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Dota 2 General Thread - /d2g/

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Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 184

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Latest patch: http://www.dota2.com/balanceofpower
New players: https://purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: http://www.dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: http://blog.dota2.com/
Lore: http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: http://steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: http://d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: http://www.dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: http://www.dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: http://yasp.co
Hero stats: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: http://www.devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

livestreamer GUI: https://github.com/bastimeyer/livestreamer-twitch-gui

Cosmetic items: http://dota2lounge.com/

Previous Thread: >>125730520
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Don't be mad little girl

Vengeful, the Shendelzare Spirit
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>tfw king of the jungle hero
>32 memes early
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>Every single secretfag has bad taste in anime
>Turns out secret is a bad team that loses to tier ZZZZZ no names
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reminder that picking any hero in the game is pointless because

a)bkb exists
b)ghost spectre exists

Therefore no matter what hero you pick you are useless

Also friendly reminder that its physically and mathematically impossible to control more than 1 unit at once.
Starcrumpets were right afterall.
How do I play overpowered cloning man?
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Reminder that Secret will never lose desu.
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They didn't get Dazzle & Tusk

So they lose.
>Secret and DC/RTZ travel to China just to get BTFO 0-2 in the first round
Secret Loses LOL


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What kind of draft you want dotards?
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>venge aura and alpha wolf
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SECRET WILL NEVER _______________________
>team secret out

fuck this shitty tournament. wca doesnt matter anyway since they dont payout
Secret was a mistake
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>secret is out already
>easy lan for secret
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>secret lost
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>memefight still reigns supreme

What game do we switch to senpaitachi?
lol based G.O.D.Z shitting on secret and envy
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will farming ever be relevant again in dota?
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B-b-but anime girls posted by autistic neet manchildren told me that SWNL....
still would desu
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Miss me puppan?
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>"I may have gone too far in a few places"
That's it for my interest in this tournament then.

Will enjoy a dotaless christmas. Merry christmas lads.
no AOE against a deathball please
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secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
secret lost to xboct
>secret keks on suicide watch
>people suddenly care about WCA
You forgot to call it a "honeypot tournament"
No, every game is going to be a deathmatch into early push
yes, I miss never winning non-honeypot LANs
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>b-b-but the organizers! b-bubt the patch! b-b-but we didnt care anyway!
why EE so fuck up
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>shitrekt out in group stages

You know how at this point it is impossible to say whether you are a secret fan or shitting on a secret fan. Leaning towards the latter.
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I haven't watched Dota since TI5
Is it true that Zyori's casting group went tits up?
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1st for goodPuppey
Remove AOE gold bounty and reduce killstreak gold, and reduce the networth swings from low networth to high network kills.
godz is so /fa/ i don't even know any more
>Last place group A
He's too busy fucking his camwhore to pay attention to dota anymore
takbir my muslim brother

allah is great
the major really fuck them so hard
and make it so supports can't tp around every minute so flippantly for just 70 gold
I'm a fan of puppan. And it's never fun to see puppan lose.
Winter is such a little gay bitch
>Neither support ES banned
Why the fuck didn't Secret pick either of them?
>having 3 shitters playing cores
>having a "manager" who spend more time talking about what he's about to eat than actually work

I hope you guys weren't rooting for them :)
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nice game dotards
how does it make you feel that developers will never care this much about your shitty dying game?
winter needs to be raped by mason
>dota2 is back to pushing, 4p1 and tricore strats
No, thanks
>puppey lost to xboct and funnik
>misery rage quit

I'm rooting for Puppey because he's a honorary slav
>hey guys, look at this thing we did months ago, we're so great!
pretty sickening desu
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Can someone post the "shut the fuck up funnek"?
>blogging about game breaking bugs is something valve should do

maybe they should be working on solving the bug instead?
nvm the community did it for them since they're inept at their jobs
feel really bad now
i nvr tot EE can baffle so much
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>lose to xbox and funnek
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gif edition
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>unironically wasting resources on creating worthless shit like this

this is why i love valve with all my heart

they actually work on their games so hard that they even consider talking to the community a waste of resources

the thought of dota in anyone elses hands makes me shudder
>wca grandfinal
>xbox vs kky
>Still 2 vs 2 at mid

Fuck Icefrog.
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>mfw that range on ignite with level 3 multicast and aether lens
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So, now we know Secret was a tier 5 fluke team masquerading as winner material.
But who are going to be the top teams of 6.86?

WCA results don't matter because it's a meme event with no actual good teams attending.
>wake up
>Secret eliminated
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>2.3k item

Back in the days I can do it without having to decide between blink dagger and another shitty item.
>buy aether lens and aghs on Pudge/Nyx
>enjoy hooking/spiking people from outside their screen coverage
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>eg finally won the honeypot lan
>meanwhile secret stop winning the honeypot lan
ppd bros I am afraid with this trends
eg won't choke in shanghai major right?
With majors, these tourneys dont even matter anyways

Puppey confirmed saving strats
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>People actually thought a team with EE would do good
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>playing with /vg/
he dive for no reason at all
to this day this is fucking sad
I hoped Puppey would smack some sense into EE, but alas...
Define "honeypot lan"
tier 1 core
zeus invoker
>Define "honeypot lan"
any lan OG don't win

Can this meme just fucking die already. You faggots aren't even using it right anymore.
>Secret are stuck with each other till the Shanghai Major is over
...Secret for TI6?
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puppey hugs him afterwards don't worry

it happens quite often when you have 5 people hugging in duos
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When was the last time you saw a game-breaking bug be fixed again? That's right, fucking never, there are entire pages on dev.dota on game-breaking bugs and how to abuse them, but Valve doesn't give a shit.
LoL might be a shit game, but at least the team in charge keeps it clean, bug-free and regularly updates it.
They can disband if they want to go full NA and have to play in the open qualifiers.

>game-breaking bug

I literally don't see that kind of thing up for more than a week.
uh, did you forget the whole update yesterday, which, you know, fixed some game breaking bugs?
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>yfw you realize that every TI3 na'vi member but Dendi left and became better because he was the cancerous shit player holding everyone back
real game breaking shit like chen controlling rosh got fixed in less than a day
nigger what are you talking about, they patch gamebreaking bugs pretty fast.
They will have to play in EU qualifiers anyways, no invite for how shit they are.
secret should have snagged bulldog when they had the change

don't get me wrong misery is an excellent player but bulldog simply is the offlaner they could get at that time and misery is starting to tilt on some bad games

if there wasn't such a lack of offlaners in the euro scene i would recommend someone else but aside from mynuts/niqua i don't see anyone fitting and they are both not experienced enough to play with secret
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Is it his time yet?
but friendship :/
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>Kick the friendly ogre of fortune

When will they learn?
>get into match
>mid gets a kill on a WK at mid
>ES on Dire pauses and gets instantly unpaused by his teammate
>me and techies at top are doing completely fine

for real?? no one on my team bitched and no one on Dire bitched about connections.

i've been in matches where 3-4 players complain about connection issues and such and the game goes on.

what pissed me off was that this was going to be my fucking win but Valve is gonna force me a loss in the next match i queue up for just fucking because.
>EE will never stop throwing
>Ranged heroes get a buff
>Spellcasters get a buff
>Asking if a melee carry is relevent
Remember when he use to be really fat.
Holy shit are they so behind schedule they're actually kicking group B to tomorrow?
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>370k first place prizepool is a honeypot
>Mushi will never be relevant again
>TFW watching your favorite player fall into obscurity and bad play

