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Anyone else glad to see them humbled by Andromeda? Maybe now

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Anyone else glad to see them humbled by Andromeda? Maybe now they'll realize hiring for diversity over talent never works.
They'll never realize anything.
only because increased crippling from EA

naughty dog will likely never stop pushing their identity politics because they have all the funding in the world
What are they working on these days anyways? Another dragon age game?
I heard inquisition wasn't bad but I feel like since I've played TW3 it will feel like garbage in comparison
You're probably right, but if anthem fails, the it's safe to say they're going back behind the shed.
well they're making the division: robot space so dont put too much faith in them
It does feel like garbage in comparison anon. It was a step up from 2 but it's a boring game all around.
>Maybe now

how delusional these kind of people are...

they think this is the trend now so...
>we want the 2008 sluggish cinematic third person shooter filled with scripted events audience
I thought we were passed all of these types of games.
>tfw blizzard and bioware used to be my 2 favorite devs
I use it as a reminder that time... just slips away from us.
I'm glad, but things will not change. They haven't learned any lessons.
They blame people who criticized the game or "only hated it to jump on the hate train" or some shit.
Bioware still has several rabid fans who will praise them for everything they do. Bioware isn't changing.
>only because increased crippling from EA
You can't differentiate "EA" from "Bioware" anymore at this point. There's hardly any dev or writer from the original Bioware left.
It's a third-person looter shooter. They're going after Destiny and The Division.
I actually like the kind of game Anthem aspires to be, but damn, does it ever look generic.
If they did it properly this might actually become a good game. Destiny is meh and the division is irredeemable trash.

That's a really big 'if' though.
I'm keeping a passing eye on the game for now. I can understard why Anthem was among the top 10 for best in show at E3, given the demo in >>388446220. Bioware just has to keep building interest for the next year while watching what Destiny 2 and The Division do so it can come out swinging. I have no doubt EA is going balls-out with this.
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>hiring for diversity
What do you think the average BMI of their team is?
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>muh diversity hire
Wasn't Andromeda's team mostly composed of white dudes?

Anyway, Andromeda failed because EA hired a bunch of inexperienced college grads and set them to work on a AAA title without adequate supervision, and EA did not delay the game for polishing as they should have. 'Muh diversity' has fuckall to do with it.

Had Andromeda been released as it is now, it would not have failed and the IP would still be alive.

>see them humbled
Edmonton won't learn anything from this because they didn't work on Andromeda. So expect more of the same shit from nuBioware to be present in Anthem.
>Had Andromeda been released as it is now, it would not have failed and the IP would still be alive.
Bullshit, the writing is still awful.
Edmonton HAD to have noticed one of its branch studios fucking shutting down after the newest game in one of its flagship IPs flopped like a freshly-caught bluefin tuna. It's all the more incentive for them to not fuck up their new IP (or Dragon Age 4).
I've just come to accept that every thread made about Andromeda is by someone who doesn't know the first thing about the game other than it being a hot topic on /v/
ME3 did well enough to warrant a new game in the series, and that game's writing was awful. So that's a moot point.

What killed MEA's chances of success was the amount of bad press it got from the wonky animations, bugs and general lack of polish.

>It's all the more incentive for them to not fuck up their new IP
They already did that by making an even more boring and generic version of Destiny.
You are a fool for believing that that was the actual problem, and that the edmonton is not permeated with the same kind of people.
>They already did that by making an even more boring and generic version of Destiny.
According to them, Anthem has been in the works for four years.

You say that like the people that follow that logic are actually reasonable and capable of realizing the flaws in it
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And Destiny was first announced a little over 4 years ago. February 20th, 2013, to be exact.
>wonky animations, bugs and general lack of polish.
A few people blamed that on Frostbite and how it "wasn't designed for RPGs or cutscenes" or some shit.
Anthem basically looks like someone at BiowarEA just scraped the Mass Effect sticker off the top and are trying to pretend it's a new IP. It looks exactly like Mass Effect, right down to the turgidly slow magical jetpacks in their N7 suits that let them fly at a snail's pace which debuted in ME:A.
>Frostbite and how it "wasn't designed for RPGs or cutscenes"
They're not entirely wrong. Frostbite is at its core an engine optimized for FPS. Its not really as flexible as Unreal, what they were using for ME1-3.

Still, the blame can't be placed solely on the engine.
It's blatantly obvious that they're piggybacking off 2015-1016 trailers that they hoped would be hits.
They've made it a point to say that Anthem is soft sci-fi/fantasy compared to Mass Effect's hard sci-fi, if that's worth anything. Also, I don't recall a Mass Effect that lets you fly like a superhero as a baseline ability.
As if that's justification for creating a shitty game?

They chose the engine. If it "wasn't designed for RPGs or cutscenes" and you're making an RPG with lots of cutscenes, they have no excuse.
Let's settle this once and for all

Destiny 2 (made by Activision/Blizzard) or Anthem (made by EA/Bioware)?
>They chose the engine.
Not really.

EA mandates that all their games be made using Frostbite.
Maybe EA chose the engine for them. They were quick to tout Frostbite among the first trailers for Andromeda.
you high or something?
where's bungie?
and I have more trust in bungie than i do bioware
>was about to argue that inquisition didn't have whacky ass cutscenes and dialogue sequences
>remembered that gif of those jesters getting knocked out the window and many other gifs
The Destiny 2 beta burned a lot of people, and Bungie has a track record of not changing a fucking thing after getting feedback from players.

Anthem still has yet to embarrass itself.
Why did it burn people? Is Destiny 2 on fire?

They weren't humbled. They are actually, as we speak, engaged in an Orwellian attempt to rewrite the game's reception into a positive one to justify their past and future development choices.
no they won't. in fact they're going to double down on it. they can handwave any criticism as "racism" and claim their critics are "white supremacists". as long as they can keep duping people into buying the games and getting them a profit they don't care. social capital is almost as important as money now.
>Anthem still has yet to embarrass itself.
implying the trailer with the "real player voice conversations" wasn't absolutely embarassing.
I recall the feeling I had after playing ME1 for the second time. It was a great feeling, thinking about how no matter what went wrong in my life I could look forward to Mass Effect 2. If only I had known what a dark road I was about to go down.
The "obviously-reading-from-a-script voice actors playing through a predesigned scenario" trailer has been a thing for a while. They do that just to show off the main bullet points of the game, which it did.
>player lands in a completely random ass area far as fuck away from their objective
>a ''''''''dynamic''''''' cinematic scripted even happens
until anthem I never thought a scifi setting could look absolutetly bland and uninteresting
Well I didn't hate Andromeda as much as I hated Mass Effect 3 so not exactly.

Although I really hope Anthem fails harder than Andromeda ever did and it actually kills Bioware completely
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But ME2 was better than ME1, anon.
Like they were humbled when they released Dragon Age 2, then went and fucked up Mass Effect 3.

Looking forward for games like Destiny 2 or Anthem is about as entertaining as living in East Germany.
Holy shit can't they show a gameplay demo that is not 100% scripted even by the "players"??
>as living in East Germany
Or present-day Germany.
It was the first reveal of the game. They have to go through the bullet points of what they want to show off, so they do it in a controlled environment.
>East Germany remembers the SU
>It's conservative
>West Germany is now dragging the East into the toilet when everyone thought it'd be the other way round
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