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/tosg/ Tree of Savior General

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Thread replies: 1078
Thread images: 115

Korean gooking up patches edition

Last thread: >>121190238


>ToS Info: http://pastebin.com/3YcrrJkd
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>iCBT2 Details
- Server: Gabija
- FAQ for CBT2: https://forum.treeofsavior.com/t/faqs-on-the-2nd-cbt/62971/
- EXP Rates, Drop Rates, and Client Version will all be based on the kCBT3 Client.

>Class Poll
- http://strawpoll.me/5756393

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is a new action MMORPG with a lot of classes and cute hats. IMC Games have shown an interest in an international release, and has begun testing the game in various other languages, including English and Japanese, even whilst the Korean version is still in testing. The game is currently in the beta phase, and not fully released.

>What's changed since iCBT1?
Changes to Class Advancement and Skills: http://pastebin.com/gTbzuuV5

>iCBT2 Sign-Up (Closed): https://treeofsavior.com/
- If you were able to access iCBT1, you will automatically have access to iCBT2.
- All keys should have been distributed by now.
- If you did not get a key, fansites may be giving out extra keys.

>Current Beta Tests
kCBT3 (Extended) - On-going, no end date announced.
iCBT2 - October 27, 2015, 03:00 AM (EDT) ~ Thursday, November 25, 2015, 23:00 PM (EST)

>F.O.E. list/spawn timers by some anons

>Official Translation Project - https://github.com/Treeofsavior/EnglishTranslation
IMC finally noticing the broken chat/gloab/marketplace again
Has anybody who's got a monster gem for a skill not usable by their class actually embedded it into a weapon? I am curious as to if it is like ro, where you could use off class skills via cards in gear.
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Paladin master race
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/vg/ and public Repair shop is here.

Channel 1, Gabija server.

Select just what you're wearing and not all the things in your inventory and it should be a lot cheaper.

Will be here awhile.
Like, okay, there's no reason to go ranger either, but what the fuck is the motivation for that much archer? C2 is passable for the crit and multishot attributes, but C3?
>Someone is sitting on a piece of gear waiting for the cooldown when they can pick it up
>Notice they're lower than half health
>Turn around and heal them
>Suddenly get the wand they were sitting on

Thanks for the tip?
So am I under leveled for this Mausoleum? This is where the quests are leading me. I haven't used any of lvl 4 exp scrolls yet
What? I alt tabbed. What did I miss?
Lazy fucking gooks waiting until 2pm before starting work.
Shit, I hope they fix the fucked up prices too, Squires need to be sent to the showers.
I'll suck you if you don't stop that shit, nerd.
Don't follow this meme guide. You actually slow yourself down.
>implying I would use a stat amulet over Strength Pendant
You're really cute
more multihit count on multishot which is ridiculously good, and more oblique shot levels which you NEED to pump if you want it to do any damage.
What time/how long is the maint? I'm not ingame so i missed it.
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Lining up for kisses can be kind of hard. It's embarrassing to not get it right the first time.
Generic "Shits broke, our bad" message
How are linkers?
Yep pretty much exactly how I went. The game obviously points you there. Guess the map guide is made with using all the scrolls up when you get them in mind.
how do people even do the kiss emote
>You will never be kissed by a cute girl
When will they fix it?
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>be archer
>looking for party for dungeon
>1 party need DPS
>not invite
>BRbarians came
Other C3 Cryos, is Ice Pillar worth it? I'm considering taking the points I put into Gust out and using them elsewhere.
they are fine
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>The only swordsman class specialized in blunt damage is a meme class
Oky lets try again:

Archer C3 > Scout > Rogue C2

meme or not meme
What level range do you not get the optimal amount of exp from mobs again?

Is it -5/0/+5?
When does maintenance start and how long is it going to be?

You going to be on in an hour (or after maintenance, whatever comes first)? I can't hope on right now.
The archer life
Masochism without being a heal slut

Archer 3 is terrible and the people talking about Oblique Shot needing to be pumped play other classes and have no idea what they're talking about. You can't sustain the SP usage for Oblique Shot spam even in a SPR build and chugging the cheap potions.
Are they needed or kicked out of parties tier?
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>Finally within top 1000 after grinding all day
>Work next four days
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For some reason, lethargy doubles earthquake damage.
You're underrating multi-shot
IMC got back to the office and realized that the patch they pushed before they went home for the evening broke everything.
>good vs Bosses


I mean yeah, Stabbing and Pierce are good damage dealers, but the fucking cooldowns last forever. I do more damage with Concentration on autoattacking over the course of a fight than I do with those.
BRbarians tier
please respond
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>been constantly in the top 200 and didn't even play the first day, plus have work
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>ranger looking for party for dungeon
>some group actually invites me despite being the lowest level out of all of them and also a ranger

It was shit though
they're really good.

> dude you should be basing your whole class on a 14 second cooldown skill with one overheat

Not all of us like to do 2 actions per 30s and jack off to eRP with squires the rest of the time. It's not actually effective, it's just bad and a meme.
>chugging the cheap potions

chug the expensive potions you retard, then you can, there's no upside to not levelling the skill, if you're not one shotting the enemy it's just wasting time, you'll use the same amount of SP with low lvl oblique except it will take you longer to kill the fucking thing.
Do you read traits before you learn them or not?
Gotta lvl up those atributes man
Yep like I said in the other thread I'll be on in an hour granted the maint doesn't happen during that time.
What's the best way to get the White hair? I have 18 craftings so far
there gonna break something again

i can feel it
>32 hits every 14 seconds

try getting some useful gear you shiteater
equip a crossbow and arde dagger and watch your damage skyrocket
Aspiring monk here, what are the recommended skills to get as c2 Monk?
I feel it too and im worried
If you have Lethargy's attribute (increased damage from Strike) then that's why. It affects every spell you cast as long as your weapon is a striking one
>top 200
>priest c3
>almost never get into parties
>only done one mission with someone 20 levels higher so it was one shot galore

They really need to work out healing. Only getting one extra healing aiblity for 100+ levels then into Pardoners for another one that needs someone to be debuffed to even work it is kinda stupid.

> he took an archer to level 75

I plan on doing something like C1 Cleric, C2 Priest and then go into Paladin, but I am not sure about what to go after, any advice? I am not sure how good C2 and 3 Paladin are, nor what other Circles compliment Paladin.
Best way to level from 70~85 without following the meme guide >>121217285 that actually works and that I don't have to be with BRs in the Royal Mausoleum since it's full now and the exp gain is the same as watching paint dry. Should I use my t4 exp scrolls as well or just save it as much as I can?
Why are you even trying to discuss this if you didn't?
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Archer's really have it too hard, I do actually want to do dungeons with my Ranger but everyone wants Memelanders
I took one to 130+ and feel nothing but regret for choosing anything other than archer 3 or ranger 3.
Anything other than those are memes, even ranger is just subpar and archer is more useful in the long run cause free crit for your actual good skills
I know that if i post my build /tosg/ will laugh at me but i'm enjoying my playstyle and my build has damage, what do /tosg/?
If you go paladin you go c3, you are a meme otherwise
Who cares? Enjoy what you enjoy
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>kiss someone on the street
>everyone comes up to stare at me
I was just curious!
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>caring about the opinion of others
Why don't you just go to reddit and get some upvotes if you're that insecure?
i'm in the same exact boat as you right now. at 73 and sitting on these scrolls. thinking of just using them and going through mausoleum.

80-86 is a killer i heard and wanted to keep the scrolls for just that.
let me copy you

I don't think this is the case. Otherwise, it will also double my energy bolt and magic missiles, but it doesn't.
to insecure to even go to reddit
Keep it to yourself and enjoy your secret success knowing you're better than others? Post it so i can be your clone, or laugh.
Alright. IGN is Helcate. Just say where to meet you and I'll get there around 1am est granted maintenance isn't happening.
Yeah that's why I'm keeping them cause I want to skip 80~86.
pls respond

also when is maintenance?
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Did I hit some kind of jackpot?
Klapedia near the warp statue channel 10.
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Does paladin's conversion have a time limit?
Could you theoretically with enough time make yourself a small army of converted mobs?
>Arde dagger, fire damage
It's okay anon, I really like my build too and /tosg/ would think it's bad.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours!

wtf happened to repair and travel costs?
It adds 100+ extra fire damage to all your attacks with basic weapon and skills

it's ridic op
it adds damage regardless of damage type.
I want to go Corsair.

I went sword/high2 and my rank4 is coming up. How badly did I fuck up and what, if anything, can be done to salvage this trainwreck?
>boss drops 4 of the fire trap orbs in the same spot
>better stay away from that shit
>boss walks over to it and swaps me

Why IMC?
Radiant AI. :^)

Is this how I into this archer c3 meme?

I'm not sold on the scout but I figure if I ever want to go into PVP I need either it or QS.
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out fucking played
That's nice to know, where can I get one?
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Where does the Vuvuzella drop?
90 dungeon or market
I feel like I have low HP compared to everyone

Do people actually put points in CON?
Do I look like a Squire bro
looks like it would be really hard to use well
too much pierce how are you gonna kill cloth enemies
>Can't play any melee classes because the game feels unplayable outside of mouse mode

Yes, you will get 1shot if you don't.
No matter your class.

I'm a squire my attributes aren't that good until c2.
Hey guys remember when there was that place where you could buy items other players had left
spear lunge retardbro

>can't play the game because the game lags almost all the time

Need a new THSword.
Do I go easy mode for the Hogma Greatsword or seek the ever elusive Sestas?

Alternatively could one of you anons on Zemyna hand me down an OP sword you're not using? Pretty please?
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As a 67 mage I have done well enough with 10 con so far
How do you get into Royal Mausoleum Constructor's Chapel? I hear that's a level 70+ zone before the 1F of the Chapel which is 81+.
Demon Prison is Nogg Road/Magma Dungeon of ToS.

>Large area with several large chambers, connected through small corridors/alleys
>Absurdly huge monster spawn and density shared on the entire area
>Monsters die and respawn instantly randomly on the map
>Parties camp the chambers and move on when density drops
?? It feels really good to me
I play barb with mouse mode and it's completely fine.
I really want those chupacabra ears but they take forever to drop. And there are shit loads of others farming too
>the AI is learning from Cryo/Psycho players

Sorta, but not as much as I probably should. I'm level 81 and have 15 points in CON as a Cryo, but I've got 20 levels of very minor HP gain from Plate Mastery and some HP bonuses from my plate. Puts me at 3,848 right now.
>Disconnected in the middle of a boss fight
>Sever closed
That isn't going to screw anything up, is it?
Nah, I usually jsut link things together then icepike them and they die. ICewall + psychic pressure kills bosses instantly. Also, if there's no other mobs chasing me I can link 5 together and telekinesis smash an enemy into the group for crazy damage. Also, I have a ton of CC which is nice for a summoner.
At least you have money for those attributes
This is a beta so i might as well go full retard
Don't forget to come repair :)
1.4m and counting
Hope you are a girl because they look awful on males
guess, youre auto attack until r4 then
The goods news is that this beta gets wiped.

The bad news is you utterly fucked yourself.

Ditch Cor, get Highlander 3 and go for Doppel instead.
Uh oh, here come the fags.
At like level 85 I tried using a controller with my autoattack priest.
Shit is so much better. I never really felt like I needed it, except the one time I did the lvl 50 dungeon, but now I can't imagine going back.
that's what hoplite does, yeah, his build doesn't have swashbuckling though so it sucks, and cataphract is pretty shit
I am. I might just go farm white hair first. Where did they move the recipes to? And will it take long to get 400 crystal spider feelers??
>Paladin outfit
Its too good to pass up

Its a shame though that 'helmets' in this are basically just shitty visors over your hair.

Who the fuck thought that was a good idea.
Why High3? He could just go Barb2 Doppel
I got an item called Nuka Gem. What does it do?
Is there a good guide to the different classes and their playstyles? All I've found are ladder images with different outfits with no info.
I won't spoil spear lunge for you then, hehehe. have fun
Because then hes shit in two classes rather than passable in one.

