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/utg/ - Undertale General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 784
Thread images: 251

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Smells like Mettaton.

Last Shitpost Circus: >>121216853

You always have a choice. Your actions are not above consequence.
Unless you know how to perform filesystem operations.

-The Game
>http://undertale.com/ (Gaben-free Edition)

-The Game's Demo


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-/utg/ Steam Group

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>Room: /Undertale

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> #/utg/ on Rizon
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> You can save Gaster and Asriel.

> But it's only possible if you give Jerry a ride home

What do you do?
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Cute Chara commandeering this thread. Post cute chara!
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I think Gaster and Asriel would forever resent me for that.
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Fishwife best wife
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I'll do it, I'll do it for you, Gaster
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Charaposting commencing!
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I wish those fucking losers who use this game as a springboard for their tumblr social justice representation in games shit would just stop. Nobody gives a shit but them and I don't understand why they have never realized that. Just enjoy the game for what it is and don't try to shoehorn your own personal agenda into it. Christ.
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Give the fucker a ride I guess
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reminder to hug uncle duncle when he offers
Here is my contribution to the undertale fandom
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kek feelings.png
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goodnight dummies
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for the anon who wanted grillbz art
But he only asks for a hug on the genocide route. does he actually wants me to go and murder anyone, just for him?
I would love to see an expansion that explores all the less important undertale characters, finding human food for that one guy at grillbys, that kind of stuff
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Sex with Chara!
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Friendly reminder to participate in the Undertale Demographics survey!

tinyurl.[insert .com here]/UndertaleSurvey

We're currently at 498 responses!

Imgur compilation of data/charts at 419 responses:

Fun Fact:

Of the 18/419 respondents who chose Flowey as their favorite character:

10, surprisingly, are female of which 2 are heterosexual, 3 are homosexual, 3 are bisexual, and 2 are asexual

8 are male of which 4 are heterosexual, 3 are bisexual, and 1 is asexual

Flowey still is the only character with a higher female to male ratio.

Breaking news Asgore lovers! Out of the 32/498 respondents, there is finally a single female who listed her as her favorite! Now Asgore doesn't have only male fans.
Grillbo is best character

I have never participated in this and never will.
Well when the game has:

> Gender-neutral protagonist to project onto.
> Fish x Dino lesbos but the gay isn't the centerpoint of their character.
> Metro/Trans/FABULOUS robot-goast (Fabulous if you have any sense).

Putting up with Tumblr should be expected if you have any sort of sense or pattern recognition.
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slav toriel.jpg
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For what purpose anon?
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I mean if you really wanna
For anyone wondering, not a screamer

Not the anon, but I always appreciate more Grillby art. We need to see more of him.
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hug the skeletons anon, even if it's your own
it probably needs the attention after forever of neglect
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Scars denote previous encounters with god in the dark corners of the world
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so are we gonna post some Undyne or what?
I refuse to take your dumb survey.
>I have never participated in this and never will.
You are doing the right thing, anon.
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He is my favorite and everyone loves to see their favorite characters suffer

Posting what little I have

I've been recruiting responses for the survey across threads for a while now. Kinda surprised there are people who don't know what it is.
Post woshua
>it probably needs the attention after forever of neglect
How did you know?
Reminder happiness is illegal.
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>Putting up with Tumblr should be expected

Fuck that, why should I? It's good that the game has those things but drawing massive attention to that instead of the game's real merits is a) incredibly annoying and b) undermines the whole point of that stuff being in the game and not addressed in the first place.
Trepanning is the act of cutting the skull open to let the gods in
Your post is comforting to read. I am happy.
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Did somebody say best wife
>Sans acting like this much of a bitch
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watch you while you sleep senpai

It's not like there's a right or wrong choice to be made. It's just a survey.
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Could have:

>MORE TOWNS (seriously everything after Snowdin let me down a little - where's the town with the monster school and the overcrowded capital city?)
>More overworld sprite animations (the expressions were adorable, I wished there were more)
>Option to favour some characters over others (in hindsight the Pacifist run feels like it's railroading you into everyone liking you - while I find it incredibly sweet, I'd like to see characters like/dislike you more)
>visuals to the different Neutral phonecalls
>more postgame stuff for Pacifist run
>you get to pick what stupid colourscheme Frisk has (all the options would look like they were done with kids' markers, but still)

Seriously though. Just ... more towns. Please.

With bad jokes and puns, but unlike him my delivery would be frequently botched due to being flustered. He'd possibly find my screw-ups even cuter. Or just abysmal but we're trying to think positive here

Thank you anon, I feel the same way as you.
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m8 I've been posting fishwife all last thread
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wosh u sum shit.png
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wosh u face

Your thought process is strange but sure.
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So what's the deal with the cheering crowd noise the Gaster Blasters make?

It's known that Gaster invented the DT machine and was experimenting on preserving monster souls. Perhaps they're the equivalent of monster zombies.
Decision to not participate in cancer polls is always a right decision. You know it, anon.
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Any woshua lewds yet?
>cheering crowd noise
Your ears are broken
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some stains don't come out, woshua

don't make me poor spoiled milk into your tank
i'll fucking do it man
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I figure I'll just collect this and suffer until I'm emotionally dead inside, and then I can just look at cute fluffy art to restore my soul.

I like all of your ideas here

>cancer polls

This isn't strawpoll anon.
Gay asrielfag here
Literally the best
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wosh a.png
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Please give more details on how someone is supposed to wosh something
Woshua is literally pure.
I hope you burn in hell you sick fuck.
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Fishwife is the most cute of anyone with cutie fins
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Best dead sans right here.
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>implying it doesn't immediately get purged from all the soap and cleaning ingredients

>take [object]
>[object] is now clean
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posting in a fishy thread
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You actually have some pretty good ideas.
Does this counts as sad?
Maybe this has been posted already, but fug it. Spoilers ahead

Did you kill Flowey at the end?
Does killing him ruin the true pacifist route in any way?
Should I feel bad for killing him?

Im so confused
How the fuck does sans bleed anyway?
Isn't he a skelly?
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There basically the same character
Any drawfag in here who would like to do a crossover pic with these two? Would make all my dreams come true. They can be sparing or whatever i don't care im not your mom
gonna go sleep so i can not pass out at keyboard night night see you when i wake up i guess
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Bad news anon
It's ketchup.
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fuck yuo
no dude he is fucking human

Yes. I did. I couldn't forgive him. No it doesn't affect a true pacifist ending. Whether or not you should feel bad is your own personal opinion.
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have a happy

meanwhile I love all the chubby-Sans-that-still-look-like-Sans art
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oh...my god
>Did you kill Flowey at the end?
I didn't but that was only because I thought it would affect the ending and wouldn't let me get the pacifist one if I did kill him
>Does killing him ruin the true pacifist route in any way?
Nope, he just won't give you hints on how to obtain the true end
>Should I feel bad for killing him?
Quite the opposite, probably.
how much does sans even know about resets? is he just really fucking smart or is he actually aware when things are reset
It's ketchup.
The air is heavy with the sins of others.

Soon the weight will be unbearable.
That Frisk is microscopic.
I don't know what I expected when I clicked that.
I don't know if I'm disgusted, horrified or both.
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chara frisk swap.png
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Chara is for cute
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anon why

i should have filtered this link
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Can we please talk about papyrus. I want to know your interpretation of his character.

Like, am I supposed to read him as stupid? I know he's not retarded... but what's up with his character? Is he supposed to be autistic, or slow and you're supposed to find that charming or what?

What's the whole implication about him not being able to do junior jumbles and liking books for toddlers?
Micro frisk plz

How is a demographics survey a cancer poll? This doesn't seem to be the usual fare of "Would you do x to y character".
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Any porn of that guy yet?
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ketchup filling.jpg
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it's ketchup
>is he actually aware when things are reset
he probably has the same sense of deja vu all the other main characters have. and since he's aware of the resets existing, it doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together.
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yes :(

Oh don't get me wrong, I also have a lot of cute Sans
I'm a slut for any kind of Sans, really
>I wish those fucking losers who use this game as a springboard for their tumblr social justice representation in games

>Made by a guy associated with Homestuck
>Intentionally nods and riffs "tumblr-tier" internet culture
>The theme of the game is to tolerate and understand people that would otherwise be considered "monsters"
>Has a tasteful adaptation of a guy's actual fursona

>Don't shoehorn your own personal agenda into it!

