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/edg/ - Elite Dangerous General

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Thread replies: 791
Thread images: 157

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>Where do i buy x module/weapon for my ship?
High-tech systems have the best inventory, look there. The higher population the better.

>What's this RES you guys talk about?
Resource Extraction site. spawns pirates and space cops that shoot each other. HAZRES in best left alone until you have a Vulture or better.

>Pilots Guide:

>Steam Group (post your commander info in the announcement so we can add you)

>Change HUD color:

>Markets Tools:

>Ship & module discounts
Go to https://eddb.io/station
Set power to Li-Yon Rui
Set reference system to your current location
Set Station sells ship/module to what you need
Find Stations
Enjoy 15% discount

>Test your ships before you buy:

Previous thread: >>126282061
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Why are people buying Horizons when they will have to pay again for planetary landings on worlds with liquid or atmosphere of any kind
but you won't
I will pay for good planetary landings not this "ded world" half-assed update that costs nearly as much as the base game and won't be "finished" for a year
That sounds like a pretty cool was of doing it, currently you have to pull your throttle back to avoid being pulled out of supercruise. How far away from the sun would the Lagrange points be though?
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That depends on the mass of the object we're talking about, and the objects around it.

It shouldn't really matter how far away you land because you're going to be far enough from any well to go from 0c to 20c in a few seconds tops.
lagrange points only exist in a 2 body system, so that completely depends on what planet or companion you are talking about
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I was just concerned that you'd end really far from any thing, but that looks like it would only be a problem if it was between two stars of something..
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Where's the newsletter, Brabo? I want to hear your sweet little lies.
Just take the object that they jump you to and plop an anchor (n)ls at l1-l5s that you pull from the mass of the object. I'm a MATLAB fag but that seems like a thing that could be done in a few weeks without an insane amount of error, right?

The farther you land from a well, the better, because you accelerate faster in SC and have a higher top speed. I clearly have not done the napkin-math but it likely makes up for the distance since you spend so much time accelerating /away/ from the anchor object right now.

This would actually be a buff to trading routes, I think, especially considering pirates can't camp all five points without effort.
how do you jettison cargo?

I found "rebel transmissions" but apparently they're useless
Fuck off, nigger.
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Forgot to say that if a conflict is thrown for L(x) or whatever because of an interfering object then you can prevent this by making the grid the jumper lands on fuck-huge, or just not fucking worry about it because in what instance are objects going to be sitting on all five Lagrangian grids?
Will a HAZ res double your profit from bounty hunting compared to a Res?
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Seriously though how often is pic related going to happen where the Xs are objects with a larger radius than the parent star
Hazreses have a fuckton of big ships, worth +100k. Only problem, however, is that they'll kick your ass if you get into their crosshairs.

~10-20 minutes of dedicated hunting will get you 1.5 mil, easy. Just watch your shields/hull.
It'd be easier to just refund the pilot who landed inside something and adjust the system's anchors than to deal with this in a preventative manner
>black holes without accretion disc
>being any temperature

a black hole in elite terms is fairly pointless really, it's just a star that doesn't shine, if gravity slows your FSD black holes should slow it down a lot especially as you get close, maybe even there would be a point where the gravity gradient becomes so big your FSD shuts down completely and you get sucked in

planets for some reason slow you down a lot more than stars, and at least red stars have a mostly unremarkable heat

blue stars are at least somewhat dangerous in that you can more easily get too close
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>What is hawking radiation
this source of radiation in space is insignificant
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>and you get sucked in

In most SC instances in ELITE you are moving at FTL speeds and can never enter an orbit around a black hole where it is strictly impossible to escape. If you could fly inside the event horizon, I could see your FSD becoming non-functional for gameplay reasons.

and at least red stars have a mostly unremarkable heat

>blue stars are at least somewhat dangerous in that you can more easily get too close

You might find our method of stellar classification very interesting since you've noticed this on your own in-game.
Steam is getting hacked right now lmao

you aren't ever orbiting anything in supercruise, and the drive gets less effective with greater gravity, it's a warp drive not an ftl drive, you never actually move faster than light

all that is needed is the point where the FSD is slowed down to such a point where it shuts off, and the local gravity is too great for your real engines to overcome as well

neither of these have anything to do with the event horizon and could be far, far beyond it
Maybe they shouldn't have made one of the shittiest sales ever, then.

This is /not/ the case. Hawking radiation can easily create fluctuations at least as high as several kelvin. Sure, it's cold to you because you're chilling on Earth and everything is nice and temperate and you're a mammal, but just because something is a few degrees above absolute zero doesn't mean it is cold.

Yes, they're Alcubierre warp drives and that makes sense.

The jump drives undergo some other kind of phenomenon and you can always just point away from the black hole and jump to an anchor point in range in that direction, the odds of which are pretty good.
the jump drive still needs you to be away from mass lock
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Wait does it really?

Guess I've never tested that, neat
just got an Anaconda

am i autistic?
not until you buy the gold skin
Can I have it, I just started a new character and I have 100k credits and don't want to grind to it
Hmm I guess not because I get so much more from high res with the added security as a bonus
Funniest thing about this is even if he actually wanted to give it you, the only way he could is by giving you his account details, because there's no other way of transferring things in this so call "MMO"
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Are you sure about that?
Because Gaben is calling you a liar.
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I saved a video of me literally diving into a black hole. Nothing happens, it's a bug.

Let me see if I can find it and webm it

This enrages me as well and this game is 100% marketed as an MMO spaceflight sim by literally every promotional material ever so good luck telling all the newfriends it isn't one

Well, I figured it would be a B U G because the game physically stops you from approaching objects in warp or in sublight unless you sperg out the physics engine.
It wasn't initially billed as one. It was kickstarted as a singleplayer game where you could invite your friends and meet random people if you wanted.

Same model as Destiny basically. "Mingleplayer", not MMO.

They can't put a trigger warning on everything you see.

Deal with it.
If you guys have nothing better to do that shit on this game on christmas, at least go back to /scg/ where you can sing along with the choir.

Nobody cares about your non-functional game.

>star plebians
>calling this "non-functional"
I don't own SC and I'm not planning on owning SC and I'm probably half of the "shitting on elite" posts you see in here.

182 hours logged on Steam btw
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Guys, I need Osmium.

Should I head to some random system with pristine or nearly pristine asteroid belts with rich metal content?

is prospector limpet the basic or is there something better to use?
if you get anything get collector limpets because scooping is by far the most soul draining part of mining
and a refinery and mining laser might be useful too
SC is what is non-functional.

Elite is actually a game.
you want to visit pristine metallic rings, and you'll need prospector limpets, collector limpets, a refinery with 8ish bins, and a mining laser
Yeah, a shit one.
The best that the market and the technology can permit.

Humans just don't care about space, at all.
How long does it take to get to Baron, currently grinding for 2 days and at 8% Serf :^)
>The best that the market and the technology can permit.
That would be Star Citizen.
Star Citizen isn't and never will be a game. It's just vapor.
Here, have a (you)
whats a good loadout for the viper mk3?
Nice meme, pops.
Edge bros and newfriends,

merry Christmas and may your wish of this game finally becoming fun be fulfilled.

Ftroop, Brabo Vision, die in a fire.

I promise not to be naughty next year, Santa! Please delivar!

The 2.0 vids make it seem fun. Broken as fuck, but fun.
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Whatever, goy. Don't forget to buy a Christmas tree bobblehead.

Seeming fun is the goal of all promotional videos for games.
Is 17 Draconis still up?

I mean videos by players. Scott Manley did a few and it seemed fun. The way ships break up as they get hit is excellent. Braben promised that but hasn't delivered yet. Maybe on the walking about season. Maybe.
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>trusting steam immediately after this happens
I'm gonna give it like 3 days.

>Scott manley
>not a PR youtuber.


Anyhoo, walking around stations is just a pointless waste of time and resources.
Hi, multirole fag here

I have 7.3 mil and wondering if I should A rate my cobra, buy an asp explorer OR save up for clipper?

here is my current build - http://coriolis.io/outfit/cobra_mk_iii/13A4C4C3C3C3C4C262618180n00032b49v66a2h.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==
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>develop entire game in the 17 months between jan 2013 of the kickstarter and the may 2014 alpha 4 (essentially completed)
>spend another 7 months polishing it for release
>fix most game breaking bugs in 3 weeks
>another 3 months on coop gameplay
>another 3 on power play
>6 months on airless planets

what happened? they used to be fast, now it's developing at snails pace
Never made a game before?
I'm guessing it's the console porting and constant wasted effort on elaborate one-time/one-location community/story goals that's keeping them from adding actual content
How long does it take to farm rep for clipper? Is viper suitable for it?
No it's mostly that they realize that the content that some players want would be a waste of development time.

The game is fine as is. Go make your own if you're unhappy. The only thing that separates Elite and SC is that Elite is honest about setting expectations.
Hey, Pecisk, you're wasting your time shilling here.

First, not many people here like what Braben and FD do to this game.

Second, not many people here actually care about SC.

Return to reddit/forums.
>actual content instead of onetime events and non-content would be a waste of time

Dad, please.

Shitposting won't change the game's market.

Star Citizen is Vaporware. Elite is the best we get.
So, fuck off to /scg/ and preach your bullshit there?
Just went back and A spec'ed a cobra mk 3 to do some robigo shenanigans.
Man I love this ship. So much better than pissing around in a Fdl,asp or a
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Are you automatically fucked if you don't upgrade to biggest and bigger ships ASAP, or is there some room in the game for those who'd rather just upgrade fighters or small multiroles?

Just looking at stats it seems that even the capitals aren't that much slower than the tiniest things, while their DPS and shields are several orders of magnitude greater...
>or is there some room in the game for those who'd rather just upgrade fighters or small multiroles

You see, the only things that give you a feel of progress in this game are bigger and badder ships and a bunch of xbone tier achievements like elite/faction rank.

You are free to fly whatever the fuck you want tho.
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is there an updated version for this?
You can fly whatever and do any job. There's only more optimal forms of doing those jobs and for most people the only way to feel good about this barebones game is to have the big one.
>You are free to fly whatever the fuck you want tho.
Though good luck doing those 200k+ Deadly Anaconda assassinations.
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Has anyone seen any strange PoI's in their travels? I heard supposedly you can see some different stuff out farther from civilization but I'm not gonna give up the grind when I'm so close to a piton to go look at moon rocks for hours.
I've seen pirates with no fuel scoop on their ship 1000+ ly away from the nearest populated system.

It's boring as shit out there to be honest family
>noob in a freshly bought Eagle
>bounty hunting at random like I did with my sidewinder
>struggling with the two fixed lasers and the gimball I installed on the roof
>suddely 1% hull, no shields
>kill them all anyway
>phew let's just cash this all in
>bet interdicted from supercruise by feds
>shields evaporate
>100k bounty gone

tl;dr babby's first ragequit

I did have enough to cover the insurance at least
I actually got Horizons for free
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Did you buy the lifetime expansion pass?
nah, I won it. A small streamer I watch was giving away games and it was that, FO4 or a joke game

my laptop can't run FO4, obv.
I think I found the forumdad that's always posting here whenever someone bitches about the game. The writing style and use of terminology are strikingly similar.


