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/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 752
Thread images: 169

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We don't have an official steamgroup. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steamgroup, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, November 14th:
1862 – American Civil War: President Abraham Lincoln approves General Ambrose Burnside's plan to capture the Confederate capital at Richmond, Virginia, leading to the Battle of Fredericksburg.
1914 – The Ottoman Empire declares war against Britain, France, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro during the early months of World War I.
1922 – The British Broadcasting Company begins radio service in the United Kingdom.
1941 – World War II: In Slonim, German forces engaged in Operation Barbarossa murder 9,000 Jews in a single day.
1969 – Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 12, the second crewed mission to the surface of the Moon.

EU4 - DD 12/11


>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[EU4] - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.3] - After The End

>>[V2] - Liangmod V0.1

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 20/08/2015

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.4

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V6

>>[V2]Mish Mash Map Mod

>>[HoI3] YAMDaM v0.54

Old thread >>122225453
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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
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First for 13 posts early is the new meme
Are you a memeber of the new steamgroup, BCM?
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Literally you
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This thread is made in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
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>tfw Oirat already removed a lot of kebab for you
thanks crane
Forgot to take off your name big shitposter guy

Seeing as he's a shitposter, I wouldn't doubt
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>he's a shitposter
>you're a shitposter
>everyone is a shitposter
Allahu Akbar my islamic brothers, we will make those french kuffars pay for 732!
Battle of Tours, never forget!
Best total conversion mods for CK2 not including Geheimnisnacht and Elder Kings
Diadochi Kings
Some of you guys are Oirat, don't go to Teheran tomorrow.
How did you start? What's your objective?
I was thinking fantasy
How do you even install this mod?

I tried yesterday but couldn't get it to work
Then you will love Diadochi Kings

Lux Invicta
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But anons, I don't belong to any steam groups.
DESU it looks like shit, is it still getting updated?
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>How did you start
Custom nation of Greater Serbia situated where you'd expect it to be.
Objectives are to attempt mass pan slavicizm and kebab dismantling, but now I'm just trying to make my borders look nice and become Eastern Roman Empire: Super Slav Sized edition.
>not a single gay porn tab
What are you doing, senpai.


I want normies OUT
Yeah, at least open e621 or something.
Link for that, also will all the religions slow my game down?
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I don't know I don't play meme games with meme mods. it's been months since I last played any gsg
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delet this
So just a generic, boring blob made with a cheat nation
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>He didn't even bother to update the HoI dev diary
Reminder there's a non-autist-made thread here:
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Good old believable worlds
CK2 needs mods more like HPM
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Considering how Paradox now doesnt care for history and is all for 'muh mp balance' they will probably do it.

Nice try, steamgroup.
>Kingdom of England declared in 806, full unification by 812 - 814

How did I do?
Nobody cares about memes of iron 4. I think I'll stay here.

Holy shit how did this never got mentioned before?
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Reminder these are the people that made the other thread
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Shitposters who claim to be the "new memebloc" and are known to spam the thread with the willy copypasta
he's slipping bros
t. wiz
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We are too busy making the final showdown between the mongols vs the aztecs
I feel honored that someone would be so autistic about me. I'm not even a member of the 'neu steamgrup'.
t. Lad
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Wrong pic
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>Cropping out all the parts of the conversation that don't support your side of the conflict
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the literal cock.png
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Well, there goes my perfect warlord king.
Years, years of glory held back by some alchemist kek.
As soon as heir goes 16 this guy is a goner.
Death by console commands.

At least he could pass the ambitious trait to his son before becoming a kek.
i am very autistic about, you in fact i hate you

i bet you're also the report and ignore shitposting guy just trying to bait people into shitposting

sorry for late reply for some reason i got connetcion error
If you're reffering to Norway I fed them the nation to dismantle the HRE
Why is your king a colombian?
I wish I was this as devoted as that ignore and report guy, trust me.
But I have ironically defended the infopic just to stir shit up.
No seriously, that start is just bad. At least stick with Old Gods.
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fuck. I just accidentally keked my best friend.

Now he has to raise my kid.
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Daily reminder to report and ignore shitposts, including this one.

Also, it is against the rules to tell somebody you have reported or are reporting them

I miss Rheinhart
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>mfw playing and France drops you as an ally given what awful stuff's happened to them and you wanna be their ally today.
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>report and ignore
Isnt that contradictory? How do you ignore it if you're reporting it?
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rate my meme map :^)
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Don't ask me senpai, ask the autist who spams it every thread.

but this map sucks dick desu

>if you report it, you can't ignore it
>if you ignore it, there is no point in reporting

At last I truly see

Flanders is dutch
Cyprus should be greek
>israeli suez
>russian abkhazia

Other than tha it's fine. Germany might be too big.
no hungary 10/10
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you do know it's multiple people, right? I can vouch because I post rarely but see it posted all the time.

I like to think it's a good tradition left behind from the turdslayer days

also s/o to the anon that made these posters.
you're cool
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>want normies out
>want 6 unique posters at all times
Hey, I wanted to post that.
"Lad" confirmed for either Kojak or Turkslayer
>0 AE
>Take one province
>"Lad" confirmed for either Kojak or Turkslayer
Nah, but the recent talks about new order and the Steamgoup coup made start to crave being important, even in such an insignificant group as /gsg/.
Yeah, I remember the anon who made the posters
Pretty cool guy
I also posted the warning a few times, but honestly, people who get bothered by it are not worth trying to reason with
Do you have the template?
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oh shit he found out.
i confessed since I'm a good person.
I crave importance, it's why I wear the name.

Love the posters, really captures that unique /gsg/ spirit.
If you posted as an Anon would you die?
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It would be extremely memeful.
You're a big faggot.
t. Wiz
I think you picked the wrong door lad.
Seriously, are you trying to be this annoying? Reading your posts kinda makes me wish I could meet you IRL so I could explain some things to you manually.
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>say that to my face in person not online faggot
Indeed, I did sound a little like that cliched saying.
henk. i used to play on bagil. every other server is shite
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>all this disease
fug i hope i'm safe.
Hey america minimod guy, there's a bug in the annexation of the dominican republic where you can't annex them.

The decision requires this:
2214 = { is_core = HAI }
2216 = { is_core = HAI }

But every single choice in the dominican revolution removes the Haitian cores
i played as USA in the minimod and annexed the domicans fine
just move away from it
What is more important to unionist dreams of countries? I mean genetics (ethnicity), language (accent), culture (habits). We can pick for example England. They are most ethnic and culturally german (including norse) but with some latin genes (normans). But the accent and language even being germanic are VERY latinized with kind of 60% of the english words are of latin origin. If the world is divided between federations (latin, germanic, slavic, black, arabian etc) where the english people should stay? I'm doing my perfect europe map and that doubt came.
Are you autistic?
Anglos should be there own federation along with the USA-Canada.
anyone who speaks english should be exterminated

t. johan
t. wiz
Does anyone have the /gsg/ movie chart?
Can someone explain to me what's the deal about that"one particular German even joined the French Foreign Legion"?I've seen that image plenty of times but i never understood what's so cool about it.

What else does this mod do
Literally in the archive.
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here familly
Mostly flavor and touches up regions in northwest/canada. Makes reconstruction a bit more dynamic too. not that bad of a mod desu.
>borgias, tudors

>Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones isn't a movie you fucking mongoliod
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Thinking more about that hypothetical world I thought maybe this culture mixing between latin people and germanic did an new culture, and this is english people. Maybe they must have this own federation or maybe it's a reason of wars because both can claim it. I'm very autist, lol.

Is it called america minimod because I can't seem to find it in the archive
why isnt hip mentioned in the infopic?
Butthurt autists

because the infopic is a meme
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>East vs West
Too soon.
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Lads, I need help to export the Overthow Monarchy faction and decision from AGOT mod to a separate modular minimod. Which files should I mess with?
there is a good /his/ movies thread also if anyone is interested in a deeper discussion about the kinda movies /gsg/ likes
Are you retarded?
wena nido
>Almost all war movies
Here's a pic you might like weanon
Chill out spergs,i didn't make the list.Also, i like that you scream and rage about GoT but didn't say shit about Rome.Probably because you don't watch good shows.And who gives a fuck if the guy who made the list added some shows to it.
GoT is like the 3rd item on the list and Rome is the last, it's no wonder people noticed it first.
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>Partido Socialista
It's a funny meme because it's true.
>not being on a movie list
I think you're the retard anon.
Except what's there is literally M*A*S*H, the most popular TV show to ever exist you fucking moron.
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That's kinda old, although there still are those movies
>letting commies take over germany and italy

fucking disgusting.
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The muslims are good johnny.jpg
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>History is not 75% war
John Green please
How good is 'Allo 'Allo? Kind of need a new TV show to start watching and a comedy would be nice.
what mod is this?
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On that note here's a /k/ list

I believe it is diadochi kings
Threadly reminder

It's pretty darn good. It's been years since I watched it, but I would recommend it even if you're not into sitcoms.
Its bloody great lad and its got a real English sense of humor
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invading greece is fun.
How much work do you think it would take to clean up Daidochi Kings a little bit? I just mean like adding proper styles to different religions and cultures, since right now they're using the same Christian frames.
wena socito
como andan las cosas
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wew getting greece now so I don't have to spend billions of years conquering it later.

