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fallout general - /fog-

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 864
Thread images: 234

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>Fallout 4 items, map, power armor, companions and bobbleheads guide

>Fallout 4 Weapons guide

>Fallout 4 spoken player names list

>Collectible Checklist and Interactive Map

>Character Builders

>Leaked GECK

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository (Mods, Rips, etc):

>VGU (Rips)

>General Information, Recommendations, Run Ideas, etc

old >>122325078/
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting
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Nth for worst line in the game.
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Alright anons, I can confirm that the pacify perks for humanoids is pretty bugged up, you're supposed to be capable of commanding npcs even with your gun down, I got this to occur with the synths because they're already on your side if you go with the institute.
>you're supposed to be capable of commanding npcs even with your gun down
Really? I figured they were supposed to try to fight as soon as you turned your back on them.
It made sense for the raiders,
however the reason why I came upon this conclusion is because moments later my character redid the "I make the orders now" and the command option came back up.
If I hear I'M A WANDERER one more time instead of atom bomb baby I will earnestly uninstall.
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>you will never rub up against KLEO
Lost my save so i need a new run idea, give me your best!
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Does anyone have a list of all major locations featured in the Main Quest? I'd prefer not to go to these places and clear them out only to have to return later....

Also what is this Switchboard place I keep running into around Corvega Factory? These unmarked entrances....

Goodneighbour best neighbourhood
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>stumble upon badass boat house raider location for dumb synth quest
>crafting stations everywhere, beds and other cool shit already set up

I guess I'm okay with not settling in one of the coolest locations in the game.
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Mysterious Stranger build. Wear a trench, a hat and your revolver. Fuck functional armor.
Can someone post the location of the submarine? I cant fucking figure out where it is.
i have a question about the names, does only Cogsworth say it out loud? or do other npc's say it as well
i just want to know if i should pick one of those random names because my name isn't on the list
>go melee
>finally find a ripper
>14 damage
>4 attacks with it use all my AP with 10 agility
Guess I'm sticking with Grognak's Axe
>get Curie new body
>she fight barehanded now
Send help. What is her weapon with infinite ammo?
pure glass cannon build with heavy weapons
since there is windup time for gatling guns in vats
RP as a chair. Attack only with wooden boards. Do your best to not engage in any dialogue.
>go to the dugout
suddenly everyone wants me to die

I've only heard it from Cogsworth.
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Im makin webms
Tina DeLuca bugged for everyone else? I wanted to send her over to my private base. She says she is excited to leave but I'd still stuck down in the vault. Wtf
re-purposing this old thread for the next generation
lazer rifle but she melee a lot so i just give her a hammer
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You can either buy them from the brotherhood of steel, or just find them all over the place. They're really common once you have high lockpicking and hacking.
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who are these railroad folk?
the raiders seem to have murdered them all in this hospital
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I made another vido
It's pretty fast paced so don't blink

Was Piper's lips fixed?
I'm a lip man.
Don't forget to take Idiot savant and savescum every quest to catch up on those lost levels!
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After much testing I have surmised that it is impossible to center the camera using the .ini's.

using the survival balance mod?
freedom ringers
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>Can't visit TPB

Someone post the .torrent pointer file to mega

I have a steam key for Desu ex: human revolution if someone wants.
Started playing a couple hours ago and I have a couple questions:
If I'm in my power armor and my fusion core runs out, and I have another in my inventory, will it automatically be used or do i have to exit, put a new one in and then get back in?
Can I make a workbench so I can build a settlement anywhere?
remember the replicated man quest in FO3?
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Post waifus
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Threadly reminder using Power Armour is worse than playing on easy.
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I just started playing today and I'm kinda disappointed with the game, the voice acting just ruined it for me because the voice and tone clearly does not fit with the character I made. Does anyone else feel the same way?
What I like doing in these types of games is just make my own character, give it its own personality and just stay true to it, but the voice-acting just killed this for me. Because it's voice acted the personality is already set, it doesn't make any sense for my character to look batshit crazy and then be super calm and kind while talking.

Also, the thing I liked about every TES was that I could do whatever I wanted, and Fallout seems to be more like a single player story line than an open world RPG. Does it get better later on? I don't like doing main quests. I'm trying to give Fallout a go but I just played another 10 mins until I met one of those monster things in the first town and I'm already bored.
KL E 0 is best and sexiest bot
>who are these railroad folk?
You know how hippies fuck trees?
Railroaders fuck toasters.
I actually really like the graphics in fallout when reshade is involved
>waifu just looks like a shitty default nora
I wish I was good at character creation in games that aren't MMO's
It's automatic
>he doesn't jetpack around
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not your blog

Jokes on you.

I play on easy with power armor.

Suck it.
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>Danse looks just as handsome without a beard
I can't fucking handle this
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How can I remove all the stupid vegetation in my settlement? They have ruined many plans for buildings I had.

Also, are there no windows available for walls?
>If I'm in my power armor and my fusion core runs out, and I have another in my inventory, will it automatically be used or do i have to exit, put a new one in and then get back in?
automatically gets used while you're in your armor. so no.

>Can I make a workbench so I can build a settlement anywhere?
no, there's only places with designated workbenches, but there's quite a few locations you can build on anyway.

[glass newspaper]
>Wanting to build up a loving relationship with the Vault-Tec rep after he becomes a ghoul and you get him to settle in Sanctuary
>Wanting to cuddle with him in a "queen bed" made of two cots, reminiscing about the old days but gradually talking more about various escapades in the modern Commonwealth
>Letting him learn to love himself again, even if he'll always be the neighborhood crotchety old ghoul grandpa

Help me, /fog/
>just melee kill moved some raider
fuck, didnt know that was a thing
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>how dare you play a single-player RPG against AI in a different manner than me
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good taste in armor

wanna fuck bby?
you could just watch a 'let's play' at that point
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How to spot the autist

>Spends hours in the character creator
>Doesn't go with the default with a better haircut
>Attempts to roleplay

Literally worse than males that only play women in MMO's
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I've allied with every single faction so far so when I got to the battle of bunker hill I was allied with everyone and couldn't kill anyone. I was hoping I could be a triple agent playing all sides but I guess Todd doesn't like that.

I have to pick a side now because the game won't let me progress otherwise. Who's right? Who's best?

The Railroad is a bunch of sjw idiots, but they seem like the "good guys" because anti-slavery
The Minutemen are awesome because I'm leading them but they're just a bunch of settlers
The Brotherhood of steal are a bunch of keks in tin cans
The Institute seems like the best and my son is treating me really well but he also has been trying to kill me the whole game plus they're set up as the "bad guys" because slavery

I'm not joining the fucking kekold of steal
>Railroad has good philosophy
>they're shitty at execution

>Institute has a shitty philosophy
>they're good at execution

>BoS has a shitty philosophy
>they're shitty at everything

>Minutemen has a great philosophy
>Minutemen has great execution
>there's only two of you
is it any good? I was thinking about getting it, but I like the difficulty of survival, but the bullet sponges are kinda meh. i dont want them to be too easy though, you know?
>being cancer
just go fuck yourself
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>find first behemoth near walden pond on ___hard
>didn't feel like going back to get my good stuff and used what i had
>throw down bottlecap mine and 3 frag mines, equip nuka grenades
>prepare sniper and wait for behemoth to walk out
>first 2 shots crit because stealth, barely takes a quarter amount of health
>take out stock short laser musket
>double charge does decent amount of damage
>run around rocky area to avoid getting hit and because AI is dumb
>behemoth starts throwing rocks
>i start throwing nuka grenades
>get its health low
>finish off with laser musket
>find semi auto of pic related

is this an alright get from a behemoth? i have a feeling it could be better
I use it when I go out into the glowing sea, fuck radiation.
It also looks cool.
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>family with synth husbando and synth kid replica
i guess it's good enough in a fucked up wasteland
So I can't do the main quest because of a bug.

I'm trying to get into vault 114, to track down the detective dude. At the entrance you are supposed to plug in your pipboy to open the vault door. There is a lid covering the button that should pop open, so you can push the button. Problem is that the lid doesn't open, the animation of you pushing the button still plays but nothing happens. I'm a little scared of just tcl'ing through.

Reminds me of skyrim, which also had a bugged door at release. Fucking esbern and his 500 locks that he could never get open.
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>get invited to gathering of the leaders
>fuck yeah
>sons tells you he has cancer
>fuck everything

I am feeling like its Paris all over again.
>TES "waifu" faggot
Fuck off kid.
>trying to kill me the whole game
not true btw
Oh cool, no one has to mod it into flying again.
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Nope, only mod I've installed is the enclave texture mod thing


Power armor is about 50% of the reason I play this game, jumping off shit, punching things, and maintaining my armor is fun to me, its not about challenge, its about looking down on wasters

He's a synth!

He can't love you like I love you baby.

