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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 207

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Good Kanna Sibling edition

>Nintendo Direct 11.12.2015

>Fates NA Website ("Full site coming soon")


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I love Shinonome!
>HE can only have one child this time around
>not even that good of a kid
>even loses that kid if HE goes yuri

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I love Sakura!
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Dressing Kanna up in cute girly clothes with Foleo!
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I love Hinata!
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Name one girl better than Severa
Hint: you can't
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Do reinforcements attack the same turn the spawn in Fates?


>Velour, Kinu

go fuck yourself
Reminder that they cut out Camilla in the localized version of fates
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So have you decided on what your subclass will be on your first run of Fates?
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Charlotte is not a harlot!
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Zoom a qt
Can't hit the daughteru gold-mine twice in a row I guess.
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Cutest family
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Mourning-est mamui family
I'm going to play (mostly) blind and marry people who are fairly similar in stats.
I still don't know who I'll marry though.
Buts that ain't shara ' s daughter, she ends up with Grey kekold.
No, thank god.
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>opinion bait as thread image
Literally anyone
me x Cain
all of the dragon lolis x Abel

everyone else dies alone
Hinataanon how do you feel knowing that Hisame is a 100% /feg/ approved Good Kanna Sibling™? This designation means he is literally up there with the best.
My dick in your ass, fuccboi
But Noire was Gaius's daughter not yours kekold.
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My dick feels tingly.
Me x my waifu.
Still better than the time we had a Sword Art Online picture as our thread image
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ik pairings.png
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These are what I'm doing for IK.
I'm just trying to figure out buddy seals and skills. So far it's just been sticking Flamboyant and Breaking Sky on everyone.
Bretty gud desu.
I like my grandpa son.

Kamui x Ryouma
Sakura x Saizou
Hinoka x Tsubaki
Oboro x Asama
Hana x Takumi
Setsuna x Asama


Kamui x Suzukaze
Odin x Elise
Lazward x Luna
Camilla x velour

(still going to use Marx and leon though)


Haven't decided
Your waifu is a slut Kaga.
Actually for IK I have this

Kamui x Shinonome
Oboro x Ryouma
Takumi x Camilla

That's it though
bs and gay have bad synergy
gay is for low activation skills, not high

and magic users are rare so magic users don't benefit from bs as much
I mean to say Camilla x flannel, obviously
>good sibling

keking real hard senpai
Those are some exceptionally shut pairing anon, not gonna lie.


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I love Pieri and so do you!
just buy two special editions :^)
Yes I do. Best Fates girl
Lazward pls
Oh man, I thought it was like the ultimate wombo combo. But that makes sense though since it's pointless to use it on high activation skills since you risk a skill proc from the enemy.
Guess I've gotta find some other skills to use instead.
How do I fix them senpai?
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I love Eponine!.png
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Cute fujo
Cute wife
She's shit tbqhf
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rip chrom.jpg
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Why did chrom get shafted so hard?
already enough blue haired men
But Lucina is there.
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Lucina is a girl!

I want her to jerk me off with those cute hands of hers....
So, is it true that husbandos get unique ending text but waifus don't? If so, what the fuck is up with that.
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Is it possible for IS to make a lord superior to Hector?
best non-hector lord, but frankly not original enough in terms of stat distribution. yes it's good, but "balanced sword user" is really boring compared to hector.

terrible bait

spears are nice, but again, too balanced. incest is good, though.
He banged Lyn. That makes him pretty based.
Every lord
>Cynthia and Severa were liked
Neat. Didn't see that coming.
Tharja x MaMU is basically canon at this point with Cordelia, Lissa, and Olivia out of the running
>bs and gay
explain please
Are these Fates skills?
Mamui x Zoom
Kaze x Aqua
Silas x Oboro
Joker x Belka (throwaway pairing tbqh)
Ryoma x Camilla
Takumi x Setsuna
Tsubaki x Hinoka
Hinata x Pieri
Asama x Effie
Saizou x Orochi
Nishiki x Sakura
Marx x Luna
Leon x Felicia
Harold x Kagerou
Zero x Nyx
Odin x Elise
Lazwald x Kazahana
Benoit x Rinka
Flannel x Charlotte

Tsukiyomi goes unmarried kek

Where did you get the sprites with the kid's hair colors? I've been meaning to make something like this.
BS is Breaking Sky
Gay is Flamboyant
Read the post he quoted.
Stop posting this or else the harlot's going to get memed even harder. Slut or not, she's still great.
Too busy giving them unique endings with Lazward and Odin~
Back in my day, shitposters actually tried to make it somewhat not obvious.
trip back on
breaking sky and flamboyant
>not a lord

/feg/ is the only place that's in some next level denial of Lucina being a lord. She's even being advertised as one of the lords right here >>122528162
I got it from the Text Simulator. It's in the OP.
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No game over means that she's not a lord.
Every other place will tell you that Lucina isn't a lord. Protip: Kozaki got in a lot shit from fans because Lucina was there, hence why he made that pic of Chrom later as an apology.
I've never been more attracted to a male Fire Emblem character than I am looking at this picture. Eph a qt
Kill yourself Shitcinakek
>Protip: Kozaki got in a lot shit from fans because Lucina was there, hence why he made that pic of Chrom later as an apology.
Got any source for that?
Means nothing when she's advertised as a lord

So kozaki himself recognizes her as a lord? Cool
>Protip: Kozaki got in a lot shit from fans because Lucina was there, hence why he made that pic of Chrom later as an apology.
I've literally only heard that from here. And that "Awaking Chrom" image was around long before the cover of that book included Lucina.
>No game over on death.
>Not plot relevant.
>Isn't forced deployment.
>Doesn't lead any army.

Smashbabby pls go.
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Reposting in new thread

Real talk, what are the chances we get these? I downloaded the crane game, and besides being an obvious money grab it seems really fucking nice to be able to decorate with these things, and I'd waste so much time going after FE ones.
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Reminder to protect your waifu and kids.
>So kozaki himself recognizes her as a lord?
You say that like it means anything, he just draws the characters.
>literally advertised as a lord

I don't know how you're going to argue when even the developers see her as a lord.
This is the second time I've read this without any source.
whenever "is lucina a lord" happens i worry that i might be able to contract autism over the internet
>Every other place will tell you that Lucina isn't a lord
No, they won't. I say this because I actually go to those places.
>Kozaki got a lot of shit from fans
Source where?

Also her class it LITERALLY Lord --> Great Lord.
>Kozaki got in a lot shit from fans because Lucina was there, hence why he made that pic of Chrom later as an apology.

No he didn't. Stop your nonsense

The holy trifecta of cancerous /feg/ discussion topics. Lucinaisalordposting is an honorable mention.
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>tfw there will never be an FE game that's just Hector, Ike, and Ephraim going around kicking the shit out of everything
why live
>holy trifecta
But there's four things there.
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>husbando talking like he deserves to die
I will make him happy, I swear it. No matter how bad his localized name is.
I've been seeing a hack of units with green hair.
Why hasn't there been one with blue haired units?
>Replying to the Lucinafag autist
>four things posted
>four types of posts
>Lucina is a lord
>No she isn't because of x
>She is a lord because of y
>lmao no you're autistic

good job
Can we all just compromise by saying that in terms of gameplay Lucina is not a "gameplay" lord because >>122529306 but since she has the "lord class" she is a lord in name only?
There is no singular Lucinafag boogeyman. Go to bed.
Because blue has gotten enough love from FE already.
Sometimes there's a fourth thing inside the triangle havent you ever seen these things before?
saying lucina is a lord is like saying micaiah isn't a lord; in other words, wrong
That's what we SHOULD agree on, but an anonymous collective full of autists, retards, trolls, and the apathetic will never be able to fully and reasonably agree on anything.
I guess if Tharja is advertised as a lord, that makes her a lord then.
Neither are lords.
Micaiah is a slut so who cares

NOW what do we argue about?
My waifu's death quote is the best. Fight me, nerds.
Yup, you don't exist. Thanks for reminding us.
Tharja isn't advertised as a lord. What the hell are you saying?
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Fire Emblem Fates is GOING to get CENSORED and you DON'T care.

