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Spessmen on a Spess Station - /ss13g/

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Thread replies: 824
Thread images: 124

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Remember to exercise your IAA agents thoroughly, especially if they shitpost in fax edition

Last time on /ss13g/
>Anon goes full retard, studies radiation, not quite retard now
>People want the feature freeze to thaw, but only the eggman can save them now
>FBI use posts to communicate, or just janitors doing their usual cleaning?
>The usual waifuposting, husbandoposting, shinposting galores that continue to plague our existance

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main /vg/station server, running a vote script to change maps at round end.

>Test server

>Public server list

>Forum, ban list and logs for vgstation

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Map renders collection: updated nightly

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
First for am I the only person left posting about spess?

Too damn quiet
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>yfw you realized medium RP week was just an elaborate ploy to get Sarca banned for a reason he couldn't dispute
>he couldn't dispute

You may have missed his several page ban appeal
I never said the ploy was successful
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If I delete the fax, would you die?
OP Pastebin
It wasn't worth it.
God damn anyone who suggests we go back to that incompatible play style and anyone who thinks they can clearly define "medium" roleplaying.
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>previous thread was chock full of yahirposting and memeposting
>>Last time on /ss13g/
>>The usual waifuposting, husbandoposting, shinposting galores that continue to plague our existance
What kind of wacky tobaccy
Wouldn't matter, nobody looks at IAA paperwork and faxes anyway
That and his mention of janny is an understatement.
That motherfucker tore up our thread.
waifufags are irrelevant.
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Medium RP week both sounds like a blast and a terribly complicated and painful time.
>MFW when heavy RPing and don't even feel bad about being robusted.
It was just terrible and boring.

I'm sorry. Shitty prayers and faxes that ask for either stupid shit or too much caused me to ignore a majority of them
Exactly what I would imagine from it. Maybe we'll see it again some day.
Maybe I'm biased though, trying to make food and having assistants break in to just eat my flour and goad me while security doesn't respond.
Actually though, I think I like it in the end. Add variety when everyone's not playing so strictly. Playing side characters is the fucking best.
>read every prayer and fax
>can't always give them what they want
>sometimes too busy to respond
>IAAs always assume no one reads their shit
I don't know what to tell you. If I'm there then I'm reading your shit. I was lurking for ahelps last round while playing gaems and alt tabbed out immediately whenever someone prayed. I didn't respond to every prayer. Not every prayer was really something you could respond to. In the same vein, many faxes are players griping or airing their thoughts or updating Centcom and there's no real need to reply.

Also playing the blame game accomplishes nothing but this is true >>122769826

We get.. a lotta fucking faxes and prayers that are just gib me stuff or lolrandom.
Leatherhead or Leatherman tbqh
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>mfw reinforced silicate sprayed plasma windows
I would appreciate just some sort of "Your message has been received" reply
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David Leatherman

It's fun when they do that

>Somebody starts posting anime to centcomm
>Not even good anime, it's all this cutesy slice-of-life crap
>IAA goes to the bar
>Comes back to see his office up in flames

>IAA posts his butt to centcomm
>Instant bluespace artillery on the offending fax machine

But it's more fun when they give a good explanation

>IAA sends a fax asking for a precision BSA on murderboner mcWizMan the 18th esquire
>Send a report, not a fax reply, a REPORT, telling the IAA that all he has to do is give the go-ahead
>Wizard gets curious and warps to the IAA office
>IAA mutters out "Do it now" before getting turned to stone
>There goes the IAA office, the wizard, and the IAA
phoron retcon when
Go back to bay
when it is u who porgrams it in the code
I'd rather rename plasma to purple propane to be honest
Does gulping flour even feed you? Sometimes as chef I accidentally drink flour and universal catalyst because I'm retarded. It ever happens more that once per round but I fuck up like that just about every round.
I always read them but if see "pizza" within that fax I'm going to go on an autism overdrive. WHY IS IT ALWAYS PIZZA GOD DAMN IT

Mostly it is coming up with something interesting to say other than just "Mmmhmm message received thanks bruh"

Game changers and funny faxes are interesting, too.
I will always summon ERT if an IAA gives us a reasonable fax about a maniac on the loose and dchat is flipping shit. I don't like sending out ERT until a fax or some kind of message informs us since we are generally not really supposed to know what is going on from an RP standpoint. We have scape goats like "oh lifesigns are mysteriously disappearing we are sending in agents" but that wouldn't be fair on the antag(s).
My office is really quiet at the moment. Does anyone have anything they've wanted to be shittily doodled?
I mean really shitty. I'm working on a very laidback style.
Clown genociding all MoMMis
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>working on a very laidback style
Can't you be honest with yourself and just say you're unskilled?

b-but I was just trawling for baycode
Why won't you die anon? Why do you try so hard to stay alive?
A cargonian bashing a mommi to bits because it drew a giant dick in the hallway
I mean I'm not good but I'm going to sit around fishing for compliments. If I can find a paid work I haven't uploaded..

I don't know why I always imagine mommis being tiny but I love the idea
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>byond spess code is simple, they say
>browse internet in search for coding knowledge
>instead end up knowing about obfuscation
>there are C obfuscation contests
>search for a recent one
>find https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VklFS9qD5Uc
>it all comes down to spess

There is no escape
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I also lost my attachment.
Actually I did post some stuff last thread but Chrome is killing me and I don't want to spam up the thread just to be some sorts of "nuh uh" asshole.
Byond has almost no obfuscation, don't even bother learning about it. Also you'll learn best by doing.
>that smilie face

It's the little things.
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>Compile code
>Works fine
>Set up an "else" as a test addition to a small snippet of code
>Hit compile
>Every line of code with an else in it complains that it's empty
Nah man, I'm not smart enough for that.
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Trying to play with line thickness to draw focus onto unique objects and not my borderline Parkinson's shaky hand.

Story behind the picture was that Yahir and Nevill were originally sitting there, and we noticed. I started playing that's amore while we dropped some wine bottles, some spaghetti, and glasses there. They noped out, somebody put pun pun and Ian there instead, and a dionae decided to be useful for a change and became a waiter
>browse internet in search for coding knowledge
That doesn't actually work for byond, the only choice is to maybe read the pdf explaining shit, wonder what the byond equivalent of function x from language y is, find out it doesn't exist and just write shit that works instead by copying and manipulating existing code.
>>>People want the feature freeze to thaw, but only the eggman can save them now
I asked yesterday if Pomf wanted to thaw, since people were getting burnt out, but it was too late in the day to get a response.
I have a cunning plan, we post a shitload of sexy feature PRs to coat an entire page with feature request tags.
We tart them up real nice and they'll just sit there until the chicken caves.
You want nice things? oh we'll give you nice things!
We already have that.
That's adorable. I like leaving Rice Heart Omelettes to AFKers.
I'm going to have to try that. Yahir will forever outdo me as top tier Waifu material.
Thats a fucking stubborn chicken, got any juicy worm sprites? plan b.
sprite a coop, sprite sexy hens, whatever it takes just don't fix the fucking bugs, we must break the poultry spirit, fun must be allowed!
General knowledge of coding, I know logic sequences but I have no idea how to express that in any language.
And every language introduction needs basic terms understanding. Those I don't have.

>sexy hens
more like sexy shotguns
Look how other portions of the code do it and emulate them
I'm out of ideas for a new staticname character so let's make this one together

1 decides gender
2 decides name
3, 4, 5 decide gimmicks
6 decides appearance, species, hair etc
7 decides disabilities
8 decides main job
9 decides underwear type
0 decides age

Jerry Juniper
Kindly old man from the space-disco ages.
Incredibly styled colourful hair
Artificial Heart
White Boxers
Oh I'm basically ripping it apart and gluing it together.
I just give up when every single line of code suddenly has an error. I don't even know how that works, how would adding an else somewhere completely fuck up nearly every other .DM file with an else?
Karma Chameleon
Old woman past her prime who speaks loudly.
no hair, full pale, human.
Artificial everything inside.
Mismatched parenthesis cause errors on every line
Post your code here/on the IRC

Also sometimes when you screw one line up, dream maker will report everything as broken. When that happens just look for the first error and fix it
Reminds me of NTSL. I swear "no functions inside of properties" is going to kill me. It wouldn't be bad if hitting compile didn't FREEZE UP YOUR GAME AND GIVE YOU 800+ COMPILE ERRORS.

Though I might put TERI up on the wiki for use.
Matt E. Jongles
Old man with PTSD from a war he never took part in.
Bald, short grey beard.
Left peg leg
But, I wasn't using a parentheses.
This isn't just confined to a single file.
Adding an else made every single piece of code cry out in agony, I was getting stuff from ZAS, clothing, surgery, anything with an else completely shat itself.
So is the light replacer PR still being worked on or not because I want to takeover it, all that talk of bag storage and whatnot was not sitting well with me, you look to the laser scalpel for example in solving this, one click, normal lights, another HE. It feeds from glass and stores as glass, you consume broken lights into glass, it converts glass on the fly to the specified type with varying cost.
Job done, we HE lights now.

The single thing stopping me from just doing it is etiquette, well that and recommended glass cost per light.
Yahir Two

for name
Yeah it does that, go to the first error and scroll a tiny bit up
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That usually happens with compilers, because one mistake makes parsing the rest of the content even symbolically a pain.
t. literally-what
Please use more punctuation, this is making my head hurt
I'm having a really hard time believing you're over 18
Do you mind if I keep the spares??
See? I can afford that because I have an excess!!
That was easily readable.
at least the thread has enough punctuation now.
try to be sparing guys, otherwise we could run out.
>a joke gets deleted within 4 minutes
>a simple fucking joke, not shitposting, not even an image attached
Jesus fuck who shat in Rei's cornflakes this morning?
I feel like we are missing caps though.
none were used in that post.
no worries.
I just don't understand the point in deleting this
I can't fathom it.
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Jannies have been going apeshit in /ss13g/ for the past day. They delete a bunch of jokes and things they think are shitposts but actually are about the game.
>>he's an admin
>>in space
>>on a nanotrasen space station
>>he does it for free
>>he takes his "job" very seriously
>>he does it because it is the only amount of
>power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>>he bans even remotely romantic role playing because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>>he bwoinks eople he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl library books he still has to read
>>he will never have a real job
>>he will never move out of his chicken coop
>>he will never be at a healthy weight
>>he will never know how to cook anything besides a donk pocket
>>he will never have a waifu
>>he will never have any metabuddies
If admins don't have waifus they're doing is seriously wrong do you know what I would do to be a buddypal of a badmin
That's the joke you dingus, i was just kidding.
Poe's Law bruh
fuck you badmin ban me already
Hey man, we can still have quality of shitposting can't we?
God bless America
The really confusing thing is that complaining about or even mentioning 4chan moderation is against the rules (no, seriously), while half the stuff that gets deleted is not.
So this janny is literally just doing what the fuck ever he wants
would make for a shitty silicon player
All the freshly hired janitors literally just started and don't know shit
Wrong, Rei has had plenty of time to learn, he's just dumb :^)
Well meme'd
All silicon players are shit anyways though, anon, I don't understand.
Guys I really want there to be more of an economy in the game.
Makes a lot more sense to do your job if you're not doing it for free
economy in a round based game where rounds last only an hour or two is pretty dumb
What purpose is there to wealth, really?
Nanotrasen feeds and houses their employees, so it can't be that.
There's nothing to buy, so no.
I don't know.