Fuck no, I let the little shit burn. Me and Danse are going to win the universe.
>there are more 25 times more raiders than there are civilians
>bethesdrones will defend this
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You're the reason things like this exist.

pls leave and do not come back
>There will never be a fallout near the New York/Canadian border
>Everyone has ridiculous accents
>You will never watch a power armor mountie fight a mutant moose
>State troopers out for blood
>Champ and bigfeets
i like it, but it's probably easier because you do 2x damage as well as the enemies doing 2x damage. it's more balanced. you'll still get fucked up if you're not paying attention, but this mod is perfect for people who prefer not to use vats.
Got a question regarding fallout new vegas, more concretely the project nevada mod.
How does the razor nails implant exactly work? Does it increase crit chance (and 70% extra damage the critical does), or crit chance and 70% damage.
Also, the documentation states that implants don't stack unless stated (so only the slow time implant and running implants stack afaik), but when I look at the perks I states only my left arm has the razor claw implant. Can I have 2 razor claw implants and have them stack, or is it just only one razor claw implant and that's it?
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She was a stay at home wife at the time the bombs dropped (and a little before - possibly due to her pregnancy), but that doesn't mean she doesn't have military experience (even if it is too minor to mention in-game). I'm pretty sure the "Hi Honey" holotape mentions her dusting off her law degree to good use and the husband returning to the civilian workforce.
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Reminder to make things lore friendly
We've already been through how shit the dialogue and back story is, don't worry.
>this massive fucking sperglord
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That face dear god why. i swear the only reason why I am wearing the dress is just for the charisma boast, believe me!
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"i'm your son!"
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How do you get additional power armor frames?
Will the one Danse gives you work or I have to find unmodded laser rifle?
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Rename this pls
Master Exploder
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>oh fu-
Rest in Heaven, Ironsides

she will use it

I didn't follow some of lore as much as I should have What's wrong with cats existing?
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>mfw he said that verbatim
Fucking synths man.
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>He doesn't stare at pixel butts all day

>Spends hours in the character creator
Actually, the character creator is pretty good, it took me like 20 mins to make the character. Most of it is just using the makeup though.

>Attempts to roleplay
You do realize this a roleplaying game, right?
Can you sell power armor frames?
>some autist already tripfagging here
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sent :^)
You can refuse to take small Shaun? Sweet. I really don't want him forced on me.
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>if you don't like holding down the shoot button at a legendary deathskull radscorp for nearly a minute you're a bad person
Fucking please. Heath/damage scaling difficulty levels are the stupidest thing in the world.
Do companians get unlimited ammo with their equipped weapon if it's using the same rounds as their standard gun?
What happens if you free Lorenzo?
Does he hang out in the Cabot house after you/he kills the family?

Also why does his hat look so stupid?
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Oh man, this is fun

Someone recommend me some cool mods for melee/unarmed
Quiet Blowjob

Suck Curies immaculate dick for one.
Raider power armor master race here. Enjoying repairing my gear with only steel.
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He shows up at the end and you can tell him to fuck off. So he burns with the rest of the institute
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I was a bit uncomfortable when Maxson started talking about Jewish people.
>hear bitching about Children of Atom
>"What could possibly be so bad about them"
And then I died 5 times to Atomese fucking shits
Anyone know how to disable the Compass inside the power armor? Also how do you disable things like the Stealth Indicator/Enemy Healthbar? I'd like to disable those too. I looked around online a bit but couldn't find a guide how to do these things myself.

Do I ha9e to use the leaked GECK
>punch a super mutant so hard in the collarbone his head pops off
Guess I'll go as a melee run next time, what would be more interesting, high agi or low INT?
>fw the toughest enemy take me 3 shots at most on survival

a minute eh..............................
Danse is love, Danse is life. Everyone else is unacceptable.
cute, not homo.
>black bars
>low contrast
>more bloom
>"looks good"

the fuck is wrong with you
What is the institutes plan again? Why are they replacing the commonwealth with synths?
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>game has been out for 5 days
>still not bored
Better than MGSV!
Also this Grognak game is neat.
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Oh boy

Reba II is tearing it a new one though
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>think my rear is secure cause decon is following
>suddenly get a machete in my back
>shoot the raider bitch
>deacon comes strolling around the corner a second later
most useless companion?
I want to join the Children of Atom, those assholes have their shit together.
Commando perk gives shitty staggering compared to Rifleman's armor piercing, why automatic weapons are so shitty, wish they were better.
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Found this bad boy.

> uses .50 ammo

Does anyone have the table with all the perk ID's?
There's a huge difference between being a waifu faggot and just wanting to play a character I make. If I wanted any other shitty single player campaign I'd go play one of the thousands of single player games out there. The only reason I bought fallout is so I can ditch the main quest and do whatever the fuck I want.
I don't like single player campaigns and I don't like main quests. If you like them then good for you, I don't.
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god damn
>Railroaders fuck toasters.
if a toaster had a good enough vagina, why not?
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How do I wear this thing?

>Are you saying you're... in love with me?

Does anyone know how to progress a quest with the console?

I know it is "setstage questID" But I don't know what to put after that.
>bought FO4 without educating himself on what he was getting
You deserve it buddy boy.
Epic comment bro, epic for the win xD
Hey /vg/. I want to go for a heavy weapons sort of playstyle, but I fear I'll run out of ammo for any heavy weapon I find.

What sort of stuff should I be looking to use, weapons-wise?
I can upload a video it it taking about a minute for eleven heavy machine gun turrets to kill one, if you'd like.
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I'm trying to set up a good DOF for those blurry screenshots right now.
>heats up ready for action in a matter of seconds
>exactly as warm as you want
>as you finish, gently pushes your dick out as it finishes as well, saving you the trouble seeing how you're exhausted
why not?
honestly where the fuck do all of the BoS vertibirds come from? Ive seen 5 crash in just a few in-game days, always after they start shit with someone else
Why can't I turn off godrays?

In the launcher I turn it off then hit ok. If I open up the advanced options again godrays are turned back on.
1. waiting for the right time
2. not really replacing, the whole deal is that there are runaways but humans just treat them as if they were directed by the institute to "replace" people since wastelanders do tend to die, a lot
3 if the institute really need someone to go down and help out they will actually go in person and ask them
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I am pretty clever.
Anyone figure out an easy way to raise affinity with maccready? I thought stealing everything would work but it only comes up with a like every once in a while. I hate him but I want his perk...
and i can give you advice on not being so shit at building a character
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>Put all your points into INT and AGI/CHA
>Planning for sniper/hacker/vats build
>Find comic book shop
>Hey what's this costume
>Hey what's this Axe
>+2 str/end, Axe literally better than any gun I have
>Just run at super mutants screaming I AM GROGNAK THE BARBARIAN is more effective than attempting to hide behind cover and pick them off
>gf asks why I'm not wearing real armour
>STR so low if I take off the costume I can't carry anything
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If I join The Institute, will I have to fight against my Minutemen?
Oh hey its nova, i used to enjoy watching that guy
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Guilty Butterfly
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>build a bunch of water purifiers in sanctuary
>sell purified water at my own weapon and armor shop or sometimes at covenant the diner etc
>no more lugging all this shit tier loot around for money
>feels pretty good

Now all I have to do is figure out a way to fix my floating building problem. I don't want to move it but I am thinking of putting fencing on the side or something. Pic related.

>30 hours in and haven't even been to Diamond City yet.
>You deserve it buddy boy.
Deserve what? I haven't bought the game yet. Family sharing is a thing.
I'm getting this worried feeling like Nick is going to do something terrible at Glowing Lake if I bring him there.

For his follower mission, if you charisma check, is that Kelloggs voice?
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What exactly do I need to do to get "Final Judgment"?
Do I HAVE TO steal it? Do I need pickpocketing 3/4 or does it work without?
Is there another way?

Stick your tongue in his ear.

Don't be a faggot.
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what else can you put on that?
>ivory tower game design
>in a single player RPG
kill him
i went to diamond city, opened a 'red' lock to trespass a home (he approves), steal an item, leave, then sit somewhere and wait. then do it all over again..
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You guys were right, Salem is spooky!.
console command it
seriously though the Grognak chest is fucking baller as shit, weights nothing and gives really fucking strong stats. I don't know if I'll ever end up replacing it
>level up
>put points in useless shit
>confused that you can't kill anything

stay on very easy anon
Anyone else doing a space marine RP?

T-51 Power armor (military paint)


Shotgun with short barrel (bolter)

Fat man renamed to exterminatus

Let the retarded RP commence!
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>tfw the molly kicks in
In NV does using a pistol work better for close range? I'm asking since I just bought the ultimate edition since my toaster can't run fallout 4.
>Legendary Sentry Bot
>Skull level

I ran out of stimpaks, Dogmeat never got to stand, and I barely won. All I got was a Knuckle that does 2x damage when the enemy is full health. How potentially useless.
>Now all I have to do is figure out a way to fix my floating building problem
use a foundation u shitler
Synths can't be slaves, they're not people.
Power Armor melee build.

Recomend special with brief justification please.
Welp, 50 hours in and I'm burnt out. Mods wen?
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Not even that much later, and I find this fucker.

I think this one is scarier though.

King dropped a pipe weapon, didn't even bother looting it.
Synths are for _____
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You ain't seen shit yet.
hopefully they and mod some shields and dual wield in and do terminator rp
>killing a brother
I considered it, but I can't find the ref ID, and as far as the game is concerned it's just a legendary laser gatling, and you can't additem legendaries like that
If that's actually possible and you know how, please tell.
No. Ghoul VaultTec Rep is much better.
I sure wish I could play fallout at a decent framerate.
Woah what, is that the Board puncturing mod?
target practice
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>first dialogue comes up
>abloobloo muh son muh wife I j-just can't, what do I do... ;_;
there goes that RP
they're all unfortunately shit choices.

i was seriously considering institute, but they kidnapped people to perform fev experiments on them. wtf kiddo.
How to place trading stands.