High 3 would be far better than Barb 2.
>Channel 1 full
>nobody doing repairs in any other channel

I guess I'm done playing for the night? Didn't want to have fun anyway
So how should I stat myself as a cleric? Does int do anything for them? Should I just be stacking con/spr with a bit of str/dex mixed in?
The DJ called
I prefer mouse mode, its just unfortunate that so many interactions don't seem to have mouse hitboxes
No, you Stab to R4. You put on your Vubbe Fighter's Gloves, buy the AoE attribute for Finestra, use Taunt to pull everything on your half of the map and evaporate it all with Stabbing.
Do Cockatrices even drop leather? I've accumulated over 40 of their feathers and I still don't have one
You need a point in pain barrier, thrust is useless, restrain is useful.

For DPS Stabbing is better than pierce. Spear lunge deals pathetic damage and you should only put 1 point into it for the debuff.

Cata is fine.
> fall for this archer meme
> start leveling one up
> murder everything with olique shot to 0 sp
> can't do a damn thing until it fills up again
> this is going to get worse at the cathedral

So uh, any tips for leveling up to c3 archermeme?
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>mfw when D Lejano
I cant wait to see where Viento plays
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Why would you even get thrust

I mean look at its damage

it's so trash
Do quests on Maus 4F have different level requirements? I can pick up some and other statues or archives don't want to cooperate.
Use multishot instead like God intended
mobs are an after though always build for bosses or pvp
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They just can't wait for fixes
Use potions dufus

> kill 2-3 mobs
> overheat to do it again
> spent as much sp as you could have spent on killing a dozen or more with oblique shot, and way faster and with less effort

I got this from a dungeon. What is it, and why can I not give it any exp?
Does that thing have a dick?
>calling that Prostagma
You bring shame on AoM

Here is the actual Hoplite build. You even get a choice for your C6.
BRbarian C3 0-4
Memelander C3 6-9


Still don't know what to do with my other character which is sword > meme > hoplite. Doesn't really matter since I got goddess bug on that character.
Would Fencer be a good choice? Or Peltasta 2?
I really want to do this build


I just pretend to be a terrible player. Go full CON, link myself to archers/wizards, and run into death. Stop monsters my allies are trying to kill from dying for 15 seconds. Block them with Ice Wall.

Too bad it's so party based that it'd take forever to level alone.
Oh, yeah those you have to switch to keyboard mode for.
Shit's really annoying
whats the 'goddess bug'
Called it
Can archers use skills like multishot while you have a dagger equipped or should I invest in weapon swap?
Dude, weapon swap is like 1000 silver and only one level, there is no reason to not buy it
That's a boy, hero.

Improves an specific skill. Check tosbase to know which skill.
Unfortunately you can't search names so you will have to check the pictures.
Pelt 2 no.

Fencer im not entirely sure. I think it might be a good choice? Since many of its abilities are pierce and that means your main debuff from spear lunge will work. You would need both a spear + shield and a Rapier though and switch between the two.

If you wanted some support you could go squire. Mobility and more damage from Cata (for 2hander spears). Doppel might be a good pick as well for the attack speed and AoE skill.
God, female archer costume is hot as fuck. Stockings with exposed toes and heels and the best

So that's it?

I just spam potions and olique shot until level 75, and multishot for the occasional boss?

I assume I should just grind in areas with lots of flying mobs, then.

Use potions and multishot into groups thats pretty much all you can do

>Rodalero skill

No thanks.
So what's the perfect class topping for someone who was foolish enough to go Swordsman 3?

And I should be statting what? All SPR or like 1:1 STR/SPR?
>multishot into groups

This is the reason why Archer C3 is awful.
That's a pain, time for more mob grinding, I guess.
>playing linker
>grouping with some BR cryomancer
>he keeps on using earthshaker to break my links
>always spams reflect shield to overwrite buffs
Him being in the group is actually making us do less damage.

You can always go Sword C2 too, some minor DPS bonus
it's the reason archer is awful in general, none of the classes have any mobbing capability.
Do Rodelero C3 next. Trust me, it'll be magical.
Are you supposed to be getting 15 cards per floor in the mausoleum?

I just finished floor 2 and I have like 8 cards and I got the tomb gloves.
Anything1 > Corsair2

Since you have literally nothing but Gung Ho and Concentrate to work with you might as well go full auto attack and do Corsair.
A pirates life for me.
The only other thing is get the full draw defense attribute and using that as gimped link damage
Now all you need is a rock on your keyboard autoattack key and your build is done.
Full draw link has pathetic range. Coupled with the fact that you need to charge FD it isn't worth doing.
My multishot clears 3-4 mobs before ending so its something at least but yes its trash
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Why is the music in this game so fucking good?

Literally gives me shivers.
> c3 archer into eventual rogue
> have someone willing to duo with me

Does this change how miserable leveling archer is?

And if so, what should I have her play? Priest?
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Give me a good support build that isn't Linker.
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I'm set up yet again.

Channel 1, Gabija server.

Select just what you're wearing and not all the things in your inventory and it should be a lot cheaper.

Will be here awhile.
>Want to continue the main quest
>Feel like I'll be wasting exp if I don't keep doing tenet dungeon until 70

I really wish I'd have found out about this @50. I just started to do it @60 and gotten 7 levels in 5 full clears.
You can't go wrong with having a dedicated healer
Linker turns your multishot into true aoe and pyro linkers can fuck shit up real easy too
Have her play an offensive INT priest such as a Krivas build. They still heal well enough and will be able to carry archer luggage with decent damage and Safety Wall.
Let herhim play what shehe wants, cleric is nice though as always. Priest c3.

Linker is probably better though.
>only squire in Zemyna ran out of materials
Somebody save me

Yeah no.
Last time I checked you were only like 10 silver cheaper than the npc jew.
Just got Linker. The fuck do I do? What attributes do I get? What skills are good?
I am Swordy C2 -> Barb C2 right now, should I go Barb3 -> Fencer or Corsair2? I didnt go thighlander much regret ;_;
Come rep my shit on Zemyna damn it

You'll be fine. If you're desperate, do 5 more runs but after that you wont get much.

Do the same at 90 and 130. Aint for a minimum of 10 levels from each, but 20 isn't bad to aim for either.

Also remember, you can do quests and stuff, just don't use the exp cards.
A lot of people say I am half price. I guess it depends on your level.
I request a good item to farm, I need some dosh to pay repair costs.
Why is tab targeting in this game so bad
Get joint penalty and fuck shit up.
Can Squires repair their own stuff for free?

Sword2>Barb2>Corsair2 is legitimately one of the best DPS in the game.
>actually wanting to go shitlander
>spend 10 mins doing a world boss, start to finish
>get no credit for it because im 10 levels under it

Well that was a waste.
Your prices are too high.
Try a gamepad.

What about attributes?
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It's not free but it's only 80 silver to repair for myself.

It is 225 lad and a lot of people say it is thousands cheaper than the npc. I also buff you over max durability. You are probably low level so it costs more than
>highlanders are bad meme

When and why did this start?
Its not a meme its a fact

The only meme about highlanders is the idea they are good just because Cartar stroke exists.
Dunno, haven't looked at those yet because I'm poor

She already has a 60-something pyro/linker, so maybe I'll just make her follow me around on it until I catch up.


> blessing
> zalcai

Is there any hope of me just having her set up zalcai and kneeling shot auto attacking everything in range from it with the blessing bonus? I realize this sounds meme and gimmicky as fuck but I could just reskill later if this makes leveling easier.
Where is the level 130 dungeon?
Highlanders ARE bad

Literally noob bait.
If you are doing that you should also at least one rank in Ranger for Steady Aim, so you'd be Archer 3 Ranger Rogue 2.

It's legit but you will want multihitting skills.
They're extremely good. Broken even

In the levels relevant to this beta test
They would only be broken if they stayed relevant. They dont.
Pull them all close reduces defense and let brblander rek it all.
why did they disable shouts?
>Like the look of Ranger
>Want to be a Quarrel Shooter

Oy vey

C1 Memelander isn't that great. They have Cartar Stroke and Cross Guard.

C2 and C3 Memelanders are top tier. Cross Cut, Skyliner and Skull Swing are amazing. Skull Swing in particular is hilariously broken (a 30 second long 100% defence reduction that works on bosses and only has a 40s cooldown).
>highlanders fall off meme

Can you provide more details, or is this "because I said so"?
>Bash 1
>Knockdown attribute requires Bash 3
well done

> no mention of the 5 hit omnislash skill that has +50% critical chance

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Like, you're right, but you're not as right as you should be.

but how is Swordy2 better than Highlander1 if you are going Barb2 -> Corsair2 anyway?
Apparently Cataphract are stronger than memelanders
Shouts are on the same server that has the market

The whole thing went up in flames, presumably because of the BR spam
>suggesting cross guard is good
>not understanding how Skull Swing works
As that other guy said, noob bait.
That 1% fucking paid off when I needed it the most. Big guy has better HP/attack (or so I think he has) than the normal ones. Waiting for wheelchair zombie.

It's basically "because I said so".

A class with a 100% defence reduction will never fall off. That shit is just way too good.


It's an all right skill. But it's not amazing. It's only got one use and a fairly long cooldown. It's good if you use Skull Swing first, but without Skull Swing it's only ok.
Prove it to me

If you are going to hide behind Korean beta tester forums then give links because yes I have access
Sword2 gives you more hits on Concentrate would be my guess. Concentrate is pretty good on multi-hitting skills.
>mage tower 3f

fuck you too game
Because Concentrate and Gung work with Corsairs skills better than Highlanders
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fixed when?

you can see me very bottom left staring at these retards.
Don't get wheelchair, everyone gets it and then turns it off realizing how bad they are, big guys and normals are enough.

Cross Guard is amazing. Makes you literally the tankiest class in the game.

As for Skull Swing, it does exactly what it says. It sets enemy defence to 0. It's so good, even your pet will do damage to bosses. Infact, it literally breaks the mechanics of the game. You can skull swing a level 200 enemy, and level 1 players can damage them for more than 1 damage.

Skull Swing is by far one of the best abilities in the game.
Someone said once koreans didn't like them so now it's a thing.
Same reason everyone is now fawning over corsair builds, fyi.
Why is it bad?
>Cross Guard is amazing. Makes you literally the tankiest class in the game.
Okay you must be trolling.

Well done, you actually had me convinced there for a second you were being serious.

Koreans are trash. Haven't been relevant in games since 2001.
I don't understand
I originally went female highlander because of the outfit. No regrets.
>tfw I thought Corsair was cool and wanted to be it at the start, if I didn't go Hoplite
>Corsair is now going to be the meme class
So did a party quest with a party
then did another one

Holy fuck those are the worst things I've seen in a while
no fun, just tedious bullshit
The Bokor Hex + Effigy build isn't quite as good as I thought it would be. Hexing does hit a lot of targets, the problem is that it only hits extra targets in a very small splash radius around your primary target. Not sure how I feel about that.

That said, it's still nice to be able to do something when Zaibas is on cooldown.
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a large kepa spawns there every minute or so, free stuff and money.
How about you just ignore what /tosg/ says and play the class you want

Who the fuck cares what anyone here says about classes? Literally all of its evidence for anything being good or bad is 'Wah I play this class and its good! or 'Wah I dont play this class and its bad!'

Its not like ToS is even hard enough to warrant worrying about your build.
Zemyna needs a Squire. SOMEBODY, ANYBODY

You must be trolling.

You literally don't even understand how Cross Guard works. You probably don't even know how normal guarding works either.

Here is a hint. Cross Guard will give you more block rate than normal guarding will.
Should I just wait til marketplace comes back up and buy the chupacabra ears?
What do you do? What happens?
They should make the kepa explode delayed by a few seconds for massive dmg after it dies, that would be funny
>No attribute on OoB to make spells cast at your spirit instead of your body
there goes my group build
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>Want to play ToS
>Have to do normie things
Fuck, wish I was a neet once in this life
What are you building anon?
That would be amazing.
Mate the only one trolling here is you. Or at least I hope so because otherwise you are just stupid as shit.

Whatever, if you want to make a fool of yourself go ahead.
Krivis for damage, Priest for support. Never Cleric.
Cleric 2, divine might is really good.
I love your name.
Go to the Holy City or whatever

Like of them are here
The first one was
teleport to these 3 places and talk to people
then kill 6 ghosts
Got a hat

The second was talk to ehse 3 people
kill these 6 roots
then protect this crystal for 10 fucking minutes

for 15k.

