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/mhg/ Monster Hunter General

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Thread replies: 809
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they're all dead now, we hardly knew them edition

>Monster Hunter X
Frequently updated translation patch (fw 9.2 or below req'd)

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does /vg/ play?
In 4U, create or find a Gathering Hall
Target: Fishing (it's 4 to the left)
Passcode: 7243 / Search

In X, importfags and hackers write their name for Shagaru

Tags: MHX, MH4U, MH3U, MHP3rd, MHFU, MonHun, /mhg/
post MHX rooms
This thread is officially anime and meme approved!

You are now posting in a Frontier thread
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>there are people who didn't reach HR80, beat X Alatreon and regain the Sweetheart's love.
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>returning monsters are 1:1 rehashes
>new monsters are shit fights that can be summed up as [previous monster] with [gimmick]
>easy as fuck
>muh flashy animu finishers
>hunting styles that trivialize the game for casuals

And people defend this trainwreck of a game.
You're fucking joking
S+1 just extends your current max sharpness, nothing special.
You know I kept waiting for it to load. Well done anon.
>Aerial Gunlance
holy shit, this is top fun
What about the meme-shaking?
Handicraft nerf. +2 in X is what +1 is in all the previous games
fucking why
what was wrong with handicraft before
>lets go
>go now

Damn euros sure are pushy.
all the fucking time
what's their rush?
a nigga's gotta eat
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It clearly wasn't as important as they thought it should be
Shit like this is why I dont gun online.

Better than the ones that take fucking forever between hunts.
Was ten Kut-Kus not enough!?
Considering they made it worse, that's kind of a nonsensical assumption.
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>we used to laugh about S+2 and call it frontiershit
>frontier doesn't even have S+2

Those were the days. I hope you guys are looking forward to Honed Blade +3 in MHXG
Are Kinsects still tied to IGs?
Sharpness +1 has cost 15 points in a couple of the older games, this is just the same ordeal but there's a level at 10 points as well
Anyone want to play 4U? I want to finally hit HR999. I haven't played in a couple months so I'm probably really rusty.
Nope, just in Tri.
Even in FU it costed +10.
I feel sorry for you if you assumed S+2 was S+1 but two sharpness levels.
Guy that was fucked over by CQ here, should I just grind or give MH a break for a while. I just got a new char to Harth but desu I just lost all interest.

I guess I should wait until MHX comes huh, hope noone makes a CQ editor on that one either.
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Here's your reply
>Nope, just in Tri.
It was +15 in P3rd as well.
it was like that in P3rd too
Progress with a different weapon class than your first playthrough
Dude. This isn't the place.
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fucking what
How do you expect anyone to take you serious when you spout 2008 memes in your post?
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The mystical, legendary, mysterious... Sky Blue Sharpness.

Sharper than purple still not sharp enough to cut through cauterized wounds that are literally petrified
it's not teal, it's Sky Blue
and it's the same boost as purple is in the main series, while purple is nerfed.
>Advanced: Akantor Coup
Can I solo this thing with HR gear?
Soon in MHXGâ„¢
Ina stop being a qtπ.
MHX doesn't even have purple sharpness
not even on the alatreon weapons?
Yes OK sure.
Rainbow sharpness when
>none of the relic weapons matter
>only seregious weapons are best
I hope mhx doesn't do this shit
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tbqh you lost me here.
actually my bad, that's only for element
the raw damage multiplier is actually higher, even for Purple and lower
steve ig is good??
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>steve weapons
>steve anything
>Garuda Sedition
>not steve everything
Fucking alpha-ass motherfucker.
He's my husbando, waifu, monsterfu, everything!
>no Gathering Halls found.
no shit faggot, you're trying to play an outdated game that probably only 2% of the general still plays
how? i tried it, most weapons get at least 2 moves, the regular one or a modified one, and a new one

GL just get the slam(and its slow as fuck), and the already available air shell, so you can basically just spam full burst, everything is forcing full burst now, bushido aswell, i dont find it amusing.
Steve da bess as always
>steve pillow and blanket
doing the slam mid-air reloads shells
and ground funlance still works pretty okay
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im in a room with 3 people from /vg/ right now
V3 patch cia when
since three or four threads
you fucking faggot
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can you provide a link for me good anon?
True fact: This faggot never plays anything but GS, and the few exceptions he used other weapons he couldn't do shit and immediately gave them up

crutch weapon
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more like 2% of the general is playing portable 4th
boku no general
Where i can get bealite ore?
I done /mhg/

Today going be day I fucking do it.
good bye ファッカーズ
it is a crutch weapon, you don't need to put yourself in danger nearly as much

I use it whenever I have trouble with something
what are you doing ファッカーズ-chan
it reloaded 1 shell on 4U too, so whats new? you need the full clip if you are doing full burst tho, and if you shell and then slam you dont get the reload so its pointless.

im guessing Aerial/Bushido for normal shells, Striker for Wide, since you dont get the slam after the quick reload, and maybe long for guild

i wonder what would be of long shells now since you cant just use WF whenever you want now, i wonder if they thought of that
I don't know if it's worse that I instantly knew who you were talking about without needing to see who it was, or that it's the same for most GS mains.
>so whats new?
you can jump off of monsters now
30 yian kut-kus later, i have the two luck ears i needed.
thanks anons.
im so sorry.
Sounds like your average /mhg/ poster.
>a perfect mix of soft cotton and pinecones inside
I carved on my try three tigrex triggers.
no cosmic tickets
>two nobodies dong ezpz quests

No thanks!
They're pretty common on the deserted island. And they're stones, not ores.
He actually play with other weapons in x and he actually is really good with most weapons, for someone who exclusively plays with GS.

That damage at 2:55
shit hits pretty hard, but i did it
>Uragaan armor and Steve GS

This makes me feel fuzzy inside
thats an style mechanic, not weapon, with LS i can do a 2 hit attack that replaces first spirit attack, or directly a 3rd spirit attack from air, gunlance gets the regular air slam, looses the air stab, and thats it?
If Im guessing right, does Dinowaldo's tail becomes softer when its red?
What are the village 2* keys in MHX?
What about Monster Hunter Frontier? Or Toukiden Kiwami.

They are quests.
1, 4 (unlock 6) 6, 7 and 9
Just like Shah Dalamadur then.
Good to know.
Are IGs still unreasonably expensive to make in MHX?
it was only expensive in endgame imo
and even then I can't say I ever got into money worries
that said I have no idea
>hunting with a nip
>capture quest
>don't bother bringing tranq but bring my own traps in case monster fucks off
>monster limping and trap down
>everything frozen
>oh no
>X has disconnected!
is there anything worse?
post hype themes

Absolutely terrible games in every way.

I actively play Frontier and I like it, power creep and all. Toukiden is somewhere between dynasty warriors and what people would have you believe X is than actual monster hunter.
>not always bringing your own tranqs and traps
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>>don't bother bringing tranq

Literally why?
That's fine anon.
As long as you have fun and have the cash to sub.
JP or TW?
>is there anything worse?

Yes assuming other people are bringing tranq bombs.
TW, I couldn't deal with the sub costs and VPN requirement for JP.
Dinorubarudo should get the GS charge level effects as the hunters when he does that tail attack lmao

Also, its just me or the monsters don't 1HKO you in this game?, all the videos I've seen they hit for like 30% of your health or 50% at best.
They do with debuffs
140 rajangs don't ohko you either unless you're in hr armor
and this is a hr game as people tend to forget
Outside 140 Kusha tornadoes, 140 Rajang rage beams, Super Ukanlos, 140 nova and Super Gog's rage beams, what oneshots you in 4U?
Should have been long sword spirit slash instead.
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it was LR, tranq and traps are automatically given to you, and he wanted to capture the rathian last hunt so I knew he had extras, not that they're ever needed.
Shagaru, Gore, big explosions and body slam?
This is p3rd 2.0 difficulty won't come until XG.
>doing HR3 urgent
>just poking the heads, no idea if it's doing anything
>he occasionally reels back, part breaking noises every now and then, seems like I might be making progress
>30 minutes of poking and running around pass, lose hope
>look up strategy online
>"just attack the heads until it dies"
>unpause game, one lance combo later it's repelled
Just my experience with him.
Teo self nuke is pretty deadly.
not much more. I guess Chameleos Poison breath since it's retarded easy to chain and fuck your shit up and some Shagaru Magala shit. Chaotic Gore ground slam can also OHKO at higher levels.