I don't like this /d2g/...
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Fucking Valveshills on full damage control I swear to god.
I'll take the bait this time retards, how about being able to see spells through fog? This shit has been in the game since Reborn came out and they haven't even adressed it, just last game I was able to get a succesful smoke on the enemy because I saw the Midas effect through fog, which won us the fucking game.
It's not even about opinions anymore, it's a fact, Valve fucking sucks at managing and caring for their own game, all they care about is shitting out hats and compendiums.
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>I cant like this game anymore now that its actually fun to play and watch
Literally autism. Try the roguelikes general, Ive heard they hate fun over there too, maybe you'll make a few friends.
WCA doesn't pay out
How is Bulldog an improvement?
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Nevermind I suck cocks.
Both teams can equally see through the fog
It's not gamebreaking if both teams can equally abuse it
>spellcasters getting a buff is an indirect nerf to naix
W33 honestly played just as bad or even worse than Envy this whole tournament. He's the reason they lost game 1 vs Empire.
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This is literally the definition of a honeypot lan, no EG, no OG, and WCA are known to not pay out any cash. Secret just took the free trip to China.
Why anal is cheaper
Extra range on fiend's grip
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So what's the consensus on her after the patch? She still shit?
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Time to update your flair boys
>Anon's Annual Intergalactic Dota 2 Championship
>$10 Billion price pool
>Totally legit I swear
Sounds like a non-honeypot event senpai
>I had a bet on XTCN: the post


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I've always wanted to be Tresdin's squire. I always enjoy fantasizing about entering the fountain with her after a long battle and slowly removing her armor, starting at the helmet and making my way down to her boots. The embarrassment I feel doing this in front of other female heroes only adds to the allure of the situation. She sits down on a stool and commands me to kneel down and remove her boots one at a time. "Is that a boner?" Rylai says. Akasha licks her lips, Rylai giggles, and Shendelzare glares at me. I try to cover it up out of embarrassment, but Tresdin kicks my hands away. "You haven't finished yet." I don't understand because I had already removed her armor, but after she gives me a look I realize that she wants me to remove her shoes as well. I take off her shoes and reveal her gorgeous feet, surprisingly soft despite her being a strong warrior, and extremely sweaty. "Lick the sweat off my feet, squire," she commands me. I hesitate for a moment and look over to the other girls. They all start giggling at me and whispering. Then I feel Tresdin's foot forced into my mouth with the other one covering my nose. The smell and taste of her sweaty feet causes my raging boner to grow even more. "Alright, squire, stand up and remove your clothes." Although embarrassed, I take all my clothes off. Suddenly I feel my position swapped with that of Shendelzare. Suddenly I'm lying beneath Akasha and Rylai, who had both taken their boots off, and were pressing their feet against my member. "No," Tresdin said, "He's mine." She runs over and gets on top of me. It's only now that I realize that she's holding Aghanim's Scepter, and I understand that nobody will be able to interfere with us. Her technique gets more and more intense until I am unable to hold back. I cum inside her pussy with the force of a hundred megacreeps. She gets off of me, and as I lay there quivering in pleasure she gets dressed and begins to chuckle. "Only 9 inches? Pathetic."
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well i i found my new go to guy to climb ranked
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EG and Liquid
>some autist actually updated this
Now that's some dedicated autism right there
At what point did this pasta change?
no risk of pregnancy
How the fuck are they going to win anything?

If they got utterly decimated by the anime slavs how do you expect them to perform against a real team like EG?
Create your own new Team Secret

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I need to breed Harbinger
wew ur bad lad
Who /femslark/ here?

Liquid matches vs EG and VP were 2-1 with throws by Liquid, while OG got 2-0 stomped by VG, though that was in 6.85.
dear god that's a terrible team
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I want Harbinger to breed me.
he usually farm better than other offlaners and can play some niche heroes when you need them

im not saying bulldog was the only choice, there were another 2-4 offlaners they could get
6.84 Troll Warlord is back
probably around the time the patch hit
game 3 was full of throws from both sides, i dont get this meme and the only game they won was with cheese which EG was not famillar with
why would pugna be mad? he got several huge buffs this patch.
cm though, i wish she'd be good again, o well atleast dk and venge are awesome.
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So, OG and Liquid beat all the teams that are not Slavs.
EG beats all the teams that are not OG and Liquid.
Secret is exposed as being on the same level as a joke tier NA memestack.
Chinks are btfo by everyone.

It's basically up to bracket placings and luck lads.

Dota is dead.
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nice joke mate

Ursa omni is a pubby slavy draft of the ages, if EG isn't familiar with it they're plain bad.
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>tfw spamming pudge
>aether hook and getting most bullshit hooks
>"holy shit pudge you're amazing"
>mfw theyre not even that impressive hooks because of the broken range increase
> Octarine and Aghs 3second cooldown hooks

I might even jew out for a dragonclaw hook or some shit this hero is fucking incredible this patch

EG with Arteezy has lost all their series against Secret. Can they redeem themselves?
Kuro might be a good fit for that last spot
Shit taste confirmed, those cosmetics are pathetic
>b-b-but it's immortal!11
is dondo going to be relevant again?
>475 pure damage disable on a 3 second cooldown

nice game dotards
he literally got nerfed, what is your major malfunction?
This, tbqh. If you want good Dota, you may switch off for half a year.
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wheres the MOTHERKEKING game

Maybe, but definetly the hero will see some use.
>inb4 it's too much gold to farm

Aether is fucking TITS to farm and the buildup is very simple. His biggest issue for me was mana and playing against super dedicated counterpicks (mass healing and tankyness, my stack combos my pudge with ancient apparition for this purpose) but otherwise this hero is going fucking places
so how's this patch

is death prophet good?
how long until arc warden gets nerfed? will he take as long as oracle to join captain pick?
is dk unkillable?
what hero abuses the item the best?
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Do you think Youporn can beat chinks?
Arc is shit
in pubs atleast
they just need win one game to get in qualifier
how hard is that
fuck my rare,secret
How about you play the fucking game and find out yourself?
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are you fuckin serious m8.webm
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>Arc is shit
not him but he was only nerfed by a little he's still a pretty strong hero
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>Betting on Secret
YP are NA so no.
the only hero can 1v5 in current patch
arc is some of the most busted shit in dota

>undroppable rapier
>infinite midas

he is the true rat king, not even furion rats as hard as arc
No. But they only have to beat Leviathan to get into playoffs.
>tfw DOTA IMBA is more fun than 6.86
Whered we go wrong?
>actually playing the game

Everyone subvocalize on a certain degree.
What's the source of this meme?
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>he doesn't abuse fucked up odds, BO2 and new patch
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still if you were going to play him it should have been a few patches ago, he's not bad but he's not as good as he used to be.

arc is a nice support, or a pushing mid.
death prophet is amazing if the enemy is retarded, great if they're not.
dk is not unkillable, but he's close.
what item nigger?
>being an insicure faggot
>tfw aether lens are better than dota imba
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where my SEA ppl @?
Was Dendi the cancerous one, or the guy in the photo?
t. slavshit
you are 5 minutes into laning and chill and she gives you this look, what do you do?
fuck off la pinoy babi anjing
yeah good job forgetting the most defining part of how good a hero is

Hopefully drowning in typhoons or floods
inform her she got nerfed and is shit now.
laugh at this shit hero
does lifesteal heal riki while using ult?
>Arc with rapier and shit
Where you gonna farm it ?
Pick void then
5 rapiers 2 moonshards 5 man chrono-rampage
>NEW void
>A ricing carry

>EG beats all teams that are not OG and Liquid
What? Don't you mean OG and Secret?
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/d2g/ I had to take a whole semester off from playing dota to get my work done, what meme heroes do I spam in pubs to get back into the swing of things?
chink wings will destroy everyone in 2016
i really dun know how to play void in this patch
and what even are the meme heroes these days?
Void is once again an offlane hero, just don't forget to get a blink dagger after you've got your mom and maelstorm
513 dmg with lens
Any silly builds discovered yet?

Yesterday I had a slark buy all the new items.

It was so bad. He bought dragon lance.
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Has he completely lost it
depends on what yo mean by silly. some of the new items just fit very well with some heroes, like dragon lance is now core on ench. sk aghs is kinda silly but surprisingly good if you manage to get the gold.
I really think he could shine as an offlaner/utility again

Just go blink to compensate the range nerf on time walk.
New time walk is a 6s cd weaver ult.
Time Dilation is a 9s 650radius IAS/MS slow AND it locks cooldowns. On a 16s cd it's a 56%+ uptime

I wouldn't even be surprised if octarine was good on him now, it allows a 75% uptime on dilation and puts time walk on a 4.5s cd.

People underestimate dilation imo, it fucks the flow of the team fight pretty hard and if you can get multiple off on a hero with a long ult CD it gets insane.

