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>Anakin can't be in the game because Vader already is,

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>Anakin can't be in the game because Vader already is, they are the same character and "Lucasfilm doesn't allow that kind of canon-bending"
>Rey running around among separatist drones and fighting Darth Maul is fine

JJ Cuckrams hates the prequels so much he tries to block them from all Star Wars media.
Its Disney pretending that FA is anything but garbage because its their release.
>he game is designed around the philosophy that you're playing with a wide variety of Star Wars toys
>this is the reason for cross-era heroes
>but you can't have Empire vs Republic or Rebels vs CIS even though it's all basically "make believe"

Honestly though I'd rather have Ashoka, Dooku, or Rex over Anakin. I believe Obi-Wan and Grievous were leaked from closed alpha files.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about Anakin not being in the game. I wish there were no playable hero characters at all in the game and we would just get soldier only gameplay like Battlefront 1 again.
It's Star Wars Smash Bros. shut up and buy it.
its going to be an abortion of a game with 1/10th of the content of battlefront 2, so who the fuck cares?
There's no reason all your favorite Star Wars toons aren't in this game.

I mean shit, even some James Bond shooters had nearly every classic Bond villain plus random ass toons from the single player and I doubt those licensed film games had the monetary backing of Disney/Lucasfilm.

EA/Dice/Disney are just lazy/cheap.
>star wars smash bros
what is moviebattles 2
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A weird ass barely functional mod of a 14 year old game with about 14 players.
TCW is shit, please keep it out of this game
Apart from Oddjob those characters are just skins, with heroes they all want them to play like unique characters which is tough considering 2/3 use lightsabers.

It's much better than TFA and even the prequel movies.
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Too late, the guy who does a piss poor job at voicing the clones in the toons is already brought on to voice them in Battlefront 2, instead of based Temeura Morrison
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>it's much better than TFA
>and even the prequel movies
Dee Bradley Baker is okay, I just wish they didn't port those god awful TCW droid voices.
Didn't he fire a guy for putting the podracer flags in the background in one of the cantina scenes?
Anakin was already confirmed, so well done OP.
Fuck you, DBD's voice work alone is what elevated Clone Wars above and beyond. Just because he's slightly different doesn't make him bad.
Yes, and blacklisted him from work too.
Fuck (((Didney))) and (((Jew Jew Abraham))).
Baker is fine though, Morrison already does Boba and most likely will also do Jango or Delta-38 if they EVER get in. He didn't even voice regular clones in either original Battlefront
Sure, he's fine, I just don't get why they got him on when they could've had the real deal. Apparently, Witwer convinced DICE to choose Baker over Morrison, so it's probably a case of nepotism if nothing else.

I choose this over Baker's impression of a New-Zealand accent any day.
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Abrams and Disney have a massive hate boner for the prequels and are trying to erase them from history. Only Maul is in because he's super popular with the fanbase for some strange reason.
I laughed, good job BTFO him out.
The thing is, if you listen to Morrison's lines during the gamescom space battle demos, it sounds like he's half-assing it. It could be that there isnt the helmet "filter" like how he would sound in Republic Commando but it's pretty mediocre as it is now. Haven't heard any of Boba's on-foot lines so could be different
>It's much better than TFA and even the prequel movies.
As a whole? No.
If you were to gut out half of the 7 year old children oriented episodes that are nothing but moral preaching and literally nothing happening, then yeah it would be, but as a whole it sure as fucking hell is not better than Prequels.
And Prequels are still better than Farce Awakens and SJW One.
Exactly. People praise TCW for it's (agreeably) good episodes but they fail to acknowledge that the good episodes are few and far between. They tend to forget there are unironic episodes with fucking Jar-Jar pretending to be a Jedi and a fucking tiny frog admiral leading a fucking droid squad.
Most of TCW was kiddy shit, there were a few gems but overall it wasn't a good series. Not that it's worse than TFA, nothing is worse than TFA.
The first two seasons are kiddy, yeah, with the exception of most clone-focused episodes or the mandalorian ones, but once Lucas really puumped the funding up and they were faced with potential cancellation the show becomes amazing. The writing makes Anakin and Jar Jar into likable characters you want to see more of.
Based Abrams taking out trash
If you want TCW filtered of all the kiddie shit, or straight up awful stuff, look up Smudger 9's Clone Wars Movie Series, it's a fanedit taking best material from the TCW and turning it into professionally edited movies.
So far he made 4 of his planned 9 movies.