That said most end-game shit will take 60% of your health minimum, so there's not much room to breathe. Of course since MHX is a noG-rank game, it's way easier. Hoping a GX version eventually finds its way to the West with a few new HC versions and more returning monsters (pls gib Yama Tsukami)
140 Chammy's fire extinguisher as well
Have you tried looking at its ass?
Why did you leave?

Was it something I said?


Do blastblight/def down shenanigans count? Raging Brachy/Molten Tiggy and Akantor are random killers in my experience. Esp. def down. They always underestimate that.
I tried poking all over him and my attacks just bounced. When his body tilts to the side there are some blue goo-emitting pores that can be attacked though. Maybe one of those was an anus.
Pretty sure mouthlaz0r will 1hko every time.
how do i blay monner hunner gross?
Obtain the game, start it up, and press buttons randomly.
bick bahshedo weabon bress b anydime monner do addack
140 laser will definitely ohko you even in end game gear.
I just started playing MH4, am i late to the party
is the joke that XG will never happen
eberyun shub bose like bis
No. The west won't be getting MHX for another two years or so when the inevitable MHXU comes out.
>tfw played mhf2 and mhfu alone
>tfw will also play mh4 alone
I couldn't afford a 3ds back then sadly. Guess i'll manage to get the full MH experience when X drops

My favorite meme
it's certainly not dead online from what I've heard
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>ctrl+f naked in hopes of a naked room
>fucking what
mh4u online is still very much alive
randoms are pretty shitty but anons here still play too
Start your own
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Ah, that's really good news, you made my day. Thanks guys
Didn't they finish the game? The blonde Jamaican was drawing up a collage to celebrate or something.
What makes you think it's not coming?
But by the time you get to G rank it will be dead. And low rank is filled with shitters, cheaters and crowns in OP gear ruining your fun.
Did that guy beat Gog yet?
MH4U is not dead; there's a ton of shitters just like you who picked up the game with the big sale last week!

No but really, with a lot of the endgamers moving on to MHX and all the newbies coming in, I personally am kinda tired of the G-rank grind. Open up a room for the thread asking for Low/High rank questing and I'll gladly throw on some low-rarity gear to help out. It's rare I get to forgo clownsuitinng.
What makes you think it is? And if it is it'll be censored and changed. Fuck that!
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You underestimate my neet superpowers
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>forgo clownsuitinng

This the best thing about low rank. Playing doctor khezu is fun!
>The blonde Jamaican
Monster Hunter has been selling as best as it ever has in the west recently. Considering they seem to only want to bring over ultimate editions to the west, they'd be stupid not to make one.
I don't think they've killed it, we would've heard the circlejerk. Expect it to take a while. Uka was like two weeks or something.
Well don't be afraid to post a room. I've got a low rank file and if I'm on I'll be happy to join you!

This is Capcom we're talking about here remember. There will be no X for the West.
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>mfw I only lance in solo for that exact reason

Superarmor on stabs would rocket it to usable tier.
I don't have the shoe on head pic. Sorry newbie.
I'll probably do that tomorrow after i rush all the low level missions, but thanks a lot for the offer!
>going from being tripped to tripping everyone at once
not much of an improvement
How the fuck do I get the village 3* urgent?

God damn!
>People were actually doing that when that nice person was hosting whenever someone asked
deliver some mushrooms
WHEN i can get bealite?
deserted island
People said the same thing about Monster Hunter 4.

Their sales plan is to release a game in Japan, because they know they'll eat it up, and watch the west ogle over it and complain about not having it. Once they've hyped up the west enough for the next MH game, they announce a new "Ultimate" edition with new monsters and features, but don't announce it's coming west yet. After a bunch of new updates a stuff for this upcoming game have been announced, the western MH crowd has nearly shit their pants with hype. That's when they announce it's coming to the west, that way they maximize their western profits. They know Japan will buy it regardless, so they need to do less hyping with them. Hyping MH is just a formality in the east at this point.
>gathering hall
>enter room; they've already gone
>every damn time

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>Everyone's been readied up for 5 minutes
>Fuck it let's go
>Time Limit: 50 Minutes
>Faggot has entered the gathering hall
>Faggot has left the gathering hall
>Every damn time

There is no winning no matter what side you're on, anon
Isn't Gog pretty easy to do naked? Gainjinshitter ran it.
In other words, thanks for betatesting X for us westerners.
Maybe if you stopped leaving right after we kill the last monster...
when not where
how good is the charge blade in mhx?
As soon as you can get to the deserted island.
Pretty much.
>this person does not exist
now they do, because bushido made me want to longsword. no more tripping. 99% verticals.

of course /mhg/ hates bushido with a passion so I hunt with nips
I wont just stand there waiting all day! I've got monsters to kill! That HR999 won't come by just standing around you know.
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>99% verticals
If you want to deal zero damage. Spirit slash I and II are still the biggest damage source and you should be using them frequently.
It's garbage. They took away the screen shake.
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Guild/Striker CB plays like a clunky GS without the hiccup whenever you start up a boosted Amped Discharge.
He's actually complaining about GS hitbox nerfs, which is fucking hilarious. Like, you don't think the GS's ferris wheel aim-anywhere hitbox wasn't a bit excessive?
Like five hours into the game dude. I don't freaking know.
Only when there are no teammates around.

the point of bushido LS is to kill the perception that LS is a tripping machine and make it one of the most teammate friendly weapons.Not for super high damage.
Its not excessive according to shitposters' standards
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>no bed at base camp in one-zone areas
literally why
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I rarely have problems using the first two spirit slashes around others without tripping them. Stop being a fag.
You. You can go fuck off and die in a hole.

...Actually, you know what? I think I'm going to buy this shitty game JUST to find out why the fuck this cat is so retarded.
Join the naked runs, and find out.
failed genetic experiment
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Yes, your hate pleases me.
Even my sister hates it as well
Is there a list somewhere of all the weapon changes, including what moves each style adds and takes away? I'm really curious about SA's Bushido style but nobody gives a damn about SA so there's barely any info out there.
What game?
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Monster Eggs
someone make an MHX room
do you mean that you still use your two spirit slashes even if trips them around?
Is it so hard to dodge through him to the other side
since its a one-zone area, it doesn't punish you to go back to the bed since you don't have to travel the map to recover your hp after the monster smacked you.
>This person does not exist
I want 4U babbies to leave
are you new to these retarded sheets?
that's their way of saying "only i use this weapon, therefore i am a special snowflake for being one of a kind"
blame /ssbg/
4U babbies please leave
i second this notion buddy
It still takes time. Seeds/pills/wystones wear off, and weapon-specific buffs and meters decrease.
Stop pretending to be stupid. The first two spirit slashes have really high motion values for how quickly they can both be used. I don't care how easy it is to bushido dodge shit, you'll won't be dealing half as much damage.
Done. get in here faggot
I dont understand the hate towards 4U?
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I mean it. Make a room.
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I tried my best
I dont hate 4U
I want 4U babbies to leave
G-Rank Savage Jho!
Farming for Esurient, night 2!!
what makes someone a "4U babbie"? pardon my new-faggotry
Didn't you get this done yesterday?
you realize bushido can do three of the four spirit attacks right?
It's a meme, just like hating Cross, 3U, P3rd, Tri, FU, Dos, 1, Frontier, Online, underwater, climbing, mounting, apex, outrage, subspecies, variants, guild quests, arena quests, multiplayer, your favorite monster, your favorite weapon, your armor sets, your playstyle, new players, old players, /mhg/, and most of all you.
3/5 pieces, didn't get it finished last night.
eh, that kinda died down
First monhun being 4U.
Pretty easy
Its when they start bringing up screen shaking like a disgruntled chameleon.
Yes, I know. All I'm saying is you shouldn't be bushido dodging the whole fight, since the damage is in those two spirit attacks.
Nobody seems like they're playing 4U anymore.
Nigger, it's because Everybody has already farmed their Savage Jhos, at least make it a turn room or something.
>post Savahe HP sponge farm
>uses lowest dps weapon sns

I wonder why no one is joining...
Alrighty, G-Rank Turnsâ„¢ then!
Did you fix the lag?
To be fair though MHX is weird. On one hand you have people posting videos where a bite that should hurt does basically no damage and on the other hand you have people posting videos where a tail move that shouldn't really do that much does 80%.
I don't understand what is going on.
It's a B-team game rushed out the door. You can't expect it to be properly tested.
Raizex + Brachys SA looks sweet.