6/10, try harder.
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He's just a goofy people pleasure who is deep down insecure and lonely
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The wind is howling.
he gets "reports" and he can read people's expression really well

He's a bit naive, but he has willpower and can fight, with some proper training. He wants to see the good in everyone, and those around him want to protect his innocence. He's no pushover though, if you recall his attacks.
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I would say "Pretend this is the OP image instead" but Mettaton always looks good.
Leave the amalgamates alone you sick fuck.
Let no challenge lie.

Let no question hang.

Let no music fade.

Let no end go unsung
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Have you worshipped today?
Is he a member of the time police?
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requesting art of Flowey ruining Woshua's day

He must have done it in one of his resets.

fill you're tank with dirt I swear
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papyrus is cool.png
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He's actually really, really smart, but doesn't let off on it as he spends most of his time cheering people up
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This was left here earlier you might find some things in it http://imgur.com/a/bfjmz
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All this fish posting.

>he probably has the same sense of deja vu all the other main characters have

See: His dialogue during his fight

He specifically mentions monitoring an anomaly in the timeline, and watching timelines jump around until they all suddenly stop.
Cool. Thanks guys.
I'm not some filthy goat heretic. My praise belongs to only the bone trio.
He's not the kind of character you can just pigeonhole in one box or the other.
He's just kinda kooky and eccentric, but he's still a functioning adult with enough emotional responsibility and emotional maturity that he can play Undyne around. He's also got a sadness and insecurity that he hides behind his cheerful shell, so he's more complex than a lot of people who just assume he's a mememachine give him credit for.
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Rough Day.png
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I can respect that thought process at least.
All the emotions are worth representing in all this fanart, all the cute and happy is pointless without some contrast. Though not lewd, don't lewd skeletons.
How did Undyne lose her eye?
See, I know these things, and he certainly has depth of character, like him understanding the tenets of depression and being a good king...

But why can't he do junior jumble and is stumped by toddler books? Like, what is that supposed to reveal about his character? Is it some rainman thing?
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It's surprising how right you are.
The will to keep living

The resolve to change fate

The strength to defy extinction
I don't think he's stupid, just very naive. Monsters seem quite nice for the most part. I imagine he's like Monster Kid, not spoiled by real world cynicism somehow.

Some of the endings where he's depressed seem to taint him to misery.
Do you think sans legitimately finds papyrus cool, or is he just trying to get you to like papyrus?
He could be pretending for all we know, since you play as a kid.
She wears an eyepatch for the hell of it to be edgy.
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Chara Chara!
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Everything with Mettaton is always right~
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Woah. I never really considered that.
I-I'm sorry anon. I have like seven Sans lewds saved. I need to wosh my soul.
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I just want Sans to be happy I say as I draw him strapped down and having his arm broken

It means that mentally, he still has the mindset of a young child in some areas. He doesn't fully understand the nature of the world, and has some hobbies and such that probably aren't suitable for what we perceive his age to be. It's just how he is, a character quirk if you will.
Either a training exercise with Asgore or Gerson, a previous encounter with a human, or she just uses a eye-patch because it looks cool.
I honestly believe he looks up to Papyrus.
No. I hadn't come that far to start killing people. Even a piece of shit like him.

I considered rethinking my choice when he threatened to kill everyone I loved, though. It's usually such a goofy and over the top line that it's hilarious, but that delivery really shook me.

Knew I'd made the right choice when he got enraged and bewildered at my mercy, though. If you kill him, he dies with a smile on his face, knowing that it won't stick and that his logic won out. If you spare him, he cannot fathom it at all, and starts questioning his shitty worldview.
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>that hand
Secret finger jutsu?
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I know. And that Sans is so chunky he looks like a little fat marshmallow man. I love it.

This and especially that spoiler. I don't think Papyrus is actually full of himself. I think he just wants to be like the heroes he sees on tv.

I mean, pic related. Sure he comically misses the point at times, but I don't think this was a joke.

Before the events of the story he was definitely lonely and treated like a weirdo by everyone but Sans.

So many fan interpretations miss this detail. The guy's smart.
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oh hey
I'm almost done with a full version of this so the joke won't work anymore, so I'll get it out while I still can
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It's where she keeps her Determination
He looks up to Papy's endless optimism in total contrast to him competely-having-given-up-on-everything-ism
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Papyrus is so lame he's cool. Considering how miserable sans likely is, he probably legitimately enjoys his brothers energetic attitude. Also annoying the heck out of him.
hes a skeleton, doesn't have a brain proper
good night /utg/, keep up the fishposting without me

Is there an Undertale version of OPN's Replica album art yet? It's literally a skeleton with spaghetti on his head.
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this is the end.png
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Don't worry, most Sans fans are on the same boat as you.
I mean on the sense of wanting to see him happy but enjoying his suffering at the same time, not the whole broken arm deal.
She didn't

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I have 30+

don't send help I'm fine with this
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Nah. She doesn't make constant references to how she has a hidden power behind...

Holy shit.
I don't know and don't want to know what this is.

>papyrus drawing fish tiddies
I knew Papyrus and I would be good friends.
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Who are you rooting for.jpg
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Thanks /utg/ watching me kill San's for the near 50th time.

Another sans bites the dust uh.
Another sans bites the dust hey hey!
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He's not the brightest bulb in the shed, but he's less dumb and more that he's a little childish, egotistical, and naive to a fault.
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Ah fuck, I never thought about that.
Skelebros, how many of you guys quit the game just before/after you killed Sans? I'm considering doing it on my run.
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Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you.

And for Undyne, it was about saving everyone else, so while Chara may have killed her in Waterfall, that isn't where she died.
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paid someone.png
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Well that's not that many.
You can still turn it around if you're that early in.
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This would make a lot of sense with how much of a huge dork she is in neutral/pacifist, with practicing lines and setting up that echo flower and anime spear bullshit. But Undyne the Undying makes me think it's legit gone.
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how to fuck a skeleton.png
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I just want Papyrus to be happy I say as I save art of him being plowed by random menand sometimes a robotand sometimes his own damn brother

I guess that's a form of happiness.
I've never done genocide specifically because I don't want to hurt the skeletons.
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>paying for undertale
free flowing undyne <3 <3 <3
that would make me happy
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I quit the run at Papyrus.
I thought I would be able to do it eventually but turns out that's wrong. Maybe that will change later but it is really doubtful for now.

And it may be a good idea to reset after beating Sans anyways, in order to avoid the consequences and all that.
>being a cunt
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wosh u soul.gif
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Oh god, I really fucked that up. I need to go to bed. Fuck essays.

Sounds like a good time to me too.
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Post cute skeletons pls
planning to.
that or killing him repeatedly once i git gud
I see him as being ridiculously determined to think the best of everyone, including himself. His overblown self-confidence and obsession would be insufferable with most other characters, but the thing that makes Papyrus fun is that he seems to think just as highly of everyone else, even if he has virtually no reason to do so.

He just puts 100% of himself into everything he does, really, and he's loveable because of it. I could see him being on the higher-functioning end of the autistic spectrum in how much he overacts and how socially clueless he is, but not as an insult or anything.

As for the kiddy shit, I think it's as simple as him liking toddlers books and action-figures and seeing no reason to be ashamed of it, same with finding Junior Jumble hard. He's just honest and enthusiastic about shit he likes and can't fathom changing himself to seem cooler, or even that other people might take issue with it in the first place.
Does anyone know what this face was supposed to be?
yo don't tell me that there are fuckers on this gen that didn't pay for undertale
And the date thing? He took it in as adorable and humored you. He acted dramatic during the break up to humor you more.

He's good at acting and keeping spirits up. I don't doubt that children would follow him around town like ducklings to a mother duck.
Does he know that? He's never seen a human before and thinks it's OK to date a kid, even if it doesn't amount to anything.
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>Maybe that will change later
please no
It's apparently just Toby himself.
Nigger I don't have money. This game is worth three times the asking price, but it's not like I can pay for it.
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>no agender option
I had it gifted to me.
Then I bought another copy and gifted it to a friend who was too cheap to pay ten bucks. He loved it.
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But with the follow up of: I know he's not dumb-dumb, but him believing everyone just went on a forever-vacation seems sort of either wilfully stupid or ... genuinely soft-headed.