I really can't say, this is like my second time playing it after avoiding it for a long time because it was buggy as shit.
Is it any fun playing the UK in Victoria 2, considering that you start out on top?
It's on HPM pastebin
Ah, it's always nice to see some quality willyposting. Thanks mate.
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Ello willy!!!!!
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>What sets CK2 apart from me are the numerous stories it produces. When I play it at work (yeah, that’s something I try to do when I’m not too stressed out), I often feel the urge to tell people on the team what happened to my characters. Like when I’ve sent out my first born son to join the Varangian guard and he comes back a homosexual and suddenly I’m playing a Norse Viking, the King of Sweden who has a lover bodyguard. There are very few computer games that allow for that gaming experience.

sweden yes

>partido socialista

fuck off f.am
>France owns Nice
Could you get even more cvcked?
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>GroB Finlandiums
>no libya
>no eritrea
>no savoy
>only part of dalmatia
>no albania
>no puppeted yugoslavia
>no italian maghreb
>no italian mesopotamia

at least you have corsica, what were you ranked?
>no eritrea
Check the map again.
>no puppeted yugoslavia
I managed to puppet Croatia, but Serbia annexed Bosnia before I could sphere and ally them.
>what were you ranked?
4. Germany ended up being number 1.
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Anyone have any more pics of AI countries being amazing or being complete shit.

Here's France from when AE made a you able to be coalitioned at -30, and the AI still played like it was -50.
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Found a more recent one
you don't have all of eritrea, egypt owns the north

how was your industry like?
Does BDSM remove the option to call allies to war or am I just blind?
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does anyone have the russian baltic fleet post? I deleted that piece of comedy.
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This one from /k/?
YES, thank you man!
these things are gold.
post a pic lad
nevermind lad, tried another country and it worked.
do they have to be your ally before the war starts?
How lewd playing as a slaneeshi in the warhammer mod is?
>Decide to try out CK2
>Actually enjoy it
>It causes my computer to overheat
What the fuck
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Deus mi!
Carolus Italiam vicit!
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reee my pussy ass son gave into faction demand.

Now I have to wait until I die, so that when he inherits I'll be able to press the claim.

fuck. I had this shit planned out too.
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Romance Kingdom desu
Crisis of the confederation
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>you will never live in a world where that maps looks like this
why even bother continuing to live
>le left bank meme
Fuck off Pierre, go back to your Bataclan
Join the foreign legion, maybe then you'll be able to do something about it, frankaboo.
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Oh my god you shit you'd better win.
i was just memeing, no need to get salty
How much balanced and realistic this Diadochi mod is regarding the mechanichs and the portraits?
It's CK2 set like a thousand years earlier, so some things are pretty fugged.

ex: Rome is basically a hereditary monarchy because there's no way to represent the actual republic.
But Rome was a hereditary monarchy by the 400s, only thing that can't be simulated is how Roman Emperors would often adopt another Rome to make them their heir to the Empire

Also show starting map
Requesting the "them fucking pops" neckbeard GSG player drawing.
>adopt another rome
How many times are you going to request this image?
i know that reddit has a lot of funny memes, maybe try there
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you mean this one ? :)

Maybe edit the election system so only the player can vote?

Thanks, friends.
how is /dfg/ doing?
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It's set after the Monarchy became a republic though, it's even got events for elections and shit, even a trait for being a senator, though they're broken. The mod's still in development so that can be excused though.

The date is like that because ck2 can't into negative dates; the startdate is like 360 bc or some shit, but the in game date is like 415 ad.

Here's the starting map
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Get memed.
It uses the roman calendar, which counts up from the mythical founding of rome
That red blob is the Seleucid Empire or the collapsing Alexandrian Empire?
Neither; It's Persia.
wew, didn't notice that.
probably should have too, considering I was playing eu rome just a few dats ago.
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I'm used to senseless out of the way blobbing in this game, I've been playing for long enough that English Croatia and Bohemian Samarkand don't bother me.

This though, this is a step above.
Seriously though, save this damn thing already so it isn't requested every single thread.
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t. yohan

estonia is a shithole anyway, who cares.
>actually helping a redditor
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You actually convinced me to meme all the night along
Although I refuse to play as a fucking ancient Hellenic listening to medieval songs
I need the CK2 rape mod, lads
Have you imprisoned your sister?

there is one on steam workshop.
what's it called?
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Is there is anything else to do after you win?
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>conquered the entire known world
>15k score

>what is a torture mod called?

Well geez, genius. What do you think?

Play as a king level member of your family.
Become emperor.
someone should really update the archive
so how long until paradox removes this

Nigga was smart. He doesn't actually say there's rape in it (it's called Force Yourself Upon ingame).

It has been up for quite a while.
Play until end date, then convert to eu4 and play a different nation
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I refuse to play this garbage anymore

>no antiquity BGM
>vanilla portraits have literally been not touched
>economy is unbalanced
>fucked up atrittion system

Thanks but I'll wait for a few years until it actually becomes playable and flavoured
>whats EU Rome
even worse
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>you will never live in a world where romania submersa exists

This should have gotten a (You) but it didn't, so here's a (You)
good post
>Decide to try play the rise of alexander
>Wonder how I'm going to fight Persia who has like 3x the troops I have
>Realise at most I can take a single duchy, instead of annexing all of their land
>Realise I can't even declare war on Darius
I dropped that mod pretty fast.
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Por qué no los dos.png
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What would you call this monstrosity I've created? I started out reclaiming the lost territories of Upper Lorraine, in the process of that ended up destroying the Burgundian Low Countries and inheriting Brabant, and along with it the titular Duchy of Lothier, Lower Lorraine so went about reforming Lotharingia. I got made an elector right as I was contemplating leaving the Empire so I bullshitted that I'd made a deal with the Emperor to remain in the empire in exchange for the united Duchy of Lorraine being made a Kingdom and an elector.

A little while after that I inherited Ireland out of the blue, looked over across the channel to see Britain devolved into feuding petty kingdoms, all of them heretics and invaded to restore the Kingdom of England.
You're going to release the english right?
You think I should? Yeah it's a blob, but it's relatively aesthetic and has roleplaying justification behind it. Plus since the AI is perfidious as all fuck as soon as I withdraw from the isles all I'll have spent my time, effort and cash on is turning England back into a powerful rival.
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fuck me.jpg
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This is some gay shit lad
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Take Scotland, Denmark and Norway. Call it the United Kingdom
The fall of eagles is pretty cool
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willy laugh.jpg
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Willy is /gsg/™ material
Is puppet state optional?
Maybe same dynasty
Do whatever feels right, if you think it is best to keep england than do that lad, its just a bit blobby for my likes
So Ships no longer consume fuel any more.

As in that is a decision they made for game """""balance""""" rather thanrealism because they find italy and japan unfun to play with navies that have to sit in port because steel but no fuel.

Ive defended and agreed with the decisions of everything else but this..
Being willy is suffering
It's already a mobile game that plays itself, how are soccer moms going to manage fuel!
everything is lumped as supplies now, so you can run your ships and tanks and people entirely on snickers bars if you have them or something. I don't know. Once something runs out of snickers you just delete it and make a new one.
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decided to just invade Epirus for myself because I couldn't intervene in my kid's war.

now I just have to quell his rebellion and the succession should be all good.
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Late era.jpg
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Why are there so many Byzantinefags as opposed to people who wish the western empire never fell?
Byzantium stuck around for a heck of a lot longer.
Because le crusades and le remove kebab
The west fell to more Christians, wheels Byzantium was stabbed in the back by Catholic Venetian dogs allowing the Islamic empire to extend its reach
god damn burgundy inheritance event.
They refuse to turn their ruler into a leader.
Why is EU IV so shitty?
have you played eu3 recently?
Got the old save back, continuing with heretic Scotland.
Do you happen to be the same person that made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hEbKGTBZLY
vicky is the only good paradox game sadly.
point being its not so bad, when you go back to eu3
I hope you mean vicky2
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Huh, it turns out other people CAN get the senator trait and be elected as consul.

