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/slg/ Second Life General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 173

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Love Nectar Edition

Prev. Thread >>124669875

Getting Started Guide: http://pastebin.com/pnnQtCDx
Shape Guide: http://pastebin.com/2pAKs7ub

For an invite to the /vg/ group, contact any of these people: http://pastebin.com/dyU3Zgqj
For other groups, paste these into your chat and click the link it creates to see the group info, and click the Join Now button:
/tg/ group: secondlife:///app/group/573a69eb-f90d-cfcf-daef-abf258c46191/about
/x/ group: secondlife:///app/group/309c8d64-3f92-ab12-68af-41820f67b120/about
/toy/ group: secondlife:///app/group/a2e063d9-413b-ab4c-6c3a-27ac87d38620/about
Fucking degenerates.
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gay op
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that is a cool nose
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Put it in my asshole, Daddy.
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I've just logged back in for the first time in forever, and all my groups/friends are dead. What are the interesting places to visit and people watch these days?
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I found what was clogging the sewers
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Sweating man.jpg
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She never quite was the same.gif
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i want to touch gnomes BIG FAT BUTT
shut up gnome
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cool edit gnome
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Gnome, it's only funny when other people are laughing; think about when you type in group for several minutes and only one person responds in chat, "Neat" and the conversation continues on. That is you posting right now, please stop, it's not funny if it's just you laughing.
Where are the news? I miss them.
News today, CSGO is fucked hail revolver ocelot
News girl is busy licking the smegma off of my cock
news cat is busy afking
who afks more arty or news girl
shut up asshole
Alright /slg/ who's single and ready to mingle?
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A picture I drew for somebody from second life, Just look into his eyes... Fall under the sexy glaze..... Look down at his abs.. Feel the desire to be his Hand-paws....
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who the fuck drew this
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Feel the desire to be his blushy bre...
yum yum
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where the sharks at?!?!
no one wears sharks anymore
they were sent into hiding by the kemonos during the great war of slg

it was said the aventity 2.0 would bring a new age of shark, but it never came
sharks need to come back maybe. kemono not a very good replacement
Start the change.
Someone needs to have a shark rally.
Make sl sharks again.

there's so many things that are not sharks or kemonos that are better than both

why not be


Because something has to be the "fad" avatar.

Being unique can't be a fad. Unfortunately.
good, sharks were even more sameface than Kemonos
Every kemono I've seen has been same face with the same damn hair almost every time.

Does Kemono come with hair or something?
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>want to buy this thing
>someone's selling it for 20L
What are the odds that they're a legit seller? I mean I know 20L isn't much, but I still don't want to get ripped off just on basic principles.
It's probably fine. now hand over the booty.
Kemono is fucking stupid and I'm tired of seeing femboi furries with giant ass bulges wearing it
femboys are the worst
shut up fuckboy
femboys are nothing more than hugbox subs
oooh fuccboi
what you gonna do, fuckboy?
why does SLMC exist

what is even the point of it
To pretend you aren't a furry.
I believe it, my ex, who is owner of the Alliance Navy sim(s) was in a relationship with me, a person who often wears furry avatars, even back in 2007.

He probably denies being attracted to furries.
Tell the details to us
It wasn't any different from your usual online relationship on SL, cuddling, lewding, exchanging clean pictures and "those" pictues, etc. He also refused to partner with me out of embarrassment, even though I hung out with him and his friends, it was weird but I didn't care.

We broke up after a few months because we just lost interest in each other, no hard feelings or anything.

Why would you get together with some furry who runs SLMC sim?
It was 2007 and I wasn't picky.
maybe the worst of the worst.
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How do furries kiss even
com and I show u
Oh god why did I come here fuck this

> Associating with furries
> Ever


/me kisses you softly on the snout before squeezing the breath from your lungs with my eight strong tentacles.
Well, he said he was a furry
I'm undercover you fricking retard
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You can't smell through second life.
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Is this supposed to be funny?
mid outfits when
I was recently promoted to a NCO by Hoopity.
IM me if you wanna join we have our own custom armor set!
does it look slick
If you're too spineless to show up for a trial how are you supposed to win any virtual battles?

Get lost.
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I don't like giving the satisfaction to anyone senpai :)
that's not what i heard :^)
I don't like giving the satisfaction to anyone senpai :)
a lie told often enough becomes the truth?

It's astonishing that you're so angry over being b& that you try to shovel all of your horrible reputation onto a harmless group of idiots dressing up as Action Man because one of them keked you with your favorite Irishman.
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>I don't like giving the satisfaction to anyone

>not oh no my dirty gay boyfriend drama is going to be told my furry world is ending

Is there some shitty /vg/ field trip at AMH or what?
no why
looks like a /d/ field trip to me
Oh no even the shark memelord came along.
Nah, me being there would be too awkward for Raideur.
kill the white devils
And this kills the man.

