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/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 832
Thread images: 229

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Previous iM@S Thread: >>122416473
Archive of materials: http://www.yukipo.com/
Cinderella Girls carddex: http://cgdex.project-imas.com
Project iM@S wiki: http://www.project-imas.com/wiki/
iDOLM@STER 2 gameplay wiki: http://imas2.wota.info
One For All gameplay wiki: http://idolmasterofa.wikia.com
Japanese news: http://imasnews765.com
Japanese news (translated): http://imasnews765tl.wordpress.com
Japanese information database: http://imas-db.jp
Japanese SideM wiki: http://wikiwiki.jp/sidem/
Official upcoming events schedule: http://idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: http://shijou.moe/imas-radio
CG side materials translation: http://cgtranslation.blogspot.kr
Starlight Stage guide: http://moeidolatry.com/starlight/
Starlight Stage APKs: https://fuyu.me/apk/
Please check the archive of materials if you're looking for something.

October 27th to November 25th: One For All DLC Catalog 11 discount
October 3rd to late November: Official iDOLM@STER store in Osaka
September 29th to December 31st: The iDOLM@STER 10th ANNIVERSARY animate Fair
October 6th to December ???: Crane King/Ichiban Kuji iDOLM@STER Web Radio Lottery with Makoto's VA
October 3rd to March 29th: Official iDOLM@STER store in Chiba
September 17th to April 17th: MILLION LIVE! 3rdLIVE TOUR promotional campaign

November 15th: SideM ST@RTING LINE -05 W and -06 SEM launch event
November 16th: Cinderella Girls VAs on NHK's MUSIC JAPAN program
November 18th: THE iDOLM@STER STATION!!! "in WonderRadio" CD (+ ~ぜんぜんあいたかった~ BD) and CINDERELLA MASTER 036-040 Arisu/Sanae/Shiki/Syuko/Momoka
November 19th: Eriko Nakamura's (Haruka's VA) birthday

Latest news posts: >>122416994
reminder that male idols are
for retards
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>he never answered the questions both times
RIP million live scans
Rin is my wife.
Mio Honda fuck off.
He probably quit and that was his last chapter he was posting since he already had it.
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Have you ever hated someone so much you would fuck them?
look at this phobic anon and how he does not understand the market for fujoshis
Fujos are retards.

There are actually a lot of male fans of Side M.
I love the Shiho.
Kana please
>look at this phobic anon

This point still stands I guess
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I actually meant to quote him not you.
came here just to tell you that Future is a fool.
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>old SideM image
>Ryo not included
Ryo is the only SideM worth anything, because he's a certified girl; Saki a poser.
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>Future is a fool
iM@S tarot cards when?
/llsifg/ here. Came here to laugh at you guys because now you have to deal with the autistic retard obsessed with the scanner.
Make sure you take the autist with you when you go back.
Is it possible for someone to clean the ML raws that were posted? One page was done but I'd like the whole thing to be like that.
Is that some pija
We've been dealing with him for a couple of months.
Why not just ask the scanner?
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It will be a Basa/Makoto anime.

Platonically I hope.

They already do.
Something similar was asked last thread with no response
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Finally got an ssr from the daily plat after over 60 pulls. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
It's always fucking Mio.



My condolences.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I've been wondering if Harukakka ever makes a official appearance in a game or anime how will they justify her appearance?

Clone or Twin of Haruka?
Personification of all of Haruka's dark thoughts?
Random person who just happens to look and sound like Haruka?
He's probably mad he couldn't roll for Riina because he had to put money aside for magazines and then this happened.
This meme has long outstayed its welcome. All of the NG SSRs are great cards and Mio is a perfectly fine idol.
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You got the best girl in the franchise don't let anyone tell you otherwise
I thought he was a HonokaP
I'm so sorry.
Harustein from the fake movie is probably the closest thing we'll ever get to an official Harukakka appearance.
If you want her in the game just shell out the money for I Want + Punkish Gothic or something.
Your opinion is objectively wrong, nerd.
Which is better, doing single rolls or doing 10-rolls?
Mio is cute sexy and awesome.
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People are going to tell you dailies and with good reason. However, in my experience, the one time I got an SSR in a 10 roll, it took the place of the guaranteed SR. On the other hand, my only other SSR is one I got from a daily.
60 > 2500 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 250
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Give her tongue, Mio!
Spats >>>>>>>>>>>> panties >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thongs
I guess I can agree with this, but with a smaller gap between spats and panties.

Thongs are disgusting and awful.
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Good opinion. Your wife is a pretty cool girl as well.
The OP needs updating, the upcoming section is outdated and pretty sure there was something to add that the sipping Rin anon mentioned yesterday
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What things has Momoko seen?
Only going to post once a thread with it my ass
I love her more.
Shizuka please
My thing
all of them
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I smelled Chihaya's hair.
It was by accident.
Smile! Mio is a great girl despite the memes and shitposting.
You're right. Mio is better than fine.
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An idol is nothing without their memes and shitposting.

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I want to forcibly conquer Shizuka's lips.
I want her to fight me before resigning herself to my embrace.
Are there any poor bastards left who still don't have this wonderfully sensual young maiden?
Time's running out.
Nope, I have 5
I haven't seen the downloading screen after a song for three days. I don't even expect it anymore.
0, almost 15 stars Azuki tho.
Me. I got 6 Syokos last time without spending a single jewel. Wish I could trade all of them for just one of Kanade.
Not too worried, she's not really worth it.
Why are you guys being so desperate, we just hit the middle of the month, whether he responded or not he must not even have it yet, or probably just getting it. There's no reason to rush. He'll probably wait till he has to type set to provide a better scan.
not a single kanade made it into my pockets

i'm kissless

chihiro save me
I don't even have Nina, but about 3 Azukis
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But I do have Kanade ;_;
I want to fuck Uzuki.
Get in line
Get in line.
Chihiro is mocking you.
I want futa Uzuki to hurt me the way she does so good.
That's the worst. I got her three times in a row.
Because it'd be nice to have cleans.
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> we just hit the middle of the month

Seems that it's just that time of month for some folks.
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How would a drunk Kaede react to getting groped and massaged? She does it often to others, so she wouldn't have much of a right to complain.
you have brought this upon yourself
I want a doujin about futa Mayu and her Producer
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Have hope, bruh.
Who'd emerge dominant?

Make sure you're rough with her.
Matsuri, please don't forget your makeup.
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Man, fuck the haters. I actually like Mio and I would love to have her SSR; I'd feed her endless droves of Normals so that Mio can have her revenge for when people used her like wormfood in the CG mobage. Besides, funfair Mio a cute, and has absolute dating potential.

Still no Kanade. I want her, but I can live if I end up going through this caravan without her. Not that I won't cry myself to sleep if I don't, of course...
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Looks like I spoke too soon

Played a song after reading your post. Thanks good luck senpai
>absolute dating potential
You'd date a known cheating slut?