Something like blink aghs octarine with range cores or supps like wd?
I could just play carry enchantress in pubs.
pos3 now?
no more carry?
When's Sing streaming guys?
idk as I said it's only thoughts it's too early atm

all skills but ult are pretty cheap so it could work in certain situations
prolly not fp material
void has never been a viable carry
Oh sweet child
don't overestimate time diliation. it makes him a really fucking hard counter against heroes like bristle, but isn't really that good against many others.
running him as support would be pretty bad idea since his kit has too little impact when you just take him for diliation/chrono.
he's a legit 2 or even 3 now (even though he's ironically enough more item dependent), but scales extremely good later on.
The time of melee carries is over.
The time of marksman champs has come. Drow is overpowered.
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this is what i went last game as void. build order: treads -> morbid -> blink -> madness -> aghs -> octarine (addmitedly octarine was bought when we won the game already)

New void shits on a lot of heroes completely. Biggest counter to ember rn probably. Time dilation fucks sleight cooldown and with blink you can always land a chrono on him
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Was Secret a fluke?
>Dragon Lance
>Not viable on Phantom LANCER

Explain this dotards
how do I skill new void?

Is time dilation a priority or is it timelock still?
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offlane DK will be the new thing:
with 2-1-2-1 or 1-1-3-1 going ether lens, maybe urn and later dragon lance
people really dont expect your stun to have 300/700 range and get caught out all the time with that build
pos 3/4 CK should work kinda the same way with that build
im back at level 1 whats going on
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I-I can't.
why the fuck did they even make it a melee weapon in the first place.
Literally what is the point of basher, mkb etc changes?
Valve didn't even steal the win from me, in fact they took pity and gave me a group of english speaking well coordinated players and we fucking slaughtered them.

LC on enemy team had brown boots for the first 20 mins of the game and got blademail, she ended up getting 3 wins throughout the match. was a joke rofl
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I don't understand how time dilation is good it seems like a bad silence because spells have to have been used for it to take effect and it doesn't pierce magic immunity. IT keeps heroes from using spells sure but again silences do that but better though the 9 second duration is pretty strong.
1st time i saw that item
i tot it suppose to boost melee hero range :/
>he's a legit 2 or even 3 now
That was my point desu

I kinda see him like slardar was last patch, a massive annoyance who disrupts fights hard and is hard to punish if played correctly.

Against low control/burst lineup he could really shine imo. Like against greedy lineups with a jungling hero?

>don't overestimate time diliation
True, it needs the opposition to use spells to actually do something so it implies you're counter initiating to get full effectiveness

On the opposite hand, he's prolly one of the best chasing hero atm because of it. 10% ms reduction is close to a drum activation when you think about it. Most heros will have at least one skill on cooldown (ultimate) at this point.
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What do you want for Christmas, /d2g/?
Why wouldnt you just get a blink for cheaper or a shadowblade for slightly more than the lens
malaybro chill
Idk about mom anymore since you have to get time walk off to survive any burst.

Depends where you lane
As an offlaner I think ignoring bash or getting 1 value point is decent. You need points in walk/dilation to lower cooldowns

Yeah I'll agree that it's more of a reactive spell than anything. Or a win more spell?
Hero is situational if anything but so are most offlaners
Blink doesn't give you
>+8% spell damage
>mo mana
>mo HP regen
mom is still good on him. you need to farm somehow. if you go morbid mask into utility items you'll have literally 0 damage. With mom at least you can get sit on supports and clap them with bashes.
by your filename im guessing you went offlane
Have you tried lens BANE, d2g?

it's fun
Guys if arc warden is as powerful as the ancients then why is he in the war now
I dont understand
haha adelaide
Damn, new luna feels really good. Granted, I had a very good game and could mostly free farm, but the new turn rate and the addition of dragon lance really change the hero noticeably.
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What's up with these fucking DELAYS
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Adelaide, it is Friday night.
Why aren't you pick up girls at bars right now?
The Venge crashing the game when dying to a tower lasted for like.. a day.

I'm not agreeing with the other guy Valve aren't at their best lately, but at least they don't brag about their shit coding and bugs like RIOT.
Spectre feels pretty RIP tier ATM.

She felt in a good spot last patch, but the silvers edge being none-manta-able is so bad for her.

You just die like a weak sack of shit, and missing 40% of your damage and tank and practically all of your damage with nothing you can do about it.

You know how ass it is to manta on spectre and do no damage?

Its ass.

combined with so many heros who make her lane phase nightmare tier again like timber and abba just running at you under tower and i think she is basically not playable in pubs again.
why is icefraud going the lolbabby way and adding %HP dmg to everything
Ah and seeing Shaco use his Q and ult in fog is a feature? Healing Hotrod Blitz use his W while you can't see him is one too? Skins being tournament illegal? That a feature too? Just fuck off back to LoL if their bugs are so less impactful.
i'm not confident enough to pick up chicks
so i play dota instead
Guys I miss enigma
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guess this nerfed hero
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how do I build carry abaddon

i want to have fun
95% of people who play dota?!
Because he doesn't have a bunch of idiots who will kill for him.
WC3 DotA is officially abandoned as of 6.84. We aren't getting a new hero until after TI6.
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>A completely viable hero
>A buff away from seeing competitive play
>Turn into garbage overnight

I am so fucking mad I won't even deny that I am mad.
who is it
Why doesnt Icefraud give the map to someone else who can do the triggers/changes if he doesnt want to?
>Invoker's win rate increased by +4.63%

Is he FP/FB material or not yet?
When is Secret playing?

>Having eye problem

Look at the bottom right m8
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In open EU qualifier
How many fucking people do we have here that are from Adelaide?
literally badember
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I-it will just take some time for people to get used to him. I-i'm sure he's fine!
>-o- Riki --- All heroes
Same with all rework heroes desu

It's also a matter of people not having a clue how to play him and +10% pick rate
an ember with 3/5ths of Riki's networth could do the same and he is overall a far better hero in every other scenario
ember can do that from a distance, with a better lane, a better escape, better mobility, and probably better damage
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it's not instant, pl could just run away
If you'd been to Adelaide you understand.
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Are people that clueless?
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>SWNL fags proved wrong again
when will people learn they're the shittiest team

>Other heroes are like ~ -5%

Fucking biggest loser of this patch.
>impale and spike are specificaly no longer unit target spells for some time
>aether lens still work with impale spells

st this point i wouldnt be surprised if it also worked on ravage which is basically 360 impales
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Where the fuck is the game?
I can't believe I stayed up all night for this garbage.
GOOD. Fuck Riki.

>Shit KDA even in a complete stomp game
>Legitimately good
>+10% pick rate
*goes into roshpit*
*pushes rosh on hill*
-sorry friend but i have creeps to farm
*flares creepwave on top lane*
*turns 360 and zips on your support on rune with hookshot*
Doom would have been OK IMO but that fucking BAT... WHY?



>Newbee couldn't make the flights
>Leviathan CEO arrested literally less than 24h ago
it'd be pretty funny if YouPorn qualified without playing any games
>Leviathan CEO arrested literally less than 24h ago
Shkreli hasn't been the Leviathan CEO for a while now.
never been Muted before.

so i was talking a match and suddenly i cant type anything, i can open the text box but nothing gets typed, and no one replies to me when i ask with mic.

doesnt it tell you no one can hear because im muted? if not then wtf happened and whycant i type all of a sudden.
really? I thought they just changed names

who owns them now

Go see the pick rate you dumbfuck.


Why? Can't handle the old Riki even with Sladar/Gondar counter, family?
Forgive me my ignorance. Is rikis new ult stronger the more heroes there are in the sphere?
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He has cleave from Battlefury. Advantage of Riki ult over Sleight of Fist is, Riki hits all enemies inside the aoe at the same time, multiple times.
Read the fucking patch.
only if battlefury, very similar to ember but faster and from stealth and 1 attack per unit per second or something like that
I like it, it seems to fit the hero, makes him a backline bitch that will E in and ult when the time is right, y'know all stealthy and lurky and shit
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>Go see the pick rate you dumbfuck.

Are you dense or just retarded?

