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Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Thread replies: 746
Thread images: 161

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xth for jazz arrangement merk

What's the best joystick. I'm trying to put up an extra stick and I'm not sure between the Sanwa JLF-TP or the Seimitsu LS-32
if I buy sleep fighter V on pc and ps4 can I link my accounts so I don't have to unlock shit twice?
How do I set a controller to player two on the cracked beta
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stick/controller lag tests!
nobody tell him, make him work it out on his own or he'll keep asking for help for the rest of his life.
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you know why you did what you did.

Can this go in the OP next time desu?
How's the netcode in +R on steam?
Thinking about gifting my friend a copy so we can play.
What stick is the bottom right image from?
>tfw toss-up between the character you have more fun playing and the one that you win way more with
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queen of fightan exite!!
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>MFW im stealing your song right nao with a mp3 downloader
>not practicing enough so they're both the same character
this will always remind me of destiny
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Why is there a titty monster in that pic?

>tfw character you have the most fun with is the one you win the most with
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This picture is so fucking gross.

Get into something more real mate.
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Put K fucking Whip in kof14
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someone needs to feed her a kusoge sandwich
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please use this if you see fit
also join the irc on rizon
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rin main reporting in
why the fuck do we need both, i'm not joining two things
I could start a google hangout too
>people think SFV is going to be any better
You idiots are going to be here in 6 years still containing about all the shit that SFV has and desperately waiting for SFVI.
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skullomania is never coming back so can we at least get rashid a costume with a mask and a scarf
Ken is -6 after heatrush.
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>tfw played more sf5 beta this year than usf4
shit fighter sucks lmaoooo
most people who like SFV have already played it
screw this, we should make this one instead desu
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How do i get better at buffering normals into super? I have no issue with it unless its the super overlaps a special but I just want to be able to do it mid combo. Why is the input window so lenient in SFIV
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>beyonce shitposts on fgg

She's narcissistic enough to post herself in every given thread.
so i've started playing MvC2 recently and i wanted to play cable, doom, and war machine. is this a good/decent team? i'm asking because i know nothing about that game (or other titles in the mvc series for that matter).

i chose them because they're my favorite marvel characters in that game. still figuring out what order i want them in and the assists as well.
>Cable and Doom
Yes it's a good team
the fuck are you talking about? you just do the normal and then the super. look at your inputs to see where you're messing up.

just hating me bc im beautiful tbmfh
how do I learn to hit confirm
thanks senpai guess I'll just buy it blind and find out
pick any 2 of the following:

you now have a good mvc2 team
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>Muslim character
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Cable is Top 5, Doom is Upper-Mid or High I think with one of the best assists in the game in his rocks, and War Machine is also pretty good (although I think Iron Man is supposed to be slightly better). You should be fine.

Speaking of getting into older games for the first time, I've been playing a bit of CvS2 recently at my college and I like Terry, Dhalsim, Yun (which is weird since I don't like him in 3S or IV) and especially Haohmaru. I also want to play Raiden and Yamazaki, but they seem more difficult to work with. Any optimal team orders/guides for those six characters?
thanks, i just wanted to know if my team was somewhat viable but i guess it's probably high/mid-high tier from what you guys said.
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Not sure if there is any real reason to play War Machine over Ironman.
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Guess i should have been more specific, My mistake. I mean in games like ST or SFA3 where you can't special into super.
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literally worse than boatshit
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>KoF is kusoge
I'll feed you a shit sandwich laced with arsenic you dumb fucking shithead
because jim rhodes is a real nigga and tony stark is an alcoholic. fuck iron man, he's lame.

that's my reason for choosing war machine.
Replace War Machine with Iron Man and it's a great team.
Order it, Cable/IM/Doom or IM/Cable/Doom. Use Antiair assist on all three.

War Machine isn't bad, but he's kind of a lesser Iron Man. And Iron Man + Doom-B can start his infinite easy.
KoF fanboys everybody
a slim sandwich?
if you seriously think KoF is a kusoge on the level of arcsys games you're a retard
practice it in 4 first so you can see your inputs. if you don't have 4 then you're going to have to figure out what you're doing on your own. if you're getting special instead of super chances are you're pressing the button too early or just mashing it.
You're reason for choosing War Machine is stupid. Just play Iron Man he's way better.

i love kof and you can shut up any time. you're getting on the level of slimposting right now.
>on the level of arcsys games
I don't think this is a fair comparison. I mean, arcsys tries really hard to make shitty fighting games.
no thanks, i'd rather play a team i like than a team that's optimal/top tier.
You're right, KoF gets much worse

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juri is pure!
Then mvc2 isn't for you. Have fun losing because you don't want to OHK an entire team.
Pick him and only him with K-Groove
You're playing the wrong game.
i will :^)
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There is about 256 KoF games and plenty of kusoge in the mix.
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yfw you saw a marvel match and could follow what was happening on the screen for the first time
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>not knowing the hot new meme is to replace shit with slim
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>SFV not out for another 3 months
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this is not the right way

this is the right way
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>"Anon! Anon! I just tried this new shampoo and it smells so good."
>"Come on, take a sniff! Don't be shy!"
If you insist on playing War Machine, then I wouldn't start him.
Do Cable/WM/Doom all still on AAA. Get AHVB down consistently and learn patterns with Doom assist. Learn War Machine's infinite, but you really should just play Iron Man over him.
But Chiaki I have fun winning.
How many inputs does it take for mash moves in SFIV again
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i wud
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>SFV is pretty much done
>Capcom won't fix the shitty hitboxes and speed

blunder of the century
>sniff it now faganon!
It's worse and majorly played by Mexicans.
I think asshole would have been a more appropriate word to replace.
I think its just because it fits in a variety of applications, you can call something slimmy, call someone a slimmer, or say something is just straight slim, I like it
why the fuck is my name being used as an analog for shit
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>I think ppopdeck would have been a more appropriate word to replace.
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play the pc hax meanwhile
probably because you are the ultimate slimmer
Because nobody likes you.
Someone said you can download some file to use all of the usf4 for free, how do I do that?
All of the usf4 costumes*
I was thinking that would be a pain to piano and end on the right button but I guess not repeating the far one isn't that bad.

>mash inputs were the one thing I wassort of decent at as far as execution and they got removed completely
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viva el rey de slim
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Is it ironic the memehunter has become a meme?
Guaranteed VAC ban.
But they've been increasing the speed in practically every build and tweaking hitboxes as well.
All it needs are more combo options for characters with limited combos like Ryu and Necalli
Get the PS4 version?

