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Tengu Uninstallation Edition

Old thread: >>121431847
Thread permalink: http://orph.link/eog

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
If you have to ask, you can't do it.

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

Read the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/t9Af7NJY

>Spring: Citadel expansion & cap rebalance release
>Winter: Ship rebalances, new frigs (navy ewar, t2 logi, t2 ice miner), new t2 MJD dessies, missile disruption mod
>Dec ??: Scripted HICs scram, nos/neut tiercide,
>Nov 16: /eog/ pilgrimage to Eve Gate, meet in Imya at 18:00

>Nov 08: Amarr Championship begins, Chessur btfo
>Nov 05: http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/eve-economy-update-eve-vegas-2015-report/
>Nov 05: Manny kicked from CSM for leaks
>Nov 03: Parallax: "Bugs in a Box", jump fatigue reduced, entosis regens, killmarks
>Oct 30: http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/amarr-championships-rules-and-schedule/
>Oct 26: http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/building-your-citadel-one-block-at-a-time/
>Oct 25: All-Out all out of K-Space
>Oct 25: http://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/reworking-capital-ships-and-thus-it-begins/
>Oct 15: SP trading concept presented
>Oct 06: Beta launcher released
>Oct 01: First "Focus Group" will be discussing T3Ds
>Sep 29: Battlecruisers get Foozie'd nice and good.
>Sep 14: CSM 2015 minutes http://community.eveonline.com/community/csm/meeting-minutes/
>Aug 13: Citadel FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mEbMx9xUXje3KH4AppvcjSSoALUVtVEaK6ZZ-zy2Lrs/edit#
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)
First for White Stag Exit Bag
doesn't look like results for the first day are published anywhere yet for the tournament or i'd post them
Reposting details of the Pilgrimage :

>Monday, 16th November 2015
>6pm EVE Time (GMT + 0/UTC)
>Meet at the station in Imya, Genesis

We'll meet up and form a fleet in Imya. Fly a fast aligning and cheap frig in case we get our asses ganked.


Feel free to leave suggestions and vote if you're coming : http://strawpoll.me/5947061
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>Russians trying to bait me with pod fleets
>they don't know I saw their Nemesis
>board stealth hull, log off
top troll m8s, enjoy wasting your time
WHy is there so many retard baiters everywhere ? I swear i can't go out of a station without a Suspect Tayra or soem other shit beign stationned here. It's ridiculous
>not baiting the bait
>multiple characters on same account doing PI
can a single character access all 3 networks on a planet at once?
or do you have to switch characters and fly to each planet 3 separate times?
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is all-out the neo tengoo genesis
>can a single character access all 3 networks on a planet at once?

lol no
How much cytoserocin is traded through hisec hubs? Considering investing in gas cloud harvesting for extra wormhole plundering, but I don't have the resources to actually manufacture boosters.
Join All-Out today, we're being >evicted by dropbears
oh wait i'm retarded, wh gas is fullerenes.
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Are there incursion fleets in low/null?

they are not public.

Join goonswarm or PL for that.

they shit out double LP/ISK per site and allow an extra 10 vindis in.
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>Also, Undocking
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>ship spinning
Why is there a number to see how many times I've spun my ship? I've been doing it for five minutes now to see if anything happens.
Also, Goo Girl Kate inside my Space Pod when?
How do I get the old probe scanning shit back I don't like this new shit at all
a decent amount
Nothing happens. Its just a thing you do when you're bored and waiting for the rest of your fleet.

>Goo girl Kate
Jove please go. Do not lewdify Kate
Turn it off in the settings, it's next to the option to turn off the beta map. You may have to dock and undock afterward, unless that was fixed.
Yeah took me a while to find it thanks
>snuff box
>snuffed out
>eu dream team
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>shadow cartel
I personally jerk off while mining.
So I'm trying to fit out a bestower in a way that'll make it less likely to get murdered. It's amarr, so the first assumption would be armor mods buuut those are all in low slots and I'd really love to use the low slots for expanded cargoholds. Is there something I'm not seeing, or do I just get to stick shield extenders on?
>So I'm trying to fit out a bestower in a way that'll make it less likely to get murdered.

Don't autopilot, problem solved.
That doesn't change the fact that an eighteen second align time isn't great, though.
align quick, don't autopilot, try not to carry more than 80m in your cargo
Then I guess you'll have to pick between expanded cargoholds or intertial stabilizers.
If you want to not die fly a sigil instead

the high cargo t1 industrials are all maximum gankbait
This, use the high tank variants like the Miasmos. Their tank far supersedes the Iteron Mark V with far less cargo capacity but you're so much less likely to get ganked carrying 200m worth of shit in a miasmos purely because the tank is so huge
I hadn't actually thought about that, Sigil looks like a good option. Thoughts on what to look at for mid slots?
>Thoughts on what to look at for mid slots?
the miasmos has more mids so if you use those mids to shield tank and the lows to use cargo extenders that could work really well
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something like this I guess, cargo rigs leave the ehp a little low still if you're worried about ganks

the miasmos is the ore hauler dude
>the miasmos is the ore hauler dude
fuck me sorry its called the Nereus
>11k shield from two large extenders
Fucking what
oh, I'm not used to seeing rigging. I guess I should learn that shit.
You'd go with one adaptive and one EM over two adaptive or one EM one thermal?
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>using active resist boosters
if you're at the computer, just manually warp. If you're not at the computer, use passive resist modules instead.
>not used to seeing rigging
That's a core skill in fitting.
The account is five days old. It's added to the Grand List of Shit, though.
You don't need skills for them, can fit T2 even
Huh. So they are. T2 is a bit out of price range, though.
it's not an instaceptor faggot

being active and clicking warp doesn't do anything if there's a ganker there and you fit shitty tank

>inb4 telling the newfag to use a webbing alt

and you can make a badger that's even tankier, I just used the race he's got trained since he's new enough that he's using them for anything
nigga this isn't /co/
sorry senpai
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>tfw drowning in money
>make 100m an hour
what do I do with it. I've never had cash so easy before
Just buy shit and kill people
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wheres the aliens in this game
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Is this a ruse or is CCP calculating skills client side with brain in a box?

we are the aliens, anon
I cant wait for the mass ban when people start messing with skill queues
>capri sun kraftfoods

Figures he would be the one going fast.
fairly fast fuccboi
>use this opportunity to make a couple of deep safes
i love eve players
I thought it was only possible to do up to 14 au extra from the solar system radius or the deep safe gets moved or deleted.
as he said in the video, this bug couldn't be used to make deep safes - or even probably to slowboat between celestials. it's not fast enough. but i'm amused that it was almost the first thing omeone thought of to use it for.
Is there any benefit of using corp to set buy/sell orders?

So, ships are moving like they should?
Acceleration continues rather than maxing out as if we're in a liquid?

But still holy fuck is brain in the box that buggy all the time or was that some major client bug? It still gives us the worry about client side manipulation/hacks which would kill eve forever like other client side based mmo's (archage etc).
That was an insrt fuckup plz dont blame us that abortion of an op was literally a last minute shitshow
Newfag who was asking about bestower fits here, I've got an unoccupied impel bookmarked in a wormhole with an exit to highsec. Trial accounts can't drive impels, though, so I'd like to sell the location. Contact Kalnid i'Xiia if you're interested.
Whats the star type, number of sites, are there any other POSes in the hole? Is it a c1 or a c6 or what?
C2, three wormholes and a gas site. Were a couple of data/relic sites but I cleared them out. There's I think two or three other POSs in the hole, but no forcefields on dscan. Star's a red giant. Entry wormhole is at beginning to decay.
Other than the one the impel is at, to clarify.
>two or three other POSes
>he wants to sell it
HAHAHAHA. And new you certainly are.
The impel, not the hole. I spent probably the better part of an hour clearing out data sites, so there's probably not anyone murderous at the moment. Unless I'm missing something?
Is the entrance in Lonetrek or close by?
is the impel inside a forcefield by any chance
I mean, I didn't think 'no forcefields on dscan' left a lot of room for question.

Nowhere near, it's in Tash.
you seem awfully confidant for a newb
Blame it on having played like five years ago and reading three different blogs before starting the trial.
how about you warp to it and see smartass
I did, that's how I got the bookmark on the tower it's next to. There's no field up.
t h r e e
if theres any hangers floating blow that shit up and loot it
There's a bunch of hangars but my firepower is pretty shit, nothing stronger than a destroyer. Enough to manage it in a timely manner?
How to win fights against noobs in lowsec 101 :

1. Lock them from a distance near a gate/station but don't shoot
2. Watch as many of them lock you back and start shooting
3. Ayy lmao

Also for best results, fly a frigate and target ships bigger than you. Many of them will warp away but you'll still get a sizable amount of retards.
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I'd liketo know this too. Can I blow up a hangar without dreads, bombers or ishtars or does it have millions of hp like any other structure?
they have like 20k to 50k ehp, easily soloable in afew minutes of shooting with litrally anything
oh lol I didn't realise it was client side. Literally rip EVE.
And then three stratioses popped out. Your instruction is appreciated.
Not that guy, but it honestly hadn't occured to me that it might be bait. That is actually pretty clever.
It now occurs to me you probably meant that there were three Stratios hulls stored in there.
Yeah no I mean out of the dead hangars. Woulda been a heck of a shock if it was bait though.
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so what you're telling us is that you are prepared to sell someone the bookmark to 3 stratios and an impel in a wormhole with an HS exit?

pic related, and 20% of that is 768m ish, which is probably where you should start your offer and see what people say.
Nah, the stratioses were all packaged, moved them out. Impel's still there, though.
Were the Stratioses white and red? Because I think they were mine.
I'm, uh. Pretty sure stratioses are white and red by default.
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>taking anon's stratii when he's not looking
How do I activate my Biggest Bully title
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What's in your queue today /dog/?
Sharpshooter V one one account, Interceptors V on the other. I may take a break from training those but for now it's the default.
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T2 triage.

Should be done by December.