In continuation of PyonKoro's week of hosting things, they interviewed Pile.
>I'd feed her endless droves of Normals so that Mio can have her revenge for when people used her like wormfood in the CG mobage
why would you keep around any of the N cards after you had enough power to use an all R team?
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>funfair Mio a cute, and has absolute dating potential.
Who does Mio have that she could even cheat on in the first place? She's not paired with anyone, so she's free.
The idols currently in your puchi office are now your partners during a zombie apocalypse.
How fucked are you?
Why would i be fucked ? Zombie apocalypses are overrated, we'll be fine.
I keep at least one card of each idol so I can unlock new memorial commus as they come out.
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Laikas, please control yourselves.
Well, it might be rough, but if the Simon Pegg/Nick Frost Blood & Ice Cream Trilogy movies tell me anything, it's that alcohol is a key factor in surviving dire straits, so if I make Kaede the leader, then we'll be fine.

If you can survive a zombie apocalypse, then you can survive anything, from an viral epidemic to losing-football-team Euro riots.
I want the Laikas to dominate me.
Well, looks like this apocalypse won't last long.
Thank you alchemy/chemistry/idol magic.
Same, Mio is one of the SSRs I really want. It helps that I'm in need of a Passion SSR. I'm a slut for main yellows.

I think Koume might give me an edge, and having Rina since she's a bit less girly normally so she can pull her weight. Poser-chan and Kanade are only good for babysitting Nina.
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So what happened?
>having Rina since she's a bit less girly normally
Since when is Rina less girly?
She hits her cause she loves her.
I don't think Minako would ever go that far
How far would she go?
I think I read somewhere that while she doesn't have the confidence to find herself as pretty as others, she has confidence in being strong enough to win arm wrestling battles.
Because she's a dumb-dumb she works a lot of manual jobs, so she's pretty strong. Her SS commu implies she's working at some kind of building site doing drilling.
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Rina has a scooter, so that might come in handy. Nina is going to be nothing but dead weight though. Better get rid of her early on.
through 150 plays i've gotten like 30 nina 13 azuki and 2 kanade that i got back to back on first day, rng is funny
AWESOME. What song is this?
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Right from her commu

>Phew, things on the site was super tough today. What the hell are they doin’, giving me like 3 shifts of drilling? Man, thanks to that the sun’s gone down and it’s real fucking cold too!
>R: I’m kinda cut out for manual work, and I’m like too plain and I’ve not got the skills to be an idol.
Just keeping Nao on a leash and occasionally slapping her whenever she gets out of line the main challenge would be making sure the other idols never find out about what they do
The cat song
Nao is such a lucky girl.
I'll give that "plain" girl a good drilling.
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She's strong enough for manual work and doesn't think she's cute enough, but doesn't mean she isn't girly.
She looks girly, dresses girly, talks girly.
What other girls might have such relationship?
By "less girly" I just meant she's not gonna flit around like a nitwit and be unable to pull her own weight. She has actually physical skills and manual labor experience. She's girly, but less girly than the other people I listed for my hypothetical survival scenario.
Definitely Shiho and Shizuka.
The only other girls I can think of would be Shiho and Shizuka having that kind of relationship really wouldn't be a good idea considering the kind of people they work with
For how plain Uzuki is suppose to be, she's still cuter than most real girls.
Who's the one holding the leash of them two?
It's a tug of war one day Shiho then the other day Shizuka
>get a new Rare card for a LIVE reward
>don't recognize the face at all
>literally yelled out-loud "Who?"
>it's Miu
Oh. Dammit, of all the girls we can apply the "literally who" meme to, this actually made me laugh at the revelation, because Banco Namdai has seemingly given zero efforts to push for her relevancy despite all of the R/SR cards she has in the mobage.
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Curly deko is supposed to be uncute. Curly fucking deko.
That's because she's 2D.
That's because 2D is the pinnacle of aesthetic beauty. They're drawn to be as perfect looking as possible given their assigned features, real people are made of oddities and deformities even on micro-scales due to the random nature of DNA and mutation, we can't just manipulate it until people reach a state of aesthetic "perfection".
Well she isn't cute.
Miu is a normal, not a rare you stupud fuck.
If you're going to come up with bullshit at least get the facts correct.
No, I realize that after the fact. I was thinking about the Rare Anya that I got for an event reward before, which I didn't yet have. I'm fucking tired.
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Rude lad
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Because she's a boy, and you probably don't find boys attractive.

Because you need to get better taste.
That's just because you have to see her through the filter of your shit taste.
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Wait Makoto how did you get there I was trying to post this image of Mio.
I hope that anon considers doing more TLs in the future.
Please don't ogle my wife.
Get out of the way so I can see those two cuties behind you better Mio.
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She likes it.
>Dooky's doushio face
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Get a good look while you can.
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What happens if their friends find out?
Me taking the picture
It would range from horror to outright hostility depending on the idol
Most of her cards are from 2014. It seems Scamco was trying to push her at one point but gave up.
Miofags are the worst. They only like their idol for her body.
Go back to /llsifg/ faggot
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I like you for your body, anon.
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That's perfectly fine. Mio is the kind of person who'll bail out on you without saying a word if things go bad for her anyway.
Well if you're into that sort of thing, good for you I guess.
How is Honoka a ballet dancer with that figure
That is simply not true, I love her personalty too. That 'would probably put out for all the boys in class like it's nothing' personality.
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>outright hostility

Who would react like that?
I keep telling them fresh-talking youngsters to stop sexualizing my daughter, but these days ain't nobody got any sense of self restraint I tells ya.
Oh, damn. I never actually bothered to take in this picture with a long look, but I just realized those are tan lines she has from when she was wearing the bikini/bracelet in >>122493080 this card.

That's hot as fuck.
Too flat for a 14 year old.
what of it?
I'm not a Miofag but I like her VA a lot and her personality is alright outside of the bad anime drama.
I know how you feel. I keep telling them my daughter isn't a faggot homosexual but they keep insisting she is.
All at the same time?
I don't like what you're trying to say there
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Do you change your main center every day of the event so your friends can make good use of it, or do you not give a flying fuck?
I want to slap Uzuki
My friends can suck my long, thick, non-limp dick.
To be honest I only have 5 friends. But I have changed my main every day anyway.
You think so? I'm not sure. Especially if those two are switching regularly.
I get the feeling she would completely flip out on anyone regardless of who they are if they hurt her friends
Jal is ded
>your friends
I don't have friends. I don't want to share my idols.
what happens if you give Akane coffee?
Doesn't caffeine have a calming affect on people with ADHD?
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So when's the funeral?
Which Akane?
we need a Jal II of /@/
Kept an N Yuka as my main center despite having SSR Chieri.
You get coffee-flavored stamina drinks.
1000% accurate to how she is in the game.
Translate it, weebs
What happens if you give Miya a green dragon?
Not for you ungrateful fucks
I really want to be Shizuka in that situation.
Didn't even know it was a thing.
Bananas are yummy
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Popsicles are more yummy.
Ranko should eat an onion
lol Whatever, nerd
Please do not sexualize my wife.