Which she isn't. What kind of "GOTCHA" is this supposed to be?
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Kamui: The most easily aroused
Aqua: Has the most erotic moaning voice
Felicia: Adores having sex in the shower
Joker: Largest dick in the army (literally and figuratively)
Suzukaze: The best at giving oral sex
Cyrus: The most innocent and vanilla
Asura: Biggest lover of anal
Izana: The most sensual when intoxicated
Mozume: The least-expected size queen
Harold: Always the first to orgasm
Elfie: Endures sexual activity the longest
Odin: Strong oral fixation
Zero: Practices the most BDSM
Nyx: Most frequent user of aphrodisiacs
Camilla: The most willing to experiment with multiple partners
Luna: The most shameless exhibitionist
Belka: A power bottom queen
Lazward: Secretly has a foot fetish
Pieri: The most ferocious when giving love bites
Benoit: Loves to have his face sat on
Charlotte: Most successful at teasing her partner
Leon: The best at talking dirty
Flannel: The most eager to be pegged
Marx: The most fearsome with orgasm denial
Flora: Masturbates the most
Rinka: The most experimental with sexual positions
Kazahana: Has a food fetish
Tsubaki: Isn’t afraid to hide his hand fetish
Saizou: Tries the hardest to conceal his moans
Orochi: Experienced the most one-night stands
Hinoka: Best at giving lap dances
Asama: Loves asphyxiation
Setsuna: Has the softest nipples
Tsukuyomi: Cuddles the most after sex
Oboro: Owns the largest stash of cute lingerie
Hinata: Keeps the most pornography
Takumi: Least-expected lover of bondage
Kagerou: Greatest fan of breast worship
Yuugiri: Fetishizes blood
Nishiki: Most eager to spoil his lover
Ryouma: Ejaculates the most during orgasm
Crimson: Has a daddy kink
Yukimura: Owns the most sex toys
Why my waifu is more perfect than yours.
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I think we know which one is best.
Anon what the fuck are you talking about?
best pairing for henry from a flavor perspective

personally i say sumia because bodyswapping is pretty nice man
Are you going to say that every time, no matter who it's referring to?
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Is Sothe a lord?
the fuck was the point of this
no, he's a jeigan

now let's argue about the line distinguishing jeigans and oifeys for the next thirty posts
Joker one is best
It looks so cute but I know it's shit eugenically.
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>Crimson: Has a daddy kink
Please no, I hate that shit.
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You only think it's cute for Shara. Go home.
>Ryouma x Orochi
Good god I think I'm going to vomit.
frederick falls into the middle of jeigan/oifeys
felicia and joker work totally different too
should we have new names for them
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He's the lord's waifu.
>Mozume: The least-expected size queen

What does this even mean?
Sothe is the Lucina of RD. Prove me wrong.
So he's a Caeda?
You wouldn't expect her to prefer giant dicks, but she does.
>be not American
>sat through Gamestop, Best Buy restocking
>frustrated enough to shoot them an email
>they tell me to consider the edition that is sold out and I'm writing to them for in the first place
>Ryouma: Ejaculates the most during orgasm

No I think Tsukuyomi is a little qt and Aqua seems like she'd go well with him. Shigure I can't say much for.
Joker pls go
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Where would /feg/ take their onee-sama on a date?
>elincia instead of soren
>Hector and Lyn

>I-IS doesn't force canon, t-they want to make things ambiguous!
>still go out of their way to make images like this

Who is Femui paired with? RD Ike?

What thing there is canon? Marth x SHIIDA? Everyone already knows that
>Felicia: Adores having sex in the shower
>Luna: The most shameless exhibitionist
>Belka: A power bottom queen
>Flora: Masturbates the most
>Hinoka: Best at giving lap dances
>Oboro: Owns the largest stash of cute lingerie


>Mozume: The least-expected size queen
>Kazahana: Has a food fetish
>Asama: Loves asphyxiation

Literally what
It's certainly not an "all-lords" image if that's what you're implying. All those main girls crowding up the space.
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Why is there so much Witch Marx? At least Camilla looks like the generic.
>Camilla: The most willing to experiment with multiple partners
So what, this means she's the sluttiest?

>biggest dick
Did he write this?
I've seen like 4 pictures of witch marx, and I actively try to look for pictures of marx.
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>No Sakura, Elise, or 2nd gens

Shit list tbqh
>implying it'd be another dick joining in
Remember, yuri is pure
>Camilla: The most willing the experiment with multiple partners
I don't think this fits very well.
Kazahana talks about food in her supports and I could definitely see Asama being into choking.

Mozume, well, I guess Aptitude gave her big expectations.
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>Shigure I can't say much for.

Who will you be marrying, /feg/?
Nohr - Ophelia, Camilla, Velour, Effy, Leon
Hoshido - Kinu, Kazahana
What is this autism?
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please don't respond to this shitty thread-filler question, that's the last thing we need right now
What would Sugar look like if he inherited his dads hair colors?
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Still, it's odd for someone who isn't a magic unit, isn't it? I haven't seen Witch Ryouma at all. I'd expect Witch Saizou to be popular, but as far as I know it doesn't exist.

I realized I actually can't tell if this is Marx or a poorly-colored Zero. A lot of elevens make him blonde for some reason.
Shitty thread-filler questions are exactly the thing to change the subject from the shit /feg/ generally gets stuck on.
I've seen 2 Witch!Ryouma's on pixiv
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Kinda like this, I guess. He makes a nice blonde.
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Who's cuter, Elise or Sakura?
Nishiki!Shiggy actually looks pretty cute
>reading character descriptions
>find out my birthday is also Belka's birthday

Now I feel, like, obligated to use her.
>all that grey white and blonde
Fucking hell it's a good thing kids are tied to the dads this time.
Has there been something like this for Lucina?
Sakura I guess. They're both trash but I guess she's slightly better.
I like that fox Shiggy.
Well, fug me. I'm still upset there's no Saizou, though. Man's titties are built for a corset.
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Guinevere attack.gif
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Days progress on Maiden of Darkness:

We re-pointed all that assume needs to be re-pointed, that's Items, Class, Character and Map sprite tables. I also expanded Items and Character to 255, and class to 137. the Sprite tables were expanded to 150 each.

This is future proofing, if, and god help me I hope not, I wind up having to go to 3rd tier for classes, the infrastructure is already there to support it. More importantly, these modules are ready to be used for your own mods. So if you want to add classes (To a degree, I didn't expand it nearly as much as I could have) or characters, you can go nuts. Your ability to mod the hack after I'm done with it is as important as getting the hack out.

Now, the bad news of course. Temp still hasn't shown up, meaning we're almost at the deadline and he's been AWOL for 3 months. Needless to say we're all worried for him, but it does mean, unless he returns as jolly old saint nick, that Guinevere, Mary as a Fighter, and Elphins promotion wont be playable.

I don't want that. I want the gameplay fully ready for everyone to test and break their teeth on.

If you're looking for a demo progress consider this

14 Chapters to Event/Re-event.
1 more PC portrait to finish (Nino)
4 Boss Portraits to work on (Barigan, Elimine, Hanon, Hartmut)

When those are all done, the game is technically in a playable demo state (barring the return of Temp) and ready for release. Adding, text, animations, cleaning up world map events. Doing things more than the bare minimum is what will take up the rest of time. I'm really excited for the release of the Maiden of Darkness Demo and I hope you'll all enjoy it when it comes out. Or tell me I'm a hack who's wasted 5 years of his life, both work.
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I feel the same way about BLEGH.
link it desu
fuckin neato

Glad you're working hard on what you love doing
you're a faggot because you're in this thread though, sorry
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I've seen some isolated edits here and there, but no compilation.
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>Trying to get even more shitflinging started

wew lad

Elise has the cuter design and voice, Sakura seems like she'd be better in bed and as a wife in general
Which girl is the best at:
>giving head
>vanilla sex
>kinky sex
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Would you take a bath with your sisters?