I have the mats but the game won't let me place it anywhere?
Can the flight recorder be used for anything? Or is it just a meme item?
>No one has made Adam "I never asked for this" Jensen
The biggest spoiler in the entire Fallout universe:

Only the Americas were hit by nukes. Every where else is perfectly fine and they are just watching the Americans each other like it's one big zoo.
Daily reminder that there doesn't need to be 3 Fallout generals in the catalog at once, stop making new generals before page 10/1000 posts
And I thought the Dansefags were bad
I play on hard, but I'd like to be able to use my legendary flamer to cook paladins in their own armor without having to sit there for as long as I do.
> science 3 and 4 and fully modding energy weapons

oh my dick yes. laser rifle weighing a fraction of a combat rifle and doing more damage
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Maybe, I'm trying to find the power fist puncturing mod but can't find it
Post yfw No Mutants Allowed will never EVER stop being butthurt over Fallout 4.
What if you RP as a pathological liar.
how do you get the ability to build gates?
all junk are
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You have been visited by the ramen raider of boston

sikk double tap and fusion core drops will come to you, but only if you post THANK YOU RAMEN RAIDER in this thread
Is that your brain damage kicking in? If this is something too difficult for your mouse brain to grasp then you know you don't have to try and understand, right?
Didn't you hear him on the radio? Ironside is still alive. He expects to be on the Atlantic in about a century.
I want to hate the brotherhood since they're dicks and all, but damn, Lil' Maxson is just so charismatic
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Threadly reminder if you aren't being comfy whilst playing this game you're wrong.
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Anyone have the perk code list thing? Did a sex change and now I need to reapply the lady killer perk.
Just did the Curie quest and now I can't talk or trade with her, has anyone else run into this problem?
>getting baited
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best companion coming through
Strength, agility and luck and intelligence to a certain degree are the only things that matter.
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The only reason I sided with the institute.
come and battle yetis and rad-beavers in Fallout, New Toronto

hells yea

what the fuck am i looking at
All my smaller settlements seem to cap out at 8 settlers. Only The Castle gets a lot regularly. I have the recruitment beacon on all of them. Any reason for this?
I think being able to aim is quite comfy
found the console peasant

space marine voice replacer when?
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>he thinks he knows death
I wish danse wasn't a synth. I like go around with a BoS buddy. I think all the other companions hate them
what does this even mean
So if I give Mama Murphy the jet, can I talk her into stop taking drugs later or is the first conversation the only opportunity?

You get a paint job option for siding with them?
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Post a screenshot of you and your companion
Talking? To filthy heathens who do not worship the emperor?

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>build sanctuary
>kind of fun
>build red racer gas station thing
>okay ive built a lot
>now build 20 more settlements

Why did they do this to us? Building one or two settlements would have been fun, but making us do it 20+ times just gets pretty damn boring.
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>that webm

There's a surprising amount of attention to detail.

I got out of my power armor because I thought I cleared an area, then an enemy showed up. Ran to get into my armor, figured he was going to do the slow ass animation and get me killed, but nope. He gets in way faster if you're in combat. Kinda cool.
>other companions hate them
not true
slick n sleazy
78% of steam user reviews say positive

"ohhh. not this again..."
You can definitely do it after giving her the jet and med-x, but I don't know for how often
>Read through terminals as I clear out locations
>One faction of Raiders is struggling with food
>They find another Raider Leader's little sister
>They blackmail them for food
>The little sister breaks out and goes for the Kidnapper Leader
>Gets shot
>Gets Dumped into a Brewery Vat
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I want to RP as an Imperial Guardsman

Which gun is the closest equivalent to a lasgun?
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stingwings are fucking worse than cazadors
Whether you're an actual retard or a just a retard pretending to be a troll I still get to call you a piece of shit so I'm having fun.
Thanks for providing me a reason to call you a shitlord.
What is the best area in fallout 4, and why is it goodneibor?
Have you guys fought a behemoth yet?


I had Danse set up as companion but suddenly he was gone. I can't find him anymore and I was able to get a new companion without getting the send dialogue
Does he hate me ? ;_;
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I have completed the main quest with The Institute. What are the other real factions with real quests? I know about the minutemen and I got a quest to go talk with Piper, but what else is there except for those?

Don't really want to do more fetch quests.
>doing silver shroud quest
>kill first guy, leave calling card
>turn radio back on
>notice hancock is giving a speech, turn radio off

now it just plays the regular shroud episodes, I've listened for about 20 minutes with no new missions. who do I kill next?
You need local leader and enough caps. Other than that you place them just like anything else. Any relatively flat ground will work.
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I can only imagine how much wearing this would fucking hurt


using console commands to add inappropriate attachments to weapons
>le trolls trolling trolls
I love it when people admit to enjoying literal circlejerking.
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Getting 25-30 frames isn't so bad
Even the 5-15 frame dips aren't so bad
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>Nuclear fallout would be contained to one continent
>Implying the whole world isn't fucked

>Do Vault 81 quest
>Get cure
>Google what happens if I take the cure myself
> what the fuck is this -10 HP permanent bullshit
>Those fucking molerats
>Only one cure
>You fucking useless robot
>Sorry kid you gonna die
>Whistle as I walk out

Nice try Todd, implying I care about your NPC's

In 40 levels I've only seen one, and that was back when I was like 18.
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Yeah, and there was fucking nothing where we fought.
Are there any more big cities besides Diamond?
>I want to hate the brotherhood since they're dicks and all
But they're the only hope for the wasteland
Then we can reenact the paris massacre but successful, eh guise? so much fun bein french canadians
>"alo...ve surrendeerrr"
Laser Rifleâ„¢
>you don't look too good, what's wrong?

this fucking game
answer thanks
>The beer tasted better

who likes them? I know piper, preston, nick, and that rail road guy don't like them. I've never gotten curie and I never travel with codsworth, so I don't know about them. Strong dislikes too much about the game so I never take him with me
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Is there any other apparel item that has a flashlight but isn't power armor?
Guy in back alley near KLEO's gun shop somewhere (I think you have to go through the shop right of KLEO's? Don't quite remember). Two other guys are there with him.
But if the quest isn't active I doubt they'll spawn
>can't walk 10 steps outside without a vertibird swooping in and getting blown up while fighting like 3 raiders

These fucking things are like card board boxes piloted by jihadis
Laser Rifle + default Combat armor on Survival is probably the closest thing to the Guardsman experience.
Golem get ye gone
sent :)
because 78% of them rated it positively
can you try again
Don't forget only 1 point in Endurance so you die as easily as a guardsman.
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Who else is playing on survival?
You got the faction HQs and that's pretty much it then for bigger "settlements"
holy shit, what chest armor is this? fucking neat.
Anybody getting good performance everywhere else then in Boston it goes to shit?

Personally I think they're just holding humanity back. It wasn't all tech that doomed humanity, it was nuclear bombs. Hording tech that could help people isn't what's best for humanity, it's best for them. They don't like the people of the wasteland, they don't have their best interest at heart
So is there nothing cool in the water?
Can you never see a Mirelurk Queen in the water?

Kind of lame there's all those dolphin/shark things as corpses but not as living creatures in the water.
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Not the Institute one even though it looks like a xeno Pulse rifle?
I'm not trolling anyone, I'm just insulting the troll because I can. I meant everything I said.
Also, what kind of idiot doesn't know when to use the world 'literal'. How the fuck are you stupid enough to think that that is a literal circlejerk?
And again, not trolling, I literally think you're borderline retarded.
Who stalker here?
Does anything happen with Sarge if you go down there for the first time with the Old Lady instead of stumbling into it beforehand?
>exploring the satellite array
>suddenly I'm being rushed down by like 3-4 super mutants and a skull mutant dog
>they all gang up on cogsworth for a Brazzers moment
>then a suicider just charges into the group and allahu akbars himself, cogsworth and everything else nearby
>people thinking it was the sentry in this webm
>not realizing it was because you stepped over two fucking mines

First mine explodes and cripples the legs, second explodes and sends you flying.
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can only attach melee/unarmed mods to melee/unarmed weapons
is it possible to turn off building snapping?
i cant build fucking shit on the foundations when snapping is on, theres no god damn corners for the FUCKIGN metal walls
fallout 4 compared to other fallouts?????????????????
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>You need local leader

Woah charles nodick I didn't come here to read a novel.
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The only people who dislike the Brotherhood were people who were raised by single mothers and feel uncomfortable when confronted by anything that represents masculine traits like strength, confidence, and valor.
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How do you start the Institute faction questline?
Heavy combat armor, BoS skin
The rest is medium combat armor, BoS skin
mod so that you can always get in your armor fast fucking when
For the love of the emperor, have it be the guy from ITEHATTSD
He's just a named Sentrybot
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I've been told about a junkyard near Sanctuary that has a paintjob magazine, but the only junkyard-like place I've found is the Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup, and I can't find any magazine there.

Am I looking at the wrong place, or am I just stupid? Or both?
how the fuck do you get into the god damn Parsons State Insane Asylum, everytime i kill all the mercenaries, they just respawn.

ive killed like 30 of the mother fuckers
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I heard that Nat has synth parts in her inventory if you use a mod to kill her.

This seems like that one cut quest in Skyrim involving Baalgruf's kids.
Can you keep Danse even if you side with Institute?
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I haven't seen what I believe to be a bug i'm encountering anywhere online and I don't know if I should just commit suicide or make Dogmeat my lover

I've maxed affinity with Piper, passed every flirt skill-check, and at the finale of her telling me i'm sweet, the option to flirt her ass into my bed is nonexistant (pic related. windowed because my screen capture isn't working)

Choosing the dialogue option does nothing, it doesn't alter the state or progress/regress the conversation at all. I have to choose another option or load a save.

Does anyone know what the console commands for setting a companion as you are waifu are? I saw the ones for raising their affinity in general but I imagine those don't also make them your lover by default.
>never forget
pls respond. I want that armor.
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You can't swim it.webm
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>"see that island?"
They way difficulty is implemented I see very little point in playing on harder than hard. It's the sweet spot in my opinion
How many hours did Todd say this game had to offer again? Like two hundred? I'm 76 hours in and feel like I've expended everything the game has to offer.
How do I see if an armor is heavy combat armor?
all this game did was make me want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. for the first time, should i get Call of Pripyat or Shadow of Chernobyl

My parents have been married for over 30 years and I'm all about the minutemen, desu
Lyon's Brotherhood was fucking shit though
Also Enclave still better than fucking BoS
How long until the creation get gets released?
No she isn't. She fights barehanded still. To clarify, what weapon she will use even without ammo?
CoP is better from a gameplay point of view
Damn, Danse is pretty handsome.
So this doesn't use level scaling huh? It doesn't seem to use that "enemies lock to your level" thing either, or does it? I went to the island at the bottom right and it was infested with enemies way beyond my level.
The first behemoth I encountered, I killed in 4 shots with a hunting rifle.

