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/nosg/ - Nostalrius General

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Thread replies: 776
Thread images: 103

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Raiding Guilds with High Concentrations of VG members:
<Entitled> - Alliance
<Titans of War> - Horde (Whisper Final, Mertvyy, Pawkins, Sprinklz, or Relan for an invite)

Nostalrius VG Social/Leveling Guilds:
<Damage Control> - Alliance
<Salty Dogs> - Horde

>Who do I whisper to join <Guild>?
• /who <guild>

>Why isn't [guild] in the OP?
• It's not a /nosg/ guild
• It's not <Titans of War>
• It's a dead guild
• It's a joke guild

FAQ: http://pastebin.com/YbPhHZ7j (embed)
ADDONS: http://pastebin.com/pvfNSeN0 (embed)

Client Download and Connection Guide: http://pastebin.com/3vpxc0jG (embed)
Alternative Download : https://mega.nz/#F!uREG3Y6L!Jsk3RbBfPHKojOHMhVmbJg

BiS Lists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j81TgG0p_HrYKajiUiQfYIoSUx1culzy2u_Fc4wtiS8
Leveling Specs: http://imgur.com/a/aNm8V
Leveling Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Z2vplxWZACKmCpw1B8vexKQ2vwjRqFRjcJhHjAxxJg
Grinding Spots: http://capnbry.net/wow/gspots.php


Previous Thread: >>123726457
First for me
Second for you
So now that a long time has passed since retail, would it be possible to use tanky dps on 4 horsemen ( the ones in the back) or will the encounter be a guildkilling progress again?
Third for why did i start leveling a paladin to heal at 60
Meme class. Wait for a tbc server
>tanky dps
Is the PvE server any good? My friend wants to play but despises pvp.

New player here, I thought palas are pretty useful?
like a fury warrior, instead of a real tank. someone who can take a punch
The problem is not the spec, it's the fact that you need spell hit as a warrior to ensure that Taunt is never resisted, and thus not instantly fail the 4 horsemen fight. And the only way to give Taunt a higher hit % is to get the 4-set tier 3 bonus.
they have their use but when shit it the fan you can DI
Only really as healer. You can make dps and tank work, but it's an uphill battle, and it'd probably be a lot easier to just roll a different class. As a healer though, they will of course be fucking amazing, due to their buffs and having second to priest heals

If you want to tank or dps as a pally, you'll have to reply or something and maybe I can give you some pointers on how to MAYBE make it work
Useful for literally spamming FoL forever without running out of mana

I'll take any advice I can get, familia
No, you literally need 6-8 prot warriors with TF to make that fight "smooth".

They need specific resistance gear as well.
> (embed)
hakkar is hard as fuck
they should almost keep it like that
Or they can fix it and the others who wants the challenge can just ignore the spider or panther bosses because the fight is basically like attempting him without killing them right now anyway. Actually, I think I read somewhere that the Spider Aspect is bugged right now and will be applied in conjunction with the mind control right now regardless of if the Spider Boss is dead, which is why threat is wiped every time.
Or just don't kill certain priests
Scholomance horde side?
Every class is useful its jut paladins get regulated into being healers pve content wise. Which is fine but they're just not that fun to play. No healing rotation in this build of the game is that engaging but paladins literally just spam flash of light. Your strength is that you have a lot of defensive spells and buffs but you essentially become a heavily armored bard.
All 3 specs didn't get fun until TBC and they never evened out until Wotlk

If you like the concept of a paladin go for it but I for one played one for 10 years and am taking this time to play a class I never actually played in retail

Here is a link to the SUPER SEKRIT /nosg/ skype chat


im deleting this post soon, join now
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I've died so many times I've forgotten what life is.
welcome to dark souls
Not even nostalgia can save me from the pain that is spell resistance.
I swear to the Light that 30% of my Smites get resisted even when fighting monsters of same level.
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>About to die
Man, this thread a lot slower than it as a few months back.
At least ogkeker is dead, what happened to him?
Why did everyone leave?
i still post tiem to tiem this general just shit full and bad players xaxa
tucker's still here, and a lot of people might be raiding right now
I honestly don't even remember how the questline works, but with all the guilds clearing everything it shouldn't be hard for them all to have at least 1 person get it, right? I can't remember what the big cockblock for it was. Brood reputation or something?
Master Krah has returned!
Saw him wielding an Untamed Blade! He raids still!
There was also a trinket from the hydra in ZG that you could use. But yeah, having 8 warriors with 4 piece was the big barrier.
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>tfw us
>tfw can't make any raid times
Any guilds that raid evenings US times?
normie detected
>got seduced away from this grindfest for another grindfest game

Sorry friends, I promise I haven't forgotten ye.
any willing to spare me 1 gold?
Life is pain :^)

get a job, hobo
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hi 4chan
>everyone can make a raid at 3 am
Christ Man, even neckbirds need sleep
Why do you have three copies of wow open?
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>using smite
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>be hpriest
>cant do anything eliete even if they are green
Orc warrior or Orc warlock
Also which is more profitable, skinning or herbalism
>using smite
>not getting a wand ASAP
I vendor my stuff I skin. The prices are rock bottom.
5 silver is a fortune for who just began playing.
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>people actually level as holy
now you must accomplish your dreams of becoming a meme warrior
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i fell in love with a nelf today
Any interest in a guild on the PvE server?
new player here: what class should I roll? Thinking of shaman.
Did you move your character frames with MoveAnything? I tried it and it reset to normal whenever I logged off so I gave up.
then go shaman
i like waiting patiently for windfury procs too
what else if not shaman is good for a new player?
shaman is perfect just bind your totems
ZG is nice and all but I wish those eurokeks would fix their formulas for spell hit considering talents and other things. This shit is ridiculous.
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>girl on girl

You can replace it with guy on guy if you prefer that, bud.
Even straight men can agree that guy on guy is better than girl on girl.
>not trap on girl
I dunno man all I watch is trap porn and I'm straight as heck.
how retarded is troll/warrior combo
animations are nice. Nothing special in pvp though.
it's apparently the least played combo in the game. orc is much better for dps, tauren for tanking. but it's a warrior so it's not the biggest deal.
>start to get bored of my class
>get the urge to reroll
>look up the abilities of all the other classes and realize they're all pretty boring and then feel better about mine
How do you guys deal with the alt itch?
Easily. I leg an alt get full rested exp before leveling. I am almost 60 on my main and since I unfortunately picked a high population class I will be doing a lot of group searching to get bis items so on slow days I can level and alt that is high in demand
Hey guys, I just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed playing with you and had a lot of laughs and fun with you since Nos launched.

I'm pretty sad and won't be on anymore, and I'm a random anon, but I appreciate the good times we had together. Take it easy, /nosg/.
Why are you sad? Why are you leaving?
Wish I could upvote this post.
are you new? giving (You)s is 4chan's way of upvoting

yeah it's just moveanything and an addon to put class icons in portraits
his name is now ajtucker and he is in Blizzard Legal Team
Life is just pretty shit and WoW isn't capable of being a placebo to keep me going anymore.