Felicia's birthday is the same day as the NA release too
>tfw don't share a birthday with any FE character
>the closest one is Batman

all me
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nohr hard run with male mu: pieri
nohr lunatic run with female mu: leon

when i want to replay i'll hit up belka or marx

i guess if I ever buy IK/Hoshido I'll marry whatever the archer guy's name was
Anyone have some cringy Tumblr images/posts?
>Chrom x Gaius boypussi baby
The Kanna edits are excellent.
>Orochi/Kagerou, at the same time
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Edits time.
Sakura. Elise is too young.
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Trick question, it's Lilith!
Oh boy, here we go.

baka desu senpai
This has a shitty ask blog feel to it.
Honestly, we have no right to complain about Belkanon.
Has there ever been such a thing as a not-shitty ask blog?
The Perfect Belka chart is still crazier than any of that.
>more and more forgotten

For a second there I thought this was some weird Kellam RP.
Seriously, even our worst autists aren't as bad as some of those Tumblr fucks. Not to mention the otherkin weirdos.
>Frederick died in the Mad King Gangrel chapter
should I bother resetting? I was planning on giving him to Olivia, but obviously I can't now.
Who else is a good husband for her other than Chrom?
You for all of them
in order:

>Anna/dirty fujo
>Orochi/Kagerou just give me both please holy fuck

Setsuna would also have the best handjobs, for obvious reasons
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>Not to mention the otherkin weirdos.
Keep in mind a huge chunk of them are just trolls desu.
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Lonk, Stahl, and Henry are all good
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But seriously, give him henry, he becomes a really good dreadfighter. Libra is fine too
Henry it is, then. Anything I should bother passing down from him?
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Got a problem with otherkin, big boy~?
Why do his abs looks like a penis?
I usually pass down Wrath regardless of the kid just because girls can't get it and going through the Zerker line isn't too fun for most of the boys except Gerome and Yarne
Axefaire if you feel like getting it. I just wouldn't bother.
>trying to write that Noire/maMU smut
Fug, got a page down but I'm not sure if I want it to go the way it is. Should Robin barge into Tharja's tent and smack her cursing tools away or should I be more sensible and just have him tell Tharja to fuck off and then take Noire away?
Robin smacking the tools away while Noire is riding his dick
As much as I like violence directed towards Tharja, I think the latter would be less silly.
You got it senpai
I'll do a short one of this too because I think it's funny.
The latter.
as her father
So what is the consensus here on that smut? Is it Incest or no?
Something I spotted in the wild.
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Hugging her and giving head pats right?
This really isn't bad.
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Nah, not incest. Maybe I'll write something incest related once I get through the other stuff.
>Noire/maMU savior smut
>double meido fellatio
>Mozume wedding night?
>Kazehana/Mamui sparring sex
I think those were the requests.
>canon queer characters
Aside from "canon queer characters", anyway.
Ah ok making sure as I didn't know actually. Hope you deliver.
For some reason I thought there was an ending that involved something same sex. Am I wrong?
Is it too much to ask for an older sister threesome?
Maybe later senpai
There are characters that have friends. Anything other than that is pure fanfiction. Paired endings aren't necessarily romantic. As a faggot it disappoints the shit out of me when I get into something because people hype it up as being homo and it's blatantly all in their goddamn heads. I don't know why they do this.
who /never bored of fates music/

Is it too late to make a request?
>my double meido fantasy is becoming a (written) reality

godspeed, anon
Haven't listened to it once because I don't want to spoil myself
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What is she eating?
>Kazehana/Mamui sparring sex
Ooh, threesome.
Here but I've been trying not to listen to it since the initial leak so it feels fresh again.

I've failed twice.
Who /doesn'tlistentovideogamemusicbecausetheyhavegoodtaste/ here?
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TCH! DOKE!.png
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Not a fan of Mondays.
Me. I only listen to video music, when I'm playing the actual game.

Though, a really popular song at my high school was the Molgera's theme (boss from wind waker). My school was weird, we used to sing like Demi Lavato songs and Selena gomez songs in the middle of class.
>that L parody on the right

For a worrying few minutes I thought his mother was Suzukaze in that fifth one.
>death note parody

>he thinks he has good taste
Post your last.fm
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I have no idea what that is, like never heard that once. and I don't think I have good taste. I just meant to agree to the part where they don't listen to video game music
Anything to please Lady Kamui.
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I love Tsukiyomi!
Shut up Nyx.
>implying you have good taste
I want to cum in his boyhole
He's adorable!
>Demi Lavato
>Selena Gomez
>there are underages posting in this thread right now
i'm not a wizard but at this point I might as well be

>tfw pretty much no one plays Ougon

I just want to touch some titties with Battler.
I'm 20, Demi Lavato's and Selena Gomez's songs came out like 4 years ago

Not my fault your some grandpa stuck in the past
>Don't Forget is the debut studio album by American singer Demi Lovato, released on September 23, 2008
He sure is!
Bro your dumb. They have been here for a while.
>You now remember their first studio music came out roughly 7 years ago

How's it feel to be 30 and irrelevant, anon?
meant to reply to >>122536174
Nah, go ahead. I can't gaurantee immediate completion or quality though.
Refresh my memory on how the meidos act. Felicia's clumsy and got at battling, and Flora's an actual good maid?
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I love Zero!
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Here comes Sety and a very creepy-looking Asvel to save the day!
You're right about Felicia, though she's extremely loyal/eager to please Kamui. Flora has jealousy issues and self-worth issues, but is otherwise a good maid yeah.

Both are from the ice tribe, so they have a quirk of being cold to the touch
>Selena gomez

Come and get it is still my guilty pleasure
And Elincia comes back too! And she gets Amiti! Excellent.

Also Sain returns. That's cool I guess, I never even noticed he left.
Well I can at least put it out and hope for the best that it gets delivered. How about a Severa/Luna x Mamui and MaMU spitroast?
Would Kazahana be part of a Nyotaimori?

Flora is the boring and uptight lame maid
That's nice.
Nigga, how are we expected to enjoy the deep plot that doujin has to offer?
>Not linking the English one
Come on.
I thought this was translated
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And you know what I love even MORE than Zero? Fire Emblem
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I prefer something good
Megaman Zero?
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Whoops. Thanks for having my back, Anna.
aren't you one of the rare homosexual(lesbian if you want to be a word-killing normie) fujos?

>dat Cherche footjob

muh dick
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Fire Emblem Midori46.png
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>reinforcements appear RIGHT NEXT TO EIRIKA
oh god why
My apologies, lads, here's the real one:

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Hard to believe, isn't it? Its disgusting how much I love Fire Emblem! Too bad you can't marry it, Fire Emblem is the best waifu.


Never played Megaman, sorry.


Why do you want to know?
>Felicia convincing Flora to help her suck a sick Kamui's dick
Seems cool to me
>Tharja paizuri
I like this, Tharja really is just for sex
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lucina so cute.jpg
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>this picture

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Tharja is for tender loving.
Let's be real, the Maribelle ass-whipping is the real star of that doujin. It's 17 pages of trash beforehand :^)
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Yeah, Lon'qu is a really cutie. I should marry him sometime. I can't decide to marry him or Gaius next though.
My immersion is ruined... I'll still make the jokes. But that's a bit of a surprise for me.
Felicia is pretty meek as is, so it'd likely be Flora doing it, then Felicia walking in.
>no rank, musty fujos in your life
>there's probably one out there happily masturbating without you
>she probably wouldn't let you lick the cheeto stains off her cunt, even if you begged her
>she'd rather imagine being bathed in her husbando's semen or even having an actual bath rather than letting you lick her clean
hurts bad
fujoshits are disgusting you faggot. Get better taste
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she's for ramming and filling with cum just like her daughter
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>I am a ruthless and brutal princess of Nohr who chose the path of evil, the traitor Kamui…
>So, until this is all over, I must not let these tears fall. I must be pleased with an empire of death...
>-Nohr "choosing this side was a mistake" Femui talking to herself during Chapter 25 after Ryouma hands in his oriental number puzzle

How deep does this fuckin' Hoshido bias even GO?
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cordelia and lonqu.png
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Post cute awakening pairings
Felicia's eager to please though, right? If Flora's uptight would she really give Kamui a blowjob if he was sick?

Probably doesn't matter much but the autist in me screams at these kind of things.
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Telling your siblings to dress properly on the beach!
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She's for loving sex and raising two daughters with.
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I want to serve Zero and help him ascend to heaven.
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I would love to whip Maribelle's ass all day.