This was on hard mode and yet for some reason the fuck had way less health than a legendary. It was incredibly underwhelming.
Which Minutemen quests are time sensitive?
By going to the Institute, duh.

After you kill a group of them, their leader will walk up to you in Diamond City, Bunker Hill, or Goodneighbor and start the quest that leads to another quest that leads to a final quest that lets you in. And this is one of the most confusing and ridiculous quest lines I've ever seen in a game.

You have to do all of this to get inside. I just wanted the bobblehead.
I thought for certain I was going to join the Institute. Then I saw what utter boxes of shit their guns are, and fuck that.

Now I don't know what to do.
Did anyone not keep the beer robot?
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I didn't, though I had to pass a speech check to avoid the conflict
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Would the Enclave be able to beat the Institute?
it's because she prefers melee
if she can't path to enemy she will pull out the highest damage lazer gun she has
>Wanting to be keked
Mmhmmm, sure

Literally every other faction promotes you to leader asap because they know you can kill them all, Brotherhood fucking makes you lick their boots and starts you as a gruntman so they can yell at you all game.
all radiant quests
>Around 50-60 FPS in basically all locations
>randomly dips to 20 in very random indoor settings and small outdoor towns

The fuck
thanks bro, i just got to diamond city, how hard is it to get to bunker hill.
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This is what I'm wearing.png
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Putting it on, or removing all mods
Material prefixes override "Medium" or "Heavy" in the name, so you can't always see.

You can cheat yourself one with
>help "combat armor" 4
And player.additem - what kind of armor it gives you is randomly generated, so you might have to additem yourself 10 chest pieces, but you can just trash the ones you don't want.
Which ones?
FO1, 2 or 3 Enclave? I'd put money on 1 & 2 being able to beat them but not 3.

Obviously i don't know where the Institute is located if i'm asking how to start the questline, dumbass.
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Archer 6x04_00014.jpg
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>this entire game
Is there a command to find an npc? Piper started scooting along the floor like this and now she won't move. Told her to fuck off to Sanc, went there, she wasn't there. Came back and she is missing.

Help me solve this mystery.
>went a 1 luck special build like normal
>half of the damage perks are behind luck
I'm fucked
>save danse but but join opposing faction - he just ignores you forever
I probably fucked up somewhere but this might happen to you
Chicago Enclave could beat the shit out of some robot scum surely.
That is just stupid. Why would robot scientist want to punch people to death?
When I did the quest to open the armory she walked in there, saw his exploded corpse, and said something like "Sarge is still down here? I'd hate to be the one to run into him in the dark"

If you do the quest first before killing him does he just not spawn while you're there, or does she get robo-fucked?
>mooooooooooom I want to be speshul!
>He has issues with authority
Classic behavior of someone raised by a single mother
So wait, the people that are "replaced" were synths the whole time?

It's in the central cluster.
Look it up if you have to.

I'm not sure if it's random where he spawns, but I checked Goodneighbor first, then Diamond City, and then Bunker Hill and that's where he spawned.
Considering they couldn't beat a dumb fuck tribal, or 19 year-old vault shut-in, I'd say their chances are slim.
thanks man, they're there.
to remind her of the golden days with her saw arm

I asked Piper to be my waifu around seven times before she said yes.

I felt like George P. Putnam.

She also finally said yes when I was in Power armor, I guess she wants to be banged while I'm in Power armor.
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>cybernetic spine
that's cool filtered
Well that settles it. I'm siding with the Institute. I hope Curie doesn't mind.
If you know their code you can "moveto player"
>Kellogg is the deepest character in the game

Thanks, Todd.
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>That Grim Reaper's sprint sound

Kellogg did nothing wrong
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Reposting because I just want to know if anyone has seen this before and it's a bug or if i'm somehow just retarded. Like I said i'm part CHA-mancer so it's not like that's the issue
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If you fail the romance option after getting highest approval with a companion, can you try again? How soon?

That's just plot armor. If the game was fair, the Enclave would have fucking destroyed the the brotherhood in 3 and all the other games. They had the numbers and the tech. The fucking brotherhood didn't even have vertibirds until they beat the enclave in 3. Such a shame you've never really been able to join them
Cats went extinct.

I also noticed that Jet was recorded in a pre-war Robco Terminal, which is also lore-rape. Jet wasn't invented until post-war. I don't know why these little things make me mad, but they do.
If someone start bugging like this, down them and then bring them back up.

I forget the command offhand, sorry.
>MC: "You look like something that was left in the freezer for too long
>kid claims he has lived in a freezer since the bomb fell

seem like he wanted to reenact the begging of the crystal skull.
She's essential. Also I don't even know how to get in there without her quest first.

Pretty sure you have to kill him
He's always there unless killed
>>strength, confidence, and valor
Are not things which keep you from getting fucked to death by mutants, it seems. I bet the Enclave would have managed to eradicate the green menace by now.
hey is any follower as good as a dog for a charisma build?

He basically holds down people and i convince to join my side.

i only ask cause its getting pretty lonely with no one to talk to
Wait, really? Every time I walk by Preston in Sanctuary after finishing one, he gives me another, and they're all time sensitive? fuck
>ghoul kid

Holy fuck

You can try and try again, usually after doing something they like they'll initiate the dialog talking all mushy about you, or Piper does anyway.
So what is playing aligned with the Institute like? What perks do you get? Thematically what is playing aligned with them like? Is it any good compared to other factions?

Do I have to eventually pick a faction
>get new gun
>it's worse than modded hunting rifle because I need gun nut rank 5 to mod it properly

this is such a silly system, I'm getting drops and then just hoarding them until I can mod them

Then by the time I mod them I get a better gun drop and the cycle repeats
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Holy fuck what

Shit this game is winning me over.
Is there a command to add a Legendary magic property to an item? Help calls them "stats" but I don't see an "attachstat" console command
The Scribe just gave me a quest to get the same tech that I already got her. Is this shit just infinite?
well you see there is no way to verify whether or not the institute really replace people at random

danse is because the brotherhood is their literal enemy yet they can't figure out a way to get a proper spy in the rr so they must not be able to or can't be bothered to do it

seeing how long the rebel synths has been getting out and how many there are it is likely that there is some kind of fear with the proper freed synth rather than any body-snatching the institute is actually doing

it is just good old scapegoating imo
Yeah, but there are no penalties for failing them. Unless it's a mission where one of your settlements is under attack, your shit will get destroyed and you have to repair it. At this point I'm not even sure anymore if the defense rating actually does anything if they attack and you don't show up.
He kinda fucking did.

You may come around to pitying him, but he still killed children, murdered your wife/husband, and kidnapped your son.
It doesn't matter what he was before he became a sack shit if he died a sack of shit. Besides, if he did nothing wrong he shoulda just gave up and spilled the beans.
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Thanks for the help guys
"moveto player 00002f1e" (Which I believe is her code) doesn't work.
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Does anyone else really love what they did with the children of atom?
funny that he says that while wearing enclave power armor
That terminal is a dealer's records in Sanctuary. You probably scrapped the desk it was on. He mentions Jet, Buffout, Med-X, Stimpacks, something with Daddy in it, and some other thing, I forget, that he thought a guy was using to beef up his dogs.
I immediately found the entrance while I was going around scrapping shit after killing the mirelurks
i officially havent jerked off for over 24 hours.

this is the first name this has happened in years.

You have to pick at some point, and you'll be unhappy no matter which you decide to go with.
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Aren't Super Mutants immune to radiation?

What armor and where can I find it?
>can't reverse pickpocket live grenades onto raiders
I mad.

I'm just annoyed that he gets the most backstory out of anyone and it's all after he's dead.

1) I don't give a shit, he killed my wife/husband
2) He's dead, so what the fuck do I care, either way?

Also fuck him, he used a stealth boy like a bitch.
plot twist: the cats are synths
Engine limitations.
Is that an actual mod or a shop?
played for 3 days and jerked off 3 times in a roll

all that backed up lust doe
I recall Jet being mentioned in an email in NV.
I converted him :3
He's a real American, and human bean now
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Wrong screenshot.
So is it normal to kill both a Deathclaw and Alpha Deathclaw on hard mode at level 16?
>Engine Limitations
You could reverse pickpocket that shit and blow them up in 3 and NV.
What makes it so you can't now?
After using the teleporter to get into the Institute for the first time, destroying it, can I go ahead and scrap it? Will I need it at all later?
What kind of damage is the 50% bonus dealt as?
Does it share the same damage type as the weapon or does it deal something like raw damage to hp?
Don't some weapons have two damage types?
Its inside the building at the robots scrapyard place iirc
you can't open the door but you can walk right through it

I'm just confused by them.
So, they're the same group from Fallout 3, but now they're all hostile and deadly. Does that mean Megaton got nuked? How are they able to live in radiation as normal humans and not be fucked up?
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If they are, then you can add that to the list of shitty randomized weapons. Along with the Fat Man that heals.
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>not naming it Destructo-Disc
Got it.

prid "Piperscode"
moveto player
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Wait, what? I haven't got stairs up there..
it will disappear by itself lonesome self

it did for me at least
medic fatman is amazing
Is food and drink the stall you need to make a bar?
is there a mod that removes the sound for "Idiot Savant"?
Can I get some feedback from players playing melee?

This is the SPECIAL I went with:
No, you don't need it at all.
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Yeah, Kellogg didn't REALLY have to kill the spouse, especially the wife. He could've just pistol whipped her unconscious or take the baby by force, what is an unarmed Vault dweller going to do?