Not ironic at all, if you stare too long into the abyss etc.
Tfw bought a hrap v kai
Does that mean I have a frame of delay on my inputs
your name has always been synonymous with shit. now it's just a meme.
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why would you risk yourself for a bunch of cosmetics anon?
How hard is it to fuck a cosplayer?
this gen is gg>>sf>>>shit>>>>>>kof
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>0.36 ms

how did you come that conclusion?
They're just like most other girls. If they're in your league and you're not hideous it isn't hard.
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too hard
Oh I was looking at the wrong column
Dang thats not bad at all nvm
Are you handsome?
GG is shit. I don't know how people can stand to play this shitty guessing game.
>"in your league"
If you believe people belong in "leagues," I think you probably wouldn't do well at trying to get laid in general.
Jesus those asses look awful
Depends on the costume.
Something like Cammy should be trivial, but stripping away many layers of elaborate armor would take some effort.
dunno senpai, i only know that i'd fuck them pretty hard desu imo
Good point, I guess it doesn't make a difference.
I sense confidence coming from you anon. Do you have any experience?
Someone had to hit that at that event, and I'm not talking about fighting
Yeah, but I'm all skinnyfat right now.
I'm married, good try though.
lmao im guessing you stepped out of your hugbox and got your ass kicked in a real fighting game
I wonder if most cosplayer are even a good lay. I know some girls with amazing bodies that wear slutty clothes and are "dtf" but they usually just lay there like zombies and make the guy do all the work.
Fake ass bitches man.
dimelo en mi cara y mira que pasa puto solo rambuleas en 4chan sobre juegos que no has tocado en tu vida. pobre autista problablemente tienes miedo de salir de tu casa ya que toda tu ropa es lo que usabas hace 5 años.
sometimes when i play fightcade chat messages don't show up in the game

I know they went through because they show up in the lobby, whats up?
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anybody wanna Xrd
Naw I just wasted my time on a game that relies on oki setups and vortex which is a symptom of a kusoge.
>i can't deal so it's a bad game
diaper post of the day, congrats
So stop playing sf4?
I dont see how that relates to gg
you playing the right game?
Probably because you don't play it.
>getting caught in any character's vortex that isn't Millia or Zato

So is there vortex or not? I don't want to play vortex fighter anymore.
unlike SF4 there's like 5 different ways to break out of a vortex unless you get caught with an unblockable on wakeup which requires corner specific setups
Yes there is. People who say there isn't are lying. Also the vortex is much more oppressive than in SF4.
are people still complaining about vortex in USFIV?
if you thought blocking dudleys overhead was tough just wait until millia starts memeing on you
yes there is and when there is someone who is competent at the game it feels like blazblue
What should capcoms next 2nd tier fighter be? Something new? An old favorite?
dudleys overhead is faster than millia's overheads, except for maybe backdash YRC j.K
There's heavy oki like any anime game ever.
go with a jlf
holy shit how can anyone defend marvel 2 or say it was good beyond casual mid-level play

LS32 is trash, just stick with JLF for fighting games
This. You only have yourself to blame if you get caught in a vortex in GG
In SF vega needs to sweep/throw you once to start flipping coins

in GG millia needs to hit you with specific starters/spacing that will combo into knockdown so that she can properly toss a disk without being too far away that she can't make the mixip reversible or too close that she can't be thrown, she also needs to make sure the other person doesn't have burst

if her timing is off the other person has4-5 different ways to get out without having to guess 50/50 mixups
you can say the same about sf4
lmao im guessing you stepped out of your hugbox and got your ass kicked in a real fighting game
it's almost as if people should be more critical of themselves and establishing why they ended up in a losing situation instead of just blaming the game/anything else other than themselves
The match pace of MvC2 is completely fucked but it's all they had other than CvS2 and 3S
Maybe you should stop being a shitter and learn how to play.
I won't even touch street fighter iv, fuck that hot trash

I've never played marvel beyond an ultracasual level

just sayin that high level play is literally just infinite for 40 seconds.

why not just go full circle and make it so one hit kills you at that point lmao
Why the fuck do GGfags always try to make their game seem harder than it is? If you fuck up Millia's vortex then you're a retard.
this so much
>I'll spew a bunch of buzzwords to make it seems harder than it actually is

Braindead Millia setplay only works at low level lmao.
super turbo
alpha 2
kof 98
tekken tag
virtua fighter whatever
guilty gear x

these are all games that are vastly more respectable and fun than any installment of marvel, and which were around back then
Cable is arguably the best character in the game and can carry teams
>I don't understand a sentence so it must be buzzwords
nice logic senpai
none of those are buzzwords. midscreen disc oki is super spacing dependent because if you're too far the person can backdash or jump out of disc oki. if you dash too far and dont get the disc out on time you can get reversaled/grabbed or mashed out. corner oki is rough to deal with though.
none of these play like sfxmarvel or any mvc tho
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GGshitters everyone
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>mfw reiketsu followed me on twitter
>anon literally this mad they can't make an actual argument
s m h
t b h
f a m
Not even close. It's Storm or some people even say Sentinel.
depends which groove you play

generally the competitive grooves are

k groove team order doesn't matter, just put your ratio 2 last

c and a follow a similar team order to kof

point battery anchor

i.e. character who can rock without meter
character who builds meter
character who burns meter

so haohmaru is probably a good point character, his supers are shit, but he can do crazy damage off normals, plus he has that intimidation factor
Dont expect much from capkeks.
this is why you release various versions of the same game instead of milking the franchise by adding a number
Here's your argument

>in GG millia needs to hit you with specific starters/spacing that will combo into knockdown so that she can properly toss a disk without being too far away that she can't make the mixip reversible or too close that she can't be thrown, she also needs to make sure the other person doesn't have burst

the guy made it sound retarded even though he's kinda right but you're just being a retard if you honestly think gg is bad
that's the point

marvel is shi
Nothing hard to understand there, it's just a bunch of fighting game jargons that if you're in fgg you have the obligation to know what they mean. Doesn't change the fact that they were used there just to make it sound difficult and more complicated than it is, which is the definition of buzzword.
here's a suggestion
if you've never played a game over which you're trying to argue about specific mechanics then you should probably reconsider your life lmao
it's less that he tried to make the GG example sound complicated and more that he oversimplified the opposing example.
marvel is a broken ass game but it's not shit

it's way too fun to play
> I believe this was at a time when Justin was still undefeated in MvC2 (or had only lost to Sanford at that small east coast tourney), at a time when Justin was damn near untouchable, yet Mitsu is getting at him pretty hard, at least relative to how well everyone else was doing at the time
>justin playing team combofiend
yeah because everyone thinks their chip setups are the best
I guess.
here's a dumbed down version for you dude
first she needs to get a hard knockdown
if she puts a disc too close/too late she gets grabbed or they get out
if she puts a disc too far they can get out
if she doesn't expect a burst she gets knocked away
you can say the exact same about ibuki just replace disc with kunai timing
>first akuma needs to get a hard knockdown
>if he does a wrong version of demon flip it gets beaten by auto correct reversal
>if he fucks up the palmwhiff, they can grab him
>if he doesn't expect a backdash, they can get out
that's a pretty fair comparison
sf4 doesn't have wakeup throw as a viable option

you can't backdash out of ibuki setups unless they're retarded and majorly fuck up their inputs

you don't have burst or guard cancels in sf4

why are you talking about a game you clearly don't play at all?
Like how this shit throwing right now between GG and SF started because of somebody said KoF is kusoge.
>sf4 doesn't have wakeup throw as a viable option
oh yes it does
All fighting games are kusoge desu
GGfags are like smashfags. They both try so hard to make their game sound difficult.
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beta phase 3 when
more like see demonik on my account in uniel
>sf4 doesn't have wakeup throw as a viable option