Anyone had some experience with blast damage in X? I'm just testing it out now, vs. Seregios' SA.
Shit will be fixed on MHXG right? right?
Dinowaldo's GS Charge comes close to 2HKO, if not a OHKO in shit gear

Not going to happen. I mean what exactly would the G rank monsters be? And the final boss?
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B - T E A M
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MORE MONSTERS FROM PREVIOUS GAMES AND another recolored skeleton dragon with more heads and spooky moveset
>believing a recycled souls meme
i'll join in a bit if its still open
>more heads
This would be kind of cool. Just double it to four, one for each hunter.
All of Fromsoft's most experienced staff were moved from Dark Souls 2 to Bloodborne when they got the Sony deal.

You should read the interview with Yui. It's very enlightening.
What element does Osutogaroa's weapon have?
Inb4 sleep
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>each head tracks a different hunter
now that would be neat
Subs. How stupid can you be?
Bone element
Having those weapons equipped give your hunter a boner.
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>That frame drop on Amatsu's triple water beam at 8:45

Oh god, what were they thinking? Too much rock popped out.
Don't we already have that in X?
All of Capcom's most experienced staff were moved from MHX to MH5 when they started development.

You should read the interview with Ichinose. It's very enlightening.
>that guy who joins 140 rajang room with sub 750 def
Damn, why can't companies finish something before leaving to make another.

That said DaS 2 isn't as bad as souls fans say it is.
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>finally get my first handicraft charm after 400 hours of gameplay
I'm a legit HR999 with close to 2k hours played and I still don't have any good max raw relics or edgemaster charms.
Are you doing nothing but harvest tours? You've wasted your time. Handicraft isn't exactly that valuable in 4U anyway. If it isn't honed blade then it's shit
Just save edit. You've earned it!
>Tries to mock facts my being facetious
Just farm for weapons with edgemaster +5.
>harvest tour
You what? I've been hunting normally non-stop.
>Handicraft isn't exactly that valuable in 4U anyway
All custom sets I cobble up in ASS need it or edgemaster charms, and I have neither.
This is why I use SK.
Striker has a shorter combo string on A in sword mode.
Aerial loses the rush forward in axe mode.
Bushido I have no idea about, I didn't notice it losing anything but I haven't used SA much since Tri.
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G molten tiggy room
Pass 7243
31 2417 2156 9008
I've been using bushido since 3 stars, it's fucking amazing.

It suits SA better than other styles.
I wasn't mocking anything actually. DaS II is trash because of B-Team and incompetent director, and so is MHX.
When did it get translated?
Pretty ballsy
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Dragon thread on /v/. A kind anon is translating some of the images there.
Saved this to use against shitposters.
It bears mentioning that B-team boogeymen is also responsible for FU.
Yui isn't incompetent, he was given a half baked, half finished product when this shift happened and was somehow expected to pull someone else's work together with a less experienced team despite this being his first directorial role. He wasn't the director from the start.

Bamco's pressure to try to rush it out of the door didn't help either.

The DLC, which he actually had full control over showed a great level of competency. I'm glad Miyazaki kept him on board for DS2.
We got 3DS vs N3DS side-by-sides for X yet? Considering getting a N3DS but not really down for dropping that much cash if the only benefit is 2/3 seconds in load time tbqh, famille.
o3ds is at locked 30fps with dips
n3ds is at 30~60fps
>o3ds is at locked 30fps with dips

Why lie?

The way the artist draws velociprey is the cutest thing ever.
Does this mean Sony have exclusive contract for MH5 and they got the A team?
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I heard they're graphically the same (unlike 4U) and naturally you're going to get fewer framerate dips with the stronger N3DS
i dunno, it seems pretty 30fps-cap-with-dips to me since i got my hands on it
do feel free to actually tell me how i am lying instead of just accusing me of lying though anon
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It also looks like meat
Rooms exploding everywhere! Help!
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As good as you are a player.
Go away Raysex, no one likes you.
Could this mean that proper clawing is finally making a return?
Wouldn't mind having 3DS babbies getting defensive about their less-than-stellar controls and how you should git gud at it instead.
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It is meat.
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>wanting clawing

Worst cancer
I see your Bushido SA and raise you Aerial SA with Energy Charge.
Granted, it doesn't work with every monster, but when it does work...
This has to be bait, right
Vita is dead, dumb stuff.
>being triggered by options given to the consumer

Worst cancer
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Palico Panzer is cool but handles like absolute shit.

real controller > clawing = n3ds > o3ds with CPP > o3ds
They've done tests you know.

30% of the time, it works every time.
n3ds is easier than clawing since you can get horizontal motion simply from the Z buttons, and comfortably at that.

The clit is actually also not that bad for rough adjustments, which is all you should be making with it anyway.
It really kills me that there's no free hunt/expedition/no time limit mode in this game. I hope they make XG just to put that back in.
>they actually went with Palico Panzer
Heh, I wrote that name jokingly, but it looks decent in game.
You can claw on dualshock, all the cool frontier kids are doing it.
>Why lie?
I doubt it's a lie considering it's exactly like that in MH4U, with occasional spikes at 30-60 for cutscenes. Did you expect it to be any better with more fancy visual effects?
Hori's idea of clawing involves making left and right work like moving the camera up and down, and likewise, making up and down work like move the camera left and right. Its horribly counter-intuitive.
how are you supposed to move the camera while fighting in mh4 now? in mhfu you could claw to make every option aviable without moving your finger of one inch but.. what now with the 3ds? I can't claw with that analog. Should i get used to moving the camera with the touch screen?
nipple stick
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>tfw no abusive waifu
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I've never had an issue with the huge cross on the touch screen and monster locking. Also
>Paying for PSVita games
>When Nintendo pays to localize the games in Occident
I don't like using ZR/ZL to move camera personally, it throws me off too much from what I'm used to.

Assuming you're on an o3ds, yes. Or you can buy a circle pad pro.
Oh god i really have to use that thing?
Much better. Thanks
This game is missing so many things, it just screams XG. Maybe they will try a new thing and give us an "expansion" instead of selling a brand new game
>Consumer options

Just give me two analog sticks on each side proper and i'll be happy. Vita is fine for mohun,I was critical about the comfort, till someone linked me that attachment for it.
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Anyone got the keys for MHX HR7 Gathering Hall?
Will XG let me adjust chameleonshaking?
>Should i get used to moving the camera with the touch screen?
Just put it on the right of the touch screen and move it with your right thumb the way you do with a regular controller. Assuming you didn't destroy your touchscreen, it's fairly responsive. Or you could claw.
What do you mean, anon?
Because 3DS uses resistive touchscreen, clawing with your index finger provides better inputs than using your thumb.
>make every option aviable without moving your finger of one inch

This is the newfangled way of accomplishing that (old 3DS)
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1 slot open.
I've got full nibel and a decent cb and I'm no shitter. Just tryna have some fun.
I like how he's holding every other controller somewhat loosely but holding the DS3 as tight as possible to the point where his fingers curve around the shoulder buttons.
Its also a good way to hurt your index finger in the long run as well as landing yourself in one's shitlist
New 3DS XL/LL version when?
Which option is it?
Dunno, I've done fine with my thumb.
The DS3 is smaller, but the picture was about stick placement, not really where his index is. Reminds me that the right stick placement on the WiiU's gamepad is also shit.
I'll call you when I'm crippled due to clawing playing videogames. Probably I'll take up guitar to speed up the process.
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>Thinking N3DS would have CPP support
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This is all we're getting instead. 'Least it should give enhanced access to ZL/ZR. My take: Nintendo forbade them suggesting their nub was anything less than perfect.
>people who don't like the nipple stick
Do you have man hands or what?
The nipple is stiff as fuck and probably too much effort to season it loose.
...that's like saying the touchscreen is stiff as fuck. You don't need to bend it, genius.
The touchscreen is smoother than the nipple, try again.
Alright dudes I haven't played or lurked here since the demo hit. A few questions about X:

1. What huge content surprises did I miss? Does X have g-rank? Any new monsters or stuff I should know?

2. If I started a game on X already without important a DX save (that shitty jp monhun vilalge game), do I have to start over if I want the tigrex felyne mask? Or can I import regardless?
The main issue with the nub is having it register the down movement.
I wonder if applying a heated, fine iron grid on top of the rubber to give it a grid pattern is a good idea?
That's a commen problem, it got delivered broken. I sent my 3DS to repair and now it's fine, it reacts to the slightest touch.
No G Rank. HC monsters are as anime as the new movesets. You can probably just get it with a save editor down the line.

I've taken to wearing a thumb cut off a rubber glove, it seems to help me massively at least.

I'm pretty sure my nub is kind of fucked though and can't get it fixed because no one actually sells replacements and nintendo upgrade your FW forcefully on repair.
Wondering about that technicality with the Tigrex costume as well. I let the GF make off with MonHan Diary.