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The problem with fan edits is that you can't make proper critiques or opinions.
Sure you can, each of the currently released so far has https://ifdb.fanedit.org/ page with reviews section where you can rate and criticize whatever you feel like, also the forum thread.
Boy I can't wait for the new Star Wars movie, this time the Empi-- First Order is going to counterattack and raze Rebelli-- Resistance base on a white-colored sno--- salt planet with their new amazing four legged walker machines, while Luk-- Rey is finally going to the forgotten planet to meet the exiled Jedi Master, Yod-- Luke, while the Empi-- First Order's leader will finally show off his personal Supe-- Mega Star Destroyer
I hear they wanted to call it Empi-- First Order Strikes Back but decided to change the name at last minute!
Wait what? Is this real? Got a link to full story? Holy shit, this is so retarded if real.
You can google for more info easily
Why in fucking gods name would I fucking buy this shit? Why can't they add in Legends lore like Mara Jade, Darth Caedusa, etc.

How hard would it be to have Legends storylines in this fucking game?
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>Disney shills whine night and day about some fucking fan-made Imperium SSD which was 60 km long
>Claim it was an EU creation even though it was just some random fan on the internet
>Disney does LITERALLY the exact same thing as the fan and makes an autistically large SSD, but it's actually real and for the canon
>Disney shills praise it
Star Wars should have died years ago. It's a sad shell of garbage now.
Because they already have Mora Jode who was Luke's wife prior to events of Farce Awakens and died off screen, while Kylo Ren is your Darth Caedus reskin except shittier in every way.
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Where the fuck would they be getting the resources for this shit?
>inb4 it does absolutely nothing and gets destroyed by the "good guys" superior plot armor
I'll never be not mad about how the Executor was handled.

The Last Jedi will add time travel to the list of Rey's powers.
Here's the deal anon, if Disney is so autistically spiteful against the prequels that their new trilogy is just the OT and every piece of media they've released since they acquired the rights have been OT/ST, do you really think they'd actually let the EU come anywhere near any of their products?
If they hate the prequels, they definitely hate the EU. You will never see a Legends hero or faction in any Star Wars game going forward. Disney is trying its very hardest to make you forget about the EU, then the prequels.
so when do you think dice will be forced to add an option to disable cross era heroes? remember when they said the reason they had storm troopers had helmet less options was because they wanted to let people express themselves
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Boy do I have porn for you.

Good thing modders don't give a shit and continue Legends legacy then. Literally ALL the fucking big Star Wars mods for games like Empire at War fucking hate the new (((Didney))) shit.
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But no training cause she don't need none
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>All those weapons
Purging Rebel scum. There is no more cathartic feeling on this Earth.
>There is no more cathartic feeling on this Earth.
100% agreed
But will we see the ChanPal SuRecon?
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I was hoping that TFA would be the only movie that was a remake and the other 2 would be their own original thing, where we would see that the galaxy was divided in two between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, who have been in a Cold War-like scenario for the past 30 years, with the First Order being the extremists who got kicked out of the Empire because they wanted the war to continue.

Both the Republic and Empire would've built multiple Death Stars as a deterrent, similar to nukes, but instead of being giant space stations, they were more like Super Star Destroyer-sized ships with superlasers, like the Eclipse.