So what I suggest is that Frontier stops developing the story now, and take every hand made mission they have done in the past, and repurpose them as events that can happen anywhere and and any time, so that all players in all corners of the populated space can experience it for themselves, no matter when they choose to play. And focus future efforts on expanding the library of such dynamic events, rather than more worthless one-time content.

Man I totally agree with Forumdad
Why would I post on the forums?
>that power distribution

You've never jumped away from a station?

Other ships won't slow down a jump like they do going to supercruise though, so maybe jumping is more brute force and not as easily affected.
>all this armor

Lose our shields often, do we?
>Frontier Developments
So does volcanism do anything yet?
no and you can't land on those
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I can, but I don't see any volcanic anything. Except this ground that glows.in the dark.
>Just got this game
>Control scheme is an absolute shitwank
I'm gonna need a joystick for this, aren't I?
defaults seem alright to me, what are you having trouble with?
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Just change your keys anon. I changed mine to similar to fps shooters

W thrust forward
A thrust left
S backwards
D right
QE roll
Space vertical thrust (jump)
C downward (crouch)
R engines set speed
F engines set speed decelerate

Shift is my pip modifier
shift w pip to engines
Shift s pip balance
Shift a systems
Shift d weapons
That might help thanks
Forgot to mention

Mouse up down is pitch
Mouse left right yaw
Turn of that auto centering too
Ctrl is center mouse
Ctrl+R set engines to 50% or 75% for mobility
Is it just me or has Aisling Duval's standings dropped like a rock since the last CG?

Her fanboys must have pissed a lot of people off.
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>Jump to a system
>nearest dock is 500K Ls away
mine is a bit different
engine throttle is scroll up and down, middle click set it to 50%, X set it to 0%

F silent running
V chaff
B shield cell bank
H heatsink
R cycle weapon
How do I deliver the salvage for the Anteries community goal?
There's no option to give the cargo on the bullitin board.
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>"I'll just do a quick delivery mission before I go to bed"
>jump to the system
>see that shit
Okay, how the fuck are you supposed to kill Federal Corvettes in a Courier? They're better shielded, better armored, better equipped, and most surprisingly, more maneuverable than me.

Cutters and Anacondas have a weak point- they can't turn as well as a player. This thing however always had me in the range of its cannons. And it was able to keep up with me as I was boosting away to let my shields regen a bit.

Seriously, am I missing something?
get something better like vulture

Don't disagree. X-Rebirth is definite proof of this. Walking around your own ship with goofy AI NPCs could be fun. Dwarf Fortress is as proof of that.
>Seriously, am I missing something?

A ship that's not scrub-tier.


This. This so much. Please! VISION PLEASE GET THOSE GLASSES.
the molten rock is there

you just have to use your imagination
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That's because the Courier sucks dick. It has shit maneuverability for such a mall ship and aint even that fast. Good shields is the only thing it's good at. Blame ftroop and git good.
How much does a Vulture + outfit cost
Around 20m.
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>our next community goal will be to find the remains of a large ship that exploded 50 years ago
>Woah, that's a good idea sir! We can have the players go to certain systems and search for wreckage
>They can get the personal effects, escape pods, and other various things
>The players will love the new graphic for the escape pods!
>Have the wreckage signals always spawn near planets, the players will be able to pick them up from 1000ls away. These points will always have 5 wreckage components
>Sir, how will the players tell the difference?
>Just have it spawn more shrapnel
>What are wreckage components?
>A new item for this quest, just use the standard canister graphic.
>But sir! All of this sounds generic and boring!
>s-standard canisters it is sir.

And then half the people that go to this shit have their game crash.
a wreck from 50 years ago will not be that coherent

hell a wreck from last week would already have formed a nice ring
Is there really any reason to ever do the community goals? I tried one when I first started playing, and it seemed like that time would have been better spent doing anything else.
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>npc's ramming
>flying a FAS
>they explode instantly
>my shields barely move

I just start my battles by ramming with a bi-weave shield now. Makes shit go much faster.
Anyone know of a empire rank cheesing place that still works?
A base on of the moons of Aislings home system gives out shitloads of high rep, ass easy missions. Horizons only though.
Jesus fuckin' hell
Quit bullshitting out your butthole, unless stellar wind is driving enough atmosphere away to drag the salvage, there's nothing slowing it down or coalescing it in a reasonable time-frame. Would still take decades if not a century or more.
whatever forces caused there to be a wreck in the first place will also cause each piece to have different orbital velocities, which mean they will spread out a lot very fast
Is there a way to tell class 2 gas giants from other classes?
well it says when you scan them and they can be scanned from beyond visual range, so I don't think there's a better way.
That is literally the opposite of coalescing, what the fuck are you on about dude

btw I'm an astronomer
I'm saying if it's 50 years old, or even a little bit old none of the pieces would be near each other
Yes, and they also certainly would not have flattened out in an orbit creating a ring-like structure. They would be all over the place, and the majority would have burned up from slowing down too greatly at impact.
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It's even better how winged NPCs don't give a shit even if you kill someone through ramming. Makes cutting down those huge conda + 4 FAS death balls much easier.

The explosion sent shrapnel flying into other star systems.
Having large amounts of it in a large ball near planets in other systems makes no sense.

FD is lazy. Actually they're just stupid. It's like they purposefully make shit boring.
gotta have something to keep people playing to keep up the appearance of a large player base

Wouldnt having interesting gameplay actually gain a real playerbase?

Then they wouldnt have to pretend.
you can still kill shit with 5m-10m
I don't see how it helps since anybody can see current players on steam
With all the sales and stuff, it's safe to assume that at least 50% of players use steam version, if not more
That makes 20k players on average, which is fucking laughable for a so-called MMO
is trading the fastest way of making dosh?
5k is a lot for MMO, E:D population is actually above average
>5k is a lot for MMO

In what fucking world?
I bet there's more than 5K people playing Runescape right now.
Our world
Not when there's 100k inhabited systems
Granted, I guess comparing ED to casual-friendly stuff and f2p is not very fair
Anyone have Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X? Worth it?
good value for money, only problem is it doesn't quite have enough buttons so you need to be imaginative with the keybindings. i've got a lot of mileage out of mine
I asked this last thread, some people said it was fine for ED, others said save up and get the X52 or X55 or some other solution.

I ended up buying a T-Flight because it was only £30 in a amazon lightning deal yesterday (although that's only £5 off).
5k would be 'go f2p' or 'immediate shutdown' numbers for an actual MMO.

Fuck off. 5k is a pathetic number for any new game regardless of genre.

Good MMOs pull MILLIONS of players. There's usually hundreds of thousands on at any given time.
This is especially important when the game makes it a point to have a gigantic world for people to explore.

It's not just MMOs either. Any successful online game will have thousands of players.
Matchmaking would be non-existent if this wasnt the case.

MMOs, though, especially rely on massive player numbers.
The fucking acronym is "Massively Multiplayer Online" for a reason.

I've had cases where I wont see another player for 2 days.

Then when I finally do see a player and say hello it will be

Fucking anti social dads. Solo made is half the problem with the god damn game.
Who the fuck even releases an MMO and gives players the option to not play online?

On top of that. This is an MMO with no quests. The community goals are horribly mismanaged like everything else. The economy barely works. And players are barely allowed to have any influence on the game.

The charm of comfy space trucking is gonna wear off soon.
If FD doesnt give people something to do people are going to move to other games.
And other games are coming. Hopefully they wont be absolute garbage.

I'm skeptical about SC. But NoMan's might pull it off.
Barring that there's always Space Engineers if you're in the mood to watch your PC get a good raping.
thx for the reply

how is the T-Flight treating you anon? I really want the T Flight X but I think the throttle is not really going to do any good. Is it possible to use flight stick and keyboard at the same time?
Oh, one thing I was wondering about the T-flight was how does the removable throttle feature work? Does the throttle still work if you remove it from the joystick, is it connected by a wire or something?
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Nice, thanks.
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Oh yes
when will I get to land my ship on braben's jaw
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autohotkey script for setting power distribution via your joysticks POV hat
Is there a way to see more stuff on galaxy map? I filtered many star types out but still can't see them from afar
No. The galaxy map is an incoherent mess.
>go on twitch elite dangerous streams
>its all middle aged men with babies crying in the background

so the meme is real then
oh fug :D:D:D
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thank you /edg/

Now I hope they'll allow us to do the same with empire.
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If you haven't been to Sagittarius A yet... what the fuck are you doing in this game?
Shit like this always bothered me. Why do they give you a high rank when you can't use it. You'll never be called to direct a full scale war from a capship. Same with the Empire and their nobility ranks. Yeah that's great, I'm a Baron. Where is my Barony?
How, what did you do?
look at archive threads. They'll tell you every secrets you need to know

>17 draconis charity missions RINSE AND REPEAT FOR DAYS
I thought they patched it and you couldn't spawn more missions
Why the FUCK can't I request docking permissions? Doesn't look like the stations are full, ships are constantly leaving

you can't, they patched it

that's why it took me fucking days to do it
Reasons you can't dock at a station
>All the pads are full
>You're beyond 7900 meters
>You're in a Large ship and the station has no Large pad
>Another player is in the process of spawning on the only available pad
So you just waited for them to spawn regularly? Any observations on how often they spawn?
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I don't know dude, I played at work mostly, so time to time I checked bulletin board and took mission.

Yes, I'm an autist but that ship is mine now !

And I started 2 week ago...
As far as I know, none of these apply. Not sure what's going on but I'll try again later
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nice, but actually I don't have a problem witch my dick size
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M-maybe he wanted to say that he flies without a wing
How the fuck are you supposed to do shadow deliveries! Got 2 jumps away from Robigo, then got interdicted by some random Viper, and then as I dropped out of FSD some system authority ship appeared out of nowhere and scanned me. The really confusing thing was I was in a system with 0 population... wtf was a system authority ship doing there...

Fuck this shit
Task manager
Not everyone can handle the rigors of smuggling.
or this autohotkey script: "!F4::run ekill.bat" combined with this .bat file: "tskill EliteDangerous64"
I proscribe 1 dose of git gud delivered rectally

So the only way to do these missions is to cheat? If FDev hate smuggling so much, why did they put it in the game!

ha ha

fucking uninstall already
What is there to do in this game. I got bored of trading and doing missions, I don't care about combat and I've been to Sag A.
What else is there?
Is 15mil enough to get an ASP Explorer nad properly mod it for eploration trip?

If not, how much credits do I need to save?
Go to LYR space, 15m should be more or less enough for this, excluding scoop.

I'm not responsible if you fuck up landing on high g planets with shitty those thrusters
Read the OP goddamnit.
And yes, its just enough for an exploration >ASP.
Well, good thing I dont have that "DLC"
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Why can't you go to Gamma Velorum? It says you need a permit, but no faction gives one
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These missions are pointless to pick up
future content
chaff, silent running, shooting the scanning ship, etc all interrupt scans

watch for ships trying to interdict you too, any ship behind you (hardpoints deployed especially) on your radar in supercruise is a threat

git gud basically
I didn't get any gems
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Bi-weave shield on Eagle, worth or not?
so how is horizons? worth pick the game back up to play?
not for that pricetag at the moment
i already have access to it because i was a premium beta backer.
Worth. Eagle shields are so trash and will drop under any serious fire anyway. With bi-weave they get back up super fast at least.
well it's still not worth the pricetag.
remember seeing those anaconda and T9 derelict ships on surface ? they are not in anymore either
Worth at least checking out how they done planet surfaces, no?