Now Rome has almost no territory though because it's all in my demesne.

Also I literally only just now found out "demesne" is pronounced "domain". fucking normans.
>Byzzashits talking about catholic backstabbing
>Also I literally only just now found out "demesne" is pronounced "domain". fucking normans
wat... well me too
Begone, Merchant of Venice
reminder that the greeks deserved everything they got for slaughtering the latins
So I civilized as Imperial Japan, it's the 1850s, and I still don't have the Meiji country flag. How much longer is this going to take?
you'll get it a month or two into 1860.
why 1860?
Thanks. Should I be worried about the other daimyos that are civilizing south of me? I have two 24 stack armies, and I don't know how far ahead I am in terms of military tech.
>byzzies were good boys they dindu nuffin, need mo money for dem orthodox churches

>venetians were good boys they dindu nuffin, need mo money for dem Mamluks
What adds to this is the head commander of the fleet was a training officer who commanded ONE SMALL SHIP in the Black Sea just 2-3 years before the operation. One day, Nicky saw his boat perform - scored perfect shots. So impressed, he bumped the guy up in the ranks.
The leadup to the overthrow of the shogunate happened in the early 1860's and Meiji was crowned in 1867 when his father died suddenly of illness. In game the event is set to fire any time after 1860 but has a really high mtth so you never end up waiting long.
>>venetians were good boys they dindu nuffin, need mo money for dat papal dick
>papal dick
>ignored him half the time
is it bad that I've never played anything but eastern and western europeans in eu4 and vicky2?
Not really, EU is literally Europa Universalis, everything outside Europe is just plain shitty, not only are they less fleshed out but the flow of game is generally worse. Play as a muslim in the meditteranean sometime though.

Vicky is eurocentrism the game, a little less excusable because new world immigration games are a thing all of their own but Japan is the only country east of suez worth playing.

This coming from someone who's played literally every country in both games.
>Vicky is eurocentrism the game, a little less excusable because new world immigration games are a thing all of their own but Japan is the only country east of suez worth playing.
actually I lied I did do a USA game once, which was rad.
The main reason I prefer european countries, is just that I know where the fuck the provinces are. I don't for asia (or even really america)
>play ck2 from the 1066 start
>duchess of tuscany
>10 months into the game have a bastard child with the pope
remove seduction when?
>playing vicky 2 as USA
>civil war begins
>beat all johnny rebs in under a year, gg no re
>slow occupation of the south
>have them down to like 4 provinces
>they STILL won't accept peace to reunify
Are these the confederates in the attic that I've read about?
Confederate mole-men
Where does victoria 2 save screenshots to?
the screenshots folder
Has anyone ever seen the CSA win the civil war? Without human intervention of course. Hell I saw poland beat the russians and in their independence but never the CSA win.
I saw a 10-year stalemate where both sides sat at 100% WE with like ~2 brigrades each chasing each other around occupying and de-occupying each other's territory like the keystone cops. The USA won eventually, though I didn't see exactly how. That's the closest it's ever been for me.

probably historically accurate
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Decided to come back to my Netherlands game. I've mostly just kept colonizing but I'm also trying to destabilize Great Britain, as well as try to have some of Spain's colonies break off.

Anyway, rate my 1700 Europe, /gsg/.
i dont care about europe, post Americas
Only once, but I was Mexico in that game and had keked America kind of bad.
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Yes. From my Netherlands campaign in HPM.
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Anytime I try and play Victoria 2 it eventually does something like this, or one of the tabs, usually the military tab, goes crazy and makes me unable to recuit anything unless I restart the game. All the text can go spastic too.
I've tried looking around google and shit but can never find a way to fix it. Other paradox games work fine, but it's a shame because I like victoria 2 the most.
I always go protestant and make the rest of europe go as well. In my netherlands game the only catholic nations in europe were spain and south italy.
Can you buy the games on Steam, and pirate the DLC?

Would I get banned or interfere with anything?

It's ridiculous how the game costs 40, but 100 with all the DLC, plus DLC to come.
dlc in archive works fine
It fired one time during a war with the UK cuz USA never got washington/oregon and UK really wanted wyoming. US lost a bunch of troops from attrition and canada and the britbongs brought one doomstack over somehow and did some damage. pretty bloody war but the CSA won eventually. I might have the save somewhere still cuz I dont think I ever finished that game.
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Well North America is pretty boring, considering it's all Dutch.
I rechecked the game and noticed I was Germany not netherlands that game. Also the Ottomans are orthodox
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And here's South America. I mostly kept my nose out of it, except for that one province I took from Great Britain in a colonial war over the Caribbean.
To keep from getting boring I generally only take one or two colonial areas. Generally either the Thirteen colonies and Mexico or Brazil And peru.
uhh lads?
Well, it kinda explains why he is a shitposter
That explains his pan-slavism and homosexuality
probably just wants attention from his father
was his father an immigrant to sweden
How do I ethnically cleanse a region so it's converted to my national culture in EU3 & V2?
You can't, at least not without mods.
what happened to 7
What mods? In V2 at least, trying to assimilate more populous regions is nearly impossible.
>play victoria 2
>reactionaries in charge
>things going great
>making a lot of green, industry going great
>bullying asian countries
>something happens, I don't know what
>suddenly liberals in charge
>they remove the monarchy
>within a year I'm at 0 cash and losing 700 every day
>UK declares war on me
>5 million communists rise up
There needs to be an option to gulag everyone desu
You can genocide minorities in HPM.
Anyone got any pics on paradox devs multiplayer games? I wanna laugh my ass off.
Threadly reminder that EU4 did nothing wrong.
Would EU4 get even half as much shit if instead of mana you just use money like EU3? The only other major flaw is the trade.
What are the conditions for that in HPM?
I belive rhetoric of hate and you must be like reactionary or fascist while a dictatorship or monarchy.
You have to have invented rhetoric of hate, the ruling party must be either reactionary, fascist or communist and the government has to be an absolute monarchy, a theocracy, a fascist dictatorship, a presidential dictatorship or a proletarian dictatorship. You also cannot have signed the Geneva convention. If you do end up signing the convention, you need to withdraw from it before you can activate the decision.
Put your trip back on HPM.
>Removed population system
>Gain cores in 2 years instead of 50
>Shitty national idea change
>Coalitions and AE
What? You can find this out easily if you look through the files.
Population has never been in EU games. Except EU2 but it was horrible and whats wrong with coalitions? Also AE is basically BB from all the other games but now if you expand against muslims other nations hate you but not other christins.
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You know the drill
Alaska works in this case since thats what the nativies called it kinda
>Population has never been in EU games.
Except it was and it affected tax,manpower, trade, and production.
Have you ever played EU2? I have and by end game all provinces of france, Italy and Germany have pops of 999999.
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>still people who play anything but HoI 3
East Pacific Trading Co.
Who is that semen demon
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r8 my Japan boys
I dont recall them there but they were I guess your right. But still on my other points whats wrong with overextionsion? And coalitions and AE?
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>create bein Groß Germania
>about to diplo annex France and become ruler of Europe
Don't hate me I played pretty passive this game
>leave for a while because my computer craped out
>get back on and load up my cloud save
>this save is not compatible with your current version

Anyway, can you still complete the basileus achievement by reforming the Byzantines from a orthodox Greek primary or do I have to bankrupt myself on galleys like the olden days?
generic japan #41234 out of 10
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my wife
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Not sure what you did all game.
looks like he built factories to be honest with you, my family
AE and coalitions are still too pronounced in the HRE. You take two provinces and suddenly you have everyone on the continent against you. Probably moderately accurate historically, but it's not particularly fun to have an arbitrary limit on expansion during which you have to speed 5 while hoping you don't get destroyed. Overextension places an arbitrary limit on expansion for larger countries, even with admin efficiency. There is no way that a ~1000 province nation should be overextended after taking 10-15. In addition, having empire-wide revolts due to not having cores on that newly-acquired territory makes no sense.
It was literally just an abstract number, without any complexity to it and acted as an unnecessary "middle man" to tax, manpower, trade... it's just as fine that they removed it.