People are massively picking him despite not having ANY clue how to play the hero no fucking wonders he has the same winrate than IO atm that doesn't mean the hero is trash you gigantic cunt
i love blitz cast
It wasn't steath it was the fucking regen on his Perma-invis that pissed me off. He had incredibly easy lasthitting and regened more than DK. Even if you pushed him out of the lane he would just come back in a couple dozen seconds.
>Fit the hero
>Single target
>Agility based
>ability scales with agi
>lets give him an inferior version of another AoE
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>Pick Void for offlane
>Use new spell
>Its shit
>Jump in with new jump
>Too short
>Try to jump away for backtrack
>Animation too long to really make it work

So, how do you play void now? His second skill would be so much better if it gave you attack-speed instead of lowering the enemy attack-speed.

Can someone fucking tell me how to play him now?
You need blink and aghs on him, but you also need damage. If you go for blink first, you are missing damage, if you go for damage, you cant go in. If you go in, you dont have to use your second spell. If you go in with your first skill, you use chrono anyway.

New Void is terrible.
New Riki is terrible.
New Lone Druid is terrible.
New Doom is terrible.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Only new Krob is good and it would be literally impossible for that to not be the case, because she didn't have a 4th spell before.
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You don't need to be confident to pick up girls.
You just need to be in the right place in the right moment.
Girls in bars will want to kiss boys like you want to kiss them. First they will go to alfa guys and their standards will go lower when night go long. In the end, they will kiss anyone just to not lose that night and that anyone could be you.
kunkka with crit 2x bf blink travels aghs can create his own rp, and inside he cleaves for 1600 dmg and 600+magic damage
109% comfy. Based fat merlini.
blink is after mjollnir faggot
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Every day until you
you're position 3, you don't need damage, you have two other cores with more farm than you, you need a team that can cast spells or somehow damage the enemies when you chrono them
The only issue with Doom is the BAT. That's fucking him up more than anything else.
but I don't want to pick up some skanky australian bar whore
you cant land chrono on ember period unless invisible
stealth guy kills everyone in the room
how does that not fit the character of a stealth assassin lmao
You're playing utility and offlane you're not supposed to win 1v5?
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>Secret 2-0'd by XBOCT.
>single target ganky oriented extremely high damage
>lets give him a random aoe ability that also turns him immortal because we are too lazy to come up with something compelling and original
>The new ability is trash
>buy mjollnir on void
>call others faggot

nice bait


I guess you guys are right, but that feels really shitty and makes him almost unplayable in solo queue. At least at my mmr (sub 5k faggot here).
clan iraq build doesnt give a fuck
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I literally don't see any webm that Riki that is not a stomp already.


Regen is fine. It is the one thing that makes him viable in offlane despite being squishy as fuck. He has to choose between last hitting and getting those regen early in the game since it has 8 seconds fade time.

I seriously won't mind them nerf the regen a bit instead of this fucking garbage rework + nerf on smoke screen and back stab and fade time and stat gain which makes him even more squishy.
reminder Ember has Riki's ult on a 6 second cooldown, at 700 cast range, 100 more radius and bonus damage against heroes
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It's only been a few days and I already miss old Faceless Void.
>Secret get BTFO
>People start complaining about WCA calling it a shitty tournament

Buttblasted much?
Any euros wanna stack? hit me up

>12:50 radi is terrible

the only constant is you rule applies to patches aswell

learn to adapt trashcan
Tell you teamates to pick heroes that synergize well with him (Witch Doctor, ranged carries etc)
i've got a hard-on for Team YP

>Fnatic get BTFO
>People start complaining about WCA calling it a shitty tournament

Buttblasted much?
secret fans do that about EVERY tournament they lose now
Arc Warden is such a terrible hero
I hope people realize that Secret are actually a shit team without ppy god drafts.
>want to root for Youporn
>Leviathan play Earth Spirit
What do?
it should be fine if you have heroes like invoker, gyro, ember, kunkka, sand king, undying, sniper, templar assassin, luna, shadow fiend, razor, medusa, terrorblade, crystal maiden, puck, windranger, zeus, lina, shadow shaman, tinker, enchantress, jakiro, disruptor, keeper of the light, skywrath mage, techies, lich, witch doctor, queen of pain, death prophet, leshrac, ancient apparition

so yeah there's a little bit of potential there i think

If you know how to play meepo, you can play him. If you don't, then don't touch arc warden at all.
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>lie awake
Isn't it also a 5 second phase shift? Not a terrible thing to have.

He's also really good at fucking up rosh attempts now, to the point where 4-5 manning rosh while a riki is alive is probably just an awful, awful idea. I mean, it wasn't a great idea before, but now its an even worse one.

It doesn't purge does it? It should totally purge.
Leviathan are under the radar desu
They play their own dota (they played pudge offlane last patches, stuff like that).

Game should be entertaining anyways, why not root for both?

he would be so much more viable if his spirits were invisible
Why does Icefrog have such a hateboner for passives now?
>this passive is ok, could maybe use a buff or a nerf
>lets replace it with an active that screws up the heros play style

Go fap first and come back to root for Leviathan when you are done.
are you kidding me? arc warden is absolutely insane atm, it will be nerfed soon
Australia has foreign. One friend of mine is living there now.
And if you want them to lower their standards, you need to lower your standards too.
>Ranged storm remnants should be invisible
- d2g
dragon knight?
He's pretty OP.
>insane farming speed with double midas and radiance
>rats better than naga
>4 cd spirits that give vision
If you get manta, octarine and necrobook he's more micro intensive than Meepo though.
Nerf coming soon. The hero is insane.
what if a 1st prize for the winner was a pot of honey
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Who's the jose mourinho of dota?
if only shitters stopped playing him support and discovered splitpush arc warden his winrate would go up
>blink in
>freeze their cooldowns
>chrono whichever enemy your team doesn't want to deal with right at this exact second/chrono their defensive supports and rape their shit in
>win the teamfight

Void with a blink can disable both a tusk and a dazzle while his team kills the carry. Hell, he can help, just cos someone is in a chrono doesn't mean void needs to be hitting them. He can control how a teamfight flows pretty well, especially against lineups that want to spam spells or need certain heroes to be active simultaneously to win fights.

Remember, you don't want a 5 man chrono anymore. And buy a motherfucking blink dagger.
>Isn't it also a 5 second phase shift? Not a terrible thing to have.
Yes terrible when everyone can get away and they know where youll pop up

Even if it does the ability doesn't fit the hero and is a shittier SoF
who? only portuguese i know is alberto barbosa
if riki's Q gave 70% evasion to people inside instead of 70% miss to enemies inside would he be better or worse
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Arc Warden can place 50 second duration spirits from 2000 range on a 4 second cooldown, effectively creating an enormous perimeter of tripmine wards around him

It's almost impossible to get ganked if you're paying attention. You'll always have vision around you and enemies will hurt themselves on your spirits if they try to come and get you.

It's like Land Mines + Psionic Trap, that can be cast over a screen away, on a 4 second cooldown.
worse, it forces your teammates to stay too close together if they want evasion
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>Arc Warden
>what if Tinker could not only deny his team farm and XP but also feed 400 gold every 30 seconds
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>hero gets 3x the value from a Midas as anybody else
how does arc warden deny his team farm more than any other carry? also you shouldn't be sending the illusion with the 2 necronomicons down a lane just because, you should wait until your team engages and then push, just like a lycan or natures prophet would

Would be better overall since your allies can position accordingly. But it doesn't matter anyway now that he is shit.
Arc Warden is so bad.
>invoker OP again
patch is shit. SHIT.
who /wings/ here?
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Why do people jump to conclusions when secret loses

sure they lost 3 HONEYPOT LANSS in arow, but they dont matter.... they ARE HONEYPOT LANS

so shut the fuck up when secret loses, they will never EVER lose a not honey pot lan