Landings get old fast and there's nothing interesting left when they do.
>no newsettler this week
Why is the Anaconda more maneuverable then the Python?

In my Python i would struggle to turn against faster enemies. but the Anaconda can go toe to toe with vultures and FDL, even with only B thrusters.

how does this make sense?
this is one of those games that are good to play when you're preparing to take a shit
because the Anaconda/Corvette/Cutter are supposed to be the be all end all OP endgame ships thats are better then all the other ships.

yes the balancing in this game is fucked
>be new
>get 60k bounty reward
>can't dock anywhere
>not enough fuel to leave system

Better call the fuel goys :^)
I can fix a hauler with a fuel limpet and come find you, but I wont be home for another 2-ish hours.

Although if you're new and in a shitwinder, you can just self destruct and rebuy your ship as it was for nothing, or nearly nothing.
Yeah it's ok, I'm dead, got shit on by anacondas
Thanks though
Could I run this game with GT 650m? I have the processor and RAM.
I think so yeah, but you might struggle with planets

download the alpha "demo" to see how it runs

It's not. I've flown both. It's only more maneuverable if you turn the fa off.

It has absolutely incredible acceleration, which you can exploit in FA-Off.

FAO requires skill though, which iPod-anon seems to lack.
so have i, and its way more maneuverable
Really? Did they nerf it again?
maybe? i wouldn't know if they did

all i know is that Anaconda sure feels like its way more maneuverable

They'll make different sounds in the system map when you have them selected.

It takes a bit of practice and some time listening to a new planet to figure out the difference, though.

That's how I avoid traveling 500KLS to worlds that look earthlike but turn out to just be metal or water worlds. Earthlikes blow wind and make animal sounds like bird chirping, while metal worlds sound dead and water worlds bubble.

That particular star is permit locked because going there would be a one-way trip. Conditions in the system are lethal to even the most heavily protected ships and the star is expected to go supernova any time now.
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Aaaaaaany time now...
>there is no grind
>use your IMAGINATION!
yeah try grinding a faction ship ranks and play something different other than your asp explorer you nigger middle aged man

The Python used to fly a lot better. They knee-jerk nerfed the fuck out of it a while back because it was too good.

Speed, acceleration and maneuverability were all reduced 20% and the base shields were reduced by 1/3.

Since these stats all synergize with each other in combat the actual impact was a lot worse than just the sum of changes. The Python used to be an absolute beast.

They justified this to the community by claiming it was always mean to be an armed trader and nothing more. Which is why they had it on the CZ spawn table as a ship of the line...
>tfw 8k ly away from populated space
>tfw i just want to kill myself
>tfw i won't because i am a jew and lose out on all those sweet sweet exploration credits.
yeah its fucking bullshit what they did to it. I never got the chance to experience the Python in its prime, but it was still a damn good ship that got me to my Anaconda.

still a shame what they did to it though.
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which one of you visionary bastards posted this

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went back to supercruise and dropped in again.

apparently the instance I dropped in was borked
god mining seem like shit why did i try this
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Looks like somebody got Alderan'd
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>cobra with no shields
>2 pips to system
any time now means hundreds of thousands of years in case of this star. Also the radiation from this particular WR shouldn't be any higher than other WRs in the game, and they are approachable
ship-tans when?

If the footage is pre-1.2 that's normal. The game didn't keep track of your shields in supercruise.

In fact jumping to SC and back gave you a free recharge if they went down.

GV is in the middle of an expulsion event in 3301. You can't survive there right now.
Based on real life cycles or just in-game lore? Do you have a source if former? I'm interested in this
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I just decided to check this. Apparently whole area is in lockdown. I'm also interested.
probably future content

You'd have to dig through Braben's twitter.

They're going to have the star explode and ravage the nearby region (it will have "exploded" some time ago) and base expansion content on the freshly impacted area around the star.
This sounds cool, but there is no way Frontier won't fuck this up royally
>Anti-radiation module required. That will be $60 please.
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>energy shields don't block radiation
if you read the expansion and the lifetime passes it's VERY obvious that horizons isn't gonna give you very long. maybe just whatever comes out this year.
I am prepared to buy whatever expansions they throw at me.
every year there will be a new expansion/season
anyone know if theres a new empire rankup station?
64 hours in a only just an A-rated Cobra Mk 3 and 40% into Serf rank

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How fitting!
How does that even work anyways with the base game?
"You require X expansion to access these systems"
"You require Y expansion to access these upgrades, equipment, and significantly better ships than what's currently available to you"
"You require Z expansion to play with people who use the following...."

and so on, over and over, making those who paid for an incomplete game either fucked out of their investment, or forced to pile more money in?
Have you not ever played an MMO?
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Did the servers just go down?
I was in mid-transit to another system when I got a error message relating to the server
also wanna know this

Frontier has no regard for loyalty. Newcomers actually get everything in one purchase.

You buy Horizons now, you get the base game too. Total cost $60

You bought Elite last year and get a "loyalty discount" of $15 on Horizons. Total cost $105

I was just interdicting a pirate, too
So, there isn't any system for grinding empire rank with charity mission ? that's odd

to think Braben would let us become all max rank in federation but not in empire...
So cargo missions are fucked right?

I was told to scoop up some chemicals, did scoop them up but the mission did not update and now I can't do shit with my cargo
yeah they're bugged

delivery missions should still work but anything where you have to collect cargo is fucked
For now don't do anything that says (mission specific) unless they give you the cargo when you take the mission.
So what's your favorite system?

Personally I like Gende, has a station next to a hazres with just about all upgrades for my Python
Stanton :^)
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Dad, its 615 mountain time.....way past your bedtime unless your Pst or earlier.
This ship is meh.
>expecting an iShip to be better then meh
>Bounty Hunting in Vulture in Gende HazRes
>Wing of 3 vulture CMDRs come along
>We're bounty hunting for an hour together.
>One of them scans me
>300 Credit dormant bounty on other side of galaxy
>They just all open fire without a word and kill me instantly.

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EDG/ what the hell is happening here? Is there a way to complete the distress call missions?
Did I just waste my time fighting off a shitload of ships?

Pic kinda unrelated
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Guys I just bought a space hind

did I fuck up? is the explorer version better?
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>H-here I go!
Nah that is a decent ship until you get a vulture or something big and mean,

Someone scan this fag
I guess

should I sell my Eagle and start outfitting this bad boy? I kept the starting Sidewinder which I upgraded somewhat

B-but anon, you can't tell NPC commanders what to do!


Make sure you always request docking and do the outposts first.
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I usually do the the system with the most missions (if applicable) or just the closest one first. Any advantage to doing outposts first?

Some fags can't dock an Asp at a large station without getting scanned and assume nobody else can either.

Large stations are literally easier than small ones. Just SR your way until you face the slit, then boost your way into the station while simultaneously dumping heat/turning off SR/request docking.

It doesn't have to be an NPC.

You know what? I think I'll come intercept you while you're still on the Col285-Psicium corridor.
Hey. How come no one told me that Robigo was still giving good paying missions?

You seem to be missing the point.
I'm so very sorry. I sent out postcards to all the important /edg/ posters. I even scheduled to have representatives call you once you were available, but they must have forgotten. I'll be sure to fire them right away and send an apology letter right away, sir.

> I'm so very sorry.

This will be enough, Jeeves. Carry on.
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One down, many to go. Pretty drunk, listening to dadrock while playing a comfy dadgame.
>Blocking your name

colossal faggot detected
>Blocking your name

Forumdad detected.


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so what the hell is there to do in this game besides grind bounties/missions? I like the gameplay but it feels like a tech demo with no content in it
use your imagination
Make your own fun, anon!
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I just got a FDL and I love all the cool engine noises it makes and playing the game is fun, I just don't know what to do any more though. what do you guys do?
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Holy shit, I didn't realize I was this close. Chinamanspace is awesome.
I fly into a system, explore, figure out what is going on, do missions, see if there's potential for good trade and maybe join a war zone if there is one.
I shitpost here and fap to drawings
I play for a few weeks after every big patch and then go do other things. Keeps me from outright hating the game.
>spending all your money on a ship
Chinajew himself is alo awesome. Join us. :^)
Just find a ship you link, A-class it, then run around looking for shit to shoot at.

If you don't enjoy shooting things, or playing space trucker, then there is nothing left to do in the game.

I might go back to the grind and try to get a feddie gunship just to strap nothing but missiles onto it as a fun gag but otherwise I don't really feel the need to move away from my Vulture.
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Tried plotting a route, and the system search took me all the fucking way out here by accident. What the fuck IS this thing? I've never seen something with a blue aura like that.
Neutron star maybe? I don't actually know what they look like.
Only one way to find out, make sure to pack lunch
>Sold my Diamondback Explorer last week because exploration made shit for credits.
Planetary nebula that resembles Cat's Eye Nebula.

Thanks anon, I was going to start exploring tomorrow. It will be my destination.
I look forward to your screenshots later.
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>3,400ly away
wew lad
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This is how a big nebula with lots of bright stars looks like. It won't be anything special. Just another O star with some ded stars nearby. Nebula is the remnant of those stars.

If you want, you can kit a Hauler for breddy cheap. This is my taxi. I use this between my FDL and Conda systems.

This is NGC 7622 by the way.

3400 isn't far.
Going to Sag A* is all the rage around here but has anyone ever gone further? There's a whole galaxy on the other side too.
A quick googling gave me this result. I'm not going there anymore. I thought it was a close random procedural planetary nebula and wanted to see how Frontier has done that.
Oh fuck off, I mistyped the captcha and your post appeared.
How do you know I'm not you?
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We're all catfucker's alter egos. Here, have some cat benis.
Love, /kspg/.
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What is your favorite dadrock?
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>There's a frustrating delay when you shift from deep space to an 'instance' around a station when playing online, which shatters the illusion of your journey being seamless,
>but I'm sure they'll fix this.
>guns and roses
Are we doomed to nothing but wedges until the anaconda?

Is this fucking Robot Wars?
Feddie Corvette or Anaconda?

I just like shooting shit and being fucking huge, I don't care about cargo or jump ranges.
anaconda has more guns
it's still the best
>finally got an Anaconda
>realize i have no reason to continue playing

who /bigshipblues/ here?

yeah... but 2 large hardpoints are better than one huge. the difference between a large plasma and a huge plasma is not that great
Yeah probably, i'm still way off from being able to fly either of them. The corvette more so because i'm still pledged to lavigny for bounties despite her dropping off the top 3 recently. Fuck.

Class 4 beam lasers when? That'd be fun.
Fed Corvette is supposed to be more maneuverable. Aside from that, I'd say depends on how good you are at aiming fixed weapons. If you're good, go for the Corvette, and blast niggers with the dool Plasma Accelerators.

Me? I'm shit at aiming fixed weapons, so Plasma Accelerators become niche as fuck for me, so I'd rather have the extra large mounts.

Or just throw Gimballed Cannons in the Huge slots. Whatever works for you.
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. What is more important - Rating or Class? Do I go for 3A or 4B or just spend a century farming for a 4A?
class is generally more important than rating
Depends on the module, and the ship you're putting it on.