Starkiller Base would've been an experimental weapon the Empire secretly worked on until the First Order activated it, making it look like the Empire shot first and plunging the galaxy into war again.

Instead, we get literal fucking reboots of the original trilogy.

Way to fucking go Disney. Nice original ideas you have there.
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>TCW is shit
t. someone who didn't watch TCW
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Actually I did. I watched it live when it was on and watched the whole sixth season on Netflix with my buddy who was a big fan.
It's just not that good. Maul and Umbara were highlights, some of the Ventress shit was good too. But there was A LOT of shit. And at least half of the sixth season was shit, so it wasn't just early on.
>asking for nuance and political intrigue in a Star Wars movie
The people's reaction to THAT in the prequels showed what would happen if Disney did that. Normies hate nuance and just want rehashing of their nostalgic childhood. And Disney is more than happy to oblige, as they have no creativity to do anything else.

Actually he voiced the clones in bf1. For some reason he got replaced for bf2
I agree that some episodes were shit but there were many good ones
Did he? Dang, I didn't remember. I only had it on xbox and haven't played it in over a decade
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Ehhh he's right. If you watch only the episodes on pic related it's honestly great but that's only about 10% of the show and most of it is awful.
at least it's not actual kids show shit like rebels or whatever
literally no one dies onscreen
I can't think of that many. Besides what I listed, there was just mediocre and then down right shit.
Even the Mandalorian shit that everyone praises was crap up until Darth Maul entered the scene. I mean... pacifist Mandalorians? Really?
Full video with sound at higher resolution if anyone cares.
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>looks interesting
>it's all on vimeo
>sweet, lemme grab the URL's and put them through youtube-dl
>this video is private
>"official" forums require a account just to look at them
They're both kids shows.
That's literally how all fanedits are done, since they are barely legal grey area. You basically need to register on forums and ask the guy himself through PM.
well I would expect something like this to be on some torrent tracker, right?
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Death Trap was unironically better then the Geonosis or Mando shit. Again, didn't really like TCW but they did Boba right. Geonosis was just a rehash with muh zombies and Mando shit butchered Mandalorian lore.
Too niche for torrents, doens't survive on public trackers I think
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How did they manage to make the new Star Wars movies even worse then the prequels? Like seriously, just how?
Go to bed Karen.
I'd seed the fuck out of it
By being post-Walt era (((Didney))).
In case you haven't realized, his company's current top management is literally all jewish despite him being one of biggest anti-semites in America and having no jews employed in important roles back in his days.
Shit that's original is still better than shit that isn't original.
Disney copied the OT and made it shit, the prequels didn't copy anything but was shit. I'll take the creative shit over the copy/paste shit anyday.
It doesn't have to be that much. Just have a character say they're been in a Cold War with the Empire for the past 3 decades.

You could have it at the part where Finn tells Rey he's a stormtrooper, and Rey asks why would the Empire slaughter an entire village for one Resistance member and then Finn tells her that he's not an Imperial stormtrooper, but a First Order one.

Something small like that could work and hint there's much more than just the First Order and Resistance.
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Will they BLACK all the factions in this game? We already have 1 black stormtrooper why not make them all black?

The rebels should all be black too
Episode 3 wasn't shit in my opinion. It stands with the original trilogy. 1 isn't that bad either if you turn your brain off.
the game suck stop supporting ea
They'll allow you to play as females and different races in all factions (except MAYBE the CIS).
They introduced the "Republic officer" class just for this very reason.
Well I'm partial to the opinion that most if not all of the Star Wars movies are shit, so my definition of shit is different from yours.
I mostly only really like the Star Wars vidya, hence why I'm discussing Star Wars here and not on /tv/.
>The rebels should all be black too
Lots of Rebel members are lowlifes though. It makes sense you could play as blacks
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I just want to slaughter Rebel and CIS scum.
seeing the venators and arc-170s coming out of hyperspace was cool.

