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/wtg/ - War Thunder General - /wtg/

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Hispano edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Fan created skins, missions, locations (and memes) etc...

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>Vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox

>Teamspeak Address you can use:

>Joystick Comparisons:

>Guide to making your own inexpensive head tracker:
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nobody plays this game

play sb
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Seriously though, when?
What do you mean?

I think they need to display your teammates on the mini-map because it makes no sense not to show them and it all
>been danger closed TK'd by idiot american ground attack aircraft for the second game in a row


W H E N ?
British 76.2 mm APDS has a greater area of effect than German 75 mm APHE.
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should have helped win the war, tovarisch

Respawns are a placeholder from CBT that make no real sense, especially with fixed line ups.

If a medium is top of the BR range, or bottom of it, it gets two spawns. A heavy on the other hand always gets only one.
Hunter is p. gud.
>people still unironically blame russian bias for everything
>people actually think Gaijin is controlled by NKVD propaganda

WT subreddit never ceases being a goldmine of stupidity and wehraboos, brings a tear to my eye.
why do people unironically care more about win rate than kdr
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I don't find that too bad. With teamwork or skill you should be able to kill anything in the spread and at least the current system restricts heavies more than """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Realistic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" battles
Because it gives a large bonus I guess (not that it matters considering shit GF RP)

Unfortunately for him there's nothing that can be done to cure the retardation of German ground teams, Russian bias or no.
Excellent high speed plane. Pretty dog shit in any other situation where you're slow.
>losing a game halves RP reward meme

in reality it's nowhere nearly as bad
Because this isn't isn't Call of Duty's free-for-all. You're on a team you fucking retard.
Just drive away, assault fuses allow everyone to vacate the area )))
This bad thread (((((((
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>northrop stole the idea for the B-2 from the Ho-229
Seriously, can we get some flying wings that actually existed instead of the fucking Ho?
>one of the dozen gamemodes in call of duty where you're not in a team

Hi deadly

Biggest friend here ))))))))))
Jack Northrop rolls in his grave everytime a Naziboo says this.
filtered, enjoy this last (you)
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Seriously if you relied on German teams info you'd think Horten was this master aeronautical genius.
i wish company making this game would be more transparent with sharing statistics regarding the k/d and winrates of vehicles, and the winrates for each side in maps
>caring about teams in this shit game
loving every laugh
>missing the point
Go back to WoT.
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Northrop was literally a genius when it came to flying wings, devoted a shitload of his career to them. Pisses me off when I see people call the B2 "inspired by the Ho 229"

They'd never do it because the stats would be so telling.
At least he got to see the plans for the B-2 before he died.
Do flying wings not have rudder controls? Is it done by changing either propeller's speed?
Can't prevent player retardation m8, and some nations attract more retards than others (cough Germany with the shiny famous Tiger tank cough)

It's like American air forces but with less BR handholding.
Look at the edge of the wings, they have essentially little brakes that come out to give a similar effect to a rudder movement
If it works any way the same as the 229, it relies on flaps and air brakes to simulate the rudder.
They usually have drag flaps on the tips of each wing. Something like the YB-35 may be able to do that because of the distance between the outer engines, but I don't know if they actually did.

It's pretty cool that you can relegate every flight control to the ailerons and flaps.
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>the soviets during ww2 were literally Hitler

I don't think anyone told him in history class that Germany invaded Russia, not the other way round.
He's right you know.

This is the other reason why there's no point releasing stats because people will decide any abnormality they don't want fixed is merely due to the players and nothing to do with the game itself.
toooooootaallllllllllllyyyyy wont be "fixed" when bong tanks are free for everyone.
>You will never live in 1939, defect to Britain and help them bring down your fatherland

Feels unkeked man
shit bait m8 0/8
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The standard Mk.1 shot has greater spalling effect than american 105mm T32 shot on the T95/T28
He's half-right.
t. Eastern Yurop
>play SB even in my T-34 mod 199-42
>all dem ammo types

Man, tier II soviets really is the best
>that feeling when you rock the world a faggot Ostwind with a fragmentation shell
>falling for the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" meme

Patton was right about the Russians. They were an unnatural ally
literally irrelevant to the discussion, good job friendo
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>you rock the world a faggot Ostwind
>T-34 mod 199-42
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Even more Judaism.
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When is the Ho-229 going to get the correct engines and guns?
Not worth the noise naziboos would make.
Hello ivan
Meteor F.3 BR unfucked when?
>German civilian casualties during ww2 number in the hundreds of thousands
>soviet civilian casualties number 10 million+

My name is actually Boris tyvm.
He's probably nabutso or one of his drones.
It had the correct engines for a while but wehraboo whinewaffe complained that their wunderweapon wasn't clubbing like they had imagined.
The guns are understandable, since prototypes don't usually have guns a lot of the premium prototypes were just given the planned armament to make them playable.
Why isn't the 229 a premium again?
No Tier V premiums, one of the only promises that Gaijin has managed to keep that would've made them money otherwise.
They literally did 90% of those to themselves.
Fuck off slavaboo.
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Who /poi/ here?
Fuck off retard.
>no tier V premiums
>the M46 Tiger exists
yup, they sure did keep that promise.
are they? I've skipped upgrading them because it feels like the shotgun effect works well combined with the rpm, rpg, and difficulty aiming due to speed
Even worse. The sovoks and the nazis were evil.
Now you're thinking of Stalin starving his country.

>nazis did literally nothing wrong
Tier IV comrade ))))

Tbf the M46 belonged in Tier IV anyways, it's a shit excuse for a Tier V and unlike air forces Gaijin can't say "no jets below Tier V". I'd say it's only now that it has HEAT it'd probably be considered for Tier V.
They're not war crimes if they're not killing human beings.
>intentional actions of violence
I.e. via NKVD.
Nice try slavaboo.
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>hostile invading force occupying with plans to eliminate 90% of slavic ethnicities
>must've been the NKVD
Fucking hell.

StuH can't even damage a KV-1 from the rear.

What the hell.
>fail all deflection attempts
>attempt ridicule
Typical slavaboo.
no it was just the fact that you are retarded

sorry anon nothing I can help there
>[slav noises]
Okay nabutso.
Gulag is a slanderous meme invented by naziboos!
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How will Gaijin add the F8F-2 now that it's top speed would snap it's wings off according to sekrit documents.

I know this is not uncommon with jets but seriously, a prop plane snapping it's wings in a straight line, really?
dont bother, skip that one
Wing rip should be removed entirely desu now that gloc is in.
Dives should kill you by control lockup and gloc, not by arbitrarily engaging the wing ejection charges.
lad the top speed on the wiki page is true not indicated desu

I have to spade everything.
I'm not even talking about wing rip due to G forces, the F8F-1 can rip it's wings from just speed in a shallow dive from top speed (700km/h was the number floating about as the point that it's wings fell off).

The F8F-2 had a 50km/h high top speed with minimal structural changes, meaning that according to Gaijin it's wings would snap in a straight line. I'm just using it as an example to show how retardedly nerfed the bearcat has become.
naziboo pandering
I'm talking about both kinds of wingrips.
They're both fucking retarded.
Even slamming headfirst into critical Mach would kill your prop and rip off your tail before doing anything to the wings for most planes
Literal Dora bias holdover from doraspam days.
>not wanting doraspam again
you don't belong here
Fuck off naziboo.
>implying there isn't an ongoing doraspam
its time for HEAT then
>naziboos will never be relevant again
Feels good man.
This doraspam is nothing. First of all the players suck, second of all it's not FM accurate. The old dora is actually accurate.
>A-20 niggers flooding US SB teams YET AGAIN

Half of these chimps can't even gunship properly while the other half are just insufferable faggot pieces of shit mousenigging their way through teams before people who want to actually have fun in US fighters can even get a foot in the fucking door

Fuck these people, goddamn
>Dora is HARD TO USE
Literally kill yourself.
>150% booster
>30% booster
>3 kills
>not even 20k RP
and they say RP wasn't nerfed
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Forgot pic
>jet brs right now
Why didn't they do the logical thing and send all the f2s and migs and cancairs to their own BR ghetto away from all the straight wings?
all this time you guys keep yapping about something called "dora" i assumed you were talking about one of the planes that starts with "do." but no, its actually a nickname for a fw190
Not quite. Think of it as the NATO phonetic alphabet.