Generally Class gives a huge benefit above rating, unless you're trying to manage power or weight.

I could always just slot large stuff onto the huge points for that, but at that point why bother even having the huge hardpoints. Conda really does seem like a saner choice.
If you're just going to slot Large weapons, then the Corvette gets 3 Large weapons to the Anaconda's 4, Conda still wins.
It's too fucking comfy drifting around haz res with fa off and blasting fagnuggets in Condas with the corvette. Can anyone recommend some good music to go full blown exterminatus by?
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Decay Rig ED.jpg
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Rate this forumdad comfy battlestation


>Foolishly get E:D to sate my thirst for spess until SC launches because I refuse to pledge
>Dick around aimlessly for a while
>Start doing courier missions since I don't feel capable of taking on other missions
>Just mindless jumping from system to system
>Constantly overshooting my destination in FTL and spending an extra 5 minutes just turning around and slowing down
>Grind more
>2 hour return limit passed
>That's alright, I'm sure it will pick up once I get a little more direction and nice stuff
>Grind more
>Discover combat bounties in combat zones
>Start making some actual dosh
>Upgrading ships much faster now
>Starting to feel more confident
>Decide to try get involved with power play/factions/whatever now that I have my feet on the ground
>Que literally 2 hours of jumping just to reach a contested system
>Oh I'm sure things will pick up now!
>Its literally the exact same as what I was doing before
>Win most fights, lose fights from time to time
>Run low on money after going all out on expensive upgrades
>Go to combat zone
>Shoot down a fighter
>Literally every single other hostile ship in the zone immediately disengages and attacks exclusively me
>Ship instantly destroyed
>Now low on money, I NEED to get out there and earn it back
>Go back
>Engaged by three Anacondas as soon as I jump in
>Destroyed again
>Respawn again
>Fuck this I'm out of here
>Leaving station to jump out of system
>NPC ship sideswipes me and explodes
>Ship instantly destroyed by station security forces for a bounty I could have easily payed off

Give me one reason why I should keep trying /edg/. I want to like it but I just can't. I'm still not gonna pledge to SC though.
Because you aren't sniping shit in High RES, you dingus.

Around 200k per fer de lance, and they have hulls made of freshly cummed in tissues.
>now that I have my feet on the ground
Thank you.

I've had plenty of moments like this in my 30-40 hours with this game so far. I still come back to this bullshit for some reason. It just feels satisfying.
>all this for a fucking t6
immerse yourself in mindless trading so you can uninstall faster
>I was retarded and then I died

Good work
this pic was taken straight from dad forums


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I'm looking for a bot script that will make ranking fast as fuck so you can do whatever the fuck you want while it works for you

>Script open station panel
>Script open bulletin board (these two shouldn't be difficult)
>Script CHOSE charity missions and accept them all
>Script then donate all the fat payload so mission success
>Script Esc return main menu
>Script switch to =>open=>Solo

THIS can be done, I'm sure, but I'm too much noob to create it.
Also, I'm looking for a :

Trade bot script :

>opens station pannel
>opens commodity market
>Automatically sells all the cargo you have
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Why would you doubt us, anon?

this can be done via macro IF this is the same commodity/station used.

Bump for this >>126605098 is even more interesting.
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why the fuck does every single ship in the conflict zones have infinite ammo rail guns
S P A C E - P O T I O N S
dumb frogposter

what board knows how to make scripts like this?
autohotkey manual
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the ONLY difficulty I'll have I think is the ability SOMEHOW to recognize the missions I want the script to select, to take ONLY DONATION missions.

That is the big problem, if it's fixed a 100% automatic grind will be possible
autohotkey can use images as a reference you lazy prick
that's a terrible way of doing it
probably wouldn't work at all

got an alternative?
read the games memory
Why not just accept everything and discard what can't be handed in?

that's coder-tier, i'm just the average noob user, I can't code for shit exept following tutorials'n shit.

But if it's easy and you got a tutorial I'm ready to try
Fucking hell I'm an idiot. Docked in a station in a system where I was wanted and logged off last night. Logged in this morning and totally forgot I was wanted until I got scanned and almost killed.

>Why not just accept everything and discard

>faction is now HOSTILE towards you
>faction now gives NOTHING to you

that's why.
Do you really get hit that hard that it would outweigh the boost from donation missions?

I havent played since about October, should I get the expansion? I want to get back into it
Wait another year with the expansion. If you like to grind, sure.
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we are talking about usually 7 missions plus all surface missions taken VS one or two charity missions.

You'll go hostile in 3 cycles easily.

Anybody got more ideas for this?


This idea if done well will surely fuck the VISION so hard to oblivion

>If you like to grind, sure.
>no more grind

Braben is upset. let's do this
just did a quick test with an autohotkey OCR.... character recognition is horrible at 1900x1080
I would eat CrassKittys asshole without any choco sauce tbqf lads
resolution is not a concern I can lower it.

can it recognize ONE word at least? not a whole sentence
yeah it's a bit iffy but you could make it work

I don't know anything about coding and that seriously piss me off.

Maybe you could build the core and just tell me : here, insert the word you want it to scan here.

Is it possible you release a script for this :

>Script open station panel
>Script open bulletin board
>Script accept
>Script Esc return main menu
>Script switch to =>open=>Solo

or how to stack up missions while you are doing something else on the background

isn't this possible to be spotted then banned?
How? There's not anti-cheat because everything is server-side
There actually is an anti-cheat in this game. It's not great, but sufficient to detect infinite shields and power distributor.
Well the script aren't actually going to alter any values
I doubt it's something like VAC which is supposed to detect all injections

bump for this then >>126610047
Not suggesting the script would be detectable, but for those who would instantly get excited about using Cheat Engine it won't be that easy.
Why would you cheat in this game? If you get max rank, best shit, all the money there will be nothing else to do
if they remove solo mode it would be worth shit

forumdad spotted. Stop shilling with your vision, this thread getting a great turn
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4M down the drain.jpg
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so we can be finally free of the curse of vision

so we can finally be
Anybody on this?

But then you'll just uninstall right? What stops you from doing that now?
just set up a voice attack macro

>voice attack macro
>Script CHOSE charity missions and accept them all

will NOT work with simply a macro

please follow what is in stake
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Some redditor got an Elite tattoo.
I have 235mil and I'm grinding empire and it feels like I'm still really far from cutter but I want to buy something already.
If I were to buy Anaconda and get some upgrades and the when I rank up enough to buy cutter could I sell anaconda? Will I lose to much money if I do that?
you lose 10% of the value of the hull
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I think you dont understand how vision works
It's the era of script, give ideas of things that could be automated and maybe one day we'll make braben and the forumdad army mad

/edg/ script general
Alright I'm grinding for a new ship, what else is there to do in this game?
Get to Sag A
that's Sagittarius A* to you, son
They need to give some kind of bonus to rank progression when you're at 100% allied reputation
>Not realizing he's going to need at least 7 million to cover insurance on the base hull.

Hope you intend to save at least an extra 30 million or so before you buy that.
>be noob cmdr in Eagle
>interdict other noob cmdr in sidewinder
>shitpost in chat
>supercruise away

living the life
>be noob cmdr in cobra
>interdict other noob cmdr in startwinger with bounty on his head
>he fsd'ed away
>i tracked him and interdict again
>he fsd'ed away again
why live

Catfucker used to be very active in /igg/, too.


I dunno. Last night I eventually got so drunk I was singing along to Ziggy Startdust until I blacked out.
Don't worry anon. There's still the Cutter
>docked inside station
>hear pew pew outside
>asp scout getting its shit kicked in by local security and a random cmdr
>30k bounty
>join in on the fun
>50 credit fine
>easiest 30k ever
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>tfw traded in my Conda for a Corvette
I couldn't be happier
>2 Huge Plasma Accelerators
>1 Large Fixed Beam
>4 Multicannon turrets

Going around interdicting and shooting shit. Landing on planets and wrecking bases.
No worries, 300 million extra credits.
corvette is a great ship. I've flown every combat ship in the game except the Cutter and the Corvette is the best, maybe tied with FDL. Once you git gud with the lmao2PA!!11 and FA off you wreck shit. I wonder how a full railgun build would fare. I love railguns
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What should I do /edg/, grind ranks with Empire until I can get a Clipper (I'm already a Master) or cheat grind Federation ranks until I can get a Federal Assault ship?
It's easier to grind Fed right now, and FAS>Clipper (at least in combat).
Go full Fed. You'll hate yourself big time by the time they fix the donation exploiting.
dropship>clipper too (unless you're worried about other players)
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Evening lads. I was looking to pick up a cheap joystick for this game and was wandering if anybody can tell me if the "Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X" is any good.
Railguns are the best. If only they'd give us large and huge but the dad army would kill ftroop or at least bitch so vocally it wouldn't last.
logitech extreme 3d pro is probably the best price/quality wise if you don't mind the lack of a dedicated throttle
Fuck me, I never realised how fucking far away 17 Draconis is, it's 494LY away from my current position! Thankfully I'm still in my smuggling Asp atm, so that's only 20 jumps...
Is there a secret to these search and rescue ground missions or is it really just fly around aimlessly until you fail or get lucky?
Anybody got update on automated scripts anons were talking earlier?
>ferrying battle weapons to a system
>make a jump
>exit jump, notice a single ship exiting jump on the other side of the system's sun
>[DIRECT]: That's the ship I've been looking for, the one with the big haul
>promptly flies into the sun
Alrighty then
Alright sound, I'll give it a look. This may seem like a daft question but, are there any advantages to using joysticks or is it just a gimmick?
I'm in trouble.

So, I was playing yesterday a little bit.
Plotted a course.

When I'm almost out of fuel, the connection seems to drop mid-way, and I get kicked out.
Fair enough, I wait a few hours, log back on, all seems to work, and jump again. Connection failed.

Now I'm stuck in a system with no place to refuel, with not enough fuel to jump to the next where I can.

Am I screwed?
where are you?
I'll have to log on and check.

Oh, cool, I didn't know something like that existed.
>I'll have to log on and check.
probably better off with the fuelrats... some fucker from /edg/ might come and blow you up if you ask for help here
whats the ultimate cuck ship?

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I know. He sent us to /igg/ when he started doing it..
>tfw archives ded
>no meaningful endgame
>trading is simply buy x here and then sell there
>game world is small station sectors and the entire universe is simply a massive big tedious loading screen
>no players, ever, anywhere
>scam addon packs
>vaporware devs

why the FUCK did i buy this piece of shit back then
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I took this mission, how fucked am I?
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Because the developers won a world record for developing this piece of shit game the longest
babby's first smuggling mission
Enjoy finding signal sources in empty systems. Take in every Military Plans that you find, you'll need those later.
It feels good and is immersive, but there is no advantage over the mouse.
This script thread is quite interesting

Does anybody knows how to use Optical character recognition without using screenshots?

This idea was brillant >>126610047
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page 10 pity bump
Guy should kill himself.
There is a lot of hostility in this general

Why don't you guys calm down and use your imagination?
Im trying to imagine you dead but its not working, what do I do?
When's the next big update coming?
>all this effort to being realistic
>generic energy shields instead of active protection systems
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So, combat ranks works HOW

I mean : To increase ones combat rank one needs to kill other Ships, where killing higher-ranked pilots increases your rank faster.


