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/dbg/ - Dirty Bomb General

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Thread replies: 768
Thread images: 221

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>What the fuck is this shit?
Dirty Bomb's a free to play FPS and successor to games like Enemy Territory or Brink

>Is it p2w?
No. Merc unlocking system is very similar to LoL's champion unlocks.
There are also loadout cards with different rarity, but those aren't going to make you less shit at the game, and everything above bronze is purely cosmetic
You can easily craft them by trading up the dozens of crap lead cards you get

>How the loadout system works:

>Loadout/weapon/augment charts

>Recommended loadouts (Updated but still a WIP - Not quite finished, give your feedback)

>How do I get this game?


>Join our steam group and play with us:

>Wanna play competitive?

>Tweaks and HUD customization

>Sick6's FPS config(Up to date):

>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands



Aim/reflex training:

Updated header: Updated noob config/Discord channel added/DBN added/DBN
If anything is missing say so
first for phantom

2nd for

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kira shitters
Bodyhair posters
are NOT welcome
Arty or should I say Farty players NOT welcome
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just...just color pick paintbucket
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woo it's trash
I fixed it i just never export it from the psd i got to lazy
>Potent Packs and Mechanic
>plus the Crotz
Crotz is pretty much trash.
nice thread pussyboys
^^^ arty player
Can I fuck your boypussy?
Walk away Fragger mains, walk away.

Nobody's impressed by your TINY WHITE DICKS.

We're gonna take over this place and make you're waifus give us haircuts while you watch
sorry bitchboy the cream is for you, not me ~
so is everyone in this general gay or what
everyone except sub
who is a tranny
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Theme of all Arty mains
>muh ammo
>muh 30k price
>muh extremely obvious outdoor only arty no one competent gets killed by

Xth for hope that nexon one day lowers prices for cases and other shit.
i would buy elite cases if they weren't so jewish with the cost of them

same here is they were $2.00 or two fiddy I can see myself buying one at least once a week since I use that money to buy hamburgers anyways.
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Welp i getting my bleach ready if it's a hoch
amigo the hoch is better than the crotch
no it's not
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O-ok it's not like i wanted to live this weekend
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Laser beam with superior mag capacity vs shitty accuracy, Hoch is vastly superior. However it doesn't have any good cards for Nader, there's no point using anything but SM41.
yes it is
fire rate>all
Honestly it's about how they're used. Hoch is loads better for anything farther than a few yards away, though. That and the whole "good luck hitting me through 55 bullets of aimpunch" thing makes the Hoch pretty nice.

My only hang up is that a crotz card has bigger boom and fail safe.

Sorry for your lots. At least you got it in red.
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the only situation where that accuracy comes in to play is if you're constantly jumping around so you're always fighting from shitty spread states
crotzni is still great if you're not spazzing around
It's not like i hate the hoch, nader has no good hoch cards. And when you're trading up nader all you gonna get is hoch so eventually you're gonna get tired of seeing hoch
what did you trade in?
Kill yourself.
what the fuck is going on
nice cursor LAM
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Phantom mains.gif
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This is now a filename thread.
>constantly jumping around
Or if you want to spray for more than 5 shots without going into that retardedly huge cone of fire that the Crotzni has.
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The proxy trinket looks like ass but it also looks really cute and I fucking need it

The arty and sparks ones seem ok too. Honestly the only shit non-comp trinket at this point is the snowman.
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>win four comp matches
>no rank exp
>lose one match against a cobalt team
>bar is cut in half
What the fuck does this game want from me?
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what rank lad
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>its "server clears after every game" time

I just want to merk mercs.
I hate this shit

I'm in a server with like 12 people then one by one they leave and like half of them are in the next server I join.
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that's the turret for the EV.

What it's doing on your gun I haven't the slightest
first thing that came to mind

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just fuck my shit up.webm
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I wouldn't have minded having some cobalt fodder
>greedy mouse cursor
every time
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>tfw kicked in the middle of an 80 kill game


at least it counted my missions
>proxy rotation
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As a Phantom player I absolutely love this rotation. I get to kill 2/3 classes in one hit and the third can't kill me.

>proxy spam

Fuckin pubs
>he didnt deny it when called a hacker that means hes one for sure

I love these kinds of people

disable your cheats maybe m8
well he isant wrong
good man good man
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>le jumping twig self instaheal revivr :DDDDD
So is there any benefit to shooting alive people with the revive gun? I see it happen a lot
She takes SKILL


>le jumping bomb nigger
nice try fagaleth but there is literally nothing wrong with fletcher
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I need to start linking player names with mercs if I keep building this

Kira's laser theme music.
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hey man she takes skill :^)
For christ sake.
le perfectly legit gameplay face
post this on reddit pls
delete this
Should've taken a med pack to prove just how superior she is to Vashilli.
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>tfw cant even open cases because I get an error and lose them literally every. single. time.
As a consolation prize

The way these things work isn't actually random at all. A number is picked when you open the box corresponding to an item you will get (say you got #63, a shit stoker) the game will arrange the other cards to make you more likely to try again. For example, that cristmas card could have been #22 and the silver was #10. You're technically equidistant from every other card, so you didn't really lose anything.
it used to be much worse earlier in the beta where you landed near valuable cards pretty much every time but then they cut down on the honey dicking
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Yes I know the animation means nothing.

I'm still slightly upset.
I just want some woodgrain man.

>inb4 phantom's worst card
Oh man, I bet the Blishlock looks amazing in woodgrain. I wonder just how much it looks like the Thompson it is.
if i ever make a video i use this
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let's see some numbers then bitch
this guy is the kid that had the tantrums in grocery stores
I want that sweet christmas Grandeur but the amount of money I'd have to throw at it is retarded. They didn't learn anything with the CW skins.
That's from the discord channel some retarded casual got his panties in a bunch. He must be New to nexon NA because all their good events are on shitty maple
what is even the point of this bitching
He wants his snowman without having to play for 60 hours total.
>so is everyone in this general gay or what
I think so, I tried to start serious discussion about Raziel's chunky ass and nothing.
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>tfw cobalt thunder looks like shit
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Anyone know if she stood up on stream again?
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Say that again nigga.

the toothpase crystals kinda ruin it imo
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Well desu no one wants to play for some god-awful long time for a snowman

I mean yeah you should play to earn it, but not make it a job with a time limit that you can't possibly dedicate yourself to constantly.
Why even get the snowman when he's objectively the ugliest trinket? Lumpy and lantern look so much better.
>60 hours over three weeks
>a job

It's a reward for playing the game. I'm not seeing the issue.
I feel like being a healslut, anyone wanna play?
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Why do shitters get so mad at players who use jumping a lot?
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> I feel like being a boyslut, anyone wanna play?
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>3x500 missions
I only find myself getting upset when a fletcher jumps around and sticky bombs me.
Typically when someone jumps around their accuracy suffers and there's time to track them. If I don't get them before they get me, I fault myself.

Bouncy fletchers can just fuck right off, however.
>15k xp in objective mode

I don't understand what people dislike about objective mode, it's just a casual version of stopwatch for casual players.