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>Miria will steal everything you love and hold dear
Stop playing on debut
You should have thought of that before you married a slutty banana.
Whatever you say you ungrateful eop
Kind of late don't you think?
30 songs 30 event drops all rares
but i was playing kazeido melody on master with a 5 star center mugi
>only five star

Well at least you're not using that shitty cool bitch
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As much as I joked about getting Mio today >>122481330 , turns out she was the last card I needed to finish my Passiondex, not that I expect to keep it completed after this.
>He doesn't speak jap, so he must only speak english!

Stay mad, loser weeaboo
I wish you whales would kill yourselves
You can't read it and need someone else to do it for you, still makes you pathetic.
if you have a job buying gems are cheap
Any other language is irrelevant you beaner
Gee Airi, why does your mom let you have -three- whole card sets?
this is why no one should translate anything for this thread because of pricks like you.
>not linking the new thread in the old thread
Cut that out and quit this >page 9 shit.
Clearly you're the mad one, because you can't read as simple language as nip
This, coming from the faggot who learned chingchong to masturbate to his idol comics. Are you really this dense, or do you have no idea what irony is?
>There might be a point where we'll get second R sets on SS
>people pretending that learning a shitty dying language is a worthwhile endeavor
>thinking they're any better for having a tiny bit of understanding
>calling others pathetic for not wasting their time on stupid shit
Honestly I'm glad I have a life so I don't turn into any of you.
And yet I can actually read it still while you stay clueless. Yo puedo hablar espanol tam bien.
Not my fault you're a lazy faggot.
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>Using eop unironically

lmfao, loser
Sounds like you're just upset that you can't understand the idols comics you masturbate to, and are bitter becasue no one wants to spoonfeed your entitled ass.
While i would like to agree with you since I dont know japanese but its never a bad thing to learn a language thats still used.
Sure you could say its pathetic to learn it just to read chinese porn comics, but languages are great on your resume, and if you're good enough, you can get a job as a translator.
Never change, America
I would like to remind everyone that you're all reaching Iori/Shizuka levels of bitchiness
Million Live chapter when
Does this really prove he's a whale? He's just a lucky faggot.
It certainly isn't a language spoken internationally. And Japan's population itself is declining rapidly.

It's funny because being a dirty "EOP" is actually way more desirable than knowing japanese fluently even if some retards will insist otherwise
Or /jp/ levels of eliteness.
Did you miss it yesterday?
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>being an eop unironically

enjoy not understanding any of the story, event, and idol commus, in addition to basically all side materials unless handsome, magnanimous TLanons spoonfeed you
He's probably talking about a non shit version. I don't know about you bit filtered it immediately after seeing the bleed through the cover page
*but I

Fucking phone
I'm not him, but even though Rin is my waifu, I don't mind people banana-sexualizing her. Besides, potassium is good for you, and every idol needs it for normal digestive and muscular function to be as fit, active, and healthy as possible.

Perhaps you should think of your idol's health as something more important than an idol being sexualized.
All this idol bullshit is basically the same thing.
Thread is dead, just like Jal
literally who
good, good
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ha ha
when anons are busy dreaming
let's post an image
>tfw Jal was karen all this time
So if the ML chapter was to be reposted but clean their would be no issue? Because you guys freak the fuck out for small shit like doujin dumps so it's really hard to tell.
Why doesn't Airi wear a bra?
I want a card with Nino wearing a fedora
Its mostly one dedicated newfag shitposter
There's always an issue. It would be best to just not release it
>Absolute zero
Just like the amount of fucks I give about Asuka.
I don't see why anyone would complain about clean raws.
We'll find something else to throw autistic shitfits about, don't worry.
She hates having to wear clothes so it only makes sense she doesn't wear any undergarments.
Doujins aren't official, that's the issue with dumping doujins.
There will always be shitposters.
Don't live in fear of them. That just encourages them.

Dump the cleans.
Because way back when people threw autistic shit fits when even the finished typeset version were posted after the raw had already been. Why do you think Manats never dumps his typeset work anymore?
Sure, but only if you upload it to mediafire or mega, don't post the whole thing here,
Mio I will make love to you in a manner most lewd and messy. Sticky, sloppy, dirty, hot.
My philosophical lover; I still want your card in SS.
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ADHD is a lousy myth

I don't need an official sanction to binge on uppers.
What the fuck is that thing on her chest?
A cold sore.
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A mosquito bite.
You should lick it to make her feel better.
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My condolences.
Joke's on you, I don't mind sucking their dicks for translations.
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That's one smug-looking child.
She needs to be taught some manners.
You just do it because you like the taste
oh god, is she gonna beat me up later? not this shit again
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>getting beat up by a child
Just bend her over your knee and give her a good spanking.
And some fingering
The only spanking I do is with my dick.
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Because you like it like that, anon.
Just wanna princess carry her home to my bed
Yes, for both holes. Then Baba gets to taste those fingers.
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baba shirt.png
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>not getting a kiss
My bed for fuckings
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I wish Michiru was my onii-san.
I wish Side-M didn't exist
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Baba is not sexy.
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Feeling threatened?
What's wrong with Side-Ms?

Some of them are alright
too bad.
do you hate having a penis, anon? or are you that phobic toxic waste?
Here. I don't have a scanner though.
The only male idols I'll accept are Ryou and Makoto
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Momoko has seen things you wouldn`t believe.

I can`t see Shiho and Shizuka getting too close.

I`d personally at least like a download link, if you could please.
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Sexier than Rio.
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Ryou has new buddies, and is very happy.

You should be happy for him.
They're all worst girls and sluts.
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Why are Shiho and Shizuka such bullies?
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Forgot pic
They know what I like.
Still, thanks.
Six Hayamins?!
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I will teach Rio how to be sexy.
Except Kaede is there so that's pretty much false.
>Before the anime: Russia, Cat, Star, Others
>After the anime: Minami
I recall people commenting that AnimeAnya is worse in Japanese when she wasn't that bad originally.
Where is my Kanade?
I can imagine that they're the type to dig their nails and teeth into each others flesh as they reach climax.
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Bad influences were a mistake.
And that's why I want to be one of them.
One is a dude. Or was.
That's why you don't let's idols hang around with Ricchan and Kotori.
Which one?
Show her how to be more subtle with her lewdity and give her the sexual experience to actually back it up.
Where's Miria-chan?
ゼー ハー
*out of breath*
Oh, Onee-chan.

Miria-chan seems to be doing just fine.
Oh, thank goodness.
See you again

Oh, aren't you the one from earlier?
Hehehe Well, I wanted to do another pinky promise with you again, Miria-chan, so here I am.
Mostly SHizuka, but I'd try as a Shiho now and then.
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Ritsuko is a good influence.
Then I'll be the Shiho to your Shizuka.
Rio that actually knows what she's doing would be too much.
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I like pairing Shizuka with Shiho because it means that Kana will be unloved and alone.
Kana is loved by every gentleman with finest taste.
Both ML and CG one
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Shiho about to get some lovin'.png
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For you.