THIS IS OBSCURE AS FUCK, do money earned count? HOW MUCH point do I need to rank up?

fuck that shit, somebody who understood that crap please explain
Nobody knows how it works other than by killing higher ranked ships makes you rank faster.
git gud and kill more ships fag
Just fucking go to any conflict zone or RES and shoot shit, you're making money either way so just let it happen.

I'm not interested in money I'm interested in knowing the mechanics of combat ranks
shoot the ship
gain exp
Average forum age: 43
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>this ship
I laughed a bit
the ones with the suicidal drunk driver made me laugh a little
I can imagine an Orca crashing into an asteroid and survivors forming an alernate culture in bouts of insanity
>wedding barge somewhere in federation space
>interdict it
>target it
>deploy hardpoints
>scan it
>type "honk honk" in chat
>supercruise away

anything to get my mind off the grind
So what does being Allied with a faction do exactly?

Different missions or nothing?
some missions require that yes

I don't know what else happens
Anybody got a list of HIGH pay exploration systems?

Some anons made one somewhere where they pointed system with like 100 000K profit so it would be easy grind
access to ships and some systems
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You do realise that getting to those systems requires a fuckton of traveling? You're better off just jumping indefinitely and only scanning the first star. Then return back in like 3 months and sell that data.
>not exploring for fun
Is there a tool that record every system you visited and appear on screen so you don't jump twice in the same system?
you're the only tool here, buddy

pay more attention to your surroundings
Here's a fun game

>park 2 buggies on the top of a conda / corvette
>have them back to back in the middle of the ship
>ship pilot gently rises to around 500m or more
>the 2 buggies have to accelerate to opposite ends of the ship, turn and fire on each other
>do it old school duel style
>disqualified if the buggies fall off the ship or use turrets
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>just starting out
>hey let's go exploring
>what? 6LY jump range?
>cheapest exploring ship is 500k and costs millions to upgrade
Cheapest exploring ship is a hauler with a fuel scoop
hauler has shit visibility
>visibility not mattering

I bet you jump and toot you faggot
nigga just use the debug camera and pan it around for a full screen view of your empty planets
find one that is located on 17 Drac and some one jump systems. Keep switching between those untill you have about 1-12 depending on your rank. Always get missions that only need 1. Once you have 12 or something just keep donating find covert mission that need 1 so you don't even need to leave the station to progress
>Can't afford rebuy
>Doesn't downgrade modules to recover insurance money
>Can't read the radar
>Speeds in the station despite all this

Admit it, you just missed your Sidewinder.

NPCs don't have infinite ammo. Once they run out they'll try to jump away.

You'd actually have to survive more than 30 shots in order to see this in action, though.
>have godly speed
>have 2med/2sml HPs
>not being able to annihilate a shitwinder with before his FSD charges

Just how scrub are you?
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I have been flying for 20 minutes and NOTHING APPEARS

like, the planet is EMPTY?? I thought we were supposed to FUCKING MINE AND COLLECT RARE SHIT ON PLANET WTF

>babby's first smuggling mission
>best ship I have is a fucking Eagle
>silent running my way into target station
>T-9 heavy gently bumps me
>eject eject eject

the eagle is fagile as fuck

speaking of which, is military alloys/hull reinforcements a good buy on that thing?

Even if they show up on your side of the star you can turn to manipulate them into crashing into it as they try to get behind you.
Fly at ~2km up until you see a blue circle on your radar. The game never explains this I know.
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If you shoot those rocks with your SRV you might find some minerals

>Planet is empty
Of course they fucking are, what did you expect? Content?

You have to be above 2KM for points of interest to show up. Only descend once you're in the middle of one. It'll fade out on your radar but it's there for your SRV to find.
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Points of interest on the surface are ridiculously tiny when flying in your ship. If you see anything at low altitude (<200m) it will be a bunch of tiny flashing dots.
You'll have better luck driving around in the SRV. Don't expect anything that interesting, at most you'll find some worthless rocks or canisters of tea (I did find a couple tons of gold once though).
you paid 60 dollars to play this, you'd better enjoy it
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I'm heading out, if anyone is interested.

I am

how much time until you reach that shit ?

The Eagle has the weakest hull in the game. With shields down it's made of wet tissue paper. There is no surviving even a glancing hit against a fully laden Type-9.

Military composite adds 95% more hull strength, but that still leaves your hull weaker than a Viper's. Hull reinforcements are much more effective but then you can't smuggle if you have no cargo space.

The correct solution to your problem is to stop crashing the most agile ship in the game into virtually immobile space cows.
Does /edg/ have its own private group?

I created mine under dsagent
..........It is for testing out certain.................................exploits.............

Perfectly legal though.
Feel free to join /edg/lords
No idea, but not too long. Only 3500ly, which means 100 jumps, around 2 hours if I don't fuck around.
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Make it longer than that because there will be lots of black holes.
what the fuck why does a cargo hatch need as much power as a small beam laser
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Settings on ultra


So players can pretend they have amazing power management skills by turning it off when they deploy hardpoints.

IIRC it's more than just a door. There are a lot of mechanical systems, electromagnets and an airlock forcefield in there.

If you think that's bad you should capture a video of the solar eruptions that are just sprites and will rotate in place when you turn your ship.
so in other words, VISION?

It's the same size and power draw on all ships too, so the power usage is utterly insignificant on something like a Corvette while an Eagle has to put it on priority 5 or the whole ship shuts down when it deploys weapons.
Is the expansion worth it?
You know what's funny? They use same sprites in the galaxy map to show color coded trade routes.

It's worth about $7.50 if I'm being generous.
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If you thought I'm not going to enjoy le visionâ„¢, you were dead wrong. Time to land and Shoot rocks for no reason at all
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>interdicted by wanted CMDR in a viper
>doesn't say anything, just starts shooting me
>power to thrusters/sys and just boost/jump away because I don't want to lose the 200k in bounties I have stored
>lose 3% hull

that was really uneventful and boring
>get interdicted by a CMDR in a Viper
>submit, hit the brakes and throw it into reverse
>he crashes into the ass end of my FAS and explodes
>45K bounty awarded
>interdicted by npc dadbra in anarchy system
>says he wants my cargo while simultaneously opening fire
>turn python around, kill him and move on

10/10 stupidly realistic AI
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I've found a closer planetary nebula.
>that was really uneventful and boring
Welcome to Elite: Dangerous
Post your HUD colors please
<MatrixRed> 0, 1, 0 </MatrixRed> <MatrixGreen> 0.5, 0, 0 </MatrixGreen> <MatrixBlue> 0.5, 0, 1 </MatrixBlue>
I REALLY feel like reinstalling elite, just to start a boring, tedious grinding again
What is wrong with me. I fucking hate this game.


ive been playing a lot of prison architect and ill be listening to streams in the background, and i keep remembering how elite is great to play as long as you're listening to something

i fucking marathoned the OT of star wars in fucking july while trading in elite and it was fucking great. i kinda want to do that again
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What are the chances that this mission can't be completed due to paywall?

Very high. Always expect multi-stage missions to lead you to a surface outpost.
To the wonderful anons who told me to git gud, stop flying a Courier and switch to a Vulture.

Holy shit, thank you so much. What a fucking awesome ship. I do feel that on paper, it's a bit less sturdy than the Courier, but thanks to my D2 Beam and my F2 multi-cannon, I don't even notice.

Now I need to make 4 mil to get two C2 beams, and I'll be sitting pretty.

What's the next combat ship in progression?

Why are you using medium weapons on a Vulture?

I run 1 large beam and 1 large cannon on mine. Small ships evaporate under the beam and the cannon takes chunks out of the hull on bigger ships once the beam burns the shield down.

Well, mostly because I can't afford them. As I said, I need 4 mil to do it.
I did a lot of multiple steps missions that didn't require Horizons. As matter of fact, I haven't encountered any multiple step missions that required me to land
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FAS then FDL

Class 3 is large
Get pic related
Beam+Cannon is a good loadout. More interesting than the standard 2xPulse setup as well.
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>undiscovered terraformable
Stop. Beams on vulture is an Horrid idea. You don't have enough power to fire 2 large beams once you vrt enough money .
Just use 2 large pulse lasers. I recommend fixed over gymballed since they consume less power.
Ship progression is relative. Monetary speaking next would be the FAS or FDL if you don't have ranks.
I had an A rated FDL and an A rated combat Python.
But eventually always go back to my Vulture.
Haven't tried the FAS or FGS so I can't comment on them.
The FDL beats the Vulture at Undermining and PvP in every aspect. But for bounty hunting I highly recommend sticking to the Vulture
To be fair the other anon is talking about C2 beams. A vulture could probably run two medium beams. It's a complete waste of the main selling point of the ship though.
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Yeah. That's why I should have clarified that I was speaking once he has the money.
Tbh if you can't afford an A rated vulture I would just stick to the Viper MKIII or maybe the MKIV if you like Firepower>Agility
fuck Thargoids, the Borg are the real menace

Fixed lasers actually consume more power than gumballs.

The gimbaling mechanism takes some power, but the 20% reduction in output saves more than that.
It should go away after you took the screenshot. I tried to do the same to shitpost about VISION but it disappeared bfore I hit F12.
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I honestly thought it was a shadow from a coriolis port at first...

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It was persistent, and didn't go away even after docking/launching. Haven't returned to the system after that.
Should have landed on it.
>implying jewrizons
>going to Ausan system for trading
>dock my ship like normal and walk into the station
>something seems off but I can't put my finger on it
>go to the bar and order a drink
>Bartender doesn't speak my language, swings at me angrily
>suddenly realize he is a bear
>look around, everybody is a bear
>Bear Settlement, should have known
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>see a pirate interdict a smuggler
>follow the wake
>kill the pirate
>disable the smuggler
>loot him before killing him too
>it's a rare goods
>cash in both bounties and sell everything on the black market
>not even a fine

this is the first time in a while the universe has felt kinda alive, and a bit dynamic. Just seeing something actually happening, intervening, and seeing the smuggler was carrying an illegal (in that system) unique type of loot makes it feel bigger again.

better than unidentified signal sources at least
People always claim this USS and POI bullshit is "just a placeholder". I don't have that much faith in FDev, but if they could move the main gameplay out of the designated grind zones (USS, POI, CG, RES etc.) things would feel a lot more dynamic.
Right after I took a mission to find an escape pod, of course it was in the first POI less than 5 km from the base.

Makes me wish they'd give a "last known position" and then have you use your sensors and eyes to find the wreck, maybe there'd be some pieces scattered around and one of them would be the escape pod.
Here you go
<MatrixRed> 0, 0.2, 1 </MatrixRed>

<MatrixGreen> 0, 0.55, 0.56 </MatrixGreen>

<MatrixBlue> 0.53, 0.86, 1 </MatrixBlue>

this cunt aint me
Yep. For a lot of missions it would make sense to have coordinates for planetary missions and something similar for space missions. Generate the target's location as soon as the mission is accepted. Give us a more tools for positioning, navigation and scanning.

The system map needs a complete overhaul. You get no sense of relative positions at all.