3 F R A M E S
kof being kusoge is an objective fact, no need to deliberate on it

whether gg is kusoge or not is still hotly debated among educated circles
not against ibuki setups you spaz because she's in the goddamn air

GG throws are 1-frame meaning and there's only a handful of games in the entire series where you can even tech them, meaning that if millia does her setup wrong and she's too close to you as you stand up you can throw her 100% of the time

again, why are you talking about a game you clearly don't' play at all?
discord is gay
>wake up
>I can't still play the cracked beta online
It hurts.
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>sf4 doesn't have wakeup throw as a viable option

>why are you talking about a game you clearly don't play at all?

maybe you should ask yourself that
both of them are retards
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more like this

-she confirms a combo from neutral
-she carries you into the corner with said combo
-she throws a floating fireball to prevent reversals on opponents wakeup (needs to be done properly or else people can escape multiple ways)
-at this point she has a 50/50 on your wakeup to corner combo you back into a knock down.
-rinse repeat.

to escape this:
-she messes disc setup
-she guesses wrong on the 50/50
-opponent bursts
-opponent daa
-opponent blitz shields

it aint that hard guys.
>not against ibuki setups you spaz because she's in the goddamn air
if she mistimes her kunai it whiffs and she lands right next to you
maybe you guys don't understand but millia doesn't even have to commit to an attack for her oki, she can place the disc and move freely about the screen while they're forced to block it
that's why her oki is so good because she has like 5 ways to mix up off of it with little to no danger to herself
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Who is best?
>wake up
>ex pinwheel
it hurts.
>not against ibuki setups you spaz because she's in the goddamn air

for some reason this is really funny to read aloud
someone should stream SFV on twitch desu
true, but to throw ibuki out of setups they have to fuck up really bad while you can throw millia out of otherwise perfect setups if she's slightly closer to you than normal so it's still not comparable
>two worst players in the general
who cares
>throw ibuki out of setups they have to fuck up really bad
that's what we are talking about, fucking up setups and being punished for it
Snake obv
Did he dodge him after he got the game?
>millia doesn't even have to commit to an attack for her oki, she can place the disc and move freely about the screen while they're forced to block it
Sounds fantastic. Sign me out.
snake eyez has a more impressive tournament record but itazan is close

hagejin is an arcade monster and hasn't won anything of note but he beat snake eyez when they played so there is that.

IMO snake is just lightly better than them simply because he is way more solid
as someone who doesn't pay attention to retarded tripfag drama, all I know is that one guy has a cool castlevania avatar while the other guy has LE IRONIC SMUG ANIME GIRL so the 'better player' is the worst human being
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figuratively you do because you are replying to them
Itazan for being solid.
Hagejin for being random as fuck
Snake Eyes for having a sponsor and actually placing. Also winning evo with hdr gief vs a literal ST legend.
Yes, exactly.

Millia's setup has way more counters to it and if your spacing is even a little off you eat shit

with ibuki setups you have to majorly fuck up to risk getting punished at all
it's balanced by the fact you have burst, dead angle, FD pushback and that she has to hit like 5 combos to kill you compared to most of the cast's 3
how much damage does ibuki do in 4 I never really saw any matches with her
looking over some GG frame data they typically never have to deal with anything with less than 5 frames of start-up.

they can not compute.
Optimized is around 330 on medium chars, 414 on larger chars. Nobody goes for optimized combos except for pugera and that's why he loses a lot.
From what you guys are saying, it sounds like Millia is a really weak character.
Its hilarious watching capcomshitters try to talk down on GG.
throws are 1f and untechable. sf4 throws work as a semi-viable wakeup option because meaties are basically garbage.
Yeah 3 frames totally beats meaties you fucking retard
wanna play some vsav?
>My shit is harder than your shit!

Honestly I'm just here for the drama.
I see vice versa happening way more often.
there are way too many salty ASW fags in here.

honestly, I think you guys should just try making your own general again. we'd all be happier.
christ ok
second weakest character next to chipp and doesn't have the huge mobility chipp has
dies in 2 combos
no meterless reversal
bad pokes
roll is beaten by throw
can't even land her dust unless you're like right in front of them when you start it
but since her oki is the second best in the cast it makes her really strong
>game to hard for sfags to comprehend
>lmao nice buzzwords kid!!

enjoy your even more of a dumbed down game coming out capkek drone
>sticking your meaties in 4frame buffer city
im in the lobby
I see equal amounts of shit throwing either way. Don't pretend Street fighter players are the paragon of good will in here.
Why do you think Hagejin is random? He probably jumps the least of all the Zangiefs. It was really only the Sim matchup that he jumped a lot and because he bodied Art and Champ, he must have been right in doing so.

Yeah, Hagejin hasn't entered many tournaments. I've only seen him in like 3-4 in total (not counting Topanga).
Maybe SF players should make it like they made their majors. ASWfags are incapable of doing things themselves and bite the hand that feeds them.
the difference is capcom games can support a general and you're here like some pathetic leech begging for respect that will never come
>my posts matter because I play the same game as people who aren't total fuckups like me
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I need you Akiha
Every day until Maki is confirmed for SFV.
everyone is guilty on some level but the past few months here I've definitely seen way more shit posting from the remnant /aswg/ fags.

saying it's equal is just not true.
if you really think this place is a sanctuary for anything importnat thats fg related then you're either new or retarded

you're lucky anyone even comes here that isn't a tripfag circlejerker, weeb ecchi poster, or someone who doesn't play fighting games.
Shes low tier.
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they'll never be in the same game ever again ;-;
I don't even play GG that much, I'm a KoF player, so don't try pointing at bias that's not there. Guess what the whole shit that started was because >>121419478 said gg was better than sf. While having kof be at the bottom of his rankings. You don't see me sperging out about it though.
says who nigga
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kENqtY_nsbA This match, he keeps trying to cancel st.lk into green hand and the redditor keeps blowing it up, like he's convinced the guy did it on luck or something, he loses 2 rounds because of just being random. I know the matchup is ass when honda has meter but it's all the more reason to not do random shit like that.
Why? Are you a Guy main or something
>tfw this guy was from my local scene
yep that's why I said typically.
overall I'm kind of surprised at how slow the attacking was in general to be quite honest. the game doesn't look fast or anything but I see too many GG sycophants on here acting like it's the epitome of fighting games so I was expecting something a little more 'exciting' when I started looking into the core of the game.

if it gets a current release on PC I'll give the game a try for sure though. looks more fun than BB at least.
He's a solid Honda. Go practice with him.
she's low tier and so hard to play like my cock lmao
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>Gen returned
>Birdie returned
>Eagle returned
>Adon returned
>Sagat returned
>Geki got replaced by Vega
>Joe got replaced by Cody
>Mike got replaced/is Balrog
>Lee got replaced by Yun

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guy is entitled to his opinion but i guess most opinions are wrong here.

i think it mostly came from >>121416798
man this game made no sense. What the fuck was up with Barlog and why were they were in some distance future if I recall correctly.