It's okay, I love those jokes anyways. Haven't really gotten into Megaman yet because I'm pretty lazy.
Doesn't Kamui want to execute Hinoka when they finish beating her?
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Playing Awakening, should I marry Maribelle or Olivia?
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Because fuck you Leatherhead
If you're having a hard time choosing, I'd say leave it down to whether you like Brady or Inigo as a son and as a sibling first
I'd personally choose Olivia.
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I'd pick Maribelle.
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I can't tell if that's supposed to be lonk or frederick. I'm leaning more to lonk
Not him, but she wouldn't just pull his pants down as is. She's not self confident enough for something like that. She is rather gullible, so write in someone like Zero suggesting to give him a "release" and you've got a prompt

They're both hot as fuck, but I'd say Inigo needs MU more. Brady's pretty hard to screw up.
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Olivia. Cute shy waifu who gives you lap dances.

They're both good though.
Look at his outfit, it's Lonk.
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Maribelle is best girl.
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Oh fuck, Sety seems to have forgotten that he left Holsety at home and is trying to solo all these units.

I don't see him surviving next turn and I don't have anyone nearby to help. I hope I can still recruit him if he dies in this chapter.
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Fuck your eugenics, this shit is cute as all hell
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Come on man, it's Lon'qu.
Olivia is prostitute. So pick Maribelle.
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Maribelle. Olivia flirts with other men under your nose.
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my bad
>Inigo needs MU more. Brady's pretty hard to screw up.
Uhhh, I'm pretty sure you got that the other way around. Inigo is perfectly fine without MU.
I don't like either of them in truth, and don't really use them. But between them I guess Olivia for Inigo.
Well Eponine will really appreciate it that you get around to them. But really, they're really fun when you get to them eventually.
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She just got shown a few days ago and she already has more fanart than your Fates waifu.
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it's good
Does anybody have the link to that one autistic youtube video, I think it was or Tumblr, of a person shipping lonk and some girl from half life or some game like that.
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Wow. Not only did he survive, the badass motherfucker never even got touched.
>Zelda character has more fanart than Fire Emblem characters

Headline material right there, what a scoop!

I wanna give Linkle the dinkle so its fine
Her design is pretty mediocre imo, but a female Link could have looked like literally anything and she'd still be immensely popular.

She's low tier compared to the Fates girls on average.
>a real, Nintendo-approved female version of Link, something people have clamored for since the 80s has more porn than one of the many playable units that you need to make sure a unit gets married in order to get, in a currently Japanese only game

well no duh, Linkle had porn before Linkle was even a thing
I'll keep that in mind, anon. Thanks.

>Zero gives Felicia some friendly advice
>Felicia heeds his advice
>Flora walks in and is mortified
Something like this would work fine, I think.
Neither one really needs MU, but Inigo would get more out of it than Brady.
She's better than like half of the fates cast already .
>Perfectly fine without MU
Nice meme. Inigo's frail as all hell, doesn't hit hard enough, has no postgame-worthy proc (no, Astra doesn't count), and has mediocre class options outside of Hero. Brady already has really everything he needs to succeed, so you can give him any of the scrap fathers and he'll be fine.
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Good taste.

Olivia, especially if your MU has pink hair. Though it ultimately doesn't matter.
Actually, no she doesn't and she probably never will.
>but Inigo would get more out of it than Brady
No he wouldn't. He already has Mercenary and Myrmidon as well as access to a faire, Inigo is pretty much set.

Brady has fuck-all for good classes.
You know Inigo gets a dad right. Just make his dad Henry/Libra so he can become a dreadfighter or Chrom and keep him in hero and he becomes fine.
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there is no contest
why is maribelle's fanbase so awful
I guess the Cav line and Sage is shit then thanks for telling me.
Unless your waifu is lucina then you lying.
>shitty gender bent Link
because you're a rumprashed Oliviafag
Sage IS shit. Falcos are better staffers and Sorcs and Dark Fliers are better mages for "post-game".

Cav is good for Luna and Dual Guard+, that's it.
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>SJW approved tumblr Link

Literal garbage right there, son.
are all maribellefags this defensive and retarded (and also wrong)?
rhetorical question, the answer is obviously yes
>this shit again
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Linkle is pretty cool. I like her design. She's meant to be a female link and that's what she looks like. I definitely don't want her to become the face of Legend of zelda or replace link though or something
It's literally just a genderswapped Link.

In fact, didn't this happen with a certain Fire Emblem character that you may or may not have put in your post?
I thought Gregor was Ganondorf for a moment
>Lucina is just Marth for SJWs
you're a goddamn idiot
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Soleil and Ophelia bad

Ayy lmao
>Zettai Ryouiki and Spats fetish material
>SJW approved
Female robin a best
Thank you for proving my point. He needs a proc and speed from Chrom to become useable. Inigo has more to gain from MU than Brady does.

Are you high? Cav line gives three of the better skills in the game. Sage is a Top-3 postgame magic class, and Sorc is the only class that has a legitimate argument of being better.
it is also obvious that you are mad no one likes Olivia
Hello /feg/gots

Hows everyone today?
I actually gagged.
>He needs a proc
You're not one of those "Luna is the best skill in the game" memers, are you?
>immediately gets two shitposts in response from Kekibellefags
I guess that settles it. Instead of cleaning up their act they make it worse, basically the same as Tharjafag.
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Maribelle. She's cute, elegant, sophisticated, intelligent, entertaining, high class and is one of the few Awakeningfu's with a good MaMU support. Plus, being in with Maribelle means you get Lissa on the side. Literal 2 in 1 package. No offense to Oliviafags, but she's really boring. The choice is quite obvious if you ask me
Your point only makes sense if Inigo doesn't have a father, and that's literally impossible. Inigo is supposed to have a father to exist. If you give him a father (and it doesn't have to be chrom) he becomes fine.

I'm not proving your point because your point makes zero sense.
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Linkle got more art in a couple days than Caeda got in twenty-five years.
>typical maribellefag shitpost
when someone makes fun of you and this is your reply you are not doing yourself any favors
You're not far off. The only thing better than Luna is the Vengeance/Vantage combo.
Oh man here come the salty Oliviakeks.
One is from a large mainstream series. The other isn't.
>He needs a proc and speed from Chrom
Where are you getting the idea that he needs Speed from anyone? His Speed is perfectly fine, he's actually one of the faster kids.
>a-a-anyone who is tired of Maribelle autism is an Oliviafag!
kill yourself
>Your point makes zero sense

My point is literally just the fact that Brady is a harder kid to screw over inheritance-wise than Inigo. What part of that are you too autistic to understand?
>waifu'd both Olivia and Maribelle, they're both great girls
>this shitposting happens
Why the fuck does this happen every single goddamn time? They're both good waifus, fuck off
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FEcardsagainsthumanity (2).png
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>majority of Marth fans don't even know he has a fiance.
>why is a maribellekek autistic
gee i wonder
>He needs a proc and speed from Chrom to become useable

That's what you said, which is false. You don't need chrom to make him useable.

>what part of that are you too autistic to understand?

oh nevermind, you're one of those people.
Pretty sure Sage has the highest mag cap in the game.
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i hate this place
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I sure hope I didn't have to talk to Cormag for anything, because Asvel just killed him.
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same desu
You literally think Sage is a shit class when it has the highest Mag cap in the game. Your opinion is shit

>You will never wake up on Christmas to Olivia and Maribelle wrapped up in a ribbon under your christmas tree

why fucking live
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>You literally think Sage is a shit class when it has the highest Mag cap in the game. Your opinion is shit

That wasn't even me, what are you doing.
Best 2nd gen tbqh
sage is actually best because of how stupid v/v celica's is desu
even if it had less mag than sorcs it would still be the class for doing no-dlc apotheosis
Is he recruitable? The theme is green-haired characters so that'd be odd.
>Still not having Anna as your waifu
/feg/ please
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just take 1 imo
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all of the second gen girls are great
even Kjelly has some good parts lol who am I kidding
I'm pretty sure he isn't.
>This damage control
>"Brady has fuck-all for good classes."
>"Sage IS shit. Falcos are better staffers and Sorcs and Dark Fliers are better mages for 'post-game'."
Hope you enjoy your waifu leaving you for the highest bidder.
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You're still replying to the wrong person.