>population in province <2000
>10k rebel stack
Realsim is not a valid argument here guy but seriously if you could blob in the HRE and no one cared you would call BS because it wouldnt happen IRL. I wouldnt call it arbitrary since if you take a highly valued piece of land people are gonna get mad at you for it mainly your neighbors. What would you suggest as an alternative? Not BB I hope. I get what your saying on overextension but at the same time if you go way north south and east at the same time your administration now has to handle all this new land you have to send trained administrators to manage these new people taking them from your court. It should be implemented differently but the idea is there. The revolts are what I said as well that your good admins are in the new lands and cant do what they need to in the old. Im not sure if this is what paradox has in mind but hey it makes sense.
>In addition, having empire-wide revolts due to not having cores on that newly-acquired territory makes no sense.

Literally the same thing happened in EU 3, just that it resulted from having high BB, from conquering too many provinces at once.
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I just wanted to play a comfy Japan game, I didn't blob like you and I focused on building up Japan industrially, that's why my industrial score is about 4x bigger than yours and despite your blobbing into China my economy is probably bigger than yours is.
In EU3 the ratio depended on the admin stat of your ruler and no matter what it was a ratio of core to non-core provinces.
>Comparing 1935 industry to 1908.
desu his industry will probably still end a lot higher than yours will or has
It's pretty unlikely that 30 years is long enough to promote the 10 million craftsmen you'd need to gain 4k more industry score.
no, I was talking about the random rebel events, designed to fuck you up if you go over BB limit.

The old overextension modifier was better, yeah.
Which one of those are states?
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everything except Korea, Indochina, and the Philippines are states, so basically what you'd imagine
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>play v2 as france
>salil al sawarim starts playing
Is EvW any good in its current state?
its playable but you'll get fuck loads of revolts and some mechanics are broken
Is Taiwan a state? Jesus christ
Why didn't you ethnic cleanse your colonies to turn them into states and go full kek as a democracy afterwards for that gorgeous flag?
I own the kingdom of jerusalem and I'm not muslim
will I ever stop being attacked?
how many fucking jihads can these guys actually declare
This is like the fifth one in 10 years
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Pls don't die /gsg/
when have we not been dead?
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are you guys all ready for the slavnation of /gsg/?
First time playing V2, by what point should I have formed the NGF?
What are conservative parties good for in V2?
How can I tell if it's still in effect? My country switched to a democracy (I forced it back to a dictatorship). Where do I go to see where it's effecting things? Heck, how do I check for modifiers in general like "Nationalist Agitation"?
Aim to form it by 1803
extolling the virtues of the past
But they're not?

Only good parties are socialist, anarcho-liberal and fascist
they're good for earlygame in which they give you low militancy and stability and also make it so that you mostly control the economy and production
murica from 1836- after mexico is gone
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The HOI3 supply system had a lot of problems. It was hard to understand how it worked, and it was hard to know what to do to solve supply problems for the player because it was usually due to missing something some time ago. We even made a separate Arcade Mode for supply which of course nobody used (what self respecting player would pick something called "Arcade Mode"?).

the following problems needed to be solved:

It must at any point be possible to look at an area and see how many troops can work there without problems. Also for naval invasions.
It must be possible to see exactly what the bottleneck in your supplies are and give the player possible actions to fix this that are clear.
The supply system itself must not have long complicated flow networks where cause and effect are hidden by time.
The supply system must not collapse if a capital is taken which was a big problem in HOI3 and both unrealistic and not fun.
Holding out in cities should be possible even when cut off from the rest of your force.
Resistance must be able to hurt your supply lines without being a Whac-A-Mole problem.
Supply issues need to get gradually worse for a unit rather than feel binary like in HOI3.

Scary list? Sure is, but I think we managed to solve all of it. So how does it work then?

The world is separated up in Supply Areas, made up of provinces. They are purely for gameplay and generally follow terrain types and such.
Each area can tell you at a glance exactly how many divisions it can support and how much you are taking up.
If you hover your mouse over an area it will show you an arrow tracing the path supply takes, and indicate what is limiting it. Areas also have quick buttons for helping solve problems right there (improve naval base level or infrastructure etc).
The game will show alerts from areas with supply problems to notify player (super useful when you are, say, Britain and spread over many theaters).
Conservatives share the ideology benefits of going Reactionary like >>122364306 says, but they aren't totally against reforms if you want to liberalize partially

Conservatives help you expand, tariff, and control economy. If you like map painting, this is a good direction to go.
they are usually interventionists which is good the entire game. The thing that i hate about liberals is that barely any have interventionism
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The supply level of an area are decided by the following things:

A local scripted value. Think of it as base infrastructure that can't really be destroyed (will be basically 0 in mountains and deserts and pretty high in densely populated Europe).
Any big cities/victory points will increase it. So holding out in these is possible.
Local resistance movement activity in occupied territory disrupting things for you (we'll have a separate diary on these guys)
Incoming supplies from neighbor area. We trace back to capital, or if capital is cut off the next best area. The supply you get is limited by the lowest infrastructure on your route (also possibly sabotaged by resistance), including your own infrastructure level. So for a player what you need to care about is what the bottleneck is, because that is what is going to affect how troops on the front fare. There is also some guaranteed spillover from neighbors to soften the transitions between bad and good areas (simulating that even if decent railway lines stop at a point it's feasible to transport some distance with trucks or horses etc).
If we are cut off from home area, say fighting in Africa, or on an island, supply will travel overseas using convoys and be limited by the size of the ports receiving it. So making sure convoys are not sunk and bases are able to sustain you is important before doing any overseas activities.
Put transport planes on a mission to drop supplies. Useful for cut off troops (this is still WIP so can't show it yet).
It also worth noting that supply areas will change size if they are being fought over so actual levels will depend on how much you control.
this looks epic

t. johan
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When a unit finds itself out of supply it has a short period of time where they can live off their own supplies, after that their situation will gradually get worse up to about 30 days when things get very bad. Being out of supply makes you lose organization, move slower, not fight as effectively and take a lot more attrition. Veteran players of HOI know that the best way to beat the enemy is to cut off their supply, encircle them and then destroy them, and this remains true in HOI4.

So how can a player improve their supply situation?
You start by finding the bottleneck.

Improve infrastructure to allow more supply into the area.
If linked by sea, make sure to escort convoys and protect them from raiders.
Build bigger naval bases to allow better throughput.
Deal with local resistance.
Research and attach Supply Companies to your division templates to help them manage.
Airdrop supplies.
Simply withdraw some troops from an area.

So, what is supply exactly?
In HOI3 supplies was something you produced and stockpiled, then fed into a flow network towards units. In HOI4 the only thing you can stockpile is equipment so this is what you do. Moving, training, fighting, being in bad weather or in particular in bad supply means equipment breaks down and this equipment needs to be shipped. The worse a supply situation is the longer it will take to send equipment and the more attrition you will take. So instead of a flow network we have a system being limited by bottlenecks.



So this means that the abstract "supply" of HOI3 is now instead requests for specific equipment instead which fits a lot better in with HOI4's equipment and production focus. This also means that there is no separate fuel need as such in the game, this instead is included in production of replacement equipment which need Oil (all tanks, trucks etc). Before everyone chokes on their friday beer give this some thought. Being able to stockpile fuel generally leads to the same problems as all other kinds of stockpiling when it comes to hindsight, so by wrapping it into the actual production of equipment requests to units (also nobody would request a tank without diesel to run it, and if they did it wouldn't really be usable as a tank) everything clicks into place and player doesn't have to micro manage all movement, airplane rebasing etc to try to avoid fuel waste and focus on making sure they have access to a strategic Oil resource and replacement equipment and a clear path for units to be supplied.


this sounds well intended, how will Jewhan fuck it up?
There's a liberal party in Persia that has state capitalism, full citizenship and jingoism if I recall correctly.
That IS considered liberal in Persia

Why the fuck did you copy paste the entire developer diary here if we have links in the OP, previous and current thread?
don't really like state capitalism or planned economy t.bh. Too much shit to keep track of. I like interventionism because capitalists can still build factories and you can subsidize failing ones.
spoilers about hoi4
normies will still find it too complicated and won't even bother with it. paradox fanboys will buy and endorse it, but not fanatically. a lot of paradoxfags will end up pirating it. paradox will go bankrupt after a pathetic attempt to make grand strategy mainstream.
East vs West? Didn't that get cancelled?
Would the suzerainty system make more sense to represent the feudal relationships in for example France in 1066 more than the normal vassalage in CK2?
Can't wait
nigga you get like 15 billion revolts in the first 5 days of the 1946 start which is completely broken.
>How can I tell if it's still in effect? My country switched to a democracy (I forced it back to a dictatorship). Where do I go to see where it's effecting things? Heck, how do I check for modifiers in general like "Nationalist Agitation"?

pls help

More like normies will love its casualness, get into Paradox, play older titles, realise they're too hard, whine to Johan so he can shit out more casual shit, while he laughs and gets richer and richer, then die by getting stabbed by a somalian after watching his wife get gangbanged.
>paradox will go bankrupt after a pathetic attempt to make grand strategy mainstream.
What are you talking about? They didnt go bankrupt after EU4
We can only hope
State capitalism still allows capitalists to build and invest in anything, it's basically intervencionismo where you're allowed to build factories. That party is the main reason it's easy to succeed as Persia industrially and joing the top 6 industries by late game desu, last time I was exporting more steel than both the UK and Germany by 1930.
Memes aside, HoI4 will be much more casual than EU4. Not to mention there's no excuse on casualizing a WW2 grabd strat for people who don't care about history, those people are well enough with all the FPS we have today.
The only thing it looks good for is wacky ahistorical scenarios. Did you know you know you can't starve Japan of oil in that game?