I didn't even connect CS Arthur to G&G Arthur as a kid.
fuck off fagman
where is this even going on
can you stop posting these autistic chat logs, if anybody gave a fuck they would be there already
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no shes arguably the second best character in the game.

top 5 kinda goes zato millia elph sol faust
kudos to leddit for blowing up a kappa sponsoredfag.
Anything is more fun than BB lmao
why does lagman gloat about beating the worst player in the general like that makes him any less of an unlikable cunt
Who has the best?
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post nationalities/fighting styles that need to have representation in fighting games
It's in an alternate universe where all capcom characters live.
Don't put too much thought into it, my autistic friend.
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akiha melts my blood
just tell him to go sub to more fgc celebs
oh man i can see me in the crowd
zato with eddie up
Anyway to play podcasts or some kind of audio streaming on PS4 while I practice shit?
damn slim needs to calm
Retsu uses shorinji kempo, there is no other shorinji kempo users in Street Fighter
When Yun is going on me and Dive kicking me as Viper should I be trying to anti-airing him with my Fierce thunder knuckle? What can I do to fend off the dive kick pressure?
Is Xrd good compared to the previous installment?
Ghana/That weird one armed boxing shit.
why is slim still allowed to post here, he's obviously like 13 years old
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Seriously though, Slim. You need to learn some humility and not make excuses and act like a bitch. Also i'm not lagman lmao
it doesn't have all the mechanics of +R but yeah it's good
only thing that's bad is there's no throw breaks but that's in revelator
holy shit the AUTISM on both sides lmaoooo
st.HK maybe?
Why is that guy doing Ryu's new j.HK?
isnt ex seismo strike invincible
i don't mind sf, kof, and gg players shitposting but i'm sure they can even agree melty is hot garbage and needs to die.
when will we have another fgg trip/namefag ft10

I need another blowup
revelator? I've been out of the scene for like 2 years
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>hating on kasumi

If you want to beat kasumi, zone her out and guard cancel roll punish rekkas on block.
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melty is just as good as +R and better than Xrd
ggxrd is basically ggx3

the first installment of xrd is called -sign-. the new installment coming out next year is called -revelator-.
revelator is the next iteration of Xrd and it adds a few new mechanics like blitz attack, burst overdrives, throw breaks, and new characters
>bottom of the barrel tripderp drama time
rather have flea and gonads back over these retards
All the informative and entertaining Melty Blood tutorials taught me enough for me to appreciate Type Moon's greatest fighter.

Thanks Spooky, Breek, XxTexasTimxX, and others.
holy shit xrd=3rd
who the fuck is gonads
>slim cant even block on discord
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Her st. HK comes out so slow, you kinda need to premtively do it. I'll try it.

He's in the air, I don't think that's a good option.

I'll try and find some matches on youtube.
should i get the current version now or wait?
52 blocks
We'll probably have tons when SFV comes out.
I'm excited to beat all your asses
underrated post
old nameshit with skill level on par with slim/gman
Nah, that belongs to blazblue. It even had the most kusoge votes on that one fgg approved games strawpoll.
slim kumite when
pretty mad they didn't just call it guilty gear XXX desu but I can see why that would be a poor choice
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jesus christ
we won't get revelator for a while and even sign is like 35 bucks. its a great game and it'd help you get a headstart on revelator.
revelator probably isn't going to be released overseas for like a year so I'd recommend getting Xrd for cheap if you can since they're keeping balance relatively the same for characters so most shit you can do now you'll be able to do in that
should i buy a ps3 or ps4
>revelator probably isn't going to be released overseas
when does it come out in japland
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It would just be a slaughter.
spring 16
ps4 and mkx :^)
ps4 for tekken 7 on december 17
no idea it's only in arcades as of like 2 months ago
alright goodshit thanks guys
>i just think im not as bad as the entire thread thinks i am

this is literally the problem. he thinks random full screen supers are not literal scrub level.

stay slim, slim.
why so antagonistic? 4 out of the 6 gg players that i know hate the shit out of melty and they can't even explain why. all their arguments amount to "it's not gg and i don't understand it"
If Tekken 7 comes out on December 17 2016, I'd be really disappointed
You are right, you can trip guard it.

Melty is super simple though how can anybody not understand it?
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melty is to GG like mortal kombat is to SF
completely unrelated?
i don't know either but none of them ever progressed past a basic level.

le smug anime girl XD faggot thinks he's really cool lmao
kill yourself sniffshitskin
>fgg discusses alpha 3
>tons of spergs show up to defend it for some reason, every time
>ten (10) people sign up for the tournament
what did he mean by this?
would anyone be interested in some super turbo akuma mirrors
since Ken got his Alpha costume do you think we'll get his classic costume or will that just be redundant?
v-ism is banned so its ok
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uhhhhh excuse me shes not smug she is just very happy
>Just learned Twitch doesn't allow alcohol

What the fuck?
the only people that like melty are the super weebs that watch the anime and post the waifus non stop

they dont even like/play the game.
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nice taqiyyas
dem tanlines make my sniffdick diamonds
Maybe. But what will they do for Ryu in that case?
Yeah, until he learns to get rid of bad habits like that he'll never truly get decent. I mean, going for a random dp/super once every now and then isn't such a big deal, but when it's not working he needs to stop going for it several times more hoping it hits.
i like melty and i play the game. consider yrself debunked, buddy.
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interesting... I've definitely seen people drinking on stream... the few streams I've done I've been drunk... the canada cup after-stream was in a bar ffs and they were drinking on stream.

mago was all fucked up... he's a freaky guy.
what gaming site does that thermometer work for
So, Salty Suite isn't allowed?
nobody tell jiyuna
>mago trying to get sponsored by BBC
you're not real
every day i tell myself im going to play sf4 and i never do

thanks for reading
play melty blood
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they stated they'll be doing classic costumes for dlc. i'm not sure if they specified whether it'll cost fight money or zeny/$$, though.
well Ryu has 2 skins confirmed, Alpha and Beard
Ken just has 1, Alpha, maybe classic will just be his 2nd one? Maybe they'll give him green eyes in it too, to better separate it from the others
I'm sensing gay flags here
They already confirmed giving him his old outfit back
So as a joke, I went to Voidere's house while wearing the wig and clothes of Akiha from Melty Blood I could barely stop my laughter as he went as red as a tomato and looked at me from head to toe with a bit of drool in his mouth. The way he stared made me feel a bit funny too, but I decided to tease him more by taking off my clothes. He asked me, "Are you serious?" and I said, "Yup."

He went silent for what seemed like forever, so I asked him, "What's the matter?" He said he's confused, but then his boner got really hard, which made me take off his clothes. I expected him to scream, "Stop!" as I kissed him and stroked his cock, but he instead shouted, "Oh God, Akiha-Chan!" which made me get a boner myself. Before I knew it, I was blowing him for the first time till he came.

His semen was so thick, it got stuck inside my throat no matter how hard I swallowed. He then said, "I want to fuck you now!" and seeing that we've already gone that far and we were both naked, I obliged. He plowed me like he was Roa making a rape sex tape of Akiha. A few hours later, the jerk went all pale and said to me, "Why did we do that? Now I'm totally gay." But he looked so cute all confused like that, so I took pity on him and reassured while wiping his cum off my face, "Let's just pretend I'm still Akiha."
I do that too.