I play it whenever I want to just hop on for a quick game.
exactly. I'm playing objective to finish the last 5% of my support xp mission right now.
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>outplaying a teabagging Rhino as Remburg Aura
>he starts whining about how cheap walljumping is
Post merc u like most

I like arty
I like throwing ammo and being useful to friends
I like artillery on places and objectives and getting kill or two
I like occasional artillery that kill 3-5 man and get badge
I like getting rifles kills throughout game and not always top scoring but always big part of match
I like stark aim zoom
I like his funny taunts
I like never running out of ammo
I like cheeky artillery from behind wall

What do u like?
I like it because if I get stuck with shitters, I only get stuck with them half as long.
I like Kira's hairy ass.
I like phantom
I like going invisible and stabbing medics
I like shooting enemy from the back
I like kek-10
I like never running out of sword
I like sneaky headshots from behind spawn
>buy new mercs
>don't like any of them
>end up playing aura and skyhammer again
who do you have
arty, kira, vas
You're picking low test mercs breh

Despite what everyone here claims those mercs are actually hard to use because of burst/semi auto/bolt action weapons. Try Stoker, Nader, Fragger, Fletcher or Phantom
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its not okay : for a melee character to 1 shot you from melee range

its perfectly fine : for a healer to 1 shot you from medium distance

it really blows my mind how SD has managed to stay in the gaming industry with such godawful everything
Oh, but I can use those mercs well. I usually go 50/5 or something in pubs with Arty. However, with Skyhammer I feel like I can do much more after the Timik buffs.
Stoker is an indoor skyhammer
Only thing they do consistently is fucking everything up.
its not okay : for a merc with concussion grenades to cook them and slow/reduce mouse sensitivity on enemy players

its perfectly fine : for another merc to airburst oneshot with a lethal grenade and have better weapons
the EV moves faster if you have more people around it
one of these requires aim and the other one doesn't
it's been months since they changed it to having full speed with just 1 person on it, get with the times
o-oh, sorry
some OCB guy told me that just now, blame them
>Ninja michelin man
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Yes. I agree
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I like phoenix
I like insta-healing myself during the heat of the combat
I like killing two or three people and then healing myself to continue killing people
I like reviving myself when getting shot from a distance
I like being alive more than looking at the spawn timer
I like pewpewing people in the head with hochfir
I like not having to rely on our shit medics to keep me fully healed
I like the added ability to heal and revive teammates on top of my combat readiness
I like soloing behind enemy lines
I like his spic nonsense
I like plenty of fruit
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conc so gud.webm
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Why is concussion so op
Yeah, I don't really know why they insisted on keeping player names, and thus their position, visible through the whole thing?
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its the same for redeyes smoke, they just dont know what the fuck they are doing honestly
>join one-sided game
>join the losing team
>pick aura
What other mercs can I carry a team with?
Hi guys! I tried doing the private map thing to practice but I can't seem to do the obj list class=Weapon
Uuh some mass destruction merc, if you're lucky? Nader, Arty, Kira?
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>shitterbee walking directly into the katana
as expected of a weeb phantom main
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Aimee X Vassili
Arty X Arty's wife
Aura X Rhino
Fletcher X Sparks
Kira X Nader
Fragger X Sawbonez
rest of the males gangbang Proxy
fuck off remotoz
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i was being distracted by dicks

he also cut out the part where he violated my body after thunder died
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:) :3 !
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wanna fuck?
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just mouse+1 my shit up tbqh
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Buy me dinner first at least geez
You know everyone around here prefer 12 year old boy asses, right?
Doesn't really make a difference if fletcher jumps or not, I usually keep my distance anyway which makes them easy to take down. What worries me is when a Vassili jumps behind a cover/wall, scopes in midair and has 100% accuracy. It makes no sense to be able to scope in like that. Make yourself flat on the ground, breathe in, aim for 5 minutes for the perfect shot? Nah I'll just fucking jump 2 meters high, put no effort in it at all and instakill everyone I look at. Game design miracles.
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Don't bully Vassili. He has already seen more than enough nerfs.
Like the latest patch where they doubled the fire rate of both bolt action rifles to better match the OPness of the pdp?
Yeah, yet he still does worse than Sparks thanks his only real ability being taken away from him.
>4 thunders that all go different ways

This is not a reason to buff him. It's not Vassili's fault Sparks is broken.
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Why does miss murder look like she does porn? That makeup screams "give it on my face pls"
Give it to me.
>slightly visible areola
muh fetish
Well I don't, the ass needs to be fat.
Because she literally does, she's just a random camwhore.
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gyd gaem
you paid to win with Vassili
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>teaching some newb how to longjump
>get kicked due to a security violation as I'm writing
damn it
Shouldn't have taught him how to cheat ;)

>10787 score
>still LV. 1

You don't level up till the match is over.
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Better than vassili actually.

is there shit like this for others?

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version 5.jpg
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Yes in fact.
This picture was posted even on the forums.
Shoe even said they will take the feedback into account.

It MENTIONED the fact that enemy health-bars are seen through the flash and concussion effect.
The Patch and they STILL didn't fix it.
They literally are that retarded
They're just new to the game
Here is the pic with shoe saying they took note of that feedback.

Note how NONE of the issues were addressed.
They literally changed nothing.

This is the concussion nade "slow" after the "buffs"
Playing Kira in Execution is hilarious.
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Well then, I guess that answers the question of who I'll be buying next...
They buffed the blish and now I feel like I can barely hit anything with it.
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cute video ash
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I got my first team wipe with the laser only last night on Exe.
>long jump off wall into B line with laser pre armed
>whole team is turning the corner
>they start hesitating and slowly backing up
Oh wow the grenade is like 6 feet away and behind you. very useless. lol. worse fragger.

I'm not going to pretend that thunder isn't still trash tier. But if you're going to post a video as evidence of the weapon being useless you could at least show the weapon being used at something other than it's worst,
ash make more kanes wrath vids
Because when a thunder or a Fragger throws a grenade, you ALWAYS need a direct hit for it to get the full effect.

Because punishing players for not getting direct hits with their non-cooked AOE weapon is totally fine.
Wow you are a retard aren't you?

First time throw it 1m behind me- show that the slow does jack all
Second time time throw it 1m behind me- show that the slow consistently does jack all
Last time throw it further behind me- to show that the slow is as useful at it's max range as it is like 1m away from you.

If you think that the nade should be directly under my ass and you actually think you will be hitting people with the concussion nade closer than 1m you are in for a lot of disappointment.

>very useless. lol. worse fragger.