Alt is doing t2 hic bubble as well. Finally a reason worth getting it.
How much have you spent on cute clothes for your alt?
Minamatr destroyer V
About 500 mil for my alt
Close to 800mil for my main
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congrats, nice find
just shoot the impel for a dank KM in my opinion to be honest family
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Lel, I shot some of his rats in the site.
HAM's for my Legion. Only 11 days to go.
help, someone is trying to buy a wormhole i found but they only speak nip

Tell him this, he'll understand

That's not how you spell nakadashi, though.
>set him back for literally pennies
>he wastes even more money as "revenge"

Emotions can run wild
And then the nips actually paid out 200m for the hole after checking it. Shit, maybe I should've scanned down the other towers and popped them too, see what fell out.
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and people say hisec anoms aren't worth it lol
i really need to try some for a while and get a feel for the escalation rates
They aren't, he would have made 3 times the money in null or WH.
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VNI ratting in catch is getting me a measly 17m per tick (12 with a ess up). That's really shit money compared to sansha relics which hit 100m/hr. If you could consistently get those kinds of high sec escalations you'd be better off than I am. At least you're not hawking local.
Who said anything about VNI ratting, thats to afk.
You could easily do 10/10 escalations and pull 500mil per hour or C6 for 1,5bil per hour.


WH needs multiple people or toons, loots got to get out and be sold.
Escalations are still loot fairy RNG, but in general do have 50-100m of bounty.

The ratting is obviously leaving out the odd faction spawn. I guess it was my fault for comparing an active task of finding sites and escalations against afk ratting.
>WH needs multiple people or toons
17m is more than you get in sma space with an ishtar, kek

I assume that's just because of competition or something. I've never lived in cfc land. It's the land of mystery and plans upon plans carried out by the megalomaniacs at the top.
Stop measuring relics/data sites in isk/hr. That's not how this shit works.

I've found that it works when dealing with intact plates. Agreed it's not direct isk payout. Don't have a general way to describe the income from relics.
ded site
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>10 people in vbros
ded as fuck
it's reclining
Old player back after 2, almost 3 years , put too many hours into and Was always shit, only once ever won a pvp fight , and that was out of sheer luck
Anyways , probobly alot has changed , anyone got the basics/most imporant stuff that has changed since around mid 2013ish ?
sov isn't about bashing structures any more, it's about king of the mountain for the first round and then capture the control points for the second.

jump range got hugely nerfed so null empires are more restricted on where they can escalate with their caps

relic and data sites have a minigame to hack now, the loot spew was removed. between this and mobile tractor units making salvage a lot easier to get, salvage prices have dropped.

there's a new universe map which is pretty ok and recently a new scanning map with keyboard shortcuts for probe manipulation and dscan, which really appeals to the explorer in me

the CFC rebranded to the Imperium to benefit mitten's irl RMT, downsized considerably, and restructured their rental system. Black Legion has disbanded. Hero disbanded (maybe?) and Brave crumbled, left sovnull and is now in calmil and rebuilding. C6 wormhole space is controlled by renting russians (their leader was recently banned for RMT though), NoHo is dead and all the wormhole pvp groups are now in C5s intead.

t3 destroyers with in-space mode-switching and no skill loss were created, proved to be incredibly versatile and everyone is flying them now. there are now less reasons to fly assault frigs than there were before.

sleepers are doing spooky things and have been seen outside wormholes. the amarr empress was assassinated by a faction that seems to be somehow associated with the sleepers and who are known for stealing bodies and repurposing them - possibly for reuploading the brains the sleepers are protecting.

there's been a couple of rendering improvements and ships look better. there's been UI updates in many areas - neocom icons are now monochrome and flat, ship/drone overview icons reworked to give more information, corp management interface improved (a little bit).

cont from >>121831639

plex climbed to about a bil around the time you left, ccp banned input broadcasting for multiboxers and a lot of accounts were unsubbed and plex dropped down to about 600m. then ccp introduced ship skins and other ways of spending aurum and the plex market started rising again and it's around 1.2b now i think.

all-out celebrated its first birthday a week or so ago. oruze is still memeing strong and you should still >join tengoo.
Been bored and thinking of ways you could crash the EVE economy
Ofcorse if someone(s) sonehow managed this, A ban and a wave of a finger from CCP would set things right again, but it's still an inresting thing to think about
> a dozen or so of the richest players (or a single player if he has the money, I don't know the numbers speificly ) in eve get together and decide that something cheap, but required in production shall be theirs, something like pyrite ?
> so they get together and buy out all the pyrite on the market , and keep on doing so till most if not all the pyrite is owned by them
> things like pos that require alot of isk will eat up the reserves, and pyrite prices rise to ridiclous levels
> then turn around and sell trillions of pyrite across the market at a price of 1 isk
You can't cause a crash but you can royal fuck it up
>BDCI finally left

Oh boy I can't wait for fleet numbers to not change even a little bit.
CCP wouldn't give a fuck. Not to mention your argument is retarded.
>hey guys let's crash the market of an item that can be generated anywhere XD
> ban and a wave of a finger from CCP would set things right again
CCP: was getting caught part of your plan?
Big guy Corp : yes
CCP: Well you got yourself caught! Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Big guy Corp : crashing this economy with no surivors ..
Is the person who did the 5/10 in a memefleet with me here?
On mobile but not at home atm
Possible online in the next 8 hours?
Almost certainly, but not reliably until after midnight central time (about 7.5 hours). Possibly within the next couple of hours though.
Debating wether or not to start playing. The game seems huge, and I'd like to be a part of it, but it'll probably be overwhelming and I've always sucked at vidya anyway.
Also not sure if I want to pay fifteen bucks for a game I'll be playing for, on average, maybe an hour a day.

Is the game less fun if you suck? Is it doable to not play for long periods of time at once? Do I need to be a Wolf of Jita Street to get rich?
>Is the game less fun if you suck?

Short answer No
Long answer Yes

If you're just cool with having someone FC for you and being a retarded line member you will get fun from the game to a certain point.

If you actually go do shit in the game, undock every day, with or without your fleet and start doing random shit your eyes will open to what EVE really is.
grath sure looks different than I expected not as different as say elo looks from his voice but still.
At the moment I've just joined a good corp (BTC anyone?), I have a Caracal Navy for PvE and in 3 days I'll be ready for a mining barge with Strip Miner II's. An

For PvE, would I recommended to go for a Drake and then a battleship, or should I go for a T2 Cruiser?
When you change regions, you'll notice a few good luck hits like this, even in hisec. I got a LG halo omega in hisec and i've always noticed ratting gets a slight improvement from rngsus when you travel.
Saw a guy get three officers in his forst fortnight in nullsec, i've seen three in 6 years. There are other stats in play than we are told about, the map remembers where you've been and rewards leaving your comfort zone.
Pyerite spawns erry day.
Also: implying people don't already do this on a wide range of commodities all across the map.
For a small ship, it's better to have 2 resist rigs or 1 resist and 1 core extender?
depends if you're plugging a resist hole or going for raw ehp, the extender gives you a bigger sig, can't remember if the resists do.
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it depends
how about giving more information
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I don't really travel much.

Thrasher for the higher angel sites. The dessies, elite frigs and target painting is tearing my butthole, so I'm planning on dropping one of the 200 calibration rigs and giving it something other.


Nullbear ratting just get a VNI drone boat.
Nullbear ded sites get a tengu or rattlesnake.

The above applies to low sec ratting/deds as well. There's no real need for ishtars for ratting. Don't mine unless you really, really need to. It slow as balls and worse money than VNI ratting. Unless you've got yourself the good null only ore, but that means you're producing, selling locally or have a buyback.
>I don't really travel much.
Not many do, it's weird.
Most people in the game suck and are unable to do shit unless they group with other bads. So whether you're one of those or not as bad as you think, there's room in the game.
Not playing for long periods is fine since training happens in real time, but you will want goals or a decent group (i.e. newb corps out of highsec) so you don't just spin your ship in station or do missions when you can play.
Having checked the current market price for plex and seeing how much you make for various activities, am I correct in saying it's near impossible to become self-sustainable within less than half a year?
For PVE, and if you have a shield extender in mid slots, resist + core rig is good. If you are using a shield booster go for all resist rigs.
>do i need to be wolf of jita street to get rich?
tfw i realized yesterday that with 10 days of trade skills on a flat remap and 2b in capital you can make 800m a month by logging into a single character twice a day. i'm seriously considering pulling my scout out of her hole, putting those 10 days on her as well and setting her up trading in a different hub with my current liquid capital. Then after a month or so i might be able to start plexing a second account
Its a lot harder than it used to be but its not impossible by a long shot

incursion runners can make a 500m in a weekend for like 3 hours combined and come out with that much. Multiply that by two weekends or even 3 if you're salty and you can really make enough.

I used to be able to pay my subscription through a secondary exhumer alt I had, I'd play eve but let my second character run in the back ground while I did homework and shit, by the end of the month I'd pay like 400m for a plex and I had like 120m left over. However now that its over a billion I can't really do that as often as I used to. I probably could still do it but it'd take WAY longer to do
>earning money just by logging in
How does that even work?
forgot my pic
>trading session 15mins
>twice a day = 30min a day
>30 days = 15 hours a month
>less than 100m/hr
He means trading, and with only 2b he's probably doing full autismo station flipping.
everything depends on the speed with which you grok the game and the wisdom of the choices you make. a guy from here paid for his first plex during his first week of trial by doing balls to the wall null exploration out of thera. once you have capital, station trading snowballs in effectiveness with number of characters. once you understand the market, trading between regions can be very lucrative relative to the investment. three characters doing PI on one account in a good wormhole can put out half a plex to a plex per month depending on what you're making and how autismal you are. etc, etc.

mining on one account? nope
missioning in hisec? nope
any of the afk null ratting setups? nope
How? imo the max per character is around 800m/h via wh escalations

>mining on one account? nope
>missioning in hisec? nope
>any of the afk null ratting setups? nope

You can plex easily on any of these three, lmao
crack dealing m8
yeah, yeah, i'm making measurable improvement though
i'll catch you one day

>53m/hr for something that can be done without undocking, without any risk, that scales perfectly with number of characters and that i haven't even scratched the surface of in terms of sp yet
>something that you can do with 10 days of sp, compared to, say, 60 days of sp to sit in a shitfit ISKtar or tengu

he's trading on a very large scale

you can plex on any of those, sure
"easily" means different things to different people; maybe you're ok with the amount of time needed doing those things per month to plex. I'm not. many people are not. look at minerbro; he was running 7 accounts and making a plex a week by mining 4-5 hours a day, but he burned the fuck out or something cause i haven't seen him post in months.
>i'll catch you one day
That was a yearly stat. So good luck next year.