It should be 3D like the galaxy map, and show you a scaled representation of bodies as they are actually laid out in space.

eg: Start out zoomed enough to see the whole system, with orbit lines and bodies represented larger than life for reference purposes. Pan, rotate and zoom in if you need a closer look at anything.
Did the person who gave it to him have Parkinson's disease?
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something like this?

Preferably less unrealized concept and more practical application.

Would be a good way to set up mission-related signals and do away with this USS bullshit too.
Is this game completed or is it still a tech demo like star citizen? I saw it on sale for $15 but the reviews are mixed
Does anybody use joysticks when they play? I was looking for a relatively cheap one. Any suggestions?
Same, except I need a left handed one.
>Vidya gamer sees it
>"So, uh, that tattoo..."
>"I heard it's practically DayZ in sp-"
>"RRRRGHHH NO! You did not say that. You DID NOT say that!"
>"I did say that. Your game a shit."

>SJW sees it

>Normie sees it
>"Nice tattoo."
>"Well, yeah, I really should be going."
I use the Extreme 3d pro in a keyboard+joystick setup and it works pretty well for me.
Relax man it's just a bad tattoo, you're being a sperg.
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this entire post is autism and you should kill yourself
>hey commander I have an alternative offer
>go 35 ly in the opposite direction and get 3000 cr more
>into the trash it goes

Would you say playing the game is more fun/immersive with a joystick or does it not really make too much of a difference?
Hello /edg/. How would one equip a Corvette with 350 million total? Want to try combat for a while. Done with trading and smuggling for a while and want more pew pew in my life.
Well to get this out of the way quickly, I haven't noticed any real difference in terms of ease of flying using the joystick, but I personally think it's a bit more enjoyable to fly that way.

I'd say it's not worth getting for just Elite, but if you also play some other flying games like War Thunder or something it'd be worth it to dick around with.
get track ir if you want more immersive
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>Coming back from smuggling run
>Only 1 jump away
>Suddenly game crashes
>Come back and all missions failed






Thrustmaster t.16000m.
Not many other options for ambidextrous/left handed sticks (some Saitek shit maybe).
Where the fuck is this generator for Cut the Power? I've blown up like 3 of these things!
thanks anon, I'll take a look
Shit, didn't realize there were bigger planetary starports until the other day. They've got the same icon as the outpost kind.
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>buy ED for $60 because it looks so comfy
>see my laptop meets the basic requirements
>try to play
>fps drops everywhere, fan going crazy, burning a hole through my lap
>can't play
>wait for Christmas for a new computer from family
>ED on sale for 20 FUCKING DOLLARS
>not downloading the trial first to check
Typical laptop retard

Are you seriously surprised a game went on sale during the holiday season?

If it makes you feel better, you can buy Horizons. It's not on sale and it costs another 60 dollars!
Laptops are shit for gaming unless you spend over $1500US.

Even then you won't be able to max every game you play.

Desktops are much cheaper and easier to replace broken parts.
>see my laptop meets the basic requirements
it probably didn't because basic requirements imply desktops
like you may have buttfuckx 850m but it's not better than gtx 660
or you may have i5 but it'll have 2 cores instead of 4
>see my laptop meets the basic requirements


Laptop specs do NOT map 1:1 to desktop specs. They use the same model names and numbers for marketing reasons (ie: to fucking lie to you) but actual performance isn't even close.

The mobile version of a GTX 980 is maybe half as powerful as a desktop 980. It's at best about as powerful as a desktop 960.

Meanwhile a mobile Intel i7 could only have 2 cores+HT and be as anemic as a desktop i3.

Laptops simply don't have the power or thermal management necessary for the sort of performance you get out of desktop machines. They're packed too tightly and even plugged into a wall the power supply is wimpy.
I'm so tired of hazres farming, any other ideas for money?

I feel like trading is slower and less profitable
What are my other options?
Bruh I got 8gig ram and 4 cores HT on my laptop
I've just started some serious bounty hunting and have an almost a-rated viper from the bounty money. What should I practice or learn in order to keep getting better?
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How the FUCK do I get back into this game? I dont want to sink $60 in just to land on planets for a day and get bored. I miss getting comfy and trading and shit, what are some good tunes or podcasts I can listen to?
You don't have to buy Horizons.
Just start the game as always.
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>system map is still placeholder

too bad we'll never have really persistent NPC's or anything like that
I was listening to this the other day and it worked pretty well
>too bad we'll never have really persistent NPC's or anything like that
I can't imagine why it's do hard. Surely you could start with a basic persistence file on the client which records recent NPC activity. It seems like the game re-rolls the entire solar system every time you make a transition.
Nah, it rerolls the area of the system each time you go there. You can see this in RESs. If one doesn't have the spawns you want, you can just hit supercruise, swing around and come back, and it'll have completely different spawns. Supercruise is actually a subtle loading screen. Like people in these generals have tried going from RESs to stations in normal space, and there will be nothing there, because the station wasn't loaded into that instance.
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I don't even understand why loading the system map takes so long. I mean you have all the information loaded already for displaying the nav list and the actual planet graphics. That shit should be instant. I can sympathize with the galaxy map and distant systems taking a bit because loading the entire galaxy would be stupid, but the local system? There's no excuse.
It will load the next nearest thing though, I've overshot a station by 100+ km once by hitting the cruise button too late and just drifted there.
>yfw if they remove your "ability" to kill the process to avoid scans smuggle missions would be completely reduced to dumb luck or impossibility

Three ships followed me as I jumped into slowspace next to a station, they all started scanning. No way to escape that shit unless you kill the process. I've found that SR only slows the scan/they start it again after a while, and only if they aren't right next to you.

This doesn't count as "hard", it counts as "rolling the dice" if ships follow you or not.
Hiding from taskman would probably quickly get them flagged as malware in a lot of packages.

Just save the last state the user was in when they dropped and load them right back into that. i.e. if you dropped at a station last and alt f4, drop you right back to that station as if nothing happened.
I don't know how big the instances the games makes are, as I too have overshot stations by hundreds of km before. I've also drifted over 200km away from my drop point while mining before, with no problems.

But if I remember correctly, the people going in normal space were just pointing themselves at the station, hitting full throttle and leaving for an hour, so it seems once you get up to the Mm range, you start seeing flaws in the Matrix.

Though would that work with saving one's state as "in the process of being scanned"? If yes, then my post still applies.

If not, then, well, the current situation will continue. Which is a pretty shit one, but still functional.
You could jump out of the system and come back later if there's authority ships tracking you in SC. That's probably what they'd tell you.
I'm thinking all it does it look at the nearest instance and drop you there, nothing more, if the station wasn't part of the instance you dropped to it won't be there.

Who the fuck slowboats for an hour anyway?

Well there's limits to how often you can reasonably save things like that. The best alternative is to treat disconnect as death. It's not an MMO where they can just not log out your character, everything is client side and p2p.

That would be kinda shitty for people with bad connections though.
They should probably stop the whole reroll RES for good results thing. I actually think RES as a place to grind bounty hunter money is retarded but if they plan to keep it they should make it based entirely on the situation in the system and surrounding systems. AND MAKE US ABLE TO CHANGE THE SITUATION. Drive off pirates, help them, blaze our trail. God the wasted potential is irritating.
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why is the FDL such a piece of shit? i traded in my python for it and it's fucking horrendous

that pissweak armor
that horrible fuel tank
that shitty jump distance
those garbage internal comparments

why did i do this to myself

Yeah, that's possible to do in SC, but I'm talking about the (quite common) occurance of ships jumping out of SC right next to you, literally, when you're in realspace next to the targeted station. They usually start scanning you immediately, so SR is out of the question or of negligble use, and you have no time to jump away either. My main point was that if they remove your ability to kill the process without also changing how this mechanism works, smuggling will be reduced to RNG.

>The best alternative is to treat disconnect as death.

It's the best, but still shit. Like you said, it would completely shank people with bad connections. Such mundane things as a regular pc crash/game client crash causing you to lose your 20m insurance ship? Even the dads would be outraged.
>get rid of bounty hunting for money

Don't put it into their fucking heads. It's one of the few good sources of income left in this damn game, at least until you get to Robigo.

You want me to disappear from the game for a month to earn a couple million? Fuck that

I can make as much from a single Anaconda in a RES, as I can from 20 minutes on a rares run. Fuck trading.

>combat zones
Takes me an hour to make there what I make in 10 minutes in a RES.

Not everybody is an autistic dad here, broski.
There is one way, ending the process is final, but alt+f4 and other such message based approaches could be helped. The Windows API lets you run any function to handle the shutdown message to cleanly shutdown the program, steam notably has a problem accepting this message (what the fuck is with valve and this? hl2.exe has stopped responding.jpg)

so they could just save your complete state on alt f4. I'm sure people are running process ending scripts on hotkeys or whatever but it would take care of the casual cheaters.
>Make POI buildings destructible.
>New module (Bomb Bay) replaces the cargo hatch with a bomb bay.
>Destroy whole settlements with Type 9 heavy bomber.
This game could be a lot of fun if they tried some more varied stuff.
>Plasma Accelerators actually being used for their designed purpose: Orbital bombardment

Yes please.
I mean that the ships should be visible in supercruise before you drop down, and visibly tracking you if you change course. Maybe this isn't always the case but it should be.
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>designed purpose

source? because that sounds like an amazing piece of VISION about to happen right there
>get rid of bounty hunting for money
I don't suggest that, but bounty hunting at the moment is really just mining site security guard. It shouldn't be the best source of combat money and it shouldn't rely on rerolling until you get "good spawns".

Or they could just do what World of Tanks (and probably lots of other games) does, in that your model persists in the universe in case of a client shutdown. In WoT, if you quit a battle midway without being dead, your tank stays in battle and can be damaged/killed until the battle ends, in which case it explodes anyway if still alive.

So basically, if you exit from the menu, the game removes you from "ingame" right away.
If your game shuts down by other means, ie crash/process removal, you stay "ingame" for a set time, like a minute or two. Not too much, but long enough to avoid combat/scan logging to be effective.

Like mentioned earlier though, this would need to be accompanied by a revision of NPC scan mechanics unless FD would like to see smuggling become entirely useless.

Ah, yeah. I see what you mean; then you could choose to wait with dropping out until you lost them.
You can't do that in elite unless other players are around. If you're alone in your instance it exists only on your machine.
"Even a Small Plasma Accelerator will destroy a
well armed hundred tonne ship with a single shot. The large version has
been known to be used as a planetary assault weapon, destroying selected
areas of cities from orbit. This has a devastating effect on the local
population, because the terrifying noise of the beam cutting through the
atmosphere can be heard for hundreds of kilometres, and will deafen anyone
unprotected in the vicinity."

Frontier Elite 2 manual.

But couldn't they just have NPCs count as instance "upholders"?

So basically if someone - anyone - is in the same instance as you, you'll stay there for a few minutes if you kill the process?
From the Wiki:

" The large version has been known to be used as a planetary assault weapon, destroying selected areas of cities from orbit. This has a devastating effect on the local population, because the terrifying noise of the beam cutting through the atmosphere can be heard for hundreds of kilometers, and will deafen anyone unprotected in the vicinity."