Did you try calibrating the c stick?

Mine shipped with it registered in the down position, so I re calibrated it and had to restart it.

Works perfect now.
Shit looks awkward

I just have my virtual D-pad on the right and adjust between attacks. Works really well desu.
Two questions:

- Can I play online with a pirated 3DS?
- If I buy a Japanese 3DS, can I play Online with gooks?
It's not really broken, it's just too stiff and the way you hold it wont lets you apply much force tilting it in that direction.
I wish that MH's controls didnt get worse and worse with each new platform.
Yes and yes.

I'm pirating until my import copy arrives in the mail.
A Japanese 3DS is the one way to be certain everything always works (barring the translation patch unless you have 9.2 or lower)

That said, pirate faggots with 9.2 or lower are probably going to be able to solve any problem. 9.3 through 10.2 can import the cartridge (assuming you get homebrew working first), but will have a major problem getting online if they ever release a serious 1.1 patch.
Nice, I'll probably take a Japanese N3DS then. I don't read moonrunes but dialogues aren't that important I guess.
It's ok anon I just recently started and got to High Rank Caravan
decided I'd go back and level my HR and I'm only up to 3 right now
Just encountered my first MH4U glitch.

>Apex Deviljho
>I hit him with a mounting attack and he hits me with a pinning attack at the exact same frame
>he's stuck in the mounted animation
>I'm stuck in the pinned animation
>neither of us take damage
>Jho stops when he knocks the imaginary hunter off his back
>I stop when Jho hits me
From what I hear, dialogue isn't that important. I haven't been playing the translation patch, but it doesn't seem like there's any real story, like MH4U had. As long as you can understand the menus, you'll do fine.
When I went to calibrate it, when applying the same pressure on each side, from the same direction, the damn thing would have trouble registering down, nothing to do with finger angles or not enough force. It was broken.
>A Japanese 3DS is the one way to be certain everything always works
>9.2 or lower are probably going to be able to solve any problem.
Yeah. All we need to do if a patch is rreleased is just wait like half a day and for someone to upload the .cia and we can continue playing online like we owned it
>MHX is shit
what's next?
i'm hype for mhs and the anime tho.
MH on next gen consoles is next according to Capcom job postings. Also frontier 2.
>completely blow dinovaldo the fuck out with aerial gs
Why are you not maining aerial gs?
What is this new meme? Can you explain?

MHX shipped 1.54 million copies the first 2 days. For comparison, MH4G shipped 2 million copies the first 2 days but mediacreate reported 1.44 million copies sold.
But SnS times are mid tier in 4U. Higher if you're the sort to use items.
because I actually enjoy playing the game
Because it's just as cheap as bushito. Insta-kurolist of anyone who uses it tbqh.
Aside from Stygian, Lagiacrus, and Brachydios, what horns are worth making in 3U?
The cropped picture of Chameleos's disgruntled face is usually associated with shitposting about how Cross toned down the feeling of certain attacks' weight and impact.
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pretty shit tbqh family, 1,5 shipped means probably under a mil sold

Those are disappointing numbers for a MH game in nipland
Do you still have iframes in Aerial style?

Also, leveling up a blademaster weapon increases its sharpness but nothing else. What happens with bowguns and bows?
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>Mantle Shield Proof you have acquired all the mantles
I'm guessing this implies all rare materials and to only thoses names mantles? I got Raths, Tigrex, Gore, Shagaru in my chest and no awards. Got a list of which others I need?
Aerial Style's jump has the I-frames of Evasion DOWN.
I just want to hug shaggy and show it affection!
Probably applies to all Rare9 monster materials
You definitely get i frames but I can't tell if its at the beginning of the jump or at the height of the jump.
>shitposting about how Cross toned down the feeling of certain attacks' weight and impact.
Facts ain't shitposting.
Making a mountain out of a molehill is, though.
>Also, leveling up a blademaster weapon increases its sharpness but nothing else.

What? It increases raw, elemental, status and defense if it has it too.
>just as cheap
bushido at least requires timing. It's only evasion 3. Aerial GS is press b, hold x, press b, hold x, press b, hold x. Is it mounted yet? press b, hold x, press b, hold x. Is it dead yet?
Also bowguns/bows get raw and more shots of types or increased level of charges.

I'm not playing gunner, but I could see upgrades enabling more shot types/coatings or changing charge types too.
Bushido requires commitment
If you are going to dodge mindlessly because some shitposter on the net told you its the meme style, prepare to eat a hit while you dash like a retard.
Including stuff like Rajang or Diablos horns?
>same guy who made X has made the psp monhun game
>casual as fuck
>no g rank
>never released in the west

It's over guys, this nip guy is bent on fucking us gaijins over and over again.
Yes, just everything that has "Mantle" in the name.
Wouldn't doubt it, hardhorns are piss-easy to get at least, and just go relic hunting and you'll be swimming in hearts
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After 1500 hours of Monster Hunter, I learned that a whetstones increase your sharpness by a set amount instead of always maxing it out.

What did you learn today?
same bushitter detected.

>It's only evasion 3

Footage of Aerial HBG where?
It looks like the jumping shot boosts you into critical range so it might be salvageable
aerial lets you dodge almost as well as bushido due to monsters not being programmed around you being 20 feet in the air. And you get more damage and mounts from it.

you're delusional if you think aerial isn't the terribaby choice.
That's not what the Japanese wikis say

They're both ezpz mode meant for shitters. WTF are you talking about?
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>bushido at least requires timing. It's only evasion 3
Alright, so I should be missing only the Black Gravios Pallium and a horn from the rusted daora.
Time to farm.

I've actually been playing the game and upgrading my Seregios SA has upgraded the Raw and sharpness level.
That's because those pages aren't even finished yet, check Hammer for instance.
Anyway, anyone who's played the game and have upgraded a weapon's level at least once would know this.
You're an idiot. The page is clearly unfinished, half the weapons don't even have attack or sharpness shown.

Those guys
>double spin slash
>uppercut can be charged

Where were you when MHO saved GS?
Turns room now
There are 9 "mantle" items, 4 of which are trade-only
>Lao Shan
>Alatreon (technically it's just a scale because muh elder dragon special materials)
I got all these in my chest, no award.
What's the discord room for mhg?
>draw charging cancer still exists
didn't fix a damn thing
You do realize that tama character of his is a drag queen, right?
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Did Alatreon get its own icon like Amatsu did, or does it still have the ? icon? Simple curiosity.
>Also frontier 2
Why don't they just do a JP version of MHO? Unless they want to keep it Jap only forever, which wouldn't surprise me but still...
Pretty sure Alatreon's locked behind DLC.
if only there were a resource where one could find things like this out...
All the more to troll with
You only used GS and Hammers, didn't you?
Through experience I believe that it recovers 1/4 of the whole bar.
Because MHO is a shitty bootleg by Tencent
nope, hr80
Nah. Striker > Guild > * > Bushido = Aerial
God damn I like the look of these beruna weapons

I'm going to be kind of sad when I have to abandon them
You got me, balls.
Because MHO belongs to Tencent. And Frontier at this point is really far from what MHO aims to be.
Lucky for you, you won't have to abandon them until gathering hall high rank.
There's already videos out, nigga.

Actually my favorite weapon is SnS.
>post got deleted
mod confirmed for liking shitker.
It'll probably just be another expansion called Frontier GGGXXX accent core reload 3rd strike or something for after Frontier G10.

I doubt they'd want to lose their sub base by making a new game that needed anything but a 20 year old potato to run, there's a reason it still has PS2 graphics as the default option.
Never got one with a sliver of the top sharpness but a very long strip of the second one? I started noticing that in such a case where sharpening from the third best sharpness wouldn't max it.
BTW narga best monster.
Not that I don't trust you, but you only need these for the Mantle award; trade ones are not needed.

Rathian, Rathalos, Tigrex, Gore, Shaggy

And you don't need them to be in the box at the same time either, so sounds like a glitch (which sucks)

I actually just recently started using the reigning grissword. I sharpened when I hit blue and I didn't go up to purple and I got really confused for a second.

>What the fuck? I was sure I had honed blade on this set.
It will be more akin to FFXI and FFXIV. It's a needed sacrifice after 8 years running. Frontier 2 is rumored to be on PS4 and PC even.
You want pictures or what?
/v/ Dragon threads.