>he's trading on a very large scale
1.8mil sp I probably had the same number of orders as you.

but yeah, as i've learned - while orders does mean a good bit, capital means way way more.
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>mfw accidentally talking to ladyboy degenerate charlie cong
so, 20 days left of my free trial. Im loving it so far. Eve veterans tell me, is the player population declining or should i renew memebership
it's a meme
The population doesn't matter. It's stable.

The question is do you have enough imagination to have fun in the game?
I think the population does matter for a game thats oriented around interactions with other players.

I know the game is only as boring as you are
population is dying but you should stay subbed since you've never played it before.
except when it says "26k players" its not really 26000 different people thats just accounts logged in
it's up to you how much fun you have, some people see freedom like that as terrifying and demanding. They're right.
Don't be impressed by these spaec rainmen making $10 per hour and thinking they are stealing heaven. Adults with jobs just sell plex and do whatever they want because making isk ingame is fuckin retarded.
Population is at its lowest but its stable and there is a lot to do, the whole dying thing is just a epic reddit meme some faggots brought over here to shitpost.
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>adults pay money for fake vidya cash
Alright thanks, guess i can play for a few months and see how it turns out. Btw what skill should i focus on as a noob? I wanna do some exploration (mining, hacking etc) and some pvp pirating
yeah, it's a thing called being time poor but money rich. The money for a plex is chicken feed, but 3 hours to do anything for play money is nuts.
Every thread has these weirdos who spend a few minutes a day making bazillions of monopoly money.
I sell plexes to those who have time to shoot red crosses, when they groan about having to go grind isk to make their sub for the month i just shrug and go burn 10 svipuls trolling FW lowsec.
Remember kids, 80m isk is about a dollar. That's a minute's pay to someone with an ok job.
>I wanna do some mining
Lol no you don't.

Just go for exploration for ISK making and pvp for fun making.
Mining is not really exploration and exploration (scanning skills) only overlap with PvP when it comes to WHs.

As for "pvp pirating" you could try FW on T1 frigates like tristan, kestrel, merlin, incursus, breacher and stuff.
>60$/hour, okay job
the fuck you live
The usual circuit people run is 1)git gud 2)make some friends 3)WH corp for turbo jewing 4)pvp corp or sov for combat lols.
There's ways to mix that up, sov alliances have wh corps or do daytrips for pve grind. You can ninja pve sites of all kinds in null, refit out of depots for pvp. Up to you.
ok, i dont wanna mine

>FW on T1 frigates like tristan, kestrel, merlin, incursus, breacher and stuff.
also whats WHs
Faction Warfare
you know google is your friend
That reminds me of a fight I had with a dual rep incursus. Fucking bullshit outhealed me although it couldn't hit me because I speedtanked it.
WHs = wormholes. Also known as W-Space.
wormholes, aka bob's gift to new eden and the bringer of justice to carebears and nullbears and linkbears everywhere
>bringer of justice to carebears
That's CODE.
one thing i'd recommend is joining the chat channels "/v/ bros" or "DoomedFromTheStart" when you're ingame, for starters. this will get you in contact with the 4chan users who actually log into the game.
Australia, self employed.
That's why i never get into this discussion online. If you work some shitty service sector job and think $15 is gonna cramp your style, but still have time to grind play money, then your life is all backwards and i can't relate.
Props if the wallet is your eve scoreboard, but i was meh about that after i made my first 800m. Took me ages shooting npc haulers and ratting null solo in a thrasher, then a cyclone. Bought my first plex 3 years in and realised chasing isk is fucking dumb. Now i could plex my account with 2 toons doing null PI for the alliance buyback, but even 10 minutes a day is a drag, i log on to have fun. Shit, i'll mine mercoxit just to collapse a morphite market, i'll pay people to camp people just for lols, but i'll never log on to grind up isk.
if only CODE wasn't full of fags and had more fun fags
>Fucking bullshit outhealed me although it couldn't hit me because I speedtanked it.
2 rep inc vs mwd tristan, nobody wins.
i love my 2 rep incursus but it has to drop on somebody because even mwd fit it's not gonna cure this kitey meta
set it up yourself, killing hisec non combat ships aint no challenge. Hay guise let's go catalyst some retrievers whoo whoo
Good thing the tristan is getting its shit nerfed.

Fucking t1 minmatar frigs need a bigger buff instead of that small cpu and powergrid boost.
ye but i'm complaining about 0 effort killboard padding you shoudl realise that
1. I already can do this myself
2. I'm a huge fag that just wants le social aspect of this ded game
>0 effort killboard padding

literally who cares, people gank for the pleasure, the tears and the money, not to pad their killboard
not CODE
>this book
Can I waste a player's playtime by orbiting and pointing his capsule?

The only things I see standing in my way are the daily maintenances and me getting bumped.
He'll either rip his implants and log out or do nothing

you're not really wasting anyone's time but your own
>tfw writing epic book about tengoo but nobody will gimme all that jewish cash
>rip his implants
That's a win situation to me since I don't get a standing hit
Win situation again since he doesn't get to play

I can always afk and his capsule will not autowatp away since it's pointed yes?
>That's a win situation to me since I don't get a standing hit
you get a standing hit for killing the pod, not killing implants

The pod (or any ship) makes a call for one warp away, if it gets pointed at any time in that, it stops and the ship stays until the timer logs out

but what you're proposing is just a waste of your own time
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Why is this sexy bitch so goddamn hot?
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An ass worth cynoing for.
>being on the undock of jita with a JF
>in goon space
>being on the undock of jita with a JF
fucks gonna happen?

>in goon space
thats Jita too, or Perimeter
I ain't no filthy goon
Goons are notorious for ganking freighters

the amount of freighter ganking is through the roof in recent days. Its extremely unsafe to boat the JF through highsec anymore
Notorious for ganking shitters you mean.
You should never die in a JF, literally impossible if you don't have downs.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't join karmafleet
>You should never die in a JF, literally impossible if you don't have downs.
I'm not kidding when I say this, they have tornados that prowl near by jumping stations and they gank your cyno, gank your web alt, gank any other cyno they can find then attempt to gank your freighter

Which is the primary reason no one travels in JF's in highsec at all without a webbing alt, hoping that even works, since all it takes to cancel your warp is an instalocking point from a t1 frig or some shit.

People who don't die to ganks only use their JF in lowsec exclusively and they light perfect cynos and they cover all their bases
they're goon shitters who just rat all day
I've traveled 7 times today between home and Jita moving shit worth over 6bil and I never use webbing alts, I do have an extra secret cyno ship in a dead end system in a station nobody uses but that's about it.
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have fun when goons come to get you.

Theres an insane number of kills that happen in highsec, just for your information

even with the tank buff over a regular freighter, freighters are insanely easy to gank with a few catalysts and talos's
You're high nigga, nobody goes to those extremes unless its a very specific target they hate or got paid to kill.
woops forgot the link

>You're high nigga, nobody goes to those extremes unless its a very specific target they hate or got paid to kill.
Yea they fucking do

you think I'm tin foil hating or some shit, goons go out of their way to spy into PL and every other one's freighters, watch lists them and ganks them

They do go to those lengths


heres just one of many goon ganks
>oh no a lot of machs ready to bump me
>good thing I have this handy cyno alt docked and ready to bail me out
>undock cyno alt light cyno, jump
>oh no super tryhard impossible shit anon probably made up tornado just uncloaked, too bad he can't target me for like 15 seconds because of decloak and even then a nado with sebos takes over 3 seconds to target a rookie ship
nokekbody is surprised by this? please tell me you fags have been playing for a week tops
>>good thing I have this handy cyno alt docked and ready to bail me out
>some rando goon ganks your cyno in a cockbag thrasher or tornado

>can't jump anyway because you're pointed

>tornado uncloaks
they don't uncloak, they undock with you
The only guy we care about is Gor since he's our guy.
gor is reddits guy oh wait i forgot where i was :smiley face:
>they don't uncloak, they undock with you
even better they'll probably miss at point blank

>can't jump anyway because you're pointed
this thing called gate cloak lets you insta jump.
>a nado with sebos takes over 3 seconds to target a rookie ship
you realize rookie ships are frigates and have the same sig radius as frigates and sometimes larger right?

a tornado can instalock and kill a pod, but you think a rookie ship is more immune?

>theres this thing called gate cloak
and your cyno is still dead to a cockbag thrasher or a tornado
>a tornado can instalock and kill a pod, but you think a rookie ship is more immune?
do you even play EVE?
Try it right now friendo, undock with a frigate and try to kill it as you're moving with him.

not tanking your emergency exit cynos
muh 6k ehp velator
>n-n-no guys I'm immune to ganks because I thought a head, I outsmarted the goons by having a back up cyno, even though I'm heavily relying on contingency that is almost equally vulnerable and prone to getting ganked

>no they undock together you'll never hit it
relatively speaking since you're aligned in the same vector, transversal even at a few hundred meters is more than likely near zero, perfect especially with things like tracking enhancers/computers and TP's

>muh 6k EHP velator
you're just back pedaling now because you're running out of arguments thinking goons somehow DON'T actively go out of their way to gank people like this
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Guess the ship from my purchase log.
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>goonshill throwing a tantrum
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>relatively speaking since you're aligned in the same vector, transversal even at a few hundred meters is more than likely near zero, perfect especially with things like tracking enhancers/computers and TP's
but you're not, the undocks always throw you at different vectors

they don't, not without a backstory, at this point you're just linking retards without explaining anything, anything could have happened.