FW-190 A(nton)
FW-190 D(ora)
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>rp was nerfed meme still lives

This has been said literally every fucking patch since the RP system was even implemented. If ANY of you were right, we'd be getting dribbles of 100rp for killing 12 people by now.

The reality is, RP has only been changed in a way that could be called a nerf two times

1. The change to RP in the first place, because the RP system is and always will be ass

2. The change of how RP is awarded for different actions and how multipliers work

If you really think RP has been magically nerfed you've got rose tinted glasses as thick as milk bottles.

>inb4 "but x2s got removed"
literally die, all they did was prop up the scrubs who couldn't earn jack shit in a match anyways.
>>inb4 "but x2s got removed"
It meant that in 5 games I could earn twice as much RP as I can today in 5 games.
5 games in all different nations researching all different aircraft.

Congrats anon, you managed to get 0.5% towards that shitty Japanese jet this match rather than 0.25%. Good for you! Now play two more matches and realise that bonus was literally irrelevant and just a mechanism to get people to come back and play everyday.
fuck off Anton.
5 matches is just about the right number per day, it's enough to have fun without just sitting at my computer working a second job.
fuck off
>congrats your progression towards your new jet is literally half it was before for the same work

Anon, this is terrible, terrible logic.
The best way to get RP is to get good at the game. It's really that simple.
Hey, is that an N1K in the back there?

I thought that the one in Pensacola was the only one left.
What's next, "just play 1 extra game for every 10 and you'll quickly realize that the 10% RP decrease was literally irrelevant"?
Looks like Dayton, and they do have an N1K.
>please, sit and play 20 matches within 24hs to get the same reward as a x2, since tomorrow you'll get a SL booster
>is of efficient )))
For one, single match for an entire day. You wanna spend a whole year trying to unlock one plane that way, be my guest.

>complaining about grinding
Are you retarded

Literally just went over the fact that RP hasn't been nerfed, what are you, blind? Or is that your excuse for shit performance giving you shit rewards.

I never said the RP system was good, it's utter fucking shit in fact and increased the grinding from the XP system exponentially. But all the shitters saying that RP rewards are retarded, it's always been shit rewards, nothing new.
>sit and play 20 matches within 24hs to get the same reward as a x2

Either your maths is fucking terrible or your utter shit at the game mate, nothing more to add to that one.
2x was like getting 5 games worth of RP for free every day. That's like an hour. You got rewarded as if you played the game for an hour longer every day than you actually did. Maybe you, the got-gud wallet warrior grinding expert playing 18 hours a day didn't care about that extra hour's worth of rewards, but if you're only playing for a couple hours that's still a huge bonus.
How'd you get 5 from 1x2?

Does anyone else actually want to see this thing in game? I don't play Japan but I think it'd be funny, 3-4 minutes of fuel, enough explosive to destroy one ship, really low repair cost.
So I need to say this again, do I?
>For one, single match for an entire day. You wanna spend a whole year trying to unlock one plane that way, be my guest.

The RP doesn't magically transfer nations, you're still only contributing one games RP into one nations plane. Also, if you're playing "a couple hours" and playing multiple nations, why the fuck are you complaining about RP rates? It's clear you're not going to get anywhere significant with or without you x2 RP crutch. This is a free to play game with a fucking shitty grind, deal with it. I don't give a shit what you think about me, you're the one pandering to Gaijins marketing tactics by being drawn in everyday by a useless amount of RP under the illusion that you're getting somewhere faster.

So now that it's removed, what the fuck do you even do? Play one match in every nation until victory and then come and shitpost on /wtg/ about how RP is been nerfed and you miss the good ol days of x2s? Or do you actually play more than one match in a single nation now that there's no logical fallacy convincing you that you're wasting RP by not playing every other nation once a day?

TL;DR the x2s were always a useless marketing ploy, they've been replaced by another useless marketing ploy in the form of daily rewards and boosters, get over it.

5 x2 games in 5 nations = 5 unplayed games worth of RP. Better than the retard who though 1x2 = 20.
It's 5x2 you braindead gaijinshill
You wanna waste an entire match on the same amount as damage as a single bomb from a bomber?
Oh okay, I get it. I don't really know much about RP economy because I never bothered doing 2x games. So I was like what the fuck is he talking about, playing a game at 2x will only get you 2x RP not 5x.
Never occurred to me that someone would actually play all 5 nations every day.
I hate USA 5.0 tanks. Every game is at BR 5.7 or 6.0 and the enemy literally just points and clicks anywhere on my tank for a penetrating hit while I have to get a flanking shot (and first-hit success because I won't get a second one) to accomplish anything. The M18 is the only thing that makes this even remotely bearable because you still get one-hit but at least you get to be fast.

What makes it worse is that I went and unlocked the Tiger hoping to get to be the guy who ruins 5.0 tanks for US players but I just get stuck in 6.7 games.

Does it get better or should I stick to slavs?
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>8 ohkas trying to kamikaze your plane out of the sky
>weebshits turn WT into aerial touhou
Make it a payload option for the G4M or G8N. Once you drop it, you assume control of it while an AI takes over the bomber and begins RTB.
>they go after a B-29
>single .50 API-T sets off the explosives in one
>sympathetic detonation takes out all 8 of them and the B-29
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>>8 ohkas
>>sympathetic detonation takes out all 8 of them and the B-29
>Ki-167 "Sakura-dan": Special attack version equipped with one shaped charge thermite bomb of 2,900 kg (6,400 lb) in the fuselage behind the crew cabin. The shape of the bomb conducted the blast forward, projecting a jet capable of reaching nearly a mile with a maximum blast radius of 300 m (980 ft). The bomb was designed to breach emplacements as well as to destroy massed formations of armor. 9 produced.[4]
That from a twin engined nipshit scrapheap
Jesus fuck, they literally immolate the pilot as it fires?

What the hell japan.
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now I want to see this
>Japs in charge of flying bombs

30,000 LBS NIGGA


Side note, how many Ohkas could the G8N carry?
its an ad.
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it's not like they would survive if it was in front of the cockpit.

one larger and uncompleted model of the ohka.
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>tfw nips weren't retarded enough to try to make a flying wing jet
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>japs, like the germans, were making guided munitions
>meanwhile, in the US of A
>the USA wasn't making guided munitions
I'm sorry did your shitty Jap heat seaking missile destroy enemy ships? No? Well that's interesting.
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>taking History Channel posts seriously
blubber please

On a related note, gibs pic related
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>skyraider starts banking towards my tank's position
>it ain't me starts playing
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What is it with Japan killing it's soldiers as weapons?
The Japanese recognized the potential effectiveness of animal-based bomb guidance systems such as those meme'd about above, and thus were quick to develop their own controlled by what they considered a more reliable animal.
Can someone with that program that shows actual horsepower do one for the Tempest V? It seems like it's a lot less powerful than the Mk II for only supposing to have 100 less horsepower.
Horsepower depends on alt, tempest V has insane horsepower at low alt but at higher alt it's complete trash.
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>this is the second time this has happened in this game

no wonder the banshee was at fucking 7.0 once
banshee pilots are a special kind of fucking stupid
My friend is a banshee pilot. He lawnmows and turnfights and gets mad that his jet was shot down by zero. I don't play air battles with him anymore.
jesus christ
Did they nerf the ammount of points you get for killing ai tanks and boats in air realism?
Yes, ground rp is nerfed for fighters. You get more rp if you're flying an attacker or bomber.
>fire on tiger driver window
>optics module eats the shell and fragments
those tricky germans
Dude, literally get good.
On the topic of Tempest climb rate, I read (I think on here) that in the Mk V I should climb at 300 kph IAS, can anyone confirm?
Remember, when AI B-17s shoot down 262s it's because the AI is overpowered, but when the AI Pe-8 shoots down an F2H it's because the players are retarded.
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>green name kid starts doing spirals as soon as we spawn
>hits me and we both die
>"why did you run into me baww"
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>elevators go orange
>I can see them moving but it does literally nothing for my plane
>make it back to base at great effort
>slow down to 180kph and go for a belly landing
>plane immediately bursts into flames and everything falls off
>flames go out
>pilot survives


meanwhile me-262 can hit the ground at 800kph and land with 0 damage
make a webbum of it that sounds fun to watch
it's okay if the nazi do it

it's not okay if it's the nazi
If you're gliding back to the airfield, is there any point in where you should use flaps?
to land more slowly once you are almost over the field
to increase your descent rate if you are high on energy and don't want to burn it in turns
to balloon yourself over the threshold if you are going to touch down just short of the runway
to make sure your flaps work and won't crash you if you deploy them at the last second
>comparing Pe-8 to infinitely better B-17
>comparing Me 262 to infinitely better F2H
>he's trying to rationalize it
lel wehraboo pls go
Nope. You actually have to find the point of pitch where you have the lowest lift/drag.
>lowest lift/drag