See you are trying to make a joke, this part is actually true.
Shady Rixen is a hacker
Who has the best tuft of anus hair?
>dirty vidya in groups
why do you advertise your literal who self?
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Congrats Anon, I still have yet to see one unfortunately. I really wanna sweater up too.
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>Anon stop playing that shitty MGS game play some CSGO
>Anon Dirty Bomb looks like shit play some league or CSGO
>Anon why are you even playing Rainbow 6 siege? We are about to queue for some CSGO

Fuck Counter Strike my friends havent played real games in years they might buy some but they never play them and always go back to MOBAs or Counter Strike

Fuck Esports
to what end?
I've heard one say "CS is the most realistic game out" That's also a person who tries to bring realism into every game saying "oh this isn't realistic at all what a shit game"

I've explained million times to him why I hate CS and only thing he can say back is "g-git gud i swear it's skill SKIIIILLL"
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I like how comfy Phoenix makes me feel

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dunno they are cute, that game was so fun
What is he doing in that third scene?
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CSGO is ruining FPS even more than COD or Battlefield ever did. It's funny to see so many GObabbies that never played the previous titles in the series who think it's a super high skill progaem and don't even know how ridiculously casualized it is compared to 1.6 or pretty much any other entry in the series.
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That gun looks disgusting

Oddly enough thats the best cobalt camo the other 2 look like shit.
>play some league
dirty bomb is the league of the FPS genre t᠋bh
>playing Rainbow 6 siege
>giving money to those hacks
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they all look bad even on high settings, they dont know shit about modeling its pretty baffling

>Not getting the game for 20$

VPN boy

but for real use a VPN to buy the game in russia or some shit
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Wait, WHAT. How did they get this camo?
>paying anything at all
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Don't be talking shit about fragmented, fuckboy.
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toothpaste crystals are p dank but id pref it to be fiber for the gun desu
>See sub level 10s with best christmas cards

I've seen so many today that I'm really upset.
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All the friends I ever made on Steam are now playing CS:GO or Dota. Even the most trusted ones who I used to play a fuckton of co-op games with, no longer touch anything else than CS or Dota. I remember buying them a Magicka 4-pack; they accepted it but never bothered to play the game.

And now that I'm older, and TF2 is no longer a thing, I have no idea how to make new friends on Steam.
Oh. I thought there were only two Cobalt skins. I didn't know there was a third.
please tell me
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wait for overwatch, its going to be the next TF2



you should rename yourself to bandicoot
>dunno they are cute
What are you saying so suddenly!

> that game was so fun
It was
No thanks, I can no longer handle getting good at slow-paced games
im convinced there's a huge chance for sub level 10s to get a single rare drop. most of them in execution have a random gold or cobalt. hell i got my cobalt when i was like level 7 and havent been close to one since even on the roulette
please, just tell me what is happening in that third scene
I really need to know
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overmeme is going to be fucking sick, im going to play mei all day and have whole teams bitch at me because I can 1v6 every time


nigga you gay


>tfw I haven't made a new steam friend in over 7 years
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There isn't RNG involved, weapons have spray patterns you can learn to control.

Keep in mind this is in reference to CS1.6, not CSlolGO.
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multidimensional rhino.webm
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nothing personnel kiddo *pulls out minigun*
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thats pretty sad m8
>*teleports behind you*
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he caught my favorite trick.webm
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>tfw vast majority of them are only because of steamgifts
tell me right now
i dont get it

He shot the sticky mid-air.
I guess I should have added a second so you can see the bullet trail.
Ohhh I see it now, pretty cool dude

>that betafag who keeps people on his list that never talk to him



I can honestly say from my own experience playing against thunder that the slow is actually very significant and a huge boon to the conc, you need to accept that your video is shit, because it is.
at least tell me where to look it up
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>is a shitter that gets hit directly with the concussion nade even though it can't be cooked
>n-no really guys the conc nade is good

the name is boku no pico


I play thunder all the time and his conc grenades feel mostly useless
Good luck avoiding concs in pubs now. They just spam 4 concs in your face and nothing you can do about it.
which trinket did everyone buy then?
I went for grumpy sparks, she's a qt
Arty is the only right choice.
>green mean meme
>LOL christmas carol!!!


i got the cancer angel
Why couldn't they just have dressed Arty as grumpy santa claus with a fake ass beard instead of a fucking space man.
literally if it was just arty looking grumpy I would have bought it
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>space man

That's Jacob Marley you unread philistine.
Ohhh noooo, not the conc nade.
I can avoid the flash by looking away 90 deg and the conc does nothing.

Imagine if it was 4 frag nades though.

Seriously shitter, you are complaining about literally the worst merc in the game just because he is a tiny bit annoying.
>Christmas carol
>meme literature

Oliver Twist boyfu
what why would you recommend me a gay anime
please tell me what is going on in that gif
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go fuck yourself my friend

its a dick under the table! or am i missing your joke?
yep the game is unplayable once again thanks to terrible servers
haven't played a single game today were weird server side bullshit doesn't happen
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Fucking terrifying

stop giving killerbee attention
>oh no, I can't give away my identify online! what if I get CYBER-HACKED?
I just don't want to be bullied!

give it to this guy instead hes starving
I probably would bully you, that multikill would boil my blood.
I wasn't even complaining you retard, just stating a fact. No need to get so upset about being a shit player who has no clue how to effectively throw concs. Git gud instead of begging for buffs to your beloved character.
Shut up nerd give me your id

Actually there's another Rhino in that webm.
subz get the fuck on you fuck

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make me
when subz doesn't show up for the cup
>subz in charge of not being shit
this looks like a sub 10 pubstomp
Sub's brother here.
His dog ate his internet and he cant come today.
Stream link where?
im finally home to save my team but they dont want to pause to let me in

serves you right n00b
quick subz go hack them to victory
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>tfw I never got to join a team
fagaleth is in the game
quick c2 and pubstanze with the two dollar signs
make fun of him
>""""""""""competitive""""""""""" dirty bomba
I just realized soloq is the one team that doesn't run sawman.
what do they run
Shotgun Aura.
Aura is deadcake
C^2 is fagger
Subs is Farty
Cosmic is Sporks
N8o is Stickynigger
He's the sparks right?
A guy in a containment war skin just tried to repair the EV while I was already fixing it.
We need dirty cups to come back and save this shit show
What if all the side-objective generators were reachable by airstrike on Underground? I feel like that would make air support characters a more viable choice
I like redeye
I like that he looks like bill
I like the badass hipfire rifle
I like the loadout with chopper and quickslash.
I like smoking objectives and having engineers run in and do them
I like spotting enemies for my team
I like wrecking phantoms
I like 1 sparks and aura
I dont even play fagger and havent used the m4 in months, rip
ha ha joke's on you I don't play phantom if they have a redeye
>ha ha
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Faraleth please go.
Shitters like you should kill yourself or stay on the forums/reddit.
Why do they allow fag3lith ruin all forums and streams with his faggy voice?
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Faral3th getting nerd bullied this is great.
You colorblinded or retarded?
How where
That's Spectator, genius.
I've done that before. Well not exactly that but I've killed myself with grenades I'm trying to shoot out a window or in a room or something.
...he naded himself why would you be mad
DB have no pro's only amateur
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You're actually the retarded one.
I like Vasilli
I like that he's universally hated for being useless and too strong at the same time
I like that he just got buffed
I like bodyshotting people with the Felix using wallhack balls
I like throwing wallhack balls
I like using a high rof sidearm to kill low hp classes from across the map
I like top scoring for 8 rounds then bottom scoring for 1 and not playing him for a week
>Playing competitive matches with high pings

PDP pinkeye OP
please nerf
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I wish they'd buff the M14, it's the only kind of loadout I like using on Redeye. Like if I wanted to be epig l337skope sniperman I'd play Vaseline, I just wanna be battle rifle grandpa.

the m14 is in a precarious place between the dreiss and the pdp, and i feel like SD is too afraid to touch it
The buff it needs are non shitty iron sights. You can't fire at top speed from the hip since it has shit spread, and you can't fire at top speed while ADSing since the sights are so obnoxious.
>Make the hipfire not shit
>Add the long talked about red dot

That's what happens when you have a international online cup
kek thats what you get for dicking around
You know what, a teleporting merc would be amazing.