> I'm under the covers

Oh I bet you are....
One boyfriend, please.
2/10 dis nigga give me a L coffe when i ask for a S
Does anyone here know how to de-contabolize a digital modulator? My datamatrix is deframed and I need it for second life
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Anyone know of any heads that are similar to these? don't give a fuck if its tied to a full avatar or not
contact Best Buy customer support they'll help you fix your computertron
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I've had a vision, everyone. It's about a small cat with the thirst of an Indian man, teams of Best Buy customer service reps crashing through windows and sewers filled with yum yum. I hope these tidings are favorable.
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What stores sell cute looking clothes like pic related? I'm not really into overly sexualized looking outfits.
Cute outfits are the best kind, but you're better off just searching the marketplace, many stores sell stuff like that. Though, most of it will probably be the exact same, different texture, due to clothing templates.

That's... Adorable....
i'm gonna fuck that jacket
I'm gonna fuck her in that jacket
i'm gonna fuck you in that jacket
But I'm not a crossdresser T_T
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post yfw gnome starts talking
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omg today i went to a ballet and one of the actors has an AMAZING buttocks so i decided took a picture with it, i also got his autograph <333333333
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[18:54:52] Sovot: Let us know when you finish your livejournal post so we can see the rest of what you have to say, gnome
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Buy it for me and I will let you fuck me in it.
I'm not sure you're worth it, show yourself then we can discuss.
IM me, JDB.Bing
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just a cool guy.png
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let me see those toes first
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only if you've been good, mothertrucker
If you didn't have a 1st life picture I'd consider it but now you ruined it for me.
Renoki Li
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Just Pretend It's Not There Like Nigga Close Your Eyes HaHa
everyone here is in trouble
is the doctor in?
stfu furfag
stfu animefag
Wrong general idiot
everyone here except for me is dumb and gay, im the smartest and straightest
No you are gay sir.
Not with that attitude.
You are from /d/ so that is a lie.
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of course, the doctor IS in!

sorry I'm late, but I'm ready to treat people
don't make me pastebin your helplessness
I got that shit on pastebin niggra.

best start back pedaling.
Nah, I'm gonna keep it because du su knows exactly what it is. Why do you think they got quiet
Because that post was hours ago you fucking moron.
Man fuck you nigga
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IMVU is better.
Can't lewd there
ding dong you are wrong
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What about it?
ty 4skins
Does anyone want to be and help me look cute? I'm shopping all over the place for cute coats and pants.
Step 1. be anime

Be a shark instead.
yeah hit me up inworld i can get you hooked up with the machinist skin and some slick threads
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You can make it look like that with enough effort.
What heads are available there to achieve that effect? I don't like the M3's.
I meant making your own head entirely.
Isn't that just the way.
If you don't like the Venus, there's the BJD heads though they lack expressions somewhat. See Skymall for good example.
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SL is great, wonderful game, great game, but we have got to get rid of the sharks, I mean, their sharks! They are horrible dangerous animals and they'll bite you!

I will make anime real, I will make anime great again, A vote for me is a vote for anime, dont you want a waifu?
fuck both, become bug
Whats the difference between ERROR and MAGE. The people look the exact same
there is no difference
Whats the difference between Stern and MAGE. The people look the exact same
at least try.
fifty keks

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why even log in anymore
>safe zone
stay shit
Long story short, Do Su is a fucking idiot and doesn't understand what good friends actually are.

And that's obviously not a good friend.
About one angry furry making variations of the same post.
fuck if I know where to go to anymore
I used to feel bad for do su.

That time has long passed though.
i want to cum in custard mutt
th not a big enough cum
stop with "th" u dumb bitch
make me small cummer
come to stern island in next 15 mins if u want an ass kicking
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Du so is a fucktard faggot weenie and was a faggot to me when I met it and I am glad its banned, fucking fag
this desu
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even by 4chan standards you people have managed to reach a new level of pathetic
soul vore
I wished someone would fuck my lewd object head Leopard2A7

Quit trying to steal my coat!
you stole it from me
I like how Du su always tried to get people to make fun of me by saying I had a kemono and now he's got one on, lol fucking fagoot
Is that Rolltier's sister?
kemono bad
What kinda queer gets "addicted" to aspirin, anyways.

I bet this dude overdosed on Tylenol and mainlined cough syrup too
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hes had one since forever
>He is an actual kek
I want to fuck Du Su in the ass while he makes an ass of himself
I will vote for you!
They didn't have that many states when they were released, but I've been using them since then and they've gotten updates.