Million Cafe sure is popular.
Good. More Kana for myself.
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But what about Chizuru?
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Why would anyone want to bully Kana?
Anyway, Haruka loves all her children.
Get some taste.
Because she's fat, annoying, and can't sing.
I'd bully her while she's tied spread eagled to my bed.
I want to make Kana eat all the food I have
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2nd most useful idol at Million Cafe.
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She used to be Chihaya's child before Haruka decided she didn't have enough of her own and stole Kana
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It's a good thing Kana was taken away from Chihaya before she could kill her like she did to her little brother.
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Kana is what happens when Haruka and Chihaya have a baby.
What is the best way to lewd Kana?
I had a baby with Chihaya once.
Brown + blue ≠ orange
The threads have been really fast lately.
Just calm the fuck down, buncha nerds.
None. Too pure.
How long has she been down there?
Load up her picture on your phone and cum on it.
Take off all her clothes, and put cucumbers in all her holes.
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By not doing it.
Too sexy not to lewd.
I want to kata her kana.
Long enough for her to lose all sense of time.
The ones with bumps, I presume.
I want Kana to fold my sword 1000 times
And freeze them beforehand
Country grown.
Now that's interesting.
>Not home grown.
Its like you don't even care about the bitch.
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Would Miku react like this?
Oh dear
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>he doesn't know about country grown vegetables
No, these tits will not desist.
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Probably eat it

I want to know what Anya and Minami would do to Ranko with one.
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Yuriko and Kotori should be buddies.
She would just pick it up. She's a fake cat after all, doesn't even eat fish.
Useless ass cat.
Make her hurt so good.
Sexytimes with the Hotsuri
>Doesn't eat fish
>Afraid of mice
>Not afraid of balloons

What a failure.
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post strong, independent idols
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Why do the most mature idols looks the most childish?
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Kotori is just a dirty, messy girl with too much affinity to cocks and pussies.
>You already own this item
oh god am I really going to have to pay for even bigger star packs to get them at all
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Bまでon the beach

C in the hotel room
Yuriko and Kotori are alike.
Yuriko is all that except messy.
Kana I will make out with your belly button and collarbones.
I'll make her messy.
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Maybe Kotori wasn`t so messy when she was young.
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Kaede is my wife. We got married last night.
I'll make her Messi
You're getting wasted with me, Lily.
Frameless when? I'm gonna rub myself raw
Was Kotori ever young?
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Kotori is naturally messy.

We need more drunk lilly cards.

That has been in the frameless pack for a while.
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Oh dear
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Everyone is young sometimes.

What kind of drunk Lily is?
A very cute one.
A sloppy one.
The kind I want to bang roughly.
Who the fuck thought that RNG based events were a good idea. ;_;
The illegal kind.
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She just doesn't love you, anon.
It was never meant to be.
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All of these?
All of these and even more.
Ssshh don't tell.
The kind that want their game to be played as much as humanly possible.

They probably should have tried harder since I've only touched a single song since the Vocal Burst event ended. Sorry Kanade and Azuki, I have only so many slots.
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Get a 8 or 10 star card in the next event. It's not that hard if you spend your jewels.
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Mocho too Mocho.

Please nerf.
Literally only yourself to blame. You people find anything you can to bitch about each event.
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>tfw your Yuri doujins get past customs
I'm envious.
Then I must be extremely unlucky. I have a 10 star card and S rank master songs and not a single Kanade. Time to cry myself to sleep now.
I got 4 Syokos with five star normies and no jewels and still have 0 Kanades with a 10 star rare. Don't want to bitch too much but just saying.
She doesn't want you.
You're not her type.
I don`t think too much Mocho is possible.
From what I've heard there are more female players overall, but more guys attend the mini lives and release events.

The December live will be the final battleground
Wonder how people in female crowds don't go deaf from the screeching.
I keep on getting random Rares

I hope the last day gives at least one
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I want to Serika.
> Still bitching over the scans
Reminds me of the old speedsub vs. qualitysub bitching back on /a/. Too bad CrunchyRoll subsumed the speedsub niche.
>implying the men aren't just as bad
To headpat her?
> Syoko
> Ranko
> Nana
> Shizuku
> Nina
Shizuku is the tank, Nana provides Usamin transportation, Syoko provides the Mad Max backing vocals for our travels, Ranko decorates our vehicle, and Nina provides moral support.
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To hug her.
To ride a merry-go-round with her.
To princess carry her.
To kiss her.
To teach her all about love.
No, not like that.
One that hiccups and giggles a little as the alcohol begins to dull her inhibitions, then when the amount is just right sh launches into a long and violent tirade about how Games Workshop ruined Warhammer Fantasy
Well that's how I'm going to Serika.
I will tell Mr.Hakozaki.
Fucking nerds, introverts, and their lack of tact.
I'll have to silence her with kisses.
The speedsuvs were beyond garbage to the point that you might as well should have gotten the raw. In this case it was better off waiting and just looking for images on Twitter.
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And then she punches your light out while ranting about the prices of little plastic models.
Any tips for FCing Anzu no Uta? Anything special you guys have done that helped at all?
Serika would be disappointed and angry at you.
Doing bad things to Serika
I thought they ruined 40k too.
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Ask a spider.
like fisting?
I want to observe a hung-over, freshly awakened Lily as she realizes that she has a splitting headache, her bra is missing, and that she peed herself while sleeping.
That's really bad for you, Serika. Let me roll you a J instead.
Maybe MAO was too busy to record it?
Shit card of a literally who. Nothing to see here.
Why is Mocho so mocho? Mocho mocho.
I doubt a cute 15 year old could punch my lights out.
What would you say to her?
I love Fumika's Fumis.
"Smile for the camera!"
I want to pay Mocho to say lewd things.

>Fuck me daddy!
>general moaning
>ow it hurts!
>You're stirring my insides!
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Explain further.
Poor lily.
Mocho is not for lewds. She has one too many dimensions.
I wonder how many times she's been raped? She certainly looks like a victim of rape.
i need 1 more azuki for 15 will i get it??
It's just to use for my phone's wallpaper. I wouldn't want to share something so beautiful with Anna and the others. I'd also give her a bath and cook her breakfast.
You're going to be like me in the Honoka 14 club.
And they still won't lower the prices.
>Oh God, please don't tell me I was yelling that Fingolfin was my husband
Mocho is for lewds. She'll also die one day.
You better make her eat all the eggs.
still got 1 more day i believe
My omelettes are tasty. There would be no forcing necessary.
Anya crying and trying to swallow another hard boiled egg down while obviously being in pain.
No, it has to be a bowl of eggs!

with Ghost,Fallen angel, and The Punmaster
Anya accepting me into the Laika family.
That won't be needed since I didn't kidnap her from a bench in the first place.
Whatever the reason is, I hope it eventually is going to get fixed. Actually, even a solo ver. SR would be fine to me, I just want to listen to MAO's sweet voice.
>Shiki, Rika, Karen, Kaoru, Ranko

...I have no idea. All I know is I may have a chance with Shiki with the "repopulate the human race" angle.