It's funny that that of all places is where stuff will get translated.
>All these nerds thinking Frontier 2 is going to be a thing
>when NX was literally confirmed for 2016
MHNX is on the way. Nothing you can do to stop it
Easy, that's not what I'm saying. Have been hunting awards myself so I know your pain, anon.
Frontier is handled by Capcom Online Games nigger and produced by Ono. Whatever Ryozo is doing is irrelevant as Ono holds a higher rank than him.
It's fine, I'll take the pictures anyway. That's less boring than farming Black Gravy
Real nice people there.
full english patch when
Ok actually you were right. I thought the award was next to the plate and ruby one, it's actually in G rank. I'm sorry senpai.
How does the damage from virus attacks work, again?
I've avoided Grank Shag for months because the mine spam is just annoying, unfair shit which spoils the fight in my opinion. Is defenders and felyne protection really the only way to mitigate its damage? Because they seem to eat right through my armor when what's actual attacks hurt less.
Never. He said they're not trying to translate the story.
Fucking auto-correct.
>only defense and felyne protection*
>when shag's actual attacks*

Okay, why is Striker style shit?
They aren't translating anything, 90% of it is already from the other games.
It's not. It's just guild style with one of your combos shortened in exchange for an extra hunter art. It's also the only style where lance is playable in X.
>And Frontier at this point is really far from what MHO aims to be.
Explain further. Is it just the business model or something?

What basically I thought of first.
So you get 2 pokes instead of 3 with lance? How much evade does bushido actually give, people been saying 2+.5
MHO devs Tencent are very fond of MHFU and that's pretty much what MHO aims to be. A more grounded old school MH, kinda like the first Frontier before G. Frontier G is the cuhrayzee MH it is now and no doubt the trend will continue for Frontier 2.
No, lance just loses the drill poke at the end of the three hit combo.
Gimps most weapons for only a third hunter art slot and faster charge for them. Hunter arts are mediocre to shit in general and there's rarely ever more than one worth using.

strikers literally just I want to spam hunting arts.
Frontier isn't really crazy outside of monsters' attacks oneshotting the entire screen. All the core weapons are actually more grounded than MHX's hunter arts, tonfas excluded.
I guess that even with Tencent behind it, I can only wait for an English patch/localization considering the benchmark was also in English (prolly for Singapore but still). It only it meant less talismans, but considering it's F2P... The new weapon moves/combos look neat tho'.

>monsters' attacks oneshotting the entire screen
Biggest bullshit ever. Get killed just "because".
>inb4 git gud, etc.
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>tonfas excluded

It's the best style on the best weapon.
or just I want to actually have fun playing lance

azure rath farm mh4a
Tonfas are literal DMC mode
>gee wiz, a g rank gravy fight
>lancer doesn't combo stab
>Raw DB user leaves in the first 2mins after dying
>my high rank water bow
>20mins later the lancer never combo'd, only inched forward with his shield up, poking with his shield up, and taking more damage than me
killed it though, fun times
Yeah the cuhrayzee part really is for the monsters while retaining a fair amount of core principles for the hunters. MHX puts the cuhrayzee to the hunters instead. Still you can see the vast difference though of what Frontier really aims to be.
am i being tricked?
>Not using Crossenders with Sharpness +1
As for the lancer, shamefur: literally the weapon that shouldn't have any issues with it. Glad you had fun, I'd be too busy complaining.
>DMC mode
Don't you mean musou mode?
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Anyone wanna help me get G crown for 2 of my buddies?
On Gogmazios.

This guy is doing pretty good MHO videos.
Room info would be helpful, I guess.
Stop me from using the akantor shadow claws.
The damage numbers trigger me every time.
I believe you can hide it; I can't see it on every video. That said, easier to know your damage output without data mining/guessing the values.
The resolution not being 240p triggers me more.

Seregios DBs are better.
It's more than just one combo.
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2man hunting room. Hr2.
Turns or farming as requested.
Pulled of some fun Bushido runs earlier. Let's hunt with style!
Never released in the west because of piracy and SCEA.
Don't forget that Freedom, F2 and FU are casualized by MH's old standards.
>No white sharpness even with +1

>No ele
>Only 10% affinity
>Barely any white and purple sharpness

It's like you guys enjoy bouncing on monsters and see your sharpness literally disappear.
Three and four players is overkill.
So is two players. If you're going to play with others, may as well go all the way.
K dude.
Room is kill
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wew lad
Just like X
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(´• ω •`)
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2 slots
Get in here.
is there any c-pad stick ons to make my greasy appendages not slide so much?
>my dick doesn't work well it still slides
>you try using it with a pin
Is there a hack to let anyone zone in where ever they want in the map?
I just saw someone fall from the roof of a zone where they should'nt have fallen from.
Wondering if visual glitch or hack
i know this pain
there's gotta be something to help this
tfw having to choose between more MHX or feeling like garbage all day at work tomorrow

What zone?
apprently not using your dick helps
also sand papering the c-stick(fuck that but seams the most legit)
or gaffer taping the c-pad
or using that shit on sk8 boards o the c-cpad
the gaffer tape ses to be h less permanent one
>Gay as fuck
>Can't hunt monsters
>can't choose out of 4 styles
>Monster Hunter
It's monster hunter

They might have eaten for explorer.

Was it the Primal Forest?
>Gay as fuck
Getting paid to take in dicks sounds like a dream job.
Join me. I'm ronery
Some people are productive members of society, neet-chan.
you mean idiots
Make your own enterprise, I only need to "work" for two hours a week to keep my income flowing and unlike actual parasites I'm not living off government money.
no. I need three tails and two rubies. just look for azure rath room in 4. I want to make his armour. it is a skill upg. ti my steve set.
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>2 rooms with no password under fishing
>/mhg/ owns Fishing

Oh I love this meme, it's been a while since I've seen it.
The point is no password.
You search for rooms with passwords there and these come up.
/mhg/ is dead.
Or you know, rooms wind up with 4 players (and you can't see them) more often than they linger with 3 and fewer.
good god I want that armour.

desire sensor will keep me farming rath forever. so lonely. all alone in my mh4u room
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Still here stuffing my face with fondue.
1 slots open!
Any rooms currently open? I'm bored and looking to help kill shit.
4U, in case I need to clarify.
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>still playing 4U
primal forest, he fell from the south of area 3.
Explorer should've spawned him in area 5.
Sh-shut up.
Capcom pls localize X soon

There's a shortcut at spawn if you turn around and fall down the water hole.
Any time it's not specified, anyone not on the spectrum could assume 4U.
No, you're living off the exploitation of others, you parasite.

Try it.
Nigga, I'm autistic and I can assume 4U.
yeah mabey to mum
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>wanting X

But honestly, I'm currently trying to push a Rusty Kushy quest on randoms, I don't want to cart in a /mhg/ room because I remember it hitting me really fucking hard with my current armor.
There's a shortcut at base camp, you mean. Also you'll see players fall from the special mining areas, for future reference.
Watching gaijinhunter videos because people talk about him

I now understand what "tri-baby" means

fucker would have quit MH1, everything he bitches about is shit that has been core to monster hunter since the beginning

>"you might not have to grind as much to upgrade gear, you won't need the super rare parts"
>"this is a good thing"
there is a market for an oldfag to make videos
Solves the mystery. Thanks
Gotta love it how you instantly assume it's something immoral. You're being an idiot.
Send me n3ds capture card and I'll make videos bitching about everything being too easy and how there's not enough screenshake.
I've gotten about 10-15 plates in X and they're fucking useless.

They're not used in anything, instead of being happy you get something, it's a 'meh' like all other mats.
All personal enterprise is based off the exploitation of the working class, capitalist kekold.
>try X even though I see it getting a lot of shit
>like the new styles and seeing the combat switch up a bit
>lose interest because my bro's son updated his 3ds

Should I even bother? I played aerial dualblades and it was fun as fuck but a bit unwieldy.