The reward is random and you don't get to see it til halfway through the PQ
Don't you want to be hot anon?
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>people kissing in Klaipeda
>Makes you literally the tankiest class in the game.
That is utterly false

Although shitty in damage even a Pelt + Rode build would be far tankier. Or even a paladin.
>10% chance to do massive damage
I finished my superior steel staff.
Do you still want to buy my +5 storm staff?
I'll sell it to you for 200k
I'm only level 69

Anon... If you want to put forth a believable argument, you need to do a little bit more than say "no you're wrong stop trolling".

If you think people are wrong, you need to explain why they are wrong.

He's right about it giving you more block than any other class. Peltasta'smore tanky still because of attributes on Guard.
The fuck, that sounds awful.

Why is everything party based in this so awful.
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Nice statue.
you don't need a party to do it
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Why are boys such qts
Well they are supposed to be done with a party.
In what situation does "ignore defense" come into play for that archer crossbow attribute?

Rodelero player here. I'm getting really sick of saying this.


They get nothing that makes them tanky. The game even considers them an attacking class, and when it comes to class change their type is even stated as "attacking".

Despite them having a blue icon which is suppose to represent tank classes, they infact have no tanking abilities.

Also Rodelero is literally shit. Unless they're majorly reworked I would not pick one ever again. They're the Quarrel Shooters of the Swordsman tree.
Alright, need a key, willing to buy you a steam game for it.
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>people kissing in Klaipeda
I have absolutely no idea. All I've done is dump points randomly with no real rhyme or reason since I have like 100 icoins and I've got my points 1 heal, 5 cure, 4 safety zone, and 5 deprotected zone currently.

>Never cleric
Guessing attributes for deprotect are more than enough to cover it?
That said, Blessing seems cool on Priest, but that item use seems kinda off to me.
And Zaibas seems kinda cool and reminds me of a skill cleric in aika online had. Daino any good?

>Divine Might
I don't believe you, not one bit.
Do you have to pick up stones? If you don't please stop flaunting your Rodelero privilege, it's triggering me.
>people parties up with me and asks for voice chat
You think that is bad?

We had one where we had to go to the crystal mines and fight off hordes of monsters for 12 minutes straight.
Well I still think going Highlander 1 for the Cartar and Crossguard is still better than a piddling 40 damage from the Swordy2's Concentrate and Gungho. Damage is just damage, having more options as a Highlander is just better.
Actually they are a CC class.

Shit cos they dont do AoE CC or boss based CC.
We got a discord group??
I did 5/5 party quests solo, the only hard part was crystal mines and septyni glen.

You can reset/abandon party quests by leaving a party and making a new one. The quest isnt the same most of the time.

I got 2 hats, 6 lv 4 exp cards and 10k silvers.
it's just killing random trash mobs, don't see why you're meant to have a party for that
You might be right, but I think it's a matter of style then. Cartar is good but you can only use Cross Guard with a two-hander.

I don't have to pick up stones. But in exchange I get a bunch of abilities that don't particularly do anything.

At least when you pick up a stone, you can shoot it and deal damage. Dealing damage is something I wish I could fucking do.

Stop flaunting your damage dealing privilege.


Their CC is terrible. Other Swordsmen class get better, more reliably, longer duration CC that can effect bosses. Other classes in general get better CC.
Of all the classes with CC, they have some of the worst in the game.

Literally, Rodelero doesn't do anything good. Everything they do many other classes can do better.
I mean, what clas do you want to be?
Can you open the treasure chest at Mausoleum 5F?
Im not saying they have to be done with a party, but its obvious they intended them to be.

They failed miserably at it, obviously.
I don't know.
At all.
All I really know is that I wanna pick up Oracle for that outfit.
You get a cool name though.
If you're solo, Krivis for zaibas.
If you're in a party with friends/ in a party most of the time, go priest.

Cleric never ever.
OOOH, didn't know you can only use Cross Guard with 2H. In that case I agree that a dual-wielding Corsair is much better with Sword2 then thanks.

Is.. is this how Peltasta plays? I feel so bad for them. Archer is better than this.
I'm about to make a terrible decision

r5 sorc here we go
Have fun anon!
Just don't ERP here for fucks sakes.
When should I leave the chapel dungeon?

I don't think it's that bad but it's not great. It's fun at least.
When it collapses
Well I'm playing alone, but would the class still be good to have in dungeons?

Fun fact: Highlanders and Barbarians might seem stupidly broken, but they're early peakers. They start out strong, but don't really get any better.

Most other classes are late bloomers, and by rank 4-5 will completely shit on Highlanders and Barbarians (except in a few specific builds).

Some classes like Quarrel Shooter, Peltasta and Rodelero basically don't do shit. Peltasta is admittedly a good tank, but they never really get stronger. Playing as these classes is absolutely suffering (outside of Peltasta in group content, which is entirely optional anyway).

That player did that to himself by going full CON. Funny though.
>full Con
>still gets Gung ho

why, just go full str
>archers doing damage meme

None of that is Quarrel Shooter, so I'm on your side.
>People kissing at bonfires in Sirdgela Forest
Playing as a krivis c2, Priest c2 is better if you're solo healer, but i've managed even as a krivis if the party mates aren't retards.
What's the point of tanking for nobody
I'm trying! 6 more class levels to go

Compared to a Rodelero, almost every class does damage.
It used to be Florr. Not sure what it is now since I heard that you can't buy the recipe for cheap from the merchant anymore, but I didn't bother to check if it was true or not. The ingredient for that was 4 of the webs dropped by spiders in the Mines Floor 3.
You should check tosbase what skill it gives a bonus level to. For some reason the english translation doesn't show it, it shows up just fine on the korean client.

I haven't even been able to get any monster converted using it in kcbt.

It's also way too fucking small for more than 2 parties to share.
I'll try to grind one out tonight.

Do I need to leave the game open or is my shop always there?
Florr is in the item merchant in fedi.
Can someone explain Stone Skin to me?
>They start out strong, but don't really get any better.

Let's see. Highlander gets Skyliner, Cross Cut, and Skull Swing. Barbarian gets Frenzy and Seism. Something doesn't add up.
I'd imagine priest grinds slower though, unless you huffed up STR and autoed everything.
You get mad block
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>yfw wizards putting archers on suicide watch
Reminds me of Deliverance WARs in FF14.
>mfw this is how I play as cleric
>mfw no face
Thanks for that 200k man and glad you like that card.
Peltasta's more tanky because Peltasta's can actually move, attack, and guard at will, and always has block as a passive defense.
Crossguard gives an absurd amount of block, yes, but only for five seconds, during which the Memelander is both immobile and unable to attack, and it's on a 20-second cooldown. And while it's on cooldown, you have the same tanking ability as a fucking Archer.
How do I open the chest that has the cow ears? Just a level 2 key? It doesn't say what kind of chest it is when I target it. It's the chest in the north of the region with the turtles and hanaming of the beginner area.
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Yeah, and you get all of those at relatively low levels.

They're not like Archers which just suck in general until rank 4-5 but then can be blasting out insane damage constantly and by rank 6 a properly built Archer can be spamming 20k damage crits.
You're right. Cross Guard isn't meant to be a skill that turns Highlander into a tank, though.
>sorcerer controls their pet
>hunter can't

I'm so fucking pissed. Why, IMC? WHY?
I'm having a hard time finalizing my planned monk build. Double Punch and Energy Blast are a must haves. On paper, it looks like Hand Knife is a one point wonder just for the attribute debuff. Any suggestions on how it should look like?
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Hell yeah, dude. Thing gives me a massive erection.
field boss is about to spawn in mage tower, just got the message
Not him, but how would I as an archer go about blasting out insane damage at R4?

Cross Guard literally works the same as normal Guard now. You use it and it works, you stop using it and it stops. It has no cooldown.
Sorc here, What demon is that?
semen demon
I don't know about hunter's pet, but sorcerer's pet rapes your sp too fast and you have no sp recovery when on top
you are stuck with a window on your screen forever and it is basically pointless as a wizard

until i get a kawaii subweapon
The semen kind.
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Templeshooter. I'd make a webm of its abilities, but I'm too lazy for that.
simply epic
Anyone on Laima around 80 or lower want to party or need help? I'm a little bored of soloing right now
Level 72 and i just got to royal maswadadingdong. I feel like even though i followed that op picture im still behind. I used all my level 3 cards. I did the lvl 69 zone above town. So now i start here on f1 and then go do the other zones above town ye??
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At some point, people have got to realize this is dumb.
Does it give good EXP, gold, recipes or something?
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You are doing it wrong.
Suck shit ranged shitter. Now you will feel the pain of most melee classes in other MMO.
They're BRs. Their existence alone is dumb
Check your map mate.
You seeing that map now?
Yeah right, Look for recommended levels near yours, somewhere round klaipeda.
Archer never has SP, so I feel you on that.
Surely people are just overreacting about Quarrel Shooter being bad right? ;_;
>Say i did lvl 69 zone above town
>get told to do it again

Ok boss
It's a beta, go make one and see for yourself.
Is it just me or when you reach Tenet garden you're severely under leveled? I have to use a bunch of cards every time.
No. I played one and immediately rerolled.
I'm too shy to give you my name, though.
Wendigo bane mask when? I need to meme
How's Corsair faring so far? Was thinking of trying it out because yo ho a pirate's life for me.
If you're around in a bit I'll be willing to join up with you
Does latency affect attack speed in this game? I ask this because there is a grand total of zero chance of them making a server in my region (SEA)
Where did the recipes that the item merchant used to sell go?
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Anyone tried Sapper yet?
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now that's a spicy meme
The worst advancement of the worst class. Sure it is not that bad.
Come on man it won't be that bad I promise
do you live in sealab or something? no one lives in the ocean idiot
Very funny. I like you.
Will turning off player effects make dungeons less of a cluster fuck?
Where is each server located?
Sounds good I'll be round for awhile so just lemme know where to meet since whispers are still probably dead
In the cloud.
Virginia, I think
The toggle is a lie.
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>be C3 Archer
>partied up with Ranger for dungeon
>finally get to see if Barrage is single-target like Multishot or an aoe like Earthquake
>mfw he obliterates an enemy with his double-barrel shotgun while the shrapnel blasts enemies behind

IT'S BOTH, holy shit. Barrage fires five arrows, all of which are line aoes. It's both a nuke and area clear in a single skill. I know what class I'm getting next.
>swordsman was stronger in cbt1 and cbt2
>centurion was so broken it was removed
>archer class tree is a complete mess
>clerics have more dps roles than wizards
>exp will be even worse when it comes out
>bugs from cbt1 are back in cbt3
>feedback is being ignored on purpose

The game's dead and it's not even out yet. It was nice knowing you, /tosg/.

Is it a world boss?
The fact that Barrage is a good skill has been stated in this thread multiple times, practically at least once per thread. Keep up, anon.
Why are repair costs still fucked and equipment sell prices still fucked?
Yeah seeing barrage makes me think I'll pick ranger for R2 next time I make a archer instead of the C3 archer I am right now
FAQ is missing bagelposting
Oh cool.

Anyone on Zemyna with the Templeshooter card want to sell it to me?
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This pillar has a health bar, but you can't attack it.

What is the deal with it?
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>Ancient evil has awaken
>You are the chosen one
>Please go find my dog oh mighty chosen one
Because they got lazy 4-5 days into cbt.
everything including map portals has a health bar
Repair costs are a bug, but squire SLUTS are helping tremendously. 540 to repair my weapon vs 5000 in the shop.

I think vendor prices were intentional if it a bit overdone. I'm not sure, but I think monsters are dropping much more silver now?

The market being down has led to a massive improvised marketplatz in Klaipeda, though, it's nostalgic.
Level 80.
>you are the savior
>only you can stop the forces of evil
>the chosen one
>you cut your hand on a flower

Not lookin good for us
But I am supposed to do something with that pillar?
Is not related to any quest in the area
Time to start an Archer before going on with my Hoplite I guess.