>at least I'm coming up with real arguments not made up shit, link me this dead cyno ships that lead to the death of a JF, this is all tinfoil shit without any evidence.
>they don't, not without a backstory, at this point you're just linking retards without explaining anything, anything could have happened.
>muh back story, its not real because all of these retards didn't have cynos

I'm sure

if you were in PL for more than a year you'd know how often it happens, goons create watch lists using pilots they know, the characters being sold as JF pilots on the character bazaar, they then use KB information to identify cyno characters and alts and compare them to relative data on where the JF pilot sits and where the cyno alts sit.

think its all a magical conspiracy? good luck thinking that I'll look forward to the next nomad I see dead and wonder if it was that naive anon who thought he was ungankable
some kind of meme firetail?

ok mr goonshill
literally nothing happens in 2 years
>muh sandbox
>ok mr goonshill
>The PL player warns some anon about goon ganking that has been happening for years
>blows it off as anecdotes because his anecdote is perfect, then calls the PL player a goon shill

Why would a goonshill warn someone about being ganked? thats like mcdonalds told their customers "don't buy our burgers they'd bad for you"
No, thats like the NSA hinting they're all knowing and all powerful when in fact they monitor jack shit.
That doesn't make sense anon, think for a moment, why would a goonshill tell a potential victim to watch out for ganking, that makes no sense.
lmfao goon shit detected
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Close. It's a slasher
for attention, hence goonshill
"omg spooky goons are smart as fuck and go to extreme impossible lengths to kill someone they must be awesome, you should all watch out or the goon'sll get you"
>for attention, hence goonshill
That still doesn't make sense anon, god damnit use your head. Attention seeking is not a reason why you'd tell a victim you were gonna stab them soon, that literally makes no sense and "attention whoring" doesn't justify that answer

jesus christ take a hint

shit/10 no web.

your TD is useless if you can't control range
Its literally reverse phsycology to make people want to join them because of of how "badass" and"crazy" they are by showing feats and kills.
Goon public corp that rats all day, three pinged fleets every 3 months minimum or you're kicked. I joined because autz is shithouse, introduced myself on the forum in the largest typeface i could. Moderating goon reduced typeface to small print and muted me for three days.
6 years into eve and KF/goons are the biggest shitlers other than PL i've ever met.
>cap booster 50

use navy 50's and get the 9th charge instead of just 8

use a type-D nanofiber, the extra agility will help your TD work better as you ring circles around your opponent faster
>Pseudoelectron containment field
thats an expensive module, sure you can't use the F85?

>two burst aerators
use resist rigs instead to help the MASB, otherwise a laser ship is gonna alpha right through you
It's good against bigger ships that can't out speed it.
>Its literally reverse phsycology
No anon, reverse psychology doesn't fucking work like that and it still doesn't make any sense

a goon shill warning you to take extra caution because goons will gank your freighter, only to use "reverse psychology" to make you do more stupid shit? thats obviously not how it works because you're gonna do the same thing you've always been doing

Judging from the AB he wants to use it in Fac War.

Plex fights are all about range control and with no web you gonna have a bad time.
if a tormentor scrams and webs you, he's automatically faster than you and he'll do more damage to you regardless if you use a TD, yea you can TD him to death but his speed is literally double yours at this point and he dictates transversal and range meaning your TD won't work.

Your TD would work on a longer range ship or a ship that doesn't need transversal, like a rocket kestrel or a MWD light missile condor or something
[Slasher, active armor td]
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
Damage Control II

Balmer Series Tracking Disruptor I, Optimal Range Disruption Script
1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Projectile Metastasis Adjuster I
this is an ok fit but it lacks resistance which means the explosive hole and the kinetic hole are wide open

I'd rather go with the MASB fit

Damage Control II

1mn AB
x5 web
j5b scrambler
MASB w/ navy 50 charges

200mm guns
a neut if you can fit it


anti-em resist
anti-therm resist
anti-em resist OR core extender
Huge drop to my defenses when you remember that I'm shield tanking
>Anti-em screen rig
Yea you're right on that one. I can't figure how to properly utilize my calibration if I have to use that rig though.
I actually asked this some threads ago but i couldn't figure it out.
>navy booster
I'll check it out. Here's hoping it isn't expensive as fuck.
>Huge drop to my defenses when you remember that I'm shield tanking
its 10.5% resists on the PECF and 9.5% on the F85, thats not a lot on a frigate

the nanofiber's agility bonus will seriously help you with the TD, overdrive just does speed remember

navy 50 charges aren't expensive at all, that 9th charge in the MASB will really help

Its a slasher. If doesn't mitigate damage it dies. Resist ain't gonna matter. The repper is to just shrug off any damage you take before setting up the TD fuckery
Here best fit

[Slasher, bestfit]

Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Navy Cap Booster 50
1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner

150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
150mm Light AutoCannon II, Republic Fleet EMP S
5W Infectious Power System Malfunction

Small Projectile Burst Aerator I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II
Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Also the slasher is shit.
>Also, the slasher is shit
And that's exactly why I use it.

Also, now you guys have calibration to spare but I guess it can't be helped.
Looks like a fine fit if my SP wasn't full shield tank. But yea there's still the resistance holes.
why not use a firetail?
Because people tend to run from the firetail more often than they'd run from my slasher. I'd just use my Dramiel then.
While we're in a fitting mood, what's a good ship to kill daytrippers inside my WH? I can't make up my mind whether to sneak up a Stealth Bomber, Stratios, Recon, or brute force it with something simpler like a Sleipnir or Myrm. Most of them are flying Stratios/Asteros or Cov Ops ships.
The stealth bomber is best since they're running cov ops.
Oh and by stealth bombers, I don't mean the torpedo kind. I mean the smart bomb kind.
Like this?

Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Overdrive Injector System II
Overdrive Injector System II

Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Sensor Booster II, Scan Resolution Script
Large Capacitor Battery II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II

Ammatar Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Ammatar Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb
Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb
Caldari Navy Large Graviton Smartbomb
Caldari Navy Large Graviton Smartbomb
Federation Navy Large Plasma Smartbomb
Improved 'Guise' Cloaking Device II

Large Semiconductor Memory Cell II
Large Semiconductor Memory Cell II

Ogre II x5
i feel stupider after reading this
stick to kspace please
Can't wait to kill that ship with a svipul.
this fit is pretty anemic on DPS, barely 100 without a gyro
It has a neut though. You'll do more damage if they can't rep
>these posts

Its like you guys actually enjoy being retarded!
You're also assuming they're running based on cap or don't have a cap booster

I know what you're saying and I know how neuts are really useful, but the neuts are situational, and apply as necessary. if you engage another slasher or some capless fit, the neut matters less

problem is that you're barely doing enough DPS to be competative, there are certain brawler fits that will eat you alive, particularly things like merlins, incursus or god forbid a fucking punisher
And you're trapped in here with us.
>a slasher has a very specific engagement profile
more news at eleven!

you just gotta be selective about what you jump into, and hope you can break their reps. either you take no damage or you die.
>>a slasher has a very specific engagement profile
>more news at eleven!
thats not what I meant, your fit doesn't revolve around the neut, your fit revolves around being small, nimble and fast but the DPS your ship puts out is arguably one of the strongest traits, you really gotta have enough DPS to properly engage your target, even if you're not fighting up or anything having sub 100 dps isn't that great when so many other ships put out more
TD fit cruci generally useful as intro ewar or not?
How to make isk on drifter incursions
Step 1: Warp into fresh site with cheap cloaking frigate with allot of cargo space, 800m3 prefered, so get t2 cargo rigs
Step 2: mwd over near the amarr ship wrecks (because you are not a big threat the drifter ships will continue attacking amarr ships instead)
Step 3: pop an MTU, like a packrat, but make sure you don't care to lose it, as you will eave it behind
Step 4: wait for the reinforcement ships to warp in after a few amarr ships die
Step 5: start aligning yourself so the MTU is in the middle between you and a celestial, so you can align, decloak, loot all, warp, within 3 ticks (before the drifters lock you)
Step 6: once there is a few cruisers and frigates left start scooping the loot, align out and warp
Step 7: have fun being + or - 100 million richer.

Per drifter death, it drops 33 million or so of salvage, also allot of amarr battleships drop good loot too.

Also, if there is an incursion fleet running the site, warp in with a ceptor and loot all the drifter wrecks. Enjoy the isk and tears in local.
>warp in with a ceptor
Why? Ceptors can get pointed.
You warp in a small fast non-threatening ship because drifters will primary something that is big.
Couldn't I just warp in with cheaper t1 ships then?
That works too.
Also won't you get blacklisted and shit?
People blacklisting you from incursion fleets etc.
Who cares, you are making more in one site than they will in an hour. Per drifter you make 33 million from loot, think about that for a minute.
I'd still like to have a good reputation in case I run into shit down the road personally.

Perhaps, I should just make an alt and do it there.
Warhead Upgrades V, 10 days to go
I can't wait to see that ass with the new propulsion system
Is it possible to install the game fully without starting a trial (ie making a account)? I want to get shit set up already, but won't be able to play for a few more days.
Yes, you can install the game without having an active account.
But that's just the launcher, which asks me to log in. It hasn't actually downloaded the 20 GBs of game data yet. Am I overlooking something?
>20gbs of data
The game isn't 20gb anymore anon. Just about 2gb.

You can just login and play right now
Oh, that's actually hella impressive.
I even cleanup up hard drive space for this. Eh, it had to happen soon anyway.
In any case, we're going on a pilgrimage together soon. Do join us if you have the time. >>121738129
I'd love to, but don't think I'll be able to be on then. Any chance you'll be doing this again sometime?
The client uses download on demand.

If you want all the resource files right now:
>Click on settings (the cogwheel thingy in the corner)
>Select Download
>Check the box that says "Download all the resource files"
>Restart the launcher

That should work.
My internet connection isn't always the most robust, so that sounds like a plan. Thanks!
>Any chance you'll be doing this again sometime?
I doubt anyone would want to make a second trip so soon..
Holy shit is station research no longer slot limited
Welcome to last year. You're in for a ride.
Yeah I guess it's on a 10 point scale now instead of just trending into infinity? Anything else in research/production that's changed?
>ice mining
>literally 100m/h in 0.0

Since when is mining actually worth it, what happened?
>not typhoon
>not flying a punisher unironically ironically
>mfw kador punisher

kawai as fuck
Literal keks that had their queen blown to bits.
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Gallente masterrace reporting in
Sebiestor represent.
Literally manchilds that were so betas that they had to create drones
>not having robots do all the work for you so you can sit back and enjoy the view
Hey guys could someone check if someone called "Naderah" is still playing and if he is, tell him greetings from Kenny and ask if it's worth returning
Fine, fine I'll login and check. Be back in a second.

looks like yes
She RMT plexed her shitfit Titan and got herself killed like any other retard.
>could someone check if someone called "Naderah" is still playing

>tell him greetings from Kenny and ask if it's worth returning
Any recommended reading to make a good, educated start to the game?