I assumed it was flavor text for the gun from in-game. I logged in to check, but I'm bumfuck out in the middle of nowhere with a ship that doesn't have a PA.
The NPC's are only on your machine too I'm pretty sure.

It's right in the description for the PA in outfitting.
I love seeing FDLs in RES

My fucking triple medium pulses eat through their armor like a fucking freshly used cum napkin, and they're worth about as much as anacondas for bounty.
So what do you propose we replace it with for combat money gains?
Assassinations, military missions, escort, bounty hunting (involving finding, tracking and killing/capturing). Anything other than sitting in an meat grinder instance that endlessly feeds pirates to my Vulture.
All of these are already in the game, and they're worth so little money, they aren't even worth considering.
there are no escort missions
>not escorting your friend's mining ship into a HazRES
so how many "high" rep missions do you have to do for a minor faction to get out of being neutral?

bought a FAS but forgot it cost so much to A-spec it

is Robigo still the best thing to do for mad dosh?
Yeah but the whole mission system and rewards needs to be looked at by a sane person. They're in game but borderline broken.
Therefore we should avoid breaking the RES meatgrinder, until there's something that's a valid replacement. Just like they need to stop fucking with smuggling until they get the systems meant to deal with scans working properly.
I didn't mean remove it now. It was just thinking about alternatives to the current grind mechanics.

>Just like they need to stop fucking with smuggling until they get the systems meant to deal with scans working properly.
What systems are there that are supposed to deal with scans? Silent running?
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I actually like how most activities are rewarding without you taking a mission. I think missions for "common" activities should be just removed, make missions more special like those where you have to find a specific ship, place or item. So no salvage x missions, no kill x missions, no get x missions, no deliver x missions.

And then just rebalance the game so the income for plain bounty hunting/mining/trading etc without missions is rewarding enough in itself.

It really adds to that "do whatever you like" feel.
Chaff is supposed to temporarily stop it, silent running should make you untargetable, and heat sinks should drag their target from you to the heat sink. All should work together to deal with scans. Currently they do not. Unless you're a player scanning something of course. Then all of these systems work flawlessly.
>silent running should make you untargetable
That's not how that works, dingus. It just lowers the radius of detection significantly.

If they're still within 2km of you, you're gonna get locked onto and scanned anyway.
That's why you should be able to hit silent running and pop a heat sink to be temporarily untargetable until your ship heats up again. All the scanners can see is the heatsink, while you quietly run away.
>Chaff is supposed to temporarily stop it
I remember when chaff stopping scans at all was a bug.
I wonder if they changed their minds.
>thinking NPCs are like people that rapidly mash the next target button and get stuck on limpets floating around
Come on, now. Stop trying to apply muh realism logic to a shittily designed video game.
If I remember correctly, sensors and stuff work on heat, so it makes sense. A computer couldn't distinguish between a ship with no heat, and a heat source that just so happened to appear at the exact same spot at the exact same time the last heat source disappeared. You just need the chaff the stall the scan while the ship readies the heat sink.
It would be great if different countermeasures produced different reactions in the security ships. Chaff blocks scans but it's obvious as fuck so they take a lot more interest in you. Silent running is the more low-key method.
Or even allow ECM to temporarily fry the scanner for a good minute or so, Currently they're fucking useless, and there's no reason to put them on your ship when Chaff exists, and doesn't piss off everything in the area.
The fact that I totally forgot ECM was in the game goes to show how useless it is. It's funny cause in the previous games I never left home without naval ECM. Unfortunately NN500 naval missiles give zero fucks about any kind of ECM.
When I first started playing, I saw the ECM, and assumed it allowed a hacking minigame that allowed me to hack and shutdown modules on the enemy ship. Then I looked it up on the wiki, and found out that all it did was destroy missiles and limpits, and piss off everything in the area. I was disappointed.
>and piss off everything in the area
Does it actually agro everyone around you? I've never even used the POS.
According to comments on the wiki, it sends out a pulse, that counts as a hostile action to everything it hits. I haven't actually tried it myself.
anyone know how FTL comms work in the lore?
>I feel like trading is slower and less profitable
You feel wrong
Probably shooting signals through witchspace that get picked up by every beacon it passes.
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Which weapons can be used best on a Python? I'm going to buy one later today but I haven't a clue what weapons would be most fitting.
I got an asp explorer, what was that grinding method people were talking about? smuggling missions?
Is there any guide for it?
>flying a ship you can't rebuy
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As many cargo bins as you can.
Fuel scoop
Shields optional
No weapons (a friend of mine likes to put on a turreted weapon to interrupt scans, but I've never needed one)
Chaff launcher
A grade FSD
Lightest A grade reactor you can get away with

For the other systems you have two options:
1) Maximize Jump distance, and put nothing but D grade shit in

2) Maximize Ship speed and boost for when you inevitably get interdicted, and put in an A grade engine, and A grade Power Distributor in order to maintain a constant boost, but sacrifice a bit of jump distance

Go to Robigo, load up on Shadow Deliveries. Alternate between Solo/Group/Open to refresh the missions (some people say it doesn't work anymore, others say it does. It still works for me just fine). Fill up your cargo hold. Enjoy.

Also, just submit to interdictions if it looks like you can't avoid them, and just boost away until your FSD is done cooling down.

Enjoy 40 mill an hour.

Also, you should be at least Merchant Trade rank to do this. If you aren't, go trade rares instead until you are Merchant rank.
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hahahahah holy shit faggot
If I have like 112 cargo in ASP should I take missions that require to transport large amount of slaves? Like 80-90
Nah, you could make far more money filling up on Shadow Deliveries.

Shadow deliveries pay 1.5-5.5 million for a handful of cargo slots. They fail if you get scanned, though.

Those missions you're talking about fill up your damn hold for a couple of million. It's not worth it.
That is a very vague response. I mean what kinds of techniques and skills should I improve.

I don't know why this isn't in the first post anymore.
What basic gear would be required on a tradeconda?

I am about to buy a Python, but perhaps grinding on a bit more and get a conda would be better. Especially for regular space trucking.
A grade FSD
Lots of cargo racks.
There are things that money can't buy like Imperial Cutter. Seriously how the fuck do you level empire so it doesn't take months?
I already have a cheap hotas from other games, and m+kb seems unnatural for flying.

I'm wondering about FA techniques, dogfighting techniques, etc. From the answers I'm getting, I may be better off just looking up some technical manuals for aircraft from the Navy/Airforce/Marines
This game isn't worth that much dedication.
TM's aren't hard to find. The audience they are meant for aren't geniuses. I'm not sure what part of this you think is difficult.
Adding to that, the flight model is fun and feels really great but it's nowhere near that realistic.
If you want autism dogfighting tactics and technical manuals then look elsewhere.
The most basic dogfighting techniques I can think of is that turning outside the enemy turn radius lets you stay on them while turning inside i.e. keeping the crosshair on them always will have you overshoot a lot.

If you switch direction during the closest pass of a joust you may be able to get behind them.

A good evasive maneuver that you see the AI use a lot is to do corkscrews while pulling up into the corkscrew, if you are able to do the opposite corkscrew you should be able to end up on their tail, if I remember correctly. And to break out of that counter maneuver you should simply stop doing the corkscrew as soon as you feel the enemy doing it and turn into them.

None of the AI are that sophisticated in their technique anyway.
I didn't say it was difficult. Just more work than this game is worth. This game is shallow as fuck, and learning techniques isn't worth it.
Technical manuals would have some skills for flight and maneuver that, while meant for real world applications, can still scale to simulated flight.

Those sound very helpful, thanks
This game doesn't required much skill. Just learn how and when to use faoff and boost and learn how to manage your speed in order to get better position. That's it. Main rule is simple: stay closer to your opponent if you more maneuverable than your enemy and keep your distance otherwise.
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All the developers went to join CIG.

>tfw they already have multicrew, controllable pilots and many more ships than EDiots will ever have.

>tfw they already have atmosphered planets.
>The most basic dogfighting techniques I can think of is that turning outside the enemy turn radius lets you stay on them while turning inside i.e. keeping the crosshair on them always will have you overshoot a lot.
Not true in elite since you caThe most basic dogfighting techniques I can think of is that turning outside the enemy turn radius lets you stay on them while turning inside i.e. keeping the crosshair on them always will have you overshoot a lot.

not true in elite since you are able to kill all the speed and just spinning, keep tracking the enemy.
Sorry, i'm from phone.
>buy ED during sale
>exactly the kind of boring space sim I was looking for
>buy CH combat stick, CH throttle and CH pedals

could I have done better? I watched some youtube vids and all the dads have this setup for elite
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>still playing E:D

Has there been a single piece of noteworthy content added since release?
is there a new EXPLORER / COMBAT / EMPIRE RANK or (Empire stack mission) grind / shortcut

like weeks ago?

I don't care about trade and money
killing speed and turning fucks your turnrate

best way to turret is to go to your optimal speed and FA off, you should do this if you can't keep up with the other ship
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What's good to listen too while space trucking?

I've got a round trip that nets me 400K per 10 minutes, but I''m quickjly running out of podcasts and shit to listen too.
Have you tried The Biggest Problem in the Universe?
nope, Google keeps recommending Sargon keks and related shit.

is it any good?

It's fucking hilarious and there's over 80 one hour long episodes.
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IQ al rassooli
>IQ al rassooli

Yes, it must be racist but true right wing whilst space trucking

>.gif of a static image
Come on man

anybody on this?
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Yay, friendly with all the galaxy !
Not to ruin your day, but that means nothing. You get Allied by turning in bounties worth a couple of million. Come back when you are Admiral and King with the Federation and the Empire respectively.
>friendly with empire
>not hostile
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allright then ?
So why are you excited for getting Friendly again?
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Mad profits on slaves mate
okaaaay dad
I bought a Python.
What is the best way to make money with a Python?
Also, what weapons should I outfit it with?

Some advice would be nice, /edg/
>Despite the grindy as fuck nature kinda liked ED.
>Even got an Anaconda
>One day see horizons on Steam
>"You can now land on planets"
>"54€ please"
You do an Add-on you do Add-on Prices. fucking 25€ MAX. The fuck is wrong with them? 53 to land on their shitty fucking planets are you kidding me? Why are there no riots in the streets?

it's a season pass
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m a d p r o f i t s

Become a people smugler today
Is there such a thing as good trade routes in the bubble or am I going to have to leave my safe space
It's a one conda bounty
Nigga it's the most expensive season pass in the history of gaming and it doesn't even promise as much as something like fucking shadow of mordor.

We get landing. and maybe some other stuff. but right now you have 53 fucking Euros for landing.
How often do you get a conda to spawn?
I'm doing that once every 5 minutes

>what are Call Of Duty season passes
Thanks for the giggle m8
It's so adorable seeing kids raging about things they don't understand. I'm talking about the VISION if you haven't realized it.
You pay for a season
A single season
That is why everyone has to "buy the game again"
That is why newcomers don't get to pay for the base game
Because we pay for the SEASON
This is the VISION
every 4-5 minutes
Im wrecking everything around. 1kk up to 2kk for half of hour.
Wait till I get my type 7

fuck this, I'm going to go buy a vulture
is this post shadow banned or what?
>4 replies
what post?
>4 replies
>All him samefagging himself

but no awnsers you fuckos.
Gee I wonder why.
You're not entitled to answers, stop being a child
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>already at the level of polish that elite has.
>multicrew, first-person mode and shittons of ships.
>atmospheric planets.