What stats?
>you are the chosen one
>please poison my farm and put up some fences
kill it
The story of every single generic fantasy MMO. I bet it's because nobody actually cares.
>The baron told us to be on our best behavior when the Revelator came through.
>Would you kindly go take out the garbage, just go huck it off the cliff, there.
inb4 the goddesses are actually evil and picked the most retarded person on the planet to ruse hard
With those prices? Fullspirit and some con.
It leads to an empty area.
You get an item that can be used on it at the high 40s into 50s from the chapel I think.
Anyone know where the recipe for doom spear drops?
>You look more pathetic than me. Here, have my farm equipment.
>ctrl+f barrage
>4 results, just us 3

>ctrl+f ranger
>no reason to go ranger
>i'm so glad somebody invited my ranger
>ranger is just subpar

The best compliment I read for Barrage was somebody noting that it does hit more than 5 enemies, but they never mention how it actually works, one guy in an earlier thread assumed it was a regular cone aoe.
>oh boy this quest item unlocks a secret area!
>it must hold treasures untold
>finally arrive
>it's fucking nothing.jpg

by IMC
>would you deliver that bread to the guy 50 meters away? Oh btw i might have given you spoilt bread.
>the creepy evil looking Historian was actually the creepy evil villain who looks exactly like him and who you repeatedly met just moments earlier

>Hey, you're the chosen one
>You talked with my brother?
>Why don't you go deliver him a bagel for me even though he's 30 seconds away
How so?
I haven't seen anything but Rogue hitting this hard and that's a 2 use single target ability on a 10s cooldown. It's good but I don't think any other Archer class comes close.

Why do these bosses and maps look much more interesting than what we have?
>Pick up that wood for me that's literally right by my house 2 feet away.
I could go with this.

>At level 600 you fight the final boss
>You finally learn the truth, you were nothing but their form of amusement and were never expected to amount to anything worth a fuck
What is the purpose of the crossbows? They do terrible damage compared to same-level bows and the attribute to ignore defense seems worthless.
as a swordsman how many points should i be putting into dex?
it's a beta :^)
>attribute to ignore defense seems worthless

Funny joke
we got memed
>hey guise, i swear thighlanders and barbs fall off
>they are just REALLY GOOD throughout this whole beta
>once you get your shit build to lvl 300 is swear you'll beat them!
>dat riding cart part

I want it.

Also most of them only shows 1 skill which is in the game.
if you are memelander put enough to crit often
otherwise put all points into str
>Goddesses are freed
>Suddenly teleports cost more
Gesti did nothing wrong.
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After effects and only showing short and cool scenes of boss fights where most of them have people playing together
>people getting to level 600
>only the most select few of koreans would get to this
>the ones that literally die in real life from playing so much

People are getting stuck before the 100s. You can only imagine the level 300+ dead zones of no quests and taking 200+ kills to get 0.1% of your bar filled
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I kept saying that Ranger is the way to go for Archers before any of you fucks got your hands on the game but you didn't believe me.
So you think reskins and the same fucking maps are okay?
>that cart
Holy shit

We got fucking memed on didn't we?
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Can't handle this.jpg
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I honestly like that UI better than the one we have.
>tfw the word meme has turned into a meme
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I'm not sure what you're talking about or what that has to do with anything I said.
Please explain, because I've been actively comparing two L120 weapons as a C3 Ranger and the crossbow does consistently less on every type of monster and boss I've used them on so far.
Meme on me
Meme on me
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Casting fist.png
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>All that no-ping dodging
IMC, plz
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>Level 84 with no quests until 86
>be some select few tester
>control over anything in the game to test it
>can get levels and items without the bullshit and grinding
>can actually have fun and find shit that is broken instead of getting stuck trying to level up before getting to interesting parts
It's pretty meh at level 60.

A whopping +10 damage that can't be amplified by type advantage in exchange for -33% range when using auto-attacks. I spam oblique shot to get around it, but I have to guess my range since the target indicator doesn't show up. Having a shield is nice though.

Are you sure the crossbow is on the same tier as the bow? There shouldn't be too much of a variance in damage, and are you taking into account that you can socket your shield?
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>8 minutes of pure lag and sound bugging with 3 BRs
>for a party hat

Think I'm done testing party quests.
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Repairs back up.

Channel 17, Gabija.
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>Play Sadhu
>Unleash massive constant damage on dungeons
>If there isn't a pelt around the dungeon boss will always catch aggro on you
I think I saw 3 areas/tilesets I have not yet seen ingame and 2 bosses and I haven't yet done all of the beta. The biggest difference is the shader they used back then. It makes the coloring look quite different.

I'm so glad this is all getting wiped
Sniper Bow vs Veteran Crossbow
Haven't gotten a shield yet but that might help
Jewras looks sad.
Is Firewall actually good? It dies so quick I can't find any practical use for it.
best afk farm ever.
Is the puzzle in Legwyn residence seriously shared between every other person in the area?
I'm on channel 1 now because channel 17 died??
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>go Cataphract
>can't use memestroke anymore
>shout chat still down

This is nice.
>search stone
>fight boss

this game
Now buy an Arde Dagger, equip that with your crossbow and compare the damage. Also you should always upgrade your bow/crossbow to atleast +5.
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Ok fuck this channel 1 is taken by a pink haired faggot and channel 17 crashed. But I'm back on channel 18 friends.


He's bored I guess

Only took 4-6hours.

I only know the quick money trick but still haven't figured out the anti gravity portal.
I'll be sure to try that when prices are fixed
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I can't decide which fucking card I like more for sorc

And I can't get over how much of an SP sink it is

You also lose you [Two-handed Sword Mastery: Critical Attack]

Was it worth it?
Is vubbe fighter gaunlet with aoe+4 good for mages?
Is there a list of all the discovered skill interactions yet? Like hitting icewalls to make them shoot projectiles, etc.
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I knew I was feeling more peaceful and I didn't know why
>tfw you have Arde dagger but not motivated to level from 115 because market is down anyway.
Any tips for leveling past 130?
Anyone where I can find kepo skins?

Database isn't helping with outdated info.
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>Attempt to interact with the Austeja Altar for the main story quests
>No response from it whatsoever, despite a lack of lag
How much crit is enough crit?
What does market have to do with your leveling?
This looks like exactly what we got. Have you never seen a fucking trailer before?
The ones near the bubble-goddess? Increase your level
Because i wont be able to switch my weapon. Because i am using bow atm. Because i did not bother to enchance it past +7.
Try using keyboard mode
Shame shout, market, party and friend list are all linked (not that the friend list works anyway)
i was getting them from some random demons in demon prison

i'm honestly not trolling you
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>In rested mode while standing
Uh, what?
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Lovecube is up if anyone cares.
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>Get Bokor to Circle 2
>Finally get Conga Line

Jesus Christ it feels so good.
>200 kills to get 0.1%
You forgot a a few 0's
It happens when you take DoT damage when sitting
This happens when something zones you when you're sitting down. You're actually still sitting down.
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It lagged while you were sitting
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I need some memelords for the lvl 130 dungeon.
From Kepo, of course
Starving Demon's Way
>Find a squire in Klaipeda selling repairs beside blacksmith
>The prices are 7x the Blacksmith prices

I dont think thats how you set your price...
i made a swords man can i click rank two as my second class???
I was running around with it up. In fact, when I sat down, I lost the buff.

No DoTs in that part of the mines though.
Is Krivis C3 > Monk viable?
How's Ele? Would you say it's stronger than Pyro?
Is it worth preserving until then?
Bokor 1 is not really fun.
Well, zomebody is having fun with his zombies
soloing bosses as linker is becoming real suffering.
Should I use Vubbe Gaunlet as a Cryo or should I sell it?

pls respond

I don't know because I'm a Corsair.
>Just got to 120 yesterday
>market down all day
>Using shit weapon while waiting for cooldown.
Fuck, where can I find a battle maul?
I went full dex and it works out but 3:1 dex/str is probably better
So, is it worth of it to run straight past all the level 100 maps to get to the next city? I am feeling the lack of equipment at times
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Yes, you can go up to three circles with a single class. You can do triple swordsman for ranks 1-3 if you really wanted to, or you can go Swordsman -> Whatever -> Swordsman*2

Pretty bad for mages. It's nice for the AoE but it doesn't exactly contribute much else
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> archer
> no SPR
>all these sad lonely cataphracts at 90 dung
How on earth do you skill a c3 bokor
THe only thing Fedimian is going to help you with is one tier better potions. Buying equipment from the npcs is a bad idea, they're overpriced and usually the worst in their level bracket.
I'm convinced there is actually no such thing as cockatrice leather even though there's armor recipes requiring them
>play archer
>get bored of sp drains
>see wizard videos

Why didn't I go Wizard? They're literally Archers with better SP and AoE.
It really depends to be honest. I'm going the full way because I wanna see exploding zombies and just like the class. Getting that skill alone solves zombie speed problems since activating it makes the zombies speed up to follow you properly. They can deal consistent damage without switching targets since you control them. The cooldown is also pretty easy to manage too, it refreshes if you keep them conga lined for the full duration and when it's over you just have a group of zombies just there.

I really enjoy it but it's definitely a preference thing.
Why is no one calling pyromancers on being OP bullshit? I thought I'd level a wizard, but it feels like I'm playing a ranged memelander.
Play one and suffer
I could use the better HP potions though, healing as a Peltasta and their 5k+ hp pools can get underwhelming with Klaipeda HP potions

In any case, guess I'll just state the obvious and go "Man, this game sure is grinding oriented"
Kubas is up.
Don't need it when I just chug pots
Because they need to get close and have a big cast animations with not that big damage.
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>tfw pushing your fingers up a girls butthole
Why are people complaining about Squires getting rich. You get cheaper repairs and longer durability
>guy asks for party when he sees me plow through monsters
>tell him "he needs me more than I need him"
>continue soloing

I don't see the point of partying.
are you a gooman? why are you liquifying into the ground bro?
How's Sadhu? I don't know if I should pick that before monk.
>Go to any busy zone
>Use Ice Pillar to group all of the mobs and then Snow Rolling to pick them all up, roll around and kill them at the same time
>Get party requests
>no Squire in Laima to repair items at for cheap
I saw some inane shit like 2500 to repair a level 40 weapon.

Squires, help me.
Is there a list of all the places where you can use the Seal of Space?
nvm lool
Huh? There should be several in Klaipedia channel 1 and there are three wandering around Mausoleum floors last I checked
Finally, some lvl4 exp cards.
I'm actually a backwards mushroom.
mainte in 15 mins
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Maint in 15
>temporary maintenance
this fucking game
Do I max Lethargy or SLeep?
price fix inc

Time for us to take over Latin server?

You can jump glitch up the other side of the portal but you can't open the chest unless you do the entire puzzle apparently.

What's the quick money trick?

In other news, prices back to before maintenance.
Squirejews RIP.
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How do I stop being angry?
>Latin American server will be added
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Rip repairs
They didn't say anything about selling prices. Just teleport and repair.

I kinda liked the repair costs.
I dunno, she doesn't look angry
depends, are you damage or support?

if damage, sleep, if support, lethargy for the extra STRIKE damage on memestrike etc.
This desu.
It brought a sense of community.
All that dosh though.

You need to collect orbs from some mobs and let the orb be sucked into a purple crystal. It'll drop another crystal and you'll be able to kill mobs that will drop around 300k altogether.
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If they rollback my shit, I'll be fucking mad
Sapper or Archer C3?
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>Repair prices, warp transportation prices and etc will be changed to as they were prior to the Regular Maintenance yesterday.
You showed me the light fami, im gonna go squire in the final version
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We will be performing Temporary Maintenance from 03:00 EST to 04:00 EST.
Game Service will be unavailable for approximately 1 hour.

If our maintenance finishes sooner than we expected, we will open the servers right away.

The following will changed/fixed :

Latin American Server will be opened.

Repair prices, warp transportation prices and etc will be changed to as they were prior to the Regular Maintenance yesterday.

As some of you may already know, the prices that were applied yesterday were from KCBT version.
Unlike KCBT version which has been running for some period of time, ICBT version has been out there for only one week. The prices were changed in KCBT to work as a means to control inflation, but we've decided that its not the right time to change certain prices in ICBT version.