How old am I supposed to picture him as? Like a middle-schooler mentality? Or a real adult? Because lots of kids have pretty good understandings of responsibilities and reverse psychology... but it's also little kids that hero worship and blithely believe in Santa.

[I want to write lewd stories with this guy... but want to wrap my head about him being old enough for it to not be creepy to me.]
I didn't, I don't pay for indie shit
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Why is she so awesome?
probably Toby having fun times with a face cam
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>giving money to furries
Why do some of these images not load for me
It loads about the top 30 pixels or so then just stops
Does he have any special messages when you kill him that many times?
Kill yourself, tumblr. Your bullshit imaginary special snowflake genders aren't real.
He's an adult/young adult I think, can't be that creepy.
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You may be onto something.
>I don't doubt that children would follow him around town like ducklings to a mother duck.
Monster Kid did decide to start admiring Papyrus after the true end.
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I believe this is the cutest Sans picture that exists. Prove me wrong, I dare you.
...but you pay for triple a garbage?

I think he makes that "you're some kind of freak" comment
>plowed by random men
Imgur that shit for me
I've got lots of cute
Pick one.

18 seconds in
posted whole song for your viewing pleasure
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This shit right here is not cool.
Yeah, nah
I've got a cuter one saved somewhere, hold up a sec
I don't pay for anything.

I don't think toby is a furry, I could be wrong.
also makes you no less of a cunt
he's probably trying to b8

or he's a furfag projecting
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(can't wake up).png
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It's not like I actually wanted to kill everyone on the first place.
For better or for worse, the only reason I would ever do that is to fight Sans.
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I started my first genocide run last night. I killed Papyrus. I was stuck on the fight button for a good half-hour, but I did it. I killed my favourite character. I still feel horrible hours later.

Yeah, I'm only doing this to see his fight.

Okay, here's something to get that concern out of your head.
His Undernet username is "CoolSkeleton95".

Which can be taken to mean "1995"

Which implies, the game taking place in 2015 at the earliest, that Papyrus is 20 years old.

That better?

Here friend
Did you already check the /y/ thread? That's pretty much where I get all of my shit, if you're willing to brave the storm.
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Fight for the people that you love, never kneel to cruelty, and most importantly of all, be kind to those who may just need some good food, some bad laughs, and some nice friends
oh my god that's so cool. Are you going to colour that? Because if not, I'd really like to.
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I'm going through muh genocide run to solve a mystery. My biggest question is if anyone attempted to quit on their first encounter with Chara with a soul intact and reset. I'm going to be pissed if that smiling fuck breaks the world behind my back after I exit.
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>get paid literally TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS in one instance on patreon to spend 5 minutes making a custom furry monster that only appears for one hour once a year
>then get gorbillions of bux from steam purchases
Did piracy kill the music industry?
This game is pretty shit to play anywya, I'd rather watch someone else play it to be quite honest with you senpai
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Im am trying to get to 100 Kills on him. So far he killed me 10 times and I killed him 49.

Next one will be a break. I usually get 10/15 Kills a night on him.
twitch tv/luckwehsleven is the stream if anyone is interested.
Chara is for SHAKING
Not the guy you're replying to, but toby is almost certainly a furry.
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>playing a game about said "furries"
>associating yourself with said "furries"
>having your life enriched with the work and creativity of said "furries"
not my picture, was posted here recently. Its a really freakin awesome picture though holy crap.
Just your usual fallout 3 player.
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that's horrible
you're horrible
fuck off chara
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>Mfw someone saved my edit
Anon, why.
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you do know what game you're playing, right?
the one with multiple non binary characters?
the one with the MAIN character as a non binary character?
chara stop you're not allowed to be correct
You're a monster. A cute monster.
I didn't. Not going to justify it but Toby doesn't need my money anyway, he has everyone else's already.
Once you encounter chara, when the game starts up, you will only hear rushing water sounds and darkness. The only way to end the ride is by selling your soul.
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>I was stuck on the fight button for a good half-hour,
Congrats, you took less time than me. It's been a week since I reached Papyrus in my genocide run and I still can't do it, this is kinda concerning actually.

I know.
Would use savestate powers to make sans' life a living hell if I was underground desu
Literally delusional. How wrong can you be?
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And so, it's bedtime for your resident fishposter.

Night /utg/, stay determined
>the one with multiple non binary characters?
citation needed
>the one with the MAIN character as a non binary character?
citation also needed

androgynous =/= tumblr bullshit

flibbity floobity here's your (you)
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>there's a motivational blog on tumblr that offers support through undertale characters
>my embarrassing ask gets answered by my favourites
>cant stop smiling

I hate tumblr and I feel like a dork but man sometimes nice things happen in funny places
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He's mentally old enough to badger Sans about getting a job and troll Undyne into befriending Frisk. As for the vacation, he probably knows the truth deep inside but just doesn't want to admit it. Pic related.
>Which implies, the game taking place in 2015 at the earliest
Chara fell on 201X though.
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they are monsters not furries
>implying my life revolves around this game like you bunch of lowlifes

fuckin kek m8
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go to bed, Chara
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cute time
does androgynous really equal nonbinary

plus who else? I don't think you can assume monsters have the same gender constructs as humans
Is Frisk non binary? I thought they were just ambiguously gendered so the audience can project onto them more easily. Also, I'm pretty sure all the characters besides Frisk have a solid gender, though their sexuality definitely varies.
this is cute as fuck who drew this
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m8 you didn't need to make me feel this. I haven't done genocide don't do this to me man.
Goodnight anon, rest well. You too stay determined.
Frisk is a self-insert, they have no canon gender.
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Have some DETERMINATION you lot.
The impact of a genocide run is really a lot more interesting if you do it yourself rather than just see someone else do it.
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Thd world needs more of these two.
>the one with multiple non binary characters?
Nobody is "non binary" in Undertale.

>the one with the MAIN character as a non binary character?
Especially not Frisk. The whole point is that Frisk's sprite design is such that you can self-insert, not so the character Frisk is objectively "non binary". Toby says to name the Fallen Child after you.

Ambiguously gendered. Not necessarily binary, but not explicitly nonbinary either.
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guess that's it then.
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the game was made so you could self insert yourself as the first human. both frisk and chara are gender ambiguous for the same reason toby explained for naming them.
>name them after yourself
>probably gender them based off yourself
which in this case, you're probably doing exactly that :^)
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that's not even genocide. thats a neutral ending. its the ending where you kill mettaton and alphys kills herself, and undyne loses the will to live
They're whatever you want them to be. Nonbinary, male, female, everybody has the right to think Frisk is whatever gender they want. Likewise nobody has the right to tell other people what to think. Snowflake genders don't realize that nobody extends to them too.
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murdering someone you like is a lot different then watching someone you like getting murdered, yes

congratulation on this insightful discovery
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4chan is not tumblr. You're a fucking retard, please leave.
You're male or female, or both. There's no more genders in the whole wide world, grow the fuck up you delusional idiot.
>it's an abstract kind of bad time
>you had one job
Undertale's music is good but it's not as good as Homestucks
He's old enough to drive a car, work as a sentry, and be eligible for his worlds version of military service. I'd say he could consent to sex. He's a grown man with some childish traits, that's it.

Just don't write it as 'X exploits Papyrus's naivety and innocence to coerce him into sexual acts he isn't properly informed about' which is weirdly common, and you should do fine.
Somehow that's even worse. I'd rather everyone returns to nothing and the world is cast into oblivion than leave people despondent and in dispair
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I had the excuse of being on a stream, but it was what was stopping me from even deleting my save for two weeks, if that counts. Still, I'm the type you'd never expect to do it, and I feel like shit. So honestly I don't know whether to encourage you or not.

Hm. Good point.
But it's weird to think of Papyrus as 15, eugh.

>tfw your name is a character too long to fit
>use a nickname literally no one cals you

Still feels weird, man.
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the date.png
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Why are Frisk's legs so fucking long?
maybe try to stop breathing repeatably until you get the correct amount of brain damage to be put in a home
ut megalo >>> hs megalo

Why do you even care?
Where is the art of that talking rock in the Ruins?
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Gender ambiguous is not synonymous with nonbinary.