That Titan kill was such a fucking disappointment. Should have had once in a lifetime 'jamyl' officer mods or some shit. It was meant to be a defining moment for people to remember and items like that being seen in other killmails in the future would have gone a long way to further content creation.
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You're welcome senpai
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Don't shoot the messenger. I'm not even getting paid for this
>this true and unironic joy at playing the game and recommending it another

Holy shit i love you anon also Guardian Pilot master race returning to service (or basilisk if you are into shields)
You don't need to make an educated start, it's a slow game. Just don't train mining, don't invest too much into ships and pods, and research everything as you go along.

Read forums, blogs, euni wiki, /dog/, talk with people in /v/ BROS
are player stats really done client side now?
I set my training queue for a year and uninstalled.

Did I officially win at EVE?
It stops hours after your sub ends i believe.
She'll be glad to hear that
you and everyone elses alt account I guess
Thanks again anon if you could do me one final favour, tell him to get the cleaning supplies ready I'm getting a subscription card right now
Enjoy your 72 hours of free training time.
Yea he got the message. And he gets the reference to "cleaning supplies".. whatever that is.
Oh and Naderah has another message.

He says to tell you that CCP removed the training queue time limit so you can have as many skills in queue as you want.
I love you anon and if you ever require massive amounts of NSFW content in video form just ask, you good sir deserve all the gigabytes I have
Didn't unsub, just uninstalled.
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You're welcome. I'm going to bed now, I'm sure he'd be glad to see you in game again.
Oh and join us for our pilgrimage if you wish >>121738129
diff anon here but what do you mean by fast aligning frigs? also what would be a good cheap frig to pickup for the occasion
>Just don't train mining
Is it really that useless though?
It's anti-fun and it takes away from training of actually fun things. "Don't mine" is the only basic advice you need to start the game properly, and avoid setting yourself up for disappointment.
Something that aligns fast. You can check it out on EVE Uni under Base Time to Warp.

http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Slasher - 2.85sec

This can be further reduced by Nanofibers and rigs though.

>What would be a good cheap frig
Anything goes really...
Tristan, Slasher, Atron, Incursus, Kestrel, Heron (you could even fit a cloak on the heron)
It's not just that it's unfun

The profit is also terrible unless you're multiboxing 5+ accounts, and the skills don't lead into anything else as prereqs, just mining and more mining
>Something that aligns fast
I guess I should have explained that too.

Before you warp, your ship first aligns to the object. Then it picks up speed and when it hits a certain percent of its max speed, it warps off.
Wanna just afk all day moving ore around while making shit ISK? Congrats, skill into mining.
Newbies start with Mining 3 and Mining Frigate 1. That's more than enough.
good to know ty anon. ill do my best to make it to the event
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You're welcome. See you there.. hopefully.
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Why are they called wormholes, /eog/? Were they made by space worms?
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>no garmur nerf
>orthrus gila worm nerfs are nothing
Mordu ships are Foozie's babies.

>left the Garmur untouched, slightly nerfed the Orthrus, buffed the Barghest
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>tfw still no buff
Is coolant the best PI3 stuff?
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>tfw camping shitfaggots and highsec babbies get all the decent kills
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>rail skorpn
>OFFICER rail skorpn
>officer cap recharger
>officer fit a SNI
>it still does like half the dps of a rattlesnake
>comparing pirate ship to standard ship
rattlesnake is cheaper as well

Same place, 7 minutes earlier.
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Are these kids some sort of fucking Tycoon oil prince millionaire?
There is no way someone with enough knowledge to make that iskt would die like a retard in highsec or make those fits in the first place.
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oh god
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tfw both your statics roll over downtime and you don't gotta rescan the sigs
Coolant's value goes up and down. Right now it's in a pretty good place. Enriched Uranium's value has been steadier for the past few months.
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>tfw you leave for an hour when it's stable and it collapses when you get back
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RF bug fixed
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>everyone in local is flying a svipul
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>svipul op pls nerf, svipul touch my peepee
>Rote Kapelle
>Blaue Kapelle
/eog/ roam when
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>What is purging?
>What is eviction?
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>Last week however I had enough, I wanted to end it all. I made peace with myself, said my goodbyes to my friends, and was ready to blow my brains out. I loaded a .357 held it to my head, sat there and cried my eyes out.
My phone started ringing off the hook, my corpies got in touch with me and talked me out of it, told me there's people out there that care for me, and that things will get better with time.
Call me a coward, I deserve it. I was going to take the cowards way out, but because of the love of my friends and corpies in Pwn 'N Play and alliance members in SMA, I am here today.
Yeah I'd want to kill myself too if I was in SMA.
lmao this is why EVE is losing players
>tfw omen is so bad I can't even make a passable fit for ironic solo
That doesn't even make sense. Successful suicide would make EVE lose players, not the other way around.




success gets media attention which gets more subs. all this shit does is make people question why they are playing a game with suicidals and quit
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25 million ISK
5.8 billions in cash, 28.8 billions in assets, and I don't want to think about how much of those assets are really just ships I left behind in remote nullsec/lowsec stations.

Give them to me
uhh, lets see, small POS and modules plus fully fitted sleipnir, stratios, astero, noctis, prowler, 300m in loot, 400m in wallet, a vigilant... 2-3bil?
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30b liquid + a 7b JF + a few carriers ~ 4b + rando ass amount of other assets
Where'd you get so much stuff?
if i had to guess, i'd say 11b from the blood raider boosters, the jump freighter from gambling, and the rest of it from living in wormholes and flying rattles
I got my first 15 billion because I robbed a trading corp because they gave me market rolls, I cancelled all of the corp market orders and picked them up out of the market deliveries. Then I took all the money out of the wallets

any particular things I couldn't actually get to I actually used the corp money to complete a corp offer

the money went back into the wallet, I collected the item then stole the money again
The latter money came from selling a character that I had made
Ragnarok, 9bil liquid, 55bil in ships, 22 Gnosis, 1 Panther worth 12bil, 1 large pos with enough resists and ewar to make any super fleet flaccid in a single look and around 5bil in modules.

You know the sad part?
I haven't DDed anything since they nerfed jump distance and made DD cap only.
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total / wallet / assets
Looking to get back into the game after about a year. I only played for about a month and was in Brave. Exploring seems like it could be pretty fun, but I only have 1b isk if that matters. Any other stuff that could be fun solo?
hunting nullsec ratters
25 bill. 15 bill in BPO's. 5 in ship 5 in minerals and random shit
How much can you expect to do in Hisec exploration?

I want a sideline to my alt while my main is doing incursions.
~5bil liquid
~30bil trade assets
~2bil modules/junk
1-2bil in deployed pos's
8 pocos
~8bil in ships +fittings including a solitary cap

a bunch of this is in wh space though
the money you make will be negligible compared to the incursions. unless you are trying to learn the mechanics of exploration, i would not recommend. if you mean combat explo, it's still probably not worth but it's closer to being viable.

i would recommend station trading with the alt though.
You are probably right, especially sicne the alt can already drive a charon. Guess he'll just lug around minerals and the like.

If you include alts.

>7 bil liquid
>approx 35bil assets including JF, 4 carriers, 2 dreads, rorqual, 3 orcas, at least 2 of each expensive A-type doctrine battlerapeships/logi/T3 (including 6 lokis) etc.

Next step will probably be obtaining a supercap.
Is it true they plan to have drones as a possible Defense for citadels?

A citadel unleashing 100's of hobgoblins with webifier and other ECM would be HILARIOUS
I didn't hear that, I thought their only defense would be missiles because tracking would be bad for such a large structure

I thought possible defenses were sensor damps, ECM, TD's and neuts, and actual DPS was purely missiles and including AOE smartbombs
That's not what i've read. I thought they said they wanted every weapon type represented. The AoE options would have to be missile to make sense, but Focused DPS could be anyting ?

>slowcat citadels
I don't think they're gonna let them use drones because lag
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Are there any notable corps or alliances headed by women?
So pretty much a giant webbing VNI
10/10 buff drone boats
i think WTM incursions or one of those organised incursion groups is headed by a woman
Sparta is a fat man child
The CEO of Signal Cartel is a more or less middle aged woman. She said going to Eve Vegas she felt very motherly around all of the other spaceship nerds, up to and including when she got a hug from mittens.
well, i wasn't meaning hauling. that's an afk job. in your case incursions are already your afk job - instead you need a job that benefits from paying attention to when you can and doesn't suffer when you can't.

I meant station flipping, preferably somewhere with a faster market because you'll be able to update your orders on cooldown.

alternatively you could have your hauler follow the incursion fleets around and sell t2/faction/augmented/ drones and nanite paste and geckos and large null, void, and faction EMP and MF. hey, even some shuttles for people who want to get elsewhere and leave their ship at the focus.

there's got to be a killing to be made there - i'd do it but i don't have a freighter to pack up my market and follow the fleet so i'd have to operate on a much smaller scale.
I've got a small manufacturing empire to feed i can have my charon moving around too much. I already have trouble feeding my industry sometimes.
You are correct that the pod will remain in space, the other guy doesn't know what he's talking about. If he did, he would have pointed out that the victim could just self-destruct the pod.
Hey everyone. I am currently getting back into the game and I only played for about a month before I quit last year in feb. I want to get into exploration and I have 1b and some change and 1.1m SP. I have been reading and see that Helios is a good starter ship for exploration but the problem is it will take me 21 days to train to be able to get it. Is the Astero a good replacement?

One last thing, I am following this training plan http://www.eve-skillplan.net/p/5904 Anything I should add to it?