It's okay.
Is neco arc chaos a gud character for beginners
>melty players
>being attracted to girls
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his ass.
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None, because he's lying. There's been no official word other than that another ASW title is hitting Steam this year.
anyone else successfully made an akiha tulpa yet??
is void french? he looks french as fuck
if you're the kinda person that picks alpha dan, yeah.
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I want Akiha to stamp on my face and make me eat dirt
Oh well something came out apparently. I just checked now and this is here apparently.

He actually is, yeah.
>Asians aren't afraid of black men anymore
>now they're portable amusement parks

sucks lmaooo
tulpa is a meme
so are DLCs ever actually going to be actual new data, or is it all gunna be on disc for now on
i want akiha to sit on my face and make me eat her
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Brings this story to mind
damn void is ugly as fuck
"English language not supported
This product does not have support for your local language"

Well done. Good to see ASW's got their priorities right. Releasing some shovelshit instead of their flagship franchises.
what does Akiha taste like?
Black guys in Japanese porn always look really weird and old
>Snake Eyez
So /fgg/ when are you going to find a character that works with your very personality?
Probably because the Yakuza members that run the porn industry don't give a fuck about the dudes who want to be in a video, they don't filter anyone as long as they do the job correctly.
just like my animes!!
Whenever a fighting game decides to add an always happy/smiling character to the game
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they always have the same few black people doing interracial javs
and when they do the jav holiday of going to africa they get some blatantly obvious black guy that's been in japan to do it
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>juri is back
already have desu
the sniffposting will increase by 10% once we get to see more of her
Wrong. They want the niggest to look like Orcs from their favorite hentai.
I'm kind of curious to see how differently she plays desu. we've seen what they've done to classic characters who maybe needed an update but she's fairly "new."

10%? more like 1,000%
Deejay is just pretending to be happy, that's how he copes with his life.
I want Akiha to bully me. wish I was better at playing her desu.
Is bipson still easy to use in sf5?
i can teach u how 2 beat breek with all 3 akihas
I wouldn't be surprised if this was true too
Charge pressure is never easy for me
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I can already beat Breek, he is ass, best girl always wins anyway

fuck Ciel
"Akiha" added to filter list
depends on the opponent
i played him a tiny bit in the last beta, and since people can't stop pressing buttons you get far with just cr. mp xx scissors
thanks for the blog, where do i subscribe?
probably true, whites like black men fucking their own because they like feeling humiliated . Japanese like black men fucking their women because they like seeing the woman humiliated
this t b h
Just stand at st.HP distance and st.HP them, most of the cast has jack shit at that distance.
when u get down to the last part of the cookies
meme character, will always be
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Have we heard anything about Rufus?
IS he confirmed, denied, or not?
we haven't heard anything
he's neither denied nor confirmed
i hope he stays gone forever

So, alltacks, you sticking with necalli?

you can have him desu, I wanna play nash
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i hope he fucking dies
he is never coming back because twins will be the divekick characters, and he is just irrelevant overall.
i wish you'd stay gone forever budgetski
kuck is a beta meme
it doesnt matter the race beta fucks like to get kucked
this is a 21st century degeneracy to be honest
if you are a kuck just kill yourself to be honest
calm down
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>mfw I main Hugo
>mfw I suck hard
>mfw I lose every match
>mfw though I lose, I learn from every match
>mfw I can feel myself getting stronger and smarter with each loss
>mfw I'm casual as fuck so losing doesn't make me feel bad
>mfw I get decimated by Ryus and Sagats all day with a huge grin on my face

who else /casual/ here?
>not riding the Bob Ross CPM train

It's like you aren't a whore for money!
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yeah he'll probably be my main if the last character isn't amazing
bob ross is based but max is cancer
>single white boi
>nobody ever fights you long enough to feel like you're getting good practice.

How am I supposed to stop being shit if no one fucking plays me?
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thats not very nice anon
devil jin is not always smiling.
go to locals
4k BP and 1.3kPP

You are not alone my friend, as long as we can learn things from our matches.
most of the times they get random nigerians living in japan or travel to some african village
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>losing doesn't make me feel bad
you're missing out
You know I'm watching this video right now and considering how much money he supposedly puts into equipment, I'm hearing a lot of fucking background noise.
we all die, anon.

we all die.
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He's really fun to play, but I enjoyed Nash more

Necalli has baller alt colours too
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How to git gud at SF3: Third Strike? My main is Chun Li, and I can't parry for shit. I hardly know the moves and couldn't pull off the combos even if I did know them.

Tips? If it makes a difference I'm using an Xbox 360 controller because poorfag.
>The same 3 or 4 players fighting each other over and over

They're about as helpful as /fgg/.

"Help I have no idea how to find a weakness in this guy's frametrap."
"Keep blocking."
"But then I get thrown."
"Shoulda pressed a button."

Maybe my reactions are just shit. I can't AA consistently even.
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I don't know, I feel like it's the thinking man's porn, but since you can't think and just apesmash on your stick, of course you wouldn't get it.
already called dibs on color 3
can't wait for edgelord costumes

nash was my second most played in the beta, he's really fun too. i didnt like how some off his target combos seemed to whiff a lot tho

You need to stop seeing anti airing as only a reaction

Sure, it can be

But it's more often about prediction

And it'll come with more experience

Learn how to cr.MK xx Super and then spend the rest of your time getting gud at footsies. There now you're good at Chun.

Maybe I should learn the terminology first.
literally just turtle poke, kara throw, and confirm into super
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You got good taste desu

Except iirc you play deejay in usf4, ah well
cr.MK = crouching medium kick. Footsies is using the right moves at the proper distances, and knowing the perfect maximum distance for your character, as well as your opponent
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which kind of Akiha is the highest IQ?
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i dropped deejay like 7 months ago family, don't have a main in that game anymore
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I barely know the game and that SRK wiki has absolutely nothing. How do I even start at this game?

What if I just plan on playing casually with friends? Do I still need to know all of this or just the movesets, basics, and standard strategies?
>hating on deejay
Literally what
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seifuku because her unusual normals make her 3x harder to use
Charge characters feel like ass in SF4. I really wanted to play Deejay too, maybe he'll get into SFV eventually.
why are all the melty players uk :(


I don't really keep up with fgg players, I tend to play with just a few friends but hang around here for discussion, occasionally


Deejay sucks, senpai
post more Akiha with glasses
It's basics, which helps with even casual play. You should be able to look up 'target combos' easily enough, moves that link into each other. They're filthy casuals, but these guys show off the game decently enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY-YzVbhS7A
>Deejay sucks, senpai

I smell a tier whore
>thinking man's porn
>letting another man take your property and defile it
>thinking man
lmao 2bHonest

the worst part is that you want it to be a specific type of race to fuck the woman which just reinforces the beta-ness of it.
and i smell a fucking memer

I'm gonna play Nash in SFV, supposedly bottom tier in that game

I don't tier whore, but Deejay honestly sucks, like he's worse than Dan, not even kidding
Well, hit confirmation into a super is pretty basic and will help you anyway.
In that case, you just input the super move input only if the crouching medium kick hits the opponent.
Try to learn how to parry a projectile when you are far from them too.
i think he's low mid-tier, but it's hard to find 5 characters clearly worse than him
kitasenju DJ has done really well with him lately tho
problem is that the character can give you terrible habits. you get free jump-ins all day because knee shot is so hard to AA, you don't really ahve to block crossup mixups on wakeup because his EX upkicks beats shit like that and you have a great way to get through fireballs with ex sobat

I watched that

Kitasenju is god like, Deejay is bad
last time i checked i wasn't uk but i could be wrong
>full bar
>try to EX Psycho Sting FADC on wakeup
>HP Psycho Sting and eat shit repeatedly
I don't understand how I can be so terrible at everything
nah, memers can't handle Deejay.
he's a legitimately fun, slept on, character.

it's way too early to start assigning tiers.
the game is constantly changing.

and Deejay definitely isn't worse than Dan.

our boy gootecks
I don't get it, even Zombie Nash doesn't have all that weird texturing and detail going that make Ken's face look weird.