anakin's probably going to be in the game somehow. lanter's and eckstein's voices were in the trailer
Until I pay $99 to get the best star cards and infinite grenades constantly bhopping everywhere with squad shields and thermal implodes until the hero comes and gets 70 ez kills
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>the prequels didn't copy anything
Yes, they did.
Anakin and Ahsoka were both in the most recent trailer you fucking mongoloids
Did you not notice how, when the battle over Ryloth started in the trailer, two "clones" didn't sound like Baker, and that one was female?
Anakin - 0:38 to 0:41
Ahsoka - 0:45 - 0:46
It's their TCW voices, to match all the other TCW voices being used in the game; Maul, Yoda, the clones, the droids.
Sounds like Ahsoka but it doesn't sound like Anakin.
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I didn't see this trailer. I have no idea what is happening in industry right now, what consoles and what ebin new games for casuals are now popular. I play almost exclusively strategy games, and most of them are old and niche. So i just wanted to you show me in which trailer and where :^)
Here, you won it
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>lmao someone's opinion is just bait there can't possibly be people who didn't like my cartoon
Fuck, I NEED this game to be good. No good Star Wars games for 10+ years!

I was beyond hyped for Battlefront 2015 :/
This. Also EA.

Battlefront 2 had no problems with 4 Count Dookus running around the cantina fighting off Boba Fett, Obi Wan, and Darth Vader. EA and Disney need to lighten up.
Reminder that the reason BattlEAfront 2 will have all DLC free is because they are implementing loot crates and microtransactions in vein of Overwatch, TF2 and CS:GO
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Objectively good things in Disney canon so far
>Vader entrance from R1
>Crossguard lightsaber
>Making Old Republic era ancient in design
>Shitting on Gray Jedi
>Thrawn voice
>Maul death
>A friendly George Lucas entered the room and was eager to hear the pitch from Red Fly’s creatives. “Before they could finish their spiel, Lucas cut them off, stood up, walked over to the statues, rotated them to be facing the same direction, pushed them together, and said ‘They’re friends!’” adds the source. “He wanted these characters to be friends, and to play off of each other. He talked about the show Burn Notice as a reference point. He likened Darth Maul to Sonny from The Godfather, and he likened Darth Talon to Lauren Bacall. He actually did an impersonation of her. It was supposedly the weirdest impersonation of a ’40s actress going, ‘Don’t you know how to whistle? Put your lips together and blow.’”
>We already have 1 black stormtrooper
But she's indian.
>Crossguard lightsaber
Kill yourself.

>Making Old Republic era ancient in design
It always was. Vibroswords were far more "ancient" than the fucking crossguard cancer.

>Shitting on Gray Jedi
>Thrawn voice
>Maul death
>any of these
Kill yourself.
The prequels were shit, but at least they introduced good quality lore. Abrams and Disney have killed Star Wars.
>Vader entrance from R1
Yeah, there's nothing better than seeing some "scary villain" failing to get the most important plans in the galaxy from a couple literal who's
>Crossguard lightsaber
The ugliest and most retarded lightsaber design from both the EU and nu-EU
>Making Old Republic era ancient in design
Since when? The Hammerheads look exactly the same. And when people say "BUT WHY DID THE OLD REPUBLIC HAVE SIMILAR TECHNOLOGY" are retards who don't understand the context; the fact is that the technology of the Star Wars universe essentially reached it's height prior to the Old Republic era, and that the technology was a very slow growth akin to early human civilizations over the thousands of years.
>Shitting on Gray Jedi
Gray Jedi (Kreia and Jolee) are vastly more interesting and have better views on the universe than the same old "lul Mary Sue Jedi and lul edgy Sith" dichotomy. The people who shit on the idea are just brainlets. Also, Luke is gonna be a Grey Jedi in TLJ so enjoy that.
>Thrawn voice
I guess that's fine.
>Maul death
Yeah nothing like hyping up a grand rematch and then having him die in two seconds.
>b-but muh symbolism
On the other hand

How did we go from this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIj7gIDFDe4&t=1s to this >>389156058
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>Shitting on Gray Jedi
It seems like they're all fucking about Gray Jedi. Example?