Thanks for being my friends, senpai.
Don't kill yourself if that's what you're thinking of at least. Shit will get better
If you're thinking about killing yourself, don't do it senpai

Instead come play alliance :^)
>tfw want to roll priest but don't want to spend so long getting to 60 and gearing 2 chars
Are servers offline?
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I hope you gave it to Theyang.
MT got it.
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Feels good man.
reminder that if you don't have at least full T1 by now you probably won't raid naxx.
>Just started playing today

I didn't feel like taking every piece but the ones I'd use because they're more useful disenchanted. am I still fucked??
why not
does anyone even go to this? I honestly could use people to talk to
what's it called
its a program that can allow more memory to be allocated to games that didnt exist when we made 4gig RAM etc etc let me look for it-
found iiiiit

hope you see this and i hope it helps
why did the priest get the paladin, warrior etc item?
Are you retarded?
Cloudkeeper? It's BoE. Gonna pass that out later.
aight boy
tfw want tf but will NEVER E V E R get it.
you won't have enough time to gear up for it.
maybe if you're a tank with preraid gear right now and you get lucky with loot.
>end game for horde is camping lowbies

>10 slot bag dropped off lv28 gnoll
thanks rngods
got 12slot knapsack from 36s
>end game for ally dindus is camping lowbies

Eh as someone close to 60 I don't see the rush honestly, content is being released so slowly that people have plenty of time to gear up if persistent
Except ally aren't the dindus you mid hut nigger
>mad dindus
>calling white people niggers
subhuman logic
naxx is in july.

to do naxx you need to be aq geared
to do aq you need to be bwl geared
to do bwl you need to be mc geared
to do mc you need to be preraid bis

1 item at best per week
good luck
Does skinning have anything worth posting on the ah? So far everything seems better to vendor than to ah. The prices are almost less than the vendor price.
what addon do you need to see crit chance and other good stats in character window?
>I did AQ40 and BWL in ZG and MC gear in vanilla

Maybe it was hunters, maybe you're exaggerating
True but I was late to the party(not an excuse). Plus it isn't as if the content is going away when more is rolled out, there will still be plenty of time and plenty of groups running content plus with 11 years of info more people are able to clear
undercutters are literally the saddest people on the planet

theres people who literally undercut merchants in the auction house
free profit then nice
whats the only working postal addon called?
undead warlocks no matter what race are the biggest fucking dindu niggers on this chingchong server
no matter what sex*
I believe you mean rogues
i'm not exaggerating.

for naxx you definitely need full T2 minimum. with some aq gear. especially tanks.
and don't forget all the fucking resist gear you gotta farm. just doing that will take a month.

if you haven't at least killed nefarian by now, you won't be relevant at naxx release. maybe a couple of months after release when other guilds have already cleared it.
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you could get a fresh 60 ready for naxx in 2months probably
I have an undead warlock and I leave everyone alone. wait, no, there was this one time I was looking for rexxar and some shitter horde fury warrior charged at me while whispering me to help them because a paladin was attacking them. I should have let him die because he was being a little bitch.
>you could get a fresh 60 ready for naxx in 2months probably
Anyone on pvp horde wanna give me money, would be swell...
ok 2-3months, also depends on class
your retarded though if you think that new players wont be ready for naxx at this time.
Good thing I am not concerned with realm firsts and that shit and can enjoy the game at a more leisurely pace
at 6 am central paris time
This fucking place is filled to the brim
with niggers
rogue niggers and orc niggers and laintime impersonators
not a single ally
proof that horde is a faction for gookniggers and canadians
I picked an undead rogue, my entire point in playing is getting to 60 and getting blood fang gear then I will camp a bottleneck heavy populated area (like Stonetalon is with hordies)

And just literally camp there day in and out
>upset dindu
>stonetalon with hordies
Except stonetalon is spread the fuck out and hardly camped. Enjoy your autism I guess?
keep talking to yourself
>emo dindu
you're absolutely insane. you're really underestimating naxx. you're probably thinking you can do it because you did the wotlk version of naxx.
23 guilds killed KT in total. which guild were you in faggot?

you're ogtucker right? weren't you like 12 back then?
by the way all you do is pvp and post pics of you next to a lvl 30 corpse.

absolutely retarded.
Uh my point was that if I was an alliance I'd camp stonetalon because around Sun rock it's narrow and you have 3-5 non mounted hordies there per minute
>NEETS need to sleep

Nigga I sleep when I feel like it and get up when I feel like it
Plus muh streamers are mostly American
every leveling zone is 200% horde and level 60 dindus
nothing else
not a single ally that actually speaks english
>weren't you like 12 back then?
Isn't keker keker like 14 now?
2 months with a fresh 60 will get you full preraid bis with a couple of pieces from MC.
he's 17 now how could he possibly above 4 when nax came out
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>he isn't storming into the enemy capital cities, pillaging and raping everything in sight.

oh anon.
this. getting a fresh 60 ready for naxx will take at least half a year.
depending on your positioning in a raiding guild (for loot), and your class.
Also time spent farming shit for yourself.
whatever fags il have better gear than all you in about 10 weeks
Good thing I'm holding out for TBC.
>He didn't play on Doomhammer
>He never met EG
>He never pugged Naxx
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whatever you say bb
except i literally will lol
post name
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alright man, I don't doubt you :')
well yea if you're the maintank obviously you're gonna get every piece of gear you want, and even then it's gonna take several months.
let alone being a fucking trial mage in a huge guild where 10 other people need the same loot you need. hell you might be looking at a year to be naxx ready.

no you're not.
r10 on wenesday
i can easily do 10-13 in 10 weeks rofl
so you can do nax gear in 3 weeks wot
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and you think pvping is gonna help you in naxxramas?
i will start raiding when aq comes out to get some pve shit and have you seen the updated 12/13 sets? dont you worry about me, kid :)
he will use teh best!! pvp gear to beat the instance yo
you're the guy that has to wait outside of the raid because he can't possibly cope with the mechanics.
don posting in this thred full of idiets godnite /nosg/ ))
stay bad xo xo
kids confirmed for using the term "kid" and laughing in text because they're immature
>Got Humar
feels pretty good
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When AQ comes out at least 30 guilds will have been farming BWL for 7 months, that means nearly everyone will be close to full bis.

Any new member will get full t2+ some other pieces in 3 weeks and be ready for AQ.

It already happened in my guild when we took a new hunter recently, he's just getting every piece since the others have them.

Of course you need to be lucky and play a lot but when Naxx comes out you could do level 1 to good AQ/BWL gear in 2 months easily. Many guilds will kick shit members they can't afford to bring in naxx.
>a fight was hard when it was released 10 years ago when the raiding community was in its infancy compared to now, with a FRACTION of the shit available to us now
>it will still be super hard now
honestly dude LFR is harder than naxx was mechanics wise these days
So i just started.

pve or pvp server.

I just wana get started so anywhere where then endgame is better/more populated let me know.
yes, mechanics wise it's not that hard. we all know that.

but to get 40 people on the same page is hard. and it takes a long time to get ready for naxx. definitely not 2 fucking months like >>123941640 said. it's mathematically not possible unless you're getting carried.
I'm in the same boat.
PvP server - tried it, get shit-ass lag that's server side struggling to handle the bullshit pop. About 1 to 1.5 full seconds of lag interacting with quest givers or buying / selling, etc.

PvE Server - tried it, smooth as silk, reasonable population size (1.5 to 2k is what the fucking server software was meant to handle), but it's a gay PvE server. If you see that asshole tagging a quest mob with a long respawn timer, or see someone barely away from you mining a Thorium node, you can't do shit.

Kronos is a super great server that will NOT have its population recover. It's on a slow downward spiral that Valkyrie and Emerald Dream sunk into.

So, shit. Best of luck - I'm waiting for a better option.
>waiting for something better than the best
maybe not live in a third world country would fix your issues
>1 to 1.5 seconds
I think that's you. The server is definitely overpopulated but the lag isn't at that point.
where do you farm mageweave?
burger detected.

europe masterrace here. i noticed no delay or lag at all yesterday with 10k people online in ZG.
auction house
Europe here aswell, I had spikes tonight, sometimes I would get a 1sec delay from interacting with anything
Viper just reset the fucking forum.
Are druids really that shit in vanilla?

I'm totally cool with being relegated to healing only but I don't want to roll a class that's just totally sub-par at everything.
They aren't that bad. Just the clear 3rd on the healing totem pole.
What would you say the rankings are then?
Priest > Shaman > Druid

Paladin = Priest > Druid

All have their niche and their specialty. Druids cast weaker but very efficient heals and have great longevity so they can save their innervates for priests that have a better healing toolbox.