>Is the Astero a good replacement?
If you can use covops cloak (cloaking 4), yes. If you can't use it, or don't care about the cloak, the imicus is just as good.
The plan looks fine,
helios is not a good starter ship for exploration
helios is a good ship for exploration
astero is if you have a cash reserve and want a covops frig in half the time it takes to get one of the four main covops frigs
imicus is a good starter ship for exploration

to me, once you've brought back imicuses intact from several exploring trips to null and wormholes you are ready to risk a more expensive ship (t1 explo frig is 500k, covops frig is ~20m, astero is ~70m).
Thanks for the info, completely went over the imicus.
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Is there still a huge deficit of tritanium in nullsec?

Say I wanted to sell a huge chunck of it there ...
>notable corps

meme corps you mean?
>still no /eog/ roam
>still no /eog/ miner/undock smartbombing
>drifter incursions broken
>beacons with amarr navy auto-complete the sites
Go get the free loot eog
>pve is broken and gives too much money
>ccp never bothers to fix it

how many times have we seen this
>Ded thread during ded hours
How many times have we seen this?
>ded game in a ded world
How many times have we seen this?
>ded hours
everyone is too busy scanning the fresh sites
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Drifters taught us that you can be alive even if ded.
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Australians cannot be trusted

Every time /dog/ has died it's been in the kangaroo fuckers time zone
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>still no bellicose nerf
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>no svipul buff
So how are the new drifter incursions?
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Minmatar used to be #1 brehs. What happened? How can we return to 2009 status?
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More minmatar missile ships. The bonus of speed and agility means nothing when you're using projectile guns that get raped by transversal while missileboats have no problems.
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>train into x
>it gets nerfed
>train into y
>it gets nerfed
>train into z
>it gets nerf--HOLY SHIT X GOT BUFFED
>being a pvper
>an highsec pvper even maybe
>highsec pvper

Maybe if you count suicide ganks.
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*warps to gatecamp with 50 other faction battleships because i heard about an exploration frigate in teamspeak*
*chomps cheetos as i kill a 3-day-old guy in an imicus, writes 'salty noob fag? haha welcom 2 nullsec' in local*
>being this salty

Silly Astero, Antikythera Elements are for Drifters!
Why doesn't concord just bribe the drifters to stop attacking with some jita whores?
Maybe because they aren't interested in whores and only want 1 million virgins?
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to what end.png
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But they offer fresh virgin jump clones for every customer!
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Artemises can only be made out of the purest maidens. Pure in both body and spirit.
>be fastest
>be most agile
>be highest scan res
>be smallest sig
>be best close range damage
>be best kiting
>be best fleet ships
>be mostly immune to neuts
>be better at neuting than the neut bonused race

go fuck yourself you piece of shit
>best at close range damage
blasters say hi
Why are fleets still using T3Cs instead of, say, rattlesnakes? You get like 4-5x the DPS per ship. You can apply damage perfectly to t3cs if you get a support fleet of newbies in Vigils. Are 'fleet commanders' just too retarded to manage a fleet that has more than one kind of ship in it?
in 2009 blasters couldn't track properly at close range and AC's were better in every way

fuck off
>Why are fleets still using T3Cs instead of, say, rattlesnakes?

Maybe when bombing stops being a thing.
I didn't realize it was still 2009. my bad
Not the guy you're replying to.

The 2009 reference was the whole thing. Some guy asked how Minmatar can return to 2009 status here
And then the guy replied with why he thought it was a shit era and said what they were best at at the time, because blasters weren't good at the time.

get kekt
Do you even read the thread?
any ideas for how I can solo a curse?
Yeah, that was my point thanks senpai

People whine today that Gallente are the special snowflake race that gets special dev treatment (true to an extent), but it's fucking nothing compared to the bullshit of the Winmatar era
gallente ships aren't that broken. the really broken things these days are gurista and mordu ships. for fleet stuff it's usually range bonused caldari stuff that properly cheeses with railguns, not gallente. the only gallente overpowered stuff is a few drone ships for skirmishes.

Pick a pilgrim instead so you can actually select what fights you want

Then pick a stratios once you realize it does 2x the damage and still can neut out any subcap
I assume he meant "solo a curse" and not "solo in a curse."
I'm not a faggot, I'm trying to kill faggots. I'm asking how you deal with a shitter undocking a curse.
Yeah I just meant in comparison to the other empire ships, pirates are another story

Mostly the t1 lines
they have the most good solo ships I guess. caldari T1 lineup is about as strong, but more gang-oriented

Neut it first. It doesn't have that much capacitor, it just has a huge bonus to neut amount.

Or use a capacitor booster to keep it pointed and your essential modules online anyway, and just ignore its neuts. Nosferatus can also work for this.
Does anyone know what the svipul is best used for?
Gate camping and making people cry.
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So its a PVP ship designed for fucking people up especially during gatecamps? Why are so many people running AC instead of Arty anyways?
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Well, I'm here to destroy everything you hold dear anon.
ACs are super low fitting compared to arty, which lets you do a lot of bullshit with active tanks and oversized prop mods
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*mwds behind you*
*slaps your ass*

What are you gonna do, faggot?
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>drone officer mod

Sentient is faction m8. Drone officer is Unit 0000789 or whatever.
Artys cost too much pg and cpu, you can probably reach 15k ehp with good fitting and active tanking is out of the question.
Its good for gate camping and to keep away from scramble/web bait ships.

AC lets you reach almost 26k ehp buffer, or dual MASB for many keks.

Its already fast as fuck so you won't have trouble tackling shit and once you have it tackled its fucking hard to untackle a svipul, like goddamn tick.
Even if you scram and web it, it can out speed some medium guns.

Assuming no wolf rayet memes the svipul can take out a polarized hecate like a joke.
If the Hecate wants to fight a svipul it will need a real fit with reps.
Guess I'm going to train for one then since I'm already specialized in AC. A short train it is too.
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>on a hecate
no, it's a generalist projectile ship that can use arties or acs and tank either way and do just about anything

>why are so many people running ac instead of arty

they aren't, I see lots of both
Dead dogola
Is this good?
[Cynabal, Unnamed loadout]
Damage Control I
Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I
Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Flux I

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Limited Thermic Dissipation Field I
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Phased Plasma M
[empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I
Medium Projectile Ambit Extension I
>afterburner on a cynabal
>T1 guns on a pirate ship
>ONE medium shield booster meta
>cap recharger
>that low trainwreck
please go meme somewhere else.
what do you want to use it for
I can't use much t2 stuff yet.

how do you make enough ISK for a pirate cruiser if you do L3 missions for PVE
I didn't buy it. I dropped a bpc. I don't do missions at all.
what do you do in EVE in general?
what do you plan to do?

buying a battleship with the ISK from the BPC and doing L4 missions is better than using that cruiser
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I already build it. I may sell it later for emergency money, but I want something better now than the stabber which was UTTER FUCKING SHIT.
why do you have the money for a cynabal, but no skills for basic shit like T2 gyros?

and no, it's not good
no idea what your skills are but maybe this would work better
one more thing, in PVE use resist modules that match the DPS of the rats you are fighting
you can google eve npc damage types

[Cynabal, Unnamed loadout]
Damage Control I
Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I
Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Flux Coil

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Medium C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Republic Fleet EMP M
425mm Medium 'Scout' Autocannon I, Republic Fleet EMP M
[empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead I x3
Hobgoblin I x4
why aren't you flying an omen?
I haven't played EVE in years but I'm thinking of getting back in solely for the goal of getting rich. I've been craving an economic/trading game. Should I resub if I'm just going to learn to station trade and maybe freight shipping?
oh and maybe add a Medium Nosferatu I in the empty highslot
It's a sandbox. Resub if you want to do anything except mine.
totes worth it imo

i used to have friends who would do like fantasy stock market leagues but i could never really get "into" it. i think i'm able to get into eve trading because i'm actually able to do things with the return from my investments.
Could I switch the cap rig for ambit? I don't have the SB running all the time.

And I checked and I can actually use T2 Medium shield booster already. I thought I need skills at V fort2 stuff.
you can

one more thing:
you can swap the shield extender for a "shield boost amplifier"
which means you will have less buffer (EHP) but more sustained defense (EHP/s)
not necessarily better but it should be considered
>not necessarily better but it should be considered
He did say he wanted to PvE though. So yea switch to an amplifier instead
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>RnK invented pipe bombing
>RnK invented refitting carriers
the amount of rnk dicksucking in the eve community in general is really embarassing
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>Amarr BTFO again
Stay mad pl
Basically, sell it.
You don't have the skills to use it even halfway decently.
Try the SFI or svipul
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he was using an SFI
and was unimpressed at its performance in an angel 5/10
oh and he is already training for a svipul
he just said stabber
>worst damage
>static damage type
>not capless
>use the most cap by far

>worst damage

well pipebombing they did invent

the 'we invented refitting and spidertanking' is fucking hilarious though

What weapon type & size has lower damage than lasers?
everything except blasters

You're going to have to bait harder than that.
Oh well, 5/10s are pretty hard on cruisers desu
nah they didn't
2nd best dmg
Best range and application at max range
No need for ammo
Tankiest ships
Best T2 ammo
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>infinite ammo
If your amarr ship outlives your ammo you should probably stop blobbing, gate camping or being a PVE faggot in general.
do you have links to those early killmails anon? :^)
>being a PVE faggot
>moom, buy me more plexes to replace my faction ships
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>t1 crystals
>he actually runs incursions
point and laugh
the only acceptable PvE is AFK droneboats
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>the only acceptable pve is the most cancerous one
Let me guess. You live in null.
>Not having alts in null corps for free afk isk
Let me guess you don't know how to make isk.
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>I "play" the game alt-tabbed
>inb4 you go full retard like a typical eog shitter
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>I shoot NPCs for hours to no end when I could be PvPing while my alts rat
Did we ever find out what 514 meant?
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Guys message me on kik, or add me to a group chat, im bored
Kik: Trvp.Papii
that's it dog poster 1v1 top belt amamake right now
What is the ultimate frigate-stomping ship in your opinion, for a fleet setting? I wanna take something to fights and just shit all over every piece of tackle.

huginn is gud if you have friends to do the dps for you

Isn't artillery really good because you can volley frigs to death and the transversal is super low because of how far away they'll be?
I don't think so. It's something to do with the Sleepers.
i was just clarifying what he said
i helped him run the site
orthrus, svipul, confessor, nomen
no, only works on idiots

orthrus is the most overpowered ship in the game, because its battlecruiser dps is applied fully to frigates in a 60km no-fun sphere, and comes at 2k per shot - most frigs are like 5k ehp. it is the ultimate frig-stomp, and also stomps everything else.
it's getting like a 1% nerf in december though, which confirms that it'll still be broken for another 6 months or so after that since they're only going for such a light nerf and not properly fixing it, same thing as the worm and gila.
not really, they also have to be not moving

If you mean just destroy frigs one at a time or a couple at a time all the Mordu ships will wreck frigates, but they can get overwhelmed.
T3Ds are also good at this and most cruisers/battlecruisers with web and scramble can wreck a frigate if it comes at them.