Yeah the easiest way to find your best glide is to switch to virtual cockpit and see which speed puts the flight path marker the furthest away. In terms of War Thunder, however, you should fly as fast as possible while still being able to reach the field (aiming a little short for your slowdown distance), in order to get back in the fight as quickly as possible and spend as little time helpless as possible.
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>tfw you find a cool skin but the damage model is looks fucked up.
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tfw damage model is pretty gud on the skin you use
Currently watching the last remaining plane, a Spitfire with RP-3s trying to sneak around and destroy the last remaining iota of health of the Sicily airfield done in with two Lancasters and a B-17 with five planes looking for him.

The absolute madman. Godspeed.
>missing part of the tail section
das it mane
Back when I was autistically spading the F-82 when it first came out I found myself the last man on the team on New Guinea, so I packed up some bombs and (in 3 trips to the AF and back) killed all but one of the carriers and head-on'd three japs before the rest of the team figured out what I was doing and stopped attacking me head-on. It was really fun. Sneaking around low-level is very exciting and it's a shame there's literally no reason to ever do it.
Yeah, low level raiding feels pretty cool.

A shame it's hardly ever decisive.
Why are Doras fire proof? like is there a historical reason for it or is it just Gaijin? I personally have had two fires go out in one life, and every time I set one on fire it seems to go out.
>line has no 7.0 jet
>people are surprised when the players have no idea how to play against 9.0s in their stock 8.0
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>fallout release has not contributed majorly to this
>tfw we'll never get this fucker
>8,000 lb payload at 400 mph
would be great for raiding, 3 runs would be enough for 3 bases and an airfield.
Bongistan when?
The place you're getting your numbers, wikipedia, says 410 mph at 23k ft. It is probably very slow at sea level.
Probably still faster than any other bomber with that payload at sea level.
Faster than bombers with similar payload, i.e. still so slow as to be ready-made fighter food. The F-82 at ~350 mph at sea level (in game) is still easily intercepted just because attackers will always be diving, giving them tons of extra smash. The only planes effective low-level are the ones that are as fast in the level as their opponent's break-up speed, like the jet bombers or 229 when they first came out, or the Arado back when there were fewer F-80s and more F8Fs for it to play against. Anybody else down low is just an easy target.
going at high speed can extinguish fires, though I've seen several planes on fire at low speed extinguishing them, with and without self-sealing fuel tanks
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Gaijin Presents

LAWSUIT: The Decal!
I want a Daimler or Humber to commute with.
>Suing some russian chucklefucks
They'd probably get away with it under parody laws or something anyway.
You really think Fallout 4 impacted the playerbase of War Thunder?
Are you retarded?
>tfw we'll never have nighttime world war mode where night fighters and low level raiders will be relevant.
>new game is released
>players stop playing the old game to play the new game
You're right, there's no way that could be the case.
It can't just be that War Thunder is shit and Gaijin dropped the ball with another patch.
Your argument would hold up if a similiar MMO like Armored Warfare released in the same time frame that stole the playerbase away.
Otherwise you're grasping at straws, was MGS5 also at fault for Gaijin's continued failure?
They probably got permission from Bethesda to use it.
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Considering it's JUST edited enough to be plausibly "not Vault-Boy" and is called "Pilot Boy" with absolutely no credit giving to Fallout 4 and there was no announcement for it being added to the game?

I really want to drive a Valentine already.
Also Cromwell and Comet would be cool as well.

We'd probably have to wait until next year though.
I wanna have fun with the Ju 87 D-5, I really do. But holy shit is it bad.

You missed the prime time, man.

A while back it was amazing and very hard to use. You could basically out-turn anything in the game if you had enough energy. Most chucklefucks would see you as an easy kill and you could draw them into turnfights.
but they still fall for that in >tonks
Is there any reason to play 6.7 BR tanks now?

All you get is tiered up to 7.7 every second game and get wrecked.
Is there any reason to play 8.0 BR planes now?

All you get is tiered up to 9.0 every game and get wrecked.
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Friendly reminder not to buy anything until Christmas or New Year.
Gaijin will certainly put a lot of stuff on sale during that period, so save up your scheckels if you have any.
Fair point. But I don't bother going into jets.
It's just what happens when you play the tier under top tier. It's like playing 1.0 and expecting to not get shit on by He 112s and LaGGs.
When did P-47 turn into a Spitfire?
What's the optimal climb speed and angle for the Firefly F. Mk.1?
Same wing type = same turn. Pretty obvious desu
It has been for a while.

Straight into the ground. Stop playing FAA.
>Stop playing FAA
I will not go back to Spitfires.
I guess I will only ever play Tiger 1s again then.

Least the planes I enjoy flying are around 4-5 BR so I don't get shat on too much there.
Spitfires are fun.
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with premium
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Fucking confirmed for 1.55
>not the t-62

>Shittier T-54 but premium
>Only available after unlocking the T-34-100

I can see what Gaijin did with the Calliope/rocket Pershing becoming standard now.
Like that wasn't standard before with the Boomerangs.
>pretending it didn't already happen with the boomerang

Wasn't the Boomerang a two-pack way back when?
They should put the T-62 instead
FAA would be fine if Anglo-American teams weren't complete mouth-breathers at that BR and lose their entire team for three Germans.
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>not T-70
Also Westland Wyvern when?
Should I fly the Hurricane IIb or IV?
The T-70 is already ingame...
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I hear the IV is OP but I have a soft spot for the 11b because of dakka.
Suffering ends at the m41, m36, m47 with HEATFS unlocked or the m60. So you're in for a rough ride.
>one hit

high tier is more stressful than lower tiers at first but like many things it takes time to get used to. the tanks the guy mentioned do make the game a bit more bearable. high tier definetly isn't as fun as lower tiers especially when you're in something that doesn't have HEAT and you're fighting T10Ms.
Which BR range is filled with Nips or gets New Guinea the most?
I need to grind a certain decal on that map.
Play a bearcat in a squad with a spit and you'll get japs >80% of the time.
3.3 maybe, I don't know if the A7M1 hype has died down yet or not.
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>get home after two weeks
>now not only GF is fucked but planes keep snapping wings
>mfw my Arado C3 can still pull insane maneuvers at 900 kmph and not snap
worst thing in ground forces is the new auto track repair system. i feel like gaijin is just smacking me in the face when I play casemates with that shit.
Why do the two most undertiered nations whine the most about underdog planes?

SB is ok.
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I dont understand? Are you the chatroom owner and why would you kick yourself?
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>rush to their spawn unopposed
>7 kills 0 deaths
>get hatemail
I don't get it desu.
>no proofs

ok lohere
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I'm pretending to be Russian
how did you take a screenshot without your cheats showing up?
slander tbH faM
>tfw you can't J-out of real life

>tfw can't save up SP to respawn as a cute girl
Yes you can, you just cant respawn anymore))
You can check out any time you like.
New guy here. Should I join the ingame chatchannel to ask for squadding up? Who are good people for forming a low tier team.
>good people
I miss Tyrone
Look for people with the QT508 (quality teammembers) tag, they are a good bet. These are sociable players who are open to helping newbies.
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>play simulator tanks
>cant see anything
>sit squinting at the screen trying to spot some pixels
>get shot from a guy in some bush from 2km away
>blow up

Fuck that shit so hard
>get shot in the track
>better angle my tank, then repair

Use your binoculars, nigga.