Some straight up warp spider shit
hahaha running african bomb man
Those commentators are really sucking up to fE.

i dont know why they don't go full goofy and add a wizard merc
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Pubstance is getting analled so hard. I wonder what's his excuse today.
Pinkeye cucking the entire team.
PDP nerfs when?
Well they have invisibility, orbital lasers and self-reviving nanobots and a laser gun that can defibrillate people from long range.

A mobile teleportation device isn't that far-fetched
kick n8 off the team t͏bh
i dont have an excuse i lost
100% accuracy redeye is op
kick pancho and deadcake from the team tbqh
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dear RNGsus please be kind to me today
I'm running out of credits to trade up
You wanna say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens?
Timik is his best weapon that's the only loadout with explodey.
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>no quick draw
it's shit senpai

now THIS here is a real timik card
Here comes Hollunds.
I have that in silver it's absolute garbage.

>try hard
>dying without getting a kill
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kill me
I'm retarded, but who the fuck won that game? I'm so confused. On the top, attackers are colored purple and defenders yellow. But for the time chart, the colors are reversed.
Why? It's one of his 3 good cards.
Should of let me be the team fletcher desu
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>not wanting quick slash + cricket bat
>not wanting to be the literal bat man

without lock-on, without me
>implying cool is bad
the card also has better weapons than T63 does
>implying quick draw is better than explodey
>implying cool is better than quick slash
>implying try hard is worthwhile in the least
>>implying cool is bad

You can wipe an entire 7 man team without overheating even if you don't have cool. It's one of the most useless perks in existence unless you're a turboshitter.
>enemy makes a push
>watch the highest level in the server run and hide to preserve muh kd

Whats the point of execution all it is kira and stomps
since they removed win missions I've started doing them.
One vote kick made him this mad
Time to go back to the lab tbqh
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>tfw the second you call a vote kick on someone they instantly stop whatever retard shit theyre doing
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Is there a video of this game up somewhere?
I want to see this comedy gold mine.
lol they 2-0'ed every team in the cup just because of the redeye it's retarded
PDP nerf when?
Seriously needs one tbqh
Better than seeing fragger or nader tbqh
>not a single team could counter pick with a redeye
>everybody has their retarded ideas of "this is out team and we will NEVER switch out mercs, change strategies or try something different"

I swear, these "competitive" shitters are no better than pubs.
I bet they don't even think about strategy and just think they will fight 5 random fags with zero teamplay.
why should it be that a team has to play redeye to counter redeye?
>Play 30 rounds of execution
>join an execution game on the winning side
>don't move from spawn
>eventually get a vote kick started on me and someone says "afk"
>I say "no" because I just happened to be looking at the screen when it started
>the vote kick failed with no yes votes
>why should they play the dude who can see through smoke against the guy who can throw smoke
Redeye counters redeye at any range or situation.
There are other counters that depend on the range and map.

But forget that, just suicide run into the enemy like nothing should be changed and m-maybe eventually youl get lucky.
Good plan right?

>-b-but I don't wanna, I want to keep playing my merc like an autist then blame the other merc being op and lose like a shitter.
Trading for Phantom is true suffering

>Only want katana loadouts
>Already down to 3 loadouts
>Want to actually use the katana at max power and have a good fun?
>Have fun rolling over and over for Excellent Op
Well I meant a good gun but hey good fun might as well apply to ExOp too.
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100% cases confirm you weebs
Did you not read the patch notes post?
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>buy all the mercs
>return to playing skyhammer and aura
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I'm past level 50 and I still can't stop playing Skymemer.

>Buy a bunch of mercs
>Still play Proxy all day long
>Start wasting all my good boy points on cases

feels good
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The gods smile upon me

I fucking wish I had Founders skyhammer so I could look cool when playing him
Easiest 3k ever.
wtf shoots that gun? air?
Why it don´t need ammo?
fuck your english
no ammo, shoots a laser beam that can also revive teammates while being able to kill enemies like vassili
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For my first line of tutorials I present

How to make a team ragequit a scrim

That wasn't impressive in the least
you're not impressive
You made one person leave i wouldn't necessary call that a team rage quit
You should've ragequit from this scrim: >>125893814
Thats pretty hot
>tfw qti nader won't sit on your face with her hairy ass
why even live
not cool fammy
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>standing still planting
>hear 3 shotgun blasts
>turn around to see jumping fletcher sperging behind me trying to hit a stationary target
>defending chapel last, 6v6
>doing OK, but it's basically a sawbonez and me (stoker) holding down the fort
>what the fuck
>two more
>panic molotov on the point, get two kills and die

>they're pushing with 4 thunders
Yes but those 100% cases aren't guaranteed to drop Anon, That's the catch.
Stop hacking, Scrubby.
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Play 8 hours a day, I'm sure you'll get couple.
I want the same.
>tfw this is the second one
I was hoping for Raziel's ass :(
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>have unboxxed two Kira Christmas cards
>both of the explody br loadouts

I don't even like playing Kira.
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what is this

it only happens at this spot on underground
Why'd you censor the picture? I can't see what's wrong like that.
no that is the problem my shitposting friend
add me if you like video games and aren't a total fag

>still can't buy cases in bulk
Devs too lazy. Buy elite cases instead.
>buying cases
>opening cases
>he doesn't have all the mercs already
baka senpai
>using anything worse than obsidians and special editions
Stay pleb.
I'm trying to get special editions
>actually believes they drop from regular cases.
fuck off shill
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It may be a shit card, but this will give me an excuse to try out the new Dreiss
How do I git gud?

Also how should I spend the in-game gold? Should I just main 1 class for now, and work my way up to a bronze card of him?
Cards don't make that big of a difference. There's only two I'd consider to be necessary and those are No2 for Rhino (which can be acquired from lead R93) and Get Up for all medics.
>Should I just main 1 class for now, and work my way up to a bronze card of him?
Yes, or just look up the best loadouts and get that one for ingame jewbucks outright.


This is a pretty decent guide but feel free to ask for further info before you get anything.
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Why is competive so awful?
>que solo
>team is literally retarded and is either dead or at spawn
>que with friends
>never even get a match, just spend 40 mins at the main menu
even better
>lose due to retard teammates
>rank progress is cut in half
Is PDP Redeye going to be the next meme merc?
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Why is Phantom so perfect
Anybody wanna queue rank with me and help me get Cobalt?

no enjoy soloq
Love in war.
Would add but my current stack is full and queuing.
particles bugs
eh what-

>anime avatar

into the trash it goes
>the ingame model of sparks is way worst than this, she looks awesome in the vid.
>the model of kira ingame is as ugly as is in the vid.

Phantom is a bitch merc and should be burned with all kira mains

A miracle maker is among us.
NA or EU?
There's something about this game that I'm really enjoying so far, and I'm not sure what.

What benchmarks should I hit before playing ranked/looking for PUGs?

