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>shill citizens

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>shill citizens
I feel so bad for these people. Like at a certain point I had to stop laughing at Star Citizen backers and realize they truly believe this will be the game that trumps all other games. The game that will consume them and entertain them for the rest of their life. Because that's the ONLY way I can rationalize the amount of faith and financial backing people have given Shitshow Citizen.

>inb4 I want it to fail

Nigga I want this game to succeed so fucking badly but they're doing too much.
>judging a game before it comes out
And here come the cultists
>judging a turd before its coming out of your ass
Amazing commitment. If he's willing to spend this much on his hobby, I can only imagine how much he's spent on a home, his wife, and his children, along with their private school education to keep them out of the degenerate and failing public schools.

it's gonna be worse than No Man's Sky
I had a friend who wouldn't shut up about this game years ago. Every single fucking day he's ask if I donated yet.

Clearly you're a tranny
Star Citizen is going to show up in business textbooks in the future as an example of a hidden pyramid scheme
Sometimes mine get stuck. It's fucking horrible.
Did he come to his senses?
That's Scam Citizen in a nutshell,a huge turd that won't ever get released from your asshole.
inb4 cultists.
No, no he did not. I don't know how true this is but he said that I should donate now because good ships will be really hard to get in-game when it's finally out. That actually made me far less interested because he was describing it as "pre-order years in advance to win".
By that logic, you can't judge it to be worth fucking $30k.
Why spend 30,000 dollars on a game that's never coming out?
No game is worth 30,000USD friend

It will never live up to that level of expectation
It's a publisher's wet dream, a game that's pay to win that you don't even have to release
I bet you don't have a friend like that, anyone who bought the game knows it isn't coming out, and wouldn't tell someone else to buy it
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Not gonna judge, but man I hope that guy is fucking rich and 30k is chump change to him.
>implying he's not just some social cripple with nothing to show for his fat, balding life and just trying to fill a void by throwing money at escapism

You cant compare star citizen to no man's sky. That's like comparing starcraft 2 to starcraft: ghost.
I haven't talked to him in like two years so you're technically right.
He's a leaf so if it was 30,000 maple bux which are going the way of the peso
So he already acknowledges that the game will be pay2win? Why have any hope in the game then?
>Game actually comes out
>Log in
>Get destroyed over and over again by assholes who spent hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the game that you have no chance of beating with your pathetic F2P ship
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I haven't spent a dime on it yet. But I want the game to happen so bad and I keep coming so close to caving and buying a package.
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>Most recent presentation had enough glitches to make a sixteen (XVI) minute video.
how easy, can't judge what will never be released
I don't care who you are or how much money you make, I would not invest more than $50 in Star Citizen.

Even then thats just a front row ticket to what will probably be the biggest let down in the history of the industry.

The scale just is not doable.
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OP has some advanced fucking autism, holy shit.
>I hate this game so much I'm going to shitpost about it daily on /v/ hahaha that will show them!
They shouldn't need your cash to finish the game.
Found the cultist.

See: >>389398413

Six years of development. For that. Game's a pile of shit.
>The scale just is not doable.

ever heard of space engine?

it has almost as much detail as the planets of star citizen

except theres fucking trillions of them

and its not even a 1gb download
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>Turd analogies
Not even an SCfag but you're better than this.
>Everyone that spends a large amount of money on hobbies is rich and not just someone that is bad with money
t. retard that got scammed by Star Ctizen
>that rigid body just bouncing off the ground
if it will never be released then why does it have a release date?
If the game actually comes out and it's good those ships might be a sound investment.
Course he's still a retard though
Its better than nothing
That will always be pushed forward until the devs have no money left from all the cocaine parties and leave the project.
No gameplay.
Not that anon but I think they all already know that it will be like this, they all talk about fucking
in-game insurance and how they will got after people in the game once its out because of their amazing ships they got with the ludicrous donations
3.0 was scheduled to release by the end of june, SQ42 by 2016. As you see, release dates are meaningless to Chris Roberts.
How do you know it's a turd, and how do you know it's out of your ass that it will come from?
>derek "july blog" smart
Fuck off, cultist.
If you understood the scale of what they want and how games work at all the download size of star citizen would be the least of your worries, even though its going to be FUCKHUGE.