Although he at least didn't twist the knife about her being dead and tried to 'poorly' justify it.
There's one that does it so you get out fast, don't know if it includes getting in. I'd assume so.
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Unaware synths, I'm sure.
Just cause he had a sad and angsty backstory doesn't mean that he wasn't wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing and regardless of how he felt about it, he continued to do it.
>Cats went extinct.
They could have gotten them from Vault 81.
It's been sitting in my yard like a car up on blocks on a redneck's lawn. As long as I don't need it again, I'd like to just scrap it for parts.
You need a perk for it, dunbass.
So am I right that I can skip Gun Nut completely since I can mod a crappy stock item on an item and take off the good mod to put on my crap even without it? I don't have Science either, so might be better to just trust in the RNG gods and save my points
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"Don't define your game by a list of bullet points… define it by the experience you want people to have."
I have 3 Power Armors, do I just randomly leave them at bases or some shit?
What are they doing with fucking Aliens? Is it really just a running gag or is it more? Fuck Bethesda if they want Aliens to actually have something to do with the story, they made a whole DLC devoted to them after all.
How do I get better performance in Fallout 4? I'm getting less than 30 FPS in most places.
is the MILA quest for the railroad a repeatable one or does it end at some point??
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It's a good day out.png
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Man, it's really fun to build in this. In only 30 minutes I have the framework for a nice fortress, and I decided to set up a comfy tower, all set up with a fucking gigantic mirelurk steak, a stout beer, a chair, and Curie.
This is all you need to have a good time, really.
It looks shitty right now, but that's because I never finished the "sanctuary" mission where you get water, food, etc because I was uninterested. I have finished the game and this quest is still there.
play SoC first and then CoP

would stay away from misery and complete mods for different reasons, either go vanilla or do your research before picking an overhaul mod so your game doesn't end up too different, easy, or artificially hard

watch for the eyes
What triggered those synth mob attacks when I was out wandering, and why have they stopped happening?
Why's your endurance so poor?
Make that shit 8 or 9, especially for a melee build m8.

Should be Material.
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Get the fuck down, Nick.
Just do 9 S, 9 E, 6 A
The inherent bonuses from S and E are more important then perks for the most part.
yea you only need it once
wait wot, the geck was leaked? How in the name of fuck did I not miss the paris attack, but missed this?
Where's president dick when you need him?
how do you get that bos paint job though?
I don't think so.
Mods can't be shifted around, only added/removed from the specific item it's from.
no it should not
>Cats went extinct.
They didn't
There was a cat in a shop in FO:BOS and some grille mentioned in FO2 that her cat was killed because of food
It doesn't work with the perk. It just adds it to their inventory, but doesn't prime it to explode. Someone in the other thread said the perk is only good for non-hostile NPCs, making it goddamn near useless.
you dumb motherfuckers
The only thing he did right was to not dig a deeper hole.
He was a sack of shit and could have redeemed himself if he didn't feel like going down shooting. Hating yourself doesn't make you a good guy. Neither does sending killer robots after someone BEFORE telling them leave.

I really like that hairstyle. I've been playing a male, but the females are pretty decent and they seem to have a better VA. Not sure if I want to restart or even just recustomize my character.
Yeah it has been released. It's disguised as another program, just run whatever shows up on your desktop. The UI is fucky and it's pretty unstable, but it's cool I guess.
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So I found out it really doesnt matter how bad your reload speed is because you can just quickswap to another weapon and back and it will be fully reloaded again

thanks todd
BoS isn't canon friend. Neither is Tactics.
The canon games are 1, 2, 3, NV and 4.
>in the trade menu you can change tabs with the arrowkeys

Why isn't this on the fucking list of controls
>7 AGL
The reason you go agl is for sneaky unarmed/melee

And that need blitz which is 9 agl

9str,3 end, 8agi, 5 luck and 1 in everything else works best for sneaky melee

Special book for agility point
Idiot Savant at level 1 then blitz, then stealth, then melee or unarmed damage


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People love that roof. I had to build my settlers some stairs so they'd come down.
I just started the game. Can I leave the minigun and powerarmor in Sanctuary? Do I need to store the minigun in some sort of container for it to be safe?
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>Mods can't be shifted around, only added/removed from the specific item it's from.
That's patently false. The only limitation to mods is that they have to go on the same type of weapon. So if you have an assault rifle with mods, and you come across a "legendary" version of that assault rifle, you can give your old gun standard mods, then put the good ones on the new gun. You can't, however, put the assault rifle mods on anything that isn't the same base type of weapon.
I started with a male and changed around level 20 cause fuck his VA, he sounds so fucking bad.

Used sexchange and then went to the beauty doc and the hairstyler.
Ok, can anyone tell me how or when Fallon's Basement opens?
Engine limitations.
So what's everyone's rankings for companions, from what you've seen so far?

>God Tier

>High Tier

>Mid Tier

>Low Tier

>Skyrim follower tier
Is there equipment that lowers your int?
The only thing I've found is some alcohol

i want to try negative intelligence Idiot Savant
Cats existing in the east coast has nothing to do with them not being in the west coast though.
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I hope this means we'll have an English version soon.
Make a container at red rocket and store it there, if you don't build anything else nobody will try to settle it

Settlers fuck your items up
When you launch game, advanced settings. Set both Shadows to medium.
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it actually works

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>It's disguised as another program, just run whatever shows up on your desktop.

Yeah, not like that sounds suspect as fuck or anything.
Okay, then there's still mention of a cat in FO2
It's dead, but clearly was alive shortly before the events of FO2, not in a vault, which means they're still around.

I don't even know where you got the idea from they went extinct. Can't remember anyone mentioning it.

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What companions have you gotten romanced yet?
Shut the fuck up already. It wasn't funny the first time, and it's still not funny the next several dozen.
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Why can't I kill this trator where he stands
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It's working.
>have to go out of your way not to exploit bethesda game
As per usual.
The shop in DC? It's just open normal business hours
So I found a half completed set of t-51 which I am assuming is just naturally superior to t-45, hence the name. Brought it back to sanctuary and took the fusion core out. Someone won't randomly get in it now right?
Hmm, guys. Are there still funny/silly answer options with low INT in Fallout 4?
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Name it /fog/!
Goodbye stimpacks, thank you exploits.
he did nothing wrong
Is there way to remove points from SPECIAL and add them to another one?

High tier

Eh tier

Fuck off

when will the wiki autists give their butts moving and update the wiki?
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oh shit
>bought the game on PS4 assuming the port wouldn't be terrible
>"Do you want the season pass with it?"
>play it
>it runs like shit, has horrible draw distance, godawful lighting
>pirate the PC version
>it looks and runs great
>buy the PC version
>spent 140 bucks on this game
'stores' you duffer
When do I get more real quests from the Minutemen? Last one I completed was Old Guns

Do they have a big part in the main story or is it just BoS and Institute?
And that's different to my answer to what he said how?
>When you forget to quicksave after doing some bullshit thing that took 20+ minutes
Every god damn time jesus.
This is pretty bad advice.

Sneaking is stupid in this game. The reason you want agility is for moving target.

>3 end
come on

>idiot savant
oh shit, you're actually just retarded.
is there a mod to make the game harder yet?
name it Blow Me

Since you'll just be shooting it at your feet in a pinch I assume
Again, it seems you're too stupid to understand I'm not trolling, but every single time I called you an idiot, a retard or a piece of shit I meant it 100%.
is cricket's "spray and pray" as good as it looks
cuz it looks good
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I loaded it up anyway just to see how it works, turns out it works in English but only with the original prompts. It works exactly like Skyrim's dialogue system. It'll keep using it for now until there's a full translation, I think it's an improvement.

>god tier

>literally who tier
everyone else
>run through raider building
>instabopped by sneaky missile launcher raider on a ledge somewhere
>start at the very beginning
I never said they were extinct anon, that was the other anon. I'm simply correcting you so your argument stands true.
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Post weapon names
did the brotherhood quest where you follow the 3 signals to find the corpses

do i have to do fetch quests to unlock the next one?
>do they have a big part in the main story
I started shooting everyone in the institute and then fled, got a quest to talk to Preston, gather troops and get info on the institute and another quest to backstab the BoS.

I guess the minutemen are the independent playthrough.
y-yeah but which store you smelly nerd
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I was driving down the road today and I felt the need to quicksave every couple minutes in case I crashed
Do allies wearing power armor need fusion cores?
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>when you quicksave when you meant to quickload

Yes, Its called Survival mode on a console with a controller.
Minutemen or Railroad?
>SJW who likes Undertake
no surprise there

obviously you should name it Ineffective Rocket Jumper
Never had this problem on console
Rocket Jumper
every fucking time

yeah, might as well chop your hands off.
>I don't even know where you got the idea from they went extinct. Can't remember anyone mentioning it.
House claims so in NV

BoS is the one that outright claims they were extinct, Cats were gonna be in VB before it got scrapped
What would you suggest then and why is Idiot Savant bad?
No, but I heard that Fallout 4 doesn't have a level cap, so just throw perk points into them anytime you want.
Can we start assembling a list of good OMODs to attach to things?

I tried attaching quad barrel to alien blaster, does not work. Two shot works pretty well though, makes it about the same level of power as it was in 3/NV before the cunts nerfed it.
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Hey, thats pretty neat.