I'd say dying on Zet is harder than dying on Tinker.
>have a perfect illusion that can use your skills and items
>somehow die on your hero
I think you're a 2k shitter.
jacky just kill urself my man
Except not permanent, visible and costs an asston of mana
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when are the good teams playing?
Thats what Zet q does
>costs an asston of mana
good thing that, by nature of tempest double, arc warden will never run out of mana with a bottle
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>could send necros to farm jungle
>send them to feed
>Manta to "push" with no other stat padding AGI items and shit gains
>Arc Wardens push out the waves for the enemy to farm safely and deny the XP to anyone on their team
>enemy's GPM when
or just a mango
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is deso any good on arc warden? or do you go manta instead
Manta for fucks sake.
Why would you go deso ever.
>Manta is bad, unless you're vs silences (even then Eul's is often more useful), while you do get 4 illusions they're pretty useless since arc warden has pretty shit strength and agi gain and terrible base agi, I wouldn't recommend buying this item unless you're going a full stats build with Butterfly and Skadi.
yeah but a bottle is more useful to have taking up a slot
I think deso is decent after manta necro etc

Gives you more rat power
cant really compare tho, zets W is 100% evasion at all ranks but its a 50s CD
Except if you only use your copy to fight you are literally only playing at 50%
>Not playing him as a pos 4 or 5
>Free vision
>towerdive with evasion and 50% slow

Split pushing shitters
Keep buying Manta, gotta keep that 35% winrate going.
That's not how you're supposed to use meme arrows.
Riki's new ult might just be the worst in the game

>requires a shit ton of setup
>attacks super slowly
>you need to position in the middle of the team
>everybody can just walk out of it
i have 100% winrate so far, going midas, necrobook, travels, manta, octarine, skadi
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>Gyro is bad now because he got nerfed
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>team YOUPORN winning dota
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What the flying fuck does my post have to do with Arc Warden dying?
You're a fucking retard.

It's a quote dipshit.
luna is better
it's the shitters playing him support the ones keeping the winrate low
u seem to forget riki has 4 teammates.
and >>125765412 this webm shows its better situationally than ember since its first hit is instant while ember's goes in a 0.2 second interval which could give up to 3 seconds for PL to react and use his W and kill ember.
(PL can make more than 8 illusions, plus the creeps thats about 13 targets x 0.2 seconds = 2.6 seconds)
>getting carried by team 4v5ing while you get fat split pushing.

Post games.
Too bad luna is horrible version of aghs drow
I don't know how you could ever look at Arc Warden and think "yeah, this is a support"
>everyone can just walk out of it
>puck buffs same patch

Also, shit ton of setup? Really? Just blink in there Ur fukin riki cyka

>Hand of Midas most buyed item on Arc Warden
>Only to lose you the game

For what purpose?
Jenkins what a player
are you implying that me getting two lanes of rax while my team was getting wiped isn't what won us the game?
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>It's a Reddit balances Dota patch
>Necro 3
but theyve never won a non honey pot lan
don't forget

>deals no damage unless you have BF
>arcane boots 35.38%
>boots of travel 49.29%
so there's a clearly superior build
is he the kinesis player from HoN?
Because it's the first item you're buying anyways so it's bound to correlate with the current hero win%
Even worse actually, you need the slot later on so you sell it. If you reach this point the winrate skyrockets since the hero is a super hard carry
if you're going to draft for aoe rape might as well just pick fucking ember
>secret loses so he calls it a reddit patch
Hello Reddit
Just a reminder that Arc Warden only feeds Necro 3 units if you make him!
is that zai casting with durka and blitz
>winter is a virgin

So how the fuck do you build offlane void now?
The old MoM build doesn't seem to be so good anymore
>Achemist has shit gains by a godly steroid
>Venge has shit steroid by godly gains
Dotards ?
Good question, I wasn't playing HoN anymore when kinesis was released

>check empire vs wings
>deathball is in full effect

Thanks a lot Icefrog you fucking idiot.
Not really a clear indication.

It's based on the items you end the game with.
BoT includes people going full naga (arcane into octarine/travel)
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pms treads lens aghs octarine
proven to be utter garbage shitters AGAIN

To be honest no matter how many people praise the new ult, no matter how many stupid webm people post it here, it is undeniably worse than invi + regen and blink strike charges, which are more flexible and help his laning + chasing more. That teamfight rubbish ult is easy to play around, just pretend that enemy Riki is another enigma/tide, and the enemy don't have a real carry.
that's assuming pl won't get raped by all the aoe
I thought about the meme lens for leap range but for 2k you can buy a blink instead.
too busy blogging about chairs, booths and flipflops
Either your team carried you long enough to get farmed or the enemy team picked nothing to deal with you. So, post games?
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>open literalwho Vs. literalwho game
>manta radiance DK.
So, how do you build Luna now?

Aquila > Treads > Dragon Lance > Dominator > BKB > Buttefly




Aquila > Treads > Dragon Lance > Aghs > > BKB > Buttefly
Buy blink, maybe some stat items, and some team stuff like vlads.

You are a slippery fuck with a cooldown freeze and a 5 second AoE disable. Instead of chronoing the whole enemy team at the start of a fight, chrono the defensive cores/supports before they can help their teammates with a shallow grave/greaves or the like and tip the favour. You aren't there to win the fight on your own anymore, you're their to choose which enemies are allowed to participate.
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How to grief with arc warden

(greentext is a buddy of mine tlaking to me)
>Okay my friend, is best if you rush midas, boots of travel and necro 3. Get a bottle if you want , ulti copies stacks.
"Okay, will do"
So i got a fast midas , boots of travel and a dagon
>But dagon is not necrobook wtf you retard
"Oh sorry, i will upgrade my necrobook"
I got dagon 5 instaed
>WTF man get necrobook
Okay. And i got skadi. For no reason
"But, athereal blade is os much better since patch"
got athereal blade. Went 2/12, it was amazing

Similarly trolled a friend exactly in this game:
>people buy Manta on AW instead of Mjollnir
>nobody buys Rapier
What is this garbage?
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>radiance manta octarine DK
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this absolute madman is literally losing youporn the game with his memeiest of DK builds
>Radiance + Manta DK
>he's going Octarine next

They do

Only reason EG took so long to get their WCA prizemoney is because they are jews and tried to dodge taxes
let's stop talking about how shitty riki's new ult is, let's instead talk about the big buff of backstab+invis being combined on one skill

you can now have both backstab and invis maxed at lvl 7, with 3 points on other skills, while before you had to wait until lvl 8 if you didn't put any points on other skills
say no more

Riki, you can see the ult.

>Literally the new Garbage hero a.k.a Riki

You forgot to crop out his rubbish ult icon m8.
>didn't fully hide the last ability

I would have said Riki anyway considering he's Goodember now.
Stop trying to be rational, the hero is shit now you don't see it? dotabuff win% says it all less than a week after the patch
Let's talk about how they gutted his offlane with the hp regen removal instead.
No one wants a carry riki.
riki at 70 minutes
Aghs Luna is really strong but I think you have to commit hardcore to it.

Look at your build, you have no real damage until Butterfly. it's too much supplementary stuff when you really just need BKB and damage.
Did ancients always benefit from their own auras or is that new this patch
Guys I usually play healer champs in mmos. Which champion is the best healer for me to play in Dota? Need to start off with something I am familiar with as I'm just starting out in dota
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>Manta Radiance Octarine DK
yeah but the hp regen is gone and that was a good part of what made him able to lane
So what heroes are Aether Lens and Dragon Lance actually good on?

I guess Lance is good on heroes that build both BKB and Butterfly/Orchid/Refresher ?

But what about Lens? Pudge, Axe, Support Terrorblade and?
So Dragon Lance isn't so hot after all? I don't like aghs either.
Dragon Lance is good because it can be disassembled into BKB and Butterfly.
Dazzle, Omniknight, Treant, Abaddon
So why are pros picking PA now?