Yeah good point, she's not Syuko.
Are the event cards drops higher this time? I have barely played but got the 3 of them
Last caravan I played a lot and got 0 Syoko
Urban camping with Syuko!
nope random,

got 2 kanade back to back on first day, been playing all the time spent 600 jewesl no more kanade
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I think it's rigged like last time. I got all three 3 on the first day and never again.
Note even another Nina?
I only got 2 and a whole bunch of other rares from different girls sometimes I would use all my stamina and get nothing
This is also why I was asking, I got my first Kotoka the third day, but Nina was my first drop this time
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>15 star SSR
>still no Kanade

Might as well commit suicide at this point.
i got like 50 ninas depends on your star level and if you are playing master and S score
I really wonder if there exists whales with 20 star SSRs.
Has anyone gotten any of the new Rares to drop? I'm missing Clarice, Mary, Tamami, and Shinobu and haven't seen even one..
>15 star SSR

nice might as well spend jewels
Last caravan I got 10 Honokas and 3 Syokos.

This time I got 5 kimono slut and not a single Kanade at all.

Shit's rigged yo.
Yes did you not see the guys twitter last thread?
I got none of the latest ones. I really want Clarice too.
For a combo skill SR?

Not worth it.
Combo-up is the best skill if you're actually good.
its part of collecting not skill, besides jewels are cheap im sitting on 9k

If you're really good all you need is score skill.

Combo, perfect and healing are all useless.
How is combo useless if you can FC master?
I think anon's referring to the "even if you get a Nice, your combo won't break" series of skills.
Fucking Gee Dubs. I love Space Marines. I know Space Marines sell well, but not everything has to be made of mother fucking Space Marines.
But Kanade is a combo score-up, not a combo guard.

he is just justifying how he isnt going to get a kanade
Score is more useful than combo bonus.

If you have a team of score idols, you don't want to waste a space with a combo.
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Played S(mile)ING for the first time since the event started and finally got Kanade.

Thanks Dookie.
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Finally got Kanade. Had pretty much given up hope.
Funny, I had like 10 Syokos by now last time, and I would've gladly given all that in exchange if I could.
Is Miku a cat?
Congratulations, anon!
Combo bonus increaser is the best for getting higher scores, especially in Master songs with lots of notes, because the combo bonus multiplier itself is raised by 12%. By the end of a song, this is a shit load.
In comparison, regular score increaser only increases the base score by upto 15% until the very end.
The latter is only better if you can't FC, or at least hold a decently long combo.
This stress and fear is why I laugh at people who thought that caravans are fun and comfy. They didn't see the hell I did with Syoko last time. People think they're always going to have an easy time with all events in this game.
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>mfw i got all 3 cards from both caravans day 1
I was like "pff this is easy RNG"
I was wrong
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Not that anon but I also said what you said last caravan event. Any event that has to do with RNG is going to be shit and a bady time.
Yeah, no matter what, even if you spend jewels, there's a chance you'll never get the card. It sucks.

Way to completely miss the point.
This will happen to you every single caravan until the end of time. Congratulations on your eternal good fortune.
i got 2 kanades on first day, didnt see one ever again, but i got 50 ninas
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Stay jelly misfortunePs
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Stay smug, LoriP.
>even if you spend jewels, there's a chance you'll never get the card. It sucks.
I'm considering spending money if I don't get her by the end of the day. This would only hurt even more.
This RNG misfortune can't be as bad as not getting the SSR that you want or, my case, even any SSR at all after spending wads of cash.
> That one guy on Twitter who spent hundreds of dollars worth of yen and never got an SSR
Why does Nation Blue Ranko get so surprised by tablets, anyway?
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arisu bias
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Because tablets are for slutty lolis who pretend to be mature.
All those strawberries.
I felt like shit saving for Minami and then not getting anything but I got over it pretty quickly. Just gotta realize it's all chance and there's nothing you can do, and there are always people who spend way more money than you with worse luck.

SSR Nao though, that is going to bring me despair.
Good, good.
How big is the powercreep in these games? will newer SR eventually become stronger than old SSR?
shoulda just bought a double SSR acocunt on yahoo auctions for 20 bucks lmao
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>event ending after tomorrow
>still no Kanade
this is gonna be like how I couldn't get Kaede during the NB event
fuck my life
We don't know, since it's only been out for two and a half months.
>this is gonna be like how I couldn't get Kaede during the NB event
She probably hasn't used one. She's a 14 year old kid who draws stuff in a book, whatever the hell those things are.

I'm going to have to fight you, anon.
I'd rather fight Arisu.
Gonna beat her good.
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honk honk
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Fuck you
This Honoka is mute, you stupid fuck. She can't honk.
My condolences to you anon
>got all the event cards using a 3 star Rina
>waiting patiently for the next event now
>can't stop fapping to her
What do I do?
do the skill level of friend centers help me too? or is it always level 1
Holy shit, my dick.
It's your own fault for not earning it. I ranked at around 80k after getting 6 hours of sleep every night the entire time and waking up at 5 in the morning the last day to spam gems non-stop until the end. I wan't even playing the event song on master either.
I want to give her my Pinya.
Holy shit, she's beautiful
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my mistake

Gariben and Violin get SRs too, with new comedy deko and china Rs

yes all the new cards are literally whos
Fashion won't be the only thing she'll heart once i'm through with her.
Violin-chan a cute. I kind of wish I didn't quit playing all those years ago so I could play Im@s tunes with mine.
Emi what the hell are you wearing

I'd still nakadashi
In fact, Tachibana Arisu is bad.
Bad slut.
Kirari's baby clothes probably.
Really liking Honoka and Seika's cards.

Gotta love alternate hairstyles. Too bad my wife doesn't get many.
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>90% chance to skill up
>no skill up

What a waste of 12 rares.
That's a rare ocurrence
>background Aki
them bazookas
Emi is cute!
10% chance of happening too!
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I need her and Suzuho in SS soon.
White background on the bracelet. For Shame anon, for shame

Yes please
Who are the most dangerous CGs?
I'd go with Sanae, Makino, Shiki, and Aki.
Forehead kisses.
She's from Osaka, so there's a 1/3rd chance that she was born without any fashion sense.
>all this Emi love

When did /@/ notice she was cute?
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emi why in the hecks.png
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Blame the secondaries.
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i did it guys
I fucking love Osaka. It's my favorite place in Japan that I've been to so far.
The newfriends we got were bound to bring their own taste.
For me it was right around when she got voiced. I always thought Suzuho was cute, though.
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Sad Comedy Deko.jpg
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When she got a voice that ended up being equally as cute, which is really what matters the most.
While Caravan can be pretty bad with the rng, it's still nowhere near as awful as the piece of shit that Live Groove was.
Live Groove was good. It forced me to get a lot better at master.
I still don't know why people bitch about Live Groove. It was a good event and is a good concept.