They're useful in RB too.
I know you're just shitposting, but the ones from QT that I've played with are some of the nicest people I've seen in this game
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>always play planes with planes that can't snap outside redline
>mfw now
which QT players?
desu senpai kek
ok punpun
But you can never leave!

[guitar solo]

>cool wind in my hair starts playing

>I-I'll be your wingman senpai

Just unlocked the sherman and about to unlock the sherman 105. What am I in for?
Just play the M10 instead
I have proofs that they aren't nice.

Punpun called me a faggot and Mio teamkilled me.
Meh armor and meh guns.

QT loves fags, that's a compliment.
Manchildren ww@
Proofs this actually happened?
>play tanks
>qt squid is on my team
>one of them runs into a tree and is knocked out

Happened some time ago, so maybe they've improved by now. Then again. These are the same people who crash their planes on take off.
My mental anguish and damage to my self-esteem is enough proof.
Crash155 isn't in QT
Dont worry I've reported Punpun and Mio to Scarper based off your info
Hopefully they'll be banned
Thank you. Hopefully justice will prevail and they will get what they deserve.
Tracers or Universal for Hurricane II?
can you report that one KG508 member for being a fuccboi.
ok punpun and/or mio

enjoy your ban, fucker
QT are just not very good at the game.
Get closer
I doubt it's punpun. he only flies around in his skyrider all the livelong day
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>"Why won't my 75mm cannon pen an IS?"
>using chat
downward slope to no where
>not shitchatting
I should start every game by whining about how the other guy gets hand held BR for their vehicles.

Jagdtiger has a 12.8 cm gun.
He was driving a jagdpanzer IV in sim.
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>mfw some shitter in my game writes off the La-15 as bad because the MiG-15 is better
do people also call the F2H shit because the F2 is better?
La-15 is shit in its tier and F2H isn't, fuck off
>the plane on the team with the current top dog that I keep getting told is good now is shit
You are bad
>945kph wing rip speed, easily achievable in a straight line
>acceleration at MiG-15 levels
>great energy retention
>more reliable armament than all other russian jets
I bet you shitters haven't even flown the La-15, it can manuever well but its really slow.
>do people also call the F2H shit
Where have you been for the past year?
Again, you are wrong on both points
Are you saying the F2H is bad, or that people call it bad?
>really slow
>posted from the same BR as the Vampire
There are no girls on QT, stop forcing this shit meme.
It's been he subject of an endless litany of burger whining ever since it was uptiered from 6.7 to a BR where it had to actually face jets.
lel, clapistanis
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How do I into Typhoons?
focke wulf it
>pen an IS
>pen IS

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Kill friendlies.
load air targets belts, be a worse energy fighter than most of the enemy energy fighters that you will be facing, give up on climbing or dogfighting and zoop level across the ground to try to poach enemy ground attacker planes
Typhoons are no longer viable.
How do I energy fight other than stay high and fast?
make sure your plane actually has good speed and climbrate compared to enemy planes, try not to pull up too sharply, make sure your plane actually has good speed and climbrate compared to enemy planes, practice how far ahead of enemies to aim because you will be going past them fast and need to make your passes count, and finaly, make sure your plane actually has good speed and climbrate compared to enemy planes
Im still not sure how much energy fighting differs from BnZ. Isnt BnZ part of energy fighting? If so, what are the other tactics.
>IL-2 Sturmovik: Introducing Mouse Control
Spiral climbs are work really well in some planes, especially 109s.

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Oh boy it's my lucky day isn't it ?
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>that pic
Thank you anon. I lost mine and was hoping for month that somebody would post it over here.
Im a total shitter, but how do you effective spiral climb. Either Im incredibly unlucky or the doing something terribly wrong, because no matter what, the enemy always manages to land a crit on me if I execute it as a defensive maneuvre.
just got wrecked by single heat round, it just went through tank from front

Have more energy and don't be at a disadvantage in the climb rate department, and most importantly, don't get shot.
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Ayy, to think I was blown away by the effects in that video when it was first released. Still godtier pop song though.

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Let's assign tracks to different vehicles.

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>Improved the quality of the in-game voice chat.
>war thunder has voice chat
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My heart feels weak...
Wtf is this? Please tell me this is just some community college bullshit
What am I looking at exactly?
Its a quick test at my school in Minessota
>tfw I already grinded winter camos for both

Write a "shitpost" about how Hitler did nothing wrong, be sure to include anime.
I assume it's just high school level tops?
>mouse control for IL2 sturmovik
oh dear....

The German vehicle is actually victorious in an image for once.

>tfw no acepilto
Could some anon please draw up a map of Stalingrad for idiots?
I played this map several times already yet I have no idea which routes to advance down, where to expect enemies from, where good fighting positions are.
The entire map is just a mess for me where I drive around confused and happen upon an enemy by surprise.
Doesnt work that way anon.
i wish they would let us trade back these backups for their price in gold. or half their price in gold. or a quarter of their price in gold. or maybe some silvers
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>any 508
I just went through a realistic Battle without encountering a single enemy.
In an M18.
I don't get this map either.
and people were doubting that Triahx was better than messer
But Triahx is a shitter who only uses fotm and complains about them.
the same thing as a friend who is a very good at the time. it will take a moment of my own business and
85 deaths, 96 kills
In and get an a new version with this is going out, or even in his hand corner in our community for all types I just need an excuse any one that we would get along really nice if there would the, we were thinking and I'm sorry about my own place on Monday the I just need an excuse.
Naziboo you know you don't see anything, you must first thing Monday at your disposal a couple years old or even more, or is a new comment that they don't.
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>read a7
>get a bit excited thinking about a7m1 stomp
>Japanese He 112

He 112s are literal death machines
yeah, but the A-0 is the best one, and the jap one is so cheap that I wouldn't even care about a discount if I wanted it
best Japanese tier I
>paying for the jap 112
>not grinding for the jap skin for the normal 112
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I seriously don't get Naziboos and similar vermin who play this game and shit on Slavs.
If you don't like it, go play superior German games of this type...oh wait, there are none.

>T-34 clubbing: the event
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enjoy your ban m8
>German retardation, the event
>tfw frontal plate saves your life from a T-34
Thank you 80mm of steel
>those explosion of car after hit of plane
Just like in my war thunder
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>Hunter dives on me at Mach 2
>I crit him, he suffers damages of rudder and his engine is smoking
>He just fucks off as if absolutely nothing happened
>I later see him dogfighting a CL-13
>He wins
custome game?
>P-47 was rape-machine
>at 3.7
>now they give it even more maneuverability
>still 3.7
flying P-47 now really feels like seal-clubbing
>I outsmarted the fascist by adding weightless explosive filler into my shells)))))))))
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>playing jets
jets are actually fun though
Porbably... when you're good with them, I have like 22 jet in all nation (exept japan) and I suck with them, exept the early jet, but 8.0 jet battle I suck dick, and most of the time I have a team that get annihilated in 3min
shit reaction image tbH
>grind the jap tree with an hard to use A7M1
>every time we face a clap team my team literally shits itself and doesn't know how to counter BnZ in a hard to use left and right machine
What happened?
when flown by players that are actually competent american fighters are the best in the game
Hunter is pretty sturdy.
You can still loiter over enemy after getting your wing shot off and sometimes get a kill on a landing migger.
>competent american
pick at most one
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ogay durbo :DDDD
>being bad
>not being good
where can i find the other Grouchy's and Planefag's creations?
Sloped Memes: The event
Whats the solution to the naziboo question?
>262 ripping in a roll at 600 kmh

This is new.
About to start playing the game.
What planes should I use, Britbrong, Commie, Nazi? I don't even know the differences between them but I've seen lots of people going with Fw190, Spitfire and Yaks so I assume they are somehow better.
Also is there any guideline to follow when it comes to unlocking planes? To avoid wasting time and wasting research points.
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take out slavaboos?
Put them on an island with the weebs
only play RB

stick with 1 crew slot per nation

try all nations
definitely try all nations, having an understanding of their differences will make you a better player
Make sure to get your first win as america, though. Best t1 premium.
Realistic )))
>tfw I got my first win with german tanks
Ripping is all over the place now.
I ripped in a Hunter (without boosters installed) earlier because the plane literally forgot to compress.
I already tried different nations in a friend's account (I'm using his ref for extra golden eagles and whatnot) and I absolutely plan on playing every army my question was more about if there's a plane/army with a slight edge over the rest since I always saw the same planes being used over and over again.
btw don't know what RB stands for, sorry
Yeah, and the issue is that you can't figure out at what point in time your wings will decide to explode from your plane. So there's no real way to avoid it. Prior to that wing rip from the roll I was rolling like mad at similar speeds.
Every nation has good, meta planes at pretty much every tier.
Realistic Battles, and each nation has highlight planes, some more noticeable than others.
What matters most are matchups

Japan and Russia have the best Realistic Air Battle matchups
Are you primarily an US player?
t. naziboo who never has to play vs jap teams
t. waahh why can't i turnfight with zeroes
I'll pick whatever army I like aesthetically I guess then.