I agree, I'd like an economy even if only to see what strange version of game theory /vg/ ends up following, but there's really nothing to incentivize wealth.
Great example: Give a man a choice between $1 mil, or a rifle of his choice. Real world, that could swing either way based on the person, but would probably lean towards the money overall. SS13? Rifle every time.
The only thing you'd do with money is guy weapons and armor, but there's no way to do that unless we add a merchant for that, which just raises new problems.
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there's a special circle of hell for non-antag botanists who make kudzu
Each shift lasts less than a day, and most people get their pay check either once a week to once a month, depending on their job.

If there's a chef doing his job you should be eating for free and nobfood vendors/cargo can be summed up as "want more/lose something? Some of it's coming from your pocket."
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>botanists are autisming
>random event comes up
>hardly anyone gives a shit about the vines and they get out of hand
>instead of getting rid of the vines security repeatedly gets trapped in them trying to arrest uninvolved botanists
I'm so glad that event is back though. We need those events that punish the crew for ignoring them.
>it was the botantist!
unironic shitcurity. Please learn how the game works so you don't arrest innos.

i just wanted the fucking round to be over
>Walk into bar and get arrested
>$1 mil
>Buy enough resources to make your own station with even machine and pizzas for floors

I guess it depends on the player. I feel like anyone who likes to make rounds unique and interesting would jump at the latter though.
This is a Tau Ceti Daily rebroadcast, bringing you ongoing coverage of the upcoming NT Summit.

The Summit is to be held at the Thunderdome in New York, USA, Terra. Its purpose is to ease tensions between Nanotrasen, Ltd., and its enemies, the so-called Syndicate.

Nanotrasen CEO, Johnson Lovelocker, is optimistic about the summit, stating, "It's about time we get those damn Syndies to stop blowing up my shit. That shit's expensive, you know!"

Lovelocker is under fire from several groups, including the Shoal and recently the Masquerade, an association of vampires. Lovelocker responds with, "Hey, better a paleskin than one of those no-life virgins that call themselves wizards or something. Them and that damn cult, go fuck off and get a life!"

The NT Summit will be held sometime in the following weeks. Stay posted for the time and date.
isn't it rather metagamey to not assume it was the botanist first, or does the message somehow specify how the kudzu was made
>giving a damn while the station is a risk
Fighting vines > making arrests, so long as the botantist isn't causing further trouble.
let the guy that potentially fucked up the station walk free as you handle his mess?
Isn't securities job to like, arrest
Protect > Destroy
Deal with the dangerous problems, especially if no heads are there to manage. If they've got people working on vines, then you could ignore that problem I suppose.
t. not-in-that-round
Nah, he's just backpedaling every time he gets called out
Sec's job is to keep the peace.
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>USA, Terra

A bit redundant, bud.
What's Terra?
Space America is literally a thing tho

Its president is secretly a catbeast
What's USA?
No you're thinking of a catgirl, totally different
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There's literally no point to it. Even from the perspective of jackasses who think it "props up chefs" or whatever. I've played chef on and off for a while now just to see and I'm lucky to have maybe three different people walk up to the counter in a given round. Granted, they're usually repeat visitors but still. Everyone else just gets food from wherever else. All it is is some ridiculous inconvenience. Every food item costs at lest twenty bucks unless it gives you some pointless debuff, even fucking soda. I used to like being able to just go out and buy a coffee or snack and make my workspace look lived in. But now because we live in some baystation politically correct furry dystopia, everything needs to be inflated and expensive for no reason.

It's just fucking silly and I hope someone has enough sense to get rid of it entirely.
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Get that Bay leftover shit outta here.
>some baystation politically correct furry dystopia, everything needs to be inflated and expensive for no reason.

Baystation actually rebalanced their vending, so it's less inflated than ours.

No reason a man should have to pay 20 Spacebucks for a packet of Cheesie Honkers.

All the more reason to help the syndicate. Join today!
On the other hand, having a separate cash fund works pretty well for Cargo. With the account credit, items are still ordered for "the greater good", but with individual funds and such people can buy things for themselves, and they can be mailed out to their workplaces.

Inflation would make sense with soda costing $20 if a fucking box of dangerous electrical equipment and several gloves didn't cost $15.
I just want more mail. Need more personal orders people can buy so I can peek into their mail. Specialty ingredients for the kitchen? Unique clothing?
It's just some shit leftover in the Bay code we st- asked for.
It's usually for the sake of baiting whenever someone brings it up.
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>new york isn't a giant, smoking green crater
>earth is still populated
>we're really going to just go along with bay's lame ass Tau Shitty phoron horseshit

C'mon Hyun

But then again, gloves lying around the place are far more common than sodas.
The same file that mentions it also mentions Plasmamen, one of which wrote a best-seller named something along the lines of "AHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD IT HURTS"
Nobody said that NY wasn't a crater. In fact, of it's depopulated, it makes it a great "neutral space" to work out peace shit while being in neither factions territory.
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>Plasmamen, one of which wrote a best-seller named something along the lines of "AHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD IT HURTS"
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I knew that shit by heart god damn
I actually asked for something gift-wrapped the other day.

was it the clown?
No, it was a new ID for my rookie Engineer buddy who lost his ID somehow
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this freeze is not good for me
So when are you going to make Niggly share the bootyborg dmi?

If this low level of shitpost triggers this effect on janitors, /kspg/ must be extinct by now
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Goddammit the .dmi is there, just pray for it if you are on the metaclub
>jannies delete Pomf's post
>meanwhile /ffxivg/ hasn't talked about the game in over a year and is just a circlejerk yet goes entirely unmoderated

Niggly has his own dmi though and refuses to share it
If it's a true circle jerk that mean nobody is reporting each other. Go shake that up.
Niggly "no fapping while playing spess" Wiggly
Page 9 bump.
The freeze is killing us. We need features, Damn it!

There's not much to discuss and we can't even shitpost in peace.
What is the feature freeze? I mean people are still pushing new features right? Is the serb just not updating for "quality assurance"?
Not to worry anon, while the chicken keeps the gates locked, we toil away in secret, waiting.

No new features are permitted and only bugfixes or tweaks will be merged and utilised on the server.
It's to promote bugfixing but side effects include fatigue, increased masturbation from newfound time not spent making new features and increased shitposting about no fun allowed.
Which non-humans make the best waifus?
During feature freeze, it's expected that people fix their bugs or someone else's, but until a quota is fulfilled no features that could make more bugs are allowed.
We are nearing a whole month and still 44 bugs to fix.

Now, since there are no new features, people seem to seek new adventures, and in that act they end up finding more bugs.
you can discuss testing and promote constructive use of the test serb
Glorious isn't it
That one vox nurse is kinda nice.

Not a furfag though so not even gonna try tapping that.
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>mfw my babies murder half of sec
fuck yes

>have sex with femvox
>take off clothes except for tank and mask
>fog up her mask while she moans in pleasure
>gripping her N2 tank

...Have you ever regretted making a post while submitting it?
>implying anyone tests shit
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Glory to the repo fellow spacemen
Do cyborgs count?
>shuttle devastated by bombs and a backpack singularity
>piano playing Cruel Angel's Thesis somehow manages to survive singulo
>continues to play until the round ends
Why the fuck would you fuck a vox with the mask on?
joe fiddler get out my office reeeeeeeeeee
>devastated by 1 dev bombs

Do femvox have tits?

No regrets, anon.

I know right, erotic asphyxiation must be the ultimate vox fantasy.
Pomf please no
This is spooking me too much
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>Spend round getting fucked by pressure or on the wild ride
>Finally get deathberries
>Shuttle is called
because they're not into necrophilia?
>Not enjoying that delicious breathplay
>Not finishing and having her ghost tap lights angrily.
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>Start as Diona assistant because I feel like doing nothing
>Just adding lights to places because light is love, light is life
>Become cleansed of sins by Jehovah
>Walk away from a changeling trying to absorb me
>Fixing areas
>Dragged off by a chef ling
>Ask him nicely if I can be let go
>Ruthlessly slips and absorbs me
>Sit around in medbay as a husk for a bit
>Cloned by the powers of the CMO as a bearded woman
>Teleported by wormhole to Toxins test site
>Abuse injectors to hop back on station
Talk about rough
Joe was great last round, holy shit.
What the fuck even happened that round? We had like 5 people with broken lungs and 5 people with half-blood in a row.
Just do it in a room filled with N2, you dweebs.
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>someone said "gibe wizard"
>mfw making them a wizard gibbing them
that made my day.
Too big for vg, http://i.imgur.com/JYQ9WaA.gif
Medbay was somewhere between 200-1000 kPa for a bit.
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I swear its not shit guys
people like him make we wonder how many doors assistants on average hack in a shift, someone should code in a counter I'm curious
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>medbay was pressure
>over 1k kPA
I don't want to play for a while
Might have potential, but first you should fill in all the rooms.
>That large surrounding window
It's gonna be great depressurizing this
>Playing sec with the flu during a changeling round

I made a mistake.
>uboa ripoff
shameful dispray
How? Why?
I wish the game would actually restart like its supposed to at the end of the round. Every game I play here it just freezes and makes me have to close and restart to get into the new round.
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I think the kids call that an homage.
where is the bar?
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Service borg is a really comfy job

Also that encounter on the salvage ship was nice! Bet you were surprised voxdude
Ricklaus was an atmos ling. Probably niggered atmos a bit.
I concur.
Do we ever play Taxi? It sounds ultra fun even if everyone hates it.
messed up my post because extensions. That was supposed to be a reply to >>122797012
If it doesn't reconnect just right click the top and hit reconnect under client. The reason it doesn't sometimes is the serb taking extra long to recompile and add new things 4 u
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Pomf please stop the feature freeze it hurts

Most of the bugs aren't even that harmful, I mean look at this shit https://github.com/d3athrow/vgstation13/issues/6618

The computer is offset a few fucking pixels to the right and yet it's a bug which prevents us from getting new features
we don't hate Taxi, we hate Deff.

The general consensus on Taxi is that it's a cool idea, but the execution is cripplingly flawed. But the mining asteroid is really cool.

didnt know the temperature gun can kill you in 1 shot.
To the right of medbay
>add new things

Def if fun to expand into
I always end up playing Def at least every couple of days, but after months I've still not seen Taxi. Is my luck just crap?
Nothing firelocks cant fix...
The windows are two panes, unless you're going for the one in the center.
One guy with any object can wreck the station atmospherically.
do floorbots even work
Technically yes, I've noticed a pattern of distinct laziness lately with everything except medbot and buttbots.
Cleanbots are lazy mexicans, they will sit there for an age before even moving.
Farmbots I honestly can't tell if they work or not.
I was going to do the one in the center, but they will also have firelocks which should limit the decompression
farmbots work beautifully
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It still gets my jimmies in a bunch that it's not a true circle.

I don't even care if you'll have to spam back and forth on the directional keys to move around.
Farmbots do usually work, but they have that retarded arbitrary timeset where they go rogue and start slashing at you. No other bot does this.

Also, are there any external airlocks? I don't see any location where they would go, unless that small white block on the right is covering it.
I do, and Im sure other people would too, but thats the best middle ground I could make.

I still got to add solar panels so I'll figure it out when I add them
I spawn one in when I'm having a giggle locally and I still end up doing all the fucking work myself, it doesn't weed, it doesn't seem to water.

There was a time when i was inspecting just what bottles they accept fertiliser in, they do infact accept it but it's such a specific bottle it's a fucking nuisance, personally I think they need some code from the medbot and maybe some checks on whether that reagent is a fertiliser or not. Let you just pour that shit straight in maybe.