Thankfully HoI 3 is already near perfect
i don't know a single guy irl who has ever bothered with eu4. maybe casualizing it just encouraged POTENTIAL strategy gamers to get into the genre.
CK II became their casual hit. Not sure exactly what rent right with that one. Probably the meme potential.

Hearts of Iron 4™ is going to have a huge competitive scene, because Johan strives for multiplayer balance and FUN. And we won't have shitty mechanics and bigoted events like we did with HoI3.
t. Paradox forums
How do I quickly add Hanover to my SOI?

fabricate add to sphere CB
shit what are you doing?
Help? I think I lost "Remove Undesirables" when the game forced me into being a Democracy.

How do I re-instate it? I don't see it now that I switched back to a Dictatorship, and don't see any provinces with the modifier.
sorry anon,i got warned. croanon is trying to get me banned for exposing him :(
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Is HIP always this retarded? I even gave the Seljuks 100 decadence and a debt of 10k gold, and they kept blobbing with no stop
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>first v2 game
>crisis arises over poland
>its france and russia vs everyone else
>France offers me white peace
>I decline
>WW0 happens
Did I make the right choice?
>they have the good rising sun flag
>it's the symmetrical version
Post the war tab screenshot, I want to see who 'everyone else' is.

Let me guess, you allied the UK?

Enjoy getting raped from both sides while UK murders its troops on Ireland.
>UK as an ally
>Sinks Ireland inot the sea with millions of indian troops
>UK as an enemy
>Drops 500k troops on your capitol
>Wont accept a piece for its virgin islands unless you occupy all of england proper
Thanks to whoever updated the EUIV DLC and DLC activator. For some reason it wasn't working a few months back when I tried it.

I always make sure to fuck UK beyond redemption everytime I play Victoria 2. I will fully occupy them for years, just watching their pops migrate and starve, without peacing out. Then I dismantle and take everything from them and watch them fall to different rebels every year.

At one point in one game, UK was like #40.
>sweden, spain, UK, kebab, austria
I said post a screenshot, you annoying cunt.
How the fuck am I supposed to play as Transvaal in HPM?
Im not at home now m8 Im on a bus.
Then post it as soon as you get back, we need more semi-decent games in this general, not non-stop CK2 and EU4.
Is there legitimate way to change culture as nomad since education doesn't work.
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Can anyone explain how to play as nomadic hordes in CK2? It kinda confuses me.

Also, what's a good horde faction to play as when you've never used one before?

What do you guys think about this mod?
I miss Ireland...
Here is my thoughts on subject:
>You must be logged-in to do that.

It's shit.
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Just find your inner Mongolian.
>Error can not acces forum register cd key to see
I hate paradox all I want is to play mods on my pirated game but NOOOOO thats to much for them
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So who do I play if I want a small, comfy colonial game with a possibility of Partido Socialista?
I was thinking either Canada or California.
California is damn impossible unless you remove USA cores.
No, I was planning to release Cali in 1836 as Mexico like one Anon did a few months ago. He got a couple million immigrants before he had to go to war with USA.
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Anybody ever extended the game lenght of V2 in the files until 2000 and played it for that long?
I want to play a long A-H game where the world turns into an interesting mix with all the westernized powers.
I tried that but USA always declares really soon, maybe I'll have to try again.
>got killed by turks
>kebab remover
The economy breaks a few years after 1936, don't bother.
So I guess I'm playing Cali too, let's find out together.
what do you mean breaks?
> reminder that turks already beat the greeks before the latins even killed them
Most of the political parties stop existing shortly after the game's end.
Prices tank, there's too much everything on the market. Not to mention the ridiculous amounts of pops and the lag it causes.
And how could I forget >>122369959 there's been people modding that shit if they wanted to play beyond 1936.
mods that fix that political parties not existing thing?
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This guy here is the only true kebab remover that has existed.

Nigga was so based that made the Sultan go back to Constantinople repulsed and mindfucked.
Wait for it to pop up as the UK and click the event option that lets you play as them
Only for a few countries and even if they were uploaded good luck finding them today.
what happens when a country doesn't have a party anyway?
You just cannot choose that party, not all of then disappear at the same time. And if all of then are gone I think the game just crashes.
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fuck off you fucking gypsy, he got impaled by the fucking turks later

<--- this is the true kebab remover

Yeah, Timur was also based as fuck too.
Let's say I edit the parties of major nations to end in later dates,would that prevent the crash?
Probably yes, but I don't know shit about modding this shit.
Guess I have no choice.
Releasing them from the console is kind of buggy.
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>kebab remover
>Sword of Islam
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>le kebab = muslim meme

Hello reddit.
Thanks for posting it. But why do you have such a shit military as Prussia? And why the hell do you have unemployed craftsmen as an absolute monarchy?
I wonder how retards can misinterpret that
>Tea and Crumpets = British
>Frog = French
>Kraut/Sauerkraut = German
>Burger = American
>Kebab, shit only greeks and turks eat somehow = muslims
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I dont know man its my first V2 game.
>get fucked murad
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RIP Dreams of a good reich
Oh, so you're being raped after all. We warned you bro.

As for being new, if you have state capitalism you can just build factories, do it. And if you don't know what to build just build liquor distilleries.
Always keep you military spending (the bottom one in the economy tab, not the stockpile) high and use the 4art 4inf 1eng 1hus army composition. You can also use 4art 1eng 1hus stack to fill it with mobilized infantry.
>UK is actually doing something
That's a new one, but it's not like it helped or anything.
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It happens.

I don't know why but I never saw the appeal in playing the already big and powerful countries. Too much pressure.
Is that girl 14?
Any tips on how to win world war one in darkest hour using secondary powers like Italy or the US?
As Italy the germans push me too far back, and France/Russia will die everytime

Start a space program.
I recently watched Kingdom of Heaven, was pretty good.
Nice blog, subscribed!
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wat do
Reach the Moon.
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What should I do with my tarrifs? Is there a reason not to max them out?
not bleed your artisans dry
It will fuck your industry
if you're not subsidising industry it will die

100% if you need the cash. As low as possible if you don't.
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Coming back after a break, what country should I play and what should be my goal? Crusader Kings 2.

Nothing too frustrating pls
declare war on the soviet union to get your cores back.
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r8 my europe after the disappointing as fuck "Thirty Years" War
Romania, Darkest Hour.
Hungary,Count of Bács
Form Wallachia
please help

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Okay, trying to go GROSS germany as Austria is a bad idea, too much time is spent sphering and beating up prussia for greater germany.

Next run I'm going to go Prussia > Germany and see how much lebensraum I can get.
Never played in balkans before. Seems okay.

Cheers, anon.

>independent Crimea when Ukraine and Russia exists

What a travesty.
Just remember to post screenshots.
Mehmed disagrees.
This is one of my personal favourite games.

>slavery enabled
>8.3m pops because of genocide and mass emigration
>absolute monarchy
>12% landowners in some baltic regions
Shame I dont have cores on historical qing land

I have cores on Mongolia though, so I will declares war on Soviets(they have like 20 divisions lel)

Japan went social liberal(but still got indochina), and their navy is still gr0ss, so invading them until I get decent CV is out of the question desu

India will soon be german
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Forgot picccccccccc
Is 20% tarrifs fine? Anything below that makes me go into debt
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>521 industrial score
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>Liberaldem. Partei
Don't do immigration kids!