Another question, should I research everything in the tree or is better if I focus on a few specific planes and go for them and then I research everything else? Also, what should I use my goldeagles with? Crew improvements?
>should I research everything in the tree or is better if I focus on a few specific planes and go for them and then I research everything else?
Once you pick a nation ask for their best early plane, get that and use that one to grind out the rest.
>what should I use my goldeagles with?
Save them up
>implying anyone actually plays zeroes
>waaahhhh why can't i beat the ki-84 ko with my extremely hard to use p-51d mustang that beats the former in almost every way
>maybe if I keep trying eventually something I say will be true
I know you're baiting, but provided it isn't flown by a mouthbreathing retard the P-51D should have absolutely no trouble beating literally any Japanese plane it sees
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>Fly SB anon, they said
>There are people that fly on mouse are good they said
Meanwhile I'm getting fucked rekt by everything.

Fuck this shit and this game, literally.
>decide to try out ground forces after update
>this zoom
>this lag
>this balance
oh god
Be a good goy and buy cheats so you can use mouse aim in SB.
No cheats in WT))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
is external feature))))))) not cheat)))))
I'm between the URRS and the Nazi army. Nazis have more TierV planes but I find the URRS more aesthetically pleasing.
So what would be the best planes to grind with the URRS?

>Save them up
For what exactly? They do random discounts to stuff or something like that?

The fuck? If Japan doesn't have a competent J2m2 pilot, they get wiped out instantly by the flame throwers that allies have. I've had 7 kill matches thanks to my P-47 and nip teams.
You're not wrong, they're some of the US planes with a solid climb rate etc and planes are burning out from fiddy tracers really fast right now, but frankly I'm just not interested in the army fighters which leaves me playing the 1B bearcat into R2Y2s every game or the F2H into MiG-15bis or Hunters every game.

I wish I enjoyed Corsairs more.
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starting with russia is a good choice

you get zhukovsky's which is one of the best tier 1s in the game

most of the yaks are solid, so are the early lavochkins all the way up to tier 4

yak-9p and la-7 to grind mig-15bis and il-28
>Fallout 3/NV features the F-80 Shooting Star as jet
>Fallout 4 has this piece of shit
>Nabutso aka got sand in vagina nigger
>I find the URRS more aesthetically pleasing

Top kek

>So what would be the best planes to grind with the URRS?

Yak-1B,Yak-9K,La-5FN,and La-7.

>They do random discounts to stuff or something like that?

Pretty much. You missed the recent 3 year anniversary event where everything was 50% off,but there are regular discounts. A good thing to invest eagles in are talismans for vehicles you're good with,especially tier IV ones.
they blew designs in this game
all guns look like shit
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every single seat monoplane from Russia is better looking than every single seat monoplane from Britain

Except Griffon Spitfires > La-9
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I kinda like how shitty the pipe guns look. It really brings the feel of making new things with salvage. What they really blew was armor.

Also forcing you to let non-humans into your bases.
This has to be bait.
I thought it was about Germany vs. Soviet planes. Bong planes are generally uglier with a few exceptions.
Dont forget to weed out the synths in your base
Only energy weapons
Pre War guns are mostly ok, except for some abort like the assault rifle
pipe guns are supposed to look like shit, as they're junk shit rigged up together

No excuse for crap looking laser or plasma weapons tho
It is not and you're retarded for thinking otherwise
The Merlin Spitfire is the most beautiful plane in existence. Fuck off.
I never use pipe shit, so I dont care

The combat rifle looks like ass since it's a copy pasted combat shotgun
I miss the F3 Assault rifle design
Only pre war guns that look good are the .44
Bongs have the best looking radial in the game with the Sea Fury, best looking inline with the XIV, and best looking jet with the Vampire.
I'll concede that their heavy fighters and bombers look dogshit.
I don't mind the concept of the pipe guns, what I do mind is them being used by everyone from super mutants to pre-war soldiers whose corpses have been sealed away for 210 years.
I'll give you Sea Fury,XIV is mediocre looking and Vampire is nowhere close the F9F.
Ty guys
>Best looking radial
>Not 190A
Bongshits once again showing they have the worst taste
F9F is good but not great.
If the Cougar was in the game it would be absolutely no contest but it doesn't look anywhere as good straight winged.
Will we ever get it?
It will be included alongside Japanese tanks in the "Far-east update"
So never.
And the versions with two seats are so sexy.
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Well, the gun was worse. At least for the models in the event.
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>take down a Russian plane
>literally a second later sniped by AA despite being at 3 km alt and 300 km/h
I'm not saying it but it is.
I really don't know what's the problem with including it.
Even the early 60s up-engined version wouldn't exactly blow Sabres and MiGs out of the water and USN could really use a capstone plane
pz4 really was a more old-fashioned tank design at the time, quite boxy
Since when are you the boss?
That very much depend what characteristics are in comparison. Remember that the PzIV is a 1936 tank while the T-34 is from 1940.
t34 was the better tank

but there is hardly any doubt pzIV was more advanced bar the armour layout
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Trax for PzIV vs T-34

Get the Deliverer, never look back.

I roll hard on this shit
Does simulator get a kill reward bonus for this event?
Can I pretend I'm a B-29 in the G8N1?
How do I fly the Hellcat? Fucking everything both outturns and outdives me.
it is the original deathstar
you can pretend a lot of things with the power of imagination, but im pretty sure japan heavy bombers have quite poor bombloads for planes of their size and br
How do you mean? You don't have nearly as good a bomb load, but you're nearly invulnerable if you can make it to space.

Unlock rockets, take it to GF. It's the incredibly poor man's P-47.
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>but you're nearly invulnerable if you can make it to space
Then it's decided. What anime should I watch while I push myself into orbit?
Space Battleship Yamato, obviously.
>Unlock rockets, take it to GF. It's the incredibly poor man's P-47.
I researched it for that, but then I found that Air RB is fun.
I'll just fly other planes then.
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wouldn't the j2m4 get awfully chilly at its supposed optimal altitude of 9400 meters?
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A true Samurai's spirit burns so harshly no amount of cold will make it falter.
The traditional kabuto suit worn by japanese pilots ensured warmth and comfort at all altitudes.
First jet, what am I in for? And how do I fly jets?
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It does look pretty comfy.

Depends entirely on the jet, don't forget to airbrake before hard turns.
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Forgot picture like a retard.
bait shitters into turning and you will probably not be fine
don't bother

wai til u get venom and hunter
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>last enemy is playing bait and switch at his airfield
Enjoy the worst accelerating fighter plane in the game.
attack tanks and pillboxes then
I wish they would add the Leopard/Jpz 4-5 to the highest tier sim battles alongside the American team. You had any more experience with that thing since you posted it? When I saw the reload time and how good the HEAT round was I really wanted to get it.
And let him have unconditional energy advantage? I should've added I'm the last player alive on my team.
Yea, this is sorta what i've assumed hearing about it, what speed do I climb at?
as fast as possible, you won't be able to accelerate to escape if you find yourself in a pickle

>Maximum speed: 720 km/h (447 mph; 389 kn)
>Range: 9,000 km (5,592 mi; 4,860 nmi)
>Guns: 10 × MG 151/20 in three twin turrets, Four mounted in tail turret. 2 × MG 131/20 in two remote-controlled turrets under the nose.
>Bombs: 10,000 kg (22,000 lb) at 5,589 miles. 24,040 kg (53,000 lb) max.