To fight big groups of frigates a Dominix with dual web and scramble or a Marauder is able to wipe 20+ man frigate fleets.
>To fight big groups of frigates a Dominix with dual web and scramble or a Marauder is able to wipe 20+ man frigate fleets.

only if they're really stupid. I wouldn't bet on the dominix if there's say 5 or more frigs.

and while nothing can actually kill a marauder, the ship is inherently retarded and only going to get like 1 kill before everyone leaves or they just permatackle it and get under its guns until they can drop a dread on it or whatever.
>25% damage reduction
>light nerf
>get under it's guns
Right in the range of heavy neuts/nos' and smartbombs, right?
You can easily triple rep tank a Domi and have 2 web scramble ready to instantly kill frigate cycle after cycle and enough highs to have neuts that reach point range and bombs to fuck scramblers.

As for a marauder, he can just MJD away and if someone comes to hero scramble hes dead or he can just neut as the frigate is getting in range, plus frigate groups are always stupid and love to get right into SB range when they're trying to initially apply dps.
So asian's are the Ubermensch?

>heavy neut

25 seconds cycle time, who gives a shit


the damage is trivial, these are actual combat frigates, not shuttles
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>Today CCP Larrikin announced the first selection of players who will grace the devs with their imput in the upcoming Capital Ship changes, here is the list as of November 11:

Scott Ormands
Sebastien Saintfrusquin
Lorianna Lee
OriginalName IV
Titus Tallang
Lazarus Telraven
Jezza McWaffle
White Aero
RoCkEt X
Elise Randolph
Darren Fox
Lex Arson
Lamhoofd Hashur
Sister Bliss
Lord’s Servant
Max Kolonko
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>Lord’s Servant
congrats capqu
>tfw can't carry all this ore
fucking hell man, right click stack all.
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more like ctrl-click kill all lol, nullfags mad as fuck
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>5 PL, 3 Goons, 2 Brave, 1 NC.
>2 Brave
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I'm never going to be the strongest in EVE. No matter how many ships I can kill, they'll always call more.

I'll live out my days as a jita prostitute, never to be blobbed again.
>tfw all your amazing player skill will never match up to 2-3 idiots in scrub fitted gilas pressing orbit/approach on you
>tfw all your frigate experience means dick because there's 2 sebo svipuls on the gate you just jumped in through
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>lord's servant
haven't played since 2013 i bazaar'd my character and dont even know what account that isk is on so i'd be starting from scratch again

worth coming back? i mostly just did FW
We've had a good lot of changes so yea it's definitely worth coming back.
lord's servant invented capitals
TEST invented jita prostitution
lord's servant invented TEST
I was in a UNITY corp before I quit about a year ago. Corp's gone.

Now what do I do? Is Minmatar FW still worth doing? Should I find more wizardhats to play my strong independent brutor with?
lord's servant invented UNITY, ask him
lord's servant.
I vaguely remember people taking the piss out of him way, way back when the northern coalition was a thing.

Is he the guy who claims every fleet doctrine anyone has ever come up with was his idea?
yeah have you not figured that out yet by this guy memeing about him:
I've been in the thread since this: >>122046310
so I haven't got a clue what's going on.

I just want to shoot amarrfags and gank farmers
CODE. Please go
Wrong type of gank m8.

Stabbed FW farmers were a fucking plague. Are they still a thing?
yes but not quite as common

t3ds are the plague now but they fight back anon
Ofc. Resub so we can play the dance of iskmaking and teargathering once more.
I'm already resubbed.

Is minmatar FW worth it at the moment?
They're on the way down but are still at 3 and amarr are at 2, if you are thinking of the lp market.
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>-0.08 inertia
what ship?
Lord's Servant invented this meme.
>lords servant
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>Lord’s Servant
well now its more agile and should help perform better in brawling
Who are these people? connoisseurs of capital ships or something?

yeah m8, something like that
except lords servant hes just a wanker
>lord's servant
hes the guy that does the phoenix ganks right?
yes, he invited phoenix ganks, blap dreads, shield dreads, most of the wh dread meta basicly
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>all-out isn't in the /v/ bros motd
what is this
all of the vbros mods quit
not even joking


Pick one.
And no one cared enough to petition?
So am I reading this wrong or are t1 modules just kind of not used any more? Meta1/2 variants are better, cheaper, and more traded.
stunt wasnt the only mod you baka

This makes me cringe irl

>Use alts for moving stuff and making money
Seriously whats the point of being and "outlaw" if its basically just locking your main pvp character out of highsec? It's really fucking gay. You might as well not have security status because if you have tons of alts to do your highsec business you dont ever need to go into highsec. Extremely gay
just one man with extremely good hisec sponsors
whos to say whos multiboxing

Always broadcast for reps early
Page 9

>/v/ bros
>joining ushra khan't
could you be more a nigger shitter
I believe you mean a ROLEPLAYING nigger shitter, tyvm.
roleplaying for the wrong side senpai
amarr where its at

minmatar community literally dead due to infighting
How much did you make? :^)
about 250k skillpoints just vanished from my currently training skill.
They fixed the booster bug that kept the queues running faster. Make a ticket if you want but they didn't give me anything
I was training that skill for days and then i just jumped back to 0%
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I had 2 days 23 hours left on Advanced Weapon Upgrades 5. After the patch, it's now 17 days 2 hours.

What the fuck?
Oh you're right, me too. Lol what did they do now
How do you even find the drifter incursions? They aren't on the map.
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>/v/ bros
>drifter are broken pieces of shit AFTER CCP spends a few weeks fixing them
It's okay, guys. CCP is on the case.

They are on the map
It's just that they are still listed as sansha incursions on the map
They are listed as drifter incursions and have a different logo.
So I warped to the drifter site, but the faggots aren't shooting eachother.
According to the patch notes, they fixed an "exploit" today. That might've been it.
I wish CCP would fix RMT already. Fucking 2 years of zzzzzzz while people pay for their mortgages.
So what now? Go in with an an hero ship, start shooting zombies, get killed, but they start shooting eachother and come back later for loot?
It's okay guys, we will get our skill points back on the 17th.

>we will be reimbursing all missed skill training
So, should I stop training the skill I lost training time on? Since they're reimbursing the training time.
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>Valkyrie for PC confirmed

>tfw you realize the new fighter reworks with its "skills" and "abilities" like ECM, web got analogies in the stuff you've seen in the Valkyrie videos
>tfw they link the two games
>inb4 the logs show nothing
>Lord’s Servant
Why does copying ship bpos barely cover the cost for the account, even if you do it at a POS with 3 characters with 10 slots each?
Can't even make some damn profit, that's not even talking about how much the bpos cost.
>>Use alts for moving stuff and making money
how else are you going to do it faggot?
>Seriously whats the point of being and "outlaw" if its basically just locking your main pvp character out of highsec? It's really fucking gay.
it means you're extremely aggressive in lowsec PVP
>You might as well not have security status because if you have tons of alts to do your highsec business you dont ever need to go into highsec.
yes and thats why they made that demonstration, god damn you just contradicted yourself

ship copies are there solely for T2 production.

That, or some of the ships that are jewed hard on the market, where you can buy a 10 run bpc from contract then buy minerals from sell orders, make the ship, and then make 2-5 mil per ship made.
Most of the small ships can be made like that, otherwise there would be no profit in building them.

If you can only make profit by having a bpo or buying minerals from buy orders, you don't make profit by producing the ship, but by doing trading/using the bpo. Might as well resell minerals and make copies of the bpo, or sell the bpo.

It's "ore I mine is free" but in a more subtle form.
>Most of the small ships can be made like that, otherwise there would be no profit in building them.

not true at all.

Even at the FW hubs, the ships are generally there and sold at a loss. The money in making ships is in the rigs and modules needed to fit up the ship.

>If you can only make profit by having a bpo or buying minerals from buy orders, you don't make profit by producing the ship,

Of course putting up buy orders and getting the the minerals gives you more profit,

but generally when those situations arise, it's a race to fill the gap, and if you don't ahve the minerals or a bpo, and there's an opportunity to make 15-20 mil or so, you might as well.
Oh boy, I can't wait to dogfight at 1000 ping!
>making the gameplay happen at the same time in the same place is the only way linked universes can happen

I calculate from jita prices for whether it's manufacturing profit or not, because everything else is trading profit. And in jita, it is profitable to buy minerals from sell orders, bpcs from contracts and make ships. Not all of them all the time, but go through them right now, and you will find like half of them make profit, some even after transport costs, which most people forget.

If you just fill gaps in supply, you might as well buy those ships from a trade hub and ship them to wherever theres a shortage. That's again, profit from trading, not manufacturing.
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>kiting bonuses
>light missiles and drones
>more ships with links

time to kill myself
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Here are the attributes.
4 names my Cheetah
6 names my Svipul
its a bird anon
the caldari one.