Do you guys play often or is it still mh4u?
Question for the importer master race that already has the game.
Do you know how the bonuses for owning Poka Poka Airou Village are obtained?
Is it a one time only thing when creating a save or can they be obtained later?
did you fuck that kid up for being such a retard? or at least medicate him?
I wanted to take this seriously, but all I could hear was
>muh nostalgia
Does anyone have a single Zinogre GQ to trade? Biases don't matter, just wanna get it to 140. Ideally a map with a couple ledges? Can trade a cushy Dragon Bow double monkey.
I would FUCK Catloli.
I always miss dragon threads nowadays and that makes me sad
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>tfw you keep trying to talk to the pokke and yukumo elders for quests
literally what i keep doing fuck
Anyone want to blast through the MHX key quests? I haven't started the guild quests yet but I'm at 6* in village.
I keep doing that too.
kid was like 4 years old and wanted to watch youtube but one warning i'll give is kids learn tech fucking FAST especially if its touch

Now he can't even import the game if he wanted but he wasn't too terribly interested when people started comparing it to p3rd. I loved p3rd but I couldn't even squeeze 200 hrs out of it which is great but really short for a MH game.
I would REPORT you to whatever passes for the police in Monster Hunter world.
Good, report me.
They can't unsex her.
Anyone willing to do some testing with one of the quests in the guildie episodic ones?
Basically I want to check if the second one in that line really spawns Brachydios infinitedly and if true I'd like someone willing to kill ten of them in one go.
In b4 Rathalos copypasta
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Hunt me
>she's underage
u wot
But I want to hug you!
That's not meant to be, you bubbling idiot!
hey baby want some fuck?
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If hugging tama is wrong I don't want to be right!
I did it.
I've checkmarked every quest.
I have finished 4U.
I would JO that drag queen
You haven't finished it until you have 100% on your guild card.
>crown achievements
Hahaha, no.
I pretty much agree with the video

>damage to player
varies from game to game. The trample damage bit is true though, I barely ever die now
>npc companions
pretty meaningless, though they do remove an element of being alone in single player
>random damage is a bad change
I would disagree, absent other changes random attacks are more interested. Perhaps they're easier, but monster were much less realistic
>charms with regard to time sink
I have no problem with any time sink since implemented except maybe MH1 droprates
>dire miralis being slow
so was lao, though the point about chip damage applies

reading through the comments on the video it's pretty clear the newer players don't understand what he's talking about. They confuse technologically better games with just purely better. It's like when people refer to the past with contempt as a whole, and say today is better. Well this is true, but arguably only because of tech, other things are much worse.
Nintendo is trying to shill N3DS pretty hard.

I think they're allowed to.
>they make the product
It's called advertising.
Will there be more or was Alatreon the last one?
Problem with charms is that people know good ones exist, then hunt for them. Rather than accepting what they have and getting excited about what they have.

I don't know how you could fix this without giving everyone godly charms. Maybe a charm upgrade system.
>know good ones exist, then hunt for them
and this wasn't the case with monster parts how?
Well I mean, getting that charm is less than a 1000th of a percentage isn't it?

Rare drops are at least 2%.
HR90 monster was confirmed to be Dire Miralis.
Rare drops are around 3-5% chance to happen in many rolls.
The right charm for one set is one in millions.
I'd expect something at HR90 and 100, but they could have goofed and not included anything.

Charms should just be craftables, really. I'd rather have to choose 2 stats and slots and then shit in a million rare mats than grind out talisman RNG. At least you can work towards actual crafting reliably even if it needs a million rubies for a god charm.
source cunt
They want people to stop using exploitable 3DSs :^)

>tfw just downloaded v3 patch
>tfw I don't want to install it because basedbro may be announcing v4 soon.
drop rate has nothing to do with that statement though

if you're saying that getting charms is harder, than I say oh well. You don't need the most ridiculous charm. In the old monster hunter games you had suboptimal complete sets of gear, or suboptimal mixes. Charms are just an added bonus that let you do more ridiculous things, they should be rare. A complete set of the best armor sets in the game is already very good.
He's german, it's 6am there and he seems to update around 22:00-00:00 his time.
Crafting is also a good alternative, but I don't see an inherent problem with making something practically unobtainable if it only makes existing things more better
same. I'm still on v2 but havent bothered to play since I've been busy
>Charms should just be craftables, really. I'd rather have to choose 2 stats and slots and then shit in a million rare mats than grind out talisman RNG. At least you can work towards actual crafting reliably even if it needs a million rubies for a god charm.

I've been saying this since 3U. It's just too hard to get the right charm and I think any charm system that makes you hope as much as the one we've had for ages isn't very good.

I don't really care about optimal gear either, the modern meta gaming has players wanting to min-max thier armor set. I'm not saying we should cater to them, but rather figure out a way to make them not treat charms in the way that they do.

If that makes sense.
>figure out a way
ignore them, only the most autistic will go out of their way to min max that hard. I got all my perfect charms from randomly playing so much, it felt nice rather than a tedious horrible life killing chore grinding them probably is
RNG favouring you does not stop the system being trash.
So, how did MHX sell?
when I said I got all my perfect charms it doesn't mean I got all the perfect charms

I never got one for a majority of the best skills

>system being trash
>my icing on the cake isn't sweet enough
if they were to add another system identical to charms, without altering the rest of the game in any way, you would only bitch that there's even more rng

fucking faggot
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Can SnS DP on wakeup?
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>Those sales
MHX coming to the west, maybe? Or did piratefags completely ruin it for everybody?
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Annual reminder that directly raw-increasing armor skills and weapon attributes are the cancer killing monhan
>ruin it
Are you implying games not being bought by people they aren't being marketed to will reduce sales in the slightest?
>If they added an exact clone of a fucking terrible system it would make things worse

Well, yes?

Charms are shit because there's no deterministic way to influence what you get out of the system. It's entirely possible you might never even get something usable.

Melding was a step in the right direction but all that does is encourage tedious save scumming in the hopes you don't get complete shit back.

Bad design isn't less shitty because you're personally fine with it. Fuck, I'd rather they removed it if they're going to leave it as awful.
I mean, is there any point?

Everyone uses handicraft, so why have it?
How to make gargwah drop eggs? I try kicking and killing and waiting but only one dropped so far
Hit them before they see you. Take stones or boomerangs or sneak up on them if you're melee.
you're literally a fucking retard and completely missed the point

the system was not implemented with the expectation people would have a good chance at getting the best possible charms

>there's no deterministic way to influence what you get out of the system
that's the point, you're just a fucking faggot that isn't used to the idea that something is that ridiculously rare and essentially unobtainable

the point of my scenario is to demonstrate that you think the aim of the game is min maxing, and it isn't. If they only added more bonuses without altering the game, you would only bitch that you can't be perfect
Not just that, but NEEDING things like power coating and power phial just for a weapon to be on-par with a different weapon class means you've fucked something up.
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Uncanny similarity, isn't it?
Power Phials are stupid, Power Coatings means the weapon has "ammo" and forces you to be careful, fast and aim your shots.
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power coatings are retarded, should we have power coatings for every weapon?

It's tedious
bowgun ammo are retarded, should we have ammo for every weapon?
It's tedious
In the case of the "ammo" argument, you should be able to complete a hunt before you run out of power coatings and combines for more, but 9 times out of 10 that requires running a full retard attack-up Kameme Sedition setup. I find the weapon is outright RELIANT on its presence to be competent with anything else, and that's a problem.
That means you're not good enough.
apples and oranges

the different ammo do different things and different guns use different ammo, it's part of the design
>same applies for bows
1 ammo just to make it on par with everything else is stupid, they should have the special coatings and perhaps another kind of charge system
That's neat thanks anon. I like the little things in mh like this.
>3DS don't even have launch numbers for any game rivaling MHP3rd
And you're apparently too dense to realise that literally all of your points are why I think it's shit.

Literally everything else in the entire game you can influence in some way. Even relics you knew what type you were going to get roughly and could find people who had decent quests to get something relevant.

Charms have none of that, and are additionally locked to tables completely invisible to the player.

They're a shit system and you're a gigantic faggot.
Gravios is a big monster.
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All that translation talk before made me want to translate. Post shit you want translated and I'll give you a possibly stiff, possibly awkward sounding English version that you can edit to sound better if you care enough.
MH4 sold 2 million on another tracker
Yare yare daze.
Is this bait?
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>it's shit because it's unobtainable
so you believed mommy when she told you that you were a perfect little angel?