Here are the people you want to reply to

This desu senpai
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Ha ha time to shatter the game
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>Witch Sakura
It's weird that I still haven't seen that.
Nowi!Morgan and... Henry!Morgan?
>still haven't seen that
Er, I meant that I hadn't seen it until now.
>Witch Sakura

P-Post more screenshots please. Hat~ Hat~
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here's another Christmas slut
Who is Manakete!Morgan even standing next to?
I want to tie Anna up and grope her tits and then take her stuff
>There is barely any smut/porn of Cynthia, and what little we do have has her as Lucina's throw-in sister

What did best girl do to deserve this?

God dammit stop giving me a Christmas costume fetish, /feg/
She is my waifu but I'm not going to marry her on every route of Fates.
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On one hand she kills things dead

On the other, everything else. Yes the Raven Strike is necessary.
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never change
>6 skills
yeah yeah I get it, I'm slow. I haven't been here in months.
It's 5 class skills, as in Awakening, plus a unique personal skill each character has.
Top left is a locked in Personal Skill. Her's reduces damage taken of everyone within 2 spaces by 2
I think I wrote one a while back, but it was pretty mediocre. I have a goddamn problem with prose.
Are you going to give Sakura your cock?
>tumblr face

Fuck off
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>tryhard faggots extending 'tumblr nose' to entire faces
Never ever. If Takumi didnt exist she'd probably be my least favorite royal.
>defending shitty tumblr art.
Those faces are whack.
They're not as offensive as the majority of the art. At least the style somewhat suits it.
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fuck this guy.jpg
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>29 Def
>has a skill that removes his weapon weaknesses
Unfair. Good thing Vanessa with the Power Ring to so OP.

Is Sakura's Skill normally that low?

>Her's reduces damage taken of everyone within 2 spaces by 2
It only affects allies. It's important to make that distinction, because Izana's does the exact same thing but it affects enemies too.
Link it anyway. I need something new anyway
Her skill growth as a Witch is 45 which basically means I've been losing a ton of coin tosses. Especially since she's been getting Strength for no fucking reason other than to mock me.
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did someone say post more tumblr art?
This isn't bad
I'm glad that I can tell just what kind of image it is just form the thumbnail, so that I know not to expand it.

Because these are honestly disgusting.
henry always gets me
>That skintone
>That unnatural fat
>Those faces

This is legitimately disgusting
>army that constantly marches, spars, and fights
>let's make them all fat!
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Marth, Robin, and Ike amiibos are on amiami right now. And yes, even if they are from Japan they work on the english version of fates as amiibos are not region locked
Should I give the Devil Axe 100 Hit for Trial by Devils?

Not serious I think
yo, i'm all for good art whether its from tumblr or not, but that faggot-tumblrface-anon was right. This shit is awful.
>enemy units with a 100 Hit RNG Axe
That sounds terrifying.
>still thinking youre relevant
>still not doing yourself a favor and committing sudoku
>youre romhack a shit
Couldn't find it, but I reuploaded it onto an account.
Am I the only one here who thinks Ignis looks like Libra but older and more masculine.
I think he looks like Nathan Explosion.
He only wants banana Stickers
Yes. I want a challenge.
Well he literally had no official artwork and didn't participate in battle. Although if Intelligent Systems decide to do more remakes and they manage to make it to Elibe, my bet says that Mark will actually be like a combat tactician.
Release. The kitties.
I didn't know I could get this erect. Thank you.
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Got a problem with diversity, shitlord?
Well at least Cordelia wasn't defiled by being in that monstrosity.
Not really. Flavia's one of my favorite Awakening girls. I just hate how it looks like they're all suffering from radiation poisoning, not to mention pointlessly changing their canon skin colors.
>No Cordelia
Was this question even trying?
So I finished that hectic map and got Sety and Asvel. Sety's stats aren't really great for his level, but he's got a Leadership Star, Resolve, and A-rank Staves. Holsety still hasn't shown its face, if it's in the game at all.

Asvel is just too weak to use. Shame, since he has Adept.

We're off to Rausten to fail to save Joshua's (who isn't even in this game) mother.
Also, I like this map's theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYe2ClOi0Ow
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I want to rub cheeks with Takumi!
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brotherly love.jpg
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Me too! And ryouma!
That honestly isnt that bad. Just Sully's face ot horrendous
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new mages.jpg
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Forgot image. Whoops.
Well there's always Einhejar...
For either route I'm thinking of choosing Azura but if there are other waifus that would appeal to me better they'd be.
Hoshido: Matoi
Nohr: Camilla
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Hey, I posted that before
>you will never hang out with Leon, Odin, and Zero
>you will never get into wacky shenanigans
>you will never bake Leon a cake congratulating him on the sex
>playing Awakening
>be a perfectionist
>want children to be perfect
>grinding all the characters to max stats so the children can have max stats (even the shitty ones like Miriel)
>grinding everybody for their broken skills like Galeforce and Luna
>50 hours game time
>havent started Chapter 13 yet

Please tell me the eugenics in Fates arent like this because this is really hampering my enjoyment of the game, and yet I cant stop doing it.
Do the amiibos actually do anything other than giving extra units and accessories? You can get the classes from DLC right?
Leon's retainers are my least favourite out of all of them so I'm fine
Oh did you? My bad, I didn't know. It's just today that I'm giving a look at Pixiv for any new stuff.
>>be a perfectionist
stopped reading
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That wasn't actually in Awakening, was it? I don't remember that support.
>>havent started Chapter 13 yet
How the hell? How are you getting second seals and such? I only start grinding after I beat chapter 16 since that's when they're readily available.
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Oh it's fine, I don't mind. Just felt like saying it for some reason
I'm okay with that. Odin is kind of annoying and Zero can fuck off for good.
>favorite kid is my favorite osomatsu

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All the fanart I've seen of them portrays them as these goofballs who cause him trouble. I love it.
that's not being a perfectionist that's being retarded
Could anyone in Fire Emblem defeat Saitama?
Do you have more of these? This is hilarious.
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Most of those are /feg/ memes, though.

You mean you didn't get the secret support that unlocks when you fill out the support log?

Nah, it's from here http://incorrectfeaquotes.tumblr.com/
What the fuck is this meme anime that I keep seeing everywhere?
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Yeah, I've got this one, the one I posted, and one more. I just numbered them based on what order I assume they go in.
I had a stockpile of Second Seals from Streetpass. I'm putting off Chapter 13 because I need maxed stats for Lucina.
Osomatsu san. It's only a meme anime in Japan, not really popular in the west. It's a reboot about 6 sextuplets living in Japan and just their lives and stuff

I like it, it's funny
Oh ok, thanks.
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Osomatsu-san. Ryouma, Suzukaze, and Roy's voice actors are in it.
Who is Franny supposed to be?
Suzukaze is voiced by daisuke ono? Holy crap, I never knew that. I knew about Yuiichi nakamura before

Hoping fe 15 can get kamiya hiroshi in it, he's one of my favourites as well
Elise. No contest.
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Finished the Robin/Noire smut. I seriously have an issue with prose, but here it is anyway. I haven't given it much checking beyond a quick once-over so there might be errors here and there. Maybe a leftover plotline or something.

Blast me to smithereens guys.
I had to go into a Gamestop to order FE Fates special edition. The qt clerk asked if I played Awakening and what my favorite characters were. Of Course I almost blurted out Thraja, but I caught myself and said I liked Sully's personality and her interaction with Kjelle. She asked if I had a NNID to share some miiverse stuff she drew, I told her I'm not sure what my account stuff is but offered to text it to her and I got her number.

I'm too afraid to text anything after my NNID though.
You actually did it, god damn you anon. Well, at least you got writing practice out of it.
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>I almost die in the one extremely unlikely situation that Eclipse can actually kill you
you know, it would have been okay to say Tharja. But instead you like the only girl with a cock?