Are you just like bad or something? Do people really like token /that/ much?
Live Groove was easy as hell to rank in and the lack of tokens meant no last hour bullshit like Nation Blue.
I dunno, because you can't spam gem refills as easily?
no one wants to play 8 songs in a row
>have shit time management skills
>haven't got a SR Nana, Kaede, Syoko, Yukari and probably won't get Kanade either
meh, I can live with the shame.
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kanade shh no tears.png
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Honoka's and Seika's cards are great

obviously Hotaru, even if it's not intentional

I didn't really care much for her before she got voiced, I still don't. But yeah, she's cute
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Anzu no Uta and Legne. I had to resort to Pro even though I've been S-ranking most Masters lately.
Live Groove was a great event.

4 songs for the price of 2.5 songs, randomized songs so that you won't be forced to play the same songs to nausea and it's structure prevents last hour rush bullshit. Not to mention Master + was fun.

I look forward the next Live Groove event, this time, with a popular idol as the reward.
Legne isn't even that bad. Quit being such a baby.
I don't know why you assumed that I was bad at the game just because I don't want to play 4 songs consecutively.

The token rush never posed a problem unless you're one of those people that ranks at 99k and calls it a day.
Do you at least have Miho, Honoka, Ranko, Yuko, and Azuki?
Pretty sure the two SSR roll I took at the start of the event siphoned off all of my luck.
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Hotaru is dangerous. She makes me want to commit a crime.
You mean sacrifice your first born on a black mass dedicated to her?
> That bus in the background
> They just so happened to get a flat tire/broken wheel right by a petting zoo
Is she like Ichiko from Binbougami ga, absorbing all the good fortune around her for herself?
Live groove was shit because songs FC, clear or anything didn't count.
yeah I do. The only thing that prevents me from dropping the events altogether is the knowledge that I can at least get the bottom SR.

I already feel sorry for her because I know that as soon as she gets in SS and people get her in 10 pulls but not the card they want, she'll be blamed for it.
Most people who hate the event are of the two varieties:

>Baaww, I can't git gud at the game so I'm forced to play it on lower difficulties!
>Baaww, I don't like playing 4 song gauntlets and I don't like spending 50 stamina!

Guess what sherlocks, you don't have to play in the event if you don't like it.

It's called an event because it has particular ground rules and limitations unique to it. The 50 stamina takes effort from your time management skills and the 4 song chain tests your skill as a player. The players who place themselves under these challenges participate in the event and thus get rewarded accordingly.

If you don't like it, then don't participate in it. You can still enjoy all the features of the game normally. But you won't enjoy any of the event rewards. Likewise, if the player plays along the restrictions and ground rules of the event, they get rewarded. Simple as that.
She just brings misfortune to all her surroundings, it affects her too. All previous productions she joined went bankrupt. All of it is obviously unintentional. On a totally unrelated note she revels in playing evil characters and there is no evidence of her not being a child of Satan.
> don't like spending 50 stamina
That's a silly reason, doing the event cost less than doing the songs individually and I'm pretty sure the rewards were about the same as you'd get for doing all four songs by themselves.
This. Completed so many master songs I never thought I could.
>she revels in playing evil characters
So does Haruka but Haruka isn't... Oh.
The 50 cost fucks up the time management and scheduling of some anons.
The stamina management was easier if anything. I wake up in the middle of the night to play the game but if I ever did during the event I would just spend the stamina and go back to sleep, and if I ever want to stop in the middle I can just minimize the game for potentially hours without losing anything.
There's nothing wrong with being good at playing villains.
>I wake up in the middle of the night to play the game
I never wake up to play them game*
SR Nana rerelease when? I would give up all my cards for Nana-chan. I would give up my wallet and house for an SSR though.
If you're already great at the game and have FC'd everything, Live Groove will be fun.
In my case, I'm weak at this and I still had like half of the lot left to do, and with RNG in charge of song selection, I couldn't practice more during that event, because I need to repeatedly play the same song to be able to do it properly.
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I want Hikaru to corrupt me.
Well, see the rationale of >>122532717

The target of this event is people who are willing to challenge themselves and thus get rewarded accordingly. Thats why Master+ is included in the first place. If you can't play in Master, then well that sucks. But hey, Pro is still available.

Better git gud now so that you can play in the big idol's table in the next live groove event.
I wonder if they'll ever complete the jewelry SR sets? I mean, it's fine that only two members of each unit gets a SR, but I want to have the atapon puchis in my room goddammit
1/2 stamina when?
I'm bad at the game but I loved it. Pro was efficient enough for me to enjoy and get better at the game while earning points. There are some songs I flat out won't play that the event made me play and get better at.
>b-b-but muh collector ocd
Deal with it nerd
My point was that I couldn't get better during the event. I wanted that Yukari, and I wasn't going to let RNG choose songs and fuck me up.

I've already FC'd most of the remainder since that event ended. Probably will have a better chance next event.

Playing Pro is what I did so I could rank. Luckily, the event was a breeze.

The issue wasn't that the event was hard. It's quite the opposite. The issue is that it got in the way of my plans for FCing more Master songs.
>There are some songs I flat out won't play
>on pro
How embarrassing.
>baaaaw why isn't everyone loving it

Ranking in the event was piss easy. Doesn't mean I have to like it.
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Never. Might as well just kill yourself.
More like I dislike every passion song and just don't replay them. Only Anzu ever fucked my shit up when I was half asleep. I can play half the Master ones as well but it wasn't worth the risk. Event wasn't for practicing songs so I really don't care.

Doesn't mean you have to be a retarded crybaby just because it's not the kind of event for you.
Doesn't mean you have to be a retarded crybaby just because other people complain about an event.
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Well if you say so
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Funny coming from you.

>Pro was efficient enough for me to enjoy and get better at the game
Unless you're a complete scrub, there's no way you can get better by playing Pro on Live Groove, because there's a high chance that you'll roll easy songs.

This is basically
>it was perfect for my level, so other people should love it too!
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Removing these towels.
Nana might be more than 5000 years old, but at least she's pretty cute.
If you were good, you wouldn't be complaining. I'm sorry you couldn't spam Onegai Cinderella all day and rank.
Most idols are bright and genki, not gloomy and self-deprecating.
Allowing this to happen.
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Yukimi is for indirect kisses only.
Reading comprehension zero, I see.

But then what else to expect from a retard still "getting better" playing Pro songs.
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Instead you spammed Pro all day and ranked.
I'd wrestle with Nana if you know what I mean
When will they duel?
>Reading comprehension zero, I see.
Funny coming from you.

You could spam regular all day with token events if you really wanted and get top 50k. It's not impossible.
Fantasy Idol Fighting when
>You could spam regular all day with token events if you really wanted and get top 50k. It's not impossible.
You could. But why would you want to?
It's fine if you want to play Regular or Pro, but you're just shitting on people for wanting to get better during an event without losing event rewards, while you yourself managed to do that only because you randomly happened still be at a level where you could play Pro and improve. It's retarded, like those guys who make fun of people who don't get the caravan rewards because
>I got it day one lol
If Noriko can look serious, is it possible for Michiru to as well?
Just take some bread hostage
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Bread is serious business mate.
I want to make a sex tape with Chizuru.
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Michuru would be a strange girl to go out with
>Million Live manga chapter 7: http://mfi.re/?htkg7nxles275jo
TL: http://pastebin.com/4kJ0DK8W

I also need to make a correction to the script for ML chapter 6.
TL (v2): http://pastebin.com/U24FwiWD

Mana manga side story 5 next.
why does CG have the best art style
Because no meltyface. Meltyface a shit. It's ruining the originals also.
>You could. But why would you want to?
You're trying to move the argument into an entirely different direction. That's not how it works.