Not that I care much either way, but Frisk is meant to be whatever the player decides. If you want to decide your Frisk is nonbinary, fine, but don't say it's true for everyone else's Frisk.
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Since we cute right now, can some drawfag do this with Tem instead?
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Neutral endings are way more depressing than genocide and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
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because sometimes cleansing is not enough to remove a problem
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>or both

Homestuck has an order of magnitude more songs, and a lot of them are shit, but having more total songs at any fraction of total songs means there are going to be a lot of good songs. Remember how Vol. 5 was half Doctor remixes? Yeah.
Yeah at least in genocide no one has to suffer anymore. A lot of the neutral endings are really horribly depressing.
I ship mk x frisk
>being a piratefag
Whatever, faм. There's still no more, I'm still right.
Fuck you.
Mortal Kombat?
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frisk shitposts.png
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Reminder that /utg/, toby fox, Gabe the newell, and president Barack Obongo himself have all confirmed Frisk for the manliest of men, and any other answer is literal
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Thread needs more Napstabots.
Welp. Killed Sans 50 times....

He killed me 10 times so I guess thats 60 battles on this Corrupted playthrough.
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>or both

>cytube utg room stopped working
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That's the best Napstabot
I agree.
Genocide isn't that depressing because there is literally no one left to mourn the dead.
Endings like king Papyrus, depressed Undyne or this one are the worst.
There's male and female. That's it. All others are biological defects that don't count like Klinefelter syndrome, other forms of intersex, or hormone fuckups.
reminder gabe is a fat jew and obongo is a nigger
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>I pride myself in supporting the creators of video games!
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>But it's weird to think of Papyrus as 15, eugh.
We have no idea of in which year the game takes place, it's impossible to tell everyone's exact age.
I hate Napstabots. Blooky seems to be okay with being incorporeal anyway.
Holy shit, someone actually saved this. Nice.
Holy shit, not even big on Alphys and this actually makes me kinda like her.
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My skelefucker bro.
Is that your faggot face? Kill yourself.
Please kill yourself, as soon as possible.
gender =/= sex

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bone rattling.gif
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Hell yeah motherfucker

>Cytube utg not working
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We've established that Papyrus is probably capable of consenting to sex, but does he know what it actually is yet?
Or will I have to teach him?
giving someone money for something they worked hard on and you genuinely enjoyed feels pretty good, yes

not giving someone money for something you hated but also played a lot feels... something else.
You can't fuck a skeleton.
at least they're all dead together. Except thanks to you and Chara they have die over and over again. Sure, their memories will be wiped, but you know as well as I do that they still remember, a little. And even in the genocide run you can't kill EVERYONE, just the main characters. And a lot of monsters.
You'll have to teach him, buddy. Didn't you learn anything from 13k words of Papyrus deflowering?
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*rattles back
I mentioned hormone fuckups. The very, very few "legitimate" transgender people are that.
Wanna share skelelewds, pal?
watch me not actually I don't stream intimate times
I know I'm supposed to be looking at Pap but that Sans is adorable.

I like the idea of Papyrus learning on his own and just being tactful about it. I'm not big on the fics where he doesn't know what's happening, it feels fucked up.
Yes, you should teach him.

Can't stop me
Great even in /utg/ theres a troll kek

Hi /v/, I know it's in with you cool hip kids to never pay for video games, but not everyone here is a contrarian little shit like you nerds are.

It's 10 bucks you skidmark. If it was Fallout 4 I could understand you pirating it but come the fuck on
I'm going to fuck a skeleton and you can't stop me.
Not with that attitude.
I'm not a skeleton fucker but I'd like to get a summary of that 13k epic.

>this entire post
why do you exist
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Please don't forget about me.
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heh, gee, didn't realize there were this many violent non-binary haters here. fun haters, too.
NO. papyrus is not for boning ;^) , papyrus is for cuddling and protecting.
Don't worry, only a handful more monsters to go before I reach ya.
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Yeah, boning retards or at least the situational equivalent of one is kind of a bonerkill.
You just watch.
I'm not going to fuck only one skeleton, I'm going to bone both of them.
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Of course. How can someone forget about their best friend?
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whatcha gon do commies.gif
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Do something 'bout it then, Toby.
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I wouldn't forget my best friend.
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How could I forget my best friend
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Give him a very thorough, private sexual education lesson!
There needs to be more of Papyrus topping and Sans subbing
>there's no option to shove Asriel over if you're doing a soulless pacifist run and go to the ruins to talk to him

Goddamnit Chara come the fuck on
gay desu
It'd be funniest if he didn't experience any sexual pleasure or desires, but tried to go along with stuff to make his partner happy.


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Fuck you, you wanted to be forgotten.
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I doubt these souls will be forgetting you devouring them whole.
i literally dont even have $10 in my bank account

am i not allowed to enjoy simple videogames if i'm poor?
>still responding to this fucker
>responding to bait at all
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No thanks, I'd rather let Sans rape my mouth.
Sans jetpacking Papyrus afterwards
You date Papyrus for a few months. You get bored. You decide to try to fuck Papyrus. He doesn't really get what's happening but he grows to like it. You fuck Papyrus in a variety of ways for several hours.

I can give you more if you want, but that's the gist of it.

Oh god. That's great.
Finally someone else gets it.
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I for one want more reluctant sub Sans being put in his place

But I would also let him annihilate my ass any day.
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Are the utg threads archived anywhere? I missed a lot of them and wouldn't mind going back to see what people were talking about. Any non-dead archives?
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Okay, I laughed at that.
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Mug a homeless guy.
I want to hug him so badly, holy shit.
Same, to both of those things.
I want Chara to go and stay go
Nah that's pretty good. 13k is massive tl;dr for a story about that, but hey if you boners want it then you boners want it.

>not just having both of them be your sex slaves doing whatever you want them to do
How can you call yourself a skeleton fucker if you can't even break their minds?
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Rare flowey coming through.
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>no Flowey mindbreaking Papyrus and forcing Sans to watch
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am grill tho
I meant both situations but with grill topping/subbing
I don't want to break them. I believe you can love, protect, and fuck the skeletons. You can see them as pure and wonderful and still do the diddily, lovingly and with consent.
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the slav squat.jpg
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>that frisk
Russia strikes again.
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I'm surprised I haven't seen any of Mettaton mindbreaking Papyrus yet.
Thanks to this thread and cute little Asriel I've found the DETERMINATION to git gud at playing guitar. Pic related, I feel like I've found my purpose in life.

Thank you all so much, this game and you guys broke me out of a really shitty time in my life

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It's pretty important to consider that Papyrus is half of a duo, providing a deliberate contrast with Sans.
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Houseplant Flowey is best AU
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pick up.jpg
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> I believe you can love, protect, and fuck the skeletons
He loves the sexy rectangle. He'd give himself willingly.
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i still want one.
Not in my head canon
My Frisk is a cute lil girl whose tap-dancing and hugging skills brought world peace to everyone.
She later contracted diabetes when Toriel kept giving her pie every day.
But it's manageable with a healthy exercise regiment and a supplementary diet of savagely beaten vegetables.
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That's good to hear anon. Stay determined and get good.
>Tfw no cute flowey to look after
See, this is one thing that bugs me about the Pacifist end. I wish everyone kept their memories of the final battle. Instead Flowey gets away with everything and the only other one who remembers is you.

>those last two panels
Fuck that shouldn't have hurt.
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What a slow night tonight is, kinda nice.


Wish that artist didnt ship and post sjw crap, really liked his work.
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He would try to kill you sooner or later anon, do you really want that?
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this is perfect
>Implying that wouldn't be the best way to die
>Implying you wouldn't be happy with him absorbing your SOUL
>13k is massive tl;dr for a story about that
Believe me, I know. I can't believe how long it took me to write. I'm still exhausted.

I still want more of this. Much, much more.
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Super rare ultra-luxe flowey.
Unlawfully saving can result in 5 years in a federal prison and up to six grand in fines, it's not worth it you fucking normies.
/utg/ today is my 22nd birthday and I want to die

thinking about undertale is the only thing that brings me joy

>Step dad

Into the trash.
haha you're old
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I did finish that piece. If you're still around and want the lineart to color yourself I can post that as well.
Post Bscotch Cinnamon recipes
Different person, but I really enjoyed it btw.
it's all downhill from here buddy
>Completed pacifist route earlier
>Go through it with Papyrus as my best bud, called him up every moment I could to talk to him about stuff
>decide to do genocide
>Papyrus has spared you

I need to go lay down for a while and think about what I've done. This is probably the only death that I'll really feel horrid about, hopefully.
I do want the lineart, nice job on the picture
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The absolute ideal would be to have several pairs of skelebros.
One pair is for gently cuddling and protecting.
One pair for vanilla fucking.
One pair for mind breaking into obedient sex toys that will allow you to do whatever depraved things you want to them.

