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exclusively PC user here. convince me not to buy a PS4. pic related

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exclusively PC user here.
convince me not to buy a PS4.
pic related
It's your own fucking money. Do whatever you want with it.
Buy whatever you want you dumb phoneposter
I used my PS4 as my main system before I switched over to PC.

Honestly it wasn't terrible, so as long as you'll only be wanting to play single player games ($60 a year for PvP is a fucking joke)

It only had a couple of exclusives I actually enjoyed, but with that being said I enjoyed mine.
but you already bought one
wait. isn't online free unlike xbox?

yes i'm highly considering getting it for them exclusives: RDR1&2, detroit become human, etc plus i can play fighting and coop games with my buddies.
first of all why are you considering it
Personally I refuse to buy PS4 at all because of PS+ required for online play. Even if there was single player games I'd want to play.
>$60 a year for PvP
You mean p2p right
exclusives and the fact that good games come out for it while PC has same games cloned over and over.
What good games? Because I'm pretty sure that the same cloning goes on when it comes to consoles too.

For the most part, the games are the same shit on either platform.
i'll give you 10:
3-Crash Bloodiborne
5-Blood of Borne
6-The Blood of borne
8-Blood Borne Fantasy NT
9-Blood zero borne
10-Knack 2
Ps4 actually has games. All the PC has is early access survival crafting walking simulators
they have the same games except bloodborne and weebshit on the ps4 and mmo and mobas and fps on pc
this entire generation is the fucking same, at least pc can look better while playing the same fucking games
You just have to ask yourself if it's worth buying it for the handful of exclusives it has
but muh RDR and death stranding!
I switched to ps4 cos my plebby mates have them.
I have preferred it so much!
I jumped onto battlefield on pc after months of ps4 and holy shit it is bad.
Rife with hacks and aim bots, weird melee glitches (or hacks) that kill the guy doing the stabbing.
Tried a bunch of other games, steam is a whore.
Co opped darksouls3 on pc with my flatmate, was always getting invaded by invincible niggas.
But then I went back and played bloodborne and felt good once more.
Why would you game on a platform with hax?
I dunno, maybe I just lost patience for that kinda malarkey.
Also divinity OS is on ps4.
>exclusives and the fact that good games come out for it while PC has same games cloned over and over.

Except 99% of the exclusives on PS4 are just reskinned version of something you can get as a multiplat
>implying rdr won't come to pc
that would be fucking retarded with how well gta sold on it
maybe a year later like gta, but it'll definitely come
it honestly offers the same as a PC but worse hardware and a few Japanese titles

I would recommend a Switch, it gives you Nintendo games which are different to what you get on PC and it's portable, offers something different
>year later
actually it was 2 years
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>Except 99% of the exclusives on PS4 are just reskinned version of something you can get as a multiplat
buy it. you can get a used one cheap and then play all the exclusives. Get a vita and Wii U first though.
Lmao let me grab my pc and take a photo with it! xD
Honestly, just buy a PS4. Exclusively for Bloodborne. Best 300 dollar game ever. And I guess you can play Alloys game too, although I haven't gotten around to Redboxing it yet.
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>best exclusive is literally just a souls game which have 3 multiplat versions
>pic related is what happens to the only games that are remotely original

nice meme picture anyway
more platforms = more games
RDR isn't on PS4 unless you want to rent it from the PSnow subscription service
Don't. I wasted money on one for persona 5 and bloodborne. Both games are decent but not worth buying an entire console for.
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I'm a mostly PC user too.

Still have a PS4 because consoles are comfy as fuck to play, go for it.
superior multiplayer experience such as diablo 3 coop and only 1 person needs to have the console and the game and up to 4 can play it

superior exclusives such as death stranding, death stranding, horizon, bloodbourne, RDR

superior games earlier on ps that pc like Gta.

no hackers, no steam, no viruses

you can actually go to gamestop

comfy and can be used with TV you already have instead of separate monitor

BITCH are you kidding me, I'm a mustard myself but fuck ever since I bought hte ps4 pro my life is better than ever.