W H E N ?
But the Me 262 is already a bomber :^)
Gaijin needs to split germany into the DDR and BRD (with corresponding NVA and Bundeswehr armies). That way they can give us german versions of the t55, pt76, m41 and m47.
>Gaijin needs to rename germany Neo-Turkey
German MiG and CL-13 are already horrendously cancerous. I'd rather have more wonderwaffle.
CL-13 was a mistake.
>BRD CL-13 and DDR MiG-15 in the same team
We already have mixed battles, why can't they be separated during matchmaking?

>had 1.4 million lions
>order this
>train a crew
>should cost 890,000 lions
>still have 1.1 million lions
I'm okay with this.
>waiting more ww2 fantasy papercraft

No split the trees and have some realistic NATO vs Warsaw pact scenarios
You get a 500,000 SL reward as an achievement for obtaining your first jet
>fantasy papercraft
The battle is over and realismfags lost. It's time to get over it.
SB still has realistic-ish matchups
How can you possibly think fantasy wunderwaffe UFOs are less cancerous than the CL-13

Literally how is the CL-13 cancerous in the first place
that explains a lot.
Because alt. history germany didn't lose yet is better than sabres on slav teams.
I used my first gold wager and got 500 eagles from it.

What do I do with this? 500 isn't enough for anything. I still have like 400 days of premium from the pacific pack.
In some events when the Allies get tanks that never saw combat during the war (Super Hellcat, T44) I think the Germans should get the Panther F/Panther II added to the vehicles list during the events. I'm not even sure if Panther II is ever in the sim rotation.
save up for premium time
It's an ootf clubmachine that completely shits on tier V balance when paired with MiGs.
Everyone having sabres was bad, one nation having sabres AND MiGs is downright bullshit.
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More dusk maps when
I agree that CL-13 should not be paired with MiG-15s but the CL-13 itself isn't cancer

500 eagles gets me three days. I already have 400 days.
I buy crewrp/qualifications from those eagles.
>germany has a better sabre than the US
>not cancer
ok naziboo
>CL-13 is better than F-2 Sabre

fucking kek
>this is what burgershits actually believe
The "C" in "CL-13" is for cancer
>Bomber shitters begging Gaijin for larger and larger bombers

The worst cancer in the game. Easily.

>CL-13 better than the F-2

Nigga, have you flown the CL-13? Or are you just a shitty pilot that gets shot down easily?
Have you even played this game a year ago?
>have you even played the year ago
>the game never changes and the meta never changes
are you retarded
we're talking about the game NOW
>Shot down by bombers

Did I say anything about being shot down by bombers? Listen, I understand that you bomber pilots are literally missing several chromosomes, but try not let that retardation out on the internet. No one wants to read it.

Yes, and it wasn't the be all end all then either. Easily a slightly faster F-25 thanks to those M3 .50 cals. The recent sabre nerf made it even worse. It doesn't even have the armament to properly fight along side the Mig or F-2.
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Why can't you drive your tank while repairing even a part that has nothing to do with movement of the tank or while putting out a fire?
The driver is busy repairing the tank.
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>mfw trying to keep the Do-17Z airborne
Have you tried repairing something while thrashing all over the place?
>let's pick the driver to repair tanks surely no one else is qualified )))
>yes good idea tovarish ))))))))))))))
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They should just remove the Mig-15 from the German tree and have the CL-13 matched with Burgers&Bongs against the Slavs.
While the NVA was a big force, it was fully supplied and reliant on Soviet equipment making it in essence indistinguishable from the Soviets. The Bundeswehr on the other hand relied on exclusively US weapons only in the early years (Pattons and Walker Bulldogs).
The German top tier tanks will all be post-war West-German designs anyway. The trend should just be followed in air forces as well with the CL-13 ending the Bf 109 line and replace the Mig-15 with the 30mm armed Fiat G.91 at the end of the FW 190 line.
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Why do people call bomber players incompetent and useless one minute and then cancerous the next?
So are jet BRs going to be fixed or are the "working as intended ))))))))))))"
but they have already been fixed tovarish ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Being bad doesn't make you more or less useless. A horten wins Sicily, a no-gun arado does literally nothing.
>the gun is damaged sir, we need to replace the firing mechanism
because they consider them to be both incompetent and cancerous
why not just limit the movement speed then, not make it be completley still?
You're not the brightest bulb are you?
if u gotta drive, drive somewhere safe BEFORE starting repair
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>tfw you can't carry hard enough
Please elaborate, I find the two to be mutually exclusive
who /nakedgaming/ here?
much as cancer is a burden to the body, they consider a bomber a burden to the team, as 99% of matches are decided by fighters. thus the act of merely selecting a bomber to play is considered a sign of incompetence
who /nankingmurdering/ here?
wearing underwear because musky office chairs are disgusting desu
right here
Everytime someone shoots in the general direction of my Vampire I lose all control of rudders and elevator, is this normal?
What happened to them, by the way? Didn't we also have another guy?
Anyone have thoughts on this?
I've been agianst 2 f82e's in 2 matches now and both time they flew with no working engines and taking no dmg.. you guys know how this shit works?
I climb at that speed. Lower than that it seems to lose climbrate, higher than that is inneficient. As a sidenote, my tempest is mostly stock so I might be wrong.

In the case of Soviets, the role was actually "mechanic/driver".
Why are the majority of skins 4kdds+ when most of the playerbase play on toasters?

Is there a way to lower the quality if I don't have DSR/play at 4k? I don't want to see horribly aliased "rivets".
Brit Shitters

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>try wt
>blubberburg prime time
>nobody climbs
>everyone on your team slaughtered in 2 minutes
>go back to FO4
ok digdoug
wrong shitlord
a war thunna celeb agrees with me now, what you gonna do
I like how everyone calls out burgertimes for not climbing while conveniently forgetting every other plane for every other nation outclimbs them unconditionally.

Why am I going to spend twenty minutes climbing only to find some fockefuck 2km above me every single time?
>these are your teammates
this is why i don't play the game anymore
holy shit you are worse than edacra
side climbing solves that problem

meanwhile american planes have superior speed acceleration range and energy retention which actually matter in air combat
>Side climbing in a German, British, Russian, or Japanese plane is a bannable offense
Absolute retard
All of which are irrelevant when your enemy is 2 km above you, which they will be because only retards climb to the center of the map and think "huh, no one here, better dive straight to the ground because obviously everyone is lawnmowing and no one is side climbing"
>just sideclimb
Is the most assfuck retarded defense of this games shitty balance.
>oh no someone is 2-5km above me
i'll just run away for a million years then
enjoy burning all of that energy if you don't rip your wings trying to dive on me
>the only thing their planes are capable of doing is running
>this makes them competitive
Sure buddy.
>main street in poland in my trusty su-152
>firefly blows me up through 2 trees and 5 wooden signs/lightposts
>implying speed isn't literally everything
for this kind of retards is that we have the P47 at 3.7
You just admitted that American planes literally CANNOT COMPETE with other planes without forcing their opponents into full retard mode.

And even if you pull some gymnastics to somehow justify this, the point is that calling out a burger for not climbing is the same as admitting you're absolutely retarded. No sane US player climbs. It's pointless.
>posted from my totally not competitive F2A, P-40, P-38, P-47, P-51D, F7F, etc.
how are you enjoying that 3,3 p47? need it a little lower, ace pilto?
>pull some gymnastics

yes that is called fighting in the vertical and rope-a-dope, you should try it out sometime in your extremely difficult to utilize P-51D

>No sane US player climbs. It's pointless.

why not? there are a few American planes that climb well, including the P-51D, also see above
>yak-3 shitter dives on my 12 while im flying my Duck
>do an awkward maneuver in which I dive down for 50 meters and pull back up
>shitter misses every shot and ends up face planting into a mountain
3rd time some faggot dives on me and ends up crashing in one day
people who target lawnmowers deserve no better
he's one of those "i put rockets and bombs on my jug and suicide immediately" guys

don't even bother
How do you fly the f6f hellcat?
There only question that matters.
Would you risk your life for you fellow man, even if that man was a QT?
fucking DROPPED
it's an extremely hard to use energy fighter

figure out the rest
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>il2 bos/bom
>adding mouse aim

Its dead jim
out turn everything but bongs and nips
use speed against nips and bongs
Are you fucking joking? I literally just bought it on Steam.
We want the War Thunder audience!
as long as it doesn't give third person.