What were they thinking?
why the fuck is she wearing Iori's clothes
Jewtecks is my least favorite fgc personality desu
she's attending a kusoge cosplay convention.
shouldn't it be Iori wearing Akiha's clothes then
i need u akiha my winter time warmth
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Unfortunately, KoF is now kusoge as hell
still autumn though
xii has been out for a while
will this meme stop
kofxiv is a vita game not ps1 or ps2
there's a surprising amount of Akiha x Iori art
Is Elena a meme?
I kind of want to play USF4 a little since I never tried it and someone gifted it to me on PC.

She looks fun.
What were the reactions to SFV's tutorial mode and confirmed Alpha costumes for Ryu and Ken?

I'm hot and cold on him.
he's just too much of an opportunist to be completely trusted. it was kind of funny watching him playing the SFV beta and deferring to chat on how to figure out what's punishable/safe.

any other person I wouldn't care but HE WROTE A FUCKING BOOK ABOUT STREET FIGHTER.

Alpha Chun li confirmed. Who cares about those other guys.
Elena is fine. Healing is a meme
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KoF has always been kusoge
I honestly thought Kyo was a new Freedom Wars character before I saw the trailer/read the news.
pretty neat I guess.
kind of interesting that they finally figured out the game needs a proper tutorial.
People would get annoyed at you especially if you play her using her Ultra 2. She's made for stalling the game and with her pokes and high/low mixup she ruins a lot of peoples day.

I liked it and thought the costumes looked alright. Hopefully they fix Ken's hair because that slim was out of control.
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holy shit i thought the alpha costumes were a mod when i saw a screenshot of them before
looks like garbage
You mean 3DS game. Vita has better graphics.
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stop exaggerating
kofxiv looks like a vita / psn title
i'll honestly be shocked if they sold it as a full priced ps4 game
Only if the whole 50 characters rumours are true
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Shes fun
Always play with healing
>50 characters
ok if thats true
i am completely willing to look past the graphics
If you're new to the game or fighting games in general don't bother. She's extremely technical and requires strong fundamentals/significant patience
is that including dlc or what
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sfa3 is a shit game
a-ism only mirrors make the game feel like a gimped st
the shitty movement everyone but sim has just barely makes zoning viable
cancel this shit tourney tomorrow
>Says KoF has been kusoge
>post kuso character from game that has been kusoge since its inception
k fa m you sure know you you're talking about
sure showed me t bh

I finally figured out why GGfags are so insufferable. Their game is literally the SMASH of the FGC
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>finally find someone to play with at 6:25am
>leaves after 1 game

anyone usf4 pc eu?
its 9:32pm
Melty is fun, don't be butthurt you suck at everything slim.
Smash is the Smash of the FGC
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>All of the fun of a divekick character and a grappler
>Condor Spire is autofootsies
>50% damage 0 frame grab Ultra
>Get to use the low tier OS
Why aren't you playing him /fgg/? Do you not like fun?
Don't know. The same guy who said the second trailer would come out on wednesday, said on february Chang would come in a prisioner suit along with 49 more characters:

>KOFXIV roster according to the rumor!!

>Team 01 : China Team ( 恶魇青年 (??), 糖葫芦 (Tung Fu Rue), 枕头少年 (??) )

>Team 02 : Japan Team ( 草蕹京 (Kyo Kusanagi), 二阶堂红丸 (Benimaru Nikaido), 大门五郎 (Goro Daimon) )

>Team 03 : Fatal Fury Team ( Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, 东丈 (Joe Higashi) )

>Team 04 : Art of Fighting Team ( 坂崎良 (Ryo Sakazaki), Robert Garcia, 坂崎百合 (Yuri Sakazaki) )

>Team 05 : K' Team ( K', Maxima, Kula Diamond )

>Team 06 : Kim Team ( 金家藩 (Kim Kaphwan), 他师父 (Kim's Master), 他师母 (Kim's Wife) )

>Team 07 : Criminal Team ( 犯人陈 (Prisoner Chang Koehan), 犯人蔡 (Prisoner Choi Bounge), 新人囚犯 (Newcomer Prisoner) )

>Team 08 : Women Fighters Team ( 不知火舞 (Mai Shiranui), King, Alice )

>Team 09 : Ikari Team ( Ralf Jones, Clark Still, Leona Heidern )

>Team 10 : Psycho Soldier team ( Athena Asamiya, 椎拳崇 (Sie Kensou), 摸元斋 (Chin Gentsai) )

>Team 11 : Yagami Team ( 八神庵 (Iori Yagami), Mature, Vice )

>Team 12 : Mexico Team ( Ramon, Angel, Tizoc )

>Team 13 : Palace Wan Team ( 脸谱女 (Acting Mask Girl), 电属性少女歌手 (Teenage Girl Singer with Electric Element), 神秘兜帽男 (Mysterious Hooded Man) )

>Team 14 : South Town Team ( Geese Howard, Billy Kane, 营家新人 (??) )

>Team 15 : South America Team ( 巴西忍者 (Brazilian Ninja), 残障拳击手 (Handicap Boxer), 拉丁美女 (Pretty Latin Girl) )

>Team 16 : Alternate World Team ( 娜可露露 (Nakoruru), Love Heart, 龙娘 (Mui Mui) )

>Mid-Boss : ( 中BOSS俄罗斯富豪 (Russian Billionaire) )
>Final-Boss : ( 最终BOSS人形态非人类物种 (Non-Human Species) )


Yeah, really hard to believe but it's something to talk about.
just because its fun doesn't mean it isn't kusoge
and its not like fun isn't objective
because as a native american I find his design offensive desu
>divekick that gets ultra punished from half the cast
sounds great
please give vice her 98/2k2 moveset back
she got gimped so badly
Maxima too
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good nacht budgetski/diet chariot
>kims master, kim's wife
what a kek
i dont like meme characters and using excuses as to why i lost

you can honestly just keep playing him but dont think you are anything special because your condor dive into ultra/command grab or condor spire into 360/command grab get shut down by bison st.HK, even online.

Good taste
I'd be kinda surprised if they didn't give characters their completed movesets this time around. They don't have those fucking horribly time consuming sprites to work with.
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what can i say, i like my grabbyguy characters
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And three pachinko characters including Alice instead of fucking Blue Mary again

They're saying the Playstation Experience will reveal the number of characters.