Space Engine has a million variants of extremely similar visually basic entities. The physics may be impressively accurate or fun at times, but there it is a bland indie single player experience.
>Amazing commitment. If he's willing to spend this much on his hobby, I can only imagine how much he's spent on a home, his wife, and his children, along with their private school education to keep them out of the degenerate and failing public schools.
Probably nothing since he blew everything on Star Citizen.
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>people laugh at people for backing this game

>not realizing the irony in how pathetic they are for hoping it will fail with no game to come out as anything anywhere near as cool as what they promised, if at all, just so they can laugh at other people and feel better about themselves

you have nothing to lose here, except your artificially inflated sense of superiority, so i dont know why you care, why not let people naively dump as much money as possible into this just to see what good comes of it?

and if it doesn't, who cares, if its a scam, they deserved to get scammed and losing their money only serves to help them rid themselves of the genepool and make the world a better place by ridding it of retards

so why bother complaining? we know you arent trying to save people from themselves, you dont care about them, or you wouldn't just be outright laughing at them constantly, so why do you pretend to care? why are you so emotionally invested in the idea that this game will be a failure?

doesnt really add up senpai, this all just makes nu-/v/ look like a bunch of total losers
>Why can't people let us keep our hopes up high

To protect you, anon. I dropped $50 on it just for the ride, I want it to be everything they say it will be but its just not going to happen.

You have two possibilities
>The game reaches the point it can't progress in the direction it wants any further, it releases a horribly gimped version of the game with inconsistent detail and depths in mechanics


>They keep pushing in the direction they want but they'll never reach it and eventually go bankrupt never releasing a "complete" product and it becomes vaporware
No everyone is judging IF the game will come out
Wait this game still hasn't come out? What do you even DO in this game? Is there a beta or something I can try?
We like to watch shit burn. You're the one with a sense of superiority.
You gotta pay to play the beta. It's shit. Don't bother.
I think he is referring to the false promises. The fact that this is a PC exclusive will make this a financial failure and possibly lead to the biggest gaming lawsuit ever. With consoles, you generally cannot refund so you make some bank. Since it's PC only, the shitstorm will be unstoppable.
>We like to watch shit burn

lmao yeah look at this edgelord, totally no self esteem issues
pretty sure xbox one has the two hours two weeks refund like steam, at least recently
Is there any good footage of it online?

I mean good walkthrough footage, no terrible let's play shit
Isn't the squadron 42 campaign coming to consoles anyway?
that doesn't change the fact that no video game is worth $30,000, even if you put it in the most positive light is $30k worth it to be able to stomp 99% of other Star Citizen players IF this game comes out?

Why don't people just buy nice cars to fill the void in their life like normal people?
prune juice
I've been working on a game that's very similar to star citizens, except not shit. SC seems to have major design flaws and their team doesnt look all that good. I just need to find the funds and/or a good team/studio to make it happen, although I'm not done yet game design wise, and the game always changes a bit with every new feature that is added. AMA if you want
No clue.
They don't necessarily have to distribute their games through 3rd part stores. Which means no refunds.
Fuck that. I'm gonna drink more water. That shit tastes awful.
Also what is the goal/endgame of SC?
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>making fun of someone with $30,000+ in disposable cash for video games
Jokes on you, poorfags.
Your mom's a shemale.
Refunds is a Steam thing, not a PC thing
Inb4 he loaned that money
>it comes out
So if someone has $2000 of disposable income compared to someone who has $31000 of disposable income, but the person with $31000 spends a minimum of $30000 on Star Citizen ships, and the person with $2000 spends their money on things that are not Star Citizen ships, who is the winner exactly
>this is the average rush fan
expected desu
Anyone else never been interested but thought the last demo looked really good and wished they had got in on the ground floor with the kickstarter?
The one with 30k fucking burgers of throw-away money, you fucking idiot
There is one thing I don't get about it. Even if the game comes out and is good, what's stopping it from dying in less then a year? It doesn't appeal to casuals and getting new players might be tough with OP preorder ships. What's the point of having a 30k ship if there's nobody to show it to?
The fuck? That demo had glitches for fucking days, dude.
But he doesn't have that money, as he spent it on Star Citizen ships. All he has is Star Citizen ships
The space shit runs at fifteen frames. With twelve people playing. On the best hardware. Shit's a joke.
Is Star Citizen the Dark Souls of constipation?
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>30 thousand dollars to fly a big virtual spaceship
>that is never coming out
I'm sure they'll optimize it ;-P
>for fucking days
Define the green text please.
Also if you would provide some examples that would be nice.
Read the thread, moron: >>389398413
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Game needs more direction and deadlines to get shit done. holy fuck they just keep adding on more shit before finishing something.
I want to play this game in a finished state, but i dont see that happening until 2020 realistically.
>Tfw when my dumbass roommate works doing QA for them because they had to fire all their other eployees after spending too much on custom tables and burritos.