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command destroyers.png
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I probably should've combined them into one image, but I'm lazy.
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>its a bird anon
I know. I just don't like the name.
>massively superior to T1 destroyers

>yeah but it's ok because they're T2

it keeps happening
not cost wise it wont
Guys they finally fixed POCOs. Now I can finally finish "liberating" all of the Customs offices that Brave stole from RvB.
nobody who does this kind of pvp gives a shit
>Caldari doesn't have terribad gimped fitting

t2 Corax master race

godspeed anon
yeah because why fix the corax when you can make a gay version that appeals to faggots
CCP have grown a huge boner for gimping fitting as a way to "balance" ships. Pretty much every garbage ship that exists is garbage because of its fitting.
it's not like they've given the corax any kind of actual thought, it has just been forgotten
Accidentally copy pasted into a whole column in libreoffice, the whole thing wasn't saved, what do? It's still frozen.
Is it gone? Do I have to redo it all?
>Most of the small ships can be made like that, otherwise there would be no profit in building them.
All amarr t1 frigates are currently built at a loss when trading in >amarr
>drone hitpoints and damage

why not give it lasers? it seems really redundant that it has the same bonuses as the gallente one
It's a t2 dragoon you dumdum
>calculate the total of damage throughout 1000 ms
>fighters now have a 1 second rate of fire :^)))))

the T2 coercer is a missile boat, doesn't mean it follows the T1 variant
I still fail to see the use of these things other than being a faggot and jumping miners out of belts or so.
that's because you're a highsec shitter
>3 mids
>5 lows

>6 fucking mids
>2 lows

it keeps happening
the amarr one is the best though
I wonder if they'll disallow the use of the MJD unit in highsec

it might be a huge problem on the undock of jita
>just undock from jita
>40 fucking MJD destroyers warping freighters and shit WAY off the undock
why would that be a problem? you wouldn't have a big bumpy shitfest on the undock. mjd me all you like I don't give a fuck.
obviously not the gallente one is far more agile and way faster and has all the same bonuses and in EVE thats all that fucking matters is speed and agility
Can it MJD capitals tho?
except it's not. gallente are supposed to be faster, but ccp often make amarr the same speed to make up for amarr being shit.
>why would that be a problem?
griefing and nothing but griefing

>MJD all you like
>can't dock because way off station
>get ganked
you could just gank me on the in gate instead. mjding someone isn't going to disrupt their align or their warp or anything. seriously though nobody gives a fuck about highsec.
>doesn't stop their warp
it does though as you can't activate anything else in the middle of a MJD warp

MJD warp plays by the same rules that any other warp does including jump drives

so that jump freighter about to use its jump drive to a cyno will be interupted by the spool of the MJD
that's how the MJD module works yes. it seems really unlikely that MJDing me with a titan or destroyer means my ship is going to turn to align where you want it to, fly in that direction for a while, and then teleport 100km and just interrupt absolutely everything I'm doing and fuck up all my prop mods and everything.
there's no reason to think it'll work like that, because that would be retarded.
>means my ship is going to turn to align where you want it to,
it does and doesn't

when under the effects of the MJD you can't change direction

>interrupt everything

you'll have to call to align and warp again if that happens

>there's no reason to think it'll work like that, because that would be retarded.

please don't assume that CCP is competent in covering all the bases
screencap and OCR afterwards

and then use latex instead
ok I'll just assume it'll make no sense and be really awful then
>not getting the joke about delivering babies
its a fair assumption

when you expect the worst of everything you can only be delighted that its not the worst scenario possible
You know what it means that these use links? OGB is gonna die
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it doesn't mean that at all
The reason people have been asking for a smaller link boat is that, once they are on grid, there is no way for a frig/dessie gang to have links.
>unscannable links destroyers

truly the bane of our time

the caldari one is gonna be stronk as shit

6 mids for all those ECCM modules
>links shit through the highs

un fucking scannable
this happening doesn't mean there are any changes happening for links at all
Latex looks complicated, also libreoffice restored the tables, which is a pretty nice feature.

Do industry/research jobs continue while your account is unsubscribed?
T3s are already as unscannable as can be.
We'll see I guess
Remember that nobody at CCP actually plays eve. When they introduce ships they just throw shit at the wall and see what works.
But T3C's can be scanned down with virtues really easily

however a small ass destroyer with a high sensor strength is going to be even harder to scan down purely because the signature radius is literally half of that cruiser
>with virtues really easily

can I just clarify what you're saying here

a dedicated probing alt in a dedicated probing ship loaded up with probing mods and maxed probing skills and a set of expensive pirate implants for probing, right, once you have those, you can probe out a link T3

that's great
Planning on doing incursions, but never did so. I'm starting to train my basilisk, what are the needed skills? Is logi 4 enough or i need 5?
Logi 4 is fine for groups like warp to me however more dedicated and more intense groups want logi 5
The scanning strength needed for T3C and the new dessies will be exactly the same since there's a cap of how hard to scan you are.
Btw you "only" need a patrial virtue set and a maxed covops (not all Vs).
So basically like everything you make more money with logi 5 but it's a hassle?
yes but all said and done is that a full ECCM fit T3C even with appropriate +4 implants to respective sensor strength is not enough to be unscannable at all anymore.

these new T2D's with their links are going to be especially difficult purely because the signature radius is so stupidly low, I don't know if virtues and all the bells and whistles are going to be enough to nab it
Not exactly.

having Logi 5 for a basilisk makes you less cap dependent on you and your team mates. In incursions for logi, cap is fucking life and arguably more important than your actual tank in that regard. If one other basilisk can't keep you up with one cap transfer, thats a big problem
I see. Then i guess i'll take it easy until i get 5.

Don't wanna give myself a bad name starting.
Well don't get me wrong, logi 4 is ok for incursions, just logi 5 is strongly preferred

you can still participate fully in incursions with just 4 and train level 5 while you do them.
Nah you're dumb
I can't fucking wait. Nothing CCP have announced in ages has interested me like this.

lmao there's always one
Last I heard they're disabled in high
great then, the griefing was actually thought of
>just undock from jita
>40 fucking MJD destroyers warping freighters and shit WAY off the undock
What is the immunity timer?
If a Freighter really stays outside the undock for 30 seconds then maybe he deserves to die.
>What is the immunity timer?
any movement you make thats not "stop" breaks that

and you'd be surprised how many aligning freighters there are in jita regardless that don't use instant undocks
> instant undocks

WHat are those? noob here
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please stop griefing us simple high sec merchants
when you undock from a particularly dangerous station, you have a book mark way outside the range thats directly in your alignment to warp to, basically you undock, warp to your book mark and you enter warp instantly

hence the term "instant undock"
Oh that's good to know. So i guess Jita is wher ei should make those.

I'm not actually new, i've been truckign in my Charon for a year or so. I just carry mostly worthless shti around so i never been touched.
I'ts been already mentioned at Vegas the immunity timer will still be partially active so you can't pull that shit, for 30 seconds you will not be able to MJD people away even if they are fucking shooting you.
Alright niggas heres some ship changes that need to happen.

Garmur disruptor bonus need removed, but keep the scram range bonus.

Worm and gila drone control need reduced. 66% reduction for the worm and 33% for the gila. No reduction for the rattlesnake. So 20km for the worm and 40km for the gila at max skills.

Also drone code needs fixed. And when drones exit control range they auto return to orbit.

Links made on grid and incur a weapons timer.
gankers do like to gank empty freighters too, its not uncommon for CODE or goons to just nab empty frieghters for the fuck of it because it greens up their KB.

but regardless, you should have them on a lot of stations such as Jita, amarr, dodixie (especially this because its an instant kick-off station) and maybe hek if you go there enough
You don't really need to know that kind of stuff in noob space.
I mostly jsut do rounds between Jita and neighbooring misson systems like Osmon or staging ground for excursion. Very rare i leave cald space. Nationalism, i guess.
>Garmur disruptor bonus need removed, but keep the scram range bonus.
this doesn't change much at all, few garmurs actually run scrams purely because the garmur is never made to brawl and no one runs them with the brawl in mind

Orthruses run scrams as an anti-tackle measure should a particular enemy get close on them.

>worm and gila drone control needs reducing
and thats great because I'll just run drone link augmentors in my free highslot which gives me the default 60km on the gila again. Its no loss really because people already run drone link augmentors

the worm reduction is stupid, and puts it way out of place since the algos, dragoon, and tristan plus the drone AF's would have longer range for virtually no reason. your nerf is a stupid idea.

You're going to try and force the worm to brawl? fuck that, thats as good idea as getting a fucking garmur to brawl, its not going to happen.

>links made on grid
this has been covered before, CCP can't do it until brain in the box has been implemented and they're actually able to change it around as such. AKA its not happening for a long time

>incur weapons timer
that doesn't change or fix anything, that means orca's and rorquals also get weapons timers which is dumb.
yea you kind of do since highsec is NOT a no-pvp zone
It's like saying Goons need to know small gang tactics becasue theoretically one day they could become involved in a small gang fight.
Noob space is made for people who don't know shit about the game. QED you don't need to know shit to live there.
>Noob space is made for people who don't know shit about the game. QED you don't need to know shit to live there.
You do, people with freighters do run instaundocks because of ganking and shit.

Just because you're a "noob" and its highsec doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware that highsec is not a safe space and that any of the people who operate violently in those sectors CAN affect you.

It doesn't hurt to know
No people almost never use instaundocks with freighters. It's pointless.
>highsec is not a safe space
eh it's practically a tutorial level compared to what the game actually is. But yeah I guess if you don't press X you might possibly fail the tutorial somehow.
When is the next thread?

Also, when will they releases the new space structure BPO?
>Harry Weller, a general partner at NEA, concedes that CCP is awfully old to be thought of as a startup. But he sees the company’s resiliency and its ability to keep milking a hit as reasons to believe that it will turn Valkyrie into a blockbuster. “They have always been ahead of the market and have always survived taking risks,” Weller says. “It’s extraordinarily rare to see a company go through all these swings and still be willing to take the risk to innovate.”
>CCP can't do it until brain in the box has been implemented
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bad bait
What are you talking about, people use instaundocks all the time in hubs because otherwise you're stuck for minutes on the undock.
It will be hilarious when they announce OGB death and all these faggots in denial get BTFO
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explain why this slicer is unscannable
>few garmurs actually run scrams
Only shitfit Garmurs don't have both scram+point.
lmao enjoy getting ganked
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>it will turn Valkyrie into a blockbuster.
if they do merge it with EVE, you can see how that'd be the most E P I N game ever made
New thread fellas

>freighters never use instaubdocks
Have you never looked at the undock of Nita? You're retarded
Maybe he has a sensor integrity link?
You're just bad at it/have low skills
Can't be bad or skills when I'm scanning the firetail down, which is next to him.
>only 52 days of autist remap left
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