>Not sexually identifying as an A-10
Do you even warthog?
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>When you quickload when you meant to quicksave
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anyone want to make an orange or grey retex for the flight helmet?

i'll pay you in gratitude
>console ever
You deserve it.
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which companions approve of you helping the institute?

everyone i meet hate them
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>Want to load quicksave
>There's a quicksave option in the pause menu
>Click it thinking it's my quicksave save
>Just did something irreversible
>not naming it Nocturnal Emissions
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>helping out a ghoul kid i found in a freezer to find is old home
>this guy come up
>wants to buy the ghoul kid
>200 caps

should i?
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>killing stuff is stupid
>what you want to do is get hit loads but not die

Thanks reddit
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oh yeah its under food and drink
Everytime I stop by it it's locked and is colored red
Cait. I have a weakness for Irish girls with tough pasts that need your help to work through their problems.
Diamond City without ENBoost: 26 fps
Diamond City with ENBoost: 36 fps
What kind of voodoo magic did Boris do?
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What is Dogmeat wearing?
Okay, so they fucked that shit up before 4 already then.
But then again, why care. I mean IRL you sometimes have cases where species thought extinct show up again as well, and I guess people in the Wasteland have better things to do than counting fucking cats.
No, kill the guy and take his armor instead.
Yeah, I set shadows to Medium already and I still get performance problems. In fact with everything on Low I get maybe 30 FPS at most regardless of where I go. Is it because I have an AMD CPU? Are there any other tweaks that I can do to up the performance?
I don't think I've gotten a single 'Cait liked that' for fuck knows how long. Even when I try to be an asshole she decides to be a stupid cunt.
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>when you bump into a wandering Deathclaw at low level
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What mods do you use to gove your weapons healing and effects like this?!
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0 int = 0% proc rate of idiot savant

someone tested it
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These Legendary bots are cancerous.
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Who are you calling Reddit nigger?
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Mother fucking shit.
you are suppose to be the anti-institute until you get inside

then when do you the proper institute quests they can't come since they can't teleport
>keeping the brewery robot means you cant complete his quest even though both objectives are optional

fucking bullshit
Metal Gear and Witcher ran fine. Bethesda just can't into consoles. And I prefer consoles
>habitat for humanity/ghouls/niggers or kekroad
Institute is the only reasonable choice.
idiot savant gives you increased rep gains on literally any level of intelligence
>main quest
>deathclaw fight
>super mutants

Fuck tracking kellog
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I play easy mode with maxed x01 power armor with god mode on so I can shoot unlimited 6 crank laser musket with no windup and unlimited VATS
>Save a Dweller from Raiders
>Says he's going back to Vault 81
>Go to Vault 81
>Try to convince the overseer that I'm a trader
>Look inside
>There's a fucking X-01 power armor, shit load of weapons and meds
>Taking it would mean I would have to wipe out everyone in the vault

So I had to, I just had to kill them all, they were just begging me to do it
He needs to go to the bathroom, never seen a guy cross his legs before?
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>level up intelligence
>strong hated that
random legendary effects
Because your post implies you can only add removed mods back to the exact same gun. It doesn't have to be the same gun, just the same type of gun. Which means that yes, he can skip Gun Nut completely if he wants to rely entirely on the RNG.

Can you even quicksave on console?
So no matter what int level you have, with Savant you always proc more than normal?
Not him but Idiot Savant isn't worth the perk points put into it when you have higher INT and you need higher INT for several perks that are very important even to a melee character, like Science, which lets you improve your power armour and certain melee weapons. High LCK meanwhile mostly affects VATS shit, and you're a fag if you use VATS.
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I already did the institute senpai.

And i'm not joining the fucking BoS losers
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>flamer that deals freeze damage
bethesda logic
Idiot savant is stupid, because you can always just kill more shit if you want xp. You're just spending skill points to get more skill points.

>fisticuffs with deathclaws is fun and I hate fun
>what you want is to MAYBE one shot a raider and then the rest attack you and you get hit a couple of times and die
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I made a star shaped bokeh that spins.

The realest graphics.
no I found one walking down the turnpike where I've never seen one before, it was just wandering along down ahead of me but it bumped into me latter as I was fighting some raiders because they attacked it
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>"goodbye shaun"
>Turn on god mode
>Fire big boy with unlimited ammo
>Huge explosions everywhere with almost 0 cd

I am truely a god
>There's a fucking X-01 power armor, shit load of weapons and meds

Okay I'm heading there with my rifle, it's time to be a raider now
You can clear the entire fucking area before breaking stealth

You're doing a great job of demonstrating zero understanding of mechanics
So how much perception would be enough for a pistol user in close to mid-range combat? The perks really aren't that appealing but the increase in VATS accuracy makes me ponder. Are gun mods more important?

Where is there power armor in Vault 81?
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expand freedom.gif
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I thought I was going to play fallout tonight
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>Strong as follower
>Kill all neutral cats for relationship
>buying a game twice
>a game with no DRM besides loading through steam, the easiest thing to crack
>a game from a company with no DRM on their DLC AT ALL
>buying a game for console when you have a PC that can run it
You are a retard.
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Are there any mods to hide headgear yet?
Could fight your way into the abandoned shack in the glowing sea if you are 30+
Cool game.
My .44 revolver is called "Jeff Magnum." I like to imagine my character would yell out, "I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST" as they fired it.
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Wow it looks like an airplane.
So lemme get this straight. You want headgear stats without them showing on your character? That's some pleb shit.
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>enter power armor
>strong hated that
>pick lock
>strong hated that
>wipe ass
>strong hated that



Or just go to Vault 81 and kill a bunch of weak dwellers, security guards might be a bit stronger but it's easy picking after that
Shoe Shiner
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>>"Do you want the season pass with it?"
Valentine Loved That
So it sounds like I need high strength, high endurance, high agility, high int

what the fuck
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>TFW you can only play through family sharing and the same account is used by like 4 people so the time that you can play is pretty limited
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r8 my O'Nora
Can your character b gay, or is this game homophobic?
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>people will use this to speedrun fallout 4
So reel it's like I'm in a movie
>those arms
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Just build is killing floor and spawn a bunch of legendaries with the console.

Or find that merchant who sells Spray and Pray.
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Curie cute french accent though, no hetero.
>tfw you capitalize TFW
>tfw a crack is out
>tfw you're a braindead fucking retard
I've finally got the Castle; but for some reason I can't place certain things.
I have all the required items, but the stuff doesn't appear as a placeable thing.
I'm nowhere near the limit.
Fucking horrible, literally one of the worst Noras I've seen. Your guys okay though.
Holy fucking shit.

Pirate it, you god damn mongoloid.

Is the only way to get pistols with nice effects through legendary monsters? Is there a way I can mod my 10mm pistol with explosive/bleed/poison/fire damage?
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>proc more than normal
What do you mean by this? You don't proc Idiot Savant if you don't have the perk, so I don't understand what you mean. What's "normal"?
can't go full gay, you start the game in a hetero relationship with a child, have to settle for being bi.
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>want Danse as a companion
>want to side with The Institute
Can Synth males get erections and orgasm?
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Bull Bearrel Revolver
>Pirating a new bethesda games
Enjoy your keyloggers, malware, and C&D from Comcast assuming you use Comcast.
go back
You can have him bash down doors.
Is there list somewhere that says what weapons has unlimited ammo when companion uses it?
You can put perk points into attributes. But yeah, melee is unnecessarily complex to build it seems.
>Vault 81
A fully functioning, isolated vault? That's pretty fucking rare.
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Any way to change her hair (with the console if necessary)
whats the point of flirting? do you get to fugg later on?
They're said to be indistinguishable from humans, so yes, most likely.
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Has this happened to anyone else? Fucking Jun put on my power armor when a single radroach attacked. Am I ever getting it back?
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>not supporting good games
Where the fuck are all the keys.

Only found three of the 6
>you can't place objects through other objects or unmovable objects
>corpses like mirelurk babies and queen cannot be removed, or at least moved

Oh fuck I wasn't ready for this laugh
So just after I finished tracking Kelogg with Nick and Dogmeat Dogmeat seems to have just disappeared, he is not at Red Rocket or Sanctuary. Anyone know where he went?
>no Deacon

eat dicks
Who else wants to fuck a ghoul? Like the Vault-Tec representative, for instance.
How does into spawning legendary?
showlooksmenu [her id] 1 will probably do the trick
don't leave your fusion cores in when you get out
only because the original Overseer was a filthy commie who didn't let Vault-Tech test their viruses on the inhabitants for America.
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>Bethesda games
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Great, yet another worthless legendary.
Post your worthless legendaries /fog/
Haven't done any Railroad shit, so he's "literally who" tier for now.
>can't dual wield
>will never use my revolvers, The Bear, and The Bull together

where the hell is he anyway? The message came up that he's available as a companion but I can't find him. I've searched up and down the institute for hours now
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So nobody in diamond city seems to care about nick obviously being a synth, they don't even mention anything about it. Yet they are super paranoid about others maybe, possibly being synths? What?
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>video games
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I didn't say people who buy it once are retards, since it wasn't relevant, though
>buying a Bethesda game in the first few days
>not waiting for GOTYE and pirating until then
you fucking what
Compared to 1 Int.
The chart shows 15 INT+ Savant increases the exp you gain massively compared to 15 INT without savant, but it procs more the less INT you have.
Does savant stack, as in you still get xp for doing regular shit like you would without having savant?
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post quiet handjob stats
anyone with level 3 shops tell me how much money you make?

seems not worth
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damn these things look good

i kinda want to get some explosive perks now
help Legendary 0

Make sure you're not using a dirt floor with burrowing enemies or ranged enemies as they'll hurt your turrets and you'll have to repair them.
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>Playing Survival
>Except for the Deathclaw been doing pretty good so far
>Meet my first pair of Legendary Raiders
Holy shit
Railroad as a whole is eh, whatever, but Deacon is 10/10 best follower
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These faggots wish they were tunnel snakes
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Post your reaction when you left the map


>+25% damage gauss rifle

That's better than any legendary I've found
It's almost as if you didn't play the story, Nick talks about this shit already.
>Charlie Sheen Meme Man
>getting hit by molerats
git gud

Didn't even need the fucking cure.