>Tfw watching him play the beta that looks like absolute dogshit second life tier content, and it's a tiny fraction of the game. tfw when he works tons and tons for unpaid overtime. (good I fucking hate that guy)

This game is gonna be a massive fucking flop, I can't wait for the tears.
da lil game dun has good use gwan you and me it no work as mans said it to
Publishers serve a purpose. Shocking.
I'm not seeing the difference
Although I wasn't tricked into "backing" the "game"
yeah but he can afford this. Thats the thing with income. It is periodical. Meaning he has as much money to spend to unrelated stuff, as the 2000usd guy.
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Not necessarily. He could be saving it for some time. Being able to shell out 30k once, and being able to shell it out every month or so are two different things.
Good meme, I see you cropped out the memecenter logo from the bottom but it's still really good

Instead of disposable income then, see it as a one-time stimulus of money, then ask the same question. Who is richer, the man with $30,000 of ships for a game that may not ship, or the man with $2000 cash?
I was watching the presentation and if I didn't know anything about it I would like it, it looks good
You can't be serious.
I think it looks great.
Could you put together something as good? Even a millionth of the scale and fidelity?
I doubt it.
>paying 30k for a game that doesn't exist
>guy on picture
>people debating if he has the money for this or if he is rich
>that's not even the point
>point it is it is a bad purchase
>his kid has a medical condition
>dropping $30k
I forget which argumentative fallacy this is but basically saying "could you do better" to defend a piece of work has absolutely no meaning, remember that
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>his kid has a medical condition
Sure. Go listen to whatever youtuber told you that lie then get back to me once you can actually make a complete argument.
Fuck off kid.
I'm not even the guy you replied to, calm down. I'm just letting you know something you obviously didn't know you hothead heeberjeeber
Search his name on reddit.
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Star Citizens are decent, well adjusted people who absolutely should be trusted to handle money

t. cultist
Doesn't look like this guy is getting laid anytime soon.
By this logic, Christian Chandler is a personal finance whiz
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It's going to be cancelled, screencap this shit.
People have been judging things before they came out since the beginning of trade and commerce, and it has saved billions of people's time and money. Just because you're not smart enough to have a semblance foresight, that doesn't mean everyone else is the same.
>let me suck this dick to see if I'm really gay
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Fucking pseudo-intellectual
>Meet a man who literally flushed $30,000 cash down his toilet
Reminds me of that guy who postponed his vacations to coincide with Nomans sky launch and bought a new PC. Except this isn't funny.
It is
I literally know a guy who remortgaged his house and spent his entire life savings on the game
Except socially proficient chads and alphas wouldn't spend $30000 on a video game either. You have a non-argument.
No you're retarded. People have been buying snake oil since time began. Its a fairly new process in how we preview things before they are out that came with the commercialization of art.
He was bashing on the 30,000 Dollar Man, not defending him.
He'll end up ditching it after a month, some people just like the rush of spending money, like those guys who build insane PCs and don't play shit.
>everyone that so much as doesn't want to see a game fail is a cultist

Hi Derek, hows your blunder of a space game coming along?
>Derek Smarkt
I don't want to see the game fail. If it turns out to be a good game then that's nice and if it doesn't then I still get entertainment from it. I have absolutely no hope for the former happening though. How much money did you spend on the game that you are this assblasted, anon?

implying its coming out
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