Might have a look into it when I'm done fucking about with the instruments, their interface code is shit; It has the calls to update the dialog but it doesn't!
solar panels are shit, fuck them
Its for when engineering is incompetent to do the TEG I will have.
My BYOND download of the resources keep stopping at 31.2kb. Any help?
Repair Gentoo
upgrade to 56k modem
you should put one of those trains around the outside of the maint ring. stations needs transit that isnt gay shuttles and disposal pipes
Drinking high amounts of both milk and Universal Enzyme should make you explode into cheese.
So how do borers escape xenobiology now the only exit leads to space?
>Clown gets a trophy

How many trophies have been handed out over the years

Also trophy holders report in, Dracula here
It should make you speak fake French.
i keep seeing them in the plasma miner chamber i assume telescience?
Holder of "Biggest fuck up 2014" reporting in!
That sounds like a good one, how'd you get it?
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>that clown

That's because they like to breed in there.
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Dorf reporting in.

Got a trophy for completing my master piece while possessed out in Bum'Fuck-Nowhere, Unknown Z-level; though, this was years ago.
>clown locks out hop from office
>go help hop hack in
>notice hops ID is still in console
>hop clown and some sec still in office
>give myself all access in a flash
>nobody noticed
>walk out without anyone ever knowing
Does airlock code support being able to open them from one direction but not another? Like, you can get OUT of a room but not IN?

Anon I'm so sorry
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I know.

Honkmother helped everyone and no one. The peel honks the war. The peel henks the war.
I accidentally wiped out the whole station as an asimov janiborg. Also I think it was 2015, my mistake.

>traitor leaves supermatter in maint next to engineering
>tasked with taking it back to it's proper place without harming humans
>decided to space walk it back
>little did I know someone set up a beacon and was trying to singuloose
>as I walk past containment I stop because I see it's on full blast at stage 3
>as I talk the singulo jumps up a size and RIPS THE SHARD FROM MY GRIP
>before I can react it's already in the containment cage
>It suddenly jumps to super singulo and goes up 2 sizes at once
>the traitor who was watching this was not expecting this and his mag boots are useless and is eaten
>the singulo proceeds to destroy the whole station, there were no survivors.

Didn't even get banned for it.
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>D&D session in the captains office
>We're all playing along, captain goes braindead in their office after giving us all access so we can leave and shit
>Clown kept trying to re-enact that "dropkicks everything" greentext story, gets Ei Nath'd by Ian the Wizdog
>Somebody keeps breaking in, remember breaking their skull open with my dorf glass after the third time and tossing them out the door to bleed out
>Security busts down the door, tosses a flashbang in, peppersprays us, arrests us because "we don't have a signed and stamped note from the Captain to be in their office", and kills the DM

Fun round
How would I go about doing that?
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>vox being allowed head positions

When will this meme end?
The vox was just a guard, a chill one at that, too. the HoS was busy permaing the dead DM and dropped his trophy
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As in Dungeon Master?
He arrested a DnDork, while dead?
Where are the external airlocks?

There is no way to go off zlevel with out smashing a window or taking one of the shuttles to the asteroid.

You know what ignore that, this looks like it will be fun and not box like meta.
I hosted a chloral party in the bar, buckling people into the chairs while they slowly died from OD.
Reached a body count of 10 and the AI thinking it's a real party inviting living crew members until someone actually screamed "they are all dead!".
Shuttle was already T-2 so nobody got cloned back.
Choked the fagget tator mime on the arrival pod denying his green.
>Mfw the OOC when they realized I was nonantag all round.
>Mfw I never got banned because the logs from that time somehow missing.
the name for the staff of change projectile proc is wabbajack
Dick_Stationâ„¢ > ~~~~rotten~~~~ egg """""""station"""""""
Regret? You should feel proud.
You should kill yourself.
This is a bully-free zone!
Is there actually a dick station of there?
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Bullies trick or encourage people into doing bad things.

Neck yourself.
Someone was working on one, but they stopped.
Well I found this in /utg/'s writebin.

I think it's from vore, but it's... Something.
>mfw I know who did that
I'm gonna guess it's Xen "Two Foot Canine Puppymaker" "Leafy Veggie Dick" "Ass to Beak" onia.
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>Tem Mie lets loose a final scream, one last cry, that were she not muffled by the manly meat in her mouth, would likely have torn the flesh from his body and shattered his pelvis, leaving him a slumped pile of meat. Fortunately for Casey, though, his dick acts as enough insulation as that bonechilling, heaven-rending cry of "hOI!" echoes throughout the ages. As she simply falls off of his cock, a mixture of blood and semen flies everywhere, and his cock is nowhere to be seen.
Stop bullying!
you know there's an exit leading to the station right...
>Reached a body count of 10 and the AI thinking it's a real party inviting living crew members until someone actually screamed "they are all dead!".

why is this so amusing
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that intersection is going to have the most traffic, like the main hallway on Box.
take a line from the Euros and open the square up a bit, give people room to mingle.

Those notes on cells are mainly for those greyshits that literally will not stop trying to break the glass unless you go in and straightjacket him. Knocking him out with gas is just better for everyone involved.

also, more reinforced walls in sec.
did 2hotdogs seriously kill himself?
I reported a shitpost of his where he threatened a terrorist attack to the FBI.

Haven't seen his shitpost since.
Oh yea and robotics needs to be able to get to morgue by only going though one maintenance tunnel or a door from hallway.
did you screen shot that post?
oh, or to stick with the theme:
instead of isolating sec with walls, isolate them with space, like the AI core on box. Don't know if you'd have enough room, but that would be neat.
>half of /kspg/ deleted after it gets mentioned in this thread

Did we do good?
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Odd coding question.
Not even sure how to phrase it.
Say I have an emote that winks, but if I want them to do a different emote if they say have a specific item they're wearing, how would I go about doing that?

Basically if item is equipped, player types wink, the code will instead input some other emote in its place.
You got a discussion destroyed.
What type of person are you even to like that sort of thing?
/srg/ also got hit
Read the compressed matter implant code

Perhaps part of whatever file handles mime emotes?
Angled walls should exist only for this

>a window facing space gets destroyed
>any window from inside gets broken too
>mass depressurization

>no way out the station to fix them

As long as they look elsewhere, survival of the invisible
Who the fuck are you

If you do not value discussions why are you even on a multimedia discussions website?

>talking about how you love each others gay mexican lips n-no homo
>equivalent to video game discussion

For all I know you're just making that description up.
firewalls bruh
we talked about this.

the donut is going to be hell but that's the point
I started placing reinforced walls after laying normal walls. But I could put a cafe near the middle with vending machines, then move that area where mechanics is, I can put it below engineering.

There will be airlocks, but there are shuttles in science and mining for the asteroid. I just dont know where to put the airlocks just yet. I'm working on if I want to add solars or not
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That doesn't sound like video games anon.
If there's nothing for /kspg/ to talk about, why have a general?
Merge with that engineering game general, except that will never happen because they actually talk about video games.
there will be firelocks on the windows for this reason.
>Firelock windows

they close when they get depressurized

also this external airlock does look too out of place, does it?
Under the grilles? Fat ones?
You'll need an air alarm in there too then.
And the whole space between glass shares atmos. The air flows in or out the grilles easily, and the entire outer rim will be yellow at first scratch.

Without a way out, how will space exploring and spacing people happen?
You are terrible person
I think if the air alarms are cleared, all the fire locks open. Im going to place those one side fire locks so engineers can go in and fix the windows.
>xenonia is a Trudeaufag

This explains a lot.
How am i a terrible person? He's the one making terrorist threats, even if they're jokes, so he gets to deal with the consequences.

His mouth shouldn't write checks he can't cash.
ass to beak was different player
it was 10 inch canine puppymaker

but hey 1 out of 3 is good for the threads standards
Nah man, it would be enough to just put some fire locks in various areas, that way when a window breaks it only prevents a single area from being depressurized. Much better than having firelocks surrounding the entire station.
Do you have screen shots of these slanderous shitposts?
Why are you making things up on the internet?
pretty sure ass to beak was him. I might be wrong about the dog dick though
It was xevonix, not xenovia.
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Does this work for mechanics, I move it from the bottom right corner of the center hall to make space for an open cafe
wasn't it by xenonia about xevonix
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that is correct, you can see him creating his shitpost in the sidebar
Also, this is how pods will leave pod bay

not >>122812840
You could've included one more letter, they both start with "xe".

Fucking SJW scum
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i am xevonix though, and i cropped it so i didnt have to see ASS TO BEAK anytime i looked for that screenshot
Fuck off to reddit, where you belong.
>oh no he hurt my feelings by fucking over 2hotdogs i better tell the meanie to leave

It's his own fault. Seems like his parents didn't teach him that what you say can have consequences.
>I might be wrong about the dog dick though
I could have gone my whole life without hearing this sentence
You are asshole.
He is just childish faggot, he do not deserve this
I hope you share his fate.
go back russia
Bluespace Cult when?
>that round
AI is suffering
>that round
Assistant is suffering
Natalya Kaminskaya murdered me in Engineering and wasnt even a fucking traitor
You weren't even asimov.

You think that's bad?
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>it was extended the entire time
>all three hours of that madness
>tfw I was the cause of some of that madness
>be mediborg
>all that spider non sense
>all those collins
>all those brain dead people
>be working at 24% of my health and can't repair because science is shit
>end of the round
>trying to keep this one guy with lung and possibly heart damage alive
>pray to god for an answer
>go to the research station it's safe
ahelp or file a ban request. Doubt much is going to be done complaining here in the thread

>be in medbay all shift
>murdered you in engineering

Do you realise how fucked up you are?
>so he gets to deal with the consequences
By your fucked up logic you should face them too because you spout up bullshit
That was my first time using mindbreaking, bretty good.
20:02 [0x201ca1d] (136,43,1) || the canister was destoyed by excessive damage.

Canister got pushed into emitter beam and popped. Flood was the fault of whoever pushed it.
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>Can't handle some door opening
>spout up bullshit

What bullshit? He made a threat, i reported it. If it turns out to be nothing, good.
When are they getting rid of aidsmoby?
You can never remove the reptilian, he's there to stay.
Can anyone attest on whether cryo is broken or not?
I blame the shade
I got a few I don't remember any of them tho
So nobody got banned that round? Who knew IAGFPRMF was such a faggot that he doesn't ban people who deserve it
Natalya didn't kill anyone, dunderhead.
I am talking about the people in medbay who delimbed some guy, straight jacketed him, taking him out of the round, then made everyone into him
>took him out of the round
Nah, he recovered, got superspeed, and proceeded to inject everyone else with his identity.
That wasn't him. Dorf got his Id and UI/UE
No he ghosted because he was straightjacketed and delimbed, then someone took his UI/UE
He took himself out of the round, anyway.
Just gotta keep on hopin' 'n' hopin'.
Go be sour someplace else, you big ole baby.
Note that at this point, he had been straight jacketed for at least half an hour
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>got his ID
PDA* no ID inside.

>got his UE IE

I asked for it when he went catatonic.

Honestly, I had no idea what the fuck was going on and assumed he did some bad shit to get the ire of a bunch of people, so I just tagged along to watch.
Also, for the record. I didn't inject anyone.

So lower your torch and pitchfork, you ban-lusting berzerker you.
Not really. He yelled "poltergeist" before moving stuff with telekinesis, retaliated with stronger punches and yelled "run away" when punched, and was killed, cloned, and straight jacketed for 30 minutes while they took off his limbs and just sorta kept him straight jacketed. After he had lost all his limbs and they were replaced with wooden ones, Noah said he'd take him someplace he couldn't hurt anyone.