And your list is good, agreed. Though Thrawn's informed ability meter was way through the fucking roof in Rebels.
The Clone episodes of TCW.
R1's setpiece action scenes.
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Gray Jedi are the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars, kys Biocuck and take your shitty Kotor 1 with you.
>Since when? The Hammerheads look exactly the same. And when people say "BUT WHY DID THE OLD REPUBLIC HAVE SIMILAR TECHNOLOGY" are retards who don't understand the context; the fact is that the technology of the Star Wars universe essentially reached it's height prior to the Old Republic era, and that the technology was a very slow growth akin to early human civilizations over the thousands of years.
No, it's because Bioware is and always were hacks, their shitty Kotor 1 completely shat on Star Wars and it's their fault for changing Tales of the Jedi aesthetics to bland ripoff. It's TFA tier unoriginality.
>Gray Jedi (Kreia
Kreia isn't gray jedi. She is dark side users.
>Yeah nothing like hyping up a grand rematch and then having him die in two seconds.
Symbolism is better.
Tartakovsky Clone Wars are shit. They have shitty plot, characters and are just about MORE and BIGGER battles. Vehicles and powercreep is retarded in this series. There is no way clones could kill any jedi if they can do something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj07qh51zPI
Is the clone wars and rebels reeeally canon? They seem to really push it and bring back too many characters
TCW is canon and was Lucas' baby. Seriously, he threw so much money at it. Rebels is nu-canon and typical Disney shit with one or two good moments.
R1 action set pieces
Donnie Yen
>bring back
SW media follows a timeline where all characters of that era are still alive up until whenever they are chosen to die. There is no "bring back" in this sense like you see in regular American tv shows. TCW is set during a fucking war, between two movies, so of course you're going to see characters from either movie during the war period.
>Tartakovsky Clone Wars are shit
I honestly enjoyed the OP Jedi, they were seen as the heroes of that period when they were in existence. Force augmentation actually makes sense when applied correctly, it's a forgotten time where monks had centuries to harness their abilities/potential, it's not too far fetched that this is the result.

What's wrong with having action scenes in Star Wars anyway? I thought Genndy did an alright job salvaging a story from the shitfest that were the prequels.
>kys Biocuck
>Kreia isn't gray jedi. She is dark side users.
Okay sweetie, take a nappy now. And don't talk back when you're going to take a nap, the adults are talking.
This man isn't George Lucas, you Didneycucks are irrelevant. George Lucas himself had literal gray jedi in his movies, even in the OT. Now fuck off
>he unironically screencaps Pablo fucking Hidalgo
Opinion discarded. He is the most cancerous faggot enrolled by Lucasfilm, even worse than the fucking directors who make the shit.
I agree KOTOR 1 was fucking bland and unoriginal. The ships themselves look like rip offs. But the idea that the tech is similar back in those days HAD a lore explanation.
>Keri isn't a Grey Jedi
Then you didn't understand her character. She wasn't Sith nor Jedi.
>Tartakovsky Clone Wars was shit
Kek you're obviously a fucking Disney shill now. You jerk off "muh symbolism" but hate 2003 Clone Wars which was all symbolism.
This. It was implied that Luke was truly the exception from the rest of the Dogmafags, he learned that he could harness his anger for good when controlled, it's literally how he beat Vader, but he didn't turn to the Dark Side just because he used his feelings.