That being said as a resto druid on either faction you WILL get a raid spot with just about any guild you choose.
Well paladin and priest both seem awful to level so druid it is I guess.
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Go for it. Druids are actually pretty fun healers imo. Nothing is more boring than paladin healing.
false relarm
trading 38 undead rogue for 30+ male human rogue
Uhh, I just grabbed this, but does everyone play on the pve or pvp server?
PvP was the original so there are more but there's still a fair amount on the PvE
PvP server is for men

PvE server is for women and homesexuals
PvP is for masochists

PvE is for people that have better things to do than get killed by level ?? yolo 360 noscope faggot rogues every 5 minutes
>PvP is gonna make you wish so many times you rolled PvE

>PvE is gonna make you wish so many times you rolled PvP

In all seriousness, go PvP, If you endure, it's far more rewarding.
Help /nosg/

Druid or Warlock

The way I see it:
>Worse to level
>Easier to find dungeon groups with because heals
>If BC server ever happens can fill all 3 roles effectively
>Enjoy the style of the class more

>Far, far easier to level
>Harder to find 5-man groups for, but desirable for raids as a summon slut and good damage
>Was strong in vanilla but doomed to a lifetime of mediocrity in every expansion afterwards
the fuck is the point of wow if its not for dynamic pvp encounters
tbc will literally never be released
It's pretty funny that people bitch about babby PVP in WoW when you lose absolutely nothing from it compared to say EVE where you could lose everything from being a dumb cunt.

>Worse to level

Wat. Even compared to a warlock, druid is good. Not to mention that's its far more satisfying to level a druid then a warlock. I have both classes at level 60.
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I feel satisfied leveling a druid 100% as healer, doesn't make it legit m8
what times fit you? dankk budz (horde) raid on mostly west coast times.
I'll admit that I'm a US player, but the point stands. Zero (0) problems on the PvE server, server side lag issues from the PvP server.

Direct the hate back to the Nostalrius staff. A second PvP server leaching off the sub level 40 players from the first server would have done wonders for hardware stress issues and people getting Herbs on both servers. PvE servers always, ALWAYS wither and die in the private server scene.
There were literally over 10k people online on Sunday, I raided with 0 issues and no crashes. Lag was really minor thanks to the lowered draw distance.
anyone know the name of the track that plays when you enter freewind post at thousand needles?
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>tfw you go to sleep and when you check your mail the next day all your action house items sold out
with the amount of people playing i'm surprised you could make money without getting undercut by a server with a 5 digit playerbase on it
I play on the PvE server though.
ah that makes more sense. keeping jewing up m8
Nah faggots still undercut by half the item's value or worse, valor bracers spiked from 30-40g down to 10g and I haven't been able to give mine away anymore. Shards are trickling down as well.
Everyone's poor as fuck except the 1%ers farming away, so everyone is just undercutting simply trying to make any money at all to afford the next raid/enchant/other.
lock was best dps class in tbc though
yeah wow's AH system is fucking horrible
>plays on 10k pop server
>surprised the economy is shit
>dindu who can't read about pve economy
Why are gnomes such little shits?

They are a huge minority of the alliance population, but are responsible for 80% of ganks.
>play ally
>be in teens to early twenty level
>travel to westfall
>every npc is dead to an infernal
>a shitty gnome pitbull fan called emptora is there spamming "DALE WITH IT"
Yeah gnomes are shit
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Can i use a throwaway mail to register the account?
>tfw made another friend while leveling
I'd say Aristotle was more into science and politics than existentialism.
Shame bloodlord and hakkar are bugged but otherwise zg has been pretty good.

Though we did aggro one of those frenzy fish while walking over a bridge.
Bloodlord is still very doable, hakkar is fucked unless your raid is swimming in T2
Any chance Hakkar will be fixed on Wednesday with the server downtime?
what makes leveling legit then
Which class and race combo is the most likely to chimp out?
Which spec should I level a rogue if I want to mess with people in wpvp?
I certainly hope so, but doesn't ZG reset today?
Reset was today but usually they apply fixes during the weekly server downtime.
undead rogue
first time i've literally rubberbanded 200 meters into 5 enemies and died
Well hopefully my raid leader doesn't force us to throw our gold away on hakkar
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cyberpunk dryad
Try listening through this. You'll stumble upon it sometime.
What the fuck, delete this.
how the fuck are you suppode to get mining to 65

copper doesn't give shit
you do it hard?
Mine.. tin?
it says i can't mine tin until 65
Yeah I tried flicking through to catch the beginning but it seems I couldn't get it but maybe it's apart of something? Heard that Blizzard didn't release every track also.
then fucking mine harder
and smelt more copper
and if you wanna buy copper from the gooks you can just type 铜
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it hurts /nosg/ .. i miss all the shitposting salty dogs vs boku no banter

post all your images/webms
That upload has all the tracks, including those not released by blizzard.
Here's the one only with the tracks released by blizzard, if you're interested:
Another thing I want to add to your post is the added gearing up factor that ZG provides. In addition, it is even better than looking at realmplayers for raider evaluation by running a 20-man: you can truly see who is a shitter and who isn't.
Do you have any tips for not being a shitter?

for what purpose?
WoW music is so godlike
in molten wotlk while in darnasus you'd get crashes every 2 seconds while standing still because the old game didnt allow memory usage at levels where you needed to use em so you'd use that program on the .exe to allow to use your modern rig potential to play the game without crashing due to memory issues ever again

I see
>implying anyone will be getting a good raid spot in dbc

top lmao
I'll have to shift through it all and hopefully I find it cause that single track stuck out to me but thanks for the links
hey keker how much have you been paying those chinks to piggyback on their premades that still lose to pugs that halfway try?
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just like his darkskinned fuckbuddy
timeless kek
based lazer
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did final pay to raid with fucking damage control?
Haha LOL

Us highschoolers! We sure know how to bait a couple of schmucks. Can't wait to tell the guys at school about this one!
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such a fucking shitter no wonder he got banned
good night grandma
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i miss finalflash, mocking him is not the same thing without him around.
Keker doesn't "piggyback" of chinks he just plays like 12 hours a day.
fooling nobody
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I'm not keker I just see him in pugs all the time.
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you dont need to defend me from random noobs like that guy, their opinion means nothing because they are nothing
that literally isnt me
that's some horrible typing so yeah, probably someone from here
What level should I start tanking DM?
60 senpai
>bad in BC
don't listen to these keks, you can do dead mines east at 58 min
I played lock in BC, I got killed by absolutely everyone. I have no memory of killing anyone by myself.
were you SL/SL?
you are really bad then because locks were op as fuck and as SL/SL they were literally god mode and when paired with a resto druid shit was near unbeatable
all the friends i make leveling are chinese
one of them tried to teach me chinese but the characters didnt show up for me
Anyone know what time Dreamstate raids?
I picked stats without looking at a guide. Same with my enchants, gems, gear and everything else.
Just downloading the game, any recommendations on server/class/spec etc?

Gunna be nostalgia-ing everywhere when I get in game.
>I was a retard so locks were bad in BC
Even in S3/S4 when War and Rogue really started dominating arena Locks were a close third and could easily get Glad if they were good. And they still competed with fucking WARGLAIVE ROGUES in Sunwell.
you can probably google "sl/sl" to read about the spec's legacy as possibly one of the most bullshit specs to ever exist in WoW. nothing was really bad/good in wotlk due to homogeneity, and I doubt that changed.
>tfw you kill hakkar in 2 tries and these lessers whine on the forums

play on the pvp server, other than that you can do whatever you like
we nearly killed hakkar by kiting him around the temple thing, but every time we got close something would happen for him to drop aggro (the kiter died or got MCd) and he would travel through the temple and reset. when you're kiting for several minutes it's bound to happen once. what a nightmare.
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>20 fps in org
>increase graphics
>50 fps

flawless logic
dont listen to him

the pvp server is literally full
><Titans of War> - Horde (Whisper Final, Mertvyy, Pawkins, Sprinklz, or Relan for an invite)

I whispered Final to gibs invite but he said they aren't accepting people from /vg/. Why is this in the OP?
We had 4 wipes on Mandokir but Hakkar 1st try easily.

I pulled aggro really fast and died after 20 secs but we finished with 16 alive.
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>faggots on ah undercutting vendors now

whAt the FUck

Cheers man, just got to decide what to roll now.
You should seriously avoid rogue warrior and hunter.