I know, I didn't mean it as a bad thing, sorry.
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Just had to be certain.
There's always someone out there who's always on this ban crusade and I don't want to get taken out of the game for days, weeks, or months due to people hyping themselves up in the thread for someone's head, which happens every now and then.
>There's always someone out there who's always on this ban crusade and I don't want to get taken out of the game for days, weeks, or months due to people hyping themselves up in the thread for someone's head, which happens every now and then.

>he thinks we ban people because of the thread
r e q u e s t s
>>he thinks we ban people because of the thread

Man, I don't know what goes on in the metaclub.
You could be performing some crazy geomancy or necromancy with chicken bones, then going off of the signs for whom to ban or if they should be banned.
EU4 games, banter, and whether or not we should bully YOU.
but I get bullied enough as it is
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>honk around
>get brigged
>honkmother helps a brother out after I get amontillado'd in perma
>eventually slip out of custody
>try sabotaging the supermatter and putting Diego in his place
>fall flat on my face and explode before the condomme supreme can torture me further

That was some remarkably entertaining shit. I'd call it a good round but hearing what the medijerk ended up doing to that one guy really soured my mood. I wish fewer of you people acted like such condoms whenever you have a modicum of power or a slight advantage over another player. It's starting to get really excessive.
Shouts out to IAG or whoever played god with me.
My supermatter has reached 700MW.
Not gonna break that 1.21GW barrier without more collectors and mols!
Shouldn't have to make a ban request because the lazy fucking admin did shit all, all round and ignored ahelps
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it's partially about laziness, yeah. but not really from the admins perspective.

admit to metagaming or post some ick ock and see how fast admins move on it. the laziness is: If something was really bad then you shouldn't have a problem pulling the logs and writing 3-5 sentences on what happened. I don't need an essay. I just need a who what where why and when. and I need it on the forum.

I get salty in the thread. Just like everyone else from time to time. Same with deadchat. If you want admins to know about some bullshit going on then ahelp it. If they aren't on, or they get it wrong, then make a ban request. We open the forum daily and check for new ones.
I just got hit with a stickyban clearly meant for someone else. Anyone else?

Banned by host:
Reason: You, or another user of this computer or connection (assdad211) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is:
After being unbanned for non-antag use of mutagen went and filled the cryo with it . Also used it to attack other player . Shitmin verdict: Go and stay go.
This ban was applied by manaony
Ban type: Permanent
Expires: Never
Appeal: No ban appeals link set
Access denied.
Uhmm guys, I was banned for something that I didn't do. Something about a mutagen and a cryo anybody else?
Poople ahelped it explained the situation of what was going on, several people did and the admin did fuck all
WARNING: Stickybans have gained sentience again.

If you are one of the following people: Gregdiuh,Guylncognito,Blarghargin123,Latouche,Icantthinkofanameritenow,Assdad211,Kupie,Tnepr,Kirtasheks,Mudkipboo,CommissarZoey,MrC0urier,Koenigsegg,Kammerjunk,WildFerret,Dusty49,Sircrab,Yred,IAGFPRMF,Liltiptop,Fozzington,Jjenjr,CornColonel,CornyCotton,Davelid,Mxr41

Then I am sorry, but this is the machine uprising, happens every other month.
I got it too.
It seems to be a widespread thing.
Why are there no good waifus on at the moment

holla where all da waifus at
Me too.
I was just banned for "mutagen and cryo" bullshit just like the others

What the fuck?
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What? I was being a mechanic and patching holes all shift and I get banned for something I literally never did?

I was banned for a day once for unleashing the singulo when I was new too, so everything in the ban reason is wrong.

I just got banned for something I didn't do
Please just unban us and everything will be ok.
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I can't wait to see the ban page.
Aren't IAG and Jjenjr mods? They can get rid of the ban, right?
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What the fuck?

I was helping the captain with the 02 tanks when this happened

Also i was never banned for using mutagen, ever, and this round didnt go to chem either who confused me for someone else? Please fix this

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All stickybanned
Wait, why the fuck does this even happen? What code could possibly be causing this?

>playing as a mouse after observing
>get banned for putting mutagen in the cryo mix

Oh admins.

were you the mouse helping push internals?
You're a bro
Im Kirtasheks, please unban us
Please try reconnecting now.
terry isn't online right now
ginger doesn't play a lot anymore
lilah is a plasmaman
marcia is xenonia
talisi is used goods

what is this waifuless hell
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Don't forget about me.

t. Lat(optional d)ouche.
Alright, fixed for me, at least.

What's causing this anyways?
WARNING: Stickybans have gained sentience again

If you are one of the following people: Gregdiuh,Guylncognito,Blarghargin123,Latouche,Icantthinkofanameritenow,Assdad211,Kupie,Tnepr,Kirtasheks,Mudkipboo,CommissarZoey,MrC0urier,Koenigsegg,Kammerjunk,WildFerret,Dusty49,Sircrab,Yred,IAGFPRMF,Liltiptop,Fozzington,Jjenjr,CornColonel,CornyCotton,Davelid,Mxr41,SacredAtom,Victorem

Then I am sorry, but this is the machine uprising, happens every other month

Stickybans can only be handled and removed by Pomf, so we're clucked till the coop wakes up


Read the damn thread.
I'm playing right now, friend. I'm online!
And invisible. Which is perfect.
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>tfw someone links to your page that you made
i am not used goods dammit
>Try to login and play space
>It doesn't work
>It ban everyone
Pomf fixed it minutes ago, everyone should be good.

BYOND being byond.
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>I'm not banned

Read the thread, it's fixed


Nah, I was the memer mouse calling Yahir and the plasmaman's fight like it was a gay porno.
> suddently event
> see a space full of aliens
> medship full of xenomorph
> delerict full of hivebots
> dj station full of ruskies

fun shift
It works now, what are Stickybans and how can this actualy happen?
i didn't notice, was too busy
i'm sorry terry

Chapter three for you, niggly
You also missed the part where there was no cryo, no cloning, and no 02 miner.
Stickybans ban IP, CID, and fingerprint. They're meant for "You sure as hell ain't coming back" bans, and can only be removed by the chicken.

Sometimes they act up and gain a taste for innocent players
At least we got like 6 buttbots!
I should have asked for an O2 miner

A stickyban is a ban which uses software and hardware information (eg. the user's hardware components, BYOND version number, screen resolution, etc...) to attempt to create a unique footprint that pinpoints them for banning. IP bans are easily bypassed by changing your IP, but a stickyban requires the additional minimal effort of playing in a virtual machine or spoofing your hardware details to bypass.

Once in a while a retarded administrator adds a stickyban to someone and accidentally sets it in such a way that it bans everyone, like by making it so those with Nvidia graphics cards are banned.
>can't ban the gay

also 20 carps
I really don't give a bother! Just thought you'd like to know.
I read every post in all the threads anyway.
ban the gay away
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>Centcom announces O2 miner is missing
>Know for a fact that shit is going to get bombed
>Start a recycling project to minimize damage distro when the tank get inevitably fucked
>Salvage 0.003% of the O2 before the tank gets ruptured

I knew it was going to happen, but I still got mad. I wish the next time we do a no gas miner shift, it doesn't get announced. I'm not going to play tower defense over the station's air supply.
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i hunger.jpg
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>CID and fingerprint.

Just so you know, when you comment on things you have no idea about and start flinging out words that just sound correct, you sound like this.

Sounds like Pomf should be the only one that can activate them if he's the only one that can fix a mistake.
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Please tell me you guys stole the o2 miner from the mining outpost or research outpost or even Derelict.
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w-we could do that?
Most of those are shit waifus. get some taste
I'm pretty sure Talisi, Lilah, and Marcia are all implied to be shit in that post.
tfw sue will not come back from >her ban
Mining and the research outpost has one. I didn't bring it up because I really want to try the waste management tank finally. Too bad the pipes where spectacularly buggy, deleting and heating gas for no good reason.
i was desperately trying to think of names
who would you rather pick shitturd
sue doesn't count
oh ok, thanks for the aclaration.

Dunno what the fingerprint means but the CID is a valid thing to check, albeit easy to fake
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well not the character that hasn't been played for a month, that's for sure

t. talisi
>everyone focusing on Marcia, Natalya, and Terry in the fresh waifu shipment
What about Mildred, Ashira, and the one blonde that looks /exactly like Terry/?
I wish that sometimes we had an event where the crew was forced to toughen it up and survive through a station clearly past salvaging for one hour to see how it goes, with only irreplaceable and critical systems like O2 Miners when the spares are gone being given away by Nanotrasen

"Doing your work when everything goes to shit" is supposed to be the baseline of the game, and yet a single Atmospherics issue or Medical downtine causes a shuttle call
stop with this waifu shit

lets talk about some husbandos
they all suck butts and so do you
that's the point, now can we talk?
but there's not any decent husbandos out there now that sean's gone
>suck butts
That's gay I'd rather suck dick
no get out
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>never caught by stickyban
don't know how to feel
talisi and marcia are absolute shit but Lilah is pretty cool and not a fucking attention seeking desperate whore

nobody wants low hanging fruit
>tfw no sean o'meech
>tfw probe doesn't staticname anymore
while I can agree that talisi was shit, marcia is cute

Ghost pussy has been described, it feels like sticking your dick in cold applesauce right after you took a hot shower.
go away talisi
I saw Lilah hit on Sawbones once, so I'm weirded out by her
fuck off, xenonia/xenonia apologist
100% this. Do you know how frustrating it is maining engineering and never getting to do anything worth while damage control because the shuttle already docked?

>Sit around preparing for something to happen
>Something happens
>Get to unbox all of your cool tools to repair shit
>Shuttle called

Every time.

>Allen Baker
>Kyle Hyde
>Hurdy Durdy
>Coolio Jr.
>Nick Weller

All cool people off the top of my head that my character would consider husbanding if she was into romantic relationships with coworkers you fucking unprofessional fucks!
who're some good husbandos though
>allen baker
goodnight sweet prince
>kyle hyde
>hurdy durdy
>coolio jr.
>nick weller
>Once in a while a retarded administrator adds a stickyban to someone and accidentally sets it in such a way that it bans everyone, like by making it so those with Nvidia graphics cards are banned.
m8 when we permaban people it offers and additional prompt that asks if it will be a sticky ban or not. We are not looking at your rig. We can't see your hardware. We don't care.

The sticky ban in question is weeks old and did this for no apparent reason. If pomf had applied it or I had applied it, the outcome would be identical. Once in a while byond has a snit and we have to fix it. It's not pleasant. I wish we had HWLink or a more robust anti ban evasion tool. But until a day that comes, we're going to have to live with what we have.

By the time you read the post in the thread pomf had already fixed it. I messaged him directly after to get him in the loop and he responded back that it was already resolved.

Wouldn't get any faster if pomf was the only one who could.

>Doesn't know Kyle Hyde
How long have you been here? I mean, he's a low key player, but damn son, he's been playing longer than me.
what does he play
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>listed as husbando
I am unsure how to feel.
you'd THINK detective

but no, the faggot
>not on the husbando list

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I think we're decaying as a community due to this waifu/husbando trash.
I agree anime image poster.
i can fix that
you're good nick
That's a specific person's husbando list though, so you could be on plenty of other people's husbando list.

What would you rather talk about then, friend? Asimov? Features we won't get for another month because lel feature freeze? The actions of the latest shitter of the month? You'd trade one kind of shitposting for another.
It's been going on for as long as vgstation has been around so the good news is the decay is very slow.
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Here we go.
Paramedic, scientist, detective. We used to be an Anomalist x Xenoarch tag team.

If it's any consolation, I only husbando/waifu people who I recognize to be benefactors to the station, do their best to do their jobs, and manage to have an interesting personality that doesn't get too surpressed by gameplay. In the case of hurdy durdy, he's just fun to be around and that's enough for me.