Fuck playing those rancit facking console ports just fucking play exclusive on that retard pc enjoy the fuck out of them and then go back to 254hz monitor with 500fps 98k resolution because fuck microsoft and that store and apps
How could OP take a picture of a PS4 he doesn't have?
on a side not the store is fucking trash though, Laggy Af.
who cares about sales?
games are still out and can be played unlike on pc with your early access/kick starter dickery
>I'm a mustard myself but fuck ever since I bought hte ps4 pro my life is better than ever.

Pushing it a bit far Pajeet
>superior games earlier on ps that pc like Gta.
The main reason I give for consoles over PC is the community difference.

You are more likely to encounter normies on console, instead of Venezuelan screamers and raging weebs.

Also, PC market is oversaturated and bound for an Atari 2600 crash. The fact that the most popular game is a Clone of a clone early access game that chinks farm money on is pretty telling.

Paid exclusivity usually results in a better experience on average.***
this isn't the 1970s, video games are far to big an industry to have a crash like that again
He means take a photo of the PC stupid ass
who gives a fuck about sales? Based sony does not give a shit if the game sells well, they just want to release good games for the most part.
>and the bait begins
It's been known for years you have to pay. Take your console war faggotry elsewhere. Absolutely pathetic.
No he said take a photo with a PC, not of the PC.
op should have stopped reading here.
>knack 2
can't take you seriously anon
isnt the highest selling pc game a reskin of a reskin of a reskin of a game that no one plays?
PC doesnt even have original games anymore name one. PC exclusive title that was innovated or even close to being something that isnt a, Moba, shooter,
The PC market is volatile, and building a top of the line rig is tough when you're competition is raping the GPU market.

Steam is flooded with asset flips and ports.

Early access abuse everywhere

VR flopped.

It's very possible that the PC gaming market could crash, assuming people just get sick of gaming on PC
one of the many consoles skyrim is on, don't do it OP you'll fall back into it
You right take photo with a pc
Also him not having a ps4 and posting a picture of one went right over my head. Although we don't know if he took a picture of a friend's. Tho prior is a higher chance.
no, an industry will billions of consumers will not crash
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>pc is dying ecks dee
why are you console nigger desperately trying to push this meme?
You're a fucking retard. No one is saying PC is losing players, we are saying that PC gaming has gone to shit. Look at the top 5 played games on steam right now.
really makes you think
i can't name any decent pc titles except WoW back in '04
>numbers: the graph
Not a consolefag, just a guy tired of how shit PC gaming is in its current state.

Fuck PUBG and f2p games
unless you really want to play the handful of exclusives that are on the ps4 then there is no reason to get one if you already have a gameing rig. most of the stuff on pc or other consoles is also on ps4.
The top 3 PC games are mods of other games
>Steam defines PC gamer taste
Get a gun and blow your fucking brains out
>products that exist on the market before other products have more sales
not him, but as opposed to what? the top 5 are mobas or first person games for the most part. the top 5 on console is sports games and similar first person games. they're practically identical in the sense it's these casual tier games which get played the most by casuals. if pc gaming has gone to shit then what does that mean for console gaming which is practically identical?
2 weeks ago I was just like you bro, but since I got my PS4 and I've been playing on it only, at least for games like tps (nioh, nier, bb) it's way more comfy to play on the controller.

I'll sticky with my PC only for FPS/RTS.
In September 2017, 'PC gaming' is not what it once was. The top ten games on Steam are EA/F2P trash, multiplats are generally shit, online is utterly rife with hackers and cheaters, and the community is at peak toxicity. PC gaming has become obsessed with 'holding greedy publishers accountable' or some shit by brigading and abusing Steam reviews, the games are secondary.

It's really sad. I've been PC gaming for 30 years, and I've never seen it as utterly intolerable as it is right now. I just hate everything about it. Whenever I see some PCMR idiot I just hope that he dies in a car crash.

Right now, 30fps or not, the consoles provide the closest thing to a 'traditional' gaming experience. That's fucked.
look at the total sales dumbass
Why are you bringing console games into this? I never mentioned them. I was just saying that PC gaming has gone to shit.
paid online
are you mentally retarded?
>It is acceptable for MY games to be shit
and this is why your argument fails.
This nigga gets it.
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Just bought a copy of Bloodborne from this site.