Also don't go horde if you can't stand epic memers and edgy kids trolin you.
Don't listen to spergs like >>123980382 play what you want
>tfw like pvp but will probably never got to a notable rank for gear
Shit sucks, why even bother
Who cares, just PvP for shit and giggles.
The rank grind takes all the fun out of it.
Yea but eventually you're gonna get tired of getting shit on by people with better gear ;_;. I might as well play retail since gladiator gear is achievable...but retail sucks.
Yeah make sure you won't find any group any level and be ganked on sight by everyone 24/7.
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man u no he be underground and shit rocking a classy waterpipe smoking Siidh warrior outfit
pvp gear sucks anyway, use dungeon and raid stuff and rek the pvpfags
Krah was promoted irl, now he works as an airport security supervisor of sorts.
AKA he is now protecting you IRL too, feel the safety nosg
It will not be guild killing because guilds know exactly what is coming and will be able to deal with it in the next year or two before it actually is released. There really won't be 'progression' since I actually know most of the raid guild leaders and a lot of them are veterans from guilds like midwinter, death and taxes, etc.

They already know this content well and are doing it for fun and nostalgia. Most likely it will be cleared in only a few weeks simply as gear actually allows.
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EPL or Loch Modan, cant remember
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>get Paladin to 60
>FoL FoL FoL FoL
I forgot about this
The farstrider lodge in loch modan
As a joke he hates people from /nosg/ only one of the others might invite you
bonebiter's better than ww axe?
>get priest to 60
>flash heal
>half rank flash heal
>flash heal
>heal spam if bone dry OOM
>renew if sustained damage
>keep renews on tanks
>max rank greater heal if able
>downranked greater heal if 8/8 t2
>keep an eye on your party for prayer of healing
>half rank prayer of healing if there's too much overhealing
>shield in very rare instances where someone is about to die
should have rolled a paladin (FoL only), shaman (CH only), or druid (no one cares) tbqh
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that's loch modan
you can buy limited alchemy recipes for 20s and sell them for couple gees on AH during nighttime
its also where people get their first timed quests to kill some skunk dunk greeny weenies
>playing paladin in vanilla
Only for the extremely faithful
>pvp gear sucks anyway
Have you seen the updated 12/13 sets?
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This quest is bugged it's supposed to be a level 54 quest.
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what have you done
you're so autistic it hurts
what retarded tripfag shit conversation about irrelevant persons is this
>tfw you will never have autism
>you will always have to take breaks between repetitive tasks because of boredom
stv must be even more fun with all this ZG going on
>no tripcode

I don't understand.

Why do you think anyone here would care or want to see this post?
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hakkar is fun right?
Does anyone play Horde side on the pvp server?
nah it's like 95% alliance
You dont need autism, you just need dedication.
>get paladin to 60
>no one needs healers
>start playing my hunter
>only dps people want are mages and locks
Useless no matter what
Why spread misinformation like that?

He's ebin trole bro
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what does grinding have to do with autism??
Why ask retarded questions when there's a fucking counter on the front page of the website?
posting kloney anime reaction images has something to do with beaner autism
>over 7000 people online on PVP server
How does the server function with a population that big? How does anyone farm anything and how does anyone find a group for anything.
Hi am new to vanilla how good is spriest @ 60?

OP as fuck
How do I see the world chat?
/join world
Why would a higher population make finding a group harder?
Because too many people are trying to find groups.
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pretty sure the level isnt the only thing wrong with that
>ching chong warrior wants to dps and take plategear
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Who starting /aqconsumables/ list here?
>Dat feel when I dont wanna be healer or undead for raids
>Dat feel when I realised it after first raid as a holy undead priest
>Dat feel when on PvE
>Dat feel when instant regret hits you and you havent been on ever since
Anyone know the names of the Chinese guilds?
I want to know who to avoid
i would also enjoy this list
Just look for anyone using the word "and" instead of "so" when talking back to you because they're either chinese or a 12year old from sweden i should know because i made the same mistake in warcraft3
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You're gonna have to explain to me how you came to this conclusion.
What is the most relaxing class to raid as. Healing just stressed me out.
Mage, just press one button and you're good to go.
Don't even have to move for most boss fights.
warrior tank
fuck off retard

nobody expects you to do good dps, just keep your debuff at 5 stacks and chill

Heal you fucking pussy, it's the most fun and intense role
How is tanking relaxing
I'd be stressed as fuck since if we wipe I'll be blamed
if you download a program named mpqediten, you can look at all the files in wow. i got a wrath download and got the music from it, because grizzly hills is comfy
mage because one button
i was joking
i like melee dps in wow because all i do is follow all the other melee dps i dont even know what im doing
hopefully i can do just that here
Blood and Honor
The Twilight
Death Angel
Wizen Eyes
The Alliance Pub (not sure)
don't forget Moon and Silver Hand
Bo Ko Ni Ga what the fuck ever you know this one
so many cancerous dog eaters
Wizen Eyes and Death Angles and KGB are russian i think.
The only foreign name i like is Death Angels that sounds cool
>new dwarf fortress version is out
do people get caught buying gold?
and where should i buy gold?
I have heard that Nost permabans people that buy gold, however my only source is Barrens chat...
You can buy my gold, friend.
yea but how do they catch goldbuyers?
No they can't and ownedcore. Google it.
i need 300g horde side. how much you want?
that was fast
I'm not sure how they could catch people. I'm racking my brain for details but I can't think of anything. Make an account with a different email and try it and see if you get banned. If you don't just send the gold to your other characters.
Sorry I'm on Alliance, can't transfer those without taking a massive cut from Neutral AH.
<love and family>
Are chinese.
These guildnames literally sounds like something a new player back in 2005 would use.
>chinese are literally the only thing about palyerbase that didnt change since the vanilla days
feels batman
i read some posts on the forum of people getting banned for buying gold but they must be retarded and say stuff like ''$50 for 500g agree????''

i don't think there's a way they can catch you if you just discuss everything on skype. they can't ban people because a lvl 1 gave 500g to someone. it happens all the time (bankers, alts, whatever)
paladins are the best. I bet your guild doesn't even let you have ashkandi and other warrior loot like mine. losers!
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>Mention in general how I like vanilla better but think druids not getting their main leveling form until 20 is poor game design since it changes their playstyle completely after 20 levels of wrath spamming
>Get immediately flamed with "go back to retail then" mixed with circlejerking about how much friendlier and more accepting nostalrius's community is
True, so I suppose as long as someone practices discretion and communicates on skype they should be fine. I did some googling about ownedcore and apparently people are buying gold all the time on there.
>Nostalrius Community
>Chinks, niggers, and autists
I believe Grateful Heart is also Chinese, or at least seem like it lol
What >>123994749 said, you basically spam frostbolt until Naxx.
Or find a guild that isnt ran by roidraged raid leaders that chimp out when you play totembot and skip out on a couple raids to do something else.

Never again top guild raiding, never again.
You'll find retards everywhere. Unfortunately the tards that play on nost are very vocal and think vanilla's design is completely infallible.
>anyone complains at any point about someone ganking them
The server is full of Germans and Danes, the nicest people in the world.
And then you get cat form, but dont get your first stealth opener ability, or Ferocious Bite until 32. Optimum class design.

Its either that or they demand you go roll on the PvE server, since apparently warning others should only be reserved on a blueflagging server.
I haven't forgotten that they never apologized for the bloodbath.
what bloodbath
tuckers moms asshole
What do I do if raiding is boring and pvp sucks dick in vanilla
But that literally sucks dick.
And there's probably nobody to ERP with here anyway, not anyone who's not retarded at least.
there's plenty
Really? Where do I find people?
How about instead of ERPing like a faggot you actually go and prostitute yourself so you at least gain some money and real pleasure you fucking faggot.
stockholm bloodbath
danish government refuses to admit they're savages who condoned the slaughter of civilians
Don't listen to him about nostalrius ERP, everyone here is an amateur. ERP on F-list like a normal person.
Yeah they were that price before they fucking skyrocketed
I'm socially awkward, a virgin and not very nice looking.
Wouldn't really work.
Thought so
no1 likes a victim frändo


Those nogs had it coming for commencing a siege on the arch bishop desu senpai
>Dane supporters in this thread
literally disgusting
>Swedes in this thread
literal keks
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>level 60 camping me
If you're alliance there's two good people that I know of. If you're horde you're shit out of luck unless you like fuck ugly shemales and furfaggotry
>not wanting to be bred by ugly shemales
>wanting to live in brazil
He is right tho, I have decided to kill every rogue/warrior/hunter that is lower or equal level than me. Because these are the classes I've been ganked by the most <3
>Is already ganking every Female nelf hunter, pretty sure almost all of them are chinese, so is doing the server a favor.
>first time doing the full run of MC
>oneshot Rag

it's probably not super impressive or anything, but I was pumped as hell
Wouldn't mind getting to check out the ally people you know.
If there's an alive ERP community on horde side I wouldn't mind playing there either.
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pic related ^^
>tfw never raided since I'm a tank and I'm too anxious to find a guild or pug raids since I'm worried I would fuck up
kill me
>Wanting to be typefucked by sweaty basement-dwelling twigs, and not manly bros who lift, though dwarves are pretty awesome.
Way to delete your post m8
holy fuck first time i have ever had my sound on in wow and just heard ironforge music
pretty awesome
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Domo is harder than Rag IMO. Grats regardless.
I have a hard time deciding what to level, I currently have a warrior, mage and rogue in the twenties.