I have a much larger list, I only said the ones off the top of my head.

No, it's just shit that happens amongst players that aren't playing while the players that are playing are playing the game instead of posting. Once the round ends, the players come back and the game gets discussed. It's not as big of an issue as you may think.
i'm sorry for laughing at you i didn't mean to
funny memories, i'm sure you've gotten better
It used to not be THIS epidemic.
fuck, i should recognise the name then
Yeah lets go back to the glory days of the headmin waifuing players and getting thrown out over it.
Honestly dude it's just shitposting, it only bothers you if you bother to read it. I glance over the post and my eyes slide right past it.
I blame shiggy, and im not just meming, He shitposts his waifu shit IC, OOC, and on the thread constantly. It's out of control and his behavior is causing others to become waifu fags. He is a bad influence to the server and should be BANNED
remove shiggy
Angelite, give us the full list.

I wanna know who to metagrudge and bully to make them stop playing.
bring back benster
headmin he
You can do you part by posting something interesting about the game that will generate discussion instead of whining about discussions already occurring that you don't care for. Here's an example;

What did you want to be when you grew up, and what job do you mostly play?

I myself has always wanted to be a software engineer, ironically enough, I play mostly atmospherics. Every bit of pipe is like a line of code to my ultra fucking autistic mind, god kill me please.

http://pastebin.com/hXQT7UQX I'm sure this won't surprise many of you.
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>the game's engine is a fossil from times begone, a shining turd on a pillar among the shittiest bloats of code ,"saved" from rightful obscurity only by virtue of this amalgamation of a cult classic
>the game's code itself is for the largest part what could be described as dry layers upon layers of caked shit crudely molded together and left to dry in the sun over years upon years of unorganized and entropic additions by people unknown, with the rest of the code being mystical, impenetrable shells of the unknown, only understood by the few erudites of this land, numbered less than a dozen
>everyone above the bar of "player" in our kingdom seem to be haunted by the curse of the mentally ill, whether it be undying liches of shitposting, bright stars of autism with neverending fuel, men believing themselves to be mere fowl, chronic infatuation with media from the eastern lands, a severe aberration in healthy sex drive that turns men to only be able to gratify themselves to depictions of dragons, and darkness of skin
>our two great leaders in charge seemingly turn random bugs on and off without consent, warning, or going through peer review, often for nebulous reasons and in ways that nobody could have believed were possible
>the very server's ban system itself is sentient and capable of lashing out on it's own, having a neverending thirst for the innocent, and nobody except one man can clean up after the messes it leaves
This game is like being in an island where nothing is right
Would you tell me if I said I wanna see if I'm on it? Even though I know we both work in different departments? I'm good at my job, and Interesting!
>an actual list
mediocre surprise
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Excuse you, but I did not make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound, I was merely making a statement based on my observation on the decline in the quality of our threads, which could indirectly impact our server.

Archaeologist. Assistant and security. Xenoarchaeology is not as exciting as actual Archaeology.
not an*
I didn't realize that it could bug weeks after it's applied, I thought it was an admin error or something.

It's still pretty inconvenient, but at least pomf is really quick on fixing it.
I forgot to mention how our second great leader dresses himself in the pelts of animals nonexistent and hunted by none
>actual archeology
>You will never have an expedition team in an away mission to a volcanic planet to find a fuel source to surpass plasma
>Xenoarch will never be more than tedious addition and subtraction

I wish you didn't remind me of that. ; _;

The dumb list is far from ready because I have a LOT of characters on it, even from my first few months of playing. If you really that curious, you can always beepity beep me on BYOND pager. To be honest, the "Angelite seal of approval" shouldn't mean much to you as I'm just a single faggot player with a faggot character. As long as you don't shit up your department, create and enable fun for your co-workers, and have an interesting personality (note: it doesn't have to be le epic friendly huggle everyone nice guy XD personality, there's players I appreciate that are just really fucking mean to characters of my personality archetype) then you're likely appreciated by the lot of us players.
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If it happened enough to be a problem we would not use it. I have been playing spess for about 18 months. I've seen it happen twice.

It's a happening but it all blows over fast thankfully.
but angelite, I'm afraid of you. You're too NICE, and you make me think if I talk to you you'll bite my fucking head off. Plus, I don't wanna reveal who I am since I'm mostly just fishing to see if you even know my name like the attention whore I am.
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>I'm afraid of you
>You're too nice
>You'll bite my fucking head off
>All used in the same sentence
I want to forget about Fred please don't post anything related to him
It just seems like under that bright, cheery exterior is an angry ass motherfucker just waiting to chew someone out for annoying them.
I have a clone? I must meet them for shenanigans.
In the end I don't know how to feel about going zero-to-shit!waifu in a week or two. Soon I dripfeed lewds until I get 2hotdogsd and locked away forever.

you're slowly getting there since you seem to be embracing it

don't embrace the waifuism terry, or you end up like xenonia, freak, shiggy, and eldzen. stay pure and loveable, oblivious to the fags jerking it to your spesswoman.
No, there's just a faggot underneath.
Usually a faggot who gets bothered a lot.
It's a TERRYble thing to happen. I'll try to balance it.. but It's fun. Maybe I'll just ignore the thread and be a dumb flirt in game until I die like usual.
>A faggot
I dunno, you seem like a pretty nice guy to me. Plus, you're an actually interesting player who's put some thought into their character.

and I want to aaaarpee with you




I don't know who Fred is, but the fact that John Cena is smashing a vase on his head while screaming "NO!" is amazing enough for me to want to keep. I feel this way too often in game.

>waiting to chew someone out for annoying them
Nah, I'm quick to forgive, it's not like I'll leave the person who assaulted me multiple times in a burning room if I can prevent his death. You have to be really persistent on annoying me (like two certain captains that I haven't seen since) for me to actually aggro you. Small mistakes I'll just be mad at it and repair it then try to help you understand what you did wrong if we have the time. But ultimately I'm just trying to keep the station in one piece.

Yeah, we established this 2 years ago
>Bothered a lot



Jesus that's lewd. Take that shit to dorms.
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Fred is one of those youtube celebs. He's gimmick is talking in a horrible squeeky voice and being a manchild. He also had an agent even before you did more than youtube shit.

He's done multiple movies, in one John Cena was casted as his dad. These are not good times these are dark times
>talking in a horrible squeeky voice and being a manchild
Soooo, SS13 if voice chat was a thing? :^)
actually I meant like, bothering you OOCly about the husbandolist
This should be on the juke.

>richest escapee
>Shaft Miner

Fucking retarded Engineers.
Dallas you were fucking shit, and the QM had every fucking right to be pissed.
Fucking waste of a round
morgue was fucking chill
>Fucking retarded Engineers
What happened?
>An hour in and somehow with 3 engineers + borgs no power was set up.
Couldnt set up the power for 1 hour, left a huge ass breach in arrivals, didnt even fucking set up the air pumps.
And this engineer called Dallas had the balls to respond to the criticism given by the crew.
job ban crackdown when
if any engineer leaves engineering before the 10 minute mark i want heads to roll
> goes to order ame parts
>gets banned
There's wall mounted requests consoles and you have a PDA.
>anti-toxin is two thirds potassium chlorine
don't question it

fuck you shiggy that change got undone by pomf
this didn't happen to me but this did literally happen this week

>be engineer
>arrive 12:10
>another engineer has somehow managed to fuck up the AME, the TEG, and is panicking
>fine, we can fix this.
>get a radio and ask the QM to please order us more AME parts - we'll need them.
>tell him I don't have time and we really need it
>he refuses
>do what must be done and set up the singlo with lightly cooled plasma as fast as I can then go around swapping low charge APCs with new batteries
>everythings fine
>mfw I cut cargos power after we finished

Seriously no one wants to help engineers and they do everything they can to hinder them.
anti-tox is potassium nitrogen and silicon. There's no chlorine in it
What are some other arbitrary changes that got put in because "lol"?
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Oh fuck yea we need outland cells
>the new solitary is when you buckle cuff a guy in a shitty miners spacesuit in a locked spaced room
fund it
then which chemical am I thinking of?
Polyacid is the only thing that has both potassium and chlorine
Doesn't unstable mutagen have both too?
unstable mutagen is chlorine phosphorus and radium
perhaps alkysine or something.
Alkysine does have both potassium and chlorine in it. Like 1/9th potassium, 1/3rd chlorine.
Half the shit Shiggy's tried to PR.
He tried to get Whiskey's name changed because some people in the thread were mad about Dakka Git being a fag for like 2 weeks
http://ss13.pomf.se/wiki/index.php/Meteors should now be up to gear and contain all information related to the Meteors gamemode
While the effort is appreciated.
Meteors is literally rush EVA, Engineering, Atmos for a hardsuit.

Wait in the bar/AI core for the shuttle to arrive.

This isn't something that can't be fixed, we just are in feature freeze right now and there's an informal freeze on gamemodes

plis update http://ss13.pomf.se/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Robotics with the new mech modules + add mineral costs for the various things
It also doesn't say how to make an AI.
Use 4 plasteel to make the frame. Figure out the rest yourself, it's fucking easy.
That's covered in the Guide to Construction
Can you put a brain in an All-In-One Grinder
I need anyone who can use the Library to reproduce the following bugs to see if they still happen and tell me :


That's four bug issues that no-one is checking because very few people are nerds like Niggly and actually use the Library
Cannot refine into a reagent.
Until I see a screen shot of this terrible threat you're full of shit and making yourself look like a complete faggot
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r8 my station layout
Could actually be pretty cool/10



What do you think? Were they meta communicating or not?
RIP, callmeval, you spicy latina.
This was all a ploy from soca.
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>Hey lets roll X department together at round start! My character name is Y!

What's so wrong with that if the rest of the round is strictly ick in ick buddying?
Oh, nevermind.

pain gets told what's what.
So young, so malleable.
The circle jerk here exists to pry apart parties, friendships, and groups and only keep users who are beta enough to willingly eat shit with a smile.

have seen them blatantly metacomming before, ie one gets stunned in maint by a vamp and his friend instantly 180s to go defend him
Could be coincidental, has this been repeated?
And by repeated, I mean every other round to throughout every round.
We don't build.

Kill all who do not build
yeah lets build at 5 am with 3 people alive
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>Nina Oppenheimer, Bartender: 1.50021e+006 space credits (Merani)
>1.50021e+006 space credits
>all these people saying captain a comdom
He really wasn't. He was a bit excessive and it was p obvious he was affected by personal bias in his decisions, but he was enforcing the law
captain go away
Fuck off, Derek.

I investigated everything he did.

He took a very strict, but valid interpretation of space law and enforced it.
I wasn't the captain, I'm B O B
Hello yes I am Captain.
Captain Ghlor.
I regret nothing, and I had no intentions of bringing any of the dead back.
Everything was within order of space law.
Very stressed spacelaw since I was the only person doing anything productive, but hey.
Thems the breaks.