I think I've been scammed lads I thought I was buying an actual code
I'd say wait until the PS5 is out, buy it when it's cheap as absolute fuck.

I bought a PS3 and nearly the entire library for it a month ago for $150. Playing RDR right now.
why are you dodging the question? i mentioned console games, deal with it.
I have both and Bloodborne is legit the best game of the decade, Horizon is one of the few well done open world games with outstanding graphics and a surprisingly original and very interesting story, Nioh is ok and TLOU Remastered is a great challenge if you play on the higher difficulties. Even though PC hasn't gotten jackfuckingshit that comes close to these games this gen, you can count them in one hand. If that sounds appealing to you, well, by all means, buy it.
Only a dumb sonybro would make that mistake. Lrn2computer fag.
Even turds like PUBG are at least innovative
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Do it for her
It's a buggy survival arena shooter. It's not fucking breaking any ground.
Are you under 18 ? You shouldn't be here
Either that or you're completely retarded
I don't have a ps4, I never said I did. All I was saying is that PC gaming has gone to shit.
B-but G2A
More like wait for the emulation to get gud and its all free and will support 4K+ and many other visual enhancements RDR boots into game now. Only so muxh longer console fags then i can play RDR like it was supposed to be seen. RDR on ps3 was magical and a marvel graphically but that god damn lag dropping into the teens all the time.
PS4 was a waste of money for me.

At least with PC most of the exclusives are multiplayer games that you can end up putting 100 + hours into.
I got the PS4 for Bloodborne and Nioh so it was $400 + $80 for the games total.
Depends whether you feel like spending $500 for like 40 hours worth of 'experience' really
G2A is legit and you can even buy your sony nigger games on there.
why are retards saying that the PC gaming market will "crash"? do they not understand basic economics and how modern technology works?
Yes, but he didn't say he didn't take a picture of his PC with his pc.
Is it even possible to top this sonyfu?
>I don't have a ps4

you're making yourself look like more of a retard every post you make. nobody said you had a ps4. nobody even made the implication. nobody is even talking about the ps4 specifically in these posts (>>389977586, >>389977140).

my post (>>389977586), was about console gaming in general and its comparison to pc gaming at the top end of its popularity and how similar they are. you said pc gaming "has gone to shit" and i clearly and factually pointed out about how the top end of console gaming is practically identical to the pc top end. i'll ask again:

if pc gaming has gone to shit then what does that mean for console gaming which is practically identical?
Wrong. In fact this thread is so wrong that If op is even considering buying a ps4, he should just stop pc gaming all together because of his stupid excuses.
>I switched to ps4 cos my plebby mates have them.
Literally me. The fuck am I supposed to do, play on PC where the only friends that liked gaming enough to get a PC resorted to shit like LoL or Overwatch, or play with trapfaggots from 4chan? Nah, I'd rather pay 60 a month and play on the platform where I can play with my actual friends.
Why do people like you care so much about the most played games? just play what you like and have fun.

I do agree on hackers and cheaters but that's only on few games and they're usually bad games, I play multiplayer games daily and I can't remember the last time I found an hacker (some of my favorite games are sc2,insurgency and red orchestra)
>Nah, I'd rather pay 60 a month and play on the platform where I can play with my actual friends.

it's funny how this narrative is shot down whenever anyone with an xbox says this and sony fanboys are all like "b-buy a peecee"
I jist emulated a bunch on nintendo games and made like 7 people use fron wiimotes to ps3 controller and play mario part 7 on my pc at 5k on my giant tv lol nerds git gud
I don't care if my "narrative" is shot down because it's an anecdote from "me", you retard. It's my experience alone.
>tfw buying x1x soon

feels good my dude
Because if you give a shit about anything other than SP, player counts matter. Especially if you don't live in NA. If you want to do any kind of multiplayer, player counts are extremely important.