Your new 3D waifu has shit taste. glhf
at least you get swole if you fug Sully
>you both become swole as fuck
>scare Grima off with your muscles
Sounds fun
>shitting and vomiting: the support

no thanks
Sakura's hair isn't retarded so I vote for her.
Sakura, easy.
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I kill the offending Boltaxe Memeguy and get myself the Member Card.

I wonder if the Secret Shop is in the same place in this map?
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Walmart please.
>Be me
>Go to Gamestop
>Clerk is some random middle-aged guy who probably knows nothing about video game and is unhappily working there for a nine-to-five salary

Every time.
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Got all of the base weapons with their new stats. Right now I'm just adding all the new spells and weapons that I had planned How do people react to the Slim Lance being removed to serve as an exclusive Peg weapon?

Current stats are 20 Uses 4 Mt 85% Hit 20% Crit and Slays armors.
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>Orange strands of hair
Haha, oh fuck man. But this is pretty good IMO and you actually delivered too, which is a plus. Nice job.
Who's panties are those?
Sounds good to me. Guessing it's light enough that its weight is irrelevant?
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Weight isn't in his hack. It all winds up working out because the enemy isn't weighed down either.
The old guy that is usually there instead of the qt is the only other living human I've met that plays and talks about SMT games. He's a chaosfag though.
I approve of this.
Have you ever considered contributing?
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I love Takumi
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Good night /feg/ <3
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Sweet dreams babe
Thanks, anon. I'll probably get to work on the double-teaming meidos tomorrow if I'm not fucked by my job.
So much of her dialogue is going to be re-written to try and convince everyone that's she's really an adult that just looks young?
Sorry to be needy over here, but did you overlook a request I gave out?
Oh, I guess Sety is kinda like PoR Shinon, and has not-so-good bases and great growths. Not that his bases are quite as bad as Shinon's, anyway.

And Safy promotes to Bishop for Dat Slayer.
They'd have to because the waifus in this game actually get fucked until they're pregnant.

In Awakening you could handwave it away by saying "oh she gets fucked in the future when she's of age". Here, not so much.
Depends. This thread moves fast sometimes and I was alternating between doing classwork and writing.

What was it?
Sleep tight qt
Yeah I know. I just wonder how aggressive they'll be about it.
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Oh hey, Bishops get Dark Magic in this game. That doesn't really make sense, but I'll take it.
Midoriko is going to be removed from fates like Camilla and Elise.
Nah, Kamui's just going to slip on a banana peel instead of motorboating Camilla's titties.
Like the 200 space convoy, it's likely a carryover from FE Grills.
That's understandable. Here it is: >>122537043
Midori's convoy has 250 slots.
More like they'll just sloppily edit that video to cut the part where he crashes into the mountains.
I want to fuck nanna
I'll keep it in mind. I feel like I've seen that request before, though.
Homeros, please, she's with Leif.
You probably have cause I'm the one who requested it. I just didn't get a response so I thought you overlooked it.
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>you will never shove your face between your big sister's big tits
I would rather motorboat Ryouma's or Marx's tits instead tbqh
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>attack a Luna Shaman
>proc Pavise when he counters
I love this skill. Vanessa is starting to become my favorite FE8 Peg Knight.
>Marx's tits
Nah, he's got nice pectorals but he has no nipples so Camilla wins the Nohr titty bowl.

Why are her boobs sweaty?
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Okay, I would still do Ryouma though
Midoriko, don't look at me like that.
If only she were that good in vanilla FE8
No, I mean I've seen that request from another thread ages ago. Or I think I have, I'm getting a weird deja vu feeling from it.
Does Ryouma have the biggest breasts out of all the hoshido royals?
Oh ok. And really? That's strange, assuming that's real, I wonder what thread that was from.
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Sakura's are bigger. He's 2nd
Good. Cow udders are objectively shit.
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Give me the cutest picture of your waifu/husbando family. Preferably with Kamui (Or robin if she/he is from awakening)
Actually, it doesn't have to be a family picture. I just want new pictures of other characters to build up my folder with (but them being with Kamui/Robin would be nice)
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there is no need to be upset Hinoka
Go to bed, Hinoka.
FE began before 13
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But having a family with your waifu/husbando didn't.
There's very little art of Kamui with characters other than Aqua and Zero.
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Hinoka mind
FE before 13 didn't have me in it, though.
I mean Mamui specifically, of course.
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Here you go. He's not my husbando by the way, I just have this picture saved.

Not really
It did.

Who's your waifu? Maybe I'll draw a picture of you and kamui together since I need practice
You mean the tactician thing and that blue-haired guy that was only in one of the remakes?
Those aren't really me because they can't marry anyone. And they do things I wouldn't do.
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>Tfw I don't have any like that
It's fine. I'll wait eventually.
I wonder since Briggid adopted Mareeta, does that mean that Mareeta is now the adopted sibling of Faval and Patty and since Mareeta is Major Odo, the Jungby siblings are now allies with Issach due to Mareeta being related to Shanan, Ulster, and Lachke?
Someone who will never marry anyone seems a more realistic version of you tbqhwym8
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Pictured: only part of the added items to the game.
>Killer Queen
Kinda curious what these are to have music reference names.
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Lyn is the superior waifu.

Also, Othin just hit level 30. I wonder if I should go the canon route and promote him to Hero, or promote him to Warrior instead. I'm leaning Hero.

>Repeating Crossbow
I'm getting TRS flashbacks.
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What were they thinking?
But I can marry the waifus I like in-game. That's something that I can do and that I want to do.
One of Elphins Light spells and one of his Axes.
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Screw it, I'll just go Hero.

That is brilliant.
why not?
Oh, nice, makes sense.
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I don't know about the whole political allies thing since I think it's still largely unknown that Mareeta has Odo blood, and Rivough's destroyed, but I like to think she and Briggid's kids get along, at least.
So Elphin was just changed to a combat unit? I'm guessing Lalum is still just a Dancer that can only Dance?
My guess here is that she will get swords like Dancers traditionally do.
I waifu Aqua because I'm boring like that, and there's plenty of art of her and Mamui to go around. Thanks for the offer, though. Maybe do art of him with a waifu that gets shit on a lot here, like Eponine or Velour.
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That may wind up happening, Yes. She may also get a promotion, but not by this demo.

I knew I remembered the name somewhere, I just figured the capstone Crossbow being a 1-2 Brave would be a good thing.

Here are some of the classes, actually some of the classes and me future proofing the rom in case of the worst case scenario.
Ah no problem. I'll probably start taking requests soon since I need practice, exam season is coming up soon so I have to focus on that first.
>homer tells a kid to go away when you try recruiting him with someone other than nanna
>nanna is the youngest of leif's ragtag band of misfits

I do not understand
I imagine that in a remake if alternate classes are allowed that Briggid gets the memedon class from buddying it up with Aira so that she has sword skills for when she loses her memories and becomes Eyvel.

I imagine that in some battle or another if Mareeta is carried over in a FE4 remake that if her clothes in the back is torn to reveal her brand, people will start to wonder if it is real and have the Issachian siblings try to verify that and ask where she came from and how she got her brand. I would imagine that Lachke would take a liking to Mareeta and would want to train with her.
I imagine that Roy if he gets a tier 3 should go to Knight Lord or something like that like his dad and Lilina should get Archsage for her tier 3.
Homeros just has good taste in women is all.
Mareeta, Machuya and Karin a shit.
Nanna a best.
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So Roy would go into his fathers Tier-2 class, while Lilina would go into an exclusive class that excludes the main feature of her promotion
>Roy if he gets a tier 3 should go to Knight Lord or something like that like his dad
No way man, Roy's whole thing is that he DOESN'T get a horse.