It is likely that we would apply the prices in KCBT version to ICBT in the future as the economy also changes in ICBT, but we want to first receive your detailed feedback regarding the economy in the game before we decide on changing any prices or rates in the game.

As you know, we are at a Beta Test phase and one of the objectives of having a Beta Test is to test various game elements including certain prices of commodities in the game. It will be really appreciated if you could send us constructive feedback on these elements throughout the test period.

Thank you.
>THREE consecutive attacks on gigantic targets
What the fuck

That would be absolutely fucking broken on a Hoplite.

That being said im glad there are some weapons with awesome abilities.
ahaha scouts barrel skill actually takes aggro off you and here I thought it was just for trolling purposes
>The prices were changed in KCBT to work as a means to control inflation, but we've decided that its not the right time to change certain prices in ICBT version.
How exactly does increased repair cost control inflation when the money is just getting transferred to the squires?

Pyro Linker
It's delicious. I wish I had some more.
>As some of you may already know, the prices that were applied yesterday were from KCBT version.
>Unlike KCBT version which has been running for some period of time, ICBT version has been out there for only one week. The prices were changed in KCBT to work as a means to control inflation, but we've decided that its not the right time to change certain prices in ICBT version.
>It is likely that we would apply the prices in KCBT version to ICBT in the future as the economy also changes in ICBT, but we want to first receive your detailed feedback regarding the economy in the game before we decide on changing any prices or rates in the game.
>As you know, we are at a Beta Test phase and one of the objectives of having a Beta Test is to test various game elements including certain prices of commodities in the game. It will be really appreciated if you could send us constructive feedback on these elements throughout the test period.
>Thank you.

So this might happen again, i gotta start lvling up to become a squire
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>That spear
RIP everything
Because dragging money out from the majority into the minority does that?
does anyone want to level a new character with me? I just want a friend to play games with and talk to and love ;_;
How many of you are 160+?
>buffs from pyro
>Grand Tip Bag
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do
>get linked
>50% faster attack speed from a Doppel
Seriously, I doubt there is any boss that could survive even a single Stabbing from that.
I was leveling up a new cryomancer and got to 22 tonight, so that train has already passed. Might make another Cleric to check out Sadhu and Monk tomorrow, though.
then do like me and go for lethargy.
I am going to need one of those.
Aren't they just opening another server? How could they even call it a Latin American server if it isn't in Latin America and is only accessible to Latin Americans
Goddammit, why is Junko so hot in AA2?
I don't feel the price shit is too bad, but market being broken all the time has been raping the economy too hard to make that pricing viable
>Deprotection Zone
>Bosses melt
Holy shit this is fun.
How does Cleric > Priest > Priest > Sadhu > Monk sound?
They will supposedly transfer the server to some area in the south for better ping.
If your just using lethargy for the dmg attribute, you can leave lethargy on lvl 1. Its still full duration if you just only want extra strike dmg.
>that effect
So is this going to be the type of game where some weapons are almost always going to be useful, even compared to shit significantly higher level than it?

Because I like this shit
Don't worry bosses stop melting around level 30-40 and things just keep getting worse until they get better.
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I'm pyro/linker2/sorc. Personally I went with sleep, but I never use it. Never use earthquake either and rarely use reflect shield. No point in sleeping anything if you're binding them all into a ground together with links and knocking them up and away breaks your links.
>Prices reverted
>LA server in

Fuck yeah.

Cept you know. Every boss. Specially the ones with millions of hp. :^)
You go sadhu you go kivris

Unless a skill explicitly has AoE Attack Ratio in the description, it has no limit on the number of enemies it can hit.

So yes its pretty useless for Pyro/Cryo
Guys, how does the party quest sharing function work? Ive been trying for pink hair awhile now and I dont know how to get it actually working.
Yes, actually.
tfw still no market
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Who's gonna start a character on the BR server for the extra week with me?

Please don't leave me alone with the BRs.
Priest3/Krivis3 or bust
Retarded. Sadhu is INT based damage while Monk is STR based damage. I'm also not sure if Sadhu benefits from Sacrament during OoB, but I do know that Power Thunderer is one of the best skills in the game and it's INT based. You'd be much better off doing:

Cleric > Krivis > Krivis > Sadhu > Sadhu > Oracle/Druid(?) or just Krivis/Sadhu C3.

You mean the things to light the candles with and that thing that gives the "You are being sucked into the light" message?
I probably will, I haven't decided yet
Late this nigga got this yesterday >>121184539

Though that was the case, so I tested it myself after reading that anon post (since I dont have the attribute) and it still increases the damage
Since I fucked up my character's classes, that idea is a bit tempting, but knowing that I'll have to grind all over again keeps me from trying it.
Oh fuck I forgot to buy back my recipes
I will do, i want to experience how broken barbarian is and it just doesnt feel right if i dont do it in the BR server
This. The price changes wouldn't be so bad if the market and shout actually worked so people could trade and make decent money. Though, I do think the nerf to vendor prices was a bit harsh. 16k recipe turned into a 3k recipe? How is that fair?
>made a linker in hopes of partying with people
>nobody ever parties with me
>cry at my bonfire
how long is this lasting I was actually enjoying the game for once.
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>latin america server going up after this maint.









we won boys
That's not true because ice bolt doesn't have aoe attack ratio on the tooltip and it for sure has a max number of targets it can hit.

Not the candles. Some mobs have a orb around them, you kill them to get that orb and go to the thing you mentioned.
Did you buyback everything you sold at a discounted price?

I sure hope so
Servers down.
Time to fap.
Is Stone Skin worth it?
Increase the number of blocks doesn't really say much.

The sell prices were fine, its just the repair prices that were broken.
be dievdebrys can make my warp statues but they won't work
I'll just make a new character on the BR server when there's 7 days left
>means to control inflation,
kcbt zimbabwe edition
>market full of cheap shit because people think the prices are here to stay
>yfw they open market after maintenance and the jews bought everything in it to sell again at ridiculous price
gg I'm going to BR server with >>121231142
there's no saving this shit

Don't take it, it knocks mobs all over and out of range of all your attacks, and your party's.

It's totally useless.
I have tomorrow off, can I go from Wizard C2 to Sorc in a day?
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Standing on top of his head somehow.
Not like they're actually leaving the current servers
What's /tosg/'s opinion on Chronomancer?
That would be true if the market worked at all in the last 48 hours.
I am thinking of rolling a new character on the hue server.

Should I go with a full Cataphract build? Or do I go for a Fencer?
The sale prices would be fine if they hadn't bugged out the expenses. And likewise, repair and teleport fees would have been fine if sales prices hadn't been changed. They could have gone with one of the two and it would have been fine, both increased expense and reduced value was a mistake
We need a fourth channel in discord, also nice pic that game was weird
servers ded
r8 my melee timestop wiz build

looks weak, but has a cool gimmick
not really a priority pick over anything
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Aight, I'll go check it out after the mait but I don't think I've noticed any mobs with an orb.
Why is everyone playing in Gabija?
Ordinary trident works that way too and it's pretty cheap. ON MARKET
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How do you want your FPS senpai?
I can't wait to be here until lvl 167 grinding :^)
How's Sword2 > Hop2 > Corsair2?
it did work for some time
i remember my partisan still there unbought because everyone sell them cheaper than me after the update.
what game is that pic from.
I'm Fucking tempted to just jump on the br server, just to escape the overpopulation
They got meme'd on. It's the buggiest server and with the most lag of the three.
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It was fun to repair for you guys and randoms. Good few hours of not playing. Next time I will be selling weapon and damage buffs.
inb4 the sell prices really aren't reverted
Might not be as good support as linker but the idea of negating a wipe is fucking great
No one here wants to pick it since Linker is so good and /tosg/ is full of tryhards. I'd try it since I like support classes but I don't want to be a wiz.
It makes your block stat shoot up. I've blocked hits from the field bosses that would do 2k+ damage with it and blocked several of them at once.
I don't know what the fuck this guy is saying. I've never seen mobs get knocked by by a player blocking.
hey how do I go Keyboard mode hotkeys but be able to use Mouse mode mouse?
Its where reddit and tosbase are playing
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>tfw just grinded with a group in the Royal Mausoleum Constructor's Chapel Storage Room from 73 to 80.

That shit took like 2 hours. I get to keep all 150+ of my lvl 4 exp scrolls to help get past that 80-86 hump.

iron skin isn't natural blocking
How much does the mats cost?
Sad but true. It's stupid too. For a game based upon leveling, having such a massive wall early on is retarted.

They either need to readically boost the exp from mob grinding so it's on par with quests or put in more quests. Make it take a while sure but you shoudl be able to get to close to max but need to work for it.

Instead they'll just put a wall up and nothing on the other side. Idiots who want to climb it can brag they did nothign but grind mindlessly for a few years.
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Dude Tman, my summons was three shotting most of those things when I saw you earlier. I literally just have to jump around in circles for free exp.
Because that's the server that was decided on before the beta dropped.
There are a few of us on Laima and Ze-whatever though.

As someone who jumped ship from Gabija to Laima, I can tell you that isn't true.
80 silver each for repairs lol
Don't know buffs
Stone Skin, not Iron Skin. Read nigga.
Yeah I was going to pick it for its gimmicks. The party runspeed buff might be fun, and two levels in Linker ought to provide sufficient group utility anyway.

Maybe this? I have no idea what I'm doing:

Your melee timestop wiz is a gimmick build too. I like it.
>nothing about recipes

Oh I saw you farming in the mages' tower.
I was jealous of your summon since I'm like 2 levels away from sorc.

>rarely use reflect shield
I use reflect shield all the time, but that's only because it works as a surecast and I'm cryo/psycho so I kinda need it for pressure.
How many people? Did you guys just run around the place or camp the spots full of dementors?
Gonna make a character in the new server and talk english in chat if every body responds in congolese, I'm out of there
We can all kill the little enemies in about 3-5 hits. Its the big Lions we want. They give 0.1% exp each kill. But when the servers are on we might have a slot open if you want to grind dude. Trust me, save those EXP cards.
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Just fuck my shit up f.am.
Is Back Masking the wipe negation skill?
full 5. ran around 1 shotting everything until the event pops up where those mobs spawn constantly for like 5 minutes straight. we controlled the area for the entire 2 hours.
What they need to do is literally increase a few numbers in the game.
>all quests given 1-3 more exp cards as rewards maybe even more for bosses
>literally fixed all leveling issues

But why do that when you can not and just say "lol go grind". :^)
Done patching
To the people who actually play sorc, is the Necroventer card any good? It's from a world boss.
it -supposedly- reverts time within an area
I assume that would mean everything, but I haven't seen it in action so I'm not sure
This game really is meant to played in a party. You gain EXP so much faster.

Solo if you're questing around but if you're grinding, party for fucking sure.
How long do you plan on grinding?
every card is a boss
Well its 12 AM here, so probably until 6AM or later.
But EXP is divvied up amongst everyone.

Gem_Rodelero_Slithering, I think
So, lvl 85 right now, and I finished everything in the mausoleum, and everything up to Tenants farm, I was wondering if the quests in Tenant farm would be enough to get me up to lvl 90.
This guy just won the lottery.
yes and you also get 220% more in a group of 5. In the end it's worth it just by the sheer speed you're killing everything.
please respond.
yes, it's shit.
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Server's up.
I'm not in beta, can you explain this image?

> necroventer

> world boss

Anon I have bad news
Save exp cards starting on what level?
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What if I'm partying with archers?
How close do you have to be to share exp?

Would it be efficient to have two groups working separately in a party?

It would speed up things at the Demon Prison by a lot.
Look at my money at the bottom, I was making a lot of money from repairing other peoples gear while the npc repair prices were high.
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I don't remember if there were other Necroventers, but this looks like a world boss to me.
you cheeky cunt m8
if you know what you're doing and play literally all day, you can probably make it to rank 4.
you're going to encounter issues with competition over some quest mobs and low mob density in certain maps that will slow you down, regardless of how well you know your stuff.
Fuck off.
>you actually switched the tank and support colors

Well done lad.
The reign of Squirejews is over?
But that's a field boss.
Not a rare card.
I could join you for a bit, but I'd have to afk 10-20 minutes around 2:20 your time. After that then, I'm golden.
>AM 3:13
Hey you made it all pretty and stuff, nice job.
Swordsman should have utility or support a little because of peltasta and squires. and even corsairs.