Where do people play pugs/lobbies/whatevs? Also what's the competitive format? Kinda weird that it's all split in 6s/7s/8s..
People play pugs on DBNation all you have to do is hop on teamspeak. Competitive format is 5v5 stopwatch one merc rule (you can't have two of the same merc at the same time).
Ranked is just glorified pubs with longer wait times, so level 7 is the perfect milestone.
stay mad and poor while i'm going to get myself some dank skins
ts.dbn.gg - is the teamspeak server for pugs
>having a main
is it actually active tho? im european btw, not sure if the community is mainly american or smth
it's mostly american you'll have better luck somewhere else
Thank you based mods for cleaning up the shitposts. It's the same like 3 people every day.
why would you mention this. it just leads to more shitposting

why arent you busy hacking your way to cup wins
is this a reference to something?
this t b h
>t b h
s᠋mh t᠍bh
Hey guys beardycuck here, most NA teams stopped bothering with the cup because 2 EU teams are cheating eveytime in them that it's just a waste of time.
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Why haven't you joined the best Dirty Bomb clan in existence?

3 good reasons to not do so right there
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8/10 made me reply
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I swear to god why are you fuckers always so terrible on EU servers?
the worst thing is I can't even tell if this is serious
feels like half of the NA playerbase is already in OCB
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A+ for effort
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Best nader loadout? I've got some spare cash and I figure it'd be a lot easier than trying to RNG it because I have pretty bad luck.
the last two are objectively the best.
I think I'm gonna go with the SM41. It's got great perks
OCB wurst dirty bum clan ever , go back to planetside you noobs
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go get sliver
I don't really like aura. I'd rather go for other mercs in silver
SM41 is awesome. KE72, CR83 and CR81 are all usable though if you're stuck with them.
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3 6 and 9 will decide which merc will i play the most during next week.
get low get low get low get low

to the Artyyyyy
to the wall
i hope you enjoy playing rhino

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Go play some Brohammer, be a fountain of ammo.
>not Skymemer
You had one job.
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I didn't make it, I just saved it.
Melee Sparks
oh we can do that?

Melee vasaline
Melee Sparks is actually really good though Anon and a lot of fun to play.
Spanish Heals Man
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Best loadout for Redeye?

Have only got his Dreiss loadout.
P41 or P52 depending on whether you want the better secondary or Drilled.
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get the fuck out of my ranked games polish faggots

Also fuck DB for making me crash right in the middle of 2nd half
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>getting carried by that shield guy that mains grandeur redeye

oh god im laffin
you sick fuck
Are you in a stack or just solo queue?
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You ever shit on someone so hard they disband their entire team?
Soloing right now
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oh fuck
wrong screenee-beanny
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this bait.jpg
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>Lvl 44
>8, 6, 8, 5, 6, 7, 10
sneak always gets mad and calls cheats then RQ nothing new here
The worst part is how that angry shitter Sneak actually felt like their best player to me. He must have been raging at them so damn hard on TS.
When's the fucking sale?
I want my goddamn sweater already.
20% off trade ups. they didn't have to. don't get greedy.
The 22nd. I know your pain, anon. I just got 50k creds myself, and I want to buy Kushwanker.
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I feel no shame
invited you to play before but kingsley took the slot real quick 2bh
I watch sneak's stream here and there and have noticed his name popping up on people's profiles and in chat messages on others streams. He's a silly boy who rages at everything, coming up with absurd reasons for why someone was doing well or why he was doing poorly. He complains about everyone else, both his team and people he plays against. Hearing him rage type is my favorite thing because his breathing increases and he types notably faster. You can just see the manchild pouring out of him.

He was getting mad at his team on their voice chat, but he was also playing like ass. He was calling Stu out on being bullshit for playing Fletcher and kept running in by himself like an idiot, then blaming everyone else. He also raged super hard at Ashen for being hard to hit, saying it was Ashen's net that needed to be fixed. He also HATES Kingsley a lot. Calling him retarded and what not. He kept talking about how Stoker was a bullshit merc as well. Basically, anything that beats him is bullshit or a hack.

I later watched him go up against NuclearSharkHead and some other names I recognized, but they beat NSH and crew. I was a little disappointed. The rest of the players actually seem like nice people. Breadfang has a very charmingly gentle voice, Banana has seemed both capable and nice the games I've played against him, and the others seem friendly and try hard. I'm sure sneak is pleasant at times, but no matter where he is, on someone's stream, his own stream, he's raging, complaining, accusing, cursing and insulting.
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>mfw fletcher gets mad after I switch to fletcher and out-monkey him
hey even sick6 aren't playing until snipers (red eye, sparks) get nerfed because they've never been able to beat those mercs when played well
highest settings cause those things with glass surfaces
also why the hell you would willingly have light shafts enabled? there are spots especially in trainyard where it pretty much blinds you
Can someone explain to me why the configs in the OP shit on the fragment skin? All the other skins look just fine as far as i can tell.
This game is all kinds of fucked. I can run it at a steady 60fps with all the graphic settings on high and effects on but when HQ materials are on it drops to sub 30. This was the complete opposite last patch.
i like the way they look
It deals with high quality models when it's off every weapon model loses it shine and becomes flat color. since fragment is nothing but shine it becomes toothpaste specs
anyone wanna play execution
>the worst mode
i'd rather die
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i have a 1k mission for it
Just played comp for the first time in a long time. Pretty fun. Why isn't 5v5 an option for Min.10, at least?
cancel it
then yourself
I forgot why but shoe did come out and say 5v5 is never coming to pub and gonna stay in mm for now. He did say they might look at it again when the game out of beta soon TM .
Damn, they always have such retarded reasons for the things that they do; wouldn't be surprised if the reason he gave was immensely stupid.
it was somewhat dumb. iirc it was something something match balance dealing with how in pubs people can join and leave at anytime they dont want un even teams or something like that. He talked about it way back in august so my memory became a fog.
it's actually better to have it behind matchmaking since team imbalance is much more apparent with fewer players, occasionally pubs get stuck at 5v5 and it's pretty infuriating to have even one shitter on your team
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>fun game
>someone spergs out and picks fletcher
>game ruined
i played comp with a stack for the first time tonight and it was pretty cool not gonna lie
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tfw waterloo.jpg
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>die to a random mine
>check scoreboard
>Proxy that laid it is sub-10

Every FUCKING time.
>get one shot by a shotgun when turning a corner
>check scoreboard
>it's ALWAYS a sub-10 proxy/aura
at this point I'm convinced that there are some bonuses to shotguns when your account hasn't reached level 10 yet
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>t-t-theres no way someone has skill in this game without being at least level 10!
>I-i-i didn't know about long jump til I was level 20!
kill yourself
my point was that the only time I get fucked by shotguns is when the wielder is a noob with unpredictable behaviour
why so hostile, anon?
Who the fuck are you quoting? I'm just noticing a trend. It seems like Proxies over level 10 only lay their mines on objectives or use them as grenades.
It's true. This is pretty common for most people's experiences. Watch experienced players use shotguns, they tend to be retarded. Watch a dumpster use a shotgun, and they'll sprint somewhere you wouldn't expect them to be and point blank you.