Also Lilina gets axes like her old man, Archsage doesn't work.
I mean, I don't disagree with his taste, nanna is the best

Give me an fe4 remake so I can steal nanna from leif
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Exactly, if Roy's getting a mount it'll be a Lion. And the class'll be Crusader or something.
The thing is though that Lilina is a mage though so giving her axes wouldn't work unless it is the third tier promotion. Then she would be some kind of odd dismounted Revenant Knight. Though I would make the Bolt Axe Lilina exclusive since it deals magic damage.
I don't know about a lion though.
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Make Roy's mount be Marcus.
>I don't know about a lion though
Roy is "The Young Lion".
Yeah but a lion as a mount would be ridiculous unless he gets a griffon. Can't let his dad's genes go to waste and horse riding is kinda Pherae's thing.
>and horse riding is kinda Pherae's thing
How do you figure?
No, Dae in Murderchicken mode
Eliwood promotes to a horse, Marcus/Isadora is a Paladin, Lowen/Lance/Allen is a Cavalier. It would make sense that Roy has been around horses for much of his life. And his teacher is Cecillia who herself is mounted on a horse as well.
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Roys entire promotion chapter is about coming to terms that he's not Hector or Eliwood or some natural born leader, he's Roy. And it's fine that he's not either of them, doesn't fight like either of them and doesn't lead like them. He's his own damn man.
But Roy is a natural born leader.
Why do you think they made him general of the Etrurian army?
Because this is a JRPG and he fits inside the age window for such things?
Then why not make Hector a Troubadour if we are changing cannonical things.
Hector the Troubadour, who still has both parents and his brother around.
Ture, we have our own headcanons on how a remake Roy would end up as. My headcanon Roy wouldn't need a mount and would embrace his odd mix of ice dragon and human hybrid genes as well as the genes he got from Nergal and end up with a Kamui-ish final class.
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Because that would be silly.
Didn't Roy like, save the entire world while Eliwood and crew killed a single dragon?
>Belka: A power bottom queen

Very nice.


Very lucky, I wish I share my birthday with Belka. I am a few days off and share mine with Tiki. It is funny because I felt obligated to use Tiki when I found out too. I also had Robin marry her in Awakening because I didn't really like any of the other character.
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Because he was the only one left. He spends all of the Lycia arc running away the Etruria arc being tricked and not being able to stop either of the big armies, The only reason he didn't blindly die was due to Cath and Elphin in both Lycia and Western Isles. He was the leader because at the time, there was no one else who could do it. He grew into that role.

look, it's a rom hack, they're pretty much just fanfiction. I mean if we were sticking to the purest of canons we wouldn't be doing half the insane things we're doing. And we might have to do Hasha no Tsurugi stuff
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Well yeah, but that all happens later.

And Eliwood still saved the world, the world was just less fucked when he did.

>And we might have to do Hasha no Tsurugi stuff
please no
Roy just killed Idoun, the weakest boss ever.
But Roy says in the chapter where Cath 'saves' him that instead of running away they will just simply take the castle by force.
Just ignore the smashbabies trying to make Roy into some bad ass, that he's really not.
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>being a drawfriend and able to make your own cute pictures featuring your spouse and kid
Actually, I wish it was great. Collecting other people's art is way more fun.
I imagine fapping to your own art is impossible
But he kind of is.
Just because he has average growths it doesn't mean his character should be slated.
But the thing is, isn't it more badass that he's not the natural leader super badass? He's basically a kid who, due to the chain of command all coming down with a sudden case of death, is now the leader. The fact that pressure makes him a diamond and doesn't crush him is more of a testament to him.
The people Eliwood and co. fought against were canonically stronger than the ones Roy fought.
Okay, where is this coming from?
His soft, supple ass.
>can't fap to your own art
>can't fap to your own smut fics
Why even bother creating? At least it's fun.
He's your standard shonen animu protag
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Simple fact of the matter is I prefer heroes who overcome adversity than those who are naturally gifted. I also don't want Eliwood and Roy to be too similar
All the FE lords are naturally gifted.
And a father and son being similar is probably the most normal thing in the world.
No he's really not. Stop trying to force your ebin memes.
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Explain why he isn't then?
Because conquering a whole continent is kind of badass.
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That's great, the hack comes packaged with all the modules and tools to edit it. So if you feel that way you're welcome to do it.
Nergal can literally wipe the floor with anyone Roy fought. Idoun isn't canonically all that strong either. I won't even bring in the Black Fang higher ups.
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Nah, the base game already works.
>can recruit shitters like Guy and Karla
>can't recruit Lloyd and his based stats
I would imagine that if FE6 were remade that Idoun would get a buff in the form of Dragonskin+ so that you have to use Divine Weapons+SoS to hurt her. I'd probably give the regular War Dragons and Jahn Dragonskin as well so that they are a little tougher. Also make the Ekhsachs usable by anyone with the required Sword rank if you fulfill the final requirements to go to the ending chapters.
Funny enough that Roy defaults to Merc outside of his lord class(and base Master Lord is just a varient of Hero just with a Swordlock) and Eliwood defaults to Cavalier outside of his own Lord class. If you keep that distinction about them, then you should probably give Roy the Swordmaster crit and avoid bonus for being weaponlocked.
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>you will never get fucked by Lloyd and Linus at the same time
I don't see any "canon facts" to back this stuff up.
The only people that think Roy is anything special as a lord are fags like FEplus. Just sayin'
Roy isn't weaponlocked in Onmi's hack if memory serves.
He gets dark magic with the explanation that he uses the Fire Emblem's arcane properties to cast it because he's shit at magic otherwise, or something along those lines. Unless that's changed since then. I know he wanted Roy, Lilina and Guinevere to all use a different magic type.
Went after work to reserve this game. It was like 6 o clock so there was a line. Anyway dude in front of me started a conversation if I was there for battlefront. I told him I was reserving the special edition. He said he was doing the same on top of swbf.

He goes to the counter to get his game and reserve. Turns out my GameStop only has 15 allotted copies for SE and he got the last one. I was devastated and he turned around and said sorry, with a smile. Then said some lame pun about nothing stopping his conquest for fire emblem.

BUT he spoke to soon. Turns out for the SE you need to put down 25 minimum and that dummy only brought $5 cash. He begged the cashier to hold it for him so he could go home and get more money. But they couldn't hold it since it wasn't a physical thing and preorders are first come first served. I rolled up to the counter and paid it off entirely with a card. After I swiped, I looked at him dilly dallying on the side trying to call other gamestops and said, "this game is my birthright".

He said "watch your back and left". I browsed around the store after because I was too scared to go out.
Why are his achievements any less than the likes of Eliwood, Hector or even Ephraim?
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Roy magic.gif
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He isn't weapon locked. He gets Dark on promotion, to round out the triangle of Guinevere's Lance/Light and Lilina's Anima/Axe

to true

I thought this post went through
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>Dark magic
Why does Roy always get the ass end of the stick?
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>He said "watch your back and left".

Maybe he was just quoting Ike.
>this game is my birthright
I smell lies but I still chuckled.
You're going by gameplay stats smart ass. For example Fomoortis is a chump stat wise but canonically he's one of the stronger endgame guys.

Nergal is a lot stronger than Athos. Most of the guys in Bern's military that Roy fought are chumps.
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I wouldn't say that
Isn't dark magic in his blood though if you have Ninian marry Eliwood though since then Roy has Nergal as his grandpappy? I wonder how are you going to explain away that unless he accidentally casted dark magic and Eliwood went to Cecilia to have Roy learn to properly cast magic because Dark Magic is dangerous in the Elibe universe? I mean look what happened to Grandpa Nergal when he played around with the dark arts...I wonder if you're going to give him a dragon related skill or weakness if you are going that route?
>Eclipse is a Reaver and not the spell that cuts HP in half
I think there's a problem here.
I'll enjoy the -4 speed I get for Nosferatu I am sure.
Like Durandal without the +5 strength.
Yeah, You can't look one slot down to see Curse being the spell that halves HP
Uh, I'm not Onmi, I actually put periods at the end of my sentences and can't answer story questions.

I can only speak of what I remember him saying, and that it's all the Fire Emblem and the magic bullshit in it that lets him cast dark, no special inheritance whatever.
That's my point. There's a Dark spell that cuts HP in half, and it's not named Eclipse. In fact, Eclipse is something else entirely. That should be rectified.

That's from The Awful Emblem version, there's no weight in my hack except for siege weapony.
Just because Cecilias supports with Lilina revelaed Roy had zero magical talent, at all.

You're welcome to fix it.
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Just call it Hell
>You're welcome to fix it
No need to be a smartass, I'm just pointing something out to you.