She got indirectly nerfed in the patch for fuck sake, and hard.
Earthshaker. Literally longest stun in the whole fucking game. You can stun from top t1 to mid t1 tower.
I liked it on Sand king.
Not just for the range but for the 8% damage
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>Team YP will make it out of groups
>Secret won't
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Reminder OG have been together shorter than SHITREKT and have already won a major and 2 irrelevant LANS.
>trust your DK to carry
>he goes the badNaga build
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>tfw you will never be a permanent dragon, forever and never be not a dragon
>Arc Warden's Magnetic Field doesn't affect Necro units

literally dog shit hero, even with consumable abuse
I think you mean honeypot friend

Bailey jay
Is this DK doing a Divine Courage game or smth
>Be Anon
>Never won anything in my life
>Not even a participant medal
>Feel like i should judge if achievments are relevant or not

3k mmr player right there.
So how do we nerf Invoker?
remove the new consumable
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>I dislike an esports team because of it's fans

They get the Evasion I think, but not the Attack Speed.
>doturds in charge of consistency
It used to, and it was patched out because it was dumb.
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>new riki is bad

remove alacrity and forge spirits

>many spells man is great at right clicking
this meme needs to end
that does nothing you retard. He is still unkillable past level 3.
>implying they're not all obnoxious as hell
fans are retarded as fuck, but it's still a moronic reason to hate a team.
If you want the most healing possible - Oracle, otherwhise Id recommend Treant.
Stop using trench as evidence
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>what kind of buff you want

>5.1k mmr
>arc warden with the worst net worth
jesus christ, people should know they have to buy midas anyway if they're playing him as a shitty support
anecdotal evidence works both ways
i hate secret because of pld, EE and misery

the fans are just piss in the toilet desu senpai
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he has medallion dagon arcane boots, not doing so hot

>they push rax
>riki just blinks in the middle of them and presses R
>literally ultrakill with ONE button
>100% slow 720 dmg debuff on solo heroes

well those were 3 or 4 buttons
Midas is and always was a retard bait item. It exists for the purpose of keeping greedy "me cary" fucks in low mmr
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2 at max, but pressing R was enough to kill 4 heroes in the literally same moment
How much gold does the Arc Warden double give if killed?
>tfw every Arc Warden in every game keeps feeding the enemy gold with necro units
>they don't even use their skills
kill me
Isn't Manta just way better? It makes your right clicks stronger, can be used defensively, and doesn't feed gold
>tfw no snowy desert terrain
>Pick Timbersaw for the first time on the new patch
>Enemy picks Kotl
>Levels mana leak first
>Enemy also has an Invoker
>Realize that Timber is still pretty shit in 90% of games
I just want to have fun...
>literally badEmber
Tower damage.
Not with the way it interacts with stats. Its not that good for pushing because of that.
I mean, since they do not gain attackspeed or health or damage unless its from attirbutes, it gimps them.
>everyone except DK has buyback
>call gg
uuuuuh what
they could get a good wall and gyro would still kill everyone
I'd honestly go Dagon/Scythe and forgot the split pushing meme entirely.
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This new sk meme build is fucking retarded

w33 is a much better Meepo player than notail

There are literal who pubstar Meepos that are better than both of them combined
nope, they get neither

only affects buildings and heroes
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>had bad day
>decided to play doto
>6 loses streak
Give me sure win hero in 6.86
>riki ever being more then a peruvian idol.

he only beats bad teams/bad lanes/bad players.
Singsing plays him as Naga 2.0 replete with octa and rad.

Better meme desu
>literally badTinker
As a Secret Fan, I'm happy that they lose and they finally lose their Top 3 spot. It makes them better players and will continue to improve till the International.
I hope they don't get directly invited into a lot of events and they'll crawl their way into the qualifiers. This way they can finally revise their playstyle for 6.86 and the patches leading to TI 6.
>2.3k tower damage
>12k hero damage
what was this arc warden thinking? he should spend less time hitting heroes and more time hitting towers

>orchid maelstrom on wr
>hasn't even finished aghs
another shiter

>double midas double maelstrom lone druid
the worst player of the team

dire was pretty good with their builds though, pretty high xpm on centaur, feels like he was very active
Just. Go. Rapier.

It's the only way the hero is good.
as a secret hater im happy they lose too
Is the range with both Aghs and Lens 1500 or 1700?
Whats the best hero for playing 1v9 Dota in this patch

I always mute all 9 other players at the start of the game
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arc warden actually, play him like a split pushing lycan
Still Ember.
im so fking bad in this game now
how do i get good? 3k mmr btw
My girlfriend gets creeped out that I have a picture of puppey on my wall lol
someone buy me the Zeus arcana please.
as a non-redditor im just happy team reddit lost
I'm sure it'll work some day anon.
>44 games
nah buy it yourself
I'm having success with him as mid farming with midas, then necro3 asap into manta refrehser rapier. Throw your shit at towers, he can solo kill / duo kill defenders with stacked fluxes and spark wraith + necrounits hitting them. hard counters are invoker, earth shaker etc people who can render his push useless as well as early game heroes that fuck him good like night stalker. he's pretty easy to shut down though, bum fuck him a few times so his midas is like 15ish then win the game while hes struggling. he's strong imo
Yeah, arc and ld pushed bottom t1 and t2 tower kind of early into the game, then arc gotten t1 top and after that we were just overrunning them with my initiation and epi's and centaur ults and blinks were on point too, rly rly good. He had an easy time in offlane somehow, 4min tranquils i think and like 14 min dagger or so, ive gotten mine on sk in 10 mins or so
Ld was just in the jungle the whole time, wr was getting bullied in offlane by kotl somehow, i dont even know what the fuck happend there

Hmm, im not sure honestly but the indicator looked more like 1500 range to me

solo ranked is nothing more then gambling.
change your pic to a cute anime girl then we'll talk
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What do you guys think of him? Everyone's calling him shit yet that last 5 games I've had with him OD stomped the whole game.
Worse than Oracle
holy shit the new OD imprison is actually so bad

his Q already did tons of fucking damage, but the worst part is it gimped his ultimates power so much because 20 INT difference was so strong even for level 1 ult, you could solokill bitches with it but not anymore
aegis and cheese
Dead thread
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Have you accepted him into your heart yet, /dotardsinmygulag/?
at what mmr do people start to win with arc warden?
1500 makes more sense since Agh's SK probably just gives +350/+450/+550/+650 range instead of actually doubling the current value.
The terrible truth is that with 3 steals per attack he has the same issue slark has: Going over 18 stolen Int(6 attacks) rarely happens.
If you are gay you don't fucking belong here okay?
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this TbH
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Hows Visj this patch?
i don't have the balls to attempt to play ranked atm, i'll wait at least a week or two
>same issue slark has
When do you ever have a problem getting more than 6 stacks on slark with level 4 essence shift during fights?
Slark can get a hefty amount of AGI from essence shift plenty during a game, the upside over OD being that each stack lasts 2 minutes compared to 40 seconds.
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What's the problem, honey?
how did qop not win the arcana anyway
Hmm, i never thought of this.. Yeah it could be 1700 but then that would be just silly coding
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How do I build shrek? I always build force staff on him because he seems so bad at positioning.
worse than ever
shitastic shitfu
He's dog shit. Bad laning, less int growth and less instant int steal so bad ult, bad everything.

If you don't stack int and just go full meme with moonshard and physical rightclick shit to do damage through bkb, you can actually run out of mana with a level 4 aura if you get bad rng, and your ult does nothing.

If you stack int, you're still the do nothing man who does nothing when the enemy buys bkb
>secret is already out

What happened?
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Europeans can only play csgo
Volvo literally nerfed a repick-tier hero.
That's a manga not an anime you little shit.
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WCA don't pay the price money anyway so they just took the paid trip to China and then jobbed.
EE happened
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they got exposed for pretending to be a good team

turns out they're dogshit
Ee curse
>Lost a 70 minute 3v5 because two chinese cunts spent the whole game disconnecting because they picked a non native server
Region lock when?
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Did you look at the image, or are you asking for my build order?
Always get arcanes and then lens before anything else, lens is fucking broken, buy it every game.
After that, you can go Euls if your team is short on disables, but normally I get bloodstone for my manafix, and then agh or hex or some other shit, it really doesn't matter, just make sure you trebuchet the fuck out of the enemy with your W since it has range out the ass, and initiate with your Q.
An anon recommended medallion on him, so that's not bad either if you're fighting phys damage and need some armor.
They did the same to RIki.
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Daily reminder Icebitch decided to kill the hero with THE LOWEST competing win rate in 2015
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>Ogre, Pudge, CK

Every time I decide to pick him someone on my team disconnects.