Thing is you can play this game at every level and do okay in events. That will never change. I'm not going to say people being retarded about getting an RNG drop on Day 1 are in the right.

Thing is all of the objections to Live Groove boil down to either
>I'm not good enough for all masters and pro is "boring"
>I'm too impatient for 4 back to back songs

Those are both problems with the person, not the event. The event doesn't force you to play it if it's not for you. It's like people complaining in an MMO that the content is either too hard or to easy or to grindy and then saying its the content's fault.

People just need to realize that not every event is going to be for them. Good. They don't /have/ to play it. It's their own fault if they feel compelled to play it so much despite hating it. That's not the event's fault.
what is meltyface?

C89 is going to kill me.
A-1 meltfaces. It started with the 2011 anime. Not dissing Nishigori or anything, though, he does good work.
Depends really. Not like all the cards have consistent art, but yeah, for the most part CG art is the best.
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Hanako is too good for Rin.webm
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New Idol fighting game by French Bread.
That skill.
Seifuku Rin?
Circular eyes creep me out.
>You're trying to move the argument into an entirely different direction. That's not how it works.

>Thing is you can play this game at every level and do okay in events. That will never change.

And I am not saying you can't. I got a 5 star Yukari last event without putting in much effort. I didn't even have to get up and spend stamina.

But there are undesirable factors about this event for some people, and they're going to express their opinions on it whether you like it or not. Like this event being the worst thing to try and get more FC jewels. Which is why I said it's all fine if you have already done all that previously.

Also, most people play these events for the event cards, not the event itself. If your focus is the rhythm game and not the girls, then you could be playing much better games instead. If the event card is one I don't want, then I'll gladly stay away, or at least play less. In which case, even if the event is so good, I'll take it easy.
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Bullying on Nina.
That's not Puchi
Noriko a beauty.
Rider roleplay with Hikaru.
>That looks a little fun
Oh Nao.
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>This isn't udon
You forgot
> But why Gaim at the end?
Sheesh, Nao, why so uptight?

Just because OOO is about coins/medals and vending machines, doesn't mean Gaim can't be included for the reference.
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Maybe she's getting orange juice.
She is.
I forgot to bring my wallet!
And I'm really thirsty now...

[ Eiji! ]
Use this!
[ Ankh!?! ]

Isn't this...
I see...
If you're telling me to use this, then...

There you go

What's going on there?
They sure get along.
Who knows?
Looks like a bit fun...
But, why Gaim at the end?
where's Minami?
Anya's looking at her.
Syuko > Anya
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I asked for Minami, not Karen.
They're together in the afterworld

Minami's cheating on you with her
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Looked like Shuuko from the thumbnail
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So when is Trancing Pulse supposed to be released as a normal song? I've heard CD players had it pulled from their special songs already.
Quit lying
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I want to corrupt Hikaru.
You'll have to kill yourself to see it's true
Tomorrow, I think.
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I found minami >>122538839
Please die.
Actually, wait. Not tomorrow, today. In about 20 minutes, in fact.
Laikas are NOT gay.
That chart of Anya before and after the anime beg to differ.
That's a memory you have of her, notice the background is blurry
Do they always update at 3pm jap time?
But she's right here beside me.
I told myself last night to remember this so I don't start off with 0 stam like I did the last two times songs were added. I just finished burning 57 stam a few minutes ago like a dumbass.
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>Anya's passionate rants about the gloriousness of mother Russia have now been replaced with passionate rants about how cute Minami is
Happy to see you killed yourself
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no fear
no pain
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You know what to do. Posting Baba instead of Chihiro because she somehow ended up in my Chihiro folder.
You're the one whos dead.
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Uzuki needs more pairings.
Oh boy, it's that time of the thread where Minami and Anya images are posted endlessly! My favourite!
That's a really cute hairstyle Rin's got.
Be a shame if something were to happen to it.
Oh boy, it's that time of the thread where you start moaning like a faggot with selective attention because people are posting things you don't like! My favorite!
Oh boy, it's that time of the thread where that autist shows up and whines about everything! My favorite!
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Laikas aren't lesbians xdd
Mishiro was right.
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Anything is possible with ponytails.
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Project Krone shenanigans with Mishiro when?
Ranran's gonna get loved.
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Can you fuck off already?
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Yurifag Defense Force coming in strong
Yeah, fuck him! How dare he post webm's on an imageboard that allows the posting of webm's! Call the police on his ass, he's come to murder!
You forgot your webm aspie
The police, you say?
They put Trancing pulce yet no one is gonna play it cause it has no bonus for the event

Back to dookie's theme
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I don't give a fuck, I was going to spend jewels anyway to try to max my Azuki while it was still Cute day as I won't have much time tomorrow.
It's fine to act like it's about yuri'ism if you want to be a faggot sperglord when Love Laika gets posted, because you're still being a selective attention autist when every other picture of fan-made yuri couples gets posted all the time without your blessed complaint. But those don't trigger you like Love Laika does, so I get it.
As soon as I got one of each card I went back to working on FCs in my own order.
After anime Anya a adorable
I'm guessing he's also the one sperging whenever certain webms get posted.
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You know, I kinda wish that the Psychic Heats duo got a bit more attention from fans.

While Positive Passion is a fun unit and Yuko has like a bajillion different units (thought they seemed to have settled on Sexy Guilty being her main one), the idea of coupling two unhinged idiots together and watching them fuel the other's idiocy and tackle situations with a complete disregard for common sense sounds like an absolute barrel of monkeys.
They already have two drama tracks showing this kind of chemistry. Akane should just leave the Barrel to Mio and run amok with the Esper.
I want to pull on Sanae's pigtails as I fuck her in the ass.
I'm fine with Love Laika, it's just when yurifags post shit like this:
But today is a cute day