Hackers and cheaters are not 'only on a few games', that is complete bullshit. The Steam top 10 is absolutely riddled with them. Battlefield is unplayable because of them. Payday 2 is a nightmare because of them. GTA Online is one of the worst experiences you can ever have on the PC because of hackers.

Before you reply with 'LEL FUCK DOSE GAMES XD I MEAN GOOD STUFF', they are games that people play, people have paid for, and that people can only properly enjoy on the consoles because of hacking.

That's fucked up, and it's a real problem with current PC gaming.
PS4 owner for 2 months here, loving my console.

Uncharted quadrology and The Last of Us are great movies which have surprisingly good igameplay (in fact Uncharted 4 has one of the best TPS gunplay only rivaled by Max Payne 3 and Vanquish). Japanese exclusives are pretty good too, Nioh and Bloodborne being main examples. I also fell for the PS+ meme, but the monthly games were good for a while so I don't feel ripped off yet.

I'd say it's worth it, just don't fall for the Pro meme since in some terms it feels even inferior than vanilla PS4. I'll keep the PC as main platform, but PS4 is not a bad choice for a secondary platform for exclusives and certain multiplats.

Oh and PSN surprisingly has better deals than Steam, at least on first sight.
Actually . had fun in gta because hackers dont be a pussy and make them your friend and i also came from the ps3 version which is filled with just as many hacker. Cry more little girl for you are no man.
Steam's deals and discounts have been utter shit for the last three years.
>PSN surprisingly has better deals than Steam, at least on first sight.

Sorry no, I own a PS4 and their prices are just as bad as the fucking Nintendo store.
Exclusive PC gamer here. Bought a PS4 during the black friday sales in 2014. Only used it to play P.T. It's collecting dust. Don't buy it.
Hacking is just as bad as it used to be, I would even say it's better in today's games. Online PC games have always been trash, always will be.
you clearly weren't around in the ps3 days where every mp had massive hacking problems. mw2 throughout its whole life was plagued by hackers because the ps3 was so easy to find os loopholes. i moved to the 360 just so i could play my meme multiplayer games in peace
Not in UK, some games including MGS5 were much cheaper on PSN than in Steam sales.
You don't know what you're talking about, red orchestra and insurgency have average less than 1000 players, I live in europe and I can easily find servers.

Also fuckin payday 2 is a nightmare because of cheaters? you do know you can disable cheaters with a setting when creating a lobby? you obviously haven't even played much payday 2.

Well I don't care much for gta online but finding cheaters in battlefield is very rare, yes it's annoying but whatever if you want to play casual games might as well get a console since that's where you'll find most of them.
guess why genius ?
you have all the worthwile games, recent games have been shit or you already have the few gems too
>you clearly weren't around in the ps3 days

It isn't the PS3 days anymore, champ. Your point is utterly irrelevant.
i've played PC and 3DS almost exclusively for the last seven years and i'm in the same boat as you, although i'd like to get both a PS4 and a Switch
just do it faggot
Console fags are just afraid of PC man "its to hardddd" fuck the idiots i learned how sweet a noce PC can be and they will never know the feeling of a nice PC even if they own one. Some get it some not. (the tech illiterate)
my point is hackers in pc gaming aren't nearly as common as they were on console. i play bf1 and only once have i come across a hacker but that's literally it. once in like 500 hours of playing. i play pubg frequently and have over 250 hours but still haven't encountered a single hacker.

hackers aren't nearly as bad as you're making them out to be
Also a PC gamer, but I actually bought a PS4. The library is so underwhelming it's almost painful. If you're desperate for Bloodborne, R&C or P5, go for it. If money's tight, I'd say don't bother. It's probably the most disappointing console I've ever owned and I've had pretty much everything except Xbone.
don't do it
I was almost exclusively mustard for the longest, and I'm glad I got mine a few months ago. There's a lot of great games you'll end up missing out on if you insist on keeping a misplaced sense of loyalty to a particular platform.
most people who play games on PC do so either because they happen to own one for other reasons or because they're like me and like being able to play the majority of video games that have ever existed on a single machine
even if every developer on earth stopped releasing games on PC tomorrow there would still be a strong argument in favor of getting one to play games on because of the massive ocean of content at your disposal
so in your opinion ps4 slim > ps4 pro
how about VR on both?
>already played everything i wanted on the ps3 and don't feel to replay anything right now
>waiting for a PS4 Pro bundle in the next 2 months