My current joke theory is that the worse at Dirty Bomb you are, the better you are with shotguns.
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ree this man.gif
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fuck you
I think it's just because those same aura/proxy players are playing on super high sensitivities and are playing the game like a twitch shooter. In other words they'll be shit with every other weapon in the game.

I dont understand how everytime i use shotguns i do no damage but when i fucking dumpster comes i get blow to pieces. And they have the nerve to buff shotguns.
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so everyone here is a proxy / aura god?
I think it's time for you to go fap release some steam anon.
there used to be a comp player who unironically played proxy with default loadout in real matches and he was fucking good, would be fun to see how he would do with the current hollunds
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>all those golds
how much money have you spent on the game?
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no stop any other merc
Hello billionare
You're a mad man
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It's the only weapon I'd ever use until like level 12 and I wrecked face with it. Now the time it takes between shots feels like an eternity and I eat shit.
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not bad
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the fuck

there are other carolinafags itt lmao
Cucked. Worst gun. Worst perks. Worst skin. Worst merc. Rip uuuu
but that's his best gun
His LMG is pretty shit, anon.
>tfw more effective indoors with skymemer than fragger

that ammo too
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What is it with this game that attracts fucking minecraft 12 year olds? Every time someone speaks its a kid screaming KOHMON GAIS POOSH OBJEKTIV!!! Also 90% of every lobby is just shit like james14 or timmy1998
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>uhmm guys we need to uhhmm move tha ev so...move it
I see very few kids, actually.

I do see, however, guys who are in their mid-teens to early-twenties who "communicate" by repeating what the current objective is (word by word) every 15 seconds.
I wonder if it's a mental thing. Since you have less HP, and less expentancy to kill anything with your air strike marker indoor, you might play more carefully. You're also a smaller target.

Ammo definitely helps you finish from afar and you don't risk going to get ammo.
yea you cant cook the marker but there are times when i prime it, get jumped, then damage them and finish them off with it since theres no cooldown.
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I didn't know random cases actually gave out golds
Best pheonix loadout, alright skin
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Sweeeeeet. I needed more tradeup fodder.
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>rekting shitters on chapel defense as Kira
>holding down the last objective under the ledge behind the rock
>literally single handedly saved the game multiple occasions because i'm the only one not stupid enough to eat an airstrike and can hold off the final delivery rush
>shitters on other team have the nerve to get mad and call me out as a "camper" as if it's an insult
>shitter on my team does it too
>lvl 6, went 0/14 previous game and 2/17 in this one
Also S81 is an ELITE loadout, that is all
free steam key for second ayylmaoware key
Noob here.
Why does thunder seem like trash?
see >>125873456
Slow, shit ability, gigantic hitbox
>we only want to play fragger and sawbones
>whats that snipers counter us?
>well nerf vassili
>nerf sparks
>nerf redeye too
>oh I see you nerfed every strategy that could counter us, I guess we will play now.

More like pubsicks.
Can you imagine some autists that played lol and would blame riot for bullshit balance instead of changing with the meta and changing picks.

No seriously if you are unwilling to change 1 merc to adapt to the enemies composition how dare you call yourself competitive?
The difference is lol's competitive uses drafts, with a much larger pool of what you can pick from. You can't really plan for a composition.
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>have constant lagspikes for weeks
>game is nearly unplayable
>change the channel on the wifi router
>no more lagspikes

It's glorious. It's like I've lived with sinus congestion my whole life, and then had them surgically drained. I'm near tears.
Nigger you don't need every single merc to counter some kind of strategy.
But if you are some faggot that picks 3 of the same thing then you deserve to lose.

If your mercs are Fragger/fletcher/nader
You have no RIGHT to cry about snipers because like a DUMB KEK you picked all 3 mercs that work best against everything that ISN'T a sniper class.

Do you understand?

Maybe have a merc with a different strategy, to maybe counter something or have some flexiblity.

Instead of being "HURR DURR I THROW/SHOOT EXPLOSIVES GUY" and then cry like a bitch when you get counter picked.

It's absolutely absurd if you think this is "competitive" attitude.
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And yet (again unlike your previous analogy), I toss in someone who counters snipers. And bam as I couldn't see the other team, or which map I'm being placed randomly into, turns out there were no snipers. Now, I'm at the disadvantage of having a smaller pool of mercs to choose from, because I counter picked a non-existent threat.
>or which map I'm being placed randomly into
In cups you decide with the enemy team which map.
In ranked you have 1 min to decide which mercs you want.
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>ash will never stream kanes wrath for you

why live
i swear proxy rotation is worse than a team full of fletchers and a sparks
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super talented
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i love anime and kira haha
Mods, please rangeban this shitposter.

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>instead of buffing the KSP they buff shotguns
>proxy doing 1/3 of my hp as thunder from medium distance
How do i calculate the amount of damage that chopper adds to my melee? Is it just 15% of 60 and 90? e.g; 103.5(104?) for a heavy attack and 69 for a light attack?
you can kill 100hp classes with a heavy stab
That's good to know although if anyone could confirm how much each attack does that would be swell, I don't think the numbers i posted hold up and the wiki only lists pre-chopper values.

go test it with a friend

you do have friends right?
I sure do Anime anon and i might have to do so if no one can give me the numbers.
Two swings for everyone until you get to around Fragger health (Because of course) or one heavy.
How does this game have virtually no porn, with all these waifus/husbandos.
I like meme music such as future funk

what merc should I play as?

because its shit
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>some retard with 900 ping doesn't know how to sprint nor use his abilities
>try to votekick them
>lol why!??!!
>not everyone was a pro when they started you know
>literally went 9/0 in my first game, knew how to sprint and shit out ammo
>lets see you carry the game yourself mr.pro
>turn chapel upside down, go 85/25, win
>nice but kira is very powerful lets see you do that with a weaker merc ;)
no need to thank me
I just played with a guy named anime dude who was level 4 and didn't know how to play. Is this a dank meme?
This guy is pretty good. Trolled you hard.
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wow so alpha
>turn chapel upside down, go 85/25, win
>nice but kira is very powerful lets see you do that with a weaker merc ;)

What exactly is a weaker merc?
It's personnel, not personal
redeye, any combat medic (excluding sparks), proxy

I had proxy in my squad and I did use her to repair and push the EV, after which I switched to Kira
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What's wrong with grandeur redeye?
his weapons are good but Laser > Smoke
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"I'm sorry you can't use the cover around you and watch you flank or even shoot her when she is arming guess I let you know when I'm waiting for my 3 second mark to get ready so you won't bitch next time"

I did this once follow by typing in chat that i was going to mark and killed him with a few others.
>guy who can throw smoke and have impunity in a firefight, unless you have spotting yourself or are close enough to jump into the smoke
>weaker than merc that got multiple nerfs
>a merc that got multiple buffs is weaker.
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The 22nd is so close, SD please, give a good sale so I can unwisely give you money.
just buy other games from steam instead
22nd is close. Who is ready for a 60hour DB marathon? Let's get the snowman by 25th!
I would if anything was interesting right now, got pretty much everything I want.
you know, I wonder if private matches count.