Heads 1 and 2 have the following:
- mouth states: closed, slightly open, more open, closed mouth smile, smile with teeth.
- 3 eye states, each side is separately controllable.
- 3 brow states, each side is separately controllable.
- 2 blush states

Heads 3 and 4 were made later and have more expressions.
- Head 4 has closed, slightly open, more open, mouths, along with a smirk, a smile with teeth, a disgusted mouth, and a tongue out mouth.
- Head 3 always seems to have parted lips, but it has closed, slightly open, and more open states, along with a closed-mouth smile, biting the lower lip, a smile with teeth, and the open mouth with tongue out.
- 2 Blush states
- Both heads have independently controlled eyebrows and eyes with 3 states each.
- Head 4 seems to have a "happy" and "sinister" version, though the difference is quite small and I'm not sure what it is.

I've also added tongues in for expressions; you just need to toggle off typing while you use them. The button's on the hud so it's pretty quick. Eyes are just attached to the SL eyes, which makes it harder to control eye roll. If I need it, I use a HUD I found on the marketplace called "Anypose Expression HUD." You can also fit the tears from the Mokyu head to the BJD head pretty easily.

IMO I get around the same amount of usable expressions out of the BJD heads and other (Mokyu, Utilizator) heads. The Uti heads have the most mouth states, but he makes chiclet teeth and some of the expressions look dumb, (especially with texture mods) so I really only use half of them. The Mokyu heads have more eye states, but eyelids can't be controlled separately, and a lot of mouth states on the head I own look horrible.
give bug thighs
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What about the Mokyu stuff?
I don't get it where's the keks? Is this really the pastebin Dosu is "afraid" of?
Does anyone want to be and help me meme? I'm shitposting all over the place for funny memes and images
Yeah just IM me, lupin.sinister, boys only.
It's old as fuck and I don't get it neither, read it 4 times.
still a better love story than shinoda and the german pubbie
>shinoda and the german pubbie

This one time, shinoda got caught spelunking some pubbie germans asshole at stern by Sovot
"Oh ja Shitnoda, puncter mein Prussian pooper with your pimply peter!"

"Unf, oh god random kraut pubbie, oh your Aryan ass is so good. Did I tell you about this weird looking asian dude I'm obsessed with named Shinoda?"

"Really? Der Linkin Park guy? What a faggot."
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fugcking pebofile mobs BAN BAN BANN
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It's kind of creepy how he surrounds himself with 17 year old kids and abducts them into his shitty meme culture thing
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>bans all underage
>oh yeah he surrounds himself with 17 year olds
they are the chosen ones
who is underaged and not banned?
No one, thats the point. Everyone who's underage has been banned.
I only had one Mokyu head and it was awful when it comes to customization, it's nomod so using local textures for creation is impossible. You need an applier to use custom textures, but you'll better know fluent japanese to understand its instructions because the english translation is gibberish. And then hope the scripts don't act retarded.
Otherwise it's great to slap onto your out-of-the-box anime, the expressions are cute, it has more eye states than the M3 but is just as moeblob.
Ah yes...
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Why is /d/ so tumblr tier? They even banned fucking voice on their parcel because they got triggered so hard.
oh my god really lol
fucking incredible
It's not even a 4chan group anymore, may as well change it to r/furryhookups
>no more listening to Kyu's funny black voice
why is /d/ fucking shit
>cant handle the voice bantz
what homos
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But wait there is more.
/d/ died long ago
you appear to be... very behind on the times
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>he only just now caught up with the hiroki incident
lmao, that was months ago you cavedweller
I usually ignore you autistic tumblr degenerates.

Going anywhere near you gives me cancer.
who wants to sit on my psicorps?
ur mom
psicorps look like shit though
please breastfeed me in tirsty
Contact me (lupin.sinister)
Is that the new chainsword or are you just everywhere?
Nope, someone is just salty, so they change the truth to suit them. An admin stepped out of line and did it on their own. They were later let go.

how about you step onto sim for once if you actually love black dick so much
just looking for a place to sit babe
lol holy shit so it did happen
Tumblr keks everywhere.
No, but if you're clinically retarded, yes. One person in the admin team stepped out of line. /d/ did not collectively ban voice.
0 manly men in this picture..........
>3 people couldn't even put underwear on for a christmas card
why are you staring at underage peen you pedo
>that shitty brown hair that looks out of place on the skunk

/d/ manages to look worse than yiff good job
never mind yiff they look worse than Stern
isn't that tokeli
holy shit that file name
lmfgao who is that faggy looking mexican fuckboy on the right with his fuckin substitute teacher clothes and ska band fedora on
lol /d/ is mad.

thats red anon
/d/ looking worse than stern is obvious though, stern at least bans ageplayers
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I hope this is saved and posted in the future to remind people of how shitty and openly furry the old lewd tumblr group used to be
>how to trigger /vg/ in one simple step
I love you guys
HH + AMH tier tbqh familia
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haha holy shit I can't believe /d/ mods sperg out like that
lumi still walks free at stern
At least when Sovot or Rahf ban someone or kill everyone in the sim they make a funny show of it
lol butthurt
Nobody is triggered.
Everybody is laughing about you tumblerinas.
>not just "I'm not upset"
>but rather "NOBODY IS TRIGGERED!!!!!"