Its really fucking weird now I have a shit winrate with him.
Okay so you win teamfight with slark. You might have gotten 10-20 stacks. 30 to 60 agi.
120 seconds later they are gone.
Most likely they will run out before a second fight.

OD gets 3 per attack, but they last 40 seconds. So that means if a teamfight happens, you won't have stacks at the start of the fight.
And its just ~30 damage per attack you manage to pull off for ulti. Its fucking nothing.
So all the patch did, was to make laning harder for him, forces him to go more in towards attackspeed, and he still has all the same issues.
PPD said he's a tier 1 pick this patch.
>implying you're not seeing the meta being forged right here

Enjoy the next 4 months Kreygasm
Pudge is actually very strong now
What about aghs?
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>this memedraft
you did it icefrog
how do i stop discouraging myself after only 1 game loss

i feel stupid for being upset over such things
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What's the CK go-to build this patch?
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>level 1 rosh
>level 1 presence of he darklord SF
>level 1 crit CK

What the fuck is happening.
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Huh, I guess Jay was right.
The concept of an average IQ being 56 is patently hilarious. I love these images.
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>Australia second lowest

This guy gets it.

Reminder that 3k redditors will defend this by spouting bullshit like "well now he has wave clear!"
it's not really fair, when parts of australia are populated by literal unevolved neanderthals
including all of the abos will do that to your average IQ

indigenous anon detected
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For the love of god, don't get it directly after lens, you really, really don't need it for the cost of 60% of your mana. Use the mana instead to keep your W on cooldown and throw it at creeps and whoever dares to pop out of the fog.
Seriously, it's 400 damage nuke and 28% slow with the biggest range you've ever seen. Go into a demoand buy lens and max fucking multicast, you can toss it clear across the river
Amerifatclaps in charge of reading
Adelaide isn't THAT bad, dude.
He's awful now. He wasn't very strong before, but now he is leagues worse. Got nearly 2k games with OD and this is the lowest he's ever been
Did you see this earth
Na dota roflamo
Why is that part of africa even more retarded than the rest of it?
Sides obliterated
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>implying all the ausposters aren't abos

give 30mins im in a game rn
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Why are you asking for opinions from 2k shitters?

Just looking at the replies makes me cringe, wait for pros to prove if he's stronger or not
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pudge is pretty legit, i wouldn't call him a meme anymore
>OD is much weaker than all the other mids
>All the other mids have nukes
>let's give OD a nuke! That'll fix him!! XXD

Bristle, ember, meepo, anti mage, shadow fiend, nyx, invoker. phantom lancer, templar assassin, omniknight.

I think that covers it.
>portugal again
Anon where do you get these?
It's an /int/ epic meme
Meme Shard on WK instead of Mjollnir?
anyone else find it hilarious how the ogre is caution pinging sf like he's a peruvian
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>OD now has to right click to do anything
>if he doesn't right click he has no int
>if he has no int his right click and ult do nothing
>he is also super fragile so he will definitely get fucked if he even tries to use his skillset
>needs Attack Speed, Int, and survival items to do absolutely anything now

top fucking kek

How can such a massive profitable game have someone so stupid in charge that this ever happened?
nah hes wrong schierke is a qt
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>3AM bantercast, Team Shitrekt, Empire
>3PM Durka, NA memeteams
fucking chinks
non-push build?

phase > urn > dagon > deso > manta

and yeah it's pretty shit
Map is too big now that it could fit 20 players.
t. Alberto Barbosa.
What I expected
>Moonshard will solve this!
What I got
>No items give enough attackspeed to even do anything. Might as well build MoM + Treads + Midas and hope for the best

Its literally 6.84 all over again, the only difference there is is that before there was no gold in anything other than kills, thats still the case but there are more neutrals which also scale therefore more gold but you won't ever get ahead by just farming. The flow of the game and the heroes is still fucked. Its built upon fighting as early as possible.

All the changes have no other purpose than to make it easier for fucking retards to juke, theres 0 ways of telling from where someone might come, there are paths absolutely everywhere, 0 strategy, if angel arena like was a joke before it shouldnt be anymore, doesn't feel like dota. If the guy is faster he is 100% going to get away, if you are trying to avoid the other team, you are going to get caught no matter what, you don;t have to commit yourself with one spot or another, there are multiple paths everywhere, before there were choices and courses of action, now theres nothing.

The most baffling change is the radiant ramp in between the 2 camps. Literally designed for braindead fights and retards. As the game has to be action packed they added more camps so that there are more points where fights can emerge. The fucking offlane camp is only there to give a chance to retards to get back the lane or for whiners who quit if they do poorly in the laning stage

>New items

Dragonlance is the most op shit ever. The game is not fucking designed to have heroes having 700+range. Literally memepush the item, str threads and that garbage and everyone has 1500 hp. If you get an advantage and start to fight with it completely wrecks the other team. On top of that it dissembles into Bfly BKB

Talon: another catch up item for retards who lose their lane and want to afk jungle. it has no other purpose
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No, buy a mjollynir faggot.
Remember to use the active too
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>wake up

Lens: Like dragonlance this is complete bullshit. I hate these 2. It changes completely how the hero plays, the strategic part knowledge skill,etc matter less , the game is not fucking designed to have spells have extra range. Its extremely good. The team that gets them first has a huge advantage. it seems shitvalve wants people to farm this and lance and go fight

faery fier: mandatory mid tango replacement. No other purpose

>Aghs and shit
Riki ult is compelte garbage
Tide aghs is the worst in the entire game
New legion aghs is actually really good
Drow aghs is kinda shit, bad glaives but better luna because of the range but you could say bad dragon form. Not sure how good it is given how small the aoe is and the fact you can't really do much with just aghs, its main benefit till midlategame is farming. Drow is not AM
MIrana will be picked when people notice how much you can farm with arrow only to be dumpstered as she has too many problems. Support or offlane mirana might be a thing
Pudge is completely broken. The ult being the same as aghs ult is insane. 4 seconds hook is also op
Kunkka with aghs is literally good batrider and maybe even good magnus. The rest of the skillset is still trash
The new void skill is even worse than rikis new ult and the timewalk is also garbage. Doesnt let you get away, doesn't heal enough, doesnt do anyhting. Void is locked into being counter initiation
Ursa aghs is really op as shit. Offlane ursa will be a thing since all it needs is blink and levels

THIS PATCH IS MORE BAREABLE THAN 84 and 85 but at the same time you can't even call it dota. Literally League of Legends
literally who?
ring of repick m8
I don't play dota but I watch sometimes on twitch. I think the dota 2 casters are probably the best casters I've watched for any game; especially beyondthesummit casters. So entertaining, knowledgable and interesting. Love the Asian guy, he's so funny! I think his name is winter.
Anyway, thanks for keeping me entertained.
I was going to say "maybe I should check out /int/ sometime," but then I thought better of it.
the gulag speaks
>New legion aghs is actually really good
Opinion discarded


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>Mid autist mad that his lane got nerfed to shit and he's getting shown up by supports
But now he has waveclear!!
You welcome! Us at d2g love BTS a lot too! <333
>legion aghs is actually really good
>pudge is completely broken

Lmao, go back to the 2k bracket shithole you came from
>alliance is back

the kekkiest meme
the new ones i guess ex. dragon lance and that aether dogshit

probably enchantress and drow
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>OD autists still taking him mid
>not realizing he's now a hard carry meant to rice
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What was Icelog thinking with Aether Lens?
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>LoL Rune
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>mfw Dragon Lance on Viper
Position 1 pudge

but 4 seconds hook is really op with aether lens.
>People play OD same way as before
>'he's bad now heh ))"

Give it time
Why isn't it good?

If you get enough damage you can instagib someone without the other team being able to do shit

After that she is still legion which is still bad
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Uh, guys, the twitch stream says it's a final but wasn't Secret in this tournament?
>being an dumb frogposter
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guardian greaves blink octarine
>arcane boots on OD
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What's the gulag's opinion on Zet?
Are you retarded?