Anyway, OTP already got confirmed
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Misquoted >>121437672
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>All of the fun of a divekick character and a grappler
I can just play Yun
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merk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iObID3oxUDU
This desu senpai
>All the fun of a grappler character and has a divekick
>Phoenix Sword
I just realized Bison doesn't have Psycho Crusher in SFV.

This character is ruined.
It's his Critical Art.
He's ruined because he doesn't have his terrible move in this game?
its not terrible
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chunli is my waifu
Wait, SFV beta is UP?!?
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This fucking burger is my waifu. I'm about to take her purity with my mouth.
Anyone else excited for Fan just because Shigeru Chiba (pilaf, kuwabara) is voicing him?
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>spectacting fightcade
>each game ends in a ragequit
Ask the worst 09er in the universe anything
Cats or dogs?
Bullshit. Pic?
Check for yourself. It's up. It has Laura, Ryu, Chun-Li, Cammy, Karin and if I recall correctly Rashid.
Actually it is online right now on PS4. I see streams of it with Laura right now actually. Not PC though so that sucks.
no bison or necalli? not even going to bother
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i'd rather play the original divekick grappler desu
>PC beta isn't up

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master race

Why the fuck did we buy this shit on PC
Wish I could check but I'm stuck at work.

Well shit. Gonna check some out. Thanks man.
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It's been up since the second phase ended

The crack right


You mean crash'd m8?
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What is it about grapplers that makes people so mad?
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>Check twitch
>2 nobodies and Max is streaming
>gorilla mash normals
>braindead spd mash whenever you get close
mikamania runnin wild
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they think it requires less skill because you need to land one grab to do the same damage as the combos they practiced for hours

also for you anon
I love it

I really hate fighting against Gief/Hawk/Hugo because 1-2f startup command throws are retarded.

I don't have any problems with Potemkin or Tager or Cerebella or any anime grappler except maybe Wald.
I didn't say they were good streams senpai.
I wish.
>2nd round ends with a Perfect
>losing player with low health random super/DM and it gets blocked and it player leaves before it gets punished
>person ridicules the person that quit
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Damn SFV is looking better since the last time the beta was up. Also Laura's stage looks really nice.
I can't get in the SFV beta on PS4. Shit is fucking up.
It's fine, I just wanted to check for myself, I was most interested in Laura. no ps4 is suffering
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if it actually has a roster of that size and still manages to be good i don't care how the graphics will look
The woman announcer is in this beta. Tells you the record of the other player.
How the fuck do I get into the beta?
It tells me to update, but when I try to, it tells me I'm up to date.
uninstall it, then install it
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Im pretty sure the game just crashed, fightcade people are very honest people.


Whatever ,Guys, can someone tell me why O.Sagat is not banned in Murrica?

I mean, the character is obviously broken, exhaustive fireballs that only can be compared to Gouki, ridiculous dizzy potential, 1/2 bar 3 hits combos, sick reversal, uncomparable movement over the screen, i just want an answer.

What is your excuse? in Japan this guy is bann'd, and they are way better players than western players, i think they have a reason.
In any case, if it ever gets ported to PC, I could see the inclusion of mods to fix the eyesore that is KoFXIV
I don't understand how the crack works, my game just updates.
I hope someone rips the music from Brazil stage, It sounds catchy.
as if kof wasn't dead already this is gonna be the final nail on the coffin
>let me sit on the ground because I'm from the Hella Golden State
>still 3 months to go
>muh graphics

all it needs is good gameplay and good online.

whine about it probably having shitty online rather than graphics.
but he isnt banned in japan

He's not actually banned in Japan though, people just get mad when you pick him.
just pick vega
ST is rock paper scissors

Because we haven't seen any worthwhile gameplay yet so the only thing you can possibly critique is the graphics and they look like horse shit.
to be honest he is not banned in japan
people just like you just whine about him just like people in the US whine about vega (claw)

get over it faggot
You would think that fighting game players of all people would understand this
He's softbanned and it's situational. America has been beating Japs in SF2 since Hyper Fighting. A lot of the old men were really good at SF2.
>lets change everything classic that branded the KoF series and make it generic anime garbage
>KoFans are so starved for a game they won't care
That's all we have right now though. If the gameplay looks like it will be good it will be praised, but right now there is nothing to praise.
>Beta is laggy as fuck

strike 3
Yes, but a fighting game looking very poor pushes casuals away. It's more than that, though, the change in aesthetic makes the characters look much more generic and bland. Ryo just looks like a DoA character now
Honestly KoF has died and come back many times before. It's pretty much unkillable.

Gameplay is the most important thing in a fighting game and visual are just the icing on the cake that make the gameplay stand out more. Though honestly XIV could use some touch ups in the visuals if it plays well and has a constant 60fps I know I'll play it.
it's not even a real beta though.
but its a shame it hasn't gotten any better
>unsheduled beta thats not even supposed to be up right now is laggy
>It's pretty much unkillable.
Much like the Simpsons, or Family Guy
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you're obsessed
>Honestly KoF has died and come back many times before. It's pretty much unkillable.

like a skelleton walking around, ye
>playing a Viper
>beating them on like a dozen choices
>they get a backthrow while I'm trying to DP them and I die
Wait is the third beta already here or is it just PS4?
Pretty much.

It's just some people getting in early thought it doesn't seem like the third beta is out yet.
this literally the 3rd or fourth time the beta has unofficially gone up

they do this as some kind of internal test

the real beta will always be officially announced by capcom with specific dates and times
if its just for PS4 that's really disgusting, it's graphics are good for a vita port though
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but I also have it on PS4
I'm too busy playing BO3 to launch the beta though
>English voices

Why do people do this. The only acceptable one is Cammy's
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Why do people like to play like they have something on the line if they lose when the connection is terrible?

My matches are fine.

People need to stop thinking rollback is going to fix shitty connections.
Why is V-Trigger a combo extender? That was the worst part of Focus Attack.
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they want to beat you for stealing images
Right? I always sit back and throw some jabs out to see if the connection gets better during lag spikes, but other people just jump in and smash buttons.
anyone get into the beta on pc?
Does the new SFV beta have the newer Karin face or still the older one?
Wasn't the worst part of focus attacks that they neutered footsies and rewarded you with big damage?
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I love Caitlin Glass too, my friend.
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>streamers still just doing jumpin heavy - heavy - special or jumpin heavy - heavy - vtrigger - super

Why don't they at least just practice punishes against blocked moves and shit instead of non-stop jumpin combos that will rarely hit in an actual match.
God damn Choi's spacing is so good
Why does the beta keep saying that I need to download a new title update? I've already downloaded it
Why is chocolate milk and popcorn so good together goddamn
this new beta menu screen and bgm is dope
losing because of lag is frustrating

i know it's stupid to think that but it gets me mad anyway because i'm obsessed with winning
surprise beta? what what?!?!
>sucking floppy cow tit juice and eating carb bombs
fuck, PC beta isnt' open?
p-pc m-m-master race
>not drinking tit juice
Are you gay?

