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Alright, that worked. I also made a new stockpile that only received superior and higher quality finished goods and cut gems right next to the workshop that made the dwarf consider different items.
It takes so much fiddling but it's very rewarding when you get it right.

Don't forget to level your cutters and encrusters up on glass and cut stones. If you do go the cut stone route (which is great because it converts valueless stone that you may have 1500 of lagging your fort into low value training) make sure you stockpile that shit directly adjacent to the jeweler and only let him take from there, or he'll be hauling 400 pound stones all day and cutting for 1/40th of it. QSP's help tremendously.
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>gen a world yesterday
>gobbo outpost liason
>gen a world today
>gobbo outpost liason

is this more common in 04 or something?
It's been pretty common since .40.
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Proof that a multi-race society will never prosper.
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I have 62 visitors, anyone have any idea on how to get rid of them? Removing the Tavern doesn't do it and i'd rather not have my military kill them all.
>i'd rather not have my military kill them all
Every werebeast type is vulnerable to a random metal. Silver used to be the best for bolts, now they're just okay.
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Well they were killed by some other FB so its not really proving anything ...
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Fuck it anon, i'm walling the tavern off right now so they can't escape.
How you figure out what metal works best?
Elfs a cute... CUTE
In general, or for a specific werebeast? In general, just testing and paying attention to research and devlogs. For werebeasts, you can't really. You just have to swing and hope that what you have sticks.
Trust not the dagger eared!
I rather take the edge of a knife made of wood, than to grasp the edge of a steel knife. Never trust a dwarf. They will kill their own children over petty childish rage
Those are fucking huge rooms anon.
EIDF detected

How many prickle berries per post?
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Well, that worked.
>dat FPS
>dem idlers

Jesus how can you play like that ???
Fps was like that because it's paused, the Idlers are like that because they've been put into a burrow that keeps them out of the hall. All is well now.
Not him but its paused fps. I doubt he plays at 110k fps. The game would end in less than a second.
You're right about the idlers tho. Absolutely disgusting.
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chef sharpening knife.jpg
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>mfw elves
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Well my paused fps are in the 100-120 range ..
Hence the shock.


My autism gets triggered if i have more than 2-3 idlers.

>mfw young elven pussy
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>tfw you will never be eaten by a cute elf girl
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elves doing the natural thing.png
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No ">my feet hurt"?
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post cutebolds you say?
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>he doesn't "drink" from his animal friends
so wasteful
Remember to save, quit, open your init (or d_init I can't remember) and set your visitor cap to something reasonable like 20 or whatever you want. Or it'll just happen again.
Is this the work of duplicate raw entries?
That is lewd as fuck.
>you will never capture and force a kobold to copulate with you
>kidnapping and rape when toady?
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L E W D .gif
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>shallow metals
>tetrahedrite native gold casserite

>deep metals
>tetrahedrite galena casserite

>okay toady I set up your exhentai account
>use it sparingly
>7 months later
>Okay guys, I've managed to (with assistance) implement a basic reproduction and preference system...
>you will never shit out a bunch of tiny kobolds in the middle of mining and interrupt your work to shove them into your !!*pig leather quiver*!!
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Yeah that was the first thing I done when I realised this problem.
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elf surfboarding.gif
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>you will never get pitted into an arena with some giant elephants and throw said kobold offspring into the brain of Harmstokes the Paved Lakes the Giant Elephant, bruising the brain and fracturing the skull and lodging in the wound.
>Well my paused fps are in the 100-120 range

Your paused fps can be whatever you set it for.
We need a drawfag on this stat.
New thread
I came here for dank memes not dank feels.
Does Toady plan on breeding?
Who will take on the mantle without an heir?

Is there any mod for 42.xx that simplifies meat, leather and all that stuff to one type like in masterwork? Or any guide to do it myself.
Considering how his lifestyle he might want to start thinking about what happens to dwarf fortress after he's gone.

What is his lifestyle?
sleep during day awake a night, doesn't drink water, only soft drinks. God only knows what he eats.

Link to information about him?

He eats Quiznos every day.
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