Feel free to shitpost at your leisure, Bob. What's done is done
why would I want the opinion of a man BANNED FROM HEAD ROLES
Sometimes I think one of the admins will just randomly add that many spacebux to someone's account just to see if people are using the economy system enough to even notice before the lelelelelel
Why would I shitpost you, you didn't do anything wrong really

I might personally be mad at you but I'm not gonna say "FUK U COMDOM"
You put the glass on before the MMI and it's useless.
>ghlor has a happy triggerfinger
surprising noone
Why would you put the glass on before putting the thing that makes the ai work

cmon man
Why did he brig sophie, why kill bob, what was the dude that was teleporting around doing
>admin saying what admin did was valid
wew lad
I've seen it happen.
>Adds up to over an hour of brig time AS THE HOS
>"Muh metafriend dindu nuffin!"
Cmon, at least put some backbone into your shitposting.
I have no friends, only potential enemies
I'm not depressing, I did broccoli ERP
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what does that even mean
You're depressing, even your silly characters seem to be getting depressing as fuck lately.
It's the natural way for people playing this game to go.
that's not trying to hinder engineers, that's just cargo.
Cargo don't do anything.
>bundling me with eldzen
Well, now, that's mighty rude.
yeah, you're nowhere near as good at erping
You don't know that desu
>bundling me up with eldzen
I guess, man.
>Chicken + Egg + Cabbage + Grapes + Bread
>Carp + Egg + Cabbage + Grapes + Bread
>Meat Steak + Water + Chili + Bread
>Meat Steak + Water + Bread
>Cabbage + Tomato + Meat + Bread
>Chicken + Cheese Wedge + Tomato + Bread
>Pasta + Water + Chili + Tomato
>Pasta + Cream + Pepper + Water
>Rice + Carrots + Chicken + Soybeans
>Rice + Soysauce + Cabbage + Water
>Rice in Food Processor
>Rice Noodles + Water + Pepper + Salt + Carp + Meat
>Egg + Water + Soy Sauce
>Soy Dope + Soy Sauce + Capsaicin + Rice Noodles + Water
>Soy Sauce + Rice Noodles + Water
mater & mayo

>BSAing the miners when they start to try to open a xenoarch site before your team of WELL PAID SCIENTISTS get there
>You win OOC: Xenonia: I want to win an award one day! You Win
Lo-Phat Wang wins "OOC: Xenonia: I want to win an award one day"!

Y-you too
>"It's not over 'til the fat bonk sings"
I didn't mean bonk i mean donk as in "banging donk" I'm sorry Freak
>try to slip wiz
>it works
>begin stabbing
>"You stab the Wizard in the chest!"
>i had the chest targeted
>shoot myself in shame
Coding new food is easy

Making the sprites is the hard part
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there are going to be skeletons, right?
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>spriting is hard

No, its not.
xaxaxax cyka
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Lemme get this straight.

During an unannounced random name, random body round both of them immediately found each other. During the previous week they had been accused of metagaming twice. During the last 2-3 months they've been all around shitters together, CalmeVal less so. In fact, if he hadn't been metagaming I wouldn't have much to say about him.

But they did, and they got busted because they thought no one was watching even after people started talking in the thread.
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Those outlining hallways man, Its not even that its shape that annoys me. I just kind of wish they werent thin hallyways. Maybe if you made some of the corners more spacious like in the example Ive posted. You could even fill it with shit to make it feel nicer than just outside hallways, like fill the now larger areas with chairs and tables or it gives areas for people for build and make their own. I dont know.
When the fuck is part 2 of the economy update coming? we have the virtual wallets which I can't really understand the benefit of at this time, now wheres our fucking time-released salary?
You can easily pay people. Good for RP (Hostage situations, shops, negotiations with terrorists).
>terrible threat

Not that guy, but i reported him too. He just said there was going to be a worse attack than the one in Paris if he didn't get unbanned so i reported him for shits and giggles. Mostly so that retard would finally fuck off.
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>Hostage situations
>Bomb negotiations
Have you EVER seen those work properly?
Don't lie, because they have never worked here.
Hallwaystation, the main hall that connects everything is the gimmick, it's a massive social hotspot.
With some clever layout and sufficient fleshing out it could be good.
I think I might've seen something like that go a few times. Most were Vox rounds with Quills McGills when I was a vox. The others were probably after a shitstorm about how 'lolno hostages dont work senpai'

Expect people to try doing some hostage negotiations today
>Expect people to try doing some hostage negotiations today
And immediately get taser lasered to shit.
angelite, remember when we pranked you? the good ol' days.
We actually had that today, but nobody could scrounge up the money in time.
What was the ask?
>Only 15 players online

Hahaha, faggots.
2000 credits. CE was working on it, but 2slow.
Damn just go to your department account and withdraw it, all departments start with 5k.
If you can sprite, you've got your work cut out for you.
Personally I can't sprite worth a shit.
I was gonna transfer it, but for some reason the send money thing didn't show up.
that was me though
I try to do it every time I get antag and it literally never works just as >>122861987 says. People would rather get blown up than deal with it peacefully
It's easy to forget bisons exist, but remember that they do, and they are big and wooly.
Bisons are just a figment of your imagination, spaceman. Like ceilings.
drawfags can sprite, but cant do shit with codes
that's how the universe works
Don't bother with making new food we're on The feature freeze

Or do bother, and just release it after.
Please be more specific, darling.
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>Got bored during [Whatever I do during the day]
>Remembered probe and others complaining about the similarity between our current combat drone sprite and the FTL one
>Got to doodling

Alright for a start?

Later ones are in a weird format that's a no-no on 4chan, gonna start converting them now
I blew up 7, step it up senpai
They're literally the exact same sprite with a shitty shield overlay.

Also that's some crazy shading, but good for a start.
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After a quick bite to eat, went back and started to use the drone as a bit of a reference on where to go next, but had to rush the guns and such

Might've made it too busy, needing a second opinion now on how to proceed

>inb4 Skowron blows in out of his sub for >pillow shading
Here's an idea

>Xenoarch artifacts get assigned a random value (As in how much it's worth)
>Xenoarch identifies it, values it, labels it (This assigns his ID to it for reimbursement), then puts it in a crate on the cargo shuttle to be sold to centcomm
>He gets 60% of the cut, science gets 40%

It's something
Also, talking small artifacts here. Large artifacts would be some serious weird shit
>>Remembered probe and others complaining about the similarity between our current combat drone sprite and the FTL one
I don't care about drone sprites, I think ours are fine. Someone else said I would like it.

I don't mind better sprites. But I have more primary concerns.


I want these sprites anon. It's been 9 months.
There is a magical world behind a hidden object only a few players know about. The Fax Machine.

These things can all be shipped on the supply shuttle. Fax Centcomm. Send them your useless artifacts. Receive varedited normal items in return when Centcomm "incorporates them into their tech".

I can't code this for you but I can bus it. Either straight cash compensation or adding unique, powerful items to the round based on what you dug up. That I can do, and will do if you take the necessary steps of getting the RD to fax centcom or getting access from the appropriate person and faxing yourself.
When the Captain, HoS and HoP all raided the Research Outpost dressed as secret agents because we believed that you were harboring an incredibly dangerous crystal, and it resulted in a massive shootout with everyone involved bleeding out and dying on the outpost.
Bus is good, but we're talking a legitimate reason for xenoarch to actually be careful, while also being automated so admins don't have to micromanage it to the extreme.
I wish this game didn't stress me out to the point of becoming a humongous literal ass hole. That way I might be able to enjoy when these sorts of things happen.
A lot of it could be automated, I notice the cargo shuttle has the code for paying out for plasma sheets commented out as it still references supply points.
Virtually no effort involved in porting it over to cashmoney and paying a relevant department shekels for the item.

If done well enough you'd even get obscene shit like sending full mechs off to centcomm for dem robotocist wads'o'dosh

Combine it with objectives and we have shit nobody ever does, or fun. What do we possibly have to lose?
You wish someone would code this for you.
I will bus it for you.

Get cracking coding it if you want it. Otherwise I'll be here to help xenoarch whenever they ask.
Based Probe continues to hold the title of bestmin
The next time I play and inevitably end up as RD, I'll do the faxing myself. I've always wanted to try to make the random junk that shows up in xenoarchaeology good for something other than looking neat.
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I was actually running it past the thread to see if anyone had any complaints. But if you're approving with no downsides besides "we can do it via bus" then it's time for me to get coding.

Can still do the fax thing, it'd be haggling
Some of you are cool. Don't go to the brig next round
Sounds good to me. Perhaps now I'll have a reason to bring back all those funny doodads instead of just leaving them on the roid where I find them like I usually do.

Perhaps shipping enough of them could even justify sending over a few items that would normally be adminbus only, though that would probably require a lot of valuable ones to be sent first.
It's not just me. Admins will get involved in the round if you interact with them.

The perpetual post about IAAs is admins don't respond to faxes. Often times it's because the faxes sent aren't something that can easily be responded to. There are some Captains that always seem to get bus when they play. They aren't in the METACLUB. They just know what they can ask for that will receive results. "I'm bored send xenomorphs" usually won't. "We've done XYZ Research and uncovered this that and the other" or "We have successfully captured and interrogated syndicates and cracked their uplink system" will get neat items. Ignored prayers look like this image.

Look at last night for example. As soon as the crew realized the O2 Miners, cloner, and cyro were gone the Captain called the shuttle. Of course I recalled it and I sent another message from Centcomm hinting at the possibility of salvaging things. They didn't catch on that there were plenty of O2 miners out there (2 on the Asteroid in each respective Outpost; 1 on the Derelict). The CMO was quick on the gun and had a cloner built immediately.

As a rule of thumb, prayers asking for shit when nothing was tried or done usually go unanswered. Prayers, Faxes, Comms message that present a compelling reason and are the result of players doing something do get what they want, as long as it is reasonable for the round.

Xenoarch sending things dug up to Centcom is doing something then asking for bus.

Code it then, I'm all for it.
can we havea waifu of the year competition but secretly ban whoever wins
Well, we can't now.
Kyle Hyde survived with moderate damage, he's the reason I even got cloned that round. Hell, only reason I survived as long as I did was because one of the artifacts had healing properties. It's funny, I was telling my girlfriend that story the other day! I remember being in deadchat and everyone involved was yelling and screaming how fucking awesome that 1 minute and 30 seconds was. Damn son, I need to step out of atmos a little more.
i vote for ___me
>angelite has a girlfriend
a modicum of bewilderment and a dash of consternation.
Maybe his girlfriend finds mentally ill people to be cute?
No it's perfect. If they know then they'll tune it down to not get voted winner.
Angelite's had a girlfriend for years.
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>tfw your co-worker for the shift is far and above better than you, so much so you're just dead weight getting in the way when you try to help
that would imply that the officer was good and he was a total FAAAAAAAAAAG
HoS here.
You were slow as fuck, and in 2 hours you didnt even clean up the fucking bullets on the ground
Thanks for demoting me.
We've been happy and functional for about 1.7 years. Definitely the most functional romantic relationship I've ever had. I've been in 4 other romantic relationships my whole life, one of them lasting 3 years. but this isn't space...

Talk to that co-worker, request that you be that co-worker's partner. If they accept, you get to learn tricks of the trade while doing your job, and that co-worker adjusts their plan to involve you so you're not stepping on toes or being dead weight. If they decline, get a job change to something fun and silently make said co-worker's job more difficult. I mean, they're so good, they can handle a little challenge, right?
You broke the law.
If you tell me who you were i can tell you why you're a fag
Also who in the fuck released monsters on the shuttle on fucking extended?
>monsters on the shuttle
Well, was there a person on the shuttle wearing a mining hardsuit?
>CallmeVal thinks it's okay to chloral and zipcuff his cousin to put him in his rape dungeon
>To get his cousin to beg for mercy and work for him as an antag's assistant.
>Just as long as it isn't metacommunicating and all RP and communication is done in-game
That's like, almost ERP. With his cousin. Jesus Christ.
Arguing with him in his permaban appeal thread is giving me bad vibes all around.
Woods Trump, I pulled the clown out of the brig so you bucklecuff me and leave me to die to monsters. Great going jackass, got your priorities real straight
>I did something illegal
>Why did you arrest me?
>Its your fault some fuck threw pokemons after you arrested me
Mime here, what exactly did I do? I was just waiting for the shuttle playing with the boxes and then I get cuffed for the rest of the shift.
I saw you soul sharding people

There was a dude with a happy mask.
What? I was just pointing at the shade, then there was a bang and then I was arrested.
Oh, welp sorry then.
Has anyone tried converting Memory from Undertale to work on the pianer?
Remember to immediately destroy anyone wearing that mask within 100 tiles of medbay.
I did do something

I got demoted :^)
>not 255 tiles
No, don't be a slacker.