Legion is supposed to snowball otherwise she's useless as shit and you're not gonna snowball shit with an early aghs, so by the time you're still relevant and you can finally dedicate a slot to aghs you should have ended the game already
>lose lane dominating ability
>lose ability which made his ultimate have a bonus 26 INT multiplier in one use
>3.3 INT gain to 2.7

>Aghs ulti only adds 300 more damage - no more refresher+Aghs bombs
>Doesn't have as much mana to spam astral in lane
>lower int gain
>not nerfed
>Have two single target stuns
>At least one of this has to be used on WR
>"Why is ES meme'ing us?"
he looks like dogshit

I don't know what valve has against gnolls but him and SD went from being cool dog guys to stupid edgy demons
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what was frostamphibian smoking during arcane rune design process?


>self purge,heal and damage is bad on hero that never wants to get manta, euls or diffu

you niggers never learn
What if Windrunner can cast focus fire on an ally so they get max attack speed?
>Zet is a demon

subvocalizer get out
>OD is still shit but slightly different smelling shit
>Riki is badember now
>Void is garbage and le epic anti-backtrack lolfag whiner brigade won
>DP utterly dumpstered when her best build was already ring of repick before
Atleast my pocket strat hero got even better with iron talon, people don't actually realize how you should use it yet but I do.
wrecks 3k and lower
shits on mid heroes so much
>item was nerfed
epic meme
Patch notes say nothing about blink dagger
what is this super secret pocket strat you are speaking of
literally lotusorb
5k on GGreaves isn't damage.
pit lord when
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read a book.jpg
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>they don't know how blink got nerfed
>they can't think of anything that might've indirectly nerfed blinking into shit
>he played with the aghs refresher meme
in 305 days
I'm really enjoying farming free Necro units when my opponents pick him.
>click it on highest hp neutral creep in jungle camp youre busy clearing
>free 12 s cd nuke

geee you must be super special snowflake

i bet your mom lets you know about that everyday

>mana on OD isnt damage
>clutch bonus mana if you get super unlucky on proccs in earlymid game when you are sitting on 900~ mana is bad

you literally refuse to learn
fucking subvocalizers.
whats gonna be zet's aghs

2 tempest double?
>Dork Seer gets nerfed again for the 6th time in a row for no discernible reason
>dropping a cinder block on a rotting corpse just to get your ebin meme fix


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you earned it, enjoy.jpg
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Okay dude, just spill the beans on your dumb theorycrafting already
Also the new rune is fucking stupid. 50 seconds duration lets you cast multiple 30 second cooldown skills

fucking retarded

Buy the zeus arcana : The Rune

>with an early aghs,
Who are you quoting
>>lose lane dominating ability
What did I say nigger
>People play OD same way as before
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Nice cultural appropriation valve real professional there KappaClaus
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how many days since the last new hero?
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>Woke up
>Saw this

Pittner Armand @bOne7DotA 1h1 hour ago
Secret is out, YouPorn or Leviathan is in the playoffs . . . Okay

>clutch bonus mana if you get super unlucky on proccs in earlymid game when you are sitting on 900~ mana is bad

I really hope you're just trolling
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so how bad is secret getting rekt in WCA?
>revealing strats in a honeypot thread
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>earth spirit is overrated

literally has every support skill in the hero pool in his skillset, literally a single hero can control any teamfight without any kind of farm

d2g wrong again, who would have guessed
As usual, the pros are sticking to what they are used to and comfortable with. It takes some time after a patch before the meta changes.
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OD got nerfed harder than Tusk.

Can anyone explain this?
he got fucking raped with nerfs this patch though
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some cute girl.gif
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Can we make a rule that refrains 2k shitters like this


to post about patch changes in this general?
If you think OD wasn't nerfed, you're legitimately 2k. Hell, even a 2k player could tell you just from looking.
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Icefrog is in charge of keeping the game fun, now turning it into an autist-pandering fun/int-draining fuckfest
OD needs to stay where he is, fuck that hero.
so does OD aghs still astral imprison everyone? i feel like thats kinda pointless now
>the only relevant nerf is the one on grip
>he doesn't need any kind of farm so he can rush aghs anyway

still broken
>Still has AoE silence
>Still has AoE stun
>Still has an escape/initiation tool with a slow attached
>Still has refreshable AoE dot
He still has a totally overloaded kit. Not being able to save without aghs was a much needed nerf, but he still has absurd utility.
He's worse than Thresh from LoL.
Atleast you can stack ten gorillion attackspeed and pretend you're Slark, OD got a sidegrade from shit to shit really.

You should be questioning why DP was nerfed to below shit tier and PA got nerfed indirectly far more than the miniscule buff she got can compensate.

it's like they forgot it did that
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>Icefrog is in charge of keeping the game fun,
Icefrog got fired

Yeah nah they literally replaced abilities with worse version of other abilities

I don't remember a single rework where this happened
Nice opinion 2ker, now go back to crying about the godlike streak pudge you usually meet in your bracket
>Icefrog got fired
>Atleast you can stack ten gorillion attackspeed and pretend you're Slark, OD got a sidegrade from shit to shit really.
I guess, but his real strength was the laning phase and basically winning mid with Astral

What the hell are you talking about. She actually got a 4th spell.
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>there are people on muh /d2g/ who actually think like this
<3 this meme
i mean i guess if you only get like half the enemy it isolates the other half for a few seconds if no bkb but still without the int part you dont gain anything from it
there is absolutely no point in progressively stealing intelligence.
i don't need more damage and a working ult after i was left right clicking the enemy for 4 seconds. and BTW old OD used to kill heroes in 4 hits, why would he care about increasing his fighting power AFTER that?

wanna know why does it work for slark? because slark is based around escaping with 100 hp while your team get destroyed, then reinitiating after 12 seconds and getting a rampage.
OD is a regular carry: he just want to go in and SLAM it in as soon possible. he can't wait for casting ultimate.
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>I-I'm not 2k, you're 2k!
Sit down, little man.
t. valvedroneto barbosa
>feeding (you) fishers

congrats on being retarded family
it is time for the new thread family
You seem upset about being called out, I would be too if I was at best scratching the 2k bracket like you tho
>24 memes early
what are some good self sufficient fuck-yo-shit-up heroes?
so far i've thought of
dank seer
Remember back when /d2g/ said you should max out Sleight of Fist first on Ember? That's literally objectively been proven wrong.

Yeah, /d2g/ BTFO
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>I-I'm not 2k, you're 2k!
New thread when?
No one good ever did that though
any solo mid/offlaner
>Remember when d2g said the opposite of what actually said

well, no
Shitty black body dragon
Cool edgy demon
Rock gorilla
Zip zap blue man
when someone makes one mate
So Earth Spirit is in -cm now?

Was he picked a lot in the first few days of this patch? How did he perform in competitive dota?
>What the hell are you talking about. She actually got a 4th spell.
They didn't reduce the manacost on her nuke to compesate for losing the buff from witchcraft. It costs 165 fucking mana to do 300 aoe damage now, and they nerfed bottle (which was a good change by itself) which combined with the increased manacost completely ruins her mana economy in the earlygame.
And the boost to her base movement speed doesn't cover the increases she would get from witchcraft when you take items to account, so she's slower now.
And they made the ghosts come out three times slower which is a massive nerf to her ultimate.

Just look at the WR% graph in

You can't make that shit up.
Every /d2g/ post ever
>first game of the patch
>jungle lc
>buys midas first
VP picked him and won, didn't see much after that. Teams on WCA are mostly ignoring him
Leviathan picked him twice and won both times today.

I give two weeks until he's considered cancer
Hey shitlord, why don't you go to your dota profile and screenshot your MMR with the time as your nick so you can show us you're not a 2k shitter? ;)

Well I'm not expecting any reply since you obviously can't, you're just another 2k shitter vocalizing his useless opinion and getting dumpstered
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Dota 2 General 5.png
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>mmr means something
t. 2K player
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>game records all of your stats, gpm, xpm, last hits, even apm
>MMR is based solely on whether you win or lose
>tfw he dick is bigger than yours
Just kill me in my sleep already familia
not him but
>asks people to post their profile and mmr
>doesn't post his
this is the most autistic call out ever
>multiple times
if they stand still, yeah...
>implying that never happens

you literally revealed yourself as person who played od once
hold up, I think I'm on to something here..
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