Pre-order Dragon's Dogma
Ofcourse not.
I'm soo hyped for dragon's dogma i have to play this song during my drive to meetings

i don't know, sd does some pretty stupid shit.
Snowman looks like shit. Lantern is the best trinket out there. And btw, do you get all three if you play 60 hours?
Doesn't matter. Coaly is the best trinket
yes you do not lose lower tier trinkets by earning higher one
You're just saying that because you know you won't get any other one.
Holy shit just saw Hexa-Flexa's channel and by god is he good.
given just how unemployed i am during this christmas season there's a good chance i'll get the lantern at the very least, but coaly is absolutely adorable
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Cut me some slack it was my first edit

ok Hexa-Flexa
>confirmed cheater
lol ok
Wait he is? omg I must be living under a rock.
Where did you get this confirmed cheater from?
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>looking at DB twat tv streams
>by-the-book stereotype of an MLG sniper who rages in chat, says "I'm shitting on these kids" and plays shitty nu metal in the back
It's like traveling back in time to 10 years ago!
he even had "top vassili" in his title like a week ago even though he's never been anything special
I have to admit that he is pretty good though, plays Vaseline aggressively without just sitting back being useless like the majority of them do, it's just funny how he behaves like that.
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Why should I use the MOA or feelix instead of the PDP?
You don't want to be called no skill auto sniper noob.
Higher body damage, that's about it.
You shouldn't desu. P13 is an amazing loadout and the PDP has always been the best sniper rifle.
The question is, why would you play pdp vassili when red-eye is so much better at it?
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Friendly reminder to type setclantag /dbg/ in console
Can't have a machine pistol, has shitty perks and no wallhacks. Smoke is pretty good though, and the extra HP. enough to make them sort of even.

vaselines pokeball is super useful imo, you give people so much info with it even retarded pubs start playing better once they know there are 3 people around the corner in the generator room

i really like shitposter snake tho, ill get him next
I don't know. Is he great? Nah. But that melee card is fun as hell.
>he is actually setting up a trickshot with his friend right now on stream
One-shoting shit is awesome
Guilte cracks me up. He's cute and he's comically arrogant. He once said that he's 1 of 5 people who can play Vassili well and more recently said that he is 1 of 4 who can play him well. He's good, but he's silly.
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Alright boyz, KE73 HERE WE GOOOOOO!!!!!
Guys i just started and i was wondering what is a good merc for going behind enemy lines and flanking?
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God dammit
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Phantom is the only true flanker in this game, everyone can flank but phantom is built for it.
Aura with sneaky + shotgun. Execute them with a quick headshot to the back of their heads. They won't hear you coming.
I really like that card.
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>its made for flanking
just how dumb are u
he's the definition of mediocre and that combined with a serious case of Dunning-Kruger effect makes him unbearable
What's the setting that actually lights up your loadout screens? My person looks fine cause I got that quality up high, but shit's pitch black because something or other is off I guess.
probably directional light maps
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hes in a better place now.webm
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we k-style now
>visit outc1der stream
>all manner of other ignorant bullshit flying around
can't stand this shit anymore familiars
He was always whiny, but they do have a point there, fr0sz is shady as fuck.
>People bitching in random unranked games about using Phoenix
>Boo hoo you should be playing Aura

I don't know why I bother. Fine, have no medic then.
So phantom, but how do you farm credits faster? I am doing my quests and playing as much as i can, but is there a better way.
When someone bitches about the merc I play i just stop helping the team all together. Teabag them too if there downed.
Dailies + two or three sets of missions = at least 10k/day. That's pretty much it. Don't play if you don't have a mission.
Nope. Playing gives you fuck all so you should do missions and come back when you have more. You get 12 credits per minute and only time it's worth playing is during double cred weekend with a cred booster.
Sure he might not be out right aimbotting but he knows shitton of stuff about UE3, I'm sure he is using one or another unblocked console command or exploit to give him an edge. I mean just look at his jewtube clips.

Credit boosters aren't worth it even on double credit weekends.
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Play stopwatch, do all the missions every reset. I kinda stopped giving a shit after a day of grinding and just got him with real money. Best decision I have ever made in this game, 128 hours played and going up daily. Hes incredibly fun to play once you learn the maps, you will never do badly because its so easy to get kills on people who dont even know you are there.

Best advice I can give you is to forget you have melee in most cases and just kek people in the head.
don't see anything weird in these videos
Completely normal gameplay indeed.
So he spawned as Sawbonez, gave himself the grenade launcher and made it fire faster in an offline server. big whoop
everyone knows fr9sz cheats this is nothing new
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>that one faggot stoker who always uses their molotov way out of the way just on you
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I-is that you, CR73fag?
Goddamn I loved the American Ninja movies, probably helps why I like Phantom's cheesy dumb self more.
Nope, I have given up on my quest after getting a christmas SM72.
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Forgot the pic. You gotta know when to quit.
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>Play with dreiss to handicap myself, decide to go for only headshots to practice.
>rihno with 3 medics pubstomping the rest of my team
>ends the game with 40/6 or something
>starts talking shit
>tell him that if he doesn't shut up I will have to actually play serious
>the most typical LOL yOU SO saLTY XD
>pick something other than dreiss
>rape his team
>"lol laser spammer noob"
>"lol tryhard"
>win the game, he tells me now he will tryhard
>lol, go get some food comeback the map is half done
>stop his team, they desperately try to win but still lose
>Weren't you supposed to be tryharding shitter?
>"LOL still best stats on my team"
>guy is 23/24
>you call that good?
>40/6 baby
>lol stay a shitter
>he gets turbo mad

Just another day playing pubs.
I swear to god, I haven't had a single pub with enough brains to listen to me when I tell them to shut the fuck up and just play.
Every one of them thinks they are hot shit and every single time they get stomped.
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wow ashur so alpha!
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Why bother aiming.
How do into webms /dbg/? I have some awesome mischief moments but don't know how to show them to the awesome people in this general
Which part do you need help with
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This game still infested with hackers?

I was thinking about coming back and trying out some of the new mercs.
Havent seen one for ages.

Its really rare to bump into one, had some level 6 turn on aimbot in the middle of a game suddenly but he got votekicked immediately

Good to know.
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>Fragger mains
lol that guy got you riled up for real
>record footage
>get 'webm for retards' or learn a handful of simple commands
>convert recorded video into a webm without sound under 3MB
Nah, more like this shit happens every day.
Shitter that don't know their place and talk big are annoying.
I mean they can have all the illusions of not being a shitter if they keep quiet, but they never do.
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Kira a cute :3
>skill required for Fletcher when compared to proxy

>can whip out high accuracy AOE nukes that stick to players

Christ why do people think fletcher is difficult to play?
Because it's hard to jump and throw for retards I guess.
Why did they add a slow effect or maybe an effect that slows weapon movement to the Thunder grenade?
Even when people get fully exposed to the Thunder nade, ignoring the HuD bullshit where you can see their names and shoot them.
unless you're a total retard you can easily run away even with your screen whited out
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Assuming you're asking "why didn't they," and they did, before he was nerfed.

I don't have it saved, but a "pro competitive player" unironically said that the lowered look sensitivity would cause players to hurt themselves trying to compensate.