A lot of those people walk free at stern, why wouldnt they
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>ha ha tumblr retards
>u-u mad??
>no you're retarded
>haha y-you so mad
lol you /d/ fags are really grasping at straws now.
look what has happened to the group without Raz's guidance a furfag gathering
this was fun and we should do this more
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ayy lmao.png
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Is that a moth girl left onto the bench?!

>/d/ fags aren't lynched and banned yet

it's a video game you autist
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>nigel thornberry trying to escape from between the legs of a furry.png
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no need to b upset nerd lol
Aren't there plenty of people from /vg/ in /d/ and the other way around?
Yes. Also, plenty of extreme autists in both.
can I come?
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Sovot really needs to clean /vg/ again.
Where do I get that computer desk?
Yes, which is why we should kick anyone in /d/ out of the /vg/ group.
How about... you all get along?
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>/vg/ this butt destroyed.

Good job guys.

/d/ wins again.
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>asking 4chan to get along with tumblr
Not everyone in /d/ is from tumblr
How about fuck off faggot?
Enough are to call it a cancer and cut it off tbqh family.

The real /d/ is long gone.
It got taken over by retarded tumblr furfags.
Taking a look at cripplechans /sl/ confirms this.
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Does anyone want to be and help me look rad? I'm shopping all over the place for rad pants and shoes
>tfw this was the first outfit i bought on SL years ago
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>Reviews (404)
cool ty
any female skins that don't looks like tanned barbie dolls? or models
something more HD porn star with skin blemishes
Yes someone please help >>124960046
they want to be, please help them look cute. I've tried searching all over the marketplace for slutty skins and blemishes
Skin for LL body?
try actually getting banned and then come back to boast retard
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That'd be too cool for me. I don't wanna be edgy.
afraid? chicken
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Why so salty?
taser the chicken lol can't even take a ban
don't worry you are safe on tumblrchan brother
lol pussybitch

no, for maitreya
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>mfw this is the trolling people speak of so vilely
>tfw people post using the same post ID for 5 threads
don't be rude, taser isn't very familiar with 4chan
Not everyone can be competent you retard
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I've looked around a bit but I don't think anyone makes skins with any blemishes

here are two ideas of what I'm looking for, couldn't find anything else


I realize it would be pretty hard to pull a similar look with a maitreya body though since it's made to be that stereotypical 0% fat airbrushed magazine pic look
In that 2nd link the av is just gross and first one looks pretty average, can't be hard to find a skin like that. What exactly do you like about it?
maitreya skin is ll
body has nothing to do with skin, you are retarded.

go skin shopping and tattoo shopping, not gonna spoonfeed you for something so simple
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cute av wanna grab a coffee?
who are these people
from left to right: Renoki, Taser, Kay, and Xreak
All filler except for Taser
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who are you
/d/ nobodies
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Euro Truck Sim 2016.png
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dmb faat demoon bitcH!

How u thiink driving TRUCK WORKS?!
>stern at least bans ageplayers
My hero
Kanye is gone I dunno what you're whining about /d/ baby

I do this constantly in my Skyline.
more like uncomfortably long imp-red horse cock amirite
ya that
who is that hispanic boy you have kidnapped taser and where are your pants
The boy stole them while taser was changing
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my name is roberto ty
gonna hit on some fiiiiine bitches, what's a good sim for that?
If I had a dollar for every pixel in this picture, I would have 1 dollar.
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Ok, listen up you memers. We here at Red Guy and Associates Law Firm have gotten word of a possible mishandling of stern island law.
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That's why I've decided to personally take up this case. I'm not usually one to get involved with bans except for shitposting about the recently deceased, but I'm taking this bitch to the appeals court. That's why I'd like to introduce you all to MY CLIENT, Do Su.
If the stern island prosecution would like to accept our appeal, we will agree on a time and date.
I eagerly await your response
Don't know who the person behind you is but furries do not get to appeal anything.
what about him?
He's obviously an ageplayer
keks have no rights
Why are you dragging yourself down with him?
because trials are fun

Taser confirmed for C.uckquean
>tfw i offered to be Do Su's lawyer and he didn't respond

i had the perfect suit for it and everything ;_;
He is permanently banned, he is not getting in. He chose to skip out on his trial with no response and skip out on the wheel.
Who the cares about some furfag dosu
haha u cant even spell
yummy yummy cummi in my tummy
Quality thread as usual guys.
better than that, the only two people that can 'authorize' a trial have agreed the ban is permanent
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You called?
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calm down vent
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So where do you guys typically hang out anyways?
The people ITT?