It's genius!
Yes please, I'd love to colour that baby,
Who should I credit for the lines?
What if Sans wasn't able to be controlled by a flower just sticking itself in his eye-socket, but just pretended he was so that Flowey would have something to do?

>HA HA HA HA, IDIOT! Yes, you know you can't stop me. You know you can't stop YOURSELF!
>Now... Walk that way! HEY! Walk that way!
>NO! WRONG WAY, IDIOT! Nyarrrgh. Your will might be a little stronger than I thought... but it won't stop me from making you tear your friends to bloody pieces.
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don't expect pity, chara

u suk
23/24 years old here, can't remember which

Nothing gets better, you just stop caring. Embrace the indifference
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Happy birthday
>the same sans is in all the pairs
>he just plays along because he's bored af and too lazy to correct you
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Well today's my not-birthday and I want to die too, just waiting on a method that'll look like an accident because I don't want my family to think my life was shit, and a method that'll be surer than a woman-tier method like pills or bleeding out.
Guess it's hard everywhere, huh.
I'd love to take some normies with me, but I'm not sure if that's viable.
She was a backer character, that's why.
no thank you
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>looking for new art

>90% sans alone or sans fight
>7%everyone else

Holy shit, I love sans but god damn people need to stop drawing him so much and give love to the rest of the cast god damn.
I hate this meme.
Oh, thanks bro! Always glad to hear, makes me feel a little less stupid for spending so much time on it.
shit i swore that was one of the filtered words

otherwise i wouldn't have used it
Killing other people won't fix anything.
Yeah, we need more Undyne instead.
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she's just some random capitalist
Just hit 21 last month over here, spent my day off this week trying to write and weasel out of social obligations.
I kinda wish that some of the mountains around here had convenient holes to jump into.

A lot of artists hit undertale, churn out one or two drawings, and then move on or lose motivation. Everyone's favorite character is Sans, so this leads to people making the obligatory fanart of their favorite character and then moving on.
Let me join you, anon. I can't believe I killed my favourite. The noise I made when he turned to dust was embarrassingly loud.

I thought there'd at least be a fight. I was in shock for ages just staring at the words "Papyrus is sparing you" with no music playing.

But anon, rough fucking that has dashes of vanilla is the cutest

Where did the possessed-Sans idea come from?

Don't do that bro, not only is that royally fucked up but you'll make all of those strangers' friends and family miserable

Anything, we need more art, swear to god my friend talked to me about "that one skeleton game" I fucking flipped shit.
how do you stop hating yourself every single day
taking care of my little sister to distract myself from it
I hear a helium tank and breathing mask help.
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I don't.
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I don't know. If you don't I think you're lying to yourself about something.

Or on medication cocktails if you want to go down that route. I'd rather be miserable.
Shameful self-plug
klgfanart or 2nd-skeleton on tumblr

I'll still be drawing shit

>imm so hardcorez!!!1

Hey guys, this is a weird request, but can anyone save the last gif in this gifset and post it here?

Every time I try it just comes out as a still image.
I don't.
Shyren a cute
I've been going pretty hard in sparring lately. It doesn't mean that I don't hate myself any less, though; I deserve this pain.
By giving me your skin
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Try to have a laugh, stop surrounding your self with depressing shit.

Shit could be worse don't be a faggot that loves to suffer.
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Nothing will fix anything, dude.
I guess it's more sadness than rage at this point, because everything feels like the whole world is going to pure shit but if you try to point out the shit it's racist or sexist or some other shit
Every day the idea that 95% of people are just mindless zombies and only that last 5% can see the world for what it really, really is makes more sense.
Maybe it's not even 5%, I don't really know.
>that feel when you never had anyone want to be your mom before
I wish I had a goat mom
I try not to think about how im a worthless pile of garbage and play video games to distract myself
give my your will to live
s-so has rainbow asriel been completed yet
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sure thing
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Oh I guess there's two of you. That's alright, have fun!


Sorry that took so long. Had to transfer from my tablet. And uh jaythefantastic on tumblr I suppose.
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sans fight.gif
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you don't, you just pretend you're fine until you make it

your gonna make it
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All these sad anons in these threads. Gosh I just want to take you all out to a park to feed some ducks or something.
>Every day the idea that 95% of people are just mindless zombies and only that last 5% can see the world for what it really, really is makes more sense.

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>All this talk about vanilla bullshit with skelebros
What the fuck is this? Tumblr? If I want god damn rough, bone breaking porn of the skelebros I damn will achieve it.
I bet you faggots like to do it in the missionary position for procreation purposes.
That's the thumbnail.
If you read my post I said that rough sex intertwined with vanilla is the superior form of sexual activity, chumpus.
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we're beyond your reach, like a lesser dog that cannot be pet
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Wanna break Sans together?
How many times has this game or anything to do with it made you cry?
Cause I'm a big crybaby at 10.
Many of us don't deserve it.
i just want friends to accept me
Normally realistic skellies look creepy as shit but this one manages to make it work.
I just want to fuck an attractive skeleton.

I'm not some kind of freak, shesh.
Burgerpants was too real. If you weren't him, you know him or at least see him posting online.

does anyone have caps of the pocket burger story? I advanced the text before I realized I wanted to save screen shots.
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I'm not even going to hand you a (you) for that, but you're probably too normie to be able to see who can really feel and who can't.
I honestly can't believe the overwhelming mass of people who never second guess themselves or who've never felt alone. They ust wake up, go to their jobs, spout stupid shit every single fucking day, take what they're told at face value, and live like that for years.
Thanks, but how come it's smaller than in the link?
Give me your skin
it's not that others don't second guess themselves or feel alone, they're just too easily distracted to dwell on it
listening to Undertale song atm, so lets change that to 11.
Never cried, but the beginning of Asgore's fight gave me chills, plus the messages you get when you try to talk to him.
you're not alone
Usually i'd believe this is for real but the fact you're posting facebook frog makes me think you're just a convincing fake.
I was going to do genocide but didn't do it correctly, didnt know to wait for 'but nobody came'. I just killed whatever was in my way, and when I got to undyne I just couldnt do it. That was horrible. I got to hotland saved and deleted my file. Then did a pacifist run.
I don't have this problem. In fact, I don't have any self-esteem issues, I'm just a lazy deadbeat that hasn't attempted to get his life into gear yet.

Besides wanting to bone characters I'm way too normie for what this general has become
Doesn't seem any different from what your'e doing.
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Papyrus calling me a lonely human made me want to sudoku.

tell that to my empty apartment and empty life, faggot
And I want to see Sans deflower Papyrus but there's not enough of that now is there
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>facebook frog
Don't you mean misogynist school shooter toad?
>Feeding depressed Anons to the ducks
You sick fuck, what if the ducks catch the sads?
I'm a big crybaby too, but the music before you go to the surface with all of your friends turned me into a blubbering mess. I didn't want this wonderful game to be over.

Now I'm finally doing genocide, and while I didn't cry, everything to do with killing Papyrus fucking BROKE me.

I've teared up but have never gone full baww

Funny enough, my first playthrough was just me being impressed at what the game did and appreciating all the neat little things I found

subsequent playthroughs made me sad. knowing the intricacies of the characters and seeing just how every action aligned with their story made me feel for them much more than the first time ever did
I originally read it he wants to feed whole sized living ducks to us.
welp, I guess undertale really IS the best indie game.
I read it at first he was going to FEED US ducks.
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I'm not that anon but I'm all for it.
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What was that?
>that greentext
Do you people really want Toriel as a mother because your own mothers hated/abandoned you/you're an orphan with no real parents? People who've had relatively normal lives and want to replace their own family with fictional characters kinda creeps me out.
I wouldn't mind it, actually.