Waiting is tough
>Oh and PSN surprisingly has better deals than Steam, at least on first sight.
>not buying from CD key sites that redeem on steam
this is why i have my xbox. it's a good secondary platform aside from pc. most of my friends are on it too
you can get into other hobbies instead of wasting money on multi platforms
go buy a gym membership or a bike or something
just go to a friends house to play bloodborn and nioh if u want to or pay 1$/h on an internet cafe or something
Nigga I live in the Uk.

Bloodborne is £20 physical. £30 on PSN.

I can literally do that for 80% of the stuff in the store.
If you're gonna buy a console might as well buy the switch, at least then you'll actually have exclusives.
>convince me not to buy a PS4.
Can't wait to play Skyrim and rocket league on inferior hardware
Japanese games
what's this bundle you speak of?
Stop acting retarded on purpose.
i dunno man. this guy >>389980758
has a point

i actually haven't played any pc games lately. haven't finished any single player games. when i browse steam for new games none of them stand out.

i'm tired of mmos, mobas, fps.
i do have xbox controller so i could hook that up to pc and pc to tv and play some multi plats at 40-60fps. i'm just going to miss out on a few couple of exclusives which i mean ain't terrible.

i used to go to gamestop to buy pc games and it was awesome, but now you can only do this with console because steam.

i'll prolly just wait until november and see if i still want it.
As a PCfag with Vita, I bought PS4 (Slim) mostly to play weebshit. If that is your thing, go for it. So far, weebshit is the only kind of games I've played on PS4, so I got what I expected, but framerates could be a better.
>cemu botw 5K 60fps
i don't like weeb games. no offence unless there are some that will blow a normie's mind out.
so far all jap games i've seen were embarrassing to play.
Then he wouldn't have his ebin consolewar thread
>PC doesnt even have original games anymore name one
Idk man PC has all the games because it has small developers.
Like Yandare simulator as an example.
You can find a million games that are made by people you haven't heard of.
Like have you heard of this?
It's a submarine game where you have to work together with a team to spot and shoot other subs and ships.
Switch is not worth right now unless you are a huge nintendo fanboy


Sony usually have new bundles around november due to black friday and x-mas holidays. So anything with a game and a 2nd controller is fine on my book, or a small discount on the Pro
I don't have any real life friends and ironically considering what a lot of people ITT are saying I'm concerned if I switch to console I'll have a hard time finding people like my 4chan/Steam friends on console. I feel like I'd be alone in a swarm of normal people and children whereas on PC at least there's autistic losers like myself who make up a fair amount of the mix. I spend my entire life in front of a computer but hate them and the idea of a console I can just switch on and play is really appealing but at the same time I know I'd lose a lot of the freedom I take for granted on PC, like mods and typing to chat. Also it's yet another device to purchase and account to maintain and monthly subscription to pay.
That is the old version, they are making a new one from scratch.
i'd rather play finished, quality games backed by good devs
Stick to PC if you have no friends. Even after having built a PC, I ended up going back to console purely because of friends (which is only because of me, it doesn't mean PC is bad). Right now all I use my PC for is work, emulation and pirated games.
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i have PS4, i dont fucking use it, , i lied...i watch netflix.
In an ideal world I'd have both. If i ever get my own place I want a comfy couch and a console.
>tfw you thought OP's pic was a Wu-Tang Clan controller
Imagine being stupid enough to buy a console yet alone a PS4.
Does the PS4 online store feature old PS3 games as well? I'm considering buying one so I can play some 4 and 3 singleplayer games
>getting your on place
Too expensive. I'll get my own place once I save money and get a girl, otherwise I'm staying at momma's
its HD
If Kingdom Hearts 3 and RDR2 are bad then I regret buying the PS4. Too much of the PS4's library is *also on PC *also on PS3.

That's what I'm using my Xbox for. That, and Crunchyroll for watching Eyeshield 21 with my fiance.
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