And yes, they're all undead (been undead since vanilla so shut it about the meme xxvurtnexx grimyolo - I played with Vurtne actually)

Anyway, in wrath and cata I had all three maxed out. But since this is vanilla it takes a god damn long time to level up.


literally no one cares and fuck off we're full

If that's the case -- I made my account when Nost was one month old, leveled to lvl 15 and quit until about 2-3 weeks ago.
Depends what race you are on Alliance.
If you are intent on being a cancer-tier player, go with the rogue.
Male human. Might make more characters later though.
All of those are meme tier combos but warrior is probably the better choice out of them.

i'm already doing my job and ganking redridge day and night
>all these ass blasted casters mad they can't DPS as good as rogue

Sure keep talking about how 'useless' rogues are I'll just be over here drinking your tears
Who are you talking to?
Cyanei will help you out if you're perverted enough ^^

Your mum you little bitch pussy

staraptor, you little shit
Guys I just finished deadmines for the first time and it was intense as fuck.

What's raiding going to be like?
How perverted are we talking about?
Can you have multiple priests complete The Balance of Light and Shadow or can you only do it one at a time?
>What's raiding going to be like?
Exciting at first then boring as you watch half the raid get carried by the other half.
I wish all the weebs on nost would leave and play a weeb game like FF14 instead of corrupting my western mmo with their weebness.
find out for yourself thats half the fun ^^

be prepared to cum a lot
Is "Are We There Yeti?" bugged?

Quixil isn't in ungoro.
You should really kill yourself.
spending 4 hours straight in stockades using torture tables perverted
That sounds a bit excessive to me.
>he doesnt edge for 4 hours and then feel pain for 2 days straight while knowing it was absolutely worth it
Must feel bad being inexperienced neet
you sound like a bit of a wimp anon, that sweet release will be the best feeling in the world




Fuck off faggot it isn't bugged. Go sperg out in world chat.
I have a level 60 hunter and druid both with pretty decent gear I want to trade for a gw2 account, the account can have absolutely nothing on it I just don't want to buy the game but I want to play it. Add me on skype yes_imhereagain
>get hyped to play nost the second I come home
>end up playing 4 hours after I come home.
this is also me
Quixil isnt fucking there, idiot.
Either you're blind or a retard since I've done that quest fine on 3 chars.
Because you have to do Mommy's list of chores.
Oh, and don't forget your homework.
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That is literally you


It's bugged.
Kys sperg the quest works fine. You spent more time autistically raging than actually finishing the quest.


Top kek
>Submitted on 2015-06-13 02:59
That's even earlier from when I finished the quest so you can go suck a dick. It works fine.
Except you are fucking retarded because plenty of people have completed it since then, including me.

I'm standing infront of where Quixx should be right now, not there.

Come to ungoro, retards.

Maybe he got wacked and you have to wait for respawn
If he really isn't there then it's a new bug that came with the ZG patch or he's somehow died/been kited away.
Just fuck off and cry in the forums retard
does whatever the other person wants, so up to you
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My moms dead.
Yep, now you know how wrong you are.

Been here for about 50 minutes, no respawn.
Idiots. I knew I was right. I knew it.
Cry more bitch nigga
>calling us idiots after sitting still doing nothing for a hour but whine on 4chan and looking up a 6 months old bug report, which was proven to be invalid
Got us good
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>get called out on post ZF bug
>resort to shitposting

Pic related, it's what you'd get if you ever met me irl.
Hey Atleast they didn't sit around waiting for a quest giver that's bugged

>That toothpick wrist

Lol sure buddy. Pretty sure my mom would kick your ass
>holy nova nerf so I can't farm lashers for gold
kill me
It's just the angles.
>tfw no matter how much I lift my wrist will never become bigger
i want to kill myself
Our Lord has ascended to protect those in another world you say?
It was only natural.

First it was the humans of the Alliance, soon His protection extended to the other races...then Lord Krah started protecting members of the Horde...it was only natural, that His protection would extend to other universes and nations.

Praise the Paragon of Protection.
Shall we ever be behind his shield
Nah it ain't bugged faggot
It could be worse.

You could be bald or a manlet.
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>holy nova nerf
Where is your proof that it is bugged cunt?
It's been nearly 2 hours now. Still no respawn.
How was it nerfed?
hopefully they don't fix it soon, but the GM in my guild said soon so now I'm afraid
Keep waiting faggot he'll respawn because it's not bugged
Healsluts btfo
Well, just confirmed that the quest is bugged.

A few people also trying to do it have been looking around for even longer than me.
>hakkar getting fixed next restart
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What the shadowpriest spell thats put 4 dots on you and then you die instantly called?
Oh cool I'll have to try it out thanks
I fucked it all up, didn't I
Great proof. No pics, no bug tracker, nothing.
Go to ungoro and look, I'm not pandering to some mere kid.
Not even UD priests have 4 DoTs
>wah it's bugged ANSWER ME
>It's totally bugged, look at this out of date bug tracker
>y-you all are just shitposting go look
>go see for yourself "kid"
Go to ungoro, kid.

I'll literally pay you if you can find the NPC.
Fucking realmplayer wont update our raid :((
Grats Gucci
dat fish doe
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>tfw too poor to raid
i'm not feeling that autistic today
Honestly a bit surprised since last time he took like 2 years to put out an update
LNP when
so basically my guild is going balls to the walls in ZG but i fucking hate it there and i literally don't need anything.

all i want to do is MC and BWL.
should i just not show up at ZG?
Why do you use that?
Because I'm lazy
Are they ignoring MC and BWL for it? Maybe try joining some pugs or something for gear?
>not liking ZG
Are you a dps? Just let the raid leader know, I'm sure that he won't force you to go to ZG and will find another guildie to replace you.
I like dwarves. I don't think I've ever been ganked by them.

If you're a dwarf, I like you.
Gnome though, fuck them
Just do it for rep. It doesn't take that long. After AQ comes out there isn't enough time to run ZG anyway

Trolls are bro-tier, tauren being a close second. Fuck all undead tho
Dwarves are about level with trolls as far as chillness goes. Gnomes are almost as bad as UD
no but i'm not going to spend my evening 2-3 times a week on raids where i know i'm not going to get any upgrades.

i'm maintank
Sounds like a tough choice
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>play undead
>gank everyone I see, even if they are 50 levels lower than me
Don't forget to /spit on their corpse
>tfw I have ally and horde characters
>have an ud priest
>will avoid it but know I will be attacked everywhere
>I have to strike first then
>I am becoming the dindu
How are you even supposed to level as an undead.

Literally every mob in the starting are is being killed by someone always
>doing starting areas

My guild wiped on Bloodlord a few times but we eventually got him down. How is he bugged? I got the goat tanking sword too

We've one shotted Hakkar both times we've raided, and we only killed Chrom last BWL reset (still no Nef).
>will of the forsaken second I'm mind controlled
>priest throws their self in the lava
I have to try doing this more
>I only want to do raids where I get gear
Act like that when your raid does MC every week for your thunder fury faggot
High pop server. That is the case in most starting areas. It gets better after the first few zones
Thx! :) Didnt win the hearth tho :(
Ye that fucking wanted in on the action!
>can play both horde and alliance on a PvP server

Blasphemy, this is not blizz like at all.
He will still sometimes charge and kill people even if they stand still and do nothing
This can cause him to get big fast if you have slow dps
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I'm getting Gloom Weed PTSD flashbacks
Probably in a few days. They're fast, but there's a lot of new shit.
high, a GM told us a fix will happen on a server reset today or tomorrow
>not getting herblore just for that quest
That quest is a waste of time unless you plan to go herb
>not to get gear

I don't understand
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Thinking of playing this server. Should I go horde or alliance? Just a shutin looking for a comfy game to escape into and maybe making a friend or something
tfw no qt undead gf
any more WoW fanart?
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I don't have much saved. Just some undead stuff, but there's hardly any decent looking forsaken art unfortunately.
tfw no gf at all
PvP server both sides are pretty much even, PvE server is heavily alliance sided I think.
It's a pretty comfy game to just grind gold and xp on. Dungeons and raids are fun as well as long as you don't start to get too stressed out from having idiots in your groups and stuff, or trying to get a single item for 20+ runs.