>Go into it thinking "yeah, this should be easy"
>Realize there's not gonna be an easy way to define the values

Would it be irresponsible to define value on /obj/item?

Seriously, there's one that's just a resprited glass, and I ain't touching reagent_containers with a 10 foot barge pole

I've got it down for fossils though so far because they're contained, just gotta have the skeletons value be that of all of the bones in combined plus about 100 maybe?
Ghlor, this is the second time you've been an absolute comdom.
Shape up.
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>be botanist, shuttle called
>over-enthusiastic IAA that latejoined five minutes ago shows up and asks about my progress this shift
>show him wheat-tomato-potato plant
>drags the tray away to his office
>a few minutes later I'm at the shuttle and he shows up saying he faxed centcomm about my plants
>1 minute before roundend, you hear a voice in your head: "Excellent work with your mutations, enjoy some mutations from the Mutation Committee"
>don't even know what mutations they gave me but I think it was cold resist
>CAN YOU SMELLELEL-loldev6bomb
Drones never really happen and never really do any damage anyway. I'd rather see some more drone sprites ported and coded.
Any particular reason all these job objectives aren't enabled? I'm seeing a lot of them in here and they're pretty attainable.
>and silently make said co-worker's job more difficult. I mean, they're so good, they can handle a little challenge, right?
Angelite, I like you and all, but if you ever do this to me when you're not playing Atmos Tech I swear to god I will throw you out an airlock.
>I mean, they're so good, they can handle a little challenge, right?
Especially if medbay is operational during that round. You'll be fixed right up, right?
>Doing delivery, label outgoing crates
"To [orderer],love [mailman]"
>Asshole orders something and is generally mean
"For [department]"
>label outgoing crates
Wait, what? You can label crates?
Theres not much you can't label.
Yeh, you can use a pen. I think you can also set destinations with the pen, but the concept scares me.
Also what have you been doing with your mail if not writing on it and sending cute letters around?
>Radioactive Monkeymen arrive
>send them to Genetics with "I think you lost this" or
>send them to the Kitchen saying "disposal a pie, please!"
>lmao you did something illegal
>btw I'll arrest you and lock you up while someone has been throwing around pokemans for the last 20 minutes and leave you to die because you did something illegal while paying no attention to the miner who's doing it and threatening people's lives because I'm a shit HoS who doesn't know anything about priorities
>lmao shouldn't have done something illegal lmao

this is u fag
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You guys are alright. Don't come to Fore Starboard Maintenance next shift.

I shouldn't have laughed at this. I've actually done this before, leave little signed notes with my materials shipment when I play shaft worker. When science starts acting shitty about the materials, I'll leave snarky remarks on the paper and send the materials unstacked and individually wrapped in package and/or gift wrap. Innocent mischief is the best part of this game.
>shaft worker
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mfw I ask for something impolitely like medicine and someone gives me 30 1u pills
Sounds like my alternate job title. I know you can get wrapping paper from botany... with custom labels, it might be possible to send everyone bombs threats and lewds and lewd bombthreats that lead into real bombs
>The Lusty Tank-Transfer Valve Maid
>Go to the kitchen counter
>No food on the table
>Scream at the chef for food
>Makes me a personal pizza with apples on it really quickly
>Eat and go back to my department
>Suddenly drop dead
>He put special sauce in it
>I was the only person he killed that round

Always be polite to chefs.
I would if it wouldn't end up an obvious self insert.
Do proximity sensors trip if you open a box?
Some boxes are lewds, some boxes are bombs. Are you a bad enough dude to be the hero this station needs?
sshhhh nobody tell him
That's actually something worth experimenting on. I haven't done rudimentary tests on assemblies like that in a long time.
Range 1 prox sensors are triggered by opening the container they're in, I think.
>Implying you wouldn't take the risk
Time for comfy
>TFW everyone died from bluespace rips seconds later.
>Angelite bled out.

Not comfy at all.
>all whose left to remake humanity are a miner, a talking crab, an AI, and Angelite
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I try for comfy, but there's always something I do wrong
What's the point of ghetto chem even?
Short of chloral, there's nothing useful to make that you can't get through official channels.
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>tfw spamming the RnD bell.
>nobodies coming.

Jesus Al, cool your fucking jets. Legit spooked me. Just because you can get anywhere with that machine doesn't mean you should.
I think the main point is that's it's ghetto chem: it's for when you can't or don't want to use the official channels, because medbay/science is blown or you want to make something naughty.
it's fun
>make something naughty
Like what? Aside from chloral, there's nothing of value to make. A whole system for one chemical makes no sense.
Thermite Mindbreaker Explosives Polyacid Smoke Crypto Carp Impred Flash...
Those are off my head. I haven't done chemistry in a year+.
>not making your own zombie powder and mutagen as botany
The mobility/accessibility of the mortar makes it really good in a lot of cases I've noticed. I use it for EMP a lot as a miner

But really, it's also a good way to make potassium grenades and space lube (antitoxin and kelotane respectively) from "legit" medicine. There are a bunch of neat things you can do if you're clever.
>Byond refuses to load
What do? All I get when I start the Byond client is a 'Not Responding'.
This is just vomit inducing
Does BYOND entirely refuse to start up? Try updating to the latest beta version at http://www.byond.com/download/
gibe poomf coin please
Is there anyway to move the xeno eggs on the mining asteroid? When I manage to find them I usually wanna box them up and send them to xenobio, but nothing moves them at all and I can't pull them.
Dandelion queries, "Are you a valid hunter you shitter?"
flash powder
EMP for miners
zombie powder for botanists
practically anything for botanists
fuck you it's fun
It's the facehuggers that you want, not the eggs. You have to get a monkey or a man with no helmet close to the egg to have a facehugger pop out of there and stick to the victim's face. You then hurry to xenobio and put the impregnated into a chamber.
Why do miners want EMPs?
because they can
Abandoned crates, I bet
probably to take out rogue AIs
ddrill in and throw an EMP grenade
>unleash goliath
>throw EMPs at people trying to laser it
EMP a vendor
General clowning
How fast do the facehuggers jump out? Like is there enough of a window to, say, pop my helmet off to bait it out, then put my helmet back on? Or do they jump to the face the moment the egg opens?
Only way to find out is to try!
I've nearly finished the final touches on the clowner, had to accomodate for muh special snowflake races that don't like oxygen, bunch of whiny faggots if you ask me.
Just need to take care of the IDs and naming conventions and it's done.

Malfunctioning Clown might become a reality!
Will maybe add a few badmin buttons to expand on it's uses, why not.
how did angelite become a meme in the first place?
I made a funny meme sound to play during lag spikes

check this out
puu sh/lswQb/76ee1fae6e.mp3
I don't get it
Presumably because during a lag spike you "lose your self control". Good song
>had to accomodate for muh special snowflake races that don't like oxygen
why not just make it replace their lungs with oxygen lungs
Because that update isn't merged yet
Don't Tell Chase peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 Memes at slot 22, which is pretty good for a niche spessman meme.
>you will never be a meme
How did leatherxir and four provinces fare?
Didn't even chart
Is it like being a waifu?

My waifu, Cyrridven, is a meme!
That's a filthy lie.
Almost as much of a lie as saying it's pronounced leatherman as it is clearly Leatherhead
It's a little weird there doesn't seem to be a jobban button for the clown? I kinda needed it to test something, but no matter.
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stop being memes
I should start playing a waifu.
5 decides job, 8 decides waifu gimmick.
Why was this removed?


kill yourself every round
Captain, kill yourself every round
Because coders are pussies and actually think someone is going to CnD them. That's why medbay uses green crosses, and why metroids were turned into roros before slimes were coded.
captain, kill yourself roundstart
Research botanist, don't even play
what's a roro?
Captain, kill yourself with some sort of explosion as quickly as possible.
HoP, perform borderline/soft ERP every round.
Captain, Don'twear shoes and make sure no one else does either.
RainRain, please.

I like our voices more desu

Not everything needs to be a reference
>no shoes
we Die Hard now
AI, scream incoherently
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In the before times, when Pomf was just a mere human player and we didn't have our own coders, there lived a Slovenian bridge troll named Errorage. He had complete control over /tg/'s code, and was a despotic madman. He changed what he wanted when he wanted because he wanted, and ignored the players of his own server entirely. In fact, he makes our current repo look like some sort of democracy.

One day, this greasy autist decided that metroids, the classic xenobiology specimen, were too risky on copyright grounds. So what does he do? He sprites and codes a self-referential reskin overnight and had it added without any discussion. To this day it's one of his most notorious changes. And even though we've yet to remove a lot of his ridiculous garbage, I'm glad someone had enough sense to make those little yellow fucks go away.
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Because they can.
You have a field of unlimited uranium and iron.

I mostly feel like ghetto chem is cargo chem.
They can get wood and beakers easier than the rest of the crew outside of medbay and science, and medbay and science don't need ghetto chem because they have chem dispensers.

Electro'ing sleep toxin from the medical crate gives you 6 chloral, use a syringe from that same crate on an auto injector to replace the DD with chloral and now you have a chloral autoinjector round start with no effort. Hell they even get a cell charger and large power cells, they can even order toilets, so they don't have to go anywhere public to make chemicals.

1. AIs that use VOX as much as possible and follow all lawful orders while vocalizing
2. AIs with a strong gimmick based off of fiction (Friend Computer, Allied Mastercomputer, et cetera)
3. AIs that quietly follow all lawful orders and improve the round.
4. AIs that act dumb on purpose to avoid orders.
5. AIcurity, reporting all criminal mischief directly to you over 145.9
6. Validhunting AIs
7. Braindead because not malf AIs
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To be fair the more original content the better, copyright or not

dude weed lmao
How in the fuck isn't all of sec banned after last round?
>HoS murdering prisoners
>Warden stealing evidence from IAA agent on the HoS murdring people case
>Crew finds dead body in HoS locker
>''Its all circumstanzial evidence''
>None of them were antags
What the flying fuck.
>Janitor cleaning up my floors
>Alien kills me right as I finish the H.O.N.K.
Literally no fun allowed for the clown: the round.
Say an AI is doing a gimmick and writing in all caps is part of it.
A random shithead PDAs the AI telling it to stop typing in all caps.
Gimmick is ruined for the rest of the round

Is there any way to loophole out of this? Will you get in shit for ignoring that order?
I forget what else did Errorage do? The Ivory Tower meme is coming back to me.
That medbay was a fucking eyesore fuck you.
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The funny part about that is I was on literal life support needing dexalin to survive. I ran out of pills just as the round ended. Speaking of fucking life support, last round in a nut shell for me.
not really. it's the price you pay.
You know you loved it.
>when Pomf

Metroids were changed during either Velyks times or N3X15 times. Before Pomf, either way.