Though the later iterations of the "gray jedi" were pretty lame IMO.
they definitely brought back Maul though, he was still alive all through TCW and Rebels for far too long
Nice meme brough XD
who the fuck is Keri
Kreia, smartass.
Disney making KotOR nan-canon infuriates me to no end, i just know they're going to shit out an inferior Disney-fied re-release of it.
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Macbook autocorrect I guess.
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There is nothing about gray jedi in Kotor 2. Not even once that fanfiction is mentioned (contrary to Kotor 1). You are either dark side or light side. You can't walk into that cave if you are gray because force doesn't work that way in Star Wars. Kreia isn't Sith, but still is Dark Side. Ashoka isn't Jedi but still is Light Side. There is more factions than Jedi and Sith.
No gay jedi though
>you're obviously a fucking Disney shill now.
I fucking hate TFA and most of the Rebels. Tartakovsky clone wars is over the top shit closer to wh40k not Star Wars. I just don't wear nostalgia glasses.
Everything he says is canon.
Kotor 1 is legends equivalent of TFA.
Hopefully the Obi-wan movie makes the prequels canon again
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>Kotor 1 is legends equivalent of TFA

I know you are baiting with this statement but i just had to respond.
Is there any company you wish was exterminated more than Disney?
Walt would do it himself if he were alive today, just go room to room killing everyone with his bare hands.
>there is nothing about Gray Jedi in KOTOR 2
Yes, you can't *technically* be a Grey Jedi in KOTOR 2 because Bioware forced Obsidian to use their shitty morality spectrum. So while there's the game *mechanic* of light side/dark side, the morality and themes of the game are very grey.
>Atton expresses disillusionment about the Jedi and the Sith and how they're basically the same to the normal folk
>Handmaiden treats the Jedi teachings as dangerous as the Sith teachings
>Although Visas was a Sith by forced slavery she's clearly more of a neutral character
>Mira shares Atton's belief that the Jedi and the Sith are similar
>Kreia, who's the best example of it, often demonizes both the Jedi and the Sith and constantly tries to get you to follow your own path
>The Jedi council is shown to be incompetent, selfish and cowardly
The game clearly has a nuanced, grey perspective on the Star Wars mythos and this was intentional as said by Chris Avellone.
He's kinda right though. KOTOR 1 is very derivative. What it does right are the background stuff, the stories for the individual worlds, the Rakatan lore, this stuff is cool and new. But the main story is very derivative of the OT.
It's why KOTOR II is the superior game.
I don't believe that. Why would you go as far as blacklisting someone for that?
He's right. Bioware have always been SJW cucks too. Just look at their dialogue. They don't talk like normal people, it's just one guy being snarky like in the funny papers.
Kotor 2 had way better writing.
KotOR 1 is a bit derivative but that doesn't make it "the TFA of legends" TFA is TFA because it is a blatant, shameless re-hash of episode 4. It has nothing original to it.
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>Race to win slave just like in TPM
>Destroying planet just like in TNH
>Quick training like in ESB
>Destroying shield on minior planted which shield nearby megastructure ROTJ
>Another superweapon and final space battle around it. TNH, TFA, ROTJ
I guess episode 1 is the TFA of the prequels than.
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While there was definitely a lot of meh stuff in TCW the good bits were really good. Rex is a total bro
I can't find a single source claiming that guy was blacklisted.
Yeah, they're definitely going to publish a blacklist.

There's no mention of him firing anyone, just removing the podracing nod.