:( autism must be rough
do you actually know japanese or are you on some legitimate google translate shit? if the former go help dasding
Mediacreate says 1,446,289.
I'm not a native speaker so he doesn't want my help. I do know Japanese though. I'm thinking of stuff like images rather than big projects anyway.
>the fourth day after the launch sales had already topped 2 million units
Even perfect speedruns run out of power coatings
This looks better and more fun than anything in X. Please tell me there will be a version in English.
Guys help I'm starting to like aerial GS
>more fun than anything in X


I'm playing X right now and HEAVILY disagree
That's shipment brah, from capcom.
>damage numbers
How about this? There are three more pages, is it too much?
oh it said launch sales so I wasnt sure. My bad
dem sour grapes
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>Animations are shit
>Nothing has weight
>Audio is terrible, imbalanced
>Cameraman Micheal J. Fox
>nothing has weight
B-but the shaking!
>sour grapes
nice job showing you dont know what that means. I'm playing the english patch right now retard
>one guy replied to the MHO post saying it looks great few hours later
>shills swarm in immediately using textbook buzzwords to call on the video
Damn, I probably should've posted those in that thread.
Online now has an English patch?
Fuck off to /v/ with those memewords.
You really haven't been with a woman at that age? How about I do it with you?
God damn brat acting tough.
You're saying that but something's poking against me
That's because you're rubbing against it with that foam.
>DOHS is the only one whose done decent Bubbles x ZInogre art

>online now has the english patch

it always has
Any tips for a new player? I'm on 3DS playing M4U
Oh fuck I didn't expect it to be lewd.
Not that guy, but MHO will probably have an english patch when the OBT hits. Damn thing is still in CBT.
That's racist tbqh.
Get out of North Dakota.
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Be patient watch monster patterns, look for openings, Play what you feel comfortable with, realize it was a bad choice and switch to greatsword, don't forget to eat before missions, and combining items is your friend
>need one final gargwa egg.
>now only dropping golden eggs.
>can't complete quest
Cmon capcom. I'm trying so hard.
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>Guild IG
>Bushido LS
>Aerial DB
>Striker Hammer

What's your preferred weapon for each style, /mhg/?
Thanks, anon. But if you're not comfortable with it then I'll stop posting it.
Guild GS
Aerial Hammer
Bushido SA/LS/CB
O-oh nevermind the other guy is doing it.
I don't mind. I'm just not amazing at translation so thinking of lines that make sense takes a moment.
Do I really have to kill these little ten and 20 monster quests to unlock the deliver two Wyvern egg raizex surprise quest?
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Manage things properly. Don't just do quests make sure you also do expeditions when you unlock them to get caravan points. Always have the Wycoon multiplying things for you. You can never have too much honey or ammo combines. Hunters for hire should always be hunting and don't forget about the meowster hunters and the casting machine either!
Thanks bud!
I just liked the movie.
Yah, you betcha.
How the fuck do you do the egg delivery quest for village 3 star? Both exits lead to cliffs.
You're a really serious person, but have you had a crush at any point?
I did once
The day I was going to confess she got hunted. I couldn't protect her. After that day I haven't been able to fall for anyone.
This is bad. I think I accidentally went too far. What should I do? I need to apologize...
If you're thinking of ways to make fun of me, say them already. You're taking too long.
I'm not! I'm reflecting on what I said!
Thanks. Is MH usually a bit hard to get into? I'm feeling a little lost playing it, love the hell out of it so far.
It's a slow grower.
Drop the trip
MH is confusing to start playing but after a while you get the hang of it. Just keep at it everybody is a scrub at some point.
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You're doing god's work, anon
Have you tried climbing them?
I didn't expect there to be hunters lying in wait. No matter how much it hurts I can't scream.
If he noticed...
I can't have him be hunted too.
Come back here tomorrow evening. There's something I want to give you.
The person he loved back then... You must have been happily waiting here from early on just like me.

Grabbing breakfast so wait warmly for the last one.
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>Alternate Steve CB has 10 less raw but 4 times as much white, 10% more affinity and an extra slot
>Extra slot allowed me to stick Evade Extender on my full Seltas set
>Can now constantly stick to the monster in axe mode
>Never lose white during a hunt
>Unlocked Energy Blade III earlier
I think I'm pretty content until the databases start fleshing out on the other paths and if any of the HC monsters have a skillset that accommodates CB nicely.
There's something I want to give you.
T-to me?!
Just say no if it's a bother.
I want it! I really want it!
Then, let's meet here tomorrow.
Why did I come early?
Because I was happy.
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That's all the images. Thanks for translating, anon.
It was an unexpectedly sweet set despite the lewd cover image.
I have a bit over 10 minutes before I'm heading out, so if there's anything small someone wants translated post it fast. I don't mind translating more when I'm back, but it'll be 3 to 4 hours.
How to unlock the two Wyvern egg quest in village 3 star?
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Oh yeah, could you maybe translate this?
Beaten kut ku?
kut ku in forest and hills
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yian kut-ku.............................
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try velocidrome, kut ku and subs, and kirin
Those don't show up in the village or guild hall.
you still need them for the award they show up in urgents

Will Bar[r/i]oth ever return?
Neither of them will be back to their Tri glory, even if they do come back
It's time to let go, anon
and basarios too
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no i refuse
It'll be a G rank monster in MHXG
This better be it.
Oh you mean being just slightly faster for one and the other being a shitty narga clone again?
>You will never again have the HOLY SHIT moment of a barioth whipping up a tornado and propelling itself with it to fly at your face
oh fuck, I thought you'd drop the egg to climb down. Thanks senpai
anyone down for 4u arena for fun?
If XG happens.
Both were faster, hit harder, and were more aggressive (and barioth's flying flank fuck didn't have a distance limit) in Tri and were actually fun to fight, then P3rd castrated them. I almost miss the shitty randoms begging for their barroth urgent then watching them get crushed repeatedly, or thinking they were safe to chug potions when barioth was anywhere in the same area
You're one of those goofs that sticks extender on your CB set? You don't see that often enough tbqh. It does augment rolling into side chop, burst 2 a bit. Fun things are fun.
Not quite, you're letting nostalgia blind you from when you were new and shit while MH seemed mysterious.
Could you as easily evade through Barioth's attacks? I remember you almost didn't need evasion +1 for Narga's spins and jumps, but don't remember enough about Barioth

Nargacuga is THE evade tutorial, featuring many of the shortest rolling windows.
>from when you were new and shit while MH seemed mysterious.
Tri was my second monster hunter game, after soloing all the way to endgame Unite. And it's not like it's impossible to go back and play Tri again to remember how things used to be.
>You're one of those goofs that sticks extender on your CB set?
I wouldn't have done it before but X's CB is far less accommodating of the same sort of defensive style. EE just augments your offence in X.

Sure as hell makes chasing shit around online less hassle too and gives me more incentive to keep myself sheathed and constantly top up my sharpness.
Unsheathed, rather.
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>These wind scars from Gale Narga
As I said, new.
>kill shaggy with bug shot through it's spit explosion

Don't know how to feel about this tbqh.
Mounted all of those and I know that I already mounted Garuga since I had farmed it a shitload before.
No award. Did every species and rare species that showed up at those ranks too and nothing.
Fatalis, Ukanlos, Akantor, Brachy, Jho, Ra-
Wait a second, what if Golden Rajang counts from the caravaneer's challenge? I need to try it.
And Savage Jho too for good measure.
Come off it m8
Is MH1 worth a playthrough? I loved Pokke Village and the maps in 2--they don't do foliage after that, for some reason--but really don't know about the first installment. My brother said it was kind of painful and hitboxes are worse?
>Dragon Treasure
>A shiny rock that elder dragons like to collect.

Otaku monsters?
Is there porn of her yet?
Feel good shaggy is an asshole.
Play FU or Dos
Not just an evade tutorial, Nargacuga is THE role model of many monsters for generations to come.

The fast, combo-based moveset has become a standard of how a monster should fight like in the newer games.

Its unique design also inspired monster designers of the modern day to draw more inspiration from life rather than make a generic wings on a potato and call it a day.

Ichinose may have sullied his reputation but his contribution to the main series whole in the form of Nargacuga is the greatest contribution he ever did.
Dragons the scaly jew.
There's several requests marked with a blue icon that I apparently have the items needed to complete, but I don't know how to actually turn them in. Like giving junior some raw meat.

How would I go about doing that?
Talk to your room attendant. It's in one of the options.
Only as your first MH game.
Any later and its just painful.
Who do I have to kill for monster bone+ in mhx?
Shermitaur, no?
X's arena theme really gets me pumped.
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Not that I can find.
What monster is the Nigelsnarf? I need two of its pieces to make something.
I meant the goat, not the girl.
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Its also perfect as Honolulu's theme
nibelsnarf is a sandshark-whale thing
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I've never had much of a problem being tripped while lancing
Absolutely fucking nothing and I know by now that I mounted every single monster in this game several times.
I give up, it's 5AM and my dick hurts from all this mounting.
Harpool Bocca

Remind me to make a good version of this tomorrow.
So that's why they attack us? Because they think we're after their gold? It all makes sense now.
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It's wrong to lie on the internet
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>There are 4Ubabbies in this thread RIGHT NOW who have never seen a couple gen3 monsters in their entire life
Is this what it's like being an FUbabby being surrounded by 3Ubabbies? I don't like it.
What's "gen3"?
X is my first MH.
playing MHFU, on the last level 5 elder quest before the urgent quest. Anyone got any tips for fighting lunastra? im using HBG. Most of the attacks are predictable, except his fucking dash that changes direction, I keep getting nailed by it.
Its part of the fanbase cycle, get used to it.
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Try seducing her.
Anyone who thinks monhun isn't better with a story is a crazy person. Finding out what this article business is all about, the dialogue and cutscenes make offline great!