You'll make friends while you play, just chat with people and be sociable, join guilds while leveling and see if you could make friends in there. You can try here as well if you like, there's some genuinely very nice people in this thread surprisingly.
Try asking for someone to level with from here when you make a char, could make a very nice friend.
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Alright. Is there a census post for both servers? I'll probably just play the PvP one, that's the most populated right?

Looking at forsaken fanart has made me want to stick to them, so I'll probably go horde. Though orgrimmar kind of gives me a headache, especially compared to something like ironforge.

Was going to play a rogue but now I'm leaning more towards a warlock.
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>people that use bagnon
If I have a latency of 4k it's pretty much impossible to group, right? I'm just gonna be stuck soloing?
How is it possible to have such a bad connection?
How do you even attack something?
>people that use bartender

you're a disgusting human being.
I am no joke on dial up
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Check the nost forums, should be census posts for both servers.
PvE server has a 2.5k player cap and as far as I know, it doesn't hit it very often if at all.
PvP server never drops below 4-5k, at best it's at 8-9k or more during weekends.

And honestly you can play whatever you like, whatever spec. No need to listen to anyone.
Nobody's going to stop you no matter what you hear in the forums/this thread or anywhere else.
People say arms warr is shit in raids yet there's many arms warrs raiding. Same with feral druids and ret palas, enh shamans and every other spec.
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I miss <Boku no Banter>.
tfw you missed prot pally

tfw no threat

Maybe I should just keep leveling that warrior.
Come join Damage Control. we're still the best nosg guild.

maybe even raiding soon(tm)

just kidding
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nost census.png
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Jesus druids are non-existent on alliance.

I'm not worried about which classes/specs are viable and such. Definitely going to be rolling a warlock though since they look very cool.

Just a race/faction decision now.
human/gnome alliance

come join in on the fun babe

You'll actually find a raid spot alliance side desu
Where do I level at 43 ally.
What are some good aoe grinding spots
Horde lock will have an easier time in pvp since you won't have to worry about 99% of the people you face being undead and being able to go immune to your fears.
Feel like I should roll a druid, but I'm already at level 50
Wish so many people didn't choose mage, it's just so much fun
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Yeah I did want to play alliance, but that attachment to undead is making it a hard choice.

Gnomes are great but it's impossible to see their gear in all of it's glory because of how their models are.

Eh, I'm not that bothered by the balance and stuff.
ally druids are actually slightly less numerous than priests, something is messing up
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You're right, that picture I got was wrong. Here is a more accurate older census.
Gnomes and Night Elves are the worst, Humans are generally better, and Dwarves are god-tier bros.

And as a horde, I have to agree with UD being the worst, I see them all the time instigating ganks. Fuck, Ive rolled undead and have been ganking more than I used to on retail.
>tfw all these legion changes
i kinda want to play retail now...
retail sucks though
for some reason it looks fun. idk what's wrong with me
You mean play it a year from now?
that's what happens for every expansion, if you haven't fell for it yet
>new expansion looks neat
>oh, it might fix all the issues it's accumulated
>get it and play it
>quit when you get max level
>next expansion comes out
the game's going more downhill as time passes, that much is dependable
what does bartender do
yea, true. For some reason it looks fun now, I just want to pvp...but I know pvping will suck with all the whacky shit and millions of spells in the game right now.
it looks garbage senpai
Damn I can't wait to play and eat up all of that rested exp on the way to 60
i cant wait to eat up your moms pussy
bag em and tag em, it's fucking over.
Eh, pretty weak
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butthurt detected
Why do I share a guild with fucking avatarfags thay have shit banter?
Just come over and play on alliance mate, I might even set you up with some gold if you ask in DC chat whenever I'm on.

Also I think SD might have literally died again, and DC has the slimmest glimmer of hope of actually becoming a raiding guild, as long as we can get our shit together

Name of the game my man, sometimes you'll get these kind of players no matter where or who you are in this game. You either learn to ignore them or learn to not fault them for it, and actually get along with them
Well, you were warned it was the kekchan circlejerk guild right?
holy fuck, the butthurt is strong in this one :^))))))))))))))
I'll be going alliance. Gnome lock it is!

Time for adventures
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>have no 60 yet
>start trying to play my hunter
>get to 23
>get nostalgic for Alliance zones
>start playing my mage
>switch back to hunter
Make it stop.
I'm assuming your own the pvp server alliance side
alright so i just joined a raiding guild and i need gear.

i was browsing my guilds realmplayers, and noticed that my guildleader looted the T1 belt (boe) twice in MC. and he has a T2 belt so he has 2 T1 belts.

would it be okay if i asked him if i could have one of the belts? like, what is he gonna do with it? sell it?
if i was in that raid he would've given 1 to me anyway.
>is fucking shit
>cries in guild chat
Nah, nobody would be mad at an autist like you. Glad everyone stays away from that shit guild
>pre-raid geared warlock with 3k health and 3.5k mana
>see ohhgee gank someone so I engage them as they're about to engage me
>fair fight, barely lose with them having like 300 health because I had an imp out instead of a felhunter
>res and start summoning my felhunter
>they attack me when I'm at 50% health and mana, but I slip away into DMw
>wait for them to come out of DMe for a fair 1v1
>when they come out they rocket helm me, mount up, and run
>gets dazed by an ogre
>a bunch of other people swarm them and kill them
surely my lack of gear offsets being a warlock, yes?
kek, just /gquit if you can't take the meems my brother
That would be a safe assumption yeah

Whisper Pulpljackson within the next hour or so and I'll try to get you an invite into DC if you want. I make no promises because I may log off or alt tab out of boredom frequently

May as well ask, the worst case is he snaps at you or feels weirded out that you looked him up on realmlist, best case he gives you the belt to help you out
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i love that album!
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IGN is Rehtt, it won't let me whisper people yet.
>it's memes
>lol everyone that dislikes me is just mad
Nah you are just annoying while at least some members of DC are decent players
Yo glad you are back jackson, I will hit you up in gchat next time I am on. Fuck work has been busy as shit lately, haven't played much.
>be in meme guild
>hate bait tier memes

kill self
whats the fastes way to get a level 5 characteron alliance side??
need a bank that can chat

level 5 removes all chat limits, right?
can i farm lashers at 56 as a priest?
Yes and mage is pretty quick at that level range or a lock would do ok
gnome or human?!
I don't believe so. it depends on your spell power. my priest uses full +heal gear, but I do have 119sp and 6k mana and I OOM the second every lasher is dead in a pack.
I'd say human because the starting zone might be a bit faster, but that might just be because I'm biased and am more familiar with it after doing it so many times

Probably gnome if you just want to park your ass in IF, would be able to get there faster.
I'm a paladin and I oom after every pack. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, but I doubt it. Lashers just do a shitload of damage mate, I don't think it can be helped

I'd always figured it'd be the same with mages too, but maybe I'm wrong. As long as you're killing the pack in a reasonable time frame it doesn't even matter. Especially when you take into account that you can only do so many runs, so the time that you take to sit down and drink shouldn't matter a whole lot, granted you can get your 5 runs into an hour's timeframe
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>try to do benediction quest
>get interrupted 4 times
>run out of oils
>hearth back to if
>return to elis
>quest giver is gone, despawned by the same chink priests that interrupted my attempts

At least I'm not a hunter I guess.
Expect greatness.
>tfw not even level 40 yet and can't even say I'm going to make it
can i farm lashers as a tank?
Missed the post you were replying to, yeah you probably couldn't do it at 56 unless you're a mage maybe, they're just tough packs to do. You could give it a whirl and post the results, but you might not be able to do it unless you've got a fair bit of sp and the mana pool the other guy has
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I feel you GM
probably not
I think it's just warlocks, mages, paladins, and priests with holy nova
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not even close boys
I have been m8, give it a shot at worst you have to use a couple health pots
You can

If you're a pally tank :^)))

But also if you've got some good gear you could probably farm it as a warrior. Maybe a bit beyond preraid BiS, T2 should be able to at the very least
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>tfw made a Chinese friend
I'm a bit conflicted, he's pretty nice and I can understand his English, but I'm weary of the Chinese in WoW
One of these days you'll end up logging in to find that everything you once had has been vendored and all your gold gone.
spam thunderclap + whirlwind?
lashers only have like 1.8k health. you might be able to whirlwind/cleave them down before they kill you with good enough gear. I'm going to guess not though. try it out anun and give us the results like >>124048091
I wouldn't expect me to be on as much as I used to, I still haven't found the motivation to play that I had a few weeks ago.