Every time.
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I wonder what it would feel like getting bitten by those teeth
I've assumed the gays obsessed with Asgore who shit on goat mom do it because they have Mommy issues.
I only pretend to be depressed so you guys would like me.
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There's enough fanart to go around in general that that 7% is still a lot.
In this world it's be fed ducks or be fed to ducks
Please NTR Asgore
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indie games.png
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Just wonder. Has anyone figured out how to access the debug mode yet?
that concept in itself reeks of a depressing level of loneliness
>relatively normal lives
With this in your sentence , I would agree with you.
A damaged person on the other hand might actually benefit.

But speaking in the purest context of the game, seems like a good end anyway to end up with her..

Oh I was talking about the net in general not our general here on /vg/, we seem pretty decent at posting everyone.
Everyone thinks they're part of the minority that aren't sheep.
Poopy booby
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This is truth.
That's some pretty good art.

>these people wanting to eat ducks because of your post
Look at what you've done. This is why they're sad, because they have no reading comprehension.

all three of those dadfags sure love riling people up.
Haha :^)
the binding of isaac was pretty good
now it's dev is throwing a tantrum and actively trying to make the game worse.

it's the first proper indie game we've gotten in a long time, you know, a game made by one dude or a small team and it's actually quality shit.

What you got there on your little checklist is all of the pretentious garbage we've gotten in the past few years
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dad the goat.png
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Threads almost at limit anyways.
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Reserving one of these last image spots for Mettaman.

I think my thread did pretty well.
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well I'm not going to get c u c k e d out of the last few images.
Goodnight, hopefully I don't fail my midterm tomorrow because I was shitposting too much.
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Weaver's dadgoat is the cutest one I've seen.
fucking faggot holy shit
hes a skeleton like what the nigger is someone doing drawing that
I don't get this one. Does Frisk think calling him Daddy is weird or are they just being a dick to him?
>expecting fetish art to make sense
god damn it.
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>makes snarky gamergate jokes
is this a bad thing.
Normally I hate artist's names plastered over their art but that's a pretty great name
Someone delete an image I have a very important shitpost to make
Oh I don't give a fuck, I'm fapping to this.
>during his "training," an angry Sans manages to bite your arm while you're setting up his food bowl
>he draws blood, and looks smug about being able to do so
>his smile disappears when you roughly jerk him forwards by his leash
>it's a struggle, but you manage to get the bone-shaped mouth gag onto him and push him down onto his stomach
>you grope and tease his body while he tries to resist, stopping just before he manages to find release each time he starts getting into it, and eventually he gets reduced to a panting, sweaty mess
>by now he's practically arching into your touches and groaning loudly, drool dripping from his gagged mouth
>"Are you gonna be a good boy now, Sans?"
>he nods, his chest heaving with every breath
>Mettaton and Asgore
why do i like this so much
also that ass must weigh a mettaton god damn
>And ate someone whole and alive
>While they are armed with a knife
It's stupid on multiple levels

I hate it but love it as well, that guy draws them so good.
>sans is a skeleton
>he didn't eat nobody, just stuffed them into his jacket lining
Ugh, fine, don't delete any images. I had to Imgur my very important shitpost.


You're all welcome.
new thread folks
K-keep going...
So we have at least one person in the thread who fantasizes about being eaten alive and trapped in a skeleton manlets glowing blue stomach.

It certainly takes all kinds to make a world.

You're welcome, you sicko. Tell me how it goes.
Nice try.
I can make another thread in about 220 posts.

So, look forward to that.

because grillby doesn't go like this

>Rough day
That could be kind of cute, actually.
Most 12 year olds have legs that long.
sing me to sleep, /utg/

the night is lonely and the dark is cold

It doesn't help when this plays either

note to self to draw this later
lil frisk head popping out of his hoodie
I never did, I feel great almost all the time.
Thank you
I want to deflower Papyrus and get Gaster's blessing to marry him!
Are there more? I haven't done all the neutral endings.
Sure, dude.
didn't we go over this shit earlier

you can make a new thread at image limit, just don't make multiple
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.
not him but I'd rather not risk two anons chatting keeping the thread up while the other's active

so no, we can live without pictures
the new Poppy O'Possum page has a happy goat family in it

god damnit it makes me sad
i am so utterly fucked
Its more calming than sad though.
>reading shit webcomics
you should be sad about that too
I want to utterly fuck.
There's a ton of variations.

You can see them all here: http://rawr(dot)ws/undertale/endings.pdf
>Without pics
same desu
There are a ton depending on what you do.

>kill no, some, or all regular monsters
>kill no, some, or all bosses
>be going genocidal, then hit a flag to go back to neutral, things changing depending on which flag you hit
>go pacifist up to certain points, but then start killing everything

It all affects the ending somehow. They can range from heartwarming, to horrible, to downright bizarre.

Clearly, we should shitpost till we hit bump limit.

heheheheheh he said booby

Also does anyone know how to beat Undyne in the genocide run? I've lost to her 30 times so far and can't dodge anything. :(
Maybe we can discuss the fucking game instead of spamming art and wanting to fuck asriel.

Maybe we can have a calm conversation between anons about life just to eat up time.

Maybe you can stop being a fucking spaz just for one minute.

You have to dodge everything.
Which I'm unable to do even with the Sea Teas.
Just because I want to fuck Asriel doesn't mean I want to shit post. I also actually post discussion about the game a few times a thread, myself.
>can't dodge
be a scrub and use the equips that give you iframes

If you suck don't do genocide you pacifag babby
For most endings, yeah. I think Mettaton uses his own music, and the Alphys ending just has no music at all, which makes it hit even harder.
Every attack has a pattern, you just have to learn it for each one.
I have other things I should be doing, but fuck it, I'm already into it.

>you remove the gag, and he lets out a hot puff of breath as his tongue flops out
>he's obviously too tired to fight back any more, and lets your hands roam over his body, hoping you'll let him finally find release
>your touches become less rough, just grazing over his aching bones
>he whines when you stop
>"Hm, what is it Sans? Use your words."
>"p...please..." he breathes out, arching his pelvis up, searching for more of your touches
>"Please what?"
>"touch... touch me more... let me cum... please, i'm..."
>you grab the front of his pants roughly, squeezing at the bulge that's grown there
>he gasps, his head falling back as he shuts his eyes tight
>"Who do you want to make you cum, Sans?"
>he groans, gritting his teeth
>"m...my master... i want my master to make me cum..."
>"Good boy."
booby? booby.
then start up a conversation right now

undyne is fucking easy compared to what's ahead
Did you get the armor from Gerson? The bonus invincibility frames really help in giving you leeway if you fuck up, especially against yellow arrows that people seem to have trouble with for some reason. Keep the Ballet Shoes as your weapon for better damage though, they'll end the fight significantly faster.
I have those equipped and it still doesn't help. I've already done neutral and true pacifist, so I wanted to do genocide then pacifist.

The worst ones are the arrows that flip around during the green phase and the circling spears during the red phase.

Yeah, I know that Sans will kick my ass if I ever manage to get to him. I saw my friend get his ass handed to him a few times from that.
Oh wow.

I think it's great the game has inspired people to do things.

The Dog fights were all wonderful.

Which moment was your favorite?
>after you save your 6 friends from Asriel, the "There's still one more person left to save!" emote text right as I thought the same thing
>save goatbro
It's not the Asrielautists posting gay stories in the thread though.
Nice, nice!
Though enough abuse, Sans will learn to love me...
I can agree with this.
If you have all the equipment, then it's just learning her patterns so you can respond fast enough. Her attacks don't have any randomness to them, so once you hammer them into your brain, it's not bad.
I do love having the content of my character judged based on my favorite character in a video game.
This makes me feel tingly in my cock region.
Considering everyone do this, I suppose we are at the same level tho.

Altho we do seems to have a lack of Asgore greentext adventure
>Which moment was your favorite?
Killing Sans

and doing it again, and again, and again

Every time, I felt like it made his pain feel more real. This is what he was afraid of. This is why he was so complacent. Because none of it mattered. Because he knows he loses even if he tried. He's battling against a force he can't truly kill, and he tries anyway. The grief I feel for him is beautiful
where are dogposters?
Spot the Asrielautist
What are some easy characters to draw? No napstablook.