I do understand WHY the Reaver is called Eclipse, it just makes more sense for it to fill a role similar to the one it had in FE7.
So how would the whole Elphin/Lalum split work in your hack? Or it is just fused somewhat and we switch between dancers? Or even get both, you madman.
>No weapon weight.
Reminds me of RD where Myrmidons can use Steel Blades with 0 penalties.
Quite unbalanced.
Not to mention 12 and 13
I wasn't being a smartass. I am including the hacking tools specifically so people can make their own hacks or fix things they don't like I did. We chose to change Eclipse to the Reaver tome since it fit better, and Curse fit well as a halving HP spell.
Elphin doesn't refresh anymore, Lalum is the sole refresher. There's no route split. I just wrote up a thread covering a bunch of stuff on FEUniverse
>Quite unbalanced
Not really, Steel Greatlances were still stronger.
When no ones weighed down, it doesn't matter as much.
Yeah but a unit like a Myrmidon shouldn't be able to swing around a slab of Steel without it slowing them down.
Same with Nephenee and the Steel Greatlance.
She is built like a twig, I bet the Lance weighs more than her
When no one is weighed down you get Fire Emblem Awakening.
you say that but he's the smartest lord in the series

Then add the weight back in. It's not hard.
This. That being said though, I hope that Blades have been removed, as weight was their main balancing factor.
Either that or Lances and Axes got an equivalent like in RD.
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It's the latter. I've mixed things around a bit, and testing is still something that has to happen now with the new maps and characters and items, but it'll be sorted out.

Look, I know a lot of people like weight, I really didn't and to be honest I wasn't good at balancing it. Also Con is an awful weight managment system. Really the whole thing was always a mess in FE.

I did leave the system there for people to put weight back in because I know it's not for everyone. But I'm not going to make a change to the hack I find unfun.
Weight fucking sucks, good riddance. Even IS realized that it was a dumb mechanic.

Some hacks like the FE4 Binary hacks handle it alright, but that's pretty much the exception.
Con was good.
If you could lift you could fight better.
If you want to be anal about it make it a growth like in Thracia.
So people should fight as effectively with a Steel lance than with an Iron one?
>So people should fight as effectively with a Steel lance than with an Iron one?
If they're good enough with lances to wield one, yes. A Steel Lance's heavier weight is also demonstrated by its lower accuracy.
New valkyria chronicles hype
TLP's got some pretty qt grills

I heard the gameplay's good, but the story is fucking garbo right?
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More like new mirage classes for ants hype
You say that like it'll actually be localized.
So should a Steel blade handle the same way as a Slim Sword
0 weight just makes no sense.
Holy Edgelord, Chrom.
Yep, that's the consensus here on /feg/.
>Chrom went even more nothinpersonnel
Uhh, I have the same answer to this as the last question you asked. Not really sure why you're asking the same question twice.

The Slim Sword and Steel Blade have a pretty massive gap in Hit, you know. That doesn't suggest that they "handle the same way".
>Chrom can go even edgier
it will though it's getting a remaster of 2 and 3 for PS4

I couldn't stand persona 3 because I couldn't fuse anything unless the dungeons are really good I'll skip this
But one weighs like 6 times the other
Weapon weight is just another feature removed and accepted by the sheep.
Do the people of FE:Fates have any toilets. I see bathing places but no toilets.

Where do they take a shit?
Because it was a stupid feature that they never found a good way to implement.
>I couldn't fuse
Wha? You mean you're sucking at fusion, like, you don't know that you can shuffle shit for skills or what?
Weight was removed from the hack before Awakening. Why don't you just give it up, he's not putting it into his hack, either you're going to play it and not add it back in, play it and add it back in, or just not play it, and all of those are fine.
>nothin personnel grima
thanks to con, female units even managed to be shittier at rescuing than male units, probably the only purpose acceptable by certain memesters

and as much as they messed with weight in 9 and 10 it still brought problems
>snacki's fat tramboline
I'm not discussing the hack anymore.
I'm discussing weapon weight.
It was a balancer.
Now speedy units will always be better than slow units because they can spam Steel Axes.
I like weight in thracia since you can actually gain bld
Looks like girls can't handle the weight.:DDD
I couldn't fuse anyone else's demon, the dungeons got old fast
it was a poor balancer in the first place
>ignoring unit diversity
>disregarding any possible accuracy differences or drastic differences in weapon damage
>Now speedy units will always be better than slow units because they can spam Steel Axes.
A unit's Con was never directly connected to how high their Speed (actual Speed, not AS) was in the first place. It was just a stat they distributed however they felt like based on the general size of the character they created.

It was never used to balance properly, since some units like Rutger had more Con than Fir, yet he wasn't really slower than her.
Which is why they should have fixed it, instead of removing it.
In your mouth fuccboi.
They didn't get it right for 11 games there was no hope for them.
Don't wake up tharjakek
>Still no special edition pre-order on Canadian amazon and gamestop

>speedy units will always be better than slow units because they can spam Steel Axes
But speedy units have always been superior to slow units, I don't see how anything is different.
It will return one day, which is at least something of a comfort.
Thracia 776
Only waifufags don't want weapon weight back.
The introduction of weapons that modify the double attack threshold was one of the best mechanics introduced in Fates. Discuss
Did not handle it right.

Agreed, Fates is super neat and far better than weight.
it's different because Rossfag can't act like he "earned" the right to be speedy and wield axes without slowdown
>m-muh steel weapons! m-muh speed!
take your meme balance elsewhere
>It will return one day
It already has in a way, as a result of Fates and their infinite-use weapons.

They didn't get it right in Thracia, though it was the closest they've come to it. This is a game where you could abuse scrolls to boost stats like Speed and Build that units were lacking, and the game's low and equal-across-the-board caps meant that unit variety was nonexistent after a certain point, at least as far as dealing with Weapon Weight.

Also Build did literally nothing for Mages.
My dick going in your ass was the best mechanic introduced, fuccboi.
It handled it better than any other game

If there was gonna be an FE that brought back weight, this is the only system I want to return
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Barely any weapons even affect it.
Mages could capture with build.
Fuck off kagakek
You fuck off, Tha.
Wait, Thracia had enemy dancers?
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They just announced a new Valkyria Chronicles game. It seems like it takes place in the past and the units will be using swords and maybe bows?

>Fire Emblem x Valkyria Chronicles is real
Why are you telling /feg/ this?
Not him, but it's an SRPG. No need to get butthurt.
It makes sense that /feg/ might be interested in hearing about another SRPG that was announced, especially since there's no SRPG, JRPG, or Valkyria generals to hear about it in.
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The Paris Suicide bomber was prevented from detonating in the Stade De France.
Rather like how Saizou was prevented from Blowing himself up in the Revalations route.
Anon, please.
Will Fates get rid of waifufagging?
>Mitama bad tier

but her father is best strength husband?
Make one and fuck off.
>This is a Lord
>This is a Great Lord
Sophia fags are the cancer that is killing fe6
Why would I do that? I wasn't even the one who posted about that Valkyria game.

I get that the thread is dead right now, but you don't have to get buttblasted and overreact to every little thing.
Psssh ...
Nothing personnel, Gangrel
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He's also a cunt.
Sophia is not for battle.
Mounted females were better for rescuing actually due to how con worked in proportion to your aid if you were on a mount
woah stop spreading your shit opinions
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So I make this godawful black with red highlights crap yesterday and now Chrom has black with red highlights crap, too.
Fucking coincidences.
Not really. Male units' mounts somehow got 5 extra rescuing power to compensate for their higher Con.
This is a pretty epic post anon.
All of the spells, minus their animations, are now in the game. That only leaves.... 43 more weapons to stat. Still once they're all done I never have to worry about them unless I want to add more weapons
What was it?
But they are both correct opinions.
Sophia is shit at fighting and Asama is a cunt.
What did you do to balance Sophia?
I would sex Witch Sophia
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This unfunny crap I made in response to someone who got made a shitty Kelik ripoff and got his posts deleted for typing badly on purpose.
Level 10, different bases.
Asama really is a huge prick, though.
After squinting at it for about three minutes straight, I'm now fairly sure that the second Chrom class says オーバーロード, or Overlord. He really has gone full edgemaster.
Whoa, that's Walmart's Japanese class name.

Do enjoy.
Nude thread
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