Wizard should be higher dps.
Why is Sadhu's DPS bar maxed out?
I know some people hate questing witha passion. And that's fine. but grinding mindlessly shoudl be rewarding. It's so fucking slow. They shoudl probably lower the level range you get exp from and raise the monster exp by a shitton.

Thus the one reason to grind after you've outleveld a place is for the gear if you feel you ned it.

I'd like to see those 300-400+ maps ina reasonable amount of time. Cause there sure isn't anything else to do but level.
lvl 136 to 149. Its up to you but you want to save as many as you can until lvl 167. Also apparently the lvl 160 dungeon gives 7% exp for a full run.
Fuck, made me try to log in. New patch though.
The real benefit when partying is the monsters that drop from the ceiling increase to like 5-6 when you're in a full party. So you sweep a large area for these hidden packs.
Wait never mind I understand this list now, the base classes really don't need to be that big but I get it.
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But it is.
According to a couple of anons the damage it does when the soul explodes is godly
There's a story Necroventer which also has the possibility to drop a card in the chapel
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>tfw 6 class levels away from squire
yeah, theyre downgraded to jewlets
So at 130 it's best to stop using them, the 130 dungeon gives pretty much 1 level/run and I'm still 135.
Good to know, thanks.
This. By yourself, you get 1, or 3 at most. With 5 people, they'll just at you up to 10 at a time.

Pretty wildly wrong, if you consider it from an endgame standpoint.

For C4 and below it's 'okay'.

This has all been detailed and tested extensively by k-tos players, so there's some pretty serious pitfall classes you have in there as being good.

A class that has zero actives worth using at c6 and offers no buffs or passives of benefit has no place in a build.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Thats fine. we'll take that time to repair and stock back up.
>That murmillo jump attack

I know what class I'm maining
I wish I had a qt BR boi to sell me a fucking rare FOE card, to be honest
I started this today. I'm 135 now and 80% and saved all my cards. I don't have a clue where to go next. Been up at the Cathedral to get as many cards as I can. Once done I'm just gonna open map and look around I guess.
If I could find a fucking competent group to do missions with around level 115 that would use me as a useless c3 priest that will into pardoner I'd be fine doing that for awhile.
About one screen length. You can tell when you get EXP because there's a little animation where a small mote of light flies to your character from the killed mob.

However I don't know how the EXP multipliers work in the case where the group is separated. If you still get the 5-man EXP bonus but divvying up between 2 - 3 guys in the area then yeah it should be more efficient.
Is the 110k pet worth buying or just save for a bigger memelander sword?

Also, why are people lvl 70 running the low level dungeon?
I'm the guy that sold him the card and that's not me. I already left him after I saw what the card does near the entrance of the map.
>thinks he will reach circle 8
Thinking of Cleric/Krivis c2/Sadhu c2/Oracle
Or Cleric/Krivis c3/Pardoner/Oracle.
Or something, I can't decide.
Oracle is gonna be there no matter what, but that Pardoner outfit and kit seems neat too.
Pets suck. Spend your money elsewhere.
How are monks?
Hoplite has this jump attack.
The items that drop from dungeons can last you awhile. The 90 dungeon drops the 1.6k hp shield and unless you have that red shield you won't replace it anytime into the early 100s.
>optic blast

what the fuck
sadhu out of body
Huh? Someone here complained that Astray Body Explosion only has the damage of one OoB autoattack. So which is which?
If I can reach C6 in under 2 weeks what's stopping me?
I'm not a casual who thinks the grind is too much, this game's fuckin ez.
Sadhu1 had its ups and downs

When setup you dealt brbarian tier damage
You had good offensive mobility, amazing damage, and the ability to multitask doing heals/buffs/debuffs and damage at the same time.

But there were many zones where being a sadhu was just suffering, lachrymator spammers, sleep, or auto-aggro huge spawns.

But then there's sadhu2.

Now that the patch made it so you can turn off most of the particle effects so OOB no longer rapes FPS, getting extra range on OOB is good. Every +10 is so great, at lvl 8 you can have your meatbody offscreen even on highly zoomed out maps.
This gives you much better coverage and you rarely hit those awful times of 'just can't quite reach it' you get the control of almost all of a spawning zone.

Possession is the greatest thing ever.
20s CD, able to channel for 10s meaning effective 10s CD, holy/magic (best dmg combo) hits infront AND behind you (it can hit things on your ass)
Channeling not cancelled by dmg
better damage than zaibas
stunlocks enemies it hits
hits 5 at a time, if it's full an an enemy dies, another can be hit. Stunlocks anything inside.
Wins at pvp, literally an instant kill on basically anyone below like 14k hp as a lvl 127 sadhu. Also will not release the person even after death if you kill them with it, so they are forced to log out to be freed.
It fixes krivis+sadhu's problem of no get off me moves, downtime moves, or ridiculously good, really, really strong moves.

Sadhu2 is fucking amazing.
got a few questions for you lads who are already nerding hard
1)how is the difficulty, is the game actually challenging ?
2)how is the mouse/keyboard control, is it better with a controller ?
3)can you go full hybrid like for example a battle priest in the early RO days
4)is it fun ? I don't mind the grind if there is any desu.
2 Sadhu's using Out Of Body, their spirits are in the middle of the clusterfuck that is the effects
I didn't do this and I'm 172 grinding my ass at namu because I spammed my exp cards too early. Don't do what I did and stay at prison district 2 till 165 or so.
>he doesnt know
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a 5 man group to grind with constantly. :^(
>Jewing 101
>grab everything on the market when the server open
Kind of hard to rate a sorcerer on a scale like that. Mostly depends on the card you're using.

DPS: 3-7/10 (depends on card)
Tank: 2/10 (summons only hold aggro if you send them in first and don't do anything)
Support: 8/10 solo 4/10 party (summons are pretty decent for damage)
Utility: 7/10 solo 0/10 party (tons of utility solo with being able to mount and command your summons, but in a dungeon those commands are useless 90% of the time)
The beta level cap is stopping you.
I plan to be one if I can actually make it to rank 5 before the beta ends.
Has anybody actually reached alch yet?
I don't think anyone is r6 already anon.
You're capped in this beta at rank 6
I bought some cheap pots from one this morning.
there is, some fencer who fucked up his build completely by going corsair c1 into fencer

what a retard
Alright, whisper me ingame when servers are back up. Whispers should work.
There is a few people, don't think they're alchs though

What class you playin' thuglife
Should I go rogue c2 or scout c3.

Decide my fate
can you comment on astral body explosion
So can anybody think of a downside of going to the br server lads?
>As some of you may already know, the prices that were applied yesterday were from KCBT version.
I checked when the patch hit and KCBT didn't even have those changes in.
So how many ranks is the release going to have?
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>literally 0 DPS

come on man give us a little bit of credit. we are actually a solid auto-attack class.

Sword C2>Hoplite
this good or i go straight brbarian?
no shit retards
thanks for that amazing piece of information
so where can i get a key senpai? am i fucked?
Is there much of a reason to go beyond sorc

c2 doesn't seem to add shit a 0.9 multiplier vs a 1.4
We know of classes up to Circle 9
You're stuck with BRs, but maybe they'll be calmer in their own environment. You will need to speak with them in Portuguese, though, or you'll be outed as different from them and ostracized.
That's fucking wrong

ABE is a sadhu's weakest skill.

OOB auto attacks are fast and insanely strong, I'm talking 1.5k a hit with 3 AoE ratio, and attacking about 50% faster than any other melee

Possession is zaibas on crack, 10s long of constant half second ticks with no hitcount other than a max 5 enemies hit at any one time, also it stunlocks, melts anything and needs no setup.

The only things wrong with sadhu on that chart are

1: it doesn't have really any support, transfer prana is pretty garbage and vashita is worthless.
2: it isn't a burst class, it's sustain.
I should probably add another paragraph stating that the ratings are all relative to their level and rank, for example, swordsman is good at C1 or up to level 15-20 but falls short at C2/lvl40 and C3/80 as implied in the red two red stars. Ele C1 is meh at R4/lvl85 but if you were to go for C2 and 3 then it would become good.
save your level 4 exp scrolls for the 80-86 hump and then your other scrolls for the 136 hump.
you lose all your progress
you don't get to play with the Gabijafags in here that's actually a plus for me
how do i level to pardoner?

class is so fucking boring i want to die
Rogues are cuter
What do? I have 77 lv6 exp cards and all areas under 120 are cleared.
right you did

go to the feedback forum and call them out for being liars then
Losing a week of progress
but will the old age saying "build it and they will come" hold tho? can anybody confirm if they'll switch servers
>OOB auto attacks are fast and insanely strong, I'm talking 1.5k a hit with 3 AoE ratio, and attacking about 50% faster than any other melee
So do you get the benefits of your weapon in OOB? Like if you had a weapon with +AoE ratio and damage style bonuses ect
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>As you know, we are at a Beta Test phase and one of the objectives of having a Beta Test is to test various game elements including certain prices of commodities in the game. It will be really appreciated if you could send us constructive feedback on these elements throughout the test period.

Retards got told
>I can get to rank 8 easily!!
>J-just k-kidding..! I knew it was capped ha..! Retards!!

Kill yourself.

Due to the nature of autoattacking in high level equipment you need to fix the Swordsman line.

C2 Swordsman is confirmed BiS by thousands of koreans -- don't try to tank in this game it's pointless -- don't take highlander at all, it has no place in a complete build with the current mechanics --C2 Barbarian is BiS for ranks 3-4 -UNLESS- you're doing a pvp funbuild in which case hoplite->cata is a legit choice to get 1h spears for cata -- info on fencer is inconclusive, c2 corsair or c3 barb->doppel are confirmed top choices for pve (corsair is also top pvp) -- squire or fencer fit in much the same way
>people moved to the new server to avoid BRs
>BRs won't leave their old servers
>we get a new untainted server all to ourselves
just as keikaku'd
>gaining a week of extra play time in new server
ok :^) I don't mind this, probably bel ag free this time too.
Good and bad.

It is 250%+some amount
A zalciai boosted OOB hits for 300% or so
So you're dealing 1 OOB hit with ABE

The thing is it has a fairly good radius and hits every single enemy in that radius.

So it is kinda weak compared to your other tools, and using it means you gotta do the whole setup of oob, circle, again, which is gneerally a bad thing

But it's a good 'oh fuck I'm about to lose my stronghold' measure as a final fuck-you
or if there's a group of enemies just outside your reach.

1pt is all I've put in it, it doesn't get much extra damage and it's just not too useful.
But definitely 1pt.
Dont bother. /tosg/ is too casual to understand.
Literally what are you talking about

poor bait, apply yourself.
What about Possession? Is it a good CC skill?
Steam has an update for ToS

keikaku means "Plan"

> autoattacking in high level equipment
> highlander gets free +50% crit damage
> don't take highlander man it sucks

What do people get out of spreading misinformation? I don't get it.

Need to label it as a 'levelling' graph or something then, since that system will make 'levelling' classes like look good and leave you with a gimped character in the big picture of things if you follow it.
What level should I actually be before hitting the Royal Mausoleum?
well, yes tho i wasted most of my time looking where to grind certain mobs and what mobs drop when i get on certain maps.

And most of you will jump on the new server when the old ones close down.

tho if you think about it they might just extend the beta for a week for everybody
That would be nice if they would've announced it before hand.
Holy shit you're retarded. How are you even still alive?
corsair uses one hand + offhand you retard
What would be the fencer build?
S1 > P1 > B1 > B2 > SQ1 > F ?
What kind of endgame are we talking about? level 500? Because right now I'm at lvl 140 with my Highlander and it's still as OP as when it was lvl 15
Thanks for beta testing, keks.
it's not 50% crit damage

it's 50% Crit ATTACK damage
Can you two go kiss somewhere in Klaipedia when servers come up or something? Chances are you're on the same server so it'll work out
who /Saule/ here
Because no one uses 2hander swords late game
you guys do know that with this patch IMC will literally break something else right?

get ready for exp rate randomly jacked up
Fencer is DPS, why would you need Pelt?
He already talked about Possession?
>1H and OH
>highlander crit buff is 2H

what do people get out of being fucking stupid? i dont get it
2/10, see me after class.
>BR server is Saule
I feel sorry for that titty monster.>>121233537
I actually came to the same conclusion, If they reworked stun c3 swordie might become dominant tho
BiS = Best in slot, usually used as a term for gear but in this case used for classes/ranks.
OOB has an AoE ratio of 1, so I do believe you would

however it's got a small attack hitbox, so more AoE ratio isn't gonna be the best thing ever.