All of Papyrus
All dog fights
UNDERTALE the Musical

I don't agree with this so I'll just make a list to counter this
sans > sans > sans = sans > sans > sans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sans = sans
That's how Stockholm Syndrome works, yes.
Put goats ahead of metta, just keep asriel at the bottom.
I have to say, I like all these names. "Muffeteers" got a chuckle out of me.

Excuse you, anon. I'm a proud sanslut and I'm a woman.
Where they belong

Above and beyond a crude ranking-system, as they're not prevalent or obnoxious enough to warrant a place
Asriel fan, huh?

Undyne breaking off her speech because why should she bother when she's about to kill you anyway? And Mettaton bursting through the wall, presumed ready to kill, and starting up a quiz show instead. Any subversion of expectations delighted me thoroughly.

got a surprise kek by looking at his feet in this one...
Frisk, box Mettaton, Jerry
Now that you've mentioned that moment, now I can't think of any better ones.
That part of the fight was already incredible. That was the cherry on the top.
The opening to Asgore's fight was pretty neat as well with the sudden trident and breaking the mercy button.
I can't even imagine a broken Sans overcome with Stockholm Syndrome. Hopefully someone writes it, maybe that anon will even continue until he gets there...
You can stop any time. Why don't you?
Do you hate him that much?
How long until you pick up the real knife and kill your family?
It's still effectively gay if you ship two male characters
Where do Woshuafags go?
>Friskfriends not there
>Charabros not on there either
why do you people hate people
Busy cleaning.
MAYBE on the same level, MAYBE, if you guys didn't post all the shitty NTR and incest junk.

Isn't it an ambiguously gendered second person story, or did I miss the dick
Any of the dates, pretty much.
>Nobody says https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNd4apsr3WE

Horrible tastes.
I legitimately don't agree with this list because people who like Undyne are nowhere near the top, but I wholly agree with asriel faggots being scum.

I want to try and actually draw something nice, anon.
wanna stick flowey into a pot and keep him as a houseplant
i'll water him daily
and love him
Below Fishfans but above Skelefriends
>Do you hate him that much?
I love him and his character
>How long until you pick up the real knife and kill your family?
Fuck dude it's just a video game
Why are you people so cruel?
Canonically, you have to press F4 to go full screen, but for some reason I'm happy that the legendary Alt + Enter works too.

How much should I bet this is a gamemaker's default function that Toby didn't even realize?
>Fuck dude it's just a video game
So is your life. Turn around and wave to your player, will you?
What's the problem with fishfans? They are the least abrasive, least shitposting group, all they do is post pictures of their fishwife.
What about Alphys fa- ahahahaahaaaaaaa
The Asgore fight is a close second to Asriel because I really wanted to not hurt him.

I don't want to hurt anyone
hold me, /utg/
>listening to weeaboo garbage music on soundcloud
>the new shrimp groove ends
>one of lumisau's asriel dubs comes on
>instantly begin feeling like shit
I finished this game the fucking week it came out and somehow the characters of this game are still making my heart hurt like fucking nothing else.
This game broke me.

Apparently I have 170+ ignoring a lot of the fetish stuff like bondage and guro. I always thought you guys had way more than I did.
Above goatfuckers by the redeeming factor of not existing
I love looking at lewds but not to the point that I feel like saving any of them, oddly enough.
Wouldn't be that hard, he's already given up. Take away everything else in his life and replace it with yourself, then give him that sweet, gentle pleasure to look forward to when he's good and he'll be putty in your hands.

I might continue, but I have to go to bed right now. Goodnight /utg/
Would you still like and want to hang out with Papyrus if he was legitimately autistic?
I'm unable to learn her patterns no matter how hard I try. Ugh, I just wish I knew how to access that stupid debug mode so that I can make the fight much easier because I'm tired of losing to her no matter what I do. Lost to her 40 times now and I just want to get on with the rest of this stupid game.
Holy shit you guys are salty at Asriel fans.
You cannot stop us.
We're going to enjoy our character.
I don't even dislike the other characters
He's harmless and won't pull off any Chris Chan shit so yes.
You sure are salty about people not liking you

I hang out with you guys all the time, autism comes in different varieties and it all depends on how the person themselves carries it.
It isn't the character that everyone hates, Anon
Without any significant personality changes, maybe.

But I've been around enough autistic people to know they're usually pretty insufferable in real life.
Dumb question, but. How the hell do you cum *inside* a skeleton? Trying to fap to a Papyrus pic but my autism won't let me just ignore it.
God, that was a jacked up part.

Chara was playing this 'long game' the whole time. She took Asriel/Flowey along for the ride ultimately getting him killed. Then when she was strong enough and entering phase three of her plan she simply disposed of him (Killing him again. Gruesomely.) He was no longer of any use.

That's some Sith Lord shit right there.
God tier:
-people who actively try to discuss the game and its characters
-content creators; artists, writers, etc of any caliber

not so good tier
-people who spazz hard about the characters and firmly have their lips wrapped on at least one undertail when they post
-people who constantly whine about the state of the general
-"yfw x happens xD"fags
-linking shit (bad humanizations, terrible art, vomit/scat/gore fanart) to trigger the general for easy (You)s

shit tier
-tier listers

am I missing something else
Magic, Anon! And imagination.
I enjoy Asriel too. I mean, I did, when the game ended, before a neverending onslaught of pedophiles and people boiling his character down to "he's nine, right? nine year olds are cute"

I have autistic friends that are a ton of fun to hang out with, and he may as well be already
Ghost anus. Skullfucking. In his mouth. Wherever you want, basically. Papyrus will let you.
So are you gonna put them in an imgur album or what
I guess I'm OK with this.
Basically, you have to stop having such terrible fucking taste, holy shit skellies are for friendship
Y'abbin' a bad toime dere guv'nah?
I both discuss the game and create content (if shitty sans and lewd fics count) but am also lewd and want to make love to goat momma and stick my dick in vaginas worldwide. What does this make me?
i love that flower, man

i just want to take care of it
Hi Anti
Either one of those magic projections but it's akin to an anus/vagina, or you just masturbate inside his pelvic bone. Your cum splatters on his spine and ribs. He can feel it getting between his vertebrae and he feels so dirty for it and he's a stuttering, gasping mess.
i just want to put my dick in it
That sounds less hot and more just upsetting, to be honest.

Why would I want to make Papyrus feel dirty and gross? He's great and deserves to feel like a king. But not the king he was in that one Neutral ending, that was sad.
Goatdadfags > Goatsonfags > Goatmomfags
>tfw both god tiers but also an occasional fetish poster
Does it default to the lower tier, then?

How is a person baiting using humanizations and fetish fanart not in shit tier anyway

>tfw there are people that want to wipe their ass with Flowey

I don't blame them
>I enjoy Asriel too. I mean, I did, when the game ended, before a neverending onslaught of pedophiles and people boiling his character down to "he's nine, right? nine year olds are cute"
That feel. Brother, I feel slightly more at ease knowing you are in these threads.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Seriously, we get it, epic joke hahaha game theory is so bad loool
You don't. Monsters don't have genitals and do sex by shooting bullet patterns at each other's souls, probably.
Drew some skeletons before bed

Goodnight /utg/
>lewd fic I wrote
>414 views on the pastebin
I didn't actually expect anyone to read this, I thought it'd be like 12 views max especially since when I mentioned it yesterday to the anon who wanted to read it, I never got a response good or bad.

I agree. We're all deviants and retards here. As long as at least half of us discuss the game this general won't hit rock bottom.

Magic dick and va jinjo is really popular with skeleton fuckers.

Torifags > the three or so Dadfags >>>>>>>> Jerry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asriel autismals
We're almost 100 posts from the bump limit, let the shitposters shitpost

that means everytime you fight a monster, you're actually having sex with it
Hey, these are good, nice work Anon.