Probably that and by just doing DPS. I once had a T2/BWL geared warrior tank BRD for me and a group, he could probably solo 2-3 packs just by himself. Wouldn't be surprised if he could just straight auto attack a pack of lashers to death. He had alcor's and was probably full BiS though
Huh, now you have me thinking of how often hacks actually occur, I should probably make my password stronger
US guilds are shit, and horde US guilds are even more shit, so that's not much of an accomplishment
Anyone know how to show only 2 decimals when I use a macro with GetTime()? something to formait it.
Everything negative I've heard associated about chinese players does not make them seem different at all from the resident pserver tryhards like NOPE and such.
>Currently that time of day where the bitter chinese alliance go to low level zones to gank
>Try to warn others of their presence, get no response, realize other horde are also chinese.
>Only high level horde in the area that can take care of gankers are also chinese that are just there to farm nodes and wont even bat an eye at you being ganked.

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Mage life is truly the best life.
so my guild forces everyone to pay 5g per week in taxes

am i getting keked?
Then travel to Mulgore or something dummy
You're getting keked.
i already paid 1 month. i was thinking it would be fair if the guild would provide a flask for me when needed.

but i doubt this is ever going to happen.
still in my trial phase tho. should i leave?
What services do they provide in return
anon please say which guild
screw you lazermon, give me some
here's the forum post:

Anyone having memberstatus of Raider / Trial with us will be required to send 5g per week to the character (blurred this out). This is to help us build up a guild bank that can buy anything the guild needs, when we need it.

I will be taking notes each week on the character (blurred out) and if I don't see your name for the week I'll demote your raid status and we will find replacements.

the funny thing is that i only got to know about the taxes when i got a /ginvite and got accepted to the forum. so now i feel like i'm stuck because it would look bad if i quit the guild in my fucking trial.

i've paid up 4 times now and i was just wondering if every guild does this. i feel extremely keked. i can't believe how naive i am.
i feel like the guildmaster just needs gold for thunderfury, because he said he's saving up for that.

also, sometimes boe raid loot just magically dissappears.
Leave that shitter guild.
Just leave and find a decent guild.
Also which guild, so we can eternally hate it.
how many are you killing per hour if you don't die at all?
If you tell me yours I'll tell you mine.
>questing on lock
>3 mobs aggro to my VW from seemingly nowhere
>VW dies
>no soul shards left
>try to get one off a mob
>beats me to death
>try to run
>large distance between me and the enemy
>hits me from 3 feet away and my corpse rubber bands backwards
>have to walk across the entire zone
>trapped within a group of mobs with no way to get a soul shard
Epic hardcore game XD
what vodoo pile do you reach as a mage?
Passing up Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe for Shadoweave Chest hurts my inner RPfag.
The tiger one.
>leveling a lock right now
>not stocking at least 5 soul shards for emergencies
baka desu senpai
I'm a hunter and I don't even want to log in because I 'have to' do that fucking impossible game.
If they provide nothing in return in immediate services, leave.
A guildmaster/leader who grubs items and cash is a bad one.
What guild is it?
I can't get past the berseker, am I just getting to close or does invis potion not work on him?

also, I can kill like 20 crocos per hour, jumping over the river is bugged so I have to pull seperate, how many do you get per hour?
How much gold you made so far?
You can solo the fish yknow
>doesnt stack enough shards
>no surroundings awaresness
That guy is just an idiot, not a hardcore game.
>unironically wiping in ZG
>ironically wiping in ZG
>farm DM
>two horde at DM E back enterance
>Shaman t2 shoulders and rogue from Titans of War
>can't kill me

>three horde
>druid joined them
>pass them with 200 hp

>they move to the mid point at the arena
>ud mage joins them
>ud mage has a macro that spams the whole screen with /rofl /lol
>I still survive
>Behind me a mage survives too

Why are horde such cancer?
If you want to stick with the guild pay the gold, it's not a lot.

If you want to do the right thing: leave, that's totally absurd. But if you do leave then you have to make this information public. Surely if they're doing nothing wrong then nobody will have any trouble with them doing it and so they won't suffer any social consequences from being outed :^)
because allies are neutered keks who let the horde get away with being faggots. Go dick around hillsbrad as ally and see how fast horde group up for protection and jump you when you give them the chance, then do the same in darkshire as a horde and you'll notice that allies just accept their fate and wait for a 60 to fly in from stormwind to save them.
>do the same thing in Darkshire

lmao I bet you were that one warrior that greykilled allies 10 levels lower than him all day

Of course is this is the case, everyone will avoid you because short of organizing a 3-5 man group they aren't going to do much if they tried
didnt stop all those little grey hordies in hillsbrad from grouping up and trying to stop us from having our way with them. Sure they didnt chase us till we got low on hp but they sure as hell didnt stand there and take it. Allies will stand there and take it even if they outnumber the horde ganking them 10:1
That's because horde are literally dumb dindu faggots that behave almost exactly as you'd expect a bunch of monkies from Chicago to behave. Are you proud of this?
So you prefer that alliance players just accept the shriveled rotting undead cocks being forced into their every orifice while they wait for a guildie to come bail them out? Like a bunch of keks?
>when we need it

A guild needs a bank and it needs to make money somehow, but a smart guild will stack up on the things they WILL need NOW (or preferrably, like 6 months ago), which the gold should be used for right now, because prices will only increase.

In our guild, the tank funded Thunderfury himself, not including the elementium ore and fiery cores.
>always level casters and healers
>have an easy time
>start to level a rogue
>die more often than mobs do

When does rogue get alright? I have to eat after every mob and if I pull a 2nd mob it's sprint or die.
Except they don't, because they avoid you, either grinding elsewhere, logging out, or moving to another questing region entirely. You know, because that's what you do if someone starts greykilling you, instead of acting like a fucking retard and trying to kill someone 30 levels higher than you, and then promptly getting their shit slapped like the bunch of animals that they are.

>implying you don't get your shit fucked while leveling by so called alliance keks

Enjoy that Ivan and chingwing dick, friend, because those cunts have no remorse.
>alt tab to switch music
>warlock 5 levels lower tries to kill me
>act puzzled and just blow him up in a couple seconds
>/cry on his shoulder to hope make him realise how stupid he was for not just chilling with me clearing mobs
But some decent gear, get fiery for lowers levels. Its better at 20th cause of poisons, 22nd cause of Vanish.

I've found that fast daggers + poisons + fiery is quite fun and good.
How long does it take to get Herb 300 with epic mount on this server?
Yeah rogues are like that. Once you get poisons though it wont be as rough. You also need gear or atleast a strong mainhand. Remember to get riposte when its available to you. Oh and don't forget to level first aid
How viable is it to level a prot warrior?
It isn't.
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i did it. it gets extremely slow at high levels. you will do like 5% damage per attack or something like that. you can take on 3-4 mobs at the time but it just takes ages.
in dungeons it doesnt make much difference if you spec prot or not.

i wouldn't recommend it.
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Why are all these level 60 quests available?