But it's bugged, so if the molerats land an attack on anything, even the NPC protectron, you get infected.
well right now im just doing a "fuck it all" type of playthrough, get a feel for the game, last time I did melee I accidentally had an irradiated board on me from a super mutant encounter on my first day, and used that to attack some raiders. No real perks into the STR tree besides armor/blacksmith but dang it feels more fun than FO3/NV
Could someone who has Final Judgement post the item ID?
maybe because its SO obvious they aren't worried about him taking their place, plus he has helped a lot of people
Good is subjective
video games sure are good when compared to working lol who works fucking poorfag wageslave neet life forever get moneykucked
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>not giving Danse the happiness he deserves
Synth Retention
Hey guys, still toying with video settings and tweaks. When I look to the center of any town-like area, Corvega for example, I get massive frame drops. From a good 50/60 to 20 and below.

Suggestions? Also looking for a nice revolver to start the game out with, so that'd be wicked too.
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Are you immune to rads if you have that rad heal perk? Or does it still fuck your hp up but heals you as well?
Does anyone here actually play a melee build?
>25% damage

That is easily the best mod I have ever seen on any gun.
He's being sarcastic
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nick tells about how he earned their trust if you travel with him for a while.

Also diamond city are paranoid and hate synths they can't tell are synths at a glance, if you didn't notice.

I'd kill for that legendary
If Nick likes you enough he'll tell you how he got into the city and why everyone accepts him.
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>Not going outside
>Not playing sports
>Not socializing with the opposite sex
how can I get those clothes?
does Swan count?
Fucks your hp but heals until you get higher ranks in it.
>So nobody in diamond city seems to care about nick obviously being a synth

Why don't you idiots play the game before you talk about shit you know nothing about?
So, I've always heard the stealth system is really powerful in fallout. I've watched a fair amount of FO4, and I'm playing it now, it's my first fallout game/bethesda RPG, but I'm fairly experience in RPG. I feel like I'm missing something.

I just got done doing the Corvega Assembly Plant, Very Hard, level 5 or 6 I think. A pretty even distribution of stats, agi/per/luck5 +, 2 cha, everything else in between. It was pretty much a disaster. I get that you go into stealth-mode, where you get an indicator of your situation. Hold C to move slowly and silently. Can that be changed to a toggle, btw? the real problem were all the spotlights and turrets. Is that just because Corvega is set up to be anti-sneak? I did manage to get two undetected kills with a switchblade. maybe another couple with a scoped hunting rifle. Of course, it doesn't have a suppressor. The rest of the kills were using a shotgun. All in all it felt like a failure because it didn't seem like I would have been able to get every kill undetected, no matter how well I played. Is that pretty common in a fallout stealth run? Do I just need better perks?
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>irish addict
>tinker tom jive talk
racist as fuck
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kill BOS leader
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How do I get my pipboy back?

I got out of my power armor and suddenly I'm naked and with no pipboy.

pls help
Fought two, intimidating, but not that bad. One in that fort near the blimp and one for the railroad quest where you encounter a bunch of mines and synths.
i'm a faggot who cheats for fashion. 001FE1A6
So are there any towns with quests other than Diamond City and Goodneighbor

Fucking everything else seems to be about killing Mutants/Raiders/Ghouls
Why do Institute kidnapped random people and replace them anyway?
or do all those people were actually synst since the beginning they just took them and reformat them?
Just make a save and then load it probably.
So how do I improve performance in Fallout 4? Even with everything on it's lowest settings I still get less than 30 FPS. Is it because I have an AMD CPU?
does base int go to 11 when picked up at 10 int? or is the only way to get 11+ int through clothes and stuff?
am I the only person who hates Piper?

I've only traveled as much as I've needed to with certain companions and Piper falls even below Paladin Danse on my list of unlikable shits

I havne't even traveled with her, just her shit face being near my inserting herself into something that doesn't concern her
i can surprisingly aim well with the controller, i mean sure I miss 1/4 shots when targets strafe but still
my headshot game is to die for sometimes
Is there any negative to turning off a radio beacon at an outpost with plenty of people?

i enjoy most of the outpost building stuff but checking my pip boy and seeing an outpost got 1 more person so i have to go and find a place for another bed, more crops, more water and more defense is getting old.
>clean the quarry
>come back for different quest
>it actually empty
Now he's in heaven with his mama.
I have a sniper that does double damage to enemies with full health, combined with sneak attack headshots it one shots pretty much everything.
Well that place specifically is pretty anti stealth, with all the turrets and fucking laglights, but I hear in FO4 stealth isn't as OP as it was before.
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This one was the worst thing I ever picked up
i havent found assault rifle or guass rifle and im level 29 or so
Can't decide what build to go, person with the best joke decides what I go as.
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No. Only items can boost it
If by heaven you mean nuclear dust, then yes.
Too bad just about every other location is just refilled with enemies
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Oh, yeah Savant just, on a random basis, multiplies the amount of xp you gain from performing any action.
player.equipitem 00021b3b
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>Post your reaction when you left the map

fuck that long road.

>traveling in power armor with full rad buff
>also wearing radiation suit
>full load, just 1wg away from over encumbered
>attacked by two deathclaws and legendary scorpion
>they break half my armor
>can't fast travel
>some how make it to the village in half an hour
>hoard of scorpions dig into the village
>kills everyone but me and the mother
>"oh lol that guy? he's up the road a bit more"
I didn't finish the institute quests but from the looks of things it's actually the latter.
Why don't you just install an aimbot then, retard?
Ah sweet, thanks. Sorry, the chart confused the shit out of me
Gauss rifles are end game and don't start appearing outside of the prydwen til 30.
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god damn deathclaws

I need to work on my aim
(btw these exp rates are *averages* over time)
please help
It's so obvious you use a controller, holy shit.

What's that from?
That's kind of retarded, that a 9 point investment is worth less than a fucking 5 point investment.

So basically, the ideal build (since 1 INT is useless due to no gun modding) is 3 INT (4 with bobble) and idiot savant?
>firing a sniper that isn't plasma from the hip
So wandering the Commonwealth I found some dead body with a note that was telling the holder to go find a laser at a location I hadn't discovered yet (Greater Mass Blood Clinic.) So not feeling like doing any main quest yet I went ahead and went there to loot the place along with a couple of other locations I found along the way, netting me my fourth incomplete suit of power armor.

So working my way through the area I eventually pick locks and hack my way down to the bottom floor only to run into an Infected Bloodbug which deals out huge amounts of radiation while taking damn near no damage.

So I'm wondering, was level scaling dropped from this game or are there just hand placed and/or random out of depth encounters around?

Also are these gun note quests (I have another one apparently for a 10mm pistol for some reason) procedurally generated?
Man, I watched a BoS squad land to try and take out a glowing deathclaw, came back and all that was left was dead scribes and knights with destroyed power armor.
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guaranteed assult rifle here

>scoped bolt action rifle
>firing from the hip wildly at a fast moving target

Holy shit, switch to a semi-automatic if you want to do that and at that close range. Or go back to a non-scoped sight for the rifle for better ADS.
Futa deathclaw companion when
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Flamers are boosted by Heavy Gunner, right?

I kinda doubt Shaun would go to heaven.
So is it possible to nicely populate EVERY settlement?
>Glowing Deathclaw

You wat

I've seen glowing Mirelurks and bloatflys and shit, but a glowing deathclaw?
Please respond.
Idiot savant is useful up to 5 int, though with diminishing returns. At that point it's 9 points either way.
Holy shit are you actually using a controller
I thought about this before and didn't think that betheshit wouldn't be that retarded and remove the combo from the game.
Also guaranteed 5 legendary feral ghouls and a glowing one inside ready to fuck your mouth.
i use keyboard and mouse I'm just not very good at aiming
its the best I've got besides a 10mm and a pipe rifle and both of them were hardly damaging him
until the deathclaw the pipe rifle had been good enough
level scales but location not just player level, so some areas have higher enemies and they will still be pretty damn high if you're under-leveled for it
I dont even want her in my town
How do I tell her to fuck off to her own damn place in Diamond city and write her newspapers?
Every non-human, non-machine enemy has a glowing variant. Shit's scary.
Can anybody link me to a list with PerkIDs? Can't find one. Need to get rid of lvl4 fortune finder, it's just too annoying
are you blinda nigga? the cof completely covers the damn thing
why does everyone sleep on pipe pistols
.38 ammo is everywhere and the ROF is insane
it's called a Glowing One ya dangus
>Mug some trader out in the middle of nowhere
>She showed up in my settlement and stands around in the same spot all day and night
Someone please help. I can't play Fallout 4, whenever I launch the game and click "New Game" the screen loads for a bit before crashing to my desktop. Has anyone else had problems like this? This is entirely frustrating.
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What's the odds.

The ghoul kids parent also became ghouls and they reunite after 200 years.

what. the. fuck.
Can I steal that protectrons chef hat
I'd hate to run into that thing at night or in somewhere tight
The highest level deathclaw is called a mythic
any tips for big guns/power armor dude?

seems like earliest is cyro trick or the minigun. but what other heavy weapons are available at the start?

was thinkin high science for the cool power armor shit and science research, and lots of str but cant think of another stat to put in besides end.
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Here's a random pic, honestly the first time I ran into that type so I wasn't too keen on helping those knight fuckers, so I went in the other direction before that deathclaw smelled a pussy.

Also I could be wrong, but that deathclaw also killed another deathclaw and a bunch of mutants near by.
>Now he's in heaven with his mama.
You'd have to be a certified queer to use an automatic. Semi or bust.
Idiot Savant and INT's xp bonus should be removed from the game with a mod, and then just make the base xp 140% normal.
i think he means a legendary that mutated and then had a glowing aura and was probably impossible for NPCs to kill at that point
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>mfw a legendary glowing mirelurk showed up during the queen fight
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2nd gen synth like nick are seen as just robots, although with a very mannequin like appearance.

What freaks people out are 3rd gen synth which eat, sleep, and bleed like normal people. Fears of being replaced by them or simply being grossed out for some odd reason.
Where do you start that quest? Also

>Ruining the outfit with an edgy skull mask

How about an irradiated switch blade?
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So, why haven't you chosen the best faction?
new bread

There's no heaven or hell in the Fallout universe
What a happy ghoul family.
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anyway post wip bases
where did you find that X-01 suit?