This kills the /edg/lord
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>alpha 2.0
>at the level of polish of elite
>crashes within 5 minutes of chris roberts demoing it

elite's own alpha in 2014 was more polished than that shit
Any shitter can slap an atmosphere effect on a noise map. There are hundreds of videos of it on YouTube.

Game might be cool. Are what happens with their first release version.
space games are for autistic man children

See what happens. Fucking phone.
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Horizons fucked the mission system more than it fixed it

NONE of horizon mission are interesting

multi task missions? WTF too long
Timing missions? WTF too short to do it, low payload
Surface missions? Take twice the time to land on surface, if not three time, and benefit is same if not lower than a regular mission

On top of that we got server connection broken, braben and it's cocksucking crew damage controlling EVERY TIME the players find a way to rank/ progression faster, tweaking and modifying shit

I will buy SC if I can get it with $15 and everything is obtainable
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kindly fuck off
You shouldn't consider suicide just because somebody is friendly with empire m8
It's not healthy

why one should be hostile towards empire?
I've got 100 million and want to multiply that amount as fast as possible. I've got an >ASP kitted out for Robigo.

Should I get a Python or a Type-9 and go full space truckin?
go full space trucking
Keep going with Robigo fampai
It'll still net you 10mil/trip
At least until you have enough to get a Anaconda with a class A FSD and maxed cargo slots with some float cash.
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>haven't played since E:D launched
>/vg/ is still upset about literally the exact same things as they were back then

Okay sempai let me make you some things clear
E:D is not FreeSpace: The MMO. It's not the second coming of christ for spacesims.

It's Eurotruck: Dads in Space edition.

Think missions are bad? That's because you're supposed to do thousands of them, emulating your dad's paycheck, where you have to pay dividends to everything from gas to work and your children, leaving you with an absolute pittance to save towards that brand spanking new car you've wanted since you were a boy.

Think the game is shallow as fuck? That's because Braben has the infamous VISION, where he wants a specific game doing a specific thing with absolutely no room to allow for anything else, despite the enormous amount of potential. And as a dad, you're used to narrow and safe thinking. You wouldn't want to question your boss, would you? Braben knows what's best.

PvP is shit? That's because your dad isn't as quick on his feet anymore. The times spent hounding your wooden sword and knocking your friends over the head with it, heart racing and sweat running is over. Now all you want is some peace and quiet, maybe a good audio book in your ear as you quietly admire your latest letter stamp collection. PvP is scary, so the dads will mostly flock to Solo, the few straying outside writing strongly worded posts on the FDev forums.

Basically, the game is made by dads, for dads, to be played like dads.

And it's not likely to change.
He's just buttsalted over cutter beeing better trading vessel.

>792t of slaves



just fucking KILL ME ALREADY
Trading slaves when https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eFmvGaTF2s

I felt like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOeT30_ZLFg

SO i https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EKTw50Uf8M

Forum dads are like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4txVqr1eNwc

Feels good to shitpost
A rate, you will get the money back when you sell it. Then save for a vulture and A rate it.
Let's get back to grinding then,

Is long rang smuggling with combat logging when scanned still the most profitable thing to do? I.. I'm g-getting tired of the... grind..
so uninstall already.

nobody wants to hear a baby cry
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Are there still any systems that offer the 20% discount on ships? Or is the 15% still the best deal from based chinaman?
founder's world
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Would a Type-6 with A fitted fsd (26 unladen and 18 laden) suitable for long range smuggling at Robigo?
I could buy an ASP but what's the point when i'm combat logging?

Fucking try and stop asking pointless questions
Going to give the Mobius group a try... Anyone know what to expect?
What's the point indeed?
what is Mobius group
Okay /edg/elords,
I've sold all my shit and bought a bare conda which I filled up an A-rated FSD and a fucklot of Cargo racks.

How do I into trading? I've only done smuggling and some bounty tagging before. I know it's Buy X cheap somehwere, sell it expensive at Y. But all routes thus far have only minimal yield.

Any tips?
I havent really traded, but 260k does not look like much.
Considering that you get the same amount from a scanned Python in a RES
go on the trading reddit and look for the trading tools on the side bar
Thanks for the advice, man.
I bought a Vulture and made 1 mil in like 10 minutes

I've seen the light
fuck off you autistic pile of shit

Reddit's more helpful than /edg/
no, its just forumdad shitposting here
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I don't really know what to tell you, it's exactly what it says.

It's the same shit as open except you probably won't get interdicted by some faggot in a Viper/Cobra who will endtask as soon as you start shitting on them.

I tried it for a bit and it was kinda comfy. It's a lot easier to bro up with random people doing community events or just shooting stuff in a CZ but don't expect this to prolong how quickly you'll get bored of the base game.

Also you get to have the awesome feeling of knowing you are what is destroying the background simulation.

>hanging out with some guys trying to flip a system to another faction
>they do some pretty good rp, it looks like theyre having fun
>never go with them but banter with them occasionally if i see them on station
>they eventually quit because nothing they do works, tell them maybe i could help them
>mfw never see them again






>Aaaaah for upgrade the "life" by upgrade the Grind.

Some forum users are pretty based though
Screenshot, so I could + rep this commander.
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every stream is old men with obnoxious voice "AI" (lol)

bottom Zandraak
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+rep sent :^)
what does ranking with factions do? Do they offer better missions? Pay you better for them? Offer you discounts on equipment? Ships? Commodities? Do they give you money?

I'm a noob and recently noticed I became friendly with a democracy
Actual ranking, as in raising your naval rank, allows you to get the faction specific ships like the Federal Assault Ship and Imperial Clipper. Just getting reputation with factions only allows you to take certain missions with requirements for reputation. There is no real effect on your gameplay when ranking up.
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it does fucking nothing, they offer like few mission more, but because missions are all SHIT, it's like shoving fist up your anus

it is only for autism, look :
>Offer better missions

All missions are shit, you know it. and don't expect surface missions to be better

>Pay you better for them

Lel, enjoy your 2K better FAT PAYLOAD on a 7K mission. Seriously, no, only your TRADE/COMBAT/EXPLORER rank count

>Offer you discounts

You must be dreaming anon, wake up !
>On ships

Wake up

dude, prices are the FUCKING SAME 1 000 LY range, with SMALL fucking variations , at each update they re-tweak and balance themselves so you can't get an interesting benefit, and you expect this to happen? you must be insane!
>give free brouzoufs

No, seriously, wake up
well it's a good thing I got this game for free then

at least there's no micro transactions oh wait
Assuming that each mission on average gives you 1% and takes 10 minutes to do (being optimistic here) and you need 12 ranks, then that means
100 * 10 * 12 = 12000 minutes = 200 hours

200 hours minimum before you can fly a cutter. That is absolutely nuts.
This is why people use exploits to rank up.

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oh god on day one release horizon was FULL of that shit

CH flight gear is excellent.

I wouldn't have bought it just for elite, though.

Trading only becomes worth with a big hold. That's over 2mil per load in a Cutter.
>tfw Pecisk and other fanboys getting their asses kicked in this thread.
Man the forums sure have been interesting to watch since Horizon launched.


>award for longest development period

What is DNF
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>3rd party tools
Or even better, he and other community fags should just fuck off and FD should integrate the same functionality into their fucking game?
Basically that's what a lot of people in the thread are asking for. They want to either integrate the 3rd party tools into the game, or at least have FD actually try to support what already exist. Pecisk and friends just have a huge stick up their ass about "muh Immersion" "muh old skool gamin" and "muh lore"
So many GOOD suggestions have been made, and a LOT of them required like close to fucking zero coding

They are just sabotaging their shit

But it's like some anon pointed out :

"It's a sandbox with fixed sandcastles built by the devs so nobody can play with it"

So sad it hurts
Oh, he's just a delusional retard. Most of those peeps just ignore his nonsense and rightfully so.

But imagine something like thrudds or similar being actually sold as a module in game. Like a more evolved version of trading software from X3.
It'd be amazing, though I have zero faith in FD to actually implement something like that. It's silly that they did try to get something like that in game year 1, and then try and justify it through the lore ( which they then broke with Galnet). I mean lots of other fictional materials including tabletop games have had systems like ED (FTL travel but no FTL comms) and yet they manage to information systems more advanced than ED's 18th century bullshit.
>Fighting Vulture in my Vulture
>His shields are dead, his hull is at 6%
>My shields are full, with a shield boost running
>He suddenly spins when I am right behind him
>T-Bone him directly in his side
>I die instantly he keeps flying

The collision damage in this game is fucking stupid.
Shouldn't even be able to die if you crash with shields, at worst it should remove all shields and bounce you away violently.

it was FIXED or should I say RE-TWEAKED by Braben and it's cocksucking dev team because, you know, people had fun ramming each others

this, like market prices, market supplies, any shortcut in grind, multiple stack missions, and many things to come

Hah, lore means nothing in Elite. There's so little of it and it's so self-contradicting that FTroop can retcon anything anytime. It's a cheap excuse.

What is are the real motives behind it
>Brabo is too lazy to implement such features in game (mining got drones year after it was introduced)
>Brabo doesn't want any filthy peasants touching the code of his precious game (he's super anal about that, check his conflict with Bell for example)
>no money to be gained, rather waste time on another flashy gimmick like fucking avatar creation kits
>be noob eagle
>just got my novice rank
>interdict wanted asp scout
>scan, start fighting
>fight goes well
>he only has gimballs
>get him down to 40%
>all of a sudden he's got turrets
>proceeds to wreck my shit
>shields offline
>hull integrity critical
>canopy critical
>manage to boost and supercruise away with 1% hull and shields down

seriously, halfway through the fight the motherfucker gained like 3 turrets, what the fuck
How much would cost an ASP capable of escaping from interdictions, long distance jumps and good cargo/fuel autonomy?
I can spend 20 mln.
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Fucking use the ship builder from the OP, you moron.

Half of this fucking general is LOL SPOONFEED ME A BUILD XD, fuck off.
Someone make a new thread.




Immershun :^)
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I used to play ED when it first came out but then stopped playing because they kept nerfing every single way of making decent money and the grind got too real.

Think I had just bought a Python that I outfitted for trading, but I think I crashed it with all my cargo and didn't have enough to cover the insurance + cargo on the next trade route, and the general upkeep of such a big ship was also fucking killing me.

So it's been a while, the Horizons update has interested me, I think I wanna come back, sell the Python and get an Asp and explore again. But has the game improved in ways to make money, and actual things to do? Is it still a grind-fest?

Are all those new ships incredibly fucking expensive?
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Also wanna try out using the Google Cardboard VR. Does it work decent enough or is it a total lag fest?
Google cardboard works in this game?
>is it a total lag fast?
Well guess it would depend on how beastly your phone is, but I dont see how it would work to begin with.

> grind-fest?

just fucking read the thread
Apparantly so.
Dad you did a good job bullying those elitist faggot

Wait what?
This is pretty sweet, my phone can't handle it thats for sure, but you should try it out and report back.
are one of the vipers cheap to A rate for RES farming?

got an A rated cobra mk3 but fuck getting the vulture with since it costs like 30mil to be decent ;_;
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