It is a god tier CC skill
also a god tier damage skill.

Stunlocks any non-boss mob or player inside it.
Does better than zaibas damage.
Is holy/magic type, meaning you do not get resisted and get a shitton of +100% and even some +150% damge

It is also swordsman-type channeling, not caster type
so you can get hit while channeling and keep doing it

Its only weakness is that the size of the possession circle isn't that big, but it doesn't matter, it's bigger than cure and destroys anything it touches.

Also it finally gives something you can do if you can't setup

Possession cover's one of sadhu's biggest weaknesses.

I can rant about it forever, it is so good
>Saule was put in charge of BRs
I am so sorry
A one-handed weapon with a sub is where its at
Someone explain to me how dual wielding work sin this game

What does One hand weapon + subweapon/dagger do? Do you attack twice?
>Not Vakarine

s2->b3>f is what im shooting for

10 warcry, frenzy, gungho, and concentrate is too good to pass up

+50% crit damage passive but only with the worst weapon type in the game, while getting no useful actives to go along with it (don't say cartar stroke, it's a joke in the long run)

Two-handers, especially swords (2h spears at least get anti-boss mechanics like triplestrike), are terrible compared to dual wielders and monks/doppels.

1h+dagger is still superior to 2h swords due to double gemming and anvil enhancing on them (not to mention the ridiculous special affixes on rare daggers).

You use two hands to deal half the damage, at best.
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Korean meta is relevent if you're playing kCBT. We aren't even close.
Be sure to type the whole description the first time before you use acronyms.
I hope by jacked up you mean the exp rate. I'd love for them to boost it 500% and fix it an hour later without rolling back the servers.
So is OoB's AoE ratio 1 or 3? Which is it?
Fuck Saule. Memories about forcefield dome are too fresh.
this assumes we have the numbers kCBT does
The C button on the keyboard attacks with the off hand.

I don't think the off-hand attack influences anything, unless you have dualwield specific skills, such as Corsair C2.
Why not?

>1)how is the difficulty, is the game actually challenging ?

no, except for grinding to lvl 600

>2)how is the mouse/keyboard control, is it better with a controller ?

it's much better with a controller, but mouse/keyboard works just fine.

>3)can you go full hybrid like for example a battle priest in the early RO days

no, you either focus on one or 2 stats max depending on your class. as a battle priest/cleric/krivis you either go full str / full dex or a mix of both.

>4)is it fun ? I don't mind the grind if there is any desu.

it's fun
Can non-BRs even get in?

You're already borderline.

You've got 30 levels left before 'time to delete your character' rank 6 gear is going to slap you in your face and leave you partyless sitting outside a dungeon.
I didn't even write the original post.
I guess that's the last time I spoonfeed.
Because he's must be playing on korea and the meta there is dualwield. On our servers there's a good amount of people currently using twohanded.
A skill with an AoE ratio of 1 goes by your normal attack ratio.

A cleric's normal Z will hit 3 enemies
thus OOB can hit up to 3 enemies.
Increase this with things like the vubbe fighter gloves and you should be able to hit more enemies
Are there any benefits to using a single one handed sword, with no offhand equipment?

Perhaps attacking faster was what I assumed.
Because >>121233658
They already said they won't force people into specific servers last week when they announced it.
Give me your best leveling/solo build so I can play on br server with Anti-BR name.
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What does it mean when a mobs name is this color? Is it just there to indicate that it's 10 levels higher then me?
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This is from yesterday. I can check again in a bit but it seemed weird something that was meant to be on kcbt rolled on the icbt servers first.
>Smite has an AoE ratio of 5
>It only hits 3 targets, 4 with the Vubbe gloves

IMC please.
Sounds like Hoplites fucked as well.
Have you tried jacking up your AoE ratio though? I heard it boosts your AoE range as well.
>Is it just there to indicate that it's 10 levels higher then me?
So dual wielding is mostly for bonuses from subweapon + doublle gemming?
Red = you do less and take more
Fire = you do a lot less and take a lot more (which that one is)
If you believe the kMeta humpers on this thread Hoplites were never top tier.
I'm going HueHuePleb what gonna be yours?
What does this even mean? I haven't even seen anyone complaining about how terrible highlander is on Korean forums even in high ranks. Protip nobody cares because everyone is either making pvping builds or making gimmicky crazy pve builds right now

Can I get some links on any of this bullshit you are are spouting I already told you I have access to the tester forums. Where's the thread that specfically states C2 sword is BiS and everyone naturally agrees
Red = Take less damage/Deal more
Fire/Orange like that = Take even less/Deal even more

Check again while servers down?

Hoplites can use offhands if you must
At least Hoplite has some usefulness with Finestra if you have a linker in your party.
We're anonymous anon, how should I know? It's just an advice too, nothing to get worked up about.
Its about time the grasshopper finally realises winter is coming.
So it's basically Mages and Priests: The Game, once again. Oh and dual wielder Kiritos.
Alright kMeta cocksuckers, what's Korea think about archers in the endgame, then?

I'm debating rolling a rogue but I'd like to not be useless outside PVP if possible.

Also, is Archer just a pain in the ass with controllers in general? I haven't been able to test controlling them with the keyboard but it's way more awkward than swordsman was.
>making gimmicky crazy pve builds right now

Got any youtube vids of those? I love gimmick builds.
Off-hand weapons with +elemental attack (like Arde dagger) apply damage to all your attacks.

Because of the evasion passive on Guardian, most likely.
Not him but

Precisely. It's only worth it if you play a class with actual dual wielding skills, even though anyone can do it.

Is there a staple build for making a Cataphract? I've heard conflicting things, some saying they're shit, other that they're strong. Not sure what to believe.

Hoplite for circle 3 seems obvious, but what do for circle 2? Highlander seems obvious, but I know you can't Cartar Stroke while mounted.
This would make sense actually

>Help, o great savior! The monsters are attacking! Help me defend the farm!

>proceeds to sit back and watch, while you kill everything
My dick is diamonds. Thanks anon.
Despite all of this meta wankery for a beta that's getting wiped, it really does suck that you can't reroll classes. There's so much to experiment with and you need to grind up another character every time you want to try something new.

>bar barely moves killing that many
Ohhh boy.
do you get less exp from enemies that are 5 levels below you and 5 levels above you?
Oh you're the great revelator? Why don't you help me pick up that piece of wood about 3 meters away?
It's moving really fast, actually.
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only 5 below you
Would be kinda crazy and dumb, I prefer not to, we have a whole month anyway
C3 pelt here. I'm still moving foward at a steady pace but not sure where to go to at this point. I think I wanna try out fencer but what would be good at rank 5?
>Latin america server is Saule and not Vakarine
are you kidding me
he's lvl 197, thats fast as fuck
One day I want an NPC to say, "What the hell is a Revelator anyway? Some kind of shitty prophet?"
does gungho and concentrate matter in the endgame?
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This game, man. I can't decide which class to roll.
Should I go full Thighs with Doppel and Squire or should I go muscle wizard, Elementalist or full pyro with Alchemist in the mix? Another option would be a full support monk with either C3 priest or Krivis and Diev in it.
I just don't know!
fuck you, I'm gonna make my own meta *sniff**sniff*
Roll everything forever when it releases
>gets 75% of a level in 6 mins of grinding

Ohh boy, if you think that's slow, youre in for a treat.
I'm pretty sure there has to be some kind of mechanism that blocks or limits EXP from too high-level monsters or else you can just party with a high-level dude and have him powerlevel you.
If muscle wizard is a choice, always muscle wizard.

> korea doesnt even remember archers exist

game over boys
how much does the repair kits cost anyway?
Fuck off, idiot.
Thauma for HUGE
Hell yes it does

Particularly on Corsair.

The faster you hit the more damage they deal.

Also Restrain is useful for stunning shit.
It blocks it to your level monsters basically, so it's not really a detriment

80 silver lol
How is he get the skill to summon 31 monsters WTF?.
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it moved that much in 40 seconds.

Party Size = 100% / 75% / 58.3% / 50% / 45% distribution.
Level Range = As long as the lowest and highest levels in party are between 20 levels of each other; you guys won't face any additional penalties.
(But remember; those are just regarding party share. You still have to be mindful of Monster Level vs Your Level for those penalties).
80 silver each and you use about 5 or 6 to repair a single item
Everyone keeps saying that the gooks already have optimal classes and that they think Memelander is garbage endgame, but no one has really shown any proof, not even korean builds.
I want to take Psychokino just to say "do you even lift, bro?" all the time.
No it's 1 per item. -The squire in the thread
Do field bosses actually give exp if you get kill credit on them?
I got dumbells.
Um >>121234165

And this is a JOKE build by Korean standards.

Seriously highkidder, just give up.
Don't worry about meme posters. It's literally the same guy whos upset he can't be a special snowflake with highlander

Got my build for the new server
It's damage.
really? I'm pretty sure it consumed more than one when I repaired my stuff. I have to pay attention when I try it the next time.
Dude. Lighten up. I asked for a gimmick build and an anon graciously delivered. No-one here is saying that it's a serious build.

I know sucking on that kMeta cock must be great and all but come on man.
muito bom
>not getting helm chopper
>going highlander c2 at tier 6

fuck are you doing retard
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Can someone tell me the difference between the skills Sky Liner and Cross Cut from the Highlander skilltree? They have the same description.
Everyone keeps saying that the gooks dont have optimal classes and that they think Memelander is great endgame, but no one has really shown any proof, not even western builds.
Maybe? But at 200 per repair I was making loads of money so that doesn't make sense.
He's using a Corsair though, are you telling me that choosing a C3 Peltasta, C2 Holpite/Barbarian, or C1 Cataphract/Rodelero are would make a better build than just going C3 high-C2 Corsair?
What is the ToS e-sports scene gonna be like?
Doing that much damage is nice and all but in all seriousness I am much more interested in being able to just summon 31 monsters at will.
Cross cut has skyliners description, even in-game. Cross cut can bleed
servers up
so if im a level 70 and fight a level 83 mob i would receive normal exp?
well you are retarded and have no idea what you are talking about

so clearly you are wrong

i killed mobs 30 levels over me and got normal exp
Really? Just resorting to ad hominems?

Whatever lets you sleep at night anon.
It's literally a BR-tier build.
You done good.
But you can kiss lategame goodbye
What level are you? My linker friend bailed on me, I need a replacement.
yeah cause you set unit price, you get the 200 silver for each repair kit used.
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>It is also swordsman-type channeling, not caster type
>so you can get hit while channeling and keep doing it
Show me a top 200lvl+, Memelanderless build first

Cross cut bleeds, skyliner removes the bleed for a big chunk of extra damage. So you CC, SL, CC, SL.
What's the purpose of the Toy hammer in this build?
>removes the bleed
It doesn't.
Hes using a scroll for it, so chances are its a chrono skill that backtracks time or something
Oh shit, here comes the Latin, I'm out.
That's the point is testing. A class reset scroll would be perfect so you can try out shit and dump it if it bombs.

It would give the devs a major eye opener abuot which classes suck and need help.

Then of coures remove the scroll on launch. Remember we are suppost to be testing at this point. Not a preview play. Putting in cheats so you can test stuff eaiser is the entire point.
>removes the bleed
It doesnt
Toy hammer makes an aoe attack every 10 attacks.
Sorry, I meant to ask what was the purpose of the 2 tiers in Barbarian in this build.