There should really be some sort of immigration control as an absolute monarchy.
I think PDM had some immigration laws, maybe HPM should consider making something similar. Maybe not to stop immigration/emigration entirely but slow it to a trickle since you always have some movement even with closed borders.
ded thred
>crisis war breaks out and immediately ends in white peace

What the fuck is up with this shit
Let it die lads
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>immigration is always a boon in V2
>Paradox is Swedish

Immigration was a boon to the americas, especially for the USA. People is power.

If the USA had 10 million people it wouldn't be relevant.

Immigration in Victoria 2 is consistent with what went on at the time.

It would be swedish kekery if by the time the Scramble came, thousands of africans/arabs migrated to Europe.

Nah, it's not. There was a lot of immigration between European countries too.

Between each other, yes. I forgot about that.
>Immigration in Victoria 2 is consistent with what went on at the time.
yeah no

its one of the most lazily made features of V2 that basically boils down to Americas and Australia eating up European pops, lets not mention no migration is possible between european countries whatsoever
Prove there was immigration between european countries in a scale that at least gets close to what happened in NA and SA
>Prove there was immigration between european countries in a scale that at least gets close to what happened in NA and SA

Not before you stop putting words in people's mouths.

Where the fuck did anyone say that?
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Well lads?
V2 immigration system is there only to model mass immigration, not the 20 spanish that went to london in 1870

Then it's not not accurate nor consistent with what went on at the time, is it?

Shogun. Fuck the emperor.
Let them live, united Japan is overdone and I want to see how they fare in the Vodka wars.
"Realism is not a meaningful argument"

I jumped the shark and corrected myself. I'm not the anon you're arguing with. >>122376784
Yes and no.
It chooses to model only mass immigration. That's about it.

Irrelevant migration of a few families across the border of Spain-France isn't something that the game wants to simulate.

Honestly, I don't get it why people get so upset over this.
>Irrelevant migration of a few families across the border of Spain-France isn't something that the game wants to simulate.

But that's not the only immigration that happened, you fucking retard. People fled wars to other European countries. In Victoria II, they only flee to overseas.

Wouldn't it be easy to add a modifier to attract immigrants to Europe, similar on how it is with America and Oceania, but lower? Just get the balance right so the bulk of them go to the New World.
Any map/mod on vic 2 that it's close to the old mod of EU III "Civilization Universalis"? I like starting small and getting great desu, and most of the small countrys in vic are bound to be annexed.
Alright, where all the french ran away to during the franco-prussian war? How many ran away?
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So when am I gonna get more pops?

Annex Japan, of course.
You are a traditional samurai republic
You are not supposed to get any pops

Don't specifically know about the Franco-Prussian war, but it takes a special kind of retard to genuinely believe that refugees didn't flee to other European countries. Do you honestly believe that everyone could afford the trip overseas?

>In 1914-15 Belgian refugees arrived in France and the Netherlands in large numbers. Around 160,000 refugees found shelter in the UK, where the government kept a close watch on them.
>Serbia’s defeat at the hands of Austrian forces led to the flight of soldiers and civilians, amounting to one third of the total pre-war population. Half a million refugees made their way across the mountains into Albania. Many ended up in Corfu, Corsica, and Tunisia; perhaps 200,000 died en route.
>Some estimates put the total number of wartime refugees in the Russian Empire at around six million.The refugee crisis transformed many of Russia’s towns and cities. In Ekaterinoslav and Pskov, for example, one in four inhabitants were refugees.


Most people immigrated to the americas during the world wars. Of course some will get displaced in neighbouring countries until the war is over , but they go back. A refugee isn't technically the same thing as an immigrant, usually they go back.
From your own source:
>Most Belgian refugees returned home by the end of the war. Serbian refugees returned to an entirely new country, the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, otherwise known as Yugoslavia.

Tell that to those millions basking in german and swedish welfare.

The point is that not everyone did and it's retarded that Victoria II doesn't model pop movement at all, except for the Americas.
And those committing atrocities in the French capital.

PDM don't fix it? If i remember well, rich countrys get immigrants and poor ones get pops running away.

PDM tries to but its, like many things in it, way unbalanced and retarded.

>UK getting 10k+ migrants
>could be argued because of they still having Canada and Australia as colonies
>pops just move to London

I don't play PDM.
But most came back. So the result would still be a small scale immigration. People displaced by war are not immigrants anon. The game only deals with immigrants.

I'm guessing that's why whenever a war breaks out in Europe that overseas territory gets like 10k migrants for months?
How come pops hardly ever move from the UK to Canada, Australia and NZ before they are released?
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>horse factories

Internal migration is even more fucked up/half assed than international migration

Blame Paradox
What game is this?
>good economy
>good military
>finally peace and no rebels
What now?
I think some submods can change this, been awhile since i've checked though.
Because before it's only the motherland citizens immigrant and when they break free, anyone can immigrate
Do you have good borders?

I tried Divergences and Divide By Zero some time ago. While the premise was excellent, I just couldn't stand looking at those factories, the "always in the green no matter what" economy and the migration shit.
Ya, there should be some way to encourage movement of British pops there though. There doesn't have to be a lot to make the colonies majority British.
>tfw no bosnian gf
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The only problem is that immigration is overall treated equally over all places. So as long India has jobs, british pops will consider a good place as any to emigrate as Australia or Canada, as long as the terrain is the same.
Atwar a multiplayer browser game.

>Gross Belgium

Consolidate power, max out military techs/force limit and fuck Austria up so you can form Germany.

Bonus points: don't peace out until Austria drops of GP, add them to sphere via CB and form Ebin Gross Germanium
Bonus info for you: a country cannot drop out of GP when at war, at least with HPM.

You can guide the pops somewhat on where they migrate to, by giving different modifiers to different continents.

Example: America has 100% immigrant attraction, Europe has 0%, Oceania has 80%

I don't play HPM, and he's playing vanilla.
That's only for normal immigration (country_migration). For colonial migration that doesn't exist.

Right, my bad.
Factory stuff isn't for everyone, best thing going for DBZ is the tech tree now, haven't touched that mod in months because of the rebel bullshit.
How do I improve Jingoism support?
>HOI 4 will be shit

Can someone explain this please. Aside from the ugly map, it actually looks pretty good.

Is it just a troll or do you guys really hate fun?
Read the tooltips in the pop screen

>muh graphics it looks good so the game is 10/10 GOTY


Alternatively, there are 33 fucking developer diaries in the paradox forums. Go read them, then come back here. Then we can have a discussion.
Lads, what do I do as the EIC inr Napoopan?
I've been playing it for almost 20 years now, and jack shit has happened
Am I just supposed t wait untill I get NI and just blob?
Needlessly casualised and automated.

also INSANE counters.
English isn't "60% Latinised"

English several variants of the same word depending on Norman (Generally spoken by the upper class) and Germanic/Brythonic (Generally spoken by farmers.

Obliged (U) - Thank you (L)
Fraternal (U) - Brotherly (L)
Carry (U) - Bring (L)
Liege (U) - Lord (L)

It's the same reason why words for the Meat (Pork, Veal, Beef, Mutton) are closer to French and the word for the animal are closer to German (Cow, Swine/Pig, sheep), because the lower classes raised the animals and the Upper classes ate the meat, hence why Rabbit, Chicken ect. have the same for meat and animal.

English at it's core is more of a cross between dead variants of Brythonic and Germanic languages, which upper class words being your "Norman Yoke"

They're actually most ethnically celtic. I think York is the only place on the isles to have broken 50% germanic admixture.
>playing le GroB Franciums mod
wew lad
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Fucking British Union has a bunch of African colonies, so I need to wait for dismantlement to head home.


Bengal loses their cores after your war with them, so I suppose you could try and assimilate the natives?
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>not Groß

for what purpose?
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And within two years we near double the population of Prussia.

Grob germaniums here we go!
>unironnically being German
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>>unironnically being German
Alt+225 lad.
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We lose some infamy by releasing holstein. After we cool off for a bit we'll release the Baltic Duchy and take Lithuania.
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>Go to vassals child
>Want to educate it
>Select my Orthodox courtier
>Won't accept it, just shows Base Reluctance --
>If I picked a Catholic one it'd go $NAME is my liege +++++

Now how am I gonna revoke titles in two generations for infidelry?
Someone send help.
What do you mean by 'what'?
Waß macht "Alt+225 lad." bedeuten meine familie?