Messing with players sensitivity is never a fun or interesting mechanic in FPS games.
can someone post the image?
I need to save and laugh at it again
>they did, before he was nerfed.
>"pro competitive player" unironically said that the lowered look sensitivity would cause players to hurt themselves trying to compensate.
Truly this is the LoL of the FPS genre
>those mechanics are toxic!
>remove them and homogenize everything!
Yeah and having a useless flash is much better right? At least toning down the sensitivity to simulate slowed reactions times would make sense given its a concussion grenade.
So other games have tried this and failed? Which?
>the thunder argument again
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Not it, but that's pretty good as well.
that's fine too, but I was looking for the one where someone complains about "competitive" players hurting themselves for trying to compensate for the slow
There are far better things they could do to Thunder than giving his flashbang retarded sensitivity altering effects. Personally I think it just needs to have a shorter cooldown, give him a secondary ability to go along with it.

Why do you think others don't do it?
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Like nigga drink some milk or something hahaha
t. Fletcher main complaining about "annoying" things
>than his flashbang retarded sensitivity altering effects.
That's what they do, they overload the brain and fuck up your ability to function temporarily let alone move.
Having them set up to just momentarily white out your screen is stupid, and useless against anyone that has half a brain.
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What if, hear me out, concussion grenades push fuckers away?
I would just make the concussion nades lock in your mouse. So you can't change the camera until the effect wears off.
There, no arm injuries you delicate buttercups.
I want to see controls inverted and you slowed down during concussion.
Not half bad t᠋bh
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>nobody has done it therefore it's bad

Unless you can show me instances where the look sens lowering (in and of itself) has had a negative effect on gameplay, your claim that it's "always bad" has no ground.

The only example I can think of is when Valve introduced the "charge" mechanic in TF2. Source engine anomalies aside, it worked fine. I'm not saying that DPI lowering is the only option, but people shouldn't just shove it under the rug "because it's cancer."
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how 2 redeye
I would:
1. Double the range the cons disable deployables.
2. Make it disable deployables even behind walls.
3. Double the duration it disables deployables for.
4. Remove Hitmarkers/hitsounds/enemy healthbar/name during the full duration of the conc.
with that load out? stay med range, use the smoke to advance, or retreat if you need to. don't be afraid to get in close, you're not a sniper, you're jack the ripper.
1. Don't use that card, use the drilled PDP one instead
2. Use IR often to spot bitches


1. Smoke
2. IR
3. Ragga Dagga DOOooo
4. Use IR often to spot bitches
>Faster melee and more melee damage
>Mid range

Nigga the game is straight up telling him to toss the smoke at the enemy and slashing them up.

I'm not so sure why you find it hard to understand that the mechanic just isn't enjoyable in any way shape or form.

How about you explain to us why you find it fun to have your ability to move the mouse hampered. Tell us in great detail why you think it's a good mechanic that deserves to be in a FPS game and why it shouldn't have been shunned by every single game in the genre up until this point.

>toss smoke
>run in to stab people
>shot by the entire team anyway because they see the red icon above your head through smoke
>It's a bad game mechanic
>ok tell us why
>its been bad in every game its been implemented in
>ok what games
>uh w-well uh
And here you are prcoeeding to deflect once again.
I think you're redundant question has already been answered enough times, but here we go again.
The way Thunder's ability works now, makes it completely useless, he's just a slightly more beefy Fragger, and a detriment to whatever team he's on the way he is, adding the mechanics that were discussed is the only way to justify the existence of his concussion grenade
>run in to stab people
found the mistake you shitter
they give you a gun for a reason
>frag nades instant killing
>Tell us in great detail why you think it's a good mechanic that deserves to be in a FPS game and why it shouldn't have been shunned by every single game in the genre up until this point.
Hey look I can make useless questions and waste other peoples time as well.

So why is it good? Surely you can explain to the class why mouse/sensitivity hampering effects are good for the game.

His ability is weak compared to others but that doesn't mean you have to go full retard with it.
The idea is that your movement, as given by events in the game, is impaired.

Forcing a lower sensitivity simulates that very well.

Moving really fast? Lowered DPI simulates the inability to turn properly.

Hit by a grenade that straight is supposed to disorient and impair you? Lowered DPI simulates the inability to make proper movements. Again, I'm not saying it's the only option to achieve the effect, but it does a fine job at it.

Your argument is that "it's bad because everyone (I) said so."

So actively denied as a game mechanic? When? Where?
You were literally just told why you brain dead moron, if you're so stupid that you can't even use basic reading skills, why are you here?

the entire conversation was about using the melee specced kit for melee, and i was giving a detractor for doing so, why would you tell ME that melee is a stupid idea?
And I don't read reply chains

Melee charging someone is still a stupid idea unless you're playing Phantom and even then you need some luck
>baby with glass snappy arms detected
Personally, I wouldn't bring the stun back. Instead, I think a direct hit conc should give a full blind effect for the maximum period even if you didn't look at it and disable the HUD. That's basically death right there. Maybe movement stun a little bit.
Hey, if you do that blindly you die. Got to wait for the right time. If you stay too close for too long before going in, you the semi-auto nature of the rifle puts you at a disadvantage.
>why is it good
>>125994963 and >>125991632 say balance
>>125993334 and >>125991762 say it has worked in the past
underrated post
how do we fix fletcher
1 nuke
max 50 damage
7 second recharge
send him back to africa.
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Reduse the damage of airbusting stickys. Keep the sticking damage the same.
>50 damage
that's nothing
He's meant to be an engineer not fragger like he currently is
try demoman
two stickies OR higher damage drop-off which promotes well aimed stickies and luck
Detonation should only be triggerable after the bomb gets stuck onto something to eliminate mid-air explosions.
Do we have a screenshot of the special edition look for every character? From what I've seen so far Thunder looks best
Maybe you should calm down.

god damn meme game
Delete this
Bombs can only explode when they're on something
Increase recharge time to 15 seconds so they can't be spammed
Increase the time it requires to draw the detonator

However, as a tradeoff for the above, buff the damage to 120. Make it so he's a trap-layer, not a grenadier.
I didn't expect much from them in terms of christmas event but this is just total garbage

and it looks like shit
also the proxy trinket looks nice
Technically it hasn't started. Not for another two days.
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So I have the best bronze card for every merc I own except fletcher using pic related.

What merc should I trade up my next bronzes? Should I just go for whatever merc I think I'm gonna get next or go for fletcher's master bronze and forget the cobalt?
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176KB, 317x266px

Time for some Sabotage Fletcher, anon. I didn't even know that was a thing.

As for your bronzes, go for the next merc. Start saving up shit bronzes so you can have a silver when Turtle drops.
>implying that's a lot
>not regularly breaking 70

meme game that happens to be one of the most original shooters ever made.
Meme game being code for 'Game I don't like', correct?
>most original

Color wars gameplay (April 2012)

Splatoon Trailer (June 2014)

lol try again
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3MB, 1536x2304px
>playing 4 hours worth of matches for two weeks
Nigga I ain't got time for that.
Nigger why are you complaining, that's his best card in Swiss
90% of the people here are trash and dont know whats good
Watch his videos at 0.25 speed.

But it doesn't have extra supplies and potent packs.
someone else make a new thread i dont have any new pictures be lazy
new thread

No Crotzni sucks.
great job lads
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