If I do one will I get a fuck ton of XP and cheat levels? I don't want to do that.
you wont get much xp at all.
yeah we are until some fuckwit ally comes and tries to fight me for no reason
i've made 2 friends, a finnish girl and a bro that i level with. playing this was a good decision to kill time before uni starts again
I've encountered more people who are being social playing alliance.
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Truly the complete private server experience.
just had a fucking intervention with 3 family members bursting in my room telling me my life is going nowhere and they want to help me.

tell them to fuck off you're gonna be world first corrupted ashbringer and bitches will hop on your dick
what about the zg trinket that gives 10% hit? or do you need to taunt often
i accidentally join channel 1 and now I can't leave it and i can't talk in generals anymore

/1 doesn't work
Why are you called Lethalkitty? Are you a cute airheaded girl?
c u ig grl ;)
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More like horde are feral niggers that chimp out at every opportunity and wouldn't know what fair pvp was if it hit them in the face.
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How long is the server restart going to be?
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Longer than usual, they're applying fixes to the server.
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will i make it?
What's the next step of your autism plan?
>guild stuck in a bad spot losing good players to burnout and then attrition to other guilds
>stuck on nef because of it
>merge with a lesser guild
>lose a couple weeks to thanksgiving holidays
>dbc is beyond full in primary raid group

fuck my anus i hate this game
>wouldn't know what fair pvp was if it hit them in the face
>alliance loses 90% of pugs and its premades with 4 warrior/paladin pairs lose to pugs that have half a decent team

stay mad whitey
Quit a little while back but my autism is eating at me. I like raiding, I need to raid and kill bosses n' shit. Are vanilla raids worth continuing leveling for? Or should i wait out the tbc or corecraft kek releases?
server back yet senpaitachi?
vanilla raids get a bad rap from dumb retail noobs who hear other dumbfucks say vanilla raids are tank and spank fests. starting with bwl you gotta do tactics or die. they're not insane little asinine minigames like retail raids are now, not super polished or super intricate, but they're fucking fun so whatever.

do it
post them honor tabs
it's a lot of fun to raid with 40 people, no matter what difficulty you face.


fags literally can't into economics

lazermon playing mage now?

that faggot used to chimp around on a boomkin on valkyrie back then.

he was a good friend.
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I can be a good friend again.
>on a boomkin

>avatarfag was playing my class/spec

makes me sad a bit, tbqh family
These were the first two images of me posted in around 3 months, surely I would have to do more shitposting than that to qualify for /nosg/ avatarfag status.
i don't like onebag

is there any other good bag addon?
yes it's called not using a bag addon theyre all stupid and bad
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so did they fix hakkar now? Ive heard that they said that it would be fixed after next reset
One thing I hate about default bag is that it doesn't color code items
got him last night and it was still bugged.
Is makefriends chinese guild?
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ye it was ez if you have the right group, but casual farm it as soon as possible would be nice.
Definitely, having enough Warlocks and Hunters with literally 0 melee isn't really feasible, can't believe they released it like that just to meet the November deadline.
How the hell do you configure questie? An arrow showed up pointing the way to a quest and I want to get rid of it. I also don't want my minimap littered with objectives, I just wanted to see on the map where to find questgivers I might have missed when normally playing. How do I configure it? /questie doesn't seem to help at all with any of my problems.
Our dps just stayed under the warriors (even dps warrios) and when ever a range got aggro pop a Limited invulnerabillity potion and chill
Don't feel bad, he's a terrible player.
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Is the servers up yet?
Yeah, for quite some time now.
been up for ages you stupid cunt
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yes you stupid kek
Thanks guys you guys R the best
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Holy fuck nigger! Why dont you try to login insted o(FF) posting shit you nigger nigger
I see what you did there gucci
Have to do it from now on, FF need to live oe
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gratz on GM man!
>be undead rogue
>try to be chill as fuck
>never gank anyone
>still treated like a dindu

How do we change the race stigma #notallundead
>mages who try to gank hunters coming out of the mara portal

You gotta be real fucking dumb to try gank a BWL geared BM hunter
so tucker failed?
when does he not?
Shut the FFuck up nigger rogue
you play a race that gooks and mooks dont play
then you wont have to deal with stigma
mad much what dad didnt fuck you today?
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i sure have a lot of fans
0 to be precise
>go to STV
>run around with 2 ally
>end up in an ally camp
>die when i just want to chill and have fun with the boys
the real dindus
so the ST class quests work now? time to get a scythe

just kidding I'm not touching that shit ever again
>not liking ST
fucking casual
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i miss the old days :(
since you and tucker are both fucking terrible, which one of you is the least terrible?
Do they? Just hit 50 but my warrior trainer does not give me anything. Can anyone confirm/deconfirm?
According to people who tested him on the PTR this didn't happen
Frogs must have fucked something up since then
Gucci >>>>> Tucker
It's like comparing a down syndrome kid to an athlete
apparently someone from my guild has seen people running around with the quest items, and it was added in the ZG patch. did you do the quest line that leads up to it? because you don't just get it from your trainer.
You should get the breadcrumb quest from the trainer leading you to the quest. IE "A Troubled Spirit" in Blasted Lands. But neither my trainer nor the Dead hero gives me anything
Still plenty of fun to be had now, you cant dwell on the past
hello fans, want an autograph?
way to ignore the question and admit gucci is better than you FFaggot :3
You didnt ask me, you asked gucci! and btw the only people in this thread that have the credintials to talk shit are dodgelord lazermon and Respect. anyone else is a random
i reached 40 and got nothing
was I supposed to get something earlier?
>maybe if i suck up to anyone with a title I can actually make friends

You're so afraid to duel anyone from here so why do you keep acting like you're some pvp hero? You just admitted Gucci is better than you and he's the kid that tries to polymorph enraged hunter pets.
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Ye i know... Might be able to get FF back!
I dont really know guys... Im arcane and dont do much pvp outside premades when i cant hide behind FF
New player here, what are the faction ratios like on the pvp server?
there is no level 40 quest for Warrior atleast
I didnt suck up to him, i called him dodgelord because he dodged and farmed empty games to warlord before they changed the queue system. Not sure how thats sucking up. Im just saying that they are the only ones who can actually talk shit here.
And i did not admit gucci was better i just dont talk shit about people im friendly with. but go ahead and keep trying to start drama. idiot randoms like you are why i post a lot less now. interesting to see this general cant stop talking about me tho :)
More Horde at 60 than Alliance, but its still pretty close
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>mfw you actually need wood and flint to make a fire

WoW used to be an RPG? Who would have thought.
didnt ff duel some rogue from here and got absolutely demolished
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Left click on the quest in your list and it will go away.
It's not talking shit, I'm asking who would win in a fight between you two. How is that drama? It's a fucking pvp server and you're both pvpers, but obviously you can't duel anyone without making excuses.
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Just got to level 21, here do I go now?
What's the best shaman race
get out of barrens gullix
it's okay we all know you are the better player its nice that u can look after captain no friends
>have no problem socializing here
>always keep quiet in game
I think it's because I know we're all thick skinned faggots on the same page here while in game I'm not sure who these people are so I'm reserved and afraid to show personality.
Nah ud are niggers
21-30 is hell. Enjoy your stay.
Why isn't The Scourge Cauldrins quest showing up for me as horde? I've done all the pre quests, what is going on?

Well damage control is dead
>joining meme guilds
I don't have a guild
that boat at feralas is so fucked up
Please help.
>have no problem socializing in text
>the second things go to voice I freak out
new thread when
Please help.
dude i dont know most quests dont even show up in badlands for me after completing half their chains either
Any good leveling guilds on alliance? Are the /nosg/ guilds just meme spouting?
leveling together isnt done in any guild
There's 4 of us in my guild, we all made characters and level in a group whenever we feel like it.

Stop joining /vg/ guilds.
Everyone in them is either a 14 year old squeaker or an arrogant manchild.
deadmines is the worst place ever if you're a mail users
what does everyone do with all their excess blues?

I can't bring myself to sell them so I jsut keep them in the banks
Please help.
Whoever is responsible for the fem tauren model needs to be fucking shot.
>Kill Tethis with one other person
>Deal with add raptor before looting talon for quest
>Random rogue passes by and skins Tethis before we can loot the Talon

Thanks Blizz
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