The fuck happened with Austria
Type 225 on your numpad while holding alt.
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Where do I go from here? Russia already has Korea and Manchuria sphered. Is it too early for a Punitive Expedition?
It's never too early for a cheeky punitive expedition, lad.
>Russia already has Korea and Manchuria sphered.
Then try to remove them from their sphere, it's easy as fuck, especially against Russia.
what about Groβ?
Looks groß
t. bh
What site does the "this day in history" stuff come from?

t. Asker

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>60/35 brigades
gross grossßium
groß großßium
groB groBßium
groβ pruBiumß
This thread is groß
Par for the courße
For Yunnan.
Is there a way to remove or add the New World immigration modifier in Vicky 2?
I want to play an african nation and get immigrants but it seems impossible
You're a groß guy.
HPM or Americaminimod guy, are you around? I have a suggestion to make. New England should have some way to get core on New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Perhaps add in a decision that costs infamy and requires you to be a GP, or add in an event that fires after you've already conquered the states.
>Build Pz I Brigade in 1936.
>Upgarde it to Pz II Brigade in 1938.
>The Pz Is have vanished forever, nowhere to be found.
>HQ Units, HQ units everywhere.
>"Should I research new rifles, or improve my relationship with Yugoslavia ?"
>Useless rebels and partisans.
>The war at sea on the western front always ends in less than a year, because Italy and Germany throw everything they have at the Royal Navy and get rekt.
>Out of supply units go from 100% to 10% combat capacity in one hour.

Yeah, near perfect, right.
HoI4 looks much more promising, except for a few points, the absence of oil consumption being one the biggest.
für dich
Bliz halp
>the natives can actually do something that isn't being a buffer zone for the Empire
How? They usually never even westernize in my games.
Are Guards in V2 any good?
Look at their stats
If you're playing with HPM they're strictly better than infantry in combat.
I did but I have no idea what to make of them.

Ask your doctor to reverse the lobotomy, then.
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>tfw I will never be Anglo-french
Then git gud. What's there to not understand? The bigger numbers they have, the better they are.
>tfw I'll never live in a fascist Quebec Libre paradise
You have no idea what the words "attack" "defence" and "speed" mean?
Quebec freed is not so distant, lad. I guess the next referendum it shall pass.

That's just me giving them the land.

The Yanks won the civil war, which meant the Dixies didn't have any cores and magically turned into natives once the state westernised.

I assume the (more) literate dixies, pop money and mountains of railroads I sent to them contributed to their ability to get intellectuals, and so eventual westernisation.
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Straight out of /r/paradoxplaza lads, guy blobbed so much France went fascist early on
>Fascists in 1872
seems legit


Wait, what the fuck?
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Then I will emigrate there, if it has decent gun laws. Right now all I can do is to cheer for them Canadian Frogs.

>All-Russian Fascist Party

what the fuck is this
That's all colonies, right?
Probably. It's the second link in leddit if you want to ask him, I'm just sharing the ebin pics
Do I look like a have a reddit account? Yeah, and Memeth probably imposed some post number limit before you can post on paracvcks plaza anyway.
>Do I look like a have a reddit account
What makes you think there's even gonna be another referendum, separatism died with the no vote.
>posting ebin memes on /gsg/
>Do I look like a have a reddit account
>only need bavaria in my sphere to create reich
>austria keeps kicking my guy out
What do?
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no it's not
>38 million POPs
>all in states
Oh fuck, imagine the industrial potential.
Jesus Christ I spent the day reading and lurking through some threads on /his/ and I simply feel disgusted. What a shithole.
Yeah, I wish it never became a thing. The history discussions we had back in the day here on /gsg/ were on much higher level.
And now because of /his/ we're dead.
Nah the shitposting and historical memeing here still continue to be strong in here. The difference is that the leftards and the redditors all went to /his/ and we aren't memeing the shit off them anymore.
Eh, /gsg/ handle them pretty well. I'd rather have them back and have the thread be actually alive.

After seeing how awful /his/ is, I say good riddance. /his/ as a containment board is awesome.
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Bohemia-Hungary or Hungary-Bohemia?
We reap what we sow lad. /gsg/ memesters wanted a /his/ very bad and even waggled their willies in front of Hiro, and now the got what they wanted.

And as >>122389958 said. /his/ is an excellent containment board for redditors, Meneth-tier SJWs and alike.
Alphabetical order, 'Bohemia-Hungary'.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Yet I still don't like the new order.
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Rate my plans for a groß Italian Empire. Green is under my control, red are puppets, yellow are stretch goals if I have the time and infamy to do so, and blue are even stretchier goals if I've completed all of the yellow goals and still have time.
Wasn't this the plot to Jin Roh?

Go full Rome or bust.
Pretty groß, let's see if you'll be gud enough to achieve all that. And don't forget to post screenshots!
Literally not enough time to do so. Even if I completely ignored infamy, there is physically not enough time to take everything since at most I will only be able to take 1 or 2 French/British states in a war. The wars themselves could take anywhere from 1 to 5 years, and then there is the 10 year truce.
Also a couple of things I might change:
-Whether or not Catalonia exists will depend on when I go to war with Spain. If I go to war earlier enough when Spain doesn't have 4 million pops yet (the threshold for puppeting), then I will just puppet Spain. If its after they've hit 4 million, then I will release Catalonia to drop Spain's population.
-I will probably release all of Africa and the Middle East minus Tunisia and Libya for the infamy loss.
Why Occitania?
Read the title of the pic.
seriously why does hoi4 look like a fucking browser game
Because that is paradox new marketing strategy
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong threads but I never found /his/ that shitty.

Maybe because you're a filthy commie.
Any interesting patrician families in ck? First one with unique flag i spotted had a cock on it.
It isn't. /pol/ faggots are mad they can't spew nonsense without being banned.
If you're not blind you probably should stop posting here on /gsg/ and fuck off back to reddit.
t. gommie
>open up the front page of /his/
>First thread I see "Is multiculturalism bad?"
Yeah, fuck that.
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I attacked Avingon day 1, savescummed until France dishonoured their gaurantee. Then when the Ottomans attacked gave them Constantinople and revoked all my cores, all of them. I'm now a Greek Orthodox OPM with a Catholic French base 3 tax province.

I'm gonna paint it purple senpai.
I have mixed feelings about /his/, on the one hand its yet another place for /pol/tards to go on endlessly about Hitler, Jews, Rhodesia and fling around their amazing sense of entitlement (le /pol/ protectorate where do you think you are lefttard reddit go home face) and the level of discourse about history is attrocious, I asked a question about Chinese historiography and got 50 replies from people who skimmed wikipedia going "muh mandate"

The banter though.
Freedom of speech for what, huh?

Freedom of speech unless you're a commie.
Tell that to the jannies.
>>122394930 here
I miss quoted, this post is for >>122394182
Actually, you free to express /pol/ on /pol/. Keeping discussion on their appropriate places isn't censorship
You're gonna get annexed senpai.
And you should keep discussing your commie bullshit on reddit, everyone will be perfectly happy then.
>try distant worlds universe after reading this thread
>get blown away by how awesome this game is
>spend every evening playing this game for hours
>start to git gud
>slowly realize game has a few balance issues
>download mods
>mods still don't fix everything
>make own spreadsheet and fix weapon balance myself
>AI is still retarded
>difficulties are shit, since they make you worse at everything, instead of making enemies better, taking the fun out of the game and enemies are still retarded
>also realize that the whole game is decided by population and population growth
>play insect race - swim in money
>play some low growth race - can hardly get out of debt ever
>can adjust growth rates for each race but at the same time destroy flavor and the game is still about who has best growth rates on their planets
>multiplayer won't work since each game would take days
>go from being super happy with game to being super disappointed

seriously asking whether developers smart enough to make such a great game, are too stupid to see the obvious flaws with their game i.e. weapons balance, computer behaviour, core game mechanics
>not desperately trying to be /pol/-lite

nice joke there friend
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Every once in a while I return to the idea of making a trap mod for CKII. How fucked up am I?

/his/ is strongly anti-/pol/, though. That's where the commie meme comes from.

Doesn't help the fact that once I was skimming through, I saw 4 threads up with more than 100 replies each, talking about communism.
>How fucked up am I?
Evidently not enough
Thanks lad, I really tried.
Just do it dude.
> will I ever stop being attacked?
You did remove the Abbasids before asking this question, right?
Yeah that's how I feel too. I feel in the earlier days there was better discussion even if there was also more shitposting by both the extremes on the left and right, but I guess a lot of the moderates got scared off and we get lower level discussion like the stuff you mentioned or shit like this >>122394383.