You're a whiny, pathetic human being who makes up stories in his head to hate people who have no relation to himself. Go put your tinfoil hat on somewhere else.
why are you fucking lying?
I agree, it's why I said he's "kinda" right. KOTOR is derivative but not nearly to the extent of TFA. At least they had the gall to make new ships, and while the Star Forge shares the same trope as the Death Star the Starkiller Base literally is the exact same shit.
Disney and Star Wars bureaucrats love to dick with the fans and not give them what they want.
Will he showed up again in any form?
i hope not
pls no
Luke simply perfected what Qui Gon and Obi Wan started. Both of them were grey jedi but Obi Wan only barely. Luke perfected the term grey jedi, founded new Jedi Order without dogmatic requirements like having to remove your emotions (which will only make you more prone to turning to the dark side, much like not masturbating for too long can lead you to snap from holding back for so long), no silly dress code, everyone could wear whatever the fuck they wanted, blasters were permitted, use of "dark side" force powers was permitted as long as you held it in check and used it for good.
The entire shit with "Light" and "Dark" makes no sense since it's based on the Yin and Yang to begin with, you can't have one without the other and perfection is obtained by keeping both in balance. Don't bottle your emotions, but don't let them cloud your reason.
Mary Sues are only okay when Disney does it.
So you are saying Rey is a droid and Darth Maul? Whoa what a plot twist.
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And here I thought that at least they had ONE original design
The Truth is that neither Disney or EA have any fucking idea what to do with Star Wars and its not like they have to because they some of the dumbest motherfuckers out there buying their shit no matter what

Unless the Naruto copy paste force is female anakin sloth leak turns out to be true along with the chink girl getting blacked in Episode 8 which should be enough to alienate the east and split the remaining fanbase enough to finally have this franchise bleed out
And yet here you are claiming insider knowledge.
>Huge Super Star Destroyer because it packs a literal mini-version of the DS superlaser
I see nothing wrong with this
Also that FOC level was awesome
Miss me yet? Imagine if I could've directed and someone else wrote dialouge etc and I did the ideas?
>Starkiller is a Mary Sue
Explain how someone who gets betrayed and asswhiped by Vader and Sheev is a Mary Sue.
Fuck he even gets killed while deflecting his force lightning, and Yoda survived that just fine.
Forgot picture
What did they do the the Mandalorians?
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HEY! Jaden!
At very least he voiced the 501st Journals
There's a Gray Jedi robe that explains them you fucking pleb.
star cucks will never admit that the franchise was better off in his hands even though disney delivering the same quality as the prequels and shilling out products harder than lucas ever did

even some of the hardcore fans dont know the whole lucas vs hollywood shit that went on for decades, the shit he got and how he COULDNT have hired other directors/writers even if he wanted because unions didnt allow it
I-i'm stuck... can you help?
KOTOR is a standard Star Wars story. KOTOR2 get a lot of love because it's not, I get that, but that doesn't make a standard Star Wars story shit. KOTOR created a lot in itself.

Obsidian is really good at adding to universes but that doesn't really make them the GOAT. I'm great at improving things too, but I'm dog shit when it comes to creation. One is much harder than the other and I'd say KOTOR did an excellent job of setting up the Old Republic time frame.
why are all the "new" star wars aliens so shit and dont look like star wars? recently saw some production shots from episode 8 and i had no fucking idea that it was supposed to be star wars
The Republic officer model looks like a clone to me.
Which is shit since for that we could have gotten a commander like the CIS.
Disney can't into Sci-fi.
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Then why am I looking at Darth Maul on the fucking cover?
EA learned to listen for once and added CW content because of "constructive" criticism.
Instead now we have P2W
No one gives a shit about Lucas. People do give a shit about the world he helped create though. Unfortunately Disney is not counted among them, nor are the people they've hired so far.
Disney wanted politically correct alien designs that no one could read into and make real world connections
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>Darth Maul

u wot
As much shit as the EU had when they killed it i lost all interest in Star Wars.

Even worse when i hear about them trying to reinvent 30-40 year old established lore like that lightsaber shit about it not being crystals that make the color but emotions.

I bet Disney is just afraid that somewhere down the road they might use something some writer wrote 20 years ago and they might have to pay him some cash. I know its a business but when you treat a cultural phenomena like star wars like every other money making scheme it loses its magic
What i thought at first listen to him say dead ahead again, sounds just like him
>Destroying planet just like in TNH
Except Taris isn't destroyed, 1 (one) city is destroyed in orbital bombardment, the planet itself and rest of it is completely intact.