Just showed it off on the newest dev update. Looks to work just like mouse aim in WT.

Get a refund while you still can
I honestly don't see the problem with this. This will obviously be limited to a different difficulty level. It'll pull in some shitters from War Thunder and that'll honestly be good, it'll make Gaijin fix their fucking game.

1C isn't quite stupid enough to put this in their simulator gamemode.
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never happened

It does

But dont worry perfectly fair tovarish )))))))))))
Is it bothering you that there is no a go to plane/tank when you want to have fun and that you're so long in this game that you know in advance when you'll kill someone and when you'll die.... I relaly need a new game, but there is nothing out there... sadfeels
>This will obviously be limited to a different difficulty level.

But its available at every difficulty level


This isnt 1c though, its 1CGS which is really just the new name for 777 - a company that thought selling scarves in a ww1 flight sim was a smart business move.
I was seriously considering buying it, but now Im doubtful. Saw a random comment claiming that said feature would only work on servers for mouse aimers only, but I dont really know if that's true.
Anyway, anyone knows how's the hit detection when you're playing with 300-400ms? The only server which seems to be alive is in vodkaland.
source on it being available in every gamemode? That seems like a hilariously stupid move. Not even Gaijin is that stupid.
even if they make it work only on certain servers, the popularity difference will be so big normal servers will die slowly

Servers can lock it, which means only the surper hardcore "salute!" servers will do it

Game tends to be dead outside of euro prime time, but even then its one full and a few populated

3-400ms is unplayable, the game has garbage netcode/lag correction. Unless you can shoot teleporting planes
so, like sim battles in war thunder? )))))))))))))

if servers can lock it I really don't see the problem
that would actually make me play that game
i hate playing sims, they aren't made for fun, they're made for autism
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>3-400ms is unplayable, the game has garbage netcode/lag correction. Unless you can shoot teleporting planes
So Im doomed and WT is my personal hell? Nice. Thanks for the input.

The problem is the lead developer, loft, clearly wants the war thunder audience

This is just the biggest step he has made towards accommodating them. I doubt things from here on out will get better
>something that has a learning curve can't be fun
>anyone who plays it is autistic

kill yourself
i'm not speaking about the difficulty, i play sim games all the time, but they aren't made to be fun, they're made to be an authentic experience. i don't really care about that too often.
an authentic experience without the consequence of death sounds like a great time to me
I'm sorry but you're basically complaining at me about how a developer is trying to cater to me, someone who plays War Thunder Realistic and Sim battles. The tanks and the mouse aim are both very obviously trying to bring in more people so their game sells better, because they've seen how much money Gaijin has made and think there might be room for a game with perhaps more emphasis on simulation than Gaijin has put forth.

If they take things from war thunder and put them in the game in a reasonable way with proper balance OR historical accuracy then I don't fucking care that they're trying to cater to the WT audience. Do you have any idea how much I want to play tanks with 2 other people, with one being gunner, one commander, and one driver? If that's something Battle of Moscow brings I will be incredibly happy.
>without consequence of death
i don't know what you mean by that, do you mean that you can shoot down other people without worrying about getting killed, or do you mean that there is no penalty (repair costs, etc.) for getting killed?
the former
but that's not guaranteed in a multiplayer game, especially not a realistic one. in a game you can probably get close to that if you are skilled since the game is (usually) balanced, but in a realistic simulator that's very unlikely.
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Is it just me or does the gunner become non-functional "deadzone" no matter where it is pointed for a split second after I shoot down an aircraft?
an authentic experience of ww2 air combat without getting literally killed
that's what I meant, not in-game
Retard here, what exactly is wrong with mouse aim? Isn't forcing a player to go through motions to maneuver a plane a form of artificial difficulty?

And in WT, isn't mouse aim purposely inefficient compared to doing it manually, or at least supplementing it with manual inputs?
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Jesus Christ I hope this T-34 vs Pz. IV shit isn't all they are doing for Winter this year.

It's fucking abysmal.
Aiming is a lot harder when you're using a stick, maneuvers are easier.
compare it to a racing game in which the car is controlled by an instructor that makes minute changes to your braking, throttling, and turning in order to keep you on the road.

the result would be tons of players going really fast in ways that shouldn't work because it'd require an amount of fiddling with the controls that no real player could achieve

a good player without the instructor would beat their lap times by a good amount of time, but if they were to be put on the track at the same time, he'd have trouble beating them due to retards being retarded all over the track

that's essentially war thunder

>Pretending to be shitigi
>wrong trip codes

Fucking newfags trying to be funny
>"So anon, what's your favorite plane?"
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>Peleliu as japs
>get outclimbed by airstart P-47s

M22 Locust.
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She's pretty unique.
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>"Silly anon, that's not a plane!"
B-2 Spirit
T E M P E S T Mk V


It's the Fagot.
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>take a break from WT
>go to world of warships
>6000-12000 people online.
>/wowsg/ is so dead that it now covers 3 games
>consider playing WT

you all don't know what dead is.
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your mom roflmao
how many G's do you think that was?
a lot

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>new guinea is bongs or burgers
>n1k2s and ki84s are in orbit around saturn and r2y2s and diving on you the second you take off
Japs have literally no room to complain, so fuck off
Grandscenarios' satin stockings!
>doesn't snap its wings
Look at these worthless shitters
>wasn't built out of wood

What's the point in it being able to do this when all it does is fire missiles from 150 km away?
What's the best Spitfire?
doesn't hurt.
Teamkill em
Mk Ia
>meanwhile, in WT
>he would've lost 50km/h because muh thrust and sekrit documints
Why do people cream themselves about the He 112 A0 when the 112 B-0 has better armament, faster and same BR?

The A-0's ammo load lasts literally forever and it's way easier to aim.
>ammo load lasts literally
Though that's because it fires at a ridiculously slow pace.

Considering how easy it is to get close to people and land a few good shots, it's not that big of a problem.

I shot down a Yak with a single shot to his wing. As in one shot.
>shitty MG/FF's
>better than a 20mm flak cannon

>better armament
all 20mm guns aren't created equal, and a center mounted one is worth more than ones in the wings
>start game,crash into walker bulldog because lag, and keep getting pushed it by a sherman
>bulldong TKs me
why are retards allowed to play this game
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>nips have one kill
>all but three of the allies are dead

The B-0 turns like a mule getting raped by a tiger, whereas the A-0 turns like a Zero on steroids.

Even though the stats say otherwise, I have absolutely no problem out-maneuvering I-16s in the A-0, but the B-0 screams in pain trying to do the same thing and actually just falls out of the sky if you are drawn into a drawn out fight.

The guns are also pure shit.
so, what exactly happened to your teammates?

Considering the tier?

Crashed a lot.
do you have a photo of a mule being raped by a tiger for reference?

asking for a friend

Furaffinity might.
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Which is more autistic WoW/WoT or War Thunder?
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WoT has the obsession over W/L ratios and damage ratios and shit.

WT just has shit retards.