Why do you think they go after dundorma so often it's a city of great wealth
All of the Monster Hunter 3 game (3,3U,P3rd)
> Read Monster Hunter Novels
> Take weeks to travel between villages (Jumbo Village to Pokke Village in this case)
> Play Monster Hunter X
> Lol Airship

At this rate, they will be using laser gun pretty soon.
>Great wealth
>Not because Dundorma has the best-tasting gunpowder in the world.

wait whut? lunastra is female!!?? but its a dragon with a lions head...and a mane...like a male lion. Oh Japan.
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>Monster Hunter Novels
Lao and Shen doesn't eat Gunpower. They still likes to visit Dundorma.
you literally make your own airship in 4U
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Oh anon...
> Lol Airship
Did you miss the Dragonseer on just about every map for the past decade?
Be careful, if you use that strategy, her husbando Teo will come after you.
Could a Monster Hunter movie work? Maybe in the style of avatar?
Order it from Japanese Book Store? There are tons of them. I recommend the series written by Hikami Keiichi.
Dragonseer is a balloon you wave for free Pyschoserum.

Airships started in Tri's online mode and were annoying pieces of shit that invade your personal space for no reason. Its damn stressing having to shoot down every last one of em so you could chill in peace.
There's that fucking image.

If I were a Chameleos I'd shitpost all day.
Balloon != Airship

Even Pokke Elder said life and trading has been so much easier after they get the airship station in their village
Anyone got an Oroshi Kirin quest? Any rank/level is fine. A Savage Jho on the side would also be welcome.
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It'd work way better as a tv show with a monster of the week format.
Does IG not actually lose anything in aerial style? I thought these things were supposed to have trade offs.
The polevault's jump height is nerfed in Cross.
As in, white doesnt boost it anymore(not that the jump height boost was good anyway).
I-I don't get it.

Doesn't the pole vault become like a thrust forward?

as someone who's first MH is FU, whats the best game to move to after it? I was planning to play P3rd next, is this a bad idea?
3U is better because it has all of the content from p3rd and 3 and some new stuff.
can't use R+A
>He hasn't been watching the MH anime
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A TV Show?
You're in luck friend!
nerfed barroth tho
Hey man no one is stopping you hell I'm already doing it.
I guess she was just glad to find someone she loved.
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The monhun anime has character designs by miura though
You can already shitpost as Chameleos under chameleonshaking
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Ain't falling for this bait again.
It's an ad for a shitty spinoff game on mobile.
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Man I'm so excited for that show I hope it's comfy as fuck.
Actually I think I get it now. The pink dialogue in the 3rd pic is the deceased Tama instead of the new one.
MH is shonenshit. Translating that into live action would be very cringeworthy.
Doesn't seem like much of a nerf when the aerial jump gives you plenty of height anyway.
Was R+A that melee scent mark move that no one ever used, or was that something else?

Damn, so i have to get a 3ds which i probably wont have spare cash for this side of christmas. I basically want to play the versions with the most content. My free options are p3rd on emulator or frontier. Wii's are dirt cheap here though, is Tri worth a look? or should i just wait & go 3u then 4u? also, is it worth trying the ps2 games or will that be limited compared to FU?
Jump height boost is ver convenient for fighting in areas with high ledges and Monsters would jump back and forth between them.

The center area of Heaven's Mount comes to mind.
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Since you asked nicely
Dont touch the console versions, half of their content need you to go online and their servers have been obviously down for ages. You'd have to dwelve into modified .iso files that somehow unlock those in the emulator.
FU basically covers 95% of first and second gen. Of the free options P3rd is great for third gen despite shitposters telling you to avoid it because of MUH DIFFICULTY.
But if you really will manage to get a N3DS soon, skip P3rd entirely to get 3U (or 4U and later 3U if you really like it since 4U has online).
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Might as well shitpost until Page 9
3u doesnt have amatsumagatsuchi
haha time to ship seregios and raizex
Seregios won't survive such an electrifying courting ritual.
No it doesn't work like that bro.
>Extreme Kut-Ku
>Every other action is does causes its glowing spots to flash because it was so few attacks
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Not worth playing a title for one monster, not even my beloved Amatsu.
Plus playing either P3rd or 3U will spoil the other title because they share too much content.

I played P3rd and when I touched 3U years later it was a fucking boring ass piece of shit I had to force myself through over a year with constant pauses.
You have Cros-
>Muh babby styles, muh shonen supermoves
So fucking what?
Tough guy gets beat by a girl. Falls in love because she's tougher than him.
FU literally has all the content for the 1st and 2nd generation of MH so there is absolutely no reason to play any before that. Play FU first and then emulate p3rd if you still can't afford a 3ds. If you do get a 3ds though 3U and 4U are the definitive versions of 3rd gen and 4th gen at least until MHXG is made.
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>mh is ruined, so what
I wish I had some Amatsu pants
No, Anon, this was the biggest breath of fresh air it could have received.
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How would you rate MHO's theme?
What do you mean, wet pants? Girl pants?
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So how do I use the code that came along with my copy of MHX to register for the Monster Hunter Club? or is that not what it's for?
Tri was a breath of fresh air.
4 was a confused breath of moderately stale air.
X is a fine brown mist of diarrhea being spread all over the franchise.
P3rd started the cancer, X finished it.
Ichinose after FU has fallen from grace or rather, were no longer restrained by his staff.

As someone said this: "Ichinose makes money for Kaname to make good games".
Are there any weapons in MHX worth kicking people for like in 4U?
Playing Monster Hunter 4 mostly blind and I'm using the greatsword as my starting weapon.

Is it possible to quickly holster your weapon after a roll or while in mid-roll? My current tactic is do 2-3 hits, roll to gain distance, and back off with my weapon already holstered.
P3rd was nothing alike X.
P3rd was incredibly polished, X is Xtremely rough around the edges.
No, every weapon is good in Cross
Yes, GS.
>Kicking based on weapon type

Name please.
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Today I will remind them
GS rule number 1: Charge when possible.

With a blademaster weapon, you do not want to gain distance.
You want to stick close to the monster in spots where its attacks don't hit you.
People who do this shit are so fucking retarded

I play literally just about every melee weapon and I joined a random room with IG and Star Knight. I was typing out Hello! but the guy doesn't even give me a chance to do that and just says lol IG and star set, bye then kicks me.

Fucl him
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Get good at charging your GS as often as possible, and learn where you can stand close to a monster without getting hit long enough to get a charged hit in
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New thread:
>page 8
LS and GS unless they are using guild. Also all bushitters go. That's what I do and online is 100 times better for.
Holy shit do Tribabbies unironically think their game did the series any good?
Holy shit do P3rdbabbies unironically think their game did the series any good?
Holy shit do 3Ubabbies unironically think their game did the series any good?
P3rd, nah. But X and 4 have each contributed more good to the series than fucking Tri of all things.
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I have a weapon idea (for a MH that isn't cross)

>Great Claws
Two gigantic metal claws that have the special ability to "clash" monsters, kind of like mounting but having a full on melee battle with the monster. You can clash by pressing the block button after a monster does a certain attack. You only have a 0.15 second time frame orelse it will be a regular block. How often you can do it works like mounting

A clash can last up to 15 seconds and does 15% motion value damage per second. A succesful clash will result in a stun that lasts 15 seconds, if you fail to fill the clash gauge you will be mounted by the monster. Each clash gives you an affinity boost of 5%, up to a total of +15% affinity. The 3rd boost will also allow you to chain more attacks before a combo ends. (Normal combo is up to six hits)

Regular block has the blocking power of GS, you lose 5 points of sharpness. Motion values for attacks will range from 32-41%. Movement speed and attack speed are similair to the switch axe. Almost all final great claws have 20 points of purple sharpness, but have a negative affinity of AT LEAST 35%.

>Skills you can't use with great claws
>Razor sharp
>guard +2
>evade +3
>Quick sheath
There's a point where bait goes too far and you've clearly Xd it.

ok. Im well into FU and i wont change until ive seen every monster. Ive still got a long way to go (one quest away from lvl 6 elder quests and on lvl 5 guild quests) i'll go ahead with p3rd next then switch to 3u when i get a 3ds.

>online and their servers have been obviously down for ages

as i understand it theyre's a healthy online community for FU & p3rd on emulators. Can anyone confirm? I havent played online at all because i wanted to get gud first. I'm still solo'ing everything.
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