>Quick training like in ESB
The training is nothing like the ESB one and there's a major plot reason exclusive to main character as to why it's quick to begin with.

>Destroying shield on minior planted which shield nearby megastructure ROTJ
A navigation scrambler is not the same as a fucking Death Star force shield.

>Another superweapon and final space battle around it. TNH, TFA, ROTJ
Star Forge wasn't a weapon, considering it has no offensive capability. It's literally just an oversized factory that allows faster mass production thanks to its immense size and automation that requires only bare minimum maintenance crew to operate it. Comparing it to the fucking Death Star or Starkiller Base is absolutely fucking retarded, especially since Starkiller Base was LITERALLY just an even bigger Death Star with even more bullshit laser.

And finally
>Calling (A) (N)ew (H)ope "TNH"
Kill yourself (((Didney))) shill.
>shitting on grey Jedi

But it isn't. It's building the up so the big reveal in TLJ is that Luke has become a grey force user.
You know what I mean, in BF2 Maul counts as CW content in maps like Naboo or Tatooine (because the games try to have the heroes placed in the planet where we see them in the movies something that EA doesn't by pitting Yoda agains Maul in Naboo on the trailers).
Canonically tho, he shouldn't even be in the game as he is in neither sides during the war.Thank Filoni for that
>Except Taris isn't destroyed, 1 (one) city is destroyed in orbital bombardment, the planet itself and rest of it is completely intact.

Not him but nah, they bombarded the entirety of Taris. You're right they didn't blow it up tough.
No, I don't know what you mean. Darth Maul is in the game so >>389140047 makes no fucking sense.
>Implying that the fact that JJ doesn't have unlimited power in the franchise does mean that there isn't a tendency to avoid prequel material in Disney as much as they can
The trend is dying but they are still make behind the scenes trailers to show that they ""mostly"" use practical effects "unlike those shitty prequels xD".

10 internet funbucks says Butterfront 2 will be filled to the brim with hackers for its entire lifespan. Butterfront 2015 has hackers in every single lobby, all day and night. I'm not even exaggerating. For 2 years now people have been using the cheat that lets you one shot people with any weapon. And every once in a while people with unlimited jetpack and aimbot. Every DLC, every Walker lobby, every day. Even if I play at 5am theres at least 1 guy doing that shit.
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>people unironically like the sequel trilogy

Enjoy your third (fourth) Deathstar you shittaste faggots.
I didn't imply anything, quit moving them goalposts. Anon said JJAbrams sweeps everything from the prequels under the rug, but meanwhile fucking Darth Maul is in the COVER of the game.

All starwars movies are dumb.

>On the biggest military base in the history of the universe
"I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around" says the SMUGGLER
>Giving a shit about anything that's after the first two trilogies

Disney has run the franchise into the ground.
I bought Battlefront Ultimate on Origin for 5 bucks on the last sale.

Best decision ever made.
Now i don't want Battlefront 2 DICE at all.

The game is just so bland it hurts - Prequel assets won't change that.
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>Giving a shit about movies
Star Wars was always mainly vidya franchise with shitty movies.
This is all about some combination of three things.
a.) Future DLC
b.) Prequel Hate
c.) So people will be even more hype for the third game because it will expand the roster even further

I hate that video games companies try so hard not to blow their whole load in one game. I miss when games just came out packed to the brim with content to the point where sometimes the first or second game are the best in the series. The way devs plan this shit out long term to maximize profits and longevity, while understandable cause muh capitalism, is wicked anti-fun as someone who does this is a FUCKING HOBBY FOR FUN HOLY SHIT.
Can I order a redpill for what parts of TCW ARE worth watching? I've seen some really sick looking shit like the Ben v. Maul or Ahsoka v. Vader and I'm interested, but the art style is too garbage for me to sit through kiddy filler.
That's rebels, not clone wars
Darth Maul is in because it ties into the animated show you retarded fucks.
No shit, you retard. Check the reply chain before posting.
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