It'd be nice if people could discuss their opinions and knowledge without being shitheads, but that's probably too much to ask. I do find the "/pol/" type comments more noticeable than than the "reddit" type ones, but I think I'm also starting to feel where people are coming from when they talk about its prevalence on the board even if it seems like an exaggeration. In the end both extremes are shitty, but both sides argue the other is the greater evil and it ruins the board.
Well, shit, I just might, but I can't even get Clausewitz to run on my PC for some reason.
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>/his/ is strongly anti-/pol/, though. That's where the commie meme comes from.
/lit/ immigrants I assume.

Also friendly reminder that s/lit/thers are monsters

Yeah, completely forgot about /lit/.
Pretentious little faggots.
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>PU over russia
>get event where russian ruler visits me
>but I am the Russian ruler
Then do it as soon as you upgrade your toaster. I'm gonna be waiting.
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I was worried about that at first but I think I'm safe now, I've joined the HRE and Provence, the only country with a core on me isn't a threat anymore.
France is warning me which could cause problems but we have a royal marriage and mutual military access so if anything I could use that to fuck them over with a -6 stab hit if I see them start to collapse. I'm more worried about my impending bankruptcy if the missionary doesn't do its magic soon.

Roger a Muriebe Hohenzollern
> upgrading
> ever
No can do, m8. I'd appreciate tips on how to deal with the problem I have, given how it lies with the soft and not the hard.
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Should I take Taiwan now, or will I have a chance to take it later on if Formosa is independent?
>1941 – World War II: In Slonim, German forces engaged in Operation Barbarossa murder 9,000 Jews in a single day.

Why isn't this 9,000,000,000 Jews? It's a running gag that whenever it's a shoah day we exaggerate. I am ashame, gsg.
> It's a running gag
It's unapologetic /pol/ shilling.
t. Adus
We can't help you if you won't tell us any details. And we probably couldn't help you if you did.
Take it now.
It's probably just that report and ignore guy hating fun.
Not anymore lad
How do I stop myself from using cheats in CK2.
I hate how shit my provinces are so I just give myself money to build buildings all the time.
> We can't help you if you won't tell us any details.
Eh, it's the libraries. I tried installing and reinstalling VC++ this way and that, and the most successful I got was running a few years at a time in CKII before getting a CtD.
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To talk about books, literature and the meanings behind them? There's a world outside reddit screencaps

Can someone rate my europe?
>decide to check out lit after reading this
>first thread is >>>/lit/7356448
They are like EU4 on release tier, except it has been like that for years
Came back to EU4 after a long time and tried VeF. Has it always been it bad? It's not even out of my tastes, or arguably bad, it's objectively terrible. Every single change adds nothing to the game, just more RNG, and they actually remove features, such as the Curia.
0/10 no meme nations
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Gaijin out
was there a way to avoid this
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>The Empire actually beating the USA that bad and blobbing that hard
Yes, you only had to listen.
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What happened bud?
Living the meme, huh?
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qt trap.jpg
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Not very much. Keep us updated and use a trip if you are really going to do it.
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> joining HRE as ERE
What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick, awful son of a bitch?
thats not a nice grill m8 0/10

she looks autistic and the only thing she would be good for is sending to gas chamber
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don't humour him
That's a Brit. You ought to judge Brits by Brit metrics, lad.
What do I have to change to people of america emigrate to my african colonies? HPM.
I was expecting Ali Pasha to be honest.
> people of america
> emigrate
Choose one. People never emigrate from the Americas.
thats not even good grill for londonistan standards m8
Not true, pops will emigrate from one American state to another all the time.
Even if I change the game archives?
Hello, Reddit told me to ask /gsg/ because "/r/eu4 is not for other games", I am looking for a Grand Stratagem Game set in the cold war (only history I like because the communists[I'm a center-right Marxist-Lenininist pre-1921'er)], some kind of game that pits the West vs East in a maybe a hearts of iron engine. Thanks!
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Why would you expect Ali Pasha?
Taking it over from the inside, first I reclaim Gaul, then I force 4 electors to see the light of Orthodoxy, then I renevatio imperii
If it helps Geheimnisnacht already have a Slaaneshi gender-switch event chain, trait and graphics. You could extract it from the mod and modify it to be compatible with CK2 in general.
I wasn't saying good, only that that lad wasn't judging that grill by Brit standards.
Are you autismal?
Eh, no, it's somewhere in the files concerning migration, you should have no problem changing it.
>Am I autismal
I meant "state" as in "nation-state," sorry if I was unclear. If the political situation in a country in the Americas is bad enough, I've seen them migrate to other countries in the Americas.
You are making two grave fucking mistakes.
1. You recognise HRE as a sovereign state.
2. You throw away your Roman legacy to bow to barbarian dogs. You do know you will stop being ERE and will have no way non-buttfuck way to return to being it upon Renovatio Imperii, right?
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Because of this picture.
Thanks for the tip, m8. I was worrying whether I could make the gender-switch mechanics go smoothly.
Are you literally autismal?
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Have your own provinces become overcrowded up to the point where few dozens of locals go to European or neighbouring cunts and you should end up receiving hundreds or even thousands of immigrants in your colonies desu
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Sorry Poland.png
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Post your meme maps of Europe.
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I actually searched for Ali Pasha to see if he had spent his early years as a gurrl or something.
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He meant that, if you're playing as a meme country with almost no provinces like >>122400486 you should end up having tons of people emmigrating from your homeland if you manage to overcrowd it. They'll still prefer colonies if you have any, but if not they'll just go back to Germany, UK or any other country with good reforms from their culture before they assimilate, or go to other American countries.
Why would I want my tag to be the fucking papist propaganda name of Byzantium when I could be a Greek cultured, Orthodox religion Holy Roman Empire.

Also the ERE had already long recognized the Franks and later HRE as the western empire by the 15th century.
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true map of yurop
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Europe 5.png
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meme map.png
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>posting the inferior version
>posting the thumbnail
wew lad
meme map for ants
fgt i invented that map
>no sudtirol
>no trent
thats a shitty ass reich m9
cnt I improved that map
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Are you going to use a trip or not lad?
>no Switzerland
no I don't like it
> why would I want to be Roman where I can be an unwashed Germ
This is how you sound like.
Switzerland should not exist desu.
45 posts early
you're the true shitposter
>46 posts early
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best memes
I wanted to do it before the Edition shitposter, thank me instead
As long as I can't even get CKII to run properly, I can't really start on with the mod, now can I lad?
That's very noble of you lad, but never do it again
proper thread here
>mfw I'm the biggest fucking save scummer on /gsg/

Sorry bros, but I'm terribad at grand strategy games (unless I play as a major power).
>fighting shitposting with shitposting
This desu senpai
Now this is what I call a quality thread
groß deßu ßenpai
You spooked me at first before I realised what set you off desu senpai.

Why the fuck are janitors cleaning up all of this, we were almost achieving bump limit
Probably someone got banned and all their posts deleted
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Is there any way to stop them or do I have to wait for the mongols to come?
Praise Alp Arslan infidel.
>That total and utter domination of the known world

Is such a thing possible?
>implying AI mongol won't just blob in different direction

fuck your pngs faggot
I think he's just worried because /twg/ is on it's last thread ever.
Fuck your shitty country, m8.
Did I go too far?
Yes. Monster.
not far enough
far too far mate

I'm sorry, I couldn't stop Germany from doing that...
No, you didn't go far enough, Italy deserves to control Rhodes, Crete, Libya, Tunisia and the Southern Cantons of Switzerland!

Mare Nostrum/10

That was the original plan. Ended up getting pretty fucked by wars though.
>Southern Cantons of Switzerland
Kill yourself, don't even dare touch Switzerland.

t. swiss

You still have 15 years anon. Achieve GroßRomancium.
I wish lad, I wish.

wouldn't have thought that since they actually implement a lot of the players wishes
then again the issues are at the very core design of the game and can't be fixed that easily
I miss Anatolia...
New Thread
He made it again, absolute madman!
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hand it over to the AI for 100 years

Someone saved... saved my meme?
i save most things i see on /gsg/ to be honest family
Actual thread
>made 50 posts early
>3 posts early
>There needs to be an option to gulag everyone desu
That's under the "suppress" button in your movements tab of polotics.
Start out with an easy country like Brazil or the US for your first games.
the original number was "9 jews"
Thread posts: 752
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