Hope you post more of your shit.
tl;dr "waaah I am incapable of enjoying things if other people enjoy it in a way I don't like, waaaah"
I find it hot and very settling. Just imagine, that cum of yours drooping down from his ribs, his face reddened with embarrassment.
Same here.
Ah, sorry about that. I don't really get the attraction to Papyrs so I was just spitballing. The idea is that he wants to feel dirty because he finds it fun, but if that's an issue, you can just use a condom and he can jerk you off using his silly mitten-gloves while you smooch him on the cheek and he blushes and lightly presses his teeth against your chin and lips.
>post true-pacifist
>some lucky guy/gal gets a nice monster waifu/husbando
>they're about to do the horizontal mambo
>suddenly soul flickering
>turns out intense sexual intercourse with a monster is akin to touhou/ikaruga on their hardest difficulties
>monster sex becomes a daredevil sport
can we please just stop making threads
Cute. Love the linework on Papyrus especially.
this is good
How else will people blog about their fetishes if they can't hide behind the game?
ok bye guys
Shit, it's like reading the dirty thoughts of a clone of me. Kind of weird, kind of cool.
>expecting 100+ people obsessed with hot animals to stop making threads
can you just stop coming to them
What fills you with determination?
The thought of one day being able to hug Chara fills me with determination.
Just ignore them

That I have conscription in 9 months
i wish toriel was my mom
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The thought of a rough boning from a skelly.
Papyrus' smile
"This character was pretty cool for the 10 or so minutes I knew him in the game but seeing people posting about his little goat butthole and how they want to push him in the mud all day has really put me off of him"

Not counting his time as Flowey because Asriel fans don't give a shit about him. It'd be nice if I could just keep my first impression of Asriel in mind but I'm soured very easily by obnoxious repetition.


dont bully the cute flower
That one day I will die.

Papyrus believing in me. His ceaseless optimism is the best thing in the world.

protect the skelly
Thoughts that there is just one left fill me with determination.
Who else was already a huge skeleton fucker before Sans/Papyrus

I had/have such a massive crush on Caliborn and Calliope
I don't even have the determination to leave my house.
>Asrielfags don't care about Flowey
Some of us do m8
Flowey is a great character
The hope that reincarnation is real and it isn't limited to this universe, because this universe sucks.
The thought of this general having pictures again instead of an endless sea of shitposting.
>this universe sucks
Pick your favorite Undertale character.

Sure you've got them? No take-backs now.

They died and were revived as a soulless creature via a DETERMINATION-injection to their favorite thing that had their dust spread on it, like Flowey. What changes?

If your favorite character was Asriel then obviously not much changes.
Nothing changes senpai
>shitposting with pictures and garbage fetish porn instead of shitposting
this desu

my existence has been blissful since i came into being
>sans amalgamated with papyrus
oh no
Muffet is now money. But not just a single bill, she is the entire economy.

I think she'd be happy that way. Every last red cent belongs to her now.
I guess he makes melty puns
I mean you guys don't shitpost about him nearly as much, especially not in the same boring "I want to protect and also fuck him all the time" way. Unless if you guys do that and your post quality skyrockets for it.

>his favorite thing is his robot body
>he's already a selfish asshole
>nothing fucking changes

Possibly less murdery than original Flowey and would want a detached friendship with no emotion than that of an emotional friendship. He wants to be your friend but it isn't a real friendship.
oh I didn't read that too well

this desu
Knowledge that I will be free soon.
How can we shitpost about protecting a flower that's one of strongest beings before you start playing?
I mean it's not like I want to fuck Flowey too, haha that'd just be weird haha
He is also a plate of spaghetti
I dunno, I think he might be one of those action-figures Sans-ta got him.

Or maybe they're a little hivemind, that could be cool.
Emotionally? He's in a bad spot, anon. He could use a good friend, not that he'd get anything out of having a friend in itself, but he can beat you up and enjoy himself with it.
>he could use a good friend
mate, if I had to be friends with Flowey I'll show him how fun getting wasted can be
Why the hell do I want to get drunk with a flower, this game is ruining my sanity
You can do that right now.
>get plant
>pour beer near it
>roots soak it up
Not sure how the plant would actually react to alcohol and wheat but you can still do it.
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A lot of the cute pics I save are just random skeletons instead of actual characters. I guess there's Steak, but I actually haven't read Helvetica. Should get around to that some time. Also dis nigga.
I wish I was a monster so I would know what love felt like.
house plant flowey is a fuckin cutie
i wanna pet that Flowers petals
What's the fun in it if you can't shittalk each other, or talk about all the fucked up shit it's done
Not my problem.
Flowey is a person and would rightfully kill you in your sleep for being such a shit to him.
>you wake up
>get into the shower to get ready for the day
>getting out you go to drop off your dirty clothes into the dirty laundry bin
>as you open the bin you see Asriel sitting in there sniffing your dirty laundry

What do?
Anon, that's the opposite of how to feel love... Just ask nicely. <3
Tell me, /utg/. Are you evil?
I dunno.

Get the fuck outta here man

Just a loser
Kill him because that's disgusting and creepy.
Chaotic Neutral at most, really.
wanna hug that flower
I just want to purify mlp-tier asrielfags such as >>121239163
Punt him square in the mouth and throw him outside.

I save spiders from drowning in my shower and cried when I figured out you HAD to hurt Asgore to continue.

very much a pansy
I don't get why he always has to be a house plant. He can pop in and out of any surface in the underground just fine. Wouldn't he be able to do that in the surface world too?
Laugh it him
I still live at home the chances are that it's actually my dirty laundry is fucking small

Don't think so but I'm a major sinner
where can I find lewds of Aaron ; )?
Is it evil if I want to obliterate >>121239163 ?
not at all
just... apathetic I guess.
are you a goblet
I'm a piece of shit but I'm not evil.
I put on my robe and wizard hat and get ready to cast Lightning Bolt
I'm so dead and lifeless in the morning I wouldn't even notice

Working is a nice way to eradicate your soul and spirit

Then why did you destroy the world? Why did you resurrect the demon? Why did you kill everyone?
It's all about not getting caught, anon.
>all money is sentient giygas money
this is a legitimately good idea for some kind of capitalist existential nightmare game
I've never done a genocide run. Genocide is mechanically boring.

It's just a video games.
I'll trade with you anon, I've only been a NEET for a week now and it's already boring as hell

>implying I did
kek senpai I'm still stuck at Undyne
Because it's just a game :^)
because it's cuter that way
I'm sorry, friend. Something a lot lighter is coming when the thread hits bump limit.
Innocent, tortured anon... I didn't. I never will. I know better than to think I'm above consequences. I'm not a monster.

Are you?
But I all I did was spare everyone and flirt with them.
>Killing sans > 50 times
>still not satisfied
Guess I am.
help me study
yo that does sound cool actually
What're you studying?
I didn't

Worst I did was do a True Reset once because I was lonely and missed the game and couldn't let it go and I feel bad enough about that even though I made sure to fix it and spare the monsters in the best ways that ended up improving their lives
Are you me? The timelines must be converging.
we need more post-image-limit greentext stories
To get the extra story bits and character interaction, and because killing them all except for Sans gave me a better appreciation of and value over their characters when I saved them a second and final time.
I was a NEET for 3 years until it all broke down.

I want to go back. I was living the dream.
another sweet, kind anon brings glee to me

Lol at all these butthurt tumblrtards. Im even a skelefucker/asgoreslut to boot.
I made that post cause its as easy as hooking a fish in a barrel even writing something that is a bit on the weird side.
>Oh anon you sick i wanna purge you #endthoughtrape #enddrawingrape

Get the fuck back to your hugboxes.
You all did it. This is because I did it, which means everyone else did it because they think like me. This includes yo-

come here have fun
Good job.
Ok bro
>le baited xD
wow you sure got em ; )
you god damned doofus
I actually want to kill myself now
Tell me your secrets, because I'll still have 9 months to kill before mandatory military service
Don't do it anon, we still love you. Even if you're a huge fuckup.
>claim to make thread 220 posts before bump limit
>someone still makes a dupe
yo killin' me son.
fuck you my man It's no fun without cool pics
Please don't. I'd miss you.

all life deserves to be
Don't kill yourself mate
You don't want eternal damnation, I tell ya waht
smooches pals i was kidding
I don't fucking care what you think anymore. Maybe you should kill yourself.
>Don't be embarresed, Frisk called me mom by accident too!

this undertale thread is taking a strange turn
>tfw my mum is like Toriel

Get dunked on parental-issuefags

Good morning /utg/. I hear you guys want to hurt Sans? Lewd version is on my tumblr if anyone wants it
I don't want to hurt sans. I just want him to be happy, but this some good lewd.
I always thought skeletons were hot but frustrating 'cause you can't do anything with them. I'm glad undertale provided me with fuckable skeletons

the hell did i watch
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