I remember years back when WoT general would raid WT general regularly out of some buttdevastation or "epic trolling".
>implying WT players aren't obsessed with W/L ratios
it's k/d becuz "muh team sucks"
WT players are more obsessed with K/D than W/L. Nobody cares about W/L.
They're all equally autistic in their own way.
Because "muh turnfight".
turn fight is what fighters do
I don't :^)
Energy fight > TnB > BnZ
Then why is the F-16, the best fighet jet in the world a turn fighter? check mate
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A-10 > F-16
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How is anyone actually this bad?
Is that a premium p-51?
Is there any way to run the CDK on a Mac

I'm probably gonna regret asking this.
There are plenty of reasons that somebody could have an incredibly bad score for a single vehicle. Mixed tank/plane matches are generally bad for air-to-air stats as being loaded for air-to-mud turns you into an easily found target. When I first started playing RB air I was using a stick in virtual cockpit and generally getting shit on because I didn't have a clue what I was doing. So I'm trying to say, having bad stats lol stats for one plane isn't a big deal. It's when their most-flown plane is a bomber and all their fighter scores are sub 1:1 K:D that you need to start worrying.
Fighting ki-84s in a P51 as a 1v1 takes too much time and effort
>implying you'll actually have a chance to fight when the Ki-84 dives on you from its airstart-given altitude advantage
Paper airplanes
Exactly my point, you have to spend half an hour climbing to get above him, or hope he dives on your team mates at the start. Then it takes about 10 minutes to gain separation and re-engage if you miss your first attack, fighting him below 5km is also a death sentence for you
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>650 replies
>100 posters
ded game+massive 508 circlejerk.
>Fly P-47
>Kill 5 people without any effort one game
>Have trouble even damaging people with dozens of .50 shots to the wing and die in a single burst of machine gun fire

I like the P-47 and all, but this always happens.

Sometimes enemies explode into flame after a single burst, sometimes a Spitfire takes enough shots to his wings to leave them a bunch of torn scraps but keeps flying.
did the same thing in la9, difference was the server
Play planes that have shotgun accuracy but only need one or two hits for a kill like the F4U-1c
It's an airborne tank. Obviously he means it in tandem with the GAL.49 Hamilcar.
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muh dick
>inna J7W1
>match is >gud, we are beating the shit out of burgers and bongs
>2 sneeky beeky B-29 bombs our carriers
>Other match
>A B-29 is hiding at 9k
>i go to destroy ground units cuz fuck climbing there
>we loose the match

Im playing with japs but come on, thats having no skill at all
I just land and quit when that happens.

Every other match is like that nowadays.

Some guy just climbs to 10km in whatever plane and waits for people to get bored.
>inna fantasy up down straight lines machine
>bombers aren't flying straight into me
>don't wanna climb
what was the typical bombing altitude for B-17s and B-29s IRL?
That depends. What's the weather like? What time is it? Who are they being escorted by? Who are they flying against?
Hell, i wasnt going to climb to get that B-29, he would have get me at 1.24km before i can even engage. And fuck it, it can happend to other nations
clear, daytime, P-51s, nazis

yes i know B-29 didn't face nazis
first you need to get to heat... try that without being wallet hero
Is the Venom gud? I've been using the Vampire and averaging one kill a match, but I feel like that's only because miggers can't deal with someone outrunning them. Aside from that it seems pretty shit compared to anything not 7.0, so I'm just wondering if there's a big performance jump to the Venom.
Didn't mean to respond.
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>say pic related
>instantly get wing shot off by hard to use truck with cannon on it
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>K-4 on korea

dead game
>posted from my USN plane over malta
how do i make quality webms `?
High bit rates and good material to make webms from.
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fuck off.webm
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Learn what eats up bitrate and what your filesize limit is.
Venom is good.
Rolls like an absolute madman, zooms and dives really well, very crisp controls at high speed.
The stock experience is fuckawful though.
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>tfw last game of premium

Is the T-32 any good?
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kinda meant from start to end, which program etc
Reading up the webm standard may be a good start if you wanted to start coding your program.
[Bavarian brass band plays in the distance]
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Kinda low quality still. If you're recording with motion blur on try turning it off.
The Ho 229 even had multiple testflights what are you talking about?
Failed test flights before it was even loaded with its armament.
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ok Vegeta
Some due to Pilot failure tho, doesnt mean the plane never existed.
>random engine fire is the pilot's fault
The pilot's only mistake was trying to save the craft and not bailing.
That was the second flight, the first one went 30min and was just fine with the exception of the pilot breaking the Landing Gear.
>average burger player

in all seriousness though how can someone be this fucking bad

i'm literally braindead from flying the ilyushin-class star destroyer and can still get 6-9 kill games in the fucking cannonsair

j7w isn't fantasy retard
>2 prototypes
>big problems with torque etc.

The version we have in game is entirely fantasy.
do you even know what the definition of fantasy means

the j7w in game is literally worse than it was in real life
>45 minutes total of flight is enough to make an accurate assessment of a craft
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No it wasn't that great
>the j7w in game is literally worse than it was in real life

Yeah I'm sure it's a lot worse than the performance estimations made by late-war engineers that didn't want to be forced to kill themselves for designing a piece of shit.
>the j7w in game is literally worse than it was in real life
Do you have any documentation to back this up?
There isn't a lot of data for it in the first place.
how is that Kanonenjagdpanzer?
holy shit, did they change the FW D9 somehow? it feels even more deadly than before

slowpoke here who hasn't played since the big update
You think weeb shits actually have any evidence to back anything up?
All they'll ever say is Sakai flew (x) and he said it could outperform anything as he shot down 100 F6Fs alone with his spine severed and his hands tied behind his back.
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>clip a mig on the wing
>he spins out and crashes into the ocean
>no kill
>10 minutes into the game allied tickets start dropping as if we lost all planes
well slav'd
I foresee that next minor patch will add offmap 203mm arty barraging non-slav airfields in all air modes

I had full confidence in my ability to destroy the Grumman and decided to finish off the enemy fighter with only my 7.7 mm machine guns. I turned the 20 mm cannon switch to the "off" position, and closed in. For some strange reason, even after I had poured about five or six hundred rounds of ammunition directly into the Grumman, the airplane did not fall, but kept on flying. I thought this very odd—it had never happened before—and closed the distance between the two airplanes until I could almost reach out and touch the Grumman. To my surprise, the Grumman's rudder and tail were torn to shreds, looking like an old torn piece of rag. With his plane in such condition, no wonder the pilot was unable to continue fighting! A Zero which had taken that many bullets would have been a ball of fire by now.

—Saburo Sakai

>posted as I die from a single hit to my elevators

There are people who survive being shot tens of times, that doesn't mean that is normal.
xaxaxa cyka
>of trusting japan man
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If you think wildcats doing this is okay then you're criminally retarded.
>waaaah, why do my planes die when they are killed
burger players, everyone
Why does my plane whose primary redeeming quality of "taking damage without dying" die from such minor damage, more like.
>Im retarded
We know anon
>posted as I beg on reddit for the IL-28 to be moved to 6.7
>burgerboo projecting

American pilots really are the air equivalent of Tigershitters.
>posted from my extremely underperforming Hunter as I genocide the entire team
You should fly the F4F desu
Wait for your turn Lohere.
I'm not screaming about the wildcat's IRL 6.9:1 KD, I just want its weak fucking elevators fixed.

Britshit genocide WHEN
don't even bother with APCR
Why are Day 27 awards exactly the same as Day 1 rewards? I know they can't give golden wagers every day of the week, but I've been playing daily for a full month now and the rewards definitely aren't reflecting this.

The day used to fail to reset so I got to day 200 and something.
>posted from the bottom of the sea off Hokkaido
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>Entire slav team is PE-8 and PE-2s
>they all die before I can even start lawnmowing in my hs-129b2
gas the bomberfags when?
Why the fuck does no one ever climb?
Literally every fucking game we just get farmed off the ground because half the enemy team climbed but only two people in my team, including me.

Is this just a problem with american teams? Does it get better at higher tiers?
soviets are suffering from bomber infestation once limited to usa, tragic
every round there is always some retard in a PE-8
every time
Gotta grind for the bomb so they can ruin GF.
american pilots are retarded

M2 wants to do lewd things to Pz II
File: Type 27.png (1MB, 1000x730px) Image search: [Google]
Type 27.png
1MB, 1000x730px
This plane is so fun to fly, I love it.
I wish the type 27 could get the type 5's parade camos.
yes and its also cute
Holy shit, that's awesome.
If it's like WT's mouse-aim then I might give the game a try now.
spoiler this ugly shit when you post it please
When was the last time air RB got a new map?
Norway and then Moscow
But the later one was too big for the game so it got removed.
rb has a shitload of maps, just the MM refuses to put you there
[Alternate History] Spain )))))))))))))))))))
>tfw you get malta for the first time in a month and you get confused
small family playerbase((((
I remember a time when not matter whom I played in tier 4 (except Japan) I would always end up playing on Berlin.
Getting something like Malta or Stalingrad was fucking confusing.
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