>not liking chocolate milk

I'm getting it too, no idea how to fix it.
I guess it balances out since I've had access to training mode for the past few weeks
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pc beta is always on!
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that's true but I was hoping for online.
based off arturos stream I'm not missing much haha.
>ryu nerfed even MORE

sfv and kof14 look ugly
SFV looks better than KoF at least.
I don't think SFV looks bad either just not impressive.
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>cow tit juice
Ah so the new beta has Karin's new face. Nice.
how are these laggy ass rashids fighting

this guy has almost 1k lp in a non working netcode beta
The game keeps asking me to update but the console doesn't detect any updates. Am I too late?

really? he seemed pretty meh even when I tried him on PC, apparently he was decent in beta 1

hope capcom is just messing around
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uninstall then redownload
oh cool I just did that. Thanks
SFV characters look like clay
what am i supposed to be seeing

it almost looks like her tits are smaller
Is the beta starting for real tomorrow?
why isnt lauras st.MK special cancelable holy shit get it together combofiend
Just posting for anybody that wanted to compare it with older builds
The beta is already up right now on PS4 I just got in and they are doing a stress test tomorrow.
Man, SFV seems so limited. Good buttons are rare.
she looks pretty qt now
especially for an old hag
laura is fucking shitty
If everyone has shit buttons the neutral game gets more complex.
Is there any reason why PC isn't getting the beta now that they've tested the netcode and game?
Her face definitely looks more round.






jesus christ how many times have people said it

because now wed have another version to crack and datamine
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Christ... Its definitely apparent here.
because pcfags ruin shit with datamining and cracks
calm down fag

But it is open for people to play. Why should they allow ps4 players to play and not PC players?
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stop asking dumbass questions people have already answered and i will
Nice lego glove.

They should've kept it PS4 exclusive desu.
fucking gross
did anything change with karin
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Shit son she got new lipsticks
Lauru can combo from lights

she can do cr.lp > st.lk xx qcf lp or qcf ex punches
...yeah? Literally everyone can combo from lights.

the SFxT datamine came from teh 360 version, morons. the platform doesn't matter. people will dissect it.
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>Brazil's theme
I didn't ask a question you senpai
>people still confused as to why a game made by japanese people is developed for japanese sensibilities
what part of unofficial do you not understand

this is clearly for them to test something not for players
and what are japanese sensibilities ?
other than vega or birdie who else has BnB combos from lights? necalli can in vtrigger also but who else?

That they think Chun Li and Cammy looked ugly.
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When are they going to patch Laura's hair?
Don't know what you consider a BnB, but pretty much everyone can do light > light xx special.
>made for japanese

>no arcade release

ummmmmm lol????
I can't get Spider Man's level 3 super to hit in UMvC3. Is there a trick to it?
Don't want to give Japan an advantage.
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Cammy is kawaii tho
ultimate web throw only hits airborne opponents
She looks quite younger and cuter, which is fine, since this is some mysterious time between 4 and 3 so you can't tell how aged she must be.

She looks less old and less chinese, which is a fucking shame, but she still look ok.

They might have gone overboard with the "kawaii uguu~" with this one, jesus.
>chun lis ruggedness

nips have shit taste lmao

for some reason i thought most couldn't idk why must have it confused with lights into mediums

arcades are dying in japan

and Sony is using SFV to push PS4 sales. Anyone who is serious about SF will pick up a PS$ to play it. So all the arcade monster you know and love will still be playing.
it's because of the deal they signed with Sony.
time for console arcades.

Literally nothing wrong with this face.
>playing sleep fighter on console
So open up testing for a larger demographic. Isnt that what betas are for anyways? Testing?
if it was necessary they would

that's clearly not the aim
karin is supposed to be a bitch why are they changing her bitchy look????/
why the fuck would you make a screenshot of that, i dont understand

No, she's not a bitch. See her ending in Alpha and read her win quotes in SFV.
you never understand
Do people really think Japanese arcades are dominated by SF cabinets? Like if SFV doesn't have an arcade release, something else isn't going to take its spot?
>spins people around
>spins people around again but backwards this time like australian toilet flushes
>ohohos some more
>probably did 9/11
look she is completely a bitch okay

fuckin nips trying to make her look all cute and teehee
A BnB usually involves at least light light medium xx special or light light light xx special because two lights are easy to hitconfirm from.
arcades are dying yo
At this point the ooohohoho feels like an artifact more than anything that they added much before they made the characters actual characters. Like Sagat's laugh or Vega's yodel. They keep it because it's iconic more than anything.
the nips completely ruined chun lis face

what the hell is wrong with them, it looks like she got a bad plastic surgery job
looks better than before, sorry
Arcades are dying. No one is having kids and anyone with nerdy hobbies are becoming shitty otaku. Old folks don't even like games anymore and pachinko machines are losing a lot of revenue.
It's an internal stress test. This has happened before when they try doing this and people manage to get in and sneak a bit of beta time.

Because the jap fans didn't like that a Chinese woman looked Chinese.
you have objectively bad taste if you think that's the case
arcades are much bigger in japan than anywhere else but they are ultimately going to die off
>not lips
>zero facial features
>looks like she has floodlights on her 24/7
>stupid Jap nose


>No one is having kids and anyone with nerdy hobbies are becoming shitty otaku

Maybe if the fucking pay per hours worked wasn't so ungodly people would consider having children and not just hiding away.

The country fucking sucks.
It's not going to be because SFV.
>tfw japan will die in your lifetime



is that lip gloss or her teeth? I honestly can't tell

Nah, she just has a more Asian nose.
>hair clipping
fix it
But who is going to make your video games and anime for cheap? They're already getting shit for outsourcing to chinks and flips, but no one bats an eye when their own people only make $11k a year.
road runner road runner
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Either way Karin would only be in her 20's at most.
wow the mouth and nose look actually bad now, and whatsup with that eyebrow? it should be bigger horizontally
>dumb waifu character Capcom thinks is going to attract shitters is still godlike before the main beta and launch
>shotos are getting even worse to force people to diversify

Everything in this game is forced. I would be suprised if they intentionally keep Ryu shit for 1 or 2 Evos.
>I think I've seen your name on a missing persons form... Maybe not.

Does she really say that to Nash?
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>Recording frame date
For what purpose? the build not final.
>tfw looking at the credits for animes this season and seeing korean/chinese studios overtaking most of the list
To Laura.
I don't get it

Autism isn't something you can control, anon
the win quote is probably on auto which selects one at random

it makes more sense that she would say that to nash
Fucking sad state things are when no one is gonna speak up about this kind of bullshit since it's just how business is done.

Wait, what?
I was just going off of >>121448243
Maybe waifushit will finally die.
People expect shit cheap and the only way to make shit cheap for profit is to sell a lot or underpay your workers.

I'm not buying it or consuming it so it isn't my problem.
So will 80% of the games worth playing
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Menu's looking pretty nice right now.

Well yeah profits got to be made but it's still pretty shit to under pay your workers.
Ah. That makes sense. I didn't realize they finally added more win quotes to the game.

I was getting a little bit worried since in all of the prior builds it just had the same character-specific win quote after each match
Anybody found any moves on Laura that link? I literally can't find anything beside LP and LK
can't wait to see that stage Rashid is on.
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