I think its even weirder that the ghoul kid didnt age at all.
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This is stupid, how does a kid survive in an unpowered fridge for 200 years.
How does no one open the fucking fridge at that time at all
God the fucking reasoning in this game is dumb beyond hell.
supply line
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Holy fuck you deserved that death. Missed every shot.
You know anon, I think that's the joke.
literally did nothing wrong
Well I just found Curie. I think im in love.
hey i hit one of them
That's really fucking op considering that's 50 rad damage for every single flame used. Probably better than a gamma gun.
>stream to twtich via the app on xbone because a friend wanted to watch while he talked to me
>can't hear the music
>can hear the beta as fuck caster
anon. this is 4chan. jokes does not exist here. everything is serious business.
make a wooden doorframe and put the tiny fence in it, it snaps in perfectly familia
nick was proto-gen, before the first gen
thats the thing
you can empty your mag so fucking quickly with pipe pistols
What I want to know is how he didn't go insane after 200 years of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation.
Stop making a new thread when we're on page 6
sleep mode, like mob ghouls
Am I playing Half Life 2 again?
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Wondered what would happen from taking alot of drugs. Not much. Fucking Todd.
there are people here RIGHT NOW
that dont know how to hack
thanks anon
So Im trying to make a base for myself.
Is it really impossible to make the walls turn at angles? Are you really only capable of making 90 degree turns?

Also is there no way to angle it so it can actually handle hills?

Dammit bethesda, what were you thinking?
You'd think they'd at least make the settlement areas conveniently flat so you wouldn't have to deal with the hills part.
It's an action game with rpg elements anon.
It's not a proper roleplaying game sorry.
when is the turning point where every faction start going war with each other?
I kinda want to keep doing all their quest up until that point
Right now I just got in the institute
press left or right click to rotate stuff
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My fallout 4 review
-the Institute is very cool
-base building is very good
-power armor is really cool
-armor and weapon mods are what the weapon molding system in new Vegas should have been
-infinite leveling
-the fact that different locations will have tougher enemies regardless of level
-you can make a settlement in a ton of spots
-the cover system
-mirelurk Queens and other great enemies.
-the dialogue system
-the phone app is extremely well done(I have to use this because my game glitched and my pip boy is permanently invisible)
-story feels like fallout 3 with the whole father/child reunion bullshit
-Bethesda begrudgingly takes the main quest choices from new Vegas and shoehorns them into this game
-you can really tell Bethesda made this game by how shitty the writing is compared to new Vegas
-diamond city feels like a rehashed Megaton and the fact it is the "gem" of this wasteland really shows how shitty the wasteland is.
-only 2 major settlements in the game except the ones you build (Institute and diamond city)
-map feels like point lookout in all the mire lurk areas and fallout 3 in all the other areas
-legendary enemies and weapons feels like a borderlands rip off
-the brotherhood has to die if you side with the Institute (I feel like they should join up like in new Vegas with the brotherhood and ncr)
-companions not nearly as memorable as new Vegas, much more like fallout 3 companions (strong = fawkes, black synth = Jericho)
-factions not memorable
-meh graphics compared to other games this year such as the Witcher 3, still a huge improvement from new vegas
-dumbed down so now there are no skills. Skills needed some polishing but they made more sense than this current shit.
-all the good stuff was just polished mods that were made for TESV and new vegas(bunch of changes from project Nevada, power armor = powered power armor mod, base building = skyrim pocket builder).
-no companion wheel
-vaults are boring
-face sculpting is shit
i w-was just shitposting anon!

i've seen screenshots of peoples hack screens and they jump right into guessing the password instead of finding the brackets to remove duds

Like <x%g_2> would get highlighted and remove a dud if chosen
The battle for bunker hill has the railroad, institute, and brotherhood all fighting each other. I joined all three prior, so I was able to just mosey on through the battlefield to my target to deactivate them and bring them back to the institute
I didn't mean to reply to you actually. Woops
I know you can rotate, but then it just autosnaps to being flat.
Is there a way to turn off that?
Just fucking zoom in, why are you hip firing with a sniper?
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>how does a kid survive in an unpowered fridge for 200 years.

The same reason Indiana Jones was able to survive a nuke by hiding in a fridge. You know this stuff isn't real, right?
he was way too close for zooming in to be worth doing
it takes a bit of time before things are visible again when you zoom
the sniper was the only effective weapon i had against him
I think i'll mod up a hunting rifle for situations like that
>Kill legendary Assaultron
>Doesn't drop anything legendary

Yeah, most ghouls are formed over the course of years rather than instantly and they still age very slowly.
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I've got two pcs setup, my study PC for 4x and gsg with a shitty gfx card and my gaming pc connected to my 70inch tv with a good gfx card.

Gaming pc
>Maximum comfort
>Maximum resolutions
>Giant tv for immersions
>Controller is terrible, played about 10 hours this way and it's not great

Study pc
>Compromised comfort
>Medium gfx settings
>Only 21.5 inch screen which seems tiny now
>Get to use a mouse

What do.
Your achievement--of killing a Legendary Assaultron--was legendary. :^)
what are you talking about, the fridge was made out of lead. Lead stops nukes, thats how we won the 3rd war.
why do the protectrons in the boston library keep going hostile on me? I walk past them to take out the super mutants but they all started shooting me
No one cares
I know the feeling.
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If you want more info on Nick, you can find a holotape about him here.
Because the library is closed. You can get in via the backdoor, talking to a robot intercom, passing a speech check. Robots won't be hostile, as they believe you're the god damned mayor
Don't be mad you're poor anon.

I mean I guess I could swap over the gfx cards but I already did this a few weeks ago for TW3
Hmm. i took the back way in that needed to be lock picked. Am i missing the intercom? thanks for the reply bro, sitting here reloading my save trying to not murderize all the brobots
Get a pipe bolt-action in .308, you can even find them already suppressed if you're lucky.
Also shadowed leather
>Level 3 Nuclear Physsicist allow you to drop a Fusion core that explode like a mini nuke.
Now that's some fun
Ghoul in the back room of Memory Den
I walked back out and found it, thanks again
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I'm not mad, I'm just the only one here that cared enough about you to respond.

Also, just play the game, damn.
where to get copper
That doesnt make the options any good or your character anything less than an idiot, but I do love knowing what my character would say.
I understand why they made the choices the way they did, it was easier, faster, and people may even respond to it better, but they sacrificed quite a bit. Like how different voice actors are recorded to do the same exact lines to help script writers (psychical/technical) out, but its a shame, couldve been just a bit more variety.

Why do they focus everything on hyper relativism? Just to save space and time?
>piper calls you blue so they can get away with not having that voice actor voicing all 1000 shitty names that they added in JUST for codsworth
So /fog/
Have we discovered a way to change the legendary attribute of a weapon through the console yet?
Power relay coil 2
Telephone 1
Magnifying glass ?
Broken light bulb ?
Hot Plate 1
Fuse 1
Cooking Pot 1
What happens if you follow the minutemen quest line all the way through? Do you ally/enemy with the other factions, or are they their own thing?
they kill 2 of the other 3 faction
it is like this for all 4 factions
thanks m8
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Codsworth has been a fucking monster for me, holy shit.

>Killing raiders and ghouls alike
>Suddenly a fucking mob of lik 10 ghouls
>Codworth takes out three of them while I lob a molotov
>He's just running in and setting fire to raiders and hacking their limbs off left and right

Who the hell needs a Mr. Gutsy when you have a robot this handy.
>walking around, looking for things to shoot
>hear a deathclaw roar behind me, prepare for anal destruction
>turn around and there's actually two, I begin to question my life decisions
>they actually start fighting each other

Well that's pretty cool.
Isn't the FEV supposed to make creatures more intelligent? Why do Super Mutants behave like a 6 year old on steroids then?
I heard somewhere that the institute can remake your wife as a synth if you side with them. Was it just a rumor?
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>only have gun nut rank 1
>try to put full stock on hunting rifle
>glitches out and puts marksman stock on it
>no female HK-47 style Assaultron companion

all the wasted potential... Instead we get 2 Mr. Gutsies m(
Is there a way to make the forehead smaller? Using Wendy the Welder or Young at Heart leaves a fuckhuge forehead.
Is anybody else experiencing worse performance in the city of Boston? Wasteland and interior performance are almost 60, drops massively inside the city for me
How's the GECK? Heard it's still 3 months away from release? How the fuck?
hack one with maxed robotics expert. you can make it a companion
>people talking shit about brotherhood of steel, and that they aren't looking for peace
>meanwhile im standing there in full brotherhood of steel t60 power armor

y-you too
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Where do you even find one thats is female?
I mean the only one I saw is the one at GoodNeighbor
where do you view the debuff? i got hit a couple times but cant see if it has affected me
and yet here you are......
particularly during the BOS air raids. I get down to 5fps if I look down or at bushes close to me, for some fucking reason.
>ashley burch plays tina from vault 81

can she just fuck off already
they're all female?
stats menu, and I think you get it without getting hit as well
Man, 200 years in cryo really fucks with your head.

Ah wait, forgot that FemC was a lawyer, if the MC says that too then his time in the war really knocked a few screws loose
Haven't played Fallout 4, haven't seen much about it, but gotta say, he is hot.
>neverending hunting rifle
>unlimited ammo capacity
How do i share screenshots on ps4?
And failing flat ground, place a foundation and make your own flat ground.

the commando helmet, or combat helmet. not sure if they function, but they might.
>she's the one banging the angry black guy

ha ha ha
The combat helmet does not function for me.
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How do I turn this highlighting off? It activated itself after like 30 hours of play. I already had components tagged for selection before this started happening ;~;
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