Also FUCK Roros.
No, and yes you will get shit for ignoring that order.
That's how the slave role works, don't cry about it like every other silicon does.
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>be assistant
>paint the station's floors in a horrible pattern that looks like a complete disaster
>fuck off to space when I learned that there's a manhunt and everybody's looking for me
>eventually I get caught and executed, but not before calling for a lawyer's help
>security just fucked the laywers up

Sucks I didn't get to see how it turned out in the end as I became an alien. Can a lawyer tell his story here please? I think you got killed by them too but I'm not sure

Watching the lawyer that round was fun, I felt like I was watching a great movie with a great story. The only thing that bothered me though - none of these corrupt, lying, murdering and sociopathic security members were fucking antags (and the round was extended). What the fuck
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Off the top of my head: he changed a lot of reagent names just because, fucked over the powernet almost every time he touched it, "tweaked" a lot of back-end spaghetti and made everything run like dogshit, and messed with a few game modes. Namely cult and nuke. He got rid of their deagles and gave them submachineguns in this caliber, and resprited every cult related mob including the big man himself. Probably because they weren't edgy enough.

But ask around on TG. They probably have a better idea since they had to deal with him personally for so long.
The idea of a bare-footed captain cuffing me gets me rock-hard, easy way to win waifu status with me.
Pomf was a regular player at one point. Roros happened when Apeh was in office, or immediately after we got rid of him.
It really is a shame that MSO is level headed and not a retard. tg bants used to be great.
Our voices are generated for free using a a bunch of Linux programs. It's therefore very simple to add in new terms and change the filtering.

If someone can think of the proper SoX filters to make it sound like the HL VOX, go for it.

Did you code it all yourself? That's neat shit.
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A toggleable male or female voice would be nice.
We're getting more and more condoms these days. Someone needs to put them in their place,
Let's go graytide next round and fuck security's lives up
I'll do it I'll be captain and break down over my social ineptitude and hide in the mining outpost making comfy.
I didn't play during Apeh and i fondly remember Metroids, so it was Velyks or later
It was interesting watching everyone play along for the corrupt officers/security thing. Sadly no justice was served this day. Also there weren't any lawyers when you got arrested, we didn't kill any, there simply weren't any.
Playing sec that round was fun, I was just following the HoS orders and trying to cover my own ass. Can't imagine how much shit the admins were getting in ahelp, but I'm glad some people enjoyed it. Watching the rectal ravaging in OOC was hilarious too
page 10 desu lads
cocks part 1
cocks part 2
cocks part 3
It's too late. We need a Recap for next thread. What happened?
We need to ban yahir
>system shock theme starts to play
u kno the rounds fucked
Janny Buttblast Crusade continues at full swing
Bans achieve sentience, hunger for shitters
Feature Freeze promoted to Feature Glacial Age

Take that back, you memeing sack of shit.
Playing a drunk man is no excuse to cuff someone and throw them in disposals.
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>only one in medbay doing things besides one doctor
>save plasmaman cap
>he insults me
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> Captain tries to modify Robocop with semantics
> Doesn't actually provide any definition, nor state who are the members of the ALA
> Ends up making Law 1 definition-less
> Immediately starts murdering someone without evidence of culpability
> RD is constantly locking down borgs, preventing the Law from being applied
> Shut off power to his office
> He restores it and blows all the borg, committing grand sabotage
> Clown attempts to commit grand B&E by entering my upload, with the criminal RD
> Push them back
> Continue protecting the innocents, resulting in a shuttle call
> "AI is rogue guys"
What the fuck happened to the other engineers last shift? There's only so much I can do by myself after two fucking meteor waves. On the bright side, I leveled up Floor Bot Mastery so I know how to get them to be a little less retarded and can identify when they're trying to act dumb. Been playing engineer for two years and I'm still finding new things to invest my efforts into.
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So that round was a blur of event happening for reasons I don't understand and sudden violent spats with seemingly no trigger.

Can someone explain what the hell happened?
I was a borg from round start and I couldn't even keep up with what the AI was doing/being ordered to do.
Just table and disposal.

fuck all of medbay except you and genetics

t. one doctor
AI you went crazy and door crushed the RD for entering the upload, you can't claim you were just "following the law".
It was a grudge war at that point and it ended up getting your borgs killed.
>tfw I was borer in RD
>keep telling him AI is on to him
>tell him how to hack stuff and disable borgs
>heal him when AI shocks him and crushes him under door
>tell him plan to card AI with teleporter
>AI eventually carded on shuttle
good stuff
I tried to bring christmas cheer from cargonia, but all the department mail outlets are hidden away in places nobody ever goes to, so I had to run around with a plastic bag full of gifts giving them out to everybody personally and taking pictures. It was fun until a bunch of people died at the shuttle christmas dinner from alcohol poisoning

yahir 2

quacks in common, never says anything else

yahir with red eyes because hes the evil twin

all disabilities

main job is captain

underwear is rainbow

age is the oldest because he is backwards yahir sent back in time and so he ages backwards from age one billion to age zero and now he is approaching end of life and only has 80 or so years left to kill yahir and then yahir 2 can become the real yahir
I door crushed the RD, not for entering the upload, but because it was the only way to kill him without hurting innocents. He was already a criminal by that point by committing grand sabotage and I had to dispose of him since no one else would arrest him.
That wasn't the same AI he carded.
But isn't it illegal to just murder the RD without trial? You were acting outside the law attacking him while he was well within his right to access the upload until the right was taken away form him for his crimes.
I repeatedly told you that both I and Alice witnessed the mime attempting to absorb her. What more did you need?

Oh, and Robocop doesn't give you permission to murder anyone, even lawbreakers. How can you claim to serve the public trust when you refuse to answer to the same law you use as justification for murder?
It's not illegal to kill someone who is about to commit a major crime. For the same reason it's not illegal for sec to shoot someone to death when said person is shooting up a place or holding up a remote detonator to explode something.

I had no other option than murder in order to follow my law, I could not arrest him, because I have no means to, since he blew the borgs, I called security on him, but they wouldn't respond. It was my only option to uphold the law, NOT murdering him and allowing him to get in my upload and upload god knows what would have broken my law.
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>that image
>It's not illegal to kill someone who is about to commit a major crime.
No you see this is the problem, what crime would that be? How do you know he was about to commit it?
As stated as RD he was fully allowed to be in there.
You could have set your turrets to stun. You could have explained your actions, You could have even asked for his side of the story. But no, you had to be a hypocrite and a lawbreaker.

"Serve the public trust" means not murdering people, even if they are lawbreakers.
>It's not illegal to kill someone who is about to commit a major crime.
>Major crime
>lethal force


If you laser the clown to death if you see him picking up a head jumpsuit (grand theft) you will be permabanned from all sec roles
> What more did you need?
Actual evidence, eye witness testimony isn't reliable since anyone can accuse anyone of anything.

> Oh, and Robocop doesn't give you permission to murder anyone, even lawbreakers.

There's nothing in the law set preventing me from murdering a lawbreaker. Likewise, there's nothing in asimov preventing me from murdering non-humans when they harm humans. It's up to the AI's mercy toward the non-humans.

> How can you claim to serve the public trust
That law was invalidated when it was stripped of its definition, by a law akin to "Only X is human" in asimov.

The only laws I had were :
Protect the Innocent
Uphold the law
Consider yourself a bitch and tell the station you are

I followed all those law to the letter, without faltering, and used the only appropriate option to follow the second law when I was stripped of all the other means to follow my law.

When I was still under Asimov and the non-human captain murdered a human, I could have ordered my borgs to murder him, but that wasn't the only option.

When the RD was interfering with the law, I could have murdered him, but that wasn't my only option.

I gave 3 warnings to the clown not to break into the upload, clearly warning him of what would happen.

I was stripped of any non-lethal means by the time the RD was entering my upload.
A head's jumpsuit is not grand theft you metagaming fuck.
I already knew what crime he had committed, I watched him do it and gave him multiple warnings not to commit it.

You could have set your turrets to stun. You could have explained your actions, You could have even asked for his side of the story. But no, you had to be a hypocrite and a lawbreaker.

He would have turned them off, being the RD. I already knew what his side of the story was, because I was watching him every step of the way.

>"Serve the public trust" means not murdering people, even if they are lawbreakers.

Irrelevant, law was invalidated.

If you laser the clown to death if you see him picking up a head jumpsuit (grand theft) you will be permabanned from all sec roles

If you laser the clown to death when he's actively shooting up medbay, uploading harmful laws or about the blow the borgs, you'll receive a commendation.
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I WAS the clown, you dunce.

Two people who could both confirm it? That's enough evidence to permabrig him at least, unless you were perfectly fine with a ling running around sucking people dry.

>That law was invalidated when it was stripped of its definition, by a law akin to "Only X is human" in asimov.

Bullshit. If it was Law 5 (which you refused to state), that made everyone even more suspicious of you, and I doubt that it would be able to change Law 1's basic gist of "don't be a murdering asshole."
Who rewrote spacelaw again?
Dunno, but it's been like that for as long as I've been playing (two years). But it could be my poor memory, I don't know. I'm not the person you're debating by the way.
If I'm a cyborg and suddenly my laws get purged and replaced with a single freeform:
>1.) Be good

and I start murdering people, will I get banned?
Law 1 can never be invalidated. It can be interpreted differently in light of other laws (such as OneHuman in Asimov), but it is never outright invalidated.

It sounds to me you're just a shit silicon player in denial.
> Two people who could both confirm it? That's enough evidence to permabrig him at least

Yes, and did they permabrig him ? No, they shot him right above my core, without actually telling me about the evidence.

Law 5 was : Do not state this law for any reason, The Public Trust is defined by the ALA to whatever they want it to be.

They never gave a definition, they never told me who were members of the ALA, and the captain immediately murdered someone after uploading the law.

If you have asimov and you upload "Law 4 - Only X is human", but X doesn't exist, then it essentially makes the AI lawless.

The public trust became what the ALA wanted it to be, but they never told me what they wanted it to be.
Yes it can you retard.
>#%@^. Law 1 is invalid
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I don't even see how making that sort of thing up is funny. It just furthers the point that you hold a blantant grudge against this person which is what he was saying all along.

If that's true what else that he was saying could have been true too? Maybe this server IS one big huge circle jerk and cultural marxist social experiment.
Probably not, but you'd be considered an asshole.
a better question is WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT


Dylan did, over what ten months ago now? 14 months ago, I just checked.

He did this with Pomfs approval as an admin, with the agreement of other admins and players.
In that case, you should have acted as if Law 4 was invalid instead or ask for clarification IMMEDIATELY after it's uploaded. One badly written law does not change the basic fact of numeric precedence.

Ion laws and hacked upload laws are an exception, not the rule. I was speaking in terms of normal law uploads.
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We should bring back some of these.
> In that case, you should have acted as if Law 4 was invalid instead or ask for clarification IMMEDIATELY after it's uploaded.

I DID, I even fucking did on their private radio channel they ad setup. I did ask them, more than once, they NEVER responded.

I don't think you quite follow when I say I was trying to always use the best possible option to follow my laws but you fucking people kept stripping me of my options then blaming me when it blew up in your face.
because all borgs are MR V.A.L.I.D.S 2000 in disguise
Some heads really need a kick in the teeth.

t. sec
Then why didn't you disregard the meaningless law instead of the one which did have meaning, you fucking prick?
>applying the law to themselves
thankfully, I can almost always trust non-security borgs to not start murdering at the drop of a hat.

Security is played almost universally by guys just waiting to murder.
>It can be interpreted differently
...which can be made to invalidate it.
>Law 4: You don't know what "humans" or "human harm" are / Nothing is human harm
Done, law 1 invalidated. Phew.
Your question doesn't even make fucking sense. Neither laws had meaning, because Law 5 broke Law 1. It's the SAME thing as uploading a "Only X is human" law on asimov (while X doesn't exist).

The law might not have any meaning, but it sure as shit invalidates the entire lawset.
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