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Is Pennywise Lavos?

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Is Pennywise Lavos?
>tfw you will never get to know pennywise's true form
The dead lights, anon.

Its a big pregnant gas spider, near as we can tell.
Lavos is Lavos, silly.
Probably closer to Jenova
I say fuck authority
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What's the underage gangbang of videogames?
I don't think the two are connected Anon.

Can we all agree that Lavos was a great a boss fight?
>Its a big pregnant gas spider
That's not their true form either though
that Fallout NW community that's just kids.
I literally explained that in the post, anon. We can't comprehend what It looks like.
>tfw the one pov segment from It's position

Shit was so cash, wish we could have gotten more
Somebody explain the deadlights to me.

Basically it's what pennywise uses to make his illusions, as I understand it.

I might be completely wrong though.
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with the whole "evil counterpart of the genesis turtle" thing, basically
It's essentially like what happens when you gaze upon a lovecraftian horror. The sight is incomprehensible and drives you insane/kills you.
I'm 100 pages into the book, when does it get less shitty?
>The Deadlights refer to a type of Magic that is possessed by the Crimson King. The deadlights, when used, are able to cause great suffering to the point of death, and even possibly do things to the affected victim's soul. It also possessed this ability.

how hard is it to copy and paste shit here?
>dat Maturin Lego figure Bill is holding.

Only us nerds will get this reference haha lol
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>Beverly survived looking at the Deadlights in the new movie
Its spiders all the way down
The deadlights is the realm in which It actually exists, which is beyond the physical one. Anyone that views it is driven instantly insane. This happens to one of the bullies as kids and he goes on to become a Renfield to It's Dracula.
baby's first IT. I can't wait for all the kids to discover the book.
I never read IT before but anons in this thread have me intrigued. I never knew it even had lore like this. Might just find a copy of it now.

>Thousands are going to read the preteen gangbang scene for the first time
it's shit though, don't do it. King is a boring hack who can have some good ideas, but he really sucks at any kind of execution. Just read the foot notes on IT online, marvel at a good idea, and move on. It's not worth the 1000 pages of trouble that the book is.
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>plough through 1200 pages of The Stand
>"and then God killed all the bad guys"

Stephen King was making his own universe long before it was cool in Hollywood.

While I'm not looking forward to the hamfisted attempts at a Stephen King cinematic universe, I'm sure Hollywood executives are buying cocaine by the kilo in anticipation after the record-breaking opening weekend
It doesn't. IT has a great premise, just bad execution of ideas combined with weird sex stuff scattered through. Not worth the 1000+ page
Really? I remember enjoying reading and watching The Shining though.
Never. Stephen King is a hack and a pedophile.
You mean a genius and a legend.
To be fair so did Stan. Stan just kills himself.

I'm not a fan of Bev getting kidnapped but they at least explain why, its because she had already overcome her biggest fear.
Is Pennywise the Dark Souls of Famous Villianous Clowns?
he's a hack in the most literal dictionary definition of the word sense.
He gave the world The Shining, which is more than you will ever do
No, I am.
If Stephen Curry wasn't Pennywise would anyone even talk about any part of IT?
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IT is one of Nyarlathotep's forms
one decent book is all he gave? Wow, where I do genuflect?
He's not a pedophile, he just was on a ton of drugs when he wrote IT. Now the guy who directed Jeepers Creepers, THAT'S a pedophile.
>Stephen Curry

Seems like kind of a copout, doesn't it?
He essentially wrote 2000 books and a dozen of them are really good and the rest a trash. He's the definition of quantity over quality
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Bro, I think you mean Tim Curry.
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No, Pennywise is the deadlights. He's them manifested into a physical being.
Then why does he fear a giant space turtle?
King just got high as fuck and scribbled random shit down and his editors did the rest. He's a lucky hack.
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So where does maximum overdrive fit in to the lore?

Any big space squid bullshit on that one?
There is more thought behind it then most video game handwave bullshit.
Something something the turtle is some kind of benevolent force something something a rose that holds all the universes something something a giant timeloop tower.
Man King never should have stop doing coke
>TFW Beverly didnt have teen sex with the other 6 boys to keep hope alive in the new movie.

No fucking way this shit would fly now but in the original script for this movie, it was written but was not added in the final draft.
I read
The Stand
Salem's Lot
The Shining
and 11/22/63.
Oh yeah, also the Dark tower series.

I thought they were all pretty good.
I guess the Dark Tower had a big drop off after Wizard and Glass though. Song of Susannah wasn't good.

How was the 11/22/1963 miniseries, if anyone even watched?
When you take a step back his universe would make a dope Final Fantasy akin to PlayStation era.
same with dreamcatcher, jesus fuck that book was just a wtf mess.
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>there's a cat in the cut away from when Georgie gets his arm ripped off for literally no reason
>in the beginning of Cat's Eye the cat encounters Cujo and Christine
>for some reason the cat sees Drew Barrymore in a store window
>Drew Barrymore starred in Firestarter

Cat's Eye remake confirmed? I want to see Quitters Inc get a lot more fucked up because that was the only good part of the movie and book.
kill yourself namefag, actually fuck yourself
>be stephen king
>write 6000 word novel
>excellent prose, characters and world building
>completely shit the bed with the ending
Not that anon,what are his really good books in your opinion?
>>completely shit the bed with the ending
Cujo and Salem's Lot break this, but his biggest strength is his short stories.
Carrie, Misery, apt pupil, the body, Dark Towers, Under the Dome, the Mist.
Not that anon, but I could recommend: The Shining, books 1, 4 and 5 of the Dark Tower saga, The Stand
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Maybe? It was based on one of his short stories. I forget which compilation it's in, though.
Not him, but:
>The Shining
>Salem's Lot
>The first 4 Dark Tower books
I think The Shining book is actually pretty weak. The only reason it's remembered fondly is because of Kubrick. Just look at the miniseries that King had more involvement in.
How is IT related to the gunslinger
I've only watched his adaptations and The Stand is my favorite. Is it worth reading though I hate that shitty ending? Also fuck King for not liking Kubrick's The Shining and I think Pet Semetary was underrated as fuck.
You can't say that if you haven't even read The Shining

I was going to go in depth but honestly its easier to just show you.
>Under the Dome
I will never understand how they shit the bed so hard on the tv series. Like how hard is it to fucking follow a book's plot?
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>There are people that don't think this is the best King adaptation after Shining
This is pure kino
Best horror adaptation maybe.
You know its never stated were the mist came from, its a common theory among fans of King's universe it was an attempt to pierce into the multiverse since there are creatures similar in the Dark Tower books.
Is this the start of the Stephen King Cinematic Universe? The SKCU?
If it is I hope we get a better ending to the Dark Tower than the piece of shit he wrote.
The mist appears quite literally in the Dark Tower.
It's from the void between worlds where monsters reside.
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