You don't even want Rares for Skill feeding?
>trying to use google translate to read Kirari's section of the Orange Sapphire event
What a fucking nightmare ~yo piiii pii~~
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where the white women at
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Laika police.png
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Move over Sanae.
Does Chika's rumor say she wakes up early on Sundays? (Implying she watches Precure, I guess.)
thank you skeleton
Anya is pure
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>That ending to TP Master
Had me a kind of nervous. The rest of it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though.
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That was easy, now onto the Master. Also I'm surprised how good I've gotten, I started as a Regular only scrub, FCd this in one shot.
>increases the image count by one
>increases the post count by one
>doesn't bring anything new to the current conversation
Ya fuck off. Stop spamming the thread we have boards for you to spam your webms.
>increases the image count by one
>increases the post count by one
>doesn't bring anything new to the current conversation
Welcome to 90% of the images posted in this thread.
You labeled me, so I'll label you.
So i dub thee unforgiven.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Last day is a cool day anyway so we'll get plenty of time with it.
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Hey Riina.
>next event is three days from now
Thank god for this cozy caravan event. Can't wait to barely S rank the event song with my shit passion team.
>new waifufags
Oh, please. The only thing that changed was more CG girls being posted compared to everything being ML.
>1 bad
I don't think I've ever come so close on my first try.
jokes on you
I got another SR Azuki out of playing Master with my 9 star Kaede
Good job!
>Trancing Pulse Master
Sweet Lord, end my suffering. Deliver me from this evil which men have wrought.
>I started as a Regular only scrub
You give me hope. I just started a few days ago and the only song I can get close to fc on pro are -LEGNE- 仇なす剣 光の旋律 and ススメオトメ
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>gets a rin and uduki
Fack you too, SS
Nope we had tons more contributors that scan and translate material before all you waifufags drove them out.
Stay mad
Yeah, contributors like Melan.
Lenge is one of the hardest, man. The other one isn't too bad though. If you want the easiest ones go with Onegai Cinderella and S(Mile)ING!
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I saw a guy uploading scans earlier and he was getting bitched out for doing so. You're pretty quick to point fingers at people you don't like instead of acknowledging that this thread, as a whole, is terrible.
I wouldn't be surprised if he happened to be the one doing the bitching out in the first place.
Oh, yes, "waifufagging" is why we don't have contributors anymore.
But hey, ML waifufagging is A-OKAY cause muh 765 amirite lol?!
Susume Otome and its various versions are also pretty good for that. Chieri's song too, to an extent.
Not them but problem with those scans was that it would have been better quality if he took pictures of the pages with his phone.

It's great that he's contributing what he has, but why do something in such a fucking retarded way and not take a small bit of pride in what you contribute?
There was a huge amount of translations on /a/ towards the end of the anime and you people still bitch about them in every capacity including waifu faggotry.
LEGNE is one of the two hardest songs, even on Pro.
Have you actually tried any of the easier songs? Like Todoke Idol and Smiling? They're piss easy compared to LEGNE.
I've heard that thrown around, but honestly I'm still having trouble nailing Chieri's and Cute Susume, despite already working my way through the other 25-star songs right now.
The term "you people" keeps getting thrown around and its offending layla and natalia.
Layla should have thought twice before paris. Literally can't complain when we oppress her now.
I'd say Cool Susume Otome is the easiest. But then it has a lot of holds of different lengths, so it might be difficult for some people.
Chieri's song has a couple of parts that might be difficult for a beginner, but nothing much.

Rude. They're also cute idols.
Yeah, but I'm just bad with songs I can't feel. if that makes any sense. I can also get pretty close on Miku's song I for get what it's call, It's kind of jazzy.
No, they're cool and passion
Would they prefer nigger? They are niggers right? Everyone who isn't white is a nigger in my eyes.
>Everyone who isn't white is a nigger in my eyes.
Most of the idols are niggers by that logic.
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That does make sense, it's easier to get the notes right when you can go with the rhythm or whatever.

Orange Sapphire next event. Starts on the 20th at 15:00 JST.
Fuck yeah, 15th Azuki. Time for bed.
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Hello. This is dog.
Japanese are honary white.
As expected. Sorry Fumi, guess I'll be saving my free jewels for the next SSR.
They don't have to contribute anything in the first place. >>122542690 blames waifuposters, but I always thought it was more the fault of people like you; people who bitch about things that they are getting for free from people who are spending time and money to give them to you. I once got told to fuck off because I offered a translation of some comic, but I don't know how to edit or typeset, so I just posted the raw text in a post here. I got yelled at because it just wasn't good enough for the greedy asshole that simply had to have the pages translated and typeset.
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Yep. Time to die.
What's orange sapphire?
I meant "you people" as those who complain about cross boarders and outsiders. We're on /vg/, the standard of posting could not be lower and we still manage on pretty decently. Sorry for my metapost.
It's a sapphire made of citrus fruit.
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What are you homos angry about now?
How do I download the songs from tumblr?
What do Solo Ver units do, I just pulled a Mirai SR one.
You can start by downloading from a real piracy like a real man.
Not that guy, but your described situation is not the same as that guy.
We get regular clean scans of that manga, so posting that wasn't a favor to anyone. The worst thing is we might not get clean scans now, because why would the other guy waste money on something that's already available?
Let you play their solo ver of Onegai if they're rhe center
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The time has indeed come.
I'd rather they didn't contribute if they're not willing to put in the effort in all honesty.

And don't pull the "people like you". It's not one person that is against lazy retards. You're just finding a "group" of people to bitch at for no reason.

People bitching at you to fuck off for the raw are wrong, yes. There are plenty of people here that know how to edit, redraw, translate, and typeset. It's completely different when the quality of the raw is fucking atrocious. It makes it nearly impossible to work with and so the people here who can do those things can't do it with that raw, which is why it's better to just not contribute if you can't upload in at least a semi-decent quality

You shouldn't be so fucking mad that some fag told you to fuck off though. That's your personal problem for being hurt.
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>Still no Nao SR
w h y

I should clarify I meant FC's. I'm working through the 25-star FCs but I still haven't successfully FC'd Chieri's or Cute Susume for some reason that eludes me.
They're still sperging out because someone did story time and it wasnt clean
When did Future jump to Starlight Stage?
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There's a torrent on nyaa with fucking everything, MP3 or FLAC whichever you prefer.
>Only 3 idols

but then how will I know which song goes to who I can't read nip
I keep messing up the timing on random bits of Chieri's Master even though it feels like I got the timing right. It's a pain.

Even worse than that, there was bleedthrough. The horror!
It's still 5. But Trancing Pulse's camerawork cuts out the outermost 2 idols for the majority of the song. Which makes sense, since it's a trio song.
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Sayoko in the mood.png
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I'm just glad I got to see the chapters early.
Where is the guy who did storytime anyway?
Reveal yourself and put an end to this autism.
It's just camera tricks. Have you seen the cinemascope Trancing Pulse?
I know what you mean. Chieri's song is so slow that I kept messing up on it. I finally FCd it earlier on my 21st try.
Crude preview early, proper clean scans later. The way it should always be done.
Camerawork my ass. They've murdered or kidnapped 2 idols!
>This triggered that I did storytime for you
<5 update WHEN
Based Kel.
So one max-level Rare is equivalent to one Veteran Trainer, huh.
good work, Jal
In case of CG, there's only Anime and Cinderella Masters. It's not much, just download everything and you might start liking some idols because of their songs.
Makes sense don't it?
And the Jewelries as well as Absolute Nine. Also whatever CD has Tamami's non-CM song on it.
You're forgetting the part where we're not getting the proper cleans.
Speak for yourself
The jewelries and Absolute Nine are part of the CM series. As for Tamami's CD, I already lost all hope of it ever being uploaded.

I'm just trying to make that anon give the others idols a chance, since it looked like he only cared about a few of them.
>As for Tamami's CD, I already lost all hope of it ever being uploaded.
What's it called?
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Not sure about the name but it's from the Cinderella Girls x Sagan Tosu collaboration.
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