It does. It isn't mentioned in the description, but it happens ingame.
>If you're curious on how the Toy Hammer works, each attack gives the enemy 1 debuff stack. Hitting with a sub-weapon also works, so if the enemy doesn't die before it gets 10 stacks, it will explode on the 10th hit. The debuff also works on multiple enemies, so chain explosion if you hit a lot of enemies with weapon.
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>servers three minutes late

Why the fuck aren't the servers up you gooks
Learn to read you dumb shit.

It's beyond that, it applies a debuff on every hit.

When a mob reaches 10 stacks, that mob explodes for aoe damage.
Maybe they're making sure not to mess up this time round.
But a lot (100,000+ people) would use it just for leveling and abuse not for testing.
One of us has a bugged skill then because my sky liner doesnt remove bleed
Weren't they giving out tickets to the monkey house? I wanted to get some keys to trade to idiots for cheap steam games.
Pretty sure the ability to make Call of Deities scrolls with the Pardoner class via Simony was taken out since then, since it defeated the point of having questing zones. It was around the same time Divine Might was changed to not give +15 levels to the next skill you cast.
Is market finally going to be fixed? I want to buy some level 75 weapons/armors already
I'm too lazy to log in because I'm sleeping soon. Is the broker going to be up for real this time?
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Antimemelanders BTFO
>Saule is LATAM's Goddess
Some bosses seem to remove their own bleed, but otherwise it doesn't go away when you use skyliner.
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So repair costed the same as yesterday and the vendor prices are unchanged aswell. Warp costs are in the 10-200 silver range too.


Warcry is a Barbarian skill.
What's the best one handed sword & mace for a fresh lvl 75?
warcry isn't a memelander skill
>approximately 1 hour.
Don't make Kirarafags look bad.
Has it actually been confirmed that there will be a wipe for the next beta?

I hope they wipe, i wanna make bad builds and decisions now without them biting me back. I accidentally bought a lvl 170 weapon on the market at 120 because that UI is atrocious but i dont really care since it'll be gone soon. In the same vein im glad i went highlander 3 because it is going to fool a lot of idiots into thinking it is overpowered. That and i can enjoy barb more if i dont play the shit out of it right now.
Swordsman C2, Barbarian C2 and Corsair C2 doesn't have Highlander in it

> 20 minutes
> with the server down
> 0 replies

I think it's safe to assume Korea ousts any Archer class and refuses to associate with them outside of arena.
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Anyone going to try Saule?
I don't really think many BRs will actually go there, so it could be cool.
haha these baka gaijins are so easy to fool

My sides are gone
Penalties for death? Just item durability loss?
Oh shit you're right, guess memelanders BTFO then
Durability loss and any unsocketed gems you have in your inventory will be dropped
How shit is my muscle mage build, its assuming a constant party of bros and not solo

Oh boy. Time to blow this up in the feedback forums.
Which seems to happen only half of the time. Server lag, maybe.
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what's your point ?

warcry isn't from highlander

the youtube character literally opens their class page at one point

they have 2 sword 2 barbarian 2 corsair
Also losing every gems that you found.
Only bad if you actually farmed monster gems (that are worth a ton) or levelled gems
I will
Coming up with end game builds is a complete waste of time right now. Half the classes are still missing from the game.
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i have a recipe to make one of these. is it any good? how much will it sell for
Bad, you don't need wiz c2 and thaum c3 is really nice damage boost.

Pyro enchant fire gives you and your party damage as well.

Don't really need linker but it can be ok for the whole party ofc.
Im going to.
Dumb foreigners don't have access to our glorious Korean server so we can just say anything to cover up our scheme to make them poverty poor from the beginning and then implement 2x silver and 2x drop cards for our monetization plans.
Can these gooks ever do anything right?
What are you doing carrying around your leveled gems?
At this point in time, that's not a penalty because you can instant res. In the final game, it will be a penalty if you aren't careful.
>We will be performing Temporary Maintenance from 03:00 EST to 05:00 EST.
>Game Service will be unavailable for approximately 2 hour.
So essentially skills such as priests 'resurrection' are useless, given that most people have 80+ icoins
>$Recurve Bow
so appropriate
it won't be useless on release.
because I want to level them up even further as I progress the game. I am still under protection of my precious wall made out of 73x iCoin boxes.

Yes, is there a skill that reses you however?
are people fucked in the end for not taking swordman c2? or is this guy just saying shit for the memes
Not that guy, but something like Wiz > Pyro > (pyro2 or link1) > thau 3?
for now yes because it's a fucking beta but once those icoins actually cost money people won't be using them just to revive
you'll still be able to insta rez, but icoins will cost money.
it's a .25% droprate, not very rare.
>gooks in charge of proper engrish
It's useless in beta, but in the real game priests will actually be more valuable since if you die in a boss fight you can't casually revive without realcash.
Can I use your images to make a post on the forums
naw its 4:30 they updated the forum post
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If our maintenance finishes sooner than we expected, we will open the servers right away.
- The maintenance will be extended for additional 30 minutes. It will be completed at 04:30 EST. (NEW)
Yeah, because icoins essentially negate the gem drop since you immediately reclaim them. Any revival would just be to help the people who have already used their icoins up avoid having to walk all the way back from the nearest resurrection point.

I also doubt icoins will be so obtainable in release, though what they'd give in exchange for achievement ranks to replace them would need to be pretty relevant.
>2. I am a Brazilian and I just want to stay at the server I used to play. Can I?
>Of course you can. You can still play at the previous server.
>3. Can I use Microphones to chat to all in other languages besides English at the previous servers?
>We recommend you to use English if possible.
>4. I am a Chilean and can I use Chilean in the Latin American Server?
>Yes. You can.
>5. Where is the new server located?
>For the current CBT, the location of the server is the same as with the other servers, but we will move it to a better location where we would secure better Pings for our fans.

The battle is lost
Peltasta is nice too.
Mainly because swash buckling pulls half the map and you can switch back from shield.
New bread where?
No confo either way.
Yea exactly, I prefer pyro 2 because there's lots of linkers out there but if you're solo linker is cool for grinding.
It's cheap as fuck. I bought mine for less than vendor price on the market.

You won't ever use anything from highlander or pelt in the long run.

You'll use concentration and gung ho from sword though, so might as well get five more ranks in each.

Concentration and gung ho add to the base damage and are multiplied to critical attack, making them very good buffs.
just use it and black out the names in paint you bonghead
Please don't.
well duh. Again that's the point. Getting to rank 5 and more so rank 6 is a massive investment at this point.

If you fuck up along the way it takes even longer. IF everyones jumps on the fastest leveling path and resets later it's a huge flag to the devs that class X is too good early on and needs a slight nerf. Or the other classes need buffs to bring them up to par.

You need to think beyond abuse and what can be done. Testing is all abuot breaking the game every way you can so the devs can fix it.
>Spanish-talking latins versus BR
Oh god, the chat will be the same as gabija, only with the NOOT NOOT messages on spanish.

Man, not even swashbuckler?
Being able to pull half a map feels so good.
but that just sounds like garbage unless the evasion bonus on guardian makes up for it
new thread where?

servers where?
He probably just did it for the stun chance, there are Barb and Peltasta skills that can do the same so you won't lose much
>only with the NOOT NOOT messages on spanish.
That sounds incredible
why so you can shame them? thats not gonna help anybody thats just gonna stir up trouble
A couple days ago everyone was saying Swordsman Buffs were shit because they didn't scale, and now people claim Swordsman C2 is a must because the buffs are better than anything Highlander or Pelt has.

I am confuss.
will there be away to collect costumes of other classes?
May I request that the person who makes the new thread remove :
>iCBT2 Details
>- Server: Gabija

As a large majority of people here play on Lamia. Even given this, Gabija has not been known for its stability
>5 days after being posted
You're one of those faggots that had to beg for a key after they were sent out, aren't you?
I'm the same anon you've been talking to.

I got to rank 5 yesterday, it's not really that big of an investment when we have a whole month. It hasn't been that long since beta began.

We're here to test our builds the way they were meant to be played, and test the game out in all facets individually, not to get developer level powers and bugtest like that.

We're testing the normal process of the game.
>As a large majority of people here play on Lamia.
how about no
There's a majority on Laima? then where the fuck are they
Why is it so unfair that archer has no jew class?
or is scout already considered to be a jew class at c3?

also how to use shovel?
multiplied? No

They are flat added damage. Concentration is even better since it is applied to every component of multi-hit skills while consuming one charge.
Yes because our (sell) vendor prices are still going to be fucked and it's going to annoy me when they are.

We all play on Gabija and it's usually more stable than the others, fuck off.
>being buttmad he wasted a week on the wrong server
Here's another reply
Laima spreadsheet is deader than my zombies.
Pray for Pied Piper to be the jew bard
Stop arguing and just create the thread for fucks sake

Laimabro checking in to remind everyone that the only people on Gabija are casuals who didn't log in when Laima was the only server at launch, and their beta fuccboi squire boyfriends who swapped servers for them.

Crits multiply them.

Crits don't multiply damage-separate buffs like Blessing.
>tfw going C3 Peltasta
man its kinda sad that most of these skills aren't gonna matter later on since they provide a flat amount of damage and don't scale

kinda makes alot of offensive early classes moot when picking them up since they just become useless as you go further

This game becomes "pick the most classes that provide the best late game attributes/skills to be op" kind of thing
Only the classes you actually go through a circle of. They haven't said anything about an alternative, but they could always let you pay real money for the other class costumes
How is Scout c3 supposed to be a jew class?
Archer has the Appraiser coming later on.
Sounds like shit.



Pretty sure it doesn't.

I believe formula is

Actual damage = (atk+skill atk+ atk bonuses - def) if crit multiply by 1.5 and add crit attack value from character sheet then multiply by element/type mod (slash/stab/hit) then add "additional damage" things like concentrate or from " bonus attack damage" stats.

Unless you can show me otherwise?
>casuals who didn't log in when Laima
But I was-
>beta fuccboi squire boyfriends who swapped servers
Okay, you got me. I actually did switch because of that.
File: sky high laugh.jpg (250KB, 906x437px) Image search: [Google]
sky high laugh.jpg
250KB, 906x437px
yea it sounds like swordmen just stack buffs and auto attack everything
>As a large majority of people here play on Lamia.
Nah, be reasonable. A handful of us do, but we don't outnumber Gabija's population. I'd sooner say to include a notice that there are moderate /vg/ populations on both Laima and Zem but Gab has the larger population
It was more like, we were on Laima, and it was a shitty lag infested shithole. And then we were on Zem when it went up. And then Gab went up and all my friends went there. So I followed.
I wouldn't worry about end game builds, by the time they expect you to reach it you'll be long gone from the game. It will pretty much take years to reach end game status, and I mean lvl 500 C11
a month is not a lot. I did the lazy thing and went highlander 3 to get to fencer fast but im almost certain my real build will not contain any memlanding.
SCAN finds hidden items
There's no way of determining when I will get bored of the game

I can't measure that therefore I can't plan around it
therefore I plan around the end game
I never figured out how to make those persistent green text boxes used to show status or to buy/sell
F1, character, buy-in
This feels appropriate:
I didnt even have to embed that video to hear the sound fuck you I feel old now
What's a good Sadhu build?
I'm on the same boat man. I was hoping for a some damage shield skills.The roderelo's are saying they are even weaker.

Being tank is pointless sadly. Block isn't even that good when you can simply chain stun while doing damage.

Hell I went into the first dungeon and blocking at 450+ didn't do jack shit. You're not even allowed to make use of tank mechanics in the places where you want a tank.
So only c2 Pardoner can jew it up with a shop?
move to the new thread fuckface
Links, quotes, numbers and explantions where.

Basically [citation needed].

I'm not even Swordie and this kind of info without any source smells like a ruse
Or will it be the gabija effect all over again?

>everyone moves there to escape BRs
>even BRs
>is now full

I have a char in all servers and still find funny that Zemyna is the empty and ok one.
fuck this gay earth
I was thinking of trying to incorporate Transpose into a build. Not sure if I'll ever get to test it since I already have enough trouble getting to a Fourth Class on my main, but I would think this could be funny for PVP. Just start off with a ton of health and use all the shit you can to stop them in their tracks, then Transpose and do some kind of damage. I just put Cryo 3C because I like the class and Snowrolling seems pretty fun. Might want to get better damage for a more refined version of this, though.

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