That or safe zones.
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>Not Little Masters and Big Pets

he was looking for a kemono to fug.
and that's because he kept saying he wanted to do it only to cancel 20 seconds later. repeat over the course of a few days and that's what trying to get that baby into a trial is like
thats an ugly viewer skin
i got tired of flicking through them all and restarting each time. settled for one easier on the eyes, but yeah it took some time to get used to the colour.
You can literally find any out of the box hooker at amh
and impregnate, specifically
Good luck with that
>look in stern banlist
>no doge in sight

fuck shit
where the big bara doggos at?

/d/ just has boring avs, its still chan

all the shitposting is the femboys
you're looking at the region banlist
lol doge you are fucking retarded how long have you been playing Second Life?
no shit doge was remove

>seriously almost literally figuratively implying kemonos do not exist for the sole purpose of bearing large monster, troll, orc, etc offspring

wow you are just 2nu here 4me
Here, I'll end this before you can start.
>old screenshot

Name is different now m8, its been at least a week since you took that

currently Dogimus Prime
why is naomi banned lmao
>are age 18 or older not ticked
stern confirmed ageplayers
can confirm, he's at /d/ with that name

cmere girl

im feelin knotty
i would never bring my knot to stern
Message me in-world and I will tell you.
It's not going to work if it's just you replying to yourself on separate devices. You can keep going by yourself for tonight I've got a harem to attend to.
>lewding on stern with a harem


you really don't give a fuck about the rules

figured since you ban people if enough other people message you on skype ;^)

however, I was there earlier today and have a diff name now
Who gives a fuck?
I'm not at Stern currently, those are the rules for the sim, not private parcels.

My decision to ban you was simply because I don't much care for your shitposting, it doesn't make me laugh like when I do it or any other members of our current circlejerk.
why knot
shitposting on 4chan is not against the rules m80

those would be truly bark times if the rules were simply disregarded, anon
stop typing like that
Stop being autistic.
Yeah but I thought a ban would be funny, if we're being completely serious it was catching you out on a previous infraction in October that I decided not to ban you over (I was probably drinking at the time.)

I don't always have to type like a retired!
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>simply because I don't much care for your shitposting,

can you not? nobody gives a shit that a shitposter who never went to stern anyway got banned, but when this happens to an actual stern-goer there will be drama breh

just my sixpence, my bong
Nigga if you're going to reply to me don't type in the exact same style you were using when you contacted me in IMs talking about your shitposting campaign.

It was literally no more than 2 minutes ago, my memory isn't THAT bad.
>that I decided not to ban you over

Yes, lets ban people in december over things that warnings given in october
I am not some degenerate fucking britbong

i am a red-blooded american dog

and the one true super sand
It was funny.
Just stop, man. The more you keep going, the more you look like an idiot.

This ain't even shitposting, just a really sad and pathetic attempt at pretending to not be upset. It's OK to be upset, just let >>124998769 warm your heart and let things be.
>using meme arrows to justify your behaviour

just leave, if you won't take yourself seriously why should anyone else?

i am lawyer and precedent important m8

not even doge
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>Caring this much
>Being this autistic.
This shit happens every time m8, some cucc posts in the name of doge

I should really get a tripcode.
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how filter
>implying you're the real one
why a robot got a bellybutton?
maybe you press it maybe you find out
to tuch
does it deploy the robo horse dick?
>A nightmare faggy anime dickgirl robot version of The Residents exist
reminds me of this
how do i get in the meme harem
Step 1: Add Rahfnek on steam.
Step 2: Play video games with him.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: You're in the harem.
Does anyone want to be and help me look cute? I'm shopping all over the place for cute coats and pants.
big toe
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Okay, so I'm getting back into SL but I made a huge mistake when I got my current PC.

I got AMD.

SL is the slowest, shittiest, laggiest, garbage. When I exit normally, my video card completely crashes. Closing via the task manager does not crash my card.

I dont want to do a driver rollback if I can help it.

My CCC says I am running the most updated drivers at 15.2.blahblahblah

What do I do?? I don't give a shit about the visuals of ANYTHING except for avatars.
sl is going to be shit no matter what you do
other details:

I'm using win7
running firestorm
firestorm IS updated
and yes it was a clean install
No, it's drink and THEN play games with me
oh, and one last thing that i think might be of importance

many other graphically intensive games work fine on high through ultra (depending on the game)

SL is just garbage
15.2?? Pretty sure that's not the latest one, does your settings thing look like this? http://i.imgur.com/f1j3SCb.png



now im pretty confused
Pretty sure it's just AMD's fuck up. The new driver (crimson) improves FPS in a lot of games actually due to shader cache etc. Try downloading it from the main site.
the only issue i had with sl was the rigged mesh fiasco.
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Here is what it should say by the way, forgot to attach it.
That used to happen with older drivers, true.
Okay, wow, fuckin AMD. thanks for that, im going to get crimson or whatever set up and i'll get back to you guys with the news
>Play videogames all the time.
>Don't drink.
>meme child has more balls than you
how's it feel
go laugh at toes with arty fuckboy
ah you mean these toes?
you don't have to drink, just be funny and fun to be around
This guy is actually right, not everyone that plays with us drinks; and they are equally as fun to be around. If anything it's like getting a free ticket to the zoo.
>encouraging a teenager to drink
Did you grow up in a Mormon community or something?
>oh no a teenager is drinking
You guys are hard to talk to sometimes when you're drunk. It's like endless in-jokes.
Yeah, we do joke around a little too much, and laugh obnoxiously. I apologize if it gets a little out of hand, we are usually a little more focused when playing games (just barely though.)
it'll be easier if you can just help me find some cute coats and pants
Aren't you the same person who was looking for them yesterday?
Oh, the laughing's fine, it's just the constant in-jokes that kind of get annoying.

You're a fun group to be around when it's possible to break into the inner circle.
yes im me fotm.resident in game immediately
I don't know where to find cute stuff though.
the only thing you have to do to win my heart is make a few fart sounds and say god bless America
i thought it was g*d bless
g*d bless you
look in the mirror
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did it break again?
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please ______ me
You haven't lived until you've seen Sovot drunk. Few and far between these days though.
your __ban__ is in the mail! :3c
I guess no massive trial
He would just back out of it and then say "No wait I was kidding" when they tell him to fuck off.
>He would just back out of it and then say "No wait I was kidding" when they tell him to fuck off.
I have 48GB of RAM and a 980 Ti and I still get 20-30 FPS anon don't feel bad.
hi fellow dog man

do you want to pee on the box with me?
dude your sticks of ram will die before you possibly need half of that.
Why would you need 48GB of ram?
I'm actually using 27 right now

i like to open substance painter, substance designer, gimp, sl, two eve clients, 30 tabs in chrome, and a single-player game (currently FO4) all at the same time. I also have VMs
damn, why?
no, thats gay specially if we make eye contact
Just because

also working on a few things

no anon, we do it on different sides of the box

no eye contact and no dick peeking
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ayyy prints.png
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shit I'm working on
oh okay then
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>mfw realizing how pathetic 1024 is for a body texture

LL needs to raise texture size to 2048. These look so much better inside painter if I raise the document resolution.
You should get better at utilizing your materials.
yeah I have a skin-like sheen and a skin-styled normal on the tats but need to make it less even

i might make a custom material in designer for it that I can re-use on my next project

this one is out the door after I test this batch and make a light version for tintfags.

Bandwidth is a bigger bottleneck than anything.

Think about it this way. In a traditional online game, saw, WoW, you pre downloads gigs of shit that is all stored locally. The only real thing you get from Blizzard is telemetry on what is happening where and what each avatar is wearing.

You don't download Orgimmar every time you walk in.

In SL, its all user generated and can potentially change by the second so you have to download and render everything in real time.
Im waiting
i have to go to work anon
fuk, say hi then
>In SL, its all user generated and can potentially change by the second so you have to download and render everything in real time.
Server does texture compositing now at least.
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Am I gay?
Do I have a chance with anyone in stern?
Should I tell her how big my magnus is?
You've got a chance with me~
Should i even consider talking to other dog men?
are all your answers false?
who is you
Sluts don't count
Re chainsword audion
Could be worse, anon. And what's that place?
I wish there was more to this

Will I ever get laid in SL again?
>raise texture limit to 2048
>suddenly all blingy rings use over a hundred different 2048 textures each
>total texture memory usage per sim easily triples
>texture memory per avatar duadruples
>meanwhile viewers are still restricted to 512mb VRAM
>rig with i7 6700k, 980Ti SLI'd and 16gb of RAM can't render more than 4 frames per second
Yeah, no. The engine is from 2003 and unlike Bethesda's gamebryo hasn't seen an update since 2007.
I'm trying to figure out if it's my connection or the SL servers that are absolute dogshit these days.
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oh my goodness
should i ask to play a moba with sovot?
post results please
and now we wait
Where do i go to hang out with you guys?
Should I take another spirit journey to the Ural mountains and leave this gay game?
Stern island?
fucking shit out of my pisshole
No one is there some1
add me b0ssu
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stuck up retarded fag.jpg
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Yes, yes I know that I hang around sex based clubs, usually with very sexual avatars. I don't need to be told in vulgar terms that I look good, and any attempt as such is usually met with a mute. If you want to actually compliment that's fine, but hitting on me unless you are a very select couple of people is NOT warranted, nor wanted. Thank you.
People who wear slutty avatars but don't put out are worse than hitler
why's that?
I can't get my cummies >~<
Get banned fucking loser, PN is dead.
no thats a cat
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Yo what are some good settings for ambien occlusion?

pic related, its my current setting. I think it looks great
If you have CCC you don't have the latest drivers.
ex-fucking-scuse you, the PN is far from dead, we already have an army in the making of brothers ready to fight to the death for the cause and its whiny little insignificant pubbies like you that get butthurt over this kind of stuff that fuel our crusade.

by the way IM me if you want to join the revolution, Arudora.resident
Ban Homosexual cloud heads, he is PN and griefer.
My cloudy hazu will never get banned. Ban you instead!
Ban-a me? Ban-a you!
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Where is this?
It's someone's house in the parcel next to me. Banlined though.

Sim name is World Paradise if you just wanna check it out for yourself
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>ever wondering if you should bro it up with your big dogman bros

you wanna go down to the club and pick up some human bitches?

Okay, then do server-side mip LOD.

The client sends its quality settings, the server gives back the appropriate textures for the object size.

Also firestorm can use 1GB VRAM now I think

>mfw viewer makers think thats enough
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Nigga, do i look like i work at Linden Labs? This game hasn't seen a proper engine update for almost 10 years and the two monkeys left doing the developement took their time implementing features from back then. Bump and Specular maps were only implemented last year, a technology that exists since 2005.

And firestorm devs aren't much more than hobbyprogrammer either, most of the actual coder scratch their nutsacks at corporate IT support, while the support group consists of mostly NEETs and stay-at-home parents.
What are you doing robot
>server-side mip LOD.
SL sort of has this, but client side. This is why it uses JPEG 2000 for texture transfer, mipmapping is built in. If an object never gets near enough, you don't load the whole texture file, just enough to cover what you need.
sims name is Adonis heights, was sim hopping around and landed there
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>Adonis heights
so 2k would be a fine size if LL did restrictions on object surface area

let mesh bodies and shit have 2k textures, but not rings
take off that jabroni outfit
Can we stop using the N word please, your not in third grade anymore.
I can't help it, its the only places i get teleported too when using the sim hopper
Nigga please
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shut your fucking mouth troon
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The problem is that LL is incompetent. They don't believe in standart performance techniques such as occlusion culling and proper mipmapping. They can't enforce something like maximum texture weight because they can't even properly calculate mesh model's weight (models with LODs are weighing more than single highpoly models when you enable renderweight)
The other massive issue is that content is user-created, and none of the pubbies care that their ring is killing everyone's rig as long as it looks pretty. Which only perpetuates "3D artists" to blow billions of polygons into their models where each single button has its own 1024px texture, and don't even bother making proper LODs.

This """might""" change with SL2 which is in the works and "supposedly" closed beta next year. But that just gives you even more reason to believe they completely abandoned SL and only keep it up because pubbies keep spending money on it.
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>revenge of the shinodas

Are you ready for sansar?
Ready to have to create a new avatar for each "experience"?
Ready to have no avatar you can take from world to world?
Ready to be only allowed to buy and wear items the creator of the "experience" allows?
I kinda just want Worlds 2
Are you ready for the metaverse?
Ready to have to create a new avatar for each "grid"?
Ready to have no avatar you can take from world to world?
Ready to be only allowed to buy and wear items the owner of the "grid" allows?
Stop bullshitting, I was fucking talking with a linden the other day about this shit, fuck off

now that's what I call a true semen demon
>Ready to have to create a new avatar for each "experience"?
>Ready to have no avatar you can take from world to world?
>Ready to be only allowed to buy and wear items the creator of the "experience" allows?

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>Owners of sims can quality control and keep undesirable aesthetics out
>Roleplay sims without furries and animes

Be still my heart
this gives me the banana fire.
It's gonna be dead as fuck just like avination and the rest of the ones like this.
well I mean, there would still be furries
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any tips for non-girly skins with maitreya appliers?
all I could find was
but those are borderline grandma and the skins are a blotchy af
go a bit more in depth.

Do you mean shit that isn't plastered with makeup?
>have to re-buy and re-edit your whole av and all your furniture for every sim
that would be dumb, but this is LL, I wouldn't even be surprised.
That's nice. If so, you didn't understand what they were saying.
>still planning for greedy LL ways
>lowering land costs, but adding/raising the sales tax
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Kinda. Almost all the skins I've tried have some sort of cheek blush and look like very young girls. Granted that might have to do with the shape and LL head as well. I especially dislike ones like pic related.
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no one cares about furfags
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>those moving fluffy looking tails
>arty's tail just sitting there looking really out of place
Check out the skinnery and maybe pumens, use tatoos to add blemishes or freckles or dirt
Plastik might be worth checking out too.
Try Curio and The Skinnery as well as DeeTaleZ.
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oh no trigger alert
It wasn't me!!! I found it this way
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Maz x Ana.jpg
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I never imaged that Maz and Ana would get together.
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>you weren't joking
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I would demolish Ana's ass though, no hesitation.
Ana looks and acts terrible though. I can understand wanting to be topped by such a thing because there's a degrading aspect but why want to fuck it?
Have you seen that ass?

You'd be gay not to fuck it.
why does /sl/ looks like the comments section on a youtube video
Yea it's mediocre just like your taste in asses loser.
Don't talk to me you low test scum.
vent these posts lack toes
Hey come on we were having what was the beginnings of a good back and forth. You are just going to walk away like that? I didn't expect your fighting spirit to be any weaker than your taste in asses was.

Disappoint me, kid.
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not me

here u go
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Go Away, Vent.
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no i want to be this one
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thanks vent
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Nigga, I say it because I am black so shut yo white bread mouth
Invasion of the Dizzy Clones
Someone messeged me, but i crashed and cant contact them :P
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What are you thinking about right now?
What's going on in that adorable little head of yours?
Is it something to do with all those dizzy inflatables you love so much?
i wanna make him ahegao
that's creepy dude
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legendary 999 deathclaw.jpg
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>mfw saw a big bara wolf in stern

its happening isnt it

theyre multiplying
pinkfuel has a no blush layer for all of their skins im pretty sure
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Hey wanna buy a kid?
You should buy a kid.
I'll let you buy me if you spoil me
ah yes, the child warehouse.
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do people really pay other people to be there kids?
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>adopting in secondlife
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Can I get money for this

I made my loli for deviancy but if I can just be some BR's dress up doll for a thousand linden or so I'm down
post your loli, i wanna see how mine compares.
church yourself

Yours is better don't worry about it I'm just a kemono

I've never seen a good loli full stop.
i challenge you to a loli off at dawn
>Kemono loli


have you ever seen a person named iethan I think it is

They always make my dongle feel funny

girls make the best lolis in sl
Just post it you pussy, kemono lolis are the best
>ageplay fags
lol get a better fetish just fuck a pillow instead god
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I'm just Rean I didnt mean for this to get as much attention as it did pls cease
I don't know who you are so where's the pic I asked for
she's the loli bear
stop this foolishness at once
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the dof is bad im sorry
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Too late. You must poast naopls
That's adorable
make me
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cat's better




Thank you friend


that wont work
*changes ur diaper*
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i'd like to taste your honeypot if you know what im saying
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I wish to get the bear honey
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>sitting alone at a sim
>go afk for a few hours
>get home
>check on SL
>someone is sitting right in front of me
>no IMs
>nothing in public chat
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What sim?
can i come sit too
im already coming
But... why?
To measure my abilities.
who wants to cuddle
Are you a cute animu girl?
>tfw no lap to curl up in
the opposite
ugly toon boy?
come to stern and see
don't make me log back in for nothing
What is the opposite of animu girl?
You logged back in for nothing didn't you
anime boi
It hypnotized me.

how new
when am i getting unbanned :( this really sucks im sorry guys
yeah me too when can i come back
you said come
lol he said come
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pop - the sound my ass makes when taser's fat doggy dick knots it
too much snow at stern

thats a funny way of spelling horse
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give me the bug femurs
great now I want to know what the post was
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I know what it is
Is that true you can't roleplay sexual relationships between children and adults in this game? What's the point then?
ask on /d/ , they ageplay.
What's the least ridiculous looking mesh ass on the market?
That totally isn't what the pic was.
You can as long as you don't get caught. Even if someone does report you I doubt anyone over at LL gives a shit anymore.
it's the only thing LL bans over anymore aside from copyright complaints directly from game publishers/studios
That much for a "second life" then. Can't even play pretend with consenting adults.
SL's servers are based in California, it's also why there are only "games of skill" and no real casinos anymore.
Why don't they move?
taser can i cum in you
thats underwater stern

ban nao
that is a premium linden home
nope its stern with the underwater tea house build
thats a premium linden home
it's true, all of /d/ is just ageplayers now and they're shameless about it
angry falacious "no you" response, degoratory name calling
We need a new thread you knuckleheads
you look at the lewd thread now and see I tell the truth, and yes, new thread
make one
untrue, I do not ageplay

my knot is not a safe size for lolis
Because they don't care about people like you.
What was the pic, I missed it
taser's nude furry
Okay, i'm too retarded to make a new thread